The alarm will go into REM sleep. Other models of well-known brands

That's enough for today urgent problem: people work more and sleep less. Is it possible to improve the quality of sleep if we cannot increase its duration? The quality of sleep not only can be improved, but it needs to be worked on. Modern gadgets will help you cope with this task.

We studied mobile applications, sleep trackers and fitness bracelets with a built-in sleep sensor. Before reviewing gadgets, it is necessary to understand how high-tech gadgets can help fight insomnia and make you wake up easily in the morning?

What do sleep trackers track and how can they help you sleep better?

Sleep trackers will teach you how to wake up and go to bed on time, they help fight snoring and " crumpled look» in the morning. Some gadgets have a feature to track impact environment for a sleeping user.

The main advantage of sleep trackers is that they constantly analyze the quality of your sleep. This is important because it is not easy for us to close our eyes and go to sleep, our brain unconsciously turns off. There are two stages of sleep: deep sleep and active sleep. During deep sleep our brain really shuts down, and the body and brain are resting. When we toss and turn in our sleep, wake up, our brain hardly rests, this is the active stage of sleep, and it is less useful.

The most advanced fitness trackers provide users with a daily report on how they spent the night, how many hours were spent with benefit, and how many were wasted. Gadgets will also help to find out the cause of these problems. For example, the reason bad sleep can serve: a glass of beer before bedtime, working late at the computer, noisy neighbors….

Dr. Anatom the author of the articles shares his experience: “I use the Jawbone UP sleep tracker and with its help I realized that I need to limit my alcohol consumption. After each drink, he showed terrible statistics. healthy sleep and in the morning I really felt crushed. Now I don't drink more than 3 beers and my sleep has improved dramatically."

How do sleep trackers distinguish between deep sleep and active sleep?

Accelerometers and a heart rate monitor are more reliable. The first of those mentioned can be attached to the wearer's wrist or put on a pillow, while it will track the slightest movements of a person. The more you move, the worse you sleep.

With a heart rate monitor, everything is just as clear, it is usually used with additional sensors, such as an altimeter or tonemeister, which allows you to get more accurate statistics. These sensors track an increase in heart rate, which is a sign of coming out of deep sleep.

Sleep sensors also record other signs of poor sleep: snoring and nocturnal delirium.

This is where audio recording comes in handy again: the sound sensor records all the sounds while you sleep and transfers the files to your phone. The application installed in the smartphone analyzes all the collected data and systematizes your snoring, delirium, and even sleepwalking.

A pleasant surprise is the ability to listen to all the sounds that you make at night. Of course, trackers won't cure your snoring or nerve problems, but they will figure out all your problems and make you think it's time to consult a doctor or neurologist.

Full review of Jawbone UP24 (video)

The smart alarm clock is another unique feature that sleep trackers have. Have you noticed that on some days you wake up easily, and on other days you cannot be woken up even by a shot from a cannon? This impermanence also depends on the stages of sleep. If the alarm rings while you are in deep sleep, you are unlikely to get up at the count of three.

But if you are in the stage of active sleep, then you will wake up rested and energetic. main function smart alarm clock is precisely in tracking the onset of this stage, when your body is ready to wake up. However, you cannot set a specific wake-up time, the alarm must be set to a half-hour range during which you need to wake up!

Modern sleep trackers can track not only the quality of your sleep, but also the conditions in which you sleep. At present, almost all devices are equipped with room temperature sensors, dust sensors, which can calculate the percentage of oxygen or carbon dioxide in the air. You probably know from childhood Golden Rule that before going to bed you need to ventilate the room in order to sleep better. It is indeed true, some of the external factors can lead to nightmares, literally and figuratively.

Now that we've discussed the purpose of sleep trackers, it's time to move on to an overview of the most popular devices that come with these features.

