Is it possible to lose weight with green beans. The benefits of green beans: is it possible for those who are losing weight? low calorie green bean recipes

String beans are the most common young beans with immature fruits and delicate green wings. To date, the valuable and harmful qualities of the product have been studied far and wide, so it will not be difficult to find information regarding this. To bring the body only benefit, follow all recommendations for admission and consider contraindications.

The composition and properties of green beans

  1. Several varieties of this type of bean are widely known, which are successfully cultivated and supplied to store shelves. French beans are considered the most popular green beans, it is they who have a fully balanced chemical list of substances.
  2. It is worth immediately noting one of the most valuable properties of beans - it does not absorb toxic substances, which means it is considered completely natural. The fruits are not amenable to genetic modification, which makes them even more useful.
  3. The environmentally friendly product concentrates many vitamins, including folic acid. This is vitamin B9, which is necessary for the hormonal environment of men and women, adolescents, pregnant women and new mothers, the elderly and other categories of citizens.
  4. Contains many minerals. A special place is given to iron. This mineral improves blood quality, prevents anemia, and raises hemoglobin.
  5. Copper, which accumulates in large volumes in green beans, has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system, joints, cartilage, teeth, nails, ligaments and muscles.
  6. Molybdenum removes phlegm from the respiratory tract, facilitates the course of bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma. Beans are highly valued by smokers because they reduce nicotine cravings.
  7. Magnesium, which is also found in green sprouts, relieves chronic fatigue syndrome, contributes to the normalization of the nervous system, and fights exhaustion. This mineral is necessary for a person for the correct functioning of the heart and brain.
  8. All vegetables and fruits contain a lot of dietary fiber, including fiber. Beans improve the absorption of food, prevent its fermentation in the digestive organs, fight constipation and bloating. Partly for this reason, beans are a welcome guest on the table for losing weight.
  9. The composition of the product includes sulfur, without which the proper functioning of the intestines is impossible. And zinc controls men's health, is responsible for carbohydrate metabolism and transforms sugar into energy.
  10. The beneficial properties of beans become possible due to the accumulation of potassium in a large volume. The mineral substance must be supplied with food in order to ensure the correct functioning of the heart and the entire circulatory system.
  11. Beans perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger, so they can be carried with you and consumed during snacks. This way you will not only be able to maintain proper nutrition, but also stabilize your weight.

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The use of beans

Very often, green beans are used for therapeutic purposes for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

  1. On the basis of crushed and dried raw materials, traditional healers prepare decoctions, which are subsequently used to treat kidney ailments, relieve swelling, and eliminate pain in rheumatism. Compresses with the same decoction effectively cope with deep wounds, fungus, burns, eczema, psoriasis.
  2. Especially often beans are used when the kidneys are inflamed in patients. The composition of the juice contains many anti-inflammatory and bactericidal substances that facilitate the course of ailments. In addition, beans, due to the diuretic effect, remove sand from the organ cavity.
  3. Fresh fruits should be eaten by patients diagnosed with diabetes. Incoming compounds control blood sugar levels, improve insulin absorption and, as a result, the course of the disease. Beans treat ailments of the prostate and pancreas.
  4. Based on the pericarp, valves, seeds and the fruits themselves, healing infusions are made that help to cope with dropsy. The same remedy treats pancreatitis, and also improves the patient's condition in a chronic illness.
  5. Green beans enhance the production of juice in the stomach. Against this background, digestive activity improves, the gastrointestinal tract is cleansed, constipation and swelling are eliminated. Doctors prescribe beans for admission to those people who have been diagnosed with gastritis against the background of low acidity of the stomach.
  6. Not without the use of plants in the field of breastfeeding. It will be useful for new mothers to know that the composition enhances the amount of milk, regulates its fat content, and eliminates possible bitterness. The latter aspect often causes the baby to refuse the breast.
  7. Of course, it makes sense to consider the use of beans for culinary purposes. Low calorie content allows you to add beans to the menu of obese people and just those who follow their figure. Due to the accumulation of fiber, excess weight gradually disappears without stress for the body.
  8. Bean juice is used to treat skin problems, kidneys, joints. The extract is useful for people with diabetes, and the decoction improves the secretory functions of the pancreas. In order to remove excess liquid, it is necessary to make talkers from seed powder.
  9. Beans have rejuvenating properties, so this quality is enjoyed by the representatives of the fair half. To rejuvenate the skin, it is necessary to apply a gruel of ground seeds and water to the face. This mask makes the oval pronounced, fights wrinkles and dehydration.
  10. Decoctions based on bean leaves are used to combat hair loss in men and women. It is enough to rinse after the usual washing of the head. Also, the tool will eliminate dandruff and normalize the production of fat.

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The benefits of string beans

  1. Beans are famous for their excellent cleansing qualities. If you systematically eat raw materials, you can soon say goodbye to unwanted kilograms. Beans in a short period of time will cleanse the body of toxins and harmful compounds.
  2. Systematic reception allows you to normalize the activity of metabolic processes in the body. Beans are recommended for people who suffer from slow metabolism and similar problems.
  3. The most valuable property of raw materials is considered to be antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect. Beans effectively cope with viral diseases and seasonal beriberi. Raw materials protect the body from respiratory ailments.
  4. The rich composition of beans allows its use in official medicine in the fight against dysbacteriosis. In addition, raw materials cope well with inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, oral cavity and respiratory organs.
  5. If you regularly eat green beans, you can not worry that cardiovascular pathologies will develop. Therefore, the product is recommended to be included in the daily diet for people who are prone to strokes, heart attacks, anemia.
  6. In addition to the above, beans must be eaten without fail by the representatives of the stronger sex. The product strengthens men's health and solves many problems with sexual function. Also, the composition normalizes the activity of the genitourinary system.
  7. The systematic eating of beans has a positive effect on the appearance of a person. After some time of eating the product, hair and skin are noticeably improved. Beans are famous for their antibacterial effect. The product is used to get rid of various fungal infections.
  8. Experts recommend including green beans in the daily diet of all diabetics. The product normalizes glucose levels. The unique components of beans are involved in the synthesis of carbohydrates. As a result, the patient feels physically much better.
  9. Beans are used in the treatment of urolithiasis, various types of edema and cystitis. The product is famous for its good anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. The study showed that regular intake of beans helps patients improve their condition with oncology.
  10. To overcome infectious and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, you need to take a decoction based on bean pods. Also, the systematic eating of the product prevents bad breath. Raw materials clean teeth from tartar and plaque.
  11. String beans are recommended for women to include in their diet. The product has a positive effect on the hormonal background, stabilizing it. Beans suppress unpleasant symptoms in menopause. Raw materials strengthen the nervous system, helping women to easily cope with stress.

