How to drink fir oil. Properties and uses of fir oil

All trees of the pine family contain a lot of useful substances, so extracts and extracts from their bark or needles have been found wide application in medicine. The most common remedy is fir oil, medicinal properties which can be used not only to fight diseases, but also as cosmetic product. It is obtained by steaming shoots of fir, which grows in Eastern Siberia. The result is a translucent liquid with a persistent smell of needles.

Chemical composition

  • Monoterpenes are hydrocarbons with a pronounced bactericidal action. That is why fir oil is widely used in the fight against infections. Monoterpenes can have a warming and analgesic effect.
  • Limonene is a substance with a strong aroma.
  • Ocimenes are hydrocarbons responsible for the persistent smell of fir. They are insoluble in water and can oxidize in the open air.
  • Myrcene is a monoterpene, which is a water-insoluble oily liquid. It is included in the composition of coniferous oils: fir, pine, spruce.
  • Carotene is a carbohydrate that protects the cells of the body from destruction, fights free radicals. It has immunostimulating properties, but the use of carotene has contraindications for people with cirrhosis of the liver and hypothyroidism.
  • Ascorbic acid - another name - vitamin C. An organic compound with a strong antioxidant effect, helps to accelerate regeneration processes.

The chemical composition of the oil is such that it is absolutely insoluble in water and in glycerin. This makes it inconvenient to use for baths. To achieve the solubility of a substance, it is necessary to mix it with vegetable or mineral oil.

Use in the treatment of diseases

Fir essential oil is used in several areas of medicine: for prevention viral diseases, in dentistry, cosmetology, otolaryngology, dermatology and rheumatology. But even such useful product is not a panacea for all diseases, so before you start using it, you need to consult a medical specialist.

Treatment of acute viral diseases

SARS is an infection caused by pneumotropic viruses. It affects the respiratory system and can be complicated by a bacterial infection.

How to use the oil: pure form, undiluted. Apply 5-6 drops to a cotton swab and rub the shoulders, back and chest.

Mechanism of action: The above properties of fir oil suggest the presence volatile substances in its composition. When rubbed, they begin to evaporate and settle on the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. In addition, the sick person also inhales them, so monoterpenes have the opportunity to penetrate the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx.

Since volatile hydrocarbons have a strong bactericidal property, the use of the fir oil rubbing method prevents the development of angina and the infection in the lower respiratory tract.

Treatment of angina

Acute tonsillitis is characterized severe inflammation pharynx and tonsils. The main causative agents of the disease are streptococci and staphylococci.

How to use the oil: in a diluted form. Q-tip dip into a vial with vegetable oil and the drug dissolved in it, and then make 2 strokes on the surface of each tonsil. This option of using essential fir oil has contraindications: if the patient is allergic, then there is a possibility of suffocation.

Mechanism of action: direct application to the affected areas of the mucous membranes allows the agent to have a powerful bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. Relief of the condition is observed already in the first hours after a single procedure.

Ocimenes and monoterpenes, which are part of essential oil coniferous trees tend to destroy coccal infections by direct contact with them. However, during the use of the substance, care must be taken: too frequent use of it will lead to burns of the mucous membranes. The ideal option will gargle with a decoction of flaxseed an hour after the procedure.

Tuberculosis treatment

Tuberculosis is a disease caused by mycobacteria. At present, there is no way complete cure, the situation is complicated by the fact that the disease is prone to relapse.

How to use the oil: orally, diluted. In the undiluted state, it is used as inhalation. A few drops can be applied to a hot battery in a room, or the substance can be sprayed in such a way that a suspension of volatile substances spreads throughout the room. When ingested, be sure to dilute with vegetable fat.

Mechanism of action: fir oil with daily inhalation settles in the lungs. The longer and more regularly the spray is made, the more it will accumulate in the respiratory organs, destroying the Koch wand and slowing down inflammatory processes that are caused by mycobacteria. But, despite the presence of healing and disinfecting properties of fir oil, when it is ingested, there are contraindications: cirrhosis of the liver and duodenal ulcer.

Treatment of periodontitis and periodontitis

Damage to the periodontal tissue is a frequent companion diabetes and vegetative dystonia. main reason deterioration of the periodontal condition - insufficient blood supply to the gums.

