Words of gratitude to the nursery group nanny. Poems for graduation in kindergarten

Soon it will be time for graduation matinees in kindergarten. For parents of children leaving their teachers and their groups, this is a difficult time - you need to properly prepare your child for the event.
The preparation also includes poems for graduation in kindergarten - where would we be without them! After all, farewell to a kindergarten is a solemn and slightly sad event; it must necessarily include gratitude to the head of the preschool educational institution, the teacher, the nanny, the speech therapist, and the kindergarten staff. When preparing children for graduation, you need to remember to find poems for yourself - the parents’ response to the kindergarten staff is also an important component of the celebration. In our material, we tried to take into account all the nuances associated with finding poems with words of gratitude to preschool employees in order to make it easier for parents to find the best option for yourself and your children.

Graduation poems for children: goodbye kindergarten

The birch trees in the yard are sad at this farewell hour,
You will all go to first grade in September.
Take backpacks, primers, notebooks, diaries,
And the school bells will sing the song to you loudly!

We are no longer toddlers or preschoolers.
Let's replace bright pencils with notebooks,
Pens, bags, ABC books... we have become big -
We know one, and two, and three, and four more!
We know how to learn poetry and read a little...
And when we came to kindergarten, we were little kids.
You raised us, you are loved by us...
But we're leaving for first grade.
Kindergarten, happy!!!

Farewell, beloved kindergarten,
You've eaten a ton of salt!..
There are a lot of girls and guys
Ready for school now!
And the teachers work,
And cooks and nannies
Believe me, they will not leave us -
Their love will be with us!
We love you very much too
We will always love you!
...Going to the eleventh grade,
We won't forget you though!!!

In kindergarten with everyone
We were friends for many days
And now another thing -
There are more important concerns.
You have books in your briefcase,
I have a bouquet in my hand,
All the boys I know
They look after you in surprise.
Why is it a fun day?
Why is everyone happy?
We're going to school.
Goodbye, kindergarten!

Today we say goodbye
With my beloved kindergarten,
We've grown, we've grown,
We need to go to school.
Thanks to the teachers,
Thanks to our nannies,
And the doctor and the cook,
We will say “thank you” to everyone.
Today is a special day -
Both sad and cheerful.
We have grown, we have grown!
Let's go to school!

Dolls, bears and parsleys
They look at the guys sadly.
Goodbye toys
Goodbye, kindergarten.
There are new notebooks in the bag,
Pens and pencils.
Goodbye, horses.
We are no longer kids.

It's not an easy holiday for us,
It only happens once
And today to kindergarten
It’s not in vain that guests rush to visit us.
This holiday is our joyful one,
Because school is coming soon.
It's just a pity, I have to say goodbye
My beloved kindergarten and I.
Here we were friends, played,
We first learned the letters
Grew up imperceptibly
And they became quite big.
This holiday is a day of farewell,
Sad and cheerful.
Our kindergarten, goodbye!
Hello, hello, school!


Our favorite kindergarten,
You are our second home.
To part at this hour
It's sad for you and me.

Good kindergarten, thank you,
You have done a lot for us.
I'm very sorry to say goodbye to you,
But it's time for us to go to first grade.

Here's the first step
What leads us to knowledge?
And it takes us a long time to walk along it
Day after day, year after year.

Goodbye, our dolls,
Dasha, Sonya and Natasha.
Meet new girls
Play together with them!

I wish I could take you to school with me,
Yes, put me at a desk,
But the teacher goes to class
They might not let you in.

All cars are neat
We'll set it up in the garage.
We have no time for toys now,
We are adults already.

Goodbye toys
Goodbye, kindergarten!
Don't be sad, tomorrow morning
They will bring other guys.

Dear, kind kindergarten,
Nice and good.
You introduced me
With Vanya and Seryozha.

Strong male friendship
We were very proud
Even mothers because of us
We also became friends.

Now it's always the three of us.
On weekdays, on weekends.
It's like they became my friends
Brothers and sisters.


I got up early in the morning,
It's time for me to go to school.
Today is my first time
I'm heading to first class.

An ABC book is waiting for me at school,
And notebooks and a dictionary.
Markers and albums are waiting...
And they were waiting at home from school.

The dog Druzhok sits, bored
And without noticing the cat.
Dear mommy was sad,
A tear rolled down my cheek.

And mommy told me:
“So my son has grown up!”


In a beautiful suit,
With a big briefcase
Today in everyone's sight
I walk proudly
With a bouquet of flowers
I'm going to school to study!


School years are over
The bell doesn't ring in the morning,
And mom won’t say with a smile:
“Get up, honey, it’s time for school!”

What a pity that in adulthood
We won't take our friends with us,
With whom we studied together,
We went hiking and to the museum.

Our roads will diverge:
Work, affairs, institute,
But part of our souls remains
Behind the school desk, here.

Let life open up before us
Lots of wide doors
But we will keep in our hearts
School reliable friends.