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The benefits of green beans during pregnancy

  1. The product is recommended to be included in the diet of pregnant women. Beans have a lot of useful components necessary for the development of the fetus. A huge plus of raw materials is that it does not belong to heavy products.
  2. Regular eating of green beans improves the activity of all internal organs. This phenomenon is especially important for the fair sex during pregnancy. It is important to know the measure of the product being eaten. The menu should be varied.

Damage to string beans

String beans are useful for a healthy human body. But in the case of existing ailments, the product can cause tremendous harm.

Therefore, raw materials are forbidden to eat with cholecystitis, pancreatitis in the acute phase, gastritis with high acidity, stomach ulcers, colitis and intestinal dysfunction.

String beans should be included in the diet in the absence of contraindications. In this case, the product will bring great benefits to the person. It is important to observe the daily norm of the product and eat beans only when cooked.

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Video: useful properties of green beans

String (asparagus) beans are young pods of common beans. Currently enjoys great popularity among adherents of a healthy diet. Vegetarians also often include it in their diet. It is often added to frozen vegetables, which in winter are a good alternative to pickled and canned foods. It has a delicate taste and provides the human body with a variety of useful substances. The most pressing question that interests those who are just going to try the product is the benefits of green beans (raw, boiled, steamed, frozen).


Nowadays, producers grow various varieties of beans. Each of them is useful in its own way. The most popular type is the "French" asparagus bean, it is mainly sold in supermarkets and other retail outlets. Due to its chemical composition, this product is very useful. It is very important that this bean does not have the ability to absorb toxins and other harmful substances from the environment. As a result, it is an environmentally friendly product. The main benefits are vitamins and minerals contained in its composition:

  • folic acid helps to stabilize the hormonal background, benefits the children's body, adolescents, pregnant women and during menopause;
  • iron is very useful for the circulatory system, fights anemia;
  • molybdenum has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system;
  • copper is good for joints;
  • magnesium has a positive effect on the nervous system, helps with overwork, physical exhaustion, apathy; also supports in the fight against asthma attacks and migraines;
  • fiber contributes to the normalization of metabolism, must be present in the diet of diabetics and overweight people;
  • sulfur fights inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • zinc contributes to the normalization of metabolism and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • potassium has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, normalizes blood pressure.

String beans are a dietary product. This is a definite benefit for the body and figure. Its calorie content is 30 calories per 100 g of product. For this reason, it is included in the diet of those who carefully monitor their figure. Nutritionists also have a positive attitude towards the product, however, do not forget the fact that the calorie content may vary depending on the method of preparation. Keep this in mind if you want to include beans in your diet in order to lose weight, as well as in clinical nutrition.

Beneficial features

Green beans are beneficial to the body if cooked properly. It tones and strengthens the body as a whole, helping to fight negative external factors. Also, the beneficial properties of green beans are as follows:

  • Cleanses the intestines in a natural way, if you eat the product regularly.
  • Improves digestion, it is useful for people with a slow metabolism.
  • Thanks to its antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, it helps fight colds. It is also effective in the treatment of dysbacteriosis, inflammatory processes in the intestines, lungs and oral cavity.
  • With regular use, it reduces the likelihood of developing serious heart disease. It should be included in the diet for people prone to heart attack and other heart diseases, as well as with a tendency to anemia.
  • It is recommended to use for men who have problems with the reproductive system. Also, beans improve the functioning of the genitourinary system as a whole.
  • It has a good effect on appearance, in particular, on hair and skin.
  • Fights fungal diseases and infections of bacterial origin.
  • It is of great benefit for diabetics, as it normalizes blood sugar, affects carbohydrate metabolism, and also improves the condition in general.
  • Helps with urolithiasis, cystitis and various edema.
  • Stabilizes the condition in general in people with breast cancer.
  • It is useful for inflammation and infection in the oral cavity, with regular consumption, it fights against unpleasant odors, as well as plaque on the teeth.
  • Helps to normalize hormonal levels and improve well-being during menopause. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helps in stressful periods, as well as in the fight against excitement and nervous tension.
  • Antioxidants slow down the aging of the body.

Possible harm to asparagus beans

Unfortunately, not everyone benefits from beans. Like most other products, in some cases it can harm the body. It should be included with caution in the diet of people with the following diseases:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • pancreatitis during an exacerbation;
  • ulcer;
  • colitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • inflammation in the intestines;
  • bowel dysfunction.

Asparagus beans provoke flatulence, so the elderly and those who are prone to constipation should limit their use. But the product can bring the most harm if it is not cooked correctly. You can not eat raw beans, because the pod and grains contain a toxic substance, the properties of which are neutralized during heat treatment. To completely get rid of the toxic effects, you need to cook green beans for one and a half hours.

Read also:

  • Lentils: benefits and harms to human health
  • Health Benefits of Fresh and Cooked Beans
  • Beans: health benefits and harms
  • Beans: health benefits and harms

String beans are a good tasting product that can bring many benefits to the body. However, do not forget that under certain conditions it can cause harm. Remember that in order to reveal the exclusively positive properties of the product, it is necessary to properly prepare it, as well as observe the measure when using it.

String beans are unripe green beans with tender shells; colloquially, it is also called asparagus. The common bean plant belongs to legumes and is widely distributed throughout the world.

More than 70% of the world production of green beans comes from China. It is followed by India, Türkiye, Indonesia. European producers are represented by France and the Benelux countries.

When harvesting young pods, it is important not to miss the ripening period, when the beans are still soft and have the most pleasant taste characteristics. When a yellow color appears, it becomes hard and dry.

String beans, the benefits and harms of which are well known to adherents of proper nutrition, are used for side dishes, soups, or as part of salads. Read more about this dietary product below.

Composition and calories

Green string beans have great nutritional value.

Green beans have great nutritional value, contain many minerals and vitamins. The glycemic index is low and is only 15 units. This means that only 15% of carbohydrates are converted into glucose. The chemical composition of this legume is as follows:

  • vitamins of group B (including folic acid), A, E, C, PP, beta-carotene;
  • minerals - potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, iodine, copper, sulfur, zinc, selenium, cobalt, fluorine, silicon;
  • starch, water, ash, dietary fiber, organic and saturated fatty acids.

Is string beans predominantly protein, or carbohydrate, or almost pure fiber? What components are found in green pods more?

