What the doctor should do at the reception: a cheat sheet for patients. Who is the doctor

In what cases should a pediatrician be involved in treatment? What are his responsibilities? You will learn the answers to these questions from this article.

What should a pediatrician treat?

This doctor should monitor many components of the child's health. For example, to evaluate not only the physical condition and development of children, but also pay attention to the neuropsychic sphere. The pediatrician should assess to determine which health group the patient belongs to, give relevant recommendations on nutrition and education. Also in the doctors are preventive measures to prevent the development of chronic diseases in children.

The pediatrician needs to know the clinical picture, which is inherent in the underlying diseases and characteristic of childhood. Such a doctor should be proficient in modern methods of therapy, know the basics of pharmacotherapy (taking into account childhood), the causes of the onset and development of diseases.

Job: pediatrician

All duties of a doctor are defined and approved by the Ministry of Social Development and Health of the Russian Federation. According to this document, the pediatrician is obliged:

  • receive information about the patient's health status;
  • organize and carry out activities aimed at preventing an epidemic in the focus of infection;
  • provide a medical examination service (treatment and preventive care);
  • monitor the condition of the child;
  • organize and conduct procedures for immunoprophylaxis. This is done according to the vaccination schedule;
  • develop and implement individual programs aimed at the rehabilitation of children with special needs;
  • carry out preventive and sanitary-hygienic measures to protect the health of children;
  • issue certificates and certificates of incapacity for work (for child care).

What does a pediatrician do at an appointment?

During the visit, the doctor must collect an anamnesis (find out all the data about the current disease, study the patient's complaints and his medical history), as well as conduct an examination.

Do you dream of a career as a doctor and a white coat? We will tell you how to enter a medical school and not regret it.

Studying at a medical school is difficult, but interesting

Where to start and what to be prepared for

To become a doctor, you have to study long and hard. This is at least 5-6 years at the institute and another 2 years in residency to obtain a narrow specialization. The teaching load is much higher than in ordinary universities - you will have to study a large number of specialized disciplines.

Before entering medical school, decide whether this profession suits you or not. She needs a certain set of personal qualities and skills:

  • Ability to communicate and listen. You will have to interact with a lot of people. Everyone needs to find a way. You need to be able to not only ask the right questions, but also to listen.
  • Patience and stress tolerance. Patients are different, sometimes their behavior can be rude and inadequate. You need to be able to remain calm in any situation.
  • Courage and recklessness. Even if you are not going to be a surgeon, you still have to get acquainted with the anatomy of the human body. At the university, you will have an excursion to the morgue, not everyone can stand it. Also, you should not be afraid of blood, pus, etc.
  • Good memory and ability to organize data. You will find a large amount of information, and not only at the university. Medicine does not stand still, you will have to study something all the time, know the regulations and instructions, read specialized literature.
  • Decisiveness and responsibility for decisions. You will have to make decisions that will affect someone's life.
  • Attention and observation. It will be necessary to respond quickly and in a timely manner to any changes in the patient's condition, not to miss important details when making a diagnosis.

Also, be prepared for low pay, especially early in your career. After graduation, you will most likely have to work as an ordinary doctor in a regular clinic or hospital. The Ministry of Health is preparing a bill according to which a graduate will not be able to work in a private medical center for several years after graduation. This is how they plan to solve the problem of shortage of personnel in state institutions.

How to get into medical school

For admission, you need to pass the exam in mathematics, Russian, chemistry or biology. The specific set of subjects depends on the chosen direction, you can find it on the website of the university. Some schools have additional entrance tests. For example, at Sechenov University, you need to pass computer testing in the areas of "Pediatrics" and "Dentistry".

It is not easy to enter medical institutes, rather high scores are needed, most often at least 80. The biggest competitions in the country's top universities, such as the First Moscow State Medical University. I. M. Sechenov, RNIMU them. N. I. Pirogov, St. Petersburg State Medical University, St. Petersburg State Medical University Academician I. P. Pavlov. The most demanded directions are "General Medicine", "Pediatrics", "Dentistry" and "Pharmacy".

The easiest way is to go in the direction you want to go. To do this, you need to contact the health department at the place of registration or a medical institution. To receive a petition, you need to submit an application between April and June, you will find the exact dates on the website of the department. With a large number of applications, a competitive selection is carried out. Your progress in school and personal achievements will be taken into account.

