Why does the leg burn inside. Burning feet: causes and treatment

This may indicate disease varying degrees complexity and neglect. It is important to realize that this phenomenon is a symptom, not an independent pathology. What to do if this symptom touched you? First, let's try to understand its nature.

Main reasons

Far from always, the causes of malaise are directly related to the lower extremities. Sometimes the pathology is systemic. What is found in given symptom more often?

  • Allergy. Your feet may be reacting to the flooring.
  • Vascular diseases. These include, varicose veins, vegetative-vascular dystonia, affecting the vessels of the legs.
  • Skin diseases of the foot bacterial infections, fungal infection).
  • Damage to bones and muscles ().
  • Diseases nervous system(eg, peripheral neuropathy).
  • Endocrine diseases (diabetes).
  • Metabolic disorders. The most common.
  • vitamin deficiency. The body may lack vitamin B.
  • Complications during pregnancy.
  • A state of fatigue caused by long walks.

What to do if the legs burn at night? This symptom may indicate dangerous pathology, and stress experienced during the day or mental overwork.

Allergic conditions

Materials and substances that come into contact with the skin on your soles can cause allergic reaction organism. Most often, the problem lies in the insoles or poor-quality material of the shoes you wear. If you've been wearing these shoes all day, don't wonder why your feet are on fire at night. Get ready for the arrival severe itching And .

The problem is sometimes poor quality fabrics from which sewn:

  • tights;
  • socks;
  • tight pants.

Other substances that provoke allergies:

  • self-tanning creams;
  • lotions;
  • depilatory agents.

Cosmetics can be Low quality but most of the time it just expired. In this case, the feet will begin to itch immediately after applying the drug to the skin.

Varicose veins

With this disease, venous vessels can expand and lengthen. Any parts of the body are susceptible to deformations, but most often the disease affects the legs below the knees. Risk factors include:

  • female;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • overweight;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • frequent leg injuries;
  • peculiarities labor activity(by occupation you spend a lot of time on your feet);
  • taking hormonal drugs.

People with varicose veins often complain of a burning sensation in the calf area, the texture of socks can be imprinted on their skin, and shoes begin to restrict movement. Often such patients suffer from cramps, the veins in their legs swell and deform. Treatment of varicose veins is conservative:

  • exclusion of disposing factors;
  • weight loss;
  • treatment and prevention of constipation;
  • balanced diet;
  • physiotherapy;
  • wearing compression underwear.

It is also used for medicinal laser treatment And . IN emergency cases surgery is allowed.


This disease can develop in a patient with a destabilized metabolism. Content uric acid increases in the blood, and crystals of this substance can be deposited in tissues and organs.

Risk factors:

  • high pressure;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • violation of fat metabolism;
  • kidney disease associated with poor breeding urine;
  • the systematic use of certain varieties of fish, red meat, cocoa, chocolate, tea, coffee, peas, lentils and weakly alcoholic beverages(beer).

The main blow is applied to the joints. Therefore, if your toes are burning, this is another reason to be wary - it is with them that the course of the disease begins. What to do if you know you have gout? The set of actions is as follows:

  1. Use a large number liquids. Recommended lingonberry tea, water, cranberry juice. This will help eliminate uric acid faster.
  2. Complete peace. The diseased limb is placed on a pillow. The position is slightly elevated.
  3. Taking painkillers. The only exception is aspirin, which will only make things worse.
  4. Ice pack (applied to the affected joint).
  5. Refusal of certain products (fish, meat, spices, offal, coffee, tea and cocoa, legumes and alcohol).
  6. Taking NSAIDs (, fenoprofen,).

During pregnancy

Having reached the third trimester, a pregnant woman may begin to complain that her heels on her feet are burning. This means that pregnancy proceeds with a complication, whose name is preeclampsia (a form of late toxicosis). The legs with this disease not only burn, but also swell, and the process begins with the feet, and then is transferred to the stomach and face. The disease is also accompanied by an increase in the level of protein in the urine and blood, high blood pressure.

Edema leads to squeezing internal organs- so the legs burn below the knees. An additional factor is overweight, which a woman inevitably gains over time.


If this symptom is detected, it is necessary to resort to medical assistance . It is important to know that warm and hot baths are strongly discouraged. We also do not recommend steaming your legs.

