Which helps increase lactation. There could be more milk! About ways to increase lactation

Hello, dear readers. The Internet is replete with requests on the topic: “ Products that increase breast milk lactation.” Wow, future and real mothers, you've got it wrong. Either " lactation ", or “breast milk production”. So what should unfortunate Yandex do with such a “over-oiled” request? Look for someone who understands the topic. And, perhaps, he found the answer for you! Well, let’s try to figure out whether you need to increase lactation in general and how to do it.

Why do you think you don't have enough milk? The child does not eat enough, cries, often asks for breastfeeding?

Colostrum, milk, its quantity...

Are your breasts soft and producing a small amount of light brown secretion? That's right, it's colostrum. In the first month After childbirth, the process of lactation formation begins. It goes differently for everyone. And it doesn't all start with milk.

After childbirth your glands do not produce milk, but colostrum. This is a nutritional concentrate; on the first day, the baby only needs 5 ml per feeding. Your glands produce up to 100 ml of colostrum per day, and your breasts just seem empty. For the first 3 days you will feed the baby this invaluable concentrate.

When feeding, keep in mind that the baby requires 10 ml of mature milk for every day of life. That is, on the 3rd day, the baby needs an average of 30 ml of milk for each feeding. Of course, the volume of nutritional substance varies and depends on the volume of the baby’s stomach and its weight.

How much should an infant eat?

Child's ageAmount of milk consumed per feeding, mlAmount of milk consumed per day
3-4 days20-60 200-300 ml
1 Week50-80 400 ml
2 weeks60-90 20% of the child's weight
1 month100-110 600 ml
2 months120-150 800 ml
3 months150-180 1/6 of the child's weight
4 months180-210 1/6 of the child's weight
5-6 months210-240 1/7 of the child’s weight (800-1000 ml)
7-12 months210-240 1/8-1/9 of the child's weight

Then, on days 4-5, colostrum is replaced by transitional milk, and only from day 6 your glands are filled with mature milk. The rate of replacement of colostrum with mature milk varies among women. Therefore, pediatricians recommend taking your time with ways to enhance lactation. Feed your baby on demand. In the first month children should literally “hang on their chest.”

Neonatologists say that in the first 28 days of life a child wants to feed from 8 to 20! once a day, and this is the norm. If your baby requires breastfeeding every hour, this does not mean that you have little milk or that it is not high in calories.

Remember that in primiparous women Mature milk will appear 6-10 days after natural delivery.

Now about fat content

Your glands may produce enough secretions, but milk may not be enough fat content How to check the fat content of milk at home we talk about in a separate article. You can also have your milk tested. Read about this on our website too.

About other problems

In a nursing mother there is a lot of concern and there is not always experience to determine whether the required amount of secretion is contained in the glands. Obstetricians in the maternity hospital often encounter complaints about a lack of nutritional fluid and requests to supplement the baby with formula. But having tried to evaluate the breasts, they discover that the woman has plenty of milk, she just does not know how to express it, just as she cannot properly breastfeed the baby. We have prepared separate materials on the rules of pumping and how to properly feed your baby.

Lactation after surgical delivery

This is the topic of a separate article. Because lactation after cesarean has a number of features. Let's look at them briefly.If the operation is performed urgently before the onset of contractions, you will actually encounter a problem with breastfeeding (BF). Because during childbirth, a woman’s body produces hormones that stimulate the production of milk secretions (prolactin) and its release (oxytocin).

In the absence of contractions, the body “does not know” that the baby has been born and it is time to feed him. And it will take about a week until the lactation mechanism “disinhibits”. True, in this case we are not talking about increasing the production of milk and products that stimulate it, but about the fullest possible contact with the child, stimulating the nipples with a small mouth, so that signals about the need for feeding enter the brain and trigger the entire breastfeeding system.

If you were unable to give birth to a child due to weak labor and you had surgery during labor, after cesarean you will feed your baby almost the same as after a natural birth, perhaps with a slight lag (1-2 days). This happens for 2 reasons:

  1. The sucking reflex in children after cesarean section is delayed.
  2. Competent imprinting (imprinting or training, in this case, imprinting the sucking reflex of a newborn, the first application of a child to the nipple) occurs in isolated cases.

It is important that you put your baby to your breast in the first 30-60 minutes after birth. This will speed up the process of secretion of nutrient fluid and strengthen the baby's sucking reflex. This is important since the peak of sucking activity in children occurs 25-40 minutes after birth. At this moment, you need to attach the baby to the nipple and strengthen the reflex, which is important for his survival. If the child does not take the nipple or does not suck, but he is healthy, you need to insist and give the breast until he makes at least a few sucking movements.