Gratitude to the Head of the Preschool Educational Institution in verse for kindergarten graduation

Accept our bow to the very ground
For being able to warm your hands
Your children's oasis, create comfort there,
For moms and dads, you are like a second mother,
After all, we are young and sometimes not always,
We have enough experience at our age,
We sometimes went to you for advice.
The children have completed their preschool journey,
And today we want to wish you,
So that your kindergarten can survive
In such difficult difficult times,
You have enough patience, this is a burden for you
Carry through the years on women's shoulders!
You can't express all the respect in words,
Thank you for everything, for your warmth and care,
May your work only bring you joy,
Success and happiness to the kindergarten and to you,
Bow to you today from dads and moms!


Every day with your care
Our "Rainbow" is becoming more and more beautiful,
This kindergarten is getting brighter
For big and little ones!

Thank you for your concern,
For hard work,
For joy, warmth, comfort,
That they live in our kindergarten.

Let work bring you
Positive attitude!
Well, different problems
Let them bypass!

Gratitude to the teacher at kindergarten graduation in verse

Accept our recognition today
For all your kindness and experience,
For raising our children!
There is no profession in the world that is more needed,
And the children have become accustomed to your hands,
And now it will be difficult to explain to us,
That they will no longer see your eyes,
Their years go by, their days are formed,
And our children, of course, have grown up,
After all, they were always at work with you,
Now with a song, now with a brush, with many books!
Have you taught children letters and numbers?
And now they will go to school,
And they express gratitude to you with love
Their moms and dads! And goodbye to you
There will be a desire for success and creativity,
Thank you for everything, for your work and patience,
We all wish you happiness with inspiration!


For hard work, for effort
We would like to thank you,
For the fact that our children
You helped raise.

Taught them to be friends, to play,
They even taught us how to embroider!
You took care of them
And they taught them, lovingly,
We left for work
Without fear for the child.

And I say goodbye to you,
Today we would like to wish
Good luck, happiness and health!
We will always remember you!

Thanks to the teachers
For affection and warmth.
We were next to you
And on a gloomy day it is light.
You pitied us, you loved us,
You raised us like flowers.
Dal that we can't you


Raising a child is not an easy job,
You need to teach your child all the basics of life.

So that the child gets dressed and understands art,
He knew what was bad and what was not, and developed his intellect.

Kindergarten is his world, the teacher in it is his idol,
Helps the baby realize the beauty in everything.

How to make friends with guys and make friends with nature.
Become an equal among equals and never be late.

Today is a holiday in Rus' for the country's educators!
May their dreams come true and be transformed in reality!


The teacher has a job -
This is such a concern!
We need to wipe the snot,
Songs to sing and dance.

Comb, kiss,
Feed and rock.
He laughs, he cries,
This one chases everyone with a stick.

Try and follow
Keep everyone safe.

It’s so difficult with just one,
And you can’t even count them.
How many eyes do you need?
And yes, there are definitely six hands.

We are calm for the children
For your pencils.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
And bow to you to the ground!


They don't let mom into the garden?
Don't be sad, buddy.
Instead of mother, the boys
There is a teacher in the group!

Our second family is a group,
Here are toys and comfort,
And being bored and crying is stupid,
Mothers will come in the evening.

Games and songs are very useful
The teacher picked it out for us.
We have fun in the group
Every day and every hour!


Who will teach strong friendship,
Share the game with a neighbor,
Carefully eat all the porridge?
Our teacher!

With whom to sculpt mushrooms and the sun,
Draw flowers in the window?
Who will sing and recite poetry?
Our teacher!

Who will console, will regret,
Who will teach you to become kinder?
My beloved garden is more beautiful with her,
With our teacher!


We praise the teachers!
Congratulations on this bright day!
Oh, the work is not easy...
You are a reliable hand
Moms and dads of all generations.
Happiness, joyful moments!
And the cheerful children's laughter -
This is the best gift ever!


You accepted our children as babies,
Who still speak poorly.
They diligently eat themselves with spoons,
But they don’t want to get dressed yet...

Teaching children diligently to order,
We have to explain a lot to them:
And how to wash and do exercises,
Go to the potty and fall asleep at night.

They need to wipe away their tears and snot,
Distract, calm, understand, regret.
Learn how to move together to music,
Sculpt, draw and sing a little!

And mothers calmly go to work,
We know that the kids are in good hands.
For your love and for your care,
We are grateful to you for your work from the bottom of our hearts!


Children are the joy of the state,
Real wealth.
They must be educated
Like hope for the country.

There is a preschool
Kindergarten is a child's happiness.
There are kids passing by
All the lessons of life.

How to behave and eat
So as not to disturb your health.
How to look sporty
Overcome all diseases.

Learn to draw
And, of course, dance.
Embroider when you feel like it...
In general, they need care.

For children, the second mother is
Kindergarten teacher.
Patient with the kids
Entertains them with games.

