What is eye pressure. Symptoms and treatment of eye pressure

You can feel intraocular pressure on your own by pressing index finger by eye through a closed eyelid. If there is a feeling of "bursting" or excessive "springiness", then IOP is increased.

Optimal IOP

What is the norm inside eye pressure in children and adults? In people different ages it is no different, the values ​​are within the range and can change throughout a person's life. In most cases, it is an increase in IOP that leads to discomfort and a decrease in visual acuity.

So, the generally accepted norm of intraocular pressure in adults are indicators that fluctuate in the range of 10–23 millimeters of mercury (hereinafter referred to as mm Hg). In young people and small children who do not have vision problems, the numbers can change only with the development of various pathologies not related to the visual organs. But people over 40 years old may well have problems with vision and general health eye.

IOP in women

The norm of eye pressure in women (IOP) is a purely individual issue, since the IOP level is influenced by certain processes occurring in female body. However, the values ​​still remain in the same range (that is, from 10 to 23 mmHg). Therefore, it is inappropriate to talk about such a concept as the norm of eye pressure in women. If the patient does not complain about health visual organs, which means that there should not be any deviations from the above indicators.

Daily IOP

There is such a thing as daily rate intraocular pressure. The differences are in the morning (daytime) and evening readings. Although the gap between them is insignificant.

So, in the morning and daytime day, the norm of intraocular pressure in adults is 10-23 mm Hg. Art. (as noted earlier), in the evening, these figures may decrease, but not more than 3 mm Hg. Art. If the gap is more significant, this means that you need to see a doctor to find out the reasons for the deviation and correct the functioning of the eyes.

Signs of increased IOP

If there is a deviation from normal indicators IOP in a big direction, the visual organ will immediately respond to it.

Symptoms of eye pressure that exceeds acceptable limits are manifested through the occurrence of the following symptoms:

  • redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • rapid fatigue of the visual organs;
  • problems with twilight vision;
  • pain in superciliary arches and temples;
  • "flies" and glare before the eyes.

Deviation from normal eye pressure is often accompanied by a reduction in the visual field. Similar state is the most common symptom.

Symptoms of eye pressure can occur even when sitting at a computer monitor or TV screen for a short time. If you do not respond to such anomalies in a timely manner, this can lead to a significant deterioration in vision.

It should be noted that both the symptoms and the norm of eye pressure in women and men are the same, as are the causes of malaise.

Causes of low and high IOP

The causes of changes in eye pressure depend on its level. This means that the factors leading to its increase or decrease are different, and they must be known.

Causes of high GD

High eye pressure (ophthalmohypertension) has a classification according to which it happens:

  • stable. In this situation, an increase in intraocular pressure is observed on permanent basis. The form is characterized by a significant excess allowable norms, which may indicate development.
  • Labile, prone to causeless increase and decrease. After a slight rise, normal eye pressure is restored.
  • Transient. The most mild form ophthalmohypertension, since high eye pressure in this case rises only once, or more often, but for a short time.

An increase in intraocular pressure may be due to the following factors:

  • physical and moral-psychological exhaustion;
  • migraines;
  • cephalgia (headache);
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the eye tissues;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • colds.

Increased eye pressure is a frequent companion of arterial hypertension, so if you experience the symptoms described earlier, you should definitely consult a doctor.

The age of the patient also plays an important role. So, in a person at the age of 60-65, there is a gradual deterioration in the work of the heart, which leads to jumps in blood pressure and the development of chronic hypertension, the consequence of which is a permanent or periodic increase IOP.

High eye pressure may indicate increased intracranial pressure. A similar deviation is observed in patients who have suffered a traumatic brain injury, as well as in people over 50 years of age suffering from chronic hypertension or glaucoma.

Ophthalmohypertension during pregnancy is observed, as a rule, in the last trimester. Such a deviation may indicate the development of gestosis (late toxicosis), therefore, it requires mandatory medical intervention.

Decreased IOP

If elevated intraocular pressure is much more common, especially in the elderly, then its low level is rare.
Reasons for a decrease in IOP:

  • transferred;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the tissues of the eyeball;
  • foreign body in the eye;
  • renal pathologies;
  • serious eye injury;
  • congenital anomalies in the development of the visual organ;

Reduced fundus pressure can also be caused by infectious and inflammatory diseases that lead to dehydration. With reduced HD, the symptoms are somewhat dulled, so this condition is often ignored by a person.

