How to develop an ankle after a fracture and surgery. Rehabilitation exercises after an ankle fracture

The mobility of the lower part of the foot is ensured by the coordinated work of several joints, which include the ankle (ankle joint). It consists of the bones of the foot and lower leg. Like any other complex joint, it has an articular capsule-bursa that covers the entire diarthrosis and contains a special fluid-exudate to lubricate and nourish the articular cartilage.

When visually examining the ankle, one can note its block-like shape. The joint is quite strong and can withstand heavy loads. But even such a powerful structure can break under the influence of various factors.

According to statistics, fractures of this diarthrosis and foot bones are considered the most popular injuries to the human musculoskeletal system. Their percentage in relation to all fractures is 10-15%. Ankle fractures are usually intra-articular in nature. With this injury, various elements of the articulation can be damaged:

  1. bones;
  2. joint capsule;
  3. ligamentous apparatus.

At the slightest suspicion of a fracture of the ankle joint, the victim must be immediately taken to a medical facility, where he will first be sent for an x-ray of the damaged area.

The patient's complaints, external examination and results will help the doctor determine the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

  • If your ankle is broken, there is a high chance that surgery will be required to connect the broken pieces using a special metal structure.
  • If at the time of the fracture the bones were not displaced and did not crumble into fragments, treatment can be done by applying a plaster cast or orthosis.

Rehabilitation after a fracture is usually divided into three phases:

  1. Immobilization.
  2. Functional period.
  3. Training stage.

Immobilization and functional stage

Immobilization - immobilization. When fractures of the bones of the lower extremities occur, the leg must be immobilized and rehabilitation measures can immediately begin.

Already at this stage, the patient can engage in therapeutic exercises and physical therapy. Of course, you can’t put any stress on your sore leg, but exercises are needed for a healthy leg, for your arms and body.

Doing therapeutic exercises during the period of immobilization after a fracture improves blood supply to the entire body in general and to the injured limb in particular.

The second stage of rehabilitation after a fracture is functional. It is aimed at restoring functionality in the damaged joint. This period lasts from the moment the plaster cast is removed until the movement in the ankle is partially restored.

The exercises recommended to the patient help increase muscle strength, reduce muscle atrophy and joint stiffness. After the plaster is removed, the exercise therapy complex restores the functionality of the joint in all directions.

In addition, treatment consists of physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • ozokerite;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • massage.

A set of exercises for a fracture of the tibia joint in the second stage of recovery

All these exercises are performed lying down.

  1. When performing this exercise, breathing should be free and the pace should be slow. Tighten your quadriceps muscle. Repeated 20-30 times.
  2. Flexion and extension of the foot. The pace of execution is slow, breathing is free. Repeat 10-20 times.
  3. Flexion and extension of the toes. The pace of execution is slow, breathing is free. Repeat 10-20 times.
  4. Perform circular movements in both directions in the ankle joints. Breathing is free, the pace of execution is average. Repeat in each direction 10 times.
  5. With maximum amplitude, bend the foot forward, then back. Breathing is free, the pace of execution is average. Repeat 10-20 times.
  6. Alternating leg bending (toes towards you). Breathing is free, the pace of execution is average. Perform 10 times with each limb.
  7. Rotating the entire leg from the hip as much as possible, spread the toes in different directions. Breathing is free, the pace of execution is average. Repeat 10 times.
  8. Alternately bend your legs at the hip joints to a right angle, while pulling your socks towards you. Breathing is free, the pace of execution is average. Repeat with each leg 10 times.
  9. Repeat exercise No. 1.
  10. Raise the injured leg at the hip joint to a right angle. At the same time, bend and straighten your toes and feet in weight. Breathing is free, the pace of execution is average. Repeat 10 times.
  11. Rest for about 5-10 minutes in a lying position with your legs raised up.

In addition to the fact that the patient must perform these exercises, he is recommended to give himself a massage. The procedure should be carried out twice a day in a sitting position. When performing a massage, the following techniques are used:

  • kneading;
  • stroking;
  • shaking;
  • squeezing.

Each technique should be repeated at least 10 times. You need to massage the ankle area especially carefully. You need to be no less careful when kneading your ankles and heels.

