Products for mastopathy of the mammary glands. Proper nutrition for fibrocystic mastopathy, a brief description of the disease, folk recipes

Every woman wants to look beautiful and well-groomed, regardless of age. Cosmetics for the face after 35 years are designed to nourish, fortify, restore and rejuvenate the skin.

We will tell you how to choose a face cream after the age of 35, and also determine which products are considered the best according to popular reviews.

Rules for choosing a good nourishing face cream after 35 years

There are some secrets right choice cosmetic product - nourishing cream.

Let's tell you what to pay attention to:

  1. Choose a cream based on your skin type. Of course, a nourishing cream can solve many problems, for example: it will remove dryness, tightness, smooth out wrinkles, give a healthy color to the skin and restore the condition of the epidermis. You need to understand that there is still a moisturizer. Its difference from nutritious in additional moisturizing. Not every skin type is suitable for this remedy.
  2. Choose day and night products from the same line. As a rule, day creams protect the skin, while night creams nourish more.
  3. Nourishing face cream after 35 years must have an SPF filter , even the smallest one. It is known that the skin under the action of sunlight loses moisture, which promotes cell renewal. The use of a nourishing cream with SPF protection will help maintain skin tone. Usually, the remedy begins to act faster than a regular cream without protection.
  4. Pay attention to the manufacturer. The best, according to the reviews and recommendations of women, we will indicate in our article below. You can contact a beautician for help. The specialist should not only choose the remedy for you, but also determine what problems of the skin of the face you have.
  5. Choose a product based on its composition. Can't name what the remedy is suitable just for you, since each person has his own intolerance to the components.
  6. A quality nourishing cream will contain fewer chemicals and more natural ingredients. Usually, the components are listed according to the list in the prevailing quantity - from largest to smallest. So natural ingredients should be ahead.
  7. In the right and effective nutritional product, it will definitely be in the composition hyaluronic acid. The skin of the face at this age ceases to produce the required amount, so you should use the cream with it in order for the skin to recover faster.
  8. One more important components, without which the cream will be ineffective, is collagen and coenzyme Q10. They help keep the skin toned, firm and toned.
  9. It is better to choose a product that does not contain petroleum jelly or paraffin. They do nothing good for the skin.
  10. When buying, ask for a sample of the product to look at the color of the cream. The yellow tint of the product will tell you that it was made using old technologies or that it has passed its expiration date. And the blue tint of the product will show that it contains a lot of chemicals. The correct cream should be thick like sour cream, only white.
  11. Best before date - be sure to pay attention to it!
  12. Price. Of course, everyone picks up funds also by price. But remember that an effective cream will not always be expensive. You can find cream average cost, which will be of high quality and efficiency.

The composition of the nourishing cream for mature facial skin - what components should I pay attention to?

Of course, when choosing a cosmetic product, you should pay attention, first of all, to its composition. There is a whole list of desirable ingredients that will benefit mature skin.

Let's talk about them:

  • Hyaluronic acid. Undoubtedly, a nourishing cream without this substance will not be effective. Acid is able to resume cellular metabolism, restore the epidermis, saturating it with collagen.
  • Collagen. Of course, this component is also important. It helps to restore the level of collagen, which is poorly produced after 35 years, and also smoothes fine wrinkles, making your skin supple and elastic.
  • Vitamin A. An optional element, but its presence will help the skin cope with cell regeneration and renewal.
  • Vitamin E also optional. However, he has protective effect and protects the skin from UV radiation. There will be no age spots on the face.
  • Vitamin C. Many beauticians say that it is useless. But still, without this vitamin, normal collagen synthesis is impossible.
  • fruit acids. It is these ingredients that help to cope with peeling, softening the skin. Based on citrus and other fruits, unique creams with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effects are created. The result from products with fruit acids will be noticeable immediately after the first application.
  • SPF filters. They will help protect your face from the sun's rays. The minimum level of protection recommended by cosmetologists is 20. By protecting the skin from ultraviolet radiation, you prolong its youth.

The composition of creams can also include harmful or useless components, although cosmetologists assure us that there is nothing wrong with modern cosmetics.