Sleep trackers in your phone 3 most popular apps

Smartphone app makers have long been talking about how any phone can be turned into a simple sleep sensor. Today, the Apple Store and Android Market offer approximately 50 such applications, and most of them are paid, and they use the accelerometers built into the smartphone.

They all work pretty much the same. You must place the smartphone with installed application, on a pillow near the head of a sleeping person. The built-in motion sensor will analyze all movements at night and distinguish deep stage sleep from active.

However, like any system, they have their drawbacks. First, the sensors of all three apps fail if there is another person or cat in the bed. Secondly, the phone must be connected to the charger all night, otherwise in the morning you will find 80-40% battery charge. Thirdly… there is also electromagnetism! It's a dubious pleasure to have a smartphone next to your head all night if you live in a world of high-tech devices!

But what benefit do we get if we put up with radiation, a dead phone battery, and send our partner to sleep on the couch? Users note that in all three applications, the smart alarm option is a priority. But what should delight customers so much?

ProgramRuntastic Sleep Better explores how alcohol, coffee and learning affect the quality of your sleep. Every day, the user records everything he does throughout the day, the application processes this data and identifies patterns in how lifestyle affects the quality of your sleep. The program keeps track lunar phases and gives advice on when is the best time to go to bed. You can also keep a dream diary. This feature was created specifically for those who cannot remember their dreams and get very upset because of this. The application has trial version and premium, and its average rating is 4.0

Sleep cycle one more application. You will have to pay only a dollar for it, which is much less than you would have to pay for its competitors. On Google Play users rate the app quite high 4.5 stars. In addition to a smart alarm clock and sleep analysis, there is also an option to record “night sounds”. This feature helps distinguish snoring from cat purring, and the sound of a truck driving down the street from the ringing of a doorbell. What else can Sleep Cycle do? The app has all the same features as other trackers... you can keep a dream diary, the app evaluates the effect of coffee and your diet on sleep... Although, it does not track the phases of the moon, like the Runtastic app.

That's all we wanted to talk about mobile applications. They are affordable, inexpensive, practical, but their capabilities are much more modest than those of professional gadgets.

Fitness bracelets with built-in sleep sensors

No matter how highly users rate mobile applications, fitness bracelets have a number of advantages over them:

  1. The sensor is located on the hand and guarantees the accuracy of the accelerometer. Unlike a smartphone, it will not cause you discomfort, you will not worry that it can fall on the floor from your pillow, and it will track the slightest movements of your body.
  2. Another advantage of smart alarm clocks is that they do not emit loud beeps. Most fitness trackers help wake up their wearers with vibration. Such a signal will not wake up your other half (unlike a loud mobile call)
  1. Since fitness bracelets are located on the wrist, and not next to the head, like applications, they can track your heart rate, body temperature, these data are also entered into the “night report”

Thus, the advantages of these devices are obvious. Now is the time to move on to summary specific models and find out which ones control your sleep better. But, first of all, it is necessary to define the modern price range, which will be between $15 and $100. We'll start our comparison with the most discounted model, the Xiaomi Mi Band.

Xiaomi mi Band smart bracelet

This is another fitness tracker that is very popular among customers. The bracelet has been awarded 4 stars by users. He does not possess any modern features, such as a monitor heart rate or something unusual: the bracelet simply evaluates your activity, tracks calorie consumption, monitors sleep and gives some advice about healthy lifestyle life.

This smart bracelet will cost you much less than its competitors (from $13.32), which is why it is so popular. As for the benefits we are interested in: long term battery life (up to 720 hours, you'll only have to charge it once a month), easily adjustable for everyone and waterproof (so you can use it while swimming).

Users note the following shortcomings this model: the pedometer is inaccurate, the clasp is poorly adjustable, the volume of the gadget. However, we are primarily interested in sleep control. What are the reviews on this?

Some Amazon customers have noticed that after 10pm, any lack of activity is automatically defined as sleep. Even if you are playing on the computer, the fitness bracelet will assume that you are sleeping.

