A unique Japanese treatment method is Shiatsu massage. For a beautiful neck

Shiatsu is a type of Japanese therapy based on various types of massage. Translated from Japanese, "shiatsu" means "finger pressure", so it's not hard to guess what the massage is done with.

Shiatsu massage for the face is completely different from the traditional one used in European countries, where a set of actions aimed at smoothing wrinkles is offered as a rejuvenating procedure.

Shiatsu is not massaging as such, but pressing on certain points with the pads of the fingers. Thanks to this, you can not only improve your health, get rid of many diseases, but also significantly rejuvenate. The whole process takes place in a certain sequence, which is the main guarantor of an excellent result.

The author of the method is considered to be the Japanese T. Namikoshi, who began to practice massage according to a new method at the beginning of the twentieth century. He gave details about the new type of massage, its impact on the human body, consequences and prospects in the book "Shiatsu - Japanese finger pressure therapy". Here he explained in detail that pressing on certain points can awaken the reserves of the body, and each point is responsible for a specific organ. Already in 1940 of the last century, Shiatsu College was opened in Japan, and not only connoisseurs of oriental medicine, but also sports, television, film stars from the USA and Europe began to resort to the technique.

Shiatsu massage became especially popular after it was experienced by actress Marilyn Monroe and boxer Mohammed Ali.

Operating principle

Now Shiatsu massage is recognized at home at the official level. This technique is trained for at least three years in order to obtain a certificate and the right to work in Japan and foreign countries.

Despite the fact that many Japanese women know how to do Shiatsu massage on their own, only a specialist who thoroughly knows the physiology of the processes in the human body that will follow by pressing a certain point can really do it.

During the procedure, finger pressure and optimal pushing is carried out at a right angle to the facial mice, while the skin should not stretch. Due to the activation of certain points on the face, a general relaxation of the body is triggered, which leads to the normalization of blood supply in small vessels, relieving tension, and the disappearance of puffiness.

Indications and contraindications

Women and men use Shiatsu facial massage as a rejuvenating procedure, as the effect of the massage can be compared to the work of an expensive anti-aging cream. If you massage regularly, the aging process of the skin will slow down, since the production of collagen and elastin will occur 2 times faster. The face will acquire a healthy appearance, the process of formation of new wrinkles will stop, and mimic wrinkles will noticeably smooth out due to the strengthening of mimic muscles.

But in addition to the rejuvenating effect, it can relieve headaches, cure insomnia, improve emotional state, relieve chronic fatigue, mimic nervous tics and the first manifestations of a cold. In fact, all these indicators are the result of relaxation, which massage leads to, since in the modern rhythm of life, people have simply forgotten how to relax.

But not in all cases, massage can be beneficial. There are diseases and conditions in which Shiatsu massage is contraindicated:

  • in the presence of open wounds;
  • with reduced intracranial pressure;
  • in the presence of neoplasms on the skin;
  • with dilated vessels of the face;
  • during rashes of an allergic or catarrhal nature;
  • during inflammatory processes such as herpes, furunculosis, dermatitis, etc.


Before a facial massage, you need to cleanse the skin with herbal products, and then apply a hot compress for a few minutes, which will help relax the muscles and expand the pores. After that, a moisturizer with vitamin supplements is applied to the skin. Experts say that the maximum effect of massage can be achieved in the morning, when a person is relaxed after sleep, but practice shows that a person needs relaxation especially in the evening.

Massage should be carried out according to a clear pattern, pressing in turn on certain points and not changing the order throughout the procedure. Finger pressure can be applied to each point for no more than 5-7 seconds. You can turn on music or light a scented candle to help the person relax.

The most affordable type of facial massage, Shiatsu is quite suitable for independent performance.

Massage scheme:

  • We press on the points in the middle of the forehead above the eyebrows and press with the fingertips for 7 seconds, after which we move the fingers closer to the eyebrows and repeat. For 4 doses we get to the temples.
  • We lower the index, middle and ring fingers on the eyebrows and press. With the pads of the thumbs, presses on the point of the outer corner of the eyes and then on the point of the inner corner of the eyes.

  • We go to the point on the bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows, and press it with three fingers at the same time.
  • We lower 3 fingers of each hand on the upper eyelids a little below the eyebrows, but without touching the eyeball, and lightly press. The skin to the bridge of the nose should not move, otherwise it will contribute to the formation of new wrinkles.

