Snake-Rat compatibility: love and marriage. Rat and Snake: is it possible for them to be compatible in love? Combination of the year of the snake and rat

Astrologers consider the union of a snake and a rat to be strange, but possible. These eastern horoscope signs have too different temperaments. If an alliance is possible, it will only be on the basis of tolerance and compromise. The aggressiveness of a rat can only be suppressed by a snake, hypnotizing it with the gaze of a boa constrictor. Let's take a closer look at snake-rat compatibility. What is the key to their hearts?

Representatives of this sign are cold and arrogant. Snakes are practical and purposeful. If necessary, they will turn themselves inside out to achieve their plans. Snakes have a developed intellect and strive for the spiritual, they are educated and appreciate beauty. However, snakes do not leave the ground and value the material side of life as highly as the spiritual.

Snake men can make a brilliant career thanks to their perseverance and determination. The snake woman loves to surround herself with luxury goods and lead a secular lifestyle. Snakes are secretive and observant. Restrained in showing emotions, they can deliver a sharp and lightning-fast blow to the enemy. Some vindictiveness of snakes and a tendency to show despotism are balanced by evenness and devotion.

Snakes have a strong will and strong nerves. If the partner turns out to be weaker in spirit, the snake will simply strangle him in its arms. Sometimes the snake can turn into a boa constrictor and begin to hypnotize the victim with its gaze, manipulating its feelings. In competition, snakes are dangerous - their poison completely paralyzes the will of the enemy. There are legends about the insight of snakes - they practically have the gift of clairvoyance. Few people succeed in deceiving snakes and being cunning with them.

Characteristics of the rat

The Rat is distinguished by its extravagant appearance and natural charm. They know how to captivate with their gaze and bewitch with invisible fluids emanating from their natural magnetism. However, rats are distinguished by their wayward and complex nature, which not every sign can withstand. In addition, they are quite aggressive. Rats are pragmatic through and through and build relationships only for profit. If a rat's interests do not intersect with another person, it will not make acquaintances.

Rat women are distinguished by their innate ability to make reserves for a rainy day. The rat will always have a full closet or cellar. There are legends about the frugality of this sign. Among the rats there may be collectors or employees of antique stores - they are very attracted to old things.

A rat may have completely unnecessary things stored in his house that he simply hates to throw away.

Rats can build a successful career by persistently moving towards their intended goal. They will not always choose the shortest path, but it will be correct and hidden from prying eyes. Rats pursue a career because they love money and hoarding. This sign of the eastern horoscope will always have an impressive amount of money saved for a rainy day.

Rat men are not always honest in achieving career growth. They can be called gray cardinals. Often their career advancement lies through the merits of other people. Sometimes a rat can get so carried away by money that he becomes a real gambler - and he is lucky. However, in love, the Rat man is sentimental and romantic. He loves to visit restaurants with his beloved, enjoy delicious menus and good music.

Rat man and snake

This union can be successful if the snake woman does not try to suppress and subjugate the rat. Rats love movement, movement and change of impressions. The snake can begin to display a sense of possessiveness to the point of despotism and control every step of its lover. The rat does not like this very much - there is no need to limit its need for activity.

In nature, snakes feed on mice and rats; in the human world, there is a certain parallel: the snake always tries to suppress the rat, feeling it as its victim. The Rat tries to win independence, but sometimes it has little success in doing so.

If a snake woman suppresses and limits a rat man, he will simply run away from her.

Zodiac compatibility should also be taken into account; this explains the union of two opposites. For example, couples that are incompatible according to the eastern horoscope are ideally compatible according to the zodiac. If we consider that marriages take place in heaven, then the union of a rat and a snake is predetermined from above and is intended for the spiritual enrichment of each other.

Rat woman and snake

If the rat fails to escape from the snake’s visibility in time, the latter will definitely hypnotize it. A cute rat will certainly attract the attention of a snake, which tends to appreciate beauty. But this is not enough for a normal relationship: the snake must give the rat the necessary freedom for its active activities. Otherwise, the rat will become aggressive and start biting.

The snake man should know that only freedom of personal space and the absence of total control on his part can completely liberate the rat and turn it into an energetic and caring housewife.

Then he too will be happy - the house will have complete well-being, order and a strong supply of the most necessary things for all occasions.

