Drinking yeast tablets instructions. Brewer's yeast at home

Used for violations of protein, mineral, carbohydrate and vitamin metabolism. The drug is effective in alcoholism, dysbacteriosis and disorders of the nervous system. The product is widely used in cosmetology and dermatology.

Therapeutic effect of the drug "Beer's yeast"

The instruction says that the medicine contains sorbents, enzymes, amino acids, minerals, vitamins H, PP, E, B and F. Yeast improves the absorption and digestion of food, increases the efficiency of the gastrointestinal system. It is also known about the detoxification and immunostimulating effect. The drug allows you to form the body's resistance to a variety of adverse factors - stress, overwork, difficult working conditions. The medicine increases mental activity, reduces irritability, normalizes sleep. The instruction suggests using the Brewer's Yeast remedy for acne for people with problem skin and adolescents, making cleansing compounds and various masks, as well as taking the medicine inside. As a tonic and prophylactic agent, yeast is prescribed for the elderly, athletes and children. They are produced in the form of tablets with a peculiar smell, brown.

Indications for the use of the drug "Beer's yeast"

The instruction says that the drug is prescribed as a prevention of metabolic disorders, with physical, nervous and mental stress, alcoholism. The remedy is taken for lesions of the mucous membrane and skin in the corners of the mouth caused by streptococci (angular stomatitis), dysbacteriosis, hypovitaminosis B. Yeast is drunk with prolonged exposure to radiation and chemical hazardous substances, while living in difficult climatic conditions. It is necessary to use tablets during recovery from ailments (somatic or infectious), with unbalanced or malnutrition. Often, yeast is prescribed to prevent the formation of cardiovascular pathologies when smoking, with arterial hypertension. In dermatology, the drug "Beer's yeast" instruction recommends using for the prevention and treatment of eczema, furunculosis, psoriasis, itching and dermatosis. Effective medication in adolescence from acne (pimples).

In some cases, the remedy is prescribed for weight gain, since the use of yeast increases appetite.

Contraindications and negative effects of the drug "Beer yeast Evisent"

The instruction explains that you can not take the medicine for hypersensitivity. With caution take pills for kidney disease, gout, candidal dysbacteriosis. When using the drug in rare situations, allergic manifestations are possible.

How to use the drug "Brewer's yeast"

The instruction recommends taking the medicine after eating inside. The prophylactic course lasts a month. Children under three years of age are not prescribed tablets. Babies after three years are given medicine twice in 0.25 g, children after 7 years - half a gram, adults and adolescents over 12 years old - one gram three times a day.

Brewer's yeast is used not only as an ingredient for making beer. They are also used as a food additive and as a valuable element in cosmetology. Today we will consider what are the benefits of such vitamins and how they can be used in personal care, as well as find out the potential harm and contraindications.

Brewer's yeast: application

The rich chemical composition of brewer's yeast makes them popular both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, and in cosmetology, for the preparation of masks. No need to be afraid to drink them, for fear of gaining weight. Such a "side effect", of course, takes place, but only in cases where there are initially problems with the thyroid gland. If all is well, then taking yeast will only benefit. A little lower we will give the best recipes with brewer's yeast and tell you how to drink them correctly.

Brewer's yeast: benefits

Brewer's yeast has invaluable benefits for our body. They contribute to the establishment of all processes in the body, including the normalization of carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. Their regular intake leads to the fact that digestion improves, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is restored, and it has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas. Over time, accumulated toxins and toxins leave the body, which positively affects the state of all health.

Brewer's yeast is one of the main suppliers of B vitamins. They are especially useful for people suffering from, due to the high content of chromium in yeast, which activates the body to process glucose. Brewer's yeast will be good helpers in the fight against high physical activity. A positive effect of yeast on the functioning of the nervous system, as well as the heart and blood vessels, was noted. They maintain the acid-base balance of fluid in the body.

The use of brewer's yeast helps to get rid of hated and acne, significantly improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands,. It is also worth noting the beneficial effect of this element on hair and nails. They help eliminate dandruff, improve the overall structure of the hair. In addition to internal intake, brewer's yeast can be used in masks. The latter are very effective and give quick results. Their only negative, for which many criticize yeast, is the pronounced strong smell that they leave behind on curls, and washing it is problematic.

Brewer's yeast with the addition of calcium strengthens teeth well, restores the health of nails and hair. Potassium has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and increases muscle tone. With iodine - improves the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Indications for use

Brewer's yeast is useful for everyone who has no contraindications, but they will become especially valuable when:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • recovery period after serious illnesses, exhaustion;
  • preventive measures to prevent deficiency of B vitamins;
  • anemia;
  • exposure to the body of radiation and harmful chemicals;
  • dryness and brittleness of hair and nails;
  • problematic skin, especially prone to oiliness;
  • neuralgia;
  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • failures in metabolic processes in the body;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • frequent stress and nervous tension;
  • psoriasis and eczema;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • furunculosis.

