Celery juice for weight loss is the right recipe. celery soup

How to use celery in dishes to lose weight? The benefits and harms of celery.

The benefits of celery

The magical and healing properties of celery have been used since Ancient Greece. The plant decorated the dwelling from evil spirits. Wreaths were woven from celery leaves and glorified the winners.

Despite the fact that celery is known in culinary arts since ancient times, the real glory of the vegetable came recently. Today, scientists have studied all parts useful plant: petioles, leaves, roots and seeds.

Celery is a very beautiful spicy plant. The green stalks of the vegetable are extremely crispy, juicy and full of life energy and strength.

What does celery contain?

  • Cellulose- the main component of the plant. We can say that in terms of the amount of fiber, the vegetable does not know its own kind. Regular consumption of celery leads to the normalization of work gastrointestinal tract and prevents constipation
  • Apigenin- the main flavonoid of celery. Provides antispasmodic and choleretic action. Recently scientists discovered anticancer property apigenin
  • Luteolin is a flavin derivative. The substance eliminates inflammatory processes in the brain, improves, prevents dementia
  • Ascorbic acid(3.1 mg) allows celery to take its rightful place among immunomodulating plants. restores vascular elasticity and normalizes physiological processes in the skin
  • Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6) stimulates the production of serotonin - the "happiness hormone", takes work in protein synthesis, some enzymes
  • Retinol acetate (vitamin A) affects skin structure and vision
  • Potassium saturates and nourishes the heart muscle - myocardium
  • Sodium provides osmosis in cells and regulates water balance
  • Calcium affects the development bone tissue, muscle contraction and transmission of nerve impulses
  • Magnesium participates in cell repair and enzymatic reactions. Removes nervous tension, regulates mood
  • Ironimportant element in the process of hematopoiesis, provides tissue cells with oxygen

Celery - a source of vitamins and minerals

IMPORTANT: Celery does not contain cholesterol and saturated fats.

Video: Useful properties of celery

What is the benefit of celery?

  • The use of celery increases vitality body, disappear, lethargy and apathy
  • Celery has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system
  • Celery stalks and roots are indispensable for weight loss
  • Celery is a well-known aphrodisiac. Vegetables are good for the male body
  • The plant increases and prevents the occurrence

Celery for weight loss

IMPORTANT: Celery is an ideal product for weight loss. All parts of the plant are practically free (100 g/16 kcal).

Nutritionists of the world have recognized celery as the #1 vegetable for weight loss. dishes with celery are well absorbed, cleanse the body of toxins, strengthen and remove excess liquid.

Unloading day on celery and kefir

We offer an express method for losing weight on celery and. Such weight loss should not be practiced more than once every 10 days.

A fasting day is best arranged on a day off, avoiding great physical and mental stress.

The main products of the express diet: 1.5 liters of 1% and 300 g of celery, which should be consumed during the day. It is allowed to eat fruits and vegetables in any quantity to suppress hunger. This technique involves a weight loss of 1-1.5 kg per day.

IMPORTANT: Celery requires more calories to digest than the plant itself contains.

Harm of celery, contraindications

Despite the beneficial properties of celery, there is a category of people who should use this vegetable with caution.

  • With abundant and uterine bleeding It is not recommended to consume all parts of the plant raw. Apiol contained in celery contributes and can cause profuse
  • For the same reason, pregnant women are not recommended to consume celery in large quantities. This can provoke uterine contraction and create
  • Patients suffering from epilepsy should use celery with caution. Vegetable can cause epileptic seizures
  • Raw celery can irritate the gastrointestinal tract. This fact must be taken into account by patients with ailments from the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, it is recommended to use celery in stewed or boiled form.

Celery Stem Recipes for Weight Loss

Juicy celery stalks are used to prepare various dishes for weight loss:, side dishes, first courses.

Salad with celery, apple and tofu for weight loss

Celery and watermelon

An excellent diuretic that improves kidney function and urinary system. Two celery stalks should be beaten in a blender with watermelon pulp. The resulting juice should be consumed in small portions throughout the day.

Celery, cucumber, parsley and lemon are the perfect combination for juicing

Celery, parsley, cucumber and lemon

Freshly squeezed juice from these vegetables perfectly reduces weight, tones the body, strengthens the body, and normalizes the functioning of the kidneys. Beat two celery stalks, cucumber and a small bunch of parsley in a blender. Add lemon juice squeezed from a mug. The drink should be consumed immediately after preparation.

Celery, carrot and apple

Grate the celery stalk on a fine grater. Do the same with carrots and apples. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. This cocktail is useful for vision, improving the structure and color of the skin. In addition, the juice will help strengthen immune system And . Drinking juice regularly will help you lose weight.