The calorie content and the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates depend on the legume variety, on the degree of maturity, and may differ slightly from batch to batch. On average, there are 3.3 g of carbohydrates in green beans, 2.5 g of proteins, and there are practically no fats, only 0.2 g. The product contains a fairly large amount of fiber (about 10%).

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The calorie content of 100 g of raw product is from 18 to 32 kcal. However, eating raw asparagus beans is dangerous, because of the content of certain substances it can provoke poisoning, therefore heat treatment is required, which destroys harmful compounds. Boiled dish contains 47 to 128 kcal, fried - about 178 kcal, stewed - about 136 kcal. Very often the product is frozen to preserve it for the winter. Frozen green beans have 28 calories.

The benefits of legumes

The beneficial properties of green beans are expressed in a tonic and restorative effect on the human body. Thanks to its unique composition, it helps to cope with negative external influences and the detrimental effects of stress.

String beans come in a variety of colors, but this does not deprive them of their beneficial qualities.

Also, the usefulness of a green vegetable is as follows:

  • unsurpassed cleansing abilities, due to which it is possible to effectively free the intestines from harmful substances;
  • stabilization of the digestion process, acceleration of metabolism;
  • anti-inflammatory and antiviral action that helps maintain immunity and cope with dysbacteriosis, inflammation of the lungs, intestines and other infectious, respiratory and viral diseases;
  • prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, in particular, stroke, heart attack;
  • stabilization of the genitourinary system in men and reproductive organs in women;
  • positive effect on the condition of hair, skin;
  • normalization of carbohydrate metabolism and lowering blood sugar levels in diabetes;
  • anti-inflammatory and diuretic action helps in the fight against cystitis, edema, urolithiasis.
  • help in cleaning plaque and stones, eliminating bad breath.

Schisandra chinensis helps with diabetes, normalizing blood glucose levels.

In stores, frozen green beans are most often found, which are stored for a long period. Its benefits practically do not change, with the exception of a slight loss of a certain amount of vitamins. Canned green beans are also common, in which about 80% of the mineral-vitamin complex of the fresh product is preserved.

For women and children

The product has a positive effect on women's health. Its use normalizes the hormonal background, eliminates discomfort during menopause. When eating a dietary vegetable, the working capacity of the nervous system improves, and, therefore, it becomes easier to cope with stressful situations, experiences, nervous tension and the consequences of hormonal changes.

Is it possible to use green beans while breastfeeding and during pregnancy? It is worth noting that for pregnant women this is one of the important sources of vegetable protein necessary for the formation of the fetus. Fiber in moderation helps with common bowel problems. The diuretic effect of the vegetable is indispensable in the prevention of edema. In addition, the product helps to cope with insomnia and stress. A nursing mother needs green beans as a remedy rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is indicated for anemia, which often develops in young mothers with hepatitis B.

String beans - an allergen or not? At what age can it be given to children? This legume is very useful, saturated with substances necessary for life, therefore, it must be present in the children's diet. It does not apply to allergenic products, however, it can cause increased gas formation. Therefore, it can be given to a child in a small amount, for example, as part of a soup from 10 months.


In nutrition

String beans are widely used in cooking, especially in PN. It can be boiled, fried, stewed, used as a side dish, used to make salads. In any case, heat treatment is important. You can also additionally soak green beans in cold water before cooking. These manipulations help to eliminate harmful toxins. Asparagus beans are combined with meat and fish, with eggs, a variety of vegetables.

The benefits of green beans for weight loss stand apart. It helps to quickly lose extra pounds and gain a beautiful figure. When losing weight, the product is valued not only for its rich mineral and vitamin composition and low calorie content, but also for its high fiber content. A dietary vegetable effectively satisfies hunger and maintains a feeling of fullness for a long time. Therefore, eating green beans on a diet is not only possible, but necessary.

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How to cook green beans, see the following video:

In folk medicine

This leguminous plant is used not only for cooking, its use is also common in the form of preparing medicinal infusions and decoctions, for example, such.

  • For the treatment of rheumatism. Fresh pods are dried and crushed. For cooking, you need 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of the raw material obtained with boiling water in the volume of two glasses. Next, the mixture is infused for 3-5 hours. Drink should be 3-4 times a day.
  • With diabetes. To prepare a decoction, you will need two parts of green beans, blueberry leaves, oat straw and part of flax seeds. Everything needs to be crushed, pour 3 tablespoons of raw materials into three cups of boiling water and cook for 20 minutes in a water bath. Drink for a month three times a day for 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • To boost immunity. It is necessary to pour 20 g of crushed leaves with a liter of boiling water, boil for 2-3 hours in a water bath. Drink three times a day, 150 ml.

In cosmetology

Green bean masks are good for the skin, they nourish it and enrich it with vitamins. In addition, they provoke the production of collagen, increase tone and elasticity, eliminate rashes and enlarged pores. The following recipes are often used.

  • Breakout mask. It is necessary to grind the bean pod into a puree, add 3-4 drops of tea tree oil and 1 tsp. lemon juice, mix and apply on face for 15 minutes.
  • Rejuvenating mask. Grind one bean and avocado pulp into puree, add 4-5 drops of orange or jojoba oil. Mix the ingredients and apply for 15 minutes.
  • Nourishing mask. Grind 40 g of beans, add 15 g of olive oil and grapefruit juice, mix and apply for 20 minutes.

Harm from string beans

The product has many useful properties, however, there are cases when it can be harmful to the body. Eating green beans is not recommended in the following cases:

  • with gastritis with high acidity;
  • with cholecystitis;
  • with pancreatitis;
  • in case of dysfunction or inflammation of the intestine;
  • with colitis;
  • with an internal ulcer.

A large amount of green beans eaten often leads to increased gas formation, flatulence, discomfort, so you need to know the norm. It must also be remembered that it weakens, which means that if it is prone to disorders, it should be excluded from the diet.

Galangal root will help get rid of flatulence and pain in the stomach. We talk about this in our article.

It is important to remember: the product is forbidden to be consumed raw due to the presence of a toxic substance in the composition that affects the intestinal mucosa and can lead to poisoning. To avoid this, it is necessary to boil the pods for 4-5 minutes, during which time the toxic ingredients will be destroyed, and the vitamins will remain in the maximum amount.


String beans are very useful for the body, the main thing is not to abuse it in order to avoid gas formation and flatulence.

For the benefits of green beans, see the video:

When choosing a fresh product, attention should be paid to elasticity and length, the pods should be flexible and make a click when broken. You can store the purchase no more than a week. String beans are also often found in canned and frozen form. In the latter case, you need to carefully check the quality of storage: there should be no snow in the package, and the beans should not lie in a sticky lump.