  • The same is done with the lower eyelid.
  • We press with three fingers on the points under the cheekbones, approximately at the level of the nostrils.

  • With your thumbs, press on the area near the nostrils from the outside.
  • Next, click on the points above the upper lip under the nostrils in the middle.

  • We press with our thumbs on the points on both edges of the lips. You need to clearly feel the muscle and not go beyond it.
  • Next, click on the point located right in the middle under the lower lip. Under it should be the gum, not the teeth.

  • Next, the head should be raised, place three working fingers under the chin, press, and then make three more pressures along the entire edge of the lower jaw.
  • Then you should go down to the neck, on the side parts, and make three pressures one above the other for no more than 3 seconds. You don't need to press hard.

  • We place the thumb of one hand on the jugular cavity and press for 3 seconds.
  • With your thumbs, press on the points at the base of the ear on both sides.

If pain appears while pressing the point, the procedure cannot be continued, since there should be no discomfort. Either you are doing something wrong, or there is some kind of inflammatory process going on. It is also worth remembering that with both hands you need to act on points with the same force.

A facial massage can take about 10-15 minutes and about 10 minutes to prepare for it.
After the procedure, the skin should warm up, and comfortable sensations can be compared with a quite tangible flow of warm energy that passes through the entire face.

Shiatsu massage instructional video

Effect and reviews

  • The effect of massage can not be noticed immediately. After one session, a person can relax, the complexion will change to a healthier and fresher one. This can make you look younger. But more significant changes will come only after 7-10 sessions. In particular, if the purpose of the massage was a therapeutic effect, for example, getting rid of a runny nose, then it will not work to get rid of it in a session.
  • "It was difficult to believe that facial massage can achieve the same effect as from expensive creams or Botox. But as a person prone to experiments, I decided to try out an unfamiliar method on myself. I did not expect a quick effect, but after the third session they noticeably decreased" crow's feet" on the outside of the eyes. In addition, I learned to relax, which in parallel solved the problem with insomnia." - Nastya, 36 years old.
  • “Due to age, wrinkles began to appear in the corners of my lips and eyes. I decided to approach the issue radically and tried to inject Botox. the wall, cracked from old age, was covered with putty, which sooner or later will fall off anyway.
  • A friend told me about Shiatsu massage, but I was skeptical about the massage, because I was sure that massage would not be able to compete with Botox. But after the massage course, my face noticeably smoothed out and the effect turned out to be almost the same as from injections, while I did not get any discomfort, but only pleasure from both the process and the effect. "- Inna, 44 years old.
  • I am prone to frequent colds and have already spent a fortune on medicines. At a certain point, I realized that this could not continue, and I needed to look for alternative methods of dealing with a constant runny nose and cold. And Shiatsu facial massage became such a method for me. I forgot not only about a cold, but also about a headache, and a rejuvenated look and a healthy complexion became a nice bonus.

Recently, specialists in medicine and cosmetology have been intensively adopting oriental methods of rejuvenation and healing. The most accessible and effective massage can be safely attributed to the massage of biologically active points of the face. Just 5 minutes of daily exercise - and after a few weeks the first visible results are noted. The skin literally transforms with each new session, becomes more elastic and smooth, acquires a blooming appearance.

The secret of the success of acupressure for the face lies in the special effect on acupuncture points - certain areas on the body 1-3 mm in size, in which energy accumulates. They can be called magical, since each is connected with the work of some internal organ and interacts with the rest through energy channels - meridians. With proper and regular stimulation of these points by pressing with the fingertips, the circulation of vital energy in the body improves, which is harmoniously redistributed throughout the body. Thanks to this, blood circulation is enhanced and metabolism is normalized, tissues are saturated with oxygen and muscle tension is relieved, which in combination leads to a slowdown in the aging process and overall recovery. However, to obtain a lasting effect, it is necessary to complete a full course lasting at least one month.

There are various massage techniques for acupuncture points:

  • Chinese dynamic zhong massage;
  • su-jok - Korean therapy;
  • Indian marma therapy;
  • Shiatsu is a Japanese system of healing.

The history of the listed techniques goes back to ancient times and is closely connected with the healers of the East, who realized several centuries ago that through special touches one can restore youth and health to people. Modern researchers have studied the phenomenon of biologically active points for a long time and came to the conclusion that they really have a number of features: they have an elevated temperature, low electrical resistance compared to neighboring skin areas, and a higher electrical potential. In addition, they are more sensitive to pain and absorb oxygen more actively.