The best thing to do in this situation is to cold and hot shower. good remedy are also foot baths, in which there is an alternate (1-2 minutes) change of cold and hot water. The procedure lasts about 25 minutes. After that, the affected area is wiped dry and smeared with mint cream. The direction of lubrication is up from the foot.

Baths can be combined with herbal therapy by adding chamomile, mint, Linden blossom, calendula and wormwood. Pre-herbs (they can be mixed in equal proportions) are infused in hot water.

In addition, they help a lot:

  • blue clay compresses;
  • compresses from the buds of needles and hop cones;
  • foot massage.

All these methods are suitable for first aid, but you should not forget that burning feet is just a symptom. In-depth therapy aimed at curing a specific ailment can be developed exclusively in the clinic.


Let us mention some recipes that can temporarily extinguish discomfort.

  • Hawthorn tincture. Remedy for internal use. Improves blood flow, reduces capillary permeability.
  • flowers horse chestnut. The tincture is drunk daily in a warm state. Helps to get rid of blood stasis.
  • Willow decoction. A strong decoction is made from willow branches. The resulting liquid is poured into a bath, in which it is necessary to keep the affected limbs for about half an hour.


Try to take off your shoes and walk barefoot from time to time. This well stimulates blood circulation and prevents blood build-up.

Eliminate carbonated drinks, beer, spices, spicy foods from your diet. Don't overuse salt. All listed products serve as catalysts for the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and also contribute to stagnation of the lymph and impair venous circulation.

Thank you

burning feet- is not independent disease, but a symptom that can occur in many diseases associated and not associated with the lower extremities.

Reasons why your feet may burn

  1. Allergy to materials and substances that come into contact with the feet.

  2. Diseases of the vessels of the legs: varicose veins in the legs, thrombophlebitis, obliterating endarteritis, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

  3. Skin diseases of the feet: fungal infections, bacterial infection.

  4. Diseases of the muscles and bones of the legs: flat feet.

  5. Diseases of the nervous system: peripheral neuropathy.

  6. Diseases of the endocrine system: diabetes.

  7. Metabolic diseases: gout.

  8. Vitamin B deficiency.

  9. Certain conditions during pregnancy.

  10. Non-disease related situations: overwork, long walking during the day.

If your legs are burning, it is not always the cause of the disease. When the legs burn in the evening and this situation occurs only if you walked or stood a lot during the day, there is no talk of a disease here. The reason why the feet burn is due to the "play of vessels." If the legs are pinched with uncomfortable or tight shoes all day, narrowing of the veins occurs, and when you take off your shoes in the evening, there is a sharp expansion of blood vessels and blood flow to the legs. That is why the legs “burn” in the evening or at night.

An allergy can also be to low-quality fabrics from which socks, tights, tight pants, etc. are made. In addition to clothing, there may be a reaction to cosmetical tools(lotions, self-tanning creams, depilatory products), which are actively used by women, especially in summer period. If the cosmetics are of poor quality or it has expired, after applying them, the legs will begin to burn and itch almost immediately.

Treatment. Often it is enough to eliminate the source of the allergy. But with severe itching and burning, you can use anti-allergic ointments or creams (loridel, elocom, advantan).


Varicose veins are a condition characterized by lengthening and dilatation of superficial veins. The venous vessels of almost any organs and parts of the body can undergo changes, but it is the veins of the lower extremities that most often suffer.
Risk factors for varicose veins.
  • Hereditary predisposition (if the next of kin had problems with blood vessels).

  • Female.
  • Pregnancy period.

  • Overweight.

  • Labor activity associated with prolonged standing.

  • Frequent leg injuries.

  • Taking hormonal drugs.
  • Disease symptoms. The first manifestations are usually swelling and heaviness in the legs and feet. People with varicose disease they note that by the evening the calves of the legs are burning, the shoes become cramped, an imprint of socks appears on the skin. A feature of varicose veins is that the legs below the knees burn only in the evening and at night, and after sleep the person feels quite comfortable. There may also be cramps in the muscles of the legs. But even if there is only cosmetic defect(i.e. you see that there are veins on the legs that bulge ugly), but there are no manifestations of the disease yet, it is better not to wait until the veins on the legs start to burn and convulsions appear. When contacting a doctor, you will be prescribed a preventive course aimed at preventing the development of varicose veins.