Green beans or asparagus beans are young pods of the most common beans, the fruits of which have not yet matured, and the green wings are unusually tender. Currently, the benefits and harms of green beans are known to those people who are active adherents of proper and healthy nutrition. Delicate and tasty shoots allow you to follow the figure and provide a lot of useful components to the body.

The territory of the first appearance of green beans is not exactly known, but in Egypt, South America and China this plant was originally used as an ornamental. The bright green bushes of green beans perfectly complemented the natural interior, so this unusual and elegant plant always grew in the courtyards of the houses of gentlemen and wealthy citizens. A little later, beans began to be used both in cooking and in cosmetology. At the same time, at first people tasted the extraordinary taste of bean grains, and then they began to actively use the pods themselves. Over time, the beneficial qualities of green beans were appreciated, the product began to be used both as a tasty ingredient and as a tool to help cope with certain diseases of the body.

Composition of string beans

To date, several varieties of green beans are grown, each of which has certain benefits and therapeutic agents. More popular is "French" string beans, which can most often be seen on store shelves.

The main benefit for the human body is the chemical composition of this product. It is important to note that green beans have an extraordinary quality - they are not able to absorb various toxins, toxic components and harmful impurities that are in the environment. Accordingly, the product is environmentally friendly.

The main advantage of green beans lies in its fortified and mineral composition:

  • folic acid - a component that actively stabilizes the hormonal background, it is shown to small children, future mothers, women at the time of menopause, adolescents;
  • iron has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, helps to cope with anemia;
  • molybdenum is involved in the formation and stabilization of the respiratory system;
  • copper has a beneficial effect on the bone and joint apparatus, is indicated for use in arthritis, various diseases of the ligaments and joints;
  • magnesium is a component that has a positive effect on the performance of the nervous system, it is indicated for fatigue, physical exhaustion, apathy. In addition, magnesium is a therapeutic component for asthma and migraine attacks;
  • fiber contributes to the normalization of metabolic efficiency, it is indispensable in the diet of diabetics and overweight people;
  • sulfur is an effective healing component that eliminates the process of inflammation in the intestines;
  • zinc is actively involved in the normalization of metabolic processes and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • Potassium is a unique substance that helps the heart system to be in excellent condition and contributes to the stabilization of blood pressure.

The abundance of useful components indicates that green beans are not only a tasty product, but they can effectively satisfy hunger, and also help the body stabilize the performance of many internal systems.

The product belongs to dietary, the calorie content of green beans is per 100 gr. only 30 calories. Thanks to this ratio, the product becomes a favorite dish for people who carefully monitor their own weight or for those who dream of losing weight. All nutritionists approve of green beans, but it is important to note the factor that the calorie content of the product may vary somewhat depending on the method of its preparation. This circumstance is important to consider when including green beans in dietary or medical nutrition.

Useful qualities of the product

With proper preparation, green beans become the owner of the most beneficial properties for the body. The product is known for its general strengthening and tonic properties that help the body cope with the flow of external and moral negativity.

What other useful qualities do tender bean pods have?

  • The product has cleansing properties. Including green beans regularly in your diet, you can naturally cleanse the intestines from harmful factors;
  • String beans form and stabilize the process of digestion. This product is indicated for use by people with slow metabolism;
  • The antiviral and anti-inflammatory activity of the product is a valuable property that helps to resist the development of various viral, respiratory and infectious diseases. This quality of green beans is actively used by physicians in the treatment of dysbacteriosis, various inflammatory processes of the intestines, lungs or oral cavity;
  • Regular use of the product is a reliable prevention against the risk of developing serious diseases of the cardiac system. String beans are required in the diet of people who are prone to developing a heart attack, stroke, other heart diseases, as well as anemia or anemia;
  • Bean pods are recommended to be included in the diet of men who suffer from weakness of the reproductive system. Moreover, this product helps to stabilize the entire genitourinary system;
  • The product has a beneficial effect on appearance. Green beans have a positive effect on the external condition of the hair, as well as the skin;
  • The antibacterial qualities of the product are actively used to cure fungal diseases and bacterial infections;
  • String beans are an indispensable product in the diet of all diabetics, because it stabilizes the blood sugar rate, actively participates in carbohydrate metabolism, improves the general physical condition of a person;
  • The diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties of the product are actively used in the treatment of urolithiasis, cystitis, edema of various origins;
  • It has been proven that green beans help to normalize the general physical condition of people diagnosed with breast cancer;
  • Boiled bean pods reliably cope with many inflammatory and infectious processes in the oral cavity, regular inclusion of the product in the diet helps to eliminate bad breath, clean the surface of the teeth from the build-up of stones and plaque;
  • The use of green beans and women is shown. This product has a positive effect on the stabilization of hormonal levels, helps to eliminate unpleasant ailments in women during menopause. String beans have a positive effect on the performance of the nervous system, it helps women to more easily cope with stress, nervous disorders and experiences;
  • Antioxidants in the composition of green beans help to resist age-related changes in the whole body.

Damage to string beans

It would seem that such a useful product can be used in the diet of all people without exception. But green beans can also cause irreparable harm to the body. Especially caution should be used by people who are diagnosed with:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • pancreatitis in the acute stage;
  • cholecystitis;
  • internal ulcer;
  • acute inflammatory processes in the intestine;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • colitis.

String beans contribute to the formation of flatulence, so people of the elderly and old age and all those who suffer from chronic constipation should not get carried away with this vegetable.

But green beans can bring the main harm to the body if it is cooked incorrectly. It is strictly forbidden to eat a raw product, since both the pod itself and the grains contain a toxic substance that is allowed during heat treatment. How long to cook green beans? In order for all toxic substances to completely dissolve, bean pods must be boiled for at least one and a half hours.

String beans for the winter

In today's modern times, you can find any product on the shelves of stores. The price of green beans is quite high, so housewives prefer to harvest fresh green beans in the fall for the winter.

Harvesting green beans for the winter is not a troublesome task. The ideal option is to freeze the product, which is carried out already in the summer, when the bean pods are soft and especially fragrant. Before freezing the product, the bean pods are thoroughly washed, dried, then cut into small strips. The vegetable must be placed in a plastic bag or in a container and sent to the freezer.

Pickled beans are an ideal option for autumn harvesting. For cooking, you need to pour washed and chopped beans with clean water, boil for at least 1.5 hours. Next, separate the liquid from the vegetable, add to 1 liter of hot water - 40 g each. granulated sugar and necessarily salt, to taste - cloves and black peppercorns. Pour the beans with seasoned water again, bring to a boil, pour in 1 teaspoon of vinegar essence, bring to a boil again. Arrange the cooked beans in sterilized jars, roll them up with lids and store them preferably in a cool place.

