What are the benefits of dried dried apricots? Sweet dried apricots: benefits and harm to the body

Hello, dear readers!

Each of us is familiar with dried apricots from childhood, from which our mothers cooked delicious compotes, added to oatmeal, and made all kinds of desserts. This amazing dried fruit has a pleasant taste, delicate aroma, moderately elastic texture of the pulp and color scheme yellow-orange spectrum.

Since ancient times traditional healers They rightfully believe that dried apricots bring people the energy of the Sun, while simultaneously transmitting to them a piece of natural strength Earth. However, the benefits of dried apricots for the human body, as well as the harm, depend entirely on its chemical composition, which is presented big amount vitamin and mineral components.

Today this dried fruit is used as an excellent alternative sugar-containing products with a lot of beneficial properties. It is successfully used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine to deal with problems of cardio-vascular system, pathology of the digestive organs or thyroid gland.

Dried apricots allow a person to cheer up, recharge with energy, and enjoy pleasant taste. However, with all positive aspects The use of this dried fruit for a certain category of people has its contraindications.

Therefore, in order for you to have a complete understanding of dried apricots, I will tell you what is included in its composition, what energy value it has, and what pros and cons it has. I will also share with you some recipes so that you can use this amazing dried fruit with maximum benefit for yourself, preserving everything beneficial features.

For those who believe that dried apricots, apricots and dried apricots are the same thing, I will clarify. Yes, the raw materials for the production of these products are ripe apricot fruits. However, it's all about technologies. At natural conditions drying out apricot fruits together with the seed in the sun you get an apricot.

But fruits dried in special drying chambers without seeds are already dried apricots. This quality product It has a dense pulp texture, a honey-spicy taste and an orange tint. Its calorie content per 100 grams is 200 kcal.

During the drying process fresh fruits They lose most of their liquid during evaporation, which is why the finished product acquires greater sweetness due to the increased concentration of fructose and glucose.

The presence of these nutrients, unlike sugar, is very important for humans. After all, they are absorbed more slowly through the intestinal walls, allowing the body to more long time get energy for yourself.

Dried apricots are very useful for both men, women and children. Heat treatment does not interfere with preserving everything to the maximum useful material ripe fruits, this contains:

  1. A bouquet of vitamins from group A, B, E, PP, C. 100 grams of dried apricots contain from 5 to 12% of the daily requirement.
  2. Complex of important microelements:
  • Gland;
  • Potassium;
  • Copper;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Magnesium.
  • Amino acid series:
    • Tryptophan;
    • Isoleucines;
    • Lizinov;
    • Tresninov.
  • Vegetable alimentary fiber.
  • Pectins.
  • Beta-carotenes.
  • Organic acids.
  • Cellulose.
  • The effect of dried apricots on the human body

    Thanks to unique combination in a bunch of useful ones chemical substances, it has excellent:

    • Anti-inflammatory;
    • Expectorants;
    • Painkillers;
    • Diuretics;
    • General strengthening;
    • Antipyretic;
    • Laxatives;
    • Immunostimulating properties.

    Doctors, nutritionists and traditional healers recommend its use to people to strengthen the body, lose weight, prevent or treat a number of diseases. After all, it allows:

    1. Stabilize myocardial function;
    2. Normalize insulin function of the pancreas;
    3. Stimulate intestinal motility;
    4. Reduce the risk of heart attack;
    5. Resist attacks immune diseases;
    6. Reduce cholesterol levels;
    7. Increase hemoglobin and blood quality indicators;
    8. Cope with anemia;
    9. Fight hypertension or disease endocrine system;
    10. Prevent growth cancer cells or blood clots;
    11. Strengthen vascular walls;
    12. Improve vision and hematopoiesis;
    13. Maintain normal acid-base balance.

    At the same time, I would like to note a separate benefit of dried apricots:

    For adults

    For its extraordinary qualities and beneficial properties, dried apricots have long been called “ women's dessert" Its regular use allows the fair sex:

    • Cleanse the body of radionuclides, waste or toxins;
    • Improve the condition of the skin, hair, nail plates;
    • Push back the aging process;
    • Increase the production of collagen and elastin;
    • Normalize hormonal levels;
    • Prevent thrombosis;
    • Get rid of constipation;
    • Prevent the growth of malignant tumors.

    Gynecologists recommend introducing this dried fruit into the diet of women with heavy periods to increase hemoglobin and prevent iron deficiency anemia. And for pregnant women, its use will only contribute to normal intrauterine development future baby.

    As for male population, then dried apricots have a beneficial effect on them:

    1. Condition of the cardiovascular system;
    2. Stabilization of potency;
    3. Increased sexual desire;
    4. Relieving attacks of aggression, irritability or nervousness.

    For children

    Today dried apricots are wonderful for our children natural alternative chips, crackers, incomprehensible “chocolate” candies, which only bring harm to their fragile body. At the same time, only 5 Dried apricots eaten by a child will allow him to get his daily requirement of iron, calcium and other useful substances For:

    • Prevention of anemia;
    • Getting an additional stream energy forces;
    • Activation of brain activity;
    • Fortifications skeletal system;
    • Stimulating development child's body and its rapid growth.
    • Improving the absorption of vitamins and minerals from food.

    In front of everyone positive characteristics Both adults and children should consume dried apricots in moderation. With a special caution it should include people with:

    1. Chronic diseases of the digestive system;
    2. Individual intolerance;
    3. Diabetes mellitus;
    4. Pancreatitis;
    5. Hypotension;
    6. Allergy to apricots.

    You should always buy it from large, clean fruits with medium hardness and elasticity. Wherein preference should be given dried fruits without wine taste are pale yellow color with a slightly grayish tint, which is characteristic of a proper natural product.

    But it is best to avoid dried apricots with a brightly saturated orange color. Since here apricot fruits are treated with special sulfur compounds to improve presentation finished products, but harmful to the human body.