How to use the oil: apply 4 drops of the substance on a cotton pad and use massage movements rub it into the surface of the mucous membrane of the gums. With stomatitis - treat inner surface cheeks

Mechanism of action: ascorbic acid and myrcene, which are part of fir, help improve blood flow, and also activate metabolic processes at the places of application. Fir essential oil, in addition to its bactericidal properties, accelerates the regeneration of the mucous membrane, as a result of which microcracks on its surface heal quickly, and if the substance is used daily, bleeding gums will gradually disappear.

Hair Loss Treatment

Alopecia involves hair loss due to hormonal imbalance or insufficient circulation of the scalp.

How to use the oil: Mix 10-15 drops with 3 tablespoons of hair balm. Rub into the scalp, hold for no more than 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly with shampoo. If the hair is rinsed with ordinary water, then it will be greasy after drying, since ocimenes are present in the composition of fir essential oil.

Mechanism of action: being absorbed into the skin, the substance enriches hair follicles keratin and vitamin C. This leads to the fact that the structure of the hair becomes smooth, and the hair itself becomes shiny.

If you distribute the resulting mixture along the entire length of the hair, then the keratin will be able to be absorbed into the tips. But in this case, you need to keep the product less - only 5 minutes, because the properties of fir oil can contribute to severe drying of the hair.

Joint treatment

Rheumatism is a lesion of the periarticular soft tissues. The disease has bacterial nature, often its pathogens are streptococci.

How to use the oil: in its pure form, 20 - 25 drops, apply on a cotton swab and rub into the joints. After that, it is advisable to wrap the treated areas with a woolen cloth to keep warm.

Mechanism of action: among the properties of fir essential oil, the ability to improve blood flow is distinguished, so its use for the treatment of joints can significantly alleviate the symptoms of rheumatism. Myrcene and vitamin C not only increase the blood supply to the articular tissue, but also nourish it, as well as improve metabolism, accelerate the regeneration of joint cells.

Contraindications for use

The use of a substance may adversely affect the course of certain diseases. internal organs and respiratory organs. Before starting treatment, you need to check your health and visit a doctor.

If the examination reveals serious illnesses, medical specialist will prohibit therapy with fir oil, which can provoke a deterioration in the state of the body up to the development anaphylactic shock. Absolute contraindications include the following pathologies:

  • Stones in the kidneys. The point is that at nephrolithiasis harmful excess intake into the body ascorbic acid, which only accelerates the formation of sand and stones. Fir oil is rich in vitamin C, so oral consumption of this product will aggravate the course of kidney stones.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver. The disease involves a change in consistency this body, irreversible tissue replacement by stroma. Therefore, any means that can cause an overabundance of a certain organic compound in the body, can lead to lethal outcome. The composition of fir is rich in keratin, so the use of the product inside has contraindications.
  • Bronchial asthma. The content of several types of volatile substances in the drug can cause allergies and provoke suffocation. Moreover, such a danger exists both with oral use and with inhalation. You also need to be careful if the patient has respiratory allergy, in which the essential oil of fir can provoke swelling of the larynx.
  • If the skin has hypersensitivity, then rubbing with an undiluted product will lead to redness and peeling, so you must first apply it to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and rub in with massaging movements. If after 30 minutes there is no reaction on the surface of the epidermis, then fir oil can be rubbed into the joints. But even in the absence of redness during testing, you should not rub the product undiluted into the scalp - this will dry out the hair and burn the hair follicles.

What else can be used healing power fir oil? In autumn and spring medicine used as a prophylaxis against influenza viral infections- it is enough to leave a cotton swab with a few drops of the substance at the head of the bed for the night.

Video: Healing oil from 100 ailments

Nature does not just give us its riches. Sometimes it seems that everything in this world is provided so that people can prevent the appearance of many diseases. You just have to remember that there are.
Fir oil It is a universal healer for many incipient diseases. It is often said that " better disease prevent rather than treat it.

How to make fir oil?

Fir oil is obtained by steam processing needles and young shoots (oil yield is only about 1%). In Russia, it is produced mainly in Eastern Siberia (Tuva, Khakassia, Krasnoyarsk Territory) - in ecologically clean places. Canadian ( North America) and white fir (Western Europe).

