Physical inactivity and motor activity exercises. Causes of excess weight

In the twenty-first century there appeared a large number of new diseases that were not known to man about three decades ago. Now we will not talk about terrible mutating viruses or infections that infect the cells of our body, but about such a simple, asymptomatic and extremely dangerous disease like physical inactivity. Its development dates back to the end of the last century, when a person could finally afford to give up the numerous jobs that he was obliged to do around the house. This applies in particular to women.

Let's start with the fact that physical inactivity is a serious deficiency motor activity, complete absence physical activity and peace provided to our beloved body. Why is such peace needed? It cannot lead to anything good, since inactivity only causes harm and it is necessary to take methods and measures to combat it. A modern woman is a person who prefers a career to household chores. This concerns one half of the female population of the planet. Regarding the second half, we can say that she completely placed all her responsibilities on the shoulders of household appliances. For example, you no longer have to carry heavy buckets of water from the well to the house, because you just need to turn on the faucet in the kitchen or bathroom. Now you also don’t have to grind meat in a meat grinder, putting in effort and straining your hands, because electrical appliances have appeared that do not require virtually any human intervention in their operation. In general, getting food has become much easier, chasing mammoths is no longer necessary, and life has only become harder. Strange, isn't it?

Physical inactivity and measures to combat it are discussed in some detail on the Internet. So why strain yourself once again and run to the gym, if you can just go online, read and close the page, forget about what you read? It doesn’t matter that physical inactivity leads to various diseases. You have to think about this only when these diseases have already begun to show their symptoms.

Physical inactivity leads to the fact that an active and cheerful, smart and attractive woman turns into a clumsy, long-thinking lady with a saggy body. It’s a scary picture, but one that you often see. So, let’s pay attention not only to the symptoms of the disease, but also to measures to combat it.

No matter how trivial it may sound, you will need to choose at least some kind of sport for yourself. Are there really not enough of them now? Fitness, aerobics, Pilates, strip plastic, yoga and a bunch of other interesting and useful hobbies can be chosen modern woman. Why waste precious time when you can and should take care of yourself, and not take care of yourself?

With regular physical activity, physical inactivity will disappear and dissolve imperceptibly. But it will be very noticeable how all organ systems have begun to work, without diseases or disorders. The muscles will become much tighter, gain tone, your body will be resilient and beautiful. The excess weight will go away, and the desire to lie on the couch all your free time will gradually disappear.

To get rid of physical inactivity, you can Everyday life force yourself to do little tricks. For example, give up elevators. Go up at least a few floors without it, and also go down the stairs on foot. If possible, walk to the store or supermarket rather than taking a bus or taxi. Even a small load in the form of bags of groceries will not harm, unless you suffer from dangerous heart diseases.

If you don’t feel like going to the gym at all, set aside time for independent jogging. In the mornings and evenings, you can run several kilometers at a leisurely jog or walk at a brisk pace. You have a baby? Great, go for a walk together, take a walk in the park or go to the nearest school stadium so that your child can run around there, looking at you.

Turn on rhythmic music at home and just move with pleasure to its accompaniment. The main thing is that you should like the music, you have nothing to be shy about, you can dance the way you want. A few rhythmic movements will help you realize that life on the couch is less interesting than life off it.

It is not for nothing that physical inactivity is considered a dangerous social problem, a disease of many nations and different generations. Children and adults suffer from this disease almost equally. Children today are offered an alternative that many adults support. The Internet has replaced outdoor games and communication with other children in the yards. But some adults are only happy about this: it is better to sit under the supervision of their parents than to smoke and try alcohol in the entrance. But is it possible to explain to a child the rules of a healthy lifestyle from childhood and teach them to play sports by personal example? There are enough restrictions on children’s mobility even in school classrooms, where they have to sit at desks.

By the way, drinking alcohol and smoking also increase the number of people suffering from physical inactivity. Gradually, these hobbies will crowd out other interests and the person lives from one reason for drinking to another, counting the days.

Not only will it help prevent the development of physical inactivity physical exercise, but also measures to combat it, involving massage treatments, or rather, self-massage. Self-massage can accelerate the movement of blood in our body, improve lymph flow, and increase the tone of the nervous system. Health effect Self-massage is achieved after just a few procedures. With its help, you can get rid of incipient, not advanced diseases associated with physical inactivity.

Lack of mobility and an absolutely inactive lifestyle affects both the state of the nervous system and the mental state of a person. Irritability, anxiety, insomnia and fatigue and idleness appear. In such a mood, a person begins to lose interest in life, not noticing how much interesting there is in it.

Prevention of physical inactivity in transport
You can escape or escape from a sedentary lifestyle. It won't be possible to leave. With the advent of a car, its happy owners begin to complain about excess weight, fatigue and nervous tension - in a word, everything that comes into the life of a motorist with a lack of walking. Yes, yes, you, of course, have heard: walking is useful and it is better to do it more often. But you’re driving, you’ve been dreaming about it for a long time and you’re happy with everything? Let's not convince you otherwise. Let's see how we can force ourselves to move more.

  • Look for the parking lot farthest from the entrance - both near your home and near your place of work.
  • When you roll your cart with groceries to your car, be sure to return it “to the parking lot” at the supermarket.
  • Another sensible exercise for hostages of a sedentary lifestyle: when you come home, don’t carry heavy bags straight to the kitchen. Take only what will fit in two hands (milk and bread) and methodically sort the bags in “ten trips”.
  • Are you determined? As part of the prevention of physical inactivity, arrange a “day without a car” once a week.

Don't have a car? In theory, everything is just as simple - take your will into your fist and give up public transport in favor of walking. Alas, on the side of a “sedentary lifestyle” there will be frost, migraine, and lack of time.

  • Don't blame yourself, make micro efforts. We do not encourage you to walk all eight stops to the metro: get off just one earlier than necessary and walk the rest of the way. After a month or two, try getting off two stops earlier.
  • Does the bus run on schedule? Instead of waiting in the cold, walk towards the next stop and sit down at it.
  • If we are talking about buying bread, you should go to a grocery store far from home.
  • Walking instead of the elevator is banal advice. What about running up the stairs in the entrance? Be sure to read about the technique of doing the exercises - this kind of running is very different from the usual, but it effectively solves all the problems with the buttocks and legs. In general, do not miss the opportunity to force yourself to move a lot and in a variety of ways.

