Is it possible to drink oak bark tea. Healing properties of oak bark and contraindications

Each of us has known about apricots since childhood. small juicy, fragrant fruits so they beckon to themselves with a sweet taste. Let's learn more about its beneficial qualities.

A wonderful fruit can be consumed in several forms. It can be fresh fruits, welded, baked, in the form of dried fruits. In addition to these well-known methods, there is another one - apricot-based tincture. For its preparation, you can use the fruits themselves, the seeds, and also mix both ingredients.

A universal way to use fruits will allow you to use their surplus, if any. Also, the preparation of tinctures will help preserve useful material for a long time. You will be able to accept natural vitamins even in winter period when they are especially scarce.


On the kernels of apricot kernels

Ingredients you will need:

  • apricot kernels - 200 g;
  • vodka - 1 l;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • vanilla - 4-5 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Peeled apricot kernels must be crushed.
  2. Then fill them with vodka and insist on the sun for 4-5 weeks.
  3. After that, the resulting tincture is filtered through gauze folded in several layers or coffee paper filter.
  4. After straining put sugar, vanilla
  5. In order for the resulting tincture not to be very strong, you can put in it not sugar, but sugar syrup.
  6. To prepare the syrup, boil 0.5 liters of water and dissolve 100 g of sugar. The resulting liquid is added to the drink, mix well.
  7. Tincture on apricot kernels ready!

On apricots and pits

This is one of the very old, proven recipes. It is very easy to cook it. It turns out fragrant, pleasant to the taste, beautiful amber color tincture.

Ingredients needed to make the tincture:

  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • vodka - 1 l;
  • cinnamon - 4-5 g;
  • cloves - 5 pieces;
  • sugar 250 g.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Apricots should be washed, dried and pitted.
  2. The kernels of the bones are taken out, crushed well.
  3. Fruit pulp is cut into small pieces.
  4. The two ingredients obtained are put in a jar, sugar, cinnamon and cloves are added.
  5. The resulting mixture is poured with vodka.
  6. The contents of the jar are closed with a lid, hidden in a dark place.
  7. A month later, you need to open the jar, filter the resulting workpiece first through a sieve. Then through gauze or coffee paper 2-3 times and cork in bottles.
  8. Your tincture is ready!

In addition to the above recipes, apricot kernels are also prepared essential oil. It looks like peach or almond.


The fruit has many useful properties. Among them are the following:

  • improves memory and brain activity;
  • is an excellent diuretic;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin;
  • may have a laxative and decongestant effect;
  • has antibacterial properties.

Apricot kernel also contains many vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, C, E. Vitamin A - cleanses blood vessels, makes the walls more elastic, helps to fight against increased level cholesterol. Other useful components, minerals have a positive effect on the whole organism. Strengthening like individual bodies, as well as their systems.


Apricot kernels in the form of oil or tincture are used for coughs, laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma and other diseases respiratory tract. Also, the oil can be used for rubbing into the cuticle, nail plate, hair ends. This will have a healing effect.

It is useful to take a tincture of pulp and / or apricot kernels in small quantities for such diseases:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • kidney disease;
  • constipation;
  • anemia.

During the rise mental stress the use of apricot tinctures is also recommended. They are used as maintenance therapy in the treatment of oncological pathologies.
The bactericidal properties of the pulp will perfectly manifest themselves in the treatment of work disorders gastrointestinal tract. Also, a few drops of oil or tincture can be added to face and hair masks. Such masks will be more nutritious and fortified.


This beautiful fruit and its derivatives have some contraindications:

  1. It is not recommended to use tinctures on an empty stomach. This can cause indigestion.
  2. If there are ulcers, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by high acidity.
  3. Since the tinctures contain a significant amount of sugar, they are not recommended for people with diabetes.
  4. With reduced work thyroid gland carotene found in apricots will not be absorbed. In this case, it is recommended to compensate for the deficiency of vitamin A by using it in its pure form.

Having appreciated all the advantages, noting contraindications, we can safely say: tinctures on apricots and stones are an excellent natural remedy!


There was no competition for the popularity of the “Russian liquor”, as the liquor is now called, until our autocrat opened a “window to Europe” and people poured in from there in search of work and a better life ruined "Monsieur", to teach our "Mitrofanushki" European wisdom.

Together with overseas teachers, new alcoholic drinks appeared in Russia, among which was liquor - the closest "relative" of liquor. The only difference between them was that in liqueurs the main component was and remains not alcohol, as in liqueurs, but its fruit component. Alcohol came to us from the east, and our ancestors "sinned", at most, with fermented juices on honey, so they began to add vodka to the original Russian drink later, solely in order to extend the shelf life of drinks.

The variety of liqueurs in Russia is now approaching the variety of fruits and berries, not only growing here, but also those that, depending on the season, are filled with shop windows and counters of shops, markets and supermarkets. But first of all, liqueurs are prepared from the most affordable, domestic fruits.

Apricot was once considered an overseas fruit in Rus', and therefore liqueur from it was considered a luxury for the nobility, but so far in our outback there are people who know the recipe for homemade liqueur from apricots by heart from their great-grandmother, but they have never heard anything about liqueurs , and are unlikely to be upset by this fact.

Let's talk about apricot liqueurs at home, about general principles and the subtleties of its preparation. Domestic home-grown producers of "Russian liquor" have something to be proud of.

Homemade apricot liqueur - basic technological principles

Pouring is not only folk drink. Its manufacture has been established in Soviet times on an industrial basis, and very successfully. Of course, technologists of distilleries have developed recipes for liqueurs. But this is what makes homemade liqueurs from apricots and other fruits so remarkable that people in their home distilleries are not bound by technological conventions, savings regimes and other industrial “troubles”. If we want, we can afford any degree, and aroma, and taste, and fruit saturation.

Of all the conditions that are considered sacred and mandatory in production, we will take into service only the most necessary.

Pouring - fruit extract, with an alcohol content of 18-20%, sugar - 28-40%. In industrial conditions, one of the ways to obtain it involves the use of alcoholized fruit juice, fruit drink, food colorings, flavor enhancers (essences), other additives.

In homemade liqueurs, natural raw materials are mainly used. Juice or chopped fruit, bypassing the fermentation process, insist on vodka, alcohol or other strong alcoholic beverages, with or without added water. The resulting fruit extract is filtered, sweetened and aged until tender. Despite the fact that sugar dissolves in liqueurs quite quickly, it takes some time for a harmonious taste to form, since immediately after dissolution, sugar sharply dissonances in the drink.

Depending on the fruit raw materials used, late-ripening, mid-ripening and early-ripening liqueurs are distinguished. The denser the pulp of the processed fruit, the longer the ripening process of the liqueur. Quantitative composition ingredients for liqueurs do not have to be kept in the strictest form, if you do not set a goal to prepare an already tried recipe, exactly repeat its taste.

The technology of homemade apricot liqueur is very simple and accessible to every housewife who wants to enjoy a lady's drink during dessert with her friends.

1. Recipe for homemade apricot liqueur on alcohol


  • Apricots, garden 1 kg

    Sugar 450 g

    Alcohol 93.6% 350 ml


Choose ripe apricots. For liqueur, you can use slightly crushed berries, but without signs of spoilage. Rinse and let water drain. Remove the bones and chop well. The smaller the fruit particles, the better: fine particles will quickly transfer the juice and all the substances contained in apricots to alcohol. Place the prepared raw materials in a jar with a capacity of 3 liters. Fill the berries with alcohol. And mix well. Alcohol should cover the apricots by 2-3 cm. If this does not work, then add 0.5 liters of water. We use only specially prepared water for all liqueurs (distilled, melted water, spring water). Water should be soft, without impurities.

We stand the extract for 15 days and do not forget it regularly, at least shake it well in the morning and evening. Extraction will be more successful with more high temperature.