Please note that you can get referrals to Moscow universities if you have registration in the capital.

"Target targets" come in a separate competition. If you do not pass, you can participate in the main. If you enter the target area, after graduation you will have to work for several years by distribution.

What to do if not received

Try going to medical school. To do this, you do not need the results of the exam, the competition is based on the average score in the school certificate. If you are an excellent student, there is every chance to enter. Additionally, psychological testing is required. Colleges close on August 15th so you have time to apply.

After graduating from college, you can become a mid-career health worker or re-apply to university based on the results of the USE or university entrance tests.

If you didn’t manage to get through to college, spend a year on enhanced preparation. Study with a tutor or take preparatory courses at the university. Try to improve your USE results, take your exams again.

Features of studying at a medical university

If you have entered a university, it is too early to relax. Get ready for intense study and lack of free time. As practice shows, a large number of students are eliminated after the first session.

The first 3 courses you will receive basic basic knowledge. There are many specialized subjects waiting for you, such as anatomy, histology, psychology, physiology, Latin, etc. You will have to study a lot on your own, teachers will only point you in the right direction. Practical work at the beginning of training will be mainly in the laboratory of the university.

In the last courses, you will receive more in-depth knowledge and practical skills in the chosen direction. You will have access to patients as a Physician Assistant. There is even an opportunity to get a job as a paramedic, orderly or nurse. At the end of the training, you will have an internship in a hospital or clinic.

Opportunities after graduation

Since 2017, new rules have been introduced for graduates of medical universities. After graduating from the university, you need to undergo mandatory accreditation. It is a computerized test of 60 questions. Runtime - 1 hour. After successfully passing it (you need to score at least 70 points), you will be able to start working as an internist or pediatrician or enter a residency for a subspecialty.

There are few budget places in the residency, the competition is big. Test scores and personal achievements are taken into account. You can count on bonuses if you have a diploma with honors, you received a presidential or nominal scholarship, worked in medical institutions during your studies.

You can also apply for a residency in a targeted direction. You need to find a medical institution that needs specialists and get an application.

The profession of a doctor, despite various forecasts and expectations related mainly to finances, continues to be not only very popular, but also popular with applicants. School graduates are actively storming medical institutes, universities and academies. Last year, the average competition in our country in medical universities for medical faculties exceeded 10 people per place, and for pediatrics it was about 13. In this regard, the question of how to become a doctor cannot be limited to choosing a specific medical institute.

Features of the doctor's work

Every person from birth is faced with doctors, because it is they who meet him in this world. If in childhood and adolescence there are thoughtful, calm, caring, competent and self-confident doctors who helped, prevented diseases and protected from problems, they can be role models. At the same time, many young people are sure that they know well what makes up the work and the result of this work of a modern doctor. However, there are nuances that are invisible at first glance.

Most of the activities of doctors can be conditionally divided into 2 basic groups - therapeutic activities and surgery. Moreover, therapists are not only district doctors or, as they are often called, general practitioners, they are gastroenterologists, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, rheumatologists and other narrow specialists. Usually general practitioners work in offices and attend calls at home. Surgeons can also be narrow specialists and emergency doctors, who can do almost everything. Their main place of work is not only an office, but also an operating room and a dressing room. Physicians and surgeons differ in their outlook and approach to treatment. General practitioners treat with conservative methods, and surgeons with radical ones. Often a positive result is obtained only as a result of a combination of these methods.

In addition, all doctors should be able to provide not only emergency, but also first aid, including in extreme conditions.

Video tips

What is the main activity of a doctor

Traditionally, the main stages of the daily, routine, work of a doctor in a clinic and hospital include:

  • Examination and diagnosis.
  • The appointment of treatment, taking into account possible allergies, side effects of drugs and the compatibility of drugs with each other.
  • Correction of treatment in accordance with the response to it, re-examination and rehabilitation.
  • Prevention and prevention of diseases in healthy people, conducting examinations to diagnose diseases in the early stages.

