Where is corn oil used? Corn oil - liquid "gold" for health and beauty

Corn oil is a valuable product that has found its application in cosmetology and folk medicine. Vitamin composition And healing properties make it popular in the treatment of many diseases.

This vegetable oil is produced from corn seeds (germs) by extraction and pressing. The product is obtained by cold direct pressing. The proportion of fat from dry matter is 2.5%.

The chemical composition differs from other representatives of products of natural origin. There are few vitamins and minerals, but a lot of fatty acids (saturated and unsaturated). They determine the nutritional value of the product.

There are 899 kcal per 100 grams, the content vegetable fats 99.9 g, no proteins and carbohydrates, water 0.1 g.

The composition includes the following unsaturated fatty acids:

  • palmitoleic (omega-7);
  • oleic (omega-9);
  • linolenic (omega-3);
  • linoleic (omega-6);
  • gadolinic (omega-11).

Corn oil, like sunflower oil, contains a large amount of vitamin E (tocopherol) and its derivatives - gamma, beta and delta tocopherols. All vitamins and minerals are presented in the table:

Element type Content per 100 g (% DV) Properties
Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) 18.5 mg (110%) The functioning of body systems, slowing down the aging process, regulates hormonal levels, is responsible for reproductive function.
Beta tocopherol 3.0 mg (20%) Vitamin E derivatives play an important role in the work of the respiratory, circulatory and nervous systems of the body, prevent the formation of blood clots, reduce the risk of myocardial infarction.
Gamma tocopherol 72 mg (486%)
delta tocopherol 4.0 mg (27%)
Vitamin K 1.8 mcg (1.6%) It breaks down under the influence of light and alkali, normalizes hematopoiesis and blood clotting, has healing properties, helps to absorb calcium and vitamin D.
Choline (Vitamin B4) 0.2 mg (0.02%) Protects cells from damage, has a calming effect, improves overall metabolism.
Sodium 0.2 mg (0.02%) Maintains water-salt balance in the body, participates in the synthesis of gastric juice.
Phosphorus 2.0 mg (0.3%) Element bone tissue, improves bone strength, enhances mental performance and helps build muscle.
Iodine 0.8 mcg (0.5%) Controls body thermoregulation, indispensable for functioning thyroid gland, is responsible for the development of bones and muscles of the body.
Nickel 5.5 mcg (3.8%) Helps to absorb iron, produces hemoglobin and insulin.
Chromium 6.8 mcg (14%) Maintains the norm of sugar in the blood serum, participates in the production of nucleic acids.

The description shows that the product contains important elements for the functioning of all body systems and is not inferior in quality to sunflower.

Benefits of corn oil

Product plant origin has a number of useful properties that are successfully used in alternative medicine and culinary.

Due to the content of polyunsaturated, monosaturated acids and lecithin in the body, lipid metabolism is restored and activated, which allows you to regulate the content of cholesterol in the blood. Brings invaluable benefit patients with functioning problems circulatory system and heart, reduces the risk of blockage of blood vessels. Supports normal level glucose, so it is useful for diabetics.

The natural benefit of corn oil is the increased content of vitamin E, which helps to rejuvenate the body. It affects almost all internal organs of a person.

No wonder they say that tocopherol is the vitamin of youth. Strengthens the nervous system, which has a beneficial effect on general well-being and emotionality. It is useful to include it in the diet of men who play sports and experience increased physical exertion at work. This is due to the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which contributes to active work all muscle groups and increases the overall endurance of the body.

It is included in many diets due to three actions:

  • accelerates fat metabolism, which helps to gradually reduce weight;
  • enhances intestinal motility and has a laxative effect;
  • activates the outflow of bile, which helps to reduce the development of cholecystitis.

The product is used not only for food. Useful properties of corn oil have been used in home cosmetology. Various masks are made from it for the face and body, hair, nails. Used in the treatment of psoriasis, redness on the skin, allergic reactions.

Vitamin E helps keep hair beautiful and shiny. If you add corn germ oil to a cream or simply apply it to the skin, it will relieve excessive dryness and flaking. In the cold season, it is recommended to lubricate the skin of the lips with it if cracks appear.

Vitamin F and phosphatides, which are part of the product, have the following effect on the body:

  1. Reinforce cerebral circulation, increase intellectual abilities.
  2. Regulate lipid metabolism and accumulate amino acids.
  3. Thin the blood, the risk of thrombosis and atherosclerosis is reduced.

What else is the benefit of corn oil for the body? It reduces the development of cancer, disorders nervous system, increases the immune status of the body.

Important: Incomingin cornphosphorusfilters out waste products from the kidneys and regulatesenergyexchange. Thanks to the mineral, cells and tissues regenerate well, and he protectstheirfrom possible mutations at the genetic level.

How to take corn oil without harm to health

Easily digestible corn oil, the benefits and harms of which are being studied long time, has found application in cooking, cosmetology and alternative medicine. The product is presented in several forms:

  1. Unrefined composition (does not pass the purification stage).
  2. Refined deodorized with a mark D and P.
  3. The purified composition is not deodorized (with a characteristic odor, but without impurities).

A refined product in cooking is valued more due to the absence of a specific smell and pesticides. It is used for baking and frying different dishes added to sauces. Unique composition and useful properties allow it to be used in the nutrition of young children. Suitable for those on a diet.

The use of unrefined corn oil brings not only benefits, but also harm. When growing corn, the cobs accumulate harmful substances. When seeds are processed in factories, after pressing they are refined, which allows the removal of pesticides.

The crude product does not go through this stage, therefore, it retains harmful components in the composition. But get from drinking maximum benefit possible only with the help of an unrefined composition. The rich color and characteristic smell indicate that the product has retained all the vitamins, which partially disappear during cleaning (refining).

Important: To avoid negative impact onorganismstore at homeunrefinedfreezer corn oiland pour it into a dark container.

The norm of consumption per day for an adult is 80 grams. Teenagers can eat up to 60 grams, children from a year old are allowed to eat 30 grams each. You can include it in the diet of a nursing mother. During this period, a woman needs a lot of vitamins and minerals for a quick recovery after childbirth. Helps lift mood, eliminate insomnia and increase the nutritional value of breast milk.

You should not abuse it, since the juice of corn germ seeds contains a lot of calories. Use it less for frying, add more to fresh salads and porridge and drink in pure form as a prophylactic on an empty stomach.

During pregnancy

During childbearing expectant mother you need to take care of your health. The use of oil allows you to saturate the body with vitamins, which is important for the development of the child. Usage rules:

  1. Until the second trimester, a pregnant woman is allowed to add to salads, sauces, fry.
  2. In the third trimester, you need to give up fatty and fried foods, it is better to pour salads with this oil.
  3. If a woman feels sick or feels pain under the ribs, you need to reduce the use of the product to one teaspoon per day.

The maximum benefit for pregnant women will be if you add oil to a salad from fresh vegetables.

In the diet of children

It is undesirable to introduce the product into early complementary foods. You can start at the age of 8 months and add little by little, following the reaction of the baby.

If not allergic reaction and everything is fine with the stool, you can mix a few drops with vegetable or meat puree.

When losing weight

The product helps to effectively fight excess weight and cellulite. Of course, the problem cannot be solved immediately, but in combination with diet, massage and physical activity you can get rid of unwanted pounds.

It is better to use it in its pure form and use it in masks for wrapping the body.

Possible harm and contraindications

The number of contraindications has not been established by scientists, since corn oil mainly has positive action on the body. In practice, many useful properties are known, but there are few contraindications.

The harm is obvious with cholelithiasis, increased blood clotting and individual intolerance constituent components.

Important: IfProduct expired and changedcolor and should not be eaten.

Recipes of traditional medicine and cosmetology

Here are some homemade recipes with natural corn fat that can bring tangible benefits.

  1. Stimulation of the gallbladder: drink oil one tablespoon a day twice half an hour before meals. After an hour and a half, there is an increased contraction of the bladder and the bile begins to drain.
  2. Treatment of psoriasis and eczema: take the product twice a day in a spoonful with meals. In the water you will drink, add a tablespoon of honey and apple cider vinegar.
  3. Mask for hair beauty: before washing, rub an oil composition (a mixture of base and essential oils, for example, ylang-ylang) into the scalp and leave for one hour. Put on an insulating cap. After the time has elapsed, rinse and dry your hair. The tool makes the roots strong, the hair becomes obedient and smooth.
  4. To eliminate age spots on the face, wipe the skin with oil, and then apply a mask of any fruit on it.
  5. Mask to eliminate wrinkles: take oil, natural honey and one egg yolk in equal proportions. Mix everything and apply a thin layer on the skin of the face. After 20 minutes, wipe with a wet cotton pad.
  6. To strengthen nails and moisturize the skin of your hands, heat corn oil and add five drops of iodine to it. Soak your hands in the mixture for 10-15 minutes. If you perform the procedure before going to bed, put on cotton gloves after it.
  7. To rid animals of ear mites, heat some oil and drip into the affected ear.

Try adding this wonderful product into your regular diet. Add it to masks, creams, drink on an empty stomach in its pure form. But do not forget, everything should be in moderation, as the oil contains a lot of calories.

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Corn oil today is distributed throughout the world and is widely used in different areas: cooking, cosmetology, medicine. This is a wonderful plant little, which has a rich chemical composition. For the first time it was received in 1898 in the US state of Indiana, gradually it began to be called the gold of the west, it turned out to be so valuable and in demand.

Today, many people use corn oil for variety and health, it comes to us only in a refined form, it has absolutely no smell, the color is light yellow. Cooks of the high class prefer to cook with corn oil - it is great for frying and deep-frying because it withstands high temperatures and does not form carcinogens does not smoke or burn.

The composition and useful properties of corn oil

Corn oil is just a storehouse of vitamin E. Yes, all oils are rich in them, but it is in it that the content of this vitamin is several times higher. - this is one of the most effective and common antioxidants, it is also called the vitamin of youth, growth and beauty. It is necessary to maintain the elasticity of all tissues - skin, hair, nails, vessel walls. It removes free radicals from the body, which are one of the causes of early or excessive aging.

Needs vitamin E endocrine system organism, which is responsible for the work of the pituitary gland, gonads, thyroid gland, adrenal glands. Hormonal balance is the key to health and well-being.

Vitamin E is indicated for many vascular problems. It helps maintain elasticity and prevent vascular fragility. It also protects a person from cellular mutations, cancers.

Corn oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids. These are very valuable and useful substances for humans, because they help keep you healthy immune system - the body's main defense against all kinds of infections and diseases. Also, unsaturated fatty acids, phosphatides and lecithin are excreted from the body. bad cholesterol, thereby also ensuring vascular health.

Corn oil has a choleretic effect, it is useful for those who suffer from gallbladder diseases.

More chemical composition corn oil shows the presence of such rare vitamins as B1, B2, PP, K3. High content and provitamin A, which makes corn oil good for vision and skin.

In folk medicine, corn oil is used:

- for increase vitality and removal of the syndrome constant fatigue;
- in the fight against muscle weakness;
- for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis;
- in the treatment of gallstone disease;
- for the treatment of beriberi;
- in the fight against early skin aging;
- in the fight against acne, dry skin;
- at skin diseases;
- for prevention viral diseases;
- to maintain the immune system;
- with hormonal disorders;
- to cleanse the body of toxins.

Harm and contraindications to the use of corn oil

People with bleeding disorders should avoid corn oil. Substances contained in corn oil can increase clotting, which is dangerous for thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, varicose veins veins (any disease associated with increased level prothrombin).

The calorie content of corn oil is equal to that of sunflower oil., so people with obesity should also refrain from it or use it in a limited amount.

There is also an individual intolerance to corn oil.

Traditional medicine and cosmetology recipes with corn oil

With baldness, for beauty and good hair growth

To make your hair thick, strong and healthy, you can use a corn oil mask. The oil is not applied to the hair, but is actively rubbed into the scalp. A cap or bag is put on the head, wrapped with a towel on top. Wash off after an hour. This mask is done before washing your hair for six months.

For gallbladder health

To enhance the outflow of bile and improve the functioning of the gallbladder, it is recommended to add to your daily diet corn oil. It is best added to porridge or fresh salads. You can also drink one and a half tablespoons of corn oil on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. The course is 2 weeks, a break of 10 days, after - repeat.

With peeling skin

To make the skin smooth and beautiful, you need to drink a teaspoon of corn oil on an empty stomach, and also lubricate the damaged areas with oil at night.

For insomnia

If you can't sleep, then actively rub your temples and the back of your head with corn oil.

For joint pain

If your joints hurt, then corn oil will help. It must be rubbed into the affected areas, wrapped with a woolen cloth on top, lie under the covers for at least 2 hours, and preferably at night.

For bites, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema

For these problems, use a 50:50 mixture of corn and dill oils. Lubricate the skin three times a day until the lesions disappear.

Vegetable oil is used in every family.

There are many options for this name, although many of us, unknowingly, include exclusively sunflower-based products in this category.

Olive is considered the second most popular vegetable, but other products are no less useful. Soybean, linseed, poppy, bamboo ....

The list can be continued for a long time.

Let's talk about corn oil today.

You will learn how it is obtained, what its benefits and harms are, whether it can be used in cooking, what other uses exist and how to choose and store this product correctly.

Corn oil - what is it?

Corn has been cultivated by humans since time immemorial.

There is evidence that this plant passed into the category of cultivated more than 10 thousand years ago.

Of course, there is a difference between the cobs we are used to and those grown then, and it is not only in size (previously, corn fruits were no more than 3-4 cm long), but also in the amount of benefits that regular use brings.

The Americans were the first of their contemporaries to appreciate corn.

This plant is unpretentious, tolerates drought and other surprises of nature without any problems, cooks quickly and perfectly satisfies hunger. At least at that time, it was these qualities that were appreciated by people in the first place.

Much later, oil was produced from the cob.

It was then that the name "gold of the West" became known throughout the world, and corn itself began to be grown literally in every corner of the globe.

Corn oil is very similar to sunflower oil. It also has a rather pronounced aroma and about the same shade.

The areas of application are also quite wide, but without knowing this, many simply pass by this product located on store shelves.

Production technology and main types of product

Corn oil is prepared from corn germs. There are two ways of preparation: by squeezing through a press and extraction.

The second one is more common.

First, the embryos are immersed in purified water and soaked, the resulting mass is treated with sulfur dioxide, then the cake is fried, passed through a press, and the oil already obtained is subjected to extraction.

Types of corn oil

Corn oil can be as follows:

  1. refined deodorized. In turn, it is divided into brand D (this product is used in diet food and is quite highly valued) and brand P (used in public catering, which is primarily due to the penny cost);
  2. refined and non-deodorized. This oil has a richer taste and aroma, it may be slightly cloudy, but this is allowed. It is this type of oil that is most commonly used at home;
  3. unrefined corn oil can be recognized by its darker color and a small amount of flakes that settle as a sediment. It is very rarely used, so it is rather problematic to find it on sale.

Refined oil is quite popular. Frying in corn oil is a pleasure. It does not emit smoke and does not foam. It can also be used for salads and canning.

The composition and benefits of corn oil

Its composition is very similar to soybean oil. It contains a lot of vitamins of groups B, P, E, unsaturated acids and minerals.

But there are more benefits unrefined oil, precisely in the very fact that it is not recommended to use food. Paradox.

Although the refined product is quite useful. Some of the substances during processing, of course, evaporate, but main value, which all experts consider vitamin E, is preserved.

This is the most powerful antioxidant that protects the body from aging, and the functioning of the reproductive system depends on its sufficient intake.

Vitamin E is also called tocopherol, which translates as "bearing offspring." If its deficiency is noted in the body, it cannot be guaranteed that a pregnant woman bears a healthy child, and that she generally bears it.

Often the cause of miscarriages, infertility and the birth of children with birth defects is precisely the insufficient content of this vitamin.

Note! This type of vegetable oil contains several times more vitamin E than sunflower and even olive oil.

The properties of corn oil are hard to overestimate.

Regular use of it helps to improve the functioning of the metabolic system, has a positive effect on the intestines, cleanses the liver and bile, favors strengthening protective properties organism in relation to aggressive influence negative factors environment and various infections.

It should also be noted substances that regulate the amount good cholesterol, are the prevention of the development of atherosclerosis and significantly reduce the risk of varicose veins, have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

Just 75 grams of oil per day is enough to provide normal work organism.

If there are health problems, corn oil will also come to the rescue. It enhances blood clotting, helps prevent migraines, treats asthma, and controls blood sugar levels.

For medicinal purposes, corn oil is taken 2 times a day for a tablespoon half an hour before meals at the same time.

External use is also quite common.

The drug is used to treat wounds and cracks, burns, eczema, psoriasis and even rotting trophic ulcers. But only lubrication of the skin and lotions must be combined with the use of oil inside and the dose is made individually.

Use in cooking

You can use this type of vegetable oil for absolutely any dishes. It is very important that it does not burn, does not foam, does not emit harmful substances, and saving is also of great importance.

Corn is consumed much more slowly than other options, so it is used instead of others vegetable oils in the manufacture of mayonnaise and other sauces, as well as in the baking of cakes, muffins and even for the production baby food.

Quite often, it is corn oil that is found in the composition of ready-made dietary products, and the production of butter and margarine rarely does without it.

The calorie content of the product is quite high. 899 kcal per 100 gr. Such an indicator repels those who carefully monitor their weight, but one must also take into account the minimum amount that is used during cooking, as well as a significant increase in the level of absorption of nutrients that enter the body with other products, and the normalization of metabolism.

So corn oil cannot be the reason for gaining extra pounds.

Use in cosmetology

Corn oil is very popular among lovers of folk cosmetology.

Its regular use inside along with food already significantly improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, but supplement positive influence can also be external influence.

There is a proven hair product. Corn oil should be warmed up a little and rubbed into the scalp, then wrapped with a film and a towel on top. Rinse hair after half an hour warm water and soap or neutral shampoo.

This procedure prevents hair loss, treats dandruff. And this method can be taken into account by everyone who is afraid of pediculosis. Lice hate the smell of corn oil.

It is very important that you can use this tool for absolutely any hair.

The presence of vitamins A, F, E and fatty acids in the composition helps to start the natural processes of skin regeneration, improves complexion, gives a healthy glow, and allows you to stop using decorative cosmetics.

It can be used for all types, but most of all it is recommended for owners of dry, rough and aging skin.

Corn oil does a great job with age spots. It is enough to regularly wipe the problem areas with a cotton pad soaked in it, and then make a soda compress and the problem will be solved. To speed up the effect, it does not hurt to make natural masks from fresh vegetables and fruits.

