Useful properties of apricot for humans and contraindications. How many vitamins are in fragrant apricots - how did a mysterious fruit from the East become a national plant? Apricot kernels: their benefits and harms

Apricot is a wonderful fruit. Everything in it is healthy and tasty, starting with tender pulp and ending with a bone. Even when dried, apricot continues to delight with its beneficial properties. Why not a miracle?

Distribution useful substances

Inside the apricot lurked a whole pantry of vitamins. This pantry is ruled by vitamin C - 10 mg of ascorbic acid in 2-3 apricots!

It turns out that by eating 15-18 apricots a day, he may well satisfy this need.

But the property of vitamin C to break down when heated, under the influence of light and during long-term storage, leads to the fact that in dried apricot (dried apricots) it is already ten times less - only 1 mg.

That is, to get a shock dose of vitamin C, apricots need to be eaten in fresh, then iron in your body will be better absorbed, and hematopoiesis will normalize, and cholesterol metabolism, and work endocrine system and immunity will increase.

In second place in terms of quantitative presence in the vitamin pantry of apricot is vitamin E - 0.89 mg at daily requirement it contains 2-6 mg.

Thanks to vitamin E, apricots are very indicated for women during pregnancy, as it helps proper development fetus and affects muscle activity.

And perhaps the most pleasant in the union of apricot and vitamin E - when the fruit dries, this vitamin becomes four times more - 4.33 mg in one hundred grams of dried apricots!

Closes the top three vitamin leaders of apricot vitamins of group B.

Their number in apricot (and especially in dried apricots), each individually, does not shake the imagination - 0.03 mg (thiamine), 0.04 (riboflavin), 9 mcg ( folic acid). But then their whole big company - B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6 and B9. And together they are strong!

For example, thiamine normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, puts the nervous system in order, and has a positive effect on internal secretion.

Riboflavin takes Active participation in hematopoiesis, which is used in the fight against anemia.

It is worth mentioning separately. Apricots are valued for the content of this vitamin, although it is not significant - 577.8 mcg, and even less in dried apricots - 360.4 mcg. (With the daily requirement of the body - 1.5-2.5 mg).

But the benefits of vitamin A are so great that even 577 micrograms are important for visual acuity, for the growth and formation of bones, for the functioning of the adrenal glands, and the pancreas. With vitamin A, as well as with vitamin C, no infections are terrible. This vitamin is especially useful for children for normal growth and development.

Storeroom of minerals

Apricot king of the mineral pantry - potassium - 259 mg in 2-3 pieces!

And in dried apricots of potassium - 1162 mg (!) Per hundred grams of the product.

Not surprisingly, the introduction of dried apricots into the diet of heart patients and people suffering from kidney disease, taking diuretics, has become the norm.

Who else can compare with such a record holder for potassium content? Nobody! Dried apricots are the leader in this matter. It is already followed by raisins, prunes, beans and potatoes.

In second place is phosphorus - 23 mg (dried apricots - 71 mg). And although the body needs 1600 mg of phosphorus per day. Even the amount that is in apricots and dried apricots can have a beneficial effect on metabolism.

Phosphorus is followed by calcium - 13 mg (dried apricots - 55 mg) and magnesium - 10 mg (dried apricots - 32 mg).

The daily requirement for the first is 800 mg. Calcium is a famous builder bone tissue, it plays an important role in nervous activity body, in blood coagulation, has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces allergies.

The daily requirement of the body for magnesium is 400 mg. Magnesium is essential for the heart to function properly. It activates the work of the intestines, the brain, has choleretic action. Removes toxins from the body, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. A very useful mineral!

Conclusion: to get shock dose beneficial trace elements Apricots are best eaten dried.

In addition to the minerals listed above, apricots also contain iron, sodium, selenium, and zinc. But not in such impressive quantities, k4k potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium.

What else are apricots good for?

    Apricots are low in calories and do not pose a danger to those who have problems with overweight. One hundred grams of apricots (2-3 pieces) - 42 kcal. But with dried apricots, you need to be more careful - drying out, the apricot accumulates carbohydrates. The calorie content of dried apricots is 232 kcal per 100 g. But although there is a lot of sugar in dried apricots, it still has the ability to burn fat, which is used by nutritionists.

    This is a rare fruit whose seeds are actively used: - for the preparation of apricot oil, which is used in pharmacy and cosmetology;

    • as a cough medicine;
    • as prevention of oncology (vitamin B17 destroys cancer cells),
    • as an anthelmintic
    • in cooking (in decorating cakes and pastries).
  1. This fruit can be enjoyed all year round: in summer - apricot, in winter - dried apricots, apricots.

    Apricots are rich. Armenian varieties are famous for them. If they are eaten systematically, growth can be prevented. thyroid gland. Plus, the cholesterol effect of iodine is known, as is pectin, which is also found in apricots.

Apricot is subdued to all ages

The diverse beneficial properties of apricot (dried apricots) make it indispensable in the diet, like the elderly:

  1. Mild laxative, diuretic (magnesium, potassium).
  2. Anti-varicose action (strengthening of the walls blood vessels due to flavonoids)
  3. (phosphorus, magnesium),
  4. Job of cardio-vascular system, against arrhythmia (potassium),
  5. For hypertension (magnesium),
  6. Vision improvement (vitamin A),
  7. Lowering blood cholesterol (pectin).

Pregnant :

Benefits for both the elderly and children

  1. Against anemia, toxicosis (iron, magnesium),
  2. Purification of toxins (pectin),
  3. Normal fetal development (vitamin E, calcium).

Children :

  1. Memory improvement (phosphorus, magnesium),
  2. Mild laxative, anti-colic,
  3. Increased immunity (vitamins A, C),
  4. Growth, bone formation (calcium),
  5. Apricot is hypoallergenic.

To achieve these effects, it is enough to eat 5-6 pieces of fresh apricots per day or 10-12 pieces of dried apricots. Apricot juice is useful - one glass a day is enough to provide yourself with a daily dose of vitamins and microelements.


With apricots, especially with dried apricots, one should be more careful for diabetics and those who suffer from thyroid gland, ulcers, gastritis.

Tajik and Uzbek varieties of apricots cannot be eaten by diabetics due to high content sugar - 80%.

Do not lean on apricot pits. They contain hydrocyanic acid.

Apricots should not be eaten on an empty stomach - you can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa, do not drink apricots with water - you can provoke diarrhea.

Apricot is one of the leaders in the content of ascorbic acid and retinol. But few people know this. Many people think that vitamin C can only be found in lemons, and retinol can only be found in carrots. However, if you eat only 200 grams of apricots a day, you can completely cover the body's need for vitamin A and C at the same time.

Therefore, it is not for nothing that the apricot is considered a national plant in Armenia (the second name of the apricot is the Armenian apple). In this article, we will look at the benefits and harms of apricots, what vitamins they contain and minerals to whom these fruits are especially useful, is it possible to drink canned juice, eat dried apricots or kernels.

homeland of apricots

The birthplace of apricots is China, where apricot trees grew 6 thousand years ago. However, they were brought to Europe later. This was done by Armenian merchants, therefore for a long time in Russia and other European countries it is " orange wonder” was called the Armenian apple.

The apricot got its name from rapid maturation fruits. From Portuguese, the name translates as precocious. This is true - as soon as warm sunny days, the fruits within a few weeks already ripen and are ready to eat.


What vitamins are found in apricots: in addition to the above (ascorbic acid and retinol), this fruit also contains others.


The benefits of the "Armenian apple" are also associated with the microelements contained in it. There are quite a lot of the following minerals:

Benefits for the body

The benefits of apricots in their anti-edematous action. Fruits have the following properties:

  • Improvement of microcirculation in the kidneys
  • Increase in circulating plasma volume
  • Increasing the strength of the vascular wall.

Therefore, contraindications for apricots are dehydration. The decongestant benefits of these fruits are used to treat heart and kidney failure(of course, in combination with pharmacological therapy).

Also, apricots are good for the health of the nervous system, improve memory and concentration. Therefore, it is good to eat them if a person is engaged in intellectual work. At the same time, fresh and dried fruits, as well as juice, are useful.

