The dog is jumping. How to wean a dog from jumping on people: methods for any age

Dogs are perhaps the most devoted friends. They are smart and funny, and therefore it is not surprising that people liked these animals so much. However, their behavior is not always predictable, and therefore some distance should be kept. In this regard, the question of how to wean a dog from jumping on the owner is extremely relevant.

Why do dogs do this?

Before looking for a way to wean a dog from jumping on the owner, you should understand that such pet behavior is absolutely natural. It may be due to such reasons:

  • showing respect for the owner;
  • a dog can express joy from a meeting in this way;
  • the animal is playfully tuned;
  • in the absence of regular mating, this may be a manifestation of an unsatisfied sexual instinct;
  • the dog enjoys direct contact with the owner;
  • sometimes in this way dogs try to dominate their owners;
  • perhaps you have previously encouraged such actions, and therefore the dog jumps, wanting to earn praise.

Do not be angry and offended

It should be understood that, jumping on a person, a dog often tries to lick him in the face. This is no accident. In dog packs, this gesture is a kind of symbol of love and respect for the leader. Thus, in no case should you be angry with the dog and react to his behavior with aggression.

However, it is important to understand that jumping on a human should not be the norm for a dog. At least because it can stain or tear clothes. In addition, strangers, as well as children, can be very scared. That is why, as soon as a pet has appeared in your house, you need to be puzzled as soon as possible about how to wean the puppy from jumping on the owner and other people.

Main mistake

If a dog jumps on you and others - this is not a reason to be angry with the animal. Sometimes the cause of this behavior is mistakes in education, as well as your own weaknesses. Bringing a small puppy into the house, the owners allow him any pranks, because it's so cute. In addition, during the adaptation period, he may feel frightened and insecure, and therefore people consider it unacceptable to immediately take up education and training. However, dogs grow incredibly fast. That is why the right habits need to be instilled in a puppy from the very first day, as soon as you become its owner.

How to prevent the development of a habit?

Any problem is easier to prevent than to deal with it later. If you do not want to wonder in the future how to wean a dog from jumping on the owner, take care of the prevention of this habit as soon as a pet appears in your house. So, remember the following:

  • The first step is to teach "Sit". Whenever the dog wants to jump on you, it is worth stopping him in this way. The same command should be given when you open the door when returning home.
  • Play ahead. So, for example, upon returning home, immediately kneel down to be on the same level with the dog. That way, she won't have to jump up and down to greet you.
  • Whenever your dog tries to jump on you, immediately grab his front paws. Animals do not like to be restricted in their movements, and therefore, after a while, the dog will develop a negative association in connection with this action.

How to wean a dog to jump on the owner?

Many owners are at first touched by the puppy's touching impulses, in every possible way approving and encouraging them. However, when a dog becomes an adult, many begin to look for solutions on how to wean an adult dog from jumping on the owner. So, you can try the following options:

  • When the dog jumps on you, stick your knee forward (just not in such a way as to hit the animal). If the dog constantly bumps into an obstacle, over time he will develop a negative association. You can also use a bag as a barrier.
  • If the dog jumps on you, gently move it away and walk past. At the same time, you do not need to stroke her and talk to her. Dogs do not tolerate indifference. Soon she will understand that your resentment is caused by a certain action on her part.
  • Sometimes training is facilitated by a delicate physical impact. So, for example, if your dog does something you don't like, you can lightly flick his nose or pat his ear. True, it is worthwhile with such experiments, since some dogs may respond to such actions with aggression.
  • If friends or relatives often come to your house, teach them everything that you do yourself. They should also not encourage the dog to be too active.

It should be understood that dog training is a long and complicated process. Especially if certain habits have already been formed in the animal. That is why, if you cannot cope with the task on your own, try contacting a cynologist. He knows certain tricks on how to wean a dog from jumping on people.

Show who's boss

The herd instinct is inherent in dogs, and as you know, in every pack there is a leader. So, for your pet, it is you who should become the leader. If gentle influence does not have the desired effect, you must demonstrate your power to the dog. When the dog tries to jump on you, lean towards him, grab him by the withers and press him to the floor. This should be done in such a way that the dog feels pressure, but in no case pain. Even if the animal resists, do not let it go immediately.

Water as a weapon

If you do not know how to wean a dog from jumping on the owner on a walk or at home, arm yourself with a spray bottle or Whenever the dog behaves inappropriately, put a jet in his face. Most animals react negatively to this technique. Of course, for some time you will have to endure inconvenience due to splashes on the floor and on the walls, as well as wet paw prints, but such education will bear fruit.

If you have chosen this method of dealing with puppy mischief, it is important not to harm the pet. So, it is best to use a spray with small drops. If you use a jet gun or spray gun, try not to point it at your pet's eyes, nose, or ears.

What can not be done?

If you want to know how to wean a dog from jumping on its owner for joy, you should keep in mind that you should never shout at an animal. The dog simply will not understand why you are doing this, because in the animal world the manifestations of joy and love are different than in humans. And even if after the next cry the dog still stops jumping on you, it will become simply intimidated.

Perhaps the most important mistake is to beat the dog. First of all, because it is painful and unpleasant for her. In addition, there is a risk of injury to the animal. It is also worth understanding that in this way you can raise an aggressive dog. It is possible that she will respond to aggression in the same way.