The chemical composition of fir oil

The composition of fir oil is represented mainly by monoterpene hydrocarbons and bornyl acetate. Main essential component Siberian fir oil is bornyl acetate(about 30-40%), which is ester borneol and acetic acid. It is used for inhalation, in perfumery and household chemicals.
Fir oil also contains many useful elements, for example, tannins , which have the property of creating insoluble molecular bonds with alkaloid salts and heavy metals followed by their removal from the body.
Stock available carotene, which, creating an anti-oxidative effect, protects cell membranes from destruction by free radicals. A lot of ascorbic acid, vitamin E and others, the usefulness of which everyone knows.

Properties of fir oil

Fir oil is a colorless or slightly colored liquid with a pleasant characteristic odor needles. Fir oil is perfectly soluble in ethanol (that is, in alcohol-containing liquids) and vegetable oils; bad - in glycerin and almost completely insoluble in water. It should be noted that it is dangerous in terms of fire (flash point - 59º C).
Fir oil has various medicinal properties: antiviral, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, tonic, expectorant, soothing, regenerating, bactericidal and other qualities.

How to apply fir oil?

Since ancient times, people have learned to use fir oil at home as a powerful remedy with high biological value components.
When ingesting fir oil, it is very important to remember that it does not decompose in the stomach, but immediately penetrates into the blood, which allows already on initial stage extinguish the inflammatory process.
Fir oil is used to treat many colds(flu, bronchitis, pneumonia), as well as diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract.
Fir oil is a source of vitamins, increases efficiency, increases the body's immune forces, relieves the body of harmful substances, normalizes blood pressure, helps with the syndrome chronic fatigue, which is accompanied by a lack vitality and insomnia.
External application of oil allows you to cure abrasions and cuts, destroy foci of suppuration due to its powerful disinfectant action. It is successfully used for bruises, sciatica, arthritis, polyarthritis. The oil is also used as adjuvant therapy in the treatment of women and male diseases genital area, herpes, eczema, psoriasis, burns, sinusitis, fungus on the legs, etc.
Fir oil is also successfully used in cosmetology. Its rich composition has so many healing properties that when it is used in a person, the condition of the hair, skin of the face and body improves. Add a few drops of oil to creams, balms, ointments, gels, shampoos, etc.
In addition, healing (antiviral) oil vapors are used in influenza epidemics, in aromatherapy and as a simple room fragrance.

The use of fir oil for colds and other diseases.

If you feel that overcooled, then you can take a bath by adding fir oil to the water (a few drops). Water should be no more than 40 degrees, otherwise the effect will not be pronounced, since the fatty components of the oil will not be able to create a uniform film on the water.
In the bath should be no more than 20 minutes. A slight tingling of the skin is considered normal. After taking a bath, rub yourself well with a towel, put on warm socks, drink medicinal tea and go to sleep in a warm bed. In the morning it will be much easier.
When coughing, which occurs as a result of colds and flu, you can immediately use fir oil as therapeutic inhalations or drip 3-5 drops on the base of the tongue (2 times a day).
For colds it is also recommended to rub the oil in the area of ​​the chest, collar part of the back, feet, then wrap the rubbed areas with compressor paper and wrap the patient with a blanket (up to 4 times a day). To enhance the effect, you can drip one drop of oil also into the nose.
For normalization blood pressure you need to start taking with two drops of oil (it is possible with a small amount of honey), gradually increasing to 10 drops 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 30-40 days. For supporting normal level pressure is recommended after consultation with a doctor, it is possible to switch to a single oil intake (once a day with a break for two weeks every two months).
With herpes cotton wool moistened with fir oil is applied for 15-20 minutes to the sore spot (2-3 times a day).
With a fungus on the legs you need to make lotions with fir oil for 20-30 minutes.

Fir oil contraindications

I would like to remind you once again that before using any natural product as a treatment, it is worth consulting a doctor to identify allergies to some components, and there is also an individual intolerance.
The oil should not be used internally during acute stage kidney disease, stomach ulcers, etc.
Due to the possibility of destruction of tooth enamel, direct contact with the oil on the teeth should be avoided.
When combining the use of fir oil with alcohol, unpleasant reactions and the absence of a therapeutic effect may occur.
A clear contraindication to the use of fir preparations is pregnancy and lactation, as there is a danger of allergies.

