Sleep in kindergarten recommendations. Dream Interpretations: Why do you dream about kindergarten?

This institution is familiar to almost everyone - some personally visited it in childhood, some now take their children to kindergarten, and some stand in a long line in the hope of taking a vacant seat. Kindergarten has become a part of our lives, and therefore it is not surprising that it haunts many parents day and night. But we dream about kindergarten not because we deliver our children there every morning; the reasons often lie within ourselves, in our experiences, dreams and lifestyle.

Kindergarten in dreams and in reality

Most common cause Dream books call this kind of dream the imminent birth of a child. But we dream of different kindergartens - ours, others’, new, destroyed, with kind teachers and cheerful children or strict guards and little prisoners of circumstances.

If you see yourself as a child playing kindergarten, which means they have not yet realized themselves as an adult self-sufficient person. You are still being manipulated by your family, colleagues and even casual acquaintances. You are still bothered by problems from childhood, for example, indecision, uncertainty, overprotectiveness of your beloved mother. The latter is relevant, as a rule, for men.

We saw a kindergarten teacher in a dream. Expect well-deserved condemnation from your family or a reprimand from your boss. Don’t count on forgiveness or help; you will have to correct your mistakes yourself.

Felomena's dream book interprets this dream differently. You will have problems with children, whether your own or someone else's. The conflict of generations will manifest itself in full.

An empty kindergarten, as a rule, is dreamed of by calm, even melancholic people. You may not consider yourself in this category, but in the near future you will have to, for some reason, part with your emotions and lead a very calm lifestyle that is unusual for you. The reasons may be different - malaise or an attempt to hide from someone and evade responsibility.

A crowded kindergarten in a dream promises many surprises in reality. Just keep in mind that not all surprises will be pleasant. After such a dream, a woman can count on long-awaited pregnancy. People often dream of large groups of children trying to cope with a dozen things at once. They say that Caesar could do this, but you should shift some of your responsibilities onto some other people's shoulders.

“Vova, Klava, Mishenka - these are not cherries for you!”

Children's behavior is an important component of your sleep. Try to remember what the children were doing and how they behaved.

Children playing calmly are a guarantee of a quiet life without stress and surprises. The same can be said if kindergarteners help adults. But if the kids are naughty, don’t expect a quiet life. Minor troubles at work and unexpected obstacles in everyday affairs will make you forget about carelessness for a long time.

But it's worse if you dreamed crying baby. In this case, you will not get away with minor troubles. We'll have to decide serious problems to keep a business afloat or maintain material wealth.

The dream of a lonely child with whom children do not play is you yourself in life. Even if there are people swirling around you, there is no one among whom you would want to completely open up.

You dreamed of a baby eating. The better his appetite, the better your business will be. Well, if a whole group of kindergarteners rattles their spoons together, a white streak has come in life. Make deals, make big purchases, make new friends. Any undertaking you undertake during this period will be fruitful.

This is not your home!

I dreamed of a holiday in kindergarten. If you are attending a holiday concert, please wait pleasant surprises, but if you take part in a festive feast with your kindergarteners, force majeure will definitely happen at work, and you risk losing your job.

You dreamed that you drank a glass of cocoa in kindergarten - the dream book warns that someone from your inner circle is abusing your trust. But if instead of cocoa there is milk, the desired business trips and successful deals are ahead.

Things are scattered around the kindergarten. This is a very good dream. You will have some kind of grand idea that will bring huge profits. The main thing is not to discard it as unnecessary, since at first glance it is a pure gamble.

Brightly decorated walls of a kindergarten are seen in dreams by creative individuals. And if you haven’t written a single book or painting yet, perhaps you are ruining your talent. Try to create something. It is possible that something masterpiece will turn out.

Children's cots standing close together are friends rushing to the rescue. No matter what happens in the near future, you will not be left with the problem alone.

You work in a kindergarten. Felomena's dream book predicts an early meeting with an antisocial person. Be reasonable and try to avoid conflict.

If you take your child to kindergarten in a dream, it means you are not fully coping with parental responsibilities. Subconsciously, at least in a dream, you want to shift the care of the baby to other people. The dream book is sure that by sending a child to kindergarten in a dream, a woman in reality will have the opportunity to pay more attention to herself. It’s not very clear, however, why your baby may have simply grown up.