Celery root salad with carrots can be called a type of lettuce. Vegetables contain a large number of fiber, which cleanses the intestinal walls of toxins. This salad enhances peristalsis, metabolic processes and has a diuretic effect.

For those who want to lose a few extra pounds - this salad is indispensable in the diet. You can arrange one fasting day a week, eating a salad of celery and carrots without salt.

A few tips for those who want to lose weight on a diet with celery
  • For weight loss on a diet with celery, use all parts of the plant: juicy petioles, roots and leaves
  • cook various dishes from celery. It diversifies daily diet, will be easy and stress-free
  • Use in dishes with celery minimal amount salt, but it's better to do without it altogether
  • Drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water while on celery
  • small physical exercise during a diet will help to lose faster overweight

Video: The benefits of celery

This dish is often used instead of breakfast, because there is nothing better than cooking healthy cocktail from celery for weight loss. The drink belongs to low-calorie food and is favorably perceived by the body. Some people are satisfied fasting days, eating only juice from this vegetable. The cocktail is very easy to prepare, so it is recommended to add the dish to your menu while following a diet. A vitamin drink is sometimes called a "green smoothie" or "fresh", however, its main purpose remains the same - reducing daily calories diet.

What is useful celery

Healing properties This plant was known to our ancestors. It was used to slow down the aging process in the body, making juices, infusions or decoctions from it. The composition is rich in vitamins and minerals, so the plant improves performance digestive system beneficial effect on blood circulation. The vegetable is indicated not only for weight loss, the product has calming properties and effectively relieves nervous tension.


The root and leaf parts of the vegetable are no less rich in useful trace elements than the stems. They contain amino acids valuable for the body, such as carotene, a nicotinic acid and asparagine. In the rhizomes of the plant can be found essential oils and other nutrients that are indispensable for the health of any person. They are able to restore the work of the heart and normalize arterial pressure.

plant stems

IN Ancient Egypt the plant was considered sacred, it was allowed to be eaten only on special occasions. Now the stems are used not only in cooking, the vegetable is willingly used in the manufacture pharmaceuticals. Due to the large amount of vitamins, proteins, minerals and amino acids in the composition, the stems help to normalize the digestive and genitourinary systems.

Properties for weight loss

Low-calorie vegetables are actively used by people who want to lose weight. The cost of this product is low, which makes it affordable for everyone. The constant use of this plant in the diet accelerates metabolism, helping to cleanse the body. Against the background of these processes, there is a decrease in weight and an improvement in the condition of the body.

How many calories does

The number of calories is very important indicator, which characterizes the energy value of a product. This root crop belongs to vegetables with a negative calorie content, which implies the consumption of a large amount of energy for its digestion. One hundred grams of this product is equivalent to thirty-two kilocalories. Since the number is extremely small, the plant has indispensable qualities for the implementation of the process of losing weight.

How many calories does it burn

The root crop has unique medicinal properties, however, its benefits for burning calories are undeniable, it requires the body to consume much more energy for its digestion than it brings itself. A calorie deficit contributes to the breakdown of body fat, so drinks from this product are recommended by nutritionists for quick weight loss.

Celery juice for weight loss - recipe

Making a celery cocktail does not require any special culinary skills, because to make freshly squeezed juice from this vegetable it will take no more than five minutes of free time. For an appetizing green drink, immerse coarsely chopped stems in a juicer. The fresh juice will be ready in a few minutes, all that remains is to season it with your favorite spices or mix it with other juice. It is allowed to drink no more than two hundred grams of a cocktail per day.


Some people like thicker drinks, so the juice from the root vegetable can be easily replaced with a smoothie from the stems. Its effectiveness will not suffer from this, in addition, the addition of certain components can make the cocktail even more useful. To make a smoothie, you will need yogurt (low-fat kefir) as well as other ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, or grains. All components must be mixed in a blender, grinding until smooth.

How to make a celery smoothie

Using modern kitchen appliances, you can easily prepare a cocktail or smoothie no worse than in a nearby cafe. All that is needed for this is the presence of ingredients, and mix in correct sequence products even a child can. The main and other components of the drink are cleaned of impurities, cut, and then alternately added to the blender. The mixture should be homogeneous, thick.

with cucumber

  • Servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 323 kcal.

The preparation of this drink for weight loss requires the use of not only the leaves, but also the stems of the plant. Due to the harsh taste, it is recommended to add any fruits or vegetables to the cocktail. Celery when losing weight goes well with vegetables and herbs, such as cucumbers or parsley. Still suitable seeds, yogurt, ice, spices.


