How to check lymph nodes in the neck. What changes are observed in a blood test if lymphadenitis develops in the body? How to identify enlarged lymph nodes

People who are attentive to their health should notice the slightest visible changes in the size and structure of organs and tissues. If you experience any unusual symptoms associated with enlargement, swelling, redness, throbbing or tenderness in the body, you should consult your doctor. One of the common signs of hidden chronic or acute inflammatory pathological processes in the body is enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, which are clearly felt upon palpation. Soreness, swelling and redness of the skin along with an increase in their size require observation.

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What is a lymph node?

The lymph node in the neck, as in other areas, is an organ of the lymphatic system that performs the function of cleansing the lymph circulating in the body.

The main purpose of the lymphatic system (LS) is the production and transportation of immune cells, as well as lipoproteins, fluid molecules and other substances. Lymph ensures the bioavailability of various components, including nutrients from food, active ingredients from medications, and others.

Unlike the circulatory system, fluid in the drug moves through vessels, capillaries, trunks and ducts slowly and under low pressure. Passing through the lymph nodes, the lymph undergoes filtration.

What are the cervical lymph nodes responsible for?

The muscles connecting the head and torso are the main area where the lymph nodes in the neck are located. In addition to the neck, the main areas where large lymph nodes are located are the armpits, torso, elbow and knee joints, and groin area.

The concentration of nodes in the neck and groin area is explained by their proximity to natural openings in the human body. Through them, infections most often penetrate the body - bacteria, viruses, microbes. Based on this, you can understand the purpose that these lymph nodes serve: being located on the neck close to these openings allows the body to more quickly and efficiently cope with the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms.

The main thing that the cervical lymph nodes are responsible for is stopping the spread of infection that enters through the nose, mouth and ears.

The lymph nodes of the neck are designed to fight respiratory infections and microbes that cause inflammation in organs that are commonly called “ENT organs” (flu,). The second thing that the lymph nodes in the neck are responsible for is the fight against infections of the oral cavity and teeth - caries, acute pulpitis, stomatitis, gingivitis. Often, enlarged lymph nodes are observed when the growth of wisdom teeth is activated.

Lymph nodes in the neck, where large blood vessels are located, are designed to stop the spread of infection through increased production of immune cells - lymphocytes and phagocytes during the active phase of the life of a virus or bacteria (,).

When a foreign agent invades the body, an active immune response manifests itself in the form of several symptoms. Evidence of the body’s enhanced fight against infection is:

  • increased size of lymph nodes;
  • soreness and redness of the skin;
  • good visibility and easy palpation of formations.

The stronger the immune response, the larger the size of the nodes may be. The normal size of cervical lymph nodes in adults usually does not exceed 5–7 mm. In acute infections, accompanied by the formation of purulent foci, the lymph nodes can increase in size by 5–10 times, sometimes reaching a diameter of 5 cm or more. In this state, they are clearly visible under the skin, their structure becomes denser or, conversely, heterogeneous and glandular. Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck can limit head movement and lower jaw mobility, making chewing, swallowing and speech difficult.


There are several types of lymph nodes depending on their location. Cervical lymph nodes, the location of which allows them to be called para-aortic, are divided into several subgroups. The standard classification of neck lymph nodes includes:

  • deep and superficial;
  • anterior and posterior cervical;
  • supraclavicular;
  • submandibular;
  • chin;
  • tonsillar;
  • occipital;
  • behind the ear and parotid;
  • sublingual.

Where are they located?

By the names of these peripheral organs one can understand their localization. Lymph nodes are mainly localized in the back of the neck, as well as in the front part of it in the area of ​​the carotid artery.

You can also feel them near the ears, in the area of ​​​​the connection of the lower jaw and the skull, near the hyoid bone, behind the ears, near the clavicular cavity, near the point of connection of the cervical vertebrae and the skull. Knowing where the lymph node is located in the neck, you can determine the cause of the appearance of lumps and nodules in the soft tissues under the skin.

Neck location diagram

The location of the lymph nodes in this area is easy to describe even without an image. The pattern of lymph nodes in the neck correlates with the location of large blood and lymphatic vessels. They are arranged in the form of connected chain links parallel to the direction of blood and lymph flow. The lymph nodes in the back of the neck, whose location corresponds to the splenius and suboccipital muscles, are also included in this group.