Prevention of physical inactivity at home
Sometimes the layout of the apartment itself helps to meet and even exceed the norm of physical activity. Podiums, steps, long corridors and isolated rooms are the same controversial interior features that complicate the layout, while at the same time allowing you to keep your body in good shape.

While you cruise through the rooms and levels of the house, imperceptible kilometers “roll up”. To assess the real scale of physical activity, try using a pedometer throughout the day - the results may surprise you.

But that's not enough

  • Never talk on the phone while sitting/lying down - try to walk. This works great in the office, but you can try it at home too.
  • Do you have a tiny apartment and “nowhere to go”? When you iron, stand at the stove, brush your teeth, take side steps, dance. Incorporate exercise into your everyday life: while the coffee is boiling, you can do five squats.
  • Have a special “inconvenient” place to charge your phone. May you have to get up every time you receive an SMS.
  • Have lunch in another room - not in the kitchen: the need to set the table and then remove the dishes willy-nilly will force you to move more.
  • Real gymnastics at work with a sedentary lifestyle works on the same principle: walk with your feet to the accounting department, help unload goods, have lunch in a distant cafe. In general, force yourself to move more every time.
Organize your workplace
In addition to walking, frequent changes of postures help keep your body in good shape.
  • If the kitchen has a counter or island, you can work at it while standing - it has been noted that in this position it is easier to think and write.
  • Lifehack from working mothers of tiny children: check email and work on a laptop standing on a shelf at the height of the bar table. The child will not reach, and you do not need to sit down.

Love DIY cleaning and repairs

  • Homework is the best remedy for physical inactivity. Therefore, optimization of closets should not be turned into the meaning of life: sometimes it is more useful to put things in order from time to time. Moreover, organizing storage is akin to an act of meditation: methodically folding T-shirts and choosing a pair for each sock, you not only move, but also put your thoughts in order.
  • Vacuum yourself. Don't think of it as a chore or a waste of time. In ten minutes you will spend 70 kcal if you mop the floors, 110 kcal if you manually clean the bathtub and sink, about 80 kcal if you wipe the dust off the furniture. If your cleaning lasts more than ten minutes, then consider it a workout.
  • Buy five more ficus trees in addition to the geraniums that are already on the windowsill. Caring for plants requires regularity and... unnecessary movements.
  • If possible (if you have the minimum skills to do so), perform minor repairs around the house. Paint, glue, nail. Of course, this is not as interesting as an evening in front of the TV, but at least it diversifies family everyday life.

Hypodynamia (from the Greek hypo - below and dynamis - strength) is a weakening of muscle activity caused by a sedentary lifestyle and limited physical activity. Physical inactivity is also called the disease of the century and the downside of progress. The truth of this statement is, unfortunately, obvious. Progress gives people many of the most advanced devices that can save us from any physical activity. We have cars, trains and planes at our disposal to travel vast distances without the slightest effort. Modern mechanisms enable a person to lift gigantic weights by simply pressing the desired button. Conveniences provided to a person modern technology, it is difficult to overestimate, but... Freed from the need to earn food through hard physical labor, as was the case for tens of thousands of years, a person spends more and more time in a sitting or lying position. For many of us, all physical activity is limited to the road from the entrance to own car. Our muscles are deprived of the necessary training, weaken and gradually atrophy. Weakness muscle tissue negatively affects the work of all organs and systems of the human body, the neuro-reflex connections established by nature and strengthened in the process of physical labor are disrupted. That is why, a direct consequence of physical inactivity is a disorder of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, metabolic disorders and often obesity.

In all civilized countries, doctors and scientists have long been sounding the alarm, concerned about the growing number of obese people of all ages, including children and adolescents. Many doctors associate obesity with an increase in the incidence of cardiovascular diseases and a decrease in average duration human life in developed countries. Transforming progress from a hidden enemy into a friend and ally is a top priority modern man. The movement for a healthy lifestyle is expanding throughout the civilized world. More and more people are realizing that a certain dose of physical activity is simply necessary to maintain human health. However, visit GYM's and not everyone is capable of swimming pools. Many people do not have enough time or money for serious sports activities. However, it is possible to significantly improve your health with minimal costs, and everyone has such an opportunity. Scientists have concluded that even 30 minutes of daily physical activity can significantly reduce the risk of obesity and other associated diseases in people who live sedentary image life.

Thus, in order to protect yourself from many diseases associated with physical inactivity, it is enough to simply walk 2 km daily, or climb to the fifth floor without an elevator, or simply do morning exercises. Dance lovers can not only cheer themselves up, but also significantly improve their health, simply by dancing to pleasant rhythmic music for at least 20 minutes a day. Try to accustom your body to daily physical activity, and within two months you will notice changes for the better. Your nervous system will be the first to react, because physical activity has always been and remains the most reliable way to calm frayed nerves. You will definitely pay attention to your toned muscles and healthy skin color.

Thus, without resorting to long-term training, you can significantly improve your health and avoid many serious diseases.

Lack of physical activity leads to the fact that the human spine begins to age early. The result is osteochondrosis due to circulatory problems. Our body is a single whole, and how better condition whole body, the better the condition spinal column. Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine: degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs. According to selective data, every third person over 30 years old suffers from osteochondrosis. And in recent years, the age limit for those suffering from this disease has decreased significantly. If earlier people of the middle generation - from 30 to 40 years old - suffered from this disease, now more often we come across patients of adolescence - at 17, and at 15, and at 12. And even children - at 10 years old... Knowing this, young parents and Teachers should design a healthy lifestyle in their family and school as early as possible.

It has long been noted that adolescents who are poorly developed physically are often myopic. Sometimes, as it progresses, it leads to irreversible changes and significant vision loss. All this puts the fight against myopia at the level of a state task and is dictated by the need for active measures to prevent it. One of the causes of myopia is physical inactivity.

Low physical activity. Hypodynamia is a fashionable word, hypo means decline, dynamia means movement. Motor activity is a biological need. For each age it has its own optimum. If today you, parents, move less than yesterday, then tomorrow your children will move even less. The need for movement is cultivable, but can be ruined.