Today, acupressure has gained great popularity, as practice has shown that it has many advantages:

  • there is no pain during the procedure. Symptoms such as numbness and aches occur only with strong pressure, they also indicate that the points are being massaged correctly;
  • a wide range of effects allows you to use massage for a runny nose, headaches and toothaches, sleep disorders and decreased performance, high blood pressure, to rejuvenate the body and strengthen the immune system. With its help, you can regulate not only your well-being, but also your mood, at the same time restoring the disturbed functions of internal organs and systems. It is also an excellent prevention of colds and problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the high efficiency of the method in the field of cosmetology is manifested in the form of positive changes after the first session. Impact on the biologically active points of the face allows you to tighten the oval and improve skin color, get rid of jowls, double chin, fine wrinkles, dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • carrying out this kind of massage does not require costs and additional equipment. All you need to have on hand is a mirror and hygiene products.

Features of the procedure

The name of the acupressure technique in Japanese means "finger pressure" (shi - finger, atsu - pressure). Shiatsu is a simplified version of the traditional Japanese ammi massage, which has been used successfully in oriental medicine for centuries.

The main hallmark of Shiatsu is the combination of diagnosis and therapy. That is, this type of acupressure is designed not so much for treatment as for restoring the protective reaction of the body. With its help, experienced Shiatsu practitioners are able to diagnose diseases with high accuracy, as well as skillful manipulations to launch a program of self-healing and self-rejuvenation. A characteristic feature is also that only fingers and palms are used. And the system was developed at the beginning of the twentieth century by the Japanese physician Tokujiro Namikoshi, who at one time treated statesmen, movie and sports stars - Marilyn Monroe and Muhammad Ali.

One of the wise Eastern sayings says that the best healer of a person is his own hand.

How to do Shiatsu massage at home

Self-influence on biologically active points through acupuncture or cauterization without professional training and experience can cause serious harm to health. However, Shiatsu acupressure does not require long-term training and can be performed by anyone at home without fear for their safety. Provided that there are no contraindications to massage. These include:

  • reduced intracranial pressure;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • infectious and viral diseases;
  • bad feeling;
  • damage, inflammation or allergic reactions on the skin;
  • rosacea.

It is preferable to perform any acupressure in the morning or before going to bed, starting the procedure with cleansing the face and hands with the usual cleanser, followed by moisturizing the skin with a light cream. Try to create a favorable atmosphere - turn on relaxing music, light an aromatic lamp and only then get down to business.

Location of points, technique, instruction

Shiatsu pressure technique involves three methods of exposure:

  1. The pad of the thumb on each point.
  2. Simultaneous pressing on three points in a row with the pads of the following fingers - index, middle and ring.
  3. Palm.

The pressure force is directed strictly perpendicular to the skin surface, and is dosed depending on the thickness of the subcutaneous fat and the sensitivity of the zone. For example, in the area of ​​​​the eyes, ears, neck and decollete, the impact on a thin surface should be gentle and short-lived - three seconds is enough, and the skin of the forehead, cheekbones, chin and wings of the nose requires a more tangible and prolonged pressure. It is unacceptable to use shifting, rubbing and stretching movements on the skin.

Having studied the location of acupuncture points, proceed to the massage:

  1. Run two fingers along the surface of the forehead starting from the middle towards the temples, and then back to both sides. You can work with three fingers, making point movements in the same direction, but with a 7-second delay with each movement.
  2. Position both hands so that the pads of the middle fingers rest against the middle of the eyebrows, the ring fingers - in the area at the inner corners of the eyes, and the index fingers - at the outer ones. Press for 5-7 seconds.
  3. Work on similar points located under the eyebrows in the same mode, while trying not to touch the eyeball.
  4. Now, in the same way, develop the points located on the lower borders of the eye sockets. With the pads of the index fingers, apply pressure to the areas under the outer corners of the eyes, the middle ones - perpendicular to the pupils, the ring fingers - just below the inner corners.
  5. Press the thumbs of both hands between the eyebrows for 5-7 seconds.
  6. Press on the area under the cheekbones with three fingers of both hands for 5-7 seconds. You can go a little lower and repeat the manipulation.
  7. Act on the wings of the nose with the pads of the middle fingers. 5 seconds is enough.
  8. Then press for 7 seconds on the indentation located above the upper gums, just below the tip of the nose.
  9. Press the corners of your lips using the middle fingers of each hand. Exposure time - 6–7 seconds.
  10. Press for about 7 seconds in the recess under the lower lip, where the lower row of teeth is not felt.
  11. Place three fingers of each hand on the side lines of the chin, fixing the position from below with the thumbs, act for 7 seconds. Next, move the pads higher towards the upper cheekbones.
  12. Place your fingers on the side points of the neck. The index finger should go lower, the middle one should rest in the middle, and the ring finger should press a little higher. The pressure is very light and short, no more than 3 seconds.
  13. In the area of ​​the jugular cavity, you should press very gently and only 3 seconds, using the pads of the middle or thumb.
  14. Find the dimples that are under the earlobes and fix the adjacent symmetrical points with the pads of three fingers. Pressing time - 5 seconds.