If you notice the following substances in the composition of the nourishing cream, it is better to refuse it:

  • Silicones, silicates, mineral oils. Mainly chemical substances created on the basis of artificial decay products. They clog the skin, do not wash off. As a result, the skin stops “breathing”, it begins to lack moisture.
  • Ethylene and propylene glycols. These components can cause allergies.
  • Parabens. They are also allergenic and unsafe. The only exception is methylparaben.
  • Vaseline, glycerin, humectants. These substances draw moisture from the skin, making it drier. This may result in more wrinkles. From these substances, the skin begins to age faster.
  • sulfates. If there are sulfates in the cream, then it can harm your face - it will simply dry it out. Sulfates can cause irritation, the skin will begin to peel off. In addition, any skin diseases may occur.
  • Perfumes. Any fragrance can cause an allergic reaction. It is better to choose a cream with vegetable fragrances.

Now, knowing which components of nourishing creams are useful and harmful, you can choose a high-quality and safe cosmetic product.

Rating of the best nourishing face creams after 35 years

Here is a list of the best nourishing creams suitable for mature skin after 35 years, which are especially important for women in the cold period of time.

The product is based on natural ingredients and oligopeptides. The good news is that it contains vitamins and jojoba oil.

After several applications, the appearance of the skin is noticeably improved, it softens and becomes smooth.

The cream does not leave a greasy sheen, the product is absorbed instantly.

The tool is intended for . Great for flaking, dryness, irritation and sensitivity.

The cream is based on MP-lipids, which normalize the cellular metabolism of the epidermis, thermal water, shea butter and vitamins.

The tool can be used at any time of the day and even applied under makeup.

The tool not only moisturizes the skin, while leaving no shine, but also rejuvenates, restores the sebaceous glands, normalizes lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism.

The cream also protects against environmental influences.

It contains whey with useful vitamins and trace elements, hyaluronic acid, allantoin, olive oil, almond oil, panthenol. It is this combination that gives a good effect.

Also marked as the best. In its composition useful material and ingredients: thermal water, oils of apricot, coriander, jojoba, macadamia nut, PCA arginine and vitamin E.

The combination of components allows the skin to become renewed, elastic, soft. The cream works great age-related changes, smoothes wrinkles.

The tool is perfect for dry, mature skin that does not tolerate cold temperatures. The cream moisturizes the skin, tightens pores, softens it and prevents the formation of wrinkles.

It contains natural, herbal ingredients and useful substances: aloe extract, antioxidant - withania, pterocarpus extract and centella asiatica.

The tool is cheap - from 150-200 rubles, but of excellent quality.

An excellent cosmetic product that nourishes the skin of the face. Many women noted the following properties of the cream: rejuvenates, smoothes mimic wrinkles, increases skin elasticity, retains moisture, normalizes the production of hyaluronic acid, lipid metabolism skin.

This is the best tool from the low cost line. But as we see low price did not spoil the effectiveness and efficiency of the cream.

It contains acids, antioxidants and beneficial trace elements.

  1. Cream "Revitalizing Moisturizing" by Garnier from the series "Nutrition and Hydration"

The main element that is part of the product is camellia oil. Thanks to him, the cream perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the face, eliminates tightness and dryness, helps to normalize the water intracellular balance.

This cosmetic product is suitable for dry, very dry and sensitive skin.

In addition, the product is hypoallergenic.

This nourishing cream belongs to luxury cosmetics.

It is based on mineral oil, stearyl alcohol, oils, urea, sodium salt of hyaluronic acid, vegetable preservatives, fruit antioxidants.

The product does an excellent job of moisturizing mature skin, restoring the hydrolipid barrier of the skin.

It removes rashes, gives the skin lightness and tenderness, does not cause allergies.

The nourishing cream contains unique complex, which includes different oils: shea, shea butter, chamomile, liquorice.

The product perfectly moisturizes the skin, has antiseptic, rejuvenating, soothing and relaxing effects. In addition, the cream can even out the tone of the face immediately after the first applications, remove rashes, dark spots and deal with stress.

These cosmetics are also luxury, so the cost is high compared to other product prices. However, this cream is really good and will not even cause allergies.

This cosmetic product is suitable for very dry or very sensitive skin. It can quickly moisturize the face, restore hydrobalance at the cellular level, and make the skin soft and smooth.

Can be a great base for make-up.

The tool contains natural oils, urea and glycerin. It can be attributed to the “average” class, since there are no powerful moisturizers in it, but it copes with the moisturizing process, like other creams.

We have listed the best means, By popular opinion. If you have found a better nutrient, leave your comments, share your opinion below on our website.

