A female pug has purulent discharge. Uterine purulent discharge in a dog

When breeding dogs, you need to be careful and create optimal living conditions for the animals. However, even experienced breeders can detect purulent discharge from the dog’s urethra. In the article you will learn what this could mean and what are the causes of this symptom.

Any discharge in a dog is an unpleasant occurrence. In some situations, they are quite natural, since they appear in animals at a certain period of their life cycle. They usually have a characteristic color and smell. In this case, they do not pose a threat and simply signal that, for example, the female is in heat and is ready to mate.

However, in most cases, discharge poses a clear danger, as it is a symptom of a developing disease. If pathology is present, they will have a sharp purulent odor, as well as an admixture of blood.

Purulent discharge is often a symptom of dangerous diseases such as venereal sarcoma, hematometra or pyometra (inflammation of the uterus). Moreover, in most cases, the animal requires qualified medical care and even surgical intervention. If treatment is not started, there is a high probability that your pet will die.

It is worth noting that sometimes juvenile vaginitis occurs, which is manifested by the appearance of purulent drops on the loop in dogs. It usually develops before the first heat. This condition does not require treatment as it goes away on its own. Typically, juvenile vaginitis disappears after the animal reaches puberty.

Video “Discharge from a loop in a dog”

In this video, the veterinarian will tell you why dogs have discharge from the loop and how to treat it.

Why do they appear in males?

Normally, a healthy pet may have a small amount of yellowish lubricant. It usually forms around the preputial foramen. In this case, pathological discharge from the urethra in dogs can be different:

  • bloody;
  • purulent;
  • urinary

Various types of discharge from the genital organs in male dogs can have a wide variety of causes. At the same time, the male becomes anxious, loses his appetite and decreases activity. The effectiveness of the dog’s treatment and its state of health directly depend on how correctly the veterinarian determines the root cause of the disease.

The most common reasons for the appearance of such discharge from the urethra include the following:

  • inflammatory processes (for example, preputial sac);
  • infectious, viral or bacterial disease;
  • problems with the bladder and prostate gland;
  • stones in the urethra;
  • tumor formations of benign and malignant nature;
  • injuries;
  • poor blood clotting (reduced platelet count);
  • infection of a pet with rat poison (extremely rare). But if infected, a dog can infect its owner and surrounding people.

As you can see, the reasons for this situation can be quite serious. That is why, if your dog is dripping blood from the urethra or has other discharge, a visit to the veterinarian should be made as soon as possible.

Causes of occurrence in females

Pus and other discharge may also leak from bitches. Such discharge from the loop in a dog may appear for the following reasons:

  • natural. There are situations when pus occurs during estrus or childbirth, and also when a girl is just entering puberty. Often it appears at the end or at the very beginning of a particular physiological state. After whelping, it is normal to experience a slight brown discharge. They can drip for 2-3 weeks. During estrus, a blood clot may appear. It indicates the female's readiness to mate. Also, spotting indicates that ovulation is approaching;
  • pathological. In this case, the cause may be inflammatory processes, oncology, diseases of a wide variety of etiologies. Most often in bitches this symptom manifests itself with vaginitis, pyometra, and endometritis. Poor blood clotting can also lead to blood clots.

Whatever discharge of various kinds from the genital organs in females, you should definitely consult a veterinarian. Only he will be able to tell whether this is normal or prescribe the necessary treatment.

Diagnosis and treatment

To make sure that the dog is healthy, if even the slightest discharge appears, you should seek help from a veterinarian. He will examine the animal to identify other pathological phenomena or symptoms.

Prepuceal discharges can be bloody, purulent or urinary. A normal, healthy dog ​​may produce a small amount of yellowish lubricant, and it may also form around the prepuce. This is considered normal, and treatment in this case is not necessary.