The smart alarm clock is generally not criticized, despite the fact that some users find it inconvenient, because the fitness tracker will be on them earlier than they are used to.

Most customers admit that it has become much easier for them to wake up every morning and they feel much better with Xiaomi mi band.

Jawbone UP this is a real bestseller. Jawbone devices are well known for being the best in sleep tracking. One of its advantages is its price (which starts at $59.99) and the fact that, judging by feedback, it is a kind of analogue of Android sleep tracker. Overall rating users of this gadget on the Amazon website is not high, only 3.0.

All user comments relate to sleep monitoring. They say that breakdowns happen often, the battery and impermeability leave much to be desired. On the contrary, they praise the sleep sensor and smart alarm clock. Almost half of the reviews state that the sleep sensor is the main advantage of the device. The only claim on this issue is due to the fact that the gadget does not always capture the actual moment of falling asleep. However, in this case, you can always note the approximate time of falling asleep in the morning. As you remember, Dr. Anatom was also very pleased with the sleep sensor of this device.

Withings Aura review. Magic sleep tracker (video)

Amazon customers point out that Jawbone Up taught them how to wake up properly and made them more energetic (even if we're talking about waking up early on weekends). User Martin, for example, states in his review that he wakes up every morning at 6:45 am fresh and active just because of this fitness bracelet. You will find more reviews about Jawbone UP on

Fitbit Flex Wireless Activity and Sleep Wristband

We started with the most competitively priced trackers and will end our review with the most expensive sleep sensors. This is the most popular fitness bracelet on Amazon - the FitBit Flex is discounted for $79.99. It became a bestseller mainly because of a wide range useful features, including sleep tracking. Users claim that it is convenient to use, you only need to press the bracelet a couple of times to fall asleep. However, others complain that the manual switch is very inconvenient because in the morning in a hurry, they forget to switch the Fitbit bracelet from sleep to active.

By the way, Fitbit Flex can easily distinguish between sleep and wakefulness at night, by the movement of the wrist on which the bracelet is located. Thus, if you are not very active during sleep, the results will be more accurate. Either way, the Fitbit Flex will track your flips at night and report them in the morning.

A silent alarm that will make your awakening pleasant is a significant advantage. You don't have to wake up to a loud alarm song on your smartphone when you have a Flex on your wrist. Find out more by reading 13,000 customer reviews on about this bracelet.

Summing up, It should be noted that you can buy a good fitness bracelet with a built-in sleep tracker and a smart alarm clock without spending a lot of money. There is on the market great amount inexpensive models that successfully control not only your physical activity and diet, but also your sleep.

Multifunctional sleep systems

Here is a real sleep analyzer.

Withings Aura smart sleep system

This whole complex, which is located next to the bed, is aimed at improving the quality of sleep, costing $299.95. The elements of this system are a music light, a mattress with a sensor that needs to be hidden under the sheet, and a software module. The device tracks your activity and correlates it with external factors that affect your sleep, such as room lighting, noise, and even air quality.

In the evening, the room is illuminated with a pleasant orange (reminiscent of dusk) light and various lullaby songs. In the morning, turn on blue light, which stimulates easy lifting. Apparently, this affects the production of the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for the sleep-wake cycle.

Aura distinguishes three phases of sleep (not two!): in addition to deep and active stages of sleep, there is also a stage of REM (rapid eye movement), during which we dream. There is a smart alarm function, Aura wakes its owner with the sounds of nature, not vibration. Is not best idea, as many would like to fall asleep to such sounds and not wake up. However, any track downloaded from the Internet can be used as an alarm clock.

A few words about Aura sleep sensors. This sleep tracker tracks body movement, respiratory cycles and records your heart rate using the mattress. Add to this the statistics of external sensors, which include space lighting control, temperature control and a night recorder.