  • celery - 3 pcs;
  • low-fat kefir or mineral water - 1-2 cups;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l;
  • cucumbers - 2 pcs;
  • salt and spices - to taste;
  • garlic - 1 clove (optional)

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the skin off the cucumber.
  2. Wash greens and vegetables.
  3. Tear the leaves of a low-calorie plant into small pieces, finely chop the parsley.
  4. Grind the cucumber in a blender until puree.
  5. Add the stems to the cucumber gruel, chop the resulting mixture.
  6. Put the greens to the rest of the vegetables, then mix thoroughly again.
  7. Add vegetable oil, kefir or mineral water in a blender, beat until smooth.
  8. Salt and pepper smoothies, optionally use garlic.

with an apple

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 300 kcal.

If you love sweet and nutritious smoothies, apple juice is just what the doctor ordered. The drink has huge amount vitamins that will help improve health and well-being all year round. Celery dishes for weight loss are useful for every person, doctors recommend drinking fresh juice even for pensioners to normalize the tone in the body.


  • stem (green part of the plant) - 4 pcs;
  • water - 1/2 cup;
  • apple - 2 pcs;
  • lime - 1/2 piece;
  • ice - 1/2 cup.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash and cut the stems of the main ingredient.
  2. Peel and cut fruit, add to bowl.
  3. Mix and grind food until puree.
  4. Pour half a glass into the blender cold water and whisk immediately.
  5. Grind ice cubes, add the resulting shavings to the cocktail.

With kefir

  • Cooking time: 5 minutes.
  • Servings: 3-4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 500 kcal.

Drinking fortified drinks helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, so celery smoothies for weight loss are indispensable tool in the fight for the health of the body. If you use kefir as a liquid base or natural yogurt, then thanks to high content prebiotics such a low-calorie drink will have a beneficial effect on metabolism. To prepare this dish, it is not necessary to use a blender, the vegetable can be grated on a fine grater, adding to the rest of the ingredients.


  • stem - 4 pcs;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • kefir - 1 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash and cut the stems.
  2. Add a glass of water to the container, shake the contents thoroughly.
  3. Pour a liter of kefir or yogurt into a blender, mix until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

With parsley and lemon

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 240 kcal.

Citrus fruits are known all over the world for their beneficial properties, they are especially often consumed by people seeking to lose weight. Lemon activates metabolism and contributes to the rapid burning of fat in the body, which has a positive effect on the process of weight loss. A celery slimming cocktail is ideal for those who are on a diet or arrange fasting days several times a month. By supplementing this diet strength training, you can significantly approximate the desired result.


  • stem - 2 pcs;
  • dill - 1 bunch;
  • lemon - 1 pc;
  • yogurt - 4 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean and cut green stems.
  2. Grind the vegetable in a blender until puree.
  3. Wash and cut the lemon without removing the peel.
  4. Add the fruit to the blender, mix the contents thoroughly.
  5. Rinse and chop the dill, chop the herbs with the rest of the ingredients.
  6. Pour four tablespoons of yogurt into a blender, mix until smooth.

with grapefruit

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 250 kcal.

Grapefruit belongs to dietary products, therefore, it is absolutely safe to consume it in food. This type of citrus has an impressive amount nutrients e.g. vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber. It is very simple to prepare a celery cocktail for weight loss, and most importantly, this drink has a small number of contraindications. Grapefruit normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood, which is very important for weight loss.


  • stem of the main ingredient - 2 pcs;
  • tarragon stalk - 3 pcs;
  • grapefruit - 1 pc;
  • ice - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash and cut the stems.
  2. Grind the vegetable in a blender until gruel.
  3. Wash the grapefruit, remove the pulp.
  4. Add the fruit to the blender, mix thoroughly with the rest of the contents.
  5. Wash and cut the tarukhun stalks, chop the plant with other ingredients.
  6. Crush ice in a separate container, add to the finished cocktail.

With honey and ginger

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 370 kcal.

Part this recipe includes energetically “strong” components that contribute not only to cleansing the body, but also to activating it defense mechanisms. Taking celery cocktails for weight loss improves well-being, normalizing the digestive tract, which directly affects the skin condition in both women and men. The combination of honey and ginger gives amazing results with regular use, because it fills the body with valuable nutrients.


  • stem - 3 pcs;
  • ginger - 25 g;
  • honey - 2 tsp;
  • mineral water - 1 glass.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean and cut the stems.
  2. Grind the vegetable in a blender until smooth.
  3. Rinse and grate the ginger on a fine grater.
  4. Add the product to the blender, grind.
  5. Put honey to taste, mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  6. Add glass mineral water, mix everything thoroughly.

