Influenza symptoms in December in Donbass. Swine flu in children - treatment and prevention of the disease

In anticipation cold winter physicians with double activity study the epidemiological situation in the country and in the world. This is done to warn the public about the potential possible viruses and in time to create conditions that do not allow single outbreaks of the disease to turn into a global pandemic.

Epidemiologists suggest that ARVI and seasonal viral influenza 2016-2017 are activated in November-December of this year. Symptoms and signs of A strains will appear in adults and children a little later (presumably in early January 2017). However, the doctors are confident that the incidence will not exceed last year's figures and that each person will be provided with timely medical assistance and the necessary services for treatment and a speedy recovery.

The only thing doctors ask is not to self-medicate, but immediately contact specialists, especially in case of exacerbation primary symptoms. This will help to localize the focus of infection in time and prevent viruses from spreading further. Therefore, if you suddenly feel unwell, start coughing and sneezing, feel sharp pains in the chest and severe weakness, do not delay treatment indefinitely, but immediately go to the doctor. According to the primary symptoms, he will be able to determine the nature of the disease in time, even if it occurs without fever, and immediately prescribe the correct treatment. Only then can the virus be quickly defeated and it will not give any unpleasant and dangerous complications to the body of adults and children.

Influenza 2016-2017: virologists forecast about what kind of flu is expected

For the autumn-winter period of 2016-2017, virologists make a disappointing forecast: we are expected not only traditional diseases colds and SARS, but several types of flu, each of which is dangerous in its own way, both for children and adults. The epidemic season will begin from the end of October and will last almost until spring. The most active strains of the influenza virus will circulate, such as:

  • H1N1 or swine flu. It is a subtype of the influenza A virus, which is considered one of the most common on the planet and causes the most widespread epidemics, accompanied by large quantity casualties from fatal. It spreads both among people and among animals and birds. The WHO first reported large outbreaks of the disease in June 2009. The virus is transmitted in several ways: aerogenic - from the carrier to the victim in the process of sneezing or coughing; contact-household - in case of non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene (washing hands) after touching objects that have got elements of the virus that spreads the disease; passive - when eating contaminated pork cooked without proper heat treatment.
  • H2N2 or Asian flu. It first manifested itself in February 1957 in southern China and caused a devastating epidemic there. During the year, from 1 to 4 million people died from the deadly effect of the virus. In early spring, the disease spread to Singapore, and already in May the impact of the influenza virus was felt on the border areas. Soviet Union. By the end of 1957 in the USSR, the number of patients suffering from the Asian flu ranged from 30 to 50 percent of the entire population. A slight decline in the disease around the world was outlined only in the autumn of 1958, but already in December the pandemic passed into the second active phase and covered the Near and Middle East. It was only by December 1959 that the virus was curbed, however, as a result of its march around the world, from 1.5 to 2 billion people were ill in total, and more than 1 million people from different countries died as a result of a pandemic. By 1968, the strain of this virus was finally “crowded out” and since then vaccination of adults and children against H2N2 has not been carried out and immunity in modern people, born after 1969, this disease is absent. WHO warns everyone of a possible H2N2 epidemic as the cyclical viral manifestations of this kind is 60 years old and 2017 may well be the beginning of a new round of the pandemic.
  • H3N2 or hong kong flu. One of the rather old viruses that killed many people around the world in the late 60s of the last century. Similar in symptoms to swine flu, but considered slightly less dangerous to humans. Most often, it does not affect the active, working population under 60 years old, but children whose immune system has not yet had time to fully form, and elderly citizens who have a weakened mind age-related changes body and all kinds of chronic diseases of varying severity. Great danger disease presents for pregnant women, diabetics, heavy smokers, HIV-infected and people who use large numbers of alcoholic drinks. The highest death rate from the Hong Kong flu occurs among children under 2 years of age and the elderly 65 years of age and over.

Classic and specific (dangerous) symptoms of influenza 2017 in adults

The bulk of the symptoms of the above strains manifests itself in adults in the same way as the usual seasonal viral flu or SARS. In almost all cases, the temperature rises, pain is felt in the throat, sharpens persistent cough, and the nose is irritated by a profuse runny nose. The body aches from muscle pain, and a sharply rolling weakness makes you want to lie down, instead of going to work or doing your usual household chores. Such an unpleasant condition is accompanied by severe headaches, constant chills and tachycardia.