Posterior (posterior cervical)

This group of lymph nodes is located, as its name suggests, on the back of the neck and at the base of the skull. The posterior cervical lymph nodes include:

  • retroauricular;
  • occipital;
  • deep and superficial cervical.

Anterior cervical

The anterior cervical lymph nodes include the deep cervical nodes located above the carotid artery. The anterior cervical lymph nodes include subclavian lymphatic formations.


The group of submandibular lymph nodes includes the submandibular lymph nodes themselves, as well as the mental and tonsillar lymph nodes. Close to them, in the ear area, are the parotid and preauricular lymph nodes, which some doctors classify as a separate subgroup.

Should it be palpated?

Normally, the lymph node on the neck on the left side, as well as on the right, should not be palpable. It is acceptable when it is slightly felt when pressed, but there should be no pain or other unpleasant sensations. The answer to the question of whether lymph nodes in the neck should be palpated depends on the exact location. The behind-the-ear ones, for example, are easily palpated. How to palpate the lymph nodes in the neck and back of the head? It is enough to hold and lightly press with your thumb or index finger, feeling a dense, slightly mobile formation no larger than 1 cm in size.

With colds, most often there is an increase in the submandibular and behind-the-ear nodes. Less frequently, the anterior cervical and posterior cervical lymph nodes become enlarged. The chin, parotid and preauricular nodes can grow in size and become inflamed with otitis media, as well as carious lesions of the dental canal, stomatitis, tonsillitis with purulent formations. The supraclavicular muscles respond to problems in the thyroid gland.

In addition to infections, swollen lymph nodes may be associated with:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • immunodeficiency conditions (including those caused by a viral nature - AIDS);
  • allergies;
  • chronic stress;
  • intoxications;
  • cancerous tumors.

How to check it yourself?

Observation is the key principle of diagnosing the condition of the body using the lymph nodes. Knowing what a lymph node in the neck is, each person can independently identify changes in their size, structure, and consistency.

The main way to check the lymph nodes in the neck for the presence of disease yourself is to observe over time:

  • visual changes (increase in nodes from the size of a pea to a walnut);
  • hardening or softening;
  • pain when moving the head, lower jaw, swallowing and chewing;
  • redness of the skin in the affected area.
Indirect signs indicating the presence of infection are fever, general weakness, apathy, and headaches. If there are several symptoms (for example, fever + enlarged and painful lymph nodes), then you need to contact a specialist and get tests done.

Normal size for adults

Under normal conditions, the lymph nodes have the shape of a pea or bean, and the size of the lymph nodes on the neck is normally no more than 1 cm. Slight deviations are possible up or down if they are not accompanied by other symptoms (painful, redness).

What to do if you can feel a lymph node?

If you find that the lymph nodes or one of them located in the neck are enlarged and painful, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Before feeling the lymph nodes on the patient’s neck, the specialist will conduct a visual examination and prescribe blood tests to examine the leukocyte formula.

Depending on other clinical signs of the disease, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound scan of the affected area. If a malignant disease is suspected, a tissue biopsy is performed, as well as tomography or radiography of nearby organs (lungs, brain, heart).

Useful video

For more information about examining lymph nodes, watch this video:


  1. Any changes in the condition, structure, size of the lymph nodes should not be ignored.
  2. In isolated cases, when swollen lymph nodes are associated with a mild cold and other relatively harmless conditions, there is no need to worry. Enlarged lymph nodes themselves return to normal size when the respiratory infection subsides.
  3. In case of a chronic condition, accompanied by enlargement and tenderness of the cervical lymph nodes for 4 weeks or more, consultation with a specialist and a full examination are necessary.

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An enlarged, painful lymph node is a signal of trouble in the body. This is an indicator of immune reactions occurring in the body. If you feel something swollen and painful, it could be an inflamed lymph node. Reasons for enlarged lymph nodes... In tuberculosis and cancer, this leads to their spread. But the disease that caused a reaction in the lymph node can be dangerous.

