Cholesterol plaques in brain vessels treatment. Cerebral atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

Chronic illness, characterized by the formation of plaques in blood vessels, which is caused by lipid metabolism disorders.

With illness, narrowing occurs cerebral arteries, leading to a deterioration in blood supply to the brain and a lack of nutrition to the tissues of this important organ.

Mostly suffer from atherosclerosis aged people over 60 years of age, but cases of the disease are diagnosed in people of average and even young.

Let's add many of the offensive simplifications found in the book. Examples of humiliating simplifications. To deny the role of cholesterol in coronary disease hearts, a number of simplifications are made. Confusion clinical basis The reasoning is equally problematic: the linearity of the relationship between cholesterol and coronary heart disease is denied, omitting the fact that this linearity is observed only by age group. It showed a linear relationship between blood cholesterol levels, age group and cardiovascular mortality.

This relationship is, of course, much stronger in younger people than in older people. Clinical trials of statins are analyzed overly selectively. Statins are presented as hazardous substances, carcinogenic and do not affect morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular diseases, despite abundant evidence to the contrary. The argument is based on many simplifications, even errors.

The insidiousness of this serious illness The point is that at the beginning the person does not notice anything special: he mainly expresses only complaints about periodic tinnitus and dizziness.

Atherosclerosis is dangerous precisely because of its progression, because if measures are not taken in time, there is a high risk of developing a stroke, as well as a rapid transition of the disease to the stage of dementia (dementia).

"Anti-cholesterol activists" accuse pharmaceutical industry is that she is the source of these "big lies" to promote the sale of her products. Moreover, regardless of what may be rendered, only industry has the right to develop and authorize the evaluation of a drug. It has the means to finance not only basic research, but also clinical trials, which typically involve thousands of patients in this field, and it is clear that this gives rise to abuse.

Public research organizations in any country cannot afford this type of funding with very few exceptions. It should also be noted that the unsatisfied interest of manufacturers in selling ineffective or dangerous drugs, which will be broadcast on a very large scale, the reaction is inevitable and always very painful. There are also many examples of negative tests published in major newspapers, despite the negative publicity they give to their promoters.

It is impossible to cure atherosclerosis that affects the cerebral vessels, but it is more than possible to slow down its development and reduce the severity of symptoms.

Signs of the disease

Changes in a sick person's well-being initial stage usually noticeable only to himself, and then to those around him.

Glasses of wine, omega-3 and the Cretan diet versus proven treatments

Confronted with this "real cholesterol conspiracy," the authors argue against the claims of "healthy and natural" diets and literature that reports poorly reproducible results, focusing on the benefits of a glass of wine, Omega-3s, and the Mediterranean diet.

Dr. de Lorgeril himself participated in a study on the treatment of atherosclerosis, about the benefits of the “Cretan diet”, a study in Lyon, unexpected results, since mortality was reduced by 70%! The exceptional magnitude of these results a large number of methodological biases, the small number of subjects included, and the fact that it has never been replicated are questionable.

First stage characterized by weakness, memory impairment and difficulty switching from one activity to another. No significant changes in behavior have yet been observed, but mood swings often occur.

At the second stage There is anger, short temper, and tantrums for no reason. A person is often in bad mood, does not want to work or have fun.

The author also presents himself as an Omega-3 proponent, on which he wrote a book, but it has not yet been demonstrated, including from high-power studies, that dietary Omega-3 intake improves cardiovascular prognosis, both in primary and secondary prevention. The only proven effect is a reduction in plasma triglycerides, which is a risk factor that is still under debate.

The role of cholesterol in heart disease

Coronary heart disease and stroke are one of the leading causes of death worldwide. The origin of these two groups of diseases is a complex disease process called atherosclerosis. This condition is multifactorial and has dual origins, genetic and environmental. The importance of these two elements varies greatly from one person to another.

In some cases, on the contrary, unhealthy euphoria is noted. To all symptoms is added suspiciousness and distrust. The patient is looking for symptoms of cancer or some other fatal disease, goes to doctors and gets offended if they don’t find anything for him.

He also begins to suspect his relatives and neighbors of “conspiracy” against him, invents incredible stories. The sick person's speech becomes unintelligible, there is trembling of the limbs and difficulty eating.