Dangerous Symptoms of Influenza A Strains in Adults

When various strains of influenza enter the body, the classic manifestations of a cold are exacerbated and complicated. additional symptoms. The patient should, without wasting a single minute, contact a specialized doctor for treatment or call an ambulance if:

  1. The temperature during the day stably keeps at around 39-40 degrees and cannot be brought down by any antipyretics. Or if within 4-5 days the temperature does not fall below 38 degrees, despite active treatment, regular intake of appropriate drugs, vitamins and tablets.
  2. strong, It's a dull pain, aches and weakness are felt throughout the body. Nausea comes to the throat, sudden unreasonable urge to vomit occurs, pulls the lower abdomen, diarrhea periodically occurs, and when urinating, there are difficulties or urges and are completely absent for a long time. All this is accompanied by shortness of breath, shortness of breath, blue lips, signs of dehydration, cramps in the limbs, confusion and general disorientation.
  3. The disease progresses very actively and the patient's condition worsens, literally, before our eyes, sometimes within a few hours. The incubation period of influenza strains is very short and usually ranges from 2 to 4 days, so it is very important to identify the type of influenza as soon as possible and create all the conditions for a person to quality treatment ailment.
  4. Intensive inflammatory processes immediately following the rise in temperature. With the usual seasonal flu, this is expressed only in a runny nose and cough. When the body is affected by strains, the mucous membrane often becomes inflamed, and in severe cases, viral pneumonia that is insensitive to classical antibiotics occurs. This is the most dangerous moment, since the complication progresses rapidly and, in the absence of timely and correct treatment, can cause death, moreover, just a day after the first symptoms of the complication are observed.

Influenza: characteristic signs and symptoms in children

Influenza-specific symptoms and signs in children are very similar to those in adults. In the same way, the temperature rises sharply in babies, weakness and lethargy roll in, itchy in the throat and cough with a runny nose. Influenza strains affect young patients even more severely than adults. Children are especially vulnerable to some of their symptoms, and according to some indicators, they are even included in the risk group prone to death in the absence of timely and qualified treatment.

  • With viral influenza in children of preschool and school age the larynx is primarily affected, large bronchi and trachea. It is there that the most global changes in the morphological plan occur. AT lung tissue blood circulation is disturbed, and in the pleura there are small hemorrhages. How less age child, the higher the risk of formation of a focus in the lungs serous inflammation and subsequent development of pneumonia.
  • Symptoms of category A strains appear in children within 2 days, influenza B - in 3-4 days. Most acute phase is the onset of the disease. At this moment, the temperature "takes off" to 39-40 ° C and it is not always possible to bring it down quickly. Children feel as bad as possible at the end of the first day, and sometimes a serious condition (weakness, joint and muscle pain, increased lethargy) also passes on the second day of the disease.
  • Almost always, the flu in children is accompanied by a symptom such as a sharp decline appetite, and especially difficult cases complete failure from food. Possible nausea and vomiting, severe headache, insomnia, rarely delusions and hallucinations.
  • Most characteristic of the active course of the disease the following symptoms: cough, nasal mucus, acute sore throat, difficulty swallowing, segmental pulmonary edema, pallor skin and excessive sweating. In difficult cases it is possible meningeal symptoms, short syncope, cramps of the limbs and bleeding from the nose.

Influenza 2016-2017 - prevention and treatment in adults and children

Among preventive procedures that help adults and children protect themselves from the symptoms of influenza 2016-2017 and SARS, timely vaccination is considered the most effective. It is held in early autumn (September to October). This is done so that by the beginning of a potential epidemic viral infections, the body became stronger and managed to develop immunity. Vaccination of children and adults is carried out with the help of medical preparations containing surface antigens of influenza strains. After 14-30 days, the vaccine enters the active phase and the person becomes practically immune to diseases.

For adults and children who, for personal reasons, are unable to get vaccinated against influenza, a special option for the prevention and treatment of primary symptoms is offered: regular intake of immunomodulators, strict adherence to personal hygiene rules, restriction on being in in public places, use of funds personal protection etc.

If, despite all precautions, children or adults show primary signs and symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor for qualified medical treatment. When all necessary drugs prescribed, they will need to be taken in strict accordance with the instructions of the doctor. In addition, it is necessary to minimize contact with people, limit (or cancel altogether) any physical exercise, observe bed rest(even when the disease passes without fever), eat well and take vitamins. These rules are equally relevant for both adults and children and are mandatory.

Influenza is coming to Russia again, every season we are waiting for this insidious guest. The media has already warned the public about the likely strains of the 2018-2019 season. Although, you know, I have a strong belief that the disease does not go anywhere from us, lives here nearby all year and waits for its cherished hour, slowly mutating and reincarnating into new clothes.

Influenza strains in the 2018-2019 season

What kind of flu awaits us in the epidemiological season of 2018-2019? According to WHO forecasts, as many as four types (strains) of influenza are expected this season:

  • A/Michigan/45/2015 (H1N1) -Michigan
  • A/Singapore/INFIMH-16-0019/2016 (H3N2);
  • B/Phuket/3073/2013 Phuket.
  • B/Colorado/06/2017- Colorado.