There are also lymph nodes located in the lungs (bronchopulmonary), in the abdominal cavity (mesenteric and para-aortic), and slightly above the inguinal (iliac). The first warning sign is an enlargement of the lymph nodes: a bulge in the head, neck, pelvis, etc. With this disease, the lymph nodes become inflamed behind the ears and in the occipital region.

Then the question arises: “How to relieve inflammation of the lymph nodes at home?” The main mistake in life is the assumption that people act based on thought processes. In general, these specialists are engaged in unfair exploitation of the lymphatic system in favor of other organs. But now about the lymph nodes. What are lymph nodes and what are they for? But very briefly, because... we need to discuss many other more important things. Lymph nodes are part of the immune system.

What to do if the lymph nodes are swollen?

And the macrophages (big eaters) living in them capture all this and “eat it”. The participation of lymph nodes in metabolic processes and the redistribution of fluid in the body and in other important processes has been proven.

But, unfortunately, this is not always the case - the lymph nodes and the entire lymphatic system, like any other organs, have diseases. Regardless of whether it is the lymph node’s own disease or whether it got into a fight with a “foreign” disease, the signs of its damage will be similar. Then you can ask about the number of enlarged lymph nodes, whether they are in one place or many, density, displacement and cohesion.

The former swelling of this node has not completely resolved, and the lymph nodes are most likely overgrown with connective scar tissue. I have had patients with chronic pulmonary diseases, who have had many exacerbations in their lives, with numerous tiny, very hard lymph nodes in the neck and above the collarbones.

This is determined by trying to carefully move the enlarged lymph node to the sides. If it is soldered to something, this is an indicator of the spread of some process in the node beyond its boundaries. Or they grabbed this place because it was painful, and determined that the source of pain was the balls, lymph nodes. What does it mean? Especially when the lymph nodes are enlarged in only one specific area.

How to treat inflammation of the lymph nodes?

And in such cases, as a rule, it is easier to find the cause. All these liphadenitis accompany obvious acute surgical diseases. Perhaps the first sign of some serious illness. The lymph nodes located in the groin area are called inguinal. Enlarged cervical lymph nodes are a sign of the development of an infection in the body or a manifestation of a disease of the lymphatic system. In the human body, lymph nodes play the role of biological filters and are organs of immune defense.

How to treat cervical lymphadenitis

Lymph nodes are round or oval formations from 0.5 to 50 mm in diameter. They are located near lymphatic and blood vessels. There are cervical, supraclavicular, intrathoracic, axillary, ulnar, femoral, inguinal and popliteal lymph nodes. Inflammation of the lymph nodes, or lymphadenitis, is difficult to miss. In addition, other symptoms appear: painful sensations, especially felt when pressed; seals; redness.

How quickly and how much did the lymph nodes enlarge?2. Are the lymph nodes mobile or in a fixed position?3. Pain in the lymph nodes is constant, occurs only with pressure or is absent altogether?4. Is one lymph node inflamed, or several? Perhaps this lymph node simply works more actively than others, which led to this effect. When the body fully recovers from the disease, the lymph node also returns to normal.

Medical diagnosis of inflammation of the lymph nodes

After this, a blood test is usually prescribed, which can help determine the causes of lymphadenitis. This means that the treatment will be prescribed correctly and will bring greater effect. During this procedure, the doctor takes small samples of lymph node tissue and its contents, and studies the resulting material in the laboratory. After this, the chances of identifying the cause of inflammation increase significantly.

Lymphadenitis most often occurs due to harmful microorganisms entering the body. There are two types of inflammation of the lymph nodes: Purulent lymphadenitis This type of disease is characterized by severe and constant, often throbbing pain in the lymph nodes. With purulent inflammation, the lymph nodes seem to merge with each other and with other tissues located nearby.

In this case, the skin around the lymph node and directly above it turns red. As a result, a tumor with clear contours appears in the area of ​​the lymph node. This type of disease brings less suffering to the patient, because the general condition does not change.

Suddenly, pain occurs in the lymph nodes, which have increased sharply. Acute lymphadenitis is also characterized by fever and malaise. When the inflammatory process subsides, acute lymphadenitis becomes chronic. This condition is characterized by enlargement of the lymph nodes without any unpleasant sensations in them. There are no other manifestations of the disease.

How to independently recognize inflammation of the lymph nodes?

