Treat chronic runny nose with folk remedies. Treating acute rhinitis with folk remedies

Chronic runny nose is most often called chronic rhinitis; it is provoked by constant inflammatory process in the sinuses, which for certain reasons does not stop. Get rid of it completely of this disease can be very difficult, sometimes almost impossible, but with the help proper therapy you can reduce the symptoms as much as possible and achieve remission. It is worth learning about the main ways to cure chronic runny nose in the most effective way.

Normally, a common runny nose can last from a week to two, depending on the severity of the cold or allergic disease. However, if symptoms do not disappear or subside for more than two weeks, there is a possibility of developing a chronic runny nose or chronic rhinitis.

Chronic illness leads to various consequences. There is a possibility of more often suffering from inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, the sense of smell is impaired, and in especially severe cases, a runny nose can affect speech. Therefore, even with severe chronic runny nose, you should definitely engage in treatment.


There can be quite a few reasons for the transition of rhinitis to a chronic form, sometimes they are combined. Most often, the inflammatory process in the sinuses persists due to the following factors:

  1. Constantly having a cold. With frequent acute colds, a runny nose may not have time to go away quickly, so it can become chronic.
  2. Dusty, dry air in places where the patient spends the most time. Irritants in the air may worsen symptoms infectious disease and will accelerate the transition to a chronic form.
  3. Allergic reactions. Allergic rhinitis often becomes chronic if suitable antihistamines or the main allergen is constantly present.
  4. Deviation of the nasal septum. The curvature can occur as a result of injury or be congenital; in any case, it interferes with the normal outflow of secretions and leads to the development of infection.
  5. Various chronic diseases in which circulatory disorders occur, inflammatory diseases lungs, pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

The success of treatment also depends on eliminating the cause of chronic runny nose. In some cases, the condition of the disease begins to improve almost immediately when the main cause of the constant inflammatory process disappears.

Types of chronic runny nose

Depending on the variety chronic disease Symptoms and some treatments vary. Usually isolated following forms rhinitis, they occur most often in adults and children.

  1. Simple chronic rhinitis. At this stage there is slight swelling mucous membrane, nasal discharge, constant congestion is observed. In this condition, vasoconstrictor drops also help.
  2. Hypertrophic rhinitis. The nasal passages narrow, they are very inflamed, vasoconstrictor drops do not help. Discharge from the nose is difficult to clear.
  3. Atrophic rhinitis. This type of disease is accompanied constant dryness, crusts may be present on the mucous membrane. With such a chronic runny nose with white lumps that are difficult to come out, it becomes extremely difficult to blow your nose.

Important! Only an otolaryngologist can accurately determine the type of chronic runny nose and prescribe the appropriate treatment after a full examination.

To get rid of this disease, you need to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and constantly engage in therapy. During breaks in treatment, a noticeable deterioration in the condition may occur. Usually combined various means, most suitable for certain types runny nose

It will be extremely difficult to cure a chronic runny nose quickly at home. Much depends on the efforts of the patient himself, but it is worth considering that in some cases it may be necessary surgical intervention. It is often necessary for a deviated nasal septum, for example.

Drug treatment

It is worth noting that treatment with various drugs usually aimed exclusively at the symptoms of the disease itself, and not its causes. Therefore, you should be careful during treatment and consult your doctor about its effectiveness. Typically, depending on the type of chronic rhinitis, the following remedies can be used:

  1. Vasoconstrictor drops. You should not use them constantly, you should take breaks in their use, they cause an addictive effect. These drugs help ease breathing; the most common ones are made on the basis of xylmetazoline and its analogues.
  2. Antibiotic drops. This drug used for bacterial infection, before using them, the causative agent of the disease must be accurately identified. The most common remedy is called Isofra drops.
  3. Antihistamines. Usually taken in the form of tablets orally, they are used for rhinitis of an allergic nature. Both older generation products are used, for example, Suprastin, and newer ones, Zodak, Claritin and others.

Don't rely entirely on medications. For chronic rhinitis, it is also important to strengthen the immune system and rinse the nose to improve breathing and relieve swelling in the nasal cavities.

Important! Some types of chronic rhinitis require surgical intervention.


Recently, inhalations have been widely used for treatment various diseases respiratory tract and nasopharynx, which are accompanied by swelling, inflammation, difficulty breathing and cough, runny nose, running down the back wall throat. For inhalation, you should use a special device - a nebulizer; today they are quite accessible for home use.

Special preparations are available for inhalation, and home remedies can also be used. Will be most effective mineral water high quality saline solutions.

Folk remedies are quite common in the fight against a runny nose and its consequences, and many colds. Many of them can be used to treat illness in a child because they are safe and hypoallergenic. The most common methods of folk treatment are the following methods:

  1. Treatment with salt. Based sea ​​salt Usually they make a nasal rinse. Take one spoon of salt for one glass of warm water; rinse your nose with the solution up to 3-4 times a day.
  2. Treatment with the help of "Star". This technique Suitable only for the treatment of adults without a pronounced allergy to extracts of medicinal pungent plants. For treatment, they usually lubricate the space under the nose with balm, slightly going into the nostrils.
  3. Onion. This tool is the most aggressive, it cannot be used for children and for irritation of the mucous membrane. Rings onions you need to dry it, then brew it with a glass of water and let it brew for 5 - 10 minutes, then rinse your nose with the infusion. Carry out the procedure in the morning and evening.
  4. Aloe. Juice of this plant Usually put in the nose for a runny nose, if there is no allergy. The leaves of the plant need to be cut, kept in the refrigerator for two hours, and then squeezed out the juice. Place a few drops in each nostril up to twice a day.

It is worth remembering that in order to cure chronic rhinitis forever, all procedures must be carried out regularly over a fairly long period of time. If the condition worsens, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Also often in the background home treatment physiotherapeutic procedures are required in the clinic. All possible and appropriate treatment options should be discussed with a specialist.

Rhinitis (runny nose) is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Infectious rhinitis is distinguished as an independent disease caused by various viruses and pathogens and rhinitis as a symptom accompanying other diseases. How to treat rhinitis folk remedies on one's own? Let's figure it out.


The classic manifestation of rhinitis is:

  • nasal congestion,
  • sneezing,
  • mucous discharge from the nasal passages against a background of general weakening of the body.

Often accompanied by:

  • temperature rise,
  • headaches,
  • decreased sense of smell.

With rhinitis, burning and tickling sensations in the nose are possible, the mucous membrane swells, creating an obstacle to normal breathing.

