o Heart failure. Trichopolum for anaerobic infections

Detachment of nails - unpleasant phenomenon which occurs for several reasons. Most often, the nail moves away from the nail bed on the leg due to a fungal infection. Nail fungus is accompanied by distinctive features and harms not only the nail plates, but the whole body. Pathology must be treated at the first manifestations in order to avoid.

Causes of pathology

According to statistics, 40% of people worldwide suffer from nail fungus.

The main reason why the nail plates peel off is a fungus. If the nails are affected, they become deformed and flake off. get infected pathogenic bacteria you can in the pool, in the hospital, in the hotel, using the shoes of an infected person. In addition, nail loss occurs due to the following factors:

  • Injuries. The nail comes off the skin on the hands or feet after an injury. In this case, a hematoma forms under the nail plate. The plate does not lag behind immediately, but after a while.
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes. As a result constant pressure there is a deformation of the nail plate and its subsequent detachment. Most often, due to this, detachment of the nail occurs on thumb legs.
  • The use of antibiotics or hormonal drugs. Any medications have side effects. Each person reacts differently to medications. Means that have a serious effect on the entire body can provoke problems with the nail plates.
  • Skin diseases. Nail plates are affected along with skin with psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis.
  • Avitaminosis. Nail plates lag behind if the body lacks vitamins and trace elements.
  • Allergy. Often this problem develops due to the use of cosmetics and detergents. Low quality, and also if a person individual intolerance to some chemicals.

Features of pathology in a child

IN infancy pathology occurs due to a poorly formed immune system.

All the factors due to which the nail plates come off apply equally to children, but due to the peculiarities child's body render more strong impact. The immune system of a child is weaker and more vulnerable than that of an adult, because the fungus in a child is common. Moreover, little fidgets, exploring the world sometimes neglect the rules of hygiene.

In a child, all systems are just being formed, and any metabolic failures or gastrointestinal diseases make the body a target for the fungus. Lack of vitamins in a growing body, a reaction to detergents, not designed for children, helps the fungus settle on the baby's fingers. Toenails and toenails often fall off due to injuries. Children's nails are thin and weak. Any microtrauma is enough to provoke a scratch, delamination, deformation of the nail plate. Sometimes the nail comes off the finger due to damage from a zipper on clothing or part of a toy.

Attempts to mask the problem with closed shoes or nail polish exacerbate the pathology and lead to loss of the nail.

Onychomycosis as one of the causes

If on several or on one finger the nail turned yellow, it became thicker on the side, and eventually completely, and as a result of tears without visible reasons, somehow an injury or tight shoes, they talk about a fungal infection - onychomycosis. The disease can be contracted in places large cluster people through the handrails public transport, in the pool and even through the dust settling on open legs in summer. But contact with the skin of the spores of the fungus is not enough for the progression of the disease. The fungus begins to actively multiply on the skin and nails of a person with a weak immune system.

Symptoms of the fungus

Fungal infection, in which toenails peel off, develops gradually. If the nail peels off and comes off, this indicates last stage disease development. You can prevent nail loss if you start treatment at the first sign of pathology. The main symptoms of onychomycosis are:

  • dry skin, cracking;
  • itching, tingling of the affected skin;
  • hardening and subsequent fragility of the nail plate;
  • the formation of voids under the nail plate;
  • changing the color of the nail to yellow, white, blue;
  • the formation of white spots;
  • detachment of the nail plate from the bed.


To determine the diagnosis, you need to contact a dermatologist.

If you suspect a fungus, and even more so if a toenail has fallen off, you need to consult a dermatologist. The doctor conducts an examination, listens to the patient's complaints and prescribes tests. A physical examination is sufficient to detect fungal infection, but with the help of tests it is possible to establish the type of pathogen, which facilitates treatment. The method of therapy is selected by the doctor individually based on the results of the diagnosis and the patient's allergies.