Replacing last year's virus Brisbane Brisbane will come the new kind, from Group B, Colorado. It only affects people. The incubation period lasts only 2-4 days. Symptoms are familiar: severe headache, muscle aches, runny nose. The temperature is not higher than 38.5°C. The course of the disease is mild form. Recovery occurs within 5-6 days.

"Michigan" the most terrible virus in its consequences, in its clinic resembles a strain of swine flu of the 2009 sample. It is classified in group A, because of the particular danger and ability to permanent mutation. . This type of flu is characterized by a sharp increase in temperature up to 41º. The incubation period is up to 3 days. Mucosal swelling -feature with this disease.

Hong Kong virus - Hong Kong also a no less dangerous strain from group A, infection from animals and birds is possible. It is characterized by a very short incubation period in 1-2 days. Another feature is that the virus masquerades as a cold or SARS, and is fraught with serious complications of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

But it is important to think about vaccinations already now, from the autumn before the onset of the peak of the disease.

Flu. What is this disease

Influenza is a severe neurotoxic infection caused by a virus of a certain type.

Important! Flu is not treated with antibiotics which only kill bacteria and are completely ineffective against viruses. Do not poison your body in vain!

Sometimes antibiotics are prescribed in cases where there are complications caused by bacteria during the flu (pneumonia, middle ear infection, paranasal sinuses nose) or recovery does not occur for a long time.

The incubation period for influenza is 24 hours plus or minus 12 hours, sometimes up to 72 hours. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, but can even through the hands. For example, you rubbed your eye or scratched your nose with your hands, on which the viruses were sitting, and now they have already settled in you.

Interestingly, about 1 billion people worldwide get the flu every year. people, with one million people it leads to death.

flu symptoms

  • The disease begins rapidly, sometimes instantly, immediately after the incubation period of the infected virus.
  • A sharp increase in temperature to 38º - 40º, but it can be lower, it all depends on individual features organism and the degree of immunity.
  • Headache, dizziness.
  • Pain in muscles, joints, eyeballs.
  • Heat, often turning into chills.
  • Redness and pain in the throat, a cough joins a little later.
  • Work failures digestive system. The patient may have nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration.
  • The development of pneumonia (pneumonia) complicated by the disease often occurs with untreated influenza, with violations of bed rest. Often such cases in young children and pregnant women. At the same time, lips, nails turn blue, there is a strong shortness of breath ....

How to distinguish flu from colds and SARS

  • A distinctive feature of influenza from SARS is no runny nose in the first 2-3 days, only light congestion is possible. After a while, a runny nose also begins, it is rather caused by bacteria, which, with a pronounced weakening of the body, begin their attack on the mucous membrane. There is another opinion: snot is good, so through the discharge from the nose, the body is cleansed of toxins and therefore there is no need to fight a runny nose. You will start to recover and the runny nose will pass by itself! I think everything is individual and depends on the state of the nasopharynx of the body.
  • A sharp rise in temperature
  • Pain in joints and eyeballs.

An accurate diagnosis of influenza or SARS can only be established in laboratory conditions by blood test.

Flu treatment

  • Bed rest and not any excuses: I will bear the disease on my feet. Remember, the flu does not tolerate neglect and is very insidious with its complications. Plus, you don't have to infect your surroundings. healthy people.
  • Plentiful drink: infusions of wild rose, herbs such as mint, oregano, linden, thyme, teas with the addition of raspberries, with a spoonful of herbal balm.
  • More recently, on one blog - a thousandaire I read that at a high temperature you should not drink hot diaphoretic broths, since with sweat released, microbes from the body again enter the body. I consider this opinion to be erroneous, on the contrary, everything must be done so that harmful poisons leave the body, while it is important for the patient to change clothes more often and take a shower. There is no way to take a shower - wet rubdown!
  • Ventilate the room where the patient is located more often, do wet cleaning with disinfectants.
  • In the diet vitamin C and vegetables fruits with his high content: citrus fruits, lingonberries, cranberries, black currant, sea buckthorn, kiwi, spinach, Bell pepper, fresh and sauerkraut.
  • And here is the heavy one protein food, dairy products for the flu will do you a disservice. After all, fighting the infection, the body spends enormous amounts of money, and then there is the power to process protein foods. In addition, protein processing products are also toxic. Alternative medicine generally urges to refuse food in the first days.
  • Accept Activated carbon to cleanse the body of intoxication products.
  • Temperature up to 38 - 38.5, depending on the individuality of the body, we do not bring down antipyretic drugs, this good sign the body's own ability to fight infection. If higher - take paracetamol, aspirin, nurofen. A flu fever of 39.5° is dangerous, it can lead to convulsions and swelling of the brain!
  • If you are not a supporter of treatment only folk medicine, then you can use medical preparations from the flu. As already mentioned, even the best and most modern antibiotics do not help in the fight against viruses.
  • For immediate treatment, you can take antiviral drugs, best proven teraflu, good antiviral effect provide arbidol, amixin, oseltamivir and similar zanamivir . They will help reduce the symptoms of the disease, shorten its course and protect you from complications that are especially dangerous for influenza: pneumonia, heart disease, kidney disease, etc.
  • Other medications ineffective, and drugs such as antigrippin, coldrex, fervex good only at the first stage of SARS. The consequences of the disease: are treated in a variety of ways, both traditional folk and medical.

