What happens in the first hours after birth. Is it possible to lie on your stomach or how to speed up recovery after childbirth

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Why is this period of time so important for the baby? And what do you need to know to make the first hour after birth ideal?

In some maternity hospitals, it is common practice to separate the child and mother immediately after birth in order to weigh and measure the baby. As a result, children are deprived of valuable first contact time with their mother. All these medical measurements do not in any way affect the improvement of the well-being of the mother or child, so there is no need to carry them out in the first, critical hour. What is really important to do during the first hour is to feed the baby the first precious drops of colostrum.

What should the first hour be like after childbirth?

Immediately after birth, the baby must be placed on the mother's stomach. You can cover both of them with a blanket to keep warm. Then the mother will be comfortable, the synthesis of adrenaline in her body will slow down, which can interfere with the production of oxytocin and prolactin - hormones necessary for the establishment of breastfeeding and contact between mother and child.

The needs of a woman who has just given birth are minimal: she needs warmth, silence and a calm environment. It is important to remember that she is still in labor: the placenta and membranes must be expelled from her body, and her uterus must shrink in size.

Here are seven important reasons reasons why mother and baby need a quiet first hour after childbirth:

1. This is the moment you start breastfeeding.
Doctors insist on putting the baby to the mother's breast within the first hour after birth. This is necessary to establish a bond between mother and child, and also facilitates the birth of the placenta. This reduces the risk postpartum hemorrhage.

In most cases, the baby does not need help finding the mother's nipple and breast. If the birth went well, the children are placed on the mother's stomach. They instinctively crawl to the mother's breast and find the nipple. This observation was first recorded by Swedish scientists in the 1980s. Further studies found in infants innate instincts, typical of all newborn mammals, helping them find their mother's nipple.

2. It helps regulate the child's vital systems.
Babies who spend the first hours after birth on their mother's belly are better able to regulate their body temperature and breathing. Newborns cannot, like adults, independently maintain body temperature, since they do not yet have the necessary amount of heat-insulating adipose tissue. For nine months they were in the womb, where the temperature was always the same. When separated from the mother, the baby's body begins to cool down quickly, and to maintain temperature it needs to produce more energy and consume more oxygen, which can result in hypoglycemia.

Skin-to-skin contact reduces the risk of hypoglycemia, since in this case the newborn receives glucose from the body's internal reserves only until he begins to breastfeed.

3. Cutting the umbilical cord should occur later.
While the umbilical cord is intact and continues to pulsate, oxygen enters the baby’s body through the placenta. This necessary stage adaptation to pulmonary breathing, thanks to which children's body there are more red ones blood cells and the risk is reduced iron deficiency anemia. Even if the birth took place through caesarean section, cord clamping can be delayed. Of course, it all depends on the specific case. Expectant mothers should pay attention to this and talk to the doctor who will deliver the baby.

4. It promotes bonding between mother and child.
Prolonged skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth allows mother and baby to get to know each other better. As a result, the mother increases her confidence in her ability to meet the needs of her newborn. During pregnancy, the number of receptors for oxytocin, the maternal bonding hormone, increases in a woman’s brain, so after giving birth the mother is able to respond sensitively to the needs of the child. Oxytocin is produced in large quantities when breastfeeding and attaching a newborn to the mother's breast. The sooner the mother takes the newborn in her arms, the stronger the feeling of maternal affection will be in her, and she will want to kiss the child, hold him in her arms, talk to him, and so on.

5. This helps to establish breastfeeding.
Early skin-to-skin contact determines successful start breastfeeding and its duration. World organization Health recommends exclusive breastfeeding for children for the first six months after birth for optimal growth, development and health.

6. It protects against negative effects separation from mother.
From birth, children are ready to interact with their mother. A newborn child who does not require emergency treatment will look very carefully and intently at his mother’s face, remember her smell, the sound of her voice. The baby perceives separation from the mother as a threat to life. Children are born with the primal instincts of mammals: they need to stay close to their mother within a safe environment where it is warm, calm and there is always food.

If a child is taken from his mother, he will protest loudly, attracting attention, communicating a threat. If reunification with the mother does not occur, the children fall into a state of despair - in fact, they give up and begin to behave more quietly. It's partly a survival instinct to avoid attracting predators. A child's body slows down to conserve energy and warmth.

7. This naturally strengthens the child's immunity.
Studies have shown that if children do not receive the necessary microflora from their mother (for example, through caesarean section, lack of skin-to-skin contact or breastfeeding), then the immune system the child cannot reach his or her full potential and the risk of illness in the future increases. If mother and baby are left alone immediately after birth, the baby will have longer contact with the mother's microflora.