Why is high IOP dangerous?

The symptoms of intraocular pressure should not be ignored, as this can lead to the following consequences:

  • development;
  • thickening of the cornea;
  • posterior capsular cataract;
  • the formation of ulcers on the surface of the cornea.

In severe cases, if the symptoms of eye pressure are ignored for a long time, irreversible destructive processes occur in the tissues of the organs of vision, which can lead to complete blindness.

Which doctor treats IOP disorders?

Eye pressure is treated by an ophthalmologist (oculist).


Noticing signs of intraocular pressure, it is urgent to make an appointment with a doctor and undergo comprehensive examination. It includes the procedures listed below.


Tonometry is performed using a tonometer to determine intraocular pressure. The relative norm is considered to be 20 mm Hg. Art. If the test showed an IOP level of more than 60 mm Hg. Art., so it has a symptomatic form of ophthalmotonus.

Intraocular pressure tonometer is a device that each patient can purchase for regular measurement of GD. It is especially necessary for patients at risk, as well as people over 60 who have been diagnosed with glaucoma. And although a non-contact tonometer is not a cheap thing, in certain cases you cannot do without it.

Biomicroscopy of the eye

It is used to determine the causes of increased fundus pressure and involves a thorough examination of the cornea in symptomatic glaucoma, which is one of the signs of Posner-Schlossmann disease.


The procedure allows you to study the hydrodynamics of the visual organ in order to record changes in intraocular pressure in adults.


The procedure allows you to examine the angles of the anterior chamber of the eye. It is carried out with suspicion of the development of a reactive form of ocular hypertension.

Other research methods

To find out exact reasons why there was an increased intraocular pressure, as well as to differentiate ophthalmohypertension from glaucoma, carry out:

  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • perimetry;
  • visometry.

If the causes of the anomaly are not in problems with the functioning of the eyes, the patient may be referred for examination to another doctor who will prescribe the necessary tests.

Therapeutic approach

How to reduce eye pressure? This question should be asked already when the reasons for its increase have been identified, and all necessary diagnostic procedures- passed. The treatment of eye pressure is based not only on the application medications, many folk remedies also lower it to normal level.

But first, consider the question of how to reduce eye pressure with drops.

Types of drops for ophthalmic hypertension

Treatment of intraocular pressure antihypertensive drugs should only be prescribed by a doctor, as many HD-lowering drops can cause serious side effects. For the treatment of ophthalmohypertension use:

  • Prostaglandins . Such drugs for eye pressure promote the outflow of fluid, and maximum effect from instillation can be noticeable after 1-2 hours.
  • Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors . Treatment of intraocular pressure with this group of drugs gradually leads to a decrease in the intensity of the production of eye fluid. But it is categorically impossible to treat fundus hypertension with the help of such drugs for people suffering from renal pathologies.
  • Cholinomimetics . If we talk about how to lower eye pressure and achieve maximum quick results, then this group of medications is used. But ophthalmologists prescribe medications from a number of cholinomimetics not very often, as they can cause vision problems throughout the course of therapy.
  • Beta blockers - Another group of drugs for eye pressure. Just like prostaglandins and cholinomimetics, beta-blockers improve the outflow of eye fluid, but of all the above drugs, they are the most effective.

Medications can be combined with folk remedies for home treatment. However, it is necessary to know which methods alternative medicine really help in this situation.

Treatment without drops

What to do to normalize eye pressure without the use of medication? The following popular recipes will help with this.

  • Grate raw, peeled potatoes on a fine grater to form a gruel. Add 5 ml apple cider vinegar and mix. Insist 20 minutes. Compresses can be done with eye pressure in children and adults.
  • Treatment of eye pressure at home can be carried out using a decoction of aloe leaves. It is necessary to take a 4-centimeter sheet and chop it well. Place in a saucepan and pour 250-350 ml of boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes and filter. Do rinsing of the organs of vision with eye pressure 5-6 times a day.

If you are looking for a way to lower eye pressure quickly and effectively, then dandelion ointment is a great helper. For its preparation, it is necessary to completely dig the plant, rinse and dry well. After that, grind the dandelion to a powder and mix with honey (1: 1).

Lubricate the eyes with ready-made ointment at least 6 times a day. The same medicine can be used for glaucoma accompanied by IOP.

Folk remedies for eye pressure give good results, but how independent method they are not suitable for fighting the disease. However, you may well use them for the prevention of various ophthalmic diseases.