If a dog jumps on people in the street

Dogs tend to show interest and attention not only to their owners, but also to strangers while walking on the street. The playfulness and favorable disposition of the animal can be mistaken for aggression by passers-by, which often leads to unpleasant situations. In addition, do not forget that some people may simply be afraid of dogs.

If you have a pet, you should know how to wean a dog from jumping on the owner on the street (and even more so on strangers). So, when going for a walk, always take a small twig with you. If the dog tries to jump on you or pulls his paws to passers-by, hit him lightly on the rump (but not hard, so as not to hurt the animal). This should not be done either by hand or by a leash, as the dog may develop a negative attitude towards walking.

If your dog is playful, this is not a reason to limit him in the pleasure of a longer walk in the fresh air. On the contrary, she should stay in crowded places as long as possible. Only in this way can the dog develop the right attitude towards strangers. The main thing is to keep the animal on a short leash so that it cannot frighten anyone.

This is a complex and lengthy process that requires patience and diligence. So, if you are wondering how to wean a dog from jumping on the owner and guests, take into account the following tips:

  • regularly mate or sterilize the dog to avoid unpleasant situations;
  • if, jumping on you, the dog spoils clothes, try to wear those things that you do not mind during the "re-education";
  • if we are talking about an adult dog, then it will be difficult to overcome her habits, and therefore it is better to seek help from a cynologist;
  • if we are talking about a small puppy, you can’t play pranks on him, but you should immediately start raising him;
  • involve all family members in the work on the pet's behavior, because if one person indulges the dog's pampering, all the work will go down the drain.


The decision to adopt a pet should be considered and weighed. And especially when it comes to a dog, because it is a wayward animal. In order for a pet to bring you only joy, it must be brought up as carefully and strictly as a child. Jumping on the owner, guests and passers-by should be unacceptable for the dog. The sooner you start training, the more effective it will be.

“I’ll get a dog to pick me up from work and jump into my arms, tearing shopping bags, scratching and ruining clothes” - not very similar to a “pink dream”, right? The emotional greeting of the owner at the front door, and sometimes passers-by on the street, is only touching in theory. It is important to wean the dog from jumping on people before it injures a person or child you do not know, your personal damage does not count, because it is your dog.

It's all the fault of emotions and sincere love of the ward. The dog misses the owner while he is at work or in the store. When meeting, the pet shows how happy he is with all available methods, and this is where the problems begin. By the way, a lot depends on the temperament of the dog. As you know, adult caudates (like people) are divided into sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic. The habit of jumping on a person suffers from choleric and ill-bred sanguine people.

Note! Regarding puppies, the characteristic is a little generalized. In any four-legged child lives a sanguine person and "two hundred grams of explosives each." Melancholic, and even more phlegmatic puppies - a rarity.

So, if you decide to get a dog, you will face the problem of jumping on you, guests and strangers to one degree or another. There is nothing criminal in this behavior, moreover, in the canine world, this is the norm. Watch videos about the life of wild dogs, pay attention to how the pack greets each other after separation and everything will fall into place.

Behavior Correction Methods, From Puppy to Adult Dog

Optimally, wean the puppy from jumping on people in the first months of life in your home and forget about this problem. If you missed the moment, got a teenager or an adult dog - do not worry, this defect can be corrected at any age. The first thing to understand is that the pet does not do evil on purpose, it simply expresses its emotions, and positive ones. Punishing a four-legged for loving you is at least unreasonable. Tune in to patient work, it will not drag on for a long time, discard irritation and get to work.

Read also: How to feed a Cocker Spaniel puppy: menu by age

Important! Any correction of behavior is carried out gently and step by step, the age of the dog is not important, as well as the offenses already committed. If you want to teach your dog manners rather than force him to obey, start with a clean slate as soon as you're mentally prepared.

Working with puppies - gentle methods

Your 3-4 month old ward strives to rest against you with his front paws, perhaps he asks for your arms, and you raise the baby to greet - stop! Not even for small dogs! Encouraging a violent reaction of the ward, you personally create problems for the dog and yourself. You have crossed the threshold of the house, packages, bags and everything your hands are busy with should be put on the floor right away! Without waiting for the pet to start jumping:

  • We go down to his level (squat, kneel, sit on the floor).
  • With soft gestures, we do not let the caudate put its paws on itself, everything is done unobtrusively, without attracting attention.
  • We lean towards the dog so that it can sniff or even lick its face (for puppies, this is normal).
  • Without stopping petting and greeting the dog.
  • We unobtrusively seat the pet, clearly pronounce “Good!” and only after the emotions subside, we sort out the purchases, pick up the bag, etc.

By the age of six months, the pet already knows the basic commands and they need to be included in the behavior correction process. The complex is the same, but you no longer rush to the floor, but after greeting the dog, send / take it to the place. If the ward got up and ran up to you, he must be returned to his original position. Having removed shoes, outerwear, put a bag or packages, we go to the pet, which is on the spot!

Important! Training is carried out at home, if the dog does not jump on you, then strangers will not be interested in it! If the pet still reacts violently to people outside the home (for example, to your friends), ask the “victim” to use the correction technique that suits you.