Shiatsu massage is a type of Japanese massage based on finger pressure treatment. The founder of this teaching is Tokujiro Namikoshi. Literally translated from Japanese, Shiatsu means finger pressure.

This technique can be considered to some extent a modern interpretation, more advanced and closer to modern conditions. There are different types of this massage, based on the traditions of Japanese massage, as well as on the development of human physiology.

Japanese acupressure technique

Methods of influence

The main distinguishing feature of the technique can be considered the fact that a broad effect extends to the body. During the session, the patient's internal energy is activated. The biologically active points stimulating during the procedure do not coincide with the points of oriental medicine. As a rule, the selected points are based on the soreness of the body. This procedure is not only an excellent "healer" of the body, but also puts in order the energy of a person, which is continuously associated with a therapeutic effect.

Shiatsu manual techniques are based on the fact that the patient is pressed at the right points with fingers. Basically, the massage therapist determines the points intuitively, and not by description. With the help of this manual method, the flow of internal energy "Qi" is normalized.

Over time, the massage takes on a more modern direction, when performing special devices are used that replace the massage therapist's fingers. One of these devices is metal balls called "ki-gong". The balls are pressed to a certain point and begin to rotate clockwise.

Massage action

This is used to improve the whole body, to relieve stress, tension and fatigue. Under its influence, the immune system is strengthened, which positively affects the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases. Japanese shiatsu massage is an excellent remedy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, protects our nervous system, helps to cope with insomnia and various stressful situations.

It has been proven that Shiatsu is useful in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. For example, Japanese massage techniques can be used in, in the complex treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, osteochondrosis.

I would like to note that with the help of this procedure, you can positively affect the quality of life. So, by acting on biologically active points, you can increase sexual desire in a couple. Many couples use this technique in erotic massage. By acting on the points located in women in the chest area, and in men in the lumbosacral region, sexual activity increases.

Touch Healing


It is advisable to carry out this procedure in courses. Daily 9-10 sessions will give effective results. If necessary, you can repeat the course again, only after a week break.

As a rule, the massage therapist uses fingertips, in some cases special devices. Pressings are made, the strength of which is regulated with varying degrees of intensity. Depending on the reception, the specialist either increases or decreases the pressing force. The frequency of pressing is approximately 5-6 times per minute. If it is necessary to perform a more intense pressing, the fingers of both hands are used simultaneously. In this case, one finger is superimposed on the second. It is not allowed to move the fingers along the skin, the pressure must be strictly perpendicular to the skin.

Sometimes, performing some tricks, instead of the fingertips, the entire surface of the palm is used. Most often, this technique is used for and abdomen. Also, the palm is used to perform vibration techniques.

For the treatment of a specific disease, points located near the painful place are stimulated. Regardless of this, permanent biologically active points are also massaged, which are responsible for the work of certain organs and tissues. To improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the points located on the left hand are massaged, and the points located on the feet are used to normalize the functioning of the kidneys.

Dosing of acupressure

To perform this procedure, irritation techniques are used, the impact of which differs in its intensity, strength, duration, frequency. Two methods of influence are used: inhibitory and exciting. This division is due to what end result we get on the body.

The inhibitory method is characterized by gradual, slow, with increasing intensity irritation, which has a longer effect. The force of impact extends deeply, in some cases to the bones. This method has a calming, analgesic effect on the body. How this method is performed: a finger is placed on a certain point and a planar circular stroking is performed. The force of pressure gradually increases, as stroking turns into rubbing, and then into pressure. This movement is performed for 20 seconds, then the finger slowly rotates in the opposite direction. The force of pressure gradually decreases. Pressing turns into rubbing, and rubbing into stroking. Massaging the 1st point continues for 1-3 minutes. From 2 to 4 points are processed per session.