In women after cesarean Colostrum and milk may indeed not be produced for the first few days. But this is not a problem for the baby. You may be surprised, but a newborn can do without breast milk for several days (according to some sources, up to 10 days, if the “wet diaper” test is positive, that is, the baby continues to urinate). True, he will have to be given water to drink.

About insufficient secretion

Even with natural childbirth in a woman 2 problems may arise:

  1. Hypolactation is a decrease in the secretion of nutrient fluid after a period of normal production. Occurs when the baby is premature, improperly latched onto the nipple, the mother’s reluctance to feed the baby, as a result of the baby’s illness or feeding according to a schedule, as well as due to the frequent use of nipple substitutes (pacifiers and formula).
  2. Hypogalactia is a decrease in milk production during breastfeeding.

The latter could be:

  • early (develops in the first week after delivery);
  • late (occurs after 10 days);
  • primary, develops in postpartum women as a result of drug stimulation of labor (oxytocin, estrogens or prostaglandins administered artificially);
  • secondary, occurs against the background of fatigue.

Secondary hypogalactia can be easily corrected by relatives and husband. Give the young mother a good night's sleep, help her apply her offspring to the nipple more often, and lactation will return to normal! In other cases, you will have to work hard.

What to do if there is really little milk or it is low-fat?

What to do what if the milk doesn't come? It is best to seek advice from a lactologist. He will get acquainted with the causes of the condition and develop an individual scheme for restoring hepatitis B processes. We will introduce you to the physiological features of a nursing mother and how to take advantage of them:

  1. For the process of producing (making) milk in a nursing mother the hormone responds - . Its maximum amount is produced at night between 2 and 4 hours. Feed your child during this period to stimulate lactation.
  2. Sleep with your baby for the first year of his life, do not rush to transfer the baby to the playpen. Co-sleeping stimulates lactation.
  3. Spend more time with your child, tune in to breastfeeding. One of the reasons for decreased milk secretion is the mother’s psychological unpreparedness for feeding. If you thought throughout your pregnancy that breastfeeding would ruin the beauty of your bust and did not want to feed your baby, problems may well arise with the production of milk secretions. Even if, after taking the baby in your arms, you changed your mind. Therefore, when feeding, try to be as close to the baby as possible (skin-to-skin, eye-to-eye - this is the rule for successful lactation).
  4. Try to rest, use relatives for household chores. A catastrophically sleep-deprived mother will have a deficiency of nutritional fluid.
  5. Before feeding, drink warm tea, do a light breast massage, for example, with warm shower jets.
  6. Feed your baby on demand. While sucking, the baby stimulates nipple receptors, which signal to the brain that it is necessary to more actively replenish the reserves of mammary gland secretions.
  7. Eat small portions more often, but often.
  8. Consult your doctor and choose lactogenic teas and homeopathic tablets (Apilak, fennel tea).
  9. Increase the volume of liquid you drink to 2 liters per day.

Teas pretty quickly help enhance the production of mammary gland secretions, if your physiology allows it. Remember that if your mother fed you artificially and her glands could not cope with producing the required amount of milk, there is a risk that you are predisposed to this phenomenon.

And finally, about products that increase the quantity and improve the quality of secretion

Food a nursing mother should have:

  • fresh;
  • saturated with minerals, vitamins, proteins;
  • vegetables and fruits should prevail over meat.

Which exactly the products that help improve the product of the mammary glands and increase its quantity? Let's see list.

BeveragesHerbs and spicesFood
AcidFennelAdyghe cheese
Walnut juiceCarawayDried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, raisins, figs)
Carrot juiceAniseNuts (not consumed at 1 month, causes constipation and increases blood clotting)
Freshly squeezed blackcurrant juiceNettleBuckwheat (fried in a frying pan and eaten as seeds or consumed as porridge)
Meat broth (not fatty)HawthornOatmeal with dried fruits or nuts
Birch sap (natural)DillSeeds
Chicory drinks with milkGinger (be careful with this product, it can cause a burning sensation in the stomach of you and your baby, you need to add very little of it to the tea)Sesame
Acid productsOreganoHoney (be careful with this product, the child may have an allergy!)

If there is a deficiency of milk, some mothers are recommended to use yeast. Agree menu with a doctor. Some foods should not be consumed by you, for example, if you suffer from increased blood clotting (nettle and nuts will also increase it) or gastritis (in this case, be careful with ginger).

Bee products, especially honey and royal jelly, are good for health, strengthen the immune system, stimulate lactation, improve the quality of mammary secretions, but can cause allergies.

Don’t forget to discuss the rules for preparing lactogenic decoctions, infusions, and tea with your doctor.