The longest, tedious, but important age for learning "etiquette" is 6-8 months. The pet does not yet have the proper endurance, especially if your ward is choleric, but you need to educate him! Encourage yourself that you not only get rid of a bad habit, but also instill in the dog the skill of self-control.

Read also: How and what to feed a husky puppy: menu by age

Working with teenage dogs - methods with physical impact

At 9-10 months of age, the dog becomes not only heavier, but also stronger. For the caudate, it is no longer a problem to literally jump on your hands or hit your face with your paw. This also includes damaged clothes, abrasions from strong claws. At the same age, the pet may try to seize leadership positions, that is, to assert itself through incorrect behavior. The risks arising in the transition period require more decisive action. It is important not to offend the dog, the adjustment process should take place on a positive note.

Methods for working with teenage dogs:

  • Ignoring- an unexpectedly effective technique that works with caudates of any breed and age. Enter the house holding back jumps, pet your pet and clearly say “Sit!”. As soon as the ward tries to jump, turn your back to him. The dog will run around you trying to get into a good jumping position. You must turn your back every time, you need to do this quickly. Turn around until the dog completes the command, and he is guaranteed to complete it. Turn to face the ward and greet him sincerely.
  • Let- observe the posture of the dog, and as soon as he is about to jump, lift your leg and put your knee forward. The tailed one will stumble on the knee with his chest, it is not painful, but unpleasant. During the procedure, without stopping to pet and greet the dog, nothing much happens until he tries to jump on you.
  • Vise- as soon as the dog has put its paws on you, grab them with both hands at the joints and squeeze so that the paws are pressed against each other. Make an effort, the ward should experience discomfort, lower the paws. Repeat the procedure, pressing more force, until the pet whines. Physical pain is a bad method of influence, but if the above methods did not help, it is fair.
  • "Weapon"- place a spray gun or an “infected” water gun on the corridor bedside table. As soon as you cross the threshold, arm yourself and wait for the jump. Spray in the dog (possibly in the face) as soon as it has got all four paws on the floor - stroke and greet. To enhance the effect, you can add vanillin, lemon juice or essential oil to the water, but in this case you can’t splash it in the face!

A small puppy that looks forward to the owner from work and jumps on him as soon as a person crosses the threshold is a very touching sight. However, in most tetrapods, this bad habit does not go away even at a conscious age. And a large dog that rushes at family members or passers-by, spoils clothes and can injure, no longer looks so touching. Therefore, it is worth thinking about how to wean a dog to jump on the owner even during the initial upbringing of a puppy.

It is possible to rid a dog of a bad habit in an adult state, but the methods will be much more harsh and painful for both parties. Before finding a solution to the problem, you still need to learn the basics and find out why the dog can jump on the owner.

The most common reason for such actions is sincere love for a person and the joy caused by his appearance. Even a two-hour separation from a beloved owner is a real test for a four-legged dog. Therefore, at the long-awaited meeting, the pet tries by all means to show how happy he is with the appearance of a person. He can rest his paws on his knees, if it is a small dog, or on the chest of the owner, bark loudly and lick in the face.

There are other reasons that can cause this behavior of a pet. This:

Temperament classification is relevant only among adult dogs. Sometimes you can determine the nature of the dog in puppyhood, but in most cases, all puppies are too active and energetic. If the baby behaves melancholy and seems constantly tired, this indicates that an urgent consultation with a veterinarian is needed.

Regardless of what caused the unsatisfactory behavior of the dog, the desire to rush at people should be said goodbye in any case. However, the easiest way to completely avoid the development of such a habit is through proper education.

Why is it forbidden for a pet to jump on people?

Dogs jump on the owner intuitively. In the wild, these are pack animals, and in a pack it is customary to meet the leader by sniffing or licking his muzzle. Thus, the dogs demonstrate their respect and submission to a stronger individual. Therefore, being at home, the dog rushes at the owner and often licks his face, because it is he who is the leader in this world.

However, living in an apartment is not the same as living in a pack, and such behavior in a human environment is unacceptable. And that's why:

  • such an outpouring of feelings can be unpleasant for the owner and other family members;
  • guests, especially unprepared ones, a dog rushing and jumping on them will be a real shock;
  • acquaintances and ordinary passers-by, on whom a dog can rush during a walk, will obviously not be pleased with the traces of dirty paws on clothes;
  • children, the weight of a dog jumping on them can completely knock them down;
  • a person who is unfamiliar with a dog may think that the animal wants to harm him, and is very frightened.