Day after day there is learning,
Something like an adventure.
Children are happy, blooming,
They go to kindergarten in droves.

Today is a holiday in kindergarten,
The teacher is in plain sight.
Receives congratulations
He dreams of his worldly things...

Let your dreams come true
Educators of the country!

There is no position more important -
Deputy of our mothers!
He knows and can do everything:
How to settle quarrels,

Make you laugh or comfort you
To answer questions...
Walls in the hall, snow caps
And dress up the girls...

Our teacher,
We remember you forever!
And let everyone know that yours
The position is great! Top class!

Gratitude to the nanny at kindergarten graduation in verse

You, of course, have the hardest work!
We would like to say that the children are going to school today
They will go, instilled in order by you!
With worn-out female hands
They restored order every day!
And sometimes to insure the teacher,
You had to look after the group,
We wish you to work with joy,
May your work be rewarding!
Let them not call you a teacher,
Let you only be his assistant,
But you had enough worries,
Why can't we appreciate your work?
We will hardly be able to forget you,
I wish you health and happiness in the future,
Blaze at work and burn!

Beloved, sweet, kind, gentle,
My dear, beautiful nanny.
And in kindergarten, laying out a blanket,
You always sang songs for me.

But, even though I grew up and graduated from kindergarten,
You are always kept in my heart.
Dear, beautiful, sweet, gentle,
My beloved, kind nanny.

Thanks to the teachers
For affection and warmth.
We were next to you
And on a gloomy day it is light.
You pitied us, you loved us,
You raised us like flowers.
It's a pity that we can't see you
Take it with you to first grade.

You every day and every hour,
Dedicating yourself to hard work,
Just thinking about us,
You live by worry alone.
So that the earth may be glorified by us,
And so that we grow up honest,
Thank you nannies, teachers,
Thank you for all the good things!

For the first time I came to kindergarten, as if in a fairy tale -
And the fairy tale turned out to be like this for a long time:
I found friends, beauty and goodness there,
And the nanny turned out to be a fairy for us!

In her golden and beautiful hands
Any work will seem like a miracle,
She will also serve semolina porridge
So it’s impossible to answer “I won’t”!

Poems for kindergarten graduation for speech therapist:

It's beautiful for us to speak
It will be useful at school!..
To be a wit -
Need to learn!

We learned from the heart
We worked with you,
We are friends with sounds
You tried as hard as you did.

Know that we will not let you down,
You are simply our idol!
Let's start talking now
A lot and seriously!

Speech therapist

One, two, three, four, five
That's how I can count!

And at the holiday yesterday
The loudest shout was “Ur-ra”!

We had a quarrel with “r” for a long time,
I didn't want to be friends with her
And all the time in conversation
Replaced it with “l”.

But it sounds funny “I’m tired”
And you can’t say “grew up”!

I decided to make peace with “r”
Tried but couldn't
Make strong friends with the letter
The good doctor helped me!

I'll tell you a secret:
This doctor is a speech therapist!

This doctor teaches children
Speak without mistakes
We owe him for this
Thank you very much!

After all, with the insidious letter “r”
We are very friends now!

Poems of gratitude from parents to kindergarten staff for graduation

Our kids are a year older now
And he dreams of entering first grade as soon as possible,
Why are our teachers sad?
And tears fall from gentle eyes?

The treasured door has opened for the children,
They will all fly out like chicks from a nest.
You gave them all your good heart,
Sparing no effort and effort for them.

Children were given tenderness and generous caresses,
They shielded us from trouble, loving with all our hearts,
You read them fairy tales about the victory of good,
To live it with hope and faith in yourself.

The children lost their socks and tights somewhere,
We were angry with you because of such little things,
But even with us you were calm and meek,
Doing my holy work.

Graduation will fly by, hiding behind bouquets,
The children will scatter from their groups to their homes.
We bow to all teachers at the waist,
And nurses, nannies and cooks!

Don’t be sad, dear ones, and wipe away your tears,
After all, not only the kindergarten is proud of you!
Please accept our huge thank you
Because you loved our guys!

You lit children's hearts with love,
Praise and honor to you for your children's happiness!
Your work is like the tributaries of a river,

An exciting graduation in kindergarten should be as original as possible, then children will be able to joyfully remember the holiday for a long time. In addition to the usual performances and numbers, it is necessary to include in the program a response from parents and children. Gratitude to teachers and staff will help express the gratitude of kids, mothers and fathers. Congratulations from the head for the children will beautifully complement the kindergarten graduation. In the proposed poems, prose and video speeches you can find excellent examples for drawing up a holiday script.

Beautiful congratulations from parents on graduation in kindergarten to staff - examples of poetry and prose

Raising children in kindergarten falls on the shoulders of teachers, but other workers also take care of them. Therefore, it is worth dedicating congratulations to parents on kindergarten graduation to nannies, cooks, and nurses.

