Vitamins for the brain - to improve memory. The best vitamins for brain function

May 01 2018

The word itself vitaminsderived from the Latin “life”, these are substances that are not produced by our body, but are vital. First, we need them for proper growth and development, then to support and maintain health, so it is necessary to ensure their regular intake into the body. Vitamins participate in metabolic processes, ensuring the stable operation of all systems. Let us consider in detail which of them directly affect brain activity.

Proper development and work

In order for the brain to function properly, it must first develop properly. Vitamin B9 is involved in this process; it is extremely important during the formation of the brain in the fetus in the womb. Brain activity is the transmission of impulses between nerve cells (neurons). It is carried out by special substances - neurotransmitters, and vitamin B6 is responsible for their formation. The speed of signal transmission depends on the membrane of neurons; it is formed by vitamin B12, thereby speeding up the thinking process.

B vitamins are essential for proper operation brain.


Poor memory and many brain diseases arise as a result of degradation and aging of the brain. Vitamins A and B1 stimulate memory and protect brain cells from destruction; vitamin B12 is responsible for short-term memory; vitamin B5 is responsible for long-term memories. Aging is caused oxidative processes, therefore, to prevent it, an antioxidant is needed - vitamin C. In combination with vitamin E, it prevents various diseases and types of dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

Learning and Thinking

Cognitive brain function is our ability to cognitive activity. Vitamin K Speeds Up Thinking, Obtaining and Processing Processes new information. To improve overall brain performance, vitamin D is needed. It helps cope with tasks and make decisions, and protects against cognitive impairment. Vitamin E eliminates free radicals that slow down brain function.

Vitamins D, E and K speed up thought processes and improve brain performance

Mood and motivation

Is our emotional condition controls us - when we are in bad mood, our motivation drops, we don’t want to do anything, it’s harder to cope even with familiar tasks. Therefore, for maximum efficient work brain is important to maintain positive attitude. Serotonin, the so-called “happiness hormone,” is responsible for this. Many vitamins perform several functions at once, which is why they are so important for the brain: vitamin B6 promotes the formation of serotonin, and vitamins C and D increase its level, vitamin B12 protects against mood swings, and vitamin B1 will help in the fight against depression.

Vitamins B, C and D provide mental clarity and a positive attitude

Universal recipe

As we can see, some vitamins take part in several processes at once. The most “multifunctional” is vitamin D3. Among its basic tasks is the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body, i.e. The health of bones, teeth, muscles and hair depends on it. Like other D vitamins, it improves memory and attention, stimulates thinking and affects the production of serotonin. Separately, it is worth noting that this vitamin is produced by our skin under the influence sun rays. But our climate does not allow us to get vitamin D3 in sufficient quantity in natural conditions.

There are a number of diseases that indirectly affect cerebral circulation: osteochondrosis, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia(VSD) and others. It is important not only to eliminate the cause of the development of pathology, but also to prevent repeated destruction and clogging of the walls of blood vessels, to strengthen vascular bed and normalize exchange in the walls of arteries, veins, capillaries. During the consultation, the doctor will tell you how to strengthen the blood vessels of the brain in case of VSD, hypotension and hypertension, osteochondrosis and atherosclerosis, what vitamins and drugs should be taken that normalize cellular metabolism, improve the flexibility of blood vessels and eliminate their fragility. You may need to change your lifestyle and monitor your health more carefully.

The need to strengthen blood vessels

Fragility of blood vessels, decreased flexibility, narrowing of the vascular bed, accumulation of cholesterol on the inner walls of the arteries lead to unpleasant symptoms, one of which is headache. The condition of cerebral vessels worsens with:

  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Hypotension.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Angiopathy.
  • Migraine provoked by vascular spasm.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Aneurysm.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Varicose veins and thrombosis.
  • Head injuries, skull fractures, concussion.

With the destruction of blood vessels and a decrease in their functionality, cerebral circulation deteriorates. Nerve cells do not receive enough oxygen. As a result, a person who does not take vitamins for the blood vessels of the brain experiences symptoms of damage to brain tissue:

  • Headaches of different types: pressing, throbbing, burning.
  • Dizziness.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Noise, ringing, whistling in the ears.
  • Visual impairment - darkening of the eyes, spots, colored circles.
  • Decreased performance.
  • Constant feeling of fatigue.
  • Lethargy, apathy.
  • Change emotional background: tearfulness, irritability, hot temper.

If the patient does not see a doctor, does not undergo treatment, refuses to take vitamin complexes, then his condition worsens. Developing depressive state, physical activity decreases, worsens intellectual abilities. If there is significant destruction or narrowing of blood vessels, a stroke may develop.

Pharmacy drugs

How to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their tone, cleanse the vascular bed from cholesterol plaques, you should consult your doctor. He will help you choose the optimal set of drugs to improve the functioning of arteries, veins, and capillaries.


When buying vitamins for the head, presented in pharmacy kiosks, you should focus on new generation drugs. They help faster, accumulate and support the functioning of blood vessels longer, have a wider spectrum of action and less side effects. The condition of blood vessels is improved by taking the following medications:

  • Noofen. Prescribed to patients after suffering traumatic brain injuries. The instructions for the drug say: “increases the number of mitochondria.” A mitochondria is a cell that synthesizes energy. The more there are, the better the vessels work: their flexibility, strength, and permeability increase.
  • Phezam. Combination drug, consists of Cinnarizine and Piracetam. Promotes gentle dilation of blood vessels, increases blood levels carbon dioxide in the bloodstream, which helps brain tissue cells to sustain hypoxia.
  • Actovegin. Long-term use Actovegina helps relieve vasospasm, get rid of cholesterol plaques, and reduce blood clots.

The doctor can advise how to restore the blood vessels of the brain with the help of medications for natural ingredients. It is possible to use drugs such as Ginkgo Biloba, Periwinkle, drugs that have antioxidant properties and a general strengthening effect.

Vitamins and minerals

Certain vitamins help restore the functionality of blood vessels. Each individually has a specific effect:

  • Vitamin C(ascorbic acid). Helps reduce the accumulation of high-density lipoproteins and helps strengthen vascular walls.
  • Vitamin A(retinol). Normalizes metabolic processes in arteries and veins, reduces the manifestations of atherosclerosis.
  • Vitamin E(tocopherol). Antioxidant, reduces fat oxidation, helps protect vessel walls from damage.
  • Vitamin P (rutin). Reduces bleeding of capillaries and arteries, strengthens blood vessels, reduces their fragility, accelerates regeneration processes.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids. Help prevent the formation of fatty deposits on the inner walls of blood vessels.
  • B vitamins (B1, B6). Essential vitamins for the vessels of the head...Normalizes the heart rate, preventing vascular stenosis. Restore lipid metabolism, accelerate the breakdown of low-density lipoproteins and their elimination.