The child came to school. He is seated at a desk, and motor activity is reduced by 50 percent. From childhood obesity to adolescence, especially for girls, when their nature begins to change, a bridge is thrown. It is inconvenient for girls to run through the school yard once again. Where can you jump rope? “It’s raining outside again, there’s no point in you hanging around in the mud, you’d better watch TV.” This is one of a series of parental remarks that take away the main pleasure - barefoot through puddles...

Our children began to move less. Where has motor activity gone? Multi-part detective stories appeared on TV, someone came up with computer games with the highest stress on the psyche, in fact, children and young people experience stress for several hours, this is accompanied by almost complete immobility and tightness of the same certain muscles of the body. And as a result, children become overly excited, aggressive with a whole range of diseases acquired as a result of decreased metabolism and lack of exercise. Today the term “gambling addiction” has already appeared in everyday life. Those. we have today new disease very similar in its effect to the effect on the body of narcotic drugs, with retraction, addiction and the inability to refuse this image life. But a child’s body is forming and developing. And what kind of development will a matured young man, sitting for hours in front of a computer for several years, get - a gamer? It seems that this is how H.G. Wells described our descendants in the novel “The Time Machine.”

Everywhere and everywhere today we see immobilization (hypodynamia) and accompanying diseases. According to Petrosyan and Pyatkevičius, of all children 12-19 years old (and first-year students), 50 percent already have one risk factor, 20 percent have two factors... Separately and together, these risk factors contribute to an increase in blood pressure. If we put everything into a single complex, influencing to one degree or another developing organism child, then in his thin, complex (not like ours - adults, very thin!) structure, the vessels begin to suffer first. After a while - the heart! But the main thing is that the risk factors are manageable.

And again we return to healing methods, which today, in the age of immobility, are the only compensating factor that preserves our health.

It is known that less than 20% of the population of economically developed countries live more or less dynamically, with physical activity that provides the necessary minimum energy consumption. The remaining 80% have daily energy expenditure significantly below the level required to maintain stable health. A sharp restriction of physical activity in recent decades has led to a decrease in functionality middle-aged people, i.e. the most efficient and productive population producing material goods.

Thus, the majority of the modern population of economically developed countries has a real danger of acquiring functional and organic changes and painful symptoms that develop as a result of a mismatch between the activities of individual systems and the body as a whole with external environment. This condition is based on disturbances in energy and plastic metabolism (primarily in the muscular system). Mechanism protective action intense physical exercise is in the genetic code human body. Skeletal muscles, which on average make up 40% of body weight (in men), are genetically programmed by nature to be heavy. physical work. One has only to look at the life of our distant ancestors using the example of our younger primate monkey brothers. Useful for viewing and comparison is the cleverly produced series of documentary films about wildlife on the Discovery Channel, often shown on our television channels. Jumping and swinging on vines, constantly climbing tall trees... compare with your physical activity... and metabolism... “Motor activity is one of the main factors that determine the level of metabolic processes of the body and the state of its skeletal, muscular and cardiovascular systems,” wrote the academician V.V. Parin (1969). Human muscles are a powerful generator of energy. They send a strong flow of nerve impulses to maintain optimal tone of the central nervous system, facilitate the movement of venous blood through the vessels to the heart (“muscle pump”), and create the necessary tension for the normal functioning of the motor system. According to the "energy rule" skeletal muscles» I.A. Arshavsky, the energy potential of the body and the functional state of all organs and systems depend on the nature of the activity of skeletal muscles.

The more intense the motor activity, the more fully the genetic program is realized, and the energy potential, functional resources of the body and life expectancy increase.

With an increase in physical activity, a person’s performance increases: body weight and fat mass, cholesterol levels in the blood decrease, blood pressure and heart rate decrease. Regular physical exercise and training can significantly slow down development age-related changes physiological functions of the body, as well as negative changes various organs and systems. (Performing physical exercises has a positive effect on all parts of the musculoskeletal system, preventing the development degenerative changes associated with age and physical inactivity. The mineralization of bone tissue and calcium content in the body increases. Increases lymph flow to articular cartilage And intervertebral discs, which is the best means of preventing arthrosis and osteochondrosis. The best way to combat physical inactivity is walking and running.

Due to the ability to change the magnitude of training loads (starting with walking) within a wide range, contraindications to endurance training are very limited:

  • - birth defects heart and stenosis (narrowing) of the atrioventricular orifice;
  • - heart or pulmonary failure;
  • - severe coronary insufficiency, manifested at rest or with minimal exercise;
  • - chronic kidney diseases;
  • - high blood pressure (200/120 mm Hg), which cannot be reduced with medications;
  • - early period after suffered a heart attack myocardium (3-6 months or more - depending on the severity of the disease).
  • - severe heart rhythm disturbances (atrial fibrillation, etc.);
  • - thrombophlebitis;

It is believed that an increase in resting heart rate by 15 beats/min increases the risk of sudden death from a heart attack by 70% - the same pattern is observed with muscle activity.

As training increases, the response of the cardiovascular system gradually decreases. For operational monitoring of load intensity, in addition to heart rate data, it is advisable to also use breathing indicators, which can be determined directly during running. These include the nasal breathing test. If you breathe easily through your nose while running, this indicates normal mode workout. If there is not enough air and you have to switch to a mixed nasal-oral type of breathing, then the running intensity and speed should be reduced. The speaking test can also be used successfully. If you can easily carry on a casual conversation with your partner while running, then your pace is optimal. If you begin to choke and answer questions in monosyllabic words, this is a signal of moving into the mixed zone. These tests confirm the commandment of the founder of recreational running, the famous New Zealand coach Arthur Lydiard - “you need to run easily.”

Subjective indicators of the body’s state (sleep, well-being, mood, desire to exercise) are no less important for self-control. Deep sleep, good health and high performance during the day, the desire to train indicate the adequacy of the training loads. Bad dream, lethargy and drowsiness during the day, reluctance to exercise are sure signs of overload. If appropriate measures are not taken and the load is not reduced, later more serious symptoms of overtraining may appear - pain in the heart, heart rhythm disturbances, increased blood pressure, etc. In this case, you should stop exercising for a while.

