From what dried apricots become bitter. The benefits and harms of dried apricots for the body

Dried fruits contain a lot of valuable minerals, vitamins, organic acids, dietary fiber. IN winter time This meal is the best way to strengthen the immune system. One of the most common types of dried fruits is dried apricots - dried apricots. The product is added to baking and consumed as an independent snack. Many are wondering what benefits and harms an orange fruit can bring? Let's talk about everything in order.

What is dried apricots

Dried apricots are dried apricots. The product is considered the most nutritious among its counterparts. To prepare 150 gr. dried apricots, you need to take 500 gr. fresh raw materials.
Previously, dried apricots were cooked for a long time. First, the apricots were sorted, cut, and pitted. Then they left it to dry in the heat, covering it with a cloth from insects.

Today, dried fruits are produced using a special technology using chemical components. To make dried apricots bright orange with a pleasant sheen, sulfur dioxide must be added to the soaking composition.

To reduce the drying time, apply ovens and stoves. As mentioned earlier, for the manufacture of 150 gr. dried raw materials require 0.5 kg. moderately ripe apricots.

There are the following types of dried fruits:

  • Dried apricots - an apricot is cut into 2 parts, the bones are removed, dried.
  • Kaisa - seeds are removed from whole fruits with a special device, then dried in the sun.
  • Apricot - apricot is washed, prepared, dried with a stone.

Dried fruits, in particular dried apricots, are used everywhere. Most often it is used in traditional medicine, diets, culinary purposes.

Calorie content, composition, nutritional value

  1. Dried apricots belong to the category of dried fruits, most of which is water. For 100 gr. product accounts for 70 gr. liquids. The next leading position is occupied by carbohydrates - about 25.2 g. per 100 gr. dried apricots.
  2. Dietary fiber, in particular fiber, is given about 4 grams. This amount is 1/5 of the daily norm, which is necessary for an adult. Dried apricots contain protein (1.2 g), ash (1 g), fats (0.16 g).
  3. During drying, the apricot loses some of the valuable elements, most often vitamins. However, the most “strong” remain and benefit the human body.
  4. Among the "persistent" vitamins there is retinol, or vitamin A. In 100 gr. dried apricots about 108.68 mg. this substance. Some may think that this amount is not enough. But it takes 13% of the allowable daily allowance for an adult.
  5. Also, in the process of drying, B-group vitamins are preserved. This section includes a whole "bouquet" of irreplaceable compounds. So, pyridoxine, or vitamin B6, is given 0.14 mg. per 100 gr. (6% of the daily requirement). Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is contained in an amount of 0.2 mg.
  6. Dried apricots are also rich in riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamine (vitamin B1), nicotinic acid (vitamin PP, niacin), ascorbic acid(vitamin C).
  7. The value of dried apricots is due to the accumulation of micro and macro elements. For 100 gr. dried dessert relies 444 mg. potassium - daily rate. Dried fruit is rich in calcium, its 15 mg, magnesium (16 mg), phosphorus (39 mg).
  8. Dried apricots include copper (0.15 mg.), And this is 15% of the allowable daily allowance. Iron in dried fruit 1.6 mg. (9% of the norm), manganese is given 0.1 mg., Zinc - 0.25 mg.
  9. Enough big row organic acids allows you to saturate the human body with irreplaceable compounds. As for amino acids, they are in excess in dried fruit (isoleucine, tryptophan, threonine, lysine). In total, dried apricots contain 12 amino acids, among which 7 are essential.
  10. Do not forget about fructose, sucrose, glucose, they are given 80% of the total volume of fruits. With such extensive indicators, the calorie content of dried apricots is considered low - 242 Kcal. per 100 gr. To provide the body with the necessary minerals, acids, vitamins, it is enough to eat 5 pcs. per day.

  1. Dried fruits have diuretic properties. For this reason, practitioners prescribe people with kidney disease to take a decoction based on dried apricots. The composition removes sand and small stones from the cavity of the internal organ, and also prevents their further deposition.
  2. The product is used in the preparation of the menu for patients with obesity. Quite often, dried apricots are consumed while following a diet, despite the incoming saccharides and calorie content. In this case, the daily rate is limited to 25 gr. As a result, old waste is removed and bad cholesterol.
  3. Dried apricots partially thin the blood and prevent thrombosis. It is useful to eat dried fruit for people with varicose veins. Incoming pectin removes heavy metals and radionuclides, dietary fiber accelerates metabolic processes.
  4. To improve digestion, you need to eat half a meal a day. Dried fruits contain 9 times more fiber than fresh apricots. The element controls the activity of the endocrine and cardiovascular vascular systems.
  5. Dried apricots contain many vitamins that increase the protective functions of the body during beriberi. Dried fruits are useful for adults and children to avoid infection with helminths.
  6. The product reduces fever, helps to recover from serious illness or transferred surgery. Dried apricots relieves headaches and fights frequent migraines, eliminates signs of colds and flu.
  7. Incoming carotenoids have beneficial effect to the human eye. Elements prevent the development of cataracts, lubricate eyeball and strengthen muscles. This property is highly valued by people with low vision.
  8. Dried apricots increase physical endurance, so dried apricots are often used in the preparation of a diet for athletes. In addition, dried fruit fills the voids in the bones, promotes speed dial muscle mass, uplifting and morale.
  9. Fruits affect mental activity, so dried apricots are useful for people who work hard with their heads. Also, dried fruits of this type are included in the menu of schoolchildren and students to increase perception, memory, concentration.
  10. Decoctions with dried apricots excess liquid thereby combating puffiness. This property is appreciated by people with varicose veins and pregnant girls who are faced with heaviness in the legs.
  11. Dried apricots contribute to the rapid absorption of antibiotics by the blood. If you are taking a course of drugs, include dried fruit in your diet. You need to consume at least 20 gr. daily.
  12. Dried apricots should be given to children in winter and spring. It is at these times of the year that vitamin deficiency occurs. Dried apricots will make up for everything with a vengeance and strengthen the immune system.
  13. Dried fruits of this type have the ability to reduce arterial pressure. For this reason, dried apricots are consumed by hypertensive patients. Hypotension patients should be more careful, the maximum daily amount should not exceed 10 grams.

Permissible daily allowance

It should be remembered that dried apricots are highly concentrated products. It contains 2.5 times more sugar than fresh fruits. Also, if the apricot includes only 2 gr. dietary fiber, then in dried fruit this amount increases to 18 grams. The difference is significant.

An adult who has no contraindications to use should not eat more than 70 grams. dried fruits daily.

At the same time, dried apricots are added to pastries, hot and cold snacks, salads, meat dishes, side dishes. Often, fruit drinks and compotes, jellies, smoothies, etc. are made from dried fruits.

Since the indicator is 242 Kcal. per 100 gr. suggests some restrictions, dieters should not consume more than 4-5 pcs. per day.

  1. For the full development of the child needs a complex of vitamins with mineral compounds, organic acids, dietary fiber. Dried apricots include all of the listed substances.
  2. Incoming compounds are responsible for the transformation of carbohydrates into energy, as a result of which the child is energized. Calcium forms bone and muscle tissues, magnesium supports the work of the heart and brain, iron increases blood circulation.
  3. Children of school, preschool age and students work hard mentally. To improve thought processes and relieve nervous tension, dried apricots should be eaten daily at 10-15 grams.
  4. Starting from six months, you can gradually introduce dried fruits into the baby's diet. Start cooking low-concentrated compotes without sugar, then give the child 5 ml each.