How to plan the first hour after childbirth?

The integrity of mother and baby during the first hour after birth is essential for successful breastfeeding, the well-being of the mother and the development of the newborn. Therefore, when preparing for childbirth, it is necessary:

1. Choose a doctor and a medical facility that has everything the necessary conditions for childbirth, taking into account the above.

2. Agree with the medical staff that all necessary procedures are carried out through certain time after childbirth.

3. Create optimal conditions for childbirth (warmth, dim lighting, an atmosphere of peace and
maternal support) so that your body produces enough oxytocin.

4. Make sure the doctor understands how important it is to leave the umbilical cord intact until it stops pulsating.

Even before the baby is born expectant mother must prepare for the fact that immediately after giving birth her life will change dramatically. There will be a lot more worries and troubles associated with caring for a newborn. But besides this, it will take time to restore your health.

It is no secret that the first days after childbirth a woman is accompanied by a deterioration in her emotional, psychological state. In case of difficult childbirth, complications, the postpartum period may be accompanied by deep depression. Therefore, by the time of birth you need to prepare carefully and responsibly, so to speak, to be fully armed.

Physical condition of the mother

Regardless of whether a woman gave birth on her own or by caesarean section, the recovery period is approximately the same. What happens after childbirth, which sensations are normal, and which require the help of a specialist? Be prepared for the following:

  1. Lochia is bloody uterine discharge. The first few days they are abundant and bright red. Starting from 4 days after birth, the lochia turn pale, and after 10 days they become white or yellowish color. The discharge stops after 5–6 weeks.
  2. Abdominal cramps. They arise due to uterine contractions, when the uterus gradually acquires its original size. Goes away within 1–2 weeks
  3. Weakness and fatigue. Needless to say, childbirth is a huge stress. It takes time to restore energy.
  4. Pain in the perineum. They are especially strong on the first day after childbirth, intensifying with tension and walking. Lasts about a week.
  5. Difficulty going to the toilet. They can be observed on the first or second day after birth. If the problem does not go away on the third day, you should consult a doctor, as there is a high risk of infectious inflammation.
  6. Muscle pain. It is a consequence of strong attempts.
  7. Sweating. Associated with hormonal imbalance, lasts 2-3 days.

Breasts after childbirth should be given Special attention to protect yourself from mastitis. For cracks, abscesses and bloody discharge It becomes impossible to feed the baby.

Mental and emotional state

A lot of new responsibilities and responsibility for a newborn affect the usual routine of life, change the way of thinking, and the nature of the actions of the new mother. The first days after childbirth hormonal background changes dramatically. The synthesis of oxytocin and prolactin increases. They are necessary for milk production and uterine repair. All this can unsettle any woman. Be prepared for:

  • Sudden mood swings - from feelings of euphoria to depression and even despair.
  • Self-doubt.
  • Irritation caused by one's own weakness.
  • Complete lack of interest in my husband.

In addition, consequences such as postpartum depression and increased tearfulness are possible.

Postpartum depression

Most women feel a sharp decline in mood 2–3 days after childbirth. This condition is called postpartum depression. Dejection and melancholy continue differently for everyone - from several hours to several days.

During this time, the support of family and friends is important for a woman. Experts connect postpartum depression with fatigue, fears of not succeeding as a mother, lack of sleep, problems with lactation. Hormonal imbalance plays an important role.

Increased tearfulness

Many women cry a lot after giving birth. Again, this is explained by the woman’s poor physical shape, fear of her new role as a mother, and hormonal fluctuations.

The best solution to the problem is to consult with a knowledgeable person. This could be a midwife or women you know who already have children. They will give useful advice, will share their personal experiences.

The awareness that this is a turning point and inevitably transitory will help you get rid of tearfulness and depression. After some time, it will disappear without a trace, and all you can do is enjoy motherhood.

Possible complications

The first two hours after birth may develop bleeding. Also, a hematoma may appear on the perineum if some rupture is not completely repaired. Therefore, during this period, the woman in labor is not recommended to get up; she is in the maternity ward. This will allow you to notice complications in time and take action. necessary measures to eliminate them. Only two hours later the woman in labor and her newborn are transferred to the ward.

Postpartum recovery lasts about 6 weeks. At this time, a woman should be very careful about her health. What complications can develop in the first days after childbirth?


Retention of lochia in the uterine cavity. The first few days the discharge is quite heavy - up to 300 ml. If their volume decreases sharply or stops altogether, you should immediately inform your doctor. The following symptoms give reason to suspect a lochiometer:

  • Pain in the frontal lobe of the head.
  • Feverish condition.
  • Unpleasant, Strong smell discharge.

The complication develops due to blockage of the cervical canal by a blood clot or residue amniotic sac, insufficient contractility of the uterus.

Attention: if you notice that your discharge has stopped, and then suddenly began profuse bleeding, the reason may be a piece of the placenta remaining inside. This should be reported to your doctor immediately. Treatment involves curettage of the uterus.

Feverish state

During the postpartum period, a woman’s body temperature often rises. This phenomenon may be caused entirely harmless reason– dehydration of the body.

The first time after childbirth, women are so immersed in chores that they completely forget about observing drinking regime. But during lactation, the need for fluid increases. Treatment in this case is very simple - drink at least 3 liters of fluid per day. This will not only help reduce the temperature, but will provide required amount milk.

Other reasons feverish state not so harmless, they require medical intervention. First of all this inflammatory processes in organism: urinary tract, renal pelvis(pyelonephritis), lungs, uterus (endometritis), as well as lactostasis, mastitis, lochiometra.

Intestinal atony

Caused by a sudden shrinkage of the uterus after childbirth. An important role is played by physical inactivity, dehydration, sufficient quantity food on the first day after birth.

If normalization of drinking and eating regimen, increase physical activity do not solve the problem, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Setting up breastfeeding

Many people are interested in what to do first after childbirth? The main task of a woman is to establish breastfeeding. Here are some recommendations that will help improve the process and provide your baby with adequate nutrition:

  1. Express milk only as needed. For example, if you need to leave the child for a while, or if there is stagnation of milk (lactostasis), which little baby still can't resolve.
  2. Learn to put your baby to your breast. If he grasps the nipple incorrectly, this can lead to starvation for him, and for a woman – stagnation of milk and cracks.
  3. Alternate between breasts when feeding. If there is a sufficient amount of milk, it is optimal to give one breast at one feeding, and the other at the next feeding.

It is important for a woman to learn how to care for her breasts and pay attention to choosing the right underwear. The bra should not be too tight, but it must provide good support for the breasts. A properly selected bra will help mommy maintain the shape of her breasts after breastfeeding ends.

Proper nutrition

After the birth of a child, a woman should not pounce on tasty, nourishing home-cooked food. Firstly, the stomach is not yet ready for such a load, which can lead to bowel problems. Secondly, the newborn is completely dependent on quantity and quality breast milk. A poor nutrition can lead to a whole range of problems with his health, among which the most common are:

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Diathesis.
  • Intestinal colic.

During the feeding period, a young mother is prohibited from eating spicy, smoked, salted, fatty foods. But these rules will be useful for a woman if she wants to provide her baby with adequate nutrition:

  1. Rule #1. Vitamins and minerals. It is necessary fresh fruits and vegetables, porridge (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal). But it is better to avoid potential allergens (citrus fruits, strawberries). New foods should be introduced into the diet gradually, carefully monitoring the baby’s reaction to them. It is not recommended to eat legumes and fresh cabbage - they can cause bloating in the baby.
  2. Rule #2. Increase in calories. Many mothers immediately after giving birth strive to lose weight, sit on strict diets. But at this time you need to think not about yourself, but about the child. To this end daily norm calories are increased by 500 compared to the previous diet. This will ensure good lactation and at the same time it will not negatively affect the figure.
  3. Rule #3. Sufficient amount of calcium. This important element was intensively consumed during pregnancy and continues to be excreted from the mother’s body along with milk. Therefore, the diet should be enriched with calcium. Products containing it should be consumed 5 times a day: hard cheese, milk, yogurt, etc.
  4. Rule #4. Limiting protein foods. You can consume no more than 300–400 g per day. It can be eggs, boiled chicken, river or sea ​​fish, rabbit, turkey. But mushrooms should be completely abandoned during lactation.
  5. Rule #5. Compliance with drinking regime. In addition to the liquid contained in foods, you should drink at least 8 glasses a day of juice, broth, milk, and plain water. If a woman is worried about increased sweating, she needs to drink even more fluids, but not more than 12 glasses a day. Excessive drinking will put a strain on the kidneys and cause edema. You should not abuse strong tea and coffee - no more than 1 cup per day.

The postpartum diet should include raisins, dried fruits, bran bread and foods with high content vitamin B. It is important for healthy intellectual development newborn

Newborn care

Another important question, which interests women immediately after childbirth - how to care for the baby. After all, from the moment of birth he needs care, and it does not only consist of breastfeeding.

The first day the newborn sleeps a lot, waking up only when hungry. If your child is restless and screams all the time, you should consult a doctor. The baby may have some pain, or he is simply not yet accustomed to life outside the mother's womb. What else does a young mother need to know?