Massage should not cause pain or discomfort. In the morning, immediately after waking up, the sore leg must be bandaged from the toes to the knee joint with an elastic bandage. When performing a massage and a set of exercises, the elastic bandage must be removed. Take it off before going to bed.

If there is severe swelling of the leg during sleep, it should be in an elevated position. Every night at night you need to prepare a bath for the affected leg, which is taken for 10-15 minutes. The water level should reach the knee, and its optimal temperature should be 36-37

A patient in water can perform various active movements of the ankle in all directions.

Training stage

The third period of treatment is training. To develop a joint after a fracture, it is necessary to perform exercise therapy exercises, which include all kinds of walking options:

  • on the heels;
  • on socks;
  • sideways;
  • on the inner and outer edges of the feet;
  • in half squats;
  • crossed step.

To develop the ankle joint after a fracture, exercises are needed in which the foot rests on a round rocker; for this you can use a regular rolling pin. Development of the articulation of the lower leg occurs well when the limb is immersed in water; ideally, the patient can visit the pool.

It should be noted that recovery after an ankle fracture will not be complete without restoring your former gait.

During the third rehabilitation period, the injured leg must be bandaged with an elastic bandage. This measure is very useful for damaged shin joints. In addition, the patient is recommended to wear insoles. This is the only way to prevent flat feet.

Exercises on a treadmill and exercise bike are effective. Of course, the load on the injured limb should be selected correctly. At first, the patient must move with the help of crutches, and then gradually he can switch to walking with a cane.

The training period includes measured walking, running and jumping. Treatment exercises for an ankle fracture can include walking over obstacles and dance movements. But all these exercises are allowed to be done only if the injured lower leg is tightly secured with an ankle or elastic bandage.

You should wear an ankle brace or wrap your leg after an injury for at least eight months. Every victim who has sustained a fracture of the tibia joint must be aware that rapid recovery and return of lost functions are guaranteed only by performing daily training exercises and a complex of exercise therapy recommended by the attending physician.

The task of physical therapy in the third period is the final restoration of movements in the damaged joint and normalization of the activity of the whole organism. Jumping, running and dismounts, as mentioned above, are permissible only when the joint is fixed

The ankles are the bones that, together with the heel, make up the ankle joint. The ankle experiences stress during the day when a person walks, more often if the person is overweight. An ankle fracture occurs when the leg is twisted, hit, fell, and many other cases. This is a complex injury, so rehabilitation after an ankle fracture is required, after the cast is removed.

A bone fracture is a violation of the integrity of bone tissue. When an ankle fracture occurs and the fragments are displaced, the doctor needs to set the bone, align the fragments, and only then apply a plaster cast.

Important! In many cases, surgical treatment of the injury is required.

Most often, an ankle fracture occurs as a result of forced rotation and twisting (twisted leg) of the foot. Rolling of the foot can be to the outer or inner side, including as a result of a rotational movement. There may also be a combined fracture with dislocation or involvement of other bones. It is very rare to have a direct fracture of the ankle due to a directed blow.

According to statistics, ankle fractures account for about 60% of all ankle injuries.
You can break your ankle if you fall, for example during icy conditions, or if you fall down stairs or because of high heels.

An ankle fracture can also occur when playing sports; sports such as alpine skiing, motorcycling, and cycling often lead to such injuries. It is also common to break an ankle while rollerblading, skating, or in an accident.

Types of injuries

  1. Fracture of the outer ankle. This type of leg fracture is localized in the lower part of the fibula. The doctor prescribes treatment for the patient based on which area is affected.
  2. Fracture of the inner malleolus. The medial malleolus is the lower part of the tibia. As in previous cases, damage occurs in different parts of the lower segment. Such injuries often appear in one place, but may be associated with disruption of the integrity of the fibula, rupture or sprain of the ligaments of the posterior part of the tibia.
  3. Damage to the back of the tibia. This disorder occurs in the ankle joint. This process can be combined with a violation of the integrity of the latent malleolus.
  4. Bimalleolar fracture. This type of injury combines injury to the outer and medial bones of the lower limb. In this case, the ankle joint also suffers. Often a fracture of the outer bone is combined with a sprain, and at this time the inner bone is not affected.
  5. Trimalleolar fracture. With a violation of this nature, the inner and outer bones, as well as the back of the tibia, are affected. Violations of the ligamentous apparatus are possible. Such damage involves displacement of tissue fragments and instability of the ankle joint.