Brewer's yeast: harm

If there are no contraindications, then they will not cause any harm. Only with rare exceptions can appear. In this case, you should immediately interrupt the reception and contact a specialist to identify the allergen. It also happens that at the same time as taking the drug, a person uses a new product, to which a bad reaction of the body occurs, but they begin to sin precisely on yeast.

Follow the rules of admission and then everything will only benefit.

Brewer's yeast contraindications

Brewer's yeast has contraindications, in which the intake is unacceptable, or a mandatory consultation with a specialist is necessary. Let us clarify that we are talking about the internal reception, and not about the external one. So, the list includes:

  • children up to three years old;
  • the period of bearing a child;
  • gout;
  • genetic disease of optic nerve atrophy;
  • old age, due to the presence of nucleic acids in yeast;
  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • diseases that characterize the development of fungi:; cryptococcosis; aspergillosis, etc.

It is worth being as careful as possible in taking brewer's yeast if a course of treatment with other medicines is carried out in parallel. Yeast can significantly reduce the effect of the active ingredients of some drugs, which will reduce their effectiveness. This action does not apply to everyone, however, before self-appointment, it is still better to consult a specialist in order to avoid unnecessary problems.

Some girls who carefully monitor their figure are afraid to drink yeast due to the fact that they supposedly inevitably put on weight. We hasten to reassure you, if initially you do not have problems with metabolism and the thyroid gland, then you will not notice any negative changes in weight. On the contrary, they have a beneficial effect on the work of the digestive tract and increase the absorption of nutrients. Very often, yeast can be seen in diets that are aimed at normalizing weight.

Brewer's yeast for weight gain

For the prevention of diseases and treatment, brewer's yeast is taken once a day, but if the goal of weight gain, namely muscle mass, is pursued, then the intake is carried out according to a different principle. It is also worth mentioning the importance of consulting a specialist, as an overdose can lead to disastrous consequences.

However, it should be understood that yeast by itself may be ineffective, so they must be used correctly and in a balanced way. Switch to a diet that is rich in protein.

As a dietary supplement, brewer's yeast is taken one to two tablespoons daily. If translated into the number of tablets, then it will be 8-16 pieces. If brewer's yeast is purchased in liquid form, then various drinks can be prepared on their basis. For example:

  1. Cut a piece of black rye bread into small pieces and dry them in the oven.
  2. Pour the finished crackers with water and let them brew for a couple of hours.
  3. Add about 40-50 g of brewer's yeast to the drink, mix well and strain the composition.
  4. Boil and let cool.
  5. Add about five grams more to the drink and leave overnight.

Reception is carried out before meals in half a glass. You can add honey to the drink or sweeten it with sugar.

With a high content of brewer's yeast in the diet, you need to revise your menu so that it contains enough calcium. If, coupled with the intake of dietary supplements, there is a high-quality physical activity and proper nutrition, then a positive result will not be long in coming.

Brewer's yeast for acne

To begin with, if you decide to finally make your face and body perfect, get rid of hated acne forever, then this struggle should be complex. Do not think that if you leave everything to flow as before and simply include brewer's yeast in your diet, then the skin will clear itself. The supplement will act as an auxiliary tool that will help speed up the results, but will not replace everything else. Give up junk food and habits, switch to a healthy diet and start exercising. Love yourself and start taking care of yourself.

In addition to the internal administration of the drug, you can use auxiliary face masks that are prepared from yeast. And, as mentioned earlier, its action will extend not only to the treatment of acne and acne, but also to the prevention of signs of aging. As they say, one blow of several birds with one stone.

Here are some recipes for healing masks. If you can't find powdered brewer's yeast, then replace it with a tablet version. However, before adding to the mask, they must first be ground into powder, this will greatly facilitate the work process.

  • Dissolve one and a half tablespoons of dry brewer's yeast in warmed milk. The consistency should be like a thick porridge. Cleanse your face and apply the composition on the skin for twenty minutes. Remove the mask with warm water. Regularity of use - at least once a week. Constant use leads to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, improvement of the skin condition and smoothing of small wrinkles.
  • Dilute a large spoonful of yeast in 10 ml of clean warm water. Stir and add the yolk of one chicken egg and a couple of small spoons of wheat germ oil. Beat everything vigorously to form a homogeneous mass. Apply to a cleansed face for a quarter of an hour.
  • Dilute a large spoonful of brewer's yeast in pre-brewed warm mint tea so that a dense slurry is obtained. To the resulting mass, add a large spoonful of your favorite nourishing cream, mix until smooth and apply to the skin for half an hour. Wash off with warm water. This is a universal mask that is suitable for absolutely any type of skin.
  • Dilute a couple of tablespoons of dry yeast in water to get a thick slurry. Add the yolk, three tablespoons of heavy cream and a couple of tablespoons of wheat germ. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on cleansed face. The exposure time is 15-25 minutes.
  • Mix a tablespoon of yeast in water until you get a porridge. Separately crush a tablespoon of grape seeds. Mix everything, spread over the skin of the face and start massaging, trying to adhere to the massage lines, for three minutes. After the procedure, rinse with warm water.

