Lose weight blood group 1 positive. Nutrition according to the first blood group: preferred foods

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For the first time, drawing up a menu depending on the blood type was proposed by the American naturopathic doctor Peter D’Adamo, who wrote the bestseller “4 Blood Types - 4 Paths to Health.” According to his theory, people with different groups blood must consume foods that suit them, and all foods can be divided into types, depending on the time of their appearance on Earth. The blood type diet definitely makes sense, as the recommended foods are natural in origin and varied.

Product table for women and men

The table of foods for the blood group 1 diet divides foods into three groups: healthy, neutral and not recommended. Of course, you don't have to follow it unconditionally, but everyone can learn something useful for themselves, choose what you really like and influence you in the best way.

Not everyone possible products included in the table of diets for weight loss by blood type, but the principle of their selection is simple: you must choose what suits you personally and think about whether this food could have been on the table of our primitive ancestors.

Product type Healthy foods Neutral products Not recommended products
Meat Beef, veal, lamb, game, turkey, offal Rabbit meat, chicken, chickens, eggs Goose, duck, pork, lard, sausages, ham, ham, bacon
Fish and seafood Salmon, sturgeon, pike, cod, trout, hake, mackerel, fresh herring, seaweed, halibut, mussels Flounder, smelt, tuna, eel, shrimp, lobster, eel, pike perch, squid, carp Smoked fish, caviar, salted and marinated fish, catfish, catfish
Dairy Cottage cheese, feta cheese, low-fat dairy products Fat dairy products and cheeses
Oils and fats Olive, linseed, rapeseed unrefined oils Cod liver oil, butter, sunflower, soybean oils Pork, duck, goose fat, peanut, corn, refined oils
Cereals and bakery products Buckwheat, rice, barley, pearl barley, millet, rye and buckwheat flour, barley, bread Wheat bread and buns, bagels, semolina, pasta, corn and oatmeal and flour, starch, muesli, cornflakes and all products made from wheat flour.
Legumes Spotted and colored beans, soybeans Green pea, white beans Lentils, chickpeas
Vegetables Pumpkin, broccoli, turnips, sweet potatoes, kohlrabi, leeks and onions, chicory, Jerusalem artichoke, chard, hot peppers, spinach, greens, sweet potatoes, artichokes Cucumbers, tomatoes, rutabaga, zucchini, radish, green onions, radish, leaf salad, celery, beets, asparagus, mushrooms, bell peppers Champignons, potatoes, cabbage, rhubarb, avocado, olives, corn
Fruits Plum, cherry plum, prunes, apples, figs, cherries and juices from them All other fruits and berries, as well as juices from them Oranges, melon, tangerines, strawberries, blackberries, coconuts
Spices and sauces Parsley, hot pepper, curry Mustard, cumin, coriander, Bay leaf, paprika, cloves, fennel, dill Cinnamon, ketchup, pickles, marinades, nutmeg, vinegar, mayonnaise, vanilla
Sweets Sugar, fruit jams and jellies from non-forbidden fruits and berries, honey, dried fruits, dark chocolate, marmalade, molasses, caramel, rye gingerbread Cream cakes and pastries, chocolate candies, fat cookies, oatmeal cookies, whipped cream, condensed milk, milk chocolate, donuts, pies, ice cream
Beverages Linden tea, rosehip, mint decoction Decoctions raspberry leaves, chamomile, other herbs, weak tea and coffee, cocoa Alcoholic, sweet carbonated drinks, strong coffee and tea, St. John's wort decoctions

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Contraindications to the diet

According to experts, there are practically no contraindications to the blood group 1 diet. The recommended products are well compatible with each other and will really give the necessary boost of energy, keeping the body healthy.


  • sudden changes in diet;
  • simultaneous inclusion of many different new dishes in the diet;
  • strong coffee and tea;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • pickles, which can cause fermentation;
  • fatty foods (meat, dairy)

Diet for blood type 1 negative

  1. Allowed types of meat must be eaten three to four times a week. It is better to stew or bake the meat on the grill; you can first beat it or marinate it in lemon, tomato or cherry juice, adding spices from the table for diet 1 positive group blood.
  2. Reduce consumption of fatty cheeses. Only small quantities of goat fat are allowed.
  3. Include large amounts in your diet sea ​​fish, additionally consume fish oil.
  4. Use dried fruits, prunes, and dark chocolate as snacks.

Even if you don't need to lose weight, this diet will help keep your body healthy and alert.

Menu for weight loss according to the first blood group negative

IN daily menu should include:

  • meat dishes other than pork;
  • offal;
  • seafood and fish;
  • nuts;
  • vegetables, berries, fruits, except overripe or too sour;
  • porridge: buckwheat, rice, millet, barley, pearl barley.
  • herbal decoctions (linden, chamomile, rosehip);
  • green tea;
  • unsweetened mineral water;
  • ginger infusion;
  • freshly squeezed juices from permitted fruits.