Poems with beautiful congratulations for kindergarten staff at graduation from parents

Small poems are great for congratulating all kindergarten staff. You can choose beautiful congratulations to kindergarten workers for graduation from the following texts:

How quickly time flies,

Today release for the first time

Our children. We wish

Don't forget about all of you.

Your work is not easy, but it is so important,

We sincerely want to acknowledge

Being a teacher is courage

Which simply cannot be taken away from you.

We said goodbye to kindergarten today

Our children - they have grown up,

They've been communicating with you for so many years,

We are grateful to you for this.

Everything you have invested in our children:

And care, affection and love,

What they were taught in the garden

Let their blood flow into their hearts.

Thank you, we say again,

And we wish you only happiness and goodness,

May every dream come true.

We want to say thank you

We are our dear nanny.

Health, good wishes,

Let trouble pass by.

Dreams come true more often

Let your salary make you happy.

And life will be brighter and sweeter,

You have plenty of strength and patience!

Beautiful prose with congratulations for kindergarten graduation from parents to staff

You can congratulate kindergarten workers on completing their education and upbringing of children in prose. Short and kind texts will be pleasant to hear to all the staff of the preschool institution.

Dear teachers, today your children are graduating from kindergarten and leaving these walls. Thank you for always being reliable friends and faithful helpers for the aunts, for giving the children a fairy tale and faith in miracles, and for teaching everything new and interesting. Your children will always remember the happy and kind moments that you gave them. Let your activities always be successful, and your work honorable and truly respected.

Dear bees-educators and nannies! In our collective, such a noisy and restless children's evidence, you circle over our children, take care of them, teach them all the best, give instructions, understandable to a child's mind, for their future adult life. Patience, strength and joy, let the sun light up in your eyes from the bright and radiant smiles of children! Thanks for your hard work!

Dear and respected teachers, nannies and cooks, today your pupils, glorious and wonderful children, are leaving the walls of kindergartens. Congratulations on finishing. Even if the moments of parting are joyful and sad, but still time does not stand still, it is time for the children to continue their journey and strive for something new, and new pupils are waiting for you, to whom you will give your care and love. Thank you for the wonderful upbringing of children, for the first and important knowledge, for interesting and vibrant hobbies. You helped children overcome fears and self-doubt, taught them to go to the end and achieve their goals. This is your merit, and you should be proud of it. We wish you many years of successful activity, wonderful children and great happiness in every day.

Lovely congratulations to all the kindergarten staff at the graduation from the children - texts of poems

Not only adults, but also children want to say thank you to the nannies, the kind nurse and the caring cooks. They were the ones who monitored the proper nutrition and health of the children and helped in their upbringing. You can thank the kindergarten staff in beautiful verses.

Poems with sweet congratulations from children at kindergarten graduation for staff

For kindergarten graduates, you can select both short works and poems of medium length. Children will easily remember simple poems with gratitude.

We have grown, grown stronger,

Now ready for school.

Thank you for being patient

You are a children's tour.

We promise to remember

Your affection and care

It's time to spread your wings

The chicks are ready to fly.

Leaving kindergarten

We want to tell the nanny:

"Goodbye, dear,

We will miss you."

Thank you for your concern,

For love, for kindness,

To our children, without regret,

You gave warmth.

Congratulations on your graduation

And we wish from the bottom of our hearts:

May all future groups

They will be just as good.

Who met us early in the morning?

Who cleaned it up?

Well, of course, our nanny.

It was easier for her, of course.

Keep up with the older group.

We could do a lot

And they tried to help.

Everything was calm with the nanny.

It was good with the nanny.

Goodbye, our nanny.

We will come visit again.

Touching congratulations to children on graduation in kindergarten from parents - texts of poems

Many parents wish their children to do well in school, tell them how great they are, and how much their mothers and fathers love them. After all, their kids have now become adults and are ready to gain new knowledge, meet new friends and teachers. Lovely congratulations to children on their kindergarten graduation should also include wishes to have a great summer vacation.

Texts of touching poems of congratulations for children on their kindergarten graduation from parents

Small poems from parents will help you beautifully congratulate your children at their kindergarten graduation. You can tell them during the presentation of gifts to graduates or include speeches from parents at the beginning of the holiday program.

Happy first graduation, kids!

You have become quite big.

My dear boys

And the girls are golden,

There are roads ahead of you -

Only you walk boldly,

Meet a lot of happiness

And good, faithful friends.

You will read a lot of books

And learn science.

Growing out of my pants,

Don't forget kindergarten!

The years have passed quickly -

The kindergarten is behind.

You have become quite big

It's time for you to go to school!

You are no longer a preschooler,

You are going to first grade!

Congratulations guys

Let your dreams come true!

We wish you victories,

Life is fabulously beautiful.

Let the green light burn

In a children's and happy fairy tale!

First graduation ever!

Whose is it? He is, of course, yours.

We congratulate you together,

We hug you tightly.