With vasomotor rhinitis, swelling of the mucous membrane, nasal congestion, tearing of the eyes, copious discharge of mucus from the nasal cavity, headache. A sharp reaction occurs to smoke, frosty air, dust, odors, during physical or psychological stress.

Symptoms appear very quickly and disappear just as quickly. Often vasomotor rhinitis confused with allergies because the symptoms for both diseases are very similar.


How to treat rhinitis yourself? Many people, at the first appearance of a runny nose, begin to instill vasoconstrictor drugs into the nose. It should be remembered that such drugs cannot be used for more than 5 days and the dosage of the drug must be strictly observed.

Folk remedies

To treat rhinitis, even experts recommend using folk recipes. How to treat rhinitis with folk remedies? There are ways great amount. It is important to remember that some products may cause allergic reactions, so you need to choose a treatment method very carefully.

Let's look at the most effective recipes for treating rhinitis at home.

  • How to treat rhinitis with beet juice: you need to instill beet juice into your nose several times a day for a week. To treat vasomotor rhinitis, you need tampons soaked in beet juice, insert for half an hour into each nasal passage for seven days. If healing does not occur, you need to take a break for several days and repeat the course of treatment.
  • Nasal massage is carried out by lightly tapping your fingers on the wings of the nose and the bridge of the nose. With the help of massage, mucus will be released from the nose and nasopharynx faster, making breathing easier. Carry out the procedure several times every day until complete relief.
  • Massage of the forehead and maxillary sinuses: Use your index fingers to press on the sinuses. Repeat pressure several times. You can use rubbing movements. The procedure improves blood circulation.
  • How to treat rhinitis with laundry soap: lubricate the nasal passages with laundry soap three times a day. To do this, you need to generously rub your finger with soap and lubricate the inside of your nose.
  • Warming up your feet: before going to bed, you need to take hot foot baths with mustard and salt. After the procedure, lubricate your feet with alcohol and put on warm woolen socks.
  • Treatment of rhinitis at home using onions: pureed onion pulp should be wrapped in a scarf and placed on the wings of the nose. It is better to cover the top of the compress with a dry cloth and keep it for 15 minutes. It is necessary to repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day. You can also instill onion juice into the nasal passages. This method is very effective and allows you to get rid of rhinitis in one day. To prepare the solution, one part of onion juice must be diluted in three parts of water, so that when instilled you do not burn the nasal mucosa. You can insert gauze or cotton swabs soaked in a solution of onion juice into your nose.

How to cure vasomotor rhinitis

Vasomotor rhinitis is usually associated with disorders in the nasal mucosa and changes in vascular tone. Both children and adults are susceptible to this disease. More often, vasomotor rhinitis is observed in people with increased nervous excitability.

How to cure vasomotor rhinitis on your own? First you need to exclude the possibility of allergies. When treating rhinitis, one should take into account individual intolerance some traditional medicine.

Here are a few recipes alternative medicine and tell you how to cure vasomotor rhinitis at home:

  • Calendula: rinse the nasal passages with calendula infusion twice a day with a syringe without a needle, 3-4 rinses at a time. The procedures should be carried out within a week. To prepare the solution, pour 1 tablespoon of calendula with a glass of boiling water. Let it sit for half an hour and strain the solution.
  • Salt baths: irrigate the nasal mucosa with saline solution twice a day for a month using a syringe without a needle. Carry out the procedure every other day. To prepare the solution, stir half a teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of water. After rinsing the nasal passages, drop a drop of eucalyptus oil into each nasal passage.
  • Chamomile baths: you need to draw infusion of chamomile flowers into each nasal passage alternately for 5-10 seconds. To prepare the infusion, pour a tablespoon of chamomile flowers into a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Treatment is carried out for a week.
  • Inhalations: you need to breathe the hot vapors of boiled potatoes for 15 minutes. When inhaled, to avoid swelling of the mucous membrane and eliminate the occurrence of greenhouse effect, you cannot cover yourself from above. Repeat the procedure 10 times every other day. Before inhalation, boiled potatoes need to be slightly mashed in the hot water in which they were boiled.


To prevent rhinitis, it is necessary to healthy image life, give up bad habits, strengthen the body and play sports in the fresh air. It is important to strengthen the immune system and nervous system, promptly treat infectious diseases.

Chronic rhinitis

Treatment of chronic rhinitis with folk remedies

What is chronic rhinitis or runny nose?

Symptoms of chronic rhinitis

The appearance of a runny nose several times every year, both in the warm and cold seasons.

Discharge from the nose is initially watery, colorless, then thick, greenish-yellow.

Frequent sneezing, stuffy nose.

Headache and malaise without fever.

Causes of chronic rhinitis

The cause of chronic rhinitis is a weakened immune system due to hypothermia, stressful situation, poisoning with chemicals, etc., with the subsequent introduction of microbial flora and viruses into the nasopharynx. Another reason is the entry of allergens into the body.

If rhinitis is not treated promptly, it can be complicated by anosmia. Details here.

Traditional methods of treating chronic rhinitis

Take for the entire period of illness loading doses vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) - pharmaceutical or better natural - in the form of tea with currants, raspberries, lemon.

It happened that I was sick for one or two days, and another time for more than two weeks and was accompanied by chronic rhinitis with a very loud sneezing, which is why many people nearby standing people were very scared.

Sometimes after sneezing in the apartment, wishes for health were heard on the street. I was afraid of sneezing, as it seemed that my lungs were about to burst or I would get an inguinal hernia.

I remained in this state for many years: no recipes of official or traditional medicine helped me. The clinic doctors recommended surgery to correct the nasal septum and cauterization.

Based on the bitter experience of my employee (she did this cauterization twice, after which it got even worse), I decided not to repeat the mistakes of others.

Add crushed diphenhydramine there: if you have 5 ml. bottle, then you will need half a tablet per 10 ml. – whole tablet(0.05g).

Diphenhydramine dissolves well. Add another 10 or 20 drops pharmacy tincture propolis. That is, for 5 ml. – 10 drops, per 10 ml. – 20. After this there will be a short chemical reaction: It will “boil” a little.

Use drops in the following way. For rhinitis with mild discomfort, place 2-3 drops in each nostril three times a day. If you have a runny nose due to a respiratory illness or flu, in the first days, 3-5 or more drops, and the more often the better, you can even do it every hour.

In the future - according to the state of nasal congestion. The drops will help clear away accumulated mucus in the nasopharynx.

This is how I cured chronic rhinitis and began to sneeze quietly, without scaring anyone, as it was before. Try it too - you won’t regret it.