It is worth excluding chemically processed foods from your diet - refined oils, polished rice, baked goods, confectionery and alcohol.

Reduce to a minimum:

  • sausages and ham;
  • potatoes and dishes made from them;
  • oatmeal, wheat and semolina porridge;
  • wheat flour and products made from it.

How to eat right to lose weight

There are a lot of recipes for dishes based on blood group 1. It is necessary to learn how to properly cook meat, fish dishes, bake or stew them. Vegetables and fruits can be consumed raw or baked. (Remember how our ancestors cooked over fires.)

If you crave milk, choose low-fat dairy products.

Eliminate those foods that could not have been on earth at the time primitive people: mayonnaise, fast food, refined foods, ketchups, dishes containing GMOs or those that have undergone significant culinary processing.

Reviews about the diet

Here are the reviews sent to us by those who have used the recommendations on choosing products for the first blood group:

Maria Petrovna, 62 years old, pensioner:
I first tried to follow the diet recommendations for the first blood type while I was working. At first I liked the diet, but I had to give up my favorite dairy products, cheese, pasta and bread. But I was able to lose weight quite well, I lost about 8 kg in three months. I stuck to this menu for quite a long time and did not gain weight. But then, the doctor recommended that I include dairy products, because... I developed osteoporosis, or brittle bones, and lacked calcium. After that, I gained a little weight, but mostly I eat foods that are good for me.

Inga, 26 years old, student
The diet is incomprehensible to me, since I have not eaten meat since childhood. Well, you can still fish, but mostly I eat beans, nuts, eggs, fruits and vegetables. What should vegetarians who do not eat any animal products do?

Alisa, 34 years old, manager
I learned about this nutrition system from a friend and decided to try it too. I didn’t like the fact that I couldn’t eat oatmeal, dairy, or sweets. I consider this diet imperfect and useless.

Fedor Mikhailovich, 45 years old, engineer
I like the fact that you can eat a lot of meat. Since I always missed it, after learning about this diet, I often began to bake meat on the grill. I also bake vegetables with it, and it turns out very well. Eliminated mayonnaise, baked goods and sweets. I never liked milk anyway, so this didn't cause a problem. To replenish calcium, I take vitamins. As a result, after 3 years I tightened up, my stomach went away, and I feel better.

Here's an experiment conducted by the Rossiya channel to figure out whether diets based on blood type are really that useful:

  • Even if you have the first blood group, for which it is recommended to eat mainly meat foods, but at the same time you suffer from cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases, liver diseases, you high blood pressure, then meat products must be limited.
  • Dairy dishes cannot be excluded in case of bone diseases, osteoporosis, or calcium deficiency.
  • No need to follow blindly general recommendations, because any diet must take into account individual characteristics.
  • Before starting any diet, you should consult your doctor.
  • Abundance for older people meat food is also undesirable, because their body can no longer digest too much heavy food, in addition, the ability to thoroughly chew tough meat deteriorates.
  • The blood type diet will not bring the desired effect if you lead a sedentary lifestyle. It is necessary to add any types of training: running, skiing, fitness, swimming, outdoor games, hiking.
  • Must take vitamin complexes, since we get from food an insufficient amount minerals and vitamins.

Characteristics of people with the first blood group

It is not for nothing that the first people on earth are called hunters, because they did not have to graze peaceful livestock on green lush meadows, but chase wild animals through impenetrable forests.

Sometimes, in order to get their lunch, they had to be on their feet for many hours without having a single crumb of food. After have a good hunting they often ate meat raw, since they simply did not have the energy to start a fire and cook. All these features characterize them as strong, hardy, ascetic individuals, capable for a long time go without food and rest. That is why people with the first blood group must correspond to this image in some way.

  • Eat predominantly protein foods.
  • Give preference to minimal heat treatment, including in the diet raw vegetables and fruits.
  • Do physical exercise and sports.
  • News active image life.
  • Avoid overeating sedentary lifestyle life.

Violation of these rules will inevitably lead to:

  • recruitment excess weight;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • stagnation;
  • deposition of excess fat;
  • deterioration of health.

IN modern world Almost 30% of the population have the first blood group. Therefore, the third part of humanity must change their preferences and desire to follow eating behavior groups of people with other blood groups.

Those who want to lose weight resort to a variety of diets. The blood type diet is quite popular. The principle of this diet is not to reduce the calorie content of the diet and the amount of food eaten, but to exclude certain foods from the diet. This diet allows you to lose weight comfortably, because you don’t need to starve, and the weight comes off. It is necessary to understand in more detail what constitutes diet for blood group 1 with positive or negative Rh factor.