Health-improving running and walking can be successfully used for some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, spastic colitis, gastric ulcer and duodenum, dyskinesia biliary tract(impaired function bile ducts), since vibration internal organs, which occurs during running, significantly improves the function of the digestive organs. Naturally, classes are stopped during an exacerbation of the disease. Increasing hepatic blood flow and deep forced breathing during running, which is an excellent massage for the liver, improves its function and helps eliminate liver pain syndrome. Abdominal breathing is especially useful in this regard while running (due to the movements of the diaphragm). Normalization nervous processes in the cerebral cortex as a result of physical training is of no small importance for treatment peptic ulcer. Patients with increased acidity before running, it is recommended to drink a glass of oatmeal jelly to neutralize acidity gastric juice. When low acidity It is enough to drink half a glass of water, which will enhance the secretory function of the stomach.

The experience of the Indian system, the so-called Hatha Yoga, is also of interest. In India, a healthy lifestyle is also tied to managing the body’s energy. Eat various concepts and approaches to understanding the system of healing and comprehending the fullness of life. Here is one of these concepts associated, as you see, with energies. “Hatha yoga is a method of connecting the sun and moon. The sun and moon represent all the pairs of opposites in the world: up and down, left and right, male and female. Ha means "sun" and tha means "moon". The energy of the sun is associated with the intellect (chit), the right nostril and the subtle energy channel pingala nadi, which runs down the body from the right nostril to the base of the spine. This is a channel of energy a. The Ida Nadi spirals to the left around the Sushumna Nadi (this channel runs along the spine) and ends at the left nostril. Idu is symbolized by the moon (tha), water, feminine energy(yin), the sacred river Ganga and intuition. When prana flows freely through the adi, all three sacred rivers merge at the ajna chakra, the center of the third eye. This is hatha yoga - the union of the sun and moon. Hatha yoga is a gymnastic technology for the comprehensive improvement of body and mind. Among many known to mankind technologies of integral improvement, hatha yoga is one of the most effective.

All healing poses (asanas) practiced in Hatha Yoga are based on the impact on the energy centers of the body, in the European sense - on nerve nodes and glands internal secretion. As for working with the muscular framework of the body, each pose is accompanied by a counter-pose, flexion of a muscle or group of muscles, accompanied by a corresponding extension (stretching) exercise. Such gymnastics, among other things, also provides balanced loads on the body, teaches it to function correctly, not to be pinched, eliminates spasmodic reactions and accordingly improves blood supply, evenly distributes loads and builds the functioning of the nervous system, affecting the brain and spinal cord

Fixation in one position. That is, when performing it, you need to take and hold a certain position for some time. To those inexperienced in this matter, it may seem that such static exercises are much easier than the usual dynamic strength exercises and cardio exercises. After all, moving, a person spends more strength and energy than standing in one place.

But without trying, you won’t understand: a static load is not inferior in efficiency to a dynamic one. It is static exercises (and the plank among them) that develop muscle strength and endurance. That’s why the plank exercise is so popular in various types of training: in regular fitness, in yoga (namely hatha yoga), Pilates.

The plank can replace a number of different physical exercises. Because to complete it you only need a little space and time. And the result: kilograms lost, slim stomach, slender legs, toned arms, no cellulite, beautiful posture. Photo: Depositphotos

Versatile and varied exercise

The plank is an ideal solution for those who want to take care of their body and health, but constantly find excuses like not having enough time to jog or go to a sports club. Planck doesn't accept excuses. There are no restrictions for her based on gender, age, or level. Maybe a few medical contraindications: recent surgical interventions, significant problems with the cardiovascular system, the presence of spinal injuries.

The effectiveness and versatility of this exercise is due to the fact that the plank, despite its simplicity, is a very diverse exercise. There are many variations of its implementation, but before moving on to them, let’s discuss the classic plank.

It involves fixing the body in a “lying on the floor” position with outstretched arms.

Since the plank exercise does not involve movement, it is most important to take correct posture bodies.
Photo: Depositphotos

The main points of the “classical plank” pose:

  1. the body should be smooth, straight, parallel to the floor;
  2. legs should not bend at the knees;
  3. focus on the tips of your socks and hands;
  4. you should not bend or arch your lower back, which increases the load on it;
  5. The stomach and buttocks must be kept tense;
  6. There is no need to lower your head or lift your head.

Breathing is also important when performing planks: it should be even and calm, moderately deep.

The duration of the exercise for the first time can be half a minute (you shouldn’t be a hero and be zealous right away) and gradually increases to several minutes. In planking, the most important thing is not time records, but regularity and accuracy.

In addition to the classic plank, there are variations of this exercise. for the “more advanced”:

  • a plank with a raised arm or leg, where the body rests on three limbs, which makes it difficult to fix the correct position;
  • side and complicated planks - exercises in which it is even more difficult to maintain balance;
  • there is also various variations planks with a fitball (large ball) - emphasis on the fitball with your feet or hands.

Photo: Depositphotos

For both appearance and health

All the advantages of this exercise make it ideal for a busy person, overwhelmed with everyday worries. The bar resists, improves not only a person’s appearance, but also his health (thanks to increased blood supply to tissues and organs), well-being and mood.

By the way, the bar is extremely useful for strengthening the muscle corset, which, during sedentary work, like most people, will protect the spine from osteochondrosis, hernias, etc.

Our vital functions were laid down in the primitive communal period, when a person moved a lot and actively in search of food, escaping from danger. Long years spent on the run have accustomed the body to physical activity. And now, to be healthy, we need to move.

But people have always sought to simplify their lives. Now we drive cars, watch TV, and for several years now we haven’t even got up from the couch to change the program: the remote control does it! And most of us have a sedentary job.

The first to suffer from inactivity are the muscles, which gradually atrophy from lack of exercise. And we’re not just talking about stiff leg muscles from sitting on a chair for a long time and numb arm muscles from an uncomfortable position. The heart muscle (myocardium) and the walls of blood vessels suffer (which is dangerous!). As a result, hypertension, ischemia develops, and heartbeat. Among other things, the metabolic process slows down, which leads to brittle bones and disruption of internal organs, and carbohydrate-fat imbalance is a direct path to obesity.

