What kind of nutrition when breastfeeding? Taboos when losing weight while breastfeeding

Breastfeeding women report that they wake up from time to time. beastly appetite. During such a period, you want to eat almost constantly, which cannot but affect your weight. Because of this, losing weight during breastfeeding becomes acute problem, which is difficult to control, because breastfeeding requires a constant contribution of energy. Put away excess weight It can be very difficult, but quite possible.

Is it possible to lose weight while breastfeeding?

Many mothers of newborns lose weight while breastfeeding and very quickly get into prenatal shape. This means that they spend more energy than enters their body with food. The second group of women breastfeeding is rapidly gaining weight, which is why losing weight during breastfeeding becomes task No. 1. Why is this happening? There are several reasons:

  • Postpartum depression. The body did not have time to recover, come to its senses, and a hormonal surge hit it. Abrupt change leads to despondency and bad mood. A breastfed woman begins to eat flour and sweets for depression.
  • Glucose requirement. Increases greatly after childbirth physical activity, and the most accessible source of fast energy is glucose. From sugar, sweets, bakery products this energy substance enters the blood almost instantly. When a breastfed woman overeats, her figure quickly deteriorates.

If you control your appetite, then in a month even with breastfeeding you can lose a lot of weight, because the life of a young mother is very active. Losing weight while breastfeeding should be based on the principles of proper nutrition and moderate fitness. It is important to draw up varied menu, eat often so as not to feel hungry. Weight gain will slow down, and the weight loss process will get off the ground.

Proper nutrition during breastfeeding

How can a nursing mother lose weight if she constantly wants to eat? Eat healthy! However, your menu should include simple products. Daily calorie content diet for breastfeeding - approximately 2000 kcal. Dishes should be boiled, baked or stewed. Proper nutrition during breastfeeding for weight loss involves 5-6 meals. Avoid seizures severe hunger. Always keep a glass of yogurt, kefir or fermented baked milk on hand - they will dull your appetite.

Losing weight with a full breastfeeding child is effective when there is a sufficient amount of protein and vegetables in the diet. Energy costs are compensated complex carbohydrates– porridge, whole grain bread. It is very important for a nursing mother to drink plenty of fluids to lose weight and have good lactation. Preferably water, mineral water without gas. Be careful with green tea, compotes, fruit drinks.

Diet for a nursing mother to lose weight

During breastfeeding you can eat almost anything healthy foods. Domestic pediatricians sometimes prohibit women from eating chicken, fresh vegetables, fruits, leaving buckwheat, veal, “from nothing” soup and a couple of other simple dishes in the diet. It is clear that a young breastfeeding mother breaks down and loses control of her appetite. A diet for losing weight during breastfeeding involves giving up harmful products: semi-finished products, sweets, seasonings, sausages, fatty, fried, white flour products. These goodies are of no benefit, they only slow down weight loss with absolute breastfeeding.

Buckwheat diet during breastfeeding

How to lose weight while lactating on buckwheat? You need to eat steamed buckwheat with kefir for three days. Prepare the dish according to a simple recipe: pour boiling water over the cereal in the evening, leave overnight, and stir with kefir in the morning. You can eat up to 1-1.5 kg of ready-made porridge per day, which will provide 2500-3000 calories. Buckwheat diet When breastfeeding, it acts more as a relief for the body, rather than a full-fledged complex for weight loss. If you want to lose weight well during breastfeeding with the help of buckwheat, supplement your diet with vegetables, meat, and fruits.

Protein diet during breastfeeding

This method of eating for weight loss is similar to the Dukan system - the basis of the diet is protein products. The amount of carbohydrates is significantly limited. However, such a diet for losing weight while breastfeeding puts a considerable burden on the kidneys. Dukan advises nursing mothers to skip the “Attack” and “Cruise” phases and start losing weight from the “Consolidation” phase. It can last up to two months. On a protein diet while breastfeeding, you are allowed to eat:

  • lean meat;
  • fish and seafood;
  • low fat milk;
  • eggs;
  • fruit and berry portions (for weight loss while breastfeeding, you can eat two per day);
  • vegetables (except potatoes);
  • vermicelli;
  • legumes;
  • cereals;
  • whole wheat bread.

