My toe is numb, what should I do? Numbness of big toes

Many people are familiar with sensations such as tingling thumbs on the legs, crawling on them or, in general, loss of sensation in the big toes on the lower extremities. All this speaks about numbness of big toes.

In medicine, the sign of numbness is called paresthesia. There are many reasons why this symptom occurs.

It happens that this sign It is temporary, goes away on its own and does not pose any threat. But the opposite happens, when behind the symptom of numbness there is a serious illness and if treatment is not started in a timely manner, the pathology can lead to severe consequences. So let's find out why it's numb thumb on the foot, probable reasons, which specialist to contact, treatment methods.

Causes of paresthesia

All possible reasons, because of which they go numb thumbs on the legs can be divided into two groups: physiological or temporary and pathological.

Temporary reasons

  • Uncomfortable position. When sitting for a long time or being in an uncomfortable position, the blood vessels are compressed and blood circulation in the corresponding part of the body deteriorates (squatting, one leg crossed over the other). When the posture changes, blood circulation is restored and paresthesia disappears without a trace.
  • Tight shoes. When walking for a long time, the feet tend to swell. And if the shoes are initially too tight, the toes will be compressed, which will worsen the blood flow in them and numbness of the big toes will occur. Therefore, when choosing shoes, make sure that there is a small margin in the size.
  • Long-term static load. Numbness occurs due to poor blood flow to the fingers lower limbs. After the load stops, blood flow is restored and the uncomfortable symptom goes away.
  • Hypothermia. Prolonged exposure to the cold often causes numbness in the big toe. However, not only the toes, but the entire foot can go numb.
  • Abuse of alcoholic beverages and nicotine. Over time, this causes poor circulation in the body. The distal parts of the lower and upper limbs. In this case, the big fingers and toes go numb at the same time.
  • Pregnancy. As the uterus grows, it compresses the vessels and nerve fibers, which causes the appearance this symptom. After childbirth, the numbness goes away on its own.

Group of pathological causes

This includes all diseases that can cause the symptom of numbness of the thumbs on the lower extremities.

  1. Pathologies lumbar region spine. This department is responsible for the function of the lower extremities. The thumbs on the lower extremities are innervated at the level of 4-5 lumbar vertebrae. Therefore, pathologies such as intervertebral hernia and osteochondrosis, scoliosis, radiculitis - the most common reasons numbness of the big toes. These pathologies cause compression of nerve endings and vascular spasm, which is why paresthesia appears.
  2. Vascular pathologies of the lower extremities. With such pathologies, edema forms, blood flow is disrupted and a lack of tissue oxygen appears (Raynaud's disease, obliterating endarthritis and others). If these pathologies are not treated, the feeling of numbness will eventually give way to persistent pain.
  3. Violation metabolic processes. If the big toe on the right or left foot goes numb, the reason may be hidden in a change in metabolism, which leads to damage peripheral nerves. On initial stages Numbness occurs in the toes, and over time can spread to the entire foot. This symptom may occur in people suffering from the following diseases:
    • Diabetes;
    • Obesity;
    • Atherosclerosis;
    • Polyneuropathy;
    • Gout;
  4. Pathologies of the lower extremities. When the big toes go numb, the reasons may be hidden in the following diseases:
    • flat feet;
    • Arthrosis and arthritis of the ankle joint;
    • Gout.
  5. Violations cerebral circulation(strokes, micro-strokes). This is very dangerous conditions for a person requiring immediate emergency assistance. Numbness of body parts in these pathologies occurs suddenly without visible reasons. At the same time, there is also a general cerebral clinic:
    • Headache;
    • Noise in ears;
    • Dizziness;
    • Nausea.
  6. Lack of vitamins and microelements. Lack of vitamin B12 in the body leads to nerve damage. Therefore, the big toes go numb and at the same time a tingling feeling appears. Lack of calcium leads to increased bone fragility, and in more advanced stages osteoporosis occurs. As a result, under the influence of heavy loads, numbness and pain may appear.
  7. Multiple sclerosis. The causes of this disease are not fully understood. With this pathology, certain areas of the spinal cord and brain are affected. A feeling of numbness appears not only in the toes, but also in the hands. In addition, there are other neurological symptoms.
  8. Post-traumatic paresthesia. As the injuries to the lower extremities heal, a person may experience numbness in the big toes or the entire foot for some time.
  9. Spinal tuberculosis. One of the most rare causes numbness symptom.
  10. Malignant and benign tumors lumbar region, metastases.