What you need to know and what kind of person you need to be to become a doctor

To fulfill his mission, each doctor, in addition to endless and boundless love for people, must have certain traits and skills:

  • Be able to talk, not only listen, but also hear the patient, direct the conversation with questions in the right direction to obtain important information and make an accurate diagnosis.
  • In the process of treatment, it is important for the doctor to quickly respond to a changing situation.
  • Do not be afraid to make decisions and take responsibility for them yourself.
  • The doctor must be attentive, not to miss the little things.
  • One must have a good memory and be able to analyze the aggregate information both received from the patient and as a result of examinations and analyses.
  • Be able to tolerate rudeness, possible inappropriate behavior of patients and their relatives.
  • The doctor needs to have a high stress resistance.
  • Do not be afraid of blood, pus and dirt, unpleasant odors, groans and complaints.
  • Always be ready to help.
  • Be calm about irregular working hours, overtime work on weekends and at night. The doctor needs to be prepared for great physical exertion.
  • Be able to use a computer, write reports, correctly express thoughts.

In addition, an important component of the doctor's profession is constant, "eternal" study and advanced training not only at compulsory courses, seminars and lectures, but also independently, in "", studying publications in medical journals, getting acquainted with the experience of colleagues, reading books. The desire for self-education and self-improvement in order to improve the quality of helping people is a natural trait of a good doctor.

The profession of a doctor is a profession from which, in fact, you can never disconnect, neither on weekends, nor on vacation. A doctor, like a lawyer, is always on duty, like a pioneer, “always ready” to help people.

We make a decision - "I will work as a doctor!"

Before the final decision on the future specialty of a doctor is made, it makes sense to try yourself in business. Even working as a nanny in a kindergarten or as a nurse for the disabled, and not just as a nurse in a hospital, can give some idea of ​​the practical and physiological elements of a future profession. The most real and reliable understanding of the conditions for the future activities of a doctor and his personal capabilities is provided by work in a children's hospital, because small patients are defenseless and frank in their feelings. You can work as a registrar in the district clinic, through which crowds of various people pass, but this is not enough. If endurance and goodwill are combined with the absence of excessive disgust and the ability to find a way out of an impasse, there is no fear of someone else's pain and an understanding that someone else's pain does not exist, you can safely enter a medical institute as a doctor.

In case of doubt, it is necessary to determine your personality type and character traits, in terms of professional orientation. The future doctor should not only be a humanist, he should be able to communicate, be active in making optimal decisions, be able to empathize and listen to public opinion, be both balanced and emotional at the same time.

How to become a doctor

Higher basic medical education lasts 6 years. Theoretical disciplines are interspersed with practice, during which the future doctor has to be both a nurse and a nurse. Only in senior courses does the practice approach real medical work, which is carried out under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital. After graduation, in order to obtain the right to treat, one must undergo an internship or residency in a particular specialty. After that, the student becomes a doctor.

There are more than 80 higher educational medical institutions in our country. When choosing a specific university and faculty, you should do the following:

  1. the situation on the labor market and choose for themselves the future specialization of a doctor, which is not only interesting for oneself, but also in demand in public and private clinics. For example, recently, in addition to district physicians, immunologists, dermatologists, obstetricians-gynecologists and venereologists are required.
  2. View the websites of institutes and their admissions committees, visit universities on open days and get information about the number and distribution of budget places by faculties and between ordinary applicants and beneficiaries. In addition, you need to find out the cost of training on a paid basis.
  3. Enroll in courses, full-time or remote, in core subjects to prepare for medical exams.

What documents are needed for admission to the university as a doctor

In accordance with the modern rules for admission to the institute for a doctor, an applicant has the right to apply to five universities at once, and in each of them to 3 faculties. These possibilities determine the order of submission of documents. When applying in person at the admissions office, it is enough to present the original documents and submit copies, which will be certified by an employee of the commission. When sending documents by mail, including electronic, the authenticity of copies should be certified by a notary.

A certain list of documents is attached to the standard application addressed to the rector of the university, the form of which can be downloaded on the website of the admission committee or received there:

  • Copy of passport or other ID, main page and residence registration page.
  • Document or copy of complete secondary or secondary vocational education.
  • 4 photographs 3x4 cm, taken not earlier than one month before the submission of applications.
  • Documents certifying the right to benefits based on the results of Olympiads, for health reasons and for family composition.
  • Certificate for a citizen who is subject to conscription for military service.
  • For foreigners - a migration card and a document of registration at the place of residence.

But the certificate with the results of the exam since 2014 in paper form is no longer issued. Data on exams must be indicated in the application, after which the selection committee will check their authenticity in the Federal database. In addition, it is necessary to prepare a medical certificate of the standard form 086-U, which is presented after enrollment. In addition to the documents listed for admission to the doctor, it is worth submitting a portfolio that will play a role in controversial cases. It includes certificates, diplomas and certificates of participation in competitions and olympiads in basic and related disciplines, documents on studying in specialized circles and conducting scientific work, on participation in specialized camps, conferences and seminars. Be sure to present documents on sports and creative achievements that can improve the status of the university in the future.

There are two more observations on the process of enrolling applicants for the specialty of a doctor. They cannot claim to be considered mandatory unspoken rules, but they probably should not be neglected either:

  • In disputable situations, preference is given to applicants who have attached original school leaving documents to the application, rather than copies.
  • There is no need to rush to apply for paid education, so that the university does not have the temptation to accept the future student there. That's when you fail when trying to enter the budget department, you can consider a commercial option.

What exams do you need to take to be a doctor?

To enter a medical institute or a specialized faculty of a university for a doctor, you must pass the following USE:

  1. Russian language (mandatory exam).
  2. Chemistry (optional).
  3. Biology (by personal choice).

During the school year in each school, the class teacher or subject teacher enrolls their students to take exams for a doctor of their choice, but timely registration for the exam and attendance is the responsibility of the student himself. However, each university provides an opportunity to pass the exam in additional terms. This opportunity can be used by:

  • Graduates of schools, colleges and lyceums of previous years, whose certificate of passing the Unified State Examination has expired.
  • Graduates of educational institutions with a valid certificate who want to supplement or improve results.
  • Applicants who at the time of admission to the university are studying in institutions of primary and secondary education, but already have a complete secondary education.
  • Foreign citizens with complete secondary education.

Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University have the right to conduct additional testing of applicants for admission to the doctor. In Moscow, they conduct a written exam in chemistry, and in St. Petersburg they refused to conduct additional exams in 2014.

Olympics - "airbag"

Obviously, the doctor's exam is to some extent a lottery. Its result can be influenced not only by knowledge, but by excitement, well-being, the ability to mobilize and concentrate. To increase your chances of entering a university, you need to participate in subject Olympiads. Victory at the All-Russian Olympiad or Olympiad of 1-3 levels in chemistry gives the right to enter a medical institute as a doctor without entrance exams (first-level privilege), and the diploma of the Olympiad in biology is equal to 100 points in the Unified State Examination (second-level privilege). Most often, the Olympiad is held in two stages. Correspondence or qualifying round is organized in November-January of the current academic year. On full-time, the final round, allowed on the basis of the first stage. It is held in February-March. In addition to capitals and large cities, the second round is usually held at regional venues. All information about the Olympiads held by universities is posted on the official websites of the institutes and their admissions committees. There you can also learn about courses, seminars and other forms of additional education that universities offer to their applicants. High-quality additional education will help not only at olympiads and competitions, it will help you pass the exam and get high scores for admission to the doctor.

Thinking about how to become a doctor, you need to understand that a doctor is not a person who wears a white coat and holds a scalpel in his hands. A doctor, a doctor is a person who holds another life in his hands and is responsible for it. Therefore, experiencing uncertainty or doubt about the right choice, you can consider related professions - a pharmacist, a medical instrument technician, a microbiologist or a cosmetologist. These specialties make it possible to realize the desire to help people become healthier and more beautiful, they need almost the same knowledge, but there will be much less pain, blood, suffering and complaints in everyday working life. In addition, a doctor's diploma is in demand by organizations that develop, test and implement medical equipment and rehabilitation facilities.

In youth, a person plans his life, looks for a life partner, chooses a profession and place of residence. In this context, medical specialties obtained in domestic educational institutions have one significant drawback. Unfortunately, diplomas from medical universities in the Russian Federation are not recognized in other countries, although doctors are in demand all over the world and there are often not enough of them. This means that having realized your dream, in order to obtain permission to and carry out professional activities abroad, you will either have to confirm a doctor's diploma or receive it again, and this is not at all easy. We wish you success in all endeavors!

Why do you want to become a doctor?

The doctor is one of the most necessary professions. After all, these are specialists who possess the knowledge and skills, using which they diagnose, treat and control the course of various diseases.

Average salary: 50,000 rubles per month




entry barrier


The profession of a doctor is one of the most ancient and important for mankind. Over the thousands of years of its existence, it has undergone significant transformations, and modern doctors not only treat diseases, but also prevent them, sometimes performing miracles for ordinary patients that the healers of shahs, doctors of pharaohs and life physicians of emperors never dreamed of. But, as in prehistoric times, to become a doctor, one must have remarkable intelligence and a great desire to save people.