An ankle fracture has very obvious signs.

As with any bone fracture, pain, swelling, hematoma and impaired joint mobility develop. When an ankle is fractured without displacement, as a rule, there is no deformation of the ankle; when displacement occurs, deformation of the contours is almost always visible.

Symptoms of an ankle fracture are:

  • pain;
  • crunch;
  • hematoma;
  • swelling;
  • impaired function of the lower limb.

Pain is felt immediately after bone damage, but in a state of passion it is felt later. This is an acute pain that prevents the patient from standing on his leg. It intensifies when touching the damaged area. A life-threatening condition for the victim is pain shock. A state of shock develops with massive injuries.

Important! If a crunch is clearly heard during the injury, this indicates that the bone has broken.

Swelling occurs quickly, and the tissues become harder due to damage to small capillaries. When large vessels are damaged, the entire leg swells. Hematoma appears as dark spots. It indicates hemorrhage into the soft tissues.

The foot is limited in movement, and the patient cannot walk or move the limb normally.

Treatment and surgery for injury

An ankle fracture requires a cast.

You urgently need to see a traumatologist if there is pain at the site of injury, the joint has changed its shape or has increased in size too much. To diagnose the type of fracture, the patient is given an x-ray.

The doctor puts an anesthetic injection at the site of the injury, then corrects the displacement, if any.

After measures have been taken, a plaster cast is applied to the injured leg. After casting, x-rays are repeated to ensure the correct position of the limb.

In severe cases, casting is performed after surgery, when the bone is collected using plates. When the integrity of the bone cannot be restored, a bone transplant is performed.

The treatment method depends on the type of fracture. In general, treatment can be divided into surgical and conservative. A fracture of the outer ankle, if it is not yet displaced, can be easily treated conservatively - by applying a plaster boot (from the tips of the fingers to the third part of the shin) for a period of three weeks. In general, any isolated ankle fractures are treated in this way.

If there is a fracture, an x-ray of the ankle is taken. The doctor also checks whether the arteries are injured and assesses the sensitivity and mobility of the leg.

Based on this, treatment is prescribed. First of all, the displacement of the ankle joint must be corrected (reduction of the fracture). This procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Next, fixation is carried out using a plaster cast. Most often, a plaster cast extends to the upper third of the shin (“boot”). Fixation period is from 4 to 6 weeks. This is the most common treatment method.

In case of a fracture of both ankles at once and/or in combination with a fracture of the epiphysis of the tibia or fibula, plaster is applied to the middle of the third part of the thigh for a month, after which it is removed and a plaster boot is applied for another six weeks.

If there is displacement of bone fragments, they first try to match the bone parts using special methods under local anesthesia. If this is not possible or it is not possible to normalize the expansion in the area of ​​the ankle joint, a surgical intervention is performed in which parts of the bone are fixed with screws and/or plates and a cast is applied to the leg up to the middle part of the third of the thigh for six weeks. When comparing a week later, a control X-ray must be taken.


The duration of the rehabilitation period after injury to the ankle bones depends on the nature of the injury. If there were no complications, then recovery will occur within one or two months.

If the injury is displaced, the bone will take longer to heal and rehabilitation will take six months. At this time, it is important to follow the rules of proper nutrition and diversify the menu with iron, calcium and phosphorus.

During the rehabilitation period, you cannot lean on the injured leg; you can move only with the use of crutches.

For proper fusion of bones, a temporary cast is used, after which a closed cast is applied for a long time.

During the period of immobilization, you should perform general strengthening exercises and breathing exercises, exercises for the toes, knee and hip joint.

After an ankle fracture, swelling of the leg is observed. To improve blood circulation and reduce swelling, it is recommended to periodically lower the leg and then create an elevated position for it. After a few days, you can move around the ward on crutches.

Important! After the cast is removed, the patient undergoes a rehabilitation course, since during this period the limb does not move well. For this purpose, massage, therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy are prescribed.


Rehabilitation after a fracture necessarily includes massage.

It is important to attend massage courses after removing the cast or do it yourself. In cases where the limb is swollen, massage helps remove the swelling and restore sensitivity to the tissues.

To do this, use stroking, rubbing movements, kneading. During massage, various oils are used with an effect that improves lymph flow.