So, there are a lot of reasons for the occurrence of such a seemingly insignificant symptom, and most of them are very serious. Therefore, if your big toe periodically or constantly goes numb and obvious reasons If you don't find this to be the case, don't put off your visit to the doctor.

When to be wary

Paresthesia may be accompanied by other symptoms that indicate threatening conditions.

Such symptoms include:

  • The feeling of numbness is gradually replaced by soreness;
  • Paresthesia extends to the foot or the entire lower limb;
  • The skin of the affected parts of the body has acquired a bluish color;
  • Along with the feeling of numbness, temperature sensitivity disappeared;
  • The person's gait has changed;

When similar signs contact a specialist immediately.

Big toes go numb: what to do

If numbness of the big toe of the left or right foot is caused by temporary factors, it is necessary to eliminate them.

Avoid wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes, and women should also avoid wearing high-heeled shoes.

If you often encounter physical and static stress, do not neglect rest, relax more often, periodically massage your feet, take contrast baths, maintain moderate physical activity. To do this, do exercises in the morning, walk more during the day, and if possible, it is recommended to do periodic jogging.

Limit or completely eliminate the consumption of coffee, alcohol, stop smoking, and make sure that all vitamins and minerals are present in your diet. Try to live a healthy and correct image life.

If your big toes are numb due to illness, then you cannot do without consulting a specialist. With such complaints, you should contact a therapist, who, based on examination and diagnostic examination(MRI, ultrasound, radiography) will, if necessary, redirect the patient to the right specialist:

  • Neuropathologist;
  • Endocrinologist;
  • Traumatologist;
  • To the surgeon.

Only after established diagnosis doctor prescribes complex treatment, which includes treatment of the underlying disease that caused the appearance of the sign of numbness, and symptomatic treatment, designed to alleviate the condition.


It depends on the cause of paresthesia and may include:

  1. Drug therapy:
    • Pain reliever;
    • Anti-inflammatory;
    • Improving blood flow;
  2. Physiotherapeutic treatment:
    • Massage;
    • Paraffin applications;
    • Electrophoresis;
    • Electromyostimulation;
    • Healing mud;
    • Contrast baths;
    • Magnet.
  3. Surgical treatment practiced for advanced pathologies associated with varicose veins, tumors or spinal hernia.
So, there are many reasons for numbness of the big toe and they all vary in severity: from incorrect shoes to chronic illness. Therefore, you should not delay visiting a specialist for long if such a symptom appears. After all, only a doctor can reliably find out the cause of numbness. And, of course, any changes aside healthy image lives will only benefit.

Numb big toes? There is always a reason for this. Perhaps it is simply wearing uncomfortable or tight shoes or staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time. Or maybe numbness of the big toe is the “first sign” that indicates serious pathologies spine, metabolic processes, vascular disorders.

Of course, the easiest way to get rid of numbness of one thumb or both, if the cause of the sensitivity disorder is uncomfortable shoes. Determining this reason is not difficult. The condition of the toes begins to improve as soon as uncomfortable shoes are removed.

But if the shoes are always comfortable, there were no injuries or any other obvious reasons, but it turns out that my big toes are numb, what should I do? Of course, consult a specialist.

Diseases characterized by numbness of the big toe

Why do 90% of all patients who see a doctor about numbness in their fingers have pathological changes in the spine?