Fasting is an alternative way to treat the flu

Why exactly starvation, that is, complete abstinence from food in the first 1-2 days is so useful with the flu?

As you know, when influenza viruses enter the bloodstream, immunity increases and the entire body is mobilized to fight antibodies. Heavy meat, dairy, all protein and other foods require additional forces for their processing, which are already lacking. In addition, as it was proved by a Japanese physician, having received hunger increases the cleansing (autophagy) of the body, that is, the release of toxins and viruses during influenza.

So that short term hunger excellent tool for cleansing the body and therefore for recovery. Try at least in the first day to refuse traditional food in general! Only fruits, and citrus fruits in priority! And drink and drink a lot! After recovery, you can catch up with nutrition, believe me this way I tried it on myself in the treatment of a March flu infection.

A great variety of ways to treat influenza, both medically and folk methods, unfortunately, only help to alleviate the condition during the flu and avoid complications. As a rule, in less than 7 - 10 days, and sometimes even two weeks, the disease is difficult to cure.

Although I personally, having tried complete fasting on the first day of illness and, having abstained from heavy food on the second, after three days I already felt a recovery, and on the fifth I took a walk in the yard. Try it too, as if hunger is not felt at all during an illness and there will be no harm, only benefit!

Folk recipes for the prevention of influenza and SARS

The recipe is easy to prepare at home, everything is at hand: lemon to increase immunity during the flu and SARS epidemic

1 (100g), finely chopped with skin, removing pits

1 head of garlic (25g), peeled and finely chopped, can be crushed with a knife or in a blender.

150 g of honey, if candied - in no case melt.

Mix everything, put in a glass dish. Take 1 time per day for 1 tsp. incomplete after eating without drinking water.

School-age children can also be given, people with gastritis, allergic to garlic, with stones in biliary tract- contraindicated.

The same recipe, without honey and with a more gentle dosage for flu:

Reception: 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals.

Take the remedy with the whole family and it will help you avoid the disease!

Effective against influenza and respiratory viral infection

Is there an effective folk remedy for the prevention and treatment of influenza? At the very first sensations of a beginning disease, whether it be the flu, SARS or a common cold, when there is no temperature yet and only the first signs of malaise have appeared, it helps a lot, almost 100% chance to be healthy in the morning folk recipe using black elderberry flowers:

The recipe is very intriguing in its effectiveness:

So, we take 1 tbsp. a spoon without a slide of dry color black elderberry, brew with boiling water, wrap, insist for 20 minutes and drink warm. After 3-4 hours, we repeat the treatment in the same way, drink the decoction and go to bed. In the morning we are already full of strength and health, we don’t even remember about the disease.

You can buy dry grass in a pharmacy.

I emphasize once again: the recipe is effective at the very first moment of the disease! If you are already sick - do not count on its success. I will definitely check this magic recipe, if you can buy a color, it is, unfortunately, very rarely sold. Try it too.

How to protect yourself from the flu

  • During the period of manifestation of the disease in the region, reduce the time and place of public stay. But how, for example, not to go to the store? So it remains to protect yourself cotton-gauze bandage. The only pity is that in our country, for some reason, this is not accepted everywhere, but in Europe and the States, they say, everyone does this in an epidemic.
  • Hygiene: frequent washing hands, nasal lavage.
  • To eat more products rich in vitamin C, more onions, garlic - a natural antibiotic.
  • When going outside, lubricate the passage of the nose oxolinic ointment method really works. The ointment is quite affordable and is sold in all pharmacies.
  • I will add more measure of protection for infants located on breastfeeding . Even if mom is sick don't stop breastfeeding your baby for fear of infecting him. You can be calm, the antibodies in milk will kill all viruses, and your baby will only strengthen his immunity. What a miracle - this is mother's milk!

Influenza vaccination

The mass vaccination of the population against the 2017 flu is now beginning. There were times when vaccinations were given to everyone and in large numbers, without much discussion about the benefits or harms of this method of protection against influenza. Today, the controversy on this topic does not leave the TV screen, the press, the Internet. Everyone decides for himself whether to take the vaccine or not. However, the facts show that thanks to the vaccination of the population, it is possible to reduce the influenza epidemic to 30-40% annually.

flu vaccine- These are modern high-tech preparations containing 25 micrograms of purified influenza virus antigen protein. These antigens contribute to the formation of antibodies in the body to fight infection. Vaccination is indicated for all categories of people over the age of 6 months, once a year, at least 1 month before the expected start of the epidemic (in autumn October - November). And now vaccination has just begun everywhere for the strain of influenza that I expect in January-February 2018.

