Basic metabolism. Calorie calculator for weight loss and weight gain


Basal metabolic rate is an indicator that determines a person’s daily energy requirement. It is measured in kilocalories. Basal metabolism depends on many factors that determine the characteristics of human life. It is characterized by a parameter that reflects the body's need for calories, which are necessary to maintain its basic functions. For example, these include breathing, blood circulation, and the activity of all organs and systems.

Basic metabolism determines the energy requirement of the body in a state of complete rest. The ambient temperature is +20°C. This value is calculated as the amount of heat per unit of human body weight per day. Calculation of basal metabolism occurs using direct measurements of natural indicators. To do this, the amount of heat used by a person is recorded in a special breathing chamber.

This value can also be calculated without the use of specific equipment. For this purpose, a special respiratory coefficient is taken into account. The obtained value of metabolic rate is largely influenced by the volume of muscle mass, the amount of fat in the body, the functioning of the thyroid gland, age, weight of a person, and level of physical activity. All these factors are taken into account when calculating this indicator.

What affects BSM?

There are two types of caloric needs of the human body:

  • the first group is determined by a person’s weight and height;
  • the second – depends on the age category, gender and body type.

If we take into account a person’s weight and height, then as they increase, the level of basal metabolism increases. This is explained by the body’s significant need for thermal energy to regulate body temperature. This value also depends on gender. In men, metabolic processes occur more intensely than in women. This is due to the large amount of muscle mass, which consumes a lot of energy.

Also, young guys, girls and older people have different levels of metabolism. This pattern is due to the fact that muscle mass decreases significantly with age. From about age 30, the BMR decreases by three percent every decade. You also need to understand that with obesity, metabolic processes do not occur as intensely as with normal weight. People with more fat in their body metabolize at a slower rate.

How is BSM calculated?

The basal metabolic rate is determined using several formulas. According to Muffin-Jeor's calculations, several indicators are taken into account - weight, height, age, gender of a person, level of physical activity. This formula does not take fat percentage into account. This substance significantly reduces this speed. This feature is taken into account in the Ketch-McArdle formula.

  • adult men consume about 1 kcal per kg of body weight per hour;
  • The need for adult women per 1 kg of weight is 0.9 kcal/hour;
  • for men per 1 sq. m of body surface consumes about 915 kcal per day;
  • in women this value reaches 834 kcal per day.

The norms presented above will increase or decrease depending on the functional characteristics of a man or woman and their physical activity. Also, the need for energy is affected by ambient temperature and pregnancy.

What is this calculator used for?

If a person significantly limits the number of calories they consume, their metabolism slows down. When this amount of energy supplied with food becomes critically low, BMR decreases by at least 10-40%. Therefore, a person who wants to lose weight is strictly prohibited from going on strict diets. Strict restriction in food leads to the opposite effect. It is more difficult for a person who is losing weight to lose extra pounds and the likelihood of a breakdown significantly increases. The human body cannot function normally under such severe restrictions.

Using this online calculator it is very easy to calculate BSM. Based on the obtained value, you can adjust your diet. The daily amount of calories consumed should not be lower than calculated using a calculator. If it is approximately equal to this indicator, the person will lose weight. Also, the intensity of getting rid of extra pounds can be increased through physical activity.

The two formulas in the calculator below calculate the number of calories your body needs based on gender, age, body weight, waist circumference and level of daily physical activity (or exercise).

Female Male What's your gender Your age in years Your height in cm. Your weight in kg. Waist circumference in cm. minimum physical activity 1-3 times a week physical activity 3-5 times a week physical activity 6-7 times a week heavy physical labor + training 2 times a dayPhysical activity

Before we begin the calculation, let's define medical terms.

What exactly is metabolism? Metabolism, or metabolism, is a complete process of chemical reactions in the body that ensures its vital functions, growth, and physical activity.

Basal Metabolism- this is the main metabolism that ensures breathing, blood circulation, and digestion of human food in a state of minimal physical activity. This is the amount of heat calculated per 1 kg of human body per day. To carry out the calculation, an experimental patient can be placed in a breathing chamber or a certain respiratory coefficient can be derived for him through measurements.

It is clear that since the metabolism is basal (basic, lower), it is better to conduct the examination at a moment of complete relaxation, in the morning on an empty stomach, and also taking into account those factors that affect the acceleration or deceleration of metabolism. These factors are from the field of endocrinology, and thyroid dysfunction can serve as an example. Such diseases affect your body weight regardless of how much you eat. You can starve and still be fat, and then there is definitely a direct path to an endocrinologist.