One element of the scientific consensus is that circulating cholesterol plays a major role in the very genesis of the disease at the very beginning and that a decrease in its concentration in the blood, cholesterolemia, is the main therapeutic goal. This consensus is not based on some vague or mercantile ideas, but on thousands of reproducible and replicated studies performed in very large number countries, which at the same time are experimental, anatomical, clinical, clinical, epidemiological and therapeutic.

The third stage is most often leads to dementia. It is characterized by loss of short-term memory, although the patient remembers past events relatively well. Carelessness in everyday life and loss of self-criticism appear. For example, a person can turn on gas, electricity, water and go outside.

At the stage of dementia, the patient poses a danger to himself and others if he is not looked after; eventually the ability to self-care is lost. Possible momentary loss hearing or vision, the risk of paralysis or stroke is very high.

To say that a subject is documented is a real euphemism. All treatises on cardiology, without exception, have several chapters on this issue. There are also several high-level specialized journals, including atherosclerosis. Everyone mentions this type of consensus.

The conspiracy, if it exists, must be global and involve tens of thousands of doctors and scientists from Paris to New York and Beijing to Tokyo. It is equally important that cholesterol is not the only element, which includes many clinical forms atherosclerosis with normal cholesterolemia. Many other abnormalities are causally related to atherosclerosis, such as diabetes, smoking, or high blood pressure. blood pressure, and the mechanism involved certainly involves several other elements, the most important of which is the inflammatory response.

Treatment of atherosclerosis will bring positive effect And will stop the growth of plaques in blood vessels, if it started at the first or second stage. Last stage, unfortunately, is usually hopeless and the prognosis is unfavorable.

Common symptoms

Clinical manifestations do not appear all at once and develop gradually. As the disease progresses, new symptoms are added that significantly worsen the patient's quality of life and him close circle. So, what kind external manifestations characterized by atherosclerosis?

Cholesterol is important element in the life of cells. This is, among other things, the connection of all cell membranes. Its metabolism is well known. They are types of similar particles, less protein, to particles that form oil emulsion in water. Like any protein, it is encoded by a gene and there are many apoproteins encoded by many genes. There are also mutations in these genes that explain a number of genetic or familial hyper or hypolipidemias. There are several types of lipoproteins that have been characterized depending on their size.

  • headaches of varying intensity and duration;
  • tinnitus, temporary hearing loss, dizziness;
  • excessive anxiety, nervousness and suspicion;
  • rapid fatigue and decreased performance;
  • impaired coordination of movements and their slowness;
  • not always intelligible speech and the inability to clearly formulate thoughts;
  • swallowing disorder;
  • exacerbation negative traits character, sometimes reaching the point of absurdity.

This increase is due to several factors: excess dietary fat, abnormalities in the receptors responsible for the penetration of cholesterol into tissues.

The evidence for the role of cholesterol is not subtle. Atherosclerosis is defined by the accumulation of cholesterol and other fats in the arterial wall, this accumulation will gradually lead to the formation of plaques in the artery wall and cause inflammatory response With adverse consequences. The vessel wall will become sclerotic and ulcerated, and it is this process that will cause clinical accidents such as myocardial infarction.

Diagnosis of the disease

In order to diagnose a patient, it is important for a specialist to know not only clinical picture diseases (complaints, symptoms), but have information about the state of blood vessels obtained from various instrumental methods research.

During the interview, the doctor finds out whether the patient has the following symptoms:

The mechanism still involves, of course, many unknowns. This is confirmed by a huge literature, both experimental, anatomopathological, and using new genomics tools. At the same time, many epidemiological studies, including about a million people, have shown that for each age group exists absolutely linear dependence between blood cholesterol concentration and the risk of change. heart attack, this relationship is of course increasingly stronger as we deal with younger subjects.

Of course, there are other hypotheses: none of them, on this moment is not supported by such a bunch of arguments, in particular the idea supported by cholesterol skeptics, and which led to the appointment of the so-called Mediterranean diet. This hypothesis is weakly supported by epidemiological, clinical or experimental arguments, and information on this issue does not provide heavy weight next to what is known about cholesterol and inflammation.