What does laziness lead to?

Our muscular activity is directly related to nervous activity, so a sedentary lifestyle results in decreased performance, irritability, emotional instability and even depression for us. What to do?

fatigue, laziness, physical inactivity, improve mood, increase tone

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Physical inactivity: the essence of the problem, connection with diseases, impact on health, how to deal with it

Physical inactivity is called a “disease of civilization,” and in recent years, doctors have really sounded the alarm, because not only adults, but also children have become susceptible to physical inactivity, and this condition, while not being a disease, nevertheless leads to serious violations– obesity, myocardial infarction, hypertension.

Man has been working for thousands of years on how to make his life easier, inventing all kinds of devices and gadgets. Today, to cover a distance, you don’t need to walk dozens of kilometers, and you don’t even have to make any special physical effort to get food.

We are happy to trust technology to do household chores; a robot vacuum cleaner can do the cleaning, and a washing machine does the laundry perfectly. Everyday life now does not require the expenditure of effort; you just need to press the buttons on household appliances correctly.

Automation of production has greatly simplified the tasks of workers, and even those professions that until recently required physical effort have become sedentary.

Of course, life has become comfortable, and the main significant resource - time - is significantly saved when using personal transport and all kinds of gadgets. At the same time, this very time is not enough to hiking, going to the gym, morning exercises. That is, saving time damages the most important thing - human health.

Going home after a hard time working day, sometimes spent sitting, many immediately accept horizontal position on the sofa in front of the TV or sitting at the computer, and on top of that there is a plate of food nearby, and it’s good if it’s healthy, because food addictions have changed not for the better, exacerbating metabolic disorders along with lack of movement.

Just a decade ago, children actively walked outside after school, visited swimming pools and sports clubs. Nowadays, the leisure time of many schoolchildren is a computer, which is found in almost every home. Physical inactivity in children is even more dangerous than in many adults, since a growing body requires adequate functioning of the muscles, heart, and blood vessels, and mental activity, intellectual development, and the ability to further learn depend on this.

Physical activity is the main component of proper functioning and the key to health. Even ancient healers knew the rule “movement is life!”, but in recent decades most of us have forgotten about this, worrying more about personal comfort.

Lack of physical activity has a detrimental effect on the condition of internal organs, leads to the development of severe pathology, and causes disorders emotional sphere, depression, neuroses, although many of us tend to associate these phenomena with environmental situation, stress at work and school, problems in the family. Everything is interconnected, and movement plays an important role in the quality of our lives.

The problem of physical inactivity is not only medical, but also social aspects, because pathology that occurs due to lack of movement requires serious treatment costs on the part of the state and the patient himself, limits the ability to work and even becomes a cause of disability. A striking example of this is cardiovascular diseases, diagnosed more and more often in young and able-bodied people.

Causes of physical inactivity and its effect on the body

Physical inactivity is the result of an unhealthy lifestyle, and the main reasons for it are considered to be:

  • Use of automated labor;
  • Urbanization;
  • The spread of “sedentary” professions, work primarily at a computer or with papers is more in demand;
  • Application of achievements technical progress at home;
  • Conscious refusal of physical activity.

In most cases, it is these factors that become decisive in limiting mobility, but it happens that physical inactivity occurs for independent reasons and against our wishes. These cases include injuries and serious illnesses that interfere with physical activity. It is worth noting, however, that bedridden patients also need the maximum possible work of the muscular system, since immobilization is more dangerous for them than anyone else due to the increased risk of thromboembolic and other dangerous complications.

Chronic physical inactivity in children is a consequence of improper lifestyle and organization of the daily routine. Often the blame for this lies with the parents, who not only do not serve positive example, but also do not contribute to increasing the role of sports in a child’s leisure time.

Intellectual professions have become more in demand, and without education it is difficult to achieve many desired goals, therefore, from the first grades, children are focused specifically on learning. Spending many hours at a desk, children get tired, and best vacation find computer games or watching TV at home, especially if parents do not prevent this. The road home from school does not add movement, because modern mothers and fathers pick up their children by car, and the total motor activity consists of movements of the hand, in which there is a fountain pen at school, a computer mouse at home.

In addition to family upbringing, low qualifications play a certain negative role and often indifferent attitude to their work on the part of physical education teachers. Schoolchildren do not strive to attend physical education lessons, finding all sorts of reasons for skipping them. Parents with excessive care also contribute to this stage of education: they can protect their child from classes, because the percentage of children who are not entirely healthy is growing, which means that if a child is periodically sick, then he has no need to attend physical education.

Other reasons leading to hypokinesia (limited mobility) in children, in addition to upbringing, may be factors independent of the daily routine - perinatal hypoxia and birth injuries suffered severe infections in early childhood, brain dysfunctions and pathology of the nervous system, diseases of internal organs, when sports are truly contraindicated.

What happens in the body when there is a lack of movement?

consequences sedentary lifestyle life

Sufficient physical activity is necessary for muscle development, proper operation heart and vascular system. At active movements blood delivery to organs improves, metabolism increases, mental and physical performance increases, endurance develops, immunity and stress resistance are formed.

A sedentary lifestyle does not imply active work muscles, joints, increased metabolic processes, therefore, even after lying down or sitting all day, a person feels very tired, and even more than those who actively moved for several hours in a row.

The impact of physical inactivity on the human body is enormous. It would seem that lack of movement is not a disease, but just external condition, which, moreover, does not cause discomfort and, on the contrary, lying on the sofa is quite pleasant, but the list of conditions that hypokinesia provokes is impressive:

As you can see, a lack of physical activity in one way or another affects all organs and systems, leading to their dysfunction. Prolonged physical inactivity causes gradual atrophy of the muscular system, followed by depletion of bone calcium and osteoporosis. Increased appetite due to hypokinesia causes obesity, which further interferes with exercise.

Excess weight, endocrine-metabolic changes, atherosclerosis cause arterial hypertension, damage to the coronary arteries with cardiac pathology. The brain also suffers: insufficient oxygen flow and damage to its blood vessels contribute to a decrease in intellectual capabilities, memory, attention, mental performance is impaired, and a tendency to neurosis-like disorders and insomnia appears.

