The most important thing in a woman is a good appetite. What are the reasons for a brutal appetite?

H Fourteen reasons for a good (very good) appetite:

  • Completely wrong diet.

This can be attributed to both the diet and nutrition itself in general. You need to know clearly which food is suitable for whom.

  • Psychological shocks.

What can I include here? Loss of a loved one, shock, cruel surprise... In principle, you yourself understand what is being said here.

  • Stress of various types.

Stress generally ruins your whole life! Good for those who have iron resistance to stress.

  • The fatigue is severe.

You need to take care of yourself. Because, except for yourself, no one will take care of you like that, no one will protect you like that.

  • Complete apathy towards everything.

Is the situation familiar? Alas, it is familiar to many. And it bothers a lot of people. Someone fights with him, and someone “gives up” on the fight.

  • Depression of various stages.

In general, this point can be attributed to stress. They only differ in strength and characteristics, but Anna’s effect on appetite is almost identical.

  • Hormonal imbalance.

Signs of hormonal imbalance: stretch marks, excessive hair on the body, weight loss or obesity, enlargement of the chin, noticeable malocclusion, fast growth stop, dry mouth, itching, numbness in the extremities.

  • Dehydration.

Dehydration is a significant lack (significant loss) of water throughout the body.

  • Lack of sleep.

Sometimes you suffer from insomnia, sometimes it’s a habit. Someone has a job. But lack of sleep should not be allowed. Anyway!

  • Nervous exhaustion.

From such exhaustion, various ailments appear. Rid yourself of them in advance.

  • Diseases of the digestive system.

Look what diseases are meant:

Motor disorders.




  • Thyroid disorders.

Don't joke with your thyroid! Try to pay attention to her too, so that she doesn’t take revenge on you later by feeling unwell.

  • Mental well-being.
  • Well-being is physical.

The last two points are a separate case. Do you see how fundamentally they differ from the rest? Not only you see this, but also all those people who happened to read this article.

However, one should not assume that a good appetite– it’s good that a good appetite is a feeling of hunger and “removing” it. In fact, this is a misconception. Because hunger is a physiological sensation (need), and appetite is a habit.

It often happens that hunger seems to go away, but the appetite continues to “leak.” And it is very easy to check the “truthfulness” of this. How? Well, you yourself understand that you eat delicious and favorite dishes even when you are completely full! Here's the proof.

Many people try to “eat up” negative emotions and Bad mood. You can't do this! This kind of “eating” can lead to bulimia. Many people jokingly call bulimia “raiding the refrigerator.” In this case, a person cannot do without food at all. How to get rid of bulimia? Using a “combination” of diet therapy, psychotherapy and medication treatment.

In general, it is better to control your appetite. It is most useless to carry out this control with foods and drinks:

  • Rhubarb.
  • Paprika.
  • Asparagus.
  • Chile.
  • Haddock.
  • Salmon.
  • Apple cider vinegar.
  • Cucumber.
  • Perch.
  • Carrot.
  • Onion.
  • Potato.
  • Grapefruit.
  • Blueberry.
  • Cherries.
  • Figs
  • A pineapple.
  • Tomato.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Parsley.
  • Chocolate.
  • Soup.
  • Herbal tea.
  • Water.
  • Banana.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Cheese.
  • Lentils.
  • Peas.
  • Beans.
  • Hearty sandwich.
  • Pear.
  • Pine nuts.
  • Salads.
  • Apple (not green).
  • Powdered milk.
  • Lean meat (before bed).
  • Yogurt with a spoon of honey and muesli.
  • Kiwi.
  • Zucchini.
  • Coffee.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Flounder.
  • Celery.
  • Cocoa.
  • Citrus juice.
  • Olive oil.
  • Kefir.
  • Kale (cabbage).
  • Beef roast.

You can reduce your appetite if you want:

  • Eat everything without salt.
  • Eat everything without sugar.
  • Try glycerin suppositories (anally).
  • Drink milkweed.
  • Prepare a mixture of wormwood, tansy and buckthorn.
  • Don't forget green tea.
  • Drink black tea without sugar.
  • Eat barley.
  • Drink highly carbonated water.
  • “Nibble” the garlic.
  • Eat everything without various spices.

T This way of reducing appetite is usually done by women who want their good (and excellent) appetite to disappear completely. Everyone (who cares about their “figured” condition) really dreams and wants to get rid of their appetite. But, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in this. But this only happens to those who have enormous willpower, who develop it, and strive to develop it.

But for children, a good appetite means happiness for their parents. After all, mostly mothers complain about the child’s lack of appetite, and not about his “goodness.”

Reasons for a very good appetite in children:

  • Children do not know what to do with themselves, what to play. So they find a way out: food. Not a very good solution, but all children find it and love it.
  • Children spend a lot of energy on mobility and games. Naturally, energy needs to be fed somehow.
  • My parents simply taught me to eat well. And the stomach “got used” to breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Children often spend time outdoors. Fresh air has a beneficial effect not only on the adult body, but also on any adult body.

E If children have no appetite, don’t panic right away! Appetite is a fickle concept. There may also be times when the baby is not in the mood for food. If he appears, he will come running to eat. Or something has changed in the child’s life. Have you ever thought about such things? Things - events that affect (somewhat negatively) the child’s appetite:



Changing of the living place.

Visit to the new kindergarten.

Quarrels that a child sees in the family.

Draw parallels with “adulthood”. I wonder what you realized for yourself when you did this? Probably a lot, and that made us very happy. The article, therefore, was not written in vain. Thank you for reading it to the very end! It was a pleasure to please you.

It seems to me that each of us has encountered increased appetite at some point in our lives. For some it goes away in a couple of days and is forgotten for a long time, for others it is a systematic phenomenon...

Some girls become so immersed in the fight against increased appetite that the usual need for food is perceived negatively by them. As a result, anorexia occurs. Not just a loud scary word, but real disease, leading to a complete breakdown of metabolism and psyche, and sometimes to fatal outcome. Therefore... everything is good in moderation!

And most importantly, before you fight anything, you need to find out the reason. Without knowing it, you can choose the wrong key to solving the problem and only make the situation worse. So, let's try to understand the reasons that occur most often.

1. Change hormonal balance

Hormones play a fairly large role in our lives, and here we women generally have a hard time. Any change - a certain phase of the cycle or its failure, not to mention pregnancy or menopause, can result in increased appetite.

During PMS it is very difficult to control yourself both in terms of food and increased irritability. Of course, if these symptoms have become prohibitive, you need to consult a gynecologist to adjust the hormonal balance.

In less severe cases, such intervention is not required. However... you need to “turn on” your willpower, which not everyone can do and not always. There is no need to starve yourself at this time, you will only make it worse.

But letting the situation take its course is also not an option. If, with a sudden desire to have a snack closer to the night, you cannot replace the chocolate bar with an orange or an apple, then you can allow yourself your favorite sweet, but in reasonable quantities.

2. Stress, emotional overload

During times of severe mental turmoil, there can be two reactions - either you cannot eat anything at all, or you eat a lot and the most delicious (and often harmful). Both are equally bad. In the context of this topic, I am considering the second option.

If increased appetite is caused precisely by this reason, then there is no need for diets at all. Efforts should be directed in a completely different direction - moderate physical exercise, massage, alternating active and passive rest, possibly consultation with a psychologist or psychotherapist.

However, if strong stressful situations are a permanent factor, these measures will have only a temporary effect. And serious changes will require drastic changes in life, which we cannot always organize. But... in any case, sooner or later we will have to learn to change our attitude towards those situations in which we are powerless. There's no way without this...

3. Blood sugar spikes

If there are no other explainable causes, and increased appetite is a concern, you need to get tested for blood sugar levels. Better yet, if possible, buy a glucometer and monitor the readings for a couple of weeks - in the morning before meals and 1.5-2 hours after meals.

Sugar spikes are very dangerous. Firstly, they threaten acquired diabetes (type II), if you don’t already have it. Secondly, they have an extremely negative impact on the entire vascular system with all that it implies...

The main thing is not to let your problems go, but to solve them as they arise, so as not to turn them into a huge tangle from which it will be impossible to get out...

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The problem of weight loss has been studied for a long time. New and varied diets, training programs, courses and much more are constantly appearing. Much less attention is paid to this important issue like gaining weight. Thinness is not only aesthetic problem, but can also lead to poor health. By observing several simple rules You can put your body in order and start a new life.

The feeling of hunger is a signal from the body that it needs food. nutrients. The hunger center, which is located in the hypothalamus, gives a signal about the lack of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and microelements. If a person loses their appetite, this can lead to nutritional imbalance.

If a person is not able to eat the amount of food that his body requires, then his appetite is impaired. There may be several reasons:

  • neuropsychic (somatic);
  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • metabolic disease;
  • bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol);
  • avitaminosis.

Any chronic and acute diseases, infections, tumors can also lead to disturbances and complete loss of appetite.

Reduces appetite medicines, in particular antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, tablets to increase blood pressure.

Among psychosomatic reasons: stress, habit, social phobias, anorexia, depression. Among the problems of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, dysbiosis, intestinal dyskinesia, problems with the production of enzymes, diseases of the pancreas or gall bladder.

Proven ways to improve appetite

There are three sports supplements for gaining weight:

  • (protein + carbohydrates).

Additional source useful substances may be amino acids and beta-alanine. These supplements are needed to increase energy during strength training, but do not affect the process of weight gain.

Whey protein is needed to speed up metabolism and muscle growth. Daily norm protein an athlete has 1.5-2.5 grams of protein per 1 kg of weight. Whey protein is absorbed in minutes, while regular food takes more than an hour. Protein is consumed not only on training days. 1 measuring spoon sports supplement equivalent to a serving of meat.

Creatine retains fluid in the muscles, which makes them appear larger. The substance is able to optimize energy processes in muscles, increase strength indicators, due to which muscles will grow faster.

Gainer consists of protein and carbohydrates. Carbohydrate is a source of energy and is necessary for recovery after exercise. The mixture is also quickly absorbed by the body. Taken on training and rest days as an additional source of nutrition.

Help of medicinal plants and herbal collections

Bitter herbs (bitters) are used to increase appetite. You can buy them at any pharmacy. Before taking it, it is recommended to consult with your doctor to rule out side effects. They irritate the gastric mucosa and cause reflex secretion gastric juice.

  • dandelion root;
  • centaury grass;
  • Montana;
  • belladonna;
  • wormwood.
  • Bitterness is present in the composition of the appetizing collection, in the preparations Vitaon and Aristochol, in stomach tablets with belladonna extract.

    The above herbs increase the feeling of hunger, have a choleretic effect, and relieve inflammation.

    Since bitterness causes the secretion of gastric juice, it is forbidden to take them for gastritis and ulcers.

    Additionally, you can take: juniper, barberry, black currant, anise seeds, caraway seeds, sea buckthorn. More strong effect Possessed by chicory, yellow gentian, and plantain.

    Honey, propolis and bee bread will help replenish the body essential minerals and vitamins, which will lead to proper operation Gastrointestinal tract.

    Dangerous ways to increase appetite

    If you abuse any of the methods of increasing appetite, it can be detrimental to your health.

    You cannot take any medicines without a doctor’s prescription, deviate from the instructions and increase the recommended course of treatment. The same applies to traditional medicine.

    Before you start taking measures, you need to undergo an examination with a doctor and identify the objective causes of disorders in the body.

    You can only eat healthy food, don’t eat fast foods, don’t eat at night, consume only healthy glucose.

    Under no circumstances should you accept hormonal drugs without special indications.

    Physical exercise should also be in moderation increased fatigue will only lead to disruption of digestive processes.


    Anyone can increase their appetite healthy man, this should be done moderately and gradually, without counting on quick results. A set of measures will allow you to restore your body’s functioning, feel better and more confident.

    Be sure to read about it

    Dear Evgeniy Olegovich, I read your book and many useful information Online. Many questions have been clarified, but, however, I have not found an answer to one question that worries me very, very much, although, probably, this worry is a consequence of my personal experiences and complexes. But I'll start from the beginning. My son is one year and 2 months old, there are no health problems, except that he doesn’t sleep well at night. But I’ve already come to terms with this, probably it’s time - best doctor. Now I'm talking about something else. On your website, I have seen many complaints from parents that the child is not eating well and is not gaining weight, to which you advise the child not to torture or stuff the child with food. And that's right, but I have another problem. Mine is eating. And he eats very well. And it seems to me that no matter how much you give him, he will eat everything. It seems that after each meal he would eat the same amount. Let me explain why this worries me so much. Both my family and my husband have a tendency to be overweight. The only difference is that my husband was a skinny child as a child, ate poorly and began to gain weight after returning from the army. I had a different situation. I was raised by my grandmother (a situation you have described many times), who fed me until I was sick. The result did not make an impact - all my life I have been fighting with overweight, the slightest relaxation in food leads to constant weight gain. Take my word for it, this is not lady coquetry because of size 42 or 44. That is, in order to look and feel normal (normal is 67/68 kg with a height of 165, I checked, if I weigh less, I already feel bad, as soon as I move my legs), I need to limit myself very strictly. At the same time, my mother is 3rd degree obese. That is, the son has someone to be chubby. And I myself know very well what it’s like to be a fat child: ridicule, complexes, malicious teachers in physical education class, and in adolescence - diets, hysterics, nerves because you want to eat and the diet “cannot be maintained.” But for a boy to be fat is even worse. What do I see as my child’s problem? All my life I believed that my mother’s, my husband’s, and mine’s obesity was the result of incorrect eating habits. But now I feed my baby strictly according to the doctors’ recommendations, and I even cut him down in some ways compared to his peers (I have someone to compare me with - I have several close friends who gave birth almost simultaneously with me, with an interval of 1-2 month). At the same time, all the children of my friends by the age of one or two had already stopped gaining much weight, stopping at the level of 10.5 -11 kg on average with a height of 80, and almost all of them began to, as they say, “eat poorly.” My Egorka, with a height of 80, weighs 12,300, and is not going to refuse anything from food. I understand that you will answer that this is more or less within the norm, but! What worries me is that he clearly gains 300-350 grams every month. Judging by the literature that I read, this is a lot for a child after one year. And this despite the fact that I really measure every gram and he even goes to bed with me practically without dinner (maybe he sleeps poorly because of this - I once gave him kefir at night, he immediately fell asleep, but the doctors dissuaded me, saying that if he gets used to eating at night, you won’t be able to make him sleep at night). Although if I give him a heavier meal before bed, he still wakes up at night (that is, it’s not a matter of food or drink). My friends and I have the same doctor, and we feed our children the same according to her recommendations. But their children hardly gain any weight, and mine gains three hundred grams every month! I'm just afraid that if now, under my control, he is swelling, then what will happen when he gets older, learns to speak and asks me for food? I can’t explain to a 2-3 year old child why I don’t give him food on such high principles. That is, if now, even with restrictions, everything is “horse fodder”, then what will happen when he starts asking for (and taking!) extra? Please tell me what standards to follow in feeding a child after 1 year. Otherwise, the diet of children under one year of age is prescribed everywhere, and after one year there is a complete vacuum. A loving grandmother - my mother - generally strives to feed him faster as an adult, i.e. with all that sugar and fat that brought her to her 3rd stage of obesity. Of course, I can fight with my parents, they are more or less obedient (since my husband and I are no longer children ourselves, I’m 33, he’s 36, we’re completely independent from them financially and we can’t listen to their instructions), but how will I to fight with own child? I dread the time when he learns to ask for food himself. Even now we can’t have a normal dinner - he screams for him to be given something too (although usually dinner is at 8 - when my husband comes home from work - and the baby ate at 6 (100 grams of cottage cheese + 100 grams of fruit), in my opinion, for one year old child a lot, and by 8 o'clock he is clearly not hungry). Just in case, I’m giving an approximate feeding schedule - maybe I’m overfeeding him? Although this is not the problem: I can cut down on the portion, but how can I cut down on his desire to eat? So, 5 or 6 am - 200 gr. fermented milk mixture 10.00 - porridge (180 gr.) + 40-50 gr. juice (half with water) 14.00 - 100 gr. vegetable puree + 100 gr. meat (or 60 grams of fish) + the same amount of juice with water 18.00 - 100 grams. cottage cheese + 100 gr. fruits (does not drink after fruits) 21.30 - kefir + 2 cookies Please tell me what we can change? Or maybe something else will change with age? They consoled me that he would start walking and lose weight, he is already walking (he walked at the age of one year and 1 month), but there is no visible thinness. Of course, outwardly he is not fat, and the doctors think that I am panicking in vain and that everything is normal, but I am afraid - what if he, like me, needs fewer calories to live than others, and his desire to eat is the same like all people. So it turns out that he eats the same thing as everyone else, but gets fatter. Where can I read something on the topic of feeding children after one year? Please excuse the somewhat overloaded and chaotic message. But this is really a “cry from the soul” and a problem that, in my opinion, is not sanctified anywhere. Although, of course, it sounds strange and even idiotic: the child eats well, but the mother is unhappy.

    Thanks in advance for your answer. Best regards, Lika

    Hello, Lika!

    Everything you described is not a sign that the child is sick with something. The main thing is to understand. Excess weight there is always a discrepancy between the amount of energy a person consumes and the amount he spends. The child has no problems with nutrition (that is, your actions are correct). I don’t think it’s a health issue either. It’s just that now you should focus on a lifestyle in which the opportunity to spend energy will be maximum. Do not overheat, wear clothing that does not restrict movement, stay away from the TV, introduce sports in a timely manner, have a day off in nature, not in front of the computer, etc. Those. It is very important that you do not focus specifically on food, but now think about how to teach your child to get up 2 hours before school, go for a run, do gymnastics, take cold shower... Yes, hereditary factors are present, but they manifest themselves in the form of obesity only when a person gives up and stops controlling himself. And reading “on the topic of nutrition” is a dead end (from my, however, very subjective point of view). All the best.

    Appetite translated from Latin language means “desire”, and in a physiological sense is a sensation associated with the need for food. During prolonged hunger, the human body usually experiences serious stress, dangerous in its consequences.

    Increased appetite, the causes of which may be different - a widespread phenomenon. Is this due to illness or various changes, occurring in the body. An increase in appetite is often observed during active growth body (that is, in children). The main reasons for increased appetite are:

      organic changes;

      changes in psychogenic properties;

      social moments;

    • diabetes;

      inflammatory lesions of the brain stem;


    Why is increased appetite dangerous? The reasons presented above often lead to obesity. This is especially true for middle-aged people. Increased appetite, which may be caused by stress, is also common. A person seems to “seize” his problems a huge amount food, which is why his weight gradually increases. Most advanced doctors and nutritionists believe that increased appetite, the causes of which lie in stress, is defense mechanism body.

    The problem of overeating can arise for other reasons. Increased appetite in children is a phenomenon that has not been fully studied. Doctors and psychologists have established through various experiments and analyzes that heredity in this case plays an important role. Parents who are prone to obesity give birth to children whose risk of developing increased appetite increases by 80%. Even the food traditions in such families are radically different. People who are prone to obesity eat a lot at any time of the day, and their threshold for feeling full is significantly raised.

    Increased appetite in children may also be associated with temperament. If a child is sedentary and does not cause unnecessary trouble to parents, this is not yet a reason to rejoice. Most likely, such a child will have unused nutrient reserves, which will invariably turn into fat deposits.

    Very often, the cause of high appetite is the love of sweets. As you know, all children love sweets and flour dishes, but if you give them them daily, the child will gain weight. It is advisable to change your diet and add more fruits and vegetables to the menu.

    As with adults, peace of mind the child may be upset. This leads to increased appetite. In a state of apathy, the child is inactive and practically does not take part in outdoor games. Gradually, his peers begin to laugh at such a child, and he finds solace in food.

    Modern medicine always protects people's health. If a problem with increased appetite is detected, you should consult a doctor who will necessary examination, identify the causes and prescribe appropriate treatment.



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