Dishes from boiled green beans

What to cook with string beans?

The benefits and harms of green beans are unique to the human body. The product is actively used for the preparation of side dishes, appetizers and salads.

  • Garlic appetizer - boil green beans, season it with a sauce of grated garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper.
  • Garnish - boil green beans in slightly salted water with the addition of pepper and cloves. Serve with meat or as a healthy salad with eggs, carrots, pickles.

    Delicious asparagus snack

Beans are a very satisfying and tasty product, so people often doubt: is it possible to eat beans while losing weight? The answer is simple - it is not possible, but necessary!

Composition of beans

Beans are an important part and sometimes even the backbone of many diet programs. It is recommended not only for weight loss, but also for the general well-being of the body. It's all about its cunning composition:

  1. Beans are low in calories. For example, 100 g of green beans contains only 24 kilocalories! And the most high-calorie of the legume family is white beans. 100 g contains only 100 kcal. When trying to lose weight, white beans are great for weight loss.
  2. The content of B vitamins, vitamin E, PP, C, sulfur, carotene, organic acids and much more - a rich cocktail that almost completely satisfies the needs of the human body, especially in such a difficult period as a diet.
  3. Fiber, which is abundant in any type of bean, causes rapid satiety. Thus, you can eat less and not feel hungry. In addition, fiber cleanses the intestines, which will already help to lose a couple of kilograms.
  4. The combination of bean components does almost incredible: it normalizes the production of cholecystokinin, a hormone that is responsible for the breakdown of fats. That's where the saying comes from: "What would you eat to lose weight."
  5. Bean components block alpha-amylase - an enzyme that is responsible for the breakdown of starch, which is not fully digested and the human body receives fewer calories. Even fewer calories, can you imagine?
  6. And, of course, everyone knows about the main advantage of beans - it is a vegetable protein, which is not inferior in nutritional value to meat, but is easier to digest. It exalts beans above all vegetables.
  7. Beans are useful not only for weight loss. It is recommended for rheumatism, heart disease, tuberculosis, diabetes, kidney and liver diseases. "Queen of Vegetables" calms the nervous system, strengthens bones and even prevents tartar.

Contraindications for eating beans

But, despite the enormous usefulness of this product, there are contraindications:

  • Not suitable for the elderly;
  • It is not advisable to use for gout, peptic ulcers - gastritis and pancreatitis;
  • Can sometimes cause constipation.

Varieties of beans suitable for weight loss

If you do not suffer from any of the above, then you can safely proceed to the selection. But first, let's take a closer look at what varieties of beans are and how to use them. So, nature has given us more than 100 variants of this wonderful plant. Let's talk about the most common of them.

Large white chali beans

It looks like a shell, it has a delicate texture and a creamy taste. Ideal for soups, salads, pâtés, and more.

The composition of white beans includes a significant amount of protein, magnesium, folic acid, iodine, iron, calcium. Of the vitamins - most of all vitamin C.

This variety is also rich in zinc, which is very beneficial for men's health and libido. White beans contain almost no cholesterol, therefore, it is useful for people with a large amount of it.

If you have recently suffered severe stress, then white beans will help you rehabilitate faster. Also, this miraculous plant helps to relieve the symptoms of diabetes. Therefore, beans are the main component in weight loss in diabetics.

Also, it is white beans that are actively used in cosmetology, most often in face masks, after boiling it. Such procedures will be useful for women after 40 years, as beans have a rejuvenating effect.

White beans came to us from South America. They were brought to Russia in the 18th century. At first, by mistake, it was used as a decorative flowerpot, but after a while they began to use it for food.

White beans for weight loss are indispensable when combining a diet with physical activity, as they have a lot of protein needed for gaining muscle mass. Approximately 20% of its composition is protein, which is comparable in usefulness to beef, but does not contain animal fat, which makes digestion difficult.

A feature of the preparation of white beans and at the same time a small minus of this product is that before cooking it must be soaked for 8 hours, and then boiled for about 2 hours, but the result is worth it.

There is also a little cooking secret: how to get rid of flatulence, which white beans can provoke. You need to use spices when cooking. The best are coriander, dill, turmeric, mustard seeds, black pepper, or whatever you like.

White beans for weight loss: diet recipes

Salad "Garlic"

Salad Ingredients:


Soak the beans in water overnight. In the morning, fill the swollen beans with soda and let it simmer over low heat until cooked. Meanwhile, combine the tomato sauce with finely chopped onion and garlic. Add apple cider vinegar and salt. Then we drain the water, and pour the hot beans with the mixture that we got.

Meat "Brazilian style"

Ingredients of the dish:

  • 400 gr white beans;
  • 250 gr of veal or chicken;
  • 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 2 large onions;
  • 2 large tomatoes;
  • 0.8 l of water;
  • Salt, pepper to taste.


Soak the beans in water overnight. In the morning, drain the water, fill it with fresh cold water and cook for about 30 minutes until half cooked. We drain the water.

Then, in a preheated pan, fry the onion (not too finely chopped), then add small pieces of meat. Simmer until the liquid has evaporated. Then add the tomatoes, which were previously peeled, and spices. And then add our beans, fill with water and simmer until tender under a closed lid.

As a side dish, it is best to serve rice.

Soup Ingredients:

  • 300 gr of white beans;
  • 300 gr chicken fillet;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 150 gr carrots;
  • 150 gr potatoes;
  • Spices.

Traditionally, we soak the beans overnight. In the morning, cook chicken broth, adding whole onions and spices to taste. Drain the water from the beans and add it to the prepared broth. Then add chopped potatoes and carrots. We cook until ready. We select and throw out the onion, decorate with parsley.

Small White Navi Beans or Boston Beans

Outwardly similar to white peas, only slightly different in shape. The color is milky, tasting even more tender than large white beans. It is most common in the United States, North America, for which it got its name "Boston".

This bean is just perfect for people who want to lose weight quickly and without harm to their health. The calorie content of Navi is even less than that of a large white, but it has retained all the beneficial properties. Its feature is a huge amount of fiber and iron.

Navi's feature is a unique pleasant aroma, so dishes from it come out very tasty.

Small white bean salad recipe

Salad Ingredients:


Beans are best soaked overnight, boiled in the morning and drained.

Squeeze the garlic and mix it with lemon juice, chili pepper sauce, sesame oil and soy sauce. Mix gently until a total mass is formed.

Peel the sweet pepper and cut into half rings. Chop herbs. Mix boiled beans with peppers, herbs and the sauce that we have prepared, add spices to taste.

They also make canned food with tomato from small white beans. Although such a product is still low-calorie, but still, canned beans for weight loss are not the best option. Freshly prepared food is better.

Red beans: big and small

It has a burgundy-red color and tastes like chicken breast. This variety is most often prescribed as a diet for people with health problems, or after the fifth decade of life. There is only one caveat to this wonderful vegetable - a raw or undercooked product is poisonous. The reason for this is the high content of glycoside, which is destroyed at high temperatures.

You need to cook red beans for at least 1.5 hours, after soaking them in water for several hours.

The calorie content of this variety is only 97 kilocalories per 100 g, so red beans for weight loss are a good choice anyway.

Red bean recipes for weight loss

Salad "Fragrant"

Salad Ingredients:


Boil the beans for at least 1.5 hours. Mix olive oil with lemon juice and spices. Chop cilantro. Mix beans, oil and cilantro, sprinkle walnuts (whole) on top and grate cheese. Ready to use.

Soup Ingredients:


We put the beans overnight in warm water and soak until morning. In the morning, drain the water and fill it with a new one with the calculation of 300 g of beans per 1 liter of water. While the beans are boiling, we cut the vegetables as we like. Vegetables should be stewed for 5-10 minutes (everything except broccoli).

After that, add them to the beans, which have already been cooked for 1.5 hours. And cook it all until the vegetables are fully cooked. We add broccoli 2-5 minutes before turning off to save all the vitamins that it contains.

Soak beans for several hours. Then boil it for 30 minutes. We decant the broth - it is ready. But, be careful, the beans still need to be cooked for 1.5 hours in order to be consumed.

This decoction is very useful to use instead of dinner. You can eat a couple of fruits along with the broth, but not bananas or grapes, as they contain a lot of glucose.

It is also very useful and effective to combine red beans with brown rice. Some nutritionists advise taking these products as a basis.

String beans are a leader among dietary legumes. Its calorie content is only 24 kcal per 100 gr. It is easy to prepare, cheap and smells delicious. It contains no fat at all and is not as heavy on the stomach as white or red beans. In general, green beans for weight loss are the best option.

Important qualities of green beans:

It is clear that the usefulness of green beans cannot be overestimated, and its dietary effect is completely unparalleled.

Recipe for breakfast

  • 300 gr green beans;
  • 15 gr olive oil.

Boil for 10 minutes or you can steam 300 g of green beans. Fill with olive oil. Can be eaten with low-fat kefir.

Recipe for lunch

Stew veal in olive oil along with carrots. Boil beans and broccoli for 10 minutes. Turn off the fire under the veal and add vegetables there, mix, cover with a lid and leave for 10-15 minutes. Add herbs and spices.

Recipe for dinner

Beans need to be boiled in water (about 10 minutes), and then drained. Mix chopped tomatoes and green onions with boiled beans. Drizzle with olive oil and spices to taste.

Start using beans for weight loss as early as possible. If physical activity is also attached to the diet, then the beans will help build muscle mass. For many, this sounds amazing, but a significant number of people have already tried this wonderful method on themselves.

For many centuries, beans have been used by people to prepare a variety of nutritious and tasty dishes, as well as to treat and prevent many diseases. In addition, beans are included in the menu of most diets and fasting days as an effective weight loss product. Moreover, the beans after cooking are able to retain all their healing properties.

It is known that this leguminous plant rich in vegetable protein, vitamins group B, fiber, irreplaceable amino acids, minerals and other compounds beneficial to human health. is a fairly high-calorie product: 100 grams of the product accounts for an average of 290 kcal.

Long time nutritionists believed that high-calorie beans can not affect the reduction of overweight person and not recommended include it in your diet fat people.

After conducting a series of experimental studies, scientists have proven that beans are an effective and natural calorie blocker. After the use of this product in the body, an active process of inhibition of the absorption of many carbohydrates occurs, while the calorie content of the consumed dishes decreases. Beans are especially active in blocking starchy foods.

It should be noted that beans restore blood sugar balance and normalizes level cholesterol, which is especially true for those who seek to reduce body weight. Beans Also can reduce appetite, as it stimulates the formation of the hormone cholecystokinin in the body, which takes part in metabolic processes and suppresses feelings.

Nutritionists recommend including beans for weight loss more often in the menu, as it contains vegetable protein and fiber, which help to normalize the digestive system and correct body weight. Bean-based dishes are tasty and nutritious. In this regard, diets and fasting days using beans are easy and painless.

On the shelves of supermarkets, you can see various varieties of beans - green beans, white, red, black, etc. For weight correction nutritionists recommend using string beans, which is a low-calorie and easily digestible product. In 100 grams of this bean variety is concentrated only 25 kcal. Also, leguminous includes more vitamins and minerals than other varieties.

To prepare diet meals best fit young bean sprouts, which have a pleasant and delicate taste, as well as cook faster and harmoniously combine with many products.

For cooking"correct" dietary bean dishes it must be borne in mind that it should be boil for 5-10 minutes.

Boiled beans with herbs And olive oil is wonderful simple diet food, which contains a small number of calories and the maximum amount of useful compounds.

If you want to diversify your menu with green beans, then you can cook tasty and healthy dishes based on it: soups, salads, snacks, etc.

Salad "Vegetable platter"

Required products:

  • 200 g of green beans;
  • one small beet;
  • three carrots;
  • two potatoes;
  • 100 g canned corn;
  • garlic;
  • lemon juice;
  • mustard oil;
  • sea ​​salt.

Cooking method

Fresh vegetables must first be boiled, peeled and chopped into small cubes. Next, combine vegetables with corn and dressing of crushed garlic, lemon juice and oil in a deep salad bowl. Add salt and herbs as desired to the finished salad.

Important, that green beans Not only struggles with unnecessary kilograms, but is also an excellent prophylactic for rheumatism, gout, skin eczema and other ailments. Also, this product is able to normalize blood pressure, strengthen immunity, restore organ functions. cardiovascular systems. String beans are especially indicated for people with diabetes. This plant contains a large amount of the substance arginine, which has an effect similar to insulin on the body.

String beans are among the top ten plants that have a beneficial effect on human life expectancy. It contains a high percentage of folic acid and antioxidants. Also, beans can prevent the development of breast cancer and oncology of other human organs.

Thus, bean-based diets and fasting days will help you lose weight and stay healthy. But if it’s difficult for you to adhere to strict diets, then the systematic inclusion of simple green bean dishes in your daily diet will help you stay in good shape and control your own.