Lack of physical activity leads to atrophy of the muscles of the back and neck, followed by degenerative processes in the spine. Osteochondrosis in our time is diagnosed starting at the age of 30 and even earlier, and physical inactivity is to blame. In children prolonged sitting provokes curvature of the spine, which negatively affects the development and growth of internal organs, predisposing to various pathologies.

Manifestations of physical inactivity

Since insufficient physical activity is not a disease, it is not characteristic symptoms, speaking specifically about hypokinesia. On the other side, sedentary people are experiencing a number of negative manifestations this state:

  • Feeling tired, weak;
  • Decreased mental and physical performance;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day;
  • Irritability, frequent shifts moods, tendency to apathy;
  • Decreased or, conversely, excessive increase in appetite.

The same signs characterize physical inactivity in childhood. Obesity, which affects everyone, can be added to them. larger number modern children, regardless of gender, pathology digestive system(gastritis, colitis, liver dysfunction).

If you do not think about your lifestyle and do not take urgent measures to normalize it, then the described signs of physical inactivity in adults will include pain and weakness in the muscles and bones, and atrophic changes in the muscular system. Over time, obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease will develop - the most common consequences of physical inactivity, and then negative symptoms will already be associated with specific disease, often forgetting and ignoring the root cause.

Along with physical discomfort, people with a lack of physical activity also experience weight loss. psychological problems. They are irritable, emotionally unstable, prone to apathy, and in some cases it comes to serious depression, autonomic disorders, up to panic attacks requiring specialist intervention. Chronic physical inactivity worsens immunity, people become susceptible to various infections and often suffer from colds.

Representatives of the fair sex, with a decrease in physical activity, without pleasure, note characteristic changes in appearance: pallor of the face, the appearance of wrinkles and bags under the eyes, an increase in abdominal circumference, cellulite. These signs of lack of exercise may be a signal for lifestyle changes.

Forced physical inactivity in patients after major operations or injuries is a significant risk factor for thrombosis, thromboembolism, pulmonary embolism, stroke, and complications such as congestive pneumonia, bedsores. To prevent such consequences, feasible exercises in bed are recommended; if necessary, assistance is provided by a physical therapy instructor and a massage therapist.

After some types of treatment, including operations that do not immobilize, doctors strongly recommend early activation to prevent many adverse effects, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and enhance tissue regeneration due to blood flow, but some patients ignore this advice, citing pain or feeling fear, weakness, and sometimes simply not wanting to get out of the hospital bed, enjoying the “legal” lying in the process of treatment.

How to deal with physical inactivity?

We all know that a disease is easier to prevent than to treat. In the case of hypokinesia, there will be no talk of illness if appropriate measures are taken in time. Drug treatment there is no provision for physical inactivity, and doctors are forced to resort to medications and other procedures in cases where certain diseases have developed against the background of lack of movement.

To prevent physical inactivity, it is not necessary to allocate many hours of free time or purchase expensive exercise equipment. Measures to prevent physical inactivity and organize a correct lifestyle are available to everyone, are simple and do not require material costs. The main desire.

Before you begin implementing a plan to increase the share of physical activity in your daily life, you should give up bad habits, the most common of which is smoking. This addiction is characteristic of many people in intellectual work, “sedentary” professions, and is common among young people who do not welcome sports and physical education.

In addition to smoking, the nature of the diet also aggravates the situation, so it is also advisable to balance the diet, saturating it with vitamins, protein in the form of vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish, refusing a heavy dinner late in the evening, a glass of beer or other alcohol.

If it so happens that your type of activity does not allow you to move actively, then you should determine the time for physical exercise - morning exercises, evening going to the gym, day walk in the park. To provide normal operation heart and other internal organs, at least half an hour of physical activity is required, for example, walking at least 2 km (preferably several times a day). Running is very useful for activating all muscle groups.

You can improve your health and “pump up” your muscles at home. To help - dumbbells, expander, jump rope, exercise bike, home horizontal bar. Simple exercises will help strengthen the muscles of the abs, back and neck; push-ups and squats are useful, which do not require any sports equipment at all.

A very good activity for those who decide to fight physical inactivity would be to visit the pool. Swimming stimulates blood flow, hardens, strengthens muscles, prevents osteochondrosis and, at the same time, is very safe, because the risk of injury when swimming is minimal. In addition, water has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calms and relieves stress.

The passion for cycling is gradually spreading. Many even get to work this way, while developing muscles and increasing general tone. In large cities, this means of transportation even helps to save time, which can be spent in a multi-kilometer traffic jam.

In the case when some diseases have developed against the background of a lack of physical activity, you need to go to the doctor for diagnosis and treatment, but it is worth remembering that taking medications does not replace rational mobility, gymnastics, and feasible exercises at home.

A special category of people are obese patients. This pathology appears as a result of a sedentary life, and then limits it even more. An obese person must consult a doctor before starting sports to determine permissible level loads, you may need the services of a physical therapy instructor. The same recommendation applies to those who suffer high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, heart and brain diseases.

In case of forced physical inactivity, for example, after a fracture, surgery, or stroke, massage therapists and physical therapy specialists will come to the rescue and help increase the level of physical activity as much as possible.

Rehabilitation after serious illnesses may require staying in special centers where qualified specialists work and there are the necessary exercise equipment to restore the functioning of specific muscle groups. Treatment and rehabilitation are carried out under the supervision of cardiologists, neurologists, traumatologists, and nutrition specialists. Physical activity can be supplemented with physiotherapeutic procedures to increase muscle tone and normalize the functioning of internal organs.

If a patient is bedridden after a serious illness, then the primary task is to prevent thromboembolic complications. For this purpose, not only appropriate preparations are needed, but also special breathing exercises, which is taught by hospital department staff.

For able-bodied and relatively healthy people, an excellent way to combat physical inactivity would be to visit a fitness club, gym or outdoor area. Children with early childhood you need to get involved in morning exercises, exercises in sports sections, swimming pools, walks on the fresh air and active games.

