Treatment of the stomach with oats at home. Oat decoction - medicinal properties and contraindications

Oats have always been used in folk medicine.
Cereals and flour from oat grains contain a large amount of starch and proteins, as well as sugar, fats, mineral salts and other substances, and are used as diet food, and tinctures, water extracts and other preparations from oat straw are recommended as stimulants for insomnia, mental exhaustion, physical fatigue.

Baths with a decoction of oat straw help with rheumatism, gout, sciatica and some skin diseases.
Oat straw is used as an antidiabetic, diaphoretic, diuretic, carminative and antipyretic agent.

A decoction of oats is a well-known folk remedy for many ailments. Even Hippocrates recommended a decoction of oats or an infusion of oats for exhaustion and weakness of the body. He recommended drinking a decoction of oats or an infusion simply as a tea.

    decoction of oats it is simply necessary to strengthen the nervous system, heart, lungs, improve blood composition and metabolism.

    decoction of oats promotes metabolism in the body, treats gastric ulcer, chronic gastritis (moreover, regardless of acidity). Especially useful in chronic hepatitis and pancreatitis.

    decoction of oats It has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, it is drunk with edema and dropsy of the abdomen of renal origin, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, as well as with urinary incontinence in children.

    decoction of oats- a strong diaphoretic and antipyretic for colds.
    The therapeutic effect is better if you combine the reception of a decoction of grains with baths from a decoction of oat straw. A decoction of oats sweetened with honey is given to children and adults for coughing.

Oat decoction. Classic recipe for oat broth - 1

Brew 1-2 cups of grain in 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Take 0.5 cup 3 times a day for liver diseases.

Decoction of oats against insomnia. Recipe for decoction of oats - 2

500 g of oat grains should be washed with cold water, pour 1 liter of water, cook until half cooked, strain and take 150-200 ml daily, adding a little honey.
Squeezed grains can be boiled and used at your discretion: as a garnish...

A decoction of oats in milk for pneumonia in children. Recipe for decoction of oats - 3

1 glass of oats with husks, rinse well and pour a liter of milk. Boil for an hour on low heat. Strain and give to children to drink instead of tea or soup - several times during the day. With honey, butter - optional. It is especially useful to use jelly at night. You can not store for a long time - quickly turns sour. It is better to cook fresh every day.

A decoction of oats in milk as a tonic. Recipe for decoction of oats - 4

Pour oats or oatmeal (1 cup) with 1 liter of boiled water and cook until liquid jelly is thick, pour the same amount of milk into the broth and boil again. After cooling, combine the first and second decoctions and dissolve 3 tablespoons of honey in them. Drink warm drink 1 cup 2-3 times a day as a general tonic.

Decoction of oats "Elixir of life". Recipe for decoction of oats - 5

Three glasses of oats (not "Hercules") are thoroughly washed and poured with 3 liters of water. Boil 20 min. over low heat, then removed from heat and well wrapped for 24 hours, or poured into a thermos.
Later, the broth is filtered through a thick napkin, 100 grams of honey are added to it, tightly closed with a lid, put on fire again and allowed to boil. Once cooled, pour into clean bottles and refrigerate. Before use, add freshly squeezed lemon juice (to taste).
They drink the decoction in small sips, very slowly, with pleasure, savoring, 100 grams a day half an hour before meals. When the drink is over, the decoction is made three more times. The course is held 3 times a year: in spring, summer and autumn.
This recipe will help cleanse the body of toxins and naturally increase vitality.

A decoction of oats is sticky. Recipe for decoction of oats - 6

1 cup of washed oatmeal is poured into 1 liter of melted water at room temperature, insisted for 12 hours, then boiled for 30 minutes with the lid tightly closed, removed from heat, wrapped for 12 hours, filtered. Melt water is added, bringing the volume of the broth to 1 liter. Take 30 minutes before meals or between meals 3 times a day, 150 ml for a month. It is used as a mild, stomach-sparing enveloping remedy for diarrhea, especially in children.

A decoction of oats is cool. Recipe for decoction of oats - 7

3 cups of unpeeled oats pour 3 liters of water, cook on low heat for 3 hours, strain, store in the refrigerator. Drink warm, 0.5 cups 1 hour before meals. A cool decoction of oats relieves any inflammation, removes toxins, normalizes the work of the stomach, pancreas, liver, kidneys.

A decoction of oat grains in the form of jelly. Recipe for decoction of oats - 8

2 tbsp oat grains or flour in 1 cup of boiled water - boil over low heat until a thick mass is obtained. Drink warm 0.5-1 glass 3 times a day before meals. Kissel decoction of oat grains is used for violation of bile secretion, and decoction of oatmeal - for disorders of the digestive tract, diarrhea.