Prevention of eye pressure does not have any list of rules that must be followed. There are recommendations, but a person cannot completely rely on them without changing their lifestyle and taking their health seriously.

So that increased eye pressure does not become an insoluble problem, it is necessary:

  • eliminate (or prevent) hormonal imbalance;
  • timely stop the signs of arterial hypertension;
  • use eye protection when working with welding machines and harmful substances;
  • wear special goggles long work at computer;
  • undergo regular examinations by an endocrinologist or cardiologist with a tendency to diabetes mellitus, thyroid pathologies and of cardio-vascular system.

As you can see, nothing supernatural needs to be done. These events are sometimes completely enough to forget about the question “How to lower eye pressure?” for a long time.

Useful video about intraocular pressure

Intraocular pressure- This pressure, which is provided by fluids (fluid located in the anterior chamber of the eye, and vitreous body) from the inside to the eye wall. Intraocular pressure has a certain fixed value, due to which it is supported normal form eyeball for normal vision.

Why is intraocular pressure a very significant indicator?

The state of the human organ of vision is very dependent on the indicators of intraocular pressure:
1. It is due to the constant pressure of the fluid inside the eye that its normal size and form. If they change even slightly, then optical system eyes can't work properly.
2. Only under the condition of a constant normal intraocular pressure is it possible to maintain normal exchange substances in the eyeball.

The human eye is a complex device with a clear system of self-regulation. Intraocular pressure never falls below 18 mm Hg, and does not rise above 30 mm Hg. As soon as this regulatory mechanism is at least a little off, vision inevitably worsens, and ophthalmic diseases develop.

How can intraocular pressure change normally?

The intraocular pressure of a person is normally a constant value, and almost never changes. However, it can fluctuate throughout the day.

In the morning, immediately after waking up, intraocular pressure is at its highest. Apparently, this is due to the horizontal position of the body, and the predominance of the parasympathetic at night. nervous system(vagus nerve).

By evening, intraocular pressure gradually decreases. The difference between evening and morning readings can be 2 - 2.5 mmHg.

Decreased intraocular pressure

What are the most common causes of decreased intraocular pressure?

Intraocular pressure may decrease as a result of the following reasons:
1. Hypotension, a general drop in blood pressure. Today it is proved that inside eye fluid It's not just blood filtrate. It is formed as a result of the action of some complex, not yet fully known mechanism scientists. However, intraocular pressure is to some extent related to blood pressure. With general hypotension, the pressure in the capillaries of the eye drops, as a result of which the intraocular pressure also decreases.
2. Penetrating injuries and foreign bodies of the eye. With severe injuries, a progressive decrease in intraocular pressure and deterioration of vision may indicate incipient atrophy of the eyeball.
3. Inflammatory diseases of the eyeball: uveitis (inflammation choroid eyes), iritis (inflammation of the iris).
4. Retinal disinsertion . In this state, the mechanisms of formation are also violated. intraocular fluid.
5. Dehydration. Most often observed in severe infections and inflammatory diseases (for example, cholera, dysentery, peritonitis).

6. Ketoacidosis and ketoacidotic coma are acute conditions that occur in diabetic patients.
7. Severe illnesses liver, which are accompanied by the so-called hepatic coma.

What symptoms are suspected of a decrease in intraocular pressure?

When dehydrated, severe infections and purulent-inflammatory processes, a decrease in intraocular pressure develops acutely. At the same time, it can be noted that the patient's eyes have lost their normal luster, become dry. In more severe cases, retraction of the eyeballs can be seen. Patients in this condition need urgent medical attention.

With a decrease in intraocular pressure for a long time, there are no specific symptoms. The patient notes a gradual deterioration of vision. This should alert, and become an occasion for a visit to the optometrist.

Symptoms of reduced intraocular pressure

With a decrease in intraocular pressure, rather poor symptoms are noted. The patient notes that his vision is gradually decreasing. Symptoms such as pain and dizziness are absent.

With a long course of the disease, the eye gradually decreases in size. Over time, this becomes noticeable externally.

What complications can lead to a decrease in intraocular pressure?

Reduced ophthalmotonus, which exists for a long time, leads to a significant visual impairment. Gradually, atrophy of the eyeball occurs, and the violations become irreversible.

Increased intraocular pressure

What are the causes of increased intraocular pressure?