To strengthen blood vessels, you also need to take minerals.

  • Calcium combined with vitamin D. Helps strengthen blood vessels, reduce their fragility and fragility.
  • Magnesium. Reduces thrombus formation, helps normalize arterial pressure and eliminate stretching and pathological narrowing of blood vessels, normalizes their tone, relaxes the walls.
  • Phosphorus. One of the building materials for vascular wall cells, normalizes transmission nerve impulses.
  • Selenium. Prevents damage to the walls of blood vessels, improves the absorption of other vitamins and minerals.

You can buy only one specific vitamin and take it for a long time. But, given that human blood vessels suffer not only from thrombosis or fragility, they can be strengthened much more effectively with the help of vitamin-mineral complexes.

Complexes of minerals and multivitamins

In modern pharmacology there are vitamins for the head that combine several components:

  • Ascorutin. Contains vitamins C and P, normalizes redox processes, reduces capillary fragility, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and gives them flexibility.
  • Hawthorn tablets (dietary supplement). Helps to improve capillaries, relieves inflammation, has antiviral and antispastic effects.

  • Vitrum Cardio Omega-3. A complex of minerals and multivitamins that prevent the development of atherosclerosis. The drug helps normalize the level of triglycerides, high and low density cholesterol, prevents the destruction of cellular structures, and therefore ruptures of large and small vessels, helps restore the elasticity of veins and arteries.
  • Will direct. This complex helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize cerebral circulation, reduce the manifestations of atherosclerosis, and improve regeneration.
  • Cardiohealth. Herbal preparation, which helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood microcirculation, improves the elasticity and flexibility of arteries and veins, and reduces cholesterol production.

When purchasing medications to strengthen cerebral blood vessels, carefully read the list of contraindications and carefully follow the dosage of the medications. Overdose may lead to side effects.

Traditional medicine and natural vitamins

Tinctures and decoctions of medicinal herbs – effective remedy to strengthen blood vessels, normalize metabolic processes. With the help of traditional medicines, you can lower the level of cholesterol in the blood and dilate blood vessels at home.

Most popular recipes:

  • Garlic tincture with alcohol. Chopped garlic is infused for two weeks glass jar, then filtered. Take once a day with milk - 2 drops of tincture per half a glass of milk. The dosage is increased to 14 drops, then reduced to 2. General course treatment is a month.
  • Walnut partitions in hawthorn tincture. The medicine is taken one teaspoon before breakfast, lunch, dinner for 14 days.
  • Horse chestnut tincture. Peeled chestnuts ground in a meat grinder are infused with vodka, and then 5 ml are taken every morning for three weeks.

It is undesirable to use alcohol infusions in large quantities, also these medicines Contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

Herbal infusions

Can strengthen blood vessels in the brain folk remedies using herbal teas:

  • Rose hip decoction. Prepared from berries and rosehip flowers. Most often used dried fruits. A handful of berries should be poured with boiling water (250) mg. Leave until it cools down, drink half a glass in the morning, before breakfast and in the evening before dinner. The course of treatment is up to 3 months.

  • Tartar infusion. 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of dry raw materials into a glass of boiling water, leave under the lid for three hours, strain. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid before meals, 3-4 times a day.
  • Tea from meadowsweet and motherwort. Use 1 teaspoon each of dry meadowsweet and motherwort. The raw materials must be placed in an enamel pan and, filled with water, boiled. Leave overnight, strain, then take 1 tbsp. spoon morning and evening.
  • A decoction of bergenia roots. The roots should be poured with boiling water and boiled for an hour. Drink the finished medicine drop by drop in the morning, before meals.
  • Decoction of Sophora fruits, sweet clover flowers, geranium. These herbs are rich in vitamins to strengthen blood vessels in the brain. To prepare the medicine you need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of each component and pour half a liter of boiling water. The finished medicine is taken for 2 months, 4 times a day, 4 tbsp. spoons.
  • Barberry decoction. The fruits and flowers of barberry are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour. You should take half a glass, three times a day.
  • Tea with red clover. Instead of a black tea bag, use 2 tbsp. spoons of dry clover. You can drink it with honey, morning and evening.

Attention! Before taking herbal infusions, medicinal decoctions, you need to consult a therapist or neurologist and find out whether these medications will harm your health.

Products to improve the condition of blood vessels

Of course, many patients are already accustomed to the fact that vitamins are only sold in pharmacies. In fact, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin E, C, P can be obtained from food. How to help the blood vessels of the brain? It is necessary to eat properly, in moderation consuming healthy foods.

An excellent remedy for preventing atherosclerosis is oatmeal. To prevent it from getting boring and to act more efficiently, it should be eaten with fruits and berries, dried fruits: raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, dried apricots, blueberries, cherries. Berries such as cherries and sweet cherries are considered powerful solvents for cholesterol plaques.

You must eat raw and vegetable stew, with the exception of potatoes. And also be sure to eat fish rich in Omega-3 acids - it will help strengthen blood vessels and make them more flexible.

You should drink at least 2 liters of water per day, including juices and soups. It is best to drink black tea with milk or freshly squeezed juices: carrot, peach, plum, orange. They help normalize blood cholesterol levels.

A healthy lifestyle is the key to longevity

It is very easy to weaken the blood vessels, bring them into a decrepit state, it is enough to lead a sedentary lifestyle, eat a lot of fatty and sweet foods, smoke and drink alcohol in excessive quantities. But restoring the blood vessels of the brain will require a lot of strength and patience from a person. To strengthen you need:

  • Movement.
  • Water procedures.
  • Refusal from nervous overload.

It's hard to force yourself to do it morning exercises? Instead of taking the bus to work, walk. Give yourself plenty of time for this hike as it may suddenly become harder than you think.

Swimming is one of the sports that has the greatest impact on a person. All muscle groups should work in water, giving an even load on the internal organs. At the same time, blood circulation is trained and vascular tone increases.

Give preference active recreation, it is not necessary to organize a kayak descent in stormy river, it’s enough to regularly go for a walk in a nearby park, go ice skating once a week, and jump rope.

To avoid stress, relieve yourself of some of the responsibility at work, and agree with your family and friends on a calm resolution of conflicts.

Remember that choosing vitamins for your head can only be experienced specialist, having studied the patient's medical history, assessing the general physical state person. He will recommend truly strengthening vitamins needed by the brain.

1 Where can I start?

Every person should understand that their health must be constantly monitored. Periodic visits to a specialist can prevent irreversible consequences. The peculiarity of the heart is that it works constantly.