Svetlana Rumyantseva

For youth, freshness of the face without wrinkles, you need to regularly care for the skin. Daily care includes the use of cosmetics that moisturize and cleanse the epidermis. In summer, it is recommended to use creams with a protective barrier against ultraviolet radiation. In frost, you need to use a greasy cream to prevent cracking, dehydration of epidermal cells.
The composition of a high-quality nutrient should contain liposomal complexes, hyaluronic acid, cold-pressed natural oils, plant extracts, medicinal herbs. Purchased cosmetic products for skin nutrition do not always cope with their functions.

Creams often contain harmful chemical compounds, preservatives that can worsen the initial state of the epidermis. To be sure of the result, you can prepare a nourishing cream yourself at home.

What are the qualities of nourishing homemade creams

For the preparation of cosmetics independently used natural ingredients natural origin, fruits, vegetables, fresh juice, dairy products, medicinal herbs, plant extracts.

Positive characteristics of homemade nourishing cream

Nourishing cream, prepared by hand, does not contain harmful chemical compounds, parabens, synthetic fragrances.
Before preparing a cosmetic product, a woman should check the skin for the presence of allergic reaction on a single ingredient or components in the cream. When buying industrial preparations for skin nutrition, a sensitivity test involves overall result product.
At regular use the effect after applying homemade creams is persistent, compared with industrial cosmetics.
Some commercial creams contain hormonal preparations, addictive skin. After the end of the use of such a remedy, it worsens appearance face, wrinkles appear. hormonal connections are absent.
To prepare a nourishing cream at home, products that are present in the kitchen of every housewife are suitable. This saves the financial budget of the family. Purchased products will cost an order of magnitude more expensive, and there is no guarantee that the cosmetic product will not cause allergies.

Negative qualities

Nourishing face cream, prepared by yourself, does not have long term storage. Cosmetics based food products(milk, kefir, freshly squeezed juices) are stored no more than four days in a cool dark place; creams based on plant extracts, infusions, decoctions of herbs - no more than seven days.
The preparation of some preparations for nourishing the skin is time consuming. Women occupying high-ranking places, directors of firms, bosses, suffer from a lack of free time, so they prefer purchased funds for face care.

How to make a quality nourishing cream at home

In order to prepare a face cream, you need to decide on several parameters.

skin type

In order for the cream to effectively affect the epidermis, to have the desired effect, before choosing a recipe, you need to find out what kind of skin a woman has:

WITH high content sebum

Oily skin type occurs in girls during puberty, in adult women due to a violation hormonal processes, power mode, improper care behind the face. In the intercellular space of the epidermis, "funnel" is formed - enlarged pores into which dirt, dust, dead skin flakes clog. The face looks grey, shiny.

WITH reduced content sebaceous secretion

Dry skin affects women for a reason hormonal disruptions, overuse alcohol-containing lotions, poor quality decorative cosmetics. External adverse factors (ultraviolet radiation, frost, cold) also affect the epidermis. Areas of peeling, redness, wrinkles appear on the face. Thin dry skin does not hide small capillaries, appears vascular network. A nourishing cream for dry skin should contain at least seventy percent of the fat base, vitamin complexes.

Combination skin

This type of skin suggests the presence of oily or dry areas of the epidermis. Oily shine is observed in areas increased sweating, clusters sebaceous glands(forehead, upper lip, nose bridge, wings of the nose, chin). Enlarged pores are more often observed on the cheeks. There may be skin where, on the contrary, the cheekbone area suffers from dehydration.

Woman's age

Skin care is recommended to start from 20 - 22 years, during hormonal adjustment woman's body. Due to external factors, internal, chronic diseases the skin may look dull, have a gray tint, peel off in a more early age.

Recommended for aging skin. The cream should contain natural ingredients that promote the production of natural collagen. Anti-aging cosmetics should contain moisturizing ingredients (glycerin oil, beeswax).

Day or night cream

It is a mistake to think: "Nourishing cream can be used for the face only at night." Undoubtedly, in the evening hours, skin cells are most amenable to the penetration of nutrients. But even during the day, dry skin needs protection, hydration and nutrition.

Cosmetic product for daily use consists of water base by 60 percent. Evening remedy seventy percent consists of natural fats, oils. The daytime nourishing cream differs from the evening cream in texture (softer), density (lighter), composition of the ingredients.

Nuances in the preparation of homemade nourishing cream

To get a high-quality cream at home, it is recommended to process all the ingredients separately, in different containers, and only then mix.

For convenience, the solid ingredients that make up the cream are recommended to be crushed, melted or grated and only then mixed with liquid components.
If oils are present in the composition, before adding them to solid forms, you need to mix the oil ingredients with each other until smooth (unless the recipe specifies another way to add the component).
The water base (infusion, decoction, extract) should be added to the composition last.
Esters are added to the cream after the preparation of the cosmetic, in a warm composition (not exceeding a temperature of 250C).
To cool the nutrient mass, it is recommended to immerse the container with the cream in a cold water environment.
As a container for cream, you can use glass molds, ceramic containers without a color pattern.

Cream making equipment

Items that come into contact with the ingredients must be thoroughly disinfected. For disinfection, it is recommended to boil the tools (metal objects) or wipe them with alcohol-containing wipes.

Before preparing the recipe, prepare:

Cream container with high sides;
Glass bowl for oil;
Two pans for a water bath (if necessary);
Liquid container;
Thermometer for water;
whisk for whipping;
Wooden sticks, spoon;
Kitchen electronic steelyard for weighing ingredients.

If you add salt crystals, sugar, coffee granules to a nourishing cream, you get. Creams where clay is present are called nourishing masks. For daily care behind the face, the cream is prepared on an oil basis.

Ten Rules for Making Homemade Nutrients

If oil is taken as the basis of the cream, when heated, you need to make sure that the mark on the thermometer scale does not rise above sixty degrees. When the oil is heated above a predetermined mark, the product loses its beneficial properties.
Water and oil are mixed after both containers are removed from the fire (removed from the microwave). liquid temperature and oil base should be the same.
It is not recommended to actively beat the mixture with a whisk during preparation. Excess oxygen leads to rapid rancidity of the cream.
High-quality cream has a uniform consistency in the form of sour cream.
Third-party ingredients can be added to the cream after the mass has cooled to thirty-five degrees.
For fragrance, it is added to the cream. It is not recommended to add more than three drops of ether to the cosmetic product.
For daytime use, a citrus line of esters is added to the cream; For evening use – , .
To extend the shelf life, is added to the cream.
You can not collect the cream directly from the container in which the cosmetic is stored. Microorganisms, bacteria are present on the fingers. Once in the cream, they multiply, the cosmetic product quickly deteriorates. A glass eye stick is used to set the cream. After each use, the wand must be wiped alcohol solution. After preparation, attach a tag with the date of manufacture of the cosmetic product to the container.

How to use the nourishing cream correctly

Before using a cosmetic product, you need to cleanse the skin with a tonic.
If the nutrient is supposed to be applied in the evening, you need to apply the cream forty minutes before preparing for bed.
When applying a nourishing cream in the morning, it is not recommended to apply the drug immediately before going outside.
Excess cream should be removed twenty minutes after application with a thin paper towel with blotting movements.
Movements during application of the cream: from the center to the periphery; down up.
Tocopherol can be added to any recipe. Vitamin gives the skin elasticity, affects the natural production of elastin and collagen.
It is not recommended to apply the cream in a thick layer.
Nourishing cream is applied to the face, neck, behind the ear area.
For the upper, lower eyelids, a cream designed for the area around the eyes is used.
You can not use a nourishing cream daily. It is recommended to apply cosmetic product every other day.

homemade recipes

Natural natural ingredients, knowledge of the principles of preparation and patience will help to make a nourishing cream on your own.

Anti-aging nourishing cream

Recipe 1

Lanolin wax - 15 g
Honey - 15 g
– 60 ml
Boiling water - 50 ml

Melt the first two ingredients in a bowl.
Mix oil and water in a glass bowl.
Beat with a mixer all the ingredients.
Cool the nutrient mass.

After 5 hours the cream can be used.

Recipe 2

Bee honey - 15 g
Lanolin - 10 g
Chicken yolk - 1 piece
– 25 ml
Quince pulp - 25 g
Water - 60 ml

Melt the first two ingredients separately.
Cool down to 600C.
Separate the yolk from the protein.
Mix the rest of the ingredients in a glass bowl.
Combine all ingredients, beat with a whisk.

Nourishing cream for oily skin

Water - 200 ml
Lemon - 3 pieces
Honey - 15 g
Floral cologne - 10 ml
– 20 ml
Lemon juice - 30 ml
Rose petal lotion - 20 ml
Cream - 60 ml

Grind lemon zest from fruit in a blender; put in a thermos; pour hot water. Insist 12 hours.
Clean the lemon infusion from impurities by straining the composition through cheesecloth.
Pour a glass of infusion into a separate container, add honey, oil, lemon juice.
Stir the mixture with a wooden spatula.
Add the rest of the ingredients; stir.