Physical inactivity is a serious problem of our time, but it is necessary and possible to fight against it. Fortunately, a healthy lifestyle is gradually coming into fashion, where there is no room bad habits, more and more often you can meet “runners” and cyclists on the streets, more and more people are opening up sports clubs. Humanity has realized the problem and is trying to fight it, and this gives us hope that physical education will become an integral part of everyday life and will help us and our children avoid health problems.

Physical inactivity and physical activity exercises

Physical activity exercises when fighting physical inactivity– the key to getting rid of many pathological dysfunctions caused by violations of OPD. The benefits of exercise therapy in the prevention of physical inactivity have long been accepted as an axiom. Movement is life, and there is simply no refutation of this fact. Even a light workout is a step towards solving many health problems.

Risk factors for physical inactivity and sedentary lifestyle

For any illness it is extremely important auxiliary factor healing is movement and physical activity, which, of course, must be feasible for the patient, but at the same time sufficient, and certainly regular. This could be daily motor exercises, walks in the morning or before bed, a little warm-up during the day.

Therapeutic exercise in the rehabilitation system for physical inactivity can be used not only with preventive, but also medicinal purposes. This is an effective part of the complex of therapeutic and health measures as a whole, and therefore it should be carried out not only in medical institutions, but also independently, at home. The amount of exercise, exercise and physical activity should, of course, be agreed with your doctor.

The consequences of physical inactivity have long been studied. Thus, it has been found that people who lead a sedentary lifestyle are 50% more likely to develop hypertension than those who are physically active.

Many people think that if you are prone to hypertensive manifestations, you need rest, but in reality, physical rest weakens the heart even more, it copes worse with stress, and metabolism occurs more slowly, which leads to the accumulation of toxins in the body and fat deposits, the formation of cholesterol plaques.

In addition, physical activity during physical inactivity helps cope with stress, while a sedentary lifestyle weakens the nervous system and the body as a whole.

Physical activity and exercise serve as a means of both prevention and treatment of many diseases, and hypertension is no exception. Finally, physical activity helps to get rid of obesity as a risk factor for hypertension, and a very serious one at that.

Recommendations for physical activity and combating physical inactivity

Before performing exercises to prevent physical inactivity, you should familiarize yourself with some requirements general order- those rules that simply must be followed. Without this, various exercises and physical activity will not bring you pleasant mild fatigue, but new worries or even ailments:

  • You should eat at least an hour before the start of classes: full stomach very bad helper.
  • Make it a firm rule to drink 1/2 glass of boiled water about half an hour before starting exercise to protect the body from dehydration.
  • Clothing should be loose and not restrict movement; natural fabrics are preferable.
  • It is better to exercise in the morning after the usual hygiene procedures; otherwise, evening hours between 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm are most suitable.
  • You need to breathe evenly, deeply, rhythmically and through your nose. Don't hold your breath.
  • Finally, the last thing: perform the movements not mechanically, but with a positive emotional attitude and a positive attitude that they will bring you real benefit. Experience shows that the psychological factor is extremely important.
  • After completing the entire set of exercises, take a shower.

The choice of the set of exercises itself depends entirely on you. The main thing is to take into account your health status and other individual characteristics.

  • If you are an obese and untrained person, start your exercise with walking. Take things gradually. Very slowly increase the distance and pace of your walk.
  • To get rid of physical inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle, avoid using the car, bus, subway, and walk more in low-heeled shoes (for women, heels no higher than 4 cm are recommended).
  • Do not use the elevator, take the stairs on foot.
  • Wake up an hour earlier every day and use that time to walk.
  • Every Sunday, set aside one hour to walk with your family in a park or nature.
  • In the morning after sleep, do exercises that will help warm up your muscles. Try to do exercises with pleasure, and not through force.

After all, feeling in shape is truly a pleasure.

Remember that, just like choosing a diet depends on your tastes, choosing a way to increase physical activity is up to you. It is simply impossible to find recommendations for everyone, since when individually selecting physical activity, the following factors must be taken into account: age, gender and physical fitness.

Moreover, if you have not exercised for a long time, then first it is better to go to the doctor and consult with him.

But in any case, it is not too difficult to allocate your time in the morning so that you can take a walk that refreshes your mind and body. Instead of taking the elevator every time, take a few flights of stairs and make it a habit. Also make it a habit to take at least a short walk before bed every day. By the way, you will sleep much better after this. While walking, try to rise and fall slightly on your toes. This develops the muscles of the back and legs.

When you're forced long time stand in one place in transport, at work, do a simple but very effective exercise: first stand, leaning on the outer part of the foot, then on the inner. Alternately tense and relax the muscles of your entire body. This can be done standing, sitting, or doing something else at the same time. When you have to sit on a chair for a long time, rest your feet on the floor, trying to rise slightly. Thus, a load is created on almost all muscle groups. Use your imagination, expand the range of proposed exercises.

After any training to prevent physical inactivity, be it morning work-out or a set of exercises, wipe yourself with a sponge moistened with warm water, and then wipe your skin dry. You can gradually lower the water temperature and take a shower instead of the usual wiping. Water is the most accessible remedy hardening at any time of the year at home.


The effect of physical inactivity on a person is too detrimental to ignore this fact.

Therapeutic exercise in the rehabilitation system for physical inactivity: warm-up

Start your fight against physical inactivity with a light warm-up: it will take you no more than 5-7 minutes and will still help you get a certain boost of energy. Moreover, all these exercises can be done without getting up from your chair:

Exercise 1.

Take turns raising your shoulders, but do not tilt your head. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 2.

Raise both shoulders at the same time. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 3.

Place your palms on your shoulders and make circular movements with your shoulders - first forward, then back. Repeat 10 times in each direction.

Exercise 4.

Stretch your arms forward, clench your hands into fists and make circular movements - first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Repeat 10 times in each direction.

Evening exercises to relieve fatigue

These exercises can be performed regularly in the evenings. After them, the fatigue accumulated during the day disappears:

Exercise 1.

Stand up straight. Toes point forward, hands on the back of the chair. Slowly rise onto your toes and remain in this position for one minute, transferring your body weight to outside Feet. Repeat several times.

Exercise 2.

Sit down with your feet on the floor. Grasp the handkerchief with your toes and move it for about five minutes without lifting your heels from the floor.