If you come across advice that the extract should not be covered tightly, with a lid, but tied with gauze around the neck, do not believe it. Of course, the extract can be protected from dust and insects in this way, but at the same time, all the alcohol and the aroma of the berries will evaporate with it even before the berries have time to be extracted. Close only hermetically.

Pass the resulting tincture through a dense filter. Pour the remaining thick with the second part of the water, warm it up, then strain the water. After the second drain, the thick can be thrown away. Add sugar to the water and boil the syrup to a thick thread. Pour the syrup that has cooled to 25-30С into the tincture, mix in a closed container and keep the finished homemade apricot liqueur warm for another week. Can be bottled and sealed. The liqueur is stored on alcohol for a long time. With storage, its taste only improves.

2. An old recipe for homemade apricot liqueur "Jardel"


    Apricots wild 3 kg

    Honey, May 1 l

    Vodka, apricot 2.8 l


Peel ripe forest apricots with a brush, wash and remove the seeds and all spoiled berries. Put the prepared fruits in a ceramic pan and pour to the top spring water. Put in a hot oven (100-110С), covered with a lid and simmer until the heat goes away (until the oven cools down).

Reheat the oven. In the infusion, add the remaining water, combined with honey. Tomite infusion. In order not to boil violently, warm under the lid for 2-3 hours. Do not open the oven, and if necessary, lower the temperature, turn off the fire, cool, and warm up again.

In the Russian oven, such an infusion was prepared for 3 days and a pot of apricots and honey was placed in the oven after the cabbage soup. So in the old days the temperature was measured for cooking in the oven: after bread, after cabbage soup.

When the container has cooled completely, pour its contents through the filter into an enameled bucket. Add vodka, soak until clarified and, removing from the sediment, pour into bottles.

3. Pouring apricots at home with kernels


    Garden apricots 3.3 kg

    Sugar 1.2 kg

    Purified moonshine or vodka (40%) 2.5 l


Wash the sorted ripe apricots, remove the stones. Crush the pulp and mix it with sugar. Crush 10% of the seeds, remove the kernels from them and, also crushing, add to the bottle with apricot pulp and sugar. Pour the mixture with high-quality vodka or moonshine, without foreign odors.

Withstand 3-4 months. The container should be shaken periodically to improve extraction. Filter the finished liquor and pour into bottles. Crushed apricot kernels will give the liqueur a resemblance to the famous Amaretto, and such a drink is very useful for making fragrant pastries, for example, one of the most delicious cakes of the Soviet era, Abrikotina.

4. Homemade apricot and bird cherry liqueur


    Bird cherry (berries) 150 g

    Apricots 5 kg

    Sugar 1.5 kg

    Alcohol, wine (70%) 1.7 l

Preparing the pour:

Pitted apricots and bird cherry berries wither, spreading them out thin layer on the grid. Soak the berries for fresh air, in hot weather, but not in the sun, but in the shade. To protect them from insects, cover with gauze. After crush the fruits and put in a bottle. Boil a thick syrup, pour it into a bottle of berries and add alcohol when the syrup is still warm. Cover the container with a lid, shake. Withstand the infusion no less three months in warmth. Then pass the composition through the filter and seal the finished liquor in bottles.

5. Apricot liqueur at home with oranges


    Juice, orange 1 l

    Apricots (puree) 2 kg

    Sugar 900 g

    Vodka 2.2 l

    Vanilla 2-3 pods

Cooking method:

Place the finished apricot puree with vanilla pods in a bottle and fill with vodka. Keep the tincture for 14 days. Place the bottle in the kitchen, closer to the heat. It must be shaken in the morning and evening, and if possible, more often. Strain the tincture after the specified time. Pour the thick orange juice and add sugar. Heat until the sugar dissolves, but do not boil. Also filter the syrup. Combine it with tincture. Keep in bottle for up to two months. Repeat filtering if necessary. Pour into prepared container and seal. Such a liqueur is interesting not only as a drink, but also indispensable for cooking. delicious desserts, baking.

6. Homemade apricot, raspberry, strawberry and gooseberry liqueur


    Berries in any proportion 2 parts

    Sugar and water - 1 part each

    Vodka 1.5 parts

Cooking method:

The drink should be thick and rich, stretchy consistency. Pour the selected and chopped berries with vodka. "Forget" about the jar for a month or a half. Then squeeze the berries and add to them a syrup made from equal parts of water and sugar. Keep the drink in a closed container for a couple more months.

Apricot Pouring at Home - Tips and Tricks

    For the preparation of liqueurs from fruits with dense pulp, which are difficult to obtain juice, it is possible to partially use industrial technology, where the fruits are pre-fermented in order to obtain a more intensive juicing.

    To increase the volume of juice, the following method of preparing liquor is used: natural juice, squeezed fruit pulp is poured hot water, mix and drain the diluted juice through the filter again. On the basis of this juice of the second plum, a syrup can be prepared, which is then combined with alcoholized juice. In addition to increasing the volume of the drink with this method of manufacturing, the quality of the liqueur is significantly improved.

subtle fragrance, beautiful colour, pleasant taste? all these qualities are possessed by tincture on apricots. Those who are fond of making homemade spirits must know at least one way to use the sweet yellow fruit.

Classic tincture

Let's start with the classics. The recipe for classic apricot tincture is concise and simple. It uses pitted fruit. Here complete list products:

  • 1 kg of ripe but not overripe apricots;
  • 1 liter of vodka or 40% moonshine;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar.

It is necessary to sort out the fruits and peel the bones from them, put them in a jar, pour vodka and shake. The layer of liquid above the pulp should be at least 5 cm. The jar is closed, placed in a sunny place, where it will stay for a month. Often this place is the windowsill on the south or east side of the house. Shake the jar every 5 days.

After a month, the liquid must be drained without squeezing into another bottle, and pour a pound of sugar into the apricots, mixing it with fruit and sending it to infuse in the sun for another 2 weeks. Shake the jar every 2 days to melt the sugar well.

After 14 days, a sugar syrup should form. It is filtered through gauze, the softened fruit is squeezed out. The syrup is mixed with previously drained alcohol, kept for another week in the dark, after which it is filtered again and bottled into convenient bottles.

How to use bones

Apricot? so useful fruit that even the core can be used in it, and the following recipe is a confirmation of this. Stone tincture has become popular due to the smell, similar to the smell of almonds.

  • Break the apricot kernels, remove the kernels, chop them. It will take 100 g of nucleoli.
  • Fill the kernels with 0.5 liters of vodka and place the container in the sun for 25 days.
  • Drain the infusion and squeeze the pulp through a cloth. Then add another 0.2 liters of vodka and wring out after 15 minutes.
  • The liquid must be filtered through white napkins, pour 50 g of sugar (approximately 3 large spoons), 1 g of vanillin into it and shake well.
  • 4 days the drink should stand in the dark. After that, it is filtered for the last time.

Infusion of apricot kernels should be consumed sparingly, as it contains a small amount of hydrocyanic acid. Storage can continue for as long as you like.

Uses of honey and mint

Among the various recipes for apricot tinctures, you can
highlight the recipe with mint, honey and juice.

First you need to prepare a decoction of peppermint. To do this, pour 25 g of dry mint with boiling water (200 ml? Standard glass), insist 4 hours, filter.

The future tincture of apricots must be kept for 2 weeks in the dark, the first 7-10 days shaking the jar once
per day. After 14 days, the drink is filtered, it is completely ready for use.

Apricots and wine

If you have a bottle of inexpensive dry or semi-dry white wine, then we advise you to prepare an excellent tincture.

  • Pour wine into a saucepan, add 450 g of sugar there and heat over medium heat until the sugar has melted.
  • Cut and pour 0.5 kg of apricot into the pan, after pulling out the seeds.
  • Bring the composition to a boil and cook for 7-10 minutes.
  • Remove the pan from the heat, pour 150 g of vodka into the composition.

When the brew has cooled, it is poured into a jar or bottle and kept in the refrigerator for a week. In conclusion, the tincture is well filtered so that it becomes more transparent. It is consumed in small amounts before meals, as well as after meals with dessert.

Apricot tincture on vodka.

Apricot tincture has a real refined taste with a distinct and persistent aroma of fruit, but subject to proper implementation and compliance with all the conditions indicated in the recipe. There are several such recipes, but three options, in all respects, are the best, which have been tested by practice, and the technological process is so simple that even a beginner can easily master it. The result is homemade delicious apricot tincture on vodka. Apricot kernel tincture will also be worthy of praise. Freshly picked apricot fruits act as the main ingredient, both frozen and canned ones are suitable. Initially, the fruits are carefully sorted to exclude rotten and moldy, then washed under running water. The second ingredient is 40-45% alcohol, inexpensive cognac or homemade moonshine without foreign impurities.

Classic apricot tincture

Bones from fruits according to this recipe are removed.

The composition of the ingredients can be supplemented with one more - sugar, for those who love sweet alcoholic drinks: 1 liter of vodka of any kind; 1 kg of apricots; half a kilo of sugar.

Steps for preparing apricot tincture: First, remove the pits and set aside. They can be used to make other tinctures. Transfer the prepared apricots to a jar, fill them with vodka, mix and make sure that the vodka does not just cover the apricots, but is 6 cm higher than them, if desired, you can pour vodka over the neck of the container. The container is tightly closed and taken out to the sunniest place on whole month. Shake the contents well once every five days. The resulting alcohol liquid is poured into another container without surviving the pulp. Sugar is added to the pulp, mixed and again left for two weeks in the sunniest place, be sure to shake the container once every 3 days. This stage is very important, since sugar allows you to get the remains of the aromatic alcohol contained in the pulp. The resulting syrup is filtered through a couple of layers of gauze, the remaining pulp is well squeezed. syrup and alcohol infusion mixed in one container, in a dark place insist for a week. Once again, the tincture is filtered through a couple of layers of gauze cut or a thick napkin, after which it is bottled. Such a tincture can be safely stored for five years.

Apricot kernel tincture

Those who have tried the tincture made according to this recipe claim that it is very similar to homemade Amaretto liqueur, which has a pleasant almond aroma without foreign aftertastes (there are no smells of any spices).

Such a tincture can be consumed only in 150 ml, no more, due to the fact that hydrocyanic acid is present in the bones, although in small quantities.

To prepare the tincture, you need: vodka of any kind - 0.7 l; apricot kernels - 100 g; vanillin - 1 g; sugar - 50 g. Stages of preparing the tincture: Prepared apricot kernels are crushed, transferred to a jar and poured with vodka in the amount of half a liter. Shake, cover with a lid, and leave for 25 days in a bright place. The infusion is filtered, and then squeezed with gauze. The remaining kernels are again poured with 200 ml of vodka, mixed and set aside for 20 minutes, then squeezed well again. The resulting liquids are mixed, filtered, this time using cotton wool or a napkin. Vanillin and sugar are added. Seal the container, shake well. For 4 days, this container is placed in a dark, cool place, then filtered. Bottled and placed for storage in a designated place. The expiration date is unlimited for such a drink.

Apricot tincture with mint and honey

This recipe is good because you can use it at any time of the year and get an excellent aromatic drink that has a mild sweet aftertaste.

For preparation you will need: alcohol 40-45% (any vodka) - 0.5 l; apricot juice - 0.5 l; honey of any kind - 150 g; pure water- 200 ml; peppermint - 25 g. To obtain an excellent quality tincture, they take freshly prepared juice, but in the absence of this, they acquire a store analogue. Recipe: Mint is poured with boiling water, covered with a lid and left for five hours. cooled down mint decoction filter, add juice from apricots, honey and alcohol. The contents are mixed, corked with a lid and determined for two weeks in a warm dark place. During the first week, the container is shaken. The resulting tincture is filtered using cotton wool, poured into prepared dishes and determined for storage. This tincture can be stored up to three years. Following the exact recipes, you get an excellent apricot tincture on vodka. Tincture on apricot kernels is not inferior in its own palatability and aroma.



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