A decoction of oat grains with honey. Recipe for decoction of oats - 9

Pour 1 cup of oats with 5 cups of cold water. Boil over low heat until half of the original volume, strain. Add 4 tsp. honey and boil again. Decoction drink warm 1 cup 3 times a day for 1 hour before meals. This high-calorie drink is used to strengthen strength, in diseases of the kidneys, thyroid gland.

A decoction of oats in distilled water. Recipe for decoction of oats - 10

1 glass of washed oats is poured with a liter of distilled water at room temperature, insisted for 10-12 hours, then brought to a boil over low heat and boiled for 30 minutes with the lid tightly closed. Wrap and insist 12 hours, filter. Then with distilled water bring the volume of the broth to a liter. This decoction of oats improves metabolism in the body, is indicated for peptic ulcer, chronic gastritis, regardless of the state of acidity, and is especially useful if the gastrointestinal disease is aggravated by chronic hepatitis, pancreatitis.

We are found by keywords: oats, oat decoction, oat treatment, oat treatment.

Oats are a fairly common cereal crop, which at first glance is unremarkable. But upon a detailed examination of its properties, it turns out that this plant is fraught with great potential - it cures diseases, relieves excess weight and cleanses the body. A decoction of oats was recommended by Hippocrates himself, and not according to some complicated scheme, but daily instead of tea.

The fact is that the ancient Greek doctor knew about the extraordinary benefits of this herb, and his theory was later supported by another famous French doctor, Jean de Saint-Catherine. What is most surprising, the latter also used this remedy and, perhaps, thanks to the oatmeal broth, he lived for a long 120 years. Let us also open the veil of this mystery and consider what properties a drink made from oat grains has.

Beneficial features

So, let's find out how oatmeal is useful. It is effective in the treatment of gastritis, pancreatitis and liver diseases. With its help, you can cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and the walls of blood vessels from sclerotic plaques. This remedy has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems, strengthens the immune system and gives vitality. Oat grains have the ability to normalize the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood, as well as normalize the metabolic processes of the body.

Do you dream of healthy clear skin, strong nails and thick hair? Oatmeal will also help here.

Important! Of course, you should not expect a quick result in this case, but with regular use of this remedy, significant improvements can be achieved.

Let's describe the main useful properties of oatmeal decoction:

  • increases the body's defenses and promotes a speedy recovery;
  • with regular use strengthens the immune system;
  • in the event of colds, clears the bronchi from sputum;
  • having a diaphoretic effect, reduces fever;
  • effectively cleanses the liver and normalizes its work;
  • removes harmful substances from the body and cleanses the blood;
  • has the ability to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood, therefore it is indicated for patients suffering from diabetes mellitus;
  • helps to normalize the work of the central nervous system - relieves insomnia and perfectly tones;
  • used as a prophylactic and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • effective in pancreatitis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • helps in the fight against extra pounds;
  • during pregnancy, it helps to maintain immunity, saturating the body with vitamins and microelements.

Now you understand why they drink a decoction of oats, because its benefits cannot be overestimated. This cereal is a real storehouse of the most important substances necessary for the normal functioning of the human body, and when brewing grains, they all turn into a decoction.

When and how to apply?

With regular use, a decoction of oats exhibits the following medicinal properties:

  • restorative;
  • enveloping;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • carminative;
  • antipyretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • decongestant;
  • diaphoretic.

This tool is effective in a variety of situations and can be shown to both adults and children. And most importantly, it is very easy to cook it at home.

With pancreatitis

For patients suffering from pancreatitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, oat decoction is the most important remedy. This drink returns vitality to a weakened body and allows you to fully restore health after a serious illness.

You can prepare it as follows:

  • sort out oat grains, remove husks, dirt and other impurities;
  • rinse under running water;
  • put the raw materials in a container and pour warm boiled water;

    Advice! Make sure the water is warm, but never hot. A temperature of +30°C is quite suitable.

  • cover the dishes with a cotton cloth or gauze folded in several layers and leave for a couple of days in a shaded warm place;
  • gently rinse the germinated grains, dry and grind into flour using a coffee grinder;
  • a tablespoon of the resulting flour pour 200 water and put on fire;
  • as soon as the first bubbles appear, remove the broth from the stove and insist for an hour;
  • after the specified time, filter the drink.

The use of oat decoction is as follows: three times a day on an empty stomach 30 minutes before a meal. Remember that it is not recommended to store this product, so every time you need to prepare a new drink. The duration of the course is about a month - until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

For the liver

It is the liver that is responsible for the normal course of most vital processes in the human body, and in order to be sure of your health, you should keep the cells of this organ in an active state. Heaviness and pain in the right side are most often a signal of the occurrence of an inflammatory process or an increase in the liver, which occurs due to the "clogging" of its cells with toxins.

And if you feel such signs, then a decoction of oats will help you. It is essential for the maintenance and repair of the liver. This tool saturates the body with vitamins and other essential elements, protects the internal organs and promotes cleansing.