Video recipes for fat burning cocktails

On the Internet you can find a lot of recipes on how to make a celery smoothie for weight loss. Each of the proposed options is effective and useful in its own way, and in order to make a choice, it is necessary to prioritize in accordance with current goals. For example, a drink recipe using products such as spinach, fennel root or flaxseed perfectly satisfies the appetite due to the content of a large amount of dietary fiber. But such a drink can not replace full breakfast, so it is recommended to drink a glass of smoothie only as a snack.

Celery with fennel

Celery Detox Cocktail

Celery cocktail with kefir

For effective reduction weight and the acquisition of beautiful forms, you need to eat right and enter physical activity. However, to burn a small amount of extra pounds, it is enough to go on a diet or introduce into the diet. certain products. Today we will look at a unique product -celery for fast weight loss.

This vegetable is considered by many nutritionists to be ideal for maintaining your body in a certain weight category and for reducing volumes. Unlike most products, everything is edible in celery - both “tops” and roots. :) They differ in taste characteristics and structure, therefore, based on the vegetable, a lot of diets have been developed and diet meals. Actually, in this article we will try to answer the whole line questions: what does it consist of the perfect dish containing celery for weight loss, how to cook this product when to use it, in what quantities, and also we will analyze the harm and benefits for the body.

Features of celery nutrition

First you need to understand benefits of celery for weight loss. The product has a number of positive properties:

  • A vegetable stores a lot beneficial trace elements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, ascorbic acid, carotene (provitamin A), B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B9), as well as PP; this is the only product that contains a large amount of oxalic acid, purines, vitamin E, K, pectins, mineral salts(iron, sodium, magnesium) and organic acids (including glutamic).
  • Both the root and the stems have a strong aroma, while the intensity of the smell and the severity of the spicy flavor directly depend on the method of preparation, as well as the degree of grinding of the product. Chosen as a dietary ingredient celery for weight loss (cooking recipes are described below), your dishes will acquire a new fragrant shade and unimaginable taste, leaving extraordinary taste sensations.
  • Celery has practically no contraindications for use. The main rule is not to overdo it with the quantity. The rule has long been known: any product in large quantities is harmful to the body.

Almost all types of celery are suitable for food, but odorous or cultivated celery is the most popular. In medicine, this product is often used as a diuretic, and in homeopathy, all the “components” of the vegetable (seeds, stems, leaves and root) are used as a remedy for the treatment of heart diseases and diseases of the genital organs.

Celery plants are divided into three types:

  • leafy (leaves are eaten) - the main suppliers are Italy, Spain and Greece.
  • petiolate (mainly stems are used). They are grown in Israel and from there transported to the CIS countries.
  • Roots - the most popular species, distributed throughout Europe.

On the right you can see what does celery look like for weight loss (photo). When choosing a product in a supermarket, pay attention to the leaves (if you take the stems), they should not be lethargic and damaged, a crunch should be heard when the stem is broken.

If you choose celery root (root for weight loss), follow 3 criteria:

  • On a quality root, elements of greenery and "eyes" (axillary buds) will be absent.
  • Only unnecessary elements are cut off: greens and small shoots, the root is not peeled (!).
  • Vegetable hard, dry, without rot ( Special attention give the place where the tops are cut).

It is necessary to store the product in the refrigerator, while high-quality greens will lie for at least 2 weeks without spoiling, and the roots are stored for up to a month.

Celery: benefits and harms for weight loss

Celery plants are effectively used by nutritionists in the preparation of diets for normalization and weight loss. The fact is that this vegetable is unique - without having a high energy value, it saturates the body with useful trace elements, vitamins and fiber, proteins and amino acids.

Let's take a closer look at what is unique about celery ( beneficial properties for weight loss):

  • low calorie- only 16 kcal / 100 g of greens, and 34-42 kcal / 100 g in the root (depending on the variety). In fact, our body spends more energy on breaking down and digesting celery than it receives.
  • Presence of B vitamins. Celery plants have a beneficial effect on work nervous system(in particular, the work of the brain), it has a calming and relaxing effect, reduces the effects of stress (increases stress resistance), relieves nervous fatigue and irritability.
  • Essential oils contain ascorbic acid, vitamin K and E. The product normalizes water-salt exchange, prevents the deposition of fats, activates the elimination of toxins. It is advised to use it for diabetes, as well as for the elderly.

Despite the mass positive properties, the vegetable is not shown to everyone. Let's figure it out what harm can celery bring for weight loss (contraindications):

  • Juice has a stimulating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, so it is not recommended to use celery when diagnosed with gastritis or stomach ulcers.
  • A diuretic low-calorie plant is not advisable for pregnant women and nursing mothers to eat.
  • Be careful with vegetables chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, renal failure.

Usage rate ( without harm to the body) - about 150-200 g / day. If one of the above diseases is suspected, it is necessary to reduce the dose - up to 70-80 g / day. During pregnancy, lactation or 100% presence of the above diseases - daily dose should not exceed 60 gr, while you should not eat given plant daily.