    As for the culinary processing of this dried fruit, it is used for:

    • Preparation of delicious infusions or compotes;
    • Additives to a variety of jelly, jellies or mousses;
    • Pureed fruit sauces or gravies.

    Today the most common recipe for most housewives before starting winter period is an immunostimulating mixture made with honey from an equal amount passed through a meat grinder or blender:

    1. Dried apricots;
    2. Raisins;
    3. Prunes;
    4. Lemon.

    By eating just a teaspoon of this delicious mixture before work or school, you can protect yourself and your children from viral infections

    It’s no longer a secret that our well-being depends not only on our lifestyle, but also on the quality of nutrition. Including healthy foods in the diet is the basis for disease prevention, and sometimes a significant aid in curing ailments. One of these products is the healing dried apricot, which is useful for adults and children, sick and healthy. For some categories, this sunny fruit is simply vital: people suffering from diseases of the heart, blood vessels, bones, kidneys and blood. However, one should not forget that when misuse Any product can bring harm rather than benefit to the body.

    Like other trees, apricot feeds on energy sunlight and thanks to this synthesizes the following useful substances:

    • carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose);
    • vitamins (beta-carotene, alpha-tocopherol, nicotinic and pantothenic acids);
    • macroelements (silicon, potassium, magnesium, calcium);
    • trace elements (boron, cobalt, nickel, rubidium, chromium, manganese, copper, molybdenum, iron);
    • phytosterols (mainly beta-styrenes);
    • amino acids;
    • pectin;
    • fatty acid;
    • purine bases;
    • cellulose;
    • starch.

    Dried apricot in concentrated form contains almost all the substances necessary for humans. Unlike chemically produced vitamins and mineral supplements, this dried fruit is completely absorbed by the body. One of the most vital vitamins is beta-carotene. Its main role in the body is to protect immune cells from aggression free radicals

    . Thus, this vitamin increases the body's defenses. The color and condition of the skin, hair, and visual acuity depend on it.

    Dried apricots owe their orange color to the orange pigment beta-carotene.

    The antioxidant, vitamin E, protects cells from aging, normalizes the activity of the nervous system and has an antitumor effect. Without nicotinic acid, normal metabolism is impossible. Its deficiency causes severe form vitamin deficiency. Pantothenic acid

    responsible for hormones that relieve inflammation in the body. However, the greatest admiration comes from mineral composition dried fruit Most of all in it valuable element- silicon.

    Silicon is a beauty mineral for skin, hair and nails. Our body consists of 5% of it. Notice how dogs and cats taken for walks seek out and eat wheatgrass; this grass contains a lot of silicon.

    Dried apricot is a favorite of cardiologists for its high potassium content. This element is the best assistant to our tireless pump - the heart. While a person is alive, it works continuously, and therefore needs special care and support. The introduction of dried apricots into the diet will significantly improve the functioning of our main muscles and even prevent diseases, because potassium stabilizes blood pressure and prevents hypertension.

    Chromium, among other substances, is responsible for the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates in the body. This element not only regulates the concentration of sugar in the blood, but also prevents the formation of sclerotic plaques.

    Apricots are valued for their high boron content, which is responsible for the strength of bones and muscles. It plays one of the leading roles in mineral metabolism. This element is an important component healthy eating, which improves memory and brings longevity.

    Boron - incredible solid, having the most high limit tensile strength (5.7 GPa).

    Vanadium is also responsible for strong teeth and bones. This element is important because it reduces the concentration of bad cholesterol. 100 g of dried apricots contains more than 100% of the daily requirement.

    Cobalt regulates blood formation and helps the production of thyroid hormones. Nickel is also involved in hormone synthesis and hematopoiesis. In addition, it relieves stress by calming the nervous system.

    With the help of iron, the body provides itself with oxygen. During menstruation, women lose a lot of iron, which needs to be replenished regularly, so it is recommended to include apricot in your daily diet. Without this element, the production of hemoglobin is impossible, so its lack leads to anemia.

    This dried fruit is rich in copper, an important element in the prevention of anemia and premature aging. Neither the nervous system nor the joints are able to continue normal work without this substance. Early gray hair, brittle bones, anemia and lack of appetite indicate a problem with the absorption of copper. It also has antitumor and antiseptic properties. If the body has the slightest inflammation, you need to eat dried apricots. In addition, copper affects the formation of proteins connective tissue. These proteins are microscopic building blocks from which skin, blood vessels, bone and cartilage tissue. Severe copper deficiency increases the risk of aortic and cerebral aneurysms, multiple sclerosis and osteoporosis.

    Dried apricots contain copper, which preserves the youth of blood vessels, skin and hair.

    Dried apricots also contain a little-studied microelement - zirconium. Presumably, it somehow regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland - its deficiency is found in patients with diabetes and pancreatitis.

    Apricots also contain enough molybdenum, which indirectly affects the immune system by enhancing the effect of vitamin C and purine metabolism. In the presence of this trace element, the body successfully removes toxins.

    In order for a person to cope with stress, he needs magnesium, which is contained in dried apricots. It ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system, heart and kidneys. The formation of most enzymes depends on the presence of this substance. There is a lot of magnesium in the salty water of the oceans - the cradle of humanity. This element dilates the arteries, thereby lowering blood pressure.

    Fats prevent the full absorption of magnesium, so do not add magnesium-rich oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, a large portion of butter.

    Everyone knows that calcium strengthens bones and teeth, but its spectrum of action is much wider. It regulates blood clotting, affects muscle contraction, and blocks the absorption of saturated fats in the intestines. This substance gives elasticity and strength to the walls of the arteries, does not allow them to narrow, which reduces the risk of hypertension.

    The pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid and pancreas owe their activity to calcium.

    The beta styrene in apricot fruit reduces the amount of fat absorbed by the intestines, so it is beneficial in preventing cardiovascular disease.

    Pectins have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. They are practically not absorbed by the body, but they regulate metabolism, prevent constipation and remove toxins, including radioactive substances. Pectins also improve blood circulation, especially peripheral.