The benefits of dried apricots for women

  1. Dried apricots are responsible for the normalization of hormonal levels in girls and women. If you eat dried fruit during menstruation, muscle spasms will disappear, hemoglobin levels will be restored.
  2. Women during menopause need to consume dried apricots to reduce the number of "hot flashes" and their rigidity, as well as to normalize the psycho-emotional background.
  3. Dried apricots have mild laxative properties, so they are often used for weight loss. Systematic consumption will cleanse the intestines and prevent slagging.
  4. A large accumulation of "beauty vitamins" of groups A and E is responsible for the health of hair, nails and skin. Dried apricots evens out complexion, fights wrinkles and skin pigmentation, eliminates hair loss and dandruff.
  5. Tocopherol (vitamin E) is considered a natural antioxidant. It has preventive properties malignant tumors, and also blocks the access of blood to existing cancer cells.

The benefits of dried apricots for men

  1. Dried apricots are a complete source of fiber. Dietary fiber takes responsibility for the activity of the intestinal tract. This has a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  2. Dried fruit is useful for men to take for the prevention of prostate diseases. Dosed consumption (about 40 grams per day) increases reproductive function and potency.
  3. Dried apricots stimulate the activity of the testicles, increasing the quality and quantity of sperm. As a result, the hormonal background is normalized.
  4. Men are more likely than women to suffer from ailments of the heart and vascular systems. Dried apricots prevent probable diseases, reducing the risk of their development to a minimum.
  5. The benefits for the stronger sex are due to an increase in physical endurance. Therefore, dried fruits must be eaten by people who work hard with their hands and go in for sports.

  1. On later dates gestation, a woman often encounters an increase in blood pressure, dried apricots reduce performance.
  2. Regular use of a decoction with the addition of dried apricots relieves swelling internal organs, limbs and face.
  3. More often female doctors Do not take foods with sugar during pregnancy. But dried apricots are not included in this list.
  4. Dried fruits stabilize the activity of the thyroid gland and the whole endocrine system control the heart rate.
  5. Pregnant women suffer from constipation, dried apricots affect intestinal motility and have a mild laxative effect.

Harm dried apricots

  1. Abuse of the product can lead to disruption of activity digestive tract. There will be diarrhea, bloating, pain in the stomach.
  2. Dried apricots are contraindicated in people with chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, allergy to the product, bronchial asthma.
  3. Diabetics are not forbidden to eat dried fruits, but the amount should be dosed. You can consume 2-3 pieces per week. dried apricots.

Dried apricots will not harm the human body if the product is used wisely and contraindications are taken into account. Add dried apricots to your regular meals or use as a snack. Follow the daily norm, enter dried fruits in the diet of children.

Video: why dried apricots are useful

Dried apricots are one of the most famous dried fruits. It has beneficial properties that positively affect the body. Dried apricots, which are properly selected and stored, are practically harmless and are both a delicious dessert and a means for general strengthening of the body.

Dried apricots are called dried apricots. and is one of the most common dried fruits. There are differences in the creation of dried apricots: its large varieties are dried with the extraction of seeds from it, and small ones, called apricots, along with it. Apricot is much more nutritious. In order to make dried apricots from dried apricots, you need to dry them in special places for a long time- about a week. Drying is done in the sun. For one kilogram of dried apricots, there are 3-4 kg of apricots. The color of dried apricots should be light. If dried apricots darken when dried, then this is the result of exposure to moisture.

Useful properties of dried apricots

Calorie content: in 100 g of dried apricots 241 kcal.

  • Protein content in 100 g of dried apricots = 5.7 g;
  • Fats - 0.3 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 5.1 g.

Despite the calorie dietary properties dried apricots are still inherent. The fact is that potassium salts predominate over sodium salts. Many nutritionists claim that fasting days can be spent on dried apricots. All this is because it contains all the substances necessary to maintain an active life. It is recommended to divide 300g of dried apricots into 4 portions.

The composition of dried apricots includes:

  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B4, B5, B9, PP, C, E, K;
  • Elements such as potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc, manganese and selenium.

More about the benefits of dried apricots

  • Dried apricots contain potassium, which is necessary to maintain the work of the heart muscle. The use of dried apricots is simply necessary for hearts. If diabetics have heart problems, eating dried apricots in small quantities will not harm health.
  • Dried apricots have a fairly large amount of carotene and Vitamin A. This means that it is able to slow down the aging process of cells, while strengthening hair, nails, and skin becomes younger.
  • Dried apricots are an excellent general strengthening effect. It is useful for everyone: both for athletes and for hypodynamics.
  • If a person's eyesight begins to weaken, he must definitely include dried apricots in his diet. Due to the presence of a large number of vitamins, it has a concomitant positive influence to the organs of vision.
  • A large amount of magnesium, which dried apricots are rich in, will help a person suffering from anemia.
  • Dried apricots are an excellent assistant to the human cardiovascular system. It prevents blood vessels from clogging. In general, it helps to improve blood circulation, and hence the general condition of a person, and his nervous system.
  • Dried apricots are good because when dieting, they can become a natural and pleasant substitute for sweets. As a dietary remedy, it does an excellent job of maintaining the availability necessary for the body nutrients.
  • Dried apricots have a pleasant taste and their combination with beneficial properties makes them one of the most attractive dried fruits.

Harmful properties of dried apricots

The harmful properties of dried apricots are many times less than the useful ones, however, some of them can really have a bad effect on the body. Let's consider the main ones.

  • It is not recommended to use dried apricots even in small quantities for people with gastritis varying degrees severity and problems with the duodenum.
  • Diabetics should not use dried apricots, as dried apricots contain enough a large number of Sahara.
  • You do not need to use the bones from dried apricots. They contain hydrocyanic acid. Because of this, you can earn serious poisoning.
  • Dried apricots are contraindicated for those who have diseases of the pancreas and liver.
  • You can not use dried apricots on an empty stomach, as well as after eating a heavy meal. Dried apricots will make the digestive processes heavier.
  • Drinking cold water with or after dried apricots can cause diarrhea.
  • In no case do not use dried apricots if you have exacerbated diseases digestive system even the smallest ones.

If a nursing mother eats a large amount of dried fruits, then this can adversely affect the health of the baby, namely, cause gas formation, intestinal disorders and allergies. During feeding, it is best to limit yourself to the use of dried apricots. For example, the amount of dried apricots contained in compotes will not affect a woman and her child in any way. When the baby is three months old, a nursing mother can already gradually consume dried apricots, as the baby will already be able to take in other nutrients along with milk. But you still can't overeat.