This concludes our review, we hope we have helped you deal with the difficulties of lactation and you will invite your friends to the site using the capabilities of social networks.

Only lazy people don’t talk about the importance of breastfeeding: today all pediatricians support natural feeding and are fighting with all their might to convey to expectant mothers the fact of the benefits of breast milk. But not everyone has sufficient lactation. The reasons that can reduce milk production can be varied: stress, a woman’s physiological characteristics, and poor nutrition... But an improvement in the situation is possible if you know how to improve milk lactation in a nursing mother.

What will help improve the quality and quantity of breast milk?

Lactation is a period when a new mother should not limit herself in food, walks, or emotions. Also, you should not limit the number of feedings of the baby: if an infant asks to eat before the allotted time, the woman should feed him - this way lactation is restored faster.

Improved milk production is influenced by:

  • nutrition;
  • stress and nervousness;
  • walks;
  • feeding mode.

Nutritional Features

As for nutrition, the main condition is that food should be varied, nutritious, and healthy. Mom should stop eating heavy and fatty foods, since there is no benefit from it - it does not improve milk production and spoils the figure.

Portions for a nursing woman should be small (about half of what is usually eaten at one time), but you can eat several times a day. The main product of a nursing mother is beef or chicken soups. You should not give up drinks such as milk, apple juice (exclusively natural), cocoa and black tea. But there is no place for sparkling water, alcohol and green tea in the diet of a nursing woman.

Any product consumed by the mother should have a comfortable temperature: the food should be warm, but not hot. It is the correct food temperature that helps increase milk production.

Nursing mother's dream

Lactation and its quality directly depend on how well the mother rests. Many will say: “When should you actually rest if there is a baby in the house, and no one has canceled household chores?” So, dear mothers, almost each of you has a husband, family, friends, and loved ones. Trust them with your little one for an hour or two and relax like a human being. But rest does not mean doing household chores (washing, cleaning, sewing, etc.). It's better to lie down and get some sleep. And you will see how your attitude towards everything that happens changes: you will also have time to take care of your home and family, your husband and child will be happy, and at the same time you will be rested and happy. In addition, you will notice an improvement in lactation, because lack of sleep and overwork may well reduce the production of breast milk.

If your child is naughty at night and does not allow you to sleep, rest with him during the daytime. Believe me, homework will not go away, and with additional rest you will gain strength, mood, and lactation will improve.


Stress, anxiety and bad mood can reduce milk production. Any anxiety, even the slightest, can affect the improvement of lactation. And although it is impossible to protect yourself from all negative emotions, you should still try not to get nervous over trifles. If you feel some nervous tension, you can drink tea with mint or chamomile to relax. This herb will help lift your mood, and it is also good for babies.

Walking in any weather

You can improve lactation simply by taking a leisurely stroll down the street, especially since you still walk your baby in the fresh air every day. Don't neglect walks: they are useful for both nursing mothers and newborn babies. Indeed, in addition to the fact that fresh air and the surrounding nature have a positive effect on a person’s mental state, walking also helps saturate cells with oxygen and maintain muscle tone.

Feeding mode

A child should eat on demand - this is the principle of breastfeeding that is relevant today. If you reduce the number of feedings (remember that it is recommended to feed a newborn every 3 hours, regardless of the time of day), you will not be able to increase lactation. If the baby does not get enough to eat and asks for the breast more often, you need to breastfeed as many times as he requires - perhaps this is a feature of the baby.

Lactation may disappear or decrease if the mother is not psychologically attuned to the breastfeeding process. In these cases, you need to do the following: apply the baby to the breast more often and for longer, and not only during the day, but also at night. It will be possible to improve lactation faster if the baby sleeps next to his mother at night.

Improving lactation with food

Surprisingly, if you choose the right product, you can increase both milk production and its quality. First of all, a new mother should give up various smoked meats, pickles, hot herbs and spices. It is impossible to improve lactation with them. Moreover, each product included in this group contributes to fluid retention in the body, which causes swelling, weight gain, and decreased milk production. You should also exclude parsley, mint, and sage from your diet.

