The best cars on the remote control. Top RC toy cars

Among all radio-controlled toys, cars are in the lead in terms of their popularity. They are able to provide their owners with scope for a sense of speed and design ideas. After all, on the one hand, a radio-controlled car is an approximation to the childhood dream of every boy to drive a car at high speed, and on the other hand, it is a separate sport that has its own nuances and laws. That is why every person is interested in the question of how to choose a radio-controlled car. Only by choosing the right car, a beginner can enjoy this sport and develop the quality of a real athlete.

What radio-controlled model will be optimal for a beginner?

In fact, absolutely all radio-controlled models can be divided according to several characteristics: by the volume of the motor, engine type, size, chassis type and configuration. For a beginner, of course, it is necessary to choose everything that is most accessible and simple if he does not have any experience in handling a radio-controlled model. The most relevant will be cars immediately ready for operation and radio-controlled models with an electric motor.

The scale of the machine is somewhat more difficult to determine, because in this case, you need to proceed from who this model is intended for and for what purpose. If the toy is bought as a hobby or for a small child, then mini-models are the best option. If you need a car for modeling sports, then you need to start with a simple car of 18-16 grades.

And, of course, you need to take into account the factor where you will be driving. If high speed and steep turns on the tracks are closer to you, then you do not need to think about how to choose a radio-controlled car, but immediately buy a rally model with road or drift wheels. Please note that rally models require a special track.

If a flat track is boring for you, then you need to choose a car from the SUV class. For such cars, you do not need to purchase a special track, as they can go through absolutely any: in the country, in the yard, in the forest, on the beach. Among them there is a separate variety - trial cars, for which speed is a secondary indicator, but they can go through absolutely any route with a relief.

Buy a finished model or give preference to prefabricated counterparts?

On the modern market there are ready-made models and prefabricated ones. Naturally, if you're looking for a beginner's car, you'll want to go with off-the-shelf models, as trying to get into the details without experiencing the joys of driving through difficult terrain or at high speeds can discourage the sport. All assembled models are designated RTR.

Depending on the chosen class of car, they can be either light or heavy. By purchasing a similar assembly kit, you can make a serious tuning, making it absolutely unique by purchasing spare parts separately. On the other hand, along with such a kit, you can save a lot by using a familiar transmitter or receiver, tires or other spare parts from old models that you like and are of high quality.

Where to buy radio-controlled cars on favorable terms?

As you can see, choosing a radio-controlled car is quite difficult. There are many nuances to consider when choosing. But not if you contact the Young Dad online store, where you will be served by a qualified specialist with rich experience. He will not only be able to answer any question of interest and tell you how to choose the right radio-controlled car, but will help you choose a radio-controlled car, taking into account your level of skill, preferences and financial capabilities. Having decided to buy a radio-controlled car in our online store, you are guaranteed to get the best option for your budget.

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This is one case where the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Protecting the psyche of the child from guilt, you do not give him the opportunity to repent. Only a feeling of remorse, a feeling of regret for one's bad deeds, keeps one from repeating them. Instead of experiencing with the child both guilt and loss, you lied to him, you inspired him: "You are not to blame for anything, you are not to blame for anything." This is how egoists are raised. Now, every time he does something bad, your son will repeat to himself: "I'm not guilty of anything!" But your son has a conscience - he KNEW and UNDERSTAND that the animal died, and that it was he who caused it. But he had no one to share his experiences with. You have lied to your son - don't be surprised when he lies to you. You once saved him from guilt - do not be surprised when your grown up, adult son refuses to admit his guilt at least in some way and take responsibility for his actions

Drones are now the remote vehicle of choice for all amateur filmmakers and tree shadow spies.

But they were not always the norm. Be sure that if you want to get hold of a radio-controlled car, then you will not be able to unstick from it.

The drivable buggy was first made by a drunken student using an ingenious radio-controlled design designed to blind children with light rather than send radio signals to a car.

Today, you can have full-fledged RC cars for serious track racing, off-road racing, high-flying competition - all using your smartphone as a remote control.

As RC machines became more sophisticated, stuffed with electronics, potential problems arose.

Manufacturers who once created a big industry don't know how to keep small spark plugs in the advanced cars of today's market.

They have forgotten all the basics from which everything once began. We know that the key to a successful RC vehicle is responsiveness, reliability, comfort, power, handling, and choosing the right vehicle for your needs.

Whether you're a dirty kid or a devil on the roads, we've got you covered with the top 5 RC cars for any type of road master.

TAMIYA Toyota Land Cruiser 40 Crawler

  • Price: RUB 27,037
  • Pros: independent axes
  • Minuses: Must have experience building RC cars

Martyr. Tamiya has been making various models since 1948. A company with a rich history, meticulous about the quality of its products, which is evident in every line of Crawler (Crawler).

This is a reproduction of the Toyota Land Cruiser, and it's pretty accurate down to the smallest detail until you look at the chassis.

The ability to climb hills did not belong to the Land Cruiser, but the Crawler is a radio-controlled machine designed for off-road use.

The wide design of the springs allowed the Crawler to get out of places where smaller cars would not have had a chance.

  • Price: RUB 34,397
  • Pros: large engine capacity allows for more power
  • Minuses: not suitable for much, except for racing in mountainous terrain

Parkour. Mountain racers have different tastes and different needs. Built for the sole purpose of mountain racing, the Yeti is engineered from bumper to bumper solely to be one of the most technically adaptable rock climbers ever played in a game.

The use of a 3150KW 4-pole brushless motor for more torque and speed is the sophisticated technology that made the Yeti easy.

The independent front suspension allows you to easily overcome the stones, bumps and ledges of rough terrain encountered in the path of the car, without sacrificing speed.

  • Price: RUB 71,993
  • Pros: reaches speeds up to 160 km/h
  • Minuses: requires an Apple device to break the threshold of 80 km/h

Racing star. Those who crave speed in small packages should give themselves the X0-1. It's a sleek and slippery bastard that takes its name from one of the respected RU racers, Traxxas.

Positioned between the Corevette Stingray and the Viper in terms of performance, it is built to use all its advantages to get its flag at 402mm. It is equipped with a 5000 mAh LiPo battery, which allows it to frolic for about an hour, a 2.4 GHz TQi long-range radio system, and a docking station for your Apple device, through which the X0-1 will share with you the true speed, rpm and telemetry.

  • Price: RUB 73,994
  • Pros: upgrades available in the box
  • Minuses: not supplied with radio control

Tramp. Asphalt racing and off-road racing are the most common types of RC racing.

This is understandable, since these are the most common types of soil, but anyone who sooner or later finds himself on the sand will want something special.

Baja is a nasty little (1/5th scale) climber, light enough to push loose dirt (sand) under the wheels, has the right torque for climbing wooded hills, and is brash enough to impress during racing.

The car's skeletal frame handles jumps and bumps very well. Therefore, you can use this machine for tricks, having become acquainted with its capabilities, you can squeeze the maximum out of it.

  • Price: RUB 37,037
  • Pros: brushless motor
  • Minuses: comes already assembled

Looking back. For fans of the genre, the Volkswagen Beetle is a real fighter that can compete with bigger opponents on the climbs while still having a playful, gaudy style.

If you're a vintage fanatic, you'll find it hard to pass up the opportunity to have an RC friend.

After all, it is so alarming when, having inhaled fuel, you embody your crazy idea into a conqueror of the sands.

The radio transmitter is two-channel, and the transmitter and receiver are waterproof, so feel free to use it in mud and dip in puddles.


At 40,000, it’s scary to think in general. What to do if you want to try it, but there is no certainty that it is directly “yours”?

First of all, what not to do: do not buyno-name! Nameless Chinese or, even worse, fakes will only spoil all the fun and turn you away from even thinking about radio-controlled cars. But it can be great fun, just choose a good model ...

Budget RC models: how to choose the right car?

To begin with, let's decide that the "budget" is up to 10,000 rubles. Conditionally. So, we choose mainly from factory China: speeds up to 30 km / h, good handling, but low resistance to shock - you will need to ride carefully.

Immediately about the engine: it is definitely an electric motor and, with almost 100% certainty, . That is, requiring a break-in at the beginning (the procedure is simple and accessible even to a beginner) and not very efficient in terms of efficiency. But to try the genre is quite suitable.

In the sum of 10,000, we advise looking for all-wheel drive Chinese in 1:10 scale - the best choice for an economy start. Something like, etc. models are road cars with good performance. If you want a light outdoor (and a heavy one is not available in this price category), you can look at the HSP Brontosaurus PRO - stylish design. For the economy segment, the model is very good, but it passes the upper bar: just a little more than 10,000 rubles.

You can try to look at a smaller scale: 1:12, etc. But, frankly, we do not recommend: the smaller the scale, the closer the model is to the toy, the more blurry sensations you will get. And the dynamics are not the same at all, and the wow effect is lame. Choose from 1:10, you won't regret it

What to look for when comparing different models?

If the proposed options are not inspiring, look for yourself: there are quite a lot of budget RC models from Chinese brands. It's easy to compare them too:

  1. See reviews about the company and brand, you can ask around on the forums;
  2. Write down the following characteristics on the plate:
    1. Drive: full or not?
    2. Engine: brushless or collector;
    3. Scale;
    4. Maximum speed;
    5. Body type (and "class" of the model);
    6. complete set;
    7. Price.
  3. Now, for each model, sign an assessment from 1 to 5: how much do you like it externally? This is actually a very important factor, don't skip this step!