    Dried apricots are rich in carbohydrates, especially glucose, which provides energy and is involved in metabolism. Types of dried apricot - which one is healthier?. Depending on the form in which the apricot was dried, there are 3 types. The apricot is dried with the pit, and the dried apricots and kaisa are dried without, but the pit is removed This is the most common type of sunny dried fruit; it is what is most often sold in stores and bazaars. For kaisa, the seed is squeezed out with the greatest care, without violating the integrity of the peel, through the hole where the stalk was once attached.

    All 3 types have nutritional value and are identical in composition, but the concentration of nutrients in apricots and kais is slightly higher. In Asia, apricots are more valued and in demand; in our country, dried apricots are more valuable. Uryuk is the most useful look

    dried apricot, the concentration of vitamins and minerals in it is the highest

    Depending on the conditions under which dried apricots were dried, they are divided into dark and light. The most useful is a ripe apricot dried in natural conditions, which acquires a dark, almost brown color. Some sellers call it “chocolate dried apricots.” However, such dried fruits harbor pests and mold may form if stored improperly, so inspect them carefully when purchasing. Do not buy dark dried apricots if they are shiny, that is, covered with oil - unscrupulous sellers are trying to disguise the mold.

    The correct dried fruit should not be glossy, but matte, with an ash-gray coating.

    The lighter the dried fruit, the less it ripened on the tree. Light yellow dried apricots are removed unripe and subjected to sulfurization - fumigated with sulfur dioxide for 20 hours so that they do not become moldy and are not affected by pests.

    Typically, such amber-golden dried fruits are produced in Turkey; they have a bitter taste and a lower concentration of nutrients compared to other types of dried apricots. However, such fruits never spoil. In general, the rule is that the lighter the dried apricot, the less healthy it is. Such fruits are often sold as “sugar dried apricots,” although they contain less sugar than other types. This “sweet” name is just a publicity stunt. Light dried apricots, called “sugar” dried apricots by sellers, are the least useful, since they were taken from the tree immature Beautiful orange dried apricots are also subject to sulfurization, but fumigation lasts only 10 hours and the content of sulfur dioxide in the fruit remains negligible. Chemists say that it is enough to soak such fruits for 10 minutes in warm water so that everything harmful substances

    went into the water. Such dried fruits reach the shelves from post-Soviet countries and also do not spoil. They are healthier than light yellow Turkish ones.

    Homemade recipes with dried apricots

    Remedies made from dried apricots are a successful combination of delicacy and medicine. Firstly, it is aromatic and tasty, and secondly, it is healthy because it is rich in minerals and vitamins. Since this dried fruit is medicinal, there are dosages for safe use. You shouldn’t eat more than 100 g per day - that’s 10–12 pieces of dried apricot. The thing is that it contains a lot of carbohydrates that can increase blood sugar levels. And also the excess minerals that this dried fruit can bring does not make sense, because it will lead to metabolic disorders.

    How to eat with maximum benefit

    Oddly enough, even just eating dried apricots can be treated. Before use, soak it in warm water for 10 minutes, then the water is drained and the fruits are washed again under running water. Properly soaked dried fruits increase in size and become soft. Please note that they are not compatible with all products. You shouldn't eat them with fresh vegetables and fruits rich in acids. The combination of carbohydrates and acids can cause indigestion, colic, and bloating.

    As part complex therapy Including dried apricot in the menu is vital for the following diseases:

    • heart and blood vessels;
    • eye;
    • bones;
    • thyroid gland;
    • blood;
    • kidney;
    • chronic fatigue;
    • depression.

    Dried fruits without special indications, it is better to eat in the first half of the day, so they are better absorbed. So, 100 g of dried apricots is divided into several doses. It turns out, 5-6 pieces each. for breakfast and lunch.

    When taking diuretics, you need to somehow replenish lost potassium salts and other elements. Dried apricots are also perfect for this. It should be eaten when there is high blood pressure, high physical and mental stress.

    Dried apricot removes harmful substances well, so it is included in the diet for poisoning with heavy metals, various toxins and radionuclides.

    In such cases, eat 3 pieces. with every meal.

    Due to the presence of antioxidants that enhance immunity, this dried fruit is recommended for the prevention of infectious and cancer diseases. For preventive use, use 5 pcs. per day: 3 for breakfast and 2 for lunch.

    Porridge with dried apricot is useful for hypertension, anemia, chronic fatigue, depression and as a cancer prevention

    Rich in fiber and pectin, dried apricots are great for constipation. To normalize stool in the evening, prepare the following remedy: 6 washed and soaked fruits should be brewed with a glass of boiling water and allowed to brew overnight.

    In the morning before breakfast, the fruits are eaten with water in which they were infused. Another infusion is prepared for kidney diseases and swelling of the legs: 5 pcs. pour a cup of boiling water and leave for 3 hours. The resulting liquid is divided into 2 doses and drunk twice a day. This infusion has a diuretic effect and is recommended for diseases that are accompanied by edema. It's not just diseases excretory system , but also the liver, gall bladder, blood vessels, heart.

    It would be good to ask your doctor about the cause of swelling; they can signal serious illnesses.

    Combined products Sometimes to achieve a specific therapeutic effect

    Dried apricots are used in combination with other products.

    Composition for the spine Nothing degrades your quality of life more than back pain. For example, after spring work in the garden, many summer residents are no longer able to experience the joy of being in nature. It's all due to overload. The muscle corset, weakened over the winter, does not really support the spine, the discs shift and arise. severe pain

    • . The person is forced to stop work and lie down. In this case, a special mixture of dried fruits for the spine helps, which should be consumed at night for 45 days.
    • It includes:
    • 5 dried apricots;

    1 prune; 1 fig. The secret of the composition lies in high content minerals, especially silicon and calcium. Combination

    useful minerals

    dried fruits relieve pain, restore, strengthen bone and cartilage tissue. Another important property of the mixture is to restore the elasticity of ligaments and joint mobility. Composition for the heart Heart problems - serious signal about the need to adjust your diet. However, the decision to admit medicinal products for such important body, should only be taken together with a doctor.