It is better to improve lactation by adding any product from the following list to your diet:

  1. Warm tea. The product is absolutely harmless if prepared correctly. So, the tea should not be strong; you can add a little honey or milk to it. You need to make and drink tea half an hour before feeding - this way it will promote the release of milk.
  2. Cumin and bread with it (mostly black). Improved lactation occurs if you periodically chew cumin or regularly eat bread with it. You can prepare a drink with cumin: 1 tsp. seeds are poured with boiling milk and left for 2 hours. 15 minutes before you need to feed the baby, drink ½ glass of this drink.
  3. It is recommended to make uzvar from dried fruits (plums, apples, pears), slightly sweetening it.
  4. Non-carbonated mineral water - at least 1.5 liters per day.
  5. A nut-based way to increase milk production is to consume several kernels per day. But here you need to be careful and attentive - nuts can be strong allergens, so you should not overdo it with their consumption.
  6. Dill tea is good for lactation. You need to make the drink like this: dill seeds in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 2 hours. Drink ½ glass twice a day.
  7. Herb lemon balm, oregano, nettle, hawthorn, dandelion as herbal drinks.
  8. Carrot and pumpkin juices, a natural drink made from blackthorn berries.
  9. Ginger.
  10. Hercules (as a porridge for breakfast with the addition of dried fruits or nuts) and buckwheat (fried in a frying pan, instead of seeds).
  11. Low-fat broths made from beef or chicken.
  12. Dairy and fermented milk products. Cheeses include feta cheese and Adyghe cheese.
  13. Carrots, onions, lettuce, watermelon.
  14. Barley drink with honey and milk.

In addition, you should not give up green vegetables - they are hypoallergenic and very useful if you need to improve lactation.

Special preparations

If a natural food product does not affect lactation, it is possible to use special preparations, but first you need to consult with a specialist about the advisability of their use. Such drugs are created on the basis of hormones responsible for milk production. A worthy alternative to them are special herbal teas, which are sold in the form of lactogenic tea bags. They often contain mint, fennel, anise, oregano, dill, chamomile, and linden. Such fees have little effect on lactation, but they help improve the general moral and psychological state of a woman and have a calming effect, as a result of which breast milk production is restored.

Physical exercise

There are exercises that can be used to improve blood flow to the breast and increase lactation. Here are a few of them:

  1. Spread your arms out to the sides so that they are parallel to the floor and connect them under your chest. Repeat the swings 20 times.
  2. Push ups. I have known this exercise since school. But in this case, there is no need to use a lying position: it is enough to rest against the hard surface of a sofa or chair.
  3. Breast massage. This should be done after feeding, massaging each breast in a circular motion.

Don’t forget to wipe your breasts with a soft terry towel after a shower, and pour warm water over your mammary glands during a shower.

Improving lactation will be successful if the mother follows these tips:

  • drink good water daily at least 1.5 liters per day;
  • drink lactogenic teas and decoctions;
  • do not overwork, get enough sleep;
  • walk more outside (at least 2 hours a day);
  • do not be nervous;
  • exclude physical activity;
  • give up diets;
  • put the baby to the breast more often;
  • feed the baby at night;
  • do not give up your favorite activities;
  • do self-massage of the breast;
  • eat properly and balanced;
  • express milk to the last drop;
  • if there is a decrease in lactation, you need to give the baby both breasts;
  • apply the baby to the breast correctly.

If you have problems with feeding, visit a doctor - he will tell you what and how to do so that lactation improves, and mother and child do not feel discomfort. Try to do everything to maintain breastfeeding, because mother's milk is the healthiest and most nutritious.

The formation of milk (colostrum) in the mammary glands and its secretion begins in women after childbirth. This natural and natural process is called lactation. A woman should be careful about the variety of her diet during this period.

5 main animal products for lactation during feeding

Often, at the border of 3-4 months of age, the mother’s level of white fluid in the breast decreases or disappears altogether. Nutrient requirements are high.

Products that increase lactation are present during the lactogenic crisis. There is a certain list of dishes that increase the quality and volume of white liquid.

  1. Beef increases the secretion of colostrum, it contains vitamins and macroelements. It is recommended to cook beef liver because it is low in calories.
  2. Turkey– dietary and low-allergenic meat. The protein in this meat is low in calories, easily digestible, and contains microelements: phosphorus, calcium and potassium.
  3. Lean pork. Pork has energy value. Lean pork is a product that increases breast milk lactation after childbirth. Use pork after heat treatment (boiled or steamed meat without adding oil). Once a week 150 g is the norm.
  4. Rabbit causes allergies in 7 cases out of 10 in children.
  5. Fish has vitamin D and omega 3 acids, easier to digest than meat. Salted fish leads to imbalance. Fried and smoked fish are contraindicated. River fish is suitable for broth without adding oil. Eat fish 2 times a week, 50 grams boiled. Red fish is not recommended in a woman’s diet if the baby is under 3 months old, it causes.

Products that stimulate lactation should not be fried. Meat contains animal protein. A daily intake is not complete without meat. To improve a nursing mother's lactation, eating meat is a must!

