What to eat to get better in the right places. What to eat to get better

Oddly enough, but among women there are those who do not seek to lose weight, but, on the contrary, want to get better. If you think realistically, then excessive thinness is as ugly as fullness. Any woman wants to be attractive to a man, but the latter are certainly not kept on the bone) So, go ahead for mouth-watering forms! We will give a diet to get better and some more useful tips.

Diet to gain 5 kg or more

If you think that in order to get better you need to eat everything, then you are damn right! But our goal is not to look like a beefy pig, but like a sexy beauty with appetizing forms) That is why it is worthwhile to properly compose your diet and not shove everything that comes to hand into it.

First you need to understand how many calories per day you need to consume in order for the body to increase in size. To say that only fat will be deposited is not entirely correct. With proper nutrition and even minimal physical activity, both muscles and organs, etc. will increase. So do not be afraid, your 5 kg will not only consist of fat.

So, back to calorie counting. To do this is quite simple. It is only necessary to start with taking an average calorie content - 1800 kcal, and consuming just that amount per day. Weigh yourself every day. If your weight does not increase, then increase calories by another 100 kcal, if the weight is growing too quickly, then reduce calories by 100, and so on until the weight stays at about 200-300 g per week.

And now, actually, about the diet for weight gain. The most correct option is a protein diet, that is, one that focuses on protein. Of the three nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), protein is most needed by the body, although we should not forget about fats, which are involved in the hormonal system, namely, in the production of hormones. Carbohydrates are brain food, and the easiest way to get energy, but they can be consumed in small amounts, the body will not lose anything from this.

And so, when you have already figured out the calorie content, you can move on to the diet.

Protein diet for weight gain for women:

And so, the menu of your diet must include the following products:

  • Proteins: meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, seafood, etc.
  • Fats: oily fish, vegetable oils (linseed, olive), omega-3,6,9 supplements, nuts, seeds.
  • Carbohydrates: any cereals, bread, fruits, vegetables, bread, dry biscuits, honey, but sometimes you can treat yourself to sweets.

Sample menu for 2 days:

  • Breakfast - an omelette of 3 eggs, 100 grams of oatmeal in milk, a cup of tea with a spoonful of honey, a tablespoon of linseed oil;
  • Second breakfast - 300 grams of yogurt with fruit, a slice of white bread;
  • Lunch - 200 grams of rice, 150 grams of fatty fish or low-fat chicken, vegetable salad with two tablespoons of sour cream;
  • Snack - 200 grams of cottage cheese with fruits and nuts, a cup of tea with a spoonful of honey, white bread crackers;
  • Dinner - 100 grams of rice, 200 grams of shrimp, a glass of tea.

Second option:

  • Breakfast - 100 grams of rice porridge in milk with raisins, a boiled egg with a teaspoon of natural mayonnaise, a cup of tea with a spoon of honey, a tablespoon of linseed oil;
  • Second breakfast - Caesar salad, 100 grams of squid with any sauce;
  • Lunch - 200 grams of steamed vegetables, 150 grams of pork, a cup of tea with dessert;
  • Snack - a cocktail of 300 ml of kefir, one banana, kiwi and a handful of nuts;
  • Dinner - 100 grams of semolina porridge in milk with raisins, 100 grams of cottage cheese, a cup of tea.

Someone is faced with the problem of excess weight, others dream of gaining at least a kilogram. The reasons for being overweight can be varied. For example, a genetic predisposition either. Specialists have developed a huge number of exercises aimed at combating excess weight, but how to quickly get fat so as not to harm your own health? The task is not easy, but doable.

Causes of thinness

Before choosing methods that help you quickly get fat, you need to identify the reasons that provoked excessive thinness. Here are the main factors that get in the way of weight gain:

How to quickly gain weight at home



The following tips will help a teenager quickly get fat:

  • Add more foods with a high content of carbohydrates, proteins, fiber to your diet. For example, poultry, fish, meat, vegetables, pasta, legumes, bread, nuts, fruits.
  • Do not eat a lot of fried, fatty foods. These products give the impression of a feeling of satiety, are digested for a long time by the stomach, but they will not be able to get fat with their help. This rule also applies to fast food.
  • You can gain weight if you increase the number of meals you eat. The ideal option for a teenager would be 5-6 meals a day.
  • Sign up for a gym or take up some kind of sport. An experienced instructor will select a set of exercises, which will take into account the individual characteristics of the teenage organism. If you neglect this advice, you can quickly get fat, but the weight gained will be distributed unevenly and appear in the form of ugly fat deposits, which are difficult to eliminate.