Modern rhythms of life, together with their rush and bustle, leave a certain imprint on the performance of the cardiovascular system. vascular system, leading to serious problems. Vitamins that can strengthen blood vessels should be taken by all people, starting from middle age. The sooner a person thinks about the condition of his blood vessels, the greater the chance of prolonging a comfortable life.

Why monitor the health of your blood vessels and take some vitamins? This question can often be heard at doctor's appointments. The point is that health blood tract affects the intensity of blood flow. In simple terms, blood vessels narrow and dilate when the body needs it.

High elasticity allows you to maintain normal metabolic processes. If a patient has problems with blood vessels, then a slowdown in metabolic processes can soon be expected, and this will lead to a significant decrease in the performance of many organs.

2 Substances for the heart muscle

Not everyone can determine the optimal combination of vitamins needed by the heart. Prescriptions should be made by the attending physician based on the data received regarding the current clinical picture and individual characteristics of the body.

The stronger the vessels are, the faster the blood flow will be cleared of cholesterol plaques that interfere with normal blood circulation throughout the body. Thanks to the regular use of vitamins, it is possible to increase the smoothness and elasticity of the inner walls.

For these purposes, the following vitamins are prescribed:

  1. 1. Vitamin C and P (rutin) take the top spot. They will help avoid fragility and increase the permeability of vascular walls. These vitamins can be found in berries (currants, rowan, rose hips, etc.) and fruits. Lemons and oranges play a big role in the strengthening process. Rutin is part of the famous foot gel - Troxevasin. It not only relieves fatigue and discomfort, but also nourishes the walls of blood vessels.
  2. 2. Vitamin B plays an important role. It prevents: the appearance of edematous processes, increases tone and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It can be found in various products, in the highest concentrations it is found in meat, cookies, legumes and grains.
  3. 3. Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid. If there is not enough intake into the body, the muscles begin to ache. Can be found in brewer's yeast, cauliflower, egg yolks, and meat.

For supporting normal condition You can’t focus only on vitamins; microelements such as potassium, magnesium, copper, etc. play a big role. Each of them has its own characteristics, and the properties are enhanced under the condition correct use.

3 Help for the brain

Every person should remember that brain diseases can lead to serious problems, ranging from stroke and memory loss to death. To prevent such a problem, you need to start taking vitamins in a timely manner.

B vitamins are the most important helpers for a healthy head.

The following types need to be considered:

  1. 1. B1 - thiamine, increases memory functionality, affecting the speed of learning. If it is lacking, a person begins to get tired quickly, problems with coordination and position in space appear. Against this background, depression may also develop. High concentrations of B1 can be found in the following foods: fish, nuts, eggs, peas and cereals. Everyone will be able to choose something that will be not only healthy, but also tasty.
  2. 2. B2 - riboflavin. Provides the central nervous system with the necessary energy, which is especially important during physical activities. If there is a deficiency, the patient experiences decreased activity, inhibition of action, and sometimes headache. B2 can be found in meat and dairy products.
  3. 3. B3 - nicotinic acid. Thanks to the regular intake of the present compound in the body, it is possible to strengthen blood vessels, increasing the production energy resources. If there is a lack of this vitamin, you may experience rapid fatigue and problems with memory. B3 can be obtained from following products: buckwheat, fish, nuts, eggs.
  4. 4. B5-pantothenic acid. It stimulates the activity of the central nervous system, ensuring normal conduction of neural impulses. If there is a lack of connection, the patient's memory deteriorates and fatigue appears. B5 can be found in peas, dairy products, cabbage, buckwheat, etc.
  5. 5. B6 - pyridoxine. Responsible for the normal functioning and regulation of the nervous system. It is prescribed, as a rule, in a complex of vitamins. B6 deficiency leads to increased irritability, frequent depression, insomnia. They are rich in: legumes and grains, nuts, rice, liver, etc.
  6. 6. B9 - folic acid. Responsible for the adequacy of excitation and inhibition of the nervous system. In simple terms, B9 is necessary to strengthen operational thinking. In case of deficiency, appetite worsens, apathy and fatigue increase. It can be found in fresh and dried mushrooms, beef, fruits and vegetables.
  7. 7. B 12 - cyanocobalamin. Provides cognitive functions of brain structures, affects sleep and wakefulness. Doctors advise increasing the dosage if there is a change in lifestyle (change of time zones, different climate zone, etc.). A person with insufficient amounts of B12 becomes more irritable and stupid. The vitamin can be found in dairy products, poultry, and seaweed.

Compounds that are good for the heart will be beneficial for the head. If used correctly, it can clear clogged blood vessels and activate blood flow. In addition, a lack of amino acids can lead to serious problems. Doctors may prescribe synthetic amino acids that are not produced by the body itself. The sooner the problem is identified, the sooner concrete steps can be taken.

4 As a conclusion

To summarize, we can draw the main conclusion: vitamins for blood vessels should be taken for preventive purposes constantly, from the onset of middle age. Patients must understand that it is impossible to strengthen a specific area; the effect must be balanced and aimed at the entire body. This is the only way to achieve it quick recovery and cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol plaques.

Many vitamins are contained in small concentrations, so the deficiency can be compensated pharmaceutical drugs, which can be purchased at almost any pharmacy without a prescription. A good vitamin complex should contain the vitamins and microelements described above; they will complement each other, enhancing the effect.

Before starting to take any medications, you should consult a specialist. He will be able to prescribe a course that will correspond individual characteristics body.

What to choose: injections or tablets?

It happens that a person needs to choose: injections or tablets for blood vessels? Many products are available in various forms. Among them there are forms intended for both injection and oral use.

Injections are more effective. This is explained by the fact that the active substances of the drug appear immediately in the blood. But it happens that the injection form causes certain difficulties in the patient’s use. If a person is being treated at home, then it will be much more convenient for him to take medications in the form of drops or tablets. If treatment takes place in a hospital setting, then such drugs are usually administered intravenously or intramuscularly.

The following vascular drugs are often used for injection:


Agents with vasodilating properties help improve blood supply to the brain. Cell energy metabolism also improves.

Calcium antagonists

Medicines belonging to this group, intended for the vessels of the brain, have the ability to relax the arteries. From their use, the tone of the veins remains almost unchanged. Thanks to increased blood flow, large quantity oxygen passes into the brain from the blood. This kind of medicine for the treatment of blood vessels in the head is used quite widely, and in currently The latest (third) generation of these drugs is being developed.

These types of remedies help correct existing disorders in the body’s vascular system. Their use can contribute to the development of unwanted side effects, so their use is possible only as prescribed by a specialist.