What are lymph nodes?

This is the name for inflammation that occurs as a result of exposure to more severe infectious diseases on the body, such as AIDS, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, etc. Its difference is that, like any specific disease, it will in any case cause damage to health.

In this case, several groups of lymph nodes may enlarge at the same time. It is this that often causes inflammation of the lymph nodes in children. The disease occurs due to the fact that a small bacterium, Bartonella, enters the body.

The disease is also transmitted from mother to child during childbirth and breastfeeding. Gaucher's disease. An extremely rare hereditary disease in which fat accumulates in large quantities in the liver, spleen, kidneys and lungs. In this case, inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs. Other symptoms: strabismus, difficulty swallowing, spasms of the larynx, dementia, bone damage.

Hello! I have had inflammation of the lymph node under my arm for about 1 year now. Lymph nodes (lymph nodes) are organs of the lymphatic system. The danger of this disease is that it can quickly spread throughout the body and lead to inflammation engulfing the entire body. Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the abdomen, like any other lymphadenitis, can cause complications if left untreated.

The lymphatic system is made up of small “nodes” of lymphatic tissue. Lymph nodes are an important part of the immune system. If a person becomes ill, it can be detected by checking the lymph nodes, which usually become swollen in such situations. Accordingly, if you find a swollen lymph node, it makes sense to consult a doctor. This article will tell you how to check your lymph nodes.

Method 1

Lymph node check

Know the location of the lymph nodes. Most of them are in the neck and in the area of ​​​​the collarbones, in the armpits and in the groin.

Lymph nodes are grouped into groups of several nodes, ranging in size from the size of a pea to the size of a bean.

The lymph nodes located in the groin area are called inguinal.

Press three fingers together as shown in the picture. Using your fingertips, you will palpate yourself - lightly press on various parts of the body where the lymph nodes are located.

Press your fingers onto your forearm. Remember this feeling - this is what a healthy, not swollen or swollen area feels like.

Now move your hand to the armpit area and palpate there.Lymph nodes are located near the ribs, in the lower part of the armpit.

Palpate gently. Feeling something unusual? You should feel rib bones, muscle, and possibly fat. If you feel something swollen and sensitive, then it may well be an inflamed lymph node.

With your other hand, palpate the second armpit.
Swollen lymph nodes are often the size of peas or beans.

Palpate the lymph nodes in the neck and collarbone. Using the fingertips of both hands, move in a circular motion behind the ears, then down to the neck, then palpate the area under the jaw line. If you feel something swollen and painful, it could be an inflamed lymph node. By the way, inflammation of the lymph nodes in this area can also be accompanied by difficulty swallowing and sore throat.

Palpate the groin area. Remember: muscle, fat and bone are good. Lumps and tumors are bad.

Method 2

When to see a doctor?

Monitor the condition of swollen lymph nodes. Sometimes the lymph nodes become inflamed due to allergies, but this goes away in a few days. If enough time has passed and the lymph nodes still bother you, you need to consult a doctor.

Analyze your health and think about what other symptoms you are experiencing. An inflamed lymph node means that the body is fighting some kind of disease, perhaps even a very serious disease. Accordingly, if the lymph nodes become inflamed due to one of the following symptoms, then you should immediately consult a doctor! So here's what to pay attention to:

Unexplained weight loss

Night sweats


Difficulty breathing, problems swallowing

Find out your diagnosis. The doctor to whom you come with complaints will guide you through all rounds of laboratory tests, identify the cause of the disease and prescribe a treatment program. Right now we can only say that most often the lymph nodes become inflamed due to:

Infections (bacterial and viral).

Problems with immunity.
Various oncological diseases.

Inflammatory and non-inflammatory pathological processes in the human body are often accompanied by enlargement and inflammation of regional lymph nodes. Signs of lymphadenitis are one of the earliest symptoms of diseases for which it is necessary to consult a doctor. The peculiarities of the blood supply and localization of the organs of the neck cause frequent enlargement of the lymph nodes in the presence of disorders in neighboring tissues and throughout the body. Therefore, every person should know how to check the lymph node in the neck in order to promptly diagnose the pathology and begin treatment.

Cervical lymph nodes: size, location and consistency

The cervical group of lymph nodes filters and drains lymphatic fluid from the head, soft tissues of the neck, as well as the pharynx, larynx, esophagus, tongue and nose.

Lymph nodes in the neck are represented by several groups:

  • The mentals are a small group that is located under the anterior edge of the lower jaw. Inflamed due to purulent processes in the bottom of the mouth or tongue.
  • The parotid lymph nodes are located in front of the tragus of the auricle and cannot be palpated in a healthy person.
  • The submandibular is palpated under the lateral edge of the lower jaw, closer to the angle on both sides of the neck. This group most often reacts to the presence of infectious diseases of the pharynx, larynx or trachea.
  • The upper, middle and lower cervical lymph nodes are located along the anterior and posterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. They ensure the outflow of lymph from the superficial and deep structures of the neck at different levels.
  • The supraclavicular group of lymph nodes is represented by formations above the middle third of the clavicle, through which lymph passes from the lower parts of the neck and upper parts of the chest.

Normally, of all groups of cervical lymph nodes, only the submandibular ones are palpated in the form of rounded formations, soft-elastic consistency, mobile, not fused to each other and neighboring tissues. The normal size of lymph nodes in the neck is considered to be the diameter of one formation up to 3 mm (compared to the size of a pea).

Important! The occipital, chin, upper and lower cervical lymph nodes are not normally palpable

How to check the lymph nodes in the neck if there is inflammation

The presence of a pathological process in soft tissues is always accompanied by increased inflow and outflow of fluid from the lesion. In this case, the lymph nodes play the role of a filter - a “collector”. Lymph with the remains of necrotic tissue, pathogens of infectious diseases and mediators of the inflammatory process passes through them.

Reactive inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Local increase in temperature over the affected group.
  • Swelling of surrounding tissues in the lymph node area.
  • Redness of the area.
  • Painful sensations when palpating the group.

In addition, one of the indirect signs of inflammation of the lymph nodes of the neck is difficulty moving in the temporomandibular joint, bending the neck, and swallowing.

Methods have been established for determining enlarged lymph nodes:

  • Submandibular - three fingers of one hand are placed under the lower lateral edge of the lower jaw, after which it is necessary to tilt the head forward. Lymph nodes can be felt like mobile, painless peas.
  • Chin - with two thumbs of both hands, rounded formations are felt under the front part of the lower jaw.
  • Occipital - the area of ​​attachment of the trapezius muscle on the back of the neck on both sides is palpated with three fingers.

In case of a generalized or severe inflammatory process, lymph nodes in the neck of all groups are palpable: painful, dense, enlarged, welded together and surrounding tissues.

Important! Enlarged nodes can be palpated up to 6 months after the illness due to connective tissue replacement

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck on one side (posterior cervical) are a symptom of infectious mononucleosis (photo:

The lymphatic system takes part in the formation of immunity: in the nodes, foreign agents are destroyed by immune cells, as well as the accumulation of particles, which prevents them from entering the systemic bloodstream. The development of inflammation in the lymph nodes in the presence of general pathology is a sign that the body is fighting an infection.

The most common causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck:

  • Acute pharyngitis is an inflammatory disease of the pharyngeal mucosa, which occurs against the background of an acute respiratory viral infection.
  • Tonsillitis or tonsillitis - inflammatory changes in the tonsils with enlargement, redness and accumulation of pus in the follicles and lacunae. The most common cause of this disease is streptococcal infection.
  • Infectious mononucleosis is a viral disease that is characterized by enlargement of all groups of lymph nodes and signs of tonsillitis. A distinctive feature is that the posterior cervical lymph nodes begin to be palpated first.
  • Rubella is a childhood droplet infection caused by a virus. A characteristic symptom is that the occipital lymph nodes become inflamed first. In addition, the disease is characterized by a finely spotted rash.
  • Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the microorganism Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
  • Isolated lesions due to wounds in the neck and skin infections (pyoderma).

Chronic inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs during a sluggish infectious process (for example, during infection with the herpes virus).

Why is cervical lymphadenitis dangerous?

One of the complications of purulent lymphadenitis is mediastinitis, when the soft tissues of the mediastinum become inflamed (photo:

The development of inflammation in the organ of the lymphatic system without timely diagnosis and treatment contributes to the transformation of the catarrhal process into a purulent one. Possible complications of cervical lymphadenitis:

  • Abscesses and phlegmons of the neck are common purulent lesions of the soft tissues of the neck. The skin over the lesion looks inflamed, stretched, and shiny.
  • Fistulas are pathological channels, “tunnels” that connect the cavity of purulent inflammation with the external environment. The occurrence of this condition requires serious antibiotic therapy and surgical intervention, since the wound is not prone to self-healing.
  • Mediastinitis is inflammation of the soft tissues of the mediastinal complex. The development of pathology is associated with the movement of the process from the interfascial spaces after the lymph nodes in the neck become inflamed. The appearance of high fever and weakness, chest tightness, difficulty breathing is a reason to urgently consult a doctor, since this condition threatens a person’s life.
  • Sepsis is a general inflammatory reaction of the body to the penetration of an infectious pathogen into the bloodstream. The diagnosis is confirmed by identifying the microorganism in a blood test.

Doctor's advice. If lymph nodes that differ from the norm are detected, it is recommended to consult a doctor in order to prevent possible complications.

Which doctor should you consult if you have inflammation of the lymph nodes in your neck?

If signs of inflammation occur in the area of ​​the cervical lymph nodes, as well as other symptoms of an infectious process, you should consult a specialist.

Depending on the characteristics of the development of the general disease, the severity of inflammation and the spread of the lesion, consultation with the following doctors is recommended:

  • Therapist (for children - pediatrician) is a doctor who specializes in common infectious diseases of the internal organs of the neck (pharyngitis, tracheitis caused by ARVI). The doctor’s responsibilities include palpating the lymph nodes, determining the size, consistency and relationship to neighboring tissues.
  • An infectious disease specialist is a specialist who conducts detailed clinical and laboratory studies to find out the infectious cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  • Oncologist - consultation is carried out to exclude malignant pathology as a possible cause of the appearance of inflamed lymph nodes.
  • A phthisiatrician is a doctor who treats lymphadenitis of tuberculous etiology.
  • Otorhinolaryngologist - conducts a special instrumental examination in order to exclude diseases of the ear, nose and larynx.
  • A surgeon is a specialist who primarily treats complications of cervical lymphadenitis (abscess, cellulitis, fistulas).

Important! An exception is tuberculosis infection, in which it is prohibited to treat an inflamed lymph node by opening and draining

Timely diagnosis of the main cause of lymphadenitis and adequately selected therapy contribute to the complete restoration of the patient’s health.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck often goes away painlessly and unnoticed by a person. This leads to many people not paying due attention to this symptom, associating it with colds or exposure to drafts.

However, an inflamed lymph node in the neck can be a sign of various diseases, including very dangerous ones.

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What are lymph nodes in the neck?

Lymph nodes are organs of the system of the same name. They ensure cleansing of the body, regulate metabolism, prevent the spread of viruses, infections, etc. Visually they are oval, round, bean-shaped bodies.

There are both small (0.5 mm) and large formations (up to 5 centimeters in diameter). Lymph nodes are located peripherally. Highlight:

  • intrathoracic;
  • (supraclavicular, anterior, auricular);
  • para-aortic;
  • femoral and inguinal;
  • elbows;
  • popliteal, etc.
Cervical lymph nodes protect the head and organs in the neck from the penetration of biological agents and the development of tumors. Inside the formation, a special type of cell is synthesized - lymphocytes. They fight foreign substances that have entered the body.

The localization of formations is determined by the protective functions performed. This arrangement makes it possible to most effectively block the path of infection and cancer cells. Mostly lymph nodes are located in front and behind the neck. Clusters are observed near the carotid artery, ears, and under the jaw. Inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes in a specific area can be correlated with signs of certain diseases.

In a healthy person, the cervical lymph nodes should not be palpable. Under pressure, the contours of the formation can be felt, but not accompanied by pain or discomfort. Such manifestations are a sign of inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes and are regarded as pathological symptoms.

Lymphadenopathy is a disease in which the lymph nodes become enlarged. This pathology can act as an independent diagnosis or as a symptom of other diseases. The cause may be inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes due to an infectious lesion, viral penetration, systemic pathologies of connective tissue, etc.