The Rat woman, first of all, looks for support and support in her partner. If a snake man gives her everything she needs, she will give him warmth and charm. Many complex relationship issues can be easily resolved in moments of marital intimacy - the sexual union of a rat and a snake is so harmonious. They are always desirable for each other and feel the need to get closer.

In this topic:

Character of those born in the Year of the Snake

The snake is the traditional embodiment of wisdom. The logic that people born this year are endowed with allows them to easily convince others that they are right. In addition to this valuable quality, Snakes are also endowed with endurance and the ability to extricate themselves from the most difficult situations.

If a person's zodiac sign is Cancer, then he will be endowed with resourcefulness to an even greater extent. The snake quickly achieves its goals. Between this sneaky crawling animal and the pinnacle of glory there is only laziness, which forces her to be content with little.

Main qualities:

  • demandingness;
  • patience;
  • organization.

Character of those born in the Year of the Rat

These people organically combine charm and aggression. She skillfully disguises her nervousness as cheerfulness, so there are always people around her who are ready to help her. And she happily uses their help, often living at their expense. But the Sagittarius Mouse is always sincerely cheerful, sociable and cheerful.

Only love is not subject to her calculating nature. If, according to the horoscope, the Rat is Leo, then pride and ambition combined with complacency are clearly manifested in the character.

Main qualities:

  • impermanence;
  • generosity;
  • activity.

Rat man and Snake woman. Compatibility

If a woman can control herself and not push her partner too hard with her demands, the couple will be able to live peacefully for many years. The compatibility horoscope of the Snake woman and the Rat man is, in principle, not bad.

Their relationship is developing rapidly, partners can charm each other. But an excessive desire to be the “commander in chief” can destroy this connection just as quickly. Communication is possible provided that she does not adjust her spouse to her ideas about life and does not cheat on him.

Snake man and Rat woman. Compatibility

Wild passions rage in this couple. However, the Rat woman and the demanding Snake man must adapt to each other. A partner should not limit the interests and desires of his lady. She herself knows perfectly well the boundaries of what is reasonable. Having finished his entertainment, the Rat will turn into a zealous housewife and will happily deal with ordinary everyday problems.

The compatibility horoscope of the Rat woman and the Snake man shows harmony only in the case of mutual readiness to make concessions. At the same time, a man should remember that his lady will never forgive him for cheating, and will also jealously monitor his attitude towards his children. His coldness can lead to aggravation of relations.

The Rat and Snake signs do not demonstrate the best compatibility. They need to overcome selfish tendencies in order to create an alliance. The Rat and the Snake, who is looking for warmth, can find compatibility in sex. Their intimate sphere of life will be at its best.

However, the Snake's attempts to control its partner will end in a break. She won't be able to obey. Therefore, the Snake and Rat show rather weak compatibility in marriage.

Prospects for the development of relations

In such a couple, mutual attraction rarely appears. It is possible to say that the Rat and the Snake have good compatibility in love only if both partners decide to be together out of spite.

In this case, the wise Snake and the strong Rat will be able to feel each other’s internal energy and find common ground in it.

The relationship between the Snake and the Rat does not start right away. Both are too complex natures to immediately recognize in their chosen one a like-minded person, a life partner. Over time, the Rat sees the wisdom and thoroughness of the Snake, and the Snake is amazed, the Rat is so active and enchanting. Such bright and different characters cannot help but become close. And usually, after much looking and studying the partner, this couple finally ends up together.

Snake man and Rat woman compatibility = 60%!

In love = 60%: Love relationships mean a lot to a Rat woman. She believes that this feeling can give her support and stability. And for the Snake man, this is a desire to receive understanding and warmth. To gain the favor of her chosen one, she will use her charm. And the Snake man, in order to conquer the Rat woman, will be aggressive. It is difficult to say how such a relationship will end: everything will depend on the balance of the Rat woman.

Married = 55%: This couple may have a good future, but everything will depend on their mood and desire to develop the relationship. If the Snake man can give his chosen one freedom, the marriage can be successful. He should remember that the more freedom she has, the more devoted she will end up being. She will be able to take care of the house, raising children and career. And he will do everything at a high level. He can only admire her.

In bed = 65%: The Rat woman and the Snake man are made for each other in moments of intimacy. At this time, misunderstandings, all disagreements and any other roughness in the relationship are erased between them. They like to experiment, so everyone tries to bring more and more new and exciting things into intimacy in order to surprise their partner and give him the opportunity to feel desired and unique. In this area, everything is always in perfect order between them.