Infusions of fir needles used to treat infectious ulcers, wounds.
Decoctions of needles(collected at the end of July) is used as a diuretic and disinfectant.
Fir balm, obtained by squeezing out the "nodules" of the bark clear liquid(gum), has an antiseptic effect.
Essential oil fir is used to obtain camphor (which enhances the activity of the heart by excitation nervous system), camphor alcohol(with myositis, neuritis, articular rheumatism).

Fir oil is amazingly useful natural product. You must always remember that natural resources are the best because they are unique. You can read about other oils (,) in previous articles.

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Let's talk today about the essential oil of fir, because with the onset of cold weather, essential oils occupy a particularly important position among natural helpers in the fight against viruses.

Antiseptic, immune strengthening, fragrant oils known for their beneficial influence How on environment, so on human body, in particular.

Today we will analyze one of them - healing oil Siberian fir. And also consider what is useful fir oil and how to use it correctly.

From this article you will learn:

Fir essential oil - what is fir oil good for?

Fir essential oil is obtained from the needles, young shoots and cones of evergreen coniferous trees of Balsam Fir (Abies balsamea) or Siberian Fir ( Abies sibirica) by steam distillation.

The chemical composition of fir oil

In my own way chemical composition fir oil is rich, especially those that have antiseptic and bactericidal properties:

  • Borneol
  • Camphor
  • Terpinolene
  • Myrcene
  • sabinene
  • cineole
  • lauric, caproic, oleic acids

Fir oil - useful properties

Since ancient times, people have been using young shoots of fir, as well as coniferous trees to obtain valuable oil.

Fir is able to grow exclusively in clean air.

It is thanks to this feature that the tree extract has a high biological activity.

Remember the sayings about good health inhabitants of Siberia? But the truth is, the biological concentration of fir trees in this region allows people to generously use natural resource for the benefit of health.

Fir oil is widely used in cosmetology and medicine, as well as in everyday life, as a powerful disinfectant, soothing, cleansing agent.

Fir oil in cosmetology:

  • Promotes smoothing of small wrinkles, eliminates flabbiness;
  • Rejuvenating effect on mature skin and effectively cleanses problematic young;
  • With proper, regular use relieves swelling, various inflammations, tones and refreshes the skin.

The role of fir oil in dermatology:

  • Used alone or in combination with other natural remedies, eliminates warts;
  • Helps in the fight against dermatosis;
  • Heals wounds and cuts;
  • Neutralizes infected areas of the skin;
  • With fungal diseases of the legs (as well as excessive sweating) fir oil is used as part of lotions, applications and baths;
  • Pure or mixed with a base oil, fir oil neutralizes insect bites and blisters.

Impact on the internal organs of a person:

  • It is indicated for ENT diseases as a strong anti-inflammatory, analgesic;
  • Helps in the treatment of infectious diseases respiratory system. Especially effective when;
  • Relieves pain various origins: muscle, bone, articular. It is indicated for osteochondrosis, neuritis, arthritis, neuralgia;
  • Used in gynecology and urology as an antiseptic flushing agent;
  • Shown for internal use in the treatment of intestinal diseases;
  • Used in dentistry, fir oil is included in the compress for periodontal disease;
  • In the treatment of eye diseases (barley, blepharitis, holazium). A couple of drops of fir oil are rubbed directly into tightly compressed eyelids with light massaging movements;
  • Is natural.

Impact on psycho-emotional state person:

  • Recommended for stress, fatigue, as a harmonizing natural tonic;
  • In pharmaceuticals, it is used as a mild nervous stimulant, so it is often used for aromatherapy in saunas and steam rooms.