Table 1. List of probable diseases, a sign of which is lymphadenopathy of the cervical lymph nodes

Diseases affecting the sinuses, teeth and surrounding tissues, ears, skin, headCorrespond to the localization of the inflammatory process.
PharyngitisAn inflammatory disease that affects the pharyngeal mucosa. The cause of development is infection, polluted air, inhalation of hot steam, injury, etc.
RubellaInflammation of the lymph nodes is one of the main signs of the disease. It is accompanied by symptoms such as fever, weakness, and rash all over the body. Rubella is not dangerous, but if infected in the early stages of pregnancy, it leads to numerous deformities of the fetus.
MononucleosisA viral disease that leads to the development of fever, negatively affecting the liver, spleen and the biochemical composition of the blood.
Epstein-Barr virusHuman herpesvirus type 4.
CytamegalovirusA viral disease with various forms and symptoms.
TuberculosisAn infectious disease leading to coughing, in some cases with blood; weaknesses; temperature rise. May cause death.
LymphomaA group of tumor diseases that cause inflammation of lymph nodes throughout the body. Dangerous pathology.

The condition is acute or chronic. In most cases, lymphadenopathy is not dangerous and goes away without a trace.

Changes in the size of the formation may be accompanied by some symptoms, for example:

  1. Increased body temperature. This symptom often accompanies inflammation. In the initial stages, low-grade fever occurs. With severe inflammation of the lymph nodes, the thermometer may exceed 39 degrees.
  2. Impaired performance. An inflamed lymph node in the neck leads to increased fatigue, decreased concentration and drowsiness.
  3. Headache. If the lymph node on the right or left side of the neck is inflamed, this can cause a lingering headache.
  4. Digestive disorders. Nausea, vomiting, heartburn, abnormal bowel movements are signs that the lymph node on the left or right neck is inflamed.
Asymptomatic enlargement of formations is also quite common and requires examination.

What do swollen cervical lymph nodes look like?

It is quite possible to identify an increase in education on your own. For timely diagnosis of diseases, it is necessary to have an understanding of what an inflamed lymph node in the neck looks like. Next, we will consider the main evaluation criteria.

Table 2. Signs that help you understand what inflamed lymph nodes in the neck look like

How to determine?

Various methods are used to assess the visual state and structure of formations. How to determine inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck:

  1. Anamnesis. Patients often complain of discomfort or pain when chewing, swallowing, talking, or turning the head.
  2. By visual inspection. Inflammation of the lymph nodes is visible from the outside. The nodes themselves swell, in some cases quite severely. The surrounding skin turns red, swelling appears, and an allergic reaction may occur. Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the back of the neck is clearly visible if you turn your head to the side.
  3. Using palpation. Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck is easy to detect by touch. The structure of the formation changes, it becomes loose and lumpy. If there are adhesions, the node is inactive.

Reasons why nodes become inflamed

The main task for prescribing competent therapy is to determine the underlying disease. The causes of inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes are varied, they include:

  1. Draft. This is the most harmless reason. Cure inflammation in this case is quite simple.
  2. Autoimmune diseases. Pathologies leading to the production of killer cells that damage healthy tissue and provoke a persistent inflammatory process. These include: arthritis, systemic connective tissue diseases, dermatomyositis, etc.
  3. Tumor diseases. The reasons why the lymph node in the neck becomes inflamed include lymphosarcoma and lymphogranulomatosis.
  4. Purulent processes. Infectious lesions can lead to the development of an abscess or phlegmon.
  5. . Mostly tuberculosis leads to an increase in nodes localized in the chest area (axillary and supraclavicular nodes). In rare cases, the pathology affects the cervical formations.
  6. . The increase is due to the body's excessive immune response.
  7. HIV, mononucleosis, brucellosis. Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck of an adult or child, which persists for a long time, is a symptom of a dangerous disease.
  8. Traumatic impact. A blow to the neck area can lead to an increase in nodes.

Symptoms and signs

In addition to the obvious sign of a change in the size and structure of the lymph node, the cause - the underlying disease - has a significant influence on the nature of the symptoms.