Depending on the duration of violations, there are three types of increase blood pressure:
  • Transient- Intraocular pressure rises once per a short time but then returns to normal again.
  • Labile- intraocular pressure rises periodically, but then returns to normal levels.
  • stable- intraocular pressure is constantly increased, while most often the violations progress.

Most common causes transient increase in intraocular pressure is arterial hypertension and eye fatigue, for example, after prolonged work during a computer. This increases the pressure in the arteries, capillaries and veins of the eyeball. At the same time, most often, there is an increase in intracranial pressure.

In some people, intraocular pressure may increase during stress, violent emotional reactions.

Intraocular pressure is regulated by the nervous system and certain hormones. With violations of these regulatory mechanisms, it can increase. This condition often progresses to glaucoma. But at the initial stages, the disorders are predominantly functional in nature, any symptoms may be absent altogether.

An increase in intraocular pressure is noted with poisoning x by some chemical compounds and medicines.

The so-called secondary increase in intraocular pressure is a symptom various diseases eye:

  • Tumor processes: squeezing internal structures eyes, the tumor can disrupt the outflow of fluid from it;
  • Inflammatory diseases: iritis, iridocyclitis, uveitis - they can not only reduce intraocular pressure, but also increase it;
  • Eye injuries: after an injury, an inflammatory process always develops, accompanied by edema, plethora of blood vessels, stagnation of blood and fluid.
With all of these diseases, intraocular pressure rises periodically, by certain time, which is associated with the peculiarities of the course of the underlying pathology. But if the disease proceeds for a long time, then it can gradually, with age, transform into glaucoma.

The main cause of a persistent increase in intraocular pressure is glaucoma. Most often, glaucoma develops in the second half of life. But it can also be innate. In this case, the disease is known as buphthalmos or hydrophthalmos (dropsy of the eye).

With glaucoma, there is a constant increased intraocular pressure, which leads to visual impairment, and other symptoms. The disease may have a crisis course. During a crisis, there is an acute significant increase in intraocular pressure on one side.

Symptoms of increased intraocular pressure

With a slight increase in intraocular pressure, there may be no symptoms at all. Violation can only be suspected at an appointment with an ophthalmologist.

Many people who have elevated intraocular pressure have non-specific signs, such as:

  • headaches, most often in the temples;
  • eye pain (which is often overlooked);
  • increased eye fatigue;
  • discomfort during prolonged work at the computer, in a poorly lit room, reading books with small print.
Eye redness is often taken as a symptom of general fatigue.
Visual impairment is a symptom that is relatively rare.

For a persistent increase in intraocular pressure in glaucoma, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • severe eye pain and migraine headaches;
  • progressive deterioration of vision;
  • iridescent circles, "flickering flies" before the eyes;
  • impaired twilight vision;
  • decrease in visual fields - the patient sees objects worse "out of the corner of the eye".
In an acute attack of glaucoma, intraocular pressure can rise to 60 - 70 mm Hg. At the same time, there is a sharp strong pain in the eye, visual acuity decreases. There is dizziness, nausea and vomiting. This state requires immediate medical care. When symptoms appear acute attack glaucoma, an ambulance should be called immediately.

What complications can lead to increased intraocular pressure?

With a prolonged symptomatic increase in intraocular pressure, glaucoma may develop, which will require a longer and more complex treatment.

A common complication of increased intraocular pressure is atrophy optic nerve. Most often, there is a general decrease in vision, up to its complete loss. The affected eye becomes blind. Sometimes, if only part of the nerve bundles atrophies, the field of view changes, whole fragments can fall out of it.

Retinal detachment can occur as a result of its atrophy or rupture. This condition is also accompanied by significant visual impairment, and requires surgical treatment.

How does a doctor examine patients with an intraocular disorder?

An ophthalmologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment of conditions associated with an increase or decrease in intraocular pressure. In parallel, depending on the cause of the violations, consultations of the following doctors can be prescribed:
  • neurologist and neurosurgeon;
  • traumatologist;
  • nephrologist.
All people over the age of 40 should be examined by an optometrist at least once every three years. In the presence of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, nervous and endocrine pathologies inspections should be carried out at least once a year. If you suspect an increase in intraocular pressure, you should visit a specialist immediately.

The doctor asks the patient in detail about his symptoms, and then conducts an examination of the fundus. If there are appropriate indications, the patient will be sent to the procedure for measuring intraocular pressure.

How is intraocular pressure measured?