The use of fir oil in everyday life:

How to use fir essential oil:

  1. For skin diseases (rashes, ringworm, cuts, bruises, non-healing wounds) it is good to use fir essential oil undiluted or mixed with fresh (diluting 20 ml of oil with standing juice to a jelly-like state) and treat the affected areas several times a day.
  2. For effective treatment dermatosis, you can use the following mixture: dilute 20 ml of fir oil in 20 ml alcohol tincture, insist 3 days. Apply as needed, but carefully (only not on open wounds since the infusion can cause burns).
  3. For fast healing wounds, compresses are used from a bandage abundantly soaked in fir oil. A waterproof film is tied on top of the bandage and left for 10-12 hours, after which the bandage is changed.
  4. For colds, baths, massages, compresses are recommended. To prepare a bath warm water diluted with 50 ml of oil. The procedure time is 15 minutes.
  5. If necessary, the whole bath can be replaced with a local one - for legs and arms. To prepare it, you need a bowl full of hot water and 20 ml of fir oil. The time of taking a local bath is 5-10 minutes.
  6. With a disease of internal organs, as well as with a cold, fir oil is recommended to be used orally. The most simple and universal recipe for internal use consists in diluting fir oil (6 ml) with 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of any natural juice other than citrus. Take a couple of times a day before meals. You can also replace the juice with hot herbal tea.

Homemade balm "Asterisk" with fir oil

Remember the good old savior at the first symptoms of a cold and flu?

In fact, its magical composition is very simple for home cooking:

For this, we need healing fir oil (5 ml), rosemary essential oil (5 ml), essential mint oil(5 ml) and any base, for example, sunflower (50 ml). All oils are mixed and stored in a dark bottle (or glass jar) for up to a year.

It is used both for the prevention of colds, and when it occurs, as well as in contact with patients or severe hypothermia.

Simply shake the bottle of cold mixture well, place a couple of drops in the palms of your hands and rub your chest and back vigorously.

Video about the beneficial properties of fir oil

Be sure to watch this video about healing properties fir oil and all methods of its application.

Contraindications to the use of fir oil

Carefully use the essential oil of fir should be during pregnancy, as well as kidney disease.

Like any essential oil, fir has a dozen healing properties, but is a strong concentrate.

Therefore, use the oil in small doses, if possible, diluting it in basic cosmetic substances.

Where to buy natural fir oil?

You can find fir oil in pharmacies, aroma oil stores, and I buy this fir oil in the iherb online store.

What do you know folk recipes using fir oil?

Checked its effectiveness on personal experience?

Please share your knowledge, leave feedback, comments.

I will be glad if the article turns out to be useful and, according to the season, relevant to you, your friends and relatives.

Alena Yasneva was with you, see you soon!

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During work, our brain expends an amount of energy equal to a 10-watt light bulb. So the image of a light bulb above your head at the moment an interesting thought arises is not so far from the truth.

The weight of the human brain is about 2% of the total body weight, but it consumes about 20% of the oxygen entering the blood. This fact makes human brain extremely susceptible to damage caused by lack of oxygen.

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Many drugs were originally marketed as medicines. Heroin, for example, was originally introduced to the market as a cure for baby cough. And cocaine was recommended by doctors as an anesthetic and as a means of increasing stamina.

During a sneeze, our body completely stops working. Even the heart stops.

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The well-known drug "Viagra" was originally developed for the treatment of arterial hypertension.

The benefits of fir oil have been known since ancient times. His healing qualities used for treatment various diseases, as well as in cosmetic purposes. The product is made from shoots and needles of fir, fir grows in ecologically clean areas. The essential oil has a pronounced coniferous aroma, contains glycerides, acids, aldehydes.

Properties of oil extract

The benefits of fir oil are due to special composition, which includes vitamins C and E, tannins, carotenoids. It can be used alone or in combination with other medicinal mixtures and oils, orally or topically.

It can be included in various ointments and balms, apply for inhalations and baths. The range of application of this oil is very wide. Fir oil extract has the following properties:

  • antimicrobial;
  • antiseptic;
  • restorative;
  • choleretic;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • healing;
  • disinfectant;
  • rejuvenating;
  • tonic.

Fir extract helps stimulate metabolism and improves metabolism. Its benefits will be noticeable when cleansing the body of toxins and toxins with the help of it. The diuretic properties of this extract are known. After its application excess fluid excreted from the body naturally. In addition, it contributes to the conclusions toxic substances from the body.