How to choose dried apricots

Choosing the right dried apricots means providing yourself with all its useful properties and avoiding the harmful ones. Use the following guidelines:

  • It is best to buy dried apricots in the market. There you can find a variety of species, touch the dried apricots yourself, try them, see if there are any traces of poor-quality storage or transportation on them. Buying dried apricots in the store, you deprive yourself of such an opportunity, which means that an unpleasant surprise awaits you at home.
  • The most natural type of dried apricots is apricots. It is not exposed to any impact, because the bone is not pulled out of it.
  • It is important to know the method of preparing dried apricots. Choose one that has been dried naturally. Store-bought dried apricots in special packages were most likely dried by industrial methods.
  • Dried apricots can be treated with oil - hence its brilliant marketable condition. Having bought such dried apricots, rinse it thoroughly. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this.
  • Much depends on the country of manufacture. Turkish apricots and dried apricots have a sweet and sour taste. American ones are less sweet, less tender and less juicy. If you like sour varieties, then South African ones are recognized as the most delicious.
  • Do not buy bright orange dried apricots. Most likely, it was treated with some kind of chemicals.

Before you decide to buy dried apricots, check them in a tactile way. Feeling dried apricots, you can understand a lot about it. A good and high-quality dried apricots should be distinguished by their density and elasticity. When pressed, it should not crack or break, nothing should flow out of it. Should not have an unpleasant odor sensational that she is corrupted. Naturally, there should not be a single hint of mold or traces of pests.

Preparation for use and storage

Having bought dried apricots, the first thing to do is rinse it thoroughly. Dried apricots are washed exclusively warm water. Then dry each dried fruit with a cotton towel or napkin. By thoroughly washing dried apricots, you will eliminate the danger of harmful substances with which it can be processed.

It is best to store dried apricots in the shade and coolness, otherwise the fruits may dry out, deteriorate, and rot. In general, room temperature is favorable for storing dried apricots. The sun's rays are needed only for its initial drying. Do not expose it to the sun. As for the packaging, it must be airtight. Modern high-quality containers - best suited for storing dried apricots. It can also be jars made of glass and plastic. The use of paper or linen bags is not recommended: flies and bugs can start in them. Leakage will lead to the access of dried fruits to oxygen, which means drying out. With high humidity - on the contrary, dried apricots will soften and mold will appear on it.

Subject to conditions proper storage dried apricots, it will be suitable for consumption for one year.

There is another way to store it - in the freezer. This requires a sealed container. Dried apricots should be thawed at room temperature, stored in the freezer, it will retain all its valuable properties. Storage in the freezer can occur for a longer period - up to 18 months.

Immediately before use, rinse again with water, remove the layer of dust. Then let it brew in water for about one to two hours, and then scald with boiling water. All this should be done just in case - after all, dried apricots could be treated with chemicals.

How to eat dried apricots

You can eat dried apricots as you like, the main thing is that all the ingredients are combined with each other. Some people like to add it to various dishes, and someone is a supporter of the fact that she is exclusively a dessert.

Many people like to eat dried apricots just like that. Unloading days on dried apricots - great diet. Light snacks with dried apricots also have a beneficial effect on the body.

Compote remains the most common way to prepare dried apricots. Usually raisins and many other dried fruits are added there. Dried apricots boiled in compote are quite tender and pleasant to the taste. Therefore, it is recommended to eat it after drinking a drink.

Dried apricots are used as a dessert. For example, it can be served with whipped cream.

Pilaf with dried fruits is also a very common dish that is appreciated by lovers oriental cuisine. Chopped dried apricots in it has a special taste.

Dried apricots are added to various hot dishes so that they acquire a specific taste.

Dried apricots are added to various jams. Jam can also be apricot.

Thus, how to cook dried apricots is your personal choice and is absolutely a matter of taste.

It is no secret that dried fruits contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, but they are not particularly popular with people.

Of these, it is customary to cook compotes or add dried fruits to pastries.

But the range of applications of dried fruits is wider than it seems at first glance.

This article will focus on dried apricots - an orange-yellow dried fruit that has a pleasant aroma and attractive appearance.

In other words, dried apricots - dried apricot, which can be used as food all year round and receive nutrients in the same volume as from a fresh fruit. The benefits of dried apricots have been proven by doctors and the experience of people, but is there any harm from eating this bright dried fruit?

The composition and calorie content of dried apricots

Useful properties of dried apricots are explained by its composition. This dried fruit contains water, starch, organic acids (citric, salicylic, etc.), pectins, fiber and non-fatty acids. Besides, The composition of dried apricots includes vitamins:

Vitamin A (Retinol);

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin);

Vitamin B2 (Riboflabin);

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid);

Vitamin C;

Vitamin E (tocopherol);

Vitamin PP (Nicotinic acid).

This dried fruit contains minerals such as:



In count minerals dried apricots surpass even fresh fruits.

The calorie content of dried apricots is quite high - 241kcal per 100g. Therefore, in order to provide the body with useful substances without harm to the figure, it is recommended to eat no more than 4-5 pieces per day. 1/2 of the composition of dried apricots is carbohydrates - 51g per 100g. Proteins and fats - 5.2g and 0.3g, respectively. The sweetness of this dried fruit is given by sucrose, glucose and fructose, the total proportion of which is approximately equal to 80%.

How is dried apricots used?

This dried fruit is popular in cooking - compotes and pastries are not the limit, some people use dried apricots when cooking meat and salads. They also cook porridge with dried apricots, and even smoothies. On the shelves of stores there are even sweets made from dried apricots - dried apricots in chocolate.

Dried apricots are also used for weight loss, despite its calorie content. There is no mono-diet with the participation of this dried fruit, but as a dessert you can use dried apricots, but not more 20-30gr in a day. Dried apricots are also used to cleanse the body of harmful substances and to treat certain diseases.

What is the benefit of dried apricots for the human body?

Useful properties of dried apricots are numerous. This dried fruit has long been used to treat diseases. various systems internal organs, as it is general tonic a wide range.

The use of dried apricots is especially useful for people who have problems with cardiovascular system. This dried fruit helps to normalize blood pressure, increase the level of hemoglobin, increase the number of red blood cells in the blood. Dried apricots recommended for use with anemia and anemia. In addition, regular consumption of this dried fruit helps prevent the formation of blood clots. In the people, dried apricots are called "food for the heart."

In a relationship gastrointestinal tract dried apricots also have a positive effect. This sweet dried fruit helps improve intestinal motility and cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and cholesterol. The pectins contained in dried apricots help to remove heavy metals and radionuclides from the human body. Fiber in this dried fruit contains 9 times more than in fresh fruits of the same weight. Therefore, in order to ensure normal digestion, it is enough to eat a handful of dried apricots once a day. Dried apricots have a mild laxative effect, so they are effective for constipation.

With diseases of the kidneys, thyroid and pancreas, dried apricots are also useful. This dried fruit helps to normalize the functioning of the insulin apparatus of the pancreas. Therefore, dried apricots are recommended to use people suffering diabetes , but in moderate amounts.

The benefits of dried apricots are undeniable in the states of beriberi. This dried fruit contains vitamins that help strengthen the immune system. When using antibiotics, it is also worth including dried apricots in the diet, as it will help reduce the harmful effects on the body. This dried fruit is useful and V postoperative period or after past illness because it helps to restore vitality organism. It is also worth using dried apricots during colds and migraines.

Carotene and vitamin A contained in dried apricots are positively affect vision.. The phosphorus contained in this dried fruit is necessary for mental activity and strengthening of the skeletal system. In addition, dried apricots contain a large amount of antioxidants, which are useful for skin problems and hair loss. There is an opinion among the people that dried apricots are able to treat cancerous tumors and prevent their appearance, but there are no scientific arguments on this matter, so you should not blindly trust all the information from the Internet.