Education Above All: Preventing the Habit

It is necessary to engage in raising a puppy from the very first days of his appearance in a new home. It is not necessary to overload a small dog with daily exercise, but it is necessary to instill the basics of good behavior. Prevention of jumps on the owner is one of the basic skills. The most effective way to break a habit is to use cunning. For example:

  1. Every time the puppy tries to jump on a human, the puppy hears the order to “sit”. All he has to do is sit down. The owner keeps the baby in this position for several seconds, after which he encourages her.
  2. Any other order can serve as a stop signal to stop, so a prudent study of commands will serve as a good preventive measure. In any case, the puppy will joyfully rush to the door when he hears the owner, and he meets the dog with a command that needs to be executed.
  3. Puppies jump on the owner with only one purpose - to lick his face. Therefore, another rule is to act ahead of the curve. A person, entering the apartment, quickly but calmly puts his things down and kneels to give the dog a chance to lick his face. This procedure is unpleasant for many owners, but it is necessary to maintain the dog's psyche in a healthy state. Even in the characteristics of some large breeds it is written that the puppy certainly needs close contact with the owner.
  4. Most animals do not like to be grabbed by the paws - they tend to break free and return the limbs to the ground. A jumping puppy can be grabbed by the front paws. If a simple girth does not work, you can slightly squeeze the limbs in the pasterns. The dog will rush to break free and return its paws to a hard surface. If the habit has not yet fully taken root, this method helps to correct the dog's behavior well.
  5. It is important not to tease your puppy by offering him treats. So, the owner should not teach the baby to jump up to reach for a tasty piece. Otherwise, the puppy will start begging for food, jumping on the owner.
  6. After entering the apartment, the owner immediately puts forward his hand, which becomes an obstacle to the jump. With the other hand, the owner strokes the puppy.

If the puppy has already grown up, and with it the habit of jumping on the owner has grown, it is too late to engage in prevention. You should start retraining your pet as soon as possible so that the dog's addiction does not end badly.

The main principle of education is to clearly and clearly explain to the dog how she can behave, and how it is strictly forbidden.

Classical methods of education

Raising a puppy has its own nuances, as well as retraining an adult dog. The same rules apply to jumping on the host. If such behavior in a baby causes only tenderness, and you can stop it with a slight wave of your hand, then a large adult dog rushing at a person is already frightening.

So, the classical methods of weaning can be divided depending on the age of the four-legged pet.

Weaning a puppy from jumping with gentle methods

Tiny puppies should be held back when they try to jump on people. It happens like this:

  1. The owner comes home from work, immediately puts the bags on the floor and goes down to the dog. Desires to jump are stopped by the “no” command and by stubbornly pressing the dog to the floor.
  2. When the puppy realizes that it is forbidden to jump, and puts its paws on the floor, you need to reach out to him and let him lick it. So the puppy will greet the owner, show his devotion and love. However, any attempt to jump must be persistently but gently stopped at the very beginning.
  3. A sitting puppy can be stroked, praised, and given a “tasty” to its fullest. After the baby calms down, its owner can get up and go about his business - take things to the room, sort out the bags.
  4. If the baby approaches the owner, rests his paws on his leg and asks for his arms, you should never lift him up and press him to you. This can only be done after the puppy has completely calmed down and stopped jumping.

All members of the family should take part in training the puppy. If adults are trying to wean the baby from the habit, and the children happily throw themselves into the arms of a puppy when they come from a walk, classes will never bring the desired result. As the puppy grows older, the measures for weaning him from jumping become more stringent, so it is best to complete the process as early as puppyhood.

Important! You should never punish and beat the baby for anything, otherwise he will turn into a ball of wool constantly pissing and shaking with fear. There will be no talk of any joy at the sight of the owner. In addition, animals lack logical thinking, so the dog will not understand why it was punished, and mutual understanding with the owner will be completely lost.

Weaning an adult dog

Obedience training in an adult dog is more difficult. In the classic version of the jump weaning course, experts identify several methods, which are presented in the table below.

Table 1. Traditional ways to wean an adult dog from jumping on the owner.

Loss of eye contactWhen the dog approaches the owner, he should turn his back or side to him. This will lose eye contact with the pet, he will not see the person’s reaction to his actions and hesitate.
Adding Deny CommandsThe previous method can be made more efficient by adding “no” or “fu” commands to the lack of reaction, said in a clear, strict tone.
RetentionAn animal that has already jumped to the owner, but has not yet put its paws on his chest, can be grabbed by the front limbs. The dog will not like such a gesture, after which it will hasten to return its paws to the ground.
Forbidding gesturesDogs don't like it when something constantly moves in front of their nose. You can use this for your own purposes. For example, when a dog starts jumping at its owner, you should take a step back, stretch out your hand in front of you and wave it in front of your pet's nose. It is best to accompany this gesture with the order “no”.

If one of the methods worked, and the dog still stopped trying to greet a friend, you can pet him, feed him a treat and praise him. So the animal will understand that the owner is not angry and is pleased with the long-awaited calm behavior of the dog. It is important to teach the dog basic commands in advance, such as “fu”, “no”, “sit” and others. They will help stop the excessive joy of meeting with the owner.

German Shepherd learns the "down" command

It is important to remember that:

  • the prohibition command must be pronounced before the negative impact - holding, pushing, splashing water;
  • the animal must certainly be praised after it rests its paws on the floor so that good behavior is inculcated more effectively;
  • all family members must be together and apply the same methods of prohibition;
  • no one is allowed to scream and hit the dog, even if he tore a bag of groceries or expensive tights in a jump.

4 methods of influencing quadrupeds of any age

Experts offer an inexhaustible supply of methods for raising dogs, so you can choose the ideal method for any even the most assertive pet. Below are methods that can be used to train quadrupeds of any age.