The excitatory method of exposure is a strong short irritation, consistently performed on a body area. The above techniques are performed, but with a different intensity and force of impact. With the help of movements, penetration occurs, up to the muscles. The frequency of movements is greater, with an impact on the point for 30-40 seconds. Usually 6-8 biologically active points are massaged per session.

First, the point is massaged by rapid rotational movements. Massaged for 30 seconds. Then they move on to the next point.

Massage to improve performance

In any work, even in the most beloved, after some time, fatigue and fatigue appear. The method of finger point impact can relieve fatigue and increase efficiency. You can perform tricks without leaving your desk. To do this, you need to act on the points of the face and head: the first point is at the base of the nasal septum, the second is in the chin fossa, the third is between the eyebrows, and the next is in the temples.

These points need to be affected for 30-60 seconds each. After, we move on to Shiatsu of the palms: we massage the center of the palm, then the fingertips, first we act on the left hand, then on the right. These manipulations can be carried out 2-3 times a day.

For headache

With a headache, the impact on the front of the head is performed:

  • forehead points. They are on a vertical line passing through the middle of the eyebrow. At an equal distance from the hairy zone. Stroking is performed with gradual pressure. Duration 3-5 minutes.
  • crown zone. The points are located along the midline of the head at the intersection with the line from the upper auricles. The points are massaged for 3-4 seconds, then the impact passes to the points located 2 transverse fingers in front and to the side of the previous ones. The procedure ends with a light stroking of the temple area for 2 minutes.

For dizziness

Dizziness can occur even in the healthiest people. Feeling dizzy can occur in vehicles, in the sky, on water, and even at home.

In this case, you need to act on the points located between the eyebrows, at the base of the nose. It is necessary to perform pressure with a circular motion with 2 fingers. Finish the procedure with a massage in the temple area with both hands for 1-2 minutes, then in the tragus area.

When coughing

The method of Japanese finger acupressure Shiatsu also helps with diseases of the upper respiratory tract. What points should be affected:

  • On points located from the neck, jugular notch, to the tip of the xiphoid process. It is necessary to perform stroking with gradual pressure for 1-2 minutes.
  • Next, you should perform rotational pressure on the subclavian points.
  • To a point located in the occipital fossa. It takes 1-2 minutes to act.
  • On a point at the base of the nasal septum.

For menstrual pain

The Shiatsu method will help reduce menstrual pain. To do this, you need to act on the points located on the protrusions of the iliac bones; on points located on the midline 2 fingers below the navel; on points located on the inner surface of the lower leg 2 fingers above the inner ankle.

For sleep disorders

Sleep disturbances can manifest themselves due to stressful situations, overexertion or late dinner.

Normalization of sleep can be achieved by this method. What points need to be affected: forehead area (bumps), occipital fossa. Massaging these points can be alternated with deep pressure on the point in the center of the heel. This procedure is best done before bed. It is very useful and effective to lightly stroke the entire foot.


Contraindications to acupressure Japanese Shiatsu massage:

  • Infectious diseases
  • Skin diseases
  • Malignant and benign neoplasms
  • Oncological diseases
  • Heat

This technique can really give tangible results after a few sessions. Properly performed technique will relieve fatigue, stress, normalize sleep, increase efficiency and return joy to life.

Improve blood flow and remove toxins and make you more attractive.

Your skin shines with health, transforms and becomes younger, you feel more confident with each massage session.

This is a procedure known since the times of the ancient East. It consists in point impact with fingertips on certain active points in the face and neck.

The main goal pursued by a person who decides to visit the sessions is to relieve tension and relax the facial muscles.

After two or three treatments, you will begin to hear compliments about your appearance. Literally the first few trips to the massage therapist will give a stunning result.

The full course usually lasts one month. During this time, a woman does two or three procedures a week.

Massage works only when performed regularly. Relaxation during the procedure is also important. Muscles should be as relaxed as possible.

If you prefer to do it yourself, we recommend that you first create an intimate warm atmosphere in the room. To do this, turn on a relaxing melody and light a few scented candles.

What is shiatsu acupressure

Historical reference: The Shiatsu system was developed by the Japanese physician Tokujiro Namikoshi at the beginning of the twentieth century. From the Japanese "shiatsu" is translated as finger pressing. This is the principle of the massage therapist. During a shiatsu session, pressure occurs. The main elements of the procedure are exclusively pressure. Rubbing, stroking, tingling are prohibited.