Nevertheless, Amazon democratically rates the gadget at 3. Users complain that the gadget is terribly difficult to regulate. You need to perform voodoo rituals to make it work, you can set it to sleep for up to 30 minutes, but it offers you functionality that is a bit more than a regular fitness band. The ability of the gadget to soothe and relax the user is doubtful; mono monitors can also be found in cheaper gadgets. In general, read the reviews on the Amazon website and decide for yourself whether you need this system - a smart analyzer of your precious sleep.

Sense-Sleep Pill

This is another example of a specialized sleep monitoring system. It's only a project so far, but it's already raised $2 million on Kickstarter. This tiny sensor is attached to the pillow with a clip and monitors the activities of a person during sleep (turning, talking in a dream, etc.). The sensor consists of a 6-axis gyroscope that captures the slightest movements of the user.

"Sense" monitors external stimuli such as humidity, air temperature and dust in the room, room lighting and external noise levels. We were most impressed with the dust sensor. Manufacturers claim that the sensor can detect both small and large dust particles. The system can also detect if there is airborne pollen and report the results to its users. In general, this is the most advanced gadget in terms of built-in sensors.

Striiv Fusion: 2 in 1 fitness tracker and watch (video)

Other interesting feature made by the developers is that your sleep is rated on a rating out of 100. There are rating instructions that indicate what needs to be changed to improve sleep utility. The price of the product is attractive: you can pre-order the Sense for $129. However, since the Sense-Sleep Pill is not yet for sale, all the compliments towards the device are strictly theoretical.

It is currently a fashion trend, which is why these things are sold. We would like to present to your attention several interesting devices:

  • Hat Sleep Shepherd($149.99) was designed for those who have trouble sleeping. Manufacturers promise that the device will help you slow down brain activity so you can relax and fall asleep. Users were skeptical at first, but the Sleep Shepherd really helped them fall asleep.

  • If you do not want to wear something on your head, then there is a soothing bracelet for you. DREAMATE SLEEP AID for $54.94. It relaxes muscles and helps you fall asleep faster, especially if you wear it for 30 minutes before going to bed ... The bracelet is tested by Dreamate Sleep Aid users.

  • assistant, a small device that normalizes your breathing and soothes you with soft light, costs $50.33.

  • For those who take sleep really seriously, there are l personal sleep manager Zeo for $549.99. This system should track your sleep and make recommendations on what should be done to improve the quality of your sleep and get rid of negative factors that make it worse.

If you still can't decide which sleep tracker you should buy, read the Amazon customer reviews.

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An active lifestyle is a must modern man get as much done as possible during the day. Often you have to go to bed late and get up early, which entails lack of sleep, decreased performance and immunity, Bad mood. A smart alarm clock with sleep phases will help you wake up at the most comfortable time for the body, when the brain is actively working. The result will be good health upon awakening, cheerfulness and high activity during the day.

Human sleep during the night is divided into several stages:

  1. Stage slow sleep(includes deep, medium and light phase). At this stage, the brain does not work, the person is fast asleep, does not move and does not dream.
  2. Stage REM sleep(rapid eye movement phase). During such intervals, the brain actively processes information, a person sees dreams.

How smart alarm clocks work

The task of a smart alarm clock is to use the built-in accelerometer to determine the beginning or end of the REM sleep phase and to emit a signal at that very moment. Waking up becomes soft and comfortable.

On alarm clocks of this type, no certain time when it's time to wake up, and the time interval (for example, from 6.30 to 7.00). Within half an hour, the device will determine optimal time for awakening.

How to choose

To date, two types of smart alarm clocks are popular and commercially available: aXbo and Sleeptracker.


It looks like an ordinary electronic alarm clock, it comes with two touch sensors to determine the movement of a person and two terry bracelets that need to be worn on the hand. The kit includes USB for recharging and software for transferring data on the duration of sleep phases and dream analysis to a computer.