    Treatment. Consists of several stages, each of which is appointed by a doctor after thorough examination organism.

    • Conservative (non-surgical) treatment. It can be prescribed to those persons whose veins have not yet been changed, but have only symptoms of the disease. Also conservative methods treatment is used in those patients for whom surgery is contraindicated or they voluntarily refused surgical treatment. Non-surgical treatments include:

      1. Exception possible factors risk (restriction of standing for a long time, lifting weights).

      2. Weight loss . Overweight contribute to the rapid deterioration of the condition in varicose veins.

      3. Purpose balanced nutrition : daily diet should be enriched with raw fruits and vegetables. Such food contains a large amount of fiber, from which fibers are subsequently formed that strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It is necessary to exclude to the maximum the use of salted, smoked and spicy dishes. It is not so much the products themselves that are dangerous, but the thirst that occurs after eating them. A large amount of fluid drunk causes the formation of edema, which exacerbates varicose veins.

      4. Prevention and treatment of constipation, which lead to increased pressure in the veins.

      5. Wearing compression (squeezing) underwear or elastic bandages. It is important to know here that compression stockings, stockings or tights are prescribed by a doctor, and they should be bought only in specialized stores medical technology or in pharmacies. Someone needs to wear such underwear all the time, and for some patients it is enough to wear it for long walks or at work, if it is associated with long standing or sitting in one position.

      6. Physiotherapy. Cycling, swimming and skiing are useful. Also, a doctor may prescribe a set of special exercises.

    • Medical treatment. The basis of therapy is venotonic preparations, which can be either herbal (venitan, antistax) or synthetic (phlebodia, detralex). Also used local ointments and gels (Fastum Gel, Lyoton), vitamins and microelements.

    • Sclerotherapy. This method of treatment consists in the introduction of special substances into the lumen of the altered vein that clog the vessel, and over time it overgrows with healthy tissue. This method is only effective on initial stages diseases.

    • laser treatment. The method is based on the destruction of varicose veins with a laser. It is used only to remove thin varicose veins (up to 1 mm).

    • Surgery. It is appointed in the case when the methods listed above were ineffective. The meaning of the operation is to ligate and remove the altered vessels. This treatment can be done through small incisions in the legs or through microscopic punctures (endoscopic).

    fungal infection

    Fungal lesions feet (mycoses) - one of the most common reasons why the feet burn. Fungi, which can lead to infection, are ubiquitous: in swimming pools, saunas, public baths.

    Despite the wide variety of fungi that can cause damage to the feet, the manifestation of this infection is almost always the same.

    The spread of the fungus begins from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe interdigital folds, where peeling, redness or just itching appears. Then the fungus captures more and more areas of the skin: cracks appear on the feet, areas of compaction. If the nails begin to turn yellow and crumble, then the fungus has penetrated there too.

    Symptoms of the disease. When external manifestations the fungus is not yet visible, many do not understand why the feet are burning. This sensation can be so strong that when describing their complaints, many patients say that "the legs are on fire." Some patients are more concerned about itching, but it also happens that a person is only worried about yellowing and thickening of the nails or cracked heels, which are accompanied by absolutely no sensations. And only during the examination a fungal infection is detected.


    • For maximum removal of the fungus that can live on objects and things, it is necessary to disinfect shoes, insoles, socks and any means that you use in foot care (towel, nail file, scissors, etc.). Disinfection is carried out using a 25% formalin solution. The bathroom also needs to be disinfected.

    • Locally applied various antifungals in the form of ointments, creams, talkers, solutions (lamisil cream, nizoral, etc.). Only local treatment used in the initial stages of a fungal infection.

    • Antifungal drugs inside. They are used in the case when the disease has already dragged on and the feet are constantly burning, and the use of ointments does not help. For this, drugs such as itraconazole, lamisil, nystatin, fluconazole, etc. are prescribed.
    Prevention. To prevent a fungal infection, you must follow the rules of personal hygiene, wear only comfortable, dry and clean shoes, have own funds foot care. In any public places where you need to take off your shoes, you need to take a replacement pair with you, which can be easily processed at home. And most importantly - a healthy lifestyle and strengthening immunity. After all, fungi reproduce best in a weakened body that is unable to fight infection.