There are three types of shiatsu:

  • Zen. Based on intuition and bioenergetics.
  • Classical. followers of Namikoshi.
  • West. A modernized form of shiatsu based on modern science.

The force with which the specialist acts, as well as the duration of pressing in each case, is determined individually. The reason why the patient asked for a massage plays a big role. No discomfort or pain is felt.

Another important detail: with shiatsu, the active points of the tsubo are affected. These movements trigger the processes of self-healing and self-rejuvenation in the body.

Thus, Shiatsu activates the internal reserves of a person and eliminates the cause of poor health. To date, the world knows various, both for getting rid of the first signs of aging, and.

During a Shiatsu session, an experienced massage therapist can diagnose various diseases with an accuracy of almost 95%.

Indications and contraindications

An indication for acupressure of the face may be an imbalance in the human energy field, the need to activate the body's defenses. The procedure is also used for preventive purposes, when there are no direct indications for it.

You can achieve good results with acupressure sessions for rejuvenation in the following cases:

  • Occasionally, mild headaches occur due to overexertion and fatigue.
  • There was lethargy and flabbiness of the skin, decreased muscle tone.
  • The complexion became dull.
  • The smoothness of the skin disappeared, irregularities, enlarged pores and rashes appeared.
  • The frequency of edema and bags under the eyes has become more frequent.
  • The woman noticed the first mimic wrinkles on her face or neck.
  • There is a desire to conduct a course of prevention of aging.
  • The age of the woman crossed the border of 25 years.

However, acupressure for rejuvenation is still a therapeutic procedure. Some contraindications apply to it, among which are the following:

  • The skin on the face is damaged. The nature of the damage can be mechanical, infectious, allergic or any other.
  • There are fresh injuries on the face (burns, cuts, bites).
  • The body is affected by a virus or infection, the body temperature is elevated, the state of health is poor. Acupressure in this case only harms and contributes to the deterioration of health.
  • Malignant tumors appeared in the body. There is a risk of provoking the appearance of metastases in healthy organs.
  • The woman suffers from blood diseases (hemophilia).
  • Constant torment for unknown reasons.
  • Violation of the functioning of internal organs (heart muscle, kidneys, liver, bronchi).
  • Individual features of hair growth and the structure of the skull. We are talking about increased scalp hairiness, in which the scalp can be damaged and become covered with red spots. Such cases are very rare, but they do happen.

Shiatsu points

There are sixteen magic points of shiatsu, the stimulation of which starts the process of healing and rejuvenation.

No. 1. Forehead
With two fingers placed one above the other, walk along the entire forehead from the middle to the temples and back to both sides.

No. 2, 3, 4. Eyebrows and forehead
Place three fingers on the eyebrow so that one is in its middle, the second is at the beginning, the third is at the outer corner. Press for 7 seconds. Then work with one finger on point 3, located at the outer corner of the eye. Point 4 is the place at the inner corner of the eye. You need to press on it for six seconds.

No. 5. Bridge of the nose
Press on the point between the eyebrows for a few seconds.

No. 6. Fixed eyelid
Work on the brow area, do not touch the eyeball.

No. 7. The area under the eyes
For seven seconds, press on the area under the eyes with the pads of the index, middle and ring fingers.

No. 8. Cheeks
Influence the sub-cheekbone zone with three fingers of each hand. Five seconds is enough.

No. 9. Nose wings
Press on the wings of the nose with your middle fingers for five seconds.

No. 10. Nasolabial fold
With your finger, work on the recess where the teeth are not felt for seven seconds.

No. 11. Corners of the lips
Press with the pads of your middle fingers for 5-6 seconds.

No. 12. Dimple under the lower lip
With your finger, work on the recess where the teeth are not felt. Press for 7 seconds.

No. 13. Lower jaw
Place three fingers on the sides of the chin. With your thumb, lightly pinch the bone and press for seven seconds. Work your way up to the highest spot on your cheekbones.

No. 14. Lateral points on the neck
The index finger should be lower and the ring finger higher. Press for three seconds.

No. 15. Jugular cavity
Pressure with the pad of the middle finger for three seconds on the cavity.

No. 16. Jaw joint
The index fingers are in the hole in front of the lobe. Middle - behind the ear. Give it five seconds.