Schoolchildren bring papers from school on which parents must write their consent to the vaccination. Remember that before making such a vaccination, the doctor must examine your child: at least examine, measure the temperature, and it is better to do a blood and urine test, and only then proceed to vaccination based on the result. But, of course, this is not done. Therefore, only you have the right to decide whether to do this vaccination or not. If the child has a medical exemption, intolerance to the drug, or the usual bad feeling you must tell your doctor about it.

Conventional influenza vaccine is grown on chicken protein, therefore it is absolutely contraindicated for people who are allergic to such a protein.

If you choose between a domestic vaccine and an imported one, then we lose in terms of quality in terms of purification. Although ours are also no less safe. important moment proper storage vaccines and the process of vaccinating the patient. It is precisely the non-compliance with these provisions that often leads to negative consequences after vaccination. Yes, and those negative consequences from universal vaccination, most likely just a coincidence, well, or some facts of contraindications that have not been taken into account or have not yet been identified.

There were 25 cases of neuropathy and 23 deaths per 45 million doses of subunit vaccine.. Wikipedia

Doctors say that by getting a flu shot, you will not expose yourself to serious illness and, most importantly, avoid its consequences: the most severe complications. However, the choice is always yours - remember, it's your right!

And what do you say about this? Do you do flu shots?

I will add to the above: I this moment I’m just experiencing all the “charm” of this infection, and I hope that I won it. Despite my strong immunity, which I am always proud of, and I must say that I rarely get the flu, this time it attacked me literally instantly: the temperature rose, chills, fever, the next day unbearable aching in muscles and joints. But the most interesting thing is that on the third day the condition improved, and on the fourth day the same symptoms again, but with even more strong manifestation. That's the flu. Today ends the sixth day of my disease state and I really hope that everything will go without consequences for the body.

And to you, my dear friends, I sincerely wish you to avoid the flu. And be healthy!

P.S. People attribute the first signs of their malaise: perspiration and sore throat, sneezing, elevated temperature, chills to hypothermia, use cold water, blame drafts in transport. However, now even doctors are diagnosing the flu.

When the hot summer gives way to autumn with rain and dampness, it's time to colds and influenza epidemics. It is especially difficult to protect children from these diseases who go to kindergarten or attend school. It is in crowded places that the risk of catching SARS or influenza is highest. Influenza in a child symptoms and treatment 2016: information for parents. How is the flu in children? Why is this disease dangerous for young children?

The first signs of influenza in children

Flu is viral disease, the main danger of which is damage to the bronchi and other organs respiratory system. In addition, this disease is accompanied by severe intoxication of the body, which is characterized by a sharp increase in temperature, general weakness and lethargy, pain in joints and muscles, nausea and vomiting.

Along with an increase in temperature, the child also has other first signs of the flu:

  1. nasal passages are laid;
  2. slime that runs down back wall larynx, leads to a feeling of sore throat, which then turns into a dry cough.

Varieties of influenza

There are three main types of influenza - A, B and C.

Group C viruses are usually the "culprits" of mild colds - SARS, acute respiratory infections, colds, etc. Usually, the virus of this group usually does not cause epidemics.

The culprit of massive seasonal epidemics is usually a group A virus.

This virus has a large number of different subtypes, and every year there is a new mutation of this virus and, accordingly, a new seasonal influenza epidemic. Moreover, for each subtype, the body produces its own antibodies, which do not protect against new types of the virus.

Dangerous flu symptoms in children

Since the flu in a child affects the upper respiratory tract, the baby may experience some dangerous symptoms which parents should definitely pay attention to.

Urgent need to apply for medical care if the baby:

  • there was severe shortness of breath, or breathing is difficult;
  • skin color became either grayish or cyanotic;
  • if the child has long period does not stop vomiting;
  • the baby refuses to drink liquid;
  • sleeps too long, or does not respond to others;
  • too overexcited;
  • if the flu symptoms subsided, but returned again, and with sharp rise temperature, and the cough became stronger;
  • if the child has serious chronic diseases (bronchial asthma, heart disease, etc.), and his parents noticed the first signs of influenza, including the beginning feverish state or cough).

Treatment of influenza in children

In no case should you self-medicate at the first sign of the flu. It is necessary to immediately call the attending physician, only he can prescribe the appropriate treatment.

If the parents themselves give the child medications then they should know what the flu can give serious complications on the ears, on the upper respiratory tract, and other diseases, the treatment of which is usually carried out already in a hospital.

Influenza is especially difficult in children of the first three years of life.