At first, massaging the leg brings discomfort, so its surface is lubricated with anesthetic ointment.

Massage is performed exclusively by a specialist, especially in the case of a displaced injury.


Physiotherapeutic procedures must be performed throughout the recovery period. Such activities improve blood circulation, relieve swelling and pain.

Physiotherapy can speed up the healing process. This effect is achieved due to improved blood circulation in the area of ​​injury.

To speed up recovery and relieve swelling, the following procedures are prescribed:

  • ultraviolet radiation;
  • therapeutic mud applications;
  • warming up;
  • electrophoresis;
  • harmless currents.


After performing physiotherapeutic procedures and leg massage, restoration of its function occurs with the help of physical therapy. Exercises develop a joint that has been immobile for a long time. Muscles regain mobility and elasticity.

The first exercises are carried out under the supervision of a specialist, and later the patient independently performs them at home. The duration of exercise therapy does not exceed 10 minutes per approach. The load increases gradually as you recover.

If the exercise is accompanied by pain, the patient needs to stop immediately and rest.

Special exercises will allow you to develop your leg after a fracture.

The exercises are quite simple:

  • walk with full support on the affected leg;
  • make rotational movements with the foot;
  • swing your leg forward and to the side;
  • perform cross leg swings while lying on the floor;
  • alternately rise on your toes and fall on your heels. You can do this on one leg.

Every day, patients study for 10 - 15 minutes, doing 3 or 4 sessions every other day. Daily exercises are carried out after the pain during exercise has passed.

Important! Don't try to develop a joint in a short time. Intense exercise in the first periods after recovery will harm the limb.

After removing the plaster, rehabilitation measures should begin. First, electromagnetic therapy is prescribed, this is done to restore blood and lymph circulation and relieve swelling. Then the patient is prescribed a complex of exercise therapy for an ankle fracture.

At first, the patient will not be able to do without support, so he needs to purchase an elbow crutch; thanks to such balanced support, the arm does not become overstrained and significant assistance is provided when walking.

However, after two weeks you need to gradually give up the crutch so that walking with a crutch does not become a habit. True, lameness still remains, but with the help of therapeutic exercises and physical therapy, you can get rid of it.

So, exercise therapy exercises for a broken foot (the leg is in a cast):

  1. I.P. - standing on a healthy leg. Stand near a chair or wall and lean on your hands so as not to lose your balance. Cross swings are performed. First, you need to start moving the affected leg - move it to the side (as you inhale), then perform an adducting movement, crossing it in front of the healthy leg (exhale). Perform for 30 seconds.
  2. I.P. - the same. Swing your legs to the side. In this case, take the sore leg as high as possible, hold for a few seconds, then lower the leg. Perform 10-15 times.
  3. I.P. - the same. Perform a knee lift. Raise your knee until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Stay in this position for a few seconds and then lower your leg. Perform in two counts for 30 seconds.
  4. I.P. - the same. Raise your legs back. Raise the injured leg back as high as possible, then pause for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Attention! You cannot bend your lower back.

A few more simple exercises for rehabilitation after an ankle fracture are presented in this video:

Exercises in a lying position

A set of special exercises for fractured ankles in a prone position:

  1. Tighten your quadriceps muscle. Repeat 20-30 times. The pace is slow. Breathing is free.
  2. Bend and straighten your feet. Repeat 10-20 times. The pace is slow. Breathing is free.
  3. Bend and straighten your toes. Repeat 10-20 times. The pace is slow. Breathing is free.
    Rest 1-2 min.
  4. Repeat exercise 3.
  5. Circular movements in the ankle joints in both directions. Repeat 10 times on each side. The pace is average. Breathing is free.
  6. Bend your feet forward and backward with maximum amplitude. Repeat 10-20 times. The pace is average. Breathing is free.
  7. Alternately bend your legs towards your stomach (toes towards you). Repeat 10 times with each leg. The pace is average. Breathing is free.
  8. Spread your toes to the sides, rotating your entire leg as much as possible from the hip. Repeat 10 times. The pace is average. Breathing is free.
  9. Alternately, without bending, raise your legs to a right angle at the hip joints (toes towards you). Repeat 10 times with each leg. The pace is average. Breathing is free.
  10. Repeat exercise 1.
  11. Raise, without bending, the injured leg to a right angle at the hip joint, while simultaneously bending and straightening the fingers and foot in weight. Repeat 10 times. The pace is average. Breathing is free.
  12. Rest in a lying position with legs raised - 5-10 minutes.