  1. Feeding. Experts advise not to feed your baby by the hour, as was previously the case, but to put him to the breast on demand. This will allow you to quickly establish lactation, provide a sufficient amount of milk, and serve as an excellent prevention of stagnation. Be prepared for the fact that the baby will spend a lot of time at your breast at first. Be patient, put everything aside and try to establish feeding.
  2. Bathing. Another procedure that awaits young parents after discharge from the hospital. You need to bathe your baby every day, and up to 6 months it is better to do this in a special bath. Optimal temperature water for swimming – 37 degrees, air – 20–22.
  3. Fresh air. The newborn needs him, he is the key good health and normal development of the little man. By the way, it is not necessary to take your baby outside for the first time after returning home. It is quite enough to constantly ventilate the room. After each diaper change, leave your baby naked for a while. After all, his skin also breathes.
  4. Purity. Keep the baby clean, as well as everything in his immediate environment: toys, dishes, bedding, clothes. In the first months of life, children are very susceptible to the effects of many pathogenic bacteria. Daily wet cleaning of the room is a concern for the baby’s health. No less important is the hygiene of the mother, who is in constant contact with the child.
  5. Cloth. At first, the baby is often kept in diapers, and this is not without logic. A newborn cannot yet control his body, so he can easily injure himself. You should not swaddle your baby tightly. During those periods when he is awake, you can dress him in vests and rompers. A cap is necessary in cool weather, as well as after swimming.

Undoubtedly, the first days after discharge from the maternity hospital will be a serious test for a young mother. But do not forget that this is also the happiest time when you meet a new family member, and he meets you.

The content of the article:

The first days of life are the most difficult and important for a new mother and child. During the first 3 to 7 days they are in the maternity hospital under the supervision of medical staff. During this period, the baby adapts to the new environment, he learns to breathe, eat differently, and his body is populated with microorganisms. And in the first days after giving birth, the mother gets used to her new role and taking care of the baby.

Mother's condition after childbirth

In most cases, the first day is the most difficult for postpartum women, especially those who give birth for the first time. After natural birth a woman has been in the maternity ward for 2 hours. This is due to the possibility of early postpartum complications: uterine hemorrhage, increased blood pressure etc. An ice compress is placed on the woman’s stomach to help the uterus contract better. During this period, doctors monitor her condition, measuring her blood pressure, pulse, and checking the nature and volume of her discharge.

If after 2 hours no deviations are observed, then the woman is transferred to the postpartum ward. Before this, the nurse again measures the body temperature and blood pressure of the new mother.

In modern maternity hospitals, mother and child are in the same room, provided that their condition is satisfactory. Before being reunited with the mother, the baby is examined by a pediatric nurse. If everything is fine with the newborn and he has no contraindications, then he is transferred to his mother.

Some women feel drowsy during childbirth, while others, on the contrary, are too excited and cannot sleep. This is due to the great psycho-emotional and physical activity women.

In some cases, women in labor experience urinary retention due to sphincter spasm Bladder or decreased tone of the pelvic organs (bladder, intestines). Sometimes a woman in labor feels the urge to urinate, but cannot empty herself, and in others she does not even feel the urge. 6 hours after birth, it is recommended to urinate; if the woman is unable to do this, then she needs to contact the midwife to insert a catheter.

If a woman has received stitches, she is not recommended to have bowel movements for 3 days. This is due to the fact that due to muscle tension pelvic floor the likelihood of suture divergence or prolapse of the internal genital organs increases. Many women are interested in what to eat for mother in the first days. It is recommended to include fresh fruits, vegetables, freshly squeezed juices, bread made from rye flour and bran, etc. in the diet. In addition, it is recommended to consume soups, cereals, fermented milk products with a low fat percentage. Foods that cause gas formation and allergies should be excluded from the menu. Your doctor will advise you in more detail about your diet.

If the mother is in satisfactory health, it is recommended to be active, get up independently, and perform hygiene procedures. This is necessary for better reduction uterus, quick recovery bowel and bladder function. After each bowel and bladder emptying, you need to wash yourself and change the pad. With increasing volume uterine discharge you need to call a doctor.

Newborn in the first hours of life

After birth, the baby’s airways are cleared to make breathing easier, placed on the mother’s stomach, the umbilical cord is cut off, and a special bracket is put on the stump. Then the eyes are treated once with an antiseptic (2 drops of silver nitrate 1%) to prevent infection of the conjunctiva with gonococci during passage through the birth canal. Next, the blood type and Rh factor are determined and the baby is transferred to children's department or to a shared ward with the mother. This is how the first day after giving birth in the maternity hospital goes.