How to work with dots on the face

    • For work, use the index, middle and ring fingers of the hand.
    • The impact is made at an angle of 90 degrees to the skin.
    • The movements are not rubbing, but pressing. The skin should not move.
    • The force of pressure should be quite noticeable.
    • The duration of pressure on one point varies from five to seven seconds. The neck area is affected for 3 seconds.
    • All paired points are massaged simultaneously.
    • It is better to work with points in the morning or before going to bed.

Face preparation

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to properly prepare the face. To do this, carefully treat your face with a cleansing lotion or gel.

You can use a homemade soothing infusion:

Make an infusion of herbs purchased at the pharmacy. Dilute with quality white wine. Pre-dilute the wine with boiled water in a ratio of 3 to 1, respectively.

After that, steam the skin well, while the pores will open and tension will go away. This can be done with a hot towel or a special facial sauna device.

Create a pleasant atmosphere (light scented candles, turn on a slow composition in the background) and just lie down like this for a few minutes. Three minutes before the start of the massage, lubricate the face and neck with a moisturizer.

How to do facial massage for wrinkles

After preparation, proceed to acupressure:

      • Massage your forehead in a spiral. At the same time, make sure that the skin does not move.
      • Under the cheekbones, find a small indentation and press on it. If there is a slight pain, the point is found correctly. Press it three to five times within seven seconds.
      • With your thumbs, work out the lower edge of the chin, making light pressure. Press on the chin area where the root of the tongue is located.
      • Slightly tilt your head back, the skin on the neck should tighten. Then lean forward. Repeat 10 times.
      • Rub your ears with your palms.
      • Massage the skin around the eyes. Start from the inner corner and gradually move to the outer.
      • Work out a point between the eyebrows and on the wings of the nose.
      • Stick your tongue out as far as possible. At the same time, say a drawn out sound "a".

And one more video about facial acupressure for rejuvenation - face massage become 10 years younger!


Acupressure for rejuvenation can be done in a beauty salon by contacting a professional, and you can learn to work with your face on your own at home, so as not to depend on anyone.

In any case, you will get unearthly pleasure and great benefits for the skin. The procedure is described in more detail in the video instructions.

Japanese physician Takuhiro Nakimoshi became famous for his manual technique of acupressure with Shiatsu fingers: Japanese acupressure of the body. By pressing the fingers on the energy points, any kind of pain can be relieved. The birth of this technique was the doctor's observation of how a person who received a blow or bruise reacts to it. He immediately begins to intensively rub the bruised place, thereby, as it were, forcing the body to become more active and relieve pain. Translated from Japanese, Shi means “fingers”, atsu means “pressing”.

Pressing is carried out perpendicular to the body. The lactic acid accumulated at the point, with regular pressure, changes to glycogen. Some points are subjected to repeated pressing until the stiffness of the tissues changes. This is the essence of Shiatsu point therapy. Due to the nature of the disease, the pressing force and technique change. This ensures that the person does not have unpleasant pain.

The purpose of the technique is to eliminate the cause of the disease. As a result of manipulations on the tsubo (the so-called points), the hidden capabilities of the human body, laid down by nature, wake up, and it begins an independent battle with the disease.

bioenergetic points

Point locations:

  • dimples on the joints and bones;
  • tendons, arteries;
  • pulse.

By finger pressure on the points of the human body, you can not only cure the disease, but also diagnose it, that is, find those points that do not function correctly, therefore, indicate the presence of the disease.

Each point is special in color, temperature, softness. With frequent pressing on the painful point, its parameters change and gradually return to normal. Therefore, the zone for which this point is responsible begins to function normally.


A parameter such as stiffness can indicate the epicenter of tension in the body. To maintain a diseased area in a tense state, the body expends a lot of energy. The masseur, on the other hand, relieves this tension with a simple touch of the fingers and moves energy into the healing process. Massage is also used to relieve nervous tension, fatigue and anxiety.

So Shiatsu is not just an impact, but a change in the state of the active points of the body.

Shiatsu makes the body mobile, developed, relieves muscle tension, calms the nerves, changes the appearance as a whole. In the process of massage, a person receives physical activity. This condition is similar to that which occurs after playing sports.

Massage can:

  • relieve headache;
  • promote good sleep;
  • relieve fatigue;
  • cure colds;
  • remove the nervous tic of the face;
  • enhance vision;
  • improve complexion;
  • slow down the aging process of the skin.

Massage is divided into three types:

  1. professional;
  2. mutual massage;
  3. self-massage.