An ankle fracture is a serious disorder with characteristic symptoms. In mild cases, healing occurs quickly, and in severe cases it lasts about 6 months. If you fracture your ankle, you must immediately contact a traumatologist for treatment. If you ignore this recommendation, the bone will heal incorrectly and will cause difficulties in moving in the future.

Ankle fracture is the most common injury. Recovery from a leg injury occurs in two stages. The first is treatment, and the second is the return of mobility to the ankle. Exercising after a broken ankle can return a person to their previous life without any consequences in the form of a limp.

Traumatologists call an ankle fracture one of the most common skeletal fractures. It happens in 20% of all fractures. The number of accidents increases in winter. People at risk for an ankle fracture include overweight people, athletes and children.

If you suspect an ankle injury, you should never step on your broken leg. This will only worsen the situation and displace the bone, which will cause difficulties during treatment. The leg must be fixed with a plaster cast.

Rehabilitation for an ankle fracture is necessary based on the nature of the injury.

Damage classification:

  • Fracture of the leg with displacement, without displacement;
  • Open or closed leg fracture;
  • Ankle fracture with ligament rupture;
  • Bimalleolar, trimalleolar ankle fractures.

Competent treatment and rehabilitation stage will be the key to a life without disability in the future. When the integrity of the bone returns, the physical therapist recommends doing complex exercises after an ankle fracture, as a result of which the ankle retains its mobility. The treatment is carried out only under the supervision of professionals.

For fractures, the plaster cast is removed after 5-7 weeks. The duration of stay in a cast increases with displaced fractures and other complications. The recovery period takes up to 3 weeks. Based on x-rays of fractures, the doctor draws up a calendar of exercise therapy exercises. The degree of bone fusion determines at what point physical therapy can begin.

Important! Refusal of medical assistance in connection with any fractures and turning to non-professionals will lead to complete or partial immobility of the ankle.

Recovery plan

Factors influencing the recovery period:

  • Patient's age;
  • Severity of the fracture;
  • Presence of contraindications;
  • Possibility of following a diet with a high calcium content in the diet;
  • Compliance with treatment conditions.

Exercises before removing the cast

The doctor prescribes exercises after 2 weeks of being in a cast. This is due to the fact that the injured ankle is immobilized for up to two months. Therefore, as soon as positive dynamics of bone fusion appears, rehabilitation begins.

Physical therapy for a fracture can reduce the recovery time after injury. The purpose of the classes is to improve blood circulation. They are carried out every other day so that the leg does not get tired. Before the exercise, the joint is warmed up by moving the fingers.

Crutches must be used to perform the exercises. Stepping on the injured leg is strictly prohibited. Negligence can damage the ankle joint; further treatment will only occur through surgery.

Therapeutic gymnastics for a fracture

  • Lean your hands on the edge of the table and move the injured limb to the side while inhaling. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Takes up to 40 seconds;
  • Focusing on the healthy leg, lift the affected leg as high as possible;
  • Focusing on the healthy leg, take the affected leg back and lift it up to 10 times;
  • Moving the toes of a broken leg.

Important! Gymnastics classes are carried out after permission and only under the supervision of the attending physician. Self-medication is prohibited.

The number of physical therapy sessions is related to the patient’s well-being. It is recommended to do exercises at least 3 times a day. Training time is increased gradually.

To reduce the load, crutches are purchased and used for up to 2 weeks. Then they refuse so as not to get used to it and develop an incorrect gait.

Types of rehabilitation measures

It will take up to 25 days for all vital functions to return after the cast is removed. For a complete recovery, additional measures are prescribed, such as therapeutic exercises after an ankle fracture.

Once the bone has completely healed and the cast has been removed, the physical therapist may recommend recreational exercise. Loads and training time increase over time. An exercise plan is drawn up individually for each patient. Factors associated with fractures and severity are taken into account. Classes are conducted in specialized clinics and hospitals. After an ankle fracture, after the cast is removed, health procedures are prescribed.


The goals of therapeutic exercises:

  • Prevent lameness;
  • Restore the motor ability of the ankle;
  • Restore blood circulation;
  • Prepare your leg for walking.