Scientists believe that if a person has a certain blood type, they should only consume foods that are approved for them. This is explained different structure cells and the entire hematopoietic system. As a result of consuming prohibited foods, a person begins to gain overweight. How to get rid of this by staying healthy and not eating restrictively.

This weight loss method was developed by American doctor Peter D'Adamo. It is necessary to consume only foods approved for the first blood group.

According to his method, food included in the diet is divided:

  • to harmful - when broken down, toxins are released that negatively affect the cells of the body;
  • neutral - do not have any effect on metabolic processes;
  • useful - when broken down, they release energy necessary for the functioning of the body and have a positive effect on it.

To achieve fast weight loss and stay in shape for as long as possible, you must follow all nutritional recommendations for your blood type. There are 4 known blood groups that affect not only a person’s characteristics, but also his nutrition. If you do everything right, you can lose weight without starving and relieving your body of stress.

Nutritional Features

The nutrition of people with the first blood group is different in that all foods and ready-made meals that are harmful to the stomach are excluded from the diet. Each group has its own list of allowed products that can speed up metabolic processes. The activity of metabolic processes entails the acceleration of the breakdown of fat deposits and their removal from the body.

Please note: The main food item in the diet of this blood type is meat. This can be beef, poultry and lamb. Pork should not be consumed because it contains a lot of fat cells, which are not good for weight loss.

Wheat and oatmeal dishes should be removed from the diet, as they have a negative impact on human health. But plant food must be on the menu, because the body must receive sufficient quantity vitamins and minerals.

You can eat, for example, radishes and turnips, which can replenish the body useful substances and also improve performance endocrine system. For normal operation The gastrointestinal tract requires consumption of legumes and buckwheat. The diet for the first blood group is the same for people whose Rh is positive or negative. This feature for weight loss is not important.

This is interesting: Currently, 33% of people with the first blood group live on the planet. The doctor called these people hunters, because in ancient times all people were with the first group and led a hunting lifestyle.

Losing weight using this method involves not only proper nutrition, but also physical exercise. In people with the first blood group, metabolic processes occur more slowly, and sport helps to activate metabolic functions.

What can you eat

In order to painlessly lose weight without resorting to fasting, women should eat only foods approved for their blood type. What is allowed for the first blood group - for the answer there is a table of products for women with 1 positive blood group.

Group What is allowed Clarifications
Meat products Rabbit, beef, chicken, lamb, lambs The body digests foods better and meat products prepared from young animals
Dairy Cottage cheese, kefir, milk
Seafood Halibut, tuna, cod, pink salmon, shrimp, squid. Squid and shrimp are allowed to be consumed no more than once a week
Cereals Buckwheat, rice, pearl barley porridge, barley and millet.
Fruits Pineapples, plums
Eggs Chicken and quail, boiled or fresh
Vegetables Spinach, radish, broccoli, carrots
Beverages Sage and chamomile tea, pineapple juice Tea is drunk only fresh

These are the basics of diet and nutrition, approved for long-term use. To lose weight with their help, you need to include them in your diet every day. The duration of the weight loss course is at least 2-3 months. Your diet should be developed so that food from the presented products becomes constant. The effect of this diet can be noticed within a month. Stick to optimal nutrition and you should not gain excess weight by adhering to the developed table. It clearly shows which products have a positive effect on the weight loss process, which have a negative effect, and which have no effect at all.

For people with the first group, wheat and corn help to gain kilograms, slowing down metabolic processes, and lentils in combination with cereals can not only help in gaining kilograms, but also provoke diabetes. Dairy products, on the contrary, are poorly digested, which is why they do not lead to weight gain. Some vegetables are also harmful and lead to weight gain, especially those rich in carbohydrates: potatoes, avocados, olives and even cabbage. You can't drink cabbage juice, since it increases production gastric juice which causes hunger. From vegetable oils Only sunflower seeds are allowed to be consumed a little. Some fruits and their juices contribute to weight gain: oranges, tangerines and grapefruits.

Diet features
Possible in unlimited quantities Forbidden Available in limited quantities
Beef, lamb, turkey, liver, ground beef Pork, ham, ham, lard Rabbit meat, duck meat, chickens, eggs
Seaweed, sturgeon, fresh herring, trout, hake Salted or pickled herring, catfish, caviar, smoked salmon Carp, squid, flounder, tuna, eel
Whole milk of all varieties, food casein, kefir, yogurt, cheese, processed cheese Sheep cheese, homemade cottage cheese
Olive and linseed oil Peanut, soybean, corn, cottonseed oil Cod liver oil, margarine, sunflower, butter
Walnuts and pumpkin seeds Peanuts, poppy seeds, pistachios Almonds, pine nuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds

Equally important is how the dish is prepared. To lose weight, food should be steamed, boiled, stewed or grilled. But it is also not recommended to overuse the grill, since burnt fat clogs the stomach.