    • Usually, if there are no contraindications, cardiologists readily recommend mixtures with dried apricots to support and nourish the heart muscle. This is due to the fact that the pills do not cope with the entire range of problems that led to the disease:
    • high cholesterol
    • , blood clots, plaques on the walls of blood vessels and their narrowing. Potassium, beta-carotene, magnesium, calcium and beta-styrene contained in dried fruits are vital for the smooth functioning of our heart, blood vessels and arteries. To prepare the nutritional mixture, take 200 g:
    • walnuts.

    After soaking and washing, all fruits are ground in a blender. Add 8 tbsp to the mixture. spoons of honey and chopped lemon without seeds, mix everything thoroughly. The latter ingredients act as preservatives and additional sources of nutrients. The composition is placed in a glass jar, closed and left in the refrigerator for 10 days.

    A mixture of nuts and dried fruits not only treats heart disease, but also improves immunity

    Take 1 tbsp mixture. spoon an hour after meals 3 times a day until it runs out. If the need arises, the course can be taken again, but only after 3 weeks.

    The therapeutic effect of the mixture can be greatly enhanced by adding 100 g of soaked and crushed hawthorn to the composition.

    In addition to heart ailments, this mixture is an important addition to the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis.

    Composition for strengthening immunity

    The mixture is prepared as the previous one, with the difference that 100 g of ground rosehip is added to it, which is pre-soaked. This remedy is suitable for all infectious and inflammatory diseases. It also increases hemoglobin in the blood, which helps in the treatment of anemia.

    Substances of this composition can suppress the growth of cancer cells, therefore they are recommended for oncological diseases, if the attending physician has not found any contraindications in your particular case.

    Treatment of children

    Dried apricot contains the necessary substances for the growth and development of the baby, so from the age of 6 months they begin to introduce him to this dried fruit. However, the fruits themselves are still quite heavy, too mineralized food. In addition, the fiber and pectins of this fruit can cause colic and bloating, so you need to prepare a less concentrated product, for example, a decoction or infusion. The baby is introduced to these drinks at the age of six months, with the start of complementary feeding. After eating dried apricots for the first time, assess the child’s condition: whether rashes have appeared on the skin, whether there is swelling around the mouth, whether the fruit causes diarrhea.

    If the listed signs of allergy appear, dried apricot will have to be excluded from the menu.

    Decoction and compote

    1. These drinks contain a gentle amount of various elements and there are no coarse plant fibers, so when introducing dried apricot into the diet, start with it.
    2. For a decoction, take 100 g of dried fruits per 1 liter of water. There is no need to add any sugar; dried apricots contain enough glucose and fructose.
    3. Cooking is carried out over low heat, with the lid closed, for 15 minutes.

    When the child gets used to dried apricots, you can enrich the broth with other dried fruits and make a compote. The best candidates for such a drink are raisins and prunes. But before that, you need to introduce your baby to each ingredient separately to make sure there is no intolerance to these products. These fruits are added in arbitrary proportions, but their ratio to water should remain the same: 100 g per liter. After preparation, the compote is infused for 2 hours.


    After getting acquainted with compote, you can introduce a more effective remedy, which contains more useful substances, since we do not boil the fruits, but brew them. When preparing the infusion, vitamins and minerals are less destroyed. You just need to pour the same volume of water over the fruits and leave for 5 hours. To multiply the beneficial effect, in the absence of allergies, in ready-made remedy add 1 teaspoon of honey.


    When the baby masters basic set vegetables, you can start giving him another healthy dish of dried apricot. This will be a puree that will improve intestinal motility.

    1. First, the fruits are soaked in warm water for 10 minutes and washed.
    2. Soak again, but in cold water for 4–5 hours, then boil in the same liquid for 10 minutes.
    3. In a blender, grind the boiled fruits along with the broth to a puree consistency.

    This dish will serve as a good prevention of constipation. To enhance the laxative effect, prunes are included in the puree, in a ratio of 2 parts dried apricots to 1 part plum.

    By including dried apricot puree in your baby’s diet, we provide him with essential minerals and relieve constipation

    For women

    The benefits of dried apricot for the fair half of humanity cannot be overestimated. Regular consumption of dried apricots brings undeniable benefits:

    • the condition of the skin improves, a beautiful bronze tint appears;
    • hair and nails are strengthened;
    • immunity increases, therefore reducing the risk of tumors of the breast, uterus and ovaries;
    • the production of female hormones is normalized;
    • mood stabilizes during PMS;
    • the body is prepared to conceive a child;
    • relieves hot flashes during menopause.

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding

    When a woman is carrying or breastfeeding a child, her body often experiences mineral starvation. Dried fruits will help replenish the substances that the mother spends on the growth and development of the baby. Just adding dried apricots to dishes, but no more than 10 pieces. per day, you can replenish depleted reserves of mineral elements and prepare for childbirth.

    A common problem during pregnancy is difficulty in bowel movements. In this case, dried apricots will come to the rescue. To normalize stool, it is steamed with boiling water overnight and eaten in the morning. To increase the therapeutic effect, you can wash down the dish with a glass of kefir.

    To improve lactation for a mother, the following grandmother’s recipe is useful: cook oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, add 5 pcs. dried apricots and 3 chopped walnuts. Then leave for 5 minutes and eat in one sitting.

    For men

    Although men do not bear children, they have plenty of other significant stress on the body. Increased physical and mental stress, stress at work and even sex - all this also requires constant replenishment of the body’s mineral storehouses. Including dried apricots in your daily diet allows you to:

    • stabilize hormone production;
    • strengthen bones and muscles;
    • normalize intestinal function;
    • improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, thereby preventing impotence;
    • reduce the risk of urological diseases;
    • cleanse the body of all types of toxins, including alcoholic ones;
    • fight anemia and gout;
    • normalize blood pressure;
    • increase the production of androgens and sperm, improve potency;
    • restore memory.