The effect of food consumed on metabolism should be considered from the main point of view - acceleration or slowdown of metabolism.

For example, all food, being a source of energy for the body, thus carries a thermal effect. However, some foods have a much greater and longer-lasting effect: these are carbohydrates rich in fiber, as well as protein foods such as meat and fish. The body spends about 30% of calories digesting them - which means that the metabolism works to burn your extra pounds.

There is also such an indicator as glycemic index. It is high in those foods from which sugar is absorbed instantly and goes into the blood. These are the so-called simple carbohydrates. But if you consume carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, that is, long-digesting ones (vegetables, cereals), then your metabolism again works for you, being in good tone.

Calculation formulas:

Muffin-Jeor Formula, released in 1990, says this:
P = 9.99 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) - 4.92 * age (years) + constant (different for men and women).

Ketch-McArdle formula takes into account the ratio of muscle mass to body fat:
P = 370 + 21.6 * LBM (kg), where LBM is body weight minus fat.

If you are interested in doing your own calculations, which in your opinion are more accurate, calculate the specific gravity of fat deposits in your body, using also other health calculators available on the site.

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The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the minimum number of calories required to maintain the body's vital functions in a state of complete rest. Simply put, this is the amount of energy (measured in calories) that your body will expend if you sleep all day. Basal metabolism can burn up to 70% of the total number of calories expended, but this figure varies depending on various factors (we will talk about them below). Calories are spent on various physiological processes, such as breathing, blood circulation and maintaining the desired body temperature. Naturally, the average body expends more calories than BOO.

Basic metabolism is one of the most important factors determining the intensity of metabolism in general. This indicator tells us how many calories the body needs to maintain, lose, or gain weight. The amount of basal metabolism is determined by a combination of genetic (internal) and external factors, such as:

Genetics. Some people are born with a faster metabolism, others with a slower one.
Floor. Men have more muscle mass and less body fat. This means that they have a higher basal metabolic rate.
Age. As you age, your basal metabolism slows down. After 20 year old age, every ten years this figure decreases on average on 2%.
Weight. The greater a person's weight, the greater the SBI.
Body surface area. This is the ratio of your height and weight. The greater the total surface area of ​​your body, the higher your BVR.
Tall, thin people have more BOO. If we compare a tall and short person of the same weight who consume the same number of calories to maintain their weight, we can see that after a year the taller person's weight will remain the same, but the shorter person's weight may have increased by about 7 kg.
Body fat percentage. The smaller it is, the larger the SBI. It is the lower percentage of body fat in men that is the reason why their basal metabolic rate is higher than that of women.
Diet. Fasting or sharply reducing caloric intake can reduce basal metabolic rate by 30%. Low-calorie diet for weight loss may lead to lower BOO by 20%.
Body temperature. When core body temperature increases by half a degree, BOO increases by approximately by 7%. The higher the body temperature, the faster chemical reactions occur in the body. Therefore, the BOO of a patient with a temperature of 42°C will increase approximately by 50% .
External temperature. Ambient temperature also affects basal metabolism. Exposure to cold temperatures increases BOO because the body needs to produce more heat to maintain the required core body temperature. A short stay in high temperature conditions has little effect on metabolism because... the temperature is compensated due to increased heat transfer. But prolonged exposure to heat can also increase BOO.
Hormones. Thyroxine (produced in the thyroid gland) is one of the key regulators of SBI. It speeds up the metabolic activity of the body. The more thyroxine produced, the higher the BOO. If the body produces too much of it (a condition known as thyrotoxicosis), BOO can double in size. If there is too little of it (myxedema), the VOO may decrease by 30-40% compared to the norm. Like thyroxine, epinephrine also increases BOO, but to a lesser extent.
Exercises. Exercise not only affects your weight by burning calories, but also helps increase your basal metabolic rate by increasing muscle mass.

Short-term factors affecting general metabolism

High temperature caused by inflammation, high levels of stress hormones in the body, and an increase or decrease in environmental temperature lead to an increase in BOO. Fasting, starvation or malnutrition reduces BOO. Reduced BOO may be the only side effect of the diet. A low-carb diet will not be as effective as one combined with physical activity.

Daily metabolism

The first step towards creating your own diet is to calculate how many calories do you burn per day? , i.e. Your total daily energy expenditure in calories. Knowing this value will begin the formation of your proper nutrition. Physiologists William McArdle and Frank Kachi found that the average daily energy expenditure for women in the United States is 2000-2100 calories th per day, and for men - 2700-2900 per day. But this is an average, the number of calories burned can vary significantly. For example, for athletes or people actively involved in sports, this figure will be higher. Some triathletes and athletes with extremely high workloads require at least 6000 calories every day and even more!

Methods for determining calorie needs

There are various formulas you can use to determine your daily calorie needs. They take into account age, gender, height, weight, lean body mass and activity level. Any formula that takes your lean body mass (MBM) into account will give you the most accurate estimate of your energy expenditure, but even without taking into account your lean body mass (MBM), you can still get fairly accurate information.

A quick and easy method for determining calorie needs is to calculate based on your total body weight.
Fat Burning: 26-29 calories per 1 kg of body weight
Weight maintenance: 33-35 calories per 1 kg of body weight
Weight gain: = 40-45 calories per 1 kg of body weight

This is a very simple way to help you estimate your calorie needs. But there are also obvious disadvantages to this method, because it does not take into account activity level and body composition. Extremely active people may require many more calories than this formula indicates. In addition, the greater your muscle mass, the greater your calorie needs will be.

Because it does not take into account obesity, the formula may overestimate caloric needs for overweight people. For example, a 50-year-old woman who leads a sedentary lifestyle weighs 117 kg and her total body fat is 34%. She will never be able to lose weight by eating 3,000 calories every day.

Calculations based on basal metabolic rate

A much more accurate method of calculation is to determine BMR (basal metabolic rate), which uses several factors, including height, weight, age and gender. BOO is then multiplied by activity level to determine daily caloric needs. As a reminder, BOO is the total number of calories your body needs to function normally at rest. This includes heartbeat, breathing, digestion of food, creation of new blood cells, maintaining the desired body temperature and all other metabolic processes in your body. In other words, your BOO is all the energy used to keep the body alive. About 2/3 of your daily calorie requirement is BOO. The intensity of general metabolism can vary significantly from person to person, depending on genetic factors. If someone says that they can eat anything and not gain weight, this means that this person has a hereditary high metabolic rate.

BOO is lowest during sleep, when the body is not processing food. It is worth noting that the greater your lean body mass, the greater your BMR. This is very important information if you want to lose weight. The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn.

Muscle is a metabolically active tissue, and even maintaining a constant mass requires a lot of energy. Obviously, one great way to increase your basal metabolic rate is through bodybuilding, i.e. workouts aimed at growing and strengthening muscle mass.

Harris-Benedict formula (BOO based on total body weight)

The Harris-Benedict equation is a calorie-calculating formula that takes into account height, weight, age, and gender to determine basal metabolic rate (BMR). This makes it more accurate than determining calorie needs based on total weight alone. The only criterion that is not used here is muscle mass. Thus, this equation will be very accurate for everyone except people with excessive muscle mass (calorie needs will be underestimated) and obese people (calorie needs will be overestimated).

Men: BOO = 66 + (13.7 x weight in kg) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x age in years)
Women: BOO = 655 + (9.6 x weight in kg) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age in years)

You are a woman
You are 30 years old
Your height is 167.6 cm
You weigh 54.5 kg
Your BOO = 655 + 523 + 302 - 141 = 1339 calories per day

Activity coefficients:
Sedentary lifestyle = SBI x 1.2 (little or no exercise, sedentary work)
Light activity = BOO x 1.375 (light physical activity/sports 1-3 times a week)
Moderate activity = BOO x 1.55 (quite a lot of physical activity/sports 3-5 times a week)
High activity = BOO x 1.725 (high physical activity/sports 6-7 times a week)
Very high activity = VOO x 1.9 (very high daily physical activity / sports and physical work or training 2 times a day, for example, marathon, competitions)

Your BOO 1339 calories per day
You have a moderate level of activity (exercise 3-4 times a week)
Your activity factor is 1.55
Your daily calorie requirement = 1.55 x 1339 = 2075 calories per day

Ketch-McArdle Formula (Lean Body Mass Based BBM)

If you have checked and know exactly what your body's muscle mass is, then you can get the most accurate BOO estimate. The Ketch-McArdle formula takes muscle mass into account and is therefore more accurate than a formula that only takes total body mass into account. The Harris-Benedict equation has separate formulas for men and women because men tend to have more lean body mass (MBM). Since the Ketch-McArdle formula is based on MMT, it applies equally to both men and women.

Basal metabolic rate (men or women) = 370 + (21.6 x lean body mass (MBM) in kg)

You are a woman
You weigh 54.5 kg
Your total body fat is 20% (10.9 kg fat)
Your body weight minus fat = 43.6 kg
Your BOO = 370 + (21.6 X 43.6) = 1312 calories
To determine your daily calorie requirement (DCR), you simply multiply your DCR by your activity factor:

Your SBI 1312 calories
You have a moderate level of activity (exercise 3-4 times a week)
Your activity factor is 1.55
Daily calorie requirement = 1.55 X 1312 = 2033 calories

As you may have noticed, the difference between the values ​​​​calculated using the two formulas is small (2075 calories versus 2033 calories), since the person we considered as an example has an average body size and composition. The main advantage of a calculation that takes into account muscle mass is that it more accurately shows the daily calorie requirement (DAR) for very muscular or, conversely, obese people.

Adjust your calorie intake to suit your goal

So, you already know your SPC. The next step is to adjust the number of calories you consume depending on your goal. The math behind calorie balance is very simple. To maintain your weight at the current level, you need to adhere to the SPC. If you want to lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit in your body, to do this, reduce your BAC (or consume the same amount of calories, but increase physical activity). If your main goal is to gain weight, you need to increase the number of calories you consume. The only thing that differentiates weight loss and weight gain diets is the amount of calories consumed.

Negative calorie balance is the most important factor for weight loss

Counting calories is not only important, it is the most important factor in losing weight. If you consume more calories than you expend, you will not lose weight, no matter what foods you eat. Some foods are stored as fat more easily than others, but always keep in mind that too much of anything, even “healthy foods,” will be stored as fat. You cannot change the laws of thermodynamics and energy balance. In order to burn fat, the body must be in a calorie deficit. This will force your body to use stored fat to fill energy deficits. 0.5 kg of body fat contains 4,500 calories. If you spend a week through diet, exercise, or a combination of both, you will create a deficit in 4500 calories, you will lose 0.5 kg weight. If in a week the deficit is 9000 calories, you will reset 1 kg. A calorie deficit can be created through diet, exercise, or best of all, a combination of both. Since we've already calculated the calorie reduction from exercise (using the activity factor), the deficit we're talking about is exactly what the diet would produce.

Calorie deficit limit: what amount can be considered the maximum permissible?

Everyone knows that if you reduce the number of calories consumed too much, your metabolic rate will slow down, your thyroid gland will reduce its hormone production, and your muscle mass will begin to decrease. How much should you reduce your calories then? There is definitely a limit below which cutting calories can have negative health effects. For weight loss, it is recommended to reduce the number of calories consumed compared to the SPC by at least 500, but no more than 1000. For some people, especially thin people, 1000 calories may be too much of a deficit. The American College of Sports Medicine does not recommend caloric intake below 1,200 per day for women and 1,800 per day for men. But even these quantities are very small. It is best to determine a safe level of calorie deficit based on your weight and DA (daily calorie requirement). Reducing your calorie intake by 15-20% from SPK is a very good start. Sometimes a larger deficit may be needed, but then it is best to increase your exercise while maintaining the same caloric deficit.

Example 1:
Your weight is 54.5 kg
Your SPK is 2033 calories
Calorie deficit for weight loss - 500
Your optimal calorie intake for weight loss: 2033 - 500 = 1533 calories
Example 2:
Your calorie deficit for weight loss is 20% of your BAC (20% of 2033 = 406 calories)
Your optimal calorie intake for weight loss = 1627 calories

A Positive Calorie Balance Is Necessary to Build Muscle

If you want to build muscle and become more muscular, you must consume more calories than you burn in a day. But this is impossible without bodybuilding. Only in this case will the excess calories be used to create new muscle tissue. Once you have determined your BAC, the next step is to increase your calories enough to allow you to gain weight. This is the basic law of energy balance: to build lean body mass, you must eat a diet with a positive balance of calories.

The starting point for weight gain should be an increase in BOP by 300...500 calories per day. Or you can add 15-20% of your SPK.

Your weight is 54.5 kg
Your SPK is 2033 calories
In order to gain weight, you need 15-20% more calories than your BAC = 305...406 calories
Your optimal calorie intake for weight gain is 2033 + (305...406) = 2338...2439 calories

Change your calorie intake gradually

It is not recommended to make drastic changes to your diet. If, after calculating your daily calorie requirement (DAC) and adjusting it based on your goal, you realize that the required amount of calories is significantly different from your current level of consumption, then you definitely need to change the amount of calories gradually. For example, you have determined that your optimal calorie intake per day should be 1900, but previously your level was only 900 calories per day. If you suddenly increase your calories, your metabolism will slow down. A sudden jump to 1900 calories per day can cause an increase in body fat, because your body is already accustomed to consuming less and a sudden increase in calories will contribute to obesity. The best way is within 3-4 weeks gradually increase the number of calories you consume from 900 to 1900. This will allow your body to adapt and speed up your metabolism.

Measure your results and adjust your calories

The calculations that will help you find the right amount of calories to consume are very simplified and are needed only so that you know where to start. You will need to monitor your progress closely to ensure that this is the right level for you. To make sure you're on the right track, you'll need to monitor your calorie intake, body weight, and body fat percentage. You need to monitor your body weight and body fat percentage to see how your body reacts to dietary changes. If you see that you are not getting the desired results, adjust the number of calories you consume and your activity level. The main thing is not to cut calories too much to lose weight. The best option is to slightly reduce the number of calories and increase daily energy expenditure by increasing the amount, duration and intensity of physical activity.

Good luck on your path to an ideal figure!

You can easily and simply control various processes in the body, and especially weight gain, if you are well aware of the concept of basal metabolic rate and its value (BMR). If you learn to calculate energy costs using formulas, then you will be guaranteed excellent vital activity and a good mood.

Basal metabolism (basic metabolism, basic metabolism) – what is it?

We can say that these three concepts are synonyms, but still there are some differences in their definition.

Basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy you need just to live without straining, for example, lying on the couch and watching TV, or sitting in a chair. At the same time, you are not physically or mentally active. That is, this is the minimum energy that you need.

Basic metabolism or basic metabolism is the amount of energy (kilocalories) that your body burns under the same circumstances - lying on the bed or sitting in a chair without straining your brain or getting physically tired.

These terms imply the minimum individual amount of energy (daily calories) necessary for the normal functioning of all human organs in the process of metabolism, emotional and psychological peace. The state of rest also requires a certain amount of energy to maintain temperature, breathing, secretions, the functioning of the responsible nerve centers of the brain, and for good blood circulation. Today we will calculate the basal metabolic rate for women and men of all ages.

Factors that determine the dependence of daily human energy expenditure

These include body weight, lifestyle, gender, diet, age. Consequently, depending on this, one person differs from another in that his minimum energy expenditure is greater than that of another. They can be the same age, do the same things, but differ in body structure and other characteristics. Therefore, daily caloric intake varies.

Indicators affecting metabolism

Each person has his own meaning of SBI due to the complex of above-mentioned differences. Let's consider the factors that have a great influence on the parameters of the basal metabolism:

  • Weight. With a large body weight, a person becomes quite large, so he needs more energy;
  • Height. Is of great importance in calculating SBI;
  • Body. If a large amount of muscle is present, the metabolism will be faster or vice versa, obese people tend to have a slow metabolism, and lean (thin) people cannot gain weight due to their super-fast metabolism. Your metabolic rate is also affected by your body type, which is determined genetically. We have already written articles about and, read it, you will be interested;
  • Age. The larger it is, the slower the OO becomes. For example, teenagers have a very fast metabolism, because the body is being built, the body is developing, hormones are playing, and this requires a lot of energy. In adults, everything has already been built, nothing develops, much less plays anything, therefore, fewer calories are needed;

  • Nutrition. A proper diet will speed up and improve metabolic processes. You should never start fasting right away. This will not make you lose weight, but will only seriously harm your health;
  • Lifestyle. Basic metabolism will accelerate with any physical activity within reasonable limits, which will only be beneficial. It will proceed much more slowly in a person if he does not find time for this, compared to someone who lives actively;
  • Floor. Men's rates are much higher than those of the fair sex. After all, by nature, the stronger sex has more muscles than women, and muscles need to be “fed” with energy.

How to determine basal metabolic rate

Basal metabolic rate is calculated using a special method called calorimetry. BOO is determined by a special camera that records metabolic processes in the body. Such a measurement is labor-intensive, so you can use an analogue that does calculations using gas exchange. To determine the elements subject to oxidation (fats, proteins, carbohydrates), the respiratory coefficient is calculated, which is the ratio of released carbon dioxide and absorbed oxygen. This coefficient has completely different meanings for the oxidation of carbohydrates, fats or proteins.

Rubner's surface rule

This law is that all energy expenditures of each warm-blooded individual are directly dependent on the surface of the body. That is, per square meter of body area the amount of heat is dissipated equally under standard conditions. Therefore, volume and mass have a direct effect on basal metabolic rate. In other words, the smaller you are, the fewer calories you need, and vice versa.

Rules for calculating basal metabolic rate

You can calculate your basal metabolic rate yourself. For this, several formulas are used that were invented more than a century ago. There are also many sites dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, which have an online calculator that allows you to quickly calculate the indicators of BOO suitable for normal life activities. To do this, you will need to enter the required values ​​in the specified fields. But before that, use the formulas below and then compare the results.

Using total body weight, you can calculate your basal metabolic rate using the Harris-Benedict formula, the original version of which was invented back in 1919. In 1884, with adjustments for the modern way of life, it was significantly modified, so the result of the calculations will be more accurate.

Just plug in the numbers you need into the equations:

  • How to calculate OO for men: P = (13.397 * weight, kg) + (4.799 * height, cm) – (5.677 * age) + 88.362;
  • How to calculate basal metabolic rate for women: P = (9.247 * weight, kg) + (3.098 * height, cm) – (4.330 * age) + 447.593.

Where P is the heat produced by an organism at complete rest.

There is another basal metabolic rate formula based on total body weight - Mifflin-St. It is slightly more accurate than the previous one.

As an example, let's take a 55-year-old woman with a height of 168 cm and a weight of 59 kg. As a result, her BOO will be 1204 kcal.

But these equations have an inaccuracy - they do not include indicators of metabolic activity taking into account the amount of fat in the body. It turns out that if you choose two men with exactly the same height, weight and age, the results will be absolutely identical. In reality, their basal metabolic rate will be significantly different due to the fact that the first man is “fat” and the second is “jocked.”

For such cases, the Katch-McArd equation is used:

P = 370 + (21.6*LBM), where LBM is mass excluding fat. For example, with a weight of 70 kg, of which 30% is the fat component (it will be equal to 21 kg), the muscle component will be equal to 49 kg (70-21). When substituting this value into the formula, we get a result of 1428 kcal.

Thus, the basal metabolic rate can vary significantly among people with almost the same parameters. The indicators are also influenced by many other external and internal factors.

Calculator and table

If you are completely confused about calculating your basic metabolism, then to obtain more accurate and comprehensive information, it is better to contact a specialist who will tell you how many calories you need daily in order to be in an alert state and not gain extra pounds.

Each person’s body has individual characteristics, but there is a table of average values ​​of basal metabolism that can be used by everyone. It indicates the minimum number of calories per day that a person requires, taking into account his basic parametric data.

Increase in basal metabolism

To lose weight and gain a slim, beautiful figure or simply switch to a healthy lifestyle, you need to increase your OO indicators. For this:

  • Play sports. Such activities burn a lot of calories;
  • Drink more water (about three liters per day). It really helps you lose weight, but watch the quality of your drink;
  • Eat healthy foods that need to be taken according to the schedule. At the same time, metabolic processes will certainly increase. If you want to lose weight, your calorie intake should be reduced. But don’t “overdo it” with this, because a constant feeling of hunger is also bad;

  • Get a massage. Cellular metabolism will “launch its mechanisms” at a different level, and all this will have a great effect on increasing OO;
  • Your thoughts should only be positive. This also has a beneficial effect on basic metabolism, because due to bad thoughts and stress, the hormone cortisol is released, and it floods with water, this does not have a very good effect on the figure;
  • Regulate your sleep. Give yourself enough rest;
  • Go to the bathhouse more often. Visiting the sauna will only benefit your health; in addition, you get rid of excess water in the body;
  • Walk more in the fresh air. This will have a positive effect on the functioning of all your organs and your condition in general.

In one of our articles we wrote in detail about. Ask questions and leave comments under the article.

Video: Rules for calculating basal metabolic rate

The problem of excess weight worries many people in the modern world. Everyone asks the question: “How to lose weight without dieting and exercise?” The answer has long been known: it is practically impossible. If a person does not want to change something in his diet and lifestyle, then nothing will work. But going on a diet will not help your body stay healthy, and all the lost pounds will not just come back, but will lead to even more weight gain. The solution is very simple - proper nutrition and

Calorie nutrition

Any food that enters our body is a source of energy for it. Its quantity is usually measured in kilojoules or kilocalories. If a person eats too much food, then the excess energy received is converted into and deposited evenly throughout the body until the time it is needed. If, on the contrary, starvation occurs, these fatty tissues are used up for normal human life. Thus, each person should consume such an amount of food, the energy from which would be equal to that expended throughout the day. In this case, there will be no decrease or decrease. This is why calculating calorie intake is so important. If you establish its deficiency, then you can safely lose weight and not feel a negative effect on the body.

Today, there are formulas that can very accurately show how much energy an individual needs to consume. Calorie intake is calculated based on simple indicators such as weight, height and age. It is also worth adding the level of physical activity here. To calculate exactly how many calories you need, you can use equations such as the Harris-Benedict formula or the more recent version, the Mifflin-Saint-Geor formula.

The concept of basal metabolism

The basal metabolism is the level of energy expenditure in the body that is inherent in a person in a calm state. After all, even if we don’t move, but, for example, just sleep, many processes are constantly happening in our body that we don’t even think about. These include breathing, the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the production of new skin cells, blood cells and their replacement, the growth of nails and hair, as well as millions of other chemical reactions. Each of them requires constant energy expenditure throughout life. Calculating the calorie norm will provide a person with an understanding of what he needs for a full-fledged existence. Many factors influence basal metabolism. In children, for example, it is higher, as they are constantly growing. And for older people it is lower, because they are slowed down. Gender and physical condition also affect this indicator. For example, if a woman is breastfeeding a child, she spends much more calories than in normal life.

Basic metabolism according to the Harris-Benedict formula

One of the two most common equations to help you calculate your BMR is the Harris-Benedict formula. It shows the caloric content of the diet not for weight loss, but only for maintaining the weight that is currently available. This formula is suitable for people who do not exercise regularly, because bodybuilders, for example, have completely different needs. As mentioned above, calorie needs are different for different genders, so the formulas for them are slightly different.

The Harris-Benedict formula for women looks like this: 655.1 + (9.6 × body weight in kg) + (1.85 × person’s height in cm) - (4.68 × age in years). This will help any inactive woman know how much she needs to consume to maintain her existing weight.

The Harris-Benedict formula for men is: 66.47 + (13.75 × body weight in kg) + (5 × height in cm) - (6.74 × age in years).

Basic metabolism according to the Mifflin-Saint-Geor formula

The second equation that will help you calculate your basal metabolic rate is the Mifflin-Saint-Geor formula. It is considered more reliable, since the Harris-Benedict formula was derived back in 1919, and the pace and rhythm of life of ordinary people has changed a lot since then. This resulted in it having an error of about 5%. There is no such thing in the Mifflin-Saint-Geor equation, since it was developed in 2005 and is more focused on modern people. It is also divided by gender.

For men: (10 × weight in kg) + (6.25 × height in cm) - (5 × age in years) + 5.

For women: (10 × body weight in kg) + (6.25 × height in cm) - (5 × age in years) - 161.

After this coefficient is calculated, it is still necessary to determine the degree of physical activity of a person. A specific activity is indicated by a number between 1.2 and 1.9. Therefore, the basal metabolic rate, which has already been calculated, is multiplied by the degree of activity. This helps to more accurately determine how much energy your body needs.

The benefits of formulas

If a person is concerned about his health and wants to keep himself in a certain shape, the Harris-Benedict or Mifflin San-Geor formula will be a good helper for him. After all, when you know your basal metabolic rate, you can decide how many calories you should consume. If you're happy with your weight, but don't want to gain pounds, just don't consume extra energy. If you want to lose weight, then simply create a calorie deficit, and your body will begin to replace it from internal reserves.

Thus, knowing your basal metabolic rate will greatly help those who want to lose weight. It is easy to calculate if you select one or both of the options. It should be borne in mind that the older and less useful formula is the Harris-Benedict formula. The calculator, which has many options and is available, will do all the complex calculations for you.



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