Exercise 3.

Slowly rise on your toes and also slowly lower yourself. Repeat several times.

A set of physical therapy and physical activity exercises

An approximate set of exercises against physical inactivity, suitable for morning exercises:

Exercise 1.

Hands to the sides - inhale; when returning to the starting position, exhale. Repeat 4-5 times.

Exercise 2.

Clench and unclench your fingers into a fist while simultaneously dorsiflexing and plantar flexing your feet. Repeat once.

Exercise 3.

Alternately bend your legs knee joints, sliding your foot along a flat surface (one step for each leg).

Exercise 4.

Diaphragmatic breathing for 3-5 minutes.

Exercise 5.

Slowly raise your right (left) straight leg, bend your foot to an angle of 90°, return to the starting position. Then repeat the exercise with the other leg (5-8 times for each leg).

Exercise 6.

Relax the muscles as much as possible in the following sequence: muscles of the lower leg - thigh - torso (2-3 minutes).

Exercise 7.

Bring your hands to your shoulders, connect your elbows in front of your chest. Spread your elbows to the sides (inhale) - connect them in front of your chest (exhale). Repeat 8-10 times.

Exercise 8.

Arms extended forward, palms inward. Extend your right arm as far forward as possible. Then do the same with your left hand. (When doing this movement, it is recommended to slightly lift your shoulder from the mat.) Perform 6-8 times with each hand.

Exercise 9.

Simulated cycling (3-5 minutes). While performing this exercise from a complex of physical activity, it is necessary to monitor the movements of the joints.

Exercise 10.

Alternately press your head, shoulder blades, lower back, pelvis, hips, and shins to the mat (followed by relaxing the muscles). Each time, maintain the tension for 5-7 seconds, 2-4 minutes in total.

Exercise 1.

Right hand under your head, left hand on the mat in front of your chest. Bend in hip joint direct left leg, slowly straighten. Repeat 6-8 times.

Exercise 2.

Take your left leg straight to the side and hold it for 5-7 seconds. Then return to the starting position. Repeat 5-6 times for each leg.

Exercise 3.

Pause for rest (1-2 minutes).

Exercise 4.

The right hand is under the head, the left is extended along the body, the legs are bent at the knees. Inhale. Straightening your legs, simultaneously lift left hand up and stretch - exhale. Repeat 5-6 times, alternating hands.

Exercise 5.

The right hand is under the head, the left along the body, the legs are straightened. Inhale. Bend your legs, bringing them as close to your stomach as possible - exhale. Repeat 6-8 times.

Exercise 1.

Imitation of breaststroke swimming. As you inhale, slowly spread your arms out to the sides - inhale; when returning to the starting position, exhale.

Exercise 2.

Hands under your head, emphasis on your toes. Straighten your knees and return to the starting position. Repeat once.

Exercise 3.

Hands up, feet together. Stretch your right and left arms up alternately. Repeat 6-10 times for each hand.

Exercise 4.

Muscle relaxation (1-2 minutes).

Each person regulates the intensity and duration of the load himself, taking into account individual capabilities and with a gradual increase in physical activity.

The load should be increased gradually, and a method of self-monitoring can be to measure your pulse during exercise. The pulse rate should not exceed age limit, which is defined as follows: 180 minus age in years. The appearance of shortness of breath or pain also serves as a signal to reduce the intensity of the load.

Movement and physical activity: movement exercises for the elderly

All exercises are performed sitting on a chair

Exercise 1.

Starting position: hands on knees. As you inhale, spread your arms to the sides. As you exhale, place your hands behind your head. Return to starting position. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 2.

Starting position: legs crossed, hands on the belt. Tilt to the right and return to the starting position. Tilt to the left. Repeat 8 times.

Exercise 3.

Starting position: legs together, hands on the belt. Take your right leg to the side, lean to the right. Return to the starting position, move your left leg to the side, lean to the left. Return to the starting position and lean forward slightly. Repeat 4 times at a slow pace.

Exercise 4.

Starting position: legs wide apart, hands on the belt. Raise your arms up to your sides. Stretch and look at your fingertips, throwing your head back. Return to starting position. Repeat 3 times at a slow pace.

Exercise 5.

Starting position: legs slightly apart, arms raised up. Perform a springy forward bend. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise again.

Exercise 6.

Starting position: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Extend and bend your right leg for 1 minute. Repeat the exercise, straightening and bending your left leg.

Exercise 7.

Starting position: legs together, hands on the belt. Spread your legs wide, extend your left leg and try to fix the position for 30 seconds. Return to the starting position, then repeat the exercise with your right leg. Run 2 times.

Exercise 8.

Starting position: legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. Shake your relaxed feet and hands. If fatigue passes quickly after exercise, you can start more intensive training, but preferably with the knowledge of the attending physician.

Treatment of physical inactivity with various exercises and physical activity loads

Exercise 1.

Starting position: standing straight, hands on your belt. Walk in place with a high hip lift. Perform the exercise for 30 seconds.

Exercise 2.

Starting position: standing straight, hands on your belt. Perform bends to the right and left sides. Repeat 20 times.

Exercise 3.

Starting position: standing straight, hands on your belt. Squat down, then return to the starting position. Do 3 squats.

Exercise 4.

Starting position: sitting on a chair, hands on your belt. As you exhale, bend forward. While inhaling, return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.

Exercise 5.

Starting position: sitting on a chair, arms along the body. Place your hands behind your head and turn your body to the right and left. Stretch your arms forward, turn your head to the right and left. Return to starting position. Repeat 5-6 times.

Exercise 6.

Starting position: sitting on a chair, arms along the body. Stretch your arms to the sides, raise them up, bend your elbows and place them behind your head. Straighten your legs, spread them to the sides. Repeat this exercise from the complex physical therapy 5 times.

Exercise 7.

Starting position: sitting on a chair, hands behind your head. Take a deep breath and arch your back as much as possible. As you exhale, return to the starting position and relax for 10 seconds. Bend over and then return to the starting position. Repeat 4 times.

Exercise 8.

Starting position: lying on your back, rest your hands on the floor. Sit down and arch your back as much as possible, slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 2-4 times.


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