For pregnant

Apricots are also useful for pregnant women. The fruit and juice are excellent laxatives. During pregnancy, the problem of constipation is relevant, as it slows down intestinal peristalsis on the background hormonal changes, and the growing uterus gradually begins to squeeze the rectum. In addition, the choice of laxatives during pregnancy is very limited due to the possible negative impact to the fruit. Apricots and juice from them are deprived of this drawback, therefore, during the season, pregnant women can eat 200-300 grams of these fruits every day.


The benefits of apricot kernels have long been noticed by physicians. Special Application they found in modern medicine and cosmetology.

Most often they are used in the following cases:

  • For peeling the skin, exfoliating dead skin cells and removing impurities. A scrub made from apricot kernels does an excellent job with this task.
  • Oil, which is obtained from apricot kernels, helps to nourish and soften the skin. This excellent tool to prevent early wrinkles
  • Apricot oil is also a good base for making creams and shampoos.
  • The benefits of apricot kernels (harm appears when overuse) also in their positive impact on respiratory system and kidneys.

Dried apricots

Dried apricots are dried apricots. Healing properties and their harm is identical to fresh fruits. However, by reducing the amount of water, 100 grams of this product become much more nutritious than fresh. Therefore, people tend to overweight should not eat dried fruits.


Benefit apricot juice less than from ripe fruits, as there is less fiber in the juice. The harm of apricot juice lies in the fact that it can lead to an excessive intake of easily digestible carbohydrates and, as a result, weight gain.

Given the beneficial properties of apricots, we can distinguish a group of people who are especially shown these fruits and juice:

  • pregnant
  • Patients suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels
  • Patients with digestive problems
  • Edema syndrome
  • Anemia.

Possible harm and contraindications

Despite the benefits, apricot pits can be harmful. This is due to the content of certain substances in their composition. First of all we are talking about hydrocyanic acid and amygdalin. When they enter the body in large quantities, the development of intoxication is possible. This can happen when eating canned food made from whole fruits if stored for a long time.

green apricots

Are Green Apricots Beneficial? Nutritionists do not recommend eating unripe fruits, as they do not contain any vitamins or minerals that could be absorbed by the human body. In addition, green apricots can also bring harm, they can cause intestinal poisoning.

Symptoms of such poisoning:

  • Stomach ache
  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Diarrhea
  • Weakness
  • Increase in body temperature.

Apricots as a seasonal fruit are extremely useful for pregnant women and children, as important vitamins in their composition are present in greater quantities. Dream large quantities it is useful to drink juice and also eat dried apricots. It's important to buy quality products from trusted sellers.

Fruits occupy a special, almost honorable place in our diet, because they are the most important source useful substances for the body. Each fruit has its own characteristics and composition, different sets of minerals and vitamins - and in order to lead healthy lifestyle life, you need to understand this.

For example, apricots - they have a wonderful taste and they have a lot of useful substances and vitamins. They are used not only as food, they have also been used in cosmetology - masks and scrubs are made on the basis of apricots.

What is an apricot made of?

Apricot is a low-calorie fruit. Only 40 kilocalories per 100 grams. So it is ideal for diet food.

Ingredients of apricot:

  • water- 86.2 grams,
  • carbohydrates- 9 grams,
  • alimentary fiber- 2.1 grams,
  • protein- 0.9 grams,
  • fats- 0.1 grams.

Apricots also contain a rich set of vitamins: A, B5, C, E, PP and beta-carotene.

Mineral elements of apricot:

  • calcium- strengthens bones and teeth,
  • magnesium- affects nervous system,
  • iron- Helps with anemia
  • silicon- maintains the elasticity of connective tissues,
  • cobalt- speeds up the recovery of blood,
  • vanadium- promotes metabolism.

Useful properties of apricot are contained not only in its pulp, but also in the stone and peel.

How to eat apricots

apricot pulp

Apricot pulp in its fresh form is a storehouse of vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system. With regular use of apricot, the mineral elements contained in it stabilize pressure and work. digestive system. And the potassium also contained in apricots is useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Can you eat apricot pits?

By themselves, apricot kernels contain hydrocyanic acid and in large doses can be harmful to the body, but in small doses they are good for the heart and increase brain activity. In addition, they are rich in protein, which is so important for the healthy development of muscle tissue.

Urbech from apricot kernels

Urbech is a mass obtained by grinding the nucleoli without any processing. Maybe with honey. It can go both for a small tasty and satisfying snack, and for medicine– due to the high content of vitamin B in apricot kernels, urbech is used as prophylactic in oncological diseases.

Apricot kernel oil

Produced by pressing apricot kernels. This oil contains a large number of substances beneficial to the body. It is used to treat colds(laryngitis, bronchitis). Also used in cosmetic purposes as a moisturizer for skin and hair.

Apricot pulp jam

Even after passing heat treatment, apricot pulp retains most of its useful elements: calcium - for bones, vanadium - for metabolism and so on.

apricot juice

Can you eat green apricots?

Do not eat unripe green apricots in any form. Useful substances in them are still simply absent. In addition, there is a risk of damaging digestion.

What are the benefits of apricot?

Fruits should always be present in the diet of any person in order to maintain the balance of vitamins in the body.

The effects of apricots can be completely different - it depends on in what form and who eats them.

The benefits of apricots for women

For women, apricot is a real spring of nutrients to improve appearance skin and hair, and they also strengthen the nervous system. Moreover, they are low-calorie, and you can eat them at your pleasure, without fear for the figure. The abundance of vitamin A contributes good eyesight and the smooth functioning of the heart.

The benefits of apricots for men

It will be useful for a man to know that apricots well stimulate the growth of muscle tissue, and at the same time slow down the aging process and have a positive effect on male potency. Constant use this fruit is good and proper prevention vascular and heart diseases.

The benefits of apricots for children

There is no doubt that apricots are very, very important and useful for a growing organism, because they contain carotene, which stimulates growth, as well as potassium for the heart, phosphorus for the brain, and all other important and useful elements.

Even during the development of the fetus during the pregnancy of a woman, already during this period, the minerals contained in the apricot stimulate the healthy maturation of the fetus and good health future mother.

Apricots in cosmetology

Apricots are widely used in cosmetology - for cooking various ointments and oils, pulp, seeds, and juice are used. They cleanse the skin, nourish it and help restore. Masks are made by mixing the pulp with various bases, such as: milk, cottage cheese, egg white, honey, cream, olive oil.

Seed oil can be both independent cosmetic, and the basis for ointments and scrubs.

What harm can apricots cause?

How many apricots can you eat per day?

Knowing about the many beneficial properties of apricots, we should not forget that overeating this fruit can harm the body. The daily dose of apricot is 300 grams, and for pregnant women at all - 100 grams per day, no more. The most harmful thing about an apricot is its pit, which contains hydrocyanic acid.

Who shouldn't eat apricots?

In addition, in apricot great content sugar, so it should not be eaten by people suffering from diabetes. Women should not eat it during lactation - in order to avoid indigestion and abdominal pain.

Contraindications to the use of apricot:

  • thyroid dysfunction,
  • stomach diseases,
  • ulcers
  • violations of the process of assimilation of carotene,
  • diabetes.

From March to April, flowering apricot trees fill the streets with their fragrant scent. And already in June you can enjoy fragrant and beneficial fruits apricots that will delight with their taste until the very end of summer. The fruits of this tree quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger, invigorate, improve health, while being a low-calorie product.

Apricot contains many vitamins and microelements, which are very useful for children and adults. You can talk about this fruit for quite some time, but let's look at specific benefit and certain restrictions in eating this sweet southern "guest".

Eating a handful of dried apricots or a couple fresh fruit daily, soon you can feel beneficial effect this fruit on the body. The skin is smoothed and becomes elastic, the hair regains its lost shine, and well-being improves noticeably. The reason for these positive changes is as follows:

The large amount of fiber found in fresh fruits, renders beneficial effect for bowel function. With constipation or fermentation processes in the intestines, apricots and compotes from them have a bactericidal effect and a mild laxative effect. At the same time, acidity is normalized. gastric juice.

Potassium salts contained in apricots make them useful for normal functioning of cardio-vascular system. Magnesium and a group of vitamins "B" strengthen the heart muscle. Among other things, the nervous system is restored and healed.

This fruit helps to avoid iodine deficiency, thereby eliminating the possibility of thyroid disease.

It is also important that apricots and dried apricots do not lose all the beneficial properties of apricots, so you can enjoy this fruit all year round, while improving your health.

Daily intake of this fruit promotes hematopoiesis and activates protective functions the body, in addition, removes cholesterol and toxins from it.

Apricots also help well in the fight against excess weight, as they stop the feeling of hunger for a long time.

apricot juice

Apricot juice is considered more useful than the fruits themselves, as it is more fully and quickly absorbed.

Pregnant women need 150 ml healing juice to top up daily dose iron and calcium, which are very important when carrying a child.

Daily use apricot juice will help get rid of colitis, dysbacteriosis and flatulence.

The juice is also a good diuretic and helps with swelling (half a glass between meals).

At viral infection and colds, the drink can act as an antipyretic while suppressing viruses. You just need to include juice in the menu during the illness and recovery will be much faster.

Healing apricot leaves

A decoction of the leaves helps to cleanse the body of toxins. It is very useful for people who are exposed to adverse factors during his professional activity. For example, work in radioactive zone, in textile and chemical industry and so on.

Since the decoction also has a pronounced diuretic effect, it will be very useful for people suffering from various diseases kidneys. To prepare a decoction, the leaves are crushed, poured hot water and let it brew for 30 minutes.

At skin diseases, hematomas, sunburn useful compress from fresh leaves this fruit. And to get rid of bad breath or plaque, just chew apricot leaves for a few minutes.

Thus, apricot leaves, when used correctly, will not bring absolutely any harm to your health.

The benefits and harms of apricot kernels

Apricot kernels can cure diseases respiratory tract: asthma or bronchitis. For this, the bones, crushed into powder, must be taken with milk four times a day.

Apricot kernel infusion is antibacterial agent, which is used for acne.

In large quantities fruit seeds are very harmful, since amygdalin, which is located in the nuclei, converts nutrients into hydrocyanic acid, which is dangerous to humans.

Apricot kernels against diabetes

Experts believe that apricot kernels in type 2 diabetes should be consumed with caution.

Quite a lot of products allowed for consumption healthy people are contraindicated for diabetics. Regarding apricots, it should be noted medicinal properties because they have a high antioxidant property. Although with diabetes positive traits may be in question.

But if the patient still decides to use this product, he should strictly follow the recommendations of the attending physician. It is recommended to exclude other sugar-containing products from the diet by making certain calculations for each individual product and, based on this, draw up your own menu. Although it is better if the attending physician does this.

Some patients suffering from high sugar in the blood, ignore these rules. And this can lead to the fact that even a harmless apricot fruit can harm the body.

Apricots during pregnancy

Apricots are not prohibited for pregnant women, but the abuse of this fruit can cause allergic reactions from the expectant mother. Consider positive sides when eating apricots during pregnancy:

If a pregnant woman has no contraindications to the use of this product, then there is no reason to refuse this useful and juicy fruit. Balanced diet during pregnancy will be the key to the health of the unborn child.

Apricots while breastfeeding

The fruit has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect, and also helps fight fever.

Vitamin "A" activates the production of collagen, thereby slowing down the aging process of the skin, restoring its freshness and elasticity.

Copper and iron, which are part of the fruit, increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood of a young mother.

Carotene and vitamins strengthen the retina and optic nerve , and also do not let loose peripheral vision.

The presence of potassium in the product helps to regulate cellular water balance, thereby providing positive influence on blood pressure, preventing hypertension and the risk of stroke.

At breastfeeding apricot fruits are a source of nutrients and vitamins. You can add to your diet dried fruits, marmalades and jams.

Thus, apricots are in many ways useful for a nursing mother, although in some cases their use should be limited.

Contraindications include the following:

  • Liver disease.
  • Diabetes.
  • Disruption of the thyroid gland.
  • Pancreatitis.

Nursing mothers should refrain from apricot kernels (kernels), as the cyanogenic glycoside they contain harmful to the baby's brain and nervous system.

Dried apricots: benefits

Speaking of dried fruits, you should know that their useful properties are preserved during drying. Unique useful qualities of this fruit are explained by its rich composition:

Dried apricot fruits are especially useful for people with ailments related to the cardiovascular system, as potassium salts have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, regulating pressure and increasing the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.

With anemia, as well as during childbearing, moderate consumption of dried fruits will be very beneficial.

Compote of this dried fruit in spring and winter period is an excellent remedy for beriberi.

For those who are on a diet dried apricots can be a good alternative to sweets products such as: sweets, cakes and pastries. The use of such dried fruits in moderate amounts optimizes metabolic processes which helps to get rid of excess weight.

Apricots for children

Apricots of all varieties are very useful. The main thing is that the fruit is fully ripe, as green apricots lead to disruption gastrointestinal tract and also cause severe diarrhea.

In the absence of diseases of the intestines and stomach, with normal operation liver, dried apricots and fresh apricots are recommended to be included in the children's diet, as this useful product brings next benefit for good health:

  • Activates mental activity.
  • Stimulates the immune system.
  • Protects the heart.
  • Strengthens the nervous system.
  • Prevents beriberi.

What is the harm of apricots

Despite its unique useful composition, apricots in certain cases can be harmful to health. This applies primarily to people with a history of diabetes. After all, different varieties of apricot contain from 60 to 80% sugars. Apricots and dried apricots are saturated with sugars even more. That's why, eating an apricot after a hearty meal or before breakfast, you complicate the digestion of food, given the satiety of the fetus.

With gastritis, pancreatitis, the presence of a duodenal ulcer or stomach, it is advisable to minimize the consumption of apricots, since in these cases they will only bring harm.

Excessive apricot overdose can lead to diarrhea and be harmful to health. Symptoms of such an overdose are:

In addition to the pulp, the kernels that are inside the bone are also eaten. If you eat a lot of nucleoli, you can get poisoned, although the pulp itself neutralizes these poisons.

There are no specific norms for the consumption of apricots, but doctors recommend eating no more than 500 grams. per day in the absence of various contraindications.

Thus, comparing all the benefits and harms obtained from apricots, I would like to once again draw Special attention on important points. Apricot is not only southern delicious fruit, but also a piggy bank of minerals and vitamins, which are very useful for many age categories of people. The main thing when using it is to observe certain norms and not to forget about various contraindications that can spoil your enjoyment of taking this useful product.

Apricot is a tree with bright sugar fruits that satisfy hunger and contain a lot of useful elements. Its distribution began from China, although the apricot came to the Slavs from Armenia.

The chemical composition of apricot

All parts of the apricot have a very generous chemical composition. The bark is rich tannins, wood - flavonoids, leaves contain phenol carbonic and ascorbic acid, and flowers - carotene. But the most beneficial is the pulp (both fresh and dried), as well as the kernels of the fruit.

Apricot fruit contains a large amount of vitamins in the pulp: almost the entire group B, vitamins A, PP, C, H and E. The pulp contains trace elements such as iron, iodine, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, chromium, fluorine, boron, aluminum, silicon, vanadium, nickel and cobalt. Macroelements are represented by calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, chlorine and sulfur. The color of the fruit depends on the amount of carotene in it: the more it is, the brighter and richer the color.

The apricot kernel contains protein and oil with organic acids. These are linoleic, stearic and myristic acids. The seeds contain up to 50% non-drying fatty oil in addition, they contain poison - hydrocyanic acid.

Useful properties of apricot

Ascorbic acid in the composition of apricot forms antibodies in the body that can resist infections. This vitamin makes the walls of blood vessels strong and resists cancer cells. Vitamin B5 ( pantothenic acid) strengthens nerve endings, stimulates work internal glands and regulates lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism in organism.