First generation:

  • verapamil (drugs: Finoptin and Isoptin) are phenylalkylamine derivatives;
  • the active substance nifedipine (drugs: Adalat, Cordafen, Phenigidine, Corinfar and Cordipine) are dihydropyridine derivatives;
  • diltiazem (drugs: Diltiazme and Diazem) are benzothiazepine derivatives.

In second generation These funds became somewhat larger, and the following were added:

  • isradipine (Lomir);
  • anipamil, gallopamil, falipamil;
  • felodipine (Plendil), nimodipine (Nimotop), lacidipine (Latsipil), amlodipine (Norvax), nitrendipine (Octidipine), nicardipine, riodipine (Foridon);
  • Clentiazem.

Vascular drugs for the brain new generation have a lot of advantages over previously created ones and work on a similar principle:

  • their effect on the body is more prolonged;
  • active substances affect the body more selectively;
  • when taken, fewer unwanted side effects appear.

Among the antagonist drugs that can increase the lumen of the arteries, there are drugs whose main effect is aimed at the vascular system of the brain. However, they have almost no effect on other vessels.

The most effective medicines for the brain:

  • Cinnarizine;
  • Nimodipine.

Such medications are simply necessary in the treatment of severe vascular atherosclerosis. But it should also be taken into account that the funds included in this group, can be used in treatment only as prescribed by a specialist. It is necessary to visit a neurologist, as well as a cardiologist. After necessary tests After examination, you will be prescribed medications that are suitable specifically for your case. Often the prescribed medications are intended to be taken for a lifetime.

Nicotinic acid derivatives

This kind of medicine does not have the ability to dilate large vessels. Nicotinic acid has a vasodilating effect on capillaries. One of the side effects when using this drug is considered to be redness of the skin, and this is due precisely to this property of nicotinic acid.

Medicines belonging to this type of group help reduce the amount of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, which can be deposited on the vascular walls. In this regard, experts recommend of this kind medications for complex effects, as well as to improve the condition of vascular walls and to prevent vascular accidents. Typically, these drugs are used for course treatment in injection form and only under the supervision of a doctor.

This type of medicine includes tablets such as Enduratin, nicotinic acid and Nikoshpan. They can be purchased at the pharmacy only with a doctor's prescription. The fact is that due to not correct intake such medications may damage the liver.

Ginkgo biloba remedies

From such an unusual plant, considered a relict, medicines are made that differ complex impact for blood supply
brain. The effect of taking ginkgo is that vascular spasms are relieved, microcirculation is enhanced, as well as the permeability of the vascular walls, and blood fluidity changes. Also, the antioxidants included in the drug improve the condition of the walls of arteries and veins, and also destroy all existing free radicals. Also, these drugs can relieve the brain from edema and lead to significant improvement metabolism in nerve tissue. Ginkgo biloba is included in such preparations as:

  • Bilobil;
  • Ginkor Fort;
  • Tanakan;
  • Gingium, etc.

A doctor's prescription is not required to purchase this type of medication. They can be used in medicinal purposes on one's own. However, before you start taking it, you should definitely study all the contraindications. Aspirin should not be used together with these medications, as this can lead to cerebral hemorrhage.

Medicines based on periwinkle

Derivatives of the vinca alkaloid (a horticultural crop) have a positive effect on blood circulation in the brain. This substance has
antispasmodic effect, which helps relax blood vessels. This alkaloid also helps improve metabolism in brain tissue. This active substance prevents platelets from sticking together and also improves blood microcirculation in the vessels of the brain. As a result nerve cells get required amount nutrients.

A fairly popular medicine for brain vessels is called Vinpocetine is a derivative of this alkaloid. This medicine has several other names:

  • Vero-Vinpocetine;
  • Vincetin;
  • Cavinton Forte;
  • Bravinton;
  • Vinpocetine;
  • Cavinton;
  • Telektol.

However, it should be remembered that you cannot take this kind of medicine like Vinpocetine and Cavinton without first visiting a doctor. This tool available in form injections And tablets. Considered most effective drip administration course of injections. The attending physician must select the most appropriate treatment regimen for this type of medication.

Medicines that strengthen vascular walls

Those patients who have diseases that contribute to their damage, for example: diabetes mellitus, hypertension or atherosclerosis, especially need to improve the condition of vascular walls. Some microelements and vitamins have a similar effect on the body:

These products can be used without a doctor's prescription. But it should be remembered that in mandatory It is worth adhering to the recommendations related to the dosage of these drugs for each age group.

Agents that normalize the rheological properties of blood

It is impossible to influence the vascular system of the brain as positively as possible using means that only affect the blood vessels. The fact is that blood is also not the least important. A large number of diseases, as well as metabolic disorders, cause blood clotting to significantly increase. And this can lead to the formation of blood clots inside the vessels, as well as the development of ischemic damage to the brain tissue. In this regard, when complex treatment means must be used that influence rheological properties blood.

These drugs are used in the treatment only
as prescribed by a specialist, and their appointment is carried out strictly following his advice. The doctor prescribes a suitable dosage, which is strictly prohibited from increasing or decreasing, as this may cause bleeding.

Groups of blood thinners:

  • antiplatelet agents include - clopidogrel, aspirin, ticlopidine and etc.;
  • anticoagulants of indirect and direct effects include - warfarin, finilin, apixaban; low molecular weight heparins and heparin, syncumar, rivaroxaban;
  • thrombolytics include - urokinase, alteplase, metalyse, fibrinolysin, streptokinase, actylyse.

In the case of systematically correct use of drugs from this group, it is quite possible to stabilize the process of atherosclerotic damage to the vascular system of the brain. It is also possible to achieve a certain regression of existing in the arteries atherosclerotic plaques. Taking the drugs helps increase the lumen in the arteries and also helps improve metabolism in nerve tissues.

For this purpose, the following groups of drugs are used:

Vitamins for the vascular system of the brain

Why vitamin support is important

Nutrition of the brain and its saturation with oxygen directly depends on the condition and normal operation its vascular system.

In the modern world, life is very busy. Requirements and flows of information surround us almost around the clock and force us to work hard.

People are forced to remember great amount information, constantly process it, analyze it, make important and responsible decisions. At the same time, time for rest and good sleep there is practically none left.

As a result, brain activity gradually decreases, and in order to cheer it up, you have to drink coffee, energy drinks and other stimulants. This helps for a while, but ultimately leads to even greater brain exhaustion and increased fatigue.

In order to avoid this, you need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle with good nutrition and rest. And also take additional microelements and vitamins to nourish the central nervous system. Since these substances have an antioxidant, anti-stress and tonic effect, food does not always cover the entire need for them.