Grease oily skin with cream in the morning and evening.

Nourishing cream for fair dehydrated skin

Chili pepper powder - on the tip of a knife
Olive oil - 50 ml
Rose water - 50 ml
Lanolin - 5 g
Wax - 15 g

Thoroughly mix oil with pepper. Beat with a whisk for at least 5 minutes.
Melt solid ingredients over low heat.
Add the rest of the ingredients to the solution.
Foam the agent; cool, pour into a storage container.

Strawberry nourishing cream for normal skin

Strawberries - 200 g
Glycerin oil - 10 ml
Oatmeal - 15 g

Squeeze juice from strawberries in a juicer - 30 ml.
Add glycerin oil to strawberry juice; mix, insist for 20 minutes.
The last ingredient is flour.
Beat the cream with a whisk.

Nourishing cream "20+"

Sea buckthorn oil - 10 ml
Sea buckthorn juice - 10 ml
Chicken yolk - 1 piece
Borax - 0.5 g

Separate the yolk from the protein; beat the yolk with a whisk.
In a separate container, dilute borax with sea buckthorn juice.
Combine the components, mix thoroughly.
Pour the cream into a jar with high sides made of dark glass.

Use once before bed.

Curd cream for normal skin


Curd - 30 g
Honey - 15 g
Nettle decoction - 30 ml
– 50 g

Prepare nettle infusion (infuse for an hour).
Mix the ingredients with nettle infusion.
For the base, it is recommended to take any moisturizer.
Beat the mass with a whisk.
Three hours after cooling, the cream is ready for use.

January 30, 2014

Some girls do not see the difference between face creams and do not understand what is the difference between a nourishing cream and other types of creams. In fact, each cosmetic product performs its specific tasks, the nourishing cream also has them. Let's get to know them.

The main functions of the nourishing cream

As the name implies, the main purpose of a nourishing cream is to fill the skin nutrients. Basically, nourishing creams are recommended for girls from 25 years old. At an earlier age, the skin does not need it. Cream with nutritional properties useful for restoring the upper layer of the epidermis and for filling it with the necessary substances and vitamins. It is recommended to be used for skin prone to oiliness, with rashes and for withering.

The consistency of the nourishing cream is thick, reminiscent of sour cream. A cream with such properties is recommended to be used in the cold season, as it perfectly protects against wind and negative impact solar radiation. In most cases, this cream is used before bedtime, because at night our skin absorbs beneficial substances most fully.

The main properties of the nourishing cream:

  • Protection from the negative effects of the environment.
  • Prevention of early aging.
  • Can be used instead of a nourishing mask.

How to choose a nourishing face cream

Beware of buying products containing paraffin or petroleum jelly. These substances for the skin do not carry anything positive.

If you have the opportunity, then ask for a sample of the product when buying and see its color. If it is yellowish, then the product is either expired or made according to old technologies. A bluish undertone indicates an overabundance of chemical components. correct modern facility should be white.

The best nourishing face creams

According to all the above requirements, we have selected several creams that fully comply with them and can be recognized as the highest quality and most useful. You should pay attention to the following products:

Cream Librederm manufactured by Aevit has excellent performance and has good anti-aging properties.

Yves Rocher's Nutrinive Vegetal nourishing cream gives softness to the skin, contains many plant components.

Nourishing Skin Cream from Himalaya Herbals contains aloe and is suitable for any age category.

Nourishing Night Gentle Cream, produced under the Pure Line brand, perfectly affects the skin of normal and combination types. It contains many plant extracts.

Nutritious cream today is used by many people. Many people know about its effectiveness. But it is worthwhile to figure out whether it justifies its purpose.

A large number of products for nourishing the skin do not cope with their intended purpose. There is only an appearance healthy skin. In some situations, nourishing creams can be completely useless.

It all depends on how high-quality pigment and vitamin composition contained in the cream. For this reason, those who are trying to take care of their faces are advised to engage in a careful selection of cosmetics.


Ingredients can be completely different. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that there are less components such as:

  • aluminum silicate;
  • Mineral oil;
  • Albumen;
  • Concrete or aluminum acetate.

These are dangerous chemical components that are masked behind high-profile advertising of drugs.

Its effect on the skin of the face depends very much on the main components of the nourishing cream.