Treatment of influenza in children has its own characteristics:

  • you need to start with a call to the house of the local pediatrician;
  • Be sure to regularly monitor the body temperature of a sick baby. It is necessary to give a child an antipyretic when the temperature has risen above 37.5 ° C;
  • giving antibiotics to a child initial stage influenza is not only unnecessary, but also useless - they are useless against viruses. Usually, antibiotics are prescribed to a child only if he has developed complications such as bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.;
  • if the child has lost his appetite, during the illness it is not necessary to force him to eat, but it is necessary to give more fluids;
  • if the child's high temperature does not decrease after taking antipyretics, then it is urgent to call an ambulance.
    Useful information will help you independently identify the first symptoms of influenza in children and seek help and treatment in a timely manner.

Mostly young people get sick.

In Ukraine, the flu that raged in 2009-2010 is again circulating. This was reported to by Fedor Lapiy, the chief pediatric immunologist of Kyiv, associate professor of the Department of Children's Infectious Diseases and Child Immunology of the National medical academy postgraduate education named after P.L. Shupik.

“In order for the flu to leave the epidemic arena, it is necessary that about 75% of the population acquire immunity to it. Immunity is acquired either as a result of disease or vaccination. Nothing else is given. In Ukraine, so many people did not get sick, so it was obvious that the pandemic flu would return. After 2009, he already returned in 2010 and in 2011, when he was dominant, i.e. prevailed over other influenza viruses,” explains Lapiy.

According to the Ukrainian Center for Disease Control and Monitoring of the Ministry of Health, the epidemiological threshold has not yet been exceeded in any of the regions. At the same time, from the beginning of the epidemic season from October 1, 2015 to January 10, 2015, 25 deaths from influenza were registered in Ukraine. In 2009, 940 people died in Ukraine during the same period.

“If there are a lot of sick people, then there will be more of those who develop a severe form, those who will need hospitalization and, accordingly, the number of deaths will be higher,” says Lapiy.

It is predicted that, as in 2009-2011, influenza will primarily affect young people. Experts explain this, firstly, by their greater social activity, secondly, by the fact that they are more likely than the elderly or children to carry the flu on their feet, continue to go to work and infect colleagues.

“People die both from infection and, sometimes, from excessive active struggle organism from infections, says Lapiy. - Reaction immune system the disease is different different people, in some people it is so strong that the body itself suffers “in the fire of fighting the infection”. FROM more likely such a reaction is observed in young people.

In addition, it is possible that people over forty may be immune to a relative of this flu, since it already came to the territory of Ukraine in 1976-77. This issue is being discussed in scientific circles.

Epidemiological situation

Since the beginning of the epidemic season, an active circulation of influenza A (H1N1), parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial and adenoviruses has been recorded, the capital's Sanitary and Epidemiological Station reports.

In Kyiv, for the period from 04.01.2016 to 10.01.2016, 13,475 people fell ill with influenza and SARS, of which 8,289 cases of diseases (61.5%) were registered in children under the age of 17 years.

The incidence in the city corresponded to the seasonal one, the rate per 10,000 of the city's population was 46.7 and was lower than the epidemic threshold for this week by 46.7%.

The situation in the city of Kyiv today remains stable. At the same time, since the beginning of the epidemic season in Kyiv, there have been two deaths from influenza A complicated by pneumonia in adults who belonged to the risk group.

The city of Brovary announces the hospitalization of 25 children with influenza. They are diagnosed hemorrhagic pneumonia- Complications characteristic of the flu. outbreak infectious diseases in Brovary has been going on for 2-3 weeks, the head of the Brovary Central district hospital Valentin Bagnyuk. The virological examination is carried out by the regional level sanitary station and there is no data yet on which influenza virus has infected the citizens. At the same time, according to the Brovary chief physician, the symptoms of the infection are very similar to the H1N1 virus.

Igor Kravtsov, chief physician of the Brovary city center for primary health care, said that the incidence in Brovary is growing: the city is already breaking records in the number of patients, writes Today.

Last Friday, only one outpatient clinic admitted 262 patients. And during the day on January 8, 25 “heavy” children were immediately sent to the hospital. “This has never happened before,” Kravtsov said. He recommended that city officials introduce a “mask regime”, quarantine is already in effect at the Brovarsky Central District Hospital. The city authorities supported this idea and instructed trade and education institutions to clean with disinfectants.

Features of influenza A (H1N1)

This strain of flu became better known as "swine flu" after the 2009 epidemic. According to experts, this virus differs from seasonal influenza in that the most severe cases have been diagnosed in people under 50 years of age, while mortality from seasonal influenza is greatest among people over 65 years of age.

You can get the virus from another sick person by airborne droplets, airborne dust and through close contact, according to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station of Kyiv. In this case, the virus dies during heat treatment (more than 70 degrees Celsius).

The infectious period when the patient is dangerous to others) with influenza type AN1N1 can be within 7 days from the onset of the disease, but if clinical symptoms persist until they disappear.