Menu for breastfeeding

A breastfeeding diet for weight loss can be fun. Delicious homemade meals will provide you with a feeling of fullness for 3-4 hours and will help you lose excess weight from your stomach, butt and legs. Sample menu for a nursing mother to lose weight looks like this:

Day of the week

Oatmeal with apple and raisins

Green pear varieties

Seafood soup, whole grain bread


Steamed cutlets, salad: cucumbers, greens

Buckwheat with milk

Whole grain bread, hard cheese

Homemade noodle and chicken soup

Rusks with raisins

Wheat porridge, vegetable stew (zucchini, eggplant, pepper, onion, carrot)

Baked apple, biscuits

Meatball soup

Gooseberries, cherries

Boiled fish with broccoli

Steam omelette, toast with cheese and herbs

Buckwheat soup with beef, baked zucchini with cheese

Fruit and berry salad

Stewed cauliflower on veal

Cottage cheese with berries


Chicken bouillon

Rabbit baked in low-fat kefir, vegetable stew

Protein pancakes with minced meat

Vegetable cream soup

Baked cheesecakes

Boiled chicken, lentils

Quail eggs, vegetable salad

Soup from wheat porridge and turkey fillet

Steamed meatballs, vegetables

Exercises for losing weight after childbirth for a nursing mother

The condition for healthy weight loss during lactation is moderate physical activity. The first two months after childbirth and after caesarean section don't even think about it intensive training. Later you can start losing weight during breastfeeding with light gymnastics. Remember the warm-up from school physical education lessons and take them as a basis. Simple exercises for weight loss for nursing mothers:

  • Rotations of the head, arms, body, legs. Helps relieve tension and warm up the body.
  • Press. After childbirth, the abdominal muscles are flabby, and exercises for the upper and lower abs will help tighten them.
  • Squats and lunges. Needed for weight loss and tightening the buttocks and thighs.
  • Push ups. Tidy up your arms and chest muscles.

Physical activity while breastfeeding

During intense training, lactic acid accumulates in the muscles, which enters the breast milk. This may cause the child to refuse breastfeeding. Exercise immediately after your baby eats or 1.5 hours before the process. Best views physical activity when breastfeeding:

  • Walking. When walking with your baby, do not sit still, but walk at a fast pace for at least 40 minutes.
  • Yoga. All asanas are performed smoothly, thanks to which fatigue will go away quickly and will be replaced by relaxation.
  • Swimming. Excellent tonic and uplifting. Replaces wraps, which are not recommended during lactation. Eliminates cellulite, tightens skin, provides healthy weight loss.
  • Natural loads. Little children love to jump on a fitball with their mother, fly on their hands, and dance. Be physically active with your baby.

Diet pills for breastfeeding

Chemicals for weight loss on breastfeeding (for example, Reduxin, Turboslim, LiDa) are strictly prohibited, so you should not spend money on them. All active substances drugs are concentrated in breast milk and affect the baby. Diet pills during breastfeeding can block the absorption of fats and carbohydrates in the baby, leading to mental disorders, feeling unwell.

Video: losing weight after childbirth while breastfeeding

With the birth of a child, a woman’s life changes. All other problems fade into the background. The main goal is to take care of the baby. For a child to grow strong and healthy, he needs good nutrition. Breastfeeding allows the baby to receive a vital complex of vitamins and nutrients. However, to prevent the baby from having additional problems such as colic or allergic reactions when breastfeeding, the mother must follow a breastfeeding diet.

Why do you need a diet?

Is a diet really necessary when breastfeeding?

In order for the child to receive enough nutrients, the mother needs to eat foods rich in vital nutrients. important vitamins and minerals.

Note! The mother's nutrition should be based on the principles of a healthy diet.

You shouldn't go to extremes. Knowing that she is taking food not only for herself, but also for the child, many women begin to eat 2 times more. This has a detrimental effect on a woman’s health due to excessive stress. Or, trying to return to their usual shape after the birth of a baby, women sit on strict diet. This also adversely affects the quality of breast milk.

Do not think that the diet of a nursing mother implies strict restrictions in everything. The main thing is to adhere to a proper and balanced diet.

So that the child sufficient quantity received all the necessary nutrients, and the mother’s body quickly recovered after childbirth, it is recommended to follow the basic advice of breastfeeding experts:

  • Try to follow a daily routine and eat at the same time.
  • Try to exclude processed foods from your diet, canned food, smoked and spicy foods.
  • The mother's basic diet should include the following nutrients: protein, carbohydrates, fats.
  • It is very useful to eat greens. It stimulates the gastrointestinal tract well.
  • If, while breastfeeding, a mother experiences slight malaise, dizziness, or nausea, she needs to drink a glass of warm compote or tea with cookies or unsweetened pastries.