    Weight loss

    Enjoying delicacies without gaining weight is the dream of a sweet tooth. Is this real? Calorie content dried apricot is quite large, 100 g contains about 240 kcal, despite this, it is used for weight loss. Its hypoglycemic index is low, it does not contain fats, but there are substances that break them down and prevent absorption by the intestines. In addition, dried apricots have diuretic properties, which also promotes weight loss. Its pectins and fiber additionally cleanse the body of toxins. And without a diet, simply adding dried fruits to the main dishes, we are on the right path to losing weight.

    They will help us get rid of extra pounds more decisively fasting days on dried apricot. On such a day you need to eat 500 g of dried apricots, drink green tea and a lot of water - nothing else. It is properly soaked and divided into 4 doses. Fasting days will literally bring relief - from toxins, excess weight and excess fluid in organism.

    Fasting days with dried apricots get rid of toxins, excess fluid and excess weight

    For people who do not accept half measures, a mono-diet is suitable. It is based on dried apricot juice puree: 300 g of pre-soaked fruits are ground in a blender, adding half a liter of apricot juice.

    The mixture is divided into 4 equal parts and eaten according to the following schedule: at 8 am, 11 pm, 2 pm and 6 pm. At the same time, you can drink water and green tea without sugar. This diet lasts 5 days, no more. After it, nutritionists advise leaning on foods rich in proteins. This is a fairly strict diet that requires mandatory consultation

    consult a doctor, as metabolic failure may occur.

    The benefits and harms of dried fruits - video


    • Dried apricots and products made from it are contraindicated in the following conditions:
    • violation of water-salt metabolism;
    • kidney disease;
    • type 1 diabetes;
    • gastritis with high acidity;
    • diarrhea;
    • ulcers and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • severe intestinal diseases;
    • diverticulitis;

    individual intolerance.

    It is important to note that it is advisable not to exceed the daily intake of dried apricots, since excessive intake of minerals and carbohydrates into the body can disrupt metabolism and cause indigestion - the stomach will begin to swell. If you have type 1 diabetes, you cannot eat dried apricots. For type 2 diabetes, its use is allowed, but only after consultation with a doctor. Usually eat half daily dose

    - 5 pcs., pre-soaked for 20 minutes in warm water. In this case, you should check your blood sugar. In rare cases, if you eat unwashed dried apricots, you may be poisoned by sulfur dioxide, which is used when processing dried fruits. The throat begins to feel sore, a runny nose, cough and hoarseness appear. People with asthma may experience an attack. At

    high concentrations sulfur dioxide causes suffocation, speech disorder, vomiting, and acute pulmonary edema is possible. Bright and juicy dried apricots are a favorite delicacy of many people with a sweet tooth. Dried apricots make tasty and

    healthy compote

    , it, like any other dried fruit, has a lot of useful qualities. Dried apricots are unusual in their taste; the benefits and harm to the body lie in the amazing chemical composition of the dried fruit, which includes almost all vitamin and mineral components. Compound An amazing advantage of dried apricots is that it perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger. Moreover, once you try a sweet dried fruit, you no longer want to be oversaturated with other types of sweets. It's not for nothing that

    What are the benefits of dried apricots?

    Main advantage bright dried fruit- this is its chemical composition.

    • Vitamin A - normalizes reproductive function person, renders beneficial effect on internal structure nails, hair, skin;
    • Vitamin B2 is indispensable for stabilizing metabolism. This component qualitatively improves memory and the functioning of all brain activity, helps increase the body’s endurance;
    • Vitamin C is the best performance stabilizer protective forces body. The component takes care of the normal state blood vessels, has a positive effect on collagen formation, increases the resistance of the entire body against harmful factors;
    • Vitamin E - has a rejuvenating effect, it has a positive effect on the external and structural condition of the skin, nails, hair, improves general state women during PMS, slows down the aging process, helps cleanse the entire body of harmful and toxic compounds;
    • Vitamin PP - is responsible for the normal content of bad cholesterol in the blood, restores protein balance, stabilizes metabolism;
    • Iron - actively normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and the condition of the heart and blood vessels;
    • Potassium - fully forms the correct functioning of everyone internal processes;
    • Calcium is responsible for normal condition bone and entire muscular system, improves the digestion process;
    • Phosphorus - gives strength to the entire body;
    • Magnesium - stabilizes the proper functioning of the entire body;
    • Copper actively helps in the absorption of iron and has an invaluable effect on the elasticity of the skin.

    It is important to note that in all useful parameters, dried apricots are in many ways superior to fresh apricot fruits.

    Dried apricots are amazing in their complete composition; the beneficial properties and contraindications of this product relate to the fact that it cannot be called dietary. Calorie content of dried fruit per 100 g. equal to 213 calories. Explains the high energy value product in that it contains a large amount of sugary substances. But if you recalculate the piece-calorie ratio, it turns out that dried apricots can be used in the process of losing weight, because one dried apricot contains about 20 calories.

    Useful qualities

    What are the benefits of dried apricots for the body?

    • In terms of its positive qualities, dried fruit is superior to fresh apricots. The main advantage lies in the content of a sufficient amount of beta-carotene, which is responsible for normal visual function and also helps to cope with various diseases eye.
    • Dried fruit is amazing product, which stabilizes the body’s defenses, this helps increase the activity of resistance against infectious and viral diseases.
    • Dried apricots have a general strengthening effect; their valuable chemical composition generally normalizes the performance of all internal systems body, giving a person an additional charge of energy vigor and strength.
    • Sufficient quantity Iron in dried fruit helps restore dysfunction of the cardiac and vascular systems. Dried apricots is an excellent remedy cure anemia, it has preventive properties against the risk of various heart diseases.
    • Dried fruit is used to normalize the gastrointestinal tract. Regular use of the product helps relieve chronic indigestion.
    • Dried apricots are actively used for diseases of the upper or lower respiratory tract. The anti-inflammatory properties of the product increase the overall resistance of the body, and the expectorant effect helps to liquefy and get rid of mucus in the respiratory tract.
    • Dried fruit can cope with heat. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties effectively lower body temperature to normal.
    • Taking dried fruit is indicated for vitamin deficiency. The rich content of nutritional components helps the body cope with the lack of fortified substances and resist the attack of immune diseases.
    • Dried apricots are used to heal and cleanse the liver.
    • Taking dried fruit is indispensable for hypertension, as well as diseases of the endocrine system, in particular the pancreas.
    • Due to its mild diuretic effect, this bright product is often prescribed for diseases of the kidneys, as well as the entire genitourinary system.

    Benefits for the male body

    Unique ratio useful components in dried fruit helps the male body cope with the risk of heart disease. The use of this product serves as an excellent prevention against heart attack or stroke.

    Dried apricots also have a positive effect on the nervous system, freeing the male body from nervousness, irritability, and attacks of aggression.

    In addition, it has been proven beneficial effect product for potency. With regular consumption of dried apricots in male body rises sexual attraction, potency stabilizes.

    Are dried apricots good for children?

    Young children can also benefit from eating dried apricots. This oriental sweet is recommended to replace harmful chips or crackers in the diet of children. Dried fruit reliably supplies the baby’s body with useful composition vital components, has a beneficial effect on brain activity child, gives an additional flow of energy and provokes the body for proper development and rapid growth.

    Useful qualities of dried apricots for women

    Since ancient times, dried apricots have been called “women’s dessert.” The whole point lies in the extraordinary qualities and usefulness for everything female body.

    To begin with, it should be noted that regular consumption of dried fruit has a good effect on the general condition of the entire skin, hair and nails. Dried apricots promote youth and good mood. Dried fruit copes well with the nervousness that women with PMS are often susceptible to.

    Are dried apricots good for pregnancy? Gynecologists recommend that you include it in your diet. expectant mother this dried fruit. The rich content of vitamin and mineral components perfectly compensate for the lack of nutrients in a woman’s body. Subsequently, the flow of useful components is transmitted in the womb and to the baby. Dried fruit is indicated in the diet of women who experience a decrease in hemoglobin levels during pregnancy. The product also helps to cope with constipation, which often plagues expectant mothers. And the rich fiber content in dried apricots helps correct formation fetus

    Can a nursing mother eat dried apricots? Despite the significant advantage of this dried fruit, dried apricots are breastfeeding in excessive quantities is not recommended. Large portions of dried fruit can cause stomach disorders in an infant. But a small amount of dried fruit is recommended for a young mother and her baby, because the product is able to replenish the supply of nutritional components in the body.

    Harm of dried apricots

    Undoubtedly, the benefits and harms of dried apricots are invaluable for human body, but there are also peculiarities of using dried fruit.

    • IN large quantities Pregnant and lactating women should not eat dried apricots;
    • In case of exacerbation of pancreatitis, dried fruit should not be consumed;
    • Dried apricots for diabetes can be consumed only in small proportions and only after the doctor’s permission;
    • If you are overweight, eating a lot of dried fruit is prohibited;
    • During exacerbations of gastritis or ulcers, consumption of dried apricots is prohibited;
    • Don't get carried away with the product allergic reaction for apricots.

    Correct selection and storage of dried apricots

    In stores, preference should be given to dense and strong dried fruits that do not have a rich orange hue. The aroma of high-quality dried apricots is honey-spicy.

    Apricots and dried apricots. The difference between dried fruits lies in the fact that apricots are presented in the form of a dried apricot with a pit, while in dried apricots the pit is completely absent. In addition, drying of apricots occurs in a natural way, that is, under the sun. But dried apricots are always dried in special drying cabinets.

    How to store dried apricots at home?

    Dried fruit can be stored in clean glass jars or plastic bags. If it is needed for a long time To preserve the product, it is recommended to transfer it to clean and dry wooden containers.

    Healthy recipes

    • Strengthening defenses. A mixture of honey, dried apricots, and walnuts is useful for immunity. All products are taken in 300 g quantities, crushed and mixed. The resulting product is taken every morning, 1-2 tbsp. spoon. If you add the juice of 1 lemon to the composition: honey, nuts, dried apricots for immunity, you will get a remedy that will be an excellent method of preventing influenza and winter colds.
    • Strengthening immune forces. This mixture for immunity - dried apricots, raisins, honey, nuts - helps to quickly strengthen the defenses and promote active resistance viral infections. The preparation method is similar to that described above.
    • Spinal diseases. A mixture of figs (1 pc.), dried apricots (5 pcs.), prunes (1 pc.) for the spine is recommended traditional healers. To eliminate pain, it is necessary to be treated with this composition for 1.5 months.

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    The benefits of dried fruits have been proven repeatedly. They are rich in micro- and macroelements, vitamins, which makes them indispensable for consumption. Since dried fruits do not have artificial colors or additives, their consumption benefits the body. One of these products is dried apricots - the benefits and harms to the body are discussed below.

    What is dried apricots

    Depending on the type of dried apricot, there are three types of dried fruits:

    • apricot (small apricot, dried with pit);
    • kaisa (large dried apricot without pit);
    • dried apricots (dried pitted apricots cut in half).

    About a week is allotted for drying, during which the moisture evaporates from the apricot, after which it loses up to two-thirds of its weight (out of 3-4 kilograms one comes out). If contact with moisture occurs during the drying process, the color changes to dark brown. Commercially, the drying process uses sulfur dioxide, which allows the product to remain bright orange.

    At long-term use eating industrially prepared dried fruits, there is a risk of dioxide accumulation in the body, which can cause asthma, allergies, and damage the lungs and bronchi. If dry apricots have a wine taste, then you should discard them, since the technology was not followed during drying. Properly prepared dried apricots are a valuable product that has found its use in cooking and medicine. There are four grades of the product: table, first, highest, extra.