Often a dream about a kindergarten symbolizes your attempt to escape from reality. What for some reason is impossible in reality can be easily solved in a dream.

Many of the interpretations directly indicate fatigue and a desire to escape from everyday life. Family dream book insists that it’s time for you to go on vacation. You are sucked in by gray everyday life, and in order not to lose faith in a bright future, listen to this advice. Good luck, and always be cheerful and active!

Kindergarten in a dream and in life is a reminder of one’s youth, first friendship, parents and educators. Correct interpretation a dream about a kindergarten depends on whether the garden was empty or full of children, whether the dreamer returned to the past or found himself in the garden as an adult. Such dreams foreshadow new acquaintances, loneliness or a change of job. On a subconscious level, returning to kindergarten means a desire to get away from “adult” problems.

Key interpretations

For an adult, going to kindergarten in a dream is the dreamer’s subconscious desire to become a child again in order to be away from everyday problems.

See in a dream early years and spending time in the garden is a sign of good news from home. Long-time acquaintances may show up with a desire to communicate. It is possible to meet old friends.

To see the kindergarten in which the dreamer spent time in reality - to good changes in communication. In the near future, many pleasant and interesting acquaintances will appear.

Abandoned kindergarten

If you dream of a kindergarten, this means light and joy, but if the garden is deserted, then such a dream has the following interpretations for a woman/girl:

  1. 1. Disappointment in life due to lack of self-realization as a mother.
  2. 2. Collapse of hopes and longing for former serenity.
  3. 3. Destruction of former harmony and the emergence of difficulties.
  4. 4. Problems with the child, often of a domestic nature. The child may get injured or fail academically.

The dream book believes that an abandoned kindergarten symbolizes the dreamer’s fear of being left without support.

If in a dream it was not scary to be alone in such an institution, then the subconscious gives a sign that you need to speak out. Indeed, deep down the dreamer is very confused, as if Small child.

Empty kindergarten for children it is usually a symbol of loneliness and the lack of a real friend in life on whom they could rely.


Crying on the playground is a sign of deep mental loneliness. Soon there will be no strength left to defend your point of view.

Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books


A burning kindergarten for children means the collapse of hopes and the destruction of internal harmony, the destruction of strong relationships. The building is on fire - your endeavors will be full of difficulties. You will have to abandon your ideas.

Watching a fire, rather than being in an institution on fire, means that the dreamer will witness an unpleasant conflict.


Dream books interpret differently a dream in which a teacher is in a children's institution:

  1. 1. A kindergarten with a teacher means support and support. A wise mentor is likely to appear on your path soon.
  2. 2. Children who are without a teacher portend fun, carefree moments to come.
  3. 3. In a dream, the teacher raises his hand or shouts - a sign that inside the dreamer you are afraid of your superiors. He is about to change jobs.
  4. 4. Being a teacher means that in real life you need to take the reins of power in your hands, since the people around you are not able to bear responsibility for their own actions.

If your dream about kindergarten left a bad aftertaste, you need to wash your face in the morning cold water and retell the plot. Water will wash away all negativity.

Organization of sleep in kindergarten

Sleep, restoring the body's performance, has great importance to maintain health. Normal sleep is especially important for young children. Child preschool age plays a lot, moves around, gets tired quickly. To restore functionality nerve cells and energy expended, as well as for growth and development, he needs properly organized, sufficiently long sleep.

From the first days of kindergarten, it is necessary to develop a positive attitude towards sleep in children. The calm state the baby needs before falling asleep is created by the teacher at the end of the walk and maintained during lunch and getting ready for bed. When children fall asleep, noise, loud music and conversations should not be allowed; the room should not be brightly lit. However, there is no need for complete silence, as children can get used to such an environment and will be sensitive to the slightest rustle.

Putting children to bed at specific hours develops the habit of falling asleep quickly. The baby should sleep in a well-ventilated area, where Fresh air.

The teacher first of all helps weak children who especially need daytime rest to get ready for bed. Babies lie in bed on their right or left side (as is comfortable for them). But they should not be allowed to lie on their stomachs or cower, picking up their knees, since an incorrect position impedes blood circulation, breathing and affects the formation of posture. The teacher makes sure that the children's hands are on top of the blanket. During the entire sleep period, he remains in the bedroom and watches the children. Sometimes one needs to straighten the blanket, another needs to be dressed, a third needs to correct his posture, etc. Babies who fall asleep later can wake up other children in the absence of adults.