Runny nose - treatment at home with folk remedies

Everyone knows the saying - If you don’t treat a runny nose, it will go away in a week, and if you treat it, it will go away in 7 days. .

Some folk remedies will help quickly cure a runny nose in 1-3 days without side effects, others will make it easier general health, will relieve nasal congestion. It is better to combine several methods for a quick recovery.

Let's look at folk recipes for treating a runny nose at home, from the simplest and most readily available to the more complex.

Nasal rinsing.

You need to suck in the liquid from the palm of one nostril and pour it out of the other nostril or mouth. After the procedure, blow your nose, the nose is cleared instantly, the water washes away the viruses in the nose. This remedy helps cure a runny nose in one day, a maximum of 2 days. Need to rinse warm water with added salt, preferably sea food (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of water). Increases medicinal properties For such washing, adding tincture of propolis, calendula or eucalyptus to the water (0.5 tsp per glass of water). Rinsing the nose with beetroot decoction also helps. If, as a preventative measure, you rinse your nose with water every day, then the chance of getting a runny nose is reduced to zero.

Chronic persistent runny nose can be cured at home by rinsing the nose with this solution: 1 tsp for 1 glass of water. salt, 0.5 tsp. soda and 5 drops of iodine - these rinses help cure even sinusitis.

  • Laundry soap.

    Lather your finger generously with soap and lubricate the inside of your nose - do this three times a day.

    If you rinse your nose with soap every day for prevention during the flu period while washing your face, then the risk of getting rhinitis will be reduced to zero (HLS 2011, No. 21, p. 33)

  • Mustard.

    Mustard is widely used in folk methods of treating a runny nose: apply mustard plasters to the feet and secure with a cloth, or pour dry mustard into socks and walk for 1-2 days. Or foot baths: before going to bed, soak your feet in hot water with mustard added. Cleanses the nose well, improves overall well-being during colds

  • Massage.

    Massage, rub your feet with alcohol, then put on woolen socks, it is advisable to put a heating pad on your feet after that.

  • Onion treatment.
    Wrap the grated onion in a damp cloth, place it on the wings of the nose, cover it with a dry cloth, lie down with this compress for 15 minutes, repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day. A runny nose can be cured very quickly with onions - in one day. You can insert gauze pads soaked in onion juice into your nose. Can you dilute it? onion juice water in a ratio of 1:3 – 1:6 and instill these drops into the nose.
  • Steamed onions, garlic or horseradish.

    Often recommended next treatment runny nose at home: cut onion, garlic or horseradish into small pieces, put in a tightly screwed jar and inhale the vapors as often as possible. During a flu epidemic, this folk method will help avoid illness.

    Here is a more intensive method of home treatment with garlic: Take a large clove of garlic and cut 3 slices from it. Apply one strip to the skin under the nose. Then lie on your back, insert a mug of garlic into each nostril, and alternate two breathing options every 10 breaths:

    1. Pinch your nose with your fingertips and breathe through your mouth – 10 times

    2. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

    The total duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. In the beginning there will be severe sneezing, here you need to take care of the pieces of garlic so that they don’t fly into different directions- remove them from your nose or, conversely, pinch your nose and sneeze through your mouth.

    If you start this treatment at the first signs of influenza or acute respiratory infections, the development of the disease can be avoided (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle No. 19, 2010 p. 10)

  • Garlic oil.

    Heat half a glass vegetable oil in a water bath for 30 minutes. adding a head of crushed garlic. Leave for a day. Lubricate your nostrils 2-3 times a day.


  • Honey with beet juice for children.

    Take liquid honey, 1/3 tsp. dissolve in a dessert spoon of boiled water and mix with 1 tbsp. l. beet juice. Instill 7 drops every 2 hours when heated. (Healthy lifestyle bulletin No. 16, 2000 p. 12)

    You can cure a runny nose easier: mix beet juice with boiled water 1:1 and instill 4-5 drops into the nose several times a day. (HLS 2010 No. 20, p. 39-40)

  • Raw beet tampons.
    Cleanses the nose very well. Grate fresh beets, put on a piece of bandage and roll into a tube, insert into the nostrils for 1-2 hours, do several times a day. Garlic tampons are also made, but before inserting a garlic tampon, it is advisable to lubricate the nasal mucosa with Vaseline
  • Inhaling smoke through the nose.

    You need to inhale the smoke from smoldering cotton wool or smoldering crackers. Inhale through one or the other nostril until you cry. (HLS No. 10, 2007).

    The man was tormented all year round constant runny nose. He took a cracker, set it on fire at one end, when it caught fire, he immediately put it out, smoke began to emerge, he inhaled it first through one nostril and then through the other. The runny nose went away after the first session. Now he is 91 years old, after that treatment he has never had nasal congestion. (HLS No. 18, p. 40, 2011).

    The woman read about this incident in Healthy Lifestyle. She had mucus coming out of her nose day and night; she blew her nose every five minutes, not into handkerchiefs, but into diapers. And after reading the note, she immediately began smoke treatment. I did only one procedure, and the mucus stopped coming out. 20 days have passed after treatment - there is no rhinitis, I threw away the diapers, uses handkerchiefs, and only occasionally. (HLS No. 21, p. 7, 2011).

  • Motherwort tincture:
    Rub your nose, lubricate it around the nostrils, it will become easier to breathe.
  • Oil treatment.

    St. John's wort oil: instill 2-3 drops into each nostril 2-3 times a day or lubricate the inside of the nose every hour. After two days, rhinitis goes away (HLS No. 4, 2007).

    You can also use camphor oil for home treatment (HLS No. 2, p. 41, 2012). It is especially advisable to use camphor oil for treatment if a runny nose is accompanied by a headache - lubricate the nose and temples at least 2 times a day (HLS No. 3, p. 30, 2007).

    Helps in treatment and menthol oil .

  • Kalanchoe.

    You need to instill Kalanchoe pinnate or aloe juice into your nose 3-4 times a day, 3-5 drops into each half of the nose. Burying Kalanchoe juice Sometimes it causes severe sneezing, but rhinitis can be cured with this remedy in one day.

    You can also effectively cure a runny nose using golden mustache juice - in just one day. Instill golden mustache juice 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day.