What you need to eat to get better - diet

You can gain weight if you develop the habit of eating right. The diet will be as follows:

  • breakfast - buckwheat porridge with milk, coffee (tea), beetroot salad dressed with sour cream, a sandwich with a slice of cheese;
  • second breakfast - boiled lean meat with a side dish of beans, beans (peas), boiled eggs (2 pcs.), fruit or vegetable juice, tea;
  • lunch - salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, greens, seasoned with oil (olive), tea, soup with dumplings, mineral water, boiled chicken stewed with cabbage will help you get fat;
  • afternoon snack - sweet and sour baked apples (fresh oranges), jelly and cottage cheese seasoned with honey;
  • dinner - stewed fish in sauce, mashed potatoes, a portion of a pie with vegetable or berry filling, a couple of fresh plums, mineral water, tea;
  • about an hour before bedtime - a serving of semolina-curd casserole with sour cream sauce, rosehip broth will help you get fat.

Your daily diet should be built taking into account the above menu, designed for the day, regularly changing soups, cereals, fruits, vegetables and meats. It will be useful to diversify cereals and pasta, eat fish and meat, bread (only coarse grinding) daily. Do not forget that the body should receive from 2 liters of fluid every day, and reduce the amount of salt to the required minimum.

To quickly gain weight after an illness, follow these recommendations:

  • Follow the correct regimen of therapeutic nutrition - foods rich in carbohydrates, proteins, fats are added to the diet. It improves metabolism and helps to gain weight. Useful red and green vegetables containing valuable trace elements.
  • To quickly restore weight and gain weight, eat at least 6 times a day (the diet must include beef, poultry, fatty fish).
  • Take a variety of herbal infusions that increase appetite and help you gain weight.
  • Eat milk porridge, half an hour before the start of the meal, drink a glass of fresh juice to get the right amount of vitamins.
  • After eating, it is good to rest. If medicine is taken, the tablet should be taken after a meal.
  • Follow the correct sleep pattern - sleep at least 9 hours a day.
  • Moderate physical activity accelerates the recovery of a weakened body and helps to gain weight (muscle mass is gained).

Diet for weight gain in a week by 5-10 kg

The following diet is designed for a week and helps to get fat:

  • 1st breakfast. Fruit juice, oatmeal, soaked in milk in the evening, with the addition of grated apples, honey, nuts. Be sure to eat a sandwich with a slice of cheese for breakfast - this will help you get fat faster (do this daily).
  • 2nd breakfast. Broth with yolk, chocolate (about 35-45 g), sandwich with ham, sausage, butter.
  • Dinner. Vegetable thick soup cooked in chicken broth, potatoes, rice or pasta seasoned with mayonnaise (sour cream sauce), any meat dish or vegetable salad. This lunch helps to get fat.
  • afternoon tea. Kefir with cookies, pie, a little chocolate.
  • Dinner. Any porridge in milk with the addition of fresh fruit, tea and a sandwich.

Exercises for gaining muscle mass

Physical activity contributes to weight gain and muscle building. Eat protein, so there will be an accelerated growth of muscle mass. Here is a set of exercises with which you can get fat in a short time:

  • Barbell squat. An effective way to work out different muscle groups, pumping the hips. For best results, complete a minimum of 5 reps, increasing the weight regularly.
  • Deadlift. Promotes an effective increase in muscle mass (muscles of the lower back, back, abs, buttocks, trapezius, hips are worked out). The lesson should begin with a warm-up, otherwise you will not only not build muscle, but also tear your back.
  • Bench press from a prone position. Perfectly works out the shoulder, triceps, pectoral muscles, as well as the press.

Dealing with thinness is not much easier than overweight. You can use a variety of high-calorie diets, exercise, take herbal infusions that increase appetite. To get fat fast, calculate your ideal weight and find the right method with the help of the following video:

Hello my dear friends! I'm with you again. We all strive to look great and be in good shape. Someone needs to lose a couple of extra pounds, and someone not a couple 🙂 Someone, on the contrary, wants to get fat. Did you know that you need to get fat too right? You can include the most high-calorie foods to get better. Or fill your diet with sports nutrition. There are enough options. Let's discuss them.

Friends, I want to immediately save you from delusion. Gaining weight does not mean swimming completely fat. It also does not mean that you will eat everything you see every day and in large quantities. There are many ways to gain weight in a healthy way by eating healthy foods for our body.

Perhaps everyone agrees that a beautiful muscular body looks much better than a skin-covered skeleton. Our muscles are a kind of protection of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the fact that muscles are necessary for our body not only from an aesthetic point of view.

It would seem that there is nothing more difficult than losing those extra pounds. Food restrictions, serious and regular workouts, iron discipline ... Oddly enough, it turns out that gaining weight is no less problematic. Physiology and genetics most often become an obstacle. Don't despair, there is always a way!

high calorie foods

The first step to achieve this goal is to change your diet. It is necessary to include high-calorie foods. You need to eat well!

In order to simplify your search, I have compiled a table of the most high-calorie foods. Such products give our body a large amount of energy. The energy content is indicated in kcal per 100 grams of a certain food.

Plus, pay attention to peanuts and peanut butter.

The more of all these products will be on your menu, the sooner you will be able to gain the desired weight.

Sports nutrition

Sports nutrition is also on your side, not only for weight gain, but also for health promotion.

My husband has an ectomorphic body structure. He gains weight with difficulty and loses it easily. Even when he goes to the gym, he gains weight very slowly. To make it easier and speed up the process, he drinks gainers and protein.

I myself used to look at such products with caution, because I would like to learn more about them. And after reading I realized that this is the same food, only highly concentrated. It has already measured the desired composition. Having lived in Thailand, I saw that they sell protein supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes right in pharmacies.

Today, for many citizens, the actual problem is the presence of excess weight. There are many ways to deal with this factor. However, this text is not about that. Indeed, along with such a problem, there is also a task of the opposite nature. It consists in addressing the issue of eliminating weight insufficiency. Some people are wondering how to get fat in a week. More on this later.

The main criteria for weight gain

In order to answer the question of how to get fat quickly, you must consider the following principles:

  1. Initially, in this regard, it is necessary to consult a doctor. To exclude any disease responsible for the shortage of the required kilograms.
  2. The presence of excess animal fat in the diet can adversely affect the cardiovascular system.
  3. Gaining the required weight is completely dependent not on how much you ate, but on the amount absorbed by your body.
  4. The presence in the diet of excess sweets can lead to the fact that the metabolism will be disturbed.
  5. At night, eating in this case is not recommended.

All of the above should be considered in the implementation of the idea of ​​​​how to get fat quickly.

Existing methods

There are two main ways to achieve weight gain:

  • Increasing muscle mass. This is done through physical activity.
  • Increasing body fat.

The reason for the lack of weight influences the choice of the necessary method. For example, if you need to get rid of thinness or to correct too thin arms or legs, then the best option in this case would be to increase muscle mass. And to restore a certain hormonal background, you will need to increase the amount of subcutaneous fat. It all depends on the individual approach. But for a clear definition, you need to contact experts in this field.

How to build muscle mass?

It should be remembered that success in this case depends not only on the right diet, but also on physical activity and lifestyle. Since it is very important not only to obtain material for muscles and energy for their formation, but also to help them occupy the right place in the body. To do this, you should contact a specialist in this field. He will professionally assist you in developing the right set of exercises or will directly participate in the implementation of this process and conduct the necessary training.

For the correct preparation of the menu and diet, it is necessary to increase the daily calorie intake by 30%. This will be the optimal daily rate. In this case, the calorie composition should consist of 40% protein base; 50% - carbohydrate; 10% - fat.

Menu for muscle building

In this case, the diet will look something like this:

It should be remembered that without physical activity, gaining muscle mass is simply impossible. You also need to try to avoid stressful situations. They negatively affect weight gain.

Increasing body fat

Currently, many are wondering how to get fat in a week. Further on this will be discussed in more detail. Initially, for this you do not need to eat a lot of food at a time. However, it is necessary to increase the number of meals. You should also enrich the diet with healthy fats and redistribute the products consumed. It is necessary to increase the caloric content of the diet gradually. This is very important. Calories should be increased by 5-10 per week.