Approximately you can control the intraocular pressure yourself. This is done by touch. Of course, this technique allows you to assess the condition of the eye very approximately, but still doctors advise everyone to master it.

Palpation of the eyeball is carried out through closed eyelids with one finger. In order to evaluate the result, you need to apply a little pressure. Normally, the finger should feel an elastic ball, which is slightly pressed through.

If the eye is as hard as a stone and does not deform at all when pressed, it means that the intraocular pressure is highly likely to be increased.

If it is generally impossible to feel the spherical shape, and the finger easily "falls" into the eye, then this indicates a strong decrease in intraocular pressure.

Accurate measurement of intraocular pressure is carried out in specialized ophthalmological clinics usually prescribed by an ophthalmologist. For this, the Maklakov method, developed by a Russian researcher, is used.

Before tonometry, the eye is not required special training. If you wear contact lenses and can do without them, it's best to leave them at home. Before the study, you will be asked to remove them.

First, the doctor will numb your eyes. They will be instilled twice, with an interval of one minute, drops of dicaine, an anesthetic that acts in the same way as lidocaine and novocaine. Then you will be asked to lie down on a couch, your head will be fixed, and you will be asked to look at a certain point. A small colored weight will be placed over the eye. It does not hurt at all, and does not cause any discomfort, although from the outside it does not look very attractive.

By pressing on the eye, the load slightly deforms it. The degree of deformation depends on how high the intraocular pressure is. Respectively, certain part the dye will remain on your eye and then simply wash off with tear fluid.

Intraocular pressure is measured in each eye twice. After that, an imprint of the paint remaining on the load is made on a sheet of paper. The intensity of the color determines the indicators of intraocular pressure in both eyes.

There is a portable version of the Maklakov device. In this case, the doctor applies pressure to the patient's eye using a device similar to a ballpoint pen. It is also completely safe and painless as anesthesia is given beforehand.

There is a second type of tonometry - the so-called non-contact. In this case, no load is placed on the eye. Measurement of intraocular pressure is carried out using the air flow directed into the eye. This technique is less accurate.

Treatment of intraocular pressure disorders

With increased intraocular pressure, the following conservative measures can be used:

Our eyes are a rather fragile organ: just rub them dirty hands to introduce an infection that can cause inflammation. Besides, eyeball has its own pressure, which is called ophthalmotonus. If it rises or falls, then this indicates the presence of a pathology and requires treatment.

Ophthalmotonus is the pressure exerted by the contents of the eyeball (vitreous body and eye fluid) on its walls, as well as on the cornea and sclera. When intraocular pressure, or IOP, is normal, nothing bothers a person. But there are situations when ophthalmotonus decreases or, conversely, rises, and such jumps are dangerous for eye health. In the case of elevated IOP, the most common consequence- development of glaucoma, dangerous disease leading to blindness. This disease is a real "eye plague" of the 21st century, which the whole world is actively fighting. And how to find out what pressure is inside the eye? What does it depend on and how to ensure it normal condition- we will tell in our article.

Ophthalmotonus standard

Constant accepted norm pressure inside the eye in an adult lies in the range from 10 to 22 mm Hg. Art. (on average, for most people, these figures are 15-17) and is characterized by constancy. Within one day, the pressure fluctuates only within 3-4 mm Hg. Art. - in the morning it is usually higher, slightly decreasing in the evening. Constancy is necessary for the stable operation of the inner membranes of the eye, especially the retina, and depends on a number of physiological mechanisms, responsible for regulating the filling of blood vessels inside the eye with blood, inflow and outflow aqueous humor. In addition, normal ophthalmotonus is important for maintaining the optical properties of the retina.

What pressure values ​​indicate the presence of pathology

In a situation where IOP has elevated values, this is a sign to sound the alarm, since its increase indicates the presence of glaucoma in different stages. Here is a table that can help you find out how much you are at risk of this disease.
1. The norm is a value from 10 to 22 mm Hg. Art. (usually 15-17).
2. Pressure from 22 to 25 mmHg may indicate the primary signs of glaucoma, in which case you need to go thorough examination.
3. The figure of 25-27 mm Hg with a high degree of probability confirms the presence initial stage glaucoma.
4. With an ophthalmotonus level of 27-30 units, we can say that glaucoma is actively developing.
5. The value of IOP is above 30 mm Hg. Art. means severe degree the development of the disease.