Dishes to achieve perfect shapes

Now consider, how to eat celery for weight loss consists of a number of products, you should not eat only a vegetable (so you will only harm the body). Since the celery plant contains practically no fats and very few carbohydrates, it is advisable to cook dishes with ingredients that replenish the energy supply in the form of carbohydrate and protein compounds.

Below I will give a number of recipes that use celery for weight loss (root, stems, leaves). Everyone will certainly find a dish to their taste.

First meal

The first thing you will find on the net by typing into a search engine: celery for weight loss is soup. It is on soup dishes that most celery diets are based, while the soup can be absorbed in any quantity.

Personally, I do not advise sitting on similar diet it's too low in calories. For correct operation organism, you need to consume at least 1,000 kcal / day, only in this case your body will function normally. rare people may consume large quantities of celery soups to make up for this minimum.

In addition, such a diet is mainly aimed at removing salt and fluid, so at first you will lose weight quickly. When the soup is fed up, it's not a fact that excess weight won't be back for a week. To reduce adipose tissue, you will have to eat this dish and only it for at least 2 weeks.

There are many options for preparing celery first courses. I selected 3 recipes, the most low-calorie. This - onion soup with celery for weight loss(2 cooking options) and celery cream soup. Let's consider each of them.

Onion-celery soup (option 1):

  • celery root - 200 gr;
  • white cabbage - 1 head (medium size or small, do not overdo it - this is not cabbage :));
  • carrots, onions, tomatoes - 6 pcs each;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc;
  • green beans or asparagus - 300-400 gr;
  • tomato juice– 1.5 l or tomato paste- 1 glass.
  • greens - to taste (parsley, dill, basil, as well as celery leaves are suitable as greens).

Grind all the ingredients, put in a saucepan, pour tomato juice, bring to a boil. Then turn down the heat and simmer for about 10 minutes (until the vegetables become soft). If tomato paste is used or the juice has not covered all the ingredients, water must be added.

Onion celery soup for weight loss (option 2):

  • onions - 6 pcs;
  • cabbage - half a head of medium size;
  • celery greens - 1 bunch;
  • celery root - half medium or 1 small (root - optional);
  • tomato and bell pepper - 2 pcs each;
  • garlic - 2 cloves, greens to taste.

Finely chop the vegetables, add water (about 2.5-3 liters) and boil. Simmer on low heat for 10-15 minutes, add herbs, garlic and remove from the stove. Let it brew for at least 2 hours. All! Celery soup for weight loss - ready. Bon appetit!

Celery Cream Soup:

  • white cabbage - 100-150 gr;
  • carrots, onions, bell peppers, green beans - 100 gr each;
  • celery root - 300 gr;
  • tomato juice - 1 tbsp;
  • herbs and spices to taste.

Chop all the vegetables, pour over the juice and boil over low heat until tender. Add spices and grind the soup in a blender. Serve sprinkled with herbs.

P.S. One of the most FAQ that I meet about these dishes - what can replace celery in weight loss soup? In this case, I have a counter question: what's the point then to go on a celery diet? After all, celery is the main ingredient, it is he who saturates the body with useful trace elements and reduces calorie content as much as possible. If you wish, you can still remove the celery components by changing them parsley or parsnips, but all the "salt" of the dish will be lost.

What do we have for the second?

Now let's analyze second courses with celery for weight loss. I suggest 2 options: "celery beef" and celery patties. True, not everyone will like the latter, they have unusual taste, and it’s difficult to call this dish cutlets in our understanding, because there is no meat in it.

By the way, you can take any vegetables as a side dish, but if your “heart lies” in the direction of cereals, take rice or buckwheat.

Let's start with "Celery Beef" :)

You will need:

  • lean beef - 400-500 gr;
  • celery stalks and greens (if desired) - at least 200 gr, a bunch of 300 grams is better;
  • celery juice - 0.5 tbsp (optional).
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • onion - 1 large onion or two medium ones;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc, it is better to take green, it will visually complement the celery components (it will be really beautiful, without unnecessary ripples);
  • olive oil - about 3-4 tablespoons (preferably the first pressing or the so-called "cheese press");
  • Bay leaf, salt, pepper - to taste.

We cut the beef and vegetables into cubes or strips (at our discretion). Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and add the beef. At this time, chop the onion and add it to the meat when it turns white. Fry until the onion becomes transparent. Now add bell pepper, tomatoes, celery for weight loss, juice. Season and simmer over low heat until fully prepared meat.