How can I avoid getting influenza A(H1N1)?

- avoid contact with people who have symptoms flu infection;

- limit visits to places large cluster of people;

- often ventilate the room;

- wash your hands often with soap for 20 seconds;

- try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands;

- avoid hugs, kisses and handshakes;

- cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing with a disposable nasal tissue, which must be thrown away immediately after use, or cough, sneeze into your hand at elbow level;

- if a person has flu symptoms, then it is necessary to keep a distance of at least two meters from him;

- avoid hypothermia;

- should be a complete fortified diet. For the period of the epidemic, it is advisable to give children probiotics in order to strengthen the body's resistance to viral infections.

What to do if a person gets sick?

- at the first signs of illness, the patient must be put to bed and a doctor should be called;

- leave the patient at home, except in cases where urgent medical care is required;

- Flu patients are dangerous to others and should be isolated immediately. They are not allowed to appear in public transport, children's groups and other places of mass stay of people;

- the patient must be placed in a separate room or protected with a screen. Allocate him individual dishes, towels, personal hygiene items;

- avoid contact of the patient with healthy family members, except for those who care for him;

- the person caring for the sick must wear a four-layer gauze bandage or a one-time mask that needs to be changed every four hours. After each contact with the patient, objects that were in contact with him, you must thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water;

- the mask should be either disposable, which after use should be thrown into the basket, or multiple, which after washing laundry soap must be carefully ironed with a hot iron. With constant contact with the sick, the mask must be changed every four hours;

- the contaminated bed linen of the patient, his clothes should not be carried in an armful, only in a container specially allocated for this (basket, etc.);

- ventilate the room several times a day;

- do a daily wet cleaning of the premises;

- the air in the rooms should be of sufficient humidity;

- have disposable nasal wipes and a basket for used wipes within the reach of the patient;

- create a comfortable environment for the patient. Rest, bed rest is extremely important;

- if the patient has a fever, then it is necessary to give antipyretic drugs (paracetamol or ibuprofen preparations). After that, call a doctor;

- before the arrival of the doctor, give plenty of fluids to drink (juice, still water, fruit drink, compote, etc.);

- organize a complete, fortified diet for the patient;

- Do not self-medicate. Relevant drug treatment the patient is prescribed only by a doctor

What signs of the disease should make you immediately seek medical help?

- accelerated or difficult breathing;

- cyanosis around the mouth, other skin;

- the appearance of hemorrhages on the body (even very small ones), nasal or other bleeding;

- high body temperature;

- refusal of the patient to drink;

- the inability to wake the patient or his lack of response to treatment;

overexcitation or seizures;

- frequent vomiting liquid stool;

- complaints about strong headache;

- Lack of urination or tears while crying.

Complicated forms of swine flu occur, as a rule, in pregnant women with chronic respiratory diseases(especially bronchial asthma), diabetes, cardiovascular disease.

The great concern of specialists is the fact that the influenza virus has overcome the interspecies barrier. It quickly adapts to vaccines and can change its appearance. This has not been observed before.

If the first signs of the flu are detected: high body temperature, aches and weakness, in no case should you self-medicate, you should immediately consult a doctor.

During an epidemic, the influenza virus is most dangerous for its complications on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

  1. During an influenza epidemic, the only source of the spread of the virus is a sick person.
  2. Infection of others can occur through coughing, sneezing and communication with the sick.
  3. Also, the virus can be transmitted through dishes, personal hygiene items, dirty hands.
  4. When the virus enters the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, it penetrates the epithelium and blood, which leads to intoxication.
  5. Soil appears for the formation of its own bacterial flora and the ingress of other harmful microbes. It is they who can provoke a secondary disease - bronchitis, otitis media, pneumonia, exacerbation of chronic diseases, diseases of the heart and joints.
  6. Human hands touch their nose and eyes more than two hundred times a day. Through door handles, handshakes and other household items, the virus easily passes to healthy people.
  7. A person, touching his face, brings the virus into his body.

Hong Kong H3N2 flu symptoms:

  • Body temperature above 39 o C;
  • Vomiting;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Strong headache;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Pain in the limbs and lower back;
  • Dry cough;
  • Chills;
  • Dizziness;
  • Pain in the eyeballs and muscles;
  • Lachrymation and pain in the eyes.

After the first symptoms are detected, you should consult a doctor. A sick person is isolated from healthy people in a separate room. It is necessary to observe bed rest and follow the recommendations of the doctor.

You can not self-medicate - the flu is very dangerous, and the course of the disease is difficult to predict, as well as its complications. Only a specialist can correctly diagnose and draw conclusions about the patient's condition.

Hong Kong flu treatment

When sick with Hong Kong flu, the doctor does not always prescribe antiviral drugs- For some, the disease goes away without complications, because their body copes with the infection itself.