We remind you that the change in pressure inside the eyes during the day should not exceed the norm of 3-4 mm Hg. Art. - higher in the morning, lower in the evening. And what factors can serve as a reason for contacting a specialist to check eye pressure?

Symptoms that indicate the presence of elevated IOP

So, doctors advise to pay attention to the following phenomena, which may indicate increased ophthalmotonus. Especially attentive to the health of the eyes should be people who already have relatives with glaucoma in the family:

  • pain in the temples and above the eyebrows when raising the eyes up, especially in evening time;
  • frequent headaches and the inability to get rid of them even with the help of medicines;
  • burst vessels on the white of the eye;
  • severe fatigue eye in the evening discomfort when looking up or to the side;
  • blurred vision after a night's sleep, when it takes time for it to return to normal;
  • eye fatigue during visual work;
  • decrease in clear visibility when moving from a bright room to a darker one.

Here are the main symptoms of the so-called hypertension of the eyes, which doctors advise to pay attention to, especially with a predisposition to glaucoma. If they are repeated regularly, then this is an occasion to contact a specialist for a thorough check of the organs of vision.

Risk factors that may cause an increase in IOP

An increase in pressure inside the eyeball can also be caused by some common diseases person. That is why the doctor collects in detail all the data about your lifestyle, hereditary diseases, and even about what activities you like to get involved in, in order to accurately establish clinical picture. For example, an increase in ophthalmotonus can provoke disturbances in the work internal systems or organs.

1. Diabetes. This is a group of endocrine diseases characterized by an increase in blood sugar, as well as the inability of the pancreas to produce the hormone insulin. In the body, there are constant jumps in sugar from normal to high or, conversely, low. In this regard, problems with the state of blood vessels begin, causing an increase arterial and intraocular pressure.
2. Vegetovascular dystonia. Persons suffering from VVD may complain of interruptions in the work of the heart, a decrease or jump in blood pressure, as well as headache and dizziness. In this case, the work of many body systems is disrupted. VVD can also cause an increase in ophthalmotonus.
3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Their list is quite extensive. It can be atherosclerosis, congenital heart disease, violation of the elasticity of blood vessels, varicose veins and many other ailments affecting normal functioning heart and blood vessels.
4. Diseases of the kidneys. Severe and long-lasting glomerulonephritis, as well as a wrinkled kidney, can lead to retinal lesions and increased eye pressure.
5. The presence of uveitis, astigmatism, farsightedness and some other disorders can also cause an increase in IOP.
6. Post-traumatic glaucoma. Occurs after mechanical or chemical damage to the organs of vision.
7. Long pastime at the computer monitor. Research scientists have long confirmed the fact that a long stay in front of the screen and intense visual work can provoke an increase in ophthalmotonus. The eyes are in constant tension, the person begins to blink several times less often, the head may ache and IOP may increase.

We have listed several factors that can cause an increase in intraocular pressure. In addition, people over 40 years of age are at risk, since the older age the more common the disease. However, increased eye pressure can also be observed in children, so parents should be vigilant. If he has any visual impairment (myopia, astigmatism, lazy eye syndrome, and others), then this is a reason to keep eye pressure readings in children under control.

How is eye pressure measured?

At home, the patient can use only one method available to him - palpation through the eyelids of the eyeball, by touch determining the degree of its density. If the pressure is normal, then with gentle pressure under the fingers, a moderately elastic round ball should be felt. With an increased IOP, it will be quite hard and not prone to deformation, and with a reduced one, on the contrary, it will sag. Of course, this method does not give true readings and can only be used to understand the approximate state, although people suffering from increased IOP, over time, acquire the necessary skills. The exact same data can be found in the doctor's office, where he will conduct an examination with the help of special devices, and also examine your fundus.

Tonometric measurement method. It is carried out using a tonometer. There are several types of them, but the most famous and common are the Maklakov tonometer and the Goldman tonometer. We will not go into technical details and a description of the measurement procedure, it is only important that these methods will help determine the exact intraocular pressure.
Non-contact tonometers. Sophisticated electronic devices, which are used more and more often today, since this method gives even more accurate readings. If with the help of the first two tonometers a direct effect on the eye is made, drugs are used to anesthetize the cornea, since physical impact on the organ of vision, then with the help of a non-contact tonometer, measurements are carried out by means of an air jet directed to the cornea.

What other consequences can occur with high blood pressure?