Numbness of one or both big toes can occur with:

  • lumbar radiculitis;
  • pathologies of the blood vessels of the feet;
  • gout;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • intervertebral hernias.

Therefore, the reason lies either in neurological pathologies associated with the exit of nerves from the spinal canal, or in pathological changes in the vessels of the feet.

All these diseases, as a rule, develop over a long period of time, and when complaints appear that the big toe is numb, then in parallel there are other symptoms that characterize the underlying disease.

In any case, put correct diagnosis, appoint competent treatment and only a specialist can tell you about the prognosis of the disease.

Intervertebral hernia

Is your big toe numb? The reason may be intervertebral hernia. Forming and growing in the intervertebral space, it can compress nerve roots or individual fibers from which the thumb is innervated, at their exit from spinal column. It can cause spasms in the nerve fibers, which manifest as paresthesia in the thumb on the corresponding side. If there is significant compression of the root, numbness of the finger may occur.


Is your big toe numb? The cause may be radiculitis, which usually affects elderly and middle-aged people. The clinical picture of the disease depends on the level of infringement and the number of intervertebral spaces involved in the pathological process. So, if the disease was more severe on the fifth lumbar vertebra, then paresthesia and numbness of the big toe may join the other symptoms. Along with numbness, the patient will complain of pain in the lower back, in the spinal region, which is relieved when stationary and intensifies at night. The patient will talk about impaired mobility of the back and hypersensitivity lower back, and the absolute impossibility of standing for a long time with a straight spine. It will also indicate possible pain in the buttock radiating to the foot and big toe.


Is your big toe numb? The cause may be osteochondrosis. Statistics say that most often patients who go to the hospital for help with a feeling of numbness in their big toes are diagnosed with it.

This disease is observed in middle-aged and elderly people. It's characteristic degenerative changes spine, joints and pathological changes bone, joint and cartilage tissues.

Manifestations of osteochondrosis are quite individual. But most often the disease begins with complaints of pain in the legs and lower back and numbness of the skin on the legs.
With this pathology, a fairly common manifestation is numbness of the big toes. Some people note “shooting” in the spine.

It is possible that with lumbosacral osteochondrosis, disruption of the functioning of the pelvic organs (pathological changes in urination, erectile dysfunction).


Gout is characterized by numbness of the big toes of both feet. This disease is associated with the deposition and accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints. The small joint of the big toe suffers most. Over time, other, more often peripheral, joints are also involved in the process. The joint of the thumb first swells, turns red, and pain of varying intensity appears. Gout attacks are typical and can last for several hours or several days. Gout is characterized by the presence of uric acid nodules (tophi). They can be around the joints, provoking and maintaining inflammation in them, or in soft tissues the body in general.

Vascular changes in the lower extremities

Numb big toe? What to do? First you need to find out the reason. Diseases associated with the blood vessels of the lower extremities also play a significant role in the loss of sensation in the thumb. We are talking about disruption of blood flow in them. Blood flow is most often disrupted when a vessel is blocked by an atherosclerotic plaque. The danger of this condition is that a possible continuation of such numbness may be gangrene of the thumb.

Vascular disorders of the thumb contribute to bad habits: alcohol and smoking. Substances that enter the body with them contribute to disruption of the regulation of vascular tone and contribute to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. With such habits, the vessels in the periphery are the first to suffer.

Diabetic polyneuropathy and microangiopathy

In case of diabetes mellitus as a result of diabetic neuropathy and microangiopathy of the vessels of the lower extremities, the patient may notice that the big toe on the right foot or on the left has suddenly become numb. In such cases, you need to monitor your sugar levels. Diabetic neuropathy and microangiopathy will not respond to treatment until blood sugar levels are normalized.

These are the main reasons why the big toe of one or both feet may become numb.

There may be numbness of the thumb and prolonged sitting in an unsuccessful position with compression of soft tissues with nerve fibers of the corresponding leg. For example, frequent sitting in a cross-legged position.