Important! Remember, in order to achieve positive results, you should complete the full course, which will include both treatment and prevention. Its duration will be at least 2 months, and if you have patience, you can completely cleanse your body.

The oatmeal intended for the treatment of the liver should include only high-quality environmentally friendly raw materials that have not been treated with pesticides. Therefore, it is best to purchase grains in pharmacies or from trusted suppliers.

The recipe for preparing the remedy is as follows:

  • rinse a glass of oat grains in a large amount of running water and put in an enamel pan;
  • pour 3 liters of water and put on fire;
  • bring the mixture to a temperature of +80°C and transfer to an oven preheated to a temperature of +150°C;
  • torment the agent with a weak gas supply for at least 2 hours;
  • after the specified time, cool the drink, filter and squeeze.

It is recommended to take a decoction of oats to cleanse the liver twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, 150 ml each half an hour before meals. During this period, it is advisable to follow a low-fat diet to help the body cleanse and improve health.

With gastritis

A decoction of oats is very effective for gastritis. It gently envelops the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, soothes it and promotes recovery. You can prepare the remedy in the following way:

  • Rinse a glass of oats under running water, let the water drain and transfer to a saucepan;
  • pour a liter of water and bring to a boil;
  • reduce the gas supply to a minimum and cook over low heat until the amount of liquid is halved;
  • remove from the stove, filter;
  • add enough boiled water to restore the original volume and put 100 ml of honey;
  • leave the remedy for a day.

Treatment with a decoction of oats for gastritis occurs according to the following scheme: 3-4 times a day, 125 ml 20-25 minutes before meals. Before use, it is advisable to warm the product in a water bath.

During pregnancy

Often the question arises as to whether it is possible to use a decoction of oats during pregnancy. In fact, this remedy is considered safe for this period, and no side effects have been identified to date. But it is very important that during the bearing of a child a woman does not overdo it and observe the dosage.

Attention! In any case, the use of the decoction should be agreed with your doctor and strictly follow the recommendations prescribed by him.

For babies

Oatmeal, having a wide target group, can also be recommended for babies. But for newly born babies, you should prepare a remedy not from grains, but from herculean flakes:

  • place a glass of cereal in a saucepan and pour 250 ml of boiling water;
  • simmer on low heat for half an hour, then pour in 250 ml of hot milk;
  • boil for about 5 minutes and remove from the stove;
  • add half a teaspoon of sugar, a small pinch of salt and insist until the broth has cooled completely, filter.

Important! Remember that oatmeal broth can be given to babies only from two months and after consultation with a pediatrician.

For weight loss

If oatmeal is included in the daily diet, it will not only give energy and vitality, but also contribute to weight loss. It will be possible, finally, to forget about exhausting diets and harmful starvation - kilograms will disappear naturally, and the body will not be stressed. Why? Here are some undeniable facts:

  • oats are a source of complex carbohydrates that give a feeling of fullness and reduce cravings for sweet and fatty foods, and also contribute to the rapid release of energy;
  • the decoction is rich in fiber, thanks to which you can increase the break between meals, reduce the amount of portions consumed and improve metabolic processes;
  • an insignificant glycemic index of the product allows you to control the blood formula without saturating it with glucose;
  • decoction of oats has an enveloping property, which helps to maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate digestion and prevent constipation;
  • the drink accelerates the burning of adipose tissue and thereby helps to lose extra pounds.

And to prepare this remedy, it is enough to combine a glass of oat grains and the same amount of water, leave it overnight, put it on fire in the morning and boil for about an hour and a half. Then cool the broth, grind in a blender, bring to a boil and insist for 30 minutes. How to take the resulting decoction of oats? Very simple - divide the received portion into three doses and drink 30 minutes before meals.

Oat treatment

Date: 30-05-2015

Oats is a cultivated annual plant that grows no more than 150 centimeters in height. This culture has a fibrous and adventitious root. On a straight stalk with dense nodes are linear rough green leaves, which are in the next position. At the top of the stem there is an ear, collected in a panicle, which consists of two to four flowers. Oat flowers are bisexual and small. The fruit of the plant is a small grain surrounded by scales.

The plant begins to bloom from early summer to July. The fruits ripen in late summer - early autumn. Rarely, oats can be found in the wild. It grows in the fields of Estonia, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and in Europe, North America, Asia. In our article, we will tell you about the healing properties of this wonderful plant, as well as consider the methods of treatment with oats.

What are the benefits of oats?

This herb has many beneficial properties. It is used as an anti-inflammatory agent for inflammation of various organs, including the organs of the digestive system. Oats contain an enzyme, thanks to which carbohydrates are better absorbed.

Due to the fact that oats contain magnesium, the plant is used to improve the functioning of the nervous and cardiac systems, metabolism. Oats are a remedy that improves immunity, so it is advised to use it at the initial stage of hypertension. Preparations based on oats strengthen blood vessels and the musculoskeletal system of the body, replenish the silicon balance in the body.