The efforts of doctors will be meaningless without the patient’s desire to return to his previous life. Workouts should not be skipped or done at home on your own without the doctor’s consent. It is advisable to wear orthopedic shoes.

Therapeutic gymnastics classes:

  • Walking with emphasis on the entire foot. It is recommended to climb up the stairs. When descending, you need to be careful and stick to the railing;
  • Squats. If possible, without lifting your heels off the floor;
  • Walking alternately on heels and toes;
  • Rolling a small ball or bottle with your foot;
  • Trying to grasp a pen or pencil with your toes;
  • Jumping in place and to the sides. It is recommended to remember the children's game of hopscotch;
  • Side step running;
  • Knead the inside and outside of the foot by standing on it;
  • Jumping onto a small ledge;
  • Raising the knee with a delay in the air;
  • Swimming.

Therapeutic exercise helps to avoid flat feet, curvature of the foot, and relieves tissue swelling. During the first sessions, the patient receives only a small load. A chair is used for support. Exercises are done under the supervision of a trainer and are carried out daily.

Massage after an ankle injury

When massaging your legs:

  • Blood circulation improves;
  • Tissue swelling is relieved;
  • Pain syndrome disappears;
  • The motor function of the foot returns to normal.

After the cast is removed, massage sessions are performed. At the first visits, anesthetic gels are used. The ankle remains sensitive to pain even after healing. Recovery over time affects the number of massage sessions. They recommend 10 to 25 visits to a massage therapist.

The massage involves moving the palm of your hand around the leg with flexion and extension of the ankle. It includes:

  • Kneading the foot;
  • Rubbing the tendons.

Until complete healing, apply a bandage made of an elastic bandage to the ankle. During treatment with massage, it is recommended to take baths in a solution of 15 g of salt per liter of water. The doctor additionally prescribes special ointments for rubbing the muscles. The attending physician allows you to do a massage yourself and not show up for procedures in special cases: the patient does not have time to visit a massage therapist or a professional is not available. The patient himself learns simple massage methods: the leg is gently kneaded, shaken, stroked.

Self-massage in tandem with professional massage restores mobility to the leg much faster.

Physiotherapy for injuries

Physiotherapy is prescribed even before the cast is removed. When selecting procedures, all contraindications are taken into account. Therapy is aimed at:

  • Strengthening bones;
  • Relieving swelling;
  • Restoration of blood circulation.

To treat the consequences, the following procedures are prescribed:

  • Electrophoresis is aimed at accelerating the formation of callus. Novocaine is used during the procedure. This reduces the dose of pain medications. The procedure normalizes blood flow. Electrophoresis is carried out daily for 10 days;
  • Warming up;
  • Mud baths are used for 1 month. Hydrotherapy restores the limb, increases muscle tone;
  • Phonophoresis is carried out every 2 days. Aimed at relieving bone fragility;
  • Magnetic therapy is aimed at preventing muscle atrophy. 10 procedures are carried out, one daily, prescribed while wearing a cast;
  • Ultraviolet irradiation helps the absorption and production of vitamin D. This improves the absorption of calcium, which is necessary for bone healing.

Modern physiotherapeutic procedures help get rid of hematomas, blood stagnation and swelling. The rehabilitation period and time to return to normal life is faster. Therefore, you should not ignore medical procedures.

When treating the consequences of a fracture, the following are prohibited:

  • Strong physical activity;
  • Walking on uneven terrain;
  • Long walks;
  • Wearing high heels and uncomfortable shoes;
  • Active dance classes.

Exercises for a displaced ankle fracture

Just as with a non-displaced fracture, rehabilitation exercises are prescribed by the doctor while still in a cast. Classes are performed in the most gentle manner possible. The process is necessarily controlled by x-rays. The attending physician studies bone fusion over time. At the slightest sign of a slowdown in recovery processes, exercises are either canceled or adjusted.

An ankle fracture is a serious injury, so recovery from an ankle injury is long and difficult. After surgery, it is important to restore the functionality of the limb; to do this, it is worth learning how to properly develop the leg by performing physical therapy exercises. In the initial stages of recovery, training should take place under the supervision of a doctor. When the danger of complications has passed, you can stretch the limb at home, having previously agreed on a rehabilitation scheme with the doctor.

general information

A common injury to the lower extremity, especially in people who lead an active lifestyle and engage in outdoor sports. Sprains and fractures of the ankles in an ordinary person can be caused by careless walking in heels, excess weight, or jumping from great heights. Fractures of the ankle joint are divided into the following types:

  • By nature of damage:
    • open;
    • closed.
  • According to the location of the fragments:
    • no offset;
    • with offset.