Rat man and Snake woman compatibility = 57%!

In love = 55%: This is a good combination that will have everything. This is joy, common interests, disputes, quarrels and conflicts. Much in this relationship depends on the Snake woman. If she reduces her demands and becomes more loyal, then the love relationship will only be positive. You shouldn’t constantly push your man, otherwise he will simply refuse to be around. On his part, she can expect only exceptional devotion and deep love.

Married = 60%: A serious union between a Snake woman and a Rat man is not uncommon, but it is not always ideal. In these relationships, they will always have to look for a middle ground, negotiate, and look for compromises together. If they can achieve this, then they will be quite comfortable together. Otherwise, their relationship will be colored by disputes and disagreements. The Snake woman cannot limit the freedom of the Rat man, otherwise he will simply run away.

In bed = 55%: Usually intimacy for this couple is just a physical act. They do not seek salvation from disagreements in him, but simply enjoy each other. She likes a romantic atmosphere, and he is quite ready to create it. They always have something new to try and both give themselves over to the sensations. However, it is important for them to simply receive physical satisfaction. Often at the beginning of a relationship, intimacy serves as a thread for them, but then this feeling is erased.

Relationship forecast!

This couple should definitely try to build a relationship. It may be difficult for them to come to an understanding, but it is worth trying. If both make an effort, their union can turn out to be long-lasting and pleasant in all respects. They can also become good business partners, which will not interfere with the development of a love relationship between them. This couple is ideal in many ways, but without work on both sides, nothing will work out for them.

The compatibility of the Snake and the Rat is quite specific. Partners begin to have mutual sympathy 2-3 years after their communication begins. Love at first sight never occurs between these horoscope signs, because each of them knows how to hide their feelings.

Characteristics of the Snake

According to the eastern horoscope, the Snake is often associated with wisdom. People born this year know how to think logically and have the gift of persuasion, so it is always easy for them to convince others that they are right and to impose their own opinion in a given situation. It is easy for them to find a way out of difficult situations.

The only disadvantage of such signs is their laziness. It becomes a barrier to the desire to succeed.

Several other special character traits should be highlighted:

  • future planning;
  • patience;
  • demanding of others.

Characteristics of the Rat

The feeling of love in the heart of such a sign is extremely rare. It is worth highlighting such characteristic qualities as inconstancy in relationships, an active lifestyle and compassion for others.

Rat Man and Snake Woman

In this case, the signs are perfectly compatible with each other. Thanks to this tandem, partners will be able to establish relationships without contempt and resentment. A woman will try to make sure that her man shows as little aggression as possible and works more for the relationship.

A man will become a life assistant for a girl, because only he can stimulate her to achieve her goal and overcome all difficulties. They are also compatible due to the fact that they know how to quickly correct their mistakes in relationships, without leading to a quarrel.


In love, these signs can only be compatible if they make concessions to each other: the girl should try not to control her husband. A man should slightly reduce the level of dominance in the family.

Trust is the key to success. These signs are endowed with this character trait, which only strengthens their physical and spiritual connection.


The compatibility of the Snake and the Rat according to the eastern horoscope has been studied in detail. They will be able to restrain their emotions only after people have spent a lot of time with each other and have been able to get used to their partner. This can drag on for 4 years of close communication together. As soon as sympathy awakens within, these symbols will quickly be able to restrain their discontent and work in every possible way for the benefit of the relationship.

The compatibility of the Rat and the Snake in marriage is quite good due to the fact that the woman knows how to keep her emotions to herself. As a result, she will never stop her husband from doing anything. Usually, by the age of 20, a man himself understands what he can do and what actions he should not do. You shouldn’t expect your husband to stay at home all the time.

In bed, this union has no equal. Despite the fact that both signs are not fans of rough sex, they will constantly want experiments and unusual sensations. Moreover, each of them will try to please their partner.


A Rat man and a Snake woman can create a strong friendship for many years, but for this they need to make some effort, otherwise the primary friendly relationship may end in accusations and contempt. In friendship, the Rat and the Snake are destined to achieve great success. Usually, friendly relations between such people begin literally from the first days.

For friendship to last for many years, partners must learn to listen to each other. In such a relationship, the woman will take the reins into her own hands. She will be the one who will be able to point out to her partner the mistakes and how to get rid of them.

It will be easy to find a common language at work, because both the Rat and the Snake want to achieve their goals, and working together will only strengthen the final result.

Rat Woman and Snake Man

The Rat woman and the Snake man are a union that requires a certain endurance. In such relationships there will always be intense passions and a lot of groundless accusations. A man in such a union tries to hypnotize his partner and impose his own opinion on her.

Such an attitude is unacceptable, because the girl will try in every possible way to gain freedom of her own thoughts and actions. There will be misunderstandings and quarrels in this union.


In love, the Snake man and the Rat woman very rarely agree. This is justified by the selfishness of both signs. Each of them will try to impose their own opinion, which will lead to certain difficulties (quarrels, betrayals, and ultimately a breakdown in relationships).

In order for love not to disappear over many years, signs need to learn to listen to the opinions of each other and those around them.


In a marriage between a Rat and a Snake, the man tries to make his wife a housewife, and this can provoke a break in the marriage. If there are children in the family, then a war will begin over the methods of raising them.

Compatibility between a Rat man and a Snake woman involves many challenges, but at the same time the possibility of rapid development. If they decide to be together, no matter what, they can learn a lot from each other.

The compatibility of the Rat-Snake couple according to the eastern calendar is not always happy. Basically, their success will depend on how the man perceives his chosen one. The union of the Rat Man and the Snake Woman will become problematic for the Rat, because she will do everything for the charming Snake Woman, forgive her mistakes, but the most dangerous thing is that he may not notice the betrayal.

The Snake is very fickle in relationships. Having charmed the Rat with herself, she immediately begins to look for satisfaction on the side. Such an attitude will cost a man a lot of experiences that will develop into conflicts, but deep down the Rat will always hope for the best and believe that the other half will change and settle down, although he knows that this will never happen. Having failed to achieve mutual understanding, the cornered Rat will begin to attack its companion in an attempt to achieve reciprocity of feelings, but the Snake cannot tolerate pressure and, most likely, will leave its partner. Despite such tense relationships in their life together, the Rat and the Snake can become good friends.

Rat man and Snake woman in love

The compatibility of the Rat man and the Snake woman is not very high, but there are strong marriages between people with such signs of the Chinese horoscope. In general, initially there is not much attraction between Rats and Snakes, since it is difficult for partners to see each other’s merits. If this happens, it happens over time, and then a strong mutually beneficial alliance is born. The wisdom of the Snake woman will come in handy for the businesslike Rat man, as she will help him avoid falling into the traps set by life (and an active and ambitious partner will encounter many of them along the way).

Both know that it is very important to strive for the set goal, and if the Snake woman is not always full of optimism, then her chosen one constantly believes in success. This will help both of them achieve what they want.

To avoid problems in the family, the Snake woman must be lenient about the fact that the Rat partner has a wide range of interests and does not want to sit at home. This is a combination of two powerful people, so it is extremely important not to put pressure on each other, not to try to subjugate the interests of the other, to make compromises, especially in the field of finance. Perhaps the most rational way out of the situation would be to divide the budget.

Rat man and Snake woman in a relationship

At the very beginning of the development of a love relationship, the Rat man will see the wise calmness of the Snake girl, feel her real inner strength and hidden power. The snake will help the rat avoid the many traps and snares into which it periodically falls. The Snake woman, in turn, will be proud of the Rat man’s talent to move forward without fear, will appreciate his desire for a better life, his ambition and belief in inevitable success.

The Snake girl needs warmth and romance, devotion and even some humility. The sexual aspect will please both partners - here they have excellent mutual understanding. Sometimes the Snake woman allows herself strict control and tries to keep her partner near her. The Rat man is unlikely to take this behavior well, because he does not want to be a weak-willed doll in a woman’s hands.

Compatibility of Rat and Snake in marriage

The marriage created by a Rat man and a Snake woman promises to be lasting. The main thing is that the spouse pays more attention to family and not to communicating with friends. The Snake woman is a born intellectual who treats everything with a dose of aesthetics. This has a great effect on the compatibility of the Rat man and the Snake woman. Before us is a spiritual union, which nothing prevents from becoming long and sincere. The Rat man is obliged to eliminate coolness and harshness in his relationship with his chosen one. The Snake woman strives for variety in life and is characterized by excessive energy. The Rat man needs peace and comfort in the home, which he values ​​above all else.



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