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beautiful neck always adds charm and sophistication to a woman - it is no coincidence that Nefertiti has become the standard of beauty for centuries. Her neck - strong, slender and surprisingly feminine even today is the subject of imitation for many women. The shape and length of the neck largely depends on genetics, but if you follow our advice, you can slightly improve nature. How to make the neck longer?

Neck in many cultures important detail female attractiveness, and it is no coincidence that Russians call it a swan, because it is this bird that is considered royal, equal in stature and beauty to crowned persons.

The swan neck is a combination of flexibility, length, slenderness and tenderness of the skin, and this is the kind of neck that women dream of.

By virtue of physiological structure, the female neck earlier than the face and other parts of the body surrenders under the pressure of age - wrinkles become deep, osteochondrosis forms the so-called “scary”, and the second chin makes you forget about the once youthful outlines of the face and neck. The trouble is that the old neck cannot be disguised with cosmetics, and it always betrays the true age, frustrating and driving to despair. So really nothing can be done if the neck has already lost the outlines of youth?

How to make the neck longer and younger?

First you need to understand that the neck needs daily care, more gentle and careful than the face. When washing your neck, do not forget to nourish it with cream and masks, clean only soft means and apply nutritious cream based on stone oils and wheat germ oil.

When choosing masks for the neck, you should give preference to those designed for dry skin, as they are more moist and nourishing, for example, do oil wraps and masks of hercules with milk, applied under warming.

You can also improve the condition of the neck with the help of contrasting compresses from decoctions of herbs, such as linden or mint, and the herbal composition should be hot and the water should be cold. Should be alternately applied to the neck soft tissue dipped in infusion or water, leaving for a few minutes. It is enough to do five applications, starting with hot and ending with cold.

Perfectly cares for the skin of the neck and application healing ice Freeze decoctions of herbs and lubricate the neck with ice cubes in the morning and evening.

Gymnastics for neck rejuvenation

With the help of cosmetic and home remedies, you will certainly improve the condition of the skin of the neck, and the next step will be muscle strengthening, which can only be achieved with the help of special exercises performed daily. In order for no one to interfere with you, because you need to perform the exercises with concentration and attention, it is best to choose a time and place so that you are left alone.

  1. Standing or sitting, slowly tilt your head back while trying to lower lip get the nose. Then lower your head to your chest - repeat the exercise about 6 times.
  2. Sitting with a straight back, slowly but straining your neck, turn your head first to the right and then to the left, gradually accelerating, the number of slow turns is about 6, and fast 10-12.
  3. Straining your neck and stretching it forward, at the same time pull your head into your shoulders - repeat 10 times.
  4. Place the palms of your hands on your chest and, as if pressing down on your chest, counteract this movement with your chest, straining your neck. Repeat 12 times.
  5. Sitting opposite the table and resting your elbows on it, first pull one side of the neck up, then the other - so 10 times.
  6. Slowly turning your head to the right, finish the movement by smoothly raising your head to failure, repeat 5 times, do the same in the other direction.
  7. Slowly turn your head to the left and touch your chin to your shoulder without lifting the shoulder itself. Do the same on the other side. Reps 10 in each direction.
  8. Tilt your head so that the ear touches the shoulder - to the right and left, repeat in each direction 10 times.
  9. Cross your palms at the back of your head and lower your head to your chest - overcoming the resistance of your hands, jerk your head back in several steps. Repeat 10 times.

After you complete the initial course of exercises for two weeks, make them longer, bringing up to 40 repetitions.

After class, be sure to do contrast rubdowns, capturing the décolleté area as well. It will not be superfluous salt massages- in strong saline solution you need to wet the towel and literally whip yourself on the second chin, the line of the cheeks. You need to do this for 10 minutes and quite sensitively - this is how you can tighten the skin of the neck and bring it into proper shape.

You can also use old recipe, according to which honey is prescribed to be applied to the neck, patting lightly (cannot be done with a problem thyroid gland). Honey perfectly tones the skin, and the nourishing cream applied after will soften the skin and make it youthfully tender.

Improving appearance and the condition of the neck, do not forget to sleep in a comfortable but correct position for the neck - on a high pillow placed under the neck, then the neck does not deform and remains beautiful for a long time!

Photo. Photographs of strange, long-necked women adorned with metal rings and spirals stared back at me from the pages of books and magazines about travel and distant lands. They sat against a backdrop of colorful stripes and concentrated on weaving. Their heads, supported by their necks in brass rings, seemed to hang in the void. With their incredibly long, giraffe-like necks, these women seemed no more real than the inhabitants of some fabulous Narnia or Middle-earth, and perhaps even less. I certainly never thought that one day I would come face to face with them.

Tribal connection

The State of Myanmar occupies a large area in South-East Asia and lives in it a lot different peoples and nationalities, which are the source of cultural wealth and huge political problems. The restless Karen people have been at war with the government for almost 60 years. It wasn't until January 12, 2012 that representatives of the Burmese government and the Karen National Union shook hands during peace talks. Perhaps now, after making changes to the current Constitution, they will receive the much-desired autonomy and calm will reign inside the country.

The number of this nationality is about 7% of the total population of Myanmar, that is, approximately 4 million.

Karen live in the southern and southeastern parts of the country. This is not a homogeneous group, a community of five closely related tribes, the names of which come from the color of national clothes: black, white, red karens ... These are the red karens that interest us. They, in turn, consist of several Kayan sub-groups, one of which is Kayan Lahwi. Phew, barely got to the right one. This tribe also has a few more names: “padaung”, “long neck Karen”, “women giraffes”, “tribe of long neck women”, “long neck women”, but they themselves call themselves Kayan.