For a long time, various problems with nails have not been uncommon. Often there are pathologies of the toenails. Some people complain that the toenail peels off. This problem causes a lot of inconvenience. The patient cannot wear closed shoes, feels severe pain, bad smell. It is worth noting that the exfoliation of the nail is preceded by some manifestations, by finding which this problem can be avoided. Therefore, it is very important to carefully monitor the condition of your feet in order to timely identify the disease.

Why does a toenail peel off?

There can be many reasons for a peeling toenail. But, most often, these are injuries to the toes. The plate can also peel off as a result of a severe form of a fungal infection. How can you get infected with a fungus? So, nail infection occurs in such conditions:

If one of the family members suffers from a fungus on the legs and nails, it is important that he has individual soap, towel, socks, tights. It is important to take therapeutic measures to prevent delamination of the plate on the leg. Also, slippers should be individual. If the fungus is not treated, not only the nail will peel off, but adjacent toenails will also begin to be affected. Some believe that nails peel off due to a lack of vitamins in the body. Of course, this is not true.

The nail on the leg does not immediately come off. At the first stage, infection of the nail plate with a fungus causes some symptoms. This area begins to change in color, an unpleasant odor arises. Also, there is inflammation on the finger around the nail. The protective reaction of the body in case of infection is a sharp thickening, keratinization of the nail plate.

It is very easy to injure the nail, which will lead to peeling of the plate. Damage occurs when wearing tight shoes that do not fit. heavy load on toes in girls occurs when wearing high heels. The nail plate is depleted, begins to grow unevenly, gradually it begins to peel off. Also, various bruises, fractures, bumps can cause problems.

At the same time, a person may complain of the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the leg and finger after injury;
  • Feeling foreign body under the nail after injury;
  • The color of the nail plate becomes red, blue, black;
  • When pressed, not only the nail itself hurts, but the entire finger;
  • Severe pain when walking;
  • Swelling and swelling of the finger around the affected area.

First aid

If the nail peels off, it is very important to provide first aid so that infection does not occur. If the cause of this problem is a toe injury, you need to follow these first aid tips:

  • bandage elastic bandage finger, slightly pulling the diseased area;
  • Relieves swelling, and allows you to save the nail tincture kombucha;
  • Apply a compress to the nail that is peeling off (apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil).

Things are a little more complicated in first aid in case of foot fungus. Here it is necessary mandatory consultation doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe the necessary antifungal drugs. After assessing the severity of the lesion, physicians may decide to remove the diseased plate. To do this, a special liquid is injected under the nail with a needle, which softens the nail platinum. This allows you to remove the affected area painlessly.

If more than half of the nail has detached, you can remove the plate yourself at home. In this case, a mixture of dimethyl phthalate and eggs will help. To prepare the product, it is enough to mix 1 tablespoon of dimethyl phthalate, 1 spoon olive oil, 1 egg. The mixture is applied to the plate, which peels off, and the finger is wrapped in polyethylene. Also, wear warm socks. The procedure is carried out for 3 days before bedtime.

In some cases, it is enough just to steam out the legs so that the plate comes off on its own, and painlessly. So, in the pelvis with warm water you need to add an infusion or decoction of medicinal herbs. Such herbs can relieve inflammation, anesthetize and have a slight antifungal effect: chamomile, lemon balm, St. John's wort, thyme, calendula.


Causes of peeling nails

To understand this problem, it is necessary to identify the reason why the toenails peel off.

  • bruises or injuries of the legs and fingers;
  • uncomfortable, tight shoes;
  • diseases of the feet and skin (fungus, psoriasis, dermatitis);
  • violation of blood flow in the limbs;
  • contact with various chemicals.

The predisposing reasons that the toenails peel off can be: a state of stress, a decrease in immunity, vitamin deficiency, and poor hygiene.

Most often, the nails peel off on the leg due to bruises, injuries and foot fungus. To understand how to act in this or that case, you need to figure out why the toenail tears with a bruise or fungus.

Peeling of the plate in case of injury

Bruises and injuries are different, most often you can injure your leg or fingers on furniture in the house. The most vulnerable places on the leg are the little fingers and thumbs legs.

A person may be concerned about:

  • aching pain in the finger;
  • redness around the bruised area;
  • pain when walking;
  • bruising around the nail;
  • edema.

On the thumb, healing will take longer than on the rest.

Gradually, as the pain subsides, the plate may first turn blue, then turn black, but this does not mean that the toenail will come off. Perhaps a person walks around with a blue finger for some time, and gradually the blueness will subside. If the injury is serious, and the nail plate has risen, then this is already clear sign the fact that the nail on the big toe will soon come off. In this case, a person may feel disturbing, foreign body on the finger.

You need to let the nail come off by yourself, without tearing it off, so healing will happen faster, otherwise you will have to heal the open wound under the plate, it will heal even longer.

If the toenail tears, then at first you will have to be careful when walking. What to do if the toenail tears? All further actions to provide medical measures will be as follows:

  • treat the nail surface with any antiseptic (if necessary, treat the area around the nail with iodine or brilliant green);
  • glue a bactericidal patch (so the bed of the plate will be protected from rubbing with socks and shoes);
  • try to walk less in shoes;
  • do not squeeze or strain the sore finger;
  • if present pain syndrome, take any analgesic;
  • be more barefoot (so the wound will dry out faster and the feeling of discomfort will go away).

Soon, a new one will begin to grow in place of the old plate that has come down, the main thing at this stage is to prevent re-injury of the finger, and also so that the nail plate does not grow into the skin. To prevent this, it is necessary to lubricate the nail bed 2 times a day. sea ​​buckthorn oil, so the skin will not dry out, and the new plate will not grow in.

Help with flaking due to fungus

foot fungus - insidious disease to which people who frequent places are exposed common use- swimming pools, baths, saunas, showers. Despite the treatment of such places with chlorine solution, the risk of infection is very high. Also, the fungus can be transferred when using other people's hygiene items or from sick animals.

The disease develops slowly and asymptomatically, a person may not even be aware of his illness until he sees characteristics this disease.

Signs of a fungus on the fingers:

  • the presence of burrs in the finger area;
  • constant peeling of the skin of the fingers;
  • delamination of the nail plates;
  • pale skin;
  • the formation of crumbs on the nail surface;
  • the formation of white spots under the nail;
  • suppuration under the nail plate (in severe forms);
  • bad smell.

A severe and advanced form of the fungus can cause the toenail to peel off. In such a situation, it is better to consult a doctor for help, as severe course disease can lead to many complications. Perhaps the doctor will advise you to take tests to identify the cause of the fungal disease and prescribe an appointment antibacterial drugs to prevent infection of other areas of the skin.

With a fungal disease, the plate may begin to fall off in parts, starting from the upper edge and gradually moving towards the root of the nail surface. In such a situation, you can only wait until the nail falls off, and only then proceed to the treatment of the toes.

If the nail plate falls out, the use of a patch is unacceptable, since the closed surface of the nail bed can lead to further reproduction. harmful bacteria and the treatment process can be delayed.

Nail fungus treatment

Treat the finger from the fungus before the appearance of a new nail plate, otherwise the new nail will also be infected.

In general, the complex of therapeutic measures will include the following:

  • taking vitamin complexes containing calcium, iron and other elements;
  • the use of various antibacterial and antifungal ointments;
  • taking baths with a decoction of medicinal herbs and antiseptics;
  • use of lotions with antiseptics.

It is also necessary to adhere to the following measures to prevent the recurrence of the disease:

  • change socks more often;
  • observe hygiene;
  • take care of the feet
  • try not to injure your legs;
  • do not keep your feet wet.

In order to properly and effectively cure a sore finger, where the toenail tears, it is important to go to the doctor. Only a doctor will be able to determine the cause of the peeling of the nail and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Tired of itching, cracking and scary nails.
  • burning;
  • peeling;
  • yellow nails;
  • sweating and smell;
Forgot when it was good mood, and especially well-being?Yes, fungus problems can seriously ruin your life!But there is a solution: Professor the highest category, Deputy Chief Physician for rehabilitation treatment Shubin Dmitry Nikolaevich tells the details. >>>


For a long time there have been various troubles with nails. Quite often, pathologies of the toenails are seen. Some people complain that the toenail peels off. This problem causes a lot of inconvenience. The patient is unable to wear closed shoes, feels severe pain, unpleasant odor. It is worth emphasizing that some manifestations precede the exfoliation of the nail, finding which it is possible to avoid this trouble. Based on this, it is extremely important to carefully monitor the condition of your legs in order to recognize the disease in time.

What causes a toenail to peel off?

There are many reasons for peeling a toenail. But, much more often, these are injuries to the toes. The plate can also peel off as a result of a serious form of fungal infection. How is it possible to get infected with a fungus? So, nail infection occurs in such conditions:

If one of the family members suffers from a fungus on the legs and nails, it is fundamentally important that he has personal soap, towel, socks, tights. In order to prevent peeling of the plate on the leg, it is essential to take therapeutic measures. In addition, room slippers should also be personal. If the fungus is not treated, not only the nail will peel off, but adjacent toenails will also begin to be affected. Some are sure that the nails peel off due to a lack of vitamins in the body. Of course, this is not true.

The nail on the leg does not immediately come off. On initial stage infection of the nail plate with a fungus, some symptoms appear. This area begins to change in color, an unpleasant odor appears. In addition, inflammation appears on the finger near the nail. The protective reaction of the body in case of infection is a sharp thickening, keratinization of the nail plate.

It is very easy to injure the nail, which will lead to peeling of the plate. Damage occurs when wearing tight shoes that do not fit. A strong load on the toes in girls occurs when wearing high heels. The nail plate is depleted, begins to grow unevenly, slowly, it begins to peel off. In addition, various bruises, fractures, blows can cause trouble.

Along with this, a person may complain of the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the leg and finger at the end of the injury;
  • Feeling of a foreign body under the nail at the end of the injury;
  • The color of the nail plate gets red, light blue, black;
  • When pressed, not only the nail itself hurts, but the whole finger;
  • Severe pain when walking;
  • Edema and swelling of the finger near the affected area.

First aid

If the nail peels off, it is extremely important to provide first aid so that infection does not occur. If the injury to the toe became the circumstance of this trouble, it is necessary to follow these first aid tips:

  • Apply ice to the injured finger;
  • Bandage your finger with an elastic bandage, easily pulling the affected area;
  • Removes swelling, and allows you to save the nail tincture of Kombucha;
  • Apply a compress to the nail, which peel off (apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil).

Things are a little more complicated in providing first aid in the event of a foot fungus. This is where you need to consult a doctor. Only an expert will be able to prescribe the necessary antifungal drugs. After assessing the severity of the lesion, physicians will be able to decide to remove the diseased plate. To do this, a special liquid is injected under the nail with a needle, which softens the nail platinum. This allows you to remove the affected area painlessly.

If more than half of the nail has detached, it is possible to remove the plate yourself at home. In this case, a mixture of dimethyl phthalate and eggs will help. To make the product, it is enough to mix 1 tablespoon of dimethyl phthalate, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 egg. The mixture is applied to the plate, which peels off, and the finger is wrapped in polyethylene. In addition, you must wear warm socks. The procedure is carried out for 3 days before bedtime.

In some cases, a leg is enough for the plate to come off on its own, and painlessly. So, in a basin with warm water, you need to add an infusion or decoction of medicinal herbs. Such herbs can relieve inflammation, anesthetize and have a slight antifungal effect: chamomile, lemon balm, St. John's wort, thyme, calendula.

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    Having learned the answer to the question of why toenails peel off, you can quickly achieve positive result from treatment. This disease is very unpleasant: not only can you not go out in public in open shoes, but there can also be an unpleasant smell. The latter phenomenon occurs if the cause is nail fungus.

    The causes of nail diseases can be different. The nail plate can peel off due to injury. Often the culprit is fungal disease, and if you do not start treating it in time, then you can lose the nail plate altogether and face defeat healthy nails. Some people think that nails and hair fall out due to a lack of vitamins. But in this case, the culprit of such an unpleasant disease is an infection.

    The first signals of a fungus that causes toenails to peel off are discoloration of the nail plate, an unpleasant odor and inflammation around the skin of the nail. In addition, the following symptoms are observed:

    • thickening of the nails, their keratinization is a kind of defensive reaction organism for infection
    • they begin to break and crumble;
    • their shape changes, irregularities appear on the nail and along its edges;
    • the color of the nails darkens, the shine disappears;
    • a bad smell comes out.

    Why does a toenail peel off? Another reason is injury. To understand that it was this unpleasant event that led to damage to the nail plate, the following symptoms will help:

    • pain in the leg does not go away for a long time after the injury, there is acute pain;
    • as time passes after the injury, there is a feeling that there is a foreign object under the nail;
    • the color of the nail plate changes from red to dark blue, and sometimes even black;
    • it hurts not only the nail plate itself when pressed, but also around the toenail;
    • acute attacks of pain disturb when walking, subside at rest;
    • there may be redness of the nail fold, swelling or swelling;
    • the nail plate on the big toe or on other injured fingers can peel off, which will cause lameness when walking.

    Risk of catching nail fungus

    You can get foot fungus almost anywhere. Favorable conditions for the reproduction of the fungus are warm and damp. So, it can be someone else's bath, shower or locker room, swimming pool, pedicure salons. You can catch the infection by wearing someone else's slippers. Therefore, it is important to monitor the cleanliness of your own bathroom, bath, shower, use personal slippers. Do not use other people's nail files, scissors and other items of a pedicure set.

    Often, servicemen face a fungal disease, which causes toenails to fall off. This is explained prolonged wearing tight warm shoes and poor foot care. Usually, the immune system successfully fight infection. But sometimes the disease brings a lot of trouble, swelling may occur, the nail on the big toe or on other fingers will begin to peel off. The following factors can provoke the development of the disease:

    Treating foot fungus

    What if the nail tears? Many seek help immediately. folk medicine. Although she has many effective ways it is important to seek professional help. It is worth mentioning at least two reasons why this should not be delayed. The first reason is that the disease can acquire different forms therefore, different drugs may be required for treatment.

    The second reason: the disease of the nail plate can be a continuation of the disease with the fungus of the foot. And here a problem may arise: a fungus between the fingers on external characteristics recalls trophic ulcer. And if she is treated antifungal agents, you can get burns and provoke the spread of an ulcer to large area. That is why you need to consult a doctor, which will help cure the disease on the toes. If the toenail tears and the doctor has diagnosed a fungus, then a suitable drug treatment: the use of special solutions and varnishes, taking drugs inside. If infection started, the doctor can remove the nail plate (it will grow quickly). After complex treatment It is important to adhere to the rules of hygiene and keep your home and shoes clean.

    Why does a toenail peel off? If the cause was an injury, then first aid may be as follows:

    • if injured, immediately apply ice to the injury;
    • a finger with an injury must be bandaged with an elastic band - the place of the nail plate;
    • perfectly relieves swelling and allows you to save the nail plate tincture of kombucha: apply the liquid or the very part of the body to the sore finger at night;
    • make a compress by mixing vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio, this will reduce the likelihood of nail loss and remove swelling.

    If the condition of the nails has worsened and hair falls out, then vitamins will help to correct the situation. In this case, you should not worry, this is a common occurrence. But if the nail comes off the toe, you need specialist advice and treatment. You should not hesitate and self-medicate, because you can lose the nail plate and provoke the spread of infection.

    Problems with nails are not such a rarity, otherwise mass advertising of remedies for fungus and other misfortunes would not flourish. By the way, not only adults are familiar with the deformation of the nails both on the hands and on the legs. A very common situation is when the nails on the hands of a child peel off. Why is this happening and what to do?

    Doctors name three main reasons for what is happening:

    • injuries (pressed by a door or hit a finger);
    • unbalanced diet;
    • fungal infections.


    We all know this is extremely painful sensation when you hit your toe. It is not surprising that such injuries lead to the fact that the nail begins to turn black, and later peel off. If this happens to adults, what to say about children. Even a minor bruise can cause harm. If we are talking about hands, an unsightly appearance of the nail plate may be a consequence bad habits. If you bite your nails, there is nothing to be surprised at.

    Time and getting rid of unpleasant habits can help if the matter is in an injury of one kind or another. In addition, you can use a compress with a mixture of sunflower oil And apple cider vinegar(1:1), which can reduce the chance of nail loss.

    Fungal infections

    If a fungus is to blame, you will notice it effortlessly. Marigolds turn yellow, blacken and peel off
    last resort. In fact, this is a common infection, and anyone who goes to public saunas or visits the pool can encounter it. As you can imagine, this also applies to children.

    If the fungus is the cause of problems with the nail plate (it doesn’t matter if the toenail or handnail peels off), an antifungal varnish or gel can help.

    Folk methods, as a rule, are ineffective. What else can be done to improve the situation? Of course, seek help from a specialist who will prescribe a set of measures, because self-medication is always dangerous.

    Information especially for the fair sex: build up an artificial nail, if the toenail has come off to mask an unsightly look, do not the best option. This can only make things worse and your plate will take longer to recover than it could.

    Improper nutrition

    It's no secret that in order to form good nails vitamins A, E, B, C, PP are needed, as well as enough calcium and iron. If these elements are not enough in the body, nails can signal this.

    If there is a nail on the big toe or any other, but you remember exactly that you didn’t hit it, and it doesn’t look like a fungus, you should think about the correctness of your diet.

    shortage useful substances will help to fill any modern vitamin complex, as well as foods that contain calcium.

    Balance your diet by adding cereals, dairy products, cheeses, cereals, as well as citrus fruits and marmalade. The fact is that nails can also peel off due to a lack of pectin, which is abundant in all kinds of jelly-like products.

    Useful videos

    Onycholysis is the detachment of the nail plate from its bed under the influence of one or more negative factors. If a person’s nail falls off, this is not only an unpleasant and frightening situation, but also a significant cosmetic defect. An ugly, deformed area can be seen on a date, business meeting and will create an unpleasant impression. The main task is to find out where the problem came from, how long ago it appeared and what to do to solve it.

    Causes of onycholysis

    Injured nailOf course, the nail cannot fall off on its own for no reason. There are 5 main reasons why nails become dull, thin and eventually peel off. This process is most often painless, but if you accidentally catch a half-bent nail, there is severe pain with bleeding. As a result, pathogenic bacteria, fungus or human papillomavirus can get into the wound.

    Why toenails fall off:

    • Fungal diseases affecting the nail plate. The fungus gradually destroys the structure of the nail, thinning it and causing exfoliation.
    • Nail injury. Even a small blow can damage the fragile capillaries that feed the nail.
    • Allergic reaction very often leads to problems with nails, especially if you use low-quality cosmetics or cheap dishwashing detergents. This so-called contact allergy arising on the chemical components of varnishes, creams and other cosmetics and chemistry. Dermatitis also belongs to this category.
    • Combined with others negative factors provoke detachment of the nail plate can be individual medications. For example, after undergoing a course of antibiotic treatment, especially the tetracycline series, the condition of the nails worsens significantly. If, in addition, the body is subjected to ultraviolet radiation(long stay on the beach, solarium), negative effect increases.
    • The structure of the nail may be disturbed due to a lack of vitamins, trace elements and in case of violation metabolic processes in organism. To make up for the loss essential substances, you need to eat right and additionally use a complex of vitamins.

    If there is a hematoma on the nail plate in the affected area - most likely, the reason lies in uncomfortable, traumatic shoes. Many problems arise from the use of beautiful, but poor-quality or disproportionate shoes for the foot. If the nail regularly rests inside the boot against a tight, hard tissue, he becomes defenseless and loses his natural immunity.