Being high-calorie product, dried apricots will help to quickly satisfy hunger and saturate the body with essential vitamins and minerals. Dried apricots are allowed even with diets, as this dried fruit contains natural sweeteners - fructose, glucose and sucrose.

Decoction of dried apricots has a diuretic effect and helps to get rid of edema of various origins. This sweet dried fruit has a positive effect on genitourinary system generally.

Pleasant taste, year-round availability and beneficial properties of dried apricots attract many people. But will the use of dried apricots be harmful, and in what quantities is it safe to use this dried fruit for health?

The harm of dried apricots for human health

Dried apricots are a useful product, but still there can be harm from eating this dried fruit.

Fruit drying uses chemicals such as sulfur dioxide or toxic preservative compounds. Under the influence of dried apricot chemicals and retains an attractive appearance And bright color. Sulfur dioxide tends to accumulate in the body, and with the accumulation of the required amount of this substance, allergic reactions occur, the likelihood of damage to the bronchi and lungs increases. Therefore, it is important to be able choose the right kara so as not to provoke chemical poisoning. Bright orange and bright yellow fruits should be avoided, as the brightness and color saturation indicate that these fruits have been chemically processed.

The use of dried apricots in large quantities most likely to provoke indigestion, diarrhea, bloating and pain in the abdomen. Therefore, you should not abuse this useful dried fruit. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use dried apricots for people suffering from diseases of the intestines and stomach, especially in a chronic form.

The abuse of dried apricots is also not recommended for diabetics, since the sugar substitutes contained cause bouts of hypoglycemia. The calorie content of dried apricots also affects weight gain, so obese people should exclude this sweet dried fruit from their diet.

There are also allergic reactions to apricots. In such cases, it is impossible to eat dried apricots in order not to provoke an allergy.

Dried apricots help reduce blood pressure, therefore, with hypotension, it is undesirable to use dried apricots.

The benefits and harms of dried apricots for pregnant and lactating women

Women in the period of bearing a child and lactation are concerned about the state of health, and pay great attention to proper nutrition. After all, the health of the child depends on the nutrition of a woman during these periods.

Dried apricots are useful for the body of a pregnant woman.

With the help of dried apricots, you can cope with high blood pressure, which often appears in late pregnancy.

And swelling can be eliminated if you use a decoction of this sweet dried fruit.

If during pregnancy, foods containing sugar are contraindicated for a woman, then it is not forbidden to use dried apricots in reasonable quantities.

During pregnancy, the workload on the heart increases. Therefore, regular use of dried apricots will help normalize the work of this important body.

Kidneys and thyroid most susceptible to illness during pregnancy. Dried apricots help to avoid problems with these organs.

Anemia and Iron-deficiency anemia in pregnant women can be treated with dried apricots.

Regular use of this sweet dried fruit will help remove toxins, toxins and heavy metals from the body.

Dried apricots are a mild laxative. Therefore, constipation during pregnancy and lactation is curable without medicines.

Apart from useful properties dried apricots also have contraindications.

Do not use dried apricots for pregnant and lactating women who have low blood pressure.

Excessive consumption of dried apricots provokes weight gain. During pregnancy and after it, the hormonal background of a woman is unstable, therefore, excess weight is gained rapidly.

Overuse dried apricots provoke an upset stomach, so you should not get carried away with these bright fruits.

If you are allergic to dried apricots, you should not use it.

Dried apricots are available in stores all year round, have useful properties, pleasant taste and aroma, which is why this dried fruit is so loved by women who take care of their figure and health.

Greatest Benefit bring the use of dried apricots along with cereals. This sweet dried fruit is ideally combined with oatmeal. It is better to soak dried apricots in warm water before use.

Dried apricots for children: useful or harmful?

Children's body Vitamins and nutrients are essential for normal growth and development. Finding fresh fruit in summer is easy, but where can you find it in winter? In the cold season, dried fruits can help out.

Dried apricots saturate the child's body with useful vitamins and minerals and energize him. Calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and phosphorus are necessary for a growing body, for the normal formation of the skeletal system and increase brain activity.

From 6 months it is allowed to cook weak compotes from dried fruits, because even a small body needs vitamins.

The fiber contained in dried apricots normalizes digestion and improves intestinal motility. Dried apricots are ideal for a nutritious snack.

Dried fruits contain many useful substances: minerals, organic acids, vitamins and dietary fiber. They are especially good for the body in the winter cold, strengthening the immune system. The most popular dried fruit can be considered dried apricots, that is, dried apricots. It is added everywhere: in cereals, bakery products, drinks or consumed as an independent product.

What is dried apricots?

Dried apricots are usually called dried apricots, they are healthy and nutritious. You can get dried apricots yourself from a fresh product. For cooking, you will need half a kilogram of fresh raw materials, at the end of this amount you will get 150 grams of dried fruit.

Before cooking dried apricots, fresh apricots were sorted out for rot or spoilage. Then they cut and removed the bones. The prepared raw materials were laid out “under the sun” in the heat and covered with a natural cotton cloth or kitchen towel in order to protect the dried apricots from insects.

On this moment dried apricots are made over modern way using chemicals. Sulfur dioxide gives the orange tint and shine to the dried fruit. Dried apricots are soaked in a solution specially prepared from it. To reduce the time interval in cooking, use an oven or oven.

Dried apricot fruits are divided into:

  • dried apricots (apricot is cut into halves, pitted and dried)
  • kaisu (whole dried in the sun, after removing the bones)
  • apricots (pre-wash the fruits, prepare for further drying with a bone)

Dried fruits have found their application everywhere: they are used in cooking and drinks, medicinal purposes and diet food.

The benefits of dried apricots for a woman's body

Dried apricot can replace any sweets, so it is great for women who are trying to fight extra pounds and do not want to gain weight.

The dried fruit contains fructose and glucose, which do not increase the amount of insulin in the blood, as happens with regular sugar. But we must not forget about the abuse of dried apricots, otherwise you can provoke the appearance of excess weight.

Dried apricots stabilize the work of the endocrine system, which is responsible for the human hormonal background.. Therefore, the use of dried apricot during menstrual cycle, restores the volume of hemoglobin in the blood and reduces pain at muscle spasms. During menopause (menopause), dried fruit reduces "tides" and normalizes the psychological state of a woman.

Dried apricots are often used during a diet, they have a mild laxative effect and relieve the body of excess slagging, cleanse the intestines.

Vitamins A and E tidy nails, hair and skin. Therefore, the woman's curls become thick and shiny, dandruff disappears, the nail plate does not exfoliate or break, and the skin shines with health.

The systematic consumption of dried fruit prevents the formation of cancerous tumors. Also, the benefits of dried apricots for a woman's body lies in the fact that it removes harmful cholesterol, prevents the formation of blood clots, making the vessels elastic and strong.

A decoction of dried fruit has a diuretic effect, so it is useful for kidney diseases and urinary function. It is also important that with the constant consumption of dried fruit, the human immune system is normalized.

The nutritional value

Dried apricots contain a lot of water, one hundred grams of dried fruit accounts for up to seventy grams of liquid, an average of 25 grams of carbohydrates. Also, the dried fruit is rich in fiber, proteins, fats and ash, although not in such a large amount.