After naps, children are raised gradually. Those who fall asleep later than others (the weak or those who have had an illness) are woken up last, given the opportunity to sleep longer, but not kept in bed for more than the allotted time. The teacher makes sure that the children put on their clothes in a certain order, so that everyone has their hair done. The dressing process should not take much time: for older children - no more than 15 minutes, for children - 20-25 minutes. Older children make or clean their own beds. Preparing children for bed and waking up is used by the teacher to develop their cultural and hygienic skills and develop independence.

In a kindergarten with night groups or around the clock, the teacher organizes the preparation of children for night sleep. Having returned from a walk, children wash themselves, have dinner, play quiet games, and look at books. The teacher can tell the children anything at their request. When putting the children to bed, the teacher will show special sensitivity to them: he will approach everyone and carefully cover them, since at this time children usually remember home and loved ones. He then hands over duty to the night nanny.

The next day, having learned how the children slept and wished them good morning, the teacher begins to rise. Then you should do morning exercises, washing, after which the children begin to get dressed. To establish continuity in the work of the kindergarten and the family, the teacher tells parents about the proper organization of sleep at home. It is important to clarify that for a strong, calm and healthy sleep the child needs an individual bed, fresh air and certain bedtimes. It's good to take him for a walk before bed. It is necessary to convince parents that it is harmful to overfeed children in the evening, give them strong tea, coffee or cocoa; You cannot tell scary tales, play noisy outdoor games, or overload with television programs. You should not give a lot of liquid at night.

What image appears in your mind's eye when you remember kindergarten? Most often - a noisy, polyphonic childish hive.

People who visited this establishment as children had varied impressions. Often they gradually form unexpected plots in dreams.

Lots and lots of pets

Why do you dream of a kindergarten with children? Kindergarten naturally associated with many children. If there are many of them in a dream, this portends a streak of surprises By the way, they may not always be pleasant.

A more “gentle” interpretation speaks of the onset of a playful mood, when an adult wants to play a little prank.

Miller's dream book promises the dreamer a peaceful course of life, if all this mass of children is busy with quiet things- modeling, drawing, appliqué, quiet games.

There is an opinion that a dream with kindergarteners tells the dreamer that he needs a break from his usual worries, and sometimes empty fuss.

Therefore, it is worth taking a time out, sorting out your daily affairs and determining how urgent the solution to each of them is.

Your child has long grown out of preschool age, and he just dreamed about kindergarten with children. What is it for? Most likely, such a dream warns that you, with all your life experience and knowledge, you may find yourself completely helpless in the current situation.

If a woman often dreams of a kindergarten with children there, this may be a sign that she will soon become pregnant.

Extremely busy people often see a full kindergarten of children in their dreams. And the more kids run around there, the more tasks, assignments and troubles await the dreamer in real life.

If the dream “sent” you to nursery group, then such a plot can be regarded as a desire to have a child.

Seeing the kindergarten empty

According to the dream book, see empty kindergarten- good sign. Such a dream warns that the dreamer’s life will become calm and balanced, at least without stress.

Another interpreter suggests that this is a sign of shortage bright emotions, “adrenaline deficiency,” and advises taking up some extreme sport.

However, in search thrills You shouldn’t get too carried away, much less get involved in some adventures that can lead to unpredictable consequences.

In kindergarten and beyond

Autumn and Spring dream books as if they complement each other's interpretations. The first believes that the plot in which the dreamer takes his baby to the garden, but he resists and does not want to go, indicates that the parent is not paying enough attention to his child. And the second dream book speaks unequivocally: a person does not cope with parental responsibilities in the best way.

It is interesting that the reverse process - picking up from kindergarten - is absolutely not connected with educational issues and parental concerns.

Such a dream sets the sleeper up for professional actions: to improve his financial situation, he should engage in advanced training and generally grow above yourself, constantly learn something new, i.e. Do not stand still under any circumstances.

Dreaming of a teacher?

The image of a kindergarten teacher suggests that the dreamer should prepare for someone’s teachings.

Another version of the “educational” dream warns that the one who sees such a plot you shouldn’t count on someone to “cover up” his mistakes: You did it yourself - you can sort it out yourself.