Before the appointment, the nurse checks the text of the bracelets and notes exact time reception and the following parameters: cry activity, breathing, skin color, weight, body temperature. Then she treats the skin and swaddles the baby.

The neonatologist examines the baby daily, paying attention to the color of the skin, mucous membranes, motor activity, muscle tone, severity unconditioned reflexes. In addition, the child’s hearing is checked and the functionality of all body systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, etc.) is assessed. If there are problems, the doctor invites specialists of a narrower profile (ophthalmologist, surgeon, neurologist). If a central nervous system disease is suspected, the newborn undergoes an ultrasound scan of the brain through the large fontanel.

The pediatrician treats the umbilical remnant daily using ethyl alcohol(95%), and then with a solution of potassium permanganate (5%). At the same time, touching the skin is prohibited. If it dries out slowly, then at first the nurse bandages it, and during each swaddling, wipes it with a solution of potassium permanganate. The remainder of the navel can be removed 2 to 3 days after birth. If it falls off on its own, then the wound is wiped every day with hydrogen peroxide (3%), ethanol (95%), and a solution of potassium permanganate (1%), without touching the skin around the navel.

The baby is weighed every day because this indicator very important to him. Heavy weight indicates the health of the baby, and low indicates various diseases. However, doctors say that the normal weight of the baby is in the range from 2.5 to 4 kg. And after 2–3 days, children lose from 100 to 300 g, but this normal phenomenon. This is due to the fact that the hydrophilicity of tissues (the ability to accumulate water) changes and the child is not able to absorb food normally. Closer to discharge, the baby’s weight normalizes and begins to increase.

Also in the maternity hospital they conduct tests for serious illnesses: phenylketonuria (disorder of amino acid metabolism) and hypothyroidism (lack of thyroid hormones). They need to be diagnosed as early as possible, otherwise the likelihood of impaired mental and mental development increases.

Daily procedures

The mother takes care of the newborn with the help of medical staff. First of all, you need to pay attention to the temperature in the room; it should be in the range from 20 to 22°. Premature babies will be more comfortable at a temperature of 24 to 25°. The child's thermoregulation is imperfect, so air baths It's better to refuse.

Baby care includes the following items:

treatment of eyes and nasal passages;
treatment skin and nails;
treatment of the umbilical wound.

Wash the baby recommended after each bladder and bowel movement. This is due to the fact that his skin is very sensitive to urine and original feces (meconium) and the likelihood of irritation increases. It is recommended to use soap only after bowel movements.

Wash the baby under warm running water. A girl is washed from front to back, but a boy can be washed from back to front. After hygiene procedures inguinal folds blot with a clean soft towel.

Eye treatment happens as follows:

A cotton pad is moistened in saline solution or boiled water.
Gently wipe one eye from the outer corner to the inner one.
Then they take a new disk, wet it and repeat the procedure.

Nose clean when dirty; usually, a single cleaning is sufficient. To do this, the cotton wool is twisted into a tight rope, moistened in saline solution or warm boiled water. Then the tourniquet is inserted into the nostril with a twisting motion to a depth of 1 - 1.5 cm and pulled out.

To wash the baby, just take a cotton pad and soak it in boiled water or saline solution. Squeeze out the liquid a little, wipe your forehead, cheeks, and skin around the mouth. Then dry your face with a soft, dry towel or a new cotton pad.

The baby's skin should not be overheated or moisturized, otherwise diaper rash will appear. Processed skin folds rarely. If necessary, wipe them with cotton swabs soaked in iodine solution (2%) or salicylic alcohol. 4 days after birth, Vaseline oil is used for this purpose.

Folds processed from top to bottom. Wipe skin folds behind the ears, on the neck, under the arms, elbows, knees and ankle folds.

Cut nails a newborn does not need it on the first day. This area is cared for after 4 days, then the skin around the nail is wiped with an alcohol solution of iodine (2%). This way you will protect the baby from inflammation on the fingers and the appearance of hangnails. It is recommended to treat fingernails and toenails.

For 4 to 7 days after birth, it is necessary to care for the umbilical cord. After all, it is through it that an infection can enter the body. To process it they use cotton buds and alcohol. Before the residue dries, wipe it with alcohol from the cut and up. Then the skin around the residue is treated. Then it is wiped with a solution of potassium permanganate without touching the skin of the abdomen. Your doctor will advise you in more detail about this.


The baby is placed on the breast immediately after birth. He is placed on his mother's stomach, and while the obstetrician cuts off the umbilical cord, he sucks on his mother's breast. This is also necessary for the mother, since under the influence of sucking movements the uterus begins to actively contract and the placenta is born faster. It is very important to put him to the breast immediately after birth, since colostrum contains the necessary nutrients he needs. useful material(vitamins, minerals, antibodies). In addition, early feeding normalizes the baby's condition after childbirth.