Brewer's yeast for nails

Regular use of brewer's yeast significantly improves the quality of nails. They stop peeling and breaking. In addition, their growth is noticeably enhanced. Therefore, if you can’t grow strong and healthy nails in any way, try drinking a course of yeast. A visible positive result will not keep you waiting and will be noticeable in a month and a half.

There is no need to invent complex schemes for taking dietary supplements, just drink it the way the manufacturer recommends. Just before that, make sure that you have no contraindications and allergies.

Brewer's yeast for hair

Regular, but at the same time normalized intake of brewer's yeast has a positive effect on the general condition of the body, including hair. They become "alive", healthy and silky. Dandruff passes, stops. As in the previous case, in order to obtain a positive effect, in addition to taking the drug orally, you can use it as an ingredient in masks. Here are a few recipes that will bring the effect closer.

  • This mask is ideal for hair that needs emergency restoration. Combine a tablespoon of red pepper tincture with 10 g of dry yeast (observing the indicated proportions, you can increase the amount of ingredients, depending on the length of the hair). Previously, the tincture should be diluted with water in equal proportions. Rub the resulting mass into the hair roots and leave for half an hour.
  • A very simple composition that will breathe life into the most tired hair. Pour 20 g of dry yeast with milk to form a liquid slurry. Put the composition for a quarter of an hour in a warm place so that it ferments. Pour a tablespoon of olive oil into the prepared mass, mix and apply to the hair roots and scalp. Wrap the curls with a film for 40 minutes.
  • Dilute about 10 g of yeast in half a glass of kefir. Let wander in a warm place for about forty minutes. Spread the mass over the scalp and curls. Leave to act under cling film for at least half an hour.
  • Dilute a tablespoon of yeast with two tablespoons of warm water and add a small spoonful of liquid honey. Mix thoroughly and distribute over the head and hair. Leave under polyethylene for 40 minutes.
  • Squeeze out the juice of one onion. Combine it with a mass prepared from 10 grams of yeast and two tablespoons of warm water. Add a small spoonful of burdock and castor oils to the mask. Warm the composition in a water bath and apply to the hair and scalp. Leave the mask under cling film for 40 minutes.

The mentioned masks should be done once a week, the duration of the course is about 15 sessions, after which a three-month break is necessary. If the purpose of masks is treatment, not prevention, then the frequency of application is 2 times a week, and the number of procedures is 18-20.

Where to buy brewer's yeast

Now brewer's yeast is sold everywhere, from pharmacies to online stores. However, when purchasing any drugs, be it medicines or dietary supplements, it is better to give preference to pharmacies. This way you are less likely to run into a fake. Moreover, they are in every pharmacy and cost "penny". For a package of 100 tablets, you will have to pay from 70 to 180 rubles. The price varies depending on the manufacturer and auxiliary additives included in the composition.

How to drink brewer's yeast

The correct intake of brewer's yeast implies a division into courses. The drug itself lasts two months, after which a two-month break is made. Three courses are allowed during the year. Pleasant and persistent improvements are observed after a month and a half of regular drinking of brewer's yeast.

You can drink yeast from the age of twelve, one pill once a day, an hour after eating. But it is best to adhere to the recommendations that are indicated by the manufacturer on the package. This technique has preventive and curative properties. The dosage may be increased as directed by the physician. Children from three to seven years old are allowed a dosage of 0.25 g per day, from seven to twelve years old, 0.5 g each.

Brewer's yeast: reviews

The high development of the Internet has led to the fact that before accepting or testing something new, people are used to getting acquainted with the opinions of others in order to understand how good this or that thing is. But if everything is clear with technology, then with food and similar drugs everything is much more complicated.

(2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Poor appetite, pathological weight gain, low rates of muscle mass growth are undesirable conditions that interfere both in bodybuilding and in everyday life, however, when using brewer's yeast, you can gain weight without unnecessary difficulties.

Brewer's yeast is a natural product that does not have a toxic effect on the systems of the human body.

Brewer's yeast - what is it

As a beneficial fungal organism, brewer's yeast is created from premium quality beer wort, hops and barley. The resulting dry extract is used to create tablets that are placed in plastic bottles to be sent to pharmacy chains.