  • Frequent headaches that bother the patient constantly and especially with severe overexertion;
  • Dizziness;
  • The presence of noise in the ears and small spots before the eyes;
  • Restless and difficult sleep;
  • Increased sweating and flushing of the face and neck;
  • Uneven gait;
  • Increased excitability or, conversely, slow reaction and movement, speech;
  • Memory problems.

In addition to these complaints, the specialist can obtain information that the patient leads a sedentary lifestyle, smokes heavily, abuses alcohol, or suffers endocrine diseases, excess body weight.

Treatment and action of statins

Reducing cholesterolemia is an old target, long out of reach due to lack of effective medicines. For a long time The only treatment for hypercholesterolemia was dietetics, with very limited effectiveness, regardless of the form. It is currently possible to achieve this goal. The Pharmacopoeia was indeed equipped with several compounds capable of significantly reducing cholesterolemia, and among them a particularly active compound, statins, which are one of the great therapeutic advances of recent times.

Ultrasound is used to obtain additional information about the disease: it can be used to determine the stage of development of the pathology.

  • Ultrasound examination of extracranial nerves (duplex scanning);
  • Transcranial Dopplerography (ultrasound studies of intracranial vessels of the brain);
  • Angiographic examination. During this process, a contrast agent is injected into the vessel, which helps to assess the degree of wall density. This method is an addition to the main examination methods.

These techniques are painless, safe and very informative. In addition, the use of MRI and EEG is appropriate.

Statins work by specifically inhibiting the enzyme that synthesizes cholesterol. However, cholesterol is also an integral part normal function cells, and it is not surprising that statins have many side effects. Some of these effects are beneficial like their anti-inflammatory effect, some are harmful like muscle pain.

Prescribing statins after a coronary event, even in patients with normal level cholesterol, significantly reduces mortality and relapse rates. This is not controversial to the extent that non-prescription statin after a vascular accident is now a quasi-negligent practice. But the fact remains: this treatment does not cure the disease.

Are used laboratory research(blood and urine sampling, blood biochemistry): tests make it possible to fully assess your health and determine cholesterol levels.

Progressive atherosclerosis

In a condition where atherosclerosis rapidly progresses, the patient’s health condition sharply worsens: all symptoms become pronounced.

Prophylactic profilin for primary prevention in persons with high level cholesterol, but no clinical manifestations of this condition have a more pronounced effect, which still requires confirmation. The usual recommendation is to treat hypercholesterolemia when they exceed a certain threshold.

For good use Statins Release Extracts Higher Health Authority, 14 February. Within months, the business rocked the health world. The scandal of the middleman, but also of breast prostheses, the debate over third-generation pills could undermine the French's trust in the health care system.

Problems with sleep and headaches are accompanied by mental lability, depressive states, problems with attention and increasing memory deterioration. Dizziness begins to bother you when you change the position of the body: from horizontal to vertical.

Such a patient may lose the ability to reproduce speech or lose vision.

And their results go in one direction: statins have a place in the management of some patients because they are associated with a reduction in overall mortality of about 10% and the risk of cardiovascular disease. However, in the case of isolated non-splenic hypercholesterolemia, statins were not effective. Therefore, treatment with statins is not justified.

To worry about patients, to provoke their distrust of beneficial treatment and the doctors who prescribe their treatment bear no responsibility. Incidence, risk factors, prevalence and warnings. The annual incidence of a disease only accounts for new cases occurring during that time period. The prevalence of a disease at a given time is the total number of patients suffering from that disease present at that time. A risk factor is a physiological, pathological or exemplary condition associated with an increase in morbidity.

Loss of sensitivity may support the progression of atherosclerosis various parts bodies, paralysis.

If the symptoms worsen in this way, then this indicates the death of brain cells and irreversible changes in the brain.

Treatment methods

The main condition of treatment is eliminating risk factors. This implies that the patient should adjust his diet and lifestyle. Concerning medications , then they are prescribed by the attending physician according to individual scheme reception. If indicated, surgical intervention may be performed.

Often atherosclerosis caused by excess cholesterol. Therefore, the patient should exclude from the diet all products where this substance is contained in large quantities - lard, fatty meat, butter, egg yolks, etc.

Shown to be used in significant amount fiber, which can be obtained from grains and raw vegetables.

Healthy lifestyle helps relieve symptoms of atherosclerosis and improve oxygen supply to the brain. It is highly recommended to spend more time on fresh air, quit tobacco, avoid stress and organize optimal mode work and rest. Treatment of hypertension and bringing blood pressure back to normal is also an indispensable condition of therapy.