If you are worried, and your animal’s discharge confuses you, it is better to contact a veterinarian for examination. Most often, such discharge is caused by inflammation, but it also occurs due to other diseases. If the cause is a disease of the genitourinary tract, then it may be problems with the bladder, prostate gland, or due to the presence of stones in the urinary tract.

In young dogs, the cause of discharge is often an inflammatory process of the preputial sac. Often associated with maturation of the reproductive system. Veterinarians also identify several factors that cause discharge:

  • Trauma or cancer. Occurs more often in adult pets.
  • Poor blood clotting, low platelet count. Possible infection from rat poison. This happens less and less, but this cause is considered dangerous, and there is a possibility of a person becoming infected.

Urinary incontinence

Inflammation of the foreskin of the penis. One of the most common causes of discharge in both puppies and adult males. If you are faced with the fact that a male dog has discharge from a pee, in any case, the animal requires proper care and timely treatment.

Vaginal discharge is divided into natural and painful. Among natural ones, attention is paid to childbirth and estrus. After whelping, scant brown discharge lasting 2–3 weeks is considered normal. Estrus is characterized by bloody excreta, indicating the bitch’s readiness for mating.

There are breed variants, but the duration of such discharge does not exceed several days.

Among the reasons for which pathological vaginal excretion is observed, pay attention to the following:

  • Vaginitis.
  • Endometritis
  • Pyometra
  • Urogenital infections
  • Tumors

The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:

  • inflammatory process affecting the foreskin or penis/pisun (balanoposthitis);
  • neoplasms in the urethra;
  • stones in the bladder and ducts;
  • prostatitis, pus drips from the end of male dogs;
  • formation of a cyst or abscess in the urethral cavity;
  • urinary incontinence .

In bitches, the appearance of pus from the loop can occur for one of the following reasons:

  • pyometra;
  • malignant tumors affecting the urinary tract and vagina;
  • the presence of a foreign body in the genital tract or trauma.

Puppy discharge. Types of discharge

Just like adult dogs, puppies sometimes also experience discharge. Sometimes these are completely harmless and completely natural processes, the work of a completely healthy organism. But discharge can also indicate the development of serious diseases. In this case, accompanying factors play an important role. Characteristics of the discharge, its color, consistency, smell, the presence of any inclusions and the temporary duration of such discharge.

Puppy has urethral discharge

Puberty in a puppy is accompanied by discharge. These are completely natural processes in the body of a young pet. Provided that such secretions do not bother the animal. It is acceptable to observe discharge along the edge of the prepuce; a small amount of greenish discharge may accumulate there; this is an acceptable process.

Is discharge from a puppy's loop acceptable or not?

It is assumed that the pet has vaginitis, a disease characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the animal’s vulva. In the case when the discharge is fixed after estrus (post-estrus vaginitis), it is necessary to carry out antibiotic therapy. And in cases where the animal has not yet experienced estrus, there is a hormonal imbalance. In this case, the discharge will stop with the arrival of the first heat.

In both the first and second cases, it is necessary to douche with antiseptic solutions, and then a course of antibacterial treatment with suppositories is prescribed.

Symptoms of discharge

During exudations from the penis, the dog may have different symptoms, namely:

  • Slight swelling of the foreskin.
  • Excessive attention of the animal to the penis.
  • Severe lethargy, lack of activity.
  • Refusal of food.

Sometimes there is a refusal of water, which can result in dehydration. Significant lethargy and excessive discharge indicate a possible problem in the animal. These symptoms may manifest themselves to varying degrees. To establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, the doctor must conduct the following tests:

  • Blood test (biochemical), as well as urine test.
  • Cytology of discharge.
  • Urine culture to detect possible infections.
  • Blood clotting test.
  • Ultrasound for a complete picture of the condition of the bladder and prostate gland.

When is the best time to ask for help?

Every dog ​​owner should remember to make timely and regular visits to the veterinarian. Especially if there are reasons for concern. If you see symptoms such as: abundant discharge, often purulent and bloody, possible redness or swelling of the foreskin, then you should immediately seek help.

The doctor must carefully examine the animal and conduct all necessary tests. Even a slight deterioration in condition can lead to serious consequences.

Purulent discharge

If you see pus from a dog's pee, or that the dog's pee is festering, you should immediately seek veterinary help. Such purulent discharge may indicate inflammation of the penis, in other words, balanoposthitis.

During such a disease, the animal may have purulent or bloody discharge from the genital organ, which smells very unpleasant, and the dog may often lick the pee for a long time. Often at this time the dog may be slightly irritated and twitchy; during walks it may also be distracted by emissions and begin to lick itself.

The causes of balanoposthitis are: bacterial or herpesvirus infections, the presence of a foreign body, severe trauma, insufficient amount of lubricating fluid in the animal. After diagnostics, which includes preputation and tests for microorganisms, the dog may be prescribed treatment. Before this, an antibiotic sensitivity test should also be performed.

Each type of disease is characterized by specific symptoms.


Inflammation (inflammation) of the vagina is manifested by scanty whitish, watery or mucous discharge. In the early stages of the disease, the bitch hides the symptoms by licking. Inexperienced dog breeders mistake pathology for estrus. If excretion does not stop for a week, you need to consult a specialist, otherwise the inflammation will spread to the uterus or urinary canals.

Decreased blood clotting

If the coagulation mechanism is disrupted, a hematometra is formed. Blood accumulates in the uterus, which is released in clots or drops.


Inflammation of loss develops from vaginitis or is a consequence of hormonal imbalance during false pregnancy. The bitch feels fertilized and behaves like pregnant dogs, although conception has not occurred. Such anomalies are typical for those who were not fertilized during mating or nulliparous. During the period of false pregnancy, the female experiences psychoneurological discomfort and an increased need for attention from the owner.

There are acute and chronic forms. During the manifest process, discharge of any color and consistency is observed, with or without odor. Hyperthermia and anorexia occur. Without proper treatment, pyometra develops in dogs and the animal may die.

Chronic inflammation of the uterus does not threaten the life of the bitch. There may be no vaginal discharge, however, pregnancy does not occur.


This is the name for inflammation of the uterus, accompanied by the accumulation of a large volume of pus. The development of inflammation of loss is provoked by the hormone Progesterone, the level of which increases after the cessation of estrus. The disease mainly affects females who have reached 5 years of age and who have been given hormonal contraceptives. Young bitches suffering from false pregnancy are at risk for developing diseases of the reproductive organs.

If the bitch does not receive proper treatment, purulent inflammation spreads to neighboring tissues, inflammation of the peritoneum develops, ending in death.

When the form is open, a thick cloudy exudate is observed. The closed type of the disease is more dangerous, accompanied by intoxication, uterine rupture, and peritonitis. The pathology is characterized by thirst, hyperthermia, an increase in the size of the abdomen, and a depressed state.

Urogenital infections

Characterized by discharge of any color and consistency, as well as the appearance of pus or blood in the urine. It acquires an unpleasant odor.


The formation of neoplasms is accompanied by tissue destruction and the appearance of discharge from the vulva of various thicknesses and colors.

Among the additional signs, pay attention to the following:

  • Excessive attraction of males
  • Constant licking of the noose
  • Apathy, thirst, hyperthermia
  • Difficulty urinating or defecating

Diagnosis of diseases in dogs

Establishing the cause of the disease includes the following methods:

  • History taking
  • Clinical symptoms
  • Blood and urine are analyzed
  • Carry out bacteriological seeding
  • Vaginoscopy
  • Blood clotting test
  • Biopsy. Cytological studies

If your pet has purulent discharge from the urethra, you should contact your veterinarian. The doctor will examine the animal and assess the condition of the urinary organs. Pay attention to symptoms such as swelling, inflammation, spots or wounds in the genital area.