What substances does the brain need?

To strengthen cerebral vessels antioxidants are needed, substances that deactivate toxins and stimulate metabolic processes.

The following vitamins have these effects:

  • A ( good antioxidant, strengthens the walls of blood vessels);
  • group B (a whole group of substances with similar chemical structure, improving the composition of the blood, the condition of blood vessels, stimulating memory, increasing the resistance of nervous tissue to oxygen starvation);
  • E (a powerful natural antioxidant, reduces the risk of stroke and atherosclerosis);
  • K (normalizes blood clotting and tone of vascular walls);
  • P (strengthens blood vessels, maintaining their elasticity, and normalizes their permeability);
  • C (prevents the development of atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases);
  • PP (promotes vasodilation, ensuring saturation of the central nervous system with oxygen and nutrients);
  • D (prevents the occurrence of tumors in the brain);
  • selenium (protects nerve cells from peroxidation, as it is an antioxidant itself and enhances antioxidant properties vitamin E);
  • iron (helps improve memory and concentration);
  • phosphorus (an essential component for brain function, as it is necessary for all energy processes);
  • magnesium (helps relieve nerve impulses from neurons, due to which it has a calming effect, relieves spasms in blood vessels, eliminates headaches, improves sleep);
  • zinc (normalizes the transmission of nerve impulses between neurons, fights depression, sleep disorders, is necessary in the treatment of epilepsy);
  • omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (essential in the construction of neurons, improve all functions of the central nervous system - memory, attention, speech, etc.).

Of course, that's not all necessary substances, but only the most important ones. For the healthy functioning of the brain and its blood vessels, proper balanced diet, which will provide a sufficient amount of all amino acids, vitamins, trace elements and minerals.

How does hypovitaminosis manifest?

When it enters the body an insufficient amount vitamins, or when their deficiency is observed due to faster consumption in a state of brain exhaustion, a person experiences many unpleasant symptoms.

Most patients complain of:

  • increased fatigue;
  • bad memory;
  • decreased concentration;
  • deterioration in performance;
  • increased nervousness and irritability;
  • insomnia, difficulty falling asleep and poor sleep;
  • drowsiness during the day;
  • frequent headaches and dizziness;
  • apathy and depression;
  • panic attacks, etc.

If you notice similar symptoms, you should urgently consult a neurologist. And most importantly, you need to start resting more. Surely the doctor’s instructions for treatment will include this item.

Indications and contraindications for vitamin therapy

Not only a lack of vitamins is harmful, but also their excess. Therefore, you should take them only after taking blood tests to determine their content.

A neurologist or therapist can give a referral for such an examination. But in some cases the reception vitamin preparations justified without preliminary analyses.

Indications for their use are:

  • acute cerebrovascular accidents;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • periods chronic stress or high voltage(exams, reporting periods, etc.);
  • periods of excessive active work activity;
  • sleep disorders;
  • diseases of the nervous system (epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, neuroses, etc.);
  • elderly age;
  • mental retardation in children;
  • rehabilitation after head injuries;
  • treatment of neuroinfections, etc.

Thus, there are a lot of conditions when you need to take vitamins for the head and blood vessels. But there are almost no contraindications for taking them. There is only one thing - individual intolerance to the individual components included in the composition.

Popular vitamin complexes

Vitamins for brain vessels can be taken either individually in the form of mono-preparations or as part of complex products. The advantage of such complexes is the presence of all necessary substances and microelements, and they are selected to the maximum effective combination and ratio.

Photos of the most popular vitamins in pharmacies:

Modern pharmaceuticals have come a long way and continue to actively develop, so the range of vitamin preparations in pharmacies is very wide. The main differences between them are the list and quantity useful components and country of production. The price of the drug and the effects it provides depend on these characteristics.

There are a lot of vitamins and microelements that are important for the blood vessels of the brain. You cannot include them all in one complex, since not all of them will be assimilated in such a combination. Therefore, you need to pay attention to ensure that the composition contains the most significant components. They are presented in the table below:

Most often, neurologists prescribe the following vitamin complexes to adults:

  • NeuroPlus (Russia)– contains tonic components (gingko biloba, ginger, licorice, gota kola);
  • "Neurostrong" (Russia)– a vitamin complex with tonic substances, additionally enriched with blueberry extracts and L-glutamic acid;
  • "Memory Rise" (Russia)– a rich vitamin preparation with amino acids and plant extracts;
  • "Intellan" (Pakistan)– characterized by the presence of extracts medicinal herbs in its composition (ginkgo biloba, centella asiatica, herpestis, coriander, amomum, emblica);
  • "Brain and Memory" (USA)– concentrate in the form of a solution with extracts of medicinal plants.

In pediatric neurology, the following vitamins for the vessels of the neck and head are more popular:

  • “Glycine Bio” (Russia) is a mono-drug made from one amino acid (glycine), absolutely safe, approved for use in children from birth;
  • "Biotredin" (Russia) - a product based on vit. B6 and amino acids L-threonine;
  • “Pikovit Omega-3” (Slovenia) – a vitamin complex in the form of a peach-flavored syrup, often used during the period of a child’s adaptation to school;
  • “Vitrum Memory” (USA) – ginkgo biloba extract with zinc, vit. C and group B;
  • “Junior Bee Smart” (Iceland) – vitamins in combination with omega-3 fatty acids in the form of chewing marmalade.

The doctor must decide which vitamin complex for the arteries of the brain to choose. He will help you choose the most effective drug depending on the situation.

In some cases, the use of monovitamins in the form of injections is required. Most often, this need arises after injuries, when acute diseases or severe vitamin deficiencies.

What foods contain substances essential for the brain?

To prevent the development of diseases of the brain and blood vessels, it is necessary to eat properly, trying to adhere to a diet with a complete content of vitamins, minerals and microelements.

To do this, you need to include in your food:

  1. Whole grain products (bread, cereals, bran), as they contain B vitamins, magnesium, iron, potassium and calcium.
  2. Fatty fish is a source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as vit. A, D, group B and a number of microelements (zinc, chromium, copper, selenium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, calcium).
  3. Nuts (contain omega fatty acids, B vitamins, tocopherol and a number of important micro and macroelements).
  4. Berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, gooseberries, etc.). They contain many natural antioxidants and flavonoids.
  5. Fresh vegetables (especially spinach, avocado, tomatoes, red peppers, cabbage, eggplant, beets). Rich in antioxidants and microelements. Avocado is different increased content essential fatty acids.
  6. Fresh fruits (apples, pears, bananas, citrus fruits). They have a lot of vit. C, E, A, group B and antioxidants.
  7. Spices, since they contain not only many vitamins, but also essential oils, organic acids, amino acids and trace elements. Turmeric, saffron, ginger, cinnamon, rosemary, and sage are especially useful.
  8. Honey. This is not only an excellent sugar substitute, but also a real storehouse of essential vitamins and microelements.

Proper and balanced nutrition will help not only your brain and its blood vessels stay healthy longer, but also all other organs and systems in the body.

Which foods contain specific vitamins can be seen in the following table:

Vitamins and microelements are certainly important components for active mental activity, good memory and healthy sleep. They are able to ensure complete saturation of the brain with oxygen and nutrients by maintaining the vascular system.

After all, blood supply and all activity of brain cells depend on the health of blood vessels. Of course, vitamins will never be replaced good rest, which is no less important for health. Therefore, if you want to remain sane and have good memory until old age, get more rest, eat well and adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

Cerebral circulation can be impaired for various reasons at any age. To improve vascular health, special drugs are always prescribed that dilate arteries and capillaries, strengthen their walls and eliminate spasms.

Who may need vascular medications?

IN early childhood changes in blood flow in the brain are a consequence perinatal encephalopathy, birth injuries, hypoxia during childbirth, pressure drop during caesarean section. At correct drafting After treatment plan, within 2-3 years the child’s condition will normalize. If the baby has cerebral palsy and other serious diseases, he will have to take vascular medications for the rest of his life.

Children in school age grow rapidly, and vascular medications may be needed due to the increased load.

In adults, cerebral circulation disorders are even more common - due to heart disease, osteochondrosis, ischemia, thrombosis, injuries, and operations.

In older people, the blood vessels of the brain suffer from atherosclerosis - blockage of the arteries with plaques. All of these categories of patients have indications for taking vascular drugs.

These medications are among the most popular among neurologists and therapists. By reducing the amount of calcium in cell membranes the vascular walls relax, their lumen expands, and blood flow increases. The amount of nutrients and oxygen reaching the brain also increases. The tone of the veins does not change, which is important for maintaining normal venous outflow. There are a number of proven drugs, as well as new generation drugs. Which ones are better to choose? The list of the most popular is given in the table.

Currently, third-generation drugs are being developed that have even fewer side effects and contraindications. The above remedies can also be treated arterial hypertension. Vasodilators are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Antioxidants and antihypoxants

Such medications are always prescribed as part of complex therapy to improve cerebral vascular function. They quickly eliminate the symptoms of oxygen starvation and help strengthen vascular walls. Here is a list of the best medicines:

Also improves performance cerebral vessels Complamin, Glutamic acid, Picamilon and other antihypoxic, antioxidant agents.

Vitamins and minerals

Next group vasodilators for the brain is vitamin supplements, urgently necessary for the normal functioning of blood vessels. Most often, patients are recommended drugs based on nicotinic acid in injections.

The medicine improves the metabolism of nitrogenous substances and carbohydrates, dilates blood vessels, and reduces cholesterol. Nicotinic acid also improves blood microcirculation in the brain and replenishes vitamin B3 deficiency.

The main preparations with vitamins are Nicotinamide, Niacinamide, A nicotinic acid in ampoules.

Rutin is another remedy that strengthens blood vessels. Troxerutin and Ascorutin are made on its basis; they are prescribed against the fragility of small capillaries, to reduce the permeability of vascular walls, as an antioxidant.

Also for patients with vascular diseases It is recommended to regularly take tablets with retinol, tocopherol, potassium, selenium, and silicon. For osteochondrosis of the neck and other diseases of the spine, a complex of B vitamins - Neuromultivit, Compligam, Milgamma - is always introduced into the course of therapy.


These medications do not act directly on blood vessels, but they improve overall metabolism in tissues, stabilize neurocyte membranes, increase tissue resistance to oxygen starvation, thereby optimizing blood supply to the brain. Nootropics are prescribed even to children, they are indicated for most elderly people, and are used in the complex treatment of osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, the consequences of cerebral palsy, etc.

The cheapest and most accessible are racetams - Piracetam, Nootropil, Lucetam, Phenotropil and others.

TO to the last generation drugs include Cortexin, which is a complex of polypeptides from the animal cerebral cortex. The medicine is injected into the muscle; it is available only in injection form. Price for 10 ampoules - 1300 rubles.

Patients are also given the following injections:

Many nootropics have a positive effect on blood composition - they prevent platelets from sticking together, improving blood microcirculation by increasing its fluidity. This helps to avoid thrombosis and other serious complications of vascular pathologies.

Medicines for atherosclerosis

If a person is diagnosed with atherosclerosis, treatment with folk remedies or so-called vascular cleansing is not always enough. Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels is very serious illness, without treatment it leads to stroke.

The following will help improve blood circulation in this pathology:

In mild cases of atherosclerosis, it is enough to take Omega-3 acids, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent the disease from progressing.

Other drugs

Often a person experiences vascular spasms (when taking vasoconstrictor medications, hypertension, smoking, etc.). In this case, antispasmodics will help improve blood flow - No-shpa, Revalgin, Drotaverine, Papaverine. Doctors also prescribe as vascular agents:

You cannot select treatment regimens on your own - it is important to make prescriptions taking into account the exact indications and type of disease, know the contraindications, side effects and effectiveness of active substances.


The role of vitamins in brain function

The functioning of the brain is incredibly complex. Many science fiction films have been created about it, where the characters try to influence memory, intelligence, and learning ability. Scientists have penetrated quite deeply into this area of ​​fiction and can explain many of the processes occurring in the brain. Its functioning is greatly influenced by hormones. Brain activity depends on the condition of blood vessels and the sufficiency of blood supply, on the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain. A variety of vitamins take part in all processes of ensuring brain function.

Ascorbic acid supplied with daily diet products is necessary for hematopoiesis and strengthens vascular walls. Retinol (vitamin A) and tocopherol (vitamin E) – essential vitamins for cerebral vessels, since they take part in the creation and restoration of vascular epithelium. Vitamin D regulates work endocrine system, in particular the production of hormones for memory development, increased performance and improved thinking. B vitamins provide the brain with the necessary energy and are responsible for the harmonious functioning of the central nervous system (CNS).

At normal conditions During life, the brain does not need additional vitamin support. However, in the modern rhythm of life with emotional and physical overload, disrupted diet and chronic fatigue people are eager to choose the best vitamins that will help them stimulate their brain function. Pharmaceutical industry offers many vitamin stimulants in tablets and ampoules. They are intended for overtired adults and even children. For an adult, taking medications that improve blood flow to the brain can be useful for maintaining mental processes. But a child may suffer from excessive stimulation of the brain with vitamins if there is no direct medical indication for this.

Vitamin support for memory loss

Those who are faced with the problem of memory deterioration most often begin to dream about vitamins for the brain. The norm for this concept is quite vague. Some people may have a predominance of short-term memory, while others may have a predominance of long-term memory. But when it becomes difficult for a person to remember the amount of information that was recently imprinted in memory easily and quickly, it is worth thinking about vitamin support.

One of the causes of memory impairment is traumatic brain injury (TBI). The more common name for TBI is concussion. When a concussion occurs, an acute short-term disturbance occurs brain functions, because of this, memory deteriorates. To quickly restore brain function and improve memory, the doctor may prescribe antioxidant vitamins, vitamin B6.

Another common cause of memory problems is atherosclerosis of the vessels that supply blood to the brain. Recently similar problem was typical for older people, but now spasms of blood vessels and narrowing of their lumens are increasingly common in young people. Atherosclerosis can cause a cerebral stroke, when the cerebral blood supply is disrupted for several minutes, but the symptoms disappear within 24 hours. Acute stroke characterized by a circulatory disorder in the brain that does not go away within 24 hours and without timely assistance may lead to irreversible consequences.

After a brain stroke, memory deteriorates because some brain areas were deprived of nutrition due to impaired blood supply. To restore memory and other brain functions, the doctor prescribes vitamins after a stroke, which complement the main treatment. Usually these are group B drugs, antioxidants. Prescribed vitamins must be taken for a long time under the supervision of a specialist.

B vitamins for the brain

When it comes to vitamins for improving brain function, the first thing people mention is group B. All bioactive substances in this group have certain properties that improve the functioning of the nervous system and brain. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) has especially important functions for the head:

  • improves glucose absorption and stimulates metabolic processes in brain cells;
  • participates in the synthesis of neurotransmitters that transmit impulses from nerve cells to various tissues;
  • necessary for memory, increasing brain performance;
  • has a lipotropic effect and protects vascular walls from cholesterol plaques;
  • relieves headaches, seizures and other central nervous system disorders;
  • controls the production of hormones by the hypothalamic-pituitary system.

Pyridoxine (one of the forms of vitamin B6) is one of the few vitamins, the need for which is almost completely covered by food. In addition, it is produced in the intestines. Its deficiency can develop against the background of some diseases that impair the absorption of vitamin B6. Then, on the recommendation of a doctor, its deficiency is compensated for by pharmaceutical supplements.

Properties of B vitamins important for brain function

Vitamin Function
Thiamine (B1) Essential for nourishing brain cells and preventing their aging
Riboflavin (B2) Supplies the brain with energy, prevents exhaustion of the nervous system
Niacin (B3) Improves short-term, long-term and sensory memory, prevents dementia
Pantothenic acid (B5) Participates in the transmission of nerve impulses and is responsible for the preservation of long-term memories
Folic acid (B9) Affects sleep quality, prevents apathy, depression, fatigue
Cobalamin (B12) Protects nerve cells from exhaustion and increases the conductivity of nerve impulses

When choosing preparations with B vitamins, you must remember that these substances improve the absorption of magnesium, which is necessary for the functioning of the nervous system and brain. And the combination of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 significantly reduces any pain.

Active plant extracts in brain vitamins

Most often in complex vitamins for brain function include ginkgo biloba leaf extract. This plant was mentioned in the ancient sources of Chinese medicine as a means for memory and creating smooth calm mood for meditation. Modern scientific studies of this plant have shown that its leaves contain substances that affect the tone blood vessels brain The bioactive components of ginkgo biloba restore lost communications between brain neurons, strengthening memory.

Ginkgo biloba leaf extract contains substances that help balance mood, relieve migraine pain, restore brain blood vessels, and are important for improving cerebral circulation.

Another natural remedy to stimulate brain activity– ginseng root, which is included in complex vitamins for the brain and nervous system. This plant also became famous thanks to Chinese medicine, where it was used to improve memory and mental performance, concentration. It is traditionally used to improve blood circulation in the brain and for migraine headaches. I wonder what western medicine uses ginseng root as a means to activate the brain, and the eastern one considers it a sedative for neuroses and insomnia.

Many complex vitamins for strengthening blood vessels in the brain contain green tea leaf extract. The most valuable property of this plant for the brain and memory is its vascular strengthening effect. The bioactive substances of tea leaves can restore inner wall blood vessels affected by atherosclerotic plaques. For atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, green tea leaf extract helps restore impaired cerebral circulation, increase the elasticity of vascular walls, and prevent the risk of stroke.

Vitamin complexes to improve brain function

The peculiarity of vitamin preparations for brain function is that they contain various bioactive substances that improve memory, attention, and performance. Phytoconcentrates, vitamins, and minerals not only enhance each other’s activity, but also allow you to solve a wide range of problems to improve brain activity.

Vitamin complex Active substances Action
Vitrum memory

Ginkgo biloba leaf extract, zinc, vitamins B1, B2, B6, ascorbic acid
  • improves blood circulation;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • helps saturate the brain with oxygen

Griffonia seed extract, vitamins B6 and B12
  • improves the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • normalizes the sleep-wake cycle;
  • prevents depression
Will direct

Ginkgo biloba extract, vitamins B4, B6, B9, B12, calcium, magnesium
  • reduces the likelihood of hemorrhages from cerebral vessels;
  • saturates brain cells with oxygen;
  • speeds up thought processes
Gerimaks Energy

Green tea leaf and ginseng root extract, nicotinamide, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, tocopherol, pantothenic acid, magnesium, iron, zinc
  • improves memory and increases concentration;
  • helps improve mental performance;
  • normalizes sleep
Memory Forte

Extracts of gotu kola, ginseng root, glutamine, methionine, tyrosine
  • participates in the synthesis of hormones;
  • activates the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • stimulates blood supply to the brain
Brain Booster

Ginkgo biloba leaf extract, carnitine, selenium, ascorbic acid, vitamins B1, B3, B6, B9, B12
  • increases the supply of oxygen to brain cells;
  • promotes increased brain activity;
  • activates the transmission of nerve impulses
Orthomol Mental

Pantothenic acid, ginkgo biloba extract, biotin, vitamins B1, B2, B6, magnesium, calcium
  • activates brain function;
  • stimulates increased cerebral blood flow;
  • promotes good concentration

Which vitamins and their complexes are best to choose for brain function and how to take them should be discussed with your doctor. These medications are taken regularly and over a long period of time under the supervision of a specialist. In this case, the complexes will allow maintaining high mental performance for many years.

More information about vitamin preparations and their active ingredients that improve brain function, watch the video below.