Allergy danger

Many young mothers are concerned about the question: is it possible to consume foods that cause allergies while breastfeeding?

It is not recommended to eat foods that can cause allergies in the mother or child in the first months of his life. When the baby reaches the age of 4-5 months, you can gradually begin to introduce additional foods into the mother's diet.

Note! They should be taken in small portions in the morning. After administration, the child’s condition should be monitored for several days.

If an allergic reaction does not appear, you can continue using similar products for food.

If you notice that with the introduction of a new product into the diet, your baby’s stool has changed and a rash has appeared, postpone its use for several months.

Products that can cause an allergic reaction:

  • Citrus
  • Coffee and cocoa
  • Chocolate and chocolate candies
  • Nuts
  • Dairy products from cow's milk
  • Seafood

You can start eating them after the baby is six months old. At this age, the main allergens practically do not penetrate into mother's milk and are safe for the child.

It is worth remembering that if a child is prone to allergic reactions, it is necessary to maintain natural breastfeeding for as long as possible, and postpone the start of complementary feeding until later. late date. Optimally – after 1 year.

Basic restrictions

There is a world great amount products that can cause irreparable harm to the health of not only the mother, but also the child. A nursing mother should be careful when eating.

So, you should completely exclude following products:

  • Products that cause an allergic reaction
  • Soups with meat and fish broths
  • Pickled products
  • Sour food
  • Sweet dishes
  • Salty food
  • Garlic
  • Carbonated drinks

Apples, watermelon, melon, and coffee can be consumed in limited quantities, provided that the child does not have an allergic reaction to these products.

To form healthy body A nursing mother is strictly prohibited from consuming:

  • Alcohol
  • Narcotic substances

Remember that smoking also has a detrimental effect on the body of both mother and child.

Basic food should be rich nutrients and contain required amount useful vitamins and minerals. What should a mother eat while breastfeeding?

  • Eat food rich in protein. For example, fish, turkey, veal, rabbit. It is acceptable to eat lean pork.

  • Calcium is very beneficial for children. It is found in the following products: cottage cheese, natural kefir, drinking yogurt, low-fat sour cream.
  • Foods rich in fats. The body receives them from olive, vegetable and butter oils.
  • Fruits. They should be used with caution. You can start with apples and gradually add other fruits to your diet. Make sure they contain minimal amount acids
  • Vegetables. Limit yourself to greens. Other types of vegetables are best consumed boiled or as a stew.

  • Flour products. It is highly not recommended to consume fresh White bread. It’s better to buy dark bread, preferably bran. It should not be consumed fresh. Ideally, bread for a nursing mother’s diet should be yesterday’s bread. Homemade shortbread cookies and bread are also allowed for consumption.
  • Sweet dishes. Give preference natural products. They should contain a minimum amount of sugar. Jam, marshmallows, marshmallows without chocolate, and marmalade are allowed for consumption. Remember that sweet foods should be consumed in limited quantities.

Proper drinking

When talking about the diet of a nursing mother, one cannot help but mention this important aspect, like organizing drinking.

Note! For normal process mother's lactation must be consumed increased amount liquids per day.

So, to the usual 2 liters of liquid per day for a nursing mother, it is necessary to add up to 1 liter of liquid per day. It doesn't have to be water. Can be taken the following types drinking:

  • Unsweetened compote
  • Milk
  • Natural juice

You should start drinking increased amounts of fluid gradually. At the same time, monitor your child’s condition.

Mother's diet and medications

Weakened by childbirth female body susceptible various diseases. In many cases, for them effective treatment The doctor prescribes antibiotics. How will medications affect the lactation process?

Consult with a specialist whether the prescribed medication can be taken while breastfeeding. If not, check whether analogues can be taken medicine, safe for lactation.

Note! To reduce the baby’s body’s reaction to medications, it is necessary to additionally consume probiotics.

When taking medications, monitor your baby's reaction. If various reactions occur in the form of a rash or fever, constipation or vomiting, it is recommended to limit breastfeeding.

Women who are breastfeeding their newborn son or daughter should monitor their diet very carefully, since during this period not all dishes and products can be eaten. Some foods can provoke the baby allergic reactions or disrupt its operation digestive tract, so they need to be used with extreme caution.