The composition of oats includes not only silicon, but also potassium and phosphorus, so the plant is recommended for diseases of the kidneys and heart. Also, oats improve the activity of the central nervous system. Due to the healing properties of oats, it can be used to cure many diseases without taking medication.

oat oil

Oat oil is made from the seeds of the plant by cold pressing. The composition of this oil includes vitamins A and E, biologically active components, fatty acids.

Oat oil is used for ulcers and erosions. It contains retinoids that have a beneficial effect on the organs of vision. Due to the ability of the oil to remove stones and sand from the kidneys, it is used to treat urolithiasis.

Oat oil is both drunk inside and applied externally. It helps with cramps, as an emollient, soothing, normalizing and nourishing agent. You can also use oatmeal oil instead of sunscreen.

The use of oats in the treatment of various diseases

Oats have long been widely used in folk medicine. Preparations based on oats improve appetite, normalize heartbeat, and help get rid of insomnia. Baths with oats help with metabolic disorders in the body, gout, rheumatism. Oatmeal is recommended for diseases of the stomach, intestines, kidneys and lungs.

Oat straw infusions are used as an antipyretic, carminative, diaphoretic agent. A decoction of oats is an excellent laxative. Oats are used for overwork, as well as for the treatment of eczema, diathesis. Kissel made from oats has a slight enveloping effect in the body.

With excessive sweating of the legs, oats will also help. It is used as a remedy for smoking, as well as in the treatment of lichen in children.

Oatmeal for flu

Take 200 grams of oats, rinse it thoroughly and pour 1000 ml of water. Leave the composition overnight, put it on fire in the morning until ½ of the liquid boils away from the original volume. Strain the finished broth and drink warm throughout the day. Also during the day you need to drink 400 grams of sour milk with five cloves of garlic, previously mixed in grated form with sour milk.

Oat tincture for the treatment of urolithiasis

To prepare the tincture, take green oat grass, pass it through a meat grinder. Next, fill a half-liter jar with completely chopped grass. Pour everything with vodka and leave for two weeks in a dark room. Shake the medicine periodically. Strain the tincture and drink thirty drops (they are diluted in 15 grams of water). The remedy is taken in the morning, afternoon and evening before meals.

Oats to get rid of a bad habit - smoking

Take fifty grams of grains of barley, oats, millet and rye. Mix everything and pour 450 ml of water. The composition must be put on fire and wait until it begins to boil. Keep on fire for another ten minutes. Next, put the whole composition on fire and boil well. After boiling, keep the broth on fire for another ten minutes.

Then pour everything into a thermos and leave to infuse for half a day. Strain the finished infusion before drinking and drink half a glass in the morning, afternoon and evening, until you get rid of the bad habit.

A decoction of oats for depletion of the body

Take 200 grams of oats and pour 1000 ml of boiling water over it. Put on fire and cook until the mass reaches a jelly-like state. Strain the broth and add to it as much milk as jelly. Put the composition on fire again for a couple of minutes, then cool and add 50 grams of honey to it. Take the medicine in a warm form, one glass three times a day.

Oatmeal for insomnia

Take 15 grams of oat grains and pass through a meat grinder. Ready raw materials pour 100 ml of vodka and leave for 14 days in a warm room. When the tincture is ready, dilute 30 drops in drinking water and take in the morning and evening.

Oat tincture for chronic gastritis and hepatitis

Take 100 grams of oats and rinse thoroughly. Next, fill the oats with half a liter of drinking water and leave to infuse for twelve days. After this time, put the infusion on the fire and boil for half an hour under a closed lid. At the end of the boil, remove the broth from the heat and leave to infuse for another twelve hours. Next, the resulting product must be diluted with water in such an amount that half a liter of the product is obtained. The drug take half a glass three times a day before meals or in between meals.

Oat wraps for arthritis

In a deep bowl, pour oat straw, pine twigs and hay dust into two-thirds of the volume (all in equal amounts). Next, fill everything with water and put on fire for 30 minutes. Leave the mixture for twenty minutes.

Now take a sheet and soak it in the decoction. Carry out a similar procedure with rags for hands and neck and with socks. Squeeze the rags a little and quickly wrap your hands, put socks on your feet, wrap your body up to your armpits. Lie down in bed and wrap yourself tightly in a blanket. Stay like this for about two hours. Wraps are done every day for one to two months.

decoction of oats

Few would have thought what secrets of health and longevity are hidden in such an inconspicuous-looking plant as oats. Even in ancient times, the ancient Greek philosopher and physician Hippocrates advised drinking a decoction of oats instead of tea. He was confident in the miraculous and healing properties of this herb.

About 400 years ago, this theory was confirmed by the French doctor Jean de Saint-Catherine, who used this product for medicinal purposes three times a year. Perhaps it was thanks to him that he lived to be 120 years old.