Oncological lesions of the spine can lead to compression and pinching of nerve roots.

Spinal tuberculosis and rheumatoid arthritis may also be the cause. A specialist can determine why the big toes are numb when examining the patient. But to confirm and differential diagnosis diseases apply X-ray examination spine, usually its lumbar and sacral sections, as well as the affected thumb. In addition, standard tests are required: general analysis blood, biochemical research, blood sugar test.

Treatment of the patient is also determined depending on the pathology that caused numbness in the fingers.

Numbness of the toes is a decrease or complete loss of sensitivity of the skin of this anatomical area, which is often combined with symptoms such as tingling, burning sensation, crawling, and pain. In medicine, this disorder of sensory function is called paresthesia.

Paresthesia is very common occurrence, can be observed as in healthy person due to some physiological factors, and be one of the first symptoms of serious illnesses. Therefore, it is very important if you develop numbness in your toes, which does not go away on its own or often recurs, to seek professional help. medical assistance to determine the cause and prescribe adequate treatment.

External reasons why toes go numb

Very often, numbness of the toes is not associated with any ailment, but is normal reaction the body to some irritating factors.

The main physiological cause of numbness in the feet is associated with prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, for example, sitting cross-legged. The fact is that in this position the blood flow through the blood vessels of the lower extremities is disrupted, and the most sensitive to the lack of oxygen and nutrients is nerve tissue. Because of this, the transmission of impulses along nerve fibers slows down significantly, which is accompanied by a disruption in their functioning and the development of a symptom such as paresthesia.

Sensitivity is restored immediately as soon as the person changes position and blood flow to the feet is normalized.

Staying in this position for a long time is often accompanied by numbness in the toes.

The second most common physiological reason why toes go numb is wearing narrow and uncomfortable shoes. The development of paresthesia in this situation is based on the same mechanism - disruption of normal blood circulation and the development of ischemia of nerve fibers. Addiction to high-heeled shoes leads to frequent numbness big toe.

Another external factor that causes numbness in the toes is hypothermia, which is accompanied by a violation of the sensitive function of the nerve endings. skin.

In some people, numbness in the toes of the left or right foot is associated with a lack of vitamins (especially group B) and microelements (calcium, magnesium, potassium) in the body.

If, after analyzing your lifestyle and the above physiological reasons paresthesia, you have not found the answer to the question why the toes on your left or right foot go numb, then you need to think about pathological reasons this symptom and seek medical help.

Hypothermia of the legs is often accompanied by numbness

Pathological causes of numbness in the toes

There are also a lot dangerous reasons numbness of the fingers of the lower extremities. Let's look at the most common of them.


Diabetes mellitus develops due to an absolute or relative lack of the hormone insulin in the body, the main task of which is the utilization of glucose. Glucose is the main energy material for all cells of our body, but in the case of diabetes, it cannot get inside the cells, which is why they develop “starvation”. In such a situation, the body is forced to adapt to another method of obtaining energy - the breakdown of fats. Unfortunately, this results in a lot of by-productsketone bodies. They are very toxic to all tissues, especially to nerve fibers and blood vessels, which leads to the development of such complications of diabetes as diabetic foot.

Diabetic foot- frequent and very dangerous complication diabetes mellitus

This syndrome develops against the background of progressive damage small vessels, nerve fibers, muscles, bones and skin of the feet. It is characterized by frequent foot injuries, very poor wound healing, the appearance of corns, fungal infections of the skin and nails, numbness in the legs, and pain in the feet. Diabetic foot is often accompanied by severe suppurative and necrotic processes, and also causes limb amputation.

You should know! When your toes often go numb, you should be tested for type 2 diabetes, as this is often one of the first symptoms such patients experience and prompts them to see a doctor.

Atherosclerosis of the lower extremities

As you know, atherosclerosis is a systemic process and can affect all vessels in the human body. The arteries of the lower extremities are no exception. Partial or complete blocking of the lumen of the vessel atherosclerotic plaque accompanied by characteristic symptoms, including numbness of the fingers of the lower extremities, pallor and cold skin of the feet, tingling and burning, spasms of the muscles of the lower leg and foot, intermittent claudication syndrome.

The last symptom is especially characteristic of atherosclerosis of the lower extremities. It manifests itself as pain and heaviness in the legs while walking and is associated with a lack of blood supply (arteries clogged with cholesterol cannot provide the necessary blood flow during walking). physical activity). After stopping and resting, the pain goes away.

A serious complication of this pathology is gangrene, which threatens leg amputation and even death if medical care is not provided in a timely manner.

The absence or weakening of the pulse in the arteries of the foot indicates atherosclerotic damage to the vessels of the lower extremities

Diseases of the lumbar and sacral spine

If the toes on your right or left foot often go numb, you should also think about the pathology of the spinal column. Osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondylarthrosis, protrusion or hernia intervertebral disc lumbar sacral region spine may be accompanied by complications such as compression and inflammation sciatic nerve. One of characteristic features This pathology is numbness of the toes of the right or left foot (depending on which nerve is damaged). The disease also manifests itself as a pulling or burning pain in the gluteal region, painful “shooting” like a blow is possible electric shock along the back of the thigh and lower leg.

Tunnel neuropathies

Depending on which nerve of the foot is damaged, numbness develops in different areas

This is a lesion of the peripheral nerves in which they are pinched in narrow anatomical beds, formed by bones, muscles, tendons and aponeuroses. Such compression can develop due to several reasons: injuries with disruption of the normal structure of nerve channels, inflammation of tendons, muscles, metabolic disorders in the body (for example, diabetes, thyroid disease).

There are such varieties tunnel syndrome, in which the fingers of the left and right leg:

  • neuropathy of the sciatic nerve (occurs during development);
  • femoral nerve damage;
  • tibial nerve entrapment;
  • peroneal nerve tunnel syndrome.

In addition to numbness of the toes of the right or left foot, each of these pathologies has its own specific symptoms, and a neurologist will be able to make the correct diagnosis.

Varicose veins of the lower extremities

Development varicose veins veins in the legs, as well as complications of this disease (chronic venous insufficiency, phlebothrombosis, thrombophlebitis) may be accompanied by a symptom such as numb little fingers and other toes, although this is not the main sign of the disease. This cause of paresthesia can be recognized by the following signs: visually visible varicose veins or venous vasculature in the lower extremities, trophic changes(peeling, change in skin color, fungal infections skin and nails, trophic ulcers), frequent painful cramps in the muscles of the feet and legs.

Brain diseases

If numbness in the toes of the left or right foot occurs suddenly and does not go away, this may be one of the symptoms of damage to brain tissue. A similar picture occurs with a transient ischemic attack, ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, brain tumors, cysts, vascular aneurysms, infectious lesions(encephalitis, meningitis).

Sudden loss of sensation may be one of the first signs of a stroke

Also, persistent paresthesia of the lower extremities may indicate rare but very serious diseases nervous systemmultiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Raynaud's disease

The pathology is based on damage to small arterial vessels arms and legs. As a result, a pathological vasospastic reaction of the arteries occurs to external factors(most often due to temperature fluctuations). In this case, the arteries spasm, blood flow in the affected area is disrupted, which is accompanied by numbness of the legs or arms, their pallor, and sometimes pain.

This pathological process can act as independent disease, but most often it is one of the symptoms of the underlying illness, for example, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus.

This selective pallor of the fingertips is a manifestation of Raynaud's disease or syndrome

Vibration disease

This Occupational Illness which appears under prolonged exposure to general or local vibration. Such a negative production factor is found in the transport, mining, and metallurgical construction industries. Accordingly, workers in these professions are prone to development.

Under long term negative impact vibrations on the lower extremities damage the nerve endings and blood vessels. This leads to attacks of numbness in the toes, tingling, coldness and pallor of the skin of the feet, the appearance pain syndrome. Also characteristic of the disease general manifestations as increased irritability, insomnia, increased fatigue, headache.

Obliterating endarteritis

This disease is also called Buerger's disease. Its development is based on damage to the arteries of the lower extremities - their lumen gradually narrows until complete obliteration. Thus, the blood supply to the tissues of the feet is disrupted, which causes severe hypoxia of the nerve endings and the development of paresthesia of the fingers. In addition to numbness, patients experience severe pain in sore legs, trophic changes in the skin, chronic ulcers, pallor and coldness of the feet, cramps. In severe cases, gangrene of the lower extremities may develop.

What to do if your toes go numb? First of all, it is necessary to exclude possible physiological causes of such an unpleasant symptom. If none are found, mandatory you need to visit a doctor to determine the real reason paresthesia.

Foot pain brings at least a state of discomfort to a person, since a short-term loss of sensation in the foot is most often replaced by pain and a tingling sensation. Unpleasant. Therefore, faced with similar problem I'm interested in the question of why my big toes go numb. Now let's try to figure it out in detail.

Many people are confident that everything will go away on its own. Although the moment when the left leg goes numb may be the first “bell” that signals some serious illnesses. You should definitely consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

So why do the big ones go numb?

There can be quite a lot of reasons for this. Most often these are vascular diseases of the lower extremities. And also diseases such as scoliosis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, and other neurovascular injuries, such as sciatic nerve entrapment, or intervertebral hernia.

If the toe on the right foot goes numb, this phenomenon may indicate various diseases related to metabolism. It is advisable to change your diet, exclude hot spices, fast food, reduce the amount of salt consumed to a minimum, or better yet, give it up altogether.

Why do my big toes go numb? This may be due to “former” injuries, that is, fractures of a joint or bone of a finger (or fingers). In general, even a seemingly minor injury to the legs can inflame the nerve fibers that are “responsible for numbness.”

The reasons for this feeling can be very serious diseases, such as migraine, diabetes, alcoholism, multiple sclerosis. As well as nerve damage, either having hereditary roots or resulting from joint deformation.

Consequences various factors numbness of the toes (if you do not consult a doctor in time and eliminate Negative influence, do not take necessary measures) can lead to disability and even amputation.

Trivial reason

But don’t panic and get scared in advance! After all, banal corns can also be the cause of numbness in the thumbs. They are most often found among female representatives who love too much high heel. It is necessary to abandon such shoes before the corn affects not only the big toe, but the entire foot and leads to unbearable pain.

The reason, which occurs not only in women, but also in men, is tight, uncomfortable and incorrectly selected shoes. Many people neglect convenience for the sake of beauty and end up with pain as a result. This reason discomfort can be easily eliminated by choosing the right shoes to size.

It is important to note that in addition to all the listed reasons, there is one more - lack of essential vitamins and microelements. More often similar phenomenon occurs in the off-season, when the body needs additional nutrition.


In any case, only a doctor can answer the question of why the big toes go numb. Only a competent specialist, having carried out necessary examinations, will be able to prescribe treatment.

Numbness of the toes is an extremely unpleasant symptom that is recommended to be eliminated as soon as possible. After all, loss of sensation in the legs or fingers causes a lot of inconvenience. What should you do if your fingers go numb? What does this mean and where should you go to find out the cause and get treatment? We will talk about this in the article.

Causes of thumb numbness

If your big toe has recently started to go numb, then no matter how strange it may be, pay attention to the shoes you are wearing? No, we are not talking about indoor shoes, but about the ones you wear outside. Is it comfortable? Made from natural materials? Does your shoes rub or not? If you just recently bought shoes, then you may not be surprised why you are losing sensitivity in your big toe.