We wish you joy at school,

Only get "A's"

Make your mom proud...

And in the corner so as not to stand.

And your friends, girlfriends,

More new toys

After all, you are a big child.

There's a children's graduation in the kindergarten!

Good congratulations to your beloved teachers for graduation in kindergarten from parents - in prose

All parents of kindergarten graduates should express their gratitude to the teachers. After all, they were the ones who helped the kids learn, created grandiose matinees for them, and tried in every possible way to instill in children a love for the world around them. It is better to prepare congratulations to kindergarten teachers for graduation in prose. Such texts will help to fully convey the gratitude of moms and dads.

Congratulations in prose for beloved teachers from parents to kindergarten graduation

Parents can take short prose for educators from the examples provided or compose them themselves. To make congratulations in prose sound beautiful and touching, you can supplement them with memories of happy holidays and funny incidents in the group.

We would like to thank the teachers for their work, dedication, attention and love for our children, who today have their first graduation in their lives. We wish you to continue to enjoy your work. Wishing you obedient students and bright days, joyful and amazing events, high salaries and patience!

Dear and respected teachers, we congratulate you on your holiday - happy graduation! Let this day be remembered with touching children's smiles and sparkling eyes. You gave our children a piece of yourself, surrounded them with care and love. Thank you, sincerely and from the bottom of our hearts. We wish you health for many years, happiness and unbridled vitality. Thank you!

Dear educators, today say “Goodbye” to our children. And we thank you because the children felt like they were at home in the garden. We wish you health, good luck, creative and professional success. Let your new students be as glorious as today's graduates!

Small congratulations from children to teachers on graduation in kindergarten - short poems

Children can touchingly and sweetly congratulate teachers on the end of the school year in kindergarten in beautiful verses. Short works can be narrated one at a time during a break between dance and musical numbers. Small congratulations in verse will delight teachers and give them warm memories.

Small congratulations in verse from children for teachers for graduation in kindergarten

You can choose beautiful poems for your children for graduation from the following examples. They have a light style and kind, touching content.

Kindergarten is left behind -

School is coming soon, first grade is waiting for us.

We are parting, teachers, you and I,

But we are sure that we will not forget you!

For warmth, care and attention

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Your kindness and understanding

We will keep it in our hearts forever!

For a long time you were like mom and dad to us,

Leaving kindergarten
We want to tell the nanny:
"Goodbye, dear,
We will miss you."

Thank you for your concern,
For love, for kindness,
To our children, without regret,
You gave warmth.

Congratulations on your graduation
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts:
May all future groups
They will be just as good.

We sincerely thank you,
We value you very much.
In all matters, the credit is yours,
You are our favorite nanny!

Always took care of the children
They gave important advice.
You helped without fail
And they understood right away.

For this we wish you happiness,
After all, the kindergarten has become our part.
May your days pass brightly
And every moment will be a gift!

Our dear nanny, today is our children’s graduation. We congratulate you and sincerely say - thank you! For warmth, love, attention and care. May your big heart always be filled with love and sincerity. We wish you happiness, kindness, harmony and carelessness. Thank you for everything you have done for our children! Your work is priceless!

We want to say thank you
We are our dear nanny.
Health, good wishes,
Let trouble pass by.

Dreams come true more often
Let your salary make you happy.
And life will be brighter and sweeter,
You have plenty of strength and patience!

In kindergarten - graduation,
It's a big holiday for all of us,
We thank the nanny,
And we want to congratulate you so much,
To wish simple love,
Be happy, young,
Keep goodness in your heart,
Always be so sweet
You tried for the children
With their care you are yours
They made you happy, so let them
Life will be like heaven for you!

More important than a nanny in a kindergarten,
There's probably no one
She will feed the kids
Will dress every single one of them,
Will put them to sleep at night,
He will calm everyone down and understand,
This nanny knows everything
And he will find an approach to everyone,
We wish the nanny now
We are graduating on this holiday,
May she be happy
So that great success comes to her,
Health, vigor, victories,
Energy and a lot of strength,
So that her important work will always
He only brought her joy!

To our beloved nanny
For the graduation party
Thanks a lot
We will say everything in a crowd.

Thanks for the love,
For kindness and affection,
You will forever remain
A nanny from a fairy tale.

We wish that love
It didn't end in my heart,
And kindness all my life
I stayed with you.

Our kids are graduating now.
Thank you - such a nice nanny!
You helped them discover the new world,
You won’t get tired of games and fun,

Get dressed, put on your shoes and sit on the potty,
When everyone was just an inch tall,
Now the kids are grown up, hurray!
To you, our nanny, love and kindness!

You hide quietly
From us your face
Eyes are wet,
It's the kids' graduation.

And to the best nanny
We would like to say:
You are our permanent angel,
You know how to save.

You have become like a mother to children,
Everyone knows your affection
We wish you health
Peace on the mainland!