Do not resist corn oil and small mimic wrinkles. To combat them, you need to mix one yolk, a table. a spoonful of honey and a table. a spoonful of oil. The mask is applied to a pre-cleansed face for 20 minutes, then removed with paper napkins.

For hands and nails, you can prepare a bath of warmed corn oil and add 3-5 drops of iodine to it. Keep your hands in this mixture for 15 minutes, after that you need to put on cotton gloves for at least half an hour, and ideally you need to lie down in them and sleep.

Corn oil is also used for massage. To improve the effect, essential oils are added to it.

How to choose and store corn oil?

When choosing corn oil in the store, give preference to glass containers. In plastic, useful properties are lost. A quality product has an even color, a beautiful shade, is distinguished by purity and transparency.

The price is also hallmark quality. Good corn oil can't be cheap, but overpricing should also be avoided.

On average, for 500 ml the price ranges from 220 to 300 rubles.

Preference should be given to products from well-known manufacturers. Responsible suppliers will not make a fake. They care about their reputation.

Of great importance is the storage conditions of the oil.

There are four types of corn oil, depending on the degree of purification: unrefined, refined non-deodorized, grade D and grade P (both refined deodorized). Brand D oil is intended for the manufacture of dietary and baby food products, and grade P is for use in catering and retail establishments.

Remember, you can only use food that is stored in the refrigerator and only in a glass container. Otherwise, it changes its composition, acquires bitterness and bad smell.

Contraindications for use

Harm corn oil, if, of course, it was made in accordance with all the rules, will not bring, however, individual intolerance cannot be discounted.

Therefore, before taking this product for food or external use, make sure that you do not have such a predisposition.

Just introduce it into the diet gradually, and use preparations based on it with caution.

Now you know the benefits of corn oil and how to use it properly.

Follow the rules of storage and the vitamins contained in it will help you maintain youth and beauty!

Oil obtained by cold pressing the grains of an annual herbaceous plant Maize or sweet corn is called corn. This is the most valuable dietary product of yellow color (the shade can vary from transparent to deep yellow), widely used in cooking, medicine, aromatherapy and cosmetology.

excellent taste characteristics, nutritional value, therapeutic properties corn oils make it attractive to most housewives. According to gourmet reviews, dishes cooked with corn oil have a more delicate taste and indescribable aroma.

Useful properties and contraindications of corn oil are due to its biochemical composition. Most often, refined and deodorized corn oil is found on store shelves, it does not have a pronounced taste and smell and is valued for its lack of harmful impurities. In the manufacture of unrefined pomace, the finished substance may contain residues of pesticides and other chemical compounds, which are used in the industrial cultivation of crops.

Oil extraction methods and production

The oil is extracted from the germ of the grain. Natural oil content of fruits is from 32 to 37%.

  • Pressing (cold or hot)
  • Extraction
  • Pressing and extraction

When pressed grain mint is subjected to high cold or hot pressure.

In the first case, the raw material is not treated with high temperature, as a result of which the oil receives light color, natural taste and aroma of oilseed raw materials.

In the second case, dry grains are fried for some time. This leads to a decrease in the viscosity of the oil, which provides a faster process for extracting the fatty substance from the raw material.

In order to neutralize the negative effect of temperature on the oil and at the same time not to reduce the percentage of production, the grain mint is steamed. Having achieved an increase in the temperature of the raw material to 900C and an increase in humidity to 12%, the mass is pressed at moderate pressure. In this process, the mint releases most of the oil it contains.

The rest is extracted under conditions high blood pressure applied after drying the raw material and bringing it to a temperature of 1200C. The re-extracted oil is dark in color, has a pronounced odor, and needs to be refined.

Corn starch is used in the production of tablets, baby powder, glucose. The water in which the corn grains were soaked is in demand in the production of antibiotics.
When extracting, the grain mint is mixed with a fat-dissolving substance, for example, refined gasoline. The method allows to obtain an oil devoid of harmful components (resins, oxides, pigments). After extracting the oil with gasoline, the latter is completely separated.

When processing mint from high-oil seeds, a combined processing of raw materials is used: pressing and extraction.

Corn oil is of the following types:

  • (grade D) - used in the preparation of dietary dishes;
  • Refined deodorized(mark P) - used in catering establishments;
  • Refined not deodorized- has a specific smell, but undergoes a certain cleaning;
  • unrefined- it has a darker color, a distinct aroma and some sediment. This oil has the most useful substances.

Despite the benefits of unrefined oil, it is not used so often, because in addition to beneficial vitamins it also contains residues of pesticides that are used in the cultivation of this crop on an industrial scale. As a result, in stores you can find only a refined product that is excellent for culinary purposes: it does not foam when frying, does not burn, and therefore does not emit smoke containing carcinogens. Lack of bright palatability refined oil makes it possible to use it for dressing salads.

Composition of corn oil

The most useful components of corn oil include polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA or vitamin F), in particular oleic and linoleic, and vitamin E, the concentration of which in the product significantly exceeds the traditional sources of this compound - sunflower and olive oil. The vitamin composition of corn oil is represented by retinol (A), B vitamins, ascorbic acid(S), K, PP.

The product has an ideal combination of lipids, both saturated and unsaturated, mineral salts, including iron, copper, magnesium, zinc, selenium, lecithin, organic acids and antioxidants.


Although the calorie content of the oil is quite high - 899 kcal - this product is a dietary product that is easily digested by the body.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

The main advantage of corn oil over others is that it contains enough high content vitamin E. This vitamin is considered the strongest antioxidant that helps protect the body from premature aging.

Due to vitamin E, this oil contributes to the proper functioning of the gonads, it is extremely useful for pregnant women, protects cells from potential mutations.

Scientists have long studied the mechanism of aging human body. Aging is caused by free radicals that damage all cells. Researchers are trying all the time to find ways to fight radicals. One of them can be called the use of vitamin E. This antioxidant prevents the wear and tear of cells. To get the required amount of this vitamin, it is not necessary to buy expensive biological supplements. You just need to know which foods contain the maximum amount of it, and try to eat them regularly. Among these products, corn oil occupies an important place. It should be noted that vitamin E in this oil contains 2 times more than in sunflower and olive.

By the way, vitamin E is also called tocopherol. This word in Latin means "bearing offspring." And he received such a name, because his main function is to maintain in the female body the ability to bear and reproduce healthy children. Scientists have found that vitamin E is fat-soluble. This means that the presence of a fatty environment is a prerequisite for its absorption by the body. Corn oil is excellent as such a medium, because it contains an evenly distributed content of essential fatty acids.

Vitamin E 18.6 mg
Phosphorus 2 mg
Saturated fatty acids
palmitic 11.1 g
Stearic 2.2 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids
Oleic (omega-9) 24 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids
Linoleic 57 g
Linolenic 0.6 g

Useful properties of corn oil

The inclusion of corn oil in the daily diet (nutritionists recommend consuming up to 75 ml / 5 tablespoons per day) improves the functioning of most organs and systems:

  • the immune system : increases the body's natural ability to resist disease;
  • endocrine system : improves the work of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, thyroid and gonads);
  • the cardiovascular system : level down dangerous cholesterol in the blood, cleansing blood vessels and arteries, improving blood composition, strengthening capillaries, increasing the permeability and elasticity of blood vessels;
  • digestive system : in addition to improving metabolic processes, corn oil stimulates the production of bile, regenerates liver cells, increasing its detoxification abilities, and removes harmful substances from the intestines;
  • excretory system : useful for kidney function;
  • nervous system : increases the body's resistance to stress and its ability to withstand overload, optimizes emotional background, heals from insomnia and neurosis;
  • leather: healing effect on the skin, the condition of the nail plates and hair is characterized as internal use product, as well as cosmetic procedures with its use.
  • hair : Corn oil is a unique natural blend of fatty acids and vitamins. When using this product to care for weakened or damaged hair, it is possible to improve their structure, stop hair loss, avoid dandruff and itching of the scalp. For achievement health effect just add a small amount of oil to any shampoo or hair conditioner.


Corn oil is a leader in the content of phytosterols, which help the body cope with excess cholesterol that comes with food. Unique properties of this product have been confirmed by many medical studies, during which people whose menu contained an excessive amount of fatty foods were asked to consume 150 mg of oil per kilogram of body daily. As a result, a decrease in blood cholesterol in such patients by several times was noted, which did not take long to positively affect their general state of health.


Free radicals, formed in the body under the influence of malnutrition and adverse environmental influences, are the cause of chronic diseases and tumor processes. The vitamins and antioxidants found in corn oil help to reverse the damage caused by free radical activity.

And corn oil also protects cells from destructive degeneration, rejuvenates the body, slowing down the aging process, regulates hormonal levels, relieves hypoxia ( oxygen starvation), activates cerebral circulation, prevents the formation of blood clots, acts as a product that creates a barrier against adverse effects external factors, tones, strengthens, heals. Useful for children, the elderly, pregnant and lactating mothers.

Daily intake of the product

Corn oil is very high in calories, and its chemical composition is represented mainly by fats. Therefore, you should not abuse it: 50–70 mg of oil per day will allow you to get all the beneficial substances contained in the product. It is also preferable to include corn oil in the diet in fresh, run them vegetable salads rather than use for frying.

Corn oil in the diet of pregnant women

  • in the I and II trimesters, you can eat the product in any form: season vegetable salads, prepare sauces and homemade mayonnaise, use oil for frying, replacing it with sunflower;
  • In the third trimester, when body weight increases, give up fatty and fried foods, during this period it is better to use corn oil as part of light salads;
  • if you have never tried corn oil before, start with a small amount (1 teaspoon). If during the day there was no discomfort in the abdomen and stool disorder, the daily norm of the product can be increased;
  • reduce the amount of product consumed to 1 tsp. per day, if you are worried about pain under the right rib, nausea is the first symptom of gallbladder problems that often occur during pregnancy.

Is the product suitable for breastfeeding mothers?

Doctors are sure: the diet of a nursing mother should be as diverse as possible (with the exception of foods that cause excessive gas formation). Corn oil fits perfectly into the diet of a woman who is breastfeeding, and nutritionists recommend replacing it with the sunflower oil we are used to.

The rate of use of the product breastfeeding- 2 tbsp. l. oils per day. At the same time, corn oil can be used to prepare certain dishes from the first days of a baby's life. It is not worth frying on it: for nursing mothers, boiling, baking or stewing with the addition of a small amount of oil remains the best way to prepare meals.

At what age can children be given?

Corn oil should not be chosen to introduce the baby to vegetable fats. It is better if the first oil that you add to complementary foods is natural cold-pressed olive oil.

Closer to 8 months, try introducing healthy corn oil into your baby's diet - add a couple of drops to a serving of vegetable puree, carefully place and feed the baby as usual. During the day, observe the reaction - has the baby become capricious, does not show anxiety, does he have problems with his tummy? If everything is in order, add up to 5 drops of corn oil to vegetable or meat foods.

Attention! If you feed your baby canned mashed potatoes of industrial production, they already contain the necessary amount of vegetable fats. Only add corn oil to vegetables and meats that you cook yourself.

Corn oil in cosmetology

The product is the basis of many cosmetics both industrial production and home cooking. A high concentration of youth vitamin - E is good for nutrition skin, nails and hair.

The oil is often used by massage therapists to create unique massage and nourishing body blends. The product goes well with the main base oils(grape, apricot, almond, peach kernels, walnut, flax, pumpkin, sunflower), and is used as a vegetable emulsifier for pure esters.

The following methods are used to treat the skin:

  • Pigment spots are wiped with corn oil, after which a mask of fruit pulp (for example, peach) is applied to the skin;
  • Apply a mask of corn oil, honey and yolk to eliminate small wrinkles. The mask is evenly applied to the skin for 20 minutes, after which it is removed with cotton wool soaked in warm water;
  • Bath of heated oil with the addition of 3-4 drops of iodine for hands and nails. Hands should be held in this composition for 15 minutes. This procedure can be combined with the application of oil on the hands before going to bed, after which you need to go to bed in cotton gloves.
  • In combination with essential oils used for massage sessions.

Corn oil in cooking

Corn oil is seasoned with all kinds of salads, cold and warm snacks, added to pastries, mayonnaise and other aromatic sauces are prepared on its basis - mixtures that emphasize the taste and smell of most food products.

Corn oil for frying is considered much more valuable than sunflower oil. The product is used to prepare various dishes deep-frying, stewing, frying food. It should be emphasized that the benefits of corn oil for use in food and the question of whether it is possible to fry on it are of concern to many cooks.

According to the studies of many scientists, this oily substance heat treatment does not form carcinogenic substances, unlike most vegetable oils, more a long period time, moreover, it does not foam, does not change the taste of food and does not cause burning in the pan. According to experienced chefs, corn oil is much more economical in consumption than sunflower oil traditionally used in Russian cuisine.

Therefore, nutritionists strongly recommend paying attention to a valuable product given to us by nature, to everyone striving for healthy lifestyle life. Corn oil will help you preserve your health and youth for long years, as well as improve the quality of life and diversify taste sensations.

Traditional medicine and cosmetology recipes with corn oil

With baldness, for beauty and good hair growth

To make your hair thick, strong and healthy, you can use a corn oil mask. The oil is not applied to the hair, but is actively rubbed into the scalp. A cap or bag is put on the head, wrapped with a towel on top. Wash off after an hour. This mask is done before washing your hair for six months.

For gallbladder health

To increase the outflow of bile and improve the functioning of the gallbladder, it is recommended to add corn oil to your daily diet. It is best added to porridge or fresh salads. You can also drink one and a half tablespoons of corn oil on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. The course is 2 weeks, a break of 10 days, after - repeat.

With peeling skin

To make the skin smooth and beautiful, you need to drink a teaspoon of corn oil on an empty stomach, and also lubricate the damaged areas with oil at night.

For migraine

With regular attacks of headache, from which analgesics do not help, traditional medicine recommends taking 1 tbsp. l. unrefined corn oil 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment averages 2-3 days, until the pain disappears.

For burns

Apply corn oil heated to body temperature to the affected skin, cover with a clean cotton cloth, and secure with a band-aid. Change the bandage after 50-60 minutes. The course of treatment is 3–5 days.

For insomnia

For skin itching

Mix unrefined corn oil and dill seed oil in a ratio of 30:1. Lubricate itchy areas 5-6 times a day.

For joint pain

If your joints hurt, then corn oil will help. It must be rubbed into the affected areas, wrapped with a woolen cloth on top, lie under the covers for at least 2 hours, and preferably at night.

For bites, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema

For these problems, use a 50:50 mixture of corn and dill oils. Lubricate the skin three times a day until the lesions disappear.

With pancreatitis

During an exacerbation of the disease, any fats, even healthy corn oil, will only aggravate the condition, so the product is strictly prohibited during this period. But 2-3 weeks after the attack of pancreatitis, when all the symptoms of inflammation of the pancreas go away, corn oil is not large quantities will help to improve the functioning of the body. Doctors recommend daily use up to 1 tbsp. l. product as part of various dishes, better vegetable. At the same time, fatty fried foods, even if healthy corn oil was used for cooking, are prohibited.

With diabetes

Corn oil is the best alternative to animal fats, which are not recommended for diabetic patients. Use up to 2-3 tbsp. l. product daily during cooking, while excluding lard, fatty meat, butter and spread from the diet.

With high cholesterol

Due to the high content of useful polyunsaturated fatty acids, corn oil helps to lower cholesterol levels. It is best added to fresh vegetable salads and used in homemade sauces. It is recommended to consume up to 2-3 tbsp per day. l. oils. At the same time, limit cholesterol-rich foods in your diet. These include all animal fats (lard, fatty meat, offal, milk, cream, cheeses, etc.).

The use of corn oil in other areas

The benefits of this product have been noted not only by doctors and lovers of traditional medicine. Corn oil is used as the raw material needed to make biodiesel work!

Lecithin, contained in large quantities in this oil, has long been popular with leading cosmetologists and cooks. Due to its antioxidant effect, it helps to keep some products for a long time. Corn oil can be found in many creams, soaps, paints and ointments, as well as in various pharmaceutical preparations.

The use of corn oil undoubtedly has more good points than negative ones, the main thing is not to abuse it if there are contraindications.

Will corn oil help you lose weight?

If we consider the remedy as a “magic pill” that will allow you to lose weight without changing your usual diet, then the answer to this question will be negative. But if you enlist the support of this useful and vitamin product and reconsider your views on nutrition, overweight will melt before our eyes:

  • completely replace harmful animal fats with corn oil;
  • use the product for dressing light vegetable salads;
  • eat oil only fresh and do not use it for frying (and generally exclude fried foods from the diet);
  • the allowed amount of corn oil is 2–3 tbsp. l. per day.

On sites dedicated to weight loss, you can often find recommendations for the use of vegetable oil, including corn oil, on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. l. Be sure to consult your doctor before using this method.

How to choose

Corn oil should be extremely transparent and clean, beautiful uniform color.

It is best to choose oil in a glass container. Remember that a quality product cannot be cheap. It is worth choosing an oil from the middle price category: there are many quality samples here, and the cost is not yet so high as to be avoided.

It is also worth choosing oils from well-known manufacturers. They, having great power and taking care of normal relations with the inspection bodies, are trying to prevent marriage and poor quality.

How to store

If stored for a long time, corn oil may acquire an unpleasant odor. If you purchased unrefined, so-called "live" oil, then you need to store it in a glass container in the refrigerator, otherwise in a warm place and in the light such a product will quickly become cloudy, lose its beneficial properties and acquire an unpleasant bitter taste. On the shelves, deodorized refined oil is most often presented, which is stored much longer in any conditions. During deodorization, substances that give the product a characteristic odor are removed from the oil.

Corn oil - contraindications

  • Due to the exceptional hypoallergenicity of the product, there are few contraindications to its use. However, an increased content of omega-6 acids can provoke an exacerbation of some chronic diseases.
  • People who have increased clotting blood and those at risk for oncology, before taking corn oil, it is advisable to consult your doctor.
  • To avoid harm to health, do not use the expired product. You also need to observe the conditions for storing corn oil, do not leave it under direct sunbeams or in a place that is too warm.
  • Unrefined corn oil may have a characteristic odor that individual people causes rejection. In such cases, it is worth replacing it with a product that has undergone deeper processing and deodorization.
  • Although corn oil does not smoke or foam when heated, you should not expose it to prolonged exposure. high temperatures, under the influence of which carcinogenic substances are formed. It is best to use oil for dressing cold dishes and salads.
  • Overweight people should not abuse corn oil, but it will also not be possible to recover with it, as it causes a quick feeling of satiety, reduces appetite and suppresses the tendency to overeat.

Corn oil is not only a healthy and nutritious product for the whole family, but also an effective remedy used in traditional medicine and cosmetology. The rich composition and easy digestibility make this oil indispensable in clinical nutrition. Be sure to try golden corn oil, and it will become an integral part of your diet.

Exists great amount. Some of them are useful, others are not, so the use of each of these products has its own characteristics. Today we will talk about corn oil, find out what benefits it has and why its use is especially relevant for.

Production, types and brands of corn oil

The raw materials for the production of the product are not ripe grains of the “queen of the fields”, but only their embryos, which are isolated from the grains industrial way- wet or dry. In the latter case, the result is better, the product has a higher quality, but this requires a special pressing technology, called extraction, since conventional method pressing is difficult high content starch in such germs. But the "wet" separation of raw materials allows the use of press technology.
So there is two main ways that corn oil producers use are pressing and extraction.

At pressing raw materials are first crushed in a special way, and then under pressure (sometimes this happens in several stages with different pressures), a healing “juice” is extracted from it. For this method, the raw material must first be treated with heat and moisture.

Extraction is a more modern and economical way of producing goods, it is based on the ability of vegetable fats to dissolve in certain substances, in particular, in ordinary gasoline. As a result of such processing, a very high-quality product is obtained, as well as a dry residue, which is called meal.

Did you know? Only a tenth of a corn kernel is suitable for oil production.

Exists two main types of corn oil- unrefined (unrefined) and refined. If speak about useful qualities, then all of them are fully represented in unrefined version, which has undergone minimal cleaning and, accordingly, has lost the least in the composition.
This type of oil is very easy to distinguish even visually - it is a little cloudy or has a little sediment, and its color is rich orange. When you open the container, you will feel a distinct corn aroma.

Important! For all its usefulness, unrefined oil can become a real enemy if you decide to use it for. In addition to the fact that yours will be filled with acrid smoke and the smell of burnt oil, during the heat treatment, the unrefined product releases toxic substances, so for such dishes they will not bring anything good.

Refined corn oil goes through five stages of filtration, making it much lighter and completely transparent. Unfortunately, along with various impurities and pesticides, the most valuable substances so the benefit is minimal. However, you can cook great on it.

In addition to the usual refined corn oil, which still retains a light raw material, there is also deodorized refined product. It is obtained using heating to very high temperatures (250 degrees), as a result of which, as you can easily guess, everything that gives the oil taste and smell is completely removed. This is a neutral option that you can simply cook on. There will be no additional taste or smell to the dish.
The deodorized version of the product may be marked "P" or "D". The latter means that the product is intended for use in dietary or nutrition, it is more expensive, which, however, does not mean at all that it contains many other useful substances.

Finally, there is oil frozen or cold pressed. It's a very good compromise between refined and wholesome. Such a product does not foam, does not burn, does not smell, but is very rich, in particular, those that decompose during heat treatment.

Of course, in addition to the method of preparation, the quality big influence provides raw materials, compliance with production technology and the integrity of the manufacturer. For this reason, you should always purchase a product of well-known trademarks and avoid bottles with incomprehensible stickers, as well as oils that are bottled directly in large shopping malls and have logos of the corresponding supermarket (as a rule, such products are seriously inferior in quality to "branded" ones).

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of corn oil determines the raw material from which it is made.

Did you know? The first mentions of date back to the fifth millennium BC, although scientists believe that people began to purposefully grow this cereal much earlier. It is one of the oldest agricultural crops. The first corncobs were very small, in the process of selection work, people managed to increase the size of the "spikelet" at least ten times. Corn is native to Mexico, and it was brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus.

Corn oil is very rich in vitamins, primarily (tocopherol). By the amount of this beneficial substance corn oil is seriously inferior to sunflower oil, but it is ahead (in corn tocopherol 18.7 mg, in olive oil - 14.8 mg, in sunflower oil - up to 41.8 mg).
The product also contains (thiamine), or PP (nicotinic acid), as well as.

But the main thing in oil is, of course, fats. Corn pomace is present in the range: saturated (stearic, palmitic), monounsaturated (), polyunsaturated (linoleic), but the latter, the most useful, form the basis of the product: in unrefined oil, the total amount of unsaturated fatty acids reaches 85%. It should be noted, in fairness, that contrary to the statements that are often heard from different sources, in reality, corn oil is slightly inferior to sunflower oil in terms of the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. But not too useful saturated fatty acids in sunflower oil just less than in corn.

Benefits of corn oil for the body

Fatty acids and phytosterols, which are in large quantities in the composition of corn oil, are very useful to our. They reduce the level in the body, which is a wonderful prevention not only, but also. Oleic acid helps break down fats, preventing them from being deposited on ours, which also makes it easier for the muscles to work.
As you know, people suffering are contraindicated fatty food. For this reason, "cores" traditionally try to avoid the use of any oil, both animal and, considering them equally harmful. In fact, the fats in such products are completely different.

Important! Butter is rich in saturated fatty acids, and vegetable, in particular corn, is unsaturated. Saturated fatty acids are found in normal temperature are usually in a solid state. A large amount of monounsaturated fatty acids in the product makes it liquid, and with strong cooling, such products, as a rule, do not freeze, but only thicken.

Fatty acids contained in corn treasure, thin the blood, being prophylactic from thrombosis. Thus, the product is very useful for blood vessels. In addition, these same substances have the ability to heal wounds and ulcers, stop inflammation and help tissues recover. They also stimulate metabolic processes.

Vitamin E, which is rich in our oil, is sometimes called the vitamin of longevity. It prevents the formation of free radicals that cause processes in the body, thus, we can say that corn oil is a natural elixir. In addition, tocopherol has a very good effect on the functioning of the gonads and is especially important during.
Thiamine improves carbohydrate-fat and water-salt exchange, participates in cellular respiration, has a beneficial effect on.

Nicotinic acid normalizes the digestive processes and is also extremely useful "for the nerves."

The corn miracle has the ability change the composition of bile, making it more saturated. Due to its choleretic properties, such a product is extremely useful for people suffering from cholelithiasis, disorders of the outflow of bile and other pathologies of the gallbladder.

Did you know? In the Taino language, the natives who inhabited the Antilles and Bahamas, Haiti, Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe and other lands of the New World before the discovery of America, corn was called the word "maize" (mahiz). Interestingly, in many European languages this plant has retained its ancient name. Other words familiar to us have a similar origin, for example, canoe, tobacco, sweet potato.

It is sometimes said that the substances contained in the pomace from corn kernels (we are talking primarily about the above-mentioned polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E), are able to suppress the development of atypical cells, that is, the product has an antitumor effect.
In fact, this information did not find reliable scientific justification, so it’s still not worth counting on overcoming a malignant tumor with a vitamin seasoned with fragrant oil.

Various applications

Thanks to such numerous beneficial properties, corn oil rightfully occupies a leading position among its vegetable "competitors" and is widely used not only in cooking, but also in.

In cooking

If we talk about the refined version, then it is great not only for the usual frying and stewing, but even for deep fat. It foams much less than sunflower oil, does not burn, moreover, for the preparation of the same serving of products of such oil, much less is needed (it must be admitted that the corn “version” is more expensive, so, as they say, the game is not worth the candle) .
And yet, experts advise: when you need a lot of fat (for example, for deep-frying), it is better to use corn oil, and not sunflower oil.

Important! Monounsaturated acids (Omega-9), which are more abundant in corn oil than in sunflower oil, are more resistant to heat than polyunsaturated and Omega-6. They oxidize less when heated, and, therefore, produce less of any muck. During normal frying (it takes place at a temperature of about 165 ° C), this circumstance can be neglected, but at higher temperatures (from 180 ° C) the question becomes fundamental.

For this reason, it is better to add corn-based fat to the dough when baking instead of sunflower.

In addition, the refined variety of the product is often used for cooking sauces, soups, and other dishes when expected heat treatment or the presence of a “foreign” smell is not needed. For the preparation of dietary products or dishes for children, the deodorized refined type with the letter "D" on the package is best suited. It is interesting that margarine on an industrial scale is usually prepared just on the basis of corn oil.

For lips

Flaky and cracked lips It is advised to lubricate with corn oil every time before applying lip balm. You can also prepare a special one that will help you easily remove the keratinized particles of the epidermis from the lips, as a result, the skin on them will become soft and tender. Mix in equal parts, corn base and regular ground cinnamon Apply this mixture to your lips. After a quarter of an hour, gently massage the treated areas of the skin to remove softened particles. dead skin and only then rinse off.

For hair

The benefits of corn oil for primarily due to the presence in its composition nicotinic acid which not only strengthens but also contributes to their more intensive growth. All that is needed is to intensively rub a few tablespoons of the product into the skin, then wrap the head well with a towel to create an effect. After an hour, you can wash off the mask and wash your hair with regular shampoo. Apply the procedure before each wash.

For hands and nails

A very useful and pleasant procedure for our hard-working people will be warm baths from corn material. It should be warmed up a little, add a few drops and lowered into the liquid previously washed for a quarter of an hour. If you find this method of using a generally expensive product to be wasteful, you can simply use warm oil instead of hand cream.

After thoroughly rubbing the product, put on special gloves for cosmetic procedures(If these are not available, ordinary disposable polyethylene gloves can be used, but the effect will be much worse). Take a calm position and do nothing for an hour. Then remove gloves and wash.
By the way, something similar can be done with, it will make yours tender, like a baby's. After a gentle pedicure procedure (treatment of steamed legs with a special pebble, brush or pumice), the heels should be liberally lubricated with corn oil, wrapped with a film or bag, put on woolen socks over polyethylene and lie down. remove socks and film and wash your feet with warm water.

For massage

Corn oil is often used for anti-cellulite massage. For best effect to it you must first add a few drops of your favorite, better. After an intensive warm-up procedure for problem areas, we wash off the remaining fat from the skin in.

How to choose the right one when buying

When choosing a product, first of all, you should focus on trusted brands. It is better if the product is packaged in glass rather than containers, it is in this container that it should be stored according to technological standards.

High price is not a guarantee quality product, but the cheapest product is definitely not the best choice. If in doubt about the manufacturer, choose " golden mean» in the price range.

An unrefined variety of a product can be with sediment, but a refined one is always absolutely transparent, homogeneous and pure.

And, of course, be sure to make sure that the goods are not expired. The expiration date must be checked for any product, you should not rely on the good faith of the seller and expect him to remove the expired product from the shelf.

How to store at home

When storing any vegetable oil, some standard rules must be observed.

Important! The healthier the oil, the shorter its shelf life. An unrefined cold-pressed product can be stored for no more than four months, refined oil, subject to necessary conditions, will save its properties for 10 months (on the package, however, a one-year expiration date may be indicated).

After opening the sealed package oil should be stored in. It is also important to ensure that light does not fall on the container (the refrigerator allows you to satisfy this requirement), since the most valuable vitamins in the oil are destroyed in the light. For a refined version, such a condition is not so fundamental, but it is still better to adhere to it.

Despite the indicated shelf life, the sooner you use the product after opening the container, the better.
Unrefined oil, rather than refined oil, acquires an unpleasant odor after a long time, but in general such a nuisance possible for any kind of product. Crude oil also quickly becomes cloudy and begins to taste bitter.

It is strictly impossible to use a corn product after the expiration date, as it begins to oxidize over time and becomes harmful instead of useful. The use of this can be very negative impact on metabolic processes and our digestive system.

Contraindications and harm

Corn oil does not special contraindications. In moderation, this product can not bring any harm to the body.

Important! In order for the oil to be beneficial, not harmful, its daily dose should be no more than two tablespoons per day, and we are talking not personally about the product from corn, but about all oils in the aggregate. Drinking vegetable oil in glasses is not healthy!

Another reservation concerns people who have food for the very raw material from which the goods are obtained, that is, for corn. In the presence of such individual intolerance from the use dangerous food, of course, must be abandoned. But don't be upset! There are many other vegetable oils in the world that have no less beneficial properties than a product made from corn. corn oil in last years is gaining more and more popularity, seriously pushing sunflower and olive products familiar on our tables. And this trend looks quite natural, because corn oil has a number of most valuable qualities, in some cases favorably distinguishing it from other varieties of vegetable oils. It is only important to know these features of the product, to be able to choose it and use its various types correctly, in accordance with their main purpose.



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