What you can't eat

Now we know what foods can be consumed, but there are foods that are prohibited. They are prohibited from being used in any situation and in any form:

  • Meat delicacies: ham, pork and some types of semi-finished products.
  • Seafood: salted and smoked fish, it promotes the accumulation of fats and reduces metabolic functions.
  • Cereals: wheat, corn and oat flakes, pasta.
  • Fruits and vegetables: all citrus fruits, strawberries, cabbage, olives and champignons, potatoes, avocados, melons.
  • Condiments: mustard and ketchup.

These products negatively affect the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, causing waste and toxins to accumulate in the body, which are difficult to remove, and also inhibit metabolic processes, which has a bad effect on weight loss. Nutritionists do not recommend drinking fruit juices and eat milk ice cream. You can eat a little every other day rye bread. You should not drink alcohol, especially beer, which, together with meat products, leads to the deposition of fat reserves - they are excluded from the diet. https://youtu.be/uB2s-uAquKQ

About the weekly diet

When you decide to lose weight using a diet for the first blood group, you should create a menu for every day so that you know in advance what products to buy and what to prepare. It’s better to do this for a whole week so that there is no confusion.

Approximately the menu for the week should look like this.

Day of the week Meal time What to eat if you have blood type O
Monday Breakfast any allowed fruit and unsweetened tea
Snack glass of freshly squeezed cherry juice
Dinner vegetable soup, 200 g oven-cooked raba, apple, linden blossom tea
Afternoon snack rosehip decoction
Dinner 200 g of fried liver with a slice of rye bread, a piece of pineapple and mint tea
Tuesday Breakfast 150 g grapes, Herb tea
Snack Pineapple juice
Dinner 150 g chicken, vegetable soup and tomatoes
Afternoon snack 2-3 plums
Dinner steamed fish with seaweed salad, tea
Wednesday Breakfast any allowed fruit, chamomile tea.
Snack apricot juice
Dinner vegetable soup, 150 g grilled meat, cucumber salad, slice of bread, green tea
Afternoon snack carrot juice
Dinner 100 g boiled shrimp, 200 g grilled zucchini, tea without sugar
Thursday Breakfast banana and a glass of milk.
Snack raspberry tea
Dinner vegetable soup, 300 g low-fat cottage cheese
Afternoon snack low-fat kefir
Dinner seasonal salad, 200 g boiled meat, banana and hawthorn tea
Friday Breakfast a slice of bread, any fruit and herbal tea
Snack plum juice
Dinner puree pumpkin soup, 200 g boiled squid, tomato salad, tea
Afternoon snack carrot juice
Dinner 200 g baked fish with beet salad, tea with thyme
Saturday Breakfast 2 boiled eggs, slice of bread, green tea
Snack pomegranate juice
Dinner vegetable soup, 150 g fried fish and tea
Afternoon snack herbal decoction with honey
Dinner boiled chicken, seasonal vegetable salad, tea with thyme
Sunday Breakfast any berries, rosehip tea
Snack juice from allowed vegetables
Dinner vegetable puree soup, 230 g fried liver, vegetable salad, a slice of bread, unsweetened tea
Afternoon snack cranberry juice
Dinner salad of any vegetables with baked fish, tea with linden blossom

It is important to use clean water 2-2.5 liters per day, it is not advisable to drink at night. It is necessary to add to the diet and physical exercise, then the efficiency will double.

Practical advice: The main thing is not to finish the diet in the first week, hold out for at least a month, then you will be pleased with the result.

For overweight women who do not want to sit on exhausting diets, nutrition according to blood type is a panacea for obesity. No strict restrictions are required, and you can eat a lot different products. The main thing is that once you start eating as you should, you shouldn’t stop halfway.

Choice proper diet– it’s not an easy matter. The main thing to remember here is that the ultimate goal is performance, optimal health and achieving a balance between height, weight and physique. Unfortunately, very often, in an effort to achieve the desired results, we begin to blindly adopt the experience of friends or acquaintances. And this is what happens: the same low calorie diet It helps some people lose 10 kilograms, while others have difficulty losing 1-2 kilograms with its help. More interesting situations also happen: by eating the same foods, some people lose weight, while others, on the contrary, gain kilograms. Miracles? Not at all. According to American scientists, the reason lies in genetics. The secret lies in human blood, or, to be more precise, in its group, which we inherited from our distant ancestors.

According to research, blood groups have not changed since the advent of man until our time. This is why the food and immune systems modern man predisposed to the very foods that his ancestors used to eat. Consequently, food that is beneficial for one person may be toxic for a person with a different blood type.

A little theory

American doctor James D'Adamo said that all foods can be divided into useful, harmful and neutral for the body of any person and that the rate of weight loss directly depends on a person's blood type.