The benefits of decoction of oats are priceless, because this cereal contains various trace elements, amino acids, vitamins, proteins, fats, starch, essential oils that turn into a decoction. This plant is best used in this form. Preparations based on it have a tonic, diuretic, enveloping, choleretic, antipyretic and carminative action. To feel the beneficial properties of the plant, you just need to constantly use a decoction of oats, which is not difficult to prepare at home.

Oat decoction for pancreatitis

Before preparing the preparation, carefully sort out the grains of the plant, separating them from spoiled seeds and husks. Pour the remaining seeds with warm boiled water and put in a warm place for several days.

When the grains begin to germinate, rinse them thoroughly, dry them and grind them into flour in a coffee grinder. In the future, the flour will need to be diluted in a ratio of 15 grams per 200 ml of water. Boil the mixture for three minutes, then let it brew for an hour and drink at a time. The decoction is used until complete recovery.

A decoction of oats can be consumed during pregnancy; this, as a rule, is not a contraindication. The main thing is that a woman strictly observes the dosage and does not "overdo it" with the drug. The treatment course is recommended to be carried out after consultation with a specialist and under his supervision.

How to prepare a decoction of oats?

A decoction of oats is a great alternative to tea and coffee, you can drink it at least every day. To cook a really healthy product, you need to use whole grains. Oatmeal, which is sold in supermarkets, is not suitable for this purpose.

Pour 400 grams of oat grains into an enamel bowl and pour a glass of cold water. After 12 minutes they will swell. Then add enough water to cover the beans. Put the pot on fire.

The broth should languish over low heat for at least an hour and a half. As the water boils away, it should be topped up. When the boiled oats have cooled, it must be crushed with a blender and mix the mixture with the broth. Boil the mixture again until the consistency of thick jelly is obtained.

How to drink oatmeal?

Even the wise Hippocrates advised drinking a decoction of oats as tea without any tricky recipes. It is best to drink it in small sips 30 or 60 minutes before meals, very slowly and savoring. In the treatment of various diseases, different doses of decoction and the number of doses during the day are recommended. Of course, only a specialist will tell you the most correct dosage.

Contraindications to treatment with decoction of oats

Contraindications to the use of oat decoction, as a rule, are formal, but in matters relating to human health, there is nothing that could be ignored. The bioactive substances that make up the cereal have a number of biological and chemical features, due to which treatment with oat decoction is contraindicated for people with cardiovascular and renal insufficiency, individual intolerance and a remote gallbladder.

Healing properties of oats

Oats are a wonderful tool for removing toxins from the body, improving metabolism. This is an indispensable assistant in the treatment of pancreatitis, liver disease, gastritis.

It normalizes the heart rhythm, strengthens the cardiovascular system, has a positive effect on the vital energy of a person and the nervous system, improves the functioning of the immune system. Its grains are able to normalize the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, they help cleanse blood vessels from sclerotic plaques.

If you want to have thick hair, strong nails and healthy skin, then oatmeal preparations are the perfect remedy. True, significant improvements will not be observed in 7-14 days, but with regular use of tinctures and decoctions of this cereal, you will achieve amazing results.

Oat home remedies also suppress tobacco and opium cravings. To prepare a decoction that has this effect, pour 15 grams of crushed oat grains in the evening with 400 ml of warm boiled water, and boil for ten minutes in the morning. Strain the broth and drink as a tea before meals.

How to boil oats?

For each specific purpose and in different cases, there are certain methods of brewing this healing plant. It is during infusion and brewing that many useful substances are preserved in it. Preparations from oat grains are prepared in water (with the addition of honey) and milk, simmered in an oven or in a water bath, insisted in a thermos. For these purposes, it is recommended to use enameled cast iron and earthenware.

Oats with milk

This mixture is considered effective for diseases of the liver and kidneys, for pneumonia in children, dry cough. In some cases, milk can be poured into a ready-made broth and boiled for a while, or from the very beginning, prepare the drug in milk, boiling oat grains in it for 50 minutes.

Oats for the liver

Many of us need treatment and cleansing of the liver for the abuse of alcoholic beverages, fatty and fried foods. The liver also suffers from the regular intake of various antibiotics and other medications. Most of these medications have a significant list of side effects that adversely affect the functioning of the liver. That is why it is recommended to drink oat preparations 2-3 times a year for preventive and therapeutic purposes. This cereal is used both to restore and to cleanse the liver.

The most effective are oatmeal decoctions with milk. But for their preparation, you need to use only high-quality raw materials. If, when soaking cereal, more than two percent of the grains float to the surface, then such oats will not be suitable for treatment. For this reason, it is recommended to purchase oats in specialized stores.