Method 1: Ignore

  • if on a walk the dog jumps and stamps its paws on the back or legs of a person, you do not need to pay attention to this; if he runs ahead of the owner and jumps again, turn away from him;
  • you need to ignore the actions of the pet until he takes a more relaxed method of communication - sits down, stops or even turns around and starts to leave;
  • when the dog stops jumping, you need to immediately stop any ignore and knock it down;
  • if after praise the dog returns to its previous behavior, it is worth turning away from it again and continue until the dog learns the relationship between his behavior and the reaction of the owner.

The method is based on the idea that any kind of attention, including negative attention, causes the dog to keep jumping on the person. And to make him calm down, you need to let him realize that his pet will not achieve the desired attention with his bad behavior.

Method 2: Braking

  • when the pet decides to jump, you need to stretch your open hand forward;
  • the dog will certainly repeat the jump, after which the owner puts his hand on her nose and presses, at the same time repeating the command “down”;
  • the tip of the dog's nose is a sensitive place, and the pet will no longer want such an impact, therefore, after a couple of repetitions, it will stop throwing itself at the owner.

This method will be very effective if repeated every time the dog jumps.

Method 3: Applying the Sit Command

  • this is one of the first commands to teach your puppy: it will allow you to use the replacement behavior as a way to greet the owner;
  • before leaving and after returning, the owner says the command “sit”, without waiting for the dog to jump;
  • if the dog obeyed and sat down, the owner needs to hug her and praise her, and if she didn’t obey, apply another method of influence;
  • when the dog's jumping still stops and the pet sits down, you need to periodically repeat the order "sit" and praise the dog while he is in this position.

After a few days of such training, the dog will learn that he will only be able to achieve the greeting of the owner after he sits down.

An adult dog should already know the “sit” command well.

Method 4: leash control

  • a collar with a long strap is put on the pet;
  • at the first attempt to rush at the owner, the “fu” command is pronounced in a strict, but not very sharp voice;
  • then the owner steps on the leash, being in front of the dog, and the next time the pet tries to jump, the pet will not be able to get off the ground enough - the leash will hold him;
  • then you need to praise the quadruped and give him a treat so that he understands exactly what actions are rewarded.

It may be necessary to repeat this procedure for several days to reinforce the desired behavior.

When all else fails: tough methods to fight the habit

If the upbringing began as a puppy, you can wean the puppy from jumping on the owner quickly and without any special consequences. But if, due to the busyness of the owner, the moment was missed or the dog appeared in the house as an adult, the behavior can be corrected by more severe methods. They will be as effective as possible and will not harm the pet.

The main rule to remember when re-educating a dog is that it rushes at the owner not with malicious intent, but expresses its positive emotions. Therefore, to punish the four-legged for the manifestation of love would be stupid and cruel. For everything to work out, you should forget about irritation and stock up on patience and perseverance.

Remember: the main feeling that prompts the dog to jump on the owner is love for him.

Physical Methods for Teenage Dogs

A six-month-old puppy should already know the basic commands “sit” and “place”, so the owner will no longer have to sit down on the floor: just say the command and gesture for the teenager to sit down. If the use of commands does not produce the desired effect, you can use methods with impact.

This may be necessary as the older puppy becomes not only heavier but also stronger. He easily climbs into his arms, and during the jump he can accidentally hit the owner with his paw on the head and scratch with strengthened claws. At about 8-9 months, the dog begins to show leadership qualities and tries to assert itself through its behavior, which requires more decisive methods on the part of the owner.

So, effective measures with physical impact:

  1. Place command. Without waiting for the animal to decide to jump, the owner pronounces the command "place" and takes him to the mat, holding the collar. If the pet returns to the owner, the procedure is repeated. If the puppy stays in its place while the owner undresses and sorts out bags of groceries, you should approach him and praise him.
  2. Spray. A spray gun or a water pistol, previously prepared in the hallway, works similarly to stopping gestures. When trying to jump, the owner sprays the dog with a jet of water, which is not very pleasant for the animal. In addition, aromatic oil or lemon juice can be added to the liquid, but in this situation, aiming at the muzzle is prohibited. Excessive concentration of substances can spoil the dog's sharp sense of smell or damage the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes.
  3. Pinching of the ears and clicking on the nose. Many owners of teenage dogs recommend pinching their dogs by the ears if they start jumping, or lightly tapping the bridge of their noses. It is important to remember that the actions of the owner should cause the pet minor discomfort, not severe pain.
  4. "Vise". After the dog has planted its paws on the owner, they need to be grabbed and squeezed so that the joints of both paws are squeezed together. You should noticeably squeeze the paws, but do not injure them. If the jumps are repeated, the pressure increases. However, physical pain is a last resort and should only be considered if other options fail.

If the owner enters the apartment with the child, you should immediately hide it behind your back. Dogs indiscriminately rush at any loved one, not paying attention to his height, and can knock down or scratch the baby.

The nose is one of the most sensitive places on a dog's body.

As a rule, the final consolidation of teams occurs at the age of six months to 8 months. At this time, the dog is full of energy, in a hurry to explore the whole world around and tries to find the weak points of the owner. The puppy may not obey, so the upbringing process will be difficult. However, if the owner is persistent and patient, both parties will be able to calmly survive this period and remain good friends.