Therefore, lovely ladies should be more careful when choosing a nutrient. Don't get too caught up in marketing gimmicks. To ensure better results, it is imperative to be interested in the composition and consult with specialists.

The composition may include:

  • Magnesium;
  • Calcium;
  • Zinc;
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin D;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin F.

Be sure to pay attention to the presence of such components as:

  • Elastin (an elastic protein that allows tissues to recover);
  • Hyaluronan (one of the main components of the epithelium);
  • Collagen (the protein that is the main connective tissue organism).

These substances will perfectly cope with their nutritional task and you will be satisfied.

Nourishing cream will make your skin young and beautiful

Main cast:

  • Nourishing cream not only provides proper nutrition. Many night remedies may have effective protection, restore, moisturize. In addition, many creams contain significant amount vitamins, which we wrote about earlier. Be sure to pay attention to such a mark on the package as fortification. Such funds are required primarily for women with problematic dry skin or age.
  • Nutrients contain fatty substances and a variety of oils, such as olive or sea buckthorn, which are able to nourish and protect well. skin covering from the negative impact of many factors. Oils are very effective in preventing microbes from entering tissues.
  • The cream is usually from 25% water. Daytime may contain large quantity moisture, making it ideal as a make-up base. This does not allow the cover to dry, because our cells die without water, and with age this problem becomes more and more noticeable. To correctly determine the amount of water in the preparation, it is enough to pay attention to the consistency. If it is an emulsion-type cream, then its properties are close to a moisturizing preparation. In this case, it is recommended to use it throughout the day. And it should be used more carefully in winter. In cold weather, special nourishing creams for winter save the situation. In their composition less water, but more oils and fatty components.

Nutrient creams also contain biogenic preparations:

  • A certain amount of hormones to maintain natural beauty;
  • Diverse plant extracts for softness and tenderness;
  • Mineral salts that enrich the vital activity of cells, nourish and help to recover

These substances work as stimulants. It is always necessary to pay attention to how the skin tolerates new products, this usually manifests itself on the second or third day after use.

If you observe manifestation:

  • redness;
  • acne;
  • irritation and other reactions -

do not continue to use this cream. Most likely it includes components that cause you allergies. We recommend that you start your facial care with simple products that are included in several of the best creams according to the women themselves.


  • A nourishing cream is more effective when applied after cleansing. The agent should not be cold. Warm the portion directly in the palms for five minutes.
  • Those who have oily and porous skin are not recommended to apply a nutrient for more than 30 minutes. After that, it is removed with a swab dipped in an acidified solution.
  • A significant number of cosmetologists recommend applying a portion of the product on the cheeks, forehead and nose with a slight pressure or tapping. In areas where there is hair, nutritional formulations do not apply.
  • Any creams that you can easily get used to should be changed. Habituation affects efficiency. It makes no sense to use the same product, even if it is a very famous brand. After a few used tubes, look for something new, maybe you will discover more effective remedy or choose a complex for different seasons.

Nutrient benefits include:

  • Pleasant smells that manufacturers have thought about in advance - lavender, lilac, aloe;
  • Remove any type of irritation;
  • Help in the fight against allergies;
  • Low cost;
  • Low consumption;
  • Instant absorption and softening of the skin.

There are almost no cons, sometimes you have to pay attention to the composition and expiration date. Sometimes the desired drug can be difficult to get - this applies to small towns, but this issue is resolved with the help of online stores.


The tool should be right for you. If the cream is intended for a young skin type, then it may not cope with the problems that have appeared with age. Conversely, the cream can be harmful when the drug is of the anti-aging type, but is used for young skin.

The second thing to consider is the type of skin. If the oily type of facial skin constantly needs special ingredients to dry it, then the dry type will definitely require serious moisturizing. It is worth agreeing that if the skin needs moisturizing, what is the use of the fact that the cream will dry it further.

good creams

If you are wondering: “Which nourishing cream is better”, then it is definitely impossible to answer, since each organism individual tolerance substances. However, we have prepared a list of the most popular creams among women.

You should not take risks and buy a nourishing cream in the markets. Pay attention to stores that have proper warehousing conditions, and to effective cosmetic brands that have been developing quality products for a long time.

Avene creme nutritive compensatrice

Created with healing water Avene. Manufacturers have taken care of saturation with the appropriate nutrients. Avene is able to compensate for the lack of dry skin type, which is sensitive to temperature changes, wind and sunlight.

Approximate price: 1,200 rubles.