In addition to yeast tablets, they are also sold in capsules and powder form. Raw yeast is difficult to digest, often leading to indigestion, while autolysates, which are sold in pharmacies, do not cause such a negative reaction.

Fact. The high nutritional value of nutritional yeast is provided by the presence of more than 50% of the proteins that are necessary for increasing body weight.

Benefit and harm

A large number of incoming vitamins and amino acids help the body replenish energy losses and prevent beriberi.

The protein molecules included in the composition are quickly absorbed, so the beneficial effects are observed after the first use of yeast. Additionally, their reception allows you to get rid of dermatological problems - rashes,.

Positive properties of the additive:

  • hair elasticity increases (biotin);
  • skin condition improves (panthenol);
  • accelerates the absorption of iron (B12);
  • the process of hematopoiesis is enhanced (folic acid);
  • immunity increases (zinc);
  • increased appetite (chromium).

With prolonged use, the development of intestinal dysbacteriosis, as well as an increase in allergic reactions, is possible.

The benefits and harms of the supplement are in different proportions: there are still more positive sides, so the use of this remedy is shown by many doctors and professional bodybuilders.

Dosages for weight gain in sports (bodybuilding)

If weight gain is required, how to take yeast is a question that often arises. Athletes tend to increase the dimensions of their body, but in order for this to happen, it is necessary to choose the optimal dosage of this nutritional supplement. The total duration of the course should also be from 4 to 6 weeks, while the rest time takes at least 1 month.

Reception scheme:

  1. the total number of tablets per day - up to 25;
  2. single dose - 3-5 tablets;
  3. reception frequency - 4–5 times;
  4. minimum water consumption - 2 liters;
  5. consumption relative to food - in 10 minutes;
  6. alternative reception - immediately after a meal.

If a powder is taken, then its concentration will be 1–1.5 tbsp. l per day. Persons with a fast metabolism can increase the concentration up to 2 tbsp. l and 20–28 tablets, respectively. The loose form is very convenient for making from milk, raw eggs and yeast - it was it that I used in my youth for an accelerated set of muscle mass.

It is equally necessary to adhere to the recommended ratio of servings to human body weight - 0.3 g per 1 kg. The calorie content of a 100-gram serving is 440-460 kcal.

Advice. To get better quickly, after training, you should eat more protein foods, as well as gainers.

Given the likelihood of suppression of the intestinal microflora by taking yeast, doctors advise taking Linex and similar preparations containing bacterial lysates after the course. The drugs normalize the ratio of beneficial and conditionally pathogenic agents to a healthy level.

You should stop taking the pills when you reach 70-80% of the weight that the athlete wanted to gain. The reason is the slow action of yeast, which has a kind of inertia (kilograms are gained even after the cancellation of the course for several weeks).

Permanent intake of dietary supplements is prohibited: the instructions for use contain instructions on observing breaks between courses, otherwise weakening of potency in men is possible due to. Breaks between courses allow you not to suppress the production of important elements necessary to maintain men's health.

Fact: If you want to overcome the use of brewer's yeast, it makes it easier to get rid of cravings for alcohol.


The fungal origin of the food additive leads to restrictions associated with the impossibility of its use in the presence of diseases caused by the influence of this biological agent (fungal lesions of the skin, nails, internal organs).

The intake should also be limited for children under three years of age, who have not yet fully developed immunity. Reception taboo:

  • individual intolerance;
  • kidney disease;
  • gout;
  • atrophy of the optic nerve;
  • dysbacteriosis.

If the state of health is burdened with these diseases, then it is better to stop using brewer's yeast. It is also better for older people not to include them in the diet due to the content of nucleic acids.

It is also forbidden to take them during pregnancy, another restriction is the joint use with diuretics and contraceptives, which can reduce the effect of drugs.

Side effects

Brewer's yeast for women can bring problems associated with a sharp change in body proportions. Although the supplement regulates metabolism, however, with a high propensity for weight gain, you can quickly exceed the result that was originally planned.

Girls can also detect a recurrence of thrush during the course, and men - balanoposthitis. It is also possible an uncontrolled increase in appetite, a failure of the menstrual cycle and an increase in pressure.

Manufactured products and estimated price

There is an abundance of products on the market from different manufacturers that use a brewing additive. Often, manufacturers add another component to enhance the effect of the drug. How to drink with additional components?