In most cases, an increase in IOP leads to glaucoma, but there are cases when it also provokes the following disorders:

  • retinal detachment - the process of separation of the retina from the vascular. IN healthy eye they are closely related. As a result of retinal detachment, marked decline quality of vision;
  • optic neuropathy - partial or complete destruction nerve fibers, which are responsible for transmitting images to the brain. This can lead to color vision distortion.

These two eye disorders, along with glaucoma, with untimely intervention, lead to blindness in almost 100% of cases. That is why it is so important to monitor the pressure inside the eyes, especially after the age of 40.

Treatment for high eye pressure

By far the most common and accessible way reduction of increased ophthalmotonus is the use of special drops that normalize it. But it is also necessary to take into account the reasons that provoked an increase in IOP, if possible, dealing with their elimination or treatment.
In addition to drops, there are also several other methods of dealing with high eye pressure. The optometrist may prescribe physiotherapy procedures ( vacuum massage, color pulse therapy and others), which are carried out in a hospital.

The most cardinal way to normalize pressure is surgical intervention. There are also several types of them: goniotomy, trabeculectomy and the most advanced method - laser operation. With the help of a laser beam, the outflow pathways of intraocular fluid are opened, as a result of which the ophthalmotonus is reduced. But, unfortunately, for the operation, the patient must meet certain requirements, and not everyone fits them. In any case, the method of treatment is selected individually depending on age, severity of the disease, individual features organism.

Prevention of high eye pressure

What to do if you are at risk? First of all, adjust your diet, thus contributing to the stability of IOP. Minimize intake of salt, sugar, fast carbohydrates and include in your daily diet following products: dark chocolate, nuts, eggs, vegetables and fruits of red color. It is also necessary to maintain in the body enough vitamins of group E, ascorbic acid and beta carotene.

In addition to nutrition, you must also follow the simple recommendations of doctors, adhering to right image life: spend more time on fresh air stop smoking and alcohol, do not consume products containing increased amount cholesterol, do not carry out long time behind the screens of gadgets and computers, perform special gymnastics for eyes.
Eyes are our window to the world, with their help a person perceives up to 90% of the surrounding information, which is why it is important to keep their health in order until old age. If there is discomfort in the eyes, do not hesitate and make an appointment with a doctor. wish good health and good vision!

Deviation from the established indicators of intraocular pressure indicates violations, pathological processes flowing inside the eye. The norm of eye pressure varies throughout life, for each age its own limits are set.

What is ocular pressure?

The fluid in the anterior wall of the eye and the vitreous body have a certain effect on the intraocular wall. Thanks to the normal constant tone not only the shape of the eyeball is maintained, but also good vision. Any deviation directly or indirectly affects the health of the eyes.

Every second in the eye there is an inflow and outflow of fluids that provide trophism to the eye. Normally, an average of about 2 mm of fluid enters per minute. The same amount should “leave” - maintaining a balance is the key to normal intraocular pressure. If the outflow is less than the inflow, the pressure increases, otherwise it decreases.

There are 3 degrees of violation of intraocular pressure:

  1. Short-term does not affect the vessels, passes on its own, no treatment is required;
  2. Short-term jumps (with labile disorders) pass without medical help, but occur with a certain frequency and constancy;
  3. Stable increase in pressure that does not pass on its own.

High blood pressure threatens with atrophy of the optic nerve. Any violations of intraocular pressure require examination, monitoring and treatment.

How to measure intraocular pressure

Measurement of intraocular pressure is carried out in several ways:

  1. The first, the oldest, is named after the scientist who developed it - Alexei Nikolaevich Maklakov. During the measurement, the cornea of ​​​​the eye is deprived of sensitivity with the help of local anesthesia and hang a small weight on it. According to the imprint that remains on the shell of the eye, the ophthalmologist determines the intraocular pressure.
  2. Pneumotonometry - measurement of eye pressure under the influence of an air jet.
  3. Electronograph is a modern measuring device that allows you to obtain data without direct contact with the eye. During the measurement, the inflow and outflow of intraocular fluid is artificially stimulated. This method is the most accurate and is gaining more and more popularity.

If desired, you can purchase an eye pressure tonometer that allows you to measure intraocular pressure yourself. It captures corneal vibrations through a closed eyelid, does not require anesthesia, and is suitable for diagnosis in both adults and children.