In this case, for weight gain, the consumption of bread, fatty cheese and fish, honey, and nuts is considered mandatory.

Approximate daily menu for increasing body fat

In this case, the diet looks like this:

  • For breakfast, you should drink sweet cocoa with milk. This also includes oatmeal cookies (4-5 pcs.).
  • Second breakfast: tea (possible with milk), one fruit, almonds with honey (30 g).
  • For lunch, you need to eat soup based on meat broth. In this case, you need to cook porridge for a side dish. Meat or fish, as well as vegetable salad, is suitable for it.
  • Second lunch: dried fruits and muesli with milk.
  • For dinner, you should choose to eat fish or meat, as well as porridge or potatoes as a side dish. This includes vegetable salad.
  • Before going to bed, you should have a snack with one fruit and a glass of kefir.

You need to know that physical activity in this case is not too desirable to limit. After all, she is an excellent assistant in the fight against stress, in improving appetite, and all this has a positive effect on weight gain.

Choosing the Right Diet

There are many methods for gaining body weight. They differ only in the list of basic principles and do not have specific names.

There are methods that suggest increasing the calorie content of food with a gradual increase in portion size. However, this is not entirely correct. Since an increase in the volume of portions can cause distension of the stomach and subsequent obesity.

In some cases, weight gain is suggested by increasing the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. However, in this case, there may be an excess of sugar in the body. As a result, serious illnesses can occur.

There are also methods that talk about the need to limit motor activity. However, this is fundamentally wrong!

Therefore, in deciding how to get fat in a week, you should lean towards choosing the right and healthy ways to gain weight.

The right weight gain process

In this case, you need to initially decide what exactly needs to be typed and why it is needed. This is followed by a gradual increase in the number of meals. Do not try to immediately eat 5 times a day. First, you should gradually increase the number of meals (one daily) to five. After that, you need to start increasing the number of calories.

To consolidate the desired result, after completing the weight gain, you should not return to the former method of nutrition. This must be remembered. To maintain the result, you should find a golden mean in nutrition. After that, you will not have a question about the lack of kilograms.

Ideal products for weight gain

There are a large number of them. However, the following products are still considered ideal:

Everything said in this paragraph will help in answering the question of what you need to eat in order to gain weight.

How to gain weight by 5 kg in a week?

In this case, you will need the required amount:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates.

To answer the question of how to gain weight by 5 kg in a week, you should do the following:

These basic criteria will help in advice on how to get fat at home in a week by 5 kg. All of them are effective for gaining weight in the shortest possible time.

How to get fat for a skinny guy? Step-by-step instruction

From some men you can hear the phrase: “I want to get fat!” To do this, they use many methods. However, many of them do not give the desired result. In fact, there are quite effective methods that allow you to fully increase body weight. The secret is that in order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary not only to follow various recommendations, but everything must be done together, that is, in a complex. More about the basic principles below.

  1. You need to drink water. After all, fluid directly affects body weight. For quick weight gain, you need to drink plenty of water every day. It is recommended that men drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. Milk would be an excellent option. It is an excellent product for building up the necessary kilograms.
  2. In this case, you should increase the calorie content of food. This is very important. You must first increase the calorie content by 300-500 per day. Then, when it is noticeable that the mass building has stopped, then another 500 calories can be added to the diet. This should be done until it becomes noticeable that the desired result has been achieved in deciding how to get fat in a week (for example).
  3. The frequency of meals should be changed. With an increase in the number of calories consumed, another condition arises. It lies in the fact that it is necessary to break the daily ration into a certain number of meals. Namely, it should consist of breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as a couple of snacks. This will help prevent excessive portion sizes.
  4. Percentage of body fat. On the question of how to get fat for a teenager, you should clearly decide on the choice of the right way to gain weight. By increasing muscle mass or body fat, you can affect appearance in different ways.
  5. Weight changes need to be monitored. This action is very important. This is necessary in order to determine the speed of achieving the desired result in how to get fat in a week. To do this, it is necessary to weigh yourself weekly and record changes in body weight, as well as compare the results visually.
  6. Physical activity should not be neglected. For a man to gain weight, it is not enough just to increase the caloric content of the diet. This still requires strength training for muscle growth. Then the calories entering the body will increase the necessary mass.
  7. Sufficiency of sleep. This is another important condition. After all, the body needs regular rest and time to carry out a full restoration of strength. In this case, you need to sleep at least 8-9 hours a day.