Drug treatment diseases includes drugs that eliminate various reasons development of atherosclerosis and aimed at “inhibiting” the process of plaque proliferation in the vessels of the brain, normalizing blood circulation and the condition of the arteries:

  • Statins (Mertonil, Atoris, Zocor, Liprimar)- to reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and stop the growth of atherosclerotic plaques. Taken in the indicated dosage once a day for 2-3 months. They have a lot of side effects and are therefore indicated only for patients with severe cerebral vascular damage.
  • Antiplatelet agents (cardiomagnyl, thrombo ass)- to thin the blood and prevent blood clots.
  • Severstants bile acids - are ion exchange resins for communication fatty acids in the body, as a result of which cholesterol does not enter the blood;
  • Fibrates (fenofibrate)- to reduce triglyceride levels. Their appointment is a course, under constant medical supervision.
  • Nicotinic acid and derivatives- to lower general level cholesterol and triglycerides and an increase in dense lipoproteins, which are beneficial to the body.
  • Drugs for lowering blood pressure . They must be taken daily, since against the background of “jumped” blood pressure in patients with atherosclerosis, the likelihood of a stroke and subsequent disability increases many times over.
  • Antidepressants and sedatives(if necessary) - if the patient has blues and anxiety.

Surgical intervention is a mandatory aspect of the treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis, if detected high risk blockage of vital arteries in the brain.

The traditional method of operation is called endarectomy. An incision is made in the skin to open access to the affected vessel, and the blood flow is blocked in the desired area. The wall of the vessel is cut and life-threatening the plaque is eliminated. The vessel is sutured and then other tissues are sutured.

Endoscopic method of operation much more modern and does not leave behind scars. A special device, an endoscope, is inserted into large vessel, then, under control, reaches the area of ​​narrowing of the artery. A stent is installed there to widen the lumen and allow blood to continue to circulate freely.

Gymnastics for illness

Gymnastics for this diagnosis is used when the disease is at the 1st and 2nd stages of development. The classes will have their own characteristics and before starting them you will need to consult your doctor.

A set of exercises is better spend in the morning or during the day(after 2 hours after eating). All movements should be performed smoothly, without abruptness. It is necessary to complicate and introduce new elements gradually.

Not recommended during training sharp turns head, moving it back, strong rotations, prolonged downward bends of the body, rapid jumps. All of these exercises can cause dizziness or fainting.

Physical activity is aimed at strengthening blood vessels and the cardiac system, preventing stagnation in the bloodstream, training proper breathing. During exercise, you must carefully monitor your pulse, breathing, heart function and general condition. If your head starts to hurt, your pulse is difficult to control, you have painful sensations in the heart, then training should be suspended for a while.

Diet and nutrition

A patient with atherosclerosis should exclude from his daily diet the consumption of smoked meats, canned food, sweets, and animal fats. On the menu must prevail fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood.

The patient should give up chocolate, coffee, and milk with a high percentage of fat. You can include tinctures of strawberries, eleutherococcus, cranberry juices and other fresh berries in your diet.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers to cope with atherosclerosis with the help of herbal preparations based on medicinal valerian, St. John's wort, marsh dried grass. It is recommended to drink such solutions 0.5 glasses twice a day. Taking these preparations helps eliminate vascular spasms, as well as relieve nervous tension.

Current using potato juice: for headaches, a quarter glass. Blackcurrant juice is also drunk a quarter glass three times a day.

Also applies Apple vinegar : 1 teaspoon of it is mixed with a teaspoon of honey and used once a day for headaches.

Mixture of grated apple and garlic also helps cope well with the symptoms of atherosclerosis. Half an apple is mixed with a clove of garlic, which has previously been grated, and then the resulting pulp is taken as follows: 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Disease prevention

To protect yourself from atherosclerosis, you need to exercise in doses (swimming in the pool, cycling) or include in your daily routine hiking on air, morning exercises, hardening.

It is also necessary to get rid of bad habits, promptly treat chronic diseases associated with the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.
You have to try follow a work-rest schedule, avoid stress.

Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels- it is steadily progressing systemic lesion vessels located in the corresponding organ. In medicine you can find other definitions of this disease, for example, cerebral type atherosclerosis or atherosclerotic lesion cerebral vessels, but the essence remains the same. Work of the central nervous system is violated, which gradually leads to irreversible consequences.

The etiopathogenetic mechanism for the development of cerebral atherosclerosis is associated with disturbances in protein-lipid metabolism, with damage to the intima of brain vessels by their decay products and directly by the fatty complexes themselves, with the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

According to statistics, in the vessels of the brain, atherosclerosis most often affects the arteries of the subcortical ganglia, the arteries of the thalamus and the pons. In most cases, formations are formed as fibrous plaques; lipoidosis is less common.

Men are more affected than women. In them, serious atherosclerotic changes begin to affect the vessels of the brain 10 years earlier. However, at older ages (after 55 years and older), both women and men suffer approximately equally from this cerebral vascular pathology. Statistics inexorably indicate that in last years everything is celebrated larger number sick young people, barely 30 years old.

In addition, certain atherosclerotic lesions of the cerebral vessels are most often observed in people who suffer from.

Symptoms of cerebral atherosclerosis

Among obvious signs, indicating the development pathological lesion cerebral vessels, we can distinguish:

    A marked decrease in memory, which manifests itself in forgetting events that occurred in the recent past. At first, memory impairments make themselves felt episodically, they are especially noticeable only after mental and physical fatigue. As atherosclerosis progresses, the gaps become more noticeable, but memory of past events remains for a long time.

    Decline mental performance, which manifests itself in the form of rapid fatigue. The patient is unable to focus his attention on a specific object for a long time, or concentrate his own thoughts.

    Emotional lability is another common symptom atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. At the same time, a person’s mood is characterized by instability and variability. That is, even minor events lead to the appearance of a brightly colored emotional reaction. Most often, such people are tearful, prone to increased anxiety, they often have fears for their own health and lack confidence in their own abilities.

    Patients often complain about regular...

    Constant companions of this type of cerebrovascular disease are frequent. They differ in that they arise during the period when a person changes his position from horizontal to vertical. That is, to put it simply, he gets out of bed, and not even with a jerk, but rather slowly.

    As the disease progresses, pronounced changes in a person’s personality can be observed, his behavior changes, and mental disorders are not uncommon.

    Epilepsy is another one clear symptom progressive cerebral atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, observed in older people. Expressed in the occurrence of convulsive seizures.

    Senesthopathy, as symptoms of cerebral atherosclerosis, manifests itself in the fact that a person complains of tingling in the face, numbness of the legs, and heat in the occipital region.

    Cheyne-Stokes breathing or periodic breathing, which is characterized certain cycles: shallow inhalations and exhalations are replaced by deep ones, after the seventh inhalation, breathing becomes rare again, then there is a pause and the cycle repeats. Most often, such breathing is observed when the arteries that supply the medulla oblongata are damaged by atherosclerosis.

    Ataxia is more often observed with damage to the arteries supplying the cerebellum or vestibular apparatus. It is expressed in incoordination of movements of various muscles, loss of balance when walking and standing, inaccuracy and awkwardness of movements, while the strength of the limbs is not lost.

    In addition, patients exhibit speech, auditory and visual impairments, as well as transient paralysis, to varying degrees.

    It is often difficult for the patient to tolerate loud sounds, and an irritable reaction to light may occur.

It is advisable to divide the symptoms of cerebral atherosclerosis into several periods for a clearer understanding of the progression of the disease:

    The first stage is characterized by pseudoneurasthenic manifestations with periodic headaches, tinnitus, sleep disorders, intolerance to bright light, loud sound, decreased performance and other manifestations of a similar nature.

    The second stage of the disease is marked by more pronounced clinical manifestations, with the development of depression, anxiety-delusional symptoms, and confusion.

    The third stage is characterized by the development of dementia with severe memory impairment. Dementia develops against the background organic lesions brain atherosclerosis. The person becomes helpless, disorientation in time may occur, however, generally accepted norms of behavior remain intact long time.

An important symptom that both patients and their relatives with cerebral atherosclerosis should be aware of is brain or. It is accompanied by headaches, which are quite intense; there may be weakness in one upper or lower limb. Often a crisis is accompanied by visual and speech disturbances. As a rule, it lasts up to 2 days, and then the patient’s condition stabilizes. If the symptoms do not go away after this period of time, then it makes sense to assume that these manifestations are signs.