It should be noted that quantity green beans for the elderly should be strictly dose. Overeating beans can exacerbate chronic organ diseases gastrointestinal tract and excretory system. Also not recommended to consume given plant raw, because contains toxic compounds which can cause food poisoning. Heat treatment of beans completely neutralizes these toxins and retains all the beneficial compounds in it.

Include bean dishes in the menu, actively lose weight and saturate the body with life-giving substances!

Green beans are a versatile vegetable with a low calorie content and a huge vitamin component.

Green Beans have only 31 calories. It is quick to prepare and valuable for its composition, which normalizes the secretion of gastric juice, improves the function of the liver and kidneys.

It contains folic and nicotinic acids, flavonoids and antioxidants, vitamins C, A, K, B groups, easily digestible proteins and vegetable fibers (up to 16%). As well as minerals - calcium, iron, manganese, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, sodium, potassium. In a word, this is a valuable treasure of useful substances.

There are two types of this bean - green and yellow.

  • At the green- pronounced taste and high content of folic acid and vitamin (A).
  • And yellow- the owner of a more delicate taste and a large supply of phosphorus and potassium.

Useful properties of green beans

  • The presence of a large amount of folic acid helps to support the reproduction of white blood cells.
  • It is often used in vegetarian dishes and is able to fully replace animal protein. It also contains a lot of calcium and iron, which is just as important if you do not eat meat.
  • Regular consumption of beans delays the aging process due to the content of resveratrol (considered the king of antioxidants), beta-carotene, vitamins (C) and (E). And vitamin (E) is generally considered the vitamin of youth.
  • Prevents macular degeneration, as it contains zeaxanthin (a substance that helps create a dense light filter to protect the retina).
  • The composition contains enough vitamin (C), which contributes to raising immunity.
  • String beans have a very low glycemic index. It is recommended for dietary nutrition and for type 1 and type 2 diabetes, since after its use the blood sugar level does not increase.
  • Beans are useful in diseases of the bladder. Possessing diuretic properties, it accelerates the excretion of uric acid and prevents the formation of kidney stones.
  • Thanks to vitamin (K), it is recommended for heavy menstruation (it is 22% of the total mass in a vegetable). This vitamin improves blood clotting and thereby reduces bleeding.
  • Green beans contain a substance called phytoestrogen, similar to the female sex hormone, which will reduce the frequency of hot flashes during menopause.
  • The composition includes substances that help kill the fungal infection.
  • There are many antioxidants that remove harmful free radicals from the body.
  • Contains up to 18% magnesium, which is necessary for strengthening muscle mass and the coordinated work of the heart and kidneys.
  • The fluorine included in the composition strengthens bone tissue and prevents the development of dental caries.

Dietary benefit

Green pods contain a lot of plant fibers that take longer to digest and slow down bouts of annoying appetite.

Unripe beans have a low glycemic index (GL 15), which means there won't be a spike in blood sugar or cravings for sweets.

The low calorie content of beans allows you to fill the diet with nutrients without fear of getting extra centimeters at the waist.

In addition, the composition includes powerful antioxidants - catechins, our assistants in reducing body fat and reducing weight. And vitamins (B) of the group, which are also abundant in beans, give the body more energy during the diet period, which allows you to stay more active and spend more calories.

How to cook string beans

Beans are great tasting and pair well with other vegetables in salads. It is suitable as a dietary side dish for lean fish or meat. On the basis of its decoctions, light dietary soups are prepared.

But unripe bean pods should never be eaten raw. Raw beans contain phasin, a toxic protein that can cause poisoning and is neutralized after heat treatment.

Therefore, the beans are boiled for five to seven minutes, or steamed.

For optimum good taste and preservation of healthy ingredients, it is best to choose steam cooking. After such a heat treatment, the vegetable practically does not lose its useful qualities, while after boiling the beans lose almost half of their valuable components.

Cooking rules

  • Before cooking, rinse well and cut the stalks of the pods.
  • If the pods are long, you need to cut them into pieces of 3 - 4 cm.
  • If the beans are wilted, then soak for two hours in water.
  • It is undesirable to boil beans in aluminum dishes, as the vegetable may lose its beautiful natural color.

Recommendation It is advisable to add a little raw-pressed oil to cooked green beans, as it contains vitamins E, A, K, which dissolve only in fat and are then better absorbed.

What goes with string beans

well compatible with products such as sour cream, vegetable oil, non-starchy and starchy vegetables, except for potatoes - these are pumpkin, carrots, corn, cauliflower, Jerusalem artichoke, sweet potato, radish, zucchini, beets.

Poor compatibility with potatoes, butter, nuts, cereals, bread.

Poor compatibility with cheese, cottage cheese, milk, sweet fruits, sugar.

Due to the increase in calories, it is undesirable to fry green pods in oil. The vegetable contains a lot of vegetable fibers, which absorb this oil very well.

Is it possible to eat green beans at night

Beans contain a lot of fiber, which takes a long time to digest and is considered a fairly heavy food, so it is not recommended to eat before bed. Beans can be eaten at least three hours before bedtime.

How to choose and store in the freezer

When buying fresh green beans, pay attention to their appearance: the pods should have a smooth surface without brown spots. Store fresh beans in the refrigerator, but no more than seven days.

After purchase, it is advisable not to wash the pods, but place them dry in a plastic bag and put them in a vegetable box. Beans are washed immediately before cooking.

Also, the vegetable is well stored in the freezer. And at what the frozen beans absolutely do not lose their nutritional values.

For freezing, the pods are washed well and steamed for no more than two to three minutes. After cooling, you can arrange it in freezer bags and place in the freezer.

You can store in the freezer for three to six months, but remember that after three months of this storage, the beans begin to lose their nutrients.

Defrost before cooking should be gradually, putting it in the refrigerator overnight.

Recipes with green beans (dietary)

Green bean salad with cheese, tomatoes and peppers

Steamed beans - 400 g
Lime juice - 2 tsp.
Garlic, finely chopped - 2 cloves
Olive oil - 2 tbsp. lies.
Cheese - 50 g
Soy sauce - 1 tsp.
Dried tomatoes - 3 pcs.
Bulgarian pepper baked - 2 pcs.
Fresh basil - ½ bunch


  1. Cut the pods about three centimeters long and steam for seven minutes.
  2. Add garlic, diced cheese, chopped tomatoes and peppers, chopped basil.
  3. Mix all.
  4. Then, in a separate bowl, mix lime juice, olive oil and soy sauce.
  5. And pour this dressing over the salad.