7 products with plant proteins for lactation

Peanuts are an excellent antidepressant; they increase the fat content of milk, enriching it with nutrients.
  1. Soybeans has a number of vitamins, calcium, magnesium, iron. Soy in soy sauce is a dressing element in the menu of a young mother, which contains lecithin, starch and fatty oil. Pediatricians do not recommend its frequent use due to an allergic reaction and even poisoning in infants.
  2. Seaweed or seaweed. Laminaria or seaweed are included in the menu when the baby is 3 months old. Amount of daily dish 200 g.
  3. Fried peanuts contains vitamins E and C. It is an excellent antidepressant, it increases the fat content of milk, enriching it with nutrients. Eating peanuts is limited, 2-3 times a day.
  4. Lentils. Isoflavones are substances in lentils that have a preventive effect against breast cancer. Do not consume legumes excessively, they cause flatulence and the child’s stool worsens.
  5. Beans has a diuretic effect. It contains calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, and ascorbic acid. Limit red beans in food, since red and orange are allergenic dyes for babies
  6. Bread with bran. Bread is a source of useful elements for the body: vegetable protein, fiber, B vitamins.
  7. Cereals have fiber, micro and macroelements. Oatmeal will provide the body with phytic acid. It is impossible to refuse cereal dishes during the feeding period.

After giving birth, a woman reconsiders so as not to harm the baby and thinks about the question: “What foods increase the lactation of breast milk?”

Products that increase milk lactation for a nursing mother contain proteins. They perform the function of hormones and enzymes.

At the turn of 2-3 months, colostrum decreases. The main thing is not to panic. The mistake many women make in deciding to drink more fluid is wrong!

You need to pay attention to products with proteins to increase the lactation of a nursing mother, and Avoid spicy foods and vegetables with a strong smell: onions, radishes or garlic, eat healthy and natural elements.

It should be noted that protein is an excellent building material for the body. The diet of a woman who has given birth includes 25% proteins. The daily protein intake is 2 g per 1 kg of weight for a young mother, that is, 50% plant proteins and 50% animal proteins.

We invite you to get acquainted with a varied and balanced diet that is beneficial both for the mother’s figure and for the baby’s delicate gastrointestinal tract.

And the mother will be able to monitor whether the baby has enough milk by learning the norms of breastfeeding and artificial feeding.

And you can get acquainted with the scheme for successfully introducing complementary foods to your baby.

Carbohydrate foods that promote lactation

Fast carbohydrates

Sweet carbonated drinks are strictly not recommended for breastfeeding
  • Sweet drinks. Artificial preservatives and dyes have a detrimental effect on the quality of the breast material.
  • Baked goods: cookies, crackers, marshmallows help improve colostrum.
  • Sweet carbonated drinks. Any such drink gets into the baby’s milk, which has a sharply negative effect on the baby’s health.
  • Alcohol and alcohol are prohibited.

Slow carbohydrates

  • Cereals have a lactogenic effect.
  • Vegetables. Fresh vegetables are healthy and contain a lot of vitamins. Eating pickled vegetables, like cabbage, is a cause of colic.
  • Mushrooms. Mushroom soup increases the secretion of white breast matter. A decoction with mushrooms, honey, herbs and nuts increases the amount of breast fluid.
  • Berries are obligate (strong) allergens, in particular strawberries and raspberries, and are excluded from the diet.

Carbohydrates play an indispensable role. However, excessive consumption harms the baby's body. The level of carbohydrates should not exceed 40% in the diet of a nursing mother.

Easily digestible carbohydrates, when overloaded, worsen the composition of breast fluid.

What fats increase breast milk lactation?

Saturated fats

  • Dairy or fermented milk products that improve lactation for a nursing mother: cheese, cottage cheese. They compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and macroelements. Drinking a large amount threatens an allergic reaction in a child, 200 ml per day.
  • Oil: coconut, palm and butter stops the lactation crisis. Coconut oil is easily digestible and does not lose its beneficial properties during the stewing process. Palm oil is half saturated, is included in the list of one of the products for breast milk lactation and is found in half of infant formulas.
  • Margarine disrupts the functioning of cell membranes; it is necessary to reduce its use in food during the period of feeding the baby.
  • Important! Cholesterol is not a product for increasing lactation, it is a harmful fat that is fraught with the quality of breast food. It makes the white liquid viscous and thick, which creates problems with absorption. The permissible cholesterol content in breast milk is 20 mg/100 ml of cholesterol.

Monounsaturated fats

  • Peanut butter
  • Sesame oil
  • Olive oil

Their use is limited and requires consultation with a specialist.

Polyunsaturated fats

  • Lard is poorly digested and is not recommended in the diet of a postpartum woman.
  • Fast food is prohibited from being included in the diet of a young mother.
  • Allows a course of taking fish oil to increase the milk supply of a nursing mother. To determine this course, you should consult with a specialist. Fish oil is a product that increases lactation and the fat content of breast milk. What is the child not yet ready for?