After a crisis, the patient is complacent, may be in a euphoric state, while all interests are reduced to everyday issues, and normal performance is lost.

The factors leading to the development of atherosclerosis, localized in the vessels of the brain, are identical to the risks that form atherosclerosis of any blood tract. It is important to remember that any atherosclerotic plaque can develop over several decades.

Influence rapid progression pathological process can:

    Smoking. World organization health care claims that it is precisely the entry into the body tobacco smoke becomes a factor provoking the development of cerebral atherosclerosis. Its action is multifactorial, but most dangerous effect is considered to be a narrowing of the arteries of the brain and a gradual loss of their elasticity.

    High blood pressure. If arterial hypertension remains for a long time without proper therapeutic influence, this leads to thickening and narrowing blood vessels brain, resulting in an increased risk of atherosclerotic plaque formation and stroke.

    Diabetes. As the disease develops, there is a disruption in the body’s processing of not only glucose, but also lipids, which ultimately have an impact harmful influence on the vessels of the brain. In addition, it leads to increased blood pressure. In combination with existing arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus increases the risk of developing pathological vascular damage by 4 times.

    Obesity. In people with overweight body, as a result of disturbances in the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates, there is a stable increase in cholesterol in the blood, which is a powerful factor provoking the development of atherosclerosis. Moreover, the problem overweight relevant at this point in time, according to statistics, about 25% of the Russian population suffers from obesity. Moreover, these people are of working age.

    High blood cholesterol. Regardless of what leads to an increase in its amount, the risk of developing cerebral atherosclerosis increases several times. The danger especially increases against the background of a stable higher level LDL.

    To belong to male or gender reason. It is at the age of 60 that men have a high chance of being diagnosed with cerebral atherosclerosis. Although after a woman passes menopause, the chances of suffering from cerebral atherosclerosis are equal. This is due to the fact that the level of estrogen, which inhibits the development of atherosclerosis in female body, after menopause decreases significantly.

    Heredity. If the family had relatives who early age suffered from cerebral atherosclerosis, the risk of a similar pathology increases significantly.

    Power with high content saturated fat negatively affects the condition of blood vessels, including the brain. This, first of all, leads to an increase in cholesterol levels and the rapid growth of atherosclerotic plaques. In addition, if there is hereditary predisposition, a high-fat diet can provoke an increased effect of existing genes responsible for increasing levels. As a result, its synthesis will acquire an anomalous character.

    Minimum physical activity or physical inactivity– one of the most powerful factors in the progression of cerebral atherosclerosis. Any exercise: walking, running, swimming – accelerates the removal of HDL from the body and helps prevent the disease.

    Age is a factor that provokes the development of pathology, which cannot be excluded. The first fatty spots on blood vessels are detected at the age of 10 years, and they become most pronounced on average by the age of 50. This is due both to the action of other provoking causes and to the slowdown in metabolic processes of fat, carbohydrates, and vitamins in the body. Malfunctions also have an impact, endocrine gland, liver, multiple past infections etc.

    Stress and bad habits in general, are the cause of many diseases, and cerebral atherosclerosis is no exception.

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In order to determine the presence of a lesion, visits to several specialists are often required. After all, in addition to often neurological disorders The patient complains of hearing and vision disorders. Moreover, it is often clinical symptoms are not observed at all, or the person does not attach due importance to them, and the first serious reason For complex diagnostics becomes in best case scenario cerebral crisis, or at worst, stroke.

If cerebral atherosclerosis is suspected, the patient should be redirected from any specialist to a neurologist. Further clarification of the diagnosis and the necessary studies for this purpose are prescribed by them. In the diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease, ultrasound-based methods currently predominate.

So that it is put accurate diagnosis, the patient may be referred to:

    Duplex scanning. First of all, this study provides information about the condition of the extracranial arteries that supply the brain. In combination with ultrasound examination cranial arteries, doctors get a fairly complete picture of atherosclerosis. This kind of study allows you to assess the degree of narrowing of the vessel, determine the nature of the existing atherosclerotic plaque.

    Transcranial Dopplerography- a study that allows you to assess the condition of intracranial vessels.