Celery cutlets:

  • celery root - 1 large (about 0.5 kg);
  • carrots, onions - 1 pc;
  • Jerusalem artichoke - 100-150 gr (can be replaced with potatoes, but unlike earthen pear contains a large amount of starch, and it cannot be considered dietary);
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

I must say right away that you wash cutlets to cook, both in oil (I advise olive oil) and steamed. By the way, and ginger, and celery for weight loss, and many other products, it is better not to fry, but to boil or cook in a double boiler.

If you are a fan of crispy crust, you can resort to enough original way cooking: in a small amount of oil over high heat, fry the cutlets on both sides (they will be damp inside), and then pour a little water directly into the pan, screw on the burner and cover the container with a lid, allowing the cutlets to sweat.

The method of preparing cutlets is simple - three vegetables on a fine grater or grind in a meat grinder, after which we drive in an egg, salt and pepper. Everything can be fried.

If the consistency of the minced meat does not satisfy you, you should add fiber . It can also be used as breading. Fiber is sold in pharmacies, and is also found in supermarkets. Just choose the one that you like according to your taste (I had a sad experience: taste milk thistle breaded chops ... I still don’t understand how it could even come to a person’s head o_O)

oh those salads

Now consider celery salad recipes for weight loss, I tried to select the most useful and at the same time tasty variations. :) The calorie content of all dishes is very low, and it’s not a shame to serve such salads on festive table- they are tasty, healthy, and by the end of the feast there will be no feeling of heaviness in the stomach (unless, of course, you convey it by pouring kilograms of food into yourself :)).

So, let's figure out how to cook celery for weight loss: salad for serving on the festive table. I will give 2 simple recipes:

"Spring Joy" "Feast of Taste"
celery stalks 1 bunch or 200 gr optional
celery root - 200 gr
chicken fillet (boiled) 50-100 gr 200 gr (or beef)
boiled beef - 200 gr (or chicken)
apples 200 gr (green) optional (sour)
bell pepper 150 gr (red) -
tomatoes 200 gr -
onion 100 gr (red) optional (white marinated salad works well)
garlic - 3 cloves
refueling low-fat sour cream or yogurt or olive oil with mustard and lemon juice low-fat sour cream or low fat yogurt can be seasoned with olive oil
Notes Everything is cut into cubes or strips, it looks spectacular! The root is rubbed on a coarse grater, the meat is sorted into fibers. The taste of celery is practically not heard, the salad has a nutty flavor (oddly enough).

You can also cook celery fruit salad for weight loss . In this case, you will need: oranges, apples, tangerines, seedless sweet grapes, celery root and sour cream as a dressing. The root is rubbed on a coarse grater, the fruit is cut into strips or large cubes. All ingredients must be in equal proportions. Scatter the salad over the bowls and pour over liquid sour cream (or yogurt). You can decorate with chocolate chips (a little chocolate will not harm your figure, but will only cheer you up!).


Freshly squeezed celery juice for weight loss- very useful and not particularly tasty for people who are not accustomed to the original taste. However, it is the juice that contains maximum amount beneficial trace elements. It’s better not to remember about its calorie content :). It is not easy to accustom yourself to drinking parsley-flavored green liquid in the morning, so for beginners, I advise using it as an additive to other juices. It goes well with tomato and carrot-apple. Gradually increase the amount of celery juice in the main drink, shifting the proportion towards celery. In just 2 weeks, you will be free to drink a glass of celery drink on an empty stomach. Morning - best time to start taking celery drinks.

No less effective kefir with celery for weight loss. For quality weight loss, the proportion of these products should be 1:1. You can drink such drinks either in the morning (before meals) or in the evening (after the last meal). This drink has a positive effect on the stomach, normalizes the digestive tract, speeds up metabolism, and also has a calming effect.

Celery is, without exaggeration, an amazing vegetable. And those who want to use celery for weight loss should definitely know about it. useful properties. By regularly eating celery, we cleanse and rejuvenate our body. Celery is able to relieve fatigue, increase tone and efficiency, calm nerves and improve sleep. It contains active compounds that can reduce the level of the stress hormone.

Celery contains important for humans minerals in the form of potassium, zinc, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as vitamins. Therefore, using celery for weight loss, you can not only lose weight, but also improve the health of the skin, hair and eyes. Other indications for the use of celery are gastritis, peptic ulcer and duodenum, constipation, allergies, various inflammatory processes.

Celery for weight loss is valuable in that we get energy from it, but at the same time it is famous for its low calorie content, which is only 18 kcal per 100 g. That is, 2 tablespoons of chopped celery stalk contains large dose vitamins and minerals, and at the same time - only 3 kcal! In addition, the calorie content of celery is "negative" - ​​so they say, when the product, when consumed, gives the body fewer calories than it has to spend on its absorption.