I dream that a group of kids are playing with a teacher. According to the interpreter, the image indicates that the dreamer is able to cope with emotions and current situation he has it under control.

The autumn dream book is more realistic: the dream of a kindergarten teacher symbolizes nothing more or less than the pranks of children in reality.

Sleepy fantasies can easily “identify” the dreamer himself as the educator. Why do you dream of working in a kindergarten? A person who sees himself in the role of a teacher in reality sees himself as an accomplished person, ready to make others happy with knowledge and skills.

A smaller interpretation suggests that the dreamer will soon have to “educate” an adult who is distinguished by ignorance and lack of knowledge of the rules of decency.

Head of kindergarten

The head of a kindergarten, like the head in general in a dream, is a symbol of change in personal life. It is possible that soon a person will appear on the dreamer’s horizon who will bring new meaning into his existence.

The presence of a woman manager in a dream is a symbol of the fact that someone will begin to show her increased attention. And the man is waiting for a meeting with the girl of his dreams, who can become a real mistress in his house.

As you can see, dream books do not associate “kindergarten” dreams with any obvious negativity. Some changes in life are possible, filled with various events, perhaps not obviously joyful, but more troublesome. And your actions will determine how you overcome all difficulties and obstacles without complicating the situation.


“Sleep and awakening of a child in a kindergarten”

One of the most important factors Daytime sleep is essential for the harmonious development of a child. Research results showed that children aged 3-4 years who were not put to rest during the day showed more high levels hyperactivity, anxiety and depression than children who continued to sleep daily for 1-2 hours at lunchtime. Scientists have come to the conclusion that daytime sleep not only perfectly replaces possible shortcomings of night sleep, but is also important in itself as a respite for the body of an energetic child. Daytime nap- a wonderful opportunity to recuperate and spend the rest of the day in good location spirit.

Satisfying this natural need promotes good health and normal performance. For children of early and preschool age physiologically good sleep forms the basis good health And proper development.

The need for sleep is largely related to conditions environment With functional state body and depends on many other factors.

The outstanding physiologist I.P. Pavlov will establish that sleep is an inhibitory state of nerve cells that occurs following their active activity (it restores the normal activity of the body, the functions of the nerve cells of the cortex cerebral hemispheres brain). That is why the role of proper sleep is so important for a preschool child’s body, which requires not only the restoration of expended energy, but also the creation of a favorable basis for its further development. normal height and development.

The child’s nervous system is not yet sufficiently formed, it does not have great endurance and is subject to relatively rapid exhaustion. Frequent lack of sleep, which is determined not only by insufficient duration of sleep, but also poor quality sleep when it is restless and often interrupted.

Studies have shown that if a preschooler lacks sleep within 1.5 hours per day, the endurance of the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex is significantly reduced. And this entails a decrease active work and performance. Behavior is often disrupted. The child may develop abnormal inappropriate reactions on certain influences of his peers and adults around him. He may burst into tears over a trifle, do the opposite, etc. Long-term lack of sleep is often the cause of neurotic conditions, characterized by the appearance of irritability, tearfulness in the child, and weakening of memory attention. In some cases, children become excited and pugnacious, in others, on the contrary, lethargic and indifferent to their surroundings. Neurotic conditions may be accompanied by headaches, decreased appetite, and the body’s resistance to diseases, since insufficient sleep negatively affects the state of all physiological systems and functions of the body, closely related to the regulatory activity of the nervous system.

Dream like physiological process Throughout a person’s life, a person goes through a complex path of formation from superficial, intermittent in the first month of life, to deeper, more concentrated development in subsequent years. However, depending on the individual characteristics of the nervous system, the sleep of some (mainly easily excitable) children often remains shallow even at an older age. Due to insufficient depth of sleep, children can develop various negative habits that are not so easy to eliminate in the future.

For the formation of adequate sleep in children, it is important for everyone age stages create the necessary hygienic and pedagogical conditions, eliminate the reasons that prevent its occurrence. We must definitely take into account individual characteristics every pupil. How younger child, those large quantity he sleeps for hours and stays awake less. Children of preschool age should sleep at least 11-12 hours a day. Daytime sleep, depending on age, lasts up to 2-2.5 hours. It is mandatory, since the child’s nervous system quickly reacts to external stimuli, is relatively easily wounded and is less resilient than with the adult nervous system. That is why active continuous wakefulness of preschoolers is limited. If a child in kindergarten does not sleep, then we must find out the reason for this, talk with the parents, doctor or kindergarten nurse.