People have been treating each other since time immemorial, but as a science, medicine began to take shape in ancient Rome and ancient Greece. A serious contribution to the development of medical thought was made by Hippocrates, Galen and Vesalius, who argued that the disease is not a punishment for sins, but a malfunction in the body, caused by completely earthly, and not mystical reasons.

The great ancient Greek physician Hippocrates is unconditionally recognized as the forefather of the medical profession. It was he who began to classify diseases, based not only on their localization, but also on the causes of occurrence. The ancient Roman doctor and philosopher Galen made a significant contribution to the development of physiology as a science and is considered the founder of experimental medicine. A Belgian, and by and large a citizen of medieval Europe, Vesalius entered the history of medicine as the father of modern anatomy.

In the Middle Ages, medicine fell into decline due to the strong influence of the church, which considered any scientific research to be sinful, forbade the use of painkillers and open corpses to study the normal anatomy of the human body and pathological changes in organs. One of the few scientists who continued to contribute to the development of scientific healing in the troubled era of the Middle Ages was Ambroise Pare. He performed minor surgeries, invented several instruments, and is considered the founder of modern surgery.

Later, a big breakthrough was the invention of the dentist W. Morton - he found a way to dull pain with the help of chemicals. The German physicist W. Roentgen discovered radiation, which made it possible to diagnose the state of internal organs without violating the integrity of tissues. At the end of the 18th century, the Englishman E. Jenner developed an effective smallpox inoculation, and this was a breakthrough in the fight against dangerous infectious diseases. Later, Louis Pasteur found a vaccine against rabies and anthrax.

In the 20th century, discoveries rained down one after another: insulin, saving for diabetics, was isolated in the laboratory; found harmful to cancer cells chemotherapeutic agents; synthesized hormonal agents, antibiotics; methods of dialysis for renal failure have been developed; organ transplant operations have been practiced. There are all prerequisites to believe that the 21st century will be no less rich in new discoveries.

Description of the profession

Doctors are no longer medieval generalist barbers who, between shaving their beards, removed teeth and set dislocations. It is extremely difficult to give a brief description of the modern profession of a doctor, if only because today there are more than 200 medical specializations.

Despite the huge variety of profiles, any of the specializations of doctors belong to one of four main areas:

  1. Therapeutic. These doctors see patients in polyclinics and treat patients with conservative (non-surgical) methods in hospitals. To do this, they conduct an examination, interrogate, collect an anamnesis of the disease, and send them for tests. After the diagnosis is made, therapy is prescribed, and if necessary, surgical treatment is recommended.
  2. Surgical. These doctors perform excision, removal, repair, transplantation of organs and tissues.
  3. Psychological and psychiatric. Specialists are engaged in the correction of behavior and emotional background.
  4. Pathological anatomical. Doctors conduct not only autopsies to clarify the cause of death, but also life-time diagnostics based on biomaterial studies, which are provided for analysis by all operating clinicians - surgeons, endoscopists and other doctors.

Many medical specialties can belong to both the therapeutic and surgical groups, for example, a dentist: he can be a general practitioner and an oral and maxillofacial surgeon.

Specialties, universities and USE subjects

To become a doctor, you need to enter a medical school, where you have to gnaw at the granite of science for 6 years. At least two more years will be spent on residency training - this is necessary to get a narrow specialization.

In addition to the obligatory Russian language and mathematics, you will also need results in chemistry for admission (it is sometimes replaced by physics - this depends on the priorities of the university).

There are medical universities in all regions of Russia. The ratings according to different versions traditionally include several medical universities*:

  1. Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk).
  2. (Faculty of Fundamental Medicine).
  3. (Faculty of Medicine).

*The list does not reflect the positions of medical universities in various rankings - it includes permanent participants in international and Russian rankings.

At the end of the last year, the graduate receives a specialist diploma in one of three enlarged areas:

Since 2017, the internship has been replaced by primary accreditation, which includes an assessment of practical skills, testing, and solving situational problems. Having successfully passed it, a graduate of a medical university can immediately go to work in primary care institutions (outpatient clinics, polyclinics, health centers, day hospitals) and engage in medical practice. To get a narrower specialization, you will have to enter the residency.

During the entire period of employment, the doctor must undergo accreditation every 5 years. To do this, it is not enough just to pass the test - in the intervals between exams, the doctor is required to participate in conferences and master classes, and take refresher courses. This process is called continuing medical education (CME). Recording of scientific and professional activity is carried out by accrual of points. If in 5 years the doctor does not collect the required number of them, then the accreditation will not pass and will not receive admission to further work.

The advantages of NMO for patients are obvious - the doctor does not stop in professional development. The disadvantages relate primarily to doctors from the outback - doctors from remote settlements do not always have the time and extra money to travel to conferences and seminars in large cities.

Currently, the labor market is in high demand for doctors of several specialties:

  • therapists- receive patients in the clinic or treat them in the hospital;
  • surgeons- are engaged in invasive manipulations and operations, as well as severe injuries, fractures, etc.;
  • pediatricians- treat children, including newborns;
  • obstetricians and gynecologists- specialize in women's diseases, conduct pregnant women, deliver children;
  • psychiatrists- help with deviations in the mental sphere;
  • pathologists- examine tissue samples from living patients and determine the cause of death;
  • dentists- help patients with problems with teeth and gums;
  • functional diagnostics doctors- are engaged in examinations of patients with the help of equipment (ultrasound, MRI, CT, endoscopy, etc.).

In recent years, the training of family doctors has been actively developed, who have universal medical knowledge and skills in therapy, cardiology, pediatrics, surgery and gynecology. Such a doctor not only conducts an examination and prescribes treatment, but also performs minor operations, can take delivery. Of course, the profession of a family doctor requires a high level of knowledge and practical skills.


The range of professional duties of a doctor depends on the chosen specialty, but both therapists and surgeons must:

  1. Conduct examination and questioning of the patient.
  2. Establish a preliminary diagnosis.
  3. Refer the patient to the necessary laboratory and instrumental studies.
  4. Make a final diagnosis.
  5. Prescribe treatment or refer the patient to a specialist.
  6. Monitor the course of therapy or conduct surgical treatment.
  7. Supervise the patient throughout his stay in the hospital or outpatient treatment.
  8. Record all observations in the medical record, issue sick leave.
  9. At discharge, give recommendations on further treatment and on the prevention of complications.
  10. Register a patient if he has a chronic disease or monitor his condition if he is at risk.

Who suits the profession

A doctor is one of the few professions in which you have to go only by vocation. In addition, the doctor can not do without such personal qualities as:

  • sharp mind and ability to analyze;
  • good memory;
  • the ability to make decisions quickly and be responsible for their consequences;
  • stress resistance;
  • humanity and empathy for human pain;
  • tact;
  • the ability to find a common language with the patient and his relatives;
  • patience and perseverance.

To become a doctor and a respected specialist, one must have altruistic inclinations. The need for medical care is not subject to a strict schedule - often you will have to sacrifice personal time and plans. At the same time, the profession of a doctor has such significant disadvantages as:

  • low wages;
  • a constant burden of responsibility for the lives of other people;
  • time and effort associated with the need for ongoing training.


Doctors receive the highest salaries in Russia in Moscow and the region, in Magadan and the Far North, the smallest in Kabardino-Balkaria. The spread, according to Rosstat, is quite large - from 40 to 176 thousand rubles. However, these statistics, to put it mildly, are overly optimistic, because in small towns or villages, doctors usually receive 12-15,000 rubles. per month.

Salary often depends on the region: where living conditions are harsh, doctors earn from 137 to 176 thousand rubles. Less than 30 thousand rubles is the income of doctors in the Altai Territory, Astrakhan, Tula, Voronezh regions, Chuvashia. A little more salary in Yekaterinburg and the Krasnodar Territory - 32 thousand rubles.

In vacancies on employment sites, the average monthly salary of a doctor, depending on the specialization, is:

How to build a career

Promotion in a public institution can take place along a vertical or horizontal line. In the first case, the doctor occupies an administrative position, and in the second, he receives a higher qualification.

A career can also be built in science, if there is an interest and ability to research. Knowledge, talent and experience will help a simple university teacher or a practicing doctor to become not only the head of the department or the dean of the faculty, but also a medical luminary of the international level.

Prospects for the profession

The world has stepped into the third millennium, but the profession of a doctor has been and remains promising and in demand. Life constantly poses new challenges for humanity, and the current and future generations of doctors will have to take care of the fact that everyone and everyone has enough health to solve them.



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