  • Viburnum juice with honey.
    The recipe is as follows: mix 1 glass of viburnum juice and 1 glass of honey, drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Store in the refrigerator and drink warm. On the 3rd day, all the mucus comes out (HLS No. 23, 2000, p. 19).
  • Warming up porridge with a persistent runny nose in a child.
    Sew a small bag of linen fabric, fill it with warm, boiled millet porridge and place the bag on maxillary sinuses. Keep until cool.
  • Warming up the nose.
    To warm up at home, use two boiled chicken eggs, wrapped in cloth, a bag of hot sand or salt.
  • Drops of propolis and oils.
    It happens that a runny nose does not go away for several months. Then use the following recipe: you need to take 10% tincture of propolis, camphor oil, sunflower oil– all components 1 tsp. pour into a dark bottle and shake. Place 3-5 drops into each nostril 3 times a day for a week. Then a break of 3 days. Then drip again for a week. The runny nose goes away. Before dripping, the mixture must be shaken (HLS No. 10, 2007).
  • Rinsing the nose with salt water.
    The man had a chronic runny nose; he constantly put various drops into his nose, but they did not help for long; his nose was constantly stuffy, especially at night. I began to rinse my nose with salt water using a pear (1 teaspoon of salt per 1 glass of water). At first I did this procedure several times a day, then less often. Chronic rhinitis was completely cured. (HLS No. 13, 2010, pp. 28-29).
  • Healing drops.
    In a woman long time I had a constant runny nose. No remedies helped. A friend recommended a simple recipe: take 1 tsp. 10% propolis tincture, camphor oil. sunflower unrefined oil, pour everything into a dark glass bottle and shake. Instill 3-5 drops into each nostril 3 times a day for a week, then break for 3 days. After the second week's course, the woman's runny nose went away completely. (HLS No. 9, 2007, p. 30).
  • Traditional herbal treatment.

    Healer E. F. Zaitseva gives a recipe for a collection that cleanses the lungs and nasopharynx of mucus.

    You need to take coltsfoot grass, wild rosemary, thyme, plantain, linden and black elderberry flowers, marshmallow root and licorice in equal proportions. 2 tbsp. l. collection of these eight components, pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink the infusion 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals, half a glass. The course of treatment for chronic rhinitis is 1.5 months. (HLS No. 8, 2006, p. 24).

  • Treatment of chronic runny nose with water.
    The woman caught a cold and developed a runny nose that did not go away for a long time. And, in the end, it became chronic. A neighbor suggested an unusual folk method: you need to pour it on your thumb, either with your left or right leg cold water. I decided to try it. I poured cold water on each finger every day for 3 minutes. The effect is amazing! For 2 years now he has not remembered a runny nose or other colds (HLS No. 23, 2012, p. 32).
  • Treatment with dew.

    The man was tormented severe runny nose both in winter and in summer. Drops from the pharmacy and folk remedies did not help. Then he decided to walk barefoot in the morning dew. I went for a whole month. Chronic runny nose was cured. (HLS No. 8, p. 38, 2013).


    How to cure chronic runny nose at home?

    At an appointment with an ENT doctor, every third patient complains of a prolonged runny nose or, scientifically, chronic rhinitis. This disease is manifested by long-term inflammatory and dystrophic processes in the nasal mucosa: constant congestion of the nasal passages, impaired nasal breathing, mucous or purulent discharge from the nostrils and headaches.

    Chronic rhinitis in most cases does not cause mortal danger for human health, but significantly worsens the quality of his life. That is why, before curing a chronic runny nose, it is important to understand why it arose in order to prevent its reappearance.

    Causes of chronic inflammation in the nose

  • Frequent inflammation of the nasal cavity (acute rhinitis) if not treated correctly.
  • Irritants in the air (mineral or metal dust, high or low temperature inhaled air, low air humidity, nicotine). For example, working in hazardous industries and smoking can lead to a chronic runny nose.
  • Hereditary predisposition to diseases of the nose, defects of the nasal septum.
  • Uncontrolled use of certain medicines (for example, blood pressure tablets based on rauwolfia or vasoconstrictor drops).
  • Sometimes a chronic runny nose is not independent disease, but only one of the symptoms of another nasal pathology - adenoids or sinusitis.

    In such cases, its treatment should be preceded by measures to eliminate its root cause - removal of the adenoids, opening and drainage of the maxillary sinuses, etc.

    Rhinitis also often occurs with cardiovascular and kidney diseases, violations hormonal levels in women, with constipation and alcoholism.

    Methods for treating chronic runny nose

    When the runny nose is protracted and gradually becomes chronic, cure it with a short time will not work. Since hypertrophic or atrophic processes in the nose did not appear overnight, they will have to be treated persistently and for a long time.

    Sometimes in the first week of treatment there may be a deterioration in the patient’s condition: more thick discharge, nasal congestion worsens, headache intensifies. However, this is not a reason to refuse treatment. You need to consult your doctor again to adjust your prescription if necessary.

    The main methods of treating chronic rhinitis are the following:

    Local drug treatment

    Depending on the suspected cause of chronic runny nose, drops with anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, anti-allergenic or antibacterial effects are used. On pharmaceutical market there are a large number of such drops and most of them combined action(for example, moisturizing + antibacterial, anti-allergenic + healing, etc.).

    Of these, preference should be given to drops on oil based (sea ​​buckthorn oil, oil solutions of vitamins E and A) to simplify the process of softening and removing crusts from the nose.

    Vasoconstrictor drops are better for chronic process refuse, since the effect of them, although it occurs quickly, does not last long. But from frequent use, the mucous membrane becomes insensitive to their action, which is fraught with the development of drug runny nose.

    When choosing required type drops, it is better to rely on a doctor who knows exactly how to treat a runny nose in your case. Some situations require the administration of drugs orally in the form of tablets or injections (with severe forms allergic or purulent runny nose).

    Physiotherapeutic treatment

    This type of treatment includes procedures such as: heating the nose with UHF and ultraviolet rays, endonasal electrophoresis, medicinal inhalations using special nasal attachments, magnetic therapy and mud therapy. Physiotherapy procedures are prescribed in conjunction with the main drug therapy or immediately after its completion to consolidate the result.

    Warming the nose with Minin's infrared lamp

    The so-called “blue lamp” can successfully replace physiotherapeutic procedures. The lamp is turned on at a distance of 20-30 cm from the bridge of the nose so that a pleasant warmth is felt on the skin. Warm the nose under a lamp for 5 to 20 minutes once a day.

    This procedure effectively helps cure chronic runny nose in a child under three years of age, since for the treatment of children younger age The use of a rather narrow list of medications is permitted.