The advantage of this model is the ability to wake up two people with one alarm clock, as there are two bracelets. You can select the melody and volume of the signal. But you can not change the interval for awakening - by default it is half an hour. Prices fluctuate in the range of 11,000-15,000 rubles.


In appearance - wrist watch with built-in motion sensor. It can wake up not only with a melody, but also with a vibration signal. It also has its own software for transferring data to a PC. Designed for one person, convenient for travel and trips. You can set your own wake-up interval (from 10 to 90 minutes). The price range is from 6000-8000 rubles.

In addition, applications for smartphones that work on a similar principle are becoming popular. The advantage is that they are free. The disadvantage is the need to keep the smartphone on charge all night, preventing it from blocking. The application may be inaccurate.

What to prefer

The choice is small, so you should choose an alarm clock model according to the sleep phase based on your lifestyle.

Family people who value convenience, style and comfort, fit model aXbo. Those who travel a lot, don't like to wake up to tunes, don't want to spend a lot of money on an alarm clock, will like Sleeptracker. Smartphone apps will be preferred by young people.

I love trying different alarm clocks in the hope that at least one of them will do the impossible - teach me how to get up early ... Yes, I'm already tired of being a "night owl" and I long to become a real peppy "lark". Jump up at 6 in the morning and get to work with songs. However, every morning dreams remain dreams, and only an earthquake can lift me in the early morning.

1. Full mode. The alarm clock will monitor sleep phases, register sound stimuli and wake you up at the optimal time, approximately next to the one you set. For example, my alarm clock was set for 7 o'clock, and the signal sounded at 6.30.

2. Exact wake up time. Sleep phase monitoring and registration of sound stimuli. Only unlike the first option, the call will sound not in the best phase for you, but in exact time you specified.

3. Optimal awakening. Monitoring of sleep phases and wake-up at the optimal time for the body.

4. Sleep quality monitoring. There will be no signal at all. All the time that you will sleep, the application will simply monitor the phases of sleep and sounds.

5. Personal mode. Here you can set many settings yourself.

I tried full mode. As I already mentioned, the alarm clock woke me up at 6.30, instead of the 7 hours I had declared. Apparently, this moment seemed to him optimal. Although I somehow did not feel much cheerfulness. But, by the way, I have not been getting enough sleep for the third day in a row. for some unknown reason, so, most likely, sleep phases have nothing to do with it. Otherwise, I am completely delighted with the "Smart Alarm Clock". The first thing I did was listen to the recorded sounds. it was very exciting. The application captures literally everything! Moved, coughed ... So, you can accidentally find out that you are snoring or talking in your sleep.

Then I looked at detailed graphs of sleep phases and reports on what time I fell asleep and how much I overslept in general. It also indicates how many phases of deep sleep, and how many - light. It feels like you don’t have an iPhone under your pillow, but a super-fancy medical device. By comparing sleep phase graphs and audio recordings, you can guess what is preventing you from getting enough sleep.

It is important to find out what melody your new morning assistant will raise you. Here, in fact, you have a huge choice. Besides the fact that you can set your ringtone, you can also choose from the app's library, which surprises with a variety of sounds and melodies. You can wake up to the sound of birds singing, the rustle of leaves, or just to a pleasant melody. But this is not quite all. If you feel that you cannot fall asleep, pick up a melody for falling asleep. These can be binaural beats (be careful, they are contraindicated for people with brain diseases), the sound of rain, classical music or lullabies.

To be honest, you can talk about the "Smart Alarm Clock" endlessly. Very functional application and very curious. Based on the reviews in App Store and an impressively high rating, this alarm clock really helps many to wake up in a cheerful mood and more closely monitor their health even in a dream. So, considering, moreover, its modest price, I can safely recommend it to our readers.

P.S.: When you set an alarm, do not exit the application. The screen will lock itself very quickly, after that you can put the alarm in Right place. Naturally, since the application is very busy all night, you need to make sure that the iPhone (or iPad) is sufficiently charged. I was 88% when I lay down. Slept for about 6 hours. During this time, 11% remained on the phone. So, it is better to charge the gadget in advance to ensure the smooth operation of the application.