It should be noted that when dried, the apricot loses some nutritional properties, for the most part, these are vitamins, but the strongest of them still remain. Usually, vitamins A, B, C and E remain in the ranks of the most “resistant” components.

Among other things, the dry fruit contains:

  • iron;
  • copper;
  • potassium with calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • zinc.

The benefits of dried apricots for the human body also consist in amino acids. The calorie content of the product does not exceed 250 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Keep active and vitality to supply the body essential vitamins, minerals, micro and macro elements, acids, helps daily use dried apricots. You need to eat it from 5 to 10 fruits daily.

Useful properties of dried apricots

The benefits of dried apricots for the body are quite large. Therefore, the product is recommended to be consumed by almost everyone. Dried fruit has the following medicinal properties:

  • Diuretic (decoction removes sand and stones from the kidneys, prevents their appearance);
  • Dietary (it is recommended to use for people with obesity, the daily norm is not more than 30 grams);
  • Thinning (pectin thins the blood, prevents blood clots);
    Painkillers (helps to cope with headaches).

Among other things, the dietary fiber that is part of the product helps to speed up the metabolism. The use of dried apricots helps to improve digestion, stabilizes the heart rate, and prevents the occurrence of beriberi.

For people who cannot boast of good eyesight, it is useful to use dried fruit to prevent the development of cataracts, glaucoma and other eye diseases.

The benefits of dried apricots for the body of a person involved in sports have been scientifically proven. The menu of athletes always includes this product, because the components in its composition increase endurance, strengthen morale, raise emotional mood and build muscle mass.

People involved in mental activity are also recommended to systematically eat dried apricots. The product increases concentration and improves memory. Therefore, it is very important to include dried apricots in the diet of school and university students, as well as in the menu of researchers.

The benefits and harms of dried apricots for weight loss

For people with a lot of weight, and those who are struggling with extra pounds, dried fruit helps to remove excess fluid from the body and normalizes stools. WITH excess water toxic substances and slags are released. Dried apricots are able to satisfy hunger, as they are nutritious.

But you should eat it little by little, otherwise you can not lose weight, but on the contrary, gain weight. Normal quantity while following the diet, it is considered to consume no more than 80 grams of dried fruit per day. These factors are the benefits and harms of dried apricots for weight loss.

The effect of the product on health

When taking antibiotics, dried fruit is simply necessary for the body, it helps to quickly absorb the drug into the blood, and it immediately begins to act. Per day, the rate of consumption of dried apricots should be 20 grams.

With the onset of the cold season, the body suffers from a vitamin deficiency, so it is reasonable to compensate for their loss with dried apricots, the product also strengthens immune system and has a good effect on metabolic processes.

It is useful for hypertensive patients to eat the product to reduce their pressure, but hypotensive patients do not need to exceed the daily intake by more than 10 grams.

The benefits and harms of dried apricots for the body are considered in terms of the dosage of product consumption. So, if you exceed the daily dose, dried fruit can cause side effects. Ideally, adults, without any contraindications to the use of dried fruit, are not recommended to eat more than 70 grams per day.

After all, dried apricots contain 2.5 times more sugar than fresh apricots. Therefore, if in fresh fruit 2 grams of dietary fiber, then in dried - up to 18 grams, as you can see, the difference is impressive.

Since the calorie content of dried apricots fluctuates between 230-250 kcal (per 100 grams), you still should not abuse dried fruit. No need to eat more than 4-6 things a day.

If there is no desire to use the product in in kind, it can be added to main courses, fruit salads, cereals, smoothies. It also makes excellent jelly, delicious compotes and seas.

What are the benefits of dried apricots for children

The benefits and harms of dried apricots for a child's health are also limited by the dosage, which should be strictly observed. It is dangerous to introduce a baby to dried fruit until the child is six months old. Moreover, it is necessary to introduce the product gradually.

Compote should not be too concentrated, you need to start with 1 teaspoon per day, gradually increasing the dosage. The same goes for fruit puree. Dried apricots are crushed with a blender and a small spoon is added to the bulk.

Since the dried fruit contains calcium, magnesium and iron, children who eat dried apricots better form bone and muscle improves blood circulation, heart and brain function. In addition, dry apricot is able to charge the child with vigor and increase the tone of the body.

Schoolchildren also need to use dried apricot, because it is able to relieve muscle and emotional stress and increase thought processes. The norm for preschoolers and schoolchildren is 15 grams per day.

The benefits and harms of dried apricots for the body of men

The male body also needs useful and nutritious substances, it must receive required amount vitamins, trace elements, amino acids that are contained in dried apricots.

Dosed use of dried apricots (about 45 grams per day) increases the functioning of the reproductive system and increases potency, also serves prophylactic against diseases of the prostate.

It activates the activity of the testicles, due to which the quality of spermatozoa increases. Moreover, the hormonal background also returns to normal, the work of the gastrointestinal tract stabilizes.

Men who play sports or physical labor, should regularly eat dried apricots, because it helps to increase endurance, gives vigor and energy. Favorably affects the heart rate and blood circulation.

The benefits and harms of dried apricots for weight loss in men are due to compliance with the correct dosage. If you do not exceed it, there will be no danger to health. Conversely, a large amount of the product eaten can become a source of extra centimeters on the stomach and in the buttocks. Moreover, cause irritation on the skin and allergic reactions.

The benefits of dried apricots for a woman's body in position

Of course, during pregnancy, the weaker sex should consume vitamins, nutrients and adhere to healthy eating. Correct use dried fruit in a reasonable dosage will help reduce pressure (arterial), eliminate swelling from the legs, arms and face.

The benefits of dried apricots for a woman's body also lie in the fact that the product helps to eliminate constipation, which often occurs in pregnant women. Dried fruit has a beneficial effect on the intestines, providing a slight laxative effect.

Also, dried apricots stabilize the work heart rate and endocrine system. Often, gynecologists recommend reducing the consumption of foods containing sugar, or not eating them at all. However, dried apricots are not included in this list, despite great content It contains glucose and fructose.

Harmful properties of dry apricot

The product can be harmful to human health, so you should consider the benefits and harms of dried apricots for the body:

  • Firstly, as already mentioned above, you can’t get carried away with dried fruit, you need to follow the dosage. Otherwise, unpleasant symptoms may begin: bloating, liquid stool, stomach discomfort and abdominal pain.
  • Secondly, people suffering from bronchial asthma, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and allergic to this product should not eat dried fruit.
  • People who have been diagnosed with diabetes can eat dried fruit, but the amount should not exceed 3 pieces.

The health benefits and harms of dried apricots have long been proven by experts, numerous studies have been conducted in medical laboratories. Despite the fact that the product has a maximum of useful properties, you only need to follow the correct dosage.

As a rule, harm to the body is caused by abuse dried fruit or in violation of contraindications.

The use of dried apricots for culinary purposes

Due to its beneficial properties, this dried fruit is very popular and often used in cooking. It is added to cereals, it goes especially well with rice, oatmeal and millet, which are cooked in milk.

Also, the product is used when cooking jams and preserves. beautiful palatability has pumpkin jam with dried apricots. Also, dried apricot is added for confectionery purposes, when baking bakery products.

Pies stuffed with a combination of dried fruits can be very useful. For example, dates, raisins, prunes can be added to dried apricots and flavored with ground nuts.