Diseases that Shiatsu massage can relieve

  • cold;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis, sciatica;
  • scoliosis;
  • bronchitis;
  • neuralgia;
  • excess weight;
  • headache;
  • depression;
  • insomnia;
  • paralysis;
  • angina and a number of others.


If you have:

  • low intracranial pressure;
  • skin disease;
  • inflammatory diseases: herpes, dermatitis, etc.;
  • open wounds,

then Shiatsu massage is contraindicated for you.

The consequence of pressing on the points

  • To relieve tension in the arms and legs, it is necessary to press on the points located in the inner part of the arms from the elbow to the wrist.
  • An increase in vitality will help massage a point located a few cm below the navel.
  • Massage of the point under the knee fossa will help get rid of anxiety.
  • Against insomnia - massage of the earlobes.
  • Kneading movements of the center of the feet and palms, phalanges of the fingers will increase appetite.
  • Pressure in the chest area will help to get rid of the habit of smoking.
  • You can relieve a headache by performing manipulations at the points at the temples and in the center of the bridge of the nose.
  • Massage points in the inner corners of the eyes and at the base of the nose near the nostrils will help relieve eye strain.
  • To relieve back pain, massage should be carried out at points located in the center of the pits under the knees.
  • Points in the middle of the forehead and chin are responsible for the symptoms of menopause. Therefore, you can alleviate your condition by pressing on them.

Acupressure technology

The movements of the massage therapist should be clear, but unhurried. You can not turn your fingers so as not to stretch the skin. The pressing force depends on the subcutaneous fat: the thicker the layer, the stronger the pressure. Massage with both hands should be done with the same intensity. If pain occurs, massage should be stopped. General strengthening massage is carried out in the morning for fifteen minutes.

Preparatory activities for facial massage

  1. to begin with, you must cleanse the skin with lotion or some kind of remedy;
  2. warm the skin with a hot compress to open the pores;
  3. as a relaxing effect, you can put on relaxing music and light aroma candles;
  4. Before massage, apply a moisturizer to the face.

The entire human body consists of twelve meridians corresponding to twelve systems. Shiatsu therapy is not intended to replace medicine, but can be a good help in acquiring harmony between a person and his body. Only the person who is in harmony with the world and with himself can do massage.

Belly massage.

To start a general strengthening massage should be from the abdomen, since it is he who is the focus of important organs. First you need to calm down and feel for the pulse, since the pulse is considered an important component of the human body, accompanying it throughout life. Next, put your hand on your stomach and make circular massage movements. In the abdomen there is an energy point called "qi kai", that is, life, which spreads throughout the body. From the center of the palm should go alternately to the pelvis, then back. After removing your hands from your stomach, you again need to feel the pulse. You can not break the connection between the massage therapist and the one to whom it is performed.

Back massage.

The back is the area that stores the memory of the body and even the experience of past generations. Shiatsu will keep your balance. A set of exercises for the back is a dynamic movement that requires the masseur to apply strength. As a result of massage movements, the shoulder area relaxes. And this is where tension builds up. The lower back is also subject to relaxation, therefore, the renal system is activated. However, all manipulations must be done carefully and carefully. First, the masseur establishes contact with the left hand, then with the right. The left hand is associated with the human heart, and the right hand with the whole body. A few intense pressures are enough to make the connection. Further, the right hand moves from the lower back to the pelvis, and the left hand to the neck. Thus, you stretch the contact zone first on the left side, then on the right. Then the same thing, only diagonally. The spine is stretched. After that, the right hand continues to be on the pelvis, and you turn on the pressure, which is directed to the lower back through the left palm.

Foot massage.

There are bioenergy points on the feet that are responsible for the functioning of vital systems. In order to restore life to tired legs, it is necessary to alternately press on each finger in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nail, and then with your thumb you need to press on a point in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bleg instep to such an extent that an imprint remains. There are four more important points in the center of the foot that require point pressure. Also, the points are on the Achilles tendon and on both sides of the heel.

Hand massage.

There are four energy points on each finger. Pressing on them must be done with the thumb pad of the other hand. After massaging all the fingers, you proceed to the points located on the inside of the palm. They are located: the first is at the base of the middle finger, the second is in the center. The third is at the big base.

The Shiatsu technique differs from Western techniques in that it involves releasing tension, establishing contact, and applying pressure perpendicular to the body. It should be noted that Shiatsu is performed through clothing, and not necessarily on the naked body.



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