Diet according to blood type 1, developed by James D'Adamo, involves eliminating from the diet foods that are toxic to humans or difficult to digest. This diet helps cleanse the body of toxins that most often accumulate in fatty tissues. This is exactly how the process of losing excess weight is carried out.

The human body with blood group 1 has strong immune and digestive systems, which are responsible for preserving nutrients and efficient metabolism.

But, at the same time, the first blood group also has some disadvantages, which include difficulties in adapting to changes in nutrition and conditions environment. Sometimes strong active immunity a person with blood type 1 can work against his owner, provoking inflammatory processes, autoimmune diseases and allergies.

The results of numerous studies in the field of nutrition have shown that the absorption of substances is completely independent of the Rh factor, therefore, diet for blood group 1 positive will be exactly the same as blood group 1 diet negative.

For those who have the first blood group, the most effective will be a high protein diet, in which lean meat (any meat except pork) and fish predominate.

What is useful for people with blood type 1

People with blood group 1 will benefit from seafood, fruits (necessarily not sour) and vegetables, and a limited amount of rye bread. It is advisable to salt food iodized salt. Natural teas from mint, ginger and rose hips, as well as green teas have a beneficial effect on the body of a person with blood type 1.

What is undesirable for people with blood type 1?

Products whose consumption is recommended to be limited include cereals (the only exception is buckwheat), potatoes, wheat products. The blood group 1 diet also limits the consumption of foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates - a variety of sweets. And drinks such as red and white wine, weak beer, herbal teas from the leaves of valerian, sage, chamomile and raspberry will not bring much benefit to the body, but they will not harm it either.

What is contraindicated for people with blood group 1?

If you have blood type 1, you are strictly prohibited from consuming cabbage (with the exception of broccoli), marinades, corn, ketchups and mayonnaise. Strong drinks, coffee, St. John's wort, Echinacea, and hay will also be harmful to the body.

1 . Help to maintain normal weight:

  • brown seaweed and kelp
  • variety of seafood
  • mutton
  • beef and liver
  • spinach
  • broccoli
  • radish
  • salads and greens

2 . You should be careful with vitamins E and A.

3 . By combining a weight loss program with intense exercise such as swimming, running, aerobics, step aerobics and cross-country skiing, you can effectively maintain weight and get into great shape.

1 . Successful weight loss is only possible by increasing your metabolic rate. To do this you need:

☀ exclude the consumption of products made from wheat, legumes, corn and lentils, which block insulin production and slow down metabolism;

☀ do not eat cabbage and oats, which inhibit the production of thyroid hormones;

☀ increase the consumption of meat, liver and foods with increased content iodine (all kinds of greens, seafood, algae, etc.);

☀ Perform a variety of physical exercises regularly.

2 . People with poor clotting blood diet for blood type 1 recommends eating foods rich in vitamin K (algae, greens, salads, eggs, liver, meat), not eating yeast products, and if an imbalance occurs intestinal bacteria– take acidophilus and bifidobacteria.

3 . Take aspirin with extreme caution, which thins the blood and increases acidity, and also avoid the use of sulfa drugs and penicillin class antibiotics.

As you can see, the diet for the first blood group limits the consumption of most foods that are leaders in the content of vitamins and microelements. Therefore, it is very important to correctly replace them with safe, but equally valuable products. Despite the fact that those with the first blood group have a strong digestive system, you need to change your diet gradually. The less shock your body experiences during a diet, the easier and faster you will get rid of extra pounds and improve your health.

The American doctor D'Adamo has developed a special nutrition system related to blood type for everyone who wants to lose weight. The doctor claims that more than 40,000 years ago the first group predominated among people. In those days, there was no variety in food: primitive people only had meat on their menu. In this regard, their body has adapted only to protein diet. Later, people domesticated animals and began to grow food, diversifying their diet so much that their blood types also changed. The blood group 1 positive diet is distinguished by a variety of meat products, grains and fish.

Features and rules of diet

A person with 0(I) does not have to go on a strict diet, while feeling constant hunger. In order to lose weight, such people should remove harmful foods from their diet and reduce their consumption to the maximum. healthy food and to a minimum - neutral. To lose weight or maintain it, people in the first (+) group need to completely get rid of foods that block insulin production and that inhibit the formation of hormones thyroid gland. In general, the Rh positive blood group 1 diet can also be used for people with Rh negative.

Diet for 1 positive blood group

A diet for group 0(I) must necessarily include any meat in a person’s diet: poultry, beef, lamb, but not pork. This will ensure high performance and required amount energy. Even dairy products and eggs are not suitable as an equivalent substitute for meat. The right diet, selected by blood type, shows that vegetarianism is absolutely not suitable for losing weight. But this does not mean at all that they will not need plant foods. It must be present to a reasonable extent. Wheat should be excluded.

List of approved products

The list of very desirable, “helping” types of food includes:

  • meat;
  • spinach;
  • radish;
  • figs;
  • buckwheat;
  • broccoli;
  • pineapples;
  • liver;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • seaweed;
  • Pineapple juice;
  • sage or chamomile tea;
  • salt (iodized);
  • carrot juice.

Prohibited Products

The following types of food are completely excluded:

  • marinade;
  • cabbage;
  • sugar;
  • ice cream;
  • potato;
  • wheat;
  • citrus;
  • Champignon;
  • ketchup;
  • melon;
  • corn;
  • avocado;
  • pasta;
  • cottage cheese;
  • olives;
  • peanut butter;
  • Rye bread;
  • beans;
  • cereals;
  • coffee;
  • Apple juice.

Food table for blood type 1

By checking the data, it is easier to choose optimal menu. Here is a table that lists most types of food:




Veal, beef, lamb, turkey.

Eggs. Duck, rabbit, chicken meat.

Goose meat. Pork, lard, ham, bacon.

Trout, salmon, sturgeon, cod, pike.

Perch, squid, smelt.

Smoked and salted fish.

Homemade cottage cheese, curd cheese.

Milk, ice cream, kefir, sour cream, cheese.

Flaxseed and olive oil.

Butter, margarine and sunflower oil.

Soybean oil, peanut oil.

Walnuts, pumpkin seeds.

Almond, pine nuts, hazelnuts

Peanuts, pistachios.

Soy products.

Green peas, asparagus, beans and beans.


Cereals. Rye bread.

Bakery products. Pasta. Oatmeal. Bread and muesli.

Parsley, curry pepper.

Sugar, honey, chocolate

Ketchup, marinades, pickles.

Broccoli, sweet potatoes, onions, beets, pumpkin.

Rutabaga, zucchini, mushrooms, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, celery, asparagus, tomatoes, radishes.

Cabbage (cauliflower, Brussels sprouts), champignons, rhubarb.

Figs, cherry plums, cherries, plums, prunes, apples.

Banana, watermelon, grapes, pineapple, barberry, lingonberry, grapefruit, cranberry, cherry, grapes, kiwi, raisins, raspberries, gooseberries, blueberries, currants, nectarine.

Melon, orange, avocado, strawberry, blackberry, tangerine.

Juice of plum, cherry plum, pineapple, cherry.

Juice of pomegranate, apricot, grape, tomato, cranberry, carrot.

Juice of coconut, orange, apple.

Teas made from rose hips, linden, and dandelion.

Teas from raspberry, hawthorn, mint, thyme, chamomile.

Teas made from burdock, St. John's wort, strawberry leaves.

Beer, green tea, wine.

Coffee, cognac, vodka, sweet drinks, black tea.

Sample menu for the week


  • For breakfast: unsweetened tea, any fruit.
  • Second breakfast: glass fresh juice from cherry.
  • For lunch: 200 g of fish (baked or fried), 180 g of vegetable soup, apple, linden tea.
  • Afternoon snack: rosehip tea.
  • For dinner: a piece of rye bread, 200 g of liver (fried), an orange. Drink mint tea.

  • For breakfast: herbal tea (any), 150 g of grapes.
  • Second breakfast: pineapple juice.
  • For lunch: 150 g of lean (preferably chicken) meat, 250 g of vegetable soup, tomato salad.
  • For dinner: 200 g sea ​​salad(with shrimp and fish), steamed fish, a piece of bread. Add herbal tea.
  • For breakfast: fruit, chamomile tea.
  • Second breakfast: glass apricot juice.
  • For lunch: 150 g fried meat, 250 g meat soup with vegetables, green tea, bread, cucumber salad.
  • Afternoon snack: glass carrot juice.
  • For dinner: 200 g of fried zucchini, 100 g of boiled shrimp. Drink unsweetened tea.
  • For breakfast: a glass of milk and one banana.
  • Second breakfast: raspberry tea.
  • For lunch: 300 g of cottage cheese, 300 g of vegetable soup.
  • For dinner: 180 g of any salad, 200 g of meat, banana. Hawthorn tea is recommended.

  • For breakfast: herbal tea, any fruit, a piece of bread.
  • Second breakfast: 200 g of plum juice.
  • For lunch: 200 g of boiled squid, 250 g of thick soup, tomato salad.
  • For dinner: 150 g of any baked fish, 100 g of beet salad. Brew tea with thyme.
  • For breakfast: two boiled eggs, green tea, bread.
  • Second breakfast: 200 g pomegranate juice.
  • For lunch: 150 g of fried fish, 250 g of vegetable soup, bread.
  • Afternoon snack: juice or herbal tea with honey.
  • For dinner: 230 g of boiled chicken meat, 150 g of salad from any vegetables. Drink tea with thyme.


  • For breakfast: berries or fruits, tea with rose hips.
  • Second breakfast: vegetable juice.
  • For lunch: 230 g of liver (fried), 250 g of puree soup, salad of any vegetables, bread.
  • Afternoon snack: cranberry juice.
  • For dinner: 150 g of any salad, 200 g of fried fish. Wash them down by brewing linden tea.

Video about the blood type diet for weight loss

Nutrition according to blood type is an excellent solution for all women who dream of losing weight without experiencing the inconvenience of strict dietary restrictions. The main characteristics of permitted products, as well as how weight loss occurs, can be seen in the video. The diet for blood type and the main factors influencing weight gain are considered.

The modern world is rich various kinds diets and other methods to promote weight loss. Some of them really bring results, while others are absolutely ineffective and harmful to health. Today, one of the most interesting ways that provides exceptional positive influence on the body is the blood type diet. Her main feature It is not a reduction in calorie content of dishes, but a complete exclusion of a certain list of products from own diet. This approach makes it possible not to experience a lack of energy and promotes weight loss naturally.

Blood type diet: its concept and division of foods into groups

The basis of the blood type diet is the assertion that foods that are identical in composition and structure have an effect on the body different impact. Their digestion and absorption occurs with at different speeds and depends on the person’s blood type. The author of such a theory, which has gained enormous popularity, is the American doctor Peter D’Adamo. The reason for this conclusion was long-term observations and numerous experiments, as a result of which three main groups of products were identified:

  • Harmful or negative, releasing toxic substances during the process of splitting that have bad influence on the structure of cells and contribute to disruption of the functioning of the entire organism.
  • Neutral do not affect speed and intensity metabolic processes, but do not bring any particular benefit to the body.
  • Useful have an effect on the body positive impact, supplying it with energy and helping to normalize metabolism.

These categories include various products, and their list depends on the person’s blood type. At the same time, people in the first group have good immune system, have a strong stomach and excellent health, which allows them to significantly expand useful part list. This type of nutrition is based on the use of large quantity protein products that have an extremely positive effect on their body. The list of negative foods for such people is not particularly long, but it still exists. Based on this, the nutrition table for blood group 1 is as follows:

Food table for blood type 1

Recommended food groups for diet Prohibited food groups for the diet Diet food groups in limited quantities
Meat products: lamb, turkey. Offal (liver, heart), beef Pork, ham, lard, bacon, goose Eggs, duck, rabbit meat
Flaxseed and olive oil Cottonseed, corn, peanut, soybean oil Cod oil, margarine, butter, soybean, sunflower
Soy products Navy beans, lentils Black beans, white beans, green pea, asparagus, green peas
Pike, sturgeon, hake, cod, trout. Sea kale Marinated, salted or smoked fish, catfish, caviar, catfish Tuna, pike perch, smelt, eel, perch, squid, carp, crayfish.
Walnuts, pumpkin seeds Poppy seeds, pistachios, peanuts Sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, pine nuts, almonds
Products with wheat flour, pasta, semolina, corn flakes, oat and corn flour, muesli, oat crackers or cookies Millet, rye flour, buckwheat, barley, pearl barley porridge, rice wafers
Goat or cow whole milk, ice cream, kefir, casein, cheese, cream, whey, processed cheese Homemade cottage cheese, sheep and cottage cheese
Curry pepper, parsley Spices (cinnamon, black pepper), ketchup, any vinegar, pickles, marinades Jelly or jam, honey, mustard, sugar, chocolate, mayonnaise, dill
Watercress, chicory, spinach, parsnip, broccoli, turnip, kohlrabi, pumpkin, sweet potato, chard, onion Red and white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, rhubarb, champignons Asparagus, oyster mushrooms, peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, rutabaga, bell pepper, radishes, onions, cucumbers, salad
Plum, prunes, cherry plum, fig, cherry, apple Strawberry, orange, tangerine, avocado, coconut, blackberry, olives Grapes, watermelon, grapefruit, pineapple, blueberry, banana, kiwi, barberry, pear, grapes, lemon, lingonberry, gooseberry, currant, cranberry, nectarine, raisin, blueberry, persimmon
Juice of cherry, pineapple, plum, cherry plum Juice of apple, orange, coconut. Apple cider Juice of cranberries, grapefruit, apricot, lemon, grapes, celery, carrots, tomato, pomegranate, cucumber
Teas with parsley, linden, dandelion, rosehip Teas with burdock, St. John's wort, strawberry leaves, coltsfoot Teas with raspberry, ginseng, chamomile, mint, hawthorn, licorice, valerian, thyme, echinacea
Drinking products "Energy Diet" Sweet carbonated drinks, cognac, black tea, coffee, vodka, alcohol tinctures Green tea, red or white wine, beer

Nutrition according to blood group 1: healthy and harmful foods

Due to its properties, blood group 1 food products, for which they are quite varied, have some advantages over the others. It is not without reason that there is an opinion that all other groups originated from it and serve as its branches. Based on this, the nutritional principles of such people are based on eating large amounts of protein foods, in particular cape.