Creating conditions for good night child, you should remember that fresh air is the best “sleeping” and healing agent. Therefore, before going to bed, you should ventilate the room for 15-20 minutes.

Clothes for sleeping indoors should be loose, made from soft cotton fabrics. The most convenient for this purpose will be a long shirt or pajamas without pockets with no a large number buttons During the hot season, children can sleep in only shorts designed specifically for sleeping. It is important to constantly ensure that children do not become hypothermic or overheated during sleep. The position in which a child sleeps significantly affects the quality of sleep. It is better if he falls asleep lying on his right side or on his back. In such body positions internal organs experience lowest pressure body weight.

Going to bed is the most difficult and crucial moment in organizing sleep, which is of great importance for its normal course; It is necessary to kindly and at the same time persistently put the child to bed. This is the only way to achieve it falling asleep quickly. When organizing sleep, first of all, I put weakened children to sleep, children who fall asleep quickly, and those who behave calmly before bed. I put children who are excitable and restless when falling asleep in last resort, in order to pay more attention to them (sit near them, stroke them, etc.).

A calm environment will create a common positive attitude before bed, and the silence in the bedroom will promote deep sleep. At this time, conversations and noise are unacceptable. I stay around a child who has difficulty falling asleep longer, not allowing him to talk or fidget. All children, to one degree or another, need certain pedagogical influences when falling asleep. It is good if it takes an average of 5 to 20 minutes for a child to fall asleep. If it drags on for 30-40 minutes, then the sleep will be insufficient in duration, and, therefore, will not ensure the restoration of performance necessary to continue active wakefulness.

To create a positive attitude towards sleep in children, my movements are calm, soft, my speech is quiet and affectionate. Laying down and raising children is carried out in a calm environment. A child who first came to childcare facility and not yet accustomed to the new conditions, I put him to bed last so that he can see how other children lie down. During sleep, a state of thermal comfort is ensured by appropriate selection of clothing.

In advance I give instructions for sleep: “We’ll be sleeping soon. Let's put away the toys. They are also tired and want to rest. Well done, Dashenka, I put the doll to sleep...”, etc.

From the age of one and a half years, children can take part in getting ready for bed. Monotonous, calm actions associated with undressing calm them down. I also use a gentle, calm voice to induce sleep: “What a great Vanechka, he folded his clothes neatly. Go, go to bed.”

I make sure the children accept comfortable position in the crib, I help cover myself with a blanket, I make sure that the baby’s hands are on top of the blanket.

Since the children do not all fall asleep at once, I help them fall asleep: “Close your eyes, Dasha, and lie down quietly. Turn on your side, Alyoshenka, and close your eyes. Well done". So gradually all the children fall asleep.

During sleep, the child should not lie with his head covered in a blanket, with his nose buried in the pillow; only the head, and not the child’s body, rests on the pillow. A long stay in the same position can (due to the great elasticity of the osseous-ligamentous apparatus) lead to deformation of the skull, spine, and pelvis.

When falling asleep, bright lights, loud conversations and other noises are unacceptable. When children are fast asleep, quiet conversation and soft music do not bother them. Parents should also know these rules. In addition, parents need to explain that children should not be given particularly strong tea, coffee, cocoa before bedtime, tell them scary tales, outdoor games are prohibited, as well as watching television programs intended for adults.

Restless, prolonged falling asleep of a child directly affects the further course of the entire sleep, making it shallow and anxious. Therefore, it is so important that before bedtime children are in a state of moderate fatigue from previous activities, but are not overtired. The program of education and training in the daily routine allocates sleep constant time, which helps the child develop a stable positive reflex for a while and facilitates the process of falling asleep.