For 2–3 days after birth, a small amount of colostrum is released from the breast. However, the baby still needs to be put to the breast, since even these drops are necessary for the baby. Sometimes it happens that there is no colostrum on the first day after birth, then you need to consult a doctor who will advise on this issue.

Hardens during breastfeeding soft skin nipples, however, in the first days the likelihood of cracks increases. To prevent this painful phenomenon, you need to put the baby to the breast for 5 - 7 minutes in the first days, and then give the other breast for the same time. You should not rinse your breasts before each feeding, as the skin becomes dry and cracks appear on the nipples.

Feeding in the first days after birth carried out on demand (this also applies to night feedings). The baby is placed on a sterile diaper so that he does not touch the mother's bed.

During feeding, you need to choose the most comfortable position for the mother and newborn. The side-lying position is recommended for women who have received stitches. You can also sit down during feeding to keep your baby close to your breast for a long time. To lighten the load, you can place a pillow under the arm on which the baby will lie.

The baby should grab not only the nipple, but also the areola. With the correct grip, the baby's mouth is wide open, the tongue is deep in the lower part of the mouth, and underlip inside out.

It often happens that the child does not eat and sleeps all day. This is normal for the baby, so he rests after childbirth and adapts to new conditions. After regaining strength, the newborn becomes more active.

If there are no complications after childbirth, the baby’s umbilical cord has fallen off, the wound in good condition, and the body weight corresponds to the norm, then the mother and child are discharged. This usually happens 3 to 5 days after birth. Before discharge, the doctor will definitely advise you on home care.

The first days after childbirth are an exciting period of time, associated with a lot of difficulties. The young mother is just beginning to get used to her new role. Let's look at this period, tell you about what is happening to the body, how you need to behave in the maternity hospital.

What happens after childbirth in the maternity hospital?

The first days after childbirth, like the entire early postpartum period, are often accompanied by complications. For the first 2 hours from the moment the baby is born, the woman is in the delivery room, waiting for the placenta to pass. If this happens, the young mother is transferred to the postpartum ward. At this time, she must be visited by a doctor who is interested in her well-being, conducts an examination, and evaluates her condition.

The first day after childbirth, the postpartum woman is allowed to rest. Often the newborn is separated from the mother. They bring the baby only to feed it. In the evening, the child is left in a separate crib in the room with his mother. The woman is given detailed recommendations, they teach how to properly toilet the baby’s genitals, and talk about the frequency of feedings.

What to do in the maternity hospital after childbirth?

The early postpartum period ends after 6-8 weeks from the moment the baby is born. The first days are characterized by increased contraction of the uterine myometrium, which leads to the appearance of lochia - bleeding from the vagina, containing the remains of placenta and endometrial cells. This is how the uterus tries to cleanse itself and restore its previous size.

These days, mother must constantly monitor her well-being. Talking about how to behave after childbirth in the maternity hospital, doctors note that following all their recommendations and instructions is the key to a quick and successful birth. recovery period. At the same time, it is worth spending time on yourself, while simultaneously establishing contact with the newborn, communicating and caring for him.

Nutrition of a woman in labor in the first days after childbirth

Meals after childbirth in the first days should be fractional. In this case, the diet must contain useful microelements and vitamins that help restore strength after childbirth. It is worth remembering that with the birth of a baby, a woman must completely reconsider her diet, especially when breastfeeding. For such mothers there is big list products that are prohibited from being eaten from now on. Here are some of them:

  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • legumes;
  • red berries;
  • citrus;
  • black bread;
  • coffee;
  • products containing preservatives and chemical additives.

What can a woman in labor do in the maternity hospital after giving birth?

Food after childbirth for the mother in the maternity hospital is selected taking into account weakness female body. The menu is designed to restore your strength as much as possible. But it is practically nothing like what mom is used to eating at home. After the baby is born, relatives and friends use every opportunity to see the newborn as quickly as possible in the first days after the birth. But visits to the maternity ward are prohibited. Because of this, they are forced to pass on packages - mothers often ask to bring “homemade”. There is an approved list of products for the maternity hospital after childbirth, which includes:

  • cottage cheese;
  • dairy products;
  • baked fruits (apples);
  • low-fat yogurt without additives;
  • sweet dried fruit compote;
  • light vegetable soup;
  • porridge: rice, oatmeal, millet.

Talking about what you can eat in the maternity hospital after childbirth, doctors remind:

  • meals should be every 4 hours;
  • portions are small;
  • need to be monitored water balance(at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day).