To prepare a decoction according to the classic recipe, it is necessary to boil 2-3 cups of unpeeled oat grains in three liters of water for three hours (depending on how much you want to get a concentrated decoction). From time to time during boiling, stir the broth, and after cooking, squeeze it thoroughly. The decoction is drunk half a glass twice a day for half an hour before meals. Treatment course from 14 to 21 days. This remedy is very useful in combination with milk and honey.

A quicker recipe: two cups of oatmeal with husks, pour 1000 ml of boiling water, cover the pan with a lid and wrap well. Let the mixture brew for several hours, then strain and take 100 ml before meals three times a day.

How to lose weight with oats?

This healing cereal is considered not only an excellent dietary product for cleansing the body and normalizing digestion, as well as Chocolate Slim. With it, you can quickly and effectively lose weight. Polyphenols, which are part of oat grains, are actively involved in fat volume and contribute to a more complete absorption of fats. In addition, they enhance the contractile work of the muscles. By following the oatmeal diet for seven days, you can get rid of three to five extra pounds.

Decoction of oats for weight loss

Pour 200 grams of oat grains with 1000 ml of boiling water and insist for twelve hours. When the grains begin to swell, add a little more water and boil the mixture for about an hour and a half.

Strain the cooled broth, wipe the swollen grains through a sieve and mix again with the liquid. Bring the mixture back to a boil and let it cool.

A decoction of oats for weight loss is taken 50 minutes before meals three times a day, 200 ml each. Store the product in the refrigerator. The course of treatment is from 14 to 30 days, depending on the effect achieved.

germinated oats

The healing properties of oats are most valuable when they begin to sprout slightly. It contains a sufficient amount of calcium, silicon, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins, vegetable proteins and fiber. Sprouted oats improve the functioning of the gallbladder and liver, normalize the vessels of the brain and restore cardiac activity.

To prepare medicines from this useful cereal, it is not advisable to use planting grains. For better storage, they are treated with chemicals, which is by no means beneficial to the human body. To be sure of the quality of the grains, buy them in specialty stores or pharmacies. They should not have mold and black spots, they should be solid.

Oat-based tinctures

Oat grass is suitable for making tincture. It is not inferior to its grains in terms of therapeutic activity. To prepare the tincture, grind the herb and fill a half-liter bottle with it. Now you need to pour the grass with vodka and let it brew in a dark place for at least twenty days. Shake the bottle periodically.

When the tincture is ready, strain it and take thirty drops diluted in 15 ml of water. The drug is used as a tonic and tonic, with flatulence and urolithiasis.

How to prepare an infusion of oats?

There are many recipes for infusion of oats. Their purpose is the prevention and treatment of specific types of diseases.

Oat infusion for diabetes

The infusion is prepared at the rate of 110 grams of oat grains per 1000 ml of boiled water. The mixture is infused for twelve hours at room temperature, after which it must be filtered.

Oat infusion for arthritis

Pour 15 grams of oat straw into a glass of boiling water. Let the mixture brew for 25 minutes, after which the solution must be filtered. Drink infusion of half a glass in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Oat infusion for the treatment of cholecystitis

Pour half a kilogram of unpeeled oat grains with 1000 ml of boiling water and let it brew for forty minutes. Means take half a glass in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening before meals.

Naked oats

This type of cereal has a distinctive feature - they completely lack a flower film. That is why the weight of this type of oat grains is less, although the density is higher than varieties with a film.

Nude oats are of the highest nutritional value, as they contain much more fats, proteins and starches. It is especially valuable during germination - in its sprouts, the activity of amino acids is much higher and they act as a natural energy source, giving vigor to the human body.

There is a contraindication in which the intake of oats is prohibited - this is cholelithiasis. And in the presence of serious liver diseases and cholecystitis, it is imperative to consult a gastroenterologist before using the remedy. Do not self-medicate and do not exceed the indicated dosages.

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For people who suffer from chronic headaches, the most unpleasant time is the change of seasons. The drugs relieve attacks only for a while, and in the meantime we constantly massage the temples in order to at least somehow relieve the spasm. Migraine has plagued mankind for a long time, so there are many ways to deal with it. Perhaps you will choose one for yourself. Try to brew like. . . .

Problems in the functioning of the pancreas can lead to serious digestive problems. Sometimes pain can turn into a separate disease - pancreatitis. You can find out about professional treatment of the pancreas on the website And tips for folk treatment - below. The best thing to do is to prevent the disease. So, pancreatitis and any other diseases associated with the pancreas occur due to excessive. . . .

It is customary to consume almost all cereals boiled - both during cooking and for medicinal purposes. As an effective means of healing the body, treatment with a decoction of oats has been known since ancient times. It was recommended to many of his patients by the famous Greek healer Hippocrates, whose methods modern medicine does not renounce. According to the beliefs of the followers of Hippocrates, oatmeal is the best alternative to tea, it can and should be drunk every day instead of such drinks.

Those who have often dealt with oats at least at the culinary level know that both the decoction and the infusion from it have a starchy structure. Oat starch differs from potato starch in that it does not lead to a sharp increase in blood sugar levels. After all, it is not in vain that they are very often involved in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.

Nutritionists call the percentage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in oat grains and the broth prepared from them almost ideal: 4-6% fats account for up to 18% vegetable protein and about 40% carbohydrates, the latter being starch. There are a lot of B vitamins in this cereal, which ensures high-quality and stabilization of the nervous system.

What is useful decoction of oat grains? The use of oatmeal broth does not require any special indications - you can resort to it as a good old restorative drug. By itself, it is indispensable in the treatment of chronic gastritis. It is recommended to get acquainted with him if you have symptoms of a stomach ulcer with all the ensuing consequences. Chronic pancreatitis, resistant forms of hepatitis, and even the presence of it also become convincing reasons for the regular use of such a decoction.

In the old days, a decoction of oats was widely used as an antipyretic. In addition, it has diuretic, anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic effects. Inflammatory processes in the bladder and kidneys can also be localized with its help. Even for small children suffering from urinary incontinence, there is a safe treatment based on the use of this wonderful decoction.

How to cook oatmeal? In order to make a really healthy decoction of oats, you need whole grains. So-called cereals, which are sold in almost all grocery stores, will not work, because during processing they lose most of their best properties. You can use the grains in their usual form, or you can pre-germinate them.

In the first case, a couple of glasses of oatmeal are poured into an enamel pan and poured with a glass of cold water. After that, the grain is kept for 10-12 hours before swelling begins. Then put the pan on a slow fire, bring its contents to a boil and simmer under a closed lid for an hour and a half. Periodically, you will have to add water so that it covers the grains. Then the boiled oats are removed from the water, rubbed through a sieve or crushed with a blender and put the resulting mass back into the broth, not forgetting to mix everything thoroughly. The mixture is boiled again over low heat until it looks like a thick jelly. It is recommended to drink the prepared broth up to three times a day.

A decoction of unpeeled sprouted oats. From the germinated grains of oats, the decoction is prepared somewhat differently: the ratio between them and the amount of water should be 1:3. In the same way as in the previous case, the grains are first poured with cold water and brought to a boil. After that, the lid is removed from the pan and the contents are evaporated for two hours, maintaining a slow fire on the stove. When the volume of water is halved, the broth can be considered ready. It is allowed to cool, filtered and stored in a cold place. It is recommended to drink it half a glass before meals. The course of treatment is an average of ten days.

Oats is an annual cereal plant with a straight stem, narrow long leaves and inflorescences in the form of panicles. The fruit of oats is a membranous grain. Oats bloom in June-August, oat fruits ripen in July-September.

For medicinal purposes, the aerial part of the plant and unrefined grain are used. Oat grass is harvested before and during flowering and immediately dried. Oat straw is harvested during the harvest.

The composition of oat grains includes proteins, fats, starch, fiber, vitamins A, C, E, H and group B, iron, phosphorus, chromium, sulfur, magnesium, nickel, zinc, fluorine, manganese, iodine, potassium, calcium, silicon , as well as pectins, organic acids, alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins.

Silicon, which is involved in the absorption of calcium and a number of other microelements by the body, is several times more in oats than in any other cereals (except rice). Sulfur is necessary for the normalization of metabolism, for nervous, bone tissues and blood. The polyphenols contained in oats have a beneficial effect on the pancreas and liver, and thyreostatin - on the activity of the thyroid gland. Oats are second only to grapes in terms of composition similarity with human breast milk.

Oats are widely used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, as well as diabetes, bronchial asthma, eczema, diathesis, diseases of the kidneys and joints.

The use of oats in traditional medicine

It is best to take oats in the form of a decoction, which has a diuretic, choleretic, enveloping, antipyretic and tonic effect. A decoction of oats can be drunk every day, instead of coffee and tea.

To prepare the decoction, you need to take two glasses of oat grains, pour them into an enameled container and pour 250 ml of cold water. After 11-12 hours, when the grains swell, add water to cover the grains, and put on fire. Simmer the broth over low heat under the lid for at least 1.5 hours, adding water as it boils away. Cool the boiled oats, grind with a blender and mix the resulting mass with the broth. Boil the mixture again until the consistency of thick jelly.

A decoction of oats for influenza. Take a glass of oat grains, rinse, pour a liter of water and leave overnight. The next morning, put on fire and cook until half of the original volume remains. Strain the finished broth and take it warm during the day. In addition, drink during the day 2 cups of yogurt with 5 cloves of garlic, crushed and mixed with yogurt.

A decoction of oats for bronchitis. Pour half a glass of oat grains with 2 liters of milk, simmer for 1.5 - 2 hours in the oven, strain. Drink 1 glass at night.