Additional properties of the hood

Due to the analgesic properties of this coniferous extract, it can be used for rheumatic diseases and joint pathologies as a natural analgesic. With arthritis, its use will help eliminate inflammation and reduce the resulting redness on the skin.

The pleasant aroma of the hood is able to improve the atmosphere of the room; many residents of Siberia use the substance as an air freshener.

Fir oil is treated infectious diseases, namely urinary tract such as cystitis, prostatitis. For these purposes, baths are taken with the addition of 10 drops of the extract.

Because it pine oil has a good antiseptic property, it is successfully used for various injuries or cuts. Fir helps to get rid of fungal diseases of the feet. Cholagogue properties will help with inflammation of the gallbladder and cholelithiasis.

Often fir oil is used for the prevention and treatment of various colds, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, influenza, SARS, bronchial asthma.

It is able to have an expectorant effect in colds, which are accompanied by a cough. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the central nervous system, helping to get rid of stress and chronic fatigue, helps with neuroses and sleep disorders.

Application in the field of cosmetology

Benefit from essential extract fir is palpable in the field of skin care for the face and body. It helps to eliminate various skin problems:

  • smoothes superficial wrinkles;
  • tones the skin;
  • has a rejuvenating effect;
  • suitable for the care of aging skin;
  • relieves pustular lesions (acne, boils, rash);
  • increases elasticity and firmness;
  • relieves puffiness of the face;
  • cleanses the pores.

If desired, you can mix it with rosemary extract. In exactly the same way, fir oil is used for a purulent-inflammatory rash or herpes infection on the lips. A small amount of oil lubricates various skin lesions skin scratches, cuts, wounds, bruises, burns.

The carotenoids contained in fir essential oil protect the skin from harmful effects free radicals and promote the regeneration of skin cells. Vitamin E, which is present in fir oil, stimulates the production of collagen and eliminates increased fragility vessels. Vitamin C improves skin color and has a rejuvenating effect on it. The anti-inflammatory property of fir allows the use of this remedy for skin prone to oily, inflammatory manifestations, acne.

The issue of skin diseases

For the treatment of such skin diseases like dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, it is useful to include essential fir oil. To do this, a piece of gauze is wetted in the extract and applied to the affected area.

It is recommended to repeat this procedure several times a day. When using fir in cosmetology, it must be taken into account that it often causes severe irritation. Therefore, in its pure form, it is used only pointwise, for example, as with acne. For application to the skin, especially on a large surface, it must be diluted.

Are there any contraindications?

Despite the high benefits of fir oil, its use is somewhat limited for individuals with certain diseases and states. Its use is not recommended in the following cases:

  • allergic reaction;
  • deep wounds on the surface of the skin;
  • various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • serious pathologies of the kidneys;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • pregnancy;
  • addiction to alcoholic beverages.

Since fir oil contains specific components, treatment with it has its own contraindications. It is undesirable to use during pregnancy, and in any form. Individuals with stomach or kidney disease are at risk of getting serious complications by drinking oil on an empty stomach. In addition, they can have serious poisoning from this extract.

Treatment of children

The use of fir essential oil for children also has its limitations. If the child is prone to manifestations allergic reactions, then it is recommended to refrain from fir extract. Although it is used to treat colds, it can cause airway spasm in a child.

When there is no intolerance to this oil, its use is allowed only in diluted form. Before using this remedy for children, it is necessary to discuss this issue with a pediatrician.


Fir oil has the ability to persist in the human body for several days after ingestion, so the use of alcoholic beverages should be postponed for a week after the end. medical procedures using this oil.

Instead of benefit, you can get harm from using fir extract for people who suffer from heart disease or hypertension.

The hood has wide range actions, use without observing the regulations often leads to burns and damage to the epithelium. Do not use the substance without the advice of a doctor or nurse. The composition of the esters often leads to irritation of the skin and mucous membranes if the substance was applied in a room with poor ventilation.

The use of the extract must take place in several stages, the body must get used to the substance, gradually the droplets of the product increase. Some herbalists advise adding fir liquid to the cream, but in small quantities.

Such additional agents in cosmetics are able to establish the exchange in skin cells and bring the regeneration process back to normal.

Video: Fir oil is a panacea for all diseases



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