Polyunsaturated fats are not recommended in the diet of a nursing mother.
Products that increase lactation contain fats. Fats participate in the functioning of prohormones and are a source of energy for the body. Fatty acid and glycerol are elements of fats.

The food of a woman who has given birth should be high in calories and within the normal range of 1500-2000 kcal. Dairy products that improve lactation are energy-rich. In a young woman’s diet, the amount of fat is 30%.

5 types of drinks to improve lactation

Milk tea stimulates milk secretion in a nursing woman
    1. Tea with milk. Before use, the drink is drunk warm half an hour before feeding. Tea stimulates the secretion of milk in a nursing woman.
    2. Ginger tea prolongs the milk production period.
    3. Freshies. Carrot juice or carrot drink, which consists of grated carrots and milk and has a beneficial effect on the release of colostrum.
    4. Herb tea. Herbs are collected in summer and autumn or purchased at the pharmacy. Dill, nettle, oregano, lemon balm, hawthorn have a stimulating effect.
    5. Pure water. The diet should include 1 liter of clean still water. Optimal drinking is the key to the health of mother and baby.

During the feeding period, a woman should drink 2 liters per day. Larger amounts are not recommended and may reduce the nutritional value of colostrum.

It is important to maintain your daily water intake. Clean and still water avoids the “empty diaper” syndrome.

The baby should urinate 6 times a day. Healthy urine is pale and pale yellow. If this doesn't happen. Think about your baby's health and consult a specialist.


The diet of a nursing mother should be varied and measured. Some lactation products have restrictions on their use. It is necessary to avoid allergen-containing elements in the diet; if you have any doubts about the correct choice of products to improve lactation, you should consult a pediatrician.

Be careful when handling foods with dyes. No nicotine or alcohol!

Remember, foods that increase lactation are important for infant nutrition. If the baby does not gain weight, it means that the daily milk supply has decreased. Consider using products that increase breast milk production.

And about when to stop breastfeeding, and how to wean correctly and without tears You can find out

It is important not to forget about the impact of the external environment on mother's milk: tight underwear and unhealthy sleep. Diet, comfort and sleep mode! Products that improve lactation for a nursing mother are reliable friends and helpers.

Often, nursing mothers have the problem of a lack of breast milk. Sometimes the milk disappears completely. The reason for this phenomenon is poor nutrition, stress and improper attachment of the baby.

To increase lactation, try to establish breastfeeding and learn how to put your baby to the breast correctly. This will ensure the necessary feeding of the newborn and proper milk production. In addition, it will prevent breast pain during feeding and the formation of cracked nipples.

Before improving lactation, determine whether the baby really does not have enough breast milk. This can be determined by two factors:

  1. The number of urinations in 24 hours should be at least eight times;
  2. The baby is not losing weight. How to calculate the correct weight of a baby, see the table for the weight of a child up to one year old. A healthy child gains 120 grams every week and 500 grams per month.

If there is a shortage of milk, only comprehensive measures will help improve lactation. Among them are food products.

Drinks to increase milk production

Liquid is a great way to improve lactation. A nursing mother needs to drink at least two to three liters of fluid per day. Of course, we are not talking about carbonated and alcoholic drinks. Such drinks are harmful to babies. They can cause allergies and digestive disorders, severe poisoning and even delays in the growth and development of the child.

What can a nursing mother drink:

  • Pure still water is the main drink during lactation, which is safe for the baby and mother;
  • You can drink milk, but with caution. This drink contains cow protein, which sometimes leads to allergies in infants. It is widely believed that milk has a positive effect on lactation. However, it is not. Sometimes it even has the opposite effect:
  • Drink baked cow's milk and not earlier than a month after giving birth. But goat milk is safe, but it has a specific taste that not every woman likes;
  • Kefir improves intestinal function and suppresses fermentation processes in the body. Despite the low alcohol content in the composition, this fermented milk product will not harm the baby. The main thing is to keep it in moderation. The daily dose of kefir is 500 grams.
  • Drinking black and green tea half an hour before feeding will improve milk production. Choose a weak drink. You can periodically drink it with milk if the baby is not allergic to cow protein;
  • If you like coffee, chicory is a suitable substitute, as it does not affect the baby's nerve cells or excitability. You should drink chicory no more than twice a week;

  • Ginger tea is an effective and safe remedy for improving lactation. Nutritionists and pediatricians recommend that nursing mothers consume ginger due to the healing and beneficial composition of the plant. To prepare this tea, add a liter of water to the ginger root and bring to a boil. Drink 50 ml three times a day;
  • Herbal teas are also effective during lactation. however, be careful with your choice of herbs. Dill, anise, caraway seeds, lemon balm, and nettle will increase the volume and improve the quality of milk. You can also buy special herbal tea for nursing mothers;
  • – a tasty and healthy drink. Dried fruits are healthy and safe for nursing mothers. In addition, they are an excellent substitute for sweets. This product is easier to digest due to heat treatment, but at the same time retains the beneficial properties of fresh fruits. To prepare a vitamin drink, use dried pears and apples, prunes and dried apricots;
  • Natural juices from carrots, apples and dark berries. When consuming, do not forget that the baby should not be allergic to the ingredients! Dilute the prepared juice by half with water.