    General restorative treatment

    Because the prolonged runny nose, often occurs against the background of a decrease in general immunity, immunostimulants and adaptogens (for example, based on echinacea or ginseng), multivitamin and mineral complexes are used.

    Sinus massage

    In addition, the effectiveness of treatment can be increased with the help of a special massage. The following video will tell you how to do it.

    Surgical methods

    In cases where a prolonged runny nose is caused by incorrect structure or traumatic displacement of the nasal concha may be prescribed surgery. During the operation, normal anatomical structure structures of the nose, excess overgrown tissue is excised.

    If the nasal mucosa is slightly enlarged, it is cauterized liquid nitrogen(cryodestruction of the nasal turbinates).

    Treatment of a runny nose with folk remedies

    The following are recognized as the most effective folk remedies for chronic runny nose:

    Warm dry compresses with salt

    Apply warm bags of salt to your nose twice a day. Such thermal procedures lead to a rush of blood to the nasal area, improve blood circulation in the mucous membrane, and enhance regeneration processes.

    It is important to ensure that the bag is not hot (you can check this by placing it on the inner surface of your forearm) so as not to get a burn on your face.

    Honey and milk drops

    Drip your nose with honey-milk drops (3 drops in each nostril 3 times a day) for 7-10 days. To make them, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of milk. The drops must be freshly prepared. Honey has excellent antiseptic and healing properties, and milk will well moisturize the mucous membrane and facilitate the removal of dried crusts.

    Warming up your feet

    Hot foot baths are taken daily before bed, after which you put on warm socks with dry mustard poured inside. The course of warming procedures is 7-10 days, but the duration can be increased as needed. Contraindication is elevated temperature body and pregnancy.

    Eastern medicine believes that the feet (certain points on the soles) and the nose (mucous membrane) are connected by an energetically active channel. There is even such a folk sign: today you get your feet wet - tomorrow you will have a runny nose. In this regard, it is generally accepted that warming the feet helps get rid of chronic runny nose in both children and adults.

    Tamponades with juices and oils of medicinal plants

    Nasal tamponade with mixture healthy ingredients: honey, sea buckthorn oil, calendula juice (10 g each) and propolis (5 g) - also great for persistent rhinitis. Dip cotton swabs into the resulting mixture and insert them into the nostrils for 20 minutes. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

    Rinsing the nose with diluted herbal infusions

    At home, rinse your nose with a solution of chamomile and plantain infusion. The herbal infusion, in addition to its cleansing effect, has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic function.

    Several Yet folk recipes that help with a runny nose, including chronic ones, you will learn from the following video:

    Prevention of chronic rhinitis

    To protect yourself from a chronic runny nose, you must avoid hypothermia and interaction with allergens, prevent the nasal mucosa from drying out, and promptly treat acute rhinitis, do not get carried away with vasoconstrictor drops.

    If you cannot get rid of a runny nose on your own within a week, you should definitely seek help from a doctor.

    How to cure a chronic runny nose with folk remedies at home | Traditional methods of treating chronic runny nose

    Chronic runny nose is an advanced or untreated form of acute runny nose. This symptom appears in a person every autumn, regardless of whether the person is sick or not. Having a chronic runny nose, a person feels constant nasal congestion, headaches, and constantly secretes mucus from the nose, which can also become swollen. This disease can lead to a disorder of smell, eye disease and ear congestion. On the one hand, people think that if a runny nose is chronic, then in principle it cannot be cured, but for every rule there is an exception. Therefore, in this article you will learn the second side of the coin of this disease and get useful information about herbal medicine methods.

    Traditional methods of treatment in adults for chronic runny nose

    Every person at least once in his life has encountered the problem of a runny nose. This fairly common disease brings a lot of discomfort and discomfort. A runny nose prevents us from breathing, talking and working normally. In addition, it often brings headaches and can contribute to the development of more severe diseases such as sinusitis. But it may also not develop into another disease, but drag on and become chronic. We present to your attention traditional medicine recipes for treating the disease.

    Traditional rinsing recipes for the treatment of chronic rhinitis in adults

    In order to get rid of a chronic runny nose, you need to thoroughly rinse your nose. To cleanse the nose of mucus, use seawater diluted with water. Rinse your nose with this solution four times a day using a syringe, pipette or syringe.

    Also effective way Cleansing the nasal cavity is rinsing with a solution of potassium permanganate with iodine, in a ratio of three drops of iodine per glass of rose water. You need to suck this liquid in through your nose and spit it out through your mouth.

    You can also rinse your nose with calendula tincture. For this recipe you need to take a glass of water and add 20 drops into it. alcohol tincture. The washing process is the same as in the first recipe.

    Saline rinsing will never interfere with treatment. According to this recipe, you need to stir half a teaspoon of salt, the same amount of soda, and a few drops of iodine in one glass of water.

    For this recipe for a chronic runny nose, you will need to dig up nettle root in the fall, wash it, chop it and add vodka, calculating that two tablespoons of nettle equals 250 grams of vodka. This mixture should be left for two weeks in a warm place. After it has infused, rinse your nose with it to treat chronic runny nose.

    You can treat with nasturtium leaves. They should be consumed in salads up to ten pieces per day. You can also brew a few leaves and rinse your nose with this product. In addition, the nasal passages can be washed with a decoction of the roots of young burdock.

    You can make an infusion of eucalyptus. To do this you will need one teaspoon of eucalyptus and 500 milligrams of warm water. Rinse your nose with this solution 2 times a day.

    Treatment with fermented red beet broth. To do this, you will need to prepare this decoction. Peel, wash and dice the red beets, then pour them hot water and let it brew for three days. At this point, the broth begins to ferment. It is with this fermented decoction that traditional medicine recommends rinsing or rinsing the nasal passages 2-3 times a day. This decoction can be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than 4 days.

    Juice treatment of chronic runny nose in adults

    If your runny nose gets worse, you can take an onion, peel it, twist the slices into tubes and make cuts in them. They must be worn in the nasal passages for an hour to two hours. Of course, during this time there will be a lot of mucus flowing, but after the procedure the runny nose will definitely stop.

    A more conservative folk remedy is carrot drops. To do this, you will need to take a carrot, peel it, and grate it. Then squeeze out the juice and add the same amount of unrefined oil. Stir this mixture and drop one drop into your nose three times a day.

    You can fight chronic runny nose with celandine juice. To do this, the instillation procedure is done as follows. First, put two drops of the plant into one nostril, after two minutes, again 2 drops of celandine into the same nostril. And then the same operation is performed on the other nostril.