Fitness bracelet, worn on the pulse zone, constantly monitors the work of the heart. It allows not only to calculate the optimal physical load. This accessory has the function of "alarm clock with sleep phases" and enables a more productive rest. Wristbands and programs that monitor sleep are called trackers. They appeared on the market of electronic gadgets relatively recently, but have already managed to gain immense popularity among adherents of an active and healthy lifestyle.

Tracker Features

A smart alarm clock bracelet can teach us a lot. In particular, he will tell you when it is best to go to bed and wake up, how to deal with obsessive snoring and how not to wake up in the morning with a “rumpled look”. Some trackers are additionally equipped with a function that tracks and takes into account external factors influence on human sleep.

The key advantage of bracelets is the ability to constantly monitor a person's condition and the quality of his sleep. This is extremely important for the body to rest properly.

Night sleep can be divided into two main phases (stages) - deep, as well as active sleep. During deep phase human brain minimizes activity. Simply put, it is almost completely disconnected from external reality. IN active phase we dream, toss and turn and wake up. It is the active stage that is less productive for the rest of the body.

A modern smart alarm clock tracker takes into account the phases of sleep and in the morning provides a detailed report on the quality of a night's rest. In particular, it indicates how much sleep time was wasted and how much fell into the treasury of productive rest. In addition, such devices will help to deal with the causes of sleep disorders:

  • watching TV at night;
  • excessively bright light;
  • alcohol in the evening;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • extraneous noise source and so on.

In other words, the tracker bracelet will become your reliable friend. Help create optimal conditions For fast falling asleep and deep sleep, will put your body in order.

When should you wake up?

A smart alarm clock is a feature that most modern bracelets are equipped with. You have probably noticed that on some days you wake up joyful and cheerful, and on others - you have to make titanic efforts for this. Such inconstancy is explained by the stages of sleep. If, for example, the alarm goes off while you are in the deep sleep stage, you will not wake up immediately and, most likely, not enough sleep.

Therefore, the bracelet wakes you up at the stage of active sleep. From here follows the key task of the tracker with the function of a smart alarm clock - tracking the onset of various phases and choosing the optimal moment for lifting. However, the exact wake-up time cannot be set. Due to the peculiarities of the sleep phases, it is necessary to set half-hour time intervals for getting up.

Additional functions

As mentioned above, a modern smart alarm clock monitors not only the stages of night or day rest. It has at its disposal special sensors that are actively used for:

You probably know that just before going to bed you need to ventilate the room for at least 10 minutes to improve the quality of rest. The tracker will remind you of this. In addition, he will tell you what else needs to be done to increase the productivity of sleep.

On this moment smart alarm clock presented as mobile applications or in the form of separate digital gadgets.

TOP 3 popular applications on the phone

App designers claim that any modern smartphone can easily be turned into an effective sleep sensor. About 50 applications have been created for this. Some of them are paid, others can be downloaded for free. However, they all share a similar principle of operation.

After installing the application, the communicator should be placed on a pillow in close proximity to the sleeping person's head. The sensor will be able to take into account all movements, analyze the current stage of sleep.

However, such programs have significant drawbacks. In particular, they stop working correctly if there is another person or a pet (for example, a cat) in the bed. In addition, they quickly drain the battery of the smartphone. And, of course, no one has canceled the principle of electromagnetism and possible harm from waves to the body.

Applications that are very popular today:

Despite the availability of programs for working with sleep phases, today more and more preference is given to individual electronic devices. And this is not surprising, because bracelets have many obvious advantages.

Tracker bracelets

In this case, the sensor is not on the pillow, but on the person's hand, which automatically increases the accuracy of measurements. Such a gadget, unlike a communicator, will not slip from the pillow to the floor. A huge plus of such bracelets is vibration as a way to wake up the sleeper. That is, they do not serve loud sound signal and wake up no one but you. Point vibration on the arm will wake you up quickly and gently.

Tracker bracelets are securely attached to the wrist, not next to the head. Therefore, in this case, it is completely excluded negative impact electromagnetic waves on the body. Convenient location allows you to additionally measure body temperature, pulse and some other parameters, which makes the analysis more accurate. Let's look at the top three smart trackers.

Xiaomi & mi Band

This device comes first on our list. Xiaomi mi Band is a bracelet with a high consumer rating. It is not only equipped with a special monitor for the study of heart rate, but also capable of counting the daily number of calories. Monitors sleep and suggests how it can be improved.

It can be purchased for an average of $14. It is the availability that makes such a bracelet in demand. Other important advantages include a powerful battery. It will be able to work without recharging up to 720 hours (you need to charge the device no more than once every 30 days).

The tracker bracelet can be easily customized, it is not afraid of water, so you can swim in it.

Jawbone UP

The second gadget on our list to help improve sleep is the Jawbone UP. It is considered an excellent option for tracking night or daytime sleep. At a fairly moderate price (about $60), it has the same features as the expensive Android Sleep Tracker. However, many users complain about frequent unreasonable breakdowns, although the smart alarm clock and sleep sensor work without failure.

Another disadvantage is that the device does not always accurately determine the actual time of falling asleep.

Fitbit Fle

This is one of the most expensive and popular trackers. It costs about $80 on Amazon (discounted). It is rightfully considered the best seller in the world of consumer electronic gadgets for monitoring sleep. This is largely due to:

  • ease of use;
  • wide range of functions.

The device will accurately distinguish the period of sleep from the period of wakefulness at night, using the analysis of wrist movements. He closely monitors the quality of sleep and in the morning provides a detailed report with recommendations on how to improve rest.

If you are having trouble falling asleep or are tired of not getting enough sleep on a regular basis, check out trackers with a smart alarm function. They will analyze your sleep and help you create optimal conditions for a productive rest at night or during the day.

A fitness bracelet with a heart rate monitor and a smart alarm clock helps the wearer to choose the time when waking up during sleep will be most favorable.

How does the smart alarm clock work?

A standard alarm clock is designed to wake up a person. But the minus of such alarms is the abrupt interruption of sleep, no matter what phase the sleeping person is in.

The consequence of a sharp tearing out of the sleep phase will be such Negative consequences like fatigue, drowsiness, dissatisfaction, etc.

The gadget has special sensors that are always active. They determine the vital signs of a person, as well as in what phase of sleep he is in certain moment. The installed program in the fitness bracelet selects the time period when waking up will not negative impact on the health and sleep of the wearer.

The functionality of a fitness tracker with a smart alarm clock will allow you to wake up well-rested and charged good mood all day. Picking up a watch with vibration is now easy. There are many companies on the technology market that produce similar gadgets with different designs and price categories. Most of them have built-in sleep tracking.

How a sleep tracker improves sleep quality

Most gadgets with smart alarm clocks have a built-in heart rate monitor. This function allows you to determine the phase of sleep in which the carrier is located online.

Another advantage of fitness bracelets is the built-in motion sensor that allows you to determine what state a person is in: awake or sleeping. Also, the device can determine the level of oxygen in the blood to maintain normal state person, if he is sick with something and depends on the indicator of the level of oxygen.

Every day, a fitness tracker with a smart alarm monitors the time that will be the most optimal for waking up. The device may work a little earlier, but will allow you to feel alert and energized all day.

The gadget can be synchronized with mobile device and find out the quality of sleep. This makes it possible to determine the optimal time when you need to go to bed, and to identify the reasons why sleep is disturbed. These reasons may be drinking coffee, exercise stress etc.

One of the additional advantages is the gradually increasing vibration of the gadget, which does not make a sound, thereby not disturbing the sleep of a nearby person.