Important! A puppy that is already used to not jumping on its owner usually stops jumping on strangers as well. But if the upbringing has not yet been completed, you should inform your friends who come to visit. Let them copy the behavior of the owner and do not encourage the dog to jump.

Raising an adult dog: tough methods

It also happens that all of the above methods do not help to cope with the unacceptable habit of the four-legged. In this case, it is worth using more stringent methods. But first, you should slow down the upbringing and find out why nothing works: perhaps the pet does not understand what they are trying to achieve from him, or contact has not been established between the owner and the dog.

You should draw conclusions and remember:

  • whether the owner offended his dog;
  • does he pay enough attention to the pet;
  • whether the training was consistent and correct.

If the owner shows his irritation to the dog when he jumps on him, the effect will be completely opposite: the pet will seek to make amends, and will begin to jump on the owner even more intensely.

Harsh parenting methods, which are described below, can be used only in extreme cases. Be sure to conduct them on a positive note and at the end praise and stroke the dog so that education does not cause psychological trauma.

Table 2. Severe methods of dealing with adult dog jumping on the owner.

dashIt is carried out with the help of an assistant. A collar with spikes or electric shock is put on the dog, to which a leash is attached. The assistant stands in a dark corner at the moment when the owner must enter the apartment, and holds the leash in his hand. When the dog rushes at the owner, the leash jerks sharply to the side with each attempt. At the same time, the owner behaves as usual - strokes the dog and welcomes it.
Proof of LeadershipIf the reason for jumping on the owner is the need for the dog to prove the position of the dominant male, you need to take him by the withers and press him to the floor. After the animal has completely calmed down, you can release it. The procedure is repeated as needed.
step on pawDuring the jump, the owner carefully steps on his paw with his foot. The main thing in this method is to calculate the strength so as not to injure the pet. The discomfort that such jumping causes the dog will quickly force him to return to his place and stop actively expressing his feelings.
Isolation from communicationIt happens that the dog weans itself from jumping on the owner, but does not stop jumping on his guests. In this case, isolation of the dog from people during the reception or a strict leash will help.
physical barrierWhen the owner notices that the dog intends to throw himself on his chest, he bends his knee and blocks the path of the animal. The dog hits his knee. After a collision with an obstacle, the dog may repeat his attempt several more times, but he will soon get tired of it. You can also lightly hit the dog under the knee.
Little dog obstacleIf the blow on the owner’s leg does not cause severe pain to a representative of a large breed, then he can injure a small dog. In this case, you can use your hand as an obstacle. A blow to the open palm of the owner will also be perceived as a negative reaction, but not so painful.

As for the method with a physical barrier in the form of a knee, you need to be especially careful when performing it. Do not pretend that you are doing something at this moment. There should be a smile on the owner's face, he affectionately greets the dog verbally. In a dog, the appearance of pain should not be associated with the owner.

If the dog nevertheless understands that it is the owner who is the source of the discomfort caused, he may be very offended. After all, the pet tried to show sincere feelings, rejoiced at his beloved owner, and in response he was hit. It will be difficult for a dog to forgive a person for such behavior.

What not to do when raising a dog

A lot of forums offer one single piece of bad advice for weaning a dog from jumping on its owner. The owners suggest that after the jump, throw the dog on the shoulder blades and shake it from side to side. Under no circumstances should this advice be followed because:

  • for a pet, such behavior of the owner will be very unpleasant and humiliating;
  • the dog will not understand what caused such an attitude towards her: it will remain a secret for her, because of which the joyful mood of the owner suddenly became aggressive;
  • a sharp rollover on your back can lead to spinal injury.

A humiliating attitude will never lead to a good result. Moreover, if this is a representative who usually makes informed independent decisions, he will definitely remember the meanness of the owner and will never forgive him. Even if the owner carried out such a method only once, it can greatly spoil the relationship with the dog.

Rolling onto the back is considered humiliating for animals, especially for an adult male.

The dog jumps on passers-by: what to do?

If the owner at some point can come to terms with the manifestations of the pet's feelings, then strangers will be outraged by such an act of the dog. Therefore, it is necessary to stop pet attacks on people already at the initial stage. This can be tricky because friendly four-legged pets show an active interest in strangers, especially if they've come to the playground with their dog.

In the process of weaning a dog, the following factors should be considered:

  1. Some people are very afraid of dogs, and a pet rushing at them, even if its goals are only positive, can cause real horror. A frightened stranger can be asked to stop and wait for the owner to catch the dog by the leash. Conflicts can be avoided if you shout to a stranger from afar that the pet can jump on him.
  2. For each walk you need to take a branch or a stick with you. As soon as the dog tries to rush at a stranger, you need to lightly hit him on the backside. Severe pain should not be inflicted, but the blow should be sufficient to fix the negative association with the action in the mind of the pet.
  3. Some owners advise using a leash and jerking the dog away when it tries to communicate with a passerby. However, this method will lead to a temporary result. The dog will think that at the moment the owner does not want her to express her emotions, and the person himself does not mind talking at all.

Important! It is very important for dogs to constantly communicate with people and the outside world. Equipment will help to socialize safely for everyone. A dog on which a leash is also worn should be taken to crowded places as often as possible. The pet must be constantly monitored and stopped if it tries to pounce on someone. Frequent exposure to people will teach the dog to keep his feelings under control.