    Diabetes mellitus is a group of diseases in which the amount of the hormone insulin is reduced or completely absent in the body. Under the action of this hormone, glucose, which is in the blood, is distributed and absorbed the right cells. And if there is not enough insulin, the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood is elevated. Why do the legs burn with this disease? Small vessels suffer from excess sugar, so one of the complications of diabetes is the so-called diabetic foot, when the small vessels of the legs are damaged.

    Symptoms of "diabetic foot". Injury to the legs diabetes starts with pain, especially after a long walk. Pain can be of the most diverse nature: stabbing, cutting, aching. Some patients report burning toes or burning heels. Gradually, the pain intensifies and begins to appear even at rest. The legs become pale, and the fingers acquire a bluish tint. At a very advanced stage of diabetes, ulcers on the legs and necrosis of the fingers may occur.

    Treatment. The main treatment for diabetes mellitus should be aimed at maintaining normal level blood sugar. These can be insulin injections or sugar-lowering pills (amaril, maninil, metformin, etc.). Behind the legs you need a good one hygiene care to prevent infection.
    If you do not know the reason why the feet are burning, take a blood test for sugar. This will help to suspect or rule out diabetes.

    Obliterating endarteritis

    Obliterating endarteritis is one of the vascular diseases, in the development of which the main role belongs to infection. As a result of damage to the arteries of the lower extremities, their damage occurs, which leads to a condition in which the legs go numb and burn.

    Symptoms of the disease. One of the symptoms that occurs only with this disease helps to suspect the disease. This symptom is called intermittent claudication.: when walking at certain intervals, severe convulsions occur in calf muscles.

    It seems to a person that the leg is on fire inside. Then this state passes until the next attack. In addition to this main symptom, patients complain of swelling, heaviness in the legs, fatigue when walking. In the evenings, the feet may burn or there is a feeling of crawling. In advanced cases, ulcers may appear on the legs due to insufficient blood supply.

    Treatment. On early stages disease treatment is aimed at normalizing blood flow and strengthening blood vessels. Appointed:

    • Drugs that relieve spasm of the vessels of the extremities and strengthen their wall.

    • Medicines that thin the blood.

    • Vitamins B, C, E, PP.

    • Antiallergic agents.

    • Physiotherapy methods: barotherapy, diadynamic currents.

    • Surgery. It is performed when other methods of treatment are ineffective.
    If the area of ​​the affected artery does not exceed 15 cm, it is removed. If the disease has affected the vessels for more than 15 cm, then the artery is removed and replaced with a prosthesis (artificial vessel) or shunting is performed (vessels are sutured above and below the lesion site for bypass blood flow).


    Thrombophlebitis is a disease in which the walls of the veins become inflamed and blood clots settle on them - blood clots. Since it is the vessels of the legs that are most often affected, thrombophlebitis is another reason why the legs turn red and hurt.
    Risk factors for the development of thrombophlebitis.
    • Inflammatory or infectious diseases any internal organs.

    • Increased blood clotting, slow movement of blood through the veins.

    • The presence of a tumor in humans.

    • Damage to blood vessels in trauma.

    • Any operations: surgical and gynecological.

    • Allergy.
    Disease symptoms. The disease begins with the appearance of not very severe pain in the legs. Along the course of the veins, the skin on the legs turns red and burns. Sometimes there is a general increase in body temperature, but it usually does not exceed 38 C. Another symptom is swelling of the leg in the vein of which a blood clot has formed. Compacted areas of the skin gradually form - these are thrombosed veins.
    • Active mode. Even in the first days of inflammation, the patient is recommended to move. Purpose bed rest in the case of thrombophlebitis, it will be a mistake, since the work of the muscles provides better blood flow through the veins.

    • When your feet are on fire effective way treatment will be local cooling. Applying cold to the damaged area has a good analgesic effect.

    • Usage medicines different groups:

      • rutin derivatives (troxevasin, rutoside, troxerutin);

      • drugs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels (escusan);

      • anti-inflammatory drugs (ketoprofen, diclofenac);

      • enzyme preparations (wobenzym);

      • drugs that improve blood circulation and thin the blood (trental, reopoliglyukin, heparin).

    • Surgical treatment consists in ligation of superficial veins and removal of all dilated veins, even if they do not have blood clots. The operation completely eliminates the cause of burning feet.

    Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities

    Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities is sometimes also called ischemic disease legs. This is a disease that consists in the formation blood clot(thrombus) in the lumen of the vessel, as a result of which the movement of blood in the vessel is disturbed and the tissues cease to receive enough oxygen. The disease develops after 40 years, mainly in men.
    Risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis.

    • Sedentary lifestyle.

    • Frequent stress.

    • The presence of diabetes.

    • Increased blood pressure.

    Disease symptoms. As with obliterating endarteritis, the main symptom of the disease is intermittent claudication, i.e. seizures while walking. With atherosclerosis, these attacks can be high (cramps appear in the gluteal muscles and the legs above the knees burn) and low (the calf muscles of the legs burn when walking). In severe cases, feet and toes burn, especially at night. This condition is relieved by lowering the legs down from the bed.

    • Impact on risk factors contributing to the development of atherosclerosis:
      • it is highly recommended to stop smoking;

      • weight loss through a balanced diet;

      • physical activity required: Patients are recommended hiking at least 40-50 minutes a day;

      • treatment of diabetes mellitus and hypertension, if any.

    • Improving blood circulation and thinning it (pentoxifylline, aspirin).

    • Surgical treatment of several types, which consists in restoring the lumen of the vessels (using a laser or balloon plastics), as well as in removing the affected vessels.

    • Lumbar sympathectomy is an operation that consists in the intersection of nerve fibers that are located in lumbar region. These fibers have an effect on the vasoconstriction of the legs. After crossing the nerves, the vasoconstriction is eliminated, which normalizes blood flow. This method is used as an addition to the main surgical treatment.


    Gout is chronic illness, which develops in people with metabolic disorders, namely, an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood, the crystals of which are deposited in various bodies and tissues, causing the main manifestations of the disease.
    Risk factors for the development of gout.

    • hereditary predisposition.

    • High blood pressure.

    • Violation of the metabolism of fats in the body.

    • Eating large amounts of foods such as red meat, certain types of fish, chocolate, cocoa, coffee, tea, lentils, peas, certain alcoholic beverages (especially beer).

    • Diseases of the kidneys, in which the excretion of urine is impaired.

    Disease symptoms. Gout strikes various joints. But most often the disease begins with thumbs stop. Burns during a gout attack thumb on the leg and felt sharp pain. The affected area is red and swollen. At the same time, the pain becomes unbearable, and at night the legs burn even with light contact with the blanket. During an attack of gout, the general body temperature may also rise. If you do not know why your toes are burning, you need to determine the level of uric acid in the blood. If it is elevated, the diagnosis of gout is beyond doubt.
    What to do if the legs burn with gout?
    • The leg needs complete rest: Place your injured leg on a pillow so that it is in a slightly elevated position.

    • You can take any pain reliever. The exception is aspirin, because. it can make the situation even worse.

    • Drink as much liquid as possible:
    • External factors:

      • Strong stressful situations, frequent fatigue.

      • Viral infections.

      • Exposure to ionizing radiation, radiation, excessive exposure to the sun.

      • Alcohol abuse, smoking.

      • Excessive consumption of coffee, strong tea.

    • Internal factors:

      • Periods of strong hormonal changes in the body ( adolescence, menopause in women, pregnancy and childbirth).

      • hereditary predisposition.

      • Sedentary lifestyle from an early age.

      • Diseases of cardio-vascular system(tendency to reduced pressure), endocrine system (dysfunction of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, tumors of the adrenal glands), diseases of internal organs (peptic ulcer, diseases of the pancreas and liver).

      • Head injury.

      • The presence of allergies.

    Disease symptoms. The manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia are very diverse: dizziness, headache, fainting, racing blood pressure. Due to a violation of the exchange of heat, the palms and soles of the feet either burn or become cold. There may also be an increase or decrease in heart rate, emotional instability, mental disorders. Sometimes red spots may appear on the body, masking the manifestations of allergies or skin diseases.

    Treatment. If the cause of vegetative-vascular dystonia is any serious disease, then this disease should be treated first. If there are no serious reasons for the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia, treatment should not be started with medicines, but with measures aimed at strengthening and improving the body as a whole.
    pine, thyme, fir, rosemary or rose.

