What day does Viagra start working? Viagra preparation: description, scheme of application and side effects

Contraceptive pills have a completely understandable effect, they serve as one of the most reliable types of contraception. Modern drugs There are two types, the first consist of one hormone - progestogen, and the second of two hormones - estradiol (estrogen) and progestogen. At the same time, the former are recommended for women who are breastfeeding and over the age of 35, especially those who have such a bad habit as smoking. And the latter are considered the drugs of first choice, they are prescribed to most women, since the effect of the tablets is the most physiological. Yes and side effects they cause less than pure gestagenic ones. But let's talk about everything in order.

Undoubtedly, in the first place, the effectiveness of the drug is explained precisely by the gestagen. In most cases, it suppresses ovulation or leads to insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle, corpus luteum produces very little progesterone, and the implantation and development of a fertilized egg becomes impossible. But you should not worry, the effect of birth control pills in the vast majority of cases is reversible. That is, immediately or almost immediately after discontinuation of the drug with menstrual cycle the woman will be all right if there are no other problems.

The second hormone, estrogen, prevents the development dominant follicle and also warns premature detachment endometrium. That helps to avoid intermenstrual discharge. Although sometimes the principle of action of hormonal contraceptive pills fails, and the body needs to get used to hormonal contraceptive. This adjustment period usually lasts up to three months. If the given side effect lasts longer, you need to change the drug. Doctors usually recommend a contraceptive with great content estrogen. For example, instead of 20 mcg - 30 mcg. Thus, "Logest" can be replaced by "Janine" or "Lindinet 30". Such a recommendation is usually made if intermenstrual discharge is observed from about 10-12 days, in the middle of the cycle.

When do birth control pills start working, on what day do they become effective? If a woman started taking the first package of the drug as required by the instructions, that is, from the first day of the cycle, then they work immediately. If the reception is started, say, from the fifth day, then the first 7-14 days should be additionally protected, preferably with condoms. This is the answer to the question of when you can not protect yourself after starting taking birth control pills without fear of becoming pregnant. By the way, contraceptive effect the drug is retained in seven day break in his reception, during which menstruation begins. It turns out that's how they work birth control pills during this time period - a woman does not accept them, but is reliably protected from unwanted pregnancy. This is the so-called barren period, when a woman cannot conceive even outside the pills. This knowledge is used in the protection calendar method. But he, of course, is much less reliable than hormonal contraceptives.

Doctors are often asked what is the probability that the effect of taking Viagra will not suddenly disappear at the right time. This question is quite relevant for many men, because confidence in the possibility of a full-fledged sexual intercourse is a guarantee good relations between lovers. Doctors do not give an unequivocal answer, since the duration of the influence of the main component of the drug on the body depends on many factors. Therefore, in order not to fall into awkward situation, experts advise to get acquainted with the features of Viagra and recommendations for its use.

The composition of the drug includes sildenafil citrate, which enhances the body's response to sexual stimulation. This is due to the fact that the active substance blocks enzymes that reduce the biosynthesis of nitric oxide, and this, in turn, contributes to the expansion of cavernous tissues and an increase in blood flow to the penis at the time of arousal.

Unfortunately, Viagra is not a drug that quickly increases sexual desire, so it will be absolutely useless for those who are not able to arouse the desire for sex on their own. In view of this, it must be remembered that total absence libido, there is no point in taking this medicine.

Instructions for use

If the weakening of potency in a man is not caused by serious diseases internal organs, then to ensure a strong erection at the time of intercourse, Viagra should be taken 35-40 minutes before the onset of sexual intercourse. The active component of the drug is gradually absorbed into the blood and begins to act at the time of foreplay.

In the event that a man is diagnosed with pathologies of such internal organs as the liver, kidneys or heart, the dosage of the medicine is reduced by half. For the elderly, the amount of sildenafil citrate needs to be adjusted only on the advice of a doctor, but usually, in the absence of any health problems, this is not necessary.

To maintain the effectiveness of Viagra, experts advise you to follow some rules for taking the drug:

  • you can not drink pills after eating fatty foods;
  • the drug is incompatible with nitrites, nitrates and nitric oxide donators;
  • the duration of Viagra's action, as well as the speed of the onset of the effect from its intake, is affected by alcohol, so it is not advisable to drink alcohol and drink sildenafil citrate at the same time;
  • it is forbidden to take the drug with other means to increase potency (with the exception of pills prescribed by a doctor);
  • to enhance properties active ingredient you can take some dietary supplement, such as Impaza or Yohimbine, 10-15 minutes before sexual intercourse, but this is allowed only in the case of an average and advanced stage of erectile dysfunction.

Experimenting with the selection of dosage is strictly unacceptable. If a established norm the drug does not bring the expected result, then, most likely, the medicine needs to be changed to another.

How long does it take for Viagra to start working?

  1. Slow penis enlargement without hardening;
  2. Weak hardening of the penis, caused by the beginning of the influx of blood fluid to the small pelvis;
  3. Appearance pleasant sensations in the groin area (the penis has not yet reached maximum hardness for full-fledged intercourse);

  1. Member fully entered into an erect state, and now its elasticity is enough to make penetration into the vagina.

The waiting period can be extended a large number of high-calorie food eaten on the eve of a romantic evening. In this case, the onset of the fourth stage will be delayed by 40-50 minutes. If the fatty dish was washed down with several glasses alcoholic drink, then the likelihood that Viagra will affect the body is reduced by almost 80%. Therefore, it is better to drink alcohol after sex or an hour before it.