Inflammation of the cervical lymph node on one side may be a symptom of damage to the tonsils, throat or thyroid gland. If the diameter of the lymph nodes upon palpation does not exceed 1 centimeter, then there is no cause for concern.

However, if the examination causes pain, then it is important to differentiate the cause. Serious pathologies are accompanied by symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck, such as:

  • change in the consistency of nodes (hardness, softening);
  • discomfort or pain when the affected area is active (symptoms accompany swallowing, chewing, yawning, etc.);
  • fever, chills, fever;
  • dyspeptic disorders (symptoms and signs: diarrhea, heartburn, vomiting);
  • headache;
  • fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy.

Such sensations mainly indicate diseases of the upper respiratory tract of various etiologies. Also often found in patients:

  1. Diseases of the ear-nose-throat group: tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc.
  2. Oral diseases: stomatitis, pulpitis, gingivitis, etc.
  3. : damage to the node itself due to injury or infection.
  4. Oncological diseases: lung cancer, breast cancer, esophageal cancer with metastases in nodes, etc.
  5. Infectious diseases. Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck, accompanied by discomfort (symptoms in the neck may not be visually noticeable, but pain is present) occurs with tuberculosis, mononucleosis, herpes, etc.

If an increase in nodes accompanies a sore throat, then most likely the cause is an infectious disease. The key task is to identify the causative bacteria during the study and recommend appropriate therapy.

It is unlikely that you will be able to cope with the disease on your own. Most often, BAC culture is recommended to determine the cause of inflammation.

Lump on lymph node

The condition requires immediate medical attention. A lump on a lymph node in the neck, combined with fever, lethargy and chills, is a symptom of dangerous diseases.

If a mass is the only sign detected, then a cancerous or benign tumor should be excluded.

The appearance of a lump is caused by:

  • boil (acute inflammation caused by blockage of the sebaceous gland);
  • carbuncle (large inflammation affecting several hair follicles);
  • lipoma (benign tumor);
  • fibroma (benign formation);
  • lymphogranulomatosis, etc.

The condition can be caused by any of the listed reasons. According to statistics, the most common symptom in children is associated with exposure to an infection or virus.

The lesion can be localized in any organs located in this area. Multiple swelling is a sign of widespread infection. Diagnosis and treatment are carried out by a pediatrician.

If inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck (the causes may be different in adults and children) is detected, then the best decision is to consult a specialist.

If you are sure that the cause of the condition lies in a cold or exposure to a draft, self-treatment at home is permissible. However, if the symptom does not go away within 3–5 days, then consulting a doctor cannot be avoided.

Treatment of the disease is carried out by a therapist or specialist. Depending on the diagnosis, treatment of the underlying disease that caused this symptom is carried out by a surgeon, ENT specialist, immunologist, oncologist, or phthisiatrician. The success of therapy directly depends on the correct interpretation of the symptom. Competent, timely treatment of the cause prevents the development of complications.

Therapy for lymphadenitis includes:

  1. Antiviral agents. They have a good therapeutic effect for the viral nature of lymphadenitis.
  2. Painkillers. Relieves the condition in case of acute pain.
  3. Nonsteroids. Relieves inflammation, reduces swelling, reduces pain.
  4. Ointments. Depending on the diagnosis, anti-inflammatory, warming, painkillers, etc. may be prescribed.

Various groups of antibiotics are used to treat cervical lymphadenitis. The drugs must be taken in strict accordance with the instructions, at a strictly defined time.

The following have a good effect:

  • cephalosporins;
  • penicillins;
  • macrolide antibiotics, etc.

Folk remedies cannot act as the main treatment. However, some recipes are quite capable of complementing the recommended therapeutic course. The most popular natural ingredients are:

  • calendula flowers;
  • walnut leaf and shell;
  • aloe;
  • St. John's wort;
  • sage, etc.

How long it takes for inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck to go away is directly influenced by the competent selection of additional therapy. Mindless consumption can be harmful to health.

Useful video

Learn more about the human lymphatic system from the following video:


  1. The main danger of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck is late diagnosis.
  2. In many cases, the symptom is not taken seriously, leading to late action.
  3. As a rule, lymphadenitis signals an infection or virus, but other pathologies are also likely.

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