    A very effective and long-lasting remedy is to ingest the following mixture. Three horseradish on a fine grater and we get about 100 grams of fresh grated horseradish. Add the juice of two lemons to it. Mix everything. This mixture is recommended to be consumed orally twice a day for a long period, from two weeks to a month.

    Treatment of chronic rhinitis in adults with inhalations

    You can also in traditional treatment for chronic runny nose, use infusions and decoctions of plants for inhalation:

    How to quickly cure a runny nose

    Runny nose (rhinitis) is one of the most common seasonal diseases. As a rule, rhinitis is a concomitant phenomenon and has two root causes: viral or allergic. Despite the apparent innocence of the symptoms, a runny nose causes quite a lot of trouble for the sick person, and, what is especially important, when the problem starts, the risk of complications increases significantly, including sinusitis and chronic form rhinitis To prevent such an outcome, it is necessary to take an extremely responsible approach to the treatment of the runny nose and its prevention.

    Seasonal decrease in immunity is an excellent background for the occurrence of acute rhinitis. A respiratory viral infection, entering a weakened body, provokes an inflammatory process, which manifests itself in the form of the common runny nose.

    A runny nose is an inflammatory disease that manifests itself on the nasal mucosa. Sometimes a runny nose is called rhinitis, which is somewhat incorrect, because rhinitis is a special case of exacerbation of the disease. Often both cases are observed due to ARVI. The causes of inflammation of the nasal cavity are:

  • colds resulting from hypothermia (flu);
  • infection that occurred on the street or in public places with big amount people during a pandemic (ARVI).
  • This disease is not only inflammatory, but also allergic in nature. Allergic nature The course of a runny nose is characterized by the presence of a source of allergy, which causes the urge to sneeze, watery eyes, and irritation in the nose.

    Treating a runny nose within one day is almost impossible, but the pharmacology industry and a number of proven traditional methods proven effectiveness help to significantly ease breathing by freeing mucus from the sinuses.

    At the first stage of the disease, if you feel a deterioration in health, but there is no temperature, it is necessary to warm the maxillary sinuses with a source of dry heat for 30 minutes. This can be done using boiled uncooled eggs, potatoes, dry cereal or sand. Also, at the first signs of a runny nose, it is used laundry soap. They need to lubricate the finger and lubricate it thoroughly internal surfaces nasal cavities. It is advisable to repeat the procedure during a pandemic and as a preventive measure against the disease. Sometimes used preventive treatment diseases using a mesh of iodine, which is applied to the sinuses of the nasal cavities.

    Allergic rhinitis

    Appears due to contact with nasal cavity allergens that irritate the mucous membranes of the nose. As a rule, allergic rhinitis is especially relevant in the spring.

    Symptoms of acute rhinitis:

  • itching in the nasal cavity;
  • nasal congestion (obstruction in breathing);
  • mucous discharge from the nose;
  • headache;
  • sneezing.
  • At the first signs of rhinitis, it is extremely important to carry out a set of measures to stop the disease. But before we talk about approaches to treating a runny nose, it would be fair to talk about measures to prevent this problem.

    Prevention and treatment of runny nose at home

    No matter how banal it may sound, but best treatment is prevention. Preventive measures aimed at avoiding rhinitis are quite simple and accessible to absolutely everyone:

  • First and foremost important rule is the general maintenance of the immune system. An integrated approach is important here: balanced nutrition, healthy sleep, moderate exercise stress, avoiding sudden changes in temperature that lead to hypothermia. Traditional medicine methods (eating onions, garlic, honey, etc.) are well suited to stimulate the immune system.
  • For seasonal outbreaks colds An excellent protection against viruses that cause a runny nose is a gauze bandage that must be worn in public places.
  • To eliminate viral infections that settle on the mucous membranes of the nose, it is recommended to wash it. It is enough to subject the nose to this procedure at least once a day. There are a huge number of drugs for these purposes. But most suitable means is sea ​​water and products based on it.
  • For the prevention of rhinitis allergic origin It is necessary to frequently ventilate the premises, minimize contact with animals, and avoid consuming allergenic foods. But, unfortunately, in cases chronic allergies all these measures may be ineffective. Better prevention is to take antihistamines in advance.
  • Specifics of the course of the disease in adults and children

    For an adult, the first signs of a runny nose (rhinitis) are a fairly common situation, not causing panic and serious concerns. Many even tend to suffer from such diseases “on their feet,” which is an extremely ill-considered act. But you should take the signs of rhinitis in children more seriously.

    Principles of treatment of childhood and adult runny nose may differ significantly. In order to understand the reason for these differences, it is necessary to know the specifics of the course of this disease in different age groups.

    Treatment of runny nose in adults

    Rhinitis in adults in the vast majority of cases occurs without complications. This is due to a number of factors: more prepared the immune system, an expanded range of drugs acceptable for treatment, a high degree of understanding of what is happening (what worries you, the nature of the symptoms, etc.). The occurrence of complications associated with acute rhinitis in an adult is in most cases associated with inattention and connivance in relation to one’s body. At timely prevention and relief of symptoms, the disease rarely develops into something more serious. It should be noted that with stable immunity, rhinitis symptoms may disappear spontaneously in a very short time.

    Treatment of runny nose in children requires special attention

    The danger of this disease in children is associated with the extremely rapid spread inflammatory lesions on all respiratory tract, as well as in the middle ear area. The range of drugs for the treatment of rhinitis in children is limited to drugs based on natural ingredients that are not addictive. Only in extreme cases when the disease is severely advanced, it is permissible to use more powerful drugs. The risk of the situation reaching a critical level is increased by the inability of children to independently remove accumulated mucus from the nose, as well as the frequent inability to describe their feelings and concerns. Parents need to be extremely attentive to their child and contact a specialist at the first warning signs.

    Treatment of a runny nose

    In cases where preventive measures were not carried out and the symptoms of rhinitis were overtaken by surprise, it is necessary to begin to eliminate and treat them.

    There are several approaches to treating a runny nose:

  • conservative;
  • surgical;
  • folk
  • The essence of conservative treatment is integrated approach, which includes procedures for rinsing the nose, using vasoconstrictor drops, sprays and moisturizing oils. For allergic rhinitis, the use of antihistamine sprays, which also have the property of constricting blood vessels, is prescribed. The disadvantage of drugs of this type is that they are addictive, so the dosage plan must be strictly agreed with the attending physician.

    In cases of excessive congestion caused by swelling of the mucous membranes, as well as when the big picture the patient's condition, the doctor may prescribe the use of stronger steroid and corticosteroid drugs. The use of such drugs is strictly limited in time. They are extremely effective in relieving swelling, but their long-term use is highly undesirable. Moreover, it is necessary to strictly follow the application procedure prescribed by a specialist.

    Treatment of rhinitis surgically is a last resort when conservative treatment is not effective for a long time.

    Surgical treatment of rhinitis is divided into various methods:

  • conchotomy (dissection of vascular connections);
  • endoscopy (removal of obstructing formations);
  • electrocautery/cryosurgery/laser surgery (cauterization of excess tissue with current/liquid nitrogen/laser).
  • Surgical treatment of all forms of rhinitis is quite highly effective. Its significant disadvantage is the presence rehabilitation period, as well as the need for follow-up with a doctor.

    How to quickly cure a runny nose using folk remedies at home

    Traditional methods of treating the runny nose are widespread, but, unfortunately, they cannot be called effective for acute forms diseases. Of course, it is quite possible to relieve symptoms and briefly alleviate the patient’s condition with their help. Moreover, this approach to treatment can be called effective and acceptable in the initial stages of the disease (at the first appearance of symptoms).

    Home remedies for treating a runny nose include mainly various inhalations, exercises (massage), and the use of juices and decoctions.

    Chronic rhinitis (runny nose) accompanied by difficulty breathing, constant nasal swelling and discharge, headaches, impaired sense of smell, a feeling of internal discomfort and congestion in the ears. Those who have encountered this problem and were looking for ways to cure a chronic runny nose know - There is no single universal remedy. What helps some people brings only a short-term improvement in nasal breathing for others.

    Why does chronic runny nose appear?

    To answer the question, is it possible to cure a chronic runny nose, let's look at why it appears and what is the difference between chronic rhinitis and acute rhinitis.

    Acute and chronic rhinitis is nothing more than vascular inflammation on the nasal mucosa.

    But unlike the usual runny nose, which appears as defensive reaction body to hypothermia, the main cause of chronic runny nose is expansion of capillaries, which make up the nasal mucosa.

    Therefore, the main task in the treatment of chronic rhinitis is narrow the capillaries. This will help relieve swelling.

    In other words, for those who are looking for a cure for chronic persistent runny nose, you need to select drugs that will constrict the blood vessels in the nose, and not kill viruses, as in acute rhinitis that accompanies colds.

    Therefore, folk remedies like sniffing onions, garlic or dripping juice from beets and carrots into the nose, They are unlikely to help narrow the blood vessels in the nose and get rid of a chronic runny nose.

    Drug treatment

    To treat chronic runny nose, drugs are used that strengthen the vessels of the mucous membrane, normalize
    blood circulation and correct disorders that provoke inflammation.

    They usually have no side effects, but unfortunately addictive.

    Therefore after long-term use nasal medications no longer bring the desired relief: if after the first doses you “be able to breathe” freely for 5–6 hours, then in the future the remedy will make your life easier for 2–3 hours. Then you have to look for a new “effective” medicine.

    • So, for example, on one of the forums they recommend Peach oil as an effective moisturizer for chronic runny nose. 15 minutes before dripping any drops into your nose for a runny nose, lubricate the membranes of your nose with peach oil. Gradually switch from drops to peach oil, that is, drip only oil into your nose.
    • For a prolonged runny nose, some doctors recommend taking "Sinupret" in tablets and rinse the nasal passages with "Flixonase". This treatment reduces the swelling of the epithelium, frees the sinuses from deposits and clears phlegm.
    • Helps heal damaged nasal lining and get rid of crusts in the nose children's cream-balm “Healer”. First, you need to smear it on your nose up to 5 times a day to get rid of a lingering runny nose, then only at night. A slight chill is felt, then breathing becomes easier, as after drops.
    • Alternation helps with chronic rhinitis Sinuforte drops and Nasobek spray.

    Folk remedies for chronic runny nose

    Irrigation - nasal rinsing

    • Saline solution (0.5 tbsp sea salt per 0.5 cup boiled water)
    • Chamomile solution (1 tablespoon of salt per glass of chamomile infusion)
    • Eucalyptus solution (1 tsp. eucalyptus oil per glass of boiled water).

    After rinsing, you can drip aloe or Kalanchoe juice into your nose.

    For those who have a chronic runny nose and worry about it several times a year, we recommend purchasing Dolphin-type otorhinolaryngic nasal rinsing device.

    But most often, a regular teapot is used for these purposes.

    In order to rinse the nose - to perform irrigation, bend over a bathtub or sink, pour a solution into one nostril, and it flows out through the other, cleansing the mucous membrane of viruses and microbes. For chronic rhinitis, it is necessary to rinse the nasal passages several times a day until the symptoms completely disappear.

    Nasal drops

    Based saline solution With baking soda You can prepare drops that will help cure a persistent runny nose.

    1. Prepare the base: add ½ tsp to 200 ml of boiled water. salt and soda.
    2. Dissolve 1 tablet (0.05 g) of crushed diphenhydramine in 10 ml of the resulting base.
    3. Add 20 drops of propolis tincture. Everything should “boil.”

    The mixture will become milky in color with a yellowish tint. Over time the color will lighten. For chronic runny nose, instill
    in the nose every hour, 4 drops in each nostril. After the condition improves, reduce the number of instillations. Chronic rhinitis can be cured in this way.

    How to cure a chronic runny nose: unconventional methods

    Saline swabs

    We found this remedy for chronic runny nose using salt tampons interesting:

    • Prepare a pad of 4x4 cotton wool. Pour a little salt into its middle (at the tip of the handle of a teaspoon). Roll it up with a roller, moisten it in boiled water, squeeze it a little and insert it into the nostril. The roller should fit freely, but not fall out. Over time The discharge will begin to be attracted to the saline pad and flow out of the nostrils.

    After 30 minutes you will feel a noticeable improvement in your breathing.

    Hardening…the nose – contrasting applications

    It turns out that in order not to suffer from chronic rhinitis, you can harden your nose.

    To do this, every morning after cleansing your nostrils, alternately take hot and cold water into your palms and apply them to your nose for 5 seconds. The procedure must be completed with hot water (that your hands can handle). Temperature cold waterreduce gradually. Having hardened your nose, you will forever forget what a runny nose is.

    Physiotherapy and surgical treatment

    Intranasal blockade

    An otolaryngologist may suggest a more radical method of administering the medicine - intranasal blockade. Simply put, this is regular injection into the nose. Before the procedure, the mucous membrane is frozen, so the injection is not felt.