You can use celery for weight loss in different types. Its root, juicy and fleshy, is most often boiled or baked; the stems are eaten raw, stewed or fried; The leaves are traditionally used as herbs, and the seeds are used to season various dishes. Dishes with celery, perfectly satiating, eliminate the feeling of hunger for a long time. That is, not only during the diet, you can use celery for weight loss: you can constantly enrich your diet with it, by preparing salads, soups from it, serving it with meat, fish, seafood. It will bring nothing but benefit.

Celery for weight loss: how to use the juice

Celery juice is a very valuable product for those who have extra pounds. It is an excellent diuretic and laxative; it also helps to cleanse the body of toxins, slow down the aging process, and normalize metabolism. Therefore, it is very appropriate in the diet of those who want to lose weight. Juice prepared from celery root should be consumed daily, before meals, up to 3 times 2 teaspoons.

You can increase the effectiveness of celery juice if you take it with carrot juice. And by drinking celery juice, adding nettle and dandelion juices to it, you can not only lose weight, but also cleanse the blood and cure many skin diseases.

Taking celery juice mixed with honey before meals can significantly reduce appetite and improve digestion. It has been noticed that with regular use of celery juice, weight loss is more easy and without loss of cheerfulness.

Celery for weight loss: recipes

Recipe 1: Celery Soup for Weight Loss

The most popular celery for weight loss in the form of soups. This soup is very filling and very low in calories. To add an original flavor note to the soup, you can fry the celery root before adding it to the soup, add crushed garlic to it. White cabbage can be substituted for cauliflower. In a word, there are a lot of options for experimenting with vegetables, the main thing is that celery remains the main ingredient of the soup, and the calorie content of the dish does not go beyond dietary boundaries. If possible, it should be prepared without salt, however, if you cannot eat it in this form, the soup can be salted. Eating celery soup for weight loss during the week, you can lose up to 8 kg.


300 gr. celery in the form of roots and leaves;
4 tomatoes:
500 gr. cabbage (can be sauerkraut),
2 bell peppers
greens to taste.

Cooking method:

1. After cutting the vegetables in any shape, dip them into boiling water and boil over high heat for about 10 minutes. Then turn down the heat and cook until done.

2. Finely chopped greens, at the last moment add it to the soup, turn off the heat and, tightly closing the pan with a lid, let the soup brew.

Recipe 2: Celery Oatmeal Cutlets

Oatmeal and celery are a great duo! Oatmeal perfectly saturates, celery gives the body useful material and promotes weight loss. By making this dish a frequent guest on your table, you will soon feel positive results on your well-being and appearance.


300 gr. oatmeal,
300 gr. roots and stalks of celery;
1 egg;
2 onions;
2. Art. l. lemon juice;
breadcrumbs for breading.

Cooking method:

1. Gulf cereals a small amount of water, leave them for about half an hour. Then, draining the water, squeeze well.

2. Finely chop the roots and stalks of celery, onion. Add prepared oatmeal and lemon juice to them, mix everything well.

3. Having formed small cutlets from the resulting mass and rolled them in breadcrumbs, fry in a small amount of vegetable oil.

Recipe 3: Celery Salad with Carrots and Turnips

Celery for weight loss is often used in the form of salads. This is the simplest of them, and at the same time - one of the most useful.


200 gr. celery root;
200 gr. turnips;
2 carrots;
1 st. l. lemon juice;

Cooking method:

We rub on a grater raw celery, turnips and carrots, season them with lemon juice, add chopped parsley, mix well, and our salad is ready!

Recipe 4: Celery Salad with Carrots and Eggs

This salad is very filling, while it is very healthy and tasty. Losing weight with such dishes is a pleasure!


200 gr. stalk of celery;
2 carrots;
2 eggs;
1 cucumber;
50 gr. yogurt.

Cooking method:

1. Boil carrots and eggs.

2. Grind the celery stalks, cut the carrots with eggs and cucumber into thin strips.

3. Having combined all the components, season them with yogurt and mix everything well.

In fact, there are many recipes for salads with celery. Those in need of more nutritious dishes will enjoy a salad of celery stalks, Beijing cabbage, cucumbers and boiled chicken fillet; or from celery stalks, apples, boiled chicken and boiled eggs. Having mastered such recipes, you can lose excess weight without much hardship.

Recipe 4: Celery, Apple and Tomato Juice Cocktail

Wonderful tasty vitamin drink, which will saturate your body with vitamins and give it energy for the whole day.


0.5 kg of celery;
250 gr. green apples;
100 ml of tomato juice;
parsley to taste.

1. We clean celery and apples, wash them. After squeezing the juice out of them, mix it with tomato juice. Wash parsley, finely chop and decorate it with a glass of cocktail.