Gourmets love meat dishes in combination with dried apricots, the taste of the side dish is spicy and quite refined. If we talk about second courses, then most often the product is added to Uzbek pilaf.

Dried apricots can be used to make compotes, non-alcoholic and alcoholic cocktails, tinctures and liqueurs, smoothies, as well as decoctions for the treatment of various diseases. But the benefits and harms of dried apricots for the body must be strictly taken into account.

The use of dried apricots in folk medicine

Dried apricots can cure a number of diseases, so the product is often used in folk medicine. There are many worthy recipes that should be used only taking into account the benefits and harms of dried apricots for health.

If a person has problems with stools, constipation is present, then it is worth soaking several fruits overnight in a small container, for example, in an ordinary glass. To do this, pour them with boiling water and let it brew. In the morning, on an empty stomach, dried apricots are eaten and washed down with the resulting infusion.

Eating should be no earlier than 30 minutes after the procedure. Problems with the stool will stop bothering you in a month, the act of defecation will be regular and will no longer cause discomfort.

Ophthalmologists do not stop talking about the benefits of dried apricots for the body and, in particular, for human vision. Like blueberries, dried apricot reduces the risk of cataracts, improves eyesight and negates the occurrence of any new eye diseases.

Summing up

The benefits of dried apricots for the human body are obvious, but you need to remember about the harm that can be displayed on the state of health, although it is minimal. The main thing is to always follow the dosage, use the product in reasonable quantities and do not forget about contraindications. Persons who are allergic to dried fruits are advised to use dried apricots only with the permission of an allergist.

It is no secret to anyone that our well-being depends not only on our lifestyle, but also on the quality of food. Inclusion in the diet useful products- the basis of disease prevention, and sometimes significant assistance in curing ailments. One of these products is the healing dried apricot fruit, which is useful for adults and children, sick and healthy. For some categories, this sunny fruit is simply vital: people suffering from diseases of the heart, blood vessels, bones, kidneys and blood. However, do not forget that if used improperly, any product can bring the body not benefit, but harm.

Like other trees, the apricot feeds on energy sunlight and thanks to this it synthesizes the following useful substances:

  • carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose);
  • vitamins (beta-carotene, alpha-tocopherol, nicotinic and pantothenic acids);
  • macronutrients (silicon, potassium, magnesium, calcium);
  • trace elements (boron, cobalt, nickel, rubidium, chromium, manganese, copper, molybdenum, iron);
  • phytosterols (mainly beta-styrenes);
  • amino acids;
  • pectin;
  • fatty acid;
  • purine bases;
  • cellulose;
  • starch.

Dried apricot in a concentrated form contains almost everything necessary for a person substances. Unlike chemically derived vitamins and mineral additives, this dried fruit is completely absorbed by the body. One of the most vital vitamins is beta-carotene. Its main role in the body is to protect immune cells from the aggression of free radicals. Thus, this vitamin multiplies defensive forces organism. The color and condition of the skin, hair, visual acuity depend on it.

Dried apricots owe their orange color to the orange pigment beta-carotene.

Antioxidant, vitamin E, protects cells from aging, normalizes activity nervous system and has an antitumor effect.

Impossible without nicotinic acid normal exchange substances. Its deficiency causes a severe form of beriberi. Pantothenic acid is responsible for hormones that reduce inflammation in the body.

However, the greatest admiration is mineral composition dried fruit. Most of it valuable element- silicon. Our entire skeleton and muscles are made up of it. Without this element, it is impossible to take a step, it is involved in the bonding of collagen and elastin, and without them, our body would simply crumble, like in films about zombies turning to dust.

Silicon is a beauty mineral for skin, hair and nails. Our body consists of 5% of it. Pay attention to how dogs and cats, taken out for a walk, seek out and eat wheatgrass, there is a lot of silicon in this grass.

Dried apricot is a favorite of cardiologists for its high potassium content. This element is the best assistant to our tireless pump - the heart. As long as a person is alive, it works continuously, therefore it needs special care and support. The introduction of dried apricots into the diet will significantly improve the functioning of our main muscle and even prevent diseases, because potassium stabilizes blood pressure and prevents hypertension.

For the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates in the body, in addition to other substances, chromium is responsible. This element not only regulates the concentration of sugar in the blood, but also prevents the formation of sclerotic plaques.

Uryuk is valued for its high content of boron, which is responsible for the strength of bones and muscles. It plays one of the leading roles in mineral metabolism. This element is an important component of a healthy diet that improves memory and brings longevity.

Boron is an incredibly hard substance, having the most high limit tensile strength (5.7 GPa).

Vanadium also manages strong teeth and bones. This element is important because it reduces the concentration of bad cholesterol. In 100 g of dried apricots - more than 100% of the daily requirement.

Cobalt regulates the formation of blood and helps the production of hormones by the thyroid gland. Nickel is also involved in the synthesis of hormones and hematopoiesis. In addition, it relieves stress by calming the nervous system.

With the help of iron, the body provides itself with oxygen. During menstruation, women lose a lot of iron, which must be replenished regularly, so it is recommended to include apricot in daily diet.Without this element, the production of hemoglobin is impossible, so its lack leads to anemia.

This dried fruit is rich in copper, an important element in the prevention of anemia and premature aging. Neither the nervous system nor the joints are able to continue normal work without this substance. Early gray hair, bone fragility, anemia and lack of appetite indicate a problem with the absorption of copper. It also has antitumor and antiseptic properties. If the body has the slightest inflammation, it is necessary to use dried apricots. In addition, copper affects the formation of proteins. connective tissue. These proteins are microscopic building blocks of skin, blood vessels, bone and cartilage tissue. Severe copper deficiency increases the risk of aortic and cerebral aneurysms, multiple sclerosis, and osteoporosis.

The composition of dried apricots includes copper, which preserves the youth of blood vessels, skin and hair.

There is also a little-studied trace element in dried apricots - zirconium. Presumably, it somehow regulates the work thyroid gland- its lack is found in patients with diabetes and pancreatitis.

Enough in apricot and molybdenum, which indirectly affects the immune system, enhancing the effect of vitamin C and purine metabolism. In the presence of this trace element, the body successfully removes toxins.

In order for a person to cope with stress, magnesium is needed, which is contained in dried apricots. It ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system, heart and kidneys. The formation of most enzymes depends on the presence of this substance. There is a lot of magnesium in the salt water of the oceans - the cradle of mankind. This element dilates the arteries, thereby lowering blood pressure.

Full absorption of magnesium is prevented by fats, so do not refuel rich in magnesium oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, a large portion of butter.

Everyone knows that calcium strengthens bones and teeth, but the spectrum of its action is much wider. It regulates blood clotting, affects muscle contraction, blocks the absorption of saturated fats in the intestines. This substance gives elasticity and strength to the walls of the arteries, does not allow them to narrow, which reduces the risk of hypertension. The pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid and pancreas owe their activity to calcium.

The beta-styrene in apricot reduces the amount of fat absorbed by the intestines, so it is useful in preventing cardiovascular disease. Pectins have a positive effect on the activity of the digestive tract. They are practically not absorbed by the body, but they regulate metabolism, prevent constipation and remove toxins, including radioactive substances. And also pectins improve blood circulation, especially peripheral.

Dried apricots are rich in carbohydrates, especially glucose, which brings energy and is involved in metabolism.