The first days after childbirth - baby care

After birth, a nurse begins caring for a newborn in the maternity hospital. It often happens that there are tears in the mother’s perineum, in which movements are limited. If the birth went well, then in the first days after birth, the nurse begins to show and teach how to care for the baby, starting with how to properly hold the baby in your arms. Necessary procedure is the toilet, which is carried out daily. It includes:

  • washing;
  • treatment of the nose and eyes;
  • skin treatment;
  • washing;
  • treatment of the umbilical residue.

Feelings after childbirth in the first days

The first day after giving birth in the maternity hospital is accompanied by a feeling of harmony, joy, when realizing this important event. This fact is associated with an increase in the concentration of endorphins in the blood. They determine the mother’s high spirits and joy. But often this phenomenon can be overshadowed by the consequences of the birth process that a woman in labor may face. Among them:

  1. Difficulty in urinating. A woman should empty her bladder 8 hours after giving birth. If this does not happen, the organ will prevent normal contractions uterus, restoration process. When the act of urination is accompanied by pain, burning, or discomfort, you must inform your doctor.
  2. Spastic phenomena. They are caused by intense contractions of the uterine myometrium. Within a few tens of days after the birth of the child, the organ decreases in size by about 20 times. It is worth considering that painful sensations may intensify during breastfeeding. This fact is due to the production of oxytocin, which stimulates uterine contractions.
  3. Pain in the perineal area. Associated with injury and overstretching of muscle fibers birth canal. After a few days they disappear on their own (3-4 days).
  4. Problems with stool. They are considered as a consequence of stretching the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, which interferes with the normal act of defecation.

How is an ultrasound performed after childbirth in the maternity hospital?

An ultrasound after childbirth in the maternity hospital is prescribed to examine the uterine cavity. This study helps to make an assessment reproductive system, identify complications of the birth process early stage. A study is required if a uterine rupture is suspected. If there are none, the procedure is prescribed 3-4 days after the baby is born.

When carrying out manipulation, a transabdominal method is used - a study is carried out by placing the sensor on the anterior abdominal wall. Carefully examine the uterine cavity. Normally, it is slit-like and moderately expanded. A separate assessment is carried out abdominal cavity to check for the absence of blood. If present, surgical intervention may be prescribed.

When is discharge from the hospital after childbirth?

One of frequently asked questions expectant mothers are directly concerned with how long they stay in the maternity hospital after childbirth. Doctors cannot give a definite answer to this. Each case is unique - restoration of the reproductive system occurs with at different speeds. Factors influencing the discharge are:

  • method of delivery (natural,);
  • condition of mother and child;
  • no complications.

When birth process there were no complications, the baby and in the first days after birth, mother and baby feel great, discharge from the medical institution can be carried out on the 3-4th day. When a caesarean section was performed, the woman is allowed to go home no earlier than 7-10 days. Throughout this period, mother is under the supervision of doctors due to high risk development of postpartum complications (uterine bleeding).

The first days after childbirth at home

The first day after giving birth at home is accompanied by certain inconveniences. Due to the lack of experience, a first-time woman needs help and advice from loved ones. Doctors recommend thoroughly preparing for the arrival of a new family member. A separate corner should be equipped for the baby, with a crib in the center. The mother must fully comply with the recommendations and instructions of the doctors, which are issued on the eve of discharge.

What does a mother need after giving birth at home?

It is impossible to purchase everything at once. Because of this, many women in the process buy additional necessary things and accessories for child care. At the same time, we must not forget about ourselves. So, after giving birth at home, many continue to treat sutures and continue to take medications prescribed by the doctor. As for the things needed to care for a baby, the list goes on and on. At the same time, there are those that have the first necessity:

  • wet wipes;
  • scissors;
  • cotton pads and sticks;
  • pipettes;
  • creams and ointments;
  • diapers, undershirts.

Caring for stitches after childbirth at home

Before discharge, the treatment nurse tells the woman what to use at home. This procedure is carried out at least 2 times a day. Before performing it, toileting of the external genitalia is necessary. Brilliant green or a weak one is used as an antiseptic. water solution potassium permanganate. In this case, you need to wash yourself with plain water after each visit to the toilet.

Caring for a child after maternity hospital

Caring for the child after discharge from the maternity hospital falls on the mother’s shoulders. It is important not to forget to carry out the toilet, which includes:

  1. Eye care. With a cotton pad soaked boiled water rub both eyes in directions from the outside to the bridge of the nose.
  2. Washing. Carry out as necessary, after each act of defecation. – from front to back, definitely. Dry the perineum with a dry diaper using blotting movements.
  3. Treatment of the remaining umbilical cord. Use alcohol solution, peroxide, brilliant green.
  4. Ear care. The cotton wool is rolled into a flagellum, moistened in a sterile Vaseline oil and cleanse the ear canals.
  5. Nose care. A dry flagellum made of sterile cotton wool.
  6. Nail care. It is necessary to cut the hair short so as not to cause pain. Use tweezers or special, small ones.

