Strong expectorant folk remedy. The most effective folk expectorants

Expectorants folk remedies , often, help more effectively than medicines prescribed by a doctor. In addition, taking medicines made according to folk recipes does not harm your body if you follow the dosage correctly, which cannot be said about pharmacy medicines. The benefits of folk recipes a large number of which makes them the most popular and effective.

Among other things, another advantage of expectorant folk remedies is that they can be taken by both adults and children, as well as pregnant women. The only thing to do with this is to make sure that you or your children are not allergic to the products used, and that you also need to follow the dosage correctly.

In our article, you can find out which expectorants should be used for different types of coughs, as well as for bronchitis and pneumonia. Let's deal with this issue in more detail.

For dry and wet cough

When dry and wet cough usually used different kinds medicines made according to folk recipes: some accelerate sputum discharge, while others help relieve dry cough and prevent cracks in the mucous membrane.

With a wet cough, the following recipe is perfect:

  • Start with half a kilo onion and peel it off.
  • Chop the peeled onion as finely as possible and send it to a small saucepan prepared in advance.
  • Add 400 grams there too Sahara and one liter of water.
  • Put the pan on the fire and wait until it boils, constantly stirring the medicine. It is necessary to boil such a mixture for at least three hours.
  • After the medicine has boiled well, remove it from the heat and cool to room temperature.
  • Add 50 grams to the cooled liquid honey, stir all this, after which you can take an expectorant mixture.

Such a remedy must be taken within 4-5 days, five tablespoons at a time after meals. For children under 10 years old, the dose should be reduced to 1-2 tablespoons. Also be vigilant: make sure that the child is not allergic to onions or honey.

A banana is great for relieving the symptoms of a dry cough. In addition to the fact that the expectorant will be very useful, it is also tasty, so it can easily be given to children. And you can cook it in the following way: Choose a couple of ripe but not overripe bananas, peel them and use a fork to mash them into a pulp. Then pour 150 grams of water into the saucepan and add two large spoons of sugar. Heat the mixture, and when it boils, remove from heat and cool to room temperature. After that, add banana pulp there and you can take this expectorant immediately after eating.

Expectorant folk remedies for bronchitis

An excellent expectorant for bronchitis is black radish with honey. ABOUT miracle cures Many people have heard of black radish and honey, however, not everyone can use it correctly. In our article, we will tell you how to properly prepare black radish syrup with honey as an expectorant for bronchitis.

In order to prepare the most effective expectorant for bronchitis, you need to choose a black radish that is not too big size wash it well and cut off the top. Next, you need to arm yourself with a small knife or spoon and make a wide hole in the pulp of the fruit. Three tablespoons of honey should be put into this hole and covered with a cut off top. You can pre-make a few cuts in the pulp of the radish so that it starts up the juice and expectorant syrup turned out faster.

Send the radish with honey to infuse in a dark place for six hours, after which you will see how an amber syrup appeared in place of the honey. It should be poured into a separate container, and the radish can be used in this way two more times.

Ready expectorant syrup can be taken up to three times a day before meals. There are no contraindications, just make sure that you or your children are not allergic to honey or radish.

For pneumonia and congestion in the lungs

Concerning pneumonia and congestion in the lungs, then with such diagnoses, herbs brewed according to folk recipes will be an excellent expectorant. Herbs will not harm the body even during pregnancy, and they are also used as an expectorant for smokers.

Herbs such as thyme, coltsfoot, licorice root and oregano. And preparing an expectorant infusion is very simple. To do this, you need to take two tablespoons of any herb you like, pour them with one liter of hot, but not boiling water, and wait a couple of hours for the expectorant to infuse. You can take no more than three times a day. Preferably one hour after eating.

Any of the proposed remedies will help you to remove sputum at home. However, before using such expectorant folk remedies, consult your doctor.

Are you an active person who cares and thinks about his respiratory system and overall health, keep exercising, healthy lifestyle life and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and severe emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people, in case of forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing hands and face, cleaning respiratory tract).