In protracted and severe cases, the patient is prescribed active drugs that help in the fight against group A viruses are Oseltavimir and Rimantadine. Also prescribe drugs that stimulate the production of interferons in the body - Viferon, Cycloferon, Mefenamic acid and others.

These drugs can be freely bought in pharmacies in Moscow and other Russian cities.
Particular attention is paid to the symptomatic treatment of H3N2 influenza. Patients may be prescribed:

  1. Fever-lowering drugs - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen. At first, the temperature may not drop, but it is also forbidden to increase the dose of the drug. To treat a child, syrups, suppositories are prescribed - they help bring down high temperature. It is forbidden to bring down the temperature with Aspirin, both adults and children.
  2. Preparations that relieve sore throat - gargles, lozenges for resorption, sprays.
  3. Cough medicines.
  4. Sorbents that are able to remove intoxication on the first day of the disease.
  5. Antihistamine medicines for swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory system.
  6. Vitamin complexes. It is useful to take ascorbic acid.

If a person gets sick with this strain of influenza, he needs to:

  • Observe bed rest.
  • Children should not attend kindergarten or school.
  • If you don’t feel like eating, then you need to eat a small amount of fruits and vegetables, broth, plentiful drink- tea, compote, rosehip broth, fruit juice.
  • If the child has a very stuffy nose, you can use saline solutions- Quicks, AquaMaris, Salin. It is not recommended to use drops that constrict blood vessels - they provoke a slowdown in the release of the virus from the respiratory system.

Do not look for a cure for the Hong Kong flu on your own, folk remedies may not be able to treat the virus. it serious illness, which should be dealt with with the help of a doctor.

Risk groups in influenza epidemics

The main risk groups among the population:

  • Children under the age of two;
  • Elderly people over the age of 65;
  • People suffering from chronic diseases;
  • Pregnant women.

H3N2 influenza is very difficult for young children (under 2 years of age) and the elderly. It is their disease that can end lethal outcome. They are at risk due to a weakened immune system and general weakness organism. Influenza provokes complications, causing disorders of the nervous, endocrine, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

In addition to babies and the elderly, Hong Kong flu is dangerous for pregnant women, sick chronic diseases vessels, heart, organs of the respiratory system. There may be complications and aggravation of the course of the disease. During pregnancy, a woman's body is not able to cope with the virus. On the early dates infection can cause complications and malformations in the fetus.

Flu Prevention

  1. To protect yourself from the flu virus, you need to exercise, temper, improve your diet (eat fresh fruits and vegetables, drink juices, eat meat or fish once a day), and take time to rest.
  2. As prescribed by the doctor, you need to take vitamin and mineral supplements. As a preventive measure, it is advisable to visit fresh air eat foods high in vitamin C.
  3. It is also recommended to limit contact with people during the epidemic, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, ventilate the premises according to the schedule, do wet cleaning, using disinfectants handle computer gadgets and mobile phones.

Video - Flu Epidemic in Moscow - 2018-2019

History of the Hong Kong flu

A group A (H3N2) pandemic first appeared in 1968-69. This virus was discovered in Hong Kong in early 1968 and has spread to other countries around the world. In the same year, he caused a million deaths in the world, making him one of the the worst epidemics in the twentieth century. Also found under the name "Hong Kong Flu".

Why is the strain so hard to tolerate by the body? First, the Hong Kong flu is similar to the Asian flu virus in terms of symptoms (the Asian flu was prevalent in 1957-68). More early forms the Asian virus has developed immunity in humans, but few have resisted the H3N2 virus. This was the reason for the severe course of the disease.

Secondly, it reaches its maximum epidemiological threshold during the winter months. In 2018-2019 the peak of the influenza epidemic is predicted for January-February 2019 in Moscow and all cities of Russia. During educational process When hypothermia and weakened immunity are possible, the incidence rate among schoolchildren increases.

Third, the level medical care, Availability effective antibiotics are key factors treatment. If they are not available, a pandemic becomes a mass threat.

Hong Kong flu vaccine

Every year influenza viruses of different combinations appear in the world, with different composition strain. Every year these viruses change and mutate. An updated influenza strain composition requires the production of a new vaccine.

Who can get the free Hong Kong flu shot:

  • Children over the age of 6 months;
  • Schoolchildren of all ages;
  • Higher students educational institutions, technical schools, schools;
  • Physicians, teachers, lecturers, employees of transport, public utilities;
  • Pregnant women;
  • people of retirement age;
  • Soldiers-conscripts;
  • Persons with chronic forms diseases.

They are sent for vaccination to the clinic at the place of residence. Other categories of civilians can be vaccinated at their own expense. The cost of vaccines is different, depending on the country of manufacture. It is advisable to carry out immunization before the first day of winter. Optimal time vaccinations - in the fall, before the start of the epidemic.

Do not get vaccinated during the start of an influenza epidemic.



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