Marinated green bean salad

Steamed beans - 150 g
Shallots, finely chopped - 2 tbsp lies.
Garlic - 3 cloves
Large fresh tomato - 1 pc.
Fresh basil, chopped - 2 tbsp lies. or dried -1 tbsp. lies.
Dried oregano - 1 tsp.
Fresh parsley - 2 tbsp.
Lemon juice - 3 tsp.
Olive oil - 2 tbsp. lies.
Salt, pepper - to taste


  1. Crush the garlic, chop the tomatoes.
  2. Put all the ingredients in a salad bowl, mix and season with olive oil and lemon.
  3. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Marinate for twenty minutes.

Green beans with chicken breast and pumpkin-carrot sauce

Green beans - 200 g
Bulb large - 1 pc.
Carrots of medium size - 2 pcs.
Pumpkin - 250 g
Olive oil - 2 tbsp. lies.
Vegetable broth - 200 ml
Salt - to taste
Boiled chicken breast - 150 g

  1. Simmer coarsely chopped onions and carrots until half cooked.
  2. Then add the chopped pumpkin, pour over the broth and simmer until tender.
  3. Next, place everything in a blender and smash to a creamy consistency, salt to taste.
  4. Steam beans, chop, add finely chopped chicken breast fillet and pour over the resulting sauce.

Pangasius with green beans

Pangasius fillet - 150 g
Salt, seasoning for fish
Egg - 1 pc.
Green beans - 150 g
Milk - 50 g
Cheese of minimum fat content - 50 g


Beans are not the most frequent guest on dinner tables. Often it is used exclusively in the preparation of borscht or vinaigrette. In fact, many delicious and, most importantly, healthy dishes can be prepared from beans. Also, nutritionists, answering the question whether it is possible to eat beans for weight loss, note that beans are indispensable for weight loss, so you should not neglect this food product. Consider how to properly use the legume fruit to get rid of extra pounds.

Benefits of beans for weight loss

The benefit of beans is that it normalizes the level of sugar in the blood, with an increase in which a person has a feeling of hunger. It is also worth noting that when eating legumes, the body begins to actively produce a hormone that normalizes metabolism, as a result of which the extra 1-2 kg go away even without diets and exercise.

Beans are rich in fiber, which, getting into the body, cleanses it of toxins and toxins. This, in turn, leads to weight loss. In addition to the fact that fiber removes unnecessary substances accumulated in it from the body, it normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, which also leads to getting rid of extra pounds.

In addition to being rich in protein and fiber, legumes contain:

  • vitamins (B, A, E, C, PP, K);
  • amino acids;
  • trace elements (iron, sulfur, calcium, zinc, magnesium, copper).

The use of beans for weight loss contributes not only to getting rid of excess weight. The health benefits of this vegetable are invaluable. It improves blood quality, stimulates regenerative processes, removes cholesterol from the blood, prevents tartar, which is why this product should be included in the diet of all people who want not only to look good, but also to be healthy.

Varieties of beans

There are several varieties of legumes. The most commonly used cereal beans. But green beans for weight loss are much healthier than ripe grain beans and asparagus, since their calorie content is about 30 kcal per 100 g of product, while asparagus is the least calorie. The opposite of it is the black variety of this vegetable, which, in spite of everything, belongs to dietary products.

If you opted for more familiar grain beans, you should know that the color of the legumes also matters for weight loss. The calorie content of red beans, although slightly, is lower than the calorie content of white beans. Although, if we consider a canned product, the calorie content of both white and red beans is 99 kcal per 100 g of product. The highest calorie content is in a vegetable stewed with butter. And the leader among the types of beans for weight loss is canned pinto beans, the calorie content of which is only 64 kcal per 100 g of product.

In raw form, you can not eat any kind of legume fruits, because they are toxic.

bean diet

Today, nutritionists offer several types of bean diets. We will consider a diet food, which you need to stick to for only 3 days. This is a bean diet for fast weight loss. It is used if, for example, you need to look good in a photo in a few days. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, during this time it will turn out to lose 3-5 kg, but this result can only be achieved with the right entry and exit from the diet.

Food calendar

Morning In the morning, you will have to limit yourself to an omelet, in the preparation of which it is important to add green legumes and basil. It is advisable to use fresh herbs. If one is not at hand, then you will have to limit yourself to adding a green vegetable.

Lunch 200 g of boiled green beans and boiled chicken meat or low-fat fish. Serving weight should not exceed 250-270 g. We will offer recipes for bean dishes a little later.

Dinner Any vegetable salad topped with a lightly sautéed green vegetable in olive oil and pine nuts. Portion weight 150-170 g.

Morning 200 g of boiled green beans as a main course and 50 g of rice as a side dish.

Lunch 150 g of vegetable soup, 50-70 g of boiled chicken meat or low-fat fish.

Dinner Boiled beans with buckwheat porridge, hard-boiled egg. The total weight of a serving is 200 g. As for breakfast, the main dish is a green vegetable.

Morning Carrots with green beans in Korean. When preparing a dietary dish, do not abuse spices.

Lunch Mushroom soup with beans.

Dinner Rice with vegetables. Most of the vegetables should be green beans.

Such a diet is easily tolerated, as evidenced by the reviews of women who have tried it on themselves. The green vegetable is rich in proteins, which are easily absorbed by the body. And for lovers of legumes, this is perhaps the best option to get rid of excess weight. In addition, this diet is good for health. If such a nutrition system suits you, then after a one-day break, you can repeat it again.

Diet Recipes

We will look at how to cook bean dishes for weight loss, which are present on the 3-day diet menu. We also offer several options for cooking red beans.

boiled green beans

boiled green beans

Difficulty: easy

Cooking time: 20 min.


  1. 1. String beans (fresh or frozen)
  2. 2. Natural yogurt
  3. 3. Salt and pepper

You can add onion and garlic pre-fried in olive oil to the dish. But its calorie content in this case automatically increases.

Korean beans

Korean beans

Difficulty: easy

Cooking time: 20 min.


  1. 1. Carrot
  2. 2. Green beans
  3. 3. Apple
  4. 4. Grated ginger root
  5. 5. Red pepper and salt
  6. 6. Olive oil and apple cider vinegar

It is advisable to add a green apple to the beans in Korean. Red apples contain more sugars, therefore, their calorie content is higher.

Vegetable and mushroom soup

We combined these two recipes because they are not much different from each other.

Vegetable and mushroom soup

Difficulty: easy

Cooking time: 30 min.


  1. 1. Green beans
  2. 2. Carrot
  3. 3. Bow
  4. 4. Bulgarian pepper
  5. 5. Greens
  6. 6. Mushrooms

Boiled beans with herbs

You can use any green bean in this dish, but red beans are the best option.



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