After reviewing the above tips, everyone can learn a lot of interesting information and decide what to do to get fat. To do this, strictly adhere to the indicated instructions - and the desired result will be achieved.

Not everyone dreams of losing weight and exhausting themselves with diets. Many people, on the contrary, dream of gaining weight, gaining weight in order to get rid of thinness and acquire attractive forms. If all your attempts in this direction have failed, you need, first of all, to analyze the causes of the problem of thinness. Therefore, before embarking on the use of various methods for weight gain, go to the doctor.

It is necessary to exclude diseases of diabetes mellitus, gallbladder, thyroid gland. Very often, the cause of thinness can be a disturbed metabolism. In these cases, the doctor will help you bring the weight back to normal.

If everything is in order with health, you can get rid of thinness with simple proven methods. And therefore, I will tell you right now about how to eat right to get better quickly.

What to do to gain weight?

First, determine if you really need to gain some weight. Perhaps by nature, you have a completely normal weight. Maybe the problem is contrived? To understand this, calculate how many kilograms you need to gain.

To do this, calculate your normal weight. There is a very simple way to do this: Measure your height in centimeters. Now subtract 100 from the resulting figure.

There are different methods of gaining weight that will help you get better quickly. Almost all of them are based on increasing the caloric content of the diet. The general principle of these methods is that body weight is in balance with the diet and caloric content of food. By increasing calories, we increase body weight, and vice versa. Therefore, to solve the problem of thinness, you should reconsider your diet and food intake.

If you previously ate 3 times a day, you need to switch to 4-5 meals a day, observing the same interval between meals. For example, bodybuilders eat 7 to 8 times a day.

By the way, it will be useful to use sports nutrition in your diet, consisting of proteins and gainers. They will serve as a source of additional energy, especially if you play sports. With the help of such nutrition, you compensate for the expended energy, restore muscle tissue.

To eat right, make your diet varied. Eat foods high in protein daily. It can be legumes, eggs, chicken, beef, soy products. They are important for building muscle mass. Be sure to drink whole milk, eat dairy products, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, heavy cream. These products are not only high in calories, but have great nutritional value.

It is very useful to cook cereals: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal. You can also drink tea, coffee with cream and sugar.

For better digestion of food, for the prevention of constipation, be sure to eat fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits. As a "snack" eat grapes, apples, bananas, oranges.

If you need to gain weight quickly, choose dairy products with a high fat content. You can eat eggs daily, but no more than 2 pieces per day. It is better to cook them soft-boiled.

Salted fatty herring with onions and fresh garlic will also help build muscle.

Adjust the combination of proteins and fats in your diet. Thus, you can adjust the structure of your body.

Sample menu for the day

I offer you an approximate menu for one day, "for those who want to get better":

First breakfast:

A plate of oatmeal boiled in milk, an omelet from 2 chicken eggs, or just soft-boiled. You can drink them with concentrated protein dissolved in 0.5 liters of milk.


Sandwich of white bread with a piece of salmon or herring. You can drink a portion of the gainer.


300 g of stewed or boiled meat of veal, chicken or turkey. For a side dish, you can cook a portion of durum pasta, eat a bowl of rice with butter or mashed potatoes. Plus, a plate of salad from any vegetables with parsley and dill is obligatory.

Afternoon snack:

Sandwich with fish or a piece of beef. You can eat a serving of cottage cheese with sour cream. Wash it down with any juice.


Have a serving of ocean grade fish with garnish. Let it be a salad of vegetables or fruits.

If you have no appetite, you need to load yourself intensively. Go in for sports, sign up for a gym, swimming pool. Alternatively, go hiking or cycling to the park. Very often, the appetite disappears due to experiences, stress, fatigue.

If this is the reason, fill your life with positive emotions, new acquaintances, go to visit, to parties. Try to get enough sleep and exclude stimulants - alcohol, coffee, tobacco.

Try to eat right, follow the recommendations and most importantly - do not use any pills to gain weight. They will do nothing but harm. And when the diet, diet, state of mind return to normal, thinness will disappear. Get well soon and stay healthy!



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