Undoubtedly, for any person, their own health is of paramount importance. And the stable and full functioning of the body, maintaining its health, depends entirely on the condition of the blood vessels and heart. Few people at a young age burden themselves with thoughts about the need to properly take care of their health. As a rule, they remember about it only when the situation becomes critical and it seems very difficult to restore the body. However, even in such difficult cases it is possible to improve general health, reducing the daily load on the heart. This will help invaluable help special .

For the sake of a better understanding of the importance of blood vessels for full-fledged work body, you should know a few nuances:

  • Healthy, normally functioning vessels respond appropriately to the intensity of blood flow - that is, they expand and contract in a timely manner. This elasticity of blood vessels helps ensure normal metabolism. Excessive constriction of blood vessels entails a slowdown in metabolic processes, and, ultimately, a violation normal functioning internal organs due to lack of nutrition. Also, insufficient blood flow has an extremely negative effect on muscle tissue. It is also important that the condition of the blood vessels depends, and if their functioning is disrupted, there will also be problems with pressure.
  • Good blood flow depends on how smooth the walls of the vessels are - if the walls are smooth, the blood circulates normally throughout the body, without encountering any obstacles along the way. If smoothness is disrupted due to the accumulation of cholesterol deposits, blood clots may well appear in the vessels, and in this case the consequences will be very sad (even fatal outcome in some cases).

Good elasticity of blood vessels is one of the primary conditions for the full functioning of blood vessels in particular and the body in general. And help in preserving it will be provided special vitamins for vessels and capillaries.

Vitamin complex

Taking special vitamin preparations helps, and as a result restores blood circulation in the body. Vitamin complexes help maintain the smoothness and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

In particular, vitamins for blood vessels contain:

  • Vitamin R (aka rutin). It is able to prevent the occurrence of permeability of vascular walls and their fragility. Vitamins of this group are present in rose hips, currants, rowan, as well as in all citrus fruits. By the way, on the basis of rutin, the drug troxevasin was developed, which relieves pain in the legs and nourishes their blood vessels.
  • Vitamin C(or ascorbic acid). Helps maintain normal levels and improves immunity. Contained in the same fruits and berries as the previous one. In addition, all types of greens are rich in vitamin C - in particular, sorrel.
  • Vitamin B strengthens blood vessels, maintaining them in proper tone, reduces swelling, and prevents muscle weakening. It is contained in grains and legumes, meat products and brewer's yeast. Vitamin B served as the basis for the creation of exuzan, a medicine that normalizes blood flow in the veins.
  • Vitamin B5(otherwise called pantothenic acid). Insufficient content of this vitamin in the body leads to the appearance of pain in the limbs. Pantothenic acid is rich in yeast, broccoli, egg yolk and peanuts.

Vitamins for the brain

It is well known that disturbances in the blood circulation of the brain are very dangerous deviation, and can entail a number of consequences - problems with vision, speech and memory, and the like. To promptly prevent similar troubles, it is necessary to take special vitamins for the blood vessels of the brain, and especially those that belong to group B:

  • Thiamine(vitamin B1) – helps with and is responsible for learning ability. Its deficiency manifests itself in the form of insomnia, depression, numbness of the arms and legs, and loss of coordination. The largest amount of vitamin B1 is found in meat, fish, oatmeal, eggs and nuts.
  • Riboflavin(vitamin B2) – nourishes the brain with the energy necessary for its full functioning. A lack of riboflavin causes a feeling of drowsiness and general weakness, lethargy appears, in some cases the symptoms worsen. Meat and dairy products are rich in vitamin B2.
  • A nicotinic acid(vitamin B3) – increases energy production and improves the functioning of brain vessels. A lack of this vitamin is characterized by rapid fatigue, tiredness, and memory impairment. To avoid the above problems, you need to enrich your diet with nuts, buckwheat and meat, as well as fish.
  • Pantothenic acid(vitamin B5) – stimulates brain function. With its deficiency, insomnia and a feeling of fatigue occur, depression and memory problems appear. To replenish vitamin B5 deficiency, you must eat more milk, buckwheat, cabbage, liver and peas.
  • Pyridoxine(vitamin B6) – is necessary for the full functioning of the central nervous system, and in its treatment is used in conjunction with a complex of medications. If there is a deficiency of it, irritability and insomnia, anxiety and depression appear. You should include bananas, walnuts, grains and legumes, and rice in your diet.
  • Folic acid(vitamin B9) – is responsible for the normal reaction of the central nervous system, affects the speed of thinking. It is contained in large quantities in nuts, fruits and vegetables that have not been subjected to heat treatment, cereals and beef. Folic acid usually prescribed to women during the first trimester of pregnancy to ensure normal development fetus and prevention of its congenital pathologies.
  • Cyanocobalamin(vitamin B12) - is responsible for normalizing sleep patterns, as well as cognitive functions of the brain. It should be taken when changing time zones or changing lifestyle. A lack of vitamin B12 provokes the development of senile dementia, ringing in the ears, memory impairment and visual impairment, and depression. Seafood, milk, and poultry are rich in it.

In addition, you need to ensure that your diet contains sufficient amounts of vitamins C, E, D, P (they help active blood circulation and cleansing of blood vessels), and amino acids.

For eye vessels

If cutting sensations begin to appear more and more often in the eyes, bruising and tingling occur - this is a sign of weakening of their blood vessels. In this case, you need to take special vitamins for the blood vessels of the eyes.

There are many reasons for weakening of the blood vessels in the eyes. Here are the main ones:

  • Allergies (for example, to cosmetics).
  • Long-term work at the computer.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Great physical activity.

For the treatment and prevention of weakness ocular vessels, must be taken ascorbic acid and B vitamins. In addition, you need to enrich your diet with foods with high content routine.

For leg vessels

Every person has repeatedly heard about varicose veins veins So, this disease is the result of internal trauma to the vessels of the legs, and tends to gain momentum if treatment is not started in a timely manner, up to the development of extensive inflammation.

Varicose veins are stagnation of blood in the veins due to weakening and deformation of the venous valves. The disease usually develops in people with overweight or hormonal imbalances, as well as in those who have a genetic predisposition to it.

To strengthen the veins, in this case, medications prescribed by a doctor are used, in combination with herbal medicine and physiotherapy. It is also necessary to reduce the load on the legs as much as possible, limit the consumption of salty foods, alcohol, coffee and tea, and engage in special therapeutic exercises. In addition to the above, you should take vitamins high in iron, zinc and calcium.

However, one rule must be firmly remembered: no treatment (as well as taking any vitamin complexes) cannot be started without first contacting a specialist. Self-medication based on your own assumptions can have very harmful consequences for the body.



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