Drink your drinks warm. When trying something new, take a few sips the first time. Monitor your baby's reaction for one or two days. If you have no allergies or tummy problems, drink the drink without fear.

15 necessary products

How else to increase lactation

  • Correct attachment of the baby to the breast. Make sure that the baby grasps both the nipple and the areola. Choose a comfortable feeding position;
  • Apply to your baby at least once every two hours. Feed four times at night;
  • Give milk on demand, not on a schedule;
  • Do not wean your baby until he is full;
  • Do not give extra fluids. Breast milk consists of 90% water and satisfies the baby's fluid needs. Supplementing with water will only harm the newborn.
  • When supplementing, do not use nipples or bottles. Feed with a spoon or syringe;
  • Massage your breasts in a clockwise circular motion for about four minutes. Massage stimulates milk flow;
  • Apply warm compresses before feeding and cool compresses after;
  • Do not use regular soap and towels to wash. Wash your breasts no more than twice a day with neutral liquid soap or just water. Use napkins for wiping.

Remember that the mother’s condition directly affects milk production. Proper rest and sleep, walks in the fresh air, a calm and joyful mood ensure the normal course of lactation. Also, pay attention to your underwear. It should be comfortable and not rub your nipples. How to choose the right bra when breastfeeding, read

Breastfeeding is not always easy for everyone. From the outside it may seem that there is nothing complicated in this process - give the baby a breast, and then nature will do everything itself. In fact, this is not entirely true, because at the start each woman finds herself with a different amount of milk that her body can produce at one time. This is why in the very first days after giving birth, some women suffer from congestion, others calmly feed their babies, and some are looking for ways and products that increase milk lactation.

Why does a nursing mother have little milk?

There are many reasons why a baby may not have enough milk, including:

Not putting the baby to the breast often enough or feeding by the hour. Frequent latching sends signals to your body that “it needs more,” so the frequency of latching affects the quality of lactation.

Lactation crisis- the baby began to need more milk, as he grew up, and the woman’s body had not yet had time to adapt to new needs.

Meager diet of a nursing mother. In the first month after giving birth, women who decide to feed their baby with breast milk are advised to abstain from many foods, including fried, salty, spicy foods, as well as foods that are likely to cause allergies in the baby - chicken, eggs, fish, nuts, etc. etc. However, after the first month, familiar foods should gradually return to your diet, with the exception of those that are not suitable specifically for your baby.

Not enough rest and sleep. The hormones responsible for the production of breast milk - oxytocin and prolactin - are produced much better when a woman is not stressed and does not feel very tired or exhausted. If you are faced with the problem of a lack of milk, try asking your loved ones to take on some of the responsibilities around the house and caring for the child.

Taking hormonal medications that suppress lactation. If this is the case, you should discuss your options with your healthcare provider.

Naturally reduced lactation. Although there is an opinion among lactation consultants that there are no “non-breastfeeding” mothers (and we partly agree with this), nevertheless, the body’s capabilities are individual for each woman. There is nothing wrong with this, you can still successfully breastfeed your baby, you just have to put in a little effort to “build up” the body. Regular, frequent applications, additional ones in the first 3 months, as well as products to improve lactation can help with this.

No night feedings. At night and in the morning, the hormones responsible for lactation work most actively.

If lactation is reduced, it is imperative to eliminate or minimize the reason why this happened, because no special diets will give the desired effect if, for example, you continue to feed the child on a schedule or are exposed to regular stress. Eliminated? Now let's help nature do its thing by slightly speeding up the natural course of things and find out how to improve lactation with the help of products.

Products that increase milk lactation

Cereals- a product that every housewife has in her home, in addition to a lot of useful qualities, helps increase lactation. Try to include oatmeal in your daily diet, and after a few days, see how much your breast milk supply increases.

Plain yogurt without additives has also proven itself to be helpful in improving lactation in many mothers. One serving a day, in addition to “milk” help, will provide the body with the necessary proteins, as well as lactic acid bacteria, useful for digestion.