Nutrilogie Night Cream is made especially for dry skin types. It contains sphingolipid molecules. They contribute to the restoration of the natural production of lipids.

After application, the skin becomes more elastic, while maintaining a feeling of comfort. The cream easily penetrates the skin and does not lead to a feeling of dryness and tension.

Approximate price: 1,400 rubles.

Clean line

"Clean Line" with sea buckthorn is suitable for normal skin types. Perfectly saturates with vitamins and other nutrients. This is normal and inexpensive product cosmetic purpose.

Approximate price: 45 rubles.


Cream Nivea "Beauty and Tenderness" is used as a daily nourishing. It is designed for dry skin types that are more sensitive to external factors. You can also use the nivea aqua effect night cream, but it is more designed for recovery.

Approximate price: 170 rubles.

Yves Rocher "Ultracomfort 24 hours"

While using the nourishing Yves Rocher "Ultracomfort 24 hours" you will immediately begin to feel comfort. Perfectly moisturizes and suits all skin types. Apply this remedy it is necessary in the morning and in the evening with the help of circular, rubbing, but at the same time light movements. We recommend that you do not forget about the area around the eyes, so that wrinkles do not appear ahead of time.

Approximate price: 700 rubles.


Garnier brings to your attention a nourishing cream-comfort 24 hours. This cream was specially developed for dry skin type, so it contains a significant amount of moisturizing pigments. If you bought the original Garnier cream, and did not fall for a fake from the market, then the effect of it is very good.

Approximate price: 135 rubles.

Below in the video you can learn from a Japanese master how to properly apply the cream on the skin:

  • What is skin nutrition
  • What problems does it solve
  • How to choose a nourishing cream
  • The composition of the nourishing cream
  • Top 10 nourishing creams

What is skin nutrition

To take care of the skin means to monitor its nutrition and drinking regimen. In her diet should always be present:




The correct skin nutrition system takes into account seasonality and daily regimen. Depending on the time of year and time of day, we try to provide it with everything you need. All this is useful and promising - the skin will not remain in debt.

But when we talk about skin nutrition in a narrower sense, we mean not just a set of useful elements and "healthy table". It's about about a specific and really "nutritious" ingredient on which the recipes of all nourishing creams are built - about fats.

Skin nutrition is based on oils and fats.

All nourishing creams are different high content fats and fat-soluble components. As a rule, these are vegetable oils and fatty acids. Vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants in the composition are designed to complement or enhance the effect of the main ingredient. They are only indirectly related to skin nutrition.

The main goal of all nourishing creams is to fill the deficiency of the skin's own fats - lipids, from which its protective mantle is built.

Lipids such as ceramides, cholesterol and fatty acids are the main structural components of the skin. Lipids are essential for her health: full-fledged work cell signaling systems, protective function and natural restoration. Elena Lykova, dermatologist, cosmetologist, brand director of the SkinCeuticals brand.

The consequences of a lack of own lipids in the skin can be very deplorable.

  1. 1

    Exposure negative influence external factors. Weak protective barrier inevitably increases the dependence of the skin condition on environmental factors.

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    Delayed exfoliation of keratinocytes. This causes uneven texture and dryness. Indeed, a rough surface and peeling are characteristic of overdried skin. The reason is the same - lack of lipids.

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    Violation of the integrity of the epidermal barrier. Integrity is essential for the constant self-healing of the skin. As soon as the skin ceases to hold the defense, the course of all vital processes in the cells changes. important processes including regeneration.

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    Decreased skin moisture levels. The lipid layer retains moisture in the skin. Without a high-quality homogeneous fatty film, water begins to evaporate.

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    Premature aging. A decrease in turgor, a decrease in skin density and elasticity, a dull and uneven tone - these signs of aging are also the result of lipid deficiency that progresses with age.

What problems does it solve

Nourishing cream restores the skin's protective barrier.

The cream, aimed at enhanced nutrition, is designed primarily to restore the lipid mantle of the skin. Solving this problem, it relieves the skin of a number of serious problems that arose as a result of "lipid hunger".

    Dryness. Dry skin is characterized by a lack of its own lipids. That is why it loses moisture. So, it is useful to her "diet" high in fat.

    Dehydration. This problem can be faced by any type of skin, even oily, which by its nature does not lack lipids. However, stress, extreme temperatures and other negative factors can damage the hydrolipidic film, and it will have to be restored.

    Increased sensitivity. Skin reactivity is often due to a violation of the integrity of the lipid barrier. As a result, the skin becomes vulnerable to potential irritants.