    Angiographic examination cerebral vessels. This is one of the types of x-ray methods. It is known that vessels are not visible on X-ray, so angiographic examination involves the introduction contrast agent intravenously. However, due to the high morbidity, this method can only be carried out according to strict indications.

    Method computed tomography used primarily in patients who have had a stroke. It is necessary to clarify the affected area and determine tactics further treatment cerebral atherosclerosis.

    Additionally, an immunological test will be required. blood test and cholesterol level detection.

    Magnetic resonance therapy also used to study the state of cerebral vessels and gives the most exact information about existing atherosclerotic plaques. However, not every clinic has a tomograph at its disposal, so this research method is not as popular as studies performed using ultrasound.

If, according to the results of the studies, the neurologist sees that the vasoconstriction exceeds 50%, then the patient mandatory sent for consultation and possible further examination to a vascular surgeon. He re-evaluates the condition of the admitted patient and subsequently makes a decision on the cost-effectiveness of surgery.

Treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis

Therapy for this pathology is a long and, most often, lifelong process. This problem is solved by a neurologist whose responsibilities include identifying people with similar problems, assessing the severity of the disease and implementing conservative therapy. First of all, it is designed to improve blood supply to the brain and prevent arterial thrombosis.

Regarding therapy with medicines, That modern scheme the impact comes down to:

    Antiplatelet therapy, which is aimed at reducing the risk ischemic stroke. Drugs used for this purpose: acetylsalicylic acid and clopidogrel. However, a hemostasis study is first necessary.

    For improvement nervous regulation the work of the endocrine gland, sedatives or, on the contrary, tonics are used. This may be thyroidin, as well as small doses of estrogens.

    In parallel, drugs are used to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. These can be statins (preventing the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver, reducing LDL and increasing HDL) - lovastatin, atorvastatin, simvastatin, pravastatin, as well as fibrates (lowering cholesterol and triglycerides) - gemfibrozil, fenofibrate, clofibrate. In addition, anion exchange resins or bile acid sequestrants are prescribed to promote the removal of cholesterol; examples of these agents are: hestyramine, colestipol. Reduce the absorption of cholesterol into small intestine Ezetimibe, atromide, miscleron, etc. will help.

    Iodine preparations and diosponin will help reduce cerebral ischemic disorders. In addition, calcium iodine, potassium iodide or iodine solution can be prescribed for the same purpose. The drugs are taken in courses to eliminate iodism.

    To solve a therapeutic rather than a prophylactic problem, they use high doses ascorbic acid, as well as B vitamins (B2, B6), significantly exceeding the daily requirement.

    Besides, in complex therapy patients are prescribed medications aimed at preventing the development of circulatory disorders. These can be coronary lytics, as well as agents that dilate arteries and anticoagulants in case of a threat of blood clots.

When hemodynamically significant stenoses, either complete arterial occlusion or unstable plaques, are detected, vascular surgeon makes a decision on what is necessary surgical intervention. Modern medicine has reached significant heights regarding the conduct recovery operations on blood vessels, including the brain.

Currently available the following types surgical effects:

    Endarterectomy. Based on the fact that fat growth is eliminated open method. To do this, a skin incision is made to gain access to the blocked vessel. After this, the surgeon stops the blood flow in this place, the wall bloodstream dissects quickly and body fat cleaned up. After such manipulations, the surgeon can only sew up the damaged area with a vascular suture. In this way, plaques on extracranial vessels can be removed.

    Stents and balloons. To eliminate atherosclerotic formation on intracranial vessels, stents and balloons are used. That is, endoscopic removal of the atherosclerotic plaque is necessary. To do this, an endoscope with a stent is inserted into the widest vessel, and then, under constant X-ray monitoring, it is advanced to the place where there is narrowing of the artery due to the presence of plaque. It is there that a stent is installed, which, by increasing the lumen of the vessel, restores the flow of blood through it.

It is worth understanding that cerebral atherosclerosis is classified as chronic diseases, so treatment is most often lifelong. Depending on how timely the diagnosis was made and treatment started, the prognosis will depend. In the practice of neurologists, extensive forms of cerebral atherosclerosis are known, which, nevertheless, allowed people not only to live for a long time, but also to remain functional. However, there are often cases when the first clinical manifestation this disease ends with a stroke and lethal outcome for a person. The poet is so important role doctors separate timely diagnosis disease and its qualified treatment.