Psychological conflict

A person sometimes forgets that a dog does not reason at all like he does. She sits at home all day, looking forward to her beloved master. And if he appears on the threshold of the apartment at about the same time, biochemical processes begin in the dog's body, as a result of which hormones are released that are responsible for a feeling of delight and happiness.

This theory was developed by a Polish psychologist who experimented with experimental dogs. The scientist served food in bowls of animals once every 10 minutes, including a bright light before that. It was possible to reveal that after some time, salivation in dogs begins to increase before serving food, even without light flashes. The psychologist stated that the constant reaction to pleasant stimuli causes the body of animals to hallucinate.

And at that moment, when the dog is morally and biochemically set to meet the owner, instead of the long-awaited pleasant communication, she receives a cry, a blow or a slap. This causes an internal psychological conflict: the dog is simply not able to understand why the owner behaves this way. You can extinguish this trouble with affection after the animal has performed the action correctly.

Non-traditional measures for correcting the actions of a quadruped

For choleric animals, weaning from jumping on the owner can last an indefinite period or even require the most decisive measures. Experts recommend using a more tangible negative effect on overly active dogs: ringing slaps, repulsion or strict parfors.

Despite all the efforts made, it is very difficult for a dog to cope with an excess of emotions in relation to the owner, since the release of hormones is to blame for everything. A way out was found by one of the doctors of the association of veterinarians in America. He suggested that the owners of dogs with a choleric type of character give their pets drugs that can calm them down. This:

  • silicea (on a single dose once a day during periods of noticeable emotional arousal);

  • brewed St. John's wort, 1 tbsp. powder per glass of boiling water (3 to 8 mg twice a day, give for about a week);

  • phosphorus C 30 (1 dose is given daily, the duration of administration is a week);

  • yeast (half a small spoon for an animal up to 14 kg, a whole spoon for an animal up to 50 kg); Seek veterinary advice as it may cause allergies.

Important! Medicines are purchased only in a pharmacy and only on the recommendation of a specialist.

The owner has the right to decide for himself which method he will use to wean the pet from jumping on people. Experts offer several tips to make the process as painless as possible for both parties:

  1. It will be difficult to wean a dog from a habit, as this is an intuitive behavior received from nature. On average, the process of fostering good behavior can take about two weeks. Therefore, the owner needs to be patient.
  2. The dog must be able to jump: this skill will be useful to him during the game and when executing the “fetch” command. But during active pastime with a pet, you need to make sure that he does not jump on the owner, and immediately stop such things.
  3. First you need to decide what exactly the owner wants from the dog, and only then demand that orders be followed. An inconsistent owner who does one thing after another will quickly confuse the dog, and he will begin to behave as he wants.

Any behavior correction consists of a series of steps that are performed gradually and in a gentle manner. At the same time, the age of the pet does not matter, as well as the actions committed in the past. The owner, who wants not only to subdue the dog, but to cultivate good manners in it, will have to start the entire process of education from scratch.

Video - How to wean a dog to jump on people

Dogs, especially under the age of one, are very emotional. Jumping on people and outbursts of emotion are common behavior for a puppy. Many owners wonder how to wean a dog from jumping on people.

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Why can't dogs jump on people?

Jumping on the owner is an intuitive ritual for the puppy. As you know, dogs are pack animals, it is customary for them to meet the leader by sniffing, and sometimes licking their muzzle. That is why animals often jump on their feet, and already adults - on their shoulders and climb into the face. The owner usually doesn't like it.

Why can't you do this:

  • you personally do not like such a manifestation of feelings;
  • your friend is unlikely to be pleased with such a greeting on the street, which will leave paw prints;
  • children will not always be able to bear the weight of the dog on their shoulders;
  • an outsider in general can decide that the dog is showing aggression.

Effective pet retraining methods

This behavior is considered natural for puppies, so you need to wean it carefully. The sooner you start re-educating the animal, the calmer and faster the training will be. It is important to be persistent and patient throughout the process, while replacing jumping with another acceptable host greeting.

Remember in such cases it is pointless to punish the pet. He doesn't understand why it shouldn't be done.

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Now let's dwell on several methods of how to wean a dog from jumping at a meeting:

soft way

This method is suitable for small pets up to 3-4 months.

Coming home, you should develop a clear strategy and do this every time:

  1. Don't let the puppy jump. Talk to him.
  2. Praise if you didn't jump. Then sit down so that you are level with your pet and let him sniff you.
  3. Then do a distraction. This time should be enough for your dressing.
  4. The greeting is over, send the pet to its place.

Weak physical impact

There are such stubborn puppies that they still continue to rejoice at the arrival so hatefully for you.

Then you will have to correct your behavior and introduce a weak physical impact into it:

  1. If it was not possible to intercept the animal before the jump, then substitute your knee in time. Then the pet will stumble upon an obstacle with its chest. Sometimes trainers advise kicking the dog in the area just below the knee.
  2. In this case, the dog must decide that this happened by accident. The owner, as if nothing had happened, should talk and continue the greeting ritual.

Behavior modification with toy weapons

This method is suitable for fairly large puppies, as well as for adults.