According to physiological research, the dream passes throughout its entire duration different phases: after falling asleep, deep sleep usually immediately sets in, then it is replaced by more superficial and deep sleep again. During night sleep, such a cyclic change of phases can occur up to 8-10 times if it is not interrupted. The total duration of one cycle, including the deep and Not deep sleep, is equal to approximately 1 hour. During the day, the child’s full sleep is ensured by 2-3 periods of deep sleep, i.e., within 1.5-2 hours, periods of deep sleep are repeated 2 times; with 2-2.5 hour sleep - 3 times. In excitable children, periods of deep sleep last only 30-45 minutes; Shallow sleep occurs in them, as a rule, with a large number of motor and emotional reactions. In most children with a balanced nervous system, the phases of shallow sleep proceed without any peculiarities and last no more than 10-15 minutes. However, at this time children awaken more easily from various external stimuli, noise, therefore, during the period of shallow sleep, which occurs approximately an hour after falling asleep, it is important to prevent the child from waking up. Research has shown that during daytime sleep in many children, complete inhibition occurs only in the second, and sometimes in the third period of deep sleep, i.e. after quite a while. long time after laying down. That is why it is so necessary to protect children’s sleep throughout its entirety.

The sleep of children of senior preschool age is similar in nature to the sleep of adults, although it has its own characteristics.

For the cheerful wellness Proper lifting of children is of no small importance. Self-awakening is most favorable. And if a child is woken up, especially in the deep sleep phase, then he does not wake up immediately, it is difficult and remains inhibited for a long time, since his physiological systems operate at a low level. Observations show that children who are lifted out of bed after a nap without waiting for them to wake up on their own are unable to engage in motor activity for a long time and are lethargic and passive. Therefore, it is recommended that the child, having woken up on his own, lie quietly in bed for another 5-10 minutes, since a sharp transition from sleep to wakefulness can negatively affect the state of the body. In this way, he will prepare for active activities.

Some children, even when waking up on their own, need an even longer transition from sleep to activity. My practice shows that within about half an hour after getting up, indicated in the kindergarten daily routine, as a rule, all children wake up on their own (if they fell asleep in a timely manner). Therefore, it is best to wait until they wake up on their own. If for one reason or another there is a need to wake up the child, then I do this, if possible, in the light sleep phase.

However, you should not allow a child who has woken up earlier than others to stay in bed for too long. He must calmly get up, get dressed, quietly, without waking up the sleeping children, go to the playroom and play there.

Proper organization of sleep involves Active participation child in this process. Sleep should not be perceived by them as something imposed on adults.

Not only parents, but also you and I should form in children a positive attitude towards sleep as a rest, after which they can actively play and do a variety of interesting things. Strive to ensure that the child understands the need and benefits of sleep. Explain to the child that when bad sleep he will not be able to grow well, be cheerful, study easily and successfully, study at school, etc. Skillful assessment of their behavior (praise when the child quickly falls asleep) also contributes to nurturing a positive attitude towards sleep in children.

WITH younger age Preschoolers begin to help adults in preparing for bed and making beds. Parents, just like us, must constantly encourage independent actions children when undressing, dressing, holding hygiene procedures. This not only develops self-service skills in children, but also sets them up in a certain way.

Children's sleep can be easily disrupted by various reasons, especially if there is no unity of requirements for its organization in preschool institution and at home. In this regard, we carry out painstaking explanatory work with parents, since many of them underestimate the importance of sleep for the health and proper development of the child.

A child's daily need for sleep is satisfied mainly through night sleep, which usually takes place during home environment. Adults must understand the importance of night sleep, create the necessary conditions for its normal course. We persistently explain to parents that it is necessary to put their children to bed in a timely manner and not to arrange noisy, stimulating activities just before bedtime. nervous system games.

Thus, the organization of sleep is one of the most important moments in the entire routine of children’s lives, and it requires a lot of attention to ourselves by us educators, parents, creating all conditions that exclude possible violations of it.

Thus, going to bed:

We put children to bed immediately after eating, when they have not yet had time to start playing and are a little “slowed down” by the outflow of blood to the digestive organs;

The room is ventilated and protected from noise;

We allow children to take their favorite ones to bed with them. Stuffed Toys, since the level of anxiety next to a toy animal drops and the baby falls asleep more calmly;

We read fairy tales before bed - calm and peaceful;

It is advisable that the child have special clothes for sleeping - pajamas, and not the panties and T-shirts that he was wearing while awake.

Unfortunately, many preschoolers have problems sleeping and cannot relax and calm down. Putting them to bed is a difficult process, both for us teachers and for the students themselves. A special technique will help you change your attitude towards sleep from negative to positive and reduce the level of general anxiety.



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