The doctor will also measure the pet’s temperature and assess the dog’s general condition. The owner should inform the veterinarian about symptoms such as refusal to eat, lethargy, excessive licking of the animal's genitals, strong odor, frequent or difficult urination, etc.

After a general examination, the doctor prescribes tests and diagnostic procedures:

  • urine and blood tests (biochemistry, general tests);
  • culture of urethral discharge to determine the presence of bacteria;
  • X-ray of the abdominal cavity to assess the condition of the prostate and urinary tract in males; in females, this procedure allows to evaluate the reproductive organs (uterus);
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity to study internal organs (prostate, bladder, uterus, ovaries, etc.);
  • a biopsy of abnormal tissue found in the vagina or urethra.

A deadly disease, which in some cases is accompanied by purulent vaginal discharge, is pyometra.

With this disease, pus accumulates in the uterus. The animal's stomach swells, the dog becomes lethargic, and its temperature rises. Without timely assistance, the pet dies a few days later from uterine rupture.

Methods for treating purulent discharge in a male dog

Therapeutic manipulations are carried out if the pathological nature of vaginal discharge is established. Based on the final diagnosis, the following medical treatment techniques are used:

  • Antihemorrhagic therapy when diagnosing a coagulation disorder
  • Antimicrobials
  • Antiphlogistic drugs. The use of steroid medications is unacceptable
  • Chemotherapy
  • Uterine extirpation for pyometra
  • Tumor removal

Self-medication provokes the formation of malignant tumors or leads to death.

Prevention of pathological processes in the reproductive organs of the bitch consists in compliance with the standards of housing and feeding, regular mating, and refusal to use contraceptives. If the dog is not planned to be used in breeding, it can be sterilized.

The method of treatment depends on what disease caused the appearance of purulent discharge from the urethra. With pyometra, a dog is indicated for surgery to remove the uterus, which is filled with pus.

At an early stage, conservative treatment is possible according to the following scheme:

  1. Dinoprost. Place subcutaneously once a day for 5 days.
  2. Antibiotic ceftriaxone. Twice a day intravenously, the drug is first dissolved in saline. Course – 7 days.
  3. No-shpa. Twice a day injected into the muscle.
  4. Mastomethrin. It is administered under the skin according to the following scheme: 5 days – twice a day, 5 days – every other day, 5 days – every 2 days.
  5. Iodopen. Foam suppositories are inserted into the vagina twice with a break a day.
  6. Herbal decoctions instead of water: string, nettle, chamomile, raspberry.
  7. After treatment, the drug Liarsin is prescribed for 30 days.

The dosage of the drugs is selected by the veterinarian after weighing the pet.

It is prohibited to treat pyometra yourself with medications, as this can lead to complications and death.

If the pus appears due to a tumor in the urethra or urinary organs, it is removed surgically. If the tumor is malignant, the dog is given chemotherapy.

If a male dog has been diagnosed with balanoposthitis, the doctor will prescribe daily washing of the prepuce with antiseptic solutions. The following drugs are suitable for this procedure: miramistin, chlorhexidine, furatsilin solution (tablet per liter of water). Rinsing is carried out using a small rubber syringe.

After washing, levomekol ointment is applied to the prepuce. It promotes accelerated healing, relieves inflammation, and has an antimicrobial effect. In case of a complicated course of the disease, the veterinarian prescribes a course of antibiotics.

Pus from the urethra in male dogs may appear due to prostatitis. This disease is a consequence of inflammation of the prostate gland. If the cause of prostatitis is bacteria, the dog is prescribed a course of antibiotics.

The appearance of purulent discharge from the urethra is more common in males than in females. This symptom indicates the development of a serious illness. It is very important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and begin treatment. If no action is taken, serious complications may develop.

Availability dog discharge are not always the natural cycle of the body and, in the case of fixation, are not entirely natural discharge. It is necessary to pay close attention to such manifestations. The importance of observation is due to the fact that they can be a signal of the presence of very serious pathologies in the animal’s body.