Then choose from the options you like the one you like the most, and with this information you go to the club or to the forum. The message is as follows: “There is such and such a budget, you liked such and such models, what would you recommend?”.

IMPORTANT: Do not take any advice as a revelation from above - it happens that they advise badly. Politely ask to answer a little more detailed: why one model is better than another, why this way and not otherwise. Record the correct answers on the same board.

And at this stage, you can choose a budget radio-controlled car, which will be your first RC model. We hope you enjoy it and become one of our track brethren!

Leave your name and phone number in the form below, click the "send" button and we will call you back as soon as possible.

Dear friends! Our store sells powerful radio-controlled cars that reach speeds from 35 to 160 km/h. These machines are not toys and belong to the "model" class.

RC car - toy or model? What are the differences?

Often buying a radio-controlled car, we do not know that all cars are divided into two main groups. These are toy cars and model cars.

Maximum speed and acceleration speed

  • For models: acceleration is much higher. From 35 km.h. up to 160 km.h.
  • For toys: from 5 to 15 km.h.

The design of the remote control and the features of driving a car

  • For models: The remote is pistol type. This design allows very precise control of the control process.
    Proportional steering and throttle control. This means that as far as we turn the wheel on the control panel, the wheels on the car turn the same way. Everything is like real cars. The same with the gas trigger. Not fully depressing the gas gives not full acceleration, fully depressing full acceleration.
  • For toys: the remote control is made in the form of a joystick like on game consoles, in some cases there is a simplified version of the pistol remote control.
    All toys have a "discrete" type of steering and throttle control. This means that, for example, when you press to the right, the wheels of the car go completely to the right. Those. there is no way to give a slight turn, but only a full angle.

car body structure

  • For models: the top housing protecting the electronics is made of flexible plastic, which, if desired, can be easily removed and replaced with another one. This is to protect the electronics in the event of a rollover or other roadside emergency.
  • For toys: most often, the case is made of one-piece plastic, which cannot be replaced in case of damage, but given the low speed of toys, such situations are extremely rare. Sometimes there are toys with a plastic interchangeable body, most often they are drift cars or model simulators.

Possibilities of tuning and replacement of parts

  • For models: buying a model you have the possibility of tuning it. You can buy a more powerful battery, a fast charger, replace plastic parts with metal ones, replace wheels, replace a hubcap, and much more. Also, spare parts are always available in the service centers. Technologically, the models are assembled so that you can replace most of the parts yourself at home.
  • For toys: this option is completely missing. Those. you buy the toy as is. In this form, it will always work. The manufacturer does not provide tuning, replacement of parts, replacement of the battery. Most often, spare parts, if available in service centers, are only in very limited quantities.

Operating range of the remote control

  • For models: the equipment always goes 2.4Ghz - the maximum range of the remote control, plus the maximum noise immunity. This means that the range of the remote control in theory, i.e. without interference and when the car and the remote control are fully charged, it will be up to 250 m. In practice, according to our measurements, the real distance will be from 80 to 150 m.
  • For toys: mostly FM equipment. This is from 10 to 50 meters, depending on the specific model. Interference is possible if another radio-controlled toy is operated somewhere nearby on the same band. Electrical fields, transformers, etc. also affect.

Machine dimensions

  • For models: traditionally divided into scales: 1:18 (22-23 cm is the smallest), 1:16 (25-27 cm), 1:10 (42-43 cm), huge sizes are less common on a scale of 1:7 and 1:5.
  • For toys: machines come in micro sizes, fit on half of the palm up to 40-42 cm.

Price range

  • For models: on average, an entry-level model of 1:18 scale (22-23 cm) will cost 3250 rubles. A good-sized car 1:10 (42-43 cm) will cost 6 thousand rubles. The cost of machines of the highest quality ranges from 12 to 30 thousand rubles.
  • For toys: from 400 rubles the smallest cars, approximately up to 4 thousand rubles. large machines with a size of 30-40 cm.

Who is the RC model suitable for?

The radio-controlled model is a serious device that develops great speed. During operation, safety precautions must be observed.

  • Children under 7 years of age are not recommended.
  • Children from 7 to 12 years old: only in the presence of adults! At least in the first few days of the game. It is not recommended to buy models faster than 30-50 km.h.
  • From 13 years old and adults without restrictions.

Most RC car toys are suitable from 3-4 years old.

Where to launch?

Models can only be run outdoors or in large indoor areas.

  • Radio-controlled SUVs and monsters - any surface, asphalt, off-road, soil, gravel. Limited only by the laws of physics and reasonable limits.
  • Radio-controlled buggies and truggies - asphalt, hard flat surface, ground with slight irregularities is possible.
  • RC rally, drift and road cars - exceptionally smooth asphalt or hard flat surface.


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