    "Doctor cold" - liquid nitrogen

    If the above methods did not help you and you are looking for how to cure a chronic runny nose surgically, we advise you to pay attention to cryosurgery – treatment with liquid nitrogen. It's simple, but very effective technique. Recovery after surgery lasts only 2 days.

    The essence of the procedure is that cold liquid nitrogen is injected into the nostril using a special device, which irrigates the nasal mucosa. As a result of this procedure, the membrane of the nose freezes and crusts form on it. On the third day they leave, the vessels narrow, the membrane becomes dense. After such a “renewal” of the membrane, you will forget about chronic runny nose for several years.

    But, if you believe the reviews, It is impossible to cure a chronic runny nose with liquid nitrogen forever. On average, after 1.5 - 3 years, swelling of the nasal mucosa may recur.

    Laser ray

    Chronic runny nose can also be treated successfully. laser therapy. Laser ray irradiates the entire mucosal surface
    shells, destroys damaged extended blood vessels, which cause swelling of the nose.

    To treat chronic rhinitis, an average of 6 sessions are required. The treatment result is very effective, helping to get rid of chronic runny nose forever.

    According to statistics, 15% of adults suffer from diseases of the nasopharynx, every 5th of them is a regular buyer of nasal drops that have a vasoconstrictor effect.

    You will find plenty of advice on how to choose a remedy for a chronic runny nose. But finding the method that will help you can be difficult.

    Some forms of chronic rhinitis can persist in a person for a long time. The treatment regimen should be selected by a doctor, since the mechanism of development of the disease is individual for everyone.

    Take care of yourself and be healthy!

    A runny nose is increased secretion mucus from the nose due to inflammation. It can be infectious or non-infectious. If rhinitis is not treated, over time the disease develops into a chronic form, in which thinning of the mucous membranes occurs and constant feeling nasal congestion.

    Rhinitis accompanies colds and infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs (otitis,).

    The following symptoms are characteristic of chronic rhinitis:

    • difficulty breathing due to constant nasal congestion;
    • discharge of mucus from the nose;
    • formation of crusts on the mucous membrane;
    • impaired sense of smell.

    A characteristic feature of chronic rhinitis is low efficiency vasoconstrictor drugs against runny nose.

    To cure a chronic runny nose, an integrated approach is needed. Usage vasodilators in this case, it is impractical, since it brings only temporary relief.

    Important! Vasoconstrictor drops for chronic runny nose aggravate the situation and contribute to thinning of the mucous membrane, so their use should be kept to a minimum.

    The goal of treatment of chronic rhinitis is to normalize the condition of the mucous membranes. You can get rid of the problem. For treatment, recipes based on products with antibacterial properties.

    Honey for health

    The effectiveness of honey against chronic rhinitis is due to the antibacterial properties of this product. Honey softens the mucous membrane and speeds up its recovery. The following recipes are used for treatment.

    Important! Honey should be used with caution, as the product is a strong allergen.

    Nasal rinsing

    Rinsing helps reduce mucus secretion and get rid of crusts in the nose. This method mechanically removes mucus accumulated in the nose and has an antiseptic effect, reducing inflammation.


    Water with honey or infusions medicinal herbs. The water temperature should be comfortable - about 38 C.

    It is better to use sea salt or iodized salt.

    The solution is prepared from half a teaspoon of salt and 250 ml of water.

    For a honey rinse, you need to dissolve a large spoon of honey in a glass of boiled water.

    You can rinse your nose with a decoction of chamomile, calendula or sage. A large spoonful of the dried plant is poured into a glass of boiling water and left until the broth cools to a comfortable temperature.


    To carry out the procedure, use a syringe without a needle or a syringe with a soft tip. Using a bulb with a hard “spout” can cause damage to the nose during the rinsing process.

    A syringe or syringe is filled with a solution and inserted into the nostril. Rinsing is carried out slowly, the introduction of the solution should be smooth. There is no need to sniff the solution through your nose. During the procedure you should breathe through your mouth.

    The purpose of rinsing is not to deeply inject the solution, but to gently irrigate the nose. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the bathroom, tilting your head over the washbasin. The solution should flow freely from the nose.

    You should rinse your nose twice a day, morning and evening. Treatment of chronic runny nose at home using rinsing cannot be carried out in case of sinusitis and otitis media, as well as obstruction of the maxillary sinuses caused by edema. If the patient has a curved nasal septum, washing is prohibited.

    Traditional recipes for a runny nose

    There are many ways to cure a chronic runny nose using folk remedies. For this purpose, decoctions are used medicinal herbs, essential oils for inhalation, as well as drops homemade. To prepare the medicine, you can use one of the following recipes.

    Homemade medications can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. If possible, it is recommended to prepare a fresh portion of nasal drops daily.

    Inhalations for a runny nose

    Relieve nasal breathing inhalations help. Steam inhalations for a runny nose are carried out the old fashioned way - pour a small amount of decoction into a pan of hot water medicinal herbs or essential oil, and breathe in the steam for 10 minutes.

    Daily procedures carried out for 5-7 days will help get rid of a runny nose.

    To prepare inhalation, you can use essential oils of eucalyptus, tea tree, pine or mint. Add 3-4 drops of oil to a container of hot water and breathe in the aromatic steam for up to 15 minutes.

    Inhalation with decoctions of medicinal herbs helps cure chronic rhinitis. Quick results achieved by using coltsfoot. To prepare the decoction, pour a large spoonful of the plant with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for five hours. Then the broth is poured into a container with hot water and the steam is inhaled.

    Inhalation with a decoction of eucalyptus helps to ease nasal breathing. To prepare it, pour two large spoons of dried eucalyptus into a glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Then the broth is poured into a container of water for the procedure.

    Inhalations are used to reduce discomfort and moisturize the mucous membrane. If the patient has a heavy discharge thick mucus yellow or green, inhalation is prohibited.

    In this case, treating chronic runny nose with folk remedies will not bring results, but may aggravate the symptoms. Treatment of a runny nose with steam is not carried out for sinusitis and otitis media. If you experience pain in the ears or discharge of pus from auricle

    , you should see a doctor and not treat a runny nose at home.


    Chronic runny nose can be caused by a deviated nasal septum. Folk remedies are powerless in this case; only surgical intervention will help solve the problem. It is important to remember that self-medication for a deviated nasal septum can be dangerous, so before using any medicine

    You should first consult an otolaryngologist.

    Ultrasound of the chest

    Real salaries of medical workers in the Russian Federation: statistics published