Brown discharge in dogs(interspersed with blood, pus) should alert the animal owner in the case when they appear not during estrus. The described characteristic impurities observed during estrus are considered normal.

If you discover the presence of brown discharge with additional impurities, not accompanied by estrus, you should immediately seek veterinary help.

Cause bleeding in dogs not necessarily associated with the development of any pathologies. This can be either a natural release or a consequence of injury or the result of the activity of microorganisms, etc.

What to do if your dog notices discharge

As it is already becoming clear that no matter what color they have dog discharge, the owner should treat such a manifestation with caution. In particular, you should pay attention to discharge from the genitourinary system. Especially when there are inflammations or some kind of formation on the reproductive organs.

In such cases, it is unacceptable to postpone visiting a veterinarian or calling a veterinarian to your home .

Don't delay calling the veterinarian! Don't wait for complications!

Discharge from the genital organs in male dogs can be found often; they come in different types and consistencies. Frequent licking of the weevil provokes the production of exudate. And if the dog feels bad and spends a lot of time licking, this may indicate a serious disorder of the reproductive system and the development of many diseases.

Main reasons

Prepuceal discharges can be bloody, purulent or urinary. A normal, healthy dog ​​may produce a small amount of yellowish lubricant, and it may also form around the prepuce. This is considered normal, and treatment in this case is not necessary.

If you are worried, and your animal’s discharge confuses you, it is better to contact a veterinarian for examination. Most often, such discharge is caused by inflammation, but it also occurs due to other diseases. If the cause is a disease of the genitourinary tract, then it may be problems with the bladder, prostate gland, or due to the presence of stones in the urinary tract.

In young dogs, the cause of discharge is often an inflammatory process of the preputial sac. Often associated with maturation of the reproductive system. Veterinarians also identify several factors that cause discharge:

  • Trauma or cancer. Occurs more often in adult pets.
  • Poor blood clotting, low platelet count. Possible infection from rat poison. This happens less and less, but this cause is considered dangerous, and there is a possibility of a person becoming infected.

Urinary incontinence

Inflammation of the foreskin of the penis. One of the most common causes of discharge in both puppies and adult males.
If you are faced with the fact that a male dog has discharge from a pee, in any case, the animal requires proper care and timely treatment.

Symptoms of discharge

During exudations from the penis, the dog may have different symptoms, namely:

  • Slight swelling of the foreskin.
  • Excessive attention of the animal to the penis.
  • Severe lethargy, lack of activity.

Sometimes there is a refusal to drink water, which can lead to dehydration.
Significant lethargy and excessive discharge indicate a possible problem in the animal. These symptoms may occur to varying degrees.
To establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, the doctor must conduct the following tests:

  • Blood test (biochemical), as well as urine test.
  • Cytology of discharge.
  • Urine culture to detect possible infections.
  • Blood clotting test.
  • Ultrasound for a complete picture of the condition of the bladder and prostate gland.

When is the best time to ask for help?

Every dog ​​owner should remember to make timely and regular visits to the veterinarian. Especially if there are reasons for concern. If you see symptoms such as: abundant discharge, often purulent and bloody, possible redness or swelling of the foreskin, then you should immediately seek help.

The doctor must carefully examine the animal and conduct all necessary tests. Even a slight deterioration in condition can lead to serious consequences.

Purulent discharge

If you see pus from a dog's pee, or that the dog's pee is festering, you should immediately seek veterinary help. Such purulent discharge may indicate inflammation of the penis, in other words, balanoposthitis.

During such a disease, the animal may have purulent or bloody discharge from the genital organ, which smells very unpleasant, and the dog may lick the weeny often and for a long time. Often at this time the dog may be slightly irritated and twitchy; during walks it may also be distracted by emissions and begin to lick itself.