Biologically active substances in the juice of apricot pulp stimulate appetite, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, stimulate blood circulation and improve vision due to carotene. Regular consumption of juice lowers cholesterol levels, normalizes arterial pressure and helps with liver disease.

The benefits of apricots for children are especially great. Prepared from the pulp baby food which contains easily digestible simple sugars. Puree and canned food stimulate the growth of children and have a general strengthening effect on a fragile body. Apricots regulate the acidity of gastric juice, which normalizes the work of the pancreas, gallbladder and liver.

Did you know? In the Middle Ages, the theme of aphrodisiacs was very popular in Europe. They also included apricot, which was mentioned by William Shakespeare in the play A Midsummer Night's Dream.

The use of apricots in traditional medicine

The list of diseases that apricot helps with is impressive: it is used for constipation, intestinal diseases, colitis, problems with cardiac activity. Apricot is an excellent antipyretic. Fruit juice inhibits putrefactive bacteria in the body. With senile constipation, it is recommended to drink apricot compote. Apricot juice makes it easier discomfort with flatulence and dysbacteriosis.

Dried fruits are useful for pregnant women, for patients with anemia - they make up for potassium deficiency. Dried apricots also eliminate bacteria in oral cavity, bearing bad smell. Folk and official medicine recognizes the benefits of dried apricots for cancer patients who need potassium and sodium to restore the body.

Apricot normalizes digestion. It is used for coughing as a thinning agent, used for bronchitis, whooping cough, inflammation of the trachea and pharynx. The use of "solar" fruits activates the brain. The benefits of apricots for stomach ulcers are also invaluable, they work as a diuretic, removing hidden edema that appears with this disease.

The use of apricots in cosmetology

Apricot is a valuable culture for cosmetology. It is used to create tonic, nourishing, cleansing, regenerating and strengthening products. Silicon present in the composition of apricot promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues, strengthens hair and nail plates. Sulfur at the same time improves metabolism.

Body scrub with apricot kernels gently cleanses the skin from dead and dead cells. skin acquires healthy look and color, becomes elastic and soft.

The face mask is good for problematic skin: it removes acne and irritation, deeply cleanses and smoothes fine wrinkles, evens out the skin. Regular use of hair masks will give them a healthy shine, stimulate their growth and give strength to weakened hair.

apricot oil used in hand, nail and eyelash care products. In frosty and windy weather, oil will replace lip balm and cure already weathered ones.

The use of apricots in cooking

Apricots are loved by many culinary specialists. It is used as a filling for pies, muffins, cupcakes, buns and other baked goods. Fruit halves decorate cakes and creamy desserts. Prepare mousses and soufflés cottage cheese casseroles. Apricot is used to make jelly, marshmallow, marmalade. For the winter, jam, marmalade, jams are made from it, frozen and dried, canned whole and in halves, syrups are made, dried.

The characteristic sourness in taste allows you to stew apricots with meat and poultry, bake in rolls, add to salads, seasonings and sauces. Pilaf, cereals and other main dishes and side dishes are prepared with apricots. Compotes are boiled from apricots, juice is squeezed out, jelly and fruit drinks are made. An extract for essences is produced from the juice of the fruit. The kernels are used as a substitute for almonds.

Important! Apricot kernels should not be carried away - they contain hydrocyanic acid, which can cause poisoning at high concentrations.

Many oriental sweets are prepared from apricots: sherbet, halva, Turkish delight and others. Alcohol producers also resort to apricot: liqueurs, wine and tinctures are made from it, which can then also be used in the preparation of desserts, for example, to soak cake layers with apricot alcohol.

Interesting! The famous Italian liqueur Amaretto is flavored with apricot kernel extract.

Contraindications and side effects of apricot

Contraindications to the use of apricot are acute form pancreatitis, thyroid disease and serious violation liver function. With such disorders of the body, retinol and carotene, which are present in the composition of the apricot, are not absorbed. The use of more than 20 g of apricot kernels per day will lead to such consequences as nausea, vomiting, weakness, indigestion and even loss of consciousness. This is due to the content in the nuclei of glycoside and amygdalin - toxic substances.



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