Norm of intraocular pressure

Normal intraocular pressure ranges from 18 to 30 mm Hg. Art. The highest numbers are fixed in the morning, after waking up. This is due to the long stay in horizontal position and dominance of the parasympathetic nervous system. By evening, the indicators decrease, the difference can be up to 2 mm Hg. Art.

This figure is the same for children, adults - women and men under 40 years old.

  • With age, the indicators decrease, after 40, the pressure is normal, equal to 10-22 mm Hg. Art.;
  • After 50-60 to 70 years, ophthalmologists consider normal pressure at 22-25 mm Hg. Art.;
  • After 70 allowed slight increase, up to 23 - 26 mm, but the older a person becomes, the more carefully you need to control the indicators, undergo a preventive examination at least once every six months. High blood pressure may signal developing glaucoma.

Increased ophthalmotonus

The causes of increased intraocular pressure can be:

An increase in intraocular pressure may be secondary symptom malignant neoplasms, squeezing the eye from the inside and disrupting the inflow and outflow of fluid; inflammation and injury to the eye.

However main reason constantly elevated intraocular pressure - glaucoma, resulting in severely reduced vision, up to complete blindness.

Symptoms of increased ophthalmotonus:

  • Headache, most often localized in the temple area;
  • Stably progressive decrease in visual acuity;
  • Bright spots, concentric circles, dots and flies before the eyes;
  • Violation of night vision;
  • Reduction of the visual angle.

How to lower intraocular pressure

To stabilize the numbers, the ophthalmologist prescribes drops that improve eye nutrition, in serious cases surgery is required, but each time the cause should be established and the disease should be treated, not its symptom.

Decreased intraocular pressure

A decrease in intraocular pressure is observed with:

  • Lowering blood pressure;
  • Injuries and damage to the eyes;
  • Inflammatory diseases eye;
  • retinal detachment;
  • General dehydration of the body;
  • Diabetes;
  • Serious pathologies of the liver.

How to check if the pressure in the eyes has decreased?

Signs of low blood pressure are:

  • Dryness of the eye membranes;
  • Dropping of the eyeballs against the background of an acute deterioration in general well-being.

When symptoms appear, the patient needs emergency medical attention.

Prevention is essential for eye health. healthy lifestyle life, rejection bad habits, blood pressure control, rest for the eyes, as well as, preventive examinations at least once every 6 months.

The first sign indicating increased intraocular pressure is eye fatigue. This is noticeable primarily in people whose daily activities are associated with a large load on the visual organs: drivers, writers, teachers. An increase in intraocular pressure is also indicated by eye fatigue at the end of the working day, a decrease in visual acuity and clarity, and the appearance of running dots before the eyes.

Another symptom characteristic of this pathology is pain, aggravated by light pressure on the eyeball. The intensity of the pain depends on how much inside the eye. Cutting pains, accompanied by visual impairment, indicate eye fatigue in combination with increased intraocular pressure.

A chronic increase in intraocular pressure leads to a change visual functions eye. At the same time, the angle of vision narrows in a person, he ceases to see “from the corner of his eye”, respectively, he is poorly oriented in space.

small blood vessels, which is rich in the mucous membrane of the eyes, are destroyed under the influence of high pressure, as a result, small hemorrhages can be observed on it. Constant redness of the eyes, the appearance of a network of capillaries on the mucosa also clearly indicate the presence of pathology.

A chronic increase in intraocular pressure is characteristic of glaucoma, a disease that leads to atrophy of the optic nerve and, as a result, to blindness.

Uncharacteristic symptoms of increased intraocular pressure

Nonspecific signs of increased intraocular pressure include:


Feeling of being foreign body in the eye;

Dryness of the mucous membrane of the visual organs.

With glaucoma, headaches are localized in the temples, can be given to upper jaw, wear chronic. High pressure renders negative impact on all structures of the visual organs, contributes to a decrease in their functions, can interfere with normal tearing and moisturizing of the mucous membrane of the eye.

These signs, in combination with the main symptoms, usually indicate long course pathology and the presence irreversible changes in the structures of the eye.

Signs of a sharp increase in intraocular pressure

Sharp increase intraocular pressure often occurs unexpectedly, without visible on that. This state is accompanied by pronounced signs: severe headache, blurred vision, nausea, cutting pain in the eyes, in especially severe cases - vomiting and loss of consciousness.

If these symptoms occur, urgent health care. A sharp increase in intraocular pressure above 80 mm Hg. Art. within a few days leads to irreversible loss of vision.



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