Neurologist M.M. Shperling in the lecture “How to treat cerebral atherosclerosis?”

Diet for cerebral atherosclerosis

It is impossible to get rid of cerebral vascular pathology or prevent attacks of exacerbation of the disease without following a certain diet. As a dietary option, doctors recommend a series of tables designed to meet the basic needs of the sick person.

However, each of them is based on several principles:

    For patients who are overweight and for those whose body weight is not below normal, it is worth reducing the caloric content of food consumed per day. The reduction should be 10 to 15% of total calories.

    Reduction, even complete exclusion from the diet of foods containing animal fats and large amounts of cholesterol. First of all, we are talking about egg yolks, caviar, brains, fatty meat and fish.

    Reducing the volume of products containing large volumes.

    Limiting the amount of salt consumed.

    Avoid rich broths and fish soup.

    Consumption of foods that are rich in lipotropic substances. It can be cottage cheese, herring (but only thoroughly soaked), oatmeal, cod.

    Use in the menu vegetable oils, not only sunflower, but also corn, flax, cotton.

    Eating large amounts of unprocessed fruits and vegetables.

    Introduction fasting days, especially if there is excess weight. These can be kefir, cottage cheese, apple, oatmeal and other types of mini-diets for one day.

    Don’t forget about proteins; there should be at least 30 g of them in the daily menu. Sources can be: fish, eggs, meat, dairy products with a low fat content.

In particular, for the treatment of cerebral vascular pathology of an atherosclerotic nature, it may be suitable therapeutic diet number 10. Its goal is to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood and improve blood circulation. Its peculiarity is that the patient is asked to limit the amount of fluid consumed to 1.5 liters per day. We are talking not only about tea or coffee, but also about water. The maximum number of kilocalories per day should not be more than 2500, and if a sick person is obese, this figure is reduced by 700 kcal. At the same time, the products are not salted during cooking; they cannot be fried. Meals are divided into six approaches.

With atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels, the diet will have to be followed for a long time, perhaps even throughout life. Therefore, you should get used to consuming foods such as oatmeal, cabbage, garlic, and cottage cheese. A properly designed nutritional plan can not only alleviate the patient’s condition, but also serve as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent.

Prevention of cerebral atherosclerosis

Preventive measures for this disease should be not only primary, but also secondary. This is due to the fact that similar pathology tends to flow in waves, active phases go into the process of regression and back. Therefore, it is so important, through prevention, not only to prevent the disease itself, but also to stop its progression. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the patient does not experience possible complications this pathology.

It is worth noting that primary prevention should be widespread. In this regard, the following measures are effective:

    Activities aimed at environmental protection;

    Reducing noise levels in cities and enterprises;

    Providing workers with adequate conditions for rest, shortening the work week;

    Health education work from adolescence;

    Propaganda healthy image life and activities physical culture(at the same time, the person must be aware of the harm caused by physical inactivity);

    Compliance with work and rest schedules;

    Full sleep;

    Stay in preventive health institutions;

    Compliance with the diet and its variety;

    Elimination of bad habits and, first of all, smoking.

In addition, it is necessary to promptly treat diseases that ultimately lead to the development of cerebral atherosclerosis. First of all, we are talking about pathologies thyroid gland– about hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus. It is equally important to normalize metabolic processes, occurring in the body, as slow metabolism leads to excess weight.

Those people who have relatives in their family with early development atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, it is necessary to more carefully monitor own food, limit your consumption of animal fats. When diagnosing lipid metabolism disorders, it is necessary to take iodine preparations for preventive purposes.

Instrumental examination of blood vessels after the age of 40 years is excellent tool prevention and early detection atherosclerotic changes in cerebral vessels.

Concerning secondary prevention, then first of all it is aimed at preventing the progression of the disease. It includes all measures of primary prevention, as well as adherence to a dietary diet, use drug treatment. We must not forget about the important role assigned to adequate physical exercise and physical therapy.

It is important to remember that, despite the development modern medicine, cerebral atherosclerosis is a serious problem leading to high mortality among the population. Therefore, the disease is much easier, if not completely prevented, then significantly delayed its development with the help of preventive measures.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs