Solving the problems of brittleness and dryness with doppelhertz hair vitamins. Doppelhertz active vitamins for healthy hair and nails - description and instructions for use

The human body is designed in such a way that for full functioning and resistance to diseases and infections, a regular supply of vitamins and beneficial microelements is necessary. More often lack of vitamins in winter, late autumn or early spring , when it is quite difficult to eat foods rich in important substances. Therefore, you need to know how to maintain healthy nails and hair during these periods of time.

What methods and methods of home care exist, as well as what vitamins should be taken regularly.

Beautiful, well-groomed nails always add grace to the appearance of girls, and an exquisite manicure allows you to emphasize the individuality of a woman’s image. In order for healthy nails to continue to delight even in the harsh third of the year, they need special care.

After all, it is in winter that our body can experience the effects of such unfavorable factors as:

  • low temperatures,
  • cloudy weather (the sun is necessary for the synthesis of vitamin D),
  • lack of vitamins (A, E, C, H, B5, PP) and minerals (which should come from plant foods),
  • excessive dry air due to the use of heaters and air conditioners in rooms.

To the listed negative influences are also added those that affect nails and hair constantly, regardless of the time of year. When using household chemicals without gloves, mechanical stress and stress affect the health of nails and hair.

The easiest (and therefore more expensive) way to take care of your nails is to get professional services at a beauty salon. The same goes for maintaining the beauty and health of your hair. We will look at the most effective ways to maintain healthy hair and nails in winter at home, and what vitamins you should take.

Vitamins Doppelherz for hair - composition

Vitamin complex Dopperherz Omega 3 the asset is a modern dietary supplement, used primarily to prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases.

However, due to the large number of useful substances, Doppelherz vitamins are recommended by many doctors as vitamins to strengthen the immune system and the body as a whole. The main component of the useful Doppelhertz complex is fish fat .

As you know, fish oil promotes the proper functioning of all human organs, improves metabolism, metabolism and helps normalize body weight.

Vitamin complex Doppelhertz for strengthening hair and nails has the following composition:
— Vitamin B 5 (in the amount of 9 mg.)
— Vitamin B 6 (1 mg.)
— Vitamin H (150 mcg.)
— Zinc (5 mg.)

In addition to these undoubtedly important elements of the structure of nails and hair, the vitamin complex Doppelherz to strengthen nails and hair contains polyunsaturated fatty acid. In order to improve the health of your hair and nails, you need to take Doppeohertz vitamins, 1 capsule 1 time per day, regardless of meals.

Homemade nail care products and methods during periods of vitamin deficiency

You can protect your nails from low temperatures, for example in winter, by using gloves or mittens, after lubricating your hands with a protective or nourishing emollient.

Washing your hands with moisturizing soap will help prevent dryness. Regularly (4 to 6 times a month) it is advisable to make soap or salt baths for nails in warm water (based on liquid soap or moisturizing shower gel, lemon juice or table salt, vegetable oils).

It is recommended to accompany the moisturizing process with self-massage of the fingertips, which will also improve the trophism of the nails. The whole procedure takes a third of an hour (10 minutes for each hand). After the procedure, it is advisable to use creams, ranging from the simplest, glycerin or silicone, to creams with various additives in the form of vegetable oils, waxes, vitamins, and minerals.

To protect against the chemical effects of household chemicals, it is strongly recommended to use special household gloves.

As mentioned earlier, it is especially important for healthy nail growth in the winter season to saturate the body with vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities. Take vitamin prophylaxis (vitamin complex Doppelherz) in late autumn or winter (vitamin preparations are easy to find in pharmacy windows).

But it is more physiological to monitor the intake of vitamins and micro- and macroelements in sufficient quantities from food.

A deficiency of retinol (vitamin A) in winter can be prevented and, if necessary, replenished by consuming the following plant foods in the diet:

  • persimmon,
  • carrots (with sour cream or vegetable oil, cream for better absorption),
  • dried apricots,
  • raisin,
  • a pineapple,
  • dates,
  • banana,
  • pumpkin,
  • chokeberry.

Various types of fish, liver, and eggs contain not only the precursor of vitamin A, provitamin D, but also tocopherol (vitamin E).

Source ascorbic acid (vitamin C) maybe baked potatoes, oranges, tangerines, kiwi, tea with rose hips, lemon, sea buckthorn, black currants. Products such as peas, beans, grains, various types of nuts (including walnuts), wheat, brown rice, wholemeal rye flour, beef, eggs, in turn, are rich in pantothenic and nicotinic acid (or vitamins B5 and PP), zinc and magnesium.

Biotin (vitamin H, “vitamin of female beauty”) can enter the body in products of animal origin (meat, fermented milk).

It is recommended to pay special attention to enriching the diet with products containing iodine, fluorine, selenium, sulfur, calcium: sea fish, shrimp, mussels, agar-agar, algae. Apples, raspberries, persimmons, and pomegranates are valuable and tasty sources of iron.

To protect against mechanical stress, as well as to strengthen nails, medicinal varnishes containing calcium are often used. Despite the fact that such varnishes are often transparent, the nails look shiny and smooth, and have a well-groomed appearance.

Thus, the health of nails and hair depends on many factors and requires a careful approach, especially in the winter season. Using the example of this article, it is easy to understand that beauty, as a result of the health of nails and hair, can be preserved and maintained even at home, with minimal time and without visiting expensive beauty salons.

For example, universal vitamin complex Doppelherz Omega 3 contains sufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements useful for the human body:

Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D, E, K;
useful material: iodine, zinc, potassium, selenium, biotin, silicon, folic acid, nicotinamide, calcium pantothenate, calcium, magnesium, chlorides, chromium, iron, copper, manganese, molybdenum and phosphorus.

Be healthy!

Do not miss the most popular articles of the rubric Vitamins for hair and nails

Healthy, thick hair and smooth, strong nails are natural adornments of a person, which are given to him by nature. All the problems of the body sooner or later are reflected in the hair and nails. If nutrition is inadequate, if stress prevails, after a while the hair becomes dull and thins. Nails break, become covered with strange spots and peel.

Has external influence ceased to save the situation? Masks and creams no longer work? So, it's time to nourish the body. Only a good vitamin complex can do this. Doppelhertz for hair and nails will give your curls and your nails a chance not to suffer from poor nutrition.

The drug consists of 30 large capsules of an easy-to-swallow form, packaged in three blisters. It is precisely this form of sealing the active substance, such as a non-opening gelatin soft capsule, that allows it to be carried to the place required for maximum absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

Preparations of the Doppelherz asset series are not a medicine. All of them are dietary supplements that can really improve the body’s condition by saturating it with essential minerals and vitamins.

Each capsule contains dry sorghum extract, lecithin, pyridoxine, calcium pantothenate-D, wheat germ oil, soybean oil, zinc sulfate, iron oxide, wax.

The price varies from 400 to 500 rubles in various pharmacies.

When to Use Doppelhertz for Hair and Nails

The biological supplement Doppelhertz is used to additionally replenish the body with vitamins, PUFAs and minerals. It is used to improve the appearance and condition of nails and hair.

Vitamins for healthy hair and nails from Doppelhertz may be needed during rehabilitation after serious illnesses. The components of the drug will help set up metabolic processes, nourish the skin, solve the problem of excessive dryness, and help resist the effects of harmful environmental factors.

How doppelhertz dietary supplements work

The female body especially needs the support of Doppelhertz capsules. Reviews from doctors say that there is nothing simpler and more effective than swallowing a capsule with a set of necessary substances, and the result comes quite quickly. When the body is sufficiently saturated with the missing substances, the hair becomes silky and smooth, and comes to life. The scalp stops flaking and itching, dandruff disappears. Nails become noticeably stronger, do not break, and it becomes possible to grow a manicure.

What is the merit of wheat germ oil included in Doppelherz for hair and nails? It contains a very rich set of vitamins: A, F, B and E. It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids, glycolipids. The mineral set includes selenium, which is the best antioxidant, iron and zinc. Wheat germ oil can help retain moisture in the skin.

Sorghum extract makes the whole complex really effective. Other dietary supplements cannot boast of containing this component. It is rich in amino acids, pantothenic acid, vitamins B1, B5, A and PP. In addition, there is a storehouse of magnesium, phosphorus, iron and manganese. Without these elements, metabolism in the skin and hair follicles is disrupted.

The rare element silicic acid restores the structure of the developing hair, and it grows healthy and smooth, hair falls out much less. The vitamin for beautiful hair waves is B5. Without it, hair quickly becomes dull and begins to break. Vitamin B5 is very important in working on a woman’s beauty.

Vitamin B6 together with biotin and zinc activate hair growth. With a sufficient amount of these vitamins in the body, hair loss stops and the greasy coating on the hair disappears. Reviews from those who took Doppelhertz confirm that dryness goes away and hair growth is restored.

How to use Doppelhertz

The instructions for use state that you need to take one capsule per day. The minimum course must be completed within two months. After this, a break of one month is required. Then the course must be repeated.

Capsules are washed down with water. How to take the drug in relation to meals: it is better to combine it with food. This will make it possible to avoid unexpected reactions from the gastrointestinal tract. There have been no reports of overdose. All components of the drug are well excreted through the urinary system and feces.

The drug combines well with other medications and bioactive supplements.

Alcohol reduces the positive effects of this vitamin complex.

Doppelhertz for hair and nails is purchased without prescription or prescription.

Do not use the drug if you have contraindications to any of the listed components. Be careful not to use this complex if you are allergic to any of the components. Allergy sufferers should always be extremely careful when taking vitamin and herbal medications.

Can children use Doppelhertz for hair and nails? You can start taking it from the age of 12, since the dosages of the active ingredients are designed for an adult, and it is impossible to divide the capsule without damaging its shell.

Pregnant women can use the drug, but first you need to get permission from your doctor.

What consumers say about the drug

A lot of fans of the drug Doppelherz for the beauty of hair and nails write that their hair has acquired a delicate structure, has become silky and flowing. Nails no longer peel and break less. The curls began to grow much faster and fall out less. Everyone who has completed a full course notes that their hair is shiny, as if a lamination procedure had been carried out.

There are reviews that the drug did not work. This suggests that the problem for these women is not a lack of components included in the Doppelhertz complex, but something else. For example, vitamins cannot solve hormonal imbalance problems. There is a possibility that those who did not complete the course, losing patience after drinking the first package, did not get the effect.

What do pharmacists say about the drug?

The composition of the drug is not too diverse, it is not as rich as in other drugs. In addition, the price of dietary supplements is not low. Objectively assessing the analogues, one can find that there are a lot of drugs that can compete with Doppelhertz.

However, this German manufacturer has a good reputation for the quality of its products. Therefore, most consumers focus on the brand in order to be confident in the excellent quality of the purchased products.


Doppelhertz for hair and nails is a dietary supplement that complements the diet. It contains several important vitamins and minerals that can improve the condition of hair and nails with long-term use.

Convenient administration of the drug - once a day, does not interfere with the usual way of life. The drug is of high quality, as confirmed by the many years of work of the manufacturer Queisser Pharma. The cost of the drug is quite high, in this it is inferior to multivitamin analogues from other manufacturers.

Attention! Before using medications, consult a specialist!


  • Affordable price
  • ease of use
  • good composition.


  • No obvious results

A package of vitamins is designed for one month - one capsule per day. The need for further use must be agreed with your doctor. In general, you shouldn’t expect special results and dramatic changes in appearance right away. The vitamin composition is not bad - wheat germ oil, biotin, zinc, dry millet extract, B-vitamins - all this is certainly useful for the appearance and the body as a whole. But no extra results were observed: the nails became a little stronger (given regular shellac, they require replenishment), the skin somehow evened out and became cleaner. It's hard to tell from the hair - I think it needs more time for visible results to appear. Conclusion: in general, as an additional source of vitamins in the off-season - excellent and, if as a bonus, you will become more beautiful - this will be a pleasant addition to your vitamin supplement.


  • good composition


  • Allergic reactions are possible.

I am a supporter of various dietary supplements, vitamins and vitamin complexes. I like to pamper my body with different useful things from time to time. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it with experiments and not make a mistake with the choice, as happened to me this time.

I bought these vitamins at the pharmacy to strengthen my nails and hair, but I developed allergic skin rashes. This was the first time I encountered such a reaction from my body to vitamins, so I didn’t immediately believe that all the unpleasant problems were caused by them. Just in case, I stopped taking it and after 2-3 days everything went away, waited a week and started taking it again - the reaction was not long in coming - the same rash and unbearable itching.

It’s a pity, but I won’t finish drinking it, and I’ll also refrain from purchasing this product again.

I really liked the composition and the manufacturer... Germany, after all, but alas... The tablets, however, are somewhat large, but with a lot of effort you can swallow them.

Of course, I will not dissuade everyone from this purchase, but I still strongly recommend that you be careful with the spontaneous choice of not only vitamins, but also other medicines.

Be healthy and always happy with your purchases and acquisitions!

I have nothing bad to say about these vitamins. But I didn’t notice any amazing effects after taking the Doppelherz asset. Zinc is, of course, great for hair, but there are preparations with zinc that are cheaper. For example saw Antioksikaps with zinc - the same effect. To summarize, I didn’t feel any special changes after taking these vitamins.


  • inexpensive
  • convenient reception


  • useless

I bought these vitamins to reduce hair loss - oh, how they fall out of my head after pregnancy and childbirth... I accidentally saw them on the shelf at the pharmacy and decided to try them.

They are produced by a pharmaceutical company in Germany - Queisser Pharma GmbH and Co.

Vitamins for healthy skin, hair and nails are representatives of a whole series of drugs of this brand, each of which is aimed at a specific problem in the body.

The price for each complex is absolutely reasonable - 150 hryvnia / 450 rubles, which is cheaper even than some domestic products.

The packaging is designed for a month of taking 1 capsule per day.


Full of hope, I started drinking them - one capsule with meals, for a month. They swallow without problems, which is nice. But what's the end result? Nothing! The hair fell out and continued to fall out. But here are the nails... Usually, taking any vitamin has a very good effect on them - they become stronger and grow faster. But Doppelhertz had no effect on them. On the skin side, I also did not notice any changes for the better.


Each of us has different needs in our bodies. These vitamins turned out to be a dud for me, but I can't be sure that anyone else will have the same results. Based solely on my experience, I do not recommend Doppelhertz vitamins.

To be honest, it’s frustrating that the package says vitamins, but in reality it’s a dietary supplement. It doesn’t scare me, I just don’t like this kind of slyness.

I’ve been drinking these vitamin supplements for a month; the package contains 3 blisters of 10 capsules each, that is, 30 capsules.


  • Convenient to drink - one capsule per day.
  • I liked the composition. (you can read more on the information tab).
  • The effect was quite good considering the price of the supplement was 107 hryvnia. , my nails became especially strong, even a month later, after I didn’t take vitamins.
  • Taking this Doppel Hertz supplement did not cause any unpleasant sensations.


  • I didn’t notice any changes in my hair, nor on my skin, but I didn’t count on it!

In general, the price/quality is not bad, I might buy more.

Positive reviews


  • The result is obvious.


I bought myself Doppelgerts-active vitamins two weeks ago. I bought it by accident. I was buying something at the pharmacy and a package with these vitamins caught my eye (they were in the most visible place). I asked to read the insert, and in the end I left the pharmacy with the purchase. I decided to try it, why?

I constantly use nail polish and nail polish remover, and this leads to the destruction of the nail plate. The nails begin to peel and become not very healthy. After reading the ingredients (wheat germ oil, dry millet extract, B vitamins, biotin, zinc), I decided to try it.

Very convenient to take, just once a day, after meals. You need to drink a whole glass of water. I started taking vitamins right away. And after two weeks of taking it, I noticed that my nails began to peel less and became less brittle. But here's another result. The hair stopped coming out. If previously there was hair on the brush, now there is none there.

The package contains 30 capsules, just for the required course. The capsule has a dark burgundy color and is easy to swallow. I think anyone who has problems with hair or nails should try it. I decided to take a course of treatment for prevention - 2 times a year. I'm happy with the result, even though I still have two weeks left to drink.

The insert says that these vitamins also improve facial skin.


  • compound
  • the result is noticeable


  • 30 pieces per pack
  • a bit expensive

I took Doppelhertz Active hair vitamins in just one course. I didn’t repeat them, although the effect is noticeable.

I can’t say anything about the effect on the nails, because there were no complaints in this regard, they are so strong. Maybe they had some effect, but not noticeably.

But regarding hair, I can say a few flattering words about the drug.

Why are they so good? Doppelhertz Active complex for healthy hair and nails contains a large amount of biotin + polyunsaturated fatty acids. Their importance for the body is difficult to overestimate. They have a beneficial effect on the entire metabolism, oxygen exchange, the functioning of the central nervous system, and skin condition.

Female assistant, along with coenzymes and collagen. With adequate intake into the body, it helps prolong the youth of cells.

Totally useful, in general. In addition to biotin and polyunsaturated fatty acids, the preparation contains a sufficient dose of vitamins B5 and B6, as well as zinc, lecithin and wheat germ oil.

Thanks to the formula with natural ingredients, it is absorbed better than synthetic vitamins. But its price is appropriate. I would call this one of the shortcomings. There are only 30 capsules in a package, and a course requires 60 of them. I have had long hair almost my entire adult life, and to support it, I have tried many external products, mineral complexes, vitamins and dietary supplements. Among others, I would give Doppelgerts a 4+, since I have not yet found a better drug.

The condition of the hair and scalp improved noticeably after the third week of use, so I advise you to be patient. Yes, and it is also advisable to control your diet while taking the product, and do not overuse fatty, fried and smoked foods.

The tips, of course, did not react at all. The conversation with them is short - once every 2-3 months under the scissors. And from the roots, the hair became smoother, shiny, and lighter. I stopped coloring them a long time ago, and the better the effect was visible. In general, the impression is only positive. However, no new hair or “undercoat” appeared, as I read in some reviews about Doppelhertz. They didn't get any thicker. It just looks better.

Considering the price, I would not often carry out such dietary supplement therapy. Moreover, now the hairstyle does not feel the pathological effects of curling irons, curlers, and straighteners. And I don’t want to overload my stomach and kidneys with additional drugs.

Good day!

I bought Doppelhertz Active vitamins for healthy hair and nails at the pharmacy on the advice of the saleswoman. At first I was planning to buy something made from calcium, since my hair was falling out very profusely, which has become a huge problem for me lately, but when I saw this beautiful pack of vitamins at an affordable price, I forgot about it.

There are 30 ampoules in a pack, the course is 2 months. The composition is quite impressive. Wheat germ oil, millet, B5, B6, biotin, zinc. The pack and instructions describe in detail how these components work. The cost was approximately 300 rubles, I don’t remember exactly.

Vitamins, minerals and herbal components optimize metabolism, nourish skin, hair and nails, maintaining their health and beauty, as it is written on the packaging, which is not in vain. To my great surprise, even the skin on my face became softer and healthier, not to mention my hair and nails. The hair became very soft. I can’t say anything about nails yet. Indeed, vitamins are simply wonderful, especially great in the spring, when the body needs a lot of vitamins. So I recommend it to everyone!

Helped restore health to the scalp


  • Oily scalp went away quickly


  • Not detected

I purchased these vitamins on the advice of a dermatologist-cosmetologist. And it all started with the fact that my hair began to get dirty very quickly. I tried many shampoos, oils, various therapeutic masks, but there was no effect. So I decided to go for a consultation with a doctor. And she explained the reason for this change: the functioning of the sebaceous glands has gone wrong, so the oiliness of the skin has increased and the hair quickly gets dirty, and sometimes it’s even difficult to wash with shampoo. And all because there is a lack of certain vitamins in the body, and the hair reacts to this first.

I thought that now they would prescribe expensive shampoos or something else. But no, the doctor simply prescribed this vitamin complex, a course for two months. Usually a month is enough, but, as she explained, in order to consolidate the effect and saturate the body with necessary minerals, it is better to drink it for two months. I did so. The price of the drug is not low, but for the sake of my beauty and health, I bought this drug.

I noticed results within two weeks after starting treatment: my hair became noticeably stronger and had a healthy shine. And my scalp began to return to normal, now I wash my hair every two days, and not every day. And my nails became a pleasant bonus: now I have a strong and beautiful manicure, and the fragility has completely disappeared. So I am very pleased with the effect of this drug.


  • Effective


  • it seems like no

Doppelgerz are vitamins that I took only in one course. Somehow I can’t take one thing and always fly somewhere ahead, so this time I was going to drink the vitamins that I had previously taken and which I had praised, but the price for them had skyrocketed, I was in complete shock. Then I decided to consult with a doctor I know about what vitamins I could buy, since my hair had become so dry, falling out, and when your hair is long, you notice it very clearly.

Previously, I had a boy's haircut and I didn't have any problems, or I just didn't notice. My hair was thick and thick, so I had never taken any vitamins or dietary supplements before. But this time it turned out that I decided to grow my hair and already began to notice discomfort.

A doctor friend advised me to buy Doppelhertz vitamins, he says that they are also not cheap, but now there are simply no normal vitamins at a normal price or at a cheap price, so I have to save myself with what I have and buy expensive ones.

Why did I take these particular ones? Yes, I just decided to try these vitamins, since they were often praised, and even more so at a price they are much cheaper than those that I previously bought, and plus, if the doctor prescribed me, advised me, then why not drink it?

I only took one capsule a day of these vitamins, but here just one month is not enough, so I took it for two months. As a result, there are 30 such capsules in a package, but we need 60, so we need to buy two jars at once.

The instructions also say that these vitamins make the hair much thicker, but somehow I didn’t notice this and, in general, we won’t see the result right away. Personally, the result became noticeable for me only after I drank them for about two or even three weeks, only then it was already noticeable that my hair stopped falling out, began to simply shine and the dryness disappeared. Even when I wash my hair now, I no longer use balms and conditioners, everything is fine as is.

Doppelherz vitamins also work well on nails, but in this case I didn’t notice anything, since I had my nails extended, and every summer I only go with extensions, so I can’t write anything specific about this.

As for the fact that split ends are removed, I also don’t know, because I’ve never had this happen before and I cut my ends every two months, it’s already a habit.

As I was told, Doppelhertz was also prescribed to pregnant women, but I didn’t take that risk and during pregnancy I only drank Elevit pronatal, but I would naturally recommend vitamins, or rather this dietary supplement!


  • Good composition
  • quick effect.


Back in the summer I had a problem; my hair began to fall out a lot. I tried different shampoos and hair masks, but the results were not particularly pleasing. About a month ago, on a day off, I was watching TV, and they were talking about the same problem as mine and they recommended hair vitamins from the famous Doppelherz company (Germany). A manufacturer I trust. Taking note, I buy a package of these vitamins. These are “Vitamins for healthy hair and nails.”

The composition of the vitamins is not suspicious. The package contains three plates with capsules. Only thirty capsules.

True, due to my busyness, sometimes I forget to take them as scheduled. But even this method has already given tangible results - whether it’s the vitamins, or maybe it’s my self-hypnosis, but my hair began to fall out much less, and this is exactly what I need. Before purchasing these vitamins, I read reviews from other buyers. Some complain of allergies. I would like to note that I am lucky, so far I have no allergies to vitamins. But I finish taking only the first course, I really hope that in the future, an allergy to vitamins will not appear.

General impression:

Saved me from a big problem!

June 17, 2017

There is no such woman who would not want to have healthy hair, good manicure and fast growing nails, clear skin. All this is possible only while maintaining a balance in the body, which is provided by a balanced diet and the intake of all the necessary nutrients, good environmental conditions, proper care, and many other factors. If a person does not receive enough vitamins, amino acids and minerals, then this invariably affects the appearance, and very quickly. Among the most popular and favorite drugs, a special place is occupied by Doppelherz vitamins for hair and nails, reviews of which from patients and doctors speak of their high efficiency. Let's see what kind of remedy it is, to whom it suits and how it should be taken correctly in order to obtain the maximum positive result.

Doppelhertz vitamins are recommended to be used only after consulting a trichologist and passing all the necessary tests. In this case, we can say with accuracy that the remedy will only benefit, and choose the most appropriate dosage of the drug.

Most often, these vitamins will have a beneficial effect on hair and nails in the presence of the following problems:

  • split ends;
  • hair fragility;
  • dullness and unevenness of shade;
  • too dry or oily curls;
  • improper functioning of the sebaceous glands of the scalp;
  • delamination of nails and their fragility;
  • slow hair and nail growth;
  • early gray hair;
  • itchy scalp and dandruff;
  • decreased elasticity and softness of hair.

The use of the Doppelgerz vitamin-mineral complex for hair and nails will benefit those who often style or dye their hair, have an unbalanced diet and are often nervous, suffer from bad habits, do not take good care of their hair, or work in hazardous industries. Vitamins will also help restore health and good appearance after a person has suffered long-term illnesses and hormonal disorders.

Doppelhertz acts at the cellular level, restores every curl from the inside. Vitamins for hair and nails nourish the hair shaft, help improve metabolism and blood microcirculation in the hair follicle, awaken dormant hair follicles, and restore structure along the entire length from roots to ends. In addition, the active substances of the drug are well absorbed by the body and have a positive effect on the skin and nails. Just a few weeks after starting to take Doppelhertz, increased growth of nails and hair will be noticeable, the functioning of the sebaceous glands will be normalized, and the hairstyle itself will become pleasant to the touch, shiny and silky.

Important! In addition to Doppelhertz Active for hair and nails, there is another product from the same manufacturer - Doppelhertz Beauty for healthy hair. The composition of both of these drugs is approximately the same, as is the purpose. But Doppelhertz Active has more components and is aimed not only at improving the growth and appearance of curls, but also at improving the health of nails. When used correctly, both of these vitamins have a beneficial effect on the entire body of the person taking them.

Composition of vitamins Doppelherz

Doppelhertz Active is a unique vitamin and mineral complex developed by German scientists. The product is based on natural ingredients - wheat germ oil, which has long been known as a powerful strengthening, rejuvenating, restorative and detoxifying agent.

The following substances can be found in Doppelhertz Active vitamins:

  • biotin, which has a positive effect on the structure and health of curls, triggers regeneration processes, normalizes blood circulation and metabolism;
  • B vitamins, which are considered the most important helpers in restoring the health and beauty of hair and nails;
  • zinc, which promotes the removal of toxins, stimulates metabolic processes, ensures the digestibility of proteins and normal hair structure;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids, which accelerate the growth of hair and nails, normalize metabolism and the activity of the sebaceous glands, and give the strands a healthy shine and softness.

Instructions for use Doppelhertz for hair and nails

Doppelhertz Active, like any drug, must be used correctly to obtain the desired effect. Only a doctor can select the exact dosage and dosage regimen, based on your individual characteristics and the condition of your hair and nails. The manufacturer in the instructions for use gives only a standard dosage. He recommends taking Doppelherz to prevent problems. 1 capsule per day for a month. Then take a break of 3-4 weeks and repeat the course of taking vitamins. Based on this diagram, the number of capsules in the box was calculated - there are 30 of them, which is very convenient.

If problems with hair and nails have already arisen, then it is necessary to do a course of treatment for 2 months, and only then interrupt it and give the body a break. It is advisable to take vitamins at the same time of day after or during meals, with a small amount of clean water. If this is not followed, there is a high risk of side effects, such as heaviness in the stomach and nausea.

Contraindications to the use of Doppelherz Active are:

  • children's age up to 18 years;
  • individual intolerance to the product and its components;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • with severe damage to internal organs and body systems;
  • in the presence of tumors and neoplasms.

Side effects from the use of Doppelhertz Active are very rare and are most often caused by non-compliance with the rules for taking the drug. Most often these are nausea, vomiting, problems with sleep and stool, allergic reactions of a local or general nature.

Where to buy Doppelhertz and what is the price

You can buy Doppelhertz Active vitamins in almost every pharmacy. The package contains 30 capsules for a monthly course. In the list below we will present a list of pharmacies where you can order online. But pay attention to the shipping costs. Sometimes a cheaper order may cost more due to higher shipping costs.

You can buy Doppelhertz Active in:

  • WER pharmacy offers at a price of 478 rubles.
  • Skin Health Center sells

Pharmacological action

  • Not indicated. See instructions

Description of pharmacological action

Doppelhertz active Vitamins for healthy hair and nails - a biologically active food supplement, a complex of female beauty.

The vitamins, minerals and herbal components included in the composition optimize metabolism, nourish the skin, promote the growth and strengthening of hair and nails, restore their structure, and help resist the aggressive effects of the external environment.


Wheat germ oil, millet (sorghum) dry extract, calcium-D-pantothenate (vitamin B5) 9 mg, zinc sulfate 5 mg, pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) 1 mg, biotin 150 mcg.
auxiliary components: gelatin, soybean oil, yellow wax, lecithin, yellow iron oxide, red iron oxide.

Indications for use

Release form

capsules 1150 mg; blister 10, cardboard pack 3;

Contraindications for use

Individual intolerance to product components, pregnant and lactating women under 14 years of age.

Directions for use and doses

Adults: 1 capsule 1 time per day during meals with water. Duration of treatment is 2 months. After a break of 1 month, repeated use is possible.

Storage conditions

In a dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Best before date

Description of vitamin Doppelhertz active Vitamins for healthy hair and nails is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace consultation with a specialist and cannot be a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug you use. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

Are you interested in Vitamin Doppelhertz Active Vitamins for healthy hair and nails? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need a doctor's examination? Or do you need an inspection? You can book an appointment with a doctor– clinic Eurolab always at your service! The best doctors will examine you, advise you, provide the necessary assistance and make a diagnosis. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolab open for you around the clock.

Attention! The information presented in the vitamins and dietary supplements section is intended for informational purposes and should not be a basis for self-medication. Some of the drugs have a number of contraindications. Patients need to consult a specialist!

If you are interested in any other vitamins, vitamin-mineral complexes or dietary supplements, their descriptions and instructions for use, their analogues, information about the composition and form of release, indications for use and side effects, methods of use, dosages and contraindications, notes about the prescription of the drug for children, newborns and pregnant women, price and consumer reviews, or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.



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