    Dried apricots - calorie content

    The product has a sweet or sour-sweet taste, but this is achieved not by adding sugar to it, but because of the glucose it contains. It does not harm the body and does not cause an increase in insulin in the blood. Calorie content of dried apricots ( the nutritional value per 100 grams) is 215-241 Kcal. Dried fruits cannot be called dietary, but the calories they contain are easily digestible and therefore do not cause obesity.

    Dried apricots - composition

    As noted earlier, dried fruits are rich minerals, vitamins. The chemical composition of dried apricots includes:

    • proteins;
    • B vitamins;
    • iron;
    • potassium;
    • calcium;
    • cellulose;
    • vitamin A, E, K, C;
    • magnesium;
    • manganese;
    • copper;
    • sodium;
    • niacin;
    • a nicotinic acid;
    • pectins;
    • sucrose;
    • selenium;
    • carbohydrates;
    • phosphorus;
    • choline;
    • zinc, etc.

    Useful properties of dried apricots

    Dried fruits due to content large number micro- and macroelements have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Dried apricots improve skin condition, remove toxins and waste from the body, and help strengthen the immune system. Recommended for use by people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus. They are able to remove excess cholesterol from the body.

    For diabetes, doctors recommend consuming this product because it normalizes the functioning of the pancreas, helping the production of insulin. Regular consumption helps with anemia by combating blockage of blood vessels. The benefits of dried apricots for the body are limitless, as it improves vision, normalizes metabolic processes in the body, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, prevents the development of osteoporosis.

    Dried apricot decoction

    Dried apricots can be used to prepare a decoction of dried apricots to treat constipation in children. To do this you need to take:

    • 1 liter of water;
    • 100 g dried fruits.
    1. Before cooking, dry fruits are thoroughly washed, then soaked in water for half an hour to soften well.
    2. Afterwards they are placed in warm water, bringing to a boil over low heat, leave for an hour.

    To prepare the decoction for making ice in for cosmetic purposes, have to take:

    • 1 liter of water;
    • 500 g dried apricots;
    • mint;
    • Melissa.
    1. The washed dried fruits are poured with water and boiled for 20 minutes, after which a pinch of mint and lemon balm is added.
    2. Then the broth must be left on the fire for another 15 minutes.
    3. The prepared mixture is removed and poured into molds for freezing.
    4. The resulting ice is rubbed onto the skin of the face and décolleté to give it elasticity and a healthy appearance.​

    Infusion of dried apricots

    To maximize the preservation of all the nutrients of dried fruits, prepare an infusion of dried apricots. For this purpose, the fruits are thoroughly washed and then poured with boiled water. Leave to infuse for at least 5 hours. It is preferable to use the infusion if there are cardiovascular diseases or kidney problems. The infusion has a mild diuretic effect, helping to relieve swelling.

    Dried apricots for the stomach

    If you do not overuse dried apricots, then dried apricots for the stomach will be useful for improving digestion. It can be used as decoctions and infusions. In addition, dried fruits have proven themselves well in dietary cooking - they can be added to cereals and desserts. Dried apricot improves performance gastrointestinal tract, prevents the development of constipation, improves metabolism. Excessive use, on the contrary, harms the gastrointestinal tract.

    Benefits of dried apricots for the heart

    Sodium, potassium and magnesium contained in dried fruits make dried apricots indispensable for the heart. It helps with atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, spasms in blood vessels. It will help hypertensive patients fight high blood pressure. If you have low blood pressure, there are contraindications - dried fruits can be consumed in minimum quantities. Iron, which dried apricots are rich in, helps increase hemoglobin levels.

    What are the benefits of dried apricots for women?

    The product helps to normalize hormonal levels in the fair sex. The benefits of dried apricots for a woman’s body have been proven when losing weight and in the fight against overweight. It has laxative properties. Vitamins A and E will help the skin stay young and elastic. The benefits of dried fruits in the fight against malignant neoplasms thanks to the presence of antioxidants. Dried fruits used to prepare masks and decoctions used for skin and hair problems.

    What are the benefits of dried apricots for men?

    Being a source of fiber, it is able to normalize intestinal function, and this has a beneficial effect on blood circulation occurring in the pelvic organs. As a result, the development of prostatitis and potency is prevented. The benefits of dried apricots for men also include the fact that testicular function improves, sperm production improves, and hormonal levels are normalized.

    Dried apricots during pregnancy - benefits and harms

    When carrying a child, every woman should take a responsible approach to choosing food. What are the benefits and harms of dried apricots during pregnancy? Firstly, it should be excluded by anyone who has a predisposition to allergies, low blood pressure and asthma. Secondly, you need to add the product to your diet gradually, observing the body’s reaction. When choosing dried fruits, you should give preference to matte rather than bright, shiny fruits. The best option would be to use self-dried apricots.

    Pregnancy is a difficult and responsible period for every woman, so there are several ways to alleviate toxicosis, get rid of stress and vitamin deficiency, improve the condition of nails and hair, help strengthen the skeletal system of the fetus and improve your health.

    To prepare the cocktail you will need:

    • 1 liter of water;
    • 100 g dried apricots;
    • 1 tbsp. l. natural honey.
    1. Dried apricots must be washed and placed in a saucepan (for these purposes it is better to use enamel dishes).
    2. Fill everything hot water and put on fire for twenty minutes, then strain.
    3. Grind the cooked dried fruits thoroughly, mix with compote, add honey.
    4. Shake the resulting composition well and can be eaten.​

    For fruit salad you need the following ingredients:

    • 3 tbsp. l. dried apricots;
    • 6 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
    • 3 tsp. honey;
    • 600 g yogurt;
    • 1 apple;
    • 1 pear;
    • 1 carrot.
    1. At the initial stage, dried apricots are washed and soaked for 15 minutes.
    2. Cut the fruits into cubes and add grated carrots to them.
    3. The soaked dried fruits are crushed and added to the mixture. Then enter cereals and honey, after which everything is topped with yogurt.
    4. The resulting salad is left to soak for 7 minutes.

    How many dried apricots can you eat per day?

    It will not harm the body if you consume no more than 100-120 g of dried apricot, since the product can cause intestinal irritation. The daily norm of dried apricots is 3-5 fruits, which can saturate the body with the necessary nutrients. In order to get the maximum possible number of vitamins and microelements, it is recommended to consume dried fruits throughout the day and try not to expose them to heat treatment(this way all the beneficial properties of dried apricot for the body are preserved).


    A bright sunny apricot is able to give us its useful qualities even in winter. You can eat it in the form of a delicious dried fruit - dried apricots. The properties of this product are so interesting that it is used not only in cooking, but also in alternative medicine. “Apricots - benefits and harm”: this is the topic we will consider in this article.

    There are quite a few types of dried apricots. This depends on the type of fresh fruit and on the method of obtaining dried apricots directly. Which representatives of dried apricot are the best?

    The appearance of this dried fruit is due to the fact that for a long time people had to make supplies for the winter. And at some point the fruits began to dry out. Since then the most the best dried fruits are those that have been dried sun rays, in the most natural way. The same applies to dried apricots.

    Dried apricot itself is usually called a large dried apricot from which the pit has been extracted. And dried fruit from small apricot fruits, which have been dried directly with the pit, is called apricot.

    The taste of this product may be affected by moisture. If drops of water fall on the fruit during drying, the finished product has more dark color and changes its taste.

    The bright orange color of the dried fruit indicates that it was processed using chemicals. On the one hand, such processing adds shelf life to the product, but on the other hand, it is no longer a completely natural dried fruit.

    The wine taste in dried apricots should alert you. It is a criterion that not very fresh apricots were used when preparing dried fruit.

    Natural high-quality dried apricots has a sweet-sour or sweet taste.

    What does dried apricots consist of?

    Although dried apricot, naturally, is classified as dried fruit; this product contains a fairly large percentage of water. 100 g of dried fruit contains approximately 65 g of water. This product is also rich in carbohydrates. It contains about 26 g. The calorie content of dried fruit is 215 kcal per 100 g.

    There are also useful dietary fibers, about 3 g. Protein in dried apricots is only 1.7 g. And this dried fruit has virtually no fat, only 0.15 g.

    Dried apricots are also not famous for their vitamins. They all leave this product during the drying process. But you can still find vitamin A in it. Dried apricots also contain B vitamins.

    The effect of vitamins in dried apricots is enhanced by the presence of useful substances, which it, on the contrary, acquires during drying, as well as the composition of microelements. There are a lot of them there. Most of the composition contains copper, iron and manganese.

    What are the health benefits of this product?

    The benefits and harms of dried apricots have long been studied by nutritionists.

    The beneficial qualities of dried fruit, of course, prevail:

    1. First of all, it must be said that dried apricots are incredibly rich in pectin. This substance found in fruits can prolong youth. Pectin is often added to cosmetics. And when consumed orally, it helps remove the accumulation of heavy metals and radionuclides from the body. The presence of this substance deservedly allows us to call dried apricots medicinal for the body.
    2. The plant-type fibers present improve intestinal functions very well. In principle, dried apricots can be used as a natural laxative.
    3. The vascular system also benefits from this dried fruit. Its use increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, and it also fights the level of bad cholesterol.
    4. Compote based on the product, also called uzvar, is extremely beneficial for kidney health. It is especially good for the body to drink it in the spring, when we experience vitamin deficiency.
    5. Improves dried apricot and blood quality. Thanks to it, more regular blood cells are formed in the blood. Their presence keeps the immune system in good shape and blocks the development of cancer cells.

    This dried fruit is also useful for weight loss during pregnancy.

    Eating dried apricots during pregnancy

    I would like to separately note that it is especially important to include dried apricots in the diet during pregnancy.

    This applies to pregnant women who carry their babies in the autumn-winter period. During these seasons it is more difficult to provide for pregnant women fresh fruit, where there are many substances beneficial to the body. Dried fruits, and dried apricots in particular, are a real salvation here.

    The sweetness of this product can easily calm a woman’s nervous system during pregnancy. And at the same time, she will receive not a dose of sugar, but a dose of fructose from the product, which, of course, is much better for the body.

    Pregnant women often experience muscle cramps. So, regular consumption of this dried fruit or compote based on it will replenish potassium reserves, which will greatly help you relax muscular system pregnant women.

    Including this dried fruit in the diet of pregnant women is important not only for them, but also for their fetus. The composition of microelements will help the baby’s body develop correctly.

    Constipation often occurs during pregnancy. The properties of dried apricots can easily help cope with this problem in pregnant women. But here you need to know when to stop.

    The norm for using the product is a maximum of 100 g per day. Otherwise, diarrhea may develop.

    Help of dried apricots in losing weight

    Dried apricots play a positive role in the difficult task of losing weight. It's no secret that when losing weight you need to limit or completely eliminate sweets. Intellectually, we all understand this, but in reality, overcoming the craving for sweets for the sake of losing weight is not so easy.

    So in particular poignant moments When you want something sweet, you can eat dried apricots. This allows you to determine the composition of the product and its calorie content. Instead of sugar, which is so bad for weight loss, you get fructose, but at the same time satisfy your cravings for sweets. And the calorie content of the product allows us to call it dietary.

    Fasting days based on this dried fruit can also bring benefits to the body and the effect of losing weight. In order to carry it out, you only need 300 g of dried apricots and 2 liters of clean water.

    During the day, when hunger strikes, eat some dried fruit and wash it all down with water. As a result, you will get not only the effect of losing weight, but also cleansing the body.

    How to eat dried apricots correctly?

    Basically strict contraindications There is no dried fruit for consumption. Rather, here we can talk about the extent to which it should be used. The weaker your intestines, the less dried apricots you need to eat. So that its inclusion in your diet does not end with an upset stomach.

    Otherwise, dried apricot has a very good effect on the human body.

    There are even tribes where the main food products are dried fruits, including dried apricots. And it must be said that the people in these tribes are distinguished by their longevity.

    This is what dried apricots are, the benefits and harms of this dried fruit.



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