    Signs of aging. Age skin loves nourishing creams for their ability to return to her everything that youth is good for: high level moisture, elasticity, smoothness and radiance.

How to choose a nourishing cream

Which nourishing face cream is best is up to your skin to decide. In other words, it is worth choosing it based on her needs, and not for some speculative reasons. Until recently, nourishing creams were distinguished by a thick, rich texture. But today, increased fat content is an optional condition. Modern technologies allow the inclusion of oils and lipids in lightweight formulas.

When choosing a nourishing cream, analyze the needs of your skin.

When making a choice in the store, remember that the nourishing cream should be different for different times of the day and different seasons.

    Nourishing creams and balms

    Suitable for dry to very dry sensitive skin. Actual in winter and autumn, protect from wind and cold. Can be used as a night care for the restoration and quality rest of normal skin. Suitable for massage.

    Nourishing emulsions and light fluids

    More versatile, these products nourish and protect normal, reactive, combination, and oily dehydrated skin. Ideal for the warm season. Can be used as a nourishing day cream for the face or night - depending on skin type.

The composition of the nourishing cream

Key positions in the composition of nourishing creams are occupied by oils and their derivatives, they help restore protective properties skin. In tandem with fats, moisturizing ingredients always act - they occupy the second most important place in the list of ingredients. Lipid deficiency automatically leads to dryness and dehydration.

Lipids in nourishing creams

Ingredient Features and action
Fatty acids Omega-3, 6, 9 Basic structural component skin lipid barrier.
Squalene Part of the sebum, extracted from olive oil.
Shea butter (shea butter) Its structure is related to the secret of the skin, replenishes the deficiency of lipids, reduces irritation.
Wheat germ oil Contains saturated and unsaturated fatty acids plus the richest set of vitamins and minerals.
cholesterol Natural lipid, which is especially deficient in mature skin.

The composition of nourishing creams includes not only lipids, but also moisturizing components, hydrofixators.

The humectant most commonly found in nutritional formulas is glycerin, which, due to its chemical formula easily incorporated into lipid-oil composition. Recall that this ingredient is valued for its ability to attract water molecules from the air (forming a hydrofilm on the skin), as well as to open aquaporin channels leading to the deep layers of the skin.

Rating of nourishing creams

The range of modern nourishing creams is quite wide and is focused not only on the type and age of the skin, but also on its condition. It remains only to make a choice..

For all skin types

Nourishing creams for all skin types

    Moisturizing face cream Ultra Facial Cream, Kiehl's, takes first place in the ranking of products of a popular brand due to its rich, but not burdensome texture, as well as the ability to perfectly protect the skin from frost.

    Light moisturizing protective emulsion Lipikar Fluide, La Roche-Posay, contains nourishing oil shea butter, which does not weigh down the texture of the product at all.

    Care "Luxury nutrition, Lightness of silk", L "Oréal Paris, with flower oils, calcium and white jasmine provides the skin with everything it needs to healthy look and good health.

For dry skin

Nutrition for dry skin

    Rich cream for dry to very dry skin "Revitalizing Moisturizing", Garnier, contains camellia oil, which prevents dehydration and has softening properties.

    Cream-care to protect dry skin Nutrilogie 1, Vichy, stimulates lipid synthesis through a unique combination valuable oils and proprietary technologies.

    Extraordinary cream-oil "Luxury food", L "Oréal Paris, has a melting texture. Contains lavender and rosemary essential oils, perfect for a bedtime massage.

For dry and sensitive skin

Nourishing cream for reactive skin.

Nourishing cream for deep recovery Nutritic Intense, La Roche-Posay, restores the skin, increasing the amount of lipids and moisture levels, quickly relieves discomfort caused by dryness and irritation.

For aging skin

Nutrition for aging skin

    Triple Lipid Restore, SkinCeuticals, based on a combination of three essential lipids (ceramides, cholesterol, fatty acids) V high concentration. Comprehensively restores mature skin, leveling all signs of aging.

    Nourishing balm Neovadiol Magistral, Vichy, increases the density of the skin during menopause, enriched with oils and omega acids, which provide the skin with protection and a feeling of comfort.

    Aromessence Magnolia Rejuvenating Night Balm, Decléor, pampers the skin with a wonderful combination of oils (cocoa, shea, hazelnut, macadamia) and relieves stress with the relaxing aroma of bitter orange essential oil.



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