  • Eliminate physical exercise associated with a sudden change in body position, high jumps, somersault. It is also not recommended to perform exercises with head down. Therapeutic effect with vegetative-vascular dystonia, walking, jogging, swimming, yoga are provided. The most important rule is that physical activity should bring satisfaction and positive emotions.

Why do legs burn during pregnancy

“Feet ache and burn” - one of frequent complaints in pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the development of one of the complications of pregnancy - preeclampsia (late toxicosis). The disease is manifested by increased pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine and edema. First of all, the feet swell, then the swelling can spread higher: to the abdomen and even the face. Due to edema internal vessels legs are squeezed, which is why the legs below the knees are constantly burning. Excessive weight gain during pregnancy is also one of the reasons why the feet burn during pregnancy.

Burning legs - what does this symptom mean and how to get rid of it? - Video

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Quite a few people experience intense anxiety in swollen or burning feet. According to statistics, a quarter of the adult population asks such a question as, what to do, legs burn. And of the five suffering from this phenomenon, four are women.

Possible reasons

In order to be able to get rid of this problem, it is necessary to find out possible reasons its occurrence. One of these reasons may be the resulting atrophy of the walls of the veins. Such deficiency may occur due to a genetic predisposition, insufficient physical activity or malnutrition. The veins gradually become weak and begin to stretch, there is a difficulty in returning blood to the heart and it begins to stagnate. For a reason in venous insufficiency and there are unpleasant sensations of burning in the legs and swelling. This can be the beginning of phlebitis - venous thrombosis.

Often, these events are due to wrong exchange substances, kidney disease, congestion lymphatic system or possible disease blood. In any case, be sure to visit a doctor and conduct an examination to establish exact reason. As a rule, it turns out that medical treatment is required.

The cause of swelling and restlessness in the legs may well be the wrong shoes. Few people know that high heels more than two hours a day can not be worn. So, lovers of these shoes, violating this rule suffer in the first place. But tight, uncomfortable shoes with the wrong last can also cause a burning sensation and pain in the legs.

Also, the answer to the question, legs are burning, what to do, can become skin diseases feet, as well as various fungal infections. So, you can’t leave without finding out the reasons, such bright pronounced manifestations like swelling and burning of the legs, since these are symptoms that begin more complex and serious illnesses.

Often women are faced with such a problem as burning in the legs. What are the reasons for its appearance? How to get rid of this problem once and for all?

As soon as you feel that your legs have begun to bake, and this does not go away for several days, you need to find out the reason: what provoked the appearance of this problem. If you can’t figure it out on your own, then you need to contact a specialist. A neurologist will help you understand why the burning of the feet appeared.

The first reason why legs are baked is a violation of the peripheral nerves. When everything is normal, such a feeling does not arise, since impulses regularly and without interruption pass from the brain to the muscles and complete the reverse process. As soon as an “accident” occurs in the “program”, a signal is sent to the brain that an unplanned process (failure) has occurred. The problem just appears, and you already know about it, because the burning sensation in the legs is main symptom disorders of the peripheral nerves.

Reasons why there is a burning sensation in the legs:

1) Diabetes mellitus. When blood glucose metabolism is impaired, nerve cells particles begin to accumulate free radicals). It's just because of them that destruction occurs. nerve endings. After damage to the nerves, a failure begins throughout the human body.

An important role is played by high blood sugar. It is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, after which they begin to narrow. The result is difficult blood circulation, a violation of blood circulation through the vessels. This also affects the peripheral nerves. After the blood circulation has deteriorated, the nerves gradually begin to break down.

Burning in the legs is a signal that a person may develop diabetes. For this reason, patients who turn to the doctor are advised to first donate blood for sugar or do an analysis for glycosylated hemoglobin. With the help of the analysis, it will be found out whether the amount of glucose in the patient is disturbed. Upon detection advanced level sugar, you should also seek help from an endocrinologist. Most likely, an electromyography will be prescribed.

2) Hereditary problems. You can’t get away from genes, therefore, if parents faced such a problem, it means that their children simply cannot avoid it. After a certain mutation of genes appeared, it began to be transmitted from generation to generation. Genes that are responsible for protein synthesis nerve fibers, begin to change. Because of their mutation, a disease appeared that causes burning of the feet. ABOUT complete cure there is no point in talking, the disease will not be cured one hundred percent. In this case, anticonvulsants may be prescribed.

3) Tumor. When a neoplasm appears in the human body, antibodies also begin to be produced abruptly. They may not always be helpful. Sometimes the antibodies begin to infect and peripheral nerves the whole human body. The first on their way are the fibers of the vessels of the legs - this is one of the main reasons why there is a burning sensation in the legs.

4) uncomfortable shoes. Often, it is precisely because of improperly selected shoes that a burning sensation in the calves of the legs may appear. Do not be upset because you have to change fashionable and stylish shoes for more "modest". The most important thing in life is not only beauty, but also health.

Often, in order to cure the burning sensation, a course of antioxidants is prescribed. After taking this remedy, they begin to disappear, and the destruction of the nerves stops. Damage to the fibers also stops, the vessels return to normal. After such a course, the work of the body is getting better.

As soon as there are problems with the legs, quickly go to the doctor! Do not delay with treatment. If you find out the cause of the disease in time, you can avoid serious consequences.

Many, especially women, are familiar with the feeling when, after a working day, fatigue and discomfort are felt in the lower extremities. The reasons why the feet of the feet burn at night can be very diverse and not always such symptoms are due to any serious diseases. It all depends on individual features patient and related factors. IN medical practice burning sensation in the feet at night and evening time is classified as Gopalan's syndrome, and requires mandatory correction, and sometimes a revision of lifestyle.

The main causes of the development of pathology

The appearance of burning sensation in the area of ​​​​the feet in some cases can be caused by the following pathological conditions:

1. Allergy

Burning soles of the feet may be caused by a specific reaction to contact with possible allergenic substances that may be present in synthetic socks, shoe insoles, washing powder, lotions, creams, etc. In this case, the allergic nature, in addition to burning, is indicated skin reactions in the form of a hyperemic rash, spots and severe itching. If such symptoms appear, you should contact a dermatologist or allergist who will tell you what needs to be done to get rid of allergic manifestations.

2. Vascular problems

Pathologies of the vessels of the lower extremities can provoke a burning sensation in the feet, which include:


This disease is often accompanied by a burning sensation in the legs, which spreads from the calf muscles to the feet.

With varicose veins, patients often complain of heaviness and cramps in the lower extremities, which bother them at night.

Obliterating endarteritis

Endarteritis develops against the background of vascular infection and is accompanied by numbness and burning sensation in the feet at night. In this case, cramps in the calf muscles during walking are possible, which can result in episodic lameness. Patients first feel paresthesia, followed by a burning sensation in the lower extremities.


The disease is characterized inflammatory process V vascular walls lower extremities, followed by settling on the surface of the vessels of the blood clot. In this case, there is reddening of the skin over the veins, swelling of the tissues and pain in the affected limb. characteristic feature thrombophlebitis is hyperemia and induration along the vein.

vascular atherosclerosis

With atherosclerosis, the formation of a blood clot in the vessels, burning in the fingers and feet is observed. In addition, patients complain of the appearance of sudden convulsions that can cause lameness. characteristic localization symptoms of atherosclerosis is the area below the knees and buttocks. IN Lately atherosclerosis is increasingly common in young age therefore, if such symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause of burning and anxiety in the legs.

The danger of atherosclerosis of the lower extremities is the narrowing of the lumen of a vein or vessel, which impairs blood flow and can lead to their rupture.

Skin fungal diseases

Burning and night itching can be caused by a fungal infection of the skin (mycosis). This is the most common cause development similar condition. On initial stage interdigital folds are affected, followed by peeling of the skin, after which neighboring areas with more pronounced symptoms are affected.

With mycosis, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist and mycologist to select the necessary therapy

4. Pathologies of the nervous system

Not only mycoses and vascular pathologies are capable of leading to the fact that the feet are burning, they can also provoke such symptoms. various kinds disorders in the work of the nervous system, for example, vegetative-vascular dystonia. This disease is accompanied by tachycardia, drops in blood pressure, headaches, and in especially severe cases, even loss of consciousness is possible.

5. Diabetes

With the development of diabetes in the blood, the amount of insulin produced endocrine system, which negatively affects the peripheral small vessels whose structure is damaged. First of all, there are unpleasant sensations in the feet after a long walk, and then there is a burning sensation in and itching in the feet and toes. As the condition worsens, the damaged capillary dies, while the skin in the area of ​​​​the feet turns pale, and in the peripheral areas it turns blue. In the absence of timely medical intervention on the lower extremities, ulcerative formations with gradual tissue necrosis may occur.

The most vulnerable places for the formation of diabetic ulcers

6. Gout

A burning sensation in the feet is possible with the development of a disease such as gout. Most often, gout affects small peripheral vessels in the lower extremities. A characteristic sign of gout is precisely the burning sensation in the feet and toes, therefore, with the development of such symptoms, it is recommended to consult a rheumatologist.

As a result high content uric acid in the blood, its crystals are deposited in the bones and joints, thereby gradually destroying them.

7. Hypovitaminosis

With insufficient intake essential trace elements and vitamins, especially groups D and B, the patient begins to be disturbed by the burning of the lower extremities, most often at night. This reaction is due to the response of the body. In addition, with hypovitaminosis, nocturnal and evening cramps and a significant deterioration in the condition can be observed. skin and nails. In order to avoid this condition, it is recommended to make a nutrition correction and take multivitamin preparations.

8. Pregnancy

As a result of changes in the body during pregnancy, the load on lower limbs, which as a result provokes an increase in pressure in the vessels of the legs and swelling. In this case, the patient is advised to limit drinking regime and compliance special diet limiting the intake of salt, sugar, fatty and sweet foods, as well as regular medical supervision.

Burning sensation in the feet is possible in pregnant women at the beginning of the 3rd trimester, which is explained by a significant increase in body weight and hormonal changes organism

Not always the root causes that the feet can burn, buzz and hurt are diseases of various severity. In some cases, such symptoms are due to the usual overwork or improperly selected shoes, so this development should first be ruled out. negative manifestations. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe adequate therapy with the use of drugs (outwardly and inside).

Medical therapy

Treatment of burning sensation in the feet is primarily aimed at eliminating the root cause that provoked this condition, and involves the use of the following drugs:

  • in the case when the diagnosis confirmed the allergic nature of the burning sensation in the feet, it is recommended to take antihistamines(Suprastin, Diazolin, Loratadin, Zirtek, etc.);
  • with a fungal etiology of the disease, antimycotic agents are prescribed (Terbinafine, Clotrimoxazole, Naftivin, Miconazole, etc.);
  • to relieve pain symptoms and inflammation, it is recommended to take NSAIDs (Diclofenac, Ortofen, Ibuprofen, etc.);
  • for gout, Anturan and Colchicyl are prescribed, as well as corticosteroids (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, etc.);
  • to normalize venous tone, venotonics are prescribed (Detralex, Aescusan, Venarus, etc.), and if the feet are burning due to thrombophlebitis, anticoagulants are recommended (Heparin, Warfarin, etc.);
  • with diabetes, burning may be present not only in the feet, such symptoms can also affect the palms, which requires mandatory treatment, primarily with drugs such as Bucarban and Glurenorm;
  • to fill the gap vitamin substances recommended oral administration vitamins of group B (Neurobion, Tiens, etc.).

With burning and pain symptoms, intramuscular and intravenous injections antispasmodics and painkillers (Analgin, Spazgan, Trigan, etc.), but the main role in therapy is given to physiotherapy (electrophoresis, paraffin-ozokerite applications, massage, exercise therapy, etc.).

Folk remedies

At mild symptoms application possible folk recipes which are used both independently and in combination with traditional therapy. Widely used compresses using blue clay, applied to the feet before a night's sleep.

When performing a massage, you can use the Kuznetsov applicator

During rest, it is necessary to put a roller or a small pillow under the foot end to ensure good blood supply, eliminating stagnant processes in the limbs. Effective impact possess foot baths(including contrast). For this, herbs such as mint, calendula, chamomile, wormwood, lavender, eucalyptus, etc. can be used.

To relieve burning and itching, it is recommended to wipe the feet and calves before going to bed with a piece of ice (for 3-4 minutes), aloe juice or lemon. If you do such procedures regularly, itching and burning go away pretty quickly. In addition, massaging the foot, especially in the evening, with the addition of menthol cream is extremely effective.

It must be remembered that any problems require timely decision. Therefore, when the appearance discomfort in the foot area, including burning and itching at night, you need to contact medical institution for qualified advice. This will eliminate a number of serious diseases that may be accompanied by complications in the future.



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