But what is beauty?

What women don't do in the name of beauty! They wear shoes with high heels, they do very dangerous operations for breast augmentation or painful piercings and tattoos... But all this pales before the ideal of beauty with an almost 30-centimeter neck and brass rings on it, from the collarbone to the chin, weighing ten kilograms... They decorate not only the necks, but also put heavy bracelets on their hands, and on the legs, below the knees, they also wear metal spirals.

The Kayan Lahwi tribe or the tribe of long-necked women (“Long Neck”) are the inventors of the very incredible and exotic beauty that for me was somewhere between pygmies and cannibals. The number of this ethnic group in Burma is quite scanty, and of them something like 400-500 people moved to Thailand and live there in three villages. But interestingly, this tribe has a closely related group called “ Long ears” (“Long Ears”), for which all female beauty is no longer in the long necks of women, but in elongated ears. The ladies of this tribe insert pieces of carved elephant tusk into their pierced ears. First the pieces are small, then bigger and even bigger. And as a result, a hole in the earlobe grows, and can reach 18-20 centimeters. Not weak, right?

The women of the tribe are dressed in colorful costumes, the material for which they themselves weave. If a woman is wearing a white blouse with beads, then this unmarried girl, and the red-blue outfit relies married lady. Purple and green hats complement this unusual beauty.

How does the neck lengthen?

And the neck doesn't elongate at all. It's impossible. Neck extension is optical illusion due to deformation of the clavicle under the weight of wearable rings. Therefore, the name of women “long necks” is not entirely correct: after all, traditional brass coils do not change the size of the cervical vertebrae, but the weight and rigidity of these “decorations” make the collarbones and shoulder blades move down and towards the chest, making upper part the chest is lower and flatter. On made x-rays it was clearly visible.

From the age of five, babies begin to wear one ring on their thin necks, and then, every year, an additional one is added to the neck. The weight of the copper pushes the clavicles down and compresses chest. And so they add pieces up to 20-25. Do they hurt? They don’t hurt, but they still have discomfort - not from the weight of the rings, but from rubbing them against the skin, so they lay a napkin.

Women with a long neck, like everyone else, get married, have children, perform homework, weave and sew. Girls play volleyball. True, they have to drink through a straw.

Despite the fact that there is actually no elongation of the neck, it was this custom that gave rise to the name “giraffe women” for a lady with such an unusual appearance.

Origin of tradition

The origins of its origin are hidden in the depths of millennia. There are only more or less probable assumptions about the origin of this tradition:

  • cultural identity
  • Long and slender necks make them more beautiful and attractive in the eyes of men, this is a sign of well-being
  • Ugliness, from the point of view of representatives of other tribes, protects them from abduction and slavery
  • It is protection from evil spirits
  • A hint of resemblance to a dragon, which is an important figure in Kayan folklore
  • Protection from tigers, which, as you know, grab their prey by the scruff of the neck
  • A kind of family bank of precious metals.

Choose to your taste. I stick to the first, as it seems to me, the most plausible version.

What happens if you remove the rings from your neck?

It is said that a woman's long neck will break under the weight of her head. That the poor long-necked woman would surely die if she took off her rings. Legends report similar cases of the tragic death of women, who slowly and painfully died of suffocation after removing rings from their necks. Like, so mercilessly and severely punished in the tribe of adultery.

The present and future of this tradition

It is very difficult to predict the future of this custom. On the one hand, women with a long neck are unpleasantly disrespectful of their privacy, their culture and traditions. They are also annoyed by the restless and unceremonious curiosity of tourists. On the other hand, this is no longer so much a way of life as a business that brings them a very good income, from which they do not want to give up. Like in a cartoon: Crocodile Gena in a suit and hat comes to the zoo, where he works as a crocodile. He carefully takes off the attributes of civilization, carefully places them on a hanger and, in a negligee, goes to his workplace portray a crocodile.

I already talked about my impressions of meeting with female giraffes in. Before the trip, reading the reports of tourists, looking at the photographs of these women, I kept wondering how similar all these women are to each other. Indistinguishable, well, like the Japanese or the Chinese. It turned out that the casket opened easily. It was the same grandmother in many photos different people! An exposition for tourists sewn with white threads, so to speak, a representative village. Duty smiles, posing for photos, demonstrative work on looms under the eyes of tourists, offers to buy souvenirs... But all this is not real.

Young women of this tribe began to strive to get an education, so most of them stop following the tradition of wearing rings and leave. A few older women and girls remain.

On the other hand, is it necessary to preserve such a tradition that harms the health of women and girls? An analogy immediately suggests itself with the Chinese custom of footbinding that has gone into the past. In Burmese society, opinions on this matter are very ambiguous.


At the beginning of the 20th century, someone named Bertram Mills toured Europe with his circus, in which Karen women were demonstrated among human curiosities and anomalies. It's great that those times have sunk into oblivion. But female giraffes, of course, remain the most famous brand Asian region. For many tourists, these long-necked women are the only reason to travel to Myanmar. But don't forget that even though they have spirals of copper rings around their long necks, these are not aliens, but humans. Ordinary people just like the rest of us! And the beautiful country of Burma, a country with friendly people, with an exotic culture, rich nature and incredible sights, has something to show and besides this!

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