The causes of balanoposthitis are: bacterial or herpesvirus infections, the presence of a foreign body, severe injury, insufficient amount of lubricating fluid in the animal. After diagnostics, which includes preputation and tests for microorganisms, the dog may be prescribed treatment. Before this, an antibiotic sensitivity test should also be performed.

If doctors have not been able to determine the cause of the disease, and antibiotics have not brought the desired result, it may be a herpes virus, which is very difficult to identify. At the same time, the male dog should be isolated during treatment to exclude any sexual contact. The herpes virus is sexually transmitted, and if it enters the body of a female dog, it can cause infertility.

If the cause of purulent formations is the ingress of a foreign body, most often these are seeds or plant particles. In such cases, it is necessary to wash out with a warm saline solution or with chlorhexidine.

Cancerous weevil tumors, which are rare in dogs, can also cause a purulent discharge, often mixed with blood. The formations include: papillomas, fibromas, sarcomas, and others that are sexually transmitted. If an animal has a tumor, this encourages frequent licking of the weenie. And the disease itself is characterized by dark liquid when urinating, interspersed with bloody discharge.

Bleeding in a dog

Bloody discharge in male dogs can cause anxiety for the owner. Often the cause of blood exudates is various diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Diseases of the genital organs are also a common cause.

Doctors warn that the causes of bloody exudates can also be plague, piroplasmosis (tick bites), and leptospirosis. Such infections often immediately affect the condition of the body and the quality of the blood.

Blood tests may also reveal the presence of chlamydia. Pigeons very often become carriers, and a dog can easily catch the infection while walking. If you are breeding a male dog for the first time, it is imperative to be tested for chlamydia. If a male infects a female, the puppies most often die in utero or at the age of 1-2 months.

Dog blood test

The study can only be carried out using blood from a vein. Prepuce in this case will not show results.
Veterinarians warn that there is no vaccine for chlamydia, and the problem can only be combated by excluding infected animals and not by breeding.

Bloody discharge in male dogs may indicate the presence of testicular inflammation. As a result, after diagnosis, the animal is prescribed potent antibiotics, namely the penicillin group or gentamicin.

In order for the treatment to bring a positive result, the animal must be kept in good conditions, avoid hypothermia, reduce the load and reduce the duration of walks, especially in winter, cold times. Inflammation of the testicles or orchitis is usually treated fairly quickly and without complications.

Long-term treatment is possible if orchitis has caused a tumor and severe bleeding.
Prostate disease often does not manifest itself clinically, and an accurate diagnosis can only be established at the final stage.

Prostate hypertrophy is common in middle-aged dogs. It affects the urinary system and can cause a perineal hernia. In addition to purulent and bloody discharge, swelling of the paws, poor condition of the dog, weakness and refusal to eat may be present.

This disease can be treated surgically and further therapy with strong antibiotics.
Veterinarians warn that during prostate hypertrophy, constipation may occur, which should not be treated with laxatives. It is better to use light herbal infusions and candles.
The presence of discharge from the genital organ in a male dog is a common occurrence and usually does not pose a threat to the health of the animal. Especially during puberty, when the discharge is light in color.

In cases where the discharge becomes dark in color and is accompanied by pus and blood, you should consult a doctor. This usually indicates a serious illness and does not go away on its own. Treatment of pus from a dog's pee or blood discharge excludes self-medication. It can cause complications and irreversible consequences. In order not to harm the animal, it is worth visiting a doctor in a timely manner. Even in the presence of serious diseases, with proper treatment, it is possible to eliminate discharge and improve the condition of the animal.

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In this article I will talk about why purulent discharge appears from a dog’s urethra. I will give the main reasons for this phenomenon. I will describe the process of diagnosing diseases associated with the appearance of pus. I'll tell you how this condition is treated.

Causes of purulent discharge from the urethra

More often, purulent discharge is observed in male dogs.