  • With ascorbic acid. The supplement in combination with vitamin C can significantly increase the body's defenses, especially during epidemics. The action of yeast is also enriched by the restoration of the vascular system and increased efficiency. Produced by Eco-mon in plastic containers of 100 tablets. Price - 130-150 rubles.
  • . BAA is used for weak children with underweight. The most famous manufacturer is Ekko Plus, which allows you to buy a useful tool for 150–170 rubles (100 tablets).
  • With zinc. It is recommended for men as a testosterone booster, which also allows for more successful sports training. It is permissible to use as an aid to enhance potency. Produced by the Eco-mon company with standards of 100 tablets, the price is 130–140 rubles.
  • With gray. It is better not to buy this option for those who decide to get better: the introduction of sulfur - a mineral for weight loss - allows you to slow down your metabolism and, as a result, block the main action of yeast. It is rational to use such a combination of substances to improve the skin, hair and nails. The option is taken in a reduced dose - 3 tablets three times a day. The manufacturer is Alkoy-Pharm, the cost is 220–240 rubles (100 tablets).
  • With calcium. This type of dietary supplement is an excellent solution for athletes involved in heavy weights. The presence of calcium, by promoting skeletal growth, helps protect bones from damage. An additional effect is the restoration of the nervous system. Manufacturer - "Eco-plus", price - 110-130 rubles (100 tablets).
  • With iodine. Recommended for people who are prone to thyroid disease. Another condition is living in a region where there is a deficiency of iodine in food and products. In addition to weight gain, dietary supplements also normalize the activity of the endocrine system and help remove toxins from the body. Manufacturers - Bitra, which produces products under the Nagipol line with iodine and carnitine.

If a product in powder form is required, a product from Solgar (USA) can be purchased. The net weight of the package is 400 g, the price is 1.2–1.5 thousand rubles. In capsules of 100 pcs. you can buy Melvita brand products (France) for 800 rubles.

It is possible to decide which yeast is better only based on the additional goals pursued by the buyer (protect the bone apparatus, increase testosterone production, etc.). If additional exposure is not required, then it is enough to purchase the classic version.

Yeast analogs

In the presence of individual intolerance to the component or the presence of contraindications to the use of this dietary supplement, you can choose substitutes that contribute to weight gain.

Yeast alternative:

  • . Sports protein blends are half "fast" carbohydrates, which give strength during training, and "slow" types, which contribute to weight gain. Great for those who do not have the opportunity to eat fully, but do not want to have a daily calorie deficit from the recommended rate.
  • high calorie content.

    An alternative option for a gainer can be baby formulas and mashed meats, which are also easily digestible and provide a lot of energy.


    Taking brewer's yeast is an indispensable way to normalize weight in people who suffer from excessive thinness or are rehabilitated after a debilitating illness. The lack of artificial synthesis of the supplement also helps to safely increase your own body weight.

    Effective use during training also allows you to save your personal budget, while the cost of acquiring sports nutrition is usually high.

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    Brewer's yeast in bodybuilding

    A couple of decades ago, brewer's yeast was actively cultivated among bodybuilders as a substance that helps to recover from stress and grow muscles. Few people know, but at one time they "dabbled" with a cocktail of milk, raw eggs and brewer's yeast in its raw form! In these times, when high-protein foods and other supplements have become available, it is customary to not talk about brewer's yeast seriously.

    Direct scientific evidence that brewer's yeast really helps build muscle mass has not been found (perhaps they are). However, it was possible to find out that brewer's yeast is an effective protein supplement in animal nutrition. And in this area, there is reliable scientific evidence of an increase in animal muscle mass when brewer's yeast is added to feed.

    Brewer's yeast is a nutritional supplement for athletes, usually sold in pharmacies. Although today they are also produced by some manufacturers of sports nutrition.

    What is so special about brewer's yeast?

    Brewer's yeast is a natural (!), that is, not synthesized, source of B vitamins, minerals (micro and macro elements) and amino acids. In other words, brewer's yeast is a source of substances that are directly involved in protein metabolism and muscle fiber synthesis.

    By its value, brewer's yeast will surpass any pharmacy or sportpit wine-mineral complex created by synthesis, because yeast is a product of natural origin. This is despite the fact that the price of this natural product is often lower than similar vitamin-mineral complexes of synthetic origin.

    The biological advantage of vitamins and minerals from brewer's yeast over conventional synthetic capsules or tablets is not only in natural origin, but also in the fact that vitamins and minerals are in a complex with amino acids. As well as amino acids are in a winning position for absorption due to the connection with vitamins and minerals. All this significantly increases the biological value of brewer's yeast. By the way, in the sports nutrition market there are analogues of brewer's yeast - vitamin-mineral-amino acid complexes, which in their effect are not inferior to brewer's yeast, and maybe even surpass them. Well, the price is unbeatable. At the same time, it is possible that their feedstock is just brewer's yeast.

    Brewer's yeast and vitamins

    Brewer's yeast is a source of B vitamins.

    Vitamin composition of brewer's yeast

    vitamins Quantity
    in 1 g of yeast
    Quantity per average daily dose of yeast
    (20 g)
    B1 (thiamine) 0.2 mg 4 mg
    B2 (riboflavin) 0.06 mg 1.2 mg
    B3 (nicotinamide, PP) 0.15 mg 3 mg
    B5 (pantothenic acid) 0.6 mg 12 mg
    B6 (pyridoxine) 0.05 mg 1 mg
    B9 (folic acid) 0.04 mg 0.8 mg
    E (tocopherol) 0.01 mg 0.2 mg

    Vitamin E is also present in brewer's yeast. It is relatively small in them. However, the value of this vitamin is not in providing it to the body, but in improving the absorption of certain B vitamins. It should be noted that the minerals found in brewer's yeast (see below) also improve the absorption of B vitamins.

    Brewer's yeast and minerals

    Brewer's yeast is a source of the following minerals (macro- and microelements): potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron manganese and copper.

    Mineral composition of brewer's yeast

    Macronutrients Quantity in 1 g
    n. yeast
    Daily norm of the mineral
    Potassium (K) 0.052 g 1-5 g
    Magnesium (Mg) 0.015 g 0.4-0.5 g
    Calcium (Ca) 0.002 g 1 g
    trace elements Quantity in 20 g
    n. yeast
    Daily norm of the mineral
    Zinc (Zn) 0.26 mg 10-15 mg
    Iron (Fe) 0.2 mg 10-20 mg
    Manganese (Mn) 0.13 mg 2-10 mg
    Copper (Cu) 0.03 mg 1-3 mg

    As you can see, brewer's yeast in the indicated dose for some vitamins and minerals completely provides the daily requirement.

    Brewer's yeast and amino acids

    Brewer's yeast is a rich source of protein: depending on the characteristics of the feedstock and the technology for producing yeast, it consists of 35-60% of proteins.

    Brewer's yeast differ not only in protein quantity, but also in quality. After all, they have complete proteins. In terms of the total number and ratio of essential amino acids, brewer's yeast meets the requirements of the World Health Organization for high-protein foods.

    Brewer's yeast contains 18 amino acids, including all the essential ones. 46% of the mass of essential amino acids are BCAA amino acids, the main role in the nutrition of which is to maintain the anabolic background (due to a positive effect on the nitrogen balance). The number of 46% indicates a high content of BCAAs in yeast (a high value is at least 44% -), which is why brewer's yeast can be regarded as a real source of this group of essential amino acids.

    Amino acid composition of brewer's yeast
    the amount of proteins in the composition of which is at the level of 50%

    Amino acid Quantity in 1 g of yeast Amount in an average daily dose of yeast (20 g)


    4.6 mg 92 mg
    Isoleucine 3.1 mg 62 mg
    Valine 3.7 mg 74 mg
    Arginine 2.8 mg 55 mg
    Lysine 4.3 mg 83 mg
    Methionine 1.2 mg 25 mg
    Threonine 2.8 mg 57 mg
    tryptophan 0.6 mg 12 mg
    Phenylalanine 2.5 mg 49 mg
    Glutamine acid 7.3 mg 145 mg
    Asparagine 5.7 mg 114 mg
    Serene 2.8 mg 55 mg
    Proline 2.7 mg 54 mg
    Glycine 3 mg 60 mg
    30 mg
    Tyrosine 1.1 mg 23 mg

    Brewer's yeast and enzymes

    Brewer's yeast contains enzymes such as peptidase, proteinase and glucosidase. On the one hand, they contribute to the extraction of all the useful substances found in the yeast, and on the other hand, they contribute to a better absorption of the food with which the yeast is taken; increase appetite.

    What yeast to choose?

    There are two types of brewer's yeast - raw and autolyzed.

    Raw brewer's yeast. Biologically, brewer's yeast is a unicellular yeast. Yeast mushrooms, like any other mushrooms, are a complex product for the digestive system. On the one hand, this complicates the process of obtaining vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. On the other hand, the reaction of the body of a person with a weak gastric system to raw brewer's yeast may be inadequate. Moreover, it is not recommended to take raw brewer's yeast for people prone to allergies, as well as those suffering from fungal dysbacteriosis (candidiasis).

    Brewer's yeast autolysate. The brewer's yeast sold in the form of nutritional supplements is most often brewer's yeast autolysate, and not yeast in its raw (live) form. That is what is worth using. This - autolyzed - form of yeast has a much higher digestibility and absorption than regular yeast, since its mushroom structure is almost completely destroyed. At the same time, the process of yeast autolysis does not adversely affect their composition. Moreover, in the brewer's yeast autolysate, vitamins, macro- and microelements, as well as amino acids are in an easily digestible free form. This means that the percentage of assimilation of yeast autolysate is higher than that of raw yeast.

    In addition, autolyzed yeast does not cause fermentation processes in the body and other possible side effects.

    Brewer's yeast with additives. Most pharmaceutical preparations called "brewer's yeast" are often fortified and mineralized additionally. So, manufacturers offer “Beer Yeast with Zinc”, “Beer Yeast with Vitamin C”, “Beer Yeast with Iron”, etc. Of course, it is up to you to decide whether you need additional vitamins and minerals or not. Theoretically, such yeast will have an increased biological value. However, be aware that vitamins / minerals of synthesized origin are most likely added to brewer's yeast, the biological value of which, of course, is low. Another thing is if, in addition to yeast, the manufacturer adds substances of natural origin. True, the manufacturer does not like to mention this.

    How to take brewer's yeast?

    Brewer's yeast is available in the form of tablets or powder supplements and is taken according to the instructions, in particular: 1-2 grams 2-3 times a day (before or during meals). However, for athletes, the daily dose significantly exceeds the instructional dose and is 0.3 g per 1 kg of body weight. For example, if your weight is 75 kg, then the daily dose will be 23 g; if you have four meals a day, then the weight of a single dose will be 5-6 g.

    Reception of brewer's yeast is carried out in courses. The duration of the course is 4-6 weeks. The duration of the period between courses is 1-3 months.

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    Erudite beer lovers are happy to talk about the fact that two or three hundred years ago this drink was considered a cure for many diseases. Doctors recommended beer to fragile urban young ladies to improve their appetite and complexion, to hysterical ladies to calm their nerves, to the wounded in hospitals to recuperate.

    Quality beer really contains many useful substances. But in our time, such prescriptions for treatment are not applicable: firstly, it is difficult to find live unfiltered beer without synthetic additives, and secondly, it will not take long to get beer alcoholism with such a medicine. However, scientists have found that brewer's yeast is a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements that are easily digestible by the human body. The use of brewer's yeast for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases, as well as for strengthening the immune system, brings very good results.

    Types of brewer's yeast

    There are three forms of brewer's yeast on the market:

    • Live (liquid) brewer's yeast. Sold at breweries. The additive in this form has the greatest strength, but there is a significant drawback: liquid yeast can be stored at room temperature for no more than 6–8 hours, and in the refrigerator (at a temperature of +7 to +10 °C). Live brewer's yeast should not be taken with fungal diseases (in particular, with thrush) and with intestinal dysbacteriosis.
    • Dry brewer's yeast in the form of powder or granules is sold in pharmacies. Dry yeast has a much longer shelf life than liquid yeast.
    • Brewer's yeast tablets. In this form, both ordinary dietary supplements (biologically active additives) are produced, without impurities, and enriched with various minerals or vitamins.

    Useful properties of brewer's yeast

    Brewer's yeast is one of the most effective dietary supplements containing:

    • 14 vitamins: group B (ensure the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system, prevent the occurrence of Parkinson's disease, accelerate cell regeneration, improve vision, slow down the aging process), as well as C, D, E, F, PP;
    • 17 amino acids, most of which are essential;
    • unsaturated fatty acids (arachidonic, oleic and linoleic);
    • potassium, chromium, calcium, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, sodium, sulfur, copper and other trace elements.
    • All vitamins contained in brewer's yeast are water-soluble, therefore they do not accumulate in the body. This supplement significantly improves well-being with beriberi and hypovitaminosis. BAAs based on brewer's yeast are useful for vegetarians to periodically take: these preparations contain folic acid, the source of which for the body is mainly meat food. Folic acid is involved in the process of DNA synthesis during cell division and has a beneficial effect on reproductive function.

    The benefits of brewer's yeast are as follows:

    • improve appetite, normalize digestion and metabolism;
    • contribute to the achievement of optimal weight. If body weight is excessive, then due to the acceleration of metabolic processes, you can lose a few extra pounds. People who are underweight, taking yeast, on the contrary, get better. This effect is often used by athletes who want to pump up muscle mass;
    • due to the high content of chromium, they alleviate the condition of patients with type II diabetes;
    • antioxidants present in yeast slow down the aging process;
    • prevent the occurrence and development of liver cancer;
    • soothe with stress, emotional exhaustion, sudden mood swings;
    • restore strength during physical exhaustion, anemia, strengthen immunity;
    • help to endure significant physical and mental stress;
    • normalize the work of the cardiovascular system;
    • maintain an optimal level of acid-base balance in the body;
    • help get rid of youthful acne, rashes, improve the condition of the skin with furunculosis, dermatosis, eczema, psoriasis;
    • strengthen hair and stop hair loss;
    • strengthen nails, make them less brittle.

    Contraindications to taking brewer's yeast

    Brewer's yeast can only be harmful if you do not follow the instructions and recommendations of the doctor. Taking drugs with brewer's yeast is contraindicated:

    • children under 3 years old;
    • the elderly (dietary supplement contains a large amount of nucleic acid);
    • people with kidney disease;
    • those who are allergic to brewer's yeast.
    • This supplement is not prohibited for pregnant women, but before you start taking it, you should consult a doctor.

    Features of taking brewer's yeast in various diseases

    Brewer's yeast, unlike beer, does not contain alcohol. Therefore, they are allowed to be taken by children from the age of three.

    Live yeast before use is diluted with milk, fruit or vegetable juice, water in the proportion: one tablespoon of the drug for half a glass of liquid.

    The medicine is taken 30-40 minutes before meals. For prevention, the following dosage is recommended:

    • for children from 3 to 6 years old, the dosage of the drug should be prescribed by a doctor;
    • for children from 6 to 12 years old - 3 times a day for a teaspoon;
    • for children aged 12-16 years - 3 times a day for a tablespoon;
    • for adults (over 16 years old) - 3 times a day, 2-3 tablespoons.
    • The duration of the course is 30 days, after which you need to take a break for 1-3 months.

    In other cases, the regimen of taking the drug depends on the disease:

    • in case of skin problems (acne, rash), as well as beriberi, you should drink at least 2 times a day half an hour before meals a tablespoon of live yeast diluted in milk;
    • with low acidity of the stomach - 3 times a day half an hour before meals, drink 2 tablespoons of yeast diluted in water;
    • for burning and spasms in the intestines - 3 times a day half an hour before meals, take a tablespoon of yeast (mix with water). Add half a teaspoon of grated ginger to the solution;
    • with colitis and enterocolitis - 2-3 times a day between meals, drink a tablespoon of yeast (dilute with a glass of carrot juice).
    • with insomnia - for 20 days, drink at night a tablespoon of live yeast mixed with a glass of warm milk. A pinch of ground cardamom is added to the medicine.

    The easiest way to dose brewer's yeast in tablets: the regimen is indicated in the instructions. However, it is better to discuss the exact dosage with your doctor.

    How to choose the right brewer's yeast enriched with trace elements

    To make the benefits of brewer's yeast even more significant, various useful substances are added to them. Knowing why the body needs a particular trace element, you can easily choose the right dietary supplement for yourself:

    • iron prevents the decrease in hemoglobin levels in the blood. Yeast with iron is recommended to drink with anemia;
    • zinc lowers cholesterol levels, has antiviral and antibacterial properties, and also has a beneficial effect on reproductive function. Dietary supplements with zinc are primarily advisable to take for those who plan to conceive a child;
    • magnesium is involved in the process of protein synthesis in the body, this trace element is necessary for the functioning of the heart muscle;
    • succinic acid makes muscles more elastic, helping to endure significant physical exertion;
    • selenium is an immunomodulator that slows down aging and is necessary for the normal functioning of the liver;
    • sulfur strengthens nails and hair, cleanses the skin;
    • calcium prevents the development of osteoporosis, provides bone strength;
    • iodine - supports the immune system, the functioning of the thyroid gland, has a calming effect. First of all, yeast with iodine is needed for those who suffer from constant stress;
    • potassium - improves the supply of oxygen to the brain, lowers blood pressure, ensures the functioning of muscles (including the heart).

    Brewer's yeast in cosmetology

    In order to strengthen hair, cleanse the skin of acne and blackheads, you should not only take brewer's yeast, but also make face and hair masks with them.

    Facial masks with brewer's yeast

    For rashes, acne, skin peeling, age spots, it is recommended to dilute 2 teaspoons of dry brewer's yeast or 2 tablespoons of live kefir. The mixture should be infused for an hour and a half. The thickened mass is applied to the face and neck, and after 15 minutes it is washed off with warm boiled water. The mask is designed to cleanse normal and oily skin, whiten it and smooth out fine wrinkles.

    For mature and dry skin, you should replace kefir with warm milk, infuse the mixture for an hour and keep it on your face for 20 minutes. The mask perfectly rejuvenates. It is recommended to apply 5-7 days in a row, then you should take a break for 2-3 weeks.

    Masks with brewer's yeast for hair

    Hair masks are done no more than once a week (three weeks in a row, then a break for 7-14 days):

    • for dry hair, mix half a glass of kefir with 10 g of dry yeast and a teaspoon of honey. The mass is infused for half an hour, after which it is applied to the hair, the head is warmly wrapped and the mixture is washed off after an hour;
    • for oily hair, a mask is made from 10 g of dry brewer's yeast, a tablespoon of water and a raw chicken egg. Within an hour, the mixture ferments and swells in a warm place, after which it is put on the head and wrapped in a towel, held for an hour and washed off with warm water.


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