Types of dried apricot - which one is healthier?

Depending on the form in which the apricot was dried, there are 3 types of it. Apricot dried with a stone, and dried apricots and kaisa - without, but the stone is removed different ways. For dried apricots, the bone is removed by cutting or tearing the fruit. This is the most common type of solar dried fruit, it is he who is most often sold in shops and bazaars. For kaisa, with the greatest accuracy, without violating the integrity of the peel, the stone is squeezed out through the hole where the stalk was once attached. All 3 types are nutritional value and are identical in composition, but the concentration of nutrients in apricots and kaise is slightly higher. In Asia, apricots are more valued and in demand, we have dried apricots.

Apricot is the most useful type of dried apricot, the concentration of vitamins and minerals in it is the highest.

Depending on the conditions under which dried apricots were dried, they are divided into dark and light. The most useful - dried in vivo ripe apricot, acquires a dark almost brown color. Some sellers call it "chocolate dried apricots". However, pests start up in such dried fruits and mold forms if stored improperly, so carefully inspect them when buying. Do not buy dark dried apricots if they are shiny, that is, covered with oil - unscrupulous sellers are trying to mask the mold.

The right dried fruit should not be glossy, but matte, with an ash-gray coating.

The lighter the dried fruit, the less it ripened on the tree. Light yellow dried apricots are removed unripe and subjected to sulfurization - they are fumigated with sulfur dioxide for 20 hours so that it does not mold and is not affected by pests. Typically, such amber-golden dried fruits are produced in Turkey, they are distinguished by a bitter aftertaste and a lower concentration of nutrients compared to other types of dried apricots. However, such fruits never spoil. In general, the rule is that the lighter the dried apricot, the less useful it is. Such fruits are often sold as "sugar dried apricots", although they contain less sugar than other types. This "sweet" name is just a publicity stunt.

Light dried apricots, called “sugar” by sellers, are the least useful, as they are taken from the unripe tree

Beautiful orange dried apricots also undergo sulfurization, but the fumigation lasts only 10 hours and the sulfur dioxide content in the fruit remains meager. Chemists say that it is enough to soak such fruits for 10 minutes in warm water to all harmful substances moved into the water. Such dried fruits get on the shelves from the post-Soviet countries and also do not deteriorate. They are more useful than light yellow Turkish ones.

Dried naturally, in the shade apricot is hard, elastic and dark, and fumigated with sulfur it is soft to the touch, yellow or orange.

Homemade recipes with dried apricots

Dried apricots are a good combination of delicacy and medicine. Firstly, it is fragrant and tasty, and secondly, it is healthy because it is saturated with minerals and vitamins. Since this dried fruit is medicinal, there are dosages for safe use. You should not eat more than 100 g per day - this is 10-12 pieces dried apricot. The thing is that it contains a lot of carbohydrates that can increase blood sugar levels. And also the excess of minerals that this dried fruit can bring does not make sense, because it will lead to metabolic disorders.

How to eat with maximum benefit

Oddly enough, even just eating dried apricots, you can be treated. Before use, it is soaked in warm water for 10 minutes, then the water is drained and the fruits are washed again under running water. Properly soaked dried fruits increase in size and become soft. Keep in mind that they are not compatible with all products. Do not eat them with fresh vegetables and fruits rich in acids. The combination of carbohydrates and acids can cause indigestion, colic, and bloating.

As part complex therapy inclusion in the menu of dried apricot is vital for the following diseases:

  • heart and blood vessels;
  • eye;
  • bones;
  • thyroid gland;
  • blood;
  • kidneys;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • depression.

Dried fruits without special indications, it is better to eat in the morning, so they are better absorbed. So, 100 g of dried apricots is divided into several doses. It turns out, 5-6 pieces. for breakfast and lunch.

Taking diuretics, you need to somehow replenish the lost salts of potassium and other elements. Dried apricots are also great for this. It should be eaten with high blood pressure, high physical and mental stress.

Dried apricot removes harmful substances well, so it is included in the diet for poisoning heavy metals, various toxins and radionuclides. In such cases, eat 3 pcs. with every meal.

Due to the presence of antioxidants that increase immunity, this dried fruit is recommended for the prevention of infectious and oncological diseases. For prophylactic use, 5 pcs. per day: 3 for breakfast and 2 for lunch.

Dried apricot porridge is useful for hypertension, anemia, chronic fatigue, depression and as a cancer prevention

Infusions for constipation and edema

Rich in fiber and pectins, dried apricots are great for constipation. To normalize the stool in the evening, such a remedy is prepared: 6 washed and soaked fruits should be brewed with a glass of boiling water and let it brew overnight. In the morning, before breakfast, the fruits are eaten with water in which they were infused.

Another infusion is prepared for diseases of the kidneys and swelling of the legs: 5 pcs. poured with a cup of boiling water and infused for 3 hours. The resulting liquid is divided into 2 doses and drunk twice a day. This infusion has a diuretic effect and is recommended for diseases accompanied by edema. These are not only diseases of the excretory system, but also of the liver, gallbladder, blood vessels, and heart. It would be nice to find out from the doctor the cause of edema, they can signal serious illnesses.

Combined funds

Sometimes, in order to achieve a specific therapeutic effect dried apricots are used in combination with other products.

Composition for the spine

Nothing worsens the quality of life than back pain. For example, after spring work in the garden, many summer residents are no longer able to experience the joy of being in nature. It's all about overload. Weakened during the winter, the muscular corset does not really support the spine, the discs are displaced and arise severe pain. The person is forced to stop work and lie down. In this case, a special mixture of dried fruits for the spine helps, which must be consumed at night for 45 days. It includes:

  • 5 fruits of dried apricots;
  • 1 prunes;
  • 1 fig.

The secret of the composition lies in the high content of minerals, especially silicon and calcium. Combination useful minerals dried fruit anesthetizes, restores, strengthens bone and cartilage tissues. Another important property of the mixture is to restore the elasticity of the ligaments and the mobility of the joints.

Composition for the heart

Heart problems - serious signal about the need to adjust your diet. However, the decision to take medications for such an important organ is made only together with the doctor. Usually, if there are no contraindications, cardiologists willingly recommend mixtures with dried apricots to support and nourish the heart muscle. This is due to the fact that the pills do not cope with the whole range of problems that led to the disease: high cholesterol, blood clots, plaques on the walls of blood vessels and their narrowing. Potassium, beta-carotene, magnesium, calcium and beta-styrene contained in dried fruits are vital for the smooth functioning of our heart, blood vessels and arteries. To prepare the nutrient mixture, you should take 200 g of:

  • raisins;
  • prunes;
  • dried apricots;
  • walnuts.

After soaking and washing, all fruits are ground in a blender. Add 8 tbsp to the mixture. tablespoons of honey and chopped lemon without seeds, everything is thoroughly mixed. The latter ingredients act as preservatives and additional sources of nutrients. The composition is placed in glass jar, close and leave in the refrigerator for 10 days.

A mixture of nuts and dried fruits not only treats heart disease, but also improves immunity

Take a mixture of 1 tbsp. spoon an hour after eating 3 times a day until it runs out. If necessary, the course can be taken again, but only after 3 weeks.

The therapeutic effect of the mixture can be multiplied by adding 100 g of soaked and chopped hawthorn to the composition.

In addition to heart ailments, this mixture is an important addition to the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis.

Ingredients for strengthening immunity

The mixture is prepared as the previous one, with the difference that 100 g of ground rose hips are added to it, which is pre-soaked. This remedy is suitable for all infectious and inflammatory diseases. It also increases hemoglobin in the blood, which helps in the treatment of anemia.

Substances of this composition are able to suppress the growth of cancer cells, therefore they are recommended for oncological diseases, if the attending physician has not found contraindications in your particular case.

Treatment of children

Dried apricot contains necessary substances for the growth and development of the baby, so from the age of 6 months they begin to introduce him to this dried fruit. However, the fruits themselves are still quite heavy, too mineralized food. In addition, the fiber and pectins of this fruit can cause colic and bloating, so you need to prepare a less concentrated remedy, such as a decoction or infusion. Babies are introduced to these drinks at the age of six months, with the start of complementary foods. After the first use of dried apricots, evaluate the child's condition: if there are rashes on the skin, if there are swelling around the mouth, if the fruit causes diarrhea. If the listed signs of allergy appear, dried apricot will have to be excluded from the menu.

Decoction and compote

These drinks contain a sparing amount of various elements and there are no coarse vegetable fibers, so the introduction of dried apricot into the diet begins with it.

  1. For a decoction for 1 liter of water, 100 g of dried fruits are taken. No sugar needs to be added, dried apricots have enough glucose and fructose.
  2. Before cooking, fruits should be soaked for 10 minutes. and washed under running water to remove possible harmful impurities.
  3. Cooking is carried out on low heat, with the lid closed for 15 minutes.

When the child gets used to dried apricots, you can enrich the decoction with other dried fruits and make compote. The best candidates for such a drink are raisins and prunes. But before that, you need to introduce the baby to each ingredient separately to make sure that there are no intolerances to these products. These fruits are added in an arbitrary proportion, but their ratio to water should remain the same: 100 g per liter. After preparation, the compote is infused for 2 hours.


After getting acquainted with the compote, you can enter more effective remedy, in which there are more useful substances, since we do not boil fruits, but brew them. When preparing an infusion, vitamins and minerals are less destroyed. You just need to pour the fruits with the same volume of water and insist 5 hours. For multiplication useful effect, in the absence of allergies, 1 teaspoon of honey is added to the finished product.


When the baby masters basic set vegetables, you can start giving him another healthy dish from dried apricots. This will be a puree that will improve intestinal motility.

  1. First, the fruits are soaked in warm water for 10 minutes, washed.
  2. Soak again, but cold water for 4-5 hours, then boil in the same liquid for 10 minutes.
  3. In a blender, grind the cooked fruits along with the broth to a puree consistency.

This dish will serve as a good prevention of constipation. To enhance the laxative effect, prunes are included in the puree, at a ratio of 2 parts dried apricots to 1 part plums.

Including dried apricot puree in the baby's diet, we supply him with the necessary minerals and relieve constipation

For women

The benefits of dried apricot for the beautiful half of humanity cannot be overestimated. Regular consumption of dried apricots brings undeniable benefits:

  • the skin condition improves, a beautiful bronze tint appears;
  • hair and nails are strengthened;
  • immunity increases, therefore, the risk of tumors of the breast, uterus and ovaries is reduced;
  • the production of female hormones is normalized;
  • mood stabilizes during PMS;
  • the body is ready to conceive a child;
  • relieves hot flashes during menopause.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

When a woman is carrying or breastfeeding a child, mineral starvation is often observed in her body. Dried fruits will help to replenish the substances that the mother spends on the growth and development of the baby. Just adding dried apricots to dishes, but not more than 10 pcs. per day, you can replenish depleted reserves of mineral elements, prepare for childbirth.

A common problem during pregnancy is difficulty with bowel movements. In this case, dried apricots will come to the rescue. To normalize the stool, it is steamed overnight with boiling water and eaten in the morning. To increase the therapeutic effect, you can drink the dish with a glass of kefir.

To improve lactation, the following grandmother's recipe is useful for mom: cook oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, add 5 pcs. dried apricots and 3 chopped walnuts. Then 5 minutes to insist and eat in one sitting.

For men

Although men do not bear children, they have enough other significant burdens on the body. Increased physical and mental stress, stress at work and even sex - all this also requires constant replenishment of the body's mineral storerooms. Inclusion in the daily diet of dried apricots allows you to:

  • stabilize hormone production;
  • strengthen bones and muscles;
  • normalize bowel function;
  • improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs than prevent impotence;
  • reduce the risk of urological diseases;
  • cleanse the body of all types of toxins, including alcohol;
  • fight anemia and gout;
  • normalize pressure;
  • increase the production of androgens and spermatozoa, improve potency;
  • restore memory.

weight loss

Eating delicacies and not getting fat is the dream of a sweet tooth. Is it real? calories dried apricot is quite large, about 240 kcal per 100 g, despite this, it is used for weight loss. Its hypoglycemic index is low, it does not contain fats, but there are substances that break them down and prevent absorption by the intestines. In addition, dried apricots have diuretic properties, which also contributes to the loss excess weight. Its pectins and fiber additionally cleanse the body of toxins. And without a diet, simply by adding dried fruits to the main dishes, we are on the right track - to lose weight.

Fasting days on dried apricots will help us to get rid of extra pounds more decisively. On such a day, you need to eat 500 g of dried apricots, drink green tea and a lot of water - nothing else. It is properly soaked and divided into 4 doses. Fasting days will literally bring relief - from toxins, excess weight and excess fluid in the body.

Unloading days with dried apricots relieve toxins, excess fluid and excess weight

For people who do not accept half measures, a mono-diet is suitable. It is based on dried apricot juice puree: 300 g of pre-soaked fruits are ground in a blender by adding half a liter of apricot juice. The mixture is divided into 4 equal parts and eaten according to the following schedule: at 8 a.m., 11 p.m., at 2 p.m. and at 6 p.m. At the same time, you can drink water, green tea without sugar. This diet lasts 5 days, no more. After it, nutritionists advise to lean on foods rich in proteins.

This is a rather rigid diet, which requires mandatory consultation with a doctor, as a metabolic failure may occur.

The benefits and harms of dried fruits - video


Dried apricots and remedies from it are contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • violation of water-salt metabolism;
  • kidney disease;
  • type 1 diabetes;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • diarrhea;
  • ulcers and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • severe bowel disease;
  • diverticulitis;
  • individual intolerance.

It is important to note that it is advisable not to exceed the daily intake of dried apricots, since excessive intake of minerals and carbohydrates in the body can disrupt metabolism, cause indigestion - the stomach will begin to swell.

With type 1 diabetes, dried apricots cannot be eaten. In type 2 diabetes, its use is allowed, but only after consulting a doctor. Usually eat half daily dose- 5 pieces, pre-soaked for 20 minutes in warm water. At the same time, blood sugar should be checked.

In rare cases, when eating unwashed dried apricots, you can be poisoned by sulfur dioxide, which is used in the processing of dried fruits. The throat begins to tickle, runny nose, cough and hoarseness appear. Patients with asthma may have an attack. At high concentrations of sulfur dioxide, suffocation occurs, speech disorder, vomiting, possible acute edema lungs.



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