    Nail fungus and vascular pathology

    Onychomycosis (fungal infection) is indicated by damage to the cuticle, a change in color, structure and thickness of the nail. The fungus may be on the foot, but the spores are easily brought under the nail, causing disease. Spores can spread very quickly and often most of the toenails and toenails are affected with this pathology. This disease is characterized clinical picture, But final diagnosis put under microscopy of the nail plates, which are taken for analysis. Onychomycosis is treated for a long time - from several months to six months.

    Vascular pathology also affects the structure of the nails and changes in their color. When the passage of blood through the vessels is disturbed, the trophism of the tissues of the distal extremities deteriorates significantly. Trophic disorders lead to the gradual death of nail tissues, therefore it is important to carry out diagnostics and examination by a specialized doctor as soon as possible - vascular surgeon. Possibly assigned surgical treatment, but in parallel it is necessary to weed out such diagnoses as diabetes, venous thrombosis and other vascular diseases.

    Typical symptoms of onycholysis

    Yellowing of the nail Peeling of the nail is the main symptom, so it is not difficult to recognize it. If in healthy condition it was pale pink, then in the initial stages of onycholysis, the color becomes yellow or dirty gray.

    If a toenail has fallen off due to a fungus, itching, redness and delamination of the nails occur at the initial stage. Then there is a gradual exfoliation of the nail plate. It becomes noticeable that an empty space has formed under the nail, and it is no longer soldered to the skin. Ultimately, the nail falls off completely or partially.

    It is advisable to consult a doctor at the first signs of exfoliation, if the cause of the pathology was a fungus or an infection, he will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Timely therapy can save healthy areas from infection and at the same time cure already infected ones.

    Treatment for a bruised nail at home

    What to do to save a peeling nail, avoid infection and inflammation after a finger injury? In addition, it is very important to prevent this condition on healthy phalanges.

    If a nail bruise has occurred, it is first of all important to eliminate such complications as a broken finger, cracks and similar serious injuries. If there is any suspicion, you should immediately go to the emergency room and take an x-ray. In uncomplicated cases, you can cure the nail at home.

    With a bruise, the nail may not come off immediately, but within a few weeks or even a month. From hard hit are damaged small vessels nourishing the nail, so it slowly detaches from the bed. In this case, Diclofenac Gel helps well, it is intended for external use and has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties. To reduce the risk of infection of the nail, it should be treated with a gel for 1-1.5 weeks. In the first few days of treatment, blood clots may accumulate under the nail, and there is also palpable pain.

    To speed up regeneration processes and improve metabolism in soft tissues, apply ointment "Solcoseryl". It can be used on open wounds if the nail fell off immediately after the injury. In this case, it must be processed and fixed. elastic patch. Total time treatment takes from one to one and a half months. During this time, the wound heals, if any, tissue regenerates and the hematoma resolves. Over time, the nail plate restores its structure, and the nail grows back. After an injury, in most cases, he for a long time takes on a deformed shape.

    Treatment for nail fungus

    Antifungal drugs Wet environments, squeezing shoes and lack of proper hygiene lead to infection with fungus. The manifestation of the disease is as follows: fungal spores affect the skin of the legs, feet, interdigital spaces and nails. There is itching, discomfort and severe peeling.

    Fungus is characterized by:

    • settle and form a lesion in the area of ​​​​the nail on the big toe and on the little finger;
    • over time, the nail becomes uneven, turns yellow and loosens;
    • the fungus literally “eats” skin and nail cells, leaving behind peeling in the form of white flakes;
    • it is able to penetrate into the deep layers of tissues, and in severe cases, if you do not see a doctor in time, the treatment will be lengthy and expensive.

    Nail loss is most likely if the lesion extends from the socket. It comes off gradually, in small areas, so it is almost impossible to prevent the complete loss of the nail plate. To avoid recurrence, the nail form of the fungus is treated for at least three months and the first principle of treatment is taking antifungal drugs in the form of tablets.

    The substances contained in them accumulate in tissue cells and in nails, poisoning the environment that feeds the fungus. The second principle is topical application creams, ointments or varnishes with a powerful antifungal action. What to do to avoid re-infection? Shoes that were used before the start of treatment must be either disposed of or treated with special disinfecting solutions.



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