Damage can also be distinguished:

  • longitudinal;
  • star-shaped;
  • perforated.

How is rehabilitation carried out?

To immobilize the joint, the patient can wear a splint.

If a person has injured his ankle joint, depending on the type and degree of damage, he will need to walk for a certain time in a cast or wear a cast, which will also help temporarily immobilize the limb. While the leg hurts, its development must be carried out carefully, because during this period the destroyed bone tissue is only merging, and it can easily be damaged by the slightest careless, sudden movement. The exercise is carried out under the supervision of a doctor; in later stages, rehabilitation of the ankle joint will take place at home.

Stages of rehabilitation after an ankle fracture

Initial period

In order to quickly recover from a broken ankle, it is important to follow certain rules in the first weeks after surgical treatment. On days 1-2, you should disturb the limb as little as possible, especially when the fracture is displaced and the fragments are fastened with screws, staples and other devices. Several times a day you need to lower the sore limb from the bed to restore blood flow. If the patient is bothered by pain, analgesics are prescribed, and postoperative treatment includes taking antibiotics to prevent infectious complications. On days 3-4, it is recommended to do self-massage; this will help relieve swelling afterward and normalize the nutrition of damaged tissues. During this period, physiotherapeutic procedures are also allowed:

  • magnetic therapy;
  • laser heating.

Two weeks after surgery, you can begin a course of shock wave therapy procedures.

After 2 weeks the following are shown:

  • electrophoresis;
  • electrical stimulation of muscle tissue;
  • shock wave impact.

If you had to put on a cast after an injury, to strengthen the muscles and bones of the foot, it is important to perform exercises with unfixed parts of the limb:

  • develop the knee;
  • make rotational movements with the limb;
  • Stretch your shin with your hands if it is still swollen.

Second phase

Rehabilitation after an ankle fracture during this period consists of actively developing the muscles of the entire lower leg and increasing the range of motion. You can step on your foot a little at a time, if swelling remains after removing the cast, the doctor will advise you to massage the ankle. To ensure rapid fusion of the limb, physical therapy does not stop. Exercises for development should be selected by a doctor; gymnastics at this stage involves performing the following movements:

  • rotation of the entire limb in different directions;
  • development of the joint in the knee;
  • alternately raising and lowering your legs.

Final stage

At the last stage of rehabilitation, walking up the stairs is effective.

If the fusion proceeds without complications and the crack gradually heals, extended gymnastics for an ankle fracture will help develop the limb, which includes:

  • walking on heels and toes;
  • movement on the inside and outside of the foot;
  • wide steps to the sides;
  • walking up the stairs.

It’s also worth continuing to go for manual massage of the ankle joint and a course of physiotherapeutic procedures, which include:

  • thermal effects;
  • darsonvalization;
  • ultrasound therapy;
  • laser treatment;
  • mud baths.


If the ankle is broken in several places and the patient is indicated to wear a cast, it is necessary to treat the fracture with physiotherapeutic procedures carefully, because complications may arise within a month after the operation. Therefore, the doctor decides on the advisability of physical therapy. When the damage is not severe, manipulations can begin 4-5 days after surgical treatment. In severe cases, it is better to wait with this type of therapy.


To strengthen the muscles, you can perform foot rotations.

Physical therapy for an ankle fracture should be present throughout the entire rehabilitation period. Kinesitherapist Sergei Bubnovsky has developed a set of exercises, the main purpose of which is to train the muscular corset of the affected limb. If a person has a fracture of the tibia and ankle, the following exercises are suitable:

  • Repulsion. Lying on your back and straightening your legs, stretch and bend your toes to the limit.
  • "Windshield wipers." In a lying position, try to twist, move and spread your toes as much as possible.
  • Rotation. While lying down, rotate your feet clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • "Fist". Squeeze your feet as if you were trying to grab some object.

Exercise therapy for an ankle fracture is agreed with the trainer; increasing the load on your own is prohibited, because self-medication often causes negative consequences.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs