Tea with ginger - composition, beneficial properties and a sea of ​​tea recipes. The effectiveness of losing weight with ginger and cinnamon tea Ginger with cinnamon recipe

If you still think that spices are needed only for taste and aroma, then you are completely mistaken. In addition to the fact that each spice saturates the dish with an extraordinary taste and adds new notes to it, it is also useful. Spices contain minerals and vitamins that affect the human body in one way or another. For example, ginger and cinnamon significantly increase metabolism and promote weight loss. To make weight loss effective and painless, it is enough to add a small amount of them to tea.

Tea with cinnamon and ginger is a great drink that can invigorate and lift your spirits with its taste and aroma. Check out the amazingly simple recipes for this tea, prepare it at home and enjoy the divine taste.

Tea with cinnamon and ginger


  • green or black tea – 1 teaspoon. spoon
  • ginger root – 5 g
  • cinnamon – 1 stick
  • honey – 3 g

Grate the ginger and bring the mixture of ginger and tea to a boil. Add the cinnamon stick and remove from heat just before use.

Orange tea with cinnamon and ginger


  • orange – 1 pc.
  • ginger – 5 g
  • cinnamon – 0.5 teaspoon
  • honey – 0.5 tsp

Mix orange pieces with grated ginger, honey and a pinch of cinnamon, pour boiled hot water, but not boiling water. Let it sit for about 15 minutes and drink to boost immunity.

Spiced tea with orange

  • black tea – 1 teaspoon
  • orange juice – 1 table. spoon
  • cloves – 2 pcs.
  • cardamom - a pinch
  • ginger - a pinch
  • cinnamon - a pinch
  • honey – 1 teaspoon

Brew strong tea, add cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and cloves, boil everything for 1 minute, then add orange juice and a little honey.

Peppermint tea with cinnamon and ginger


Bring finely chopped ginger to a boil along with cinnamon and mint. After boiling, leave for 10 minutes, then add honey.

Tea with cinnamon, ginger and lemon


  • ginger – 10 g
  • cinnamon – 1 stick
  • – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • honey – 2 teaspoons
  • nutmeg - a pinch
  • cloves – 2 pcs.
  • black pepper - a pinch

Pour grated ginger with water, add black pepper, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg, boil everything for about 15 minutes, then cool the tea slightly, add lemon juice and honey.

Winter warming tea with cinnamon, ginger and milk


  • milk – 100 ml
  • black tea – 1 teaspoon
  • rose hips – 1 teaspoon
  • cinnamon – 1 stick
  • - 1 PC.
  • cardamom – 0.5 teaspoon
  • ginger – 10 g
  • nutmeg - a pinch
  • honey – 5 g
  • ground cinnamon – 1 g

Brew tea, add grated ginger and nutmeg, cinnamon, star anise, cardamom and rose hips, bring to a boil. Let the tea steep so that the ingredients fully reveal their aroma, add milk and honey. You can also sprinkle ground cinnamon on top.

Tea with cinnamon and ginger is very tasty, aromatic and healthy. You will not only lift your spirits with its help, but also

The fashion for Japanese cuisine has brought new fiery spices into our measured lives, in which ginger occupies a separate niche. It was ginger root that most women liked. This spice is added to many dishes and even drinks. One of the most popular is tea with ginger. We will talk about the secrets of its preparation in this article.

Most of us associate the phrase “medicinal tea” with berries and herbs such as raspberries, rose hips and chamomile. These names are familiar and familiar to us, but we should not forget about a more exotic plant called ginger root. This plant is not only very tasty in drinks, but also has a number of healing properties. It is for this reason that tea with ginger has firmly entered our lives and won the sympathy of many gourmets.

Ginger is a fiery, spicy seasoning that can be added to completely different dishes. This root is especially in demand in oriental cuisine, where almost no recipe can do without it.

Tea with ginger, lemon or honey is almost indispensable in resisting all the unpleasant symptoms of a cold. This drink will not only be a tasty drink, but also an excellent medicine. And when cold, it is extremely beneficial for blood circulation and digestion. Now, actually, let's talk about ways to prepare tea with ginger.

Classic with cinnamon

This recipe will be an ideal drink during the cold season due to its double warming effect.


  • water - 2 liters;
  • finely grated ginger - 3 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 6 tablespoons;
  • lemon (orange) juice - 4 tablespoons;
  • ground black pepper.

Initially, you need to boil water, add ginger and sugar to it and dissolve it with a spoon. Strain the finished tea well and add a little pepper to it. Serve hot.

When preparing it, do not forget about some nuances.

Firstly, if ginger tea is being prepared as a medicine to treat a cold, then the water with the root should be boiled with the lid open for at least 10 minutes.

Secondly, if fresh ground ginger is not used to prepare the drink, then its quantity must be increased exactly twice. This tea must be boiled for at least 20 minutes over low heat.

And thirdly, if the final goal of preparation is a soft drink, then you need to add a little sugar, ice cubes, lemon juice, and mint leaves (finely chopped) to it.

Tea with ginger and honey


  • ginger root - approximately 10 cm;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • honey - 3 tablespoons.

Ginger should be washed well, peeled and cut into thin long slices. Wash the lemon and cut it crosswise into two parts. You need to squeeze the juice out of one half and cut the other into small and neat circles.

Place the ginger slices into a saucepan, add hot water and mix thoroughly. Let the mixture brew for at least 20 minutes (preferably longer), then add lemon slices and honey to it, mix carefully, and the finished drink can be poured into cups.

Tea with ginger, cinnamon and lemon


  • black or green tea;
  • ginger root (thinly sliced) - 2 teaspoons;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • sugar (or honey) and lemon to taste.

Add black (green) tea, a cinnamon stick and 2 teaspoons of ginger. Pour boiling water over and let steep for 10 minutes. The finished drink can be poured into cups, lemon and sugar (or honey) added to taste.

Enjoy the amazing taste!

Tea with ginger and cinnamon is an unusually aromatic drink. I don’t know about you, but its aroma reminds me of an oriental flavor, apparently due to the presence of cinnamon in it. You can brew either green or black tea, although, I admit, it seems to me that the latter option goes better with the selected ingredients. The drink turns out to be sweetly intoxicating, incredibly aromatic and tasty - you don’t even need to serve sweet pastries with it! You are also free to add sugar or honey as you wish, as well as mint and lemon slices. If you have cinnamon sticks, add it. Be sure to let freshly brewed tea steep for about 3-5 minutes so that all the flavors are revealed.

So, let's prepare the necessary ingredients and start brewing ginger tea with cinnamon!

Pour the required amount of tea leaves into the teapot.

Add ground cinnamon and a cinnamon stick.

Be sure to add a little granulated sugar, literally 1 tsp. - with its sweetness it will reveal the bouquet of cinnamon flavor.

Peel the ginger root, rinse and cut into small slices or slices directly into the teapot. Boil water in a kettle on the stove.

Pour boiling water into a teapot and lightly stir the contents to brew the drink.

Pour tea with ginger and cinnamon into cups and serve. If desired, add a slice of lemon, a couple of fresh or dried mint leaves, granulated sugar, and honey to the tea. When adding honey, remember that the temperature of the drink should be no more than 40C!

Have a nice day!

Tea with ginger is an ideal drink for the cold season. It not only warms perfectly, but also strengthens the immune system, protects against colds and other ailments. In addition, tea speeds up the process of losing weight without harm to health.

Today, finding ginger on sale is not difficult. It is sold in any supermarket and fruit shop. It is better to take a fresh root and grate it yourself, rather than using ready-made dry powder. To prepare tea according to the classic recipe you will need: 10 g ginger, 1 lemon, 50 g natural bee honey, 0.5 l water.

  1. The root is peeled and grated on a fine grater.
  2. The resulting “chips” are poured with boiling water. Only after this can you add the juice of half a lemon to the drink.
  3. The container with tea is closed with a lid, wrapped in a towel and left to steep for 25 minutes.
  4. After the specified time has passed, slices of the remaining lemon and honey are added to the drink.

Sugar in this tea will be unnecessary; bee honey will add sweetness.

Recipe for cooking with cinnamon for weight loss

If you plan to use ginger tea for weight loss, then it must contain cinnamon.

1 tsp is enough. this aromatic spice. You also need to take: 3 tbsp. grated root and 800 ml of water.

  1. Chopped ginger and cinnamon are placed in a thermos.
  2. The ingredients are poured with boiling water and infused for at least 40 minutes.

The finished drink is consumed daily before meals on an empty stomach, 2 times a day - morning and evening.

Black tea with currant leaves

Ginger tea with the addition of currant leaves is very tasty and aromatic. It is better to use young leaves collected in the spring. To prepare tea you will need: 3 tsp. any high-quality black tea, the same amount of fresh crushed or dry currant leaves, 30 g of ginger root.

  1. First of all, boiling water is poured into the tea leaves. You can change its quantity to your taste, choosing either a stronger or weaker drink.
  2. The brewed tea is filtered through a fine sieve or several layers of gauze, and then poured into a small thermos. Add ginger root cut into small pieces to the same container.
  3. If you use fresh currant leaves, you will need to first scald them with boiling water and only then use them in the recipe.
  4. After preparation, the currant leaves are sent to a thermos with black tea.
  5. The drink should be infused under a closed lid for at least 15 minutes.

The tea should be drunk hot with sugar or honey.

Green tea with ginger and milk to reduce appetite

If the main reason for excess weight is large portions of breakfast, lunch and dinner, then you can limit yourself with special green tea. In addition to the brew itself (1 sachet), for one serving of the drink you need to take: 1 tsp. chopped ginger root, 350 ml of water, 130 ml of full-fat milk or cream (preferably homemade).

  1. For such a drink, the ginger should be grated very finely. If the fibers do not allow it to be thoroughly crushed, then you should first lightly freeze the product (about 25 minutes). After this procedure, the root rubs easily and quickly. The aromatic gruel is transferred to a strainer.
  2. The teapot is heated and boiling water is poured over it. Water for tea is poured into it, a tea bag and a strainer with crushed root are lowered.
  3. While the drink is brewing, milk is boiled or cream is heated in a separate container.
  4. All ingredients are combined in a ceramic container.

Tea is served to the table immediately (without long infusion).

Brazilian recipe - anti-inflammatory

Ginger also has an anti-inflammatory effect if you choose the right additional ingredients. It is important to drink ready-made tea for colds and to eliminate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The recipe involves mixing ginger root (30 g), turmeric (1 tsp powder) and homemade butter (10 g).

  1. The root is peeled and turned into a homogeneous moist pulp.
  2. Turmeric and softened butter are added to the resulting mass. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed together.

The drink is served in an unusual way: an aromatic spicy paste is added to 200 ml of hot milk. The “tea” is sweetened with bee honey. During illness, you can drink it every three hours. It is also allowed to use this medicinal product as a preventative against colds and intestinal diseases.

Spicy tea with ginger, cardamom and cinnamon

Such a hot drink will quickly warm you up even on the coldest day, and also speed up the recovery process from ARVI. To prepare it you need to use the following ingredients: 70 g ginger root, 6 cloves, 8 cardamom boxes, a pinch of cinnamon, half a lemon, 3 tsp. large leaf green tea.

  1. Pour boiling water over two spoons of tea and leave for 7 minutes. This is necessary so that the leaves open well and give the drink their rich taste.
  2. A slice of ginger root is peeled and cut into thin slices. It is better to put the juice released during grinding into a drink.
  3. The slices with liquid are transferred to a pan and sprinkled with all the listed spices.
  4. Tea is poured into the container along with the leaves. After boiling, the mass is left on low heat for 25 minutes.
  5. Lemon juice and fruit skin, cut into small pieces, are also added to the drink. After 5 minutes, you can remove the dishes from the stove and add the remaining tea to it.
  6. The drink will infuse for about 25 minutes.

After this, the tea can be reheated and served.

Strengthen your immune system with fruit tea and ginger

To strengthen the immune system, both children and adults should drink tea prepared with the addition of not only ginger, but also fruits and spices. You need to take: a handful of dried apples, 1 orange juice, 1 tbsp. grated orange and lemon zest, as well as chopped ginger root, 1 cinnamon stick, 1 star anise.

  1. Well-washed dried apples, grated roots, citrus zest and all the spices are poured into boiling water. The resulting aromatic liquid is simmered over low heat for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Tea is poured into a container removed from the stove and orange juice is poured. After another 5-7 minutes, the drink can be served, having first filtered through a sieve.

When the tea has cooled, you can add a little more water to it and, after boiling, simmer for 5 minutes over low heat. Next, the drink is served again to the table.

Refreshing iced tea with ginger root, mint and tarragon

Ginger not only warms well, but also refreshes in hot weather. Of course, in summer it is best served cold. For such a drink you will need to use: 1.8 liters of purified water, 1 tbsp. l. large-leaf green tea and chopped ginger root, a bunch of fresh herbs (tarragon and lemon balm or mint), 3 slices of lime.

  1. The sprigs of greenery are thoroughly washed. The top leaves are removed from them and placed in a glass container with a volume of at least 2 liters.
  2. Lime slices are added to the fragrant greens. If you don’t have this ingredient on hand, you can replace it with your usual lemon.
  3. The stems of tarragon and mint are cut into short sticks, filled with cold water and brought to a boil over medium heat.
  4. Immediately after the first bubbles appear, tea leaves are added to the container. Next, remove the pan from the stove and leave to steep for a couple of minutes.
  5. The resulting tea is poured into a glass container with green leaves and lime. In this case, you need to use a fine sieve or cheesecloth so that stems and other components do not get into the drink.
  6. As soon as the liquid has cooled completely, the dishes are moved to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, where the tea is infused and cooled.

The drink is served with sugar or honey. You can also add orange or grapefruit juice to it.

Ginger tea with honey and lemon

In addition to the classic, familiar recipe for such a drink, there is also an unusual one, found by scientists in one of the ancient manuscripts. It is believed that it fills a person with vigor, energy and activates the protective functions of his body. For it you need to use: 3 tbsp. l. chopped fresh ginger, 1.3 liters of purified water, 100 ml of lemon juice, a pinch of ground black pepper, 80 g of honey, a few mint leaves. The following describes in detail how tea with ginger and lemon is prepared according to a unique recipe.

  1. After the water in the pan boils, add ginger root grated on a fine grater.
  2. After 5-7 minutes, pepper and mint leaves are sent into the container. There is no need to grind the latter.
  3. All components are cooked over medium heat for 15-17 minutes. The liquid should not boil too vigorously.
  4. After the specified time, the container is removed from the stove and infused.

The slightly cooled tea is carefully filtered, mixed with lemon juice and served. It is important to drink it for cough, runny nose and other signs of a cold.

Recipe for extreme sports: garlic-ginger drink

Fans of unique recipes will certainly be interested in the version of ginger tea with garlic. This drink is considered a universal healing remedy. It helps cope with stress, nausea (including seasickness), allergic reactions, various skin diseases, gastrointestinal ailments, coughs and colds. This is one of the best means to strengthen the immune system. To prepare it you need to use the following ingredients: 40 g ginger root, 2 garlic cloves, 1.8 liters of clean drinking water.

  1. The ginger root is thoroughly peeled from the top skin and cut into thin slices. You can use a special grater for this.
  2. The garlic is also peeled and chopped in any convenient way. For example, using a fine grater or a special press.
  3. Ginger slices and garlic are transferred to a thermos and poured with boiling water. The liquid should infuse for about 2 hours.
  4. After the specified time has passed, the drink is filtered through cheesecloth and served.

If you are sick, you should drink tea throughout the day in minimal portions. You can add lemon juice and honey to the cup. This drink should be consumed with caution by people with stomach ulcers. It is especially useful during flu epidemics.



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