The baby has arrived, and the mother needs to return to her previous state, readjust to usual life. The body that has been exposed to stress begins to slowly recover. Postpartum period Close attention is paid; the health of the mother, baby, and quick discharge from the maternity hospital depend on the correct behavior of doctors in the first hours after birth. This period is characterized by stabilization of uterine contractility. Ice on the stomach after childbirth, otherwise known as a bubble or a heating pad with ice, is the first means of reducing the tone of a tense uterus and relieving pain.

Early symptoms, in the first hours after birth

The mother's body is being rebuilt to ordinary life, this does not happen quickly and is accompanied by some symptoms, which should not be feared. These symptoms are caused by stress caused by the mobilization of organs for childbirth. They can occur in the first minutes after the end of labor and during normal development events will soon pass.

  • Chills, a feeling of cold caused by spasm of blood vessels in the first hours after childbirth.
  • Fever caused by dehydration.
  • Hunger and thirst arise due to great physical losses.
  • Severe fatigue, especially caused by long, difficult labor.
  • Numbness in the perineal area
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, easily relieved with ice or an ice pack after childbirth.

Basic actions and medical procedures

The first time after the birth of the baby, the mother is in the maternity ward under the supervision of obstetricians and gynecologists. Subject to change blood pressure, increased body temperature, bleeding. It is important to restore the uterus to its previous state, the first therapeutic measures mother is carried out taking into account the primary task. The gynecologist examines the birth canal and, if necessary, applies stitches.

The first procedure is to examine the placenta (remains of the placenta and umbilical cord), the obstetrician-gynecologist carefully examines the placenta, checks the integrity of its vessels, making sure that there are no parts of the umbilical cord and placenta in the uterus.

The uterus receives a lot of damage during childbirth, especially the area where the placenta is attached. The uterus should return to its previous state, become dense. The midwife gives a massage to eliminate blood clots, restoring contractility uterus. In the first half hour, if there are no visible complications, the mother puts the baby to the breast. The action of hormones helps the muscles of the uterus contract quickly, and the baby receives the colostrum he needs.

Immediately after the birth of the baby, the mother in labor bottom part Apply an ice pack to the abdomen and perineal area. Keep the ice pack for 20 minutes to avoid discomfort, it is covered with a diaper. This procedure is performed to bring the muscles of the uterus into same tone, to blood vessels decreased and the bleeding stopped. In maternity hospitals, ice is applied immediately after childbirth, but there are cases when medical institutions continue to do this periodically throughout the mother's stay in the maternity hospital.

Important! Sometimes obstetricians and gynecologists do not welcome this procedure, as they consider it stressful for the mother.

Hourly postpartum table

During the first time after childbirth, doctors strongly recommend bed rest. The woman’s body suffered stress and did not recover. Dizziness and fainting states, often leading to injury, are not uncommon in maternity wards. Sometimes mother is not allowed to go to the toilet; in this case, a bedpan is brought. Doctors advise postpartum department lie on your stomach, this will be useful for releasing the last from the uterus blood clots. It is recommended to sleep also using this position.


Transfer of mother to the ward maternity ward. Further monitoring of her condition. A gynecologist's assessment of the degree of uterine contraction



up to 1 hour

Examination of the placenta by an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Examination of the birth canal by an obstetrician-gynecologist, suturing in case of ruptures.

External massage of the uterine area.

Applying an ice pack to the lower abdomen and perineal area.

Attaching the baby to the breast.

Emptying the bladder with a catheter


Observation of general condition women in labor, measuring pulse, temperature, blood pressure in the delivery room

Important! By decision of the medical staff, a woman can remain in the delivery room for up to four hours after the end of labor, if there is no confidence in her stable condition.

Hot water bottle with ice after caesarean section

A simple caesarean section operation will go smoothly if you prepare it correctly and pay special attention to symptoms at the end of labor. The first minutes and hours after a cesarean section are different from those when women give birth traditional way.

The mother and baby are separated, the mother needs to recover from anesthesia, and the baby is examined by neonatologists on duty. Mom gets into the holding room intensive care maternity hospital, where she is given an ice pack on lower area belly. Cold helps restore the uterus and has an analgesic effect. The doctor measures blood pressure, pulse, and determines blood loss. Prescribed drugs that stabilize blood composition. Surgical suture may be very painful, then painkillers are administered.



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