In addition, many young mothers strive as quickly as possible after the birth of the baby, as a result of which they also have to give up some of their favorite treats and dishes. In this article we will tell you whether breastfeeding a newborn really requires special diet, and here is a list of foods that are best avoided during this difficult period.

Diet for mother while breastfeeding

Contrary to popular belief, following a strict diet while breastfeeding is usually not necessary. In fact, most dishes and products are necessary for both the young mother and the baby, however, they should be consumed correctly.

In particular, during breastfeeding, especially in the first months, it is highly not recommended to eat fried foods. It is much better to give preference to oven or steam cooking methods. In addition, certain types of meat and other foods containing increased content fat during the period natural feeding crumbs should be discarded.

In all cases, nursing mothers are advised to opt for rabbit, turkey or chicken. It is also allowed to eat beef, but only if it is not too fatty, and only if cooked in the oven or steamer. Use meat broths during lactation it should also be eliminated completely or minimized. All soups should be prepared with vegetable broths made from frozen or fresh vegetables.

IN morning time day, you should not exclude tasty and nutritious cereals, which, however, are highly not recommended to be cooked with cow's milk. Since a large number of newborn babies are lactase intolerant, all cereals must be boiled in water, and preference should be given to those cereal crops like rice, buckwheat and corn.

In addition, any diet for breastfeeding must include fresh fruits and vegetables. However, the choice of these products should be approached with extreme caution, especially if the baby has a tendency to exhibit allergic reactions of various kinds.

To avoid them, it is recommended to start by introducing peeled green varieties of apples and pears into the nursing mother’s diet, and then gradually add other types of fruits and vegetables, carefully observing individual reaction baby. In case of its absence, the consumed portion of a particular product can be carefully and gradually increased.

Of course, canned food, smoked meats, excessive spicy seasonings and it is better to postpone all kinds of exotic dishes until the end of the lactation period. In addition, if the baby suffers from colic and constipation, his mother’s diet while breastfeeding should not include any foods that can cause increased gas formation in the intestines. So, at this time a woman should not use any legumes and white cabbage.

All other products can be carefully introduced into the nursing mother’s menu, carefully noting in a special diary how the baby reacted. Meanwhile, until the baby is 6 months old, special care should be taken.

When organizing meals, you can use the following table as a guide:

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Breastfeeding is a necessity for the baby and a huge burden on the mother’s body, weakened by pregnancy. Vitamins and nutrients are necessary for both, so you can eat them at an increased rate. Since the main source of all nutrients is food, it’s time for the mother of a baby to be more attentive to the food she consumes. If a young mother adheres to the following dietary rules, she will be able to maintain her health and provide the child’s body with everything important for development.

Does food matter?

In fact, the lactation process does not depend on food in any way. Milk is produced in the mother's body thanks to female hormones - prolactin and oxytocin. Even when the mother eats very little, she will still have milk, and the baby will have enough nutrients in it. All elements that are useful and important for the baby from food penetrate directly into breast milk, but the mother is left with everything that is unnecessary. Therefore, when a mother is malnourished during lactation, she herself will suffer from this. And nurses need to ensure a balanced diet so as not to harm their health in the first place, and the baby will take his own.

The right diet

During pregnancy and lactation proper nutrition and the list of products is practically no different.

Nutrition during breastfeeding should include foods:

  • cereals cooked in water (rice, buckwheat, barley porridge, pearl barley);
  • lean meat and poultry;
  • fermented milk products (yogurt, fermented baked milk, homemade yogurt, kefir);
  • soups;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • teas, compotes;
  • biscuits;
  • whole grain bread;
  • oil (do not get carried away);
  • skim cheese.
  • citrus fruits;
  • strawberries;
  • exotic products;
  • sweets, chocolate;
  • caviar with seafood;
  • eggs;
  • peanut.

Nursing mothers can eat 600 kcal more than they ate before. If you don't overeat, your figure won't suffer. On the contrary, you can return to prenatal shape. During lactation, metabolism accelerates, milk production consumes a lot of calories, and more energy is consumed, including from fat reserves.

There is no need to overeat; you can listen to the natural urges of hunger and satisfy them in due time. Always carry something with you to snack on and satisfy your hunger.

The diet of the mother of a baby should be based on the classic pyramid of proper nutrition. The list should include cereal products, meat dishes, fish, fruits and vegetables, everything in a complex. The more variety of products, the better for mother and baby.

There aren't any for feeders strict prohibitions, but you should be careful with certain foods and eat them consciously.
Breastfeeding people need to improve drinking regime. The volume of water you drink per day should be at least two liters. But! You shouldn't force yourself. If you don't want to drink so much, you don't need to. Find your acceptable standard for good health.

Basic nutrition rules for a nursing mother

Meal schedule

Regime comes first. During feeding, mommy needs to eat at least six times a day: among them, you can eat three main meals and three snacks between main meals. You can eat as you feel hungry. For example, most mothers feel a pang of hunger after or during breastfeeding - in this case it is better to have a snack. Fractional meals speeds up metabolism, but you don’t need to get carried away with eating so as not to overeat.

Food processing methods

Heat treatment destroys most vitamins, but there are processing methods that preserve the benefits of foods after cooking. It is preferable to bake or boil dishes instead of frying; you can steam them. IN fried foods very few vitamins, in addition, it contains a lot of fat, harmful for nursing mothers.

Cereals as the basis of the diet

Adhering to the pyramid of proper nutrition, on the list daily ration you can add cereals. This rule is incredibly relevant for breastfeeding women. The preferred side dish should be porridge: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal or other cereal. Eating bread is not prohibited, but preference should be given to whole grain bread.

Replace milk with fermented milk products

Milk and dairy products contain calcium and it is essential. But exactly whole milk Cows should not be eaten from the diet, since the protein in cow's milk can cause an upset stomach or allergies in the baby. Fermented milk products will also be healthier for the nursing mother’s digestion. You should consume enough kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, and yogurt.

Fruits and vegetables

This is a great snack option. They contain complex carbohydrates, which are slowly broken down in the body and provide energy for longer. They also contain a lot of fiber, which improves intestinal function and supports a healthy immune system. It is better not to eat exotic foods; they can cause a harmful reaction in the baby.

Environmental friendliness

Some caution must be exercised in choosing products. Fruits and vegetables out of season can contain huge amounts of nitrates and other harmful substances. If you don’t have your own garden, it’s better to limit yourself to eating seasonal vegetables and fruits grown in your country.

Choosing to be environmentally friendly also applies to all other products. Take the time to study the composition of the product you are going to eat. If it contains natural ingredients- full speed ahead, and if it contains only chemicals, then what benefit do you think they will bring to you and the child?

Vitamins with minerals

The diet should be thought out in such a way that during lactation the mother receives from food all the necessary vitamins and minerals, which she will then pass on to the baby. Usually, nursing mothers have a lack of calcium and iron. This cannot be allowed. Dairy products, seaweed, dark meats are rich in calcium, iron and iodine. chicken eggs, legumes. Mom and baby need vitamin D. It strengthens the immune system and takes part in calcium metabolism, therefore it is necessary to strengthen bone mass. It is contained in egg yolk chicken or sea fatty fish.

Know when to stop eating meat

Eating protein is very important, as it is a building material for the body. But its excess can have a bad effect on the functioning of the body. Protein can create excessive load the child’s kidneys, so mommy should not get carried away with meat. The type of meat also matters. Preference should be given low-fat varieties meat and poultry.

Not salt not sugar

Excess sugar and salt negatively affects metabolism and overall physical state. Breastfeeding people should avoid foods containing high content sugars (and always from those that contain a sweetener), and reduce the amount of salt to one teaspoon per day.

No chemistry!

There is no place in a mother's diet for flavor enhancers, preservatives, various dyes, any flavorings and other chemicals when she is breastfeeding. They can worsen the condition of the child’s body as a whole.

What can't you eat?

In truth, there are no strict prohibitions. But you should be careful with some foods, and if your appetite allows, it is better to avoid them. The fact is that there is a list of food products that can cause allergic reactions in a child. To avoid such a risk, so as not to harm the baby, refuse:

  • Cow's milk. It is believed that it is beneficial for the baby. Nevertheless, this product dangerous for both mother and baby. Cow's milk is very different in composition from ours; it consists of foreign proteins. And if mom drinks cow's milk, it can cause digestive upset or allergies in the baby. You can eat fermented milk products. In them, the protein is in a different form and is digested well by the human body.
  • Gluten is a vegetable protein. Mothers know that children's cereals should not contain gluten, but nevertheless they themselves often forget to exclude it from their food. Gluten is found in all porridges except rice, buckwheat and corn. Gluten often provokes allergies, so other grains should be eaten carefully, introduced slowly and monitor the child’s reaction.
  • Chemical additives in the composition. The baby’s body is not able to resist all kinds of preservatives, flavorings, flavor enhancers, etc. He can react to all this with an allergy.
  • Exotic fruits. You need to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables, those grown in your native region. This way you can avoid inadequate reaction the baby's body to unfamiliar foods.
  • Of red color. This pigment causes allergies in many children. Allergen with more likely can be eliminated when the red skin is trimmed.

They say that when the mother does not have allergies, then the child does not have any. It is a myth. Children may develop allergies to the most harmless foods. When you introduce new foods into the diet gradually and constantly monitor the child’s reaction, you can avoid serious problems with the baby's health. In most cases, by six months, mothers can eat whatever they want, as the baby gets used to new foods and accepts them.

Common misconceptions about nutrition during lactation

There are many myths on this topic that go back to the times of our grandmothers. Let's refute the main ones.

  • The more fluid you drink, the more milk is produced. The fact is that the volume of milk can depend solely on female hormone prolactin, which is produced during breastfeeding, therefore it is impossible to improve milk production by consuming more fluid. Another hormone called oxytocin also takes part in the lactation process. It is he who is responsible for the flow of milk from the mother's breast. Warm drink improves the production of oxytocin in the body, so after a cup of tea it is easier to breastfeed - the milk flows on its own. This process does not apply to the volume of milk, so if there is a need for more milk, you should not change your diet or drink more liquid. The only way to achieve this effect is to put the baby to the breast more often.
  • Nuts improve lactation and breast milk becomes richer. The composition of breast milk does not change and cannot be affected by food. Increased consumption nuts makes breast milk thicker, that is, more difficult for the baby to reach.
  • Cucumbers and cabbage can cause flatulence in a child. This is possible when the mother experiences bloating after consuming these products. If there is none, then the child is not in danger.
  • Spices make milk taste bad. Perhaps this is so, and the taste really becomes different. But this does not mean that the child will begin to refuse him. During research on this topic, there were no such reactions.

The listed nutritional rules cannot be called strict instructions; initially you need to listen to your body. But they will help you make choices in favor healthy eating to preserve your health and provide your baby with everything useful for growth.
So, proper nutrition when breastfeeding a mother should be healthy and varied. Eat all new foods gradually. Mommy can eat everything that is part of a proper healthy diet. Alcohol, chemicals, fast foods - everything harmful should be excluded. Food needs to be boiled and steamed. Therefore, it is not uncommon after the baby is born that the whole family switches to healthy food. Isn't this wonderful?!

Feeding your baby breast milk has many advantages over even the best formula milk. Breastfeeding is the key to the health of a newborn. In addition, it is useful for the woman herself. While the baby is breastfeeding, the mother's body is intensively recovering after childbirth. And what can I say, nothing can compare with the tender and trembling feeling that a woman experiences while putting her baby to her breast. There are several secrets to successful breastfeeding. One of them, and perhaps the most important, is the mother’s nutrition during breastfeeding. This will be discussed in this article.

Why is it better to breastfeed?

Nature has created an amazing and to this day completely unexplored creation - breast milk. It contains such a huge amount of substances useful for a newborn that it is impossible to reproduce all of them artificially in infant formula, although scientists are working hard in this direction. It is also known that the composition of milk can even change depending on the needs of the baby. Breastfeeding has a very positive effect on the psychological, emotional and physiological development child, his behavior in the future different situations. Milk is well digested and prevents obesity in children, and also reduces the risk of infections, allergies, and diabetes. Proteins are responsible for the infant’s immunity and perform protective function, creating a barrier against pathogenic microorganisms. Milk also contains other beneficial substances. Which ones are described below.

In order for all the substances necessary for the baby to be present in the milk, the mother’s diet during breastfeeding must be healthy and complete. Don't forget about the financial side of this issue. Baby food for breastfeeding is the most economical option, because adapted milk formulas are quite expensive.

What vitamins and nutrients are included in breast milk:

Proteins, including essential amino acids;

Fats that are easily digested by newborns;

Calcium, copper, zinc, phosphorus and others mineral salts and microelements;

Various vitamins and iron needed for normal development baby;

Taurine, responsible for the retina of the eye and the development of the child’s brain;

The protein lactoferrin, which binds and transports iron ions, has antiviral, antibacterial, immunomodulatory, antiallergic and other effects;

Special enzymes that promote the breakdown of the main components of breast milk;

Defense cells that kill pathogenic bacteria in the baby's body;

Antibodies that protect the child from infections;

Water is essential for any body.

Diet while breastfeeding

A new mother must ensure that her daily diet contains all the elements that a newborn needs. The first is calcium. It promotes the growth of bones and teeth. If breastfeeding food contains an insufficient amount this substance, then the milk will “pull” calcium from the woman’s body. Therefore, the menu must include the following products: milk (fresh, concentrated, dry, condensed); Ryazhenka, kefir, yoghurts, cottage cheese, cheeses. Milk can and should be drunk as a stand-alone drink or added to tea - of course, if the woman is not intolerant to this product. It should also be added to cereals, soups, and mashed potatoes.

It is necessary to consume fruits and vegetables in sufficient quantities, which will fill the milk with various vitamins. At first, you should give preference to fruits and vegetables of green, less often orange, colors. Refrain from red ones for now so as not to provoke an allergy in your newborn. The menu should include chicken, quail, veal, beef, and also beef or rabbit liver. From fish you need to choose cod, pike perch, perch, from the third month you can try red fish such as trout, salmon or salmon. Fish contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin D. It is easily digestible and helps improve the mother’s digestion. It is recommended to eat fish once every 4-7 days. 50-60 grams is enough to provide the body useful substances that are in this product.

A woman's diet while breastfeeding also includes eating chicken or quail eggs. The menu of a woman who has just given birth should include different porridges: rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, corn, wheat. Many women want to lose weight after giving birth overweight, gained during pregnancy, and therefore completely refuse bread and other flour products. This is mistake. A piece of bread during a mother's lunch is simply necessary. It contains in large quantities complex carbohydrates that provide a woman with energy and strength to care for her baby. Bread is also rich in B vitamins, fiber and vegetable protein. Give preference to gray bread, bread with bran, crackers from white variety flour.

Be sure to add vegetable and butter. Of course, liquid in the form of any drinks is a mandatory component of the diet of a nursing mother. Recommended drinks include green and weak black teas, compotes, fruit drinks, non-carbonated mineral water, juices, milk, herbal teas. You can take note: 15 minutes before feeding you should drink a glass of warm tea or milk. On average, a nursing mother should consume 2-3 liters of fluid. This figure includes various drinks, water and soups. At the same time, you don’t need to force yourself to drink. If the body receives excess liquid, he will still excrete it with urine.

Approximate set of products for healthy woman, which should be included in daily meals when breastfeeding (table) is given below.


Norm, gram

Meat and meat products

Fish and fish products

Dairy products

Butter products

Cereals and pasta



Vegetable oil

Fruit and berry juices

Habitual food

If the family before the birth of the baby ate exclusively healthy food, there will be no problems with the diet of a nursing mother. If you preferred “fast” food - semi-finished products, canned food, etc. - it will be difficult to change your mind. But this is required by proper nutrition during breastfeeding. At first, the menu may only include boiled or steamed dishes. Only after a month can you gradually switch to stewed food, include fresh vegetables in the menu, increase the fat content of dishes, etc.

Diet during breastfeeding

Caring for her baby, a new mother wastes an insane amount of energy. Therefore, her nutrition during breastfeeding must be not only balanced, but also regular. You should eat five or six times a day. It is better to do this after you have fed the baby. He fell asleep - you can calmly eat and lie down to rest with your baby.

In addition, before feeding, do not forget about warm drinks - six to eight times a day. You should not skip meals, and it is also advisable to eat at approximately the same hours.

What foods cause discomfort to your baby?

In the first months, nutrition when breastfeeding a newborn should not include strong allergens. These are nuts, honey, citrus fruits, strawberries. It is not at all necessary for the mother to give them up completely, and it is not necessary. Just remember this. All newborns immediately react to new components introduced into their, so to speak, baby food. When breastfeeding, new foods should be consumed carefully. If you notice any rashes or anxiety in your baby, you should abstain from this or that product for a while. Only after 3-4 days introduce something new to the menu.

Another point that especially worries a young mother is the baby’s colic. One of the reasons why they appear is the effect on the process of gas formation in the newborn. certain products. It is believed that cabbage, legumes, kvass, black bread, raw vegetables, sparkling water. Not all children are so sensitive to these products that they should not be consumed at all - they should also be introduced gradually and alternately. If something has changed in the child’s behavior, it is better to stop and try this product again after some time.

Mother's food diary

Sometimes a child can react even to seemingly the most regular products, be it a carrot, an apple or something else. If the baby behaves restlessly - sleeps poorly, has a swollen tummy, frequent regurgitation, a rash on the skin, changes in stool - perhaps some of the products are not suitable for him. This means that it must be excluded from the mother’s diet. But it is often difficult to determine what caused the baby’s anxiety. The mother's food diary will help you find the irritant. It will be possible, by flipping through it, to see what the mother eats and how the child reacts to it. Records must be kept every day, indicating the menu and components of the dishes, as well as recording in detail the child’s condition: whether he is calm or restless, whether there was regurgitation or not, whether a rash appeared or not, the nature of the stool. Subsequently, after analyzing the entries in the diary for a certain period (at least a week), it will be possible to draw conclusions and determine exactly what bothered the baby so much.

What foods should you avoid during breastfeeding?

Foods that should be excluded from the diet during breastfeeding:

  • Spices, hot seasonings, garlic, onions, smoked meats, salted and pickled foods, semi-finished products, citrus fruits, chocolate, sweet water industrially produced, fried, alcohol, crayfish, mackerel - these products are irritating to digestive system newborn
  • Cocoa, coffee and strong tea - they have a negative effect on nervous system baby.

Important! Nutrition during breastfeeding should be frequent and regular.

How to increase lactation

This paragraph is dedicated to the other halves of nursing women - their husbands. In order for the mother to have enough milk, she must rest and, of course, not be nervous. Any experiences have a very negative impact on the quantity and on quality composition milk, and as a result severe stress or chronic fatigue it may disappear altogether. A woman in this period needs support from herself loved one. This applies to assistance with child care and household, and moral support. Therefore, dear dads, be patient, show affection and attention to your wife. Nothing without your help medications or the food may not increase milk production or help maintain breastfeeding.

Nutrition during breastfeeding that promotes lactation

Let us repeat once again: in order to preserve breastfeeding as long as possible, it is necessary to avoid stressful situations, have a good rest and take more walks fresh air. Otherwise, it is enough to follow proper nutrition when breastfeeding and do not forget about warm drinks before and between feedings. Daily use eating lean meat, fermented milk products, vegetables, fruits promotes good lactation and fills the milk with vitamins and microelements important for the baby.

To further stimulate milk production, you can brew ginger root or herbal teas. These are the well-known fennel, lemon balm, nettle and cumin. They can be drunk separately, but the effect will be better if you brew all the herbs at once or buy ready-made teas to increase lactation, in which they will definitely be present. So, each of these plants has a different effect on the mother’s body, which increases milk flow.

Sample menu for a nursing mother

Steamed fish with potatoes, carrots and herbs, bread, tea with milk.

Dairy rice porrige with fruit, bread and butter, green tea.

Omelette, cottage cheese with jam, bread and butter, tea with milk.

Muesli with milk and fruit, bread with hard cheese, tea with milk.

Soup with vegetables and sour cream, steam cutlet with stewed vegetables, bread, compote.

Chicken soup with vegetables, meatballs with buckwheat porridge, fruit, bread, compote.

Low-fat borscht, boiled veal with stewed vegetables, bread, compote.

Cabbage soup, boiled fish With mashed potatoes, salad of boiled cauliflower, beets and sweet peppers, bread, juice.

Cottage cheese, fruits, herbal tea

Kefir, bun, fruit.

“Lazy” dumplings, juice.

Kefir, cookies, banana.

Pumpkin porridge, bread with cheese, compote.

Salad of boiled vegetables, meat, pickles, eggs with sour cream, jelly.

Boiled fish, pasta, vegetable stew, compote.

Vinaigrette, omelet, bread, compote

Before bedtime

Kefir, biscuits.

Yogurt, banana.

Ryazhenka, biscuits.

Try to keep your dishes varied and include everything necessary products. If you don’t like cottage cheese on its own, you can make an excellent casserole with fruit or “lazy” dumplings from it. From vegetables, so that they do not become boring, you can prepare a variety of salads, adding meat or fish, cheese, pickle, filling with sour cream or vegetable oil. Meat can be stewed, made into cutlets, meatballs, or added as minced meat to main dishes, for example, cooked navy-style pasta or delicious cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce.



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