A decoction of oats for hepatitis and chronic gastritis. Take ½ cup of oat grains, rinse, pour 500 ml of clean water and leave to infuse for 12 days. After this period, put on fire and boil for half an hour, closing the lid, then again leave to infuse for 12 hours. Bring the resulting broth with boiled water to 500 ml. Take 70-100 ml three times a day before meals or between meals.

Oat decoction for pancreatitis. Grains of oats are carefully sorted out, separating the husk and spoiled seeds. Pour the seeds with warm boiled water and put in a warm place for several days. After the grains germinate, rinse them thoroughly, dry them and grind them into flour in a coffee grinder. One st. dilute a spoonful of flour in a glass of water, boil for 2-3 minutes, insist for an hour and drink at a time. Drink the decoction until complete recovery.

A decoction of oats as a diuretic and choleretic agent. Pour a glass of oat grains with a liter of boiling water, keep on low heat until 1/4 of the volume evaporates, cool, strain. Drink 3-4 times a day for half a glass.

A decoction of oats from edema. Pour 1 cup of oats with 4 cups of water, keep in a water bath until the volume is reduced by half. Add 4 table to the broth. tablespoons of honey and leave it for 5 minutes, then strain. Take a decoction of 150 ml two to three times a day.

Oat decoction for gallstones. Pour half a glass of oat grains with 750 ml of boiling milk, put in a hot oven for 1.5-2 hours, strain. Drink throughout the day.

Oat decoction for cystitis. Pour a glass of unpeeled oat grains with 250 ml of water, heat in a water bath until half of the volume is evaporated, strain. Add 2 table to the decoction. spoons of honey, boil for 5 minutes. Drink 2-3 times a day, 150 ml.

A decoction of oats for depletion of the body. Take a glass of oat grains and pour 1 liter of boiling water, put on the stove and cook until the consistency of jelly. Strain the broth and add the same amount of milk to it. Again, put on fire for a few minutes, then cool and add 3 tables to the broth. spoons of honey. Take a warm decoction 1 cup 3 times a day.

Oat decoction for osteochondrosis and joint diseases. Place 1 kg of oat straw in a canvas bag, steam it in boiling water for 1 hour. Hang the bag on the faucet above the tub and run warm water through it. Take a bath for 40-60 minutes.

Decoction of oats for rheumatism. Pour 300 grams of oat straw with 10 liters of water, boil for 30 minutes, cool to 32-33º C. Do foot baths with the decoction.

Oat decoction for cystitis. Pour 250 grams of chopped oat straw with 3 liters of water, boil over low heat for 30 minutes, strain. Use for taking baths for 5-10 minutes at 35-36ºС.

Oat wraps for arthritis. Take oat straw, pine twigs and hay dust in equal parts, pour 2/3 of the volume into an enameled container, pour water and put on fire for half an hour, then insist for 20 minutes. Moisten a sheet, socks, rags for the neck and hands in the broth. Squeeze everything a little and quickly put on socks, wrap the hands and the whole body up to the armpits. Get into bed and wrap yourself tightly in a blanket. The duration of the procedure is approximately 2 hours. Do wraps every day for a couple of months.

Tincture for urolithiasis. Pass green oat grass through a meat grinder and fill a half-liter jar with chopped grass, pour vodka and leave for 15-20 days in a dark place, shaking from time to time. Then strain the tincture and take 25-30 drops, spreading on the table. spoonful of water, three times a day before meals.

Oat tincture for insomnia. Take 1 tablespoon of oat grains and pass through a meat grinder. Pour raw materials with 100 ml of vodka and leave for 2 weeks in a warm place. Take 30 drops, diluted with boiled water, twice a day.

Oat tincture as a tonic and tonic. Grind green oat grass, fill a half-liter container, pour vodka, insist in a dark place for 2-3 weeks, shaking occasionally. Strain, squeeze raw materials. Drink 3 times a day before meals, diluting 20-30 drops per table. a spoonful of water.

Oat infusion for kidney disease and dropsy. 100 gr. oat straw or 30 gr. pour a liter of boiling water over green oat grass, leave for two hours in a warm place, then strain. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day before meals.

Oat infusion for arthritis. Pour 1 table. a spoonful of crushed oat straw 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 1/2 hour, strain. Drink 100 ml three times a day before meals.

Oat infusion for diathesis. Pour 2 tables. spoons of oat grains ½ liter of boiling water, insist for three hours, strain. Take 100 ml four times a day.

Oat infusion for cholecystitis. Pour ½ kg of oat grains with a liter of boiling water, insist for 40 minutes, strain. Drink 3 times a day for half a cup.

Contraindications for taking oat preparations

Treatment with a decoction of this plant is contraindicated in case of renal and cardiovascular insufficiency, individual intolerance, as well as people with a removed gallbladder. An overdose can cause headaches.

During treatment with oats, spicy and salty foods, coffee, and any alcoholic beverages, including beer, should be excluded from the menu.



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