Often it is women who complain about numbness of the big toe, since they walk in heels for at least 8 hours of working time. And, as you know, anatomical structure The human spine does not allow for walking on tiptoes. After all, this is what a woman looks like in high heels.

Therefore, if you have numbness in your big toe, the first thing to do is pay attention to the shoes you wear every day.

Uncomfortable, tight shoes are a common cause of numbness in the big toe.

It is typical that after removing shoes, a person may feel a slight tingling sensation, as well as itching in the limb. This means that sensitivity to your fingers should return soon.

Thumb numbness may occur if you long time were in the cold.

Cold and frost are the cause of numbness not only in the toes, but also in the foot as a whole.

What to do if you lose feeling in your toes?

Also, remember! If your professional activity Due to the fact that you constantly spend time on your feet, then give preference to comfortable comfortable shoes made from natural materials. Beauty is beauty, but your health comes first.

Reasons to worry

After we have found out that one of the causes of numbness of the big toe may be uncomfortable shoes and prolonged exposure to cold air, we move on to describing the reasons for concern.

Video: Big toe goes numb

What to do if your big toe starts to go numb at night? This cannot be the result of wearing uncomfortable shoes.

In this case, you need to seek help from a neurologist the very next day.

Video: Watch Big Toe Ligament Taping - Toe On Toe

As a rule, numbness of the big toe on the left/right foot or on both at once indicates a malfunction of the lumbar spine. Physiologically, the thumbs of the lower extremities are powered by impulses that come from the lumbar vertebrae.

If the vertebrae are affected by inflammatory or infectious process, for example, osteochondrosis, there is a hernia of the spine, as well as protrusion of the spine, this leads to numbness of the big toe.

Numbness of the big toe may result from pathological course in organism. And in this case, you will not be able to cope with either the symptoms of the disease or cure the cause on your own.

Gout is the cause of numbness in the thumb

Numbness of the big toe may begin due to neurological diseases, namely, due to polyneuropathy. What is polyneuropathy and how does it affect the sensitivity of the toes?

So, polyneuropathy is extremely complex disease central nervous system, namely peripheral department. Moreover, this disease rarely responds to conservative therapy.

When a person's metabolism is disrupted, the body begins to be affected by toxins.

The disease polyneuropathy is true leader among the common causes of loss of sensation in a limb. With polyneuropathy, numbness of the finger initially begins big feet, then the whole foot goes numb. A person begins pathological disorder gait, he sways from side to side, and his gait is unsteady.

If the thumb suddenly begins to go numb, then turns red, swells and hurts, then this indicates the formation of gout.

Gout is a pathology that is directly related to the release of large amounts of uric acid. Moreover, if uric acid, which begins to accumulate in the joint, leads to numbness, that is, loss of sensitivity of those fingers to which certain fingers are closest.

The risk group for gout includes people who are overweight, as well as those who take a large number of protein food.

If you suspect gout inflammation, you should consult a rheumatologist.

Symptoms of joint inflammation

Some of the causes of numbness in the big toes have been discussed above. Of course, these are not all the reasons why numbness may begin.

Numbness of the thumb can begin due to the formation of:

  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Alcohol abuse;
  • For arthritis and arthrosis;
  • At malignant tumors and as a result - metastasis.

Treatment for numbness in toes

What to do if your toes go numb? First of all, you need to contact specialists: a rheumatologist, traumatologist, surgeon, and also a therapist. You may have to undergo certain blood tests that will confirm or deny the presence of a particular pathology.

To prevent loss of feeling in your toes, you need to pay attention to your diet. Add more to your diet fresh products and exclude coffee, alcoholic drinks, as well as strong black tea.

Remember that those at risk include those who suffer from overweight bodies.

To prevent numbness of the big toe, you need to do gymnastics at least periodically, and also take contrast baths.

If speak about drug therapy, then use anti-inflammatory medications, as well as painkillers medicines. Be sure to start taking vitamin-mineral complexes.

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