We wish you patience -
Nowadays kids oh-ho-ho!
Days of success and fun
And everything, everything, everything!

Here is a collection of texts for you to write a thank you letter to the nanny (officially assistant teacher) of the kindergarten. All texts are written on behalf of parents. Compiled in prose (not poetry).

All names, surnames, names and numbers of organizations are indicated for convenience of presentation only. Don't forget to change this data to what you need. Hints on text formatting are located at the end of the page.

Option #1

Dear Irina Petrovna!

We, the parents of the pupils of the “Little Babies” group of kindergarten No. 28, express our sincere admiration and gratitude for the results of your everyday, important work. Being a nanny is very difficult, but you cope with your mission with talent and for us you are an assistant with a capital “A”.

We thank you for your help in raising our children, the kindness and attention that you give to all of us every day, and for the purity that we observe in the group. For your attentiveness to nutrition, clothing during walks, and for the peaceful sleep of our children - special thanks to you.

We are happy to welcome you every day when you come to the group and calmly start a new day knowing that you have placed your children under the care of excellent professionals.

We sincerely wish you happiness, health, long life and prosperity for you and your loved ones.

With sincere love and gratitude

parents of the group "Pupsiki"

Option No. 2

Dear Olga Eduardovna!

We, the parents of the “Dozhdinki” group of kindergarten No. 19, express our sincere gratitude to you for the colossal work that you do in the process of raising our children. Every day you greet us with a smile and good mood. We are pleased and calm to transfer our children into your kind hands. Thanks to your hard work, children enjoy visiting the garden and come home with a lot of fresh, joyful impressions!

You are a truly talented assistant in raising children! We wish you that your professional path will be easy, enjoyable and successful.

With a feeling of sincere gratitude,

parents of children

groups "Rain"

December 2018

Option #3

We, the parents of group No. 10, kindergarten No. 631, wholeheartedly express our gratitude to the kindergarten nanny Tatyana Arnoldovna Litvinova.

Thanks to professional care and concern from you and the team of teachers, our children successfully undergo the process of adaptation to society and become active participants in the children's team.

You are a wonderful person and an excellent assistant in the difficult task of raising children. Your support and help help children learn about the world around them and their personal capabilities, the joy of creativity and friendship.

Thanks to you, the group is clean, comfortable, and the children are well-fed and tidy. This is very important for us parents. I bow to you for our peace of mind.

We wish you peace of mind, prosperity and good health.

With respect and gratitude, the parent committee and parents of group No. 10, kindergarten No. 631.

Option No. 4

Dear Anastasia Zakharovna!

Parents trust you with the most precious thing they have - their children.

Only sensitive, caring and attentive women could choose this responsible profession - assistant teacher.

Caring for a child requires a lot of work, attentiveness, philanthropy and perseverance.

We thank you for these wonderful qualities of your personality and for using them so that our children are surrounded by order, cleanliness, care and attention.

We wish you to always be surrounded by the warmth of your loved ones, smiles and love. Let our kids give you their joy and charge you with inexhaustible energy.

Sincerely, parents of preparatory group No. 1 “Umniki”

September 2018

Option #5

On behalf of all parents of the 4th junior group of kindergarten No. 82 in the Frunzensky district, we express our sincere gratitude to the assistant teacher

Shchebneva Raisa Makarovna,

for your sensitive and caring attitude towards our children.

Thanks to her efforts, energy, love of order and cleanliness, active life position, comfortable and healthy living conditions have been created in our group, and this is a huge value.

Thank you for your hard, but such important and necessary work.


group parents.

June 2018

Option #6

Dear Pelageya Ivanovna!

Please accept my gratitude for your significant contribution to the education of the younger generation. You create for your students the necessary order and comfortable conditions for successful development. You play an important role in the educational process - providing an appropriate living environment.

Thank you for clean dishes, toys, laundry, for teaching our children important household skills and helping teachers do their difficult work. Your work is very valuable to us and we sincerely wish you well-being, prosperity, happiness and success. Let your activities be highly appreciated and in demand, and let the good you do return to you multiplied many times over.

Nikitin family,

kindergarten No. 333

Option No. 7

The parents of group No. 3 “Bugs” express their sincere gratitude to the assistant teacher Alla Prokofyevna Ustinova.

She always greets children with a smile and a kind word, and we leave the children in the garden with a calm heart. Her concern for order and cleanliness in the group helps children maintain health and good mood, and helps us maintain peace of mind.

Thanks to her work, our children learned important everyday skills - setting the table, basic etiquette rules, maintaining order in the bedroom, the sequence of putting on clothes for a walk. In her person, the children found a caring hostess and friend. Thanks to her professionalism, love of life and the comfort created, you don’t want to leave the group. We are sorry to leave, but the children have grown up and it’s time to go to school. Thank you to our beloved assistant for your care, affection and responsiveness. We wish her new successes, obedient pupils and joy.