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Healthy foods

Overall the list healthy products looks like that:

  • Most types of greens and vegetables in appropriate shades, which help saturate the body with vitamins and fiber, and also optimize digestive and metabolic processes.
  • Lean red meat such as beef, lamb or veal. Its consumption makes it possible to saturate the body not only with excellent protein, but also with iron and vitamin B12.
  • Almost all types of fresh seafood are allowed, but fatty red fish, shrimp, oysters and mussels, which are great source polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-9.
  • Olive oil can become a great alternative fatty fish, since it also helps saturate the body with Omega-3, which is not able to be produced independently in the body.
  • Of the variety of cereals, people with group 1 should pay attention to buckwheat, rice or barley porridge, providing exclusively positive effect for digestion.
  • You can't deny yourself dried fruits. walnuts, figs and prunes.

Harmful products

Nutrition according to blood type 1 The table of products is quite varied, and also contains some harmful ingredients that are best completely excluded from the diet. At the same time, their use has Negative influence on the body, slowing down metabolism and promoting the development of adipose tissue. Their list is as follows:

  • Wheat, oatmeal, barley and rye cereals, as well as all dishes prepared on their basis. The consumption of such cereals should be limited due to high content they contain gluten, which slows down metabolism and has a negative effect on digestion in general.
  • Legumes such as corn, lentils and beans reduce the amount of insulin, slowing down metabolic processes and reducing metabolic efficiency.
  • Citrus fruits, strawberries, melon and other heavy fruits have a negative impact on digestion.
  • Fatty dairy products should be completely eliminated or replaced with fermented milk analogues with low fat content.
  • As for meat products, you should avoid pork and store-bought chicken, which are rich in various hormones and artificial fillers.

Both of these categories are in the best possible shape describe all the specifics of the diet for the first blood group and emphasize its features. At the same time, completely eliminating prohibited foods and forming a complete diet from the remaining permitted portion will not be difficult.

Diet for blood type 1: Rh factor and additional recommendations

Such a diet is based only on one indicator, which is a person’s blood type, and no other factors can influence its components or the list of products. The same applies to the Rh factor, which can be negative or positive in people with the same group. Such an indicator does not have any effect on the course and structure of the diet, and focusing on it is only a convention. Based on this, we can conclude that the diet for blood type 1 negative is indistinguishable from the principles used for a positive Rh factor.

In general, the weight loss diet for blood group 1, positive and negative, is based on the following principles:

  • The maximum effect of the diet can be achieved by consuming more seafood and various seaweed The most common option similar products serves seaweed, and its introduction into the diet makes it possible to compensate for iodine deficiency and optimize many various processes in organism.
  • During the diet, it is best to use green vegetables, eliminating all other colors from the diet. Broccoli, cucumbers, spinach, green onions have a positive effect, and their consumption has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body, making it stronger and healthier
  • During the diet, you need to be careful with the use of various nutritional complexes, especially those containing vitamins E and A. Their use is advisable only in the winter-spring period, when fresh vegetables practically none and the body suffers from a lack of minerals and vitamins.
  • It is necessary to completely eliminate all heavy and dangerous dishes that can negatively affect the digestive system and the body as a whole. These include anything fried or spicy foods, smoked meats, semi-finished products, canned food, alcohol. They will help replace them natural products steamed, boiled or stewed.
  • Any diet will not be effective without changes familiar image life. Therefore, you should replace the usual sitting near the TV and drinking harmful products for more intense entertainment. Physical exercise They will not only speed up the process of burning extra pounds, but will also make the body more resilient and stronger, which will have a beneficial effect on the well-being and health of a person with the first blood group.

Based on such recommendations, achieve positive result won't be a big deal. Moreover, it is precisely 1 blood group that is itself auxiliary factor, since it promotes the rapid burning of calories and their conversion into useful energy.

Video about the diet for the first blood group


Nutrition according to blood type has its own clear rules and is based on the implementation of certain rules. It is not based on a person’s restriction in food, but only on the reorientation of his diet to a more healthy range of products, which creates optimal conditions for the functioning of the body. At the same time, preparing tasty and nutritious dishes based on them will not be difficult, even though you will have to give up some products. However, such a diet for blood group 1 will be most effective only when a person moves away from usual way of life life and decide to make changes in your life, otherwise any adjustments to your diet will be in vain.

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