All the recipes that we talked about can be included in the diet both together and separately. For example, they can be used to carry out one-day unloading or short-term low calorie diet. Another option is that you can replace the usual high-calorie foods in your diet with such dishes. In this way, you can ensure stable weight loss, which will go away slowly (no more than 2 kg per week), but reliably and irrevocably.

Celery - useful root vegetable, which since the time of Hippocrates has been considered a cure for all diseases. He possesses restorative properties, rejuvenates the body and cleanses it of toxins. Celery is useful in diseases of the stomach, rheumatism and various inflammatory processes in organism. In addition, this root crop helps fight excess weight.

Useful properties of celery for weight loss

Nutritionists say that celery is useful from tops to the very roots. It is the leader among all vegetables in terms of nutrient content. This juicy root crop is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids and microelements that have a positive effect on the body's metabolic processes. It should be noted that it contains a large amount of fiber, for the absorption of which the human body has to spend additional calories stored in reserve. According to reviews of celery for weight loss, the more of this vegetable in a person's daily diet, the more calories he loses.

Thanks to this unique composition regular use of celery not only eliminates extra pounds, but also generally helps to heal and rejuvenate the body, while slowing down natural processes aging and improving the condition of hair and skin. Doctors recommend using this root crop for gastritis, constipation, peptic ulcer, allergies and various inflammations in organism.

Regular consumption of celery in food not only frees the body from excess water, but also stimulates the process of removing toxins, toxins, various poisons from it, as well as their decay products, which, of course, has a positive effect on the process of losing weight. In addition, the systematic inclusion of this root crop in your daily diet helps fight fatigue, strengthen immunity, improve sleep quality, increase human performance and prevent stressful conditions.

Recipes with celery for weight loss

This root crop is also considered unique for the reason that absolutely all of its parts can be eaten. Celery root for weight loss is boiled, fried and baked, the leaves and stems are eaten raw, and the seeds are used as a condiment. Celery goes well with many foods, so it is used to prepare all kinds of salads and as a side dish for fish or meat.

With the help of this vegetable, you can cook many healthy, light, low-calorie and at the same time delicious meals. If you practice eating such dishes every day, you can lose up to 2 or more kilograms in a week.

We offer you several simple recipes with celery for weight loss, the preparation of dishes for which will not take you much time and effort:

  • Salad for weight loss of celery, chicken fillet and apples. Combine 250 g of boiled and finely chopped chicken fillet with 200 g of chopped celery stalks and the same amount of chopped green apples. To this mixture you need to add 150 g of finely chopped bell pepper, 200 g diced tomatoes and 100 g onions. Ready salad salt, sprinkle with lemon juice and season with a mixture of sour cream (100 g) and a small amount of olive oil.
  • Perfectly cleans the intestines salad for weight loss of celery and beets. The ingredients for it are taken at the rate of 1:1. Boiled beets need to be grated on a fine grater, and celery - finely chopped. As a dressing for such a salad, you can use sour cream, olive oil or lemon juice.
  • Cutlets from celery root for weight loss. Using a meat grinder, grind 500 g of celery root, 100 g onion, 100 g carrots, 100 g peeled potatoes and one medium-sized clove of garlic. In the resulting mass, add raw egg, pepper and salt to taste. The finished minced meat should be kneaded properly, form cutlets out of it, roll in breadcrumbs or flour and fry on both sides for olive oil.
  • Soup puree from celery root for weight loss. To prepare this dish, you will need: 150 g white cabbage, 300 g of celery root, 100 g of carrots, green beans, bell peppers and onions, 200 ml of tomato juice, fresh herbs, salt and black ground pepper taste. All vegetables need to be cut, placed in a saucepan, pepper, salt and pour tomato juice into them. As soon as the contents of the pot boil, add some water there and continue to simmer over low heat for 30-40 minutes. After that, let the soup brew for 10-15 minutes, grind its ingredients with a blender and sprinkle with chopped herbs.
  • To stabilize weight, as well as to prevent obesity, it is useful to take celery juice daily. It is drunk 3 times a day for 2 tbsp. spoon half an hour before meals. This juice removes all excess fluid from the body, cleanses bladder and kidneys.

Diet based on celery soup

According to celery soup reviews, the most effective for weight loss is a 7-day or 14-day daily diet based on it.

The recipe for celery soup is incredibly simple. For 2 liters of water, take 400-500 g of celery, 1-2 carrots, 2 tomatoes, herbs and leeks. Vegetables need to be finely chopped, thrown into a saucepan, pour water and put on low heat. After boiling the soup, put the onion fried in sunflower or olive oil into the pan, add the bay leaf, spices to taste and boil for 10 minutes.

According to reviews of soup with celery, for weight loss it can be eaten at any time of the day and in any quantity.



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