Parents of group No. 3

Option No. 8

The entire parent team expresses our gratitude to the assistant teacher of preschool educational institution No. 73, group “Hippos”, Marina Grigorievna Shuvalova, for your diligent work, warmth and care given to the children.

Every day you take care of the health of our children by creating a healthy life for them, ensuring cleanliness, restful sleep and healthy living conditions in the garden. Every day we see how you give a piece of your warmth to your students, reliably protecting them.

You are excellent at maintaining comfort in the group and making the garden a second home for the children. So let your eyes always shine with happiness and kindness. We wish you long life, health and prosperity. And may you always be surrounded by warmth, love and radiant smiles.

Parent team

group "Behemoths" - 2018

Option No. 9

Assistant teacher

Repina Antonina Osipovna

We express our sincere gratitude for the enormous assistance to teachers in the supervision, development and care of children. And also, for professionalism, sincere attitude, care and individual approach to each child.

You put a lot of effort into your daily activities, surround your children with care and affection, and are patient with their characteristics. Thank you very much for your work, we deeply respect it. Be happy and let your activities bring only joy into your life.

From parents of group No. 3, preschool educational institution No. 820

November 2018

Option No. 10

Dear Anna Fedorovna!

We consider your assistance to the teachers of our group and participation in the development of our children as one of the most significant successes. We are sincerely glad that we call you with the warm word “nanny”. It is very important that from a very early age our children encounter a respectful, friendly and wise attitude towards themselves in kindergarten. We, parents, endlessly appreciate your professionalism and ability to work in a team of such wonderful teachers as we have. We sincerely thank you for your humanity, cordiality, warmth and excellent contact with us, parents. For your complex, multifaceted and extremely important work - a special “thank you” and a deep bow. You are the best!

I wish you success, longevity and prosperity!

Parents of the group "Karapuziki"

Option No. 11

Dear Agnessa Filimonovna!

We, the parents of the “Rainbow” group of preschool educational institution No. 163, bring you sincere words of gratitude for:

  • brilliant implementation of the skills of a brilliant assistant teacher;
  • immense sincerity and endless patience;
  • the power of iron calm;
  • the ability to create and maintain cleanliness, order and comfort in the group;
  • talent to find contact with such different children;
  • constant care for children and dedication to the chosen business.

We are happy that our kindergarten teaching team has such an assistant. You are truly irreplaceable.

With love and respect,

parents of pupils of the Rainbow group.

Option No. 12

Assistant teacher of the younger group

GBOU No. 451 “Clever girls”

Polovinkina Daria Semenovna

The Parents' Committee, on behalf of all parents, sincerely thanks you for your tireless work and conscientious work in caring for and raising our children, and for your enormous assistance to kindergarten teachers.

Thank you for your responsible attitude to your chosen business, sensitivity, kindness and significant contribution to the development of the younger generation.

We sincerely wish you happiness, health and prosperity. May your invaluable work always be rewarded and bring you satisfaction.

Parental committee

Option No. 13

Dear Nadezhda Evgenievna!

We express our gratitude to you and the entire kindergarten team for your invaluable contribution to the development of children, professionalism and generosity.

Together, you have created a truly homely and at the same time developmentally stimulating atmosphere in the kindergarten.

The years spent in kindergarten will forever remain in the memory of children and parents as a wonderful time of creativity, warmth, comfort and order. Thank you for your competence, daily hard work and patience.

With respect and gratitude,

group of parents

Pupils of the group "Bunnies"

Class of 2018

  • When a thank you letter is written on behalf of parents, it is permissible to make the style less formal. To do this, it is useful to add more warmth by emotionally coloring the text (using words of admiration, praise and listing the merits of the employee of the preschool organization). For people who work with large numbers of children every day, such words are more important than a dry, formal statement of gratitude.
  • The main text is laid out in the center of the sheet. However, it is acceptable to lay out on the left edge if this layout will make the letter look more aesthetically pleasing.
  • After the main text there is a signature. It is placed on the left edge or in the center (see as in the samples). If the letter is written from a specific family or on the initiative of several (not all) parents, then it is acceptable (but not necessary) to place a personal signature on the right edge.
  • The last entry on the page will be the date (month and year, but only the year of writing is allowed). The date can be placed either in the center of the page or on the left edge.
  • Separate fragments of text (first and last name, name of institution, etc.) can be written in bold font in cases where it looks organic on the page.

Words of gratitude for kindergarten graduation for teachers and nannies.

Kindergarten is the first social society outside the family that a child encounters. This is where kids spend the most time. Their development and certain qualities are influenced by the attitude of teachers and the entire teaching staff.

Gratitude to kindergarten teachers at graduation in poetry and prose

Graduation in kindergarten is the first mass celebration of children with the team. It is very pleasant when children were under the close supervision of wise and professional educators for all three years. We can say that kindergarten workers are second mothers; their behavior and attitude determine how the child will feel in the future and how quickly he adapts to school.