The essence of this method:

  1. Prepare a spray bottle, water pistol, or a simple squirt bottle.
  2. At the time of the jump, use the prepared object and spray a jet of water into the muzzle. Better if you get in the eyes or nose.
  3. Now continue with the greeting.
  4. When you repeat the jump, and you repeat the water shot.

Hard way to correct behavior

This method is suitable only for already formed dogs, that is, over the age of 2 years. And you should use it only if you know how to handle parfor or jerk chain.

This method is great for educating when guests come to the house:

  1. Put on a chain or parfor with a leash.
  2. When guests arrive, your pet already habitually performs a jump, and at that moment you make a dash.
  3. The guest continues the greeting and shows how glad he is to meet the animal.
  4. When you repeat the jump, the jerk is repeated.

  1. If the owner decided to wean the puppy from this bad habit, then all family members should support him and observe the chosen greeting ritual.
  2. Intuitive behavior is difficult to relearn, so do not rely on the speed of methods. So to correct the behavior of the animal using the first two methods, you will need at least two weeks.
  3. It is important that the dog knows how to jump, but do not allow him to do this during a game, such as a ball. Very often throwing an object and training like this, "the owner does not even notice that the dog is jumping on him. Don't allow it.
  4. Decide what you want from a pet, and then demand from him. If the owner is inconsistent or sometimes does this, and sometimes in another way, then the dogs will do as she wants at the moment.

Video "What to do if the dog jumps on you?"

In the video, the trainer tells and shows effective methods for weaning dogs from jumping when they meet.

Getting a new puppy is an exciting time for the whole family and there are many benefits to getting a new dog while it is still young. You, being able to train a puppy in the way you want to see him in the future, will be able to do it as efficiently as possible, since puppies are more receptive to change and ready to learn than adult dogs, who already have their own view of the world and are noticeably less trained.

However, the responsibility of preparing and training a new puppy is not always easy, and most owners of dogs under one year of age face many challenges. How you deal with these basic issues and challenges is what determines the end result, so understanding some of the issues you are likely to face will help you and your dog successfully navigate this stage together. Below you will find some of the most common puppy problems and tips on how to solve them.

puppy bites

Biting just for fun, not wanting to offend anyone, is a common puppy behavior, but it can cause problems when the dog gets older and his teeth can hurt! In this case, you should say "no!" sharply, and praise the puppy when he observes good manners. In the same way, you can say "oh!" in surprise, your offended voice will have an instant effect, as the puppy behaves in exactly the same way when he is bitten by his brothers or sisters (yapping offendedly). It's important not to give your puppy mixed signals so he doesn't get confused, so choose one line of behavior and don't let him pinch you.

Interaction problems with other dogs

It will take some time for your puppy to get in line with other dogs. He gradually learns the difference between friend and foe, the correct behavior in the game and his place in the hierarchy of the pack. While puppies are small, they tend to display a submissive demeanor to other large and adult dogs they come into contact with. Although, having matured quite a bit, the puppy will feel more confident and even begin to challenge the high place in the pack. If your puppy learns that he can dominate another dog, then this will be a completely natural part of his growth and development, as well as part of the formation of his personality. However, if he becomes aggressive with another dog or is too rough in play and there is no other dog to put him in his place, then you may need to intervene. If the other dog is not giving your puppy warning signals to back off, such as growling, then you should play that role yourself in order to help the puppy understand the limits of safe play and what behavior is acceptable.

puppy barking

Puppies learn early in their lives that barking and the noise they make gets a lot of attention, and this can be the start of a vicious cycle of unwanted behavior where the puppy can be praised and even rewarded for inappropriate barking. The first thing to find out is if barking is a sign that the puppy is bored or not getting enough attention. If you have established that barking is simply a behavioral problem in order to achieve a specific goal, then you need to set boundaries for that behavior. When a puppy starts barking for no reason, immediately tell him "no!" or "don't bark!". You should not react to the puppy until his behavior changes for the better, then you can praise him. Repeat this procedure as many times as needed to consolidate the result.

Toilet training problems

If the puppy, as you think, simply does not recognize toilet training, then you have several options. Make sure you give him access to the toilet often enough that he doesn't have to beg and wait for you.

If the puppy goes to the toilet in the house, then you should always quickly and thoroughly clean up after him and neutralize the smell so that the puppy does not associate any corner in the house with the correct place for the toilet. Teach your puppy to show you some signals when he wants to go to the toilet, and always respond to his request. If you do not pay attention to his request, then this can lead not only to an accident, but also to confuse the puppy.

puppy jumping

When the puppy is small, his unrestrained greetings and jumps can seem cute and funny, which can easily become a habit for both him and you, especially if you reward him for it. However, by doing this, you are teaching him that jumping is fine, but will definitely become a problem when he grows up. Of course, you want the puppy to be happy to see you, and it can seem harsh to tell him things like to calm him down. But, nevertheless, it is important that the puppy distinguishes the correct greeting from the bad. For example, when you are talking or petting him and he suddenly jumps up, then you should say a firm "no" and manually press him to the ground a little, or put his front paws on the floor. Then give him some time to calm down before praising him again. You will likely have to repeat this process several times as the dog greets you, but eventually the puppy should understand the message.



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