The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:

  • inflammatory process affecting the foreskin or penis/pisun (balanoposthitis);
  • neoplasms in the urethra;
  • stones in the bladder and ducts;
  • prostatitis, pus drips from the end of male dogs;
  • formation of a cyst or abscess in the urethral cavity;

In bitches, the appearance of pus from the loop can occur for one of the following reasons:

  • malignant tumors affecting the urinary tract and vagina;
  • the presence of a foreign body in the genital tract or trauma.

In both males and females, inflammation of the urinary tract can lead to the appearance of purulent discharge -

Purulent discharge in dogs is more common in males than in females.

Diagnosis of diseases in dogs

If your pet has purulent discharge from the urethra, you should contact your veterinarian. The doctor will examine the animal and assess the condition of the urinary organs. Pay attention to symptoms such as swelling, inflammation, spots or wounds in the genital area.

The doctor will also measure the pet’s temperature and assess the dog’s general condition. The owner should inform the veterinarian about symptoms such as refusal to eat, lethargy, excessive licking of the animal's genitals, strong odor, frequent or difficult urination, etc.

After a general examination, the doctor prescribes tests and diagnostic procedures:

  • urine and blood tests (, general tests);
  • culture of urethral discharge to determine the presence of bacteria;
  • X-ray of the abdominal cavity to assess the condition of the prostate and urinary tract in males; in females, this procedure allows to evaluate the reproductive organs (uterus);
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity to study internal organs (prostate, bladder, uterus, ovaries, etc.);
  • a biopsy of abnormal tissue found in the vagina or urethra.

A deadly disease, which in some cases is accompanied by purulent vaginal discharge, is pyometra.

With this disease, pus accumulates in the uterus. The animal's stomach swells, the dog becomes lethargic, and its temperature rises. Without timely assistance, the pet dies a few days later from uterine rupture.

To accurately detect the cause of purulent discharge, you need to consult a veterinarian

Methods for treating purulent discharge in a male dog

The method of treatment depends on what disease caused the appearance of purulent discharge from the urethra. With pyometra, a dog is indicated for surgery to remove the uterus, which is filled with pus.

At an early stage, conservative treatment is possible according to the following scheme:

  1. Dinoprost. Place subcutaneously once a day for 5 days.
  2. . Twice a day intravenously, the drug is first dissolved in saline. Course – 7 days.
  3. Twice a day injected into the muscle.
  4. . It is administered under the skin according to the following scheme: 5 days – twice a day, 5 days – every other day, 5 days – every 2 days.
  5. Iodopen. Foam suppositories are inserted into the vagina twice with a break a day.
  6. Herbal decoctions instead of water: string, nettle, chamomile, raspberry.
  7. After treatment, the drug is prescribed for 30 days.

The dosage of the drugs is selected by the veterinarian after weighing the pet.

It is prohibited to treat pyometra yourself with medications, as this can lead to complications and death.

If the pus appears due to a tumor in the urethra or urinary organs, it is removed surgically. If the tumor is malignant, the dog is given chemotherapy.

If a male dog has been diagnosed with balanoposthitis, the doctor will prescribe daily washing of the prepuce with antiseptic solutions. The following drugs are suitable for this procedure: miramistin, chlorhexidine, furatsilin solution (tablet per liter of water). Rinsing is carried out using a small rubber syringe.

Surgical intervention aimed at creating a new functional opening in the urethra

After washing, levomekol ointment is applied to the prepuce. It promotes accelerated healing, relieves inflammation, and has an antimicrobial effect. In case of a complicated course of the disease, the veterinarian prescribes a course of antibiotics.

Pus from the urethra in male dogs may appear due to prostatitis. This disease is a consequence of inflammation of the prostate gland. If the cause of prostatitis is bacteria, the dog is prescribed a course of antibiotics.

The most effective way to treat prostatitis and some other diseases of the genitourinary system in male dogs is castration.

The appearance of purulent discharge from the urethra is more common in males than in females. This symptom indicates the development of a serious illness. It is very important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and begin treatment. If no action is taken, serious complications may develop.



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