Various nuts, especially almond, also help many mothers around the world cope with the lack of breast milk. But don't overdo it! You can eat no more than 2-4 nuts a day, otherwise the baby may begin to suffer from colic, and instead of increasing lactation, you will get a sleepless night and a crying baby. Also, be sure to make sure that your baby is not allergic to nuts; start trying with a small portion, for example, half a nut, increasing the portion daily, but be sure to observe the reaction throughout the day.

Dill and his close relative fennel in small quantities they also help increase lactation, and are always present in lactogon tea. You can brew the seeds with boiling water and drink this drink 1-2 times a day in small portions. Fennel seeds, in addition, help babies cope with colic, which is a big plus.

Oily fruits avocado- excellent products that increase breast milk lactation. They can be included in the diet in a small portion as part of a salad, for example, but be sure to watch the child’s reaction to this product.

In addition, a nursing mother’s diet must contain foods containing protein - turkey from the first month of the child’s life, and then gradually introduced eggs, chicken and fish, and lean types of meat. Dairy and fermented milk products should also be on the table daily (if there is no allergy to cow protein).

Carrot has a truly wonderful effect in improving lactation. You can grate it and eat it with sugar, or make a carrot drink. To do this, you need to take 3-4 tablespoons of grated carrots, pour freshly boiled milk over it, let it cool to a temperature of 38-40 degrees and drink without waiting for the drink to cool down. Even our great-grandmothers improved lactation this way! In general, vegetables and fruits, with the exception of those that cause allergies or increased gas production in your baby, must be included in the daily diet of a nursing woman. Among them: green apples, bananas, pumpkin, potatoes, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, onions and garlic in small quantities, bell peppers and so on. In the summer, watermelon is a great way to increase lactation, because it contains a lot of liquid.

Daily drink water and warm drinks - weak tea, fruit juice, dried fruit compote, but do not pour liters of liquid into yourself, drink according to your thirst. An adequate volume of water per day is approximately 2 -2.5 liters. Excessive fluid intake can play a cruel joke on you, and instead of increasing lactation, on the contrary, it will reduce it. Many women note that they experience good milk flow after drinking warm tea with milk or condensed milk, so you can try using this drink about 20 minutes before feeding. However, do not forget that black tea, like coffee, contains caffeine, which can excite the baby’s nervous system, so limit the consumption of such tea to 2-3 cups a day, preferably in the first half of the day. But carbonated drinks should be completely excluded from your diet, since they do not bring any benefit, but can cause colic in the child.

You can also add it to your diet cinnamon, ginger, flax and cumin seeds— these spices have long been famous for their lactogenic properties. They will help increase lactation, and diversify the food while mommy temporarily gives up spicy and fried foods.

Honey, which we are used to eating mainly during the cold season, is another one of the list of products that increase milk lactation. Eat a spoon or two of honey a day and check its effect on your body.

Remember that each body is individual, and if something from our list does not suit you, then another product will definitely do, which will help increase milk lactation. Just try them all, one at a time, until you find yours. Also, do not forget that changes will not happen instantly. Give nature a little time, and soon lactation will definitely improve in the required volume.

We invite you to watch a video about products that increase lactation with good recipes for nursing mothers.

Foods that should not be consumed if you need to increase lactation.

We figured out what foods increase milk. Now we need to talk about foods that reduce lactation, so that you can exclude them from your diet or reduce their consumption to a minimum. There are no secrets here - everything that retains fluid in the body is detrimental to lactation.

Dishes with spices, especially hot ones, not only interfere with the establishment of good lactation, but also have a negative effect on the baby’s tummy if he is sensitive to your diet. Ginger, cumin, cinnamon, barberry or a drop of garlic are allowed spices that can be used to diversify almost any dish without harm to breastfeeding. The rest will have to wait.

Use some herbs - for example, sage and mint, undesirable if you want to improve lactation. Many women have reported decreased milk production after regularly consuming these herbs.

Salt in large quantities is also an enemy to good lactation, because it retains water in your body. You shouldn’t give it up completely, but you still need to know when to stop.

Cocktail recipes to increase lactation:

Recently, smoothies have become very popular - cocktails that are prepared using a blender - submersible or in a special bowl. They have earned popular love for their ease of preparation - you just need to put a little of this, a little of that in a container, add ice and press the button. If you use products that increase milk lactation to prepare such cocktails, you can kill two birds with one stone - both help the problem and save time on cooking.


Reduced lactation is just a stage that any mother can face. Don’t immediately despair or switch your little one to formula. Breastfeeding is the healthiest food for a baby until at least 6 months of age. The situation can be corrected if you consume foods that improve lactation, which we talked about.



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