Poems of thanks to the teacher:

Thank you for your warmth and kindness,
For raising our children,
For giving them love,
What knowledge did you give them!

We wish you health and goodness,
So that you live in prosperity and love,
So that you always smile,
May you never be sad!

Congratulations in prose:

Dear teachers! Today is a wonderful day – today is our children’s graduation. We are sincerely happy about this event, because we have been waiting for it for many years. At this exciting and solemn moment, I would like to thank you very much for your work. You didn’t just do your job, you did it with soul and desire. The best reward for all of us will be success in the lives of our children and your students.

Gratitude to kindergarten parents at kindergarten graduation

Of course, now kindergartens are insufficiently funded, so almost everything in the groups where children study is purchased with parents’ money. Often parents actively take part in landscaping the area around the garden.

Thanks to parents:

Today is our special day, today is our graduation. So let this graduation be the starting point for your, and ours too, children into adulthood. May luck and success always accompany you. Live happy families, raise your children and have grandchildren. And we will gladly accept your offspring into our kindergarten, just as we once accepted your children. Come visit us, don't forget us!

Words of gratitude to kindergarten nannies

A nanny is a worker bee who works all day for the benefit of the kids. She does the most difficult and dirty work. It is the nanny who monitors the cleanliness of the group and controls the kids during meals.

Thanks to the nannies:

Leaving kindergarten
We want to tell the nanny:
"Goodbye, dear,
We will miss you."

For this we wish you happiness,
After all, the kindergarten has become our part.
May your days pass brightly
And every moment will be a gift!

Words of gratitude to the kindergarten

Parents are obliged to the kindergarten administration for the properly organized time of their children. It is the kindergarten that turns children into independent children who can dress, eat independently and communicate properly with classmates. In kindergarten, children learn to share toys and demonstrate their first social skills.

Poems of gratitude to kindergarten:

Where to get what and what to get
– It’s always so important for you to know.
You have a lot of children
Try to count them all!
And it is necessary to be
Knowledgeable in all matters.
We value knowledge and experience
We are our manager.

Words of gratitude to children

Children should also participate in the holiday and thank their teachers and nannies for their good work and sincerity.

Words of gratitude for children:

There are crosses and toes on the sidewalk,
The flowers wave “Goodbye”.
We're leaving - we're almost like schoolchildren,
We are leaving - you are staying...
You will raise other children,
Learn letters and math.
We learned the main thing from you -
Respect other people, be friends.
You took care of us like a mother,
We were worried while sitting by the window...
And now we say goodbye to you,
Dear (Name and patronymic of the teacher)

Words of gratitude for the work

Working in a kindergarten is one of the most difficult. In order for all children to behave well and develop, every teacher must find an approach to the child. To do this you need to be a good person and psychologist. There are very few truly good teachers, so they need to be appreciated.

Gratitude for the work:

Being a teacher is not an easy task,
Love all children, but how could it be otherwise?!
And let me say that there is nothing more beautiful,
He will love you, support you, and always give advice.
And the children are delighted and rush to kindergarten,
They read books to them and pat them on the head.
They will play, teach, sometimes scold,
You are the best teacher! Stay always
Such a sweet and kind and broad soul,
Teacher from God, you are always good.

Gratitude for help in kindergarten

The responsibilities of teachers and nannies include everything that a mother should do. This is not easy work that requires a lot of effort and patience. Children do not always behave exemplarily; accordingly, adults are sometimes forced to punish and scold them. Strangers cannot raise their hands against your baby, so they need to understand the child’s emotions and help him understand the situation.

Poems of gratitude:

Thank you many times for your help,
Thank you for your good deeds,
We are delighted to tell you
Many words of gratitude!
Children's words of gratitude

Children's words of gratitude

The kids also want to take part in the holiday, because this is the last day when they see such a loved one. They forever part with the teachers and nannies who spoon-fed them, taught them to hold pencils and sculpt from plasticine.

Thank you for your efforts,
For warmth and kindness,
For love and understanding,
Hearts sensitivity, breadth.

With our teacher
Calm and warm.
With our teacher
We are very lucky:
There is no kinder character
And there is no more generous soul.
Happiness and joy to you
Kids wish!

Gratitude via SMS

If for some reason you cannot attend a children's party, but really want to thank the teachers and nannies, you can do this using a mobile connection. Just send a congratulatory message. The kindergarten worker will be pleased to receive congratulations from you.

Thank you SMS:

Educators, dear ones!
Thank you for raising our children!
You chose a difficult job,
Where it’s simply impossible to keep track of everyone!
But you coped with it with a bang,
And you were always there,
They helped with a kind word,
They were never scolded
Thank you we say
And thank you for everything!

Be sure to thank the kindergarten administration and the entire teaching staff. The music director instilled in the child a love of music, and the speech therapist helped eliminate speech problems. These people deserve good congratulations.

VIDEO: Words of gratitude to teachers at graduation



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