What are the models of fitness bracelets with a smart alarm clock

Xiaomi MiBand

Fitness bracelets from this Xiaomi line can be purchased for small price. The company has been on the market for a short time compared to other brands, but has already managed to establish itself on the good side.

The first Xiaomi watch was released back in 2014 and was liked by many buyers. hallmark is the inexpensive cost of bracelets, which ranges from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles. Now the market sells gadgets with modification 1A and 1S. The advantages of models from a young brand are the quality material of the strap and the versatility of the device. One of the popular Xiaomi models is Xiaomi MiBand 2, but there is a minus, which is the lack of a smart alarm clock. Xiaomi MiBand 1S Pulse is the currently recommended model.


  • Ease. The watch weighs 5.5 grams;
  • The body is made of metal;
  • Alert notifications in the form of a light indicator and vibration;
  • Device dimensions: 37.9 by 13.76 by 9.9 millimeters;
  • Synchronization with Android 4.3+, 7.0+ operating system;
  • Battery capacity 45 mAh. The device is able to work for about two weeks. You can fully charge the gadget in 2 hours;
  • Waterproof;
  • The device has a built-in bracelet search, by which you can find a lost gadget;
  • Price. You can buy a device for 1,500 - 2,000 rubles.

Conclusion: the price of the Xiaomi MiBand 1S Pulse model is relatively inexpensive and combines many functions that always work stably . One of the shortcomings of the watch is the malfunction of the pedometer, which can detect brisk walking as running.

Jawbone UP

It occupies not the last place on the world market and is also in demand. The gadget was introduced in 2012 and during this time the developers have tried to improve the software. The watch also has a rich list of applications with which you can synchronize the bracelet. However, the downside of Jawbone UP is stagnant functionality. Since 2012, competitors have released more innovative gadgets with a lower price tag.

After 4 years, the brand released a line of new UP2 fitness bracelets. The list includes 8 models that differ in their price range from $30 to $120.

Characteristics of the younger modification:

  • Weight is 25 grams;
  • Dimensions: 11.5 by 3 by 8.5 millimeters. You can also change the length of the strap from 140 to 190 millimeters;
  • Compatible with Android 4.3+, 7.0+;
  • moisture resistance;
  • The battery capacity is 38 mAh. The duration of work is about a week, and you can fully charge the device in 1.5 hours;
  • Built-in accelerometer and heart rate monitor;
  • The presence of vibration and LED.

The advantages of this model are a good fit on the arm and compatibility with big amount applications.

The disadvantages of the model are incorrect operation without synchronization with the phone and an overpriced price.

Conclusion: suitable for those who prefer and love this brand.

Fitbit Flex

The gadget is ideal option for those who don't want to spend a lot of money on a smart bracelet. Fitbit has released several watch lines, but the most prominent was the Fitbit Flex.

Model characteristics:

  • Device weight 10 grams;
  • Dimensions, including the strap, are 150 by 12 mm;
  • The duration of the device is about 5 days;
  • Availability of LED;
  • Compatible with Android 4.0+, 7.0+;
  • Basic waterproof.

cons this device are the lack of multifunctionality and synchronization with other services. There is also no alarm clock.

The advantages of the model is the price, which varies around $25.

Conclusion: suitable for those people who need only basic functions from a smart watch.

Other well-known brands:

Sony smartband. The watch has a smart alarm clock and good functionality. However, the price is approximately $130.

Popular Smart Band Intelligent. The watch has a built-in microphone, heart rate monitor and accelerometer. Devices have built-in software, so there is no lack of a function to synchronize with other applications. The price is about 40 dollars.

Nike Fuel Band SE. Visually, the watch is made in a sporty style. The gadget has a strong vibration and the presence of push-button control. The strap is made from high quality material. However, the model has a disadvantage. As buyers notice, the watch can work in the phase of slow sleep.



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