  • It's time to start thinking about what you're doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is obligatory, and even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like best and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, Gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu in time, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work with your immunity, temper yourself, be in nature as often as possible and fresh air. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations, it is much easier to treat lung diseases in the initial stages than in a neglected form. Avoid emotional and physical overload, smoking or contact with smokers, if possible, exclude or minimize.

  • It's time to sound the alarm!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the work of your lungs and bronchi, pity them! If you want to live long, you need to radically change your whole attitude towards the body. First of all, go through an examination with specialists such as a general practitioner and a pulmonologist, you need to take radical measures Otherwise, things may end badly for you. Follow all the recommendations of doctors, radically change your life, it may be worth changing your job or even place of residence, absolutely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and make contact with people who have such addictions to a minimum, harden, strengthen your immunity, be outdoors as often as possible. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely exclude from household circulation all aggressive means, replace with natural, natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and airing the room at home.

  • Rules for the preparation and use of expectorant folk remedies.

    Almost any, even chronic cough, can be cured by selecting the right expectorants.

    Despite the abundance of medicines that can be found in a pharmacy, they do not always help better than completely natural folk remedies from completely affordable and very inexpensive components.

    It is worth noting that most drugs that stimulate sputum discharge or thin it are also prepared on a plant basis.

    Classification of expectorant natural remedies

    Products that stimulate expectoration differ in the principle of action

    Reflex expectorants

    The principle of operation of this group of funds is moderate irritant effect alkaloids or saponins on the receptors of the stomach, stimulating the reflex excitation of the center vagus nerve in the medulla oblongata. As a result, the secretion of the mucous glands in the bronchi increases and liquefies, and the contraction of the peristalsis of the bronchial muscles is stimulated. The viscosity of sputum decreases, it easily comes out and passes inflammation.

    Expectorant herbs of reflex action

    • The most effective expectorant of reflex action is an extract or infusion of thermopsis. It is very effective in emphysema and chronic bronchitis;
    • source root is used when meager allocation thick mucus associated with inflammation of the bronchi (contraindicated in inflammatory processes gastrointestinal tract);
    • marshmallow root, elecampane and cyanosis - in chronic bronchitis or tracheobronchitis, have an enveloping, anti-inflammatory effect, reduce the intensity of coughing.
    • licorice root - with shortness of breath and bronchospasm, severe bronchitis, "smoker's cough";
    • sage officinalis is used in the fight against "wet" cough;
    • coltsfoot leaves.

    Any of the above means is quick and easy to use. In the people, an expectorant is prepared in this way: per liter hot water(not boiling water) take two tablespoons of any of the above dry plants and insist for several hours (preferably in a thermos or wrapped in a thick towel), optimally - during the night. accept herbal infusion between main meals, one glass three times a day.

    Separately, it must be said about licorice root- it can also be used for inhalation (together with chamomile flowers), or by regularly chewing dried roots.

    Note: reflex expectorant herbs have one significant feature: by stimulating the vomiting center medulla oblongata may cause nausea and vomiting.

    Resorptive expectorants

    Means of this group are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, and, being released through the mucous membrane of the bronchi, liquefy the masses of secretion in the bronchi. The mechanism of action of iodine-containing agents is the breakdown of sputum proteins, due to this - its liquefaction.

    Eucalyptus oil and other essential oils, thyme herb, anise fruits and iodides act directly in the respiratory tract, causing coughing, and remove phlegm from the body.

    pine buds treat acute bronchitis with advanced education thick sputum, as they do not increase the amount of sputum, but thin it and increase immunity in the bronchi.

    Thyme used in cases with dry cough and difficult sputum discharge, as thyme herb has an anti-inflammatory and calming effect.

    Universal expectorant folk remedy - eucalyptus

    Generally, essential oils are used in the form of inhalation, in some cases - inside. One of the ingested plants is eucalyptus. A decoction is prepared from its leaves in the above proportions and used according to the same principle. In addition to expectorant action, eucalyptus leaves alleviate the condition of the patient during the flu.

    Eucalyptus essential oil is added to the mass for inhalation. It also helps with wet (in combination with oil) tea tree), and with a dry cough (in combination with chamomile).

    It is possible to carry out inhalations both with the use of an inhaler and without it. To do this, pour a decoction of chamomile or calendula into a saucepan and add expectorant oil. But people think that better than potatoes there is no means for inhalation. It is on boiled potatoes that it is recommended to drip eucalyptus, rosemary, pine or fir oil.

    Expectorant folk remedies from improvised products

    The above herbal remedies used both in the people and in medicinal medical preparations("Gedelix", "Gerbion", "Tussin"). However, herbs are not always available, what to do in this case?! There is a solution: there are edible expectorants that can be easily found and prepared at home.

    Onion Cough Relief

    To give the bow maximum effect for expectoration and cleansing the respiratory tract, people are advised to prepare remedies with onions for coughing with the addition of honey. To prepare the remedy, you need to finely chop 500 grams of peeled onion, put it in a saucepan, add 400 grams of sugar there and pour a liter of water. Boil for three hours on the smallest fire, let it cool and put 50 grams of honey into the resulting product. Honey must be added only to the chilled mixture, otherwise it loses its medicinal properties.

    Apply onion remedy for coughs, five tablespoons a day after meals at regular intervals. You can use it for five days.

    Banana: " ambulance» with annoying cough

    Yes, you read that right: even overseas sweet treats have such an important expectorant property. A folk remedy is prepared as follows: two medium bananas are ground through a sieve, a homogeneous puree should be obtained. Dissolve two tablespoons of sugar in 150 ml warm water, and pour sweet water bananas. Take after meals.

    Kalina - excellent tool when coughing

    Cough resulting from colds successfully treated with medicinal decoction from viburnum with the addition of honey. The proportions are as follows: 1 liter hot boiled water, 1 tablespoon chopped ripe berries viburnum. Pour viburnum with water and boil for no more than 10 minutes on the smallest fire. Stir and strain through a sieve, while all the pulp does not need to strive to remove. Add 3 tablespoons of honey to the decoction, mix and drink three times a day at regular intervals.

    You need to be very careful with viburnum for people with inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as with low blood pressure.

    Black radish - expectorant for adults and children

    Black radish has been used since antiquity in folk medicine to thin and stimulate sputum discharge. white radish does not fit.

    How to prepare the remedy

    Remove the top from a thoroughly washed, but not peeled radish, remove a third of the contents from the root crop, and put three teaspoons of honey into the resulting “cup”. Put in a glass, and put it in a warm place for three hours. The juice that is released from the radish is an effective expectorant, which, moreover, is sweet and rather pleasant in taste. Thanks to the taste and mild action of the radish, it can be given even to small children. The doctor prescribes the dosage for children, and for adults it is usually enough three times a day for 1 tablespoon of juice.

    These were the most common expectorant folk remedies, time-tested.

    On initial stage diseases at correct reception These funds help very quickly. But in advanced cases of cough, with a viral or bacterial attack, they may not be enough.

    Antitussives medicines doctors prescribe to patients suffering from, or wet cough , in which thick sputum is poorly separated. Depending on the patient's condition, he is prescribed either mucolytic agents (allowing to thin sputum), or expectorants (capable of facilitating sputum discharge). It can be both synthetic medicines and herbal medicines.

    Although most people prefer to take herbal medicines, it must be understood that all medicinal plants, regardless of whether they have positive properties, have certain contraindications and provoke side effects like drugs synthetic origin. In addition, most drugs contain a number of other substances that cause the manifestation of negative effects.

    It should also be taken into account that any medicine for sputum in the lungs, including folk remedies for sputum, can cause a manifestation different types. Therefore, all drops, tablets, syrups and other medicines can be taken only after the approval of the doctor and according to the scheme that he has determined.

    Classification of antitussives

    There is the following division of antitussive medicines:

    Expectorants that stimulate the expectoration process

    Expectorants are used for wet coughs, as expectorant tablets, syrup and other drugs stimulate the process of sputum discharge.

    If characterize common list expectorant drugs, you need to consider that they are divided into two types.

    reflex action drugs

    Irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, and as a result, the vomiting center is excited. The production of mucus in the respiratory tract is activated. There is also an increase in peristalsis. smooth muscle bronchi, the activity of the epithelium, which removes sputum into large bronchioles and into the trachea. As a result, such expectorant drugs with wet cough facilitate expectoration and removal of sputum.

    Basically, these are preparations based on expectorant herbs for bronchitis, SARS, etc.: ledum, thermopsis, coltsfoot, thyme, etc. Expectorant folk remedies are also prepared on the basis of these herbs, but such folk recipes patients who are concerned coughing should also be agreed with the doctor.

    Means of direct resorptive action

    Provoke irritation of the bronchial mucosa after being absorbed into digestive tract. As a result, the secretion of liquid sputum increases.

    It should be borne in mind that it will not be possible to choose a good and strong expectorant for coughing on your own, without a preliminary examination by a doctor, since it is necessary to take into account all the features of the course of the disease. The optimal drug for smokers is also selected by the doctor. You should be very careful when choosing such drugs for pregnant women.

    Any expectorant drugs with, despite their composition, can be used only after approval by a doctor. Even expectorants during pregnancy based on herbs cannot be used uncontrollably, since manifestations of allergies, a negative effect on the woman and the fetus, are possible. If sputum does not come out well during pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor and use his recommendations.

    Each expectorant for children should be used only after the appointment. Despite the fact that many drugs for children (pills, syrups for children, herbs) are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, how to treat expectorant cough in a child, the pediatrician determines, taking into account all the features of the disease. Therefore, parents are not recommended to ask directly at the pharmacy about what good expectorants for children from 1 year old will be advised by the pharmacist.

    Mucolytic drugs

    must be taken into account when applying mucolytics that this is a remedy that dilutes sputum, which ultimately helps to remove it faster. Mucolytics are drugs that are prescribed for bronchitis , pneumonia and other respiratory ailments. The list of mucolytic drugs is quite wide. It should be borne in mind that this mucolytic action can be as follows:

    • mucolytic drugs for children and adults that affect the viscosity and elasticity of mucus in the bronchi (etc.);
    • mucolytic agents for children and adults that activate sputum excretion (,);
    • Drugs whose mucolytic effect is the reduction of mucus production ( glucocorticoids , anticholinergics , ).

    When choosing any of the drugs with such an effect, you need to take into account that only a doctor should prescribe such a mucolytic agent, since there are a lot important points that need to be taken into account.

    Both adults and children should not be given such medicines at the same time as antitussives, they are not prescribed if the cough is strong and wet.

    All antitussive drugs for children and adults are prescribed by the doctor if there are certain symptoms and characteristics of the disease. Therefore, look in the pharmacy for an effective cheap and good medicine from cough, from bronchitis is possible only after establishing a diagnosis.

    Altea preparations

    Such cough remedies for children and adults are indicated for acute and chronic ailments of the respiratory system - with bronchitis , obstructive bronchitis , emphysema .

    This effective means from cough, if the patient has the formation of sputum that is difficult to separate, having a strong viscosity.

    How does it work?

    Adult and pediatric medicines based on marshmallow herbs produce an effect by stimulating the peristalsis of the bronchioles. There is also an anti-inflammatory effect, the agent dilutes the secretion of the bronchi.


    High sensitivity to the drug peptic ulcer . The syrup should be used carefully for fructose intolerance and with.

    Use with caution during pregnancy, also in children under 3 years of age. A cough remedy for children from 3 years old is used according to indications.

    Side effects

    Treatment may be accompanied by allergies, vomiting, nausea,


    Medicine for a child 3 years and older is used as an expectorant. If there is a need to give cough tablets for children, then children from a year old can first dissolve one tablet in 100 g of water. Adults use 1-2 tablets. Mukaltin 4 r. per day, treatment can last from 1 to 2 weeks.

    Reviews of cough tablets for children indicate that Mukaltin is an inexpensive and good remedy.

    Price from 200 rubles.


    At cough with sputum difficult to separate .


    Not prescribed for children under 3 years of age high sensitivity, with peptic ulcer.

    Side effects

    How to drink?

    Children - 5 ml every 3 hours, adults - 10 ml every 3 hours.


    Medicines based on this herb act as an expectorant, also produce an analgesic and antimicrobial effect. They have the same indications and contraindications as plantain.

    Grass - from 50 rubles, essential oil - from 100 rubles.

    How to drink?

    To prepare a decoction, 1 tbsp. l. herbs pour 1 tbsp. water and boil for 15 minutes. After that, filter and bring the contents to 200 ml. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 p. per day for 2-3 weeks.

    Syrup and lozenges are produced. Cough lozenges and syrup provide an expectorant and mucolytic effect. Pastilles, like syrup, are indicated for paroxysmal cough, difficult to separate sputum.

    From 150 rub.

    How to drink?

    The syrup can be given to treat a child from 6 months - half a teaspoon. twice a day. Children from 1 to 6 years old - 1 tsp. twice a day, children 6-12 years old - the same dose three times a day. Adults are shown to drink 2 tsp. three times a day.

    Pastilles for children from 6 to 12 years old - 1 pc. three times a day. Adults - 1-2 lozenges three times a day.

    What is better - syrup or lozenges - is determined by the doctor. It is important to take into account the patient's age (for example, lozenges are not prescribed for a child of 4 years old), and also what helps to get rid of cough more effectively, taking into account the patient's experience.

    Bronchicum TP

    It contains primrose and thyme.

    How to drink?

    Children from 1-4 years old - 0.5 tsp each. three times a day (for a child 6 months and older - only under the strict supervision of a doctor). Children from 5 to 12 years old - 1 tsp. 4 p. per day, adults - the same dose of 6 r. in a day. Bronchicum is important to apply at regular intervals.



    Age up to 2 years, pregnancy, pulmonary hemorrhage. Caution is taken for diseases of the adrenal glands, liver and kidney failure.

    Side effects

    Headaches, tinnitus, stomatitis , vomit , bronchospasm , pulmonary hemorrhage, skin rash.

    How to drink?

    It is better to take medicines with such an active ingredient after meals. At the same time, it should be taken into account that a stronger liquefying effect is noted if a person drinks a lot of liquid at the same time.

    Children 2-5 years old - 100 mg 2-3 times a day, 6-14 years old - 100 mg, adults - 200 mg three times a day. Treatment should not last more than 7 days, but with acute bronchitis the doctor may extend the therapy.

    How to take ACC in sachets depends on the disease. As a rule, ACC is recommended to be dissolved in half a glass of tea, water or juice, taken immediately after dilution.

    This active substance contains the drug (cough medicine for children, tablets, drops for children), (except bromhexine hydrochloride drops contain levomenthol, anise oil, oils of eucalyptus, fennel, mint, oregano), Solvin (tablets, syrup).

    Expectorant and antitussive action is noted.


    Age up to 6 years (potion and syrup - up to 2 years), pregnancy (first trimester), breastfeeding, high sensitivity.

    Side effects

    Nausea, allergies, vomiting, dizziness, headaches.

    A pronounced effect is noted after 2-5 days of treatment.

    How to drink?

    Children from 2 years old - 2 mg, children from 6 years old - 8 mg three times a day. Adults are shown 8-16 mg 4 r. in a day. It is possible to use these drugs in the form of inhalations, which are carried out twice a day. To do this, you need to dissolve the agent with distilled water or saline. For children 2-10 years old, the dose is 2 mg, from 10 years old - 8 mg.

    The use of this mixture for children under one year is not practiced. A list of medicines for infants can be obtained from a doctor.

    Combined cough medicines

    Such drugs include,. These medicines should only be used if strict testimony- they are prescribed for obstructive syndrome.

    The price of Joset syrup is from 200 rubles, Ascoril - from 300 rubles, Kashnol (manufacturer India - from 150 rubles). The funds are available in the form of tablets and syrup.

    The composition includes guaifenesin, bromhexine, salbutamol.


    At COPD , asthma , emphysema , tracheobronchitis , pneumonia , tuberculosis , chronic bronchitis .


    Pregnancy and feeding, age up to 3 years, liver and kidney failure, myocarditis , diabetes , ulcer , tachyarrhythmia , aortic stenosis .

    These cough syrups and tablets for children and adults are not used at the same time as medicines - non-selective blockersβ-adrenergic receptors, antitussive drugs, MAO inhibitors.

    You can get rid of the cough syndrome only when the sputum is completely out of the respiratory tract. To help the body cough up, you can prepare a cough expectorant at home, and in its effect it will not be inferior to a pharmacy medicine.

    The cough itself reflex actions, which the body produces in order to remove toxins, mucus and bacteria accumulated inside the bronchi from the bronchi. This secret comes out with expectoration, but if it is dry, it is quite difficult to get rid of it on your own. The body strains, the person coughs, but the effect of such actions is zero. Expectorants with a dry cough thin the secret of the bronchi and make it more convenient for rapid excretion.

    Why homemade expectorants are good, and why they can replace pharmacy ones finished preparations? Very often, such prescriptions are necessary for the so-called risk group - pregnant women, children, the elderly. Expectorant folk remedies, as a rule, consist of those ingredients that are somehow present and used in the life of any person, and therefore, with a high degree of probability, no allergic reactions will not occur. The use of such compounds is usually supported official medicine, and even doctors often prescribe to patients prescriptions for expectoration for cooking at home.

    In addition, folk remedies do not empty wallets, unlike the same traditional pharmacological agents in a pharmacy. Finally, they can be prepared at any time, rather than waiting for the morning when the nearest pharmacy opens.

    These funds can be of different types:

    • tinctures, decoctions, teas used inside;
    • formulations for inhalation;
    • compositions for chest massage.

    Tinctures, decoctions, teas

    They are created based on food components or herbs that have an expectorant effect. Similar healing herbs should always be in home first aid kit. You can buy them at a pharmacy or dry them yourself.

    Milk with honey

    Milk should be warm, but not hot. The optimum temperature is 65-70 degrees. Add 1 tsp to a glass of milk. butter, 1 tbsp. honey and 0.5 tsp. soda. All ingredients are thoroughly dissolved, and the composition is drunk at night and in the morning on an empty stomach. This folk remedy for cough will help adults, and its expectorant action helps to thin and remove sputum from the respiratory tract.

    Radish with honey

    The radish is cleaned, the core is carefully removed with a knife to form a cup shape, and then lightly pierced to make the hole through. Now you need to place 1 tsp in a “cup” of radish. honey, and put the vegetable in a glass. Honey will gradually flow down, absorbing useful essential oils and trace elements of the root crop. This mixture of honey and juice must be taken in 1 tsp. during the day, at least 3-4 times. This expectorant folk remedy helps to boost immunity.


    It must be grated and added to tea. On average, one glass - 1 tsp. grated ginger. The remedy helps to clear the bronchi very well, it is quickly prepared and has pleasant taste.


    Finely chopped onion total weight 0.5 kg is placed in a saucepan, 400 g of sugar are added and everything is poured with 1 liter of water. After the composition boils, it is necessary to reduce the heat to a minimum so that the product languishes for 3 hours. After that, the composition is cooled and filtered. It remains to add 0.5 kg of honey to it. You need to drink the composition in 5 tablespoons. after meals three times a day. The tool is powerful enough to complete removal sputum and mucus from the lungs is usually sufficient for 3 days.

    Infusion of coltsfoot

    1 tbsp with a hill of dry grass leaves pour a glass of boiling water, put everything on water bath and leave to languish for 15 minutes. After that, the composition must be filtered, and even the leaves steamed in boiling water should be carefully squeezed out. If the product turned out to be too concentrated, and the liquid evaporated too much, it is allowed to add a little warm water until a volume of 200 ml is obtained. It is necessary to drink the composition in 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day before meals.

    Decoction of elecampane roots

    A large spoonful of crushed roots is poured into 0.5 liters of water and brought to a boil. Now you need to put the composition in a water bath. After 15 minutes, the composition is removed from the heat and left to infuse until it has completely cooled. It remains only to strain it. It is necessary to drink the composition every hour, 2 tbsp.

    A decoction of oats in milk

    A glass of oats is poured into 0.5 liters of milk, and everything is cooked until tender, until the grains are completely swollen. It is allowed to add a little milk if it boils too much, otherwise the composition will turn into porridge. After the composition is removed from the fire, it must be filtered. The mass is viscous, watery, white color. It should be drunk 1 sip 5 times a day. For taste, you can add a little cinnamon powder, which enhances expectorant effect and helps to soothe the throat.

    Adults can use these folk remedies for coughing without fear, but 2-3 days are usually enough to achieve the effect, provided that the patient fully complies with general therapeutic recommendations.

    Means for pregnant women

    Ladies in position need to choose folk expectorants for coughing, active ingredients which are not dangerous for the development and formation of the fetus. So, some drugs, such as cinnamon, can provoke uterine spasms and thereby cause premature birth.

    Lemon with honey

    It is necessary to squeeze the juice of a lemon. To do this faster, as well as to increase the volume of the resulting liquid, it is advisable to first pour boiling water over the fruit. Half the amount of honey should be added to the resulting volume of juice. To stir thoroughly. The composition must be drunk in three approaches, on its own or as an additive to tea.

    Leaves of raspberry, currant, thyme

    All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. You need to brew them like regular tea. herbal drink has a pleasant taste, and therefore pregnant women are happy to absorb healing tea and at the same time get rid of mucus and sputum in the bronchi.

    Funds for children

    By and large, any folk expectorant cough for pregnant women is quite suitable for children, but there are slightly different requirements. Compositions for children must necessarily be tasty, and the same lemon with honey in many young patients will cause rejection to treatment. How to cook effectively safe remedy that kids will love?

    Banana Sugar Mix

    2 medium-sized bananas are mashed with a fork or chopped in a blender, 2 tablespoons are added there. Sahara. Pour 15-200 ml of warm water into the same mass and mix the composition thoroughly so that each grain of sugar dissolves in the composition. It is necessary to take the composition during the day, in several doses, preferably after meals.

    Carrot juice with milk

    Warm milk and carrot juice are mixed in equal proportions. The composition must be drunk in 1-2 tbsp. 4-5 times a day. carrot juice for these purposes, it is better to squeeze it yourself, since purchased ones contain a large amount of sugar.

    Lingonberry with honey

    To 100 ml. lingonberry juice is added to 1 tbsp. sugar and honey. The composition is thoroughly mixed. It is better to take as an additive to tea, in a warm form, 1-2 tsp. for a glass of drink.

    Compositions for inhalation

    Carrying out this procedure is very effective for bronchitis, but there are some dangers. For these purposes, it is best to purchase a nebulizer that creates optimum temperature supplied steam. Obtaining healing steam by inhalation over a saucepan is fraught with mucosal burns if the temperature of the composition is too high.

    eucalyptus leaves

    Brew eucalyptus leaves like regular tea using 1 tsp. teapot ingredient. After the composition is infused, it can be placed in a nebulizer or you can breathe directly over the teapot, alternately applying each nostril to the spout of the dish. The procedure time is 10 minutes.


    The recipe must not be used in a nebulizer, so as not to damage the device! Unpeeled potatoes are boiled in a saucepan for 15 minutes, the water is drained. Now you need to bend over the potatoes, cover yourself with a towel and breathe in the healing steam for 10 minutes. This strong remedy excellently helps to clear the bronchi, promotes the separation of mucus and softens the mucous membrane of the throat and nose.

    Essential oils of cedar or sage

    3-5 drops of oil are poured into the nebulizer, and the composition is ready for use. The duration of the procedure is 7 minutes. Passive inhalation can also be performed using essential oil. In this case, boiling water is poured on the saucer, 5 drops of oil are dripped and left in the room where the sick person is. The composition not only effectively cleans the nasal passages, but also contributes to air disinfection.

    Treatment with chest massage

    Most often, very young children, infants, who cannot clear their throats on their own, need such a massage. Gurgling sounds behind the sternum are a sure sign that without help active action not enough. But such a massage is also useful for children of older, preschool and primary school age.



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