A few simple tips will help speed up the strengthening of an erection:

  • tablets containing sildenafil citrate should only be taken on an empty stomach;
  • a day before sexual intercourse, it is not advisable to drink any potent drugs, even if they are allowed to be combined with Viagra;
  • in order to be completely sure of the onset of an erection, you need to take any additional aphrodisiac.

The duration of the active ingredient

Despite a thorough study of the properties of sildenafil citrate, scientists still have not been able to give an exact answer to the question of how much this substance actually affects the body of a man. The reason for this was that each person has their own individual characteristics, on which the duration of the action of the active component directly depends.

At ordinary person with a weight of 60-65 kg, the concentration of sildenafil citrate in the blood is maintained for 4 hours. If the weight of a man exceeds 70-80 kg, then this time is reduced to 180 minutes. In the event that the body is too sensitive to the composition of the drug, the effectiveness of the drug can be noticeable even the next day.

Contraindications for use

There are a large number of men walking positive feedback about Viagra and therefore it is often used without prior consultation with a doctor, because the drug is freely available and you do not need to take a prescription from a doctor to buy it. However, before purchasing this drug in order to strengthen potency, you need to know about its contraindications. The bans for taking Viagra were the following:

  • congenital deformity of the penis;
  • individual intolerance to sildenafil citrate;
  • acute pathologies of cardio-vascular system;

  • renal and liver failure;
  • varicose veins;
  • serious mental illness;
  • illness with high probability internal hemorrhage;
  • priapism.

Also, the medicine is not allowed for those who have recently had a heart attack or stroke. In this case, it is generally contraindicated to take any pills that increase blood pressure.

In the instructions for the drug, the manufacturer does not indicate that sildenafil citrate can cause detachment cholesterol plaques therefore it is not suitable for people suffering from atherosclerosis.

Side effects

When the prescribed dosage of Viagra is exceeded, a person very often has such side effects, how:

  • allergy symptoms (rash, flushing skin, redness of the eyes, swelling of the nasal mucosa);
  • sharp jumps in blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • deterioration in the quality of vision;
  • pain in the eyes in bright light;
  • nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting;
  • pain in the joints;
  • drowsiness.

Often, if any mild signs of an overdose appear, the patient does not need to immediate appeal in medical institution. Usually they go away on their own a day after the drug is completely discontinued.

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Sooner or later, a man wonders what to choose a means to increase potency? Among all selective inhibitors, Viagra is very popular. The drug has been available for a long time, and has proven its effectiveness. Also, Viagra has a large number of analogues, generics. But, in this matter it is very important to know how long the action of the remedy lasts.

The principle of the drug

Before you understand how much Viagra works, it is worth understanding the principle of the action of this remedy. Viagra is one of the selective inhibitor drugs. The main active ingredient is Sildenafil. It is he who brings the penis into an erect state. The product is available in the form of tablets. blue color. Distinguish tablets depending on the dosage.

So, Viagra is available in doses of 50, 100 and 150 mg of Sildenafil. The dose is set only by a doctor, based on the degree of impotence, the presence concomitant diseases. After taking the pill, vasodilation occurs quite quickly, which increases blood flow to the penis. Also, while taking Viagra, nitric oxide is released, the smooth muscles of the pelvis relax. Thus, a full-fledged sexual intercourse becomes possible.

There are several types of erection, which differ in their characteristic features:

  • First degree - the sexual organ increases in size, but does not have the necessary hardness;
  • Second degree - the penis is a little harder, but still not enough erection to penetrate the vagina;
  • Third degree - the penis becomes hard enough, a full-fledged sexual intercourse is possible;
  • Fourth degree - an absolute erection is achieved, the hardness of the penis.

In 85% of all cases of taking Viagra, an erection of 3 and 4 degrees is achieved. But, it is worth remembering that the inhibitor will begin its action, give positive result only with physical stimulation of an erection. After all, Sildenafil activates its action only against the background of stimulation.

How long does Viagra last?

Every man wants to achieve the maximum long effect from taking drugs to restore erection. The longer the effect lasts, the more popular, the more valuable the remedy. After all, thanks to longevity, a man can. And the orgasm will be much brighter. How long does Viagra work?

In fact, there is no exact period of action of Viagra. It all depends on individual features individual organism young man. Also, age, male physique, the work of the digestive system, the presence of bad habits. On average, the effect of taking Viagra lasts up to 4 hours. But, there were cases when a full-fledged erection in men persisted for more a long period time.

To maximize the effect of taking a selective inhibitor, you need to take the remedy correctly. So, it is recommended to take the pill before meals. Also, best effect will be if you drink the remedy on an empty stomach. If you use Viagra after a meal, the result will come much later, and the erection will not be so pronounced. Erection disappears natural way, immediately after ejaculation.

How soon does Viagra start working?

In most cases, men are prescribed a dosage of Viagra of 100 mg. It is important to remember that only 1 tablet of Viagra per day is allowed. As for the speed of onset of an erection after taking the remedy, there is no unequivocal answer either. It all depends on the characteristics of the individual organism, and on the chosen dosage.

The optimal dose is usually determined by trial and error. On average, with the use of 100 mg of Sildenafil, an erection occurs in 40-60 minutes. But, there are times when full excitement occurs within 15-20 minutes after ingestion. Therefore, the pill is drunk about 15 minutes before the intended sexual intercourse.

The active ingredient is very quickly and maximally absorbed into the blood. But, in order to speed up the process of onset of an erection, it is recommended to adhere to some rules for taking an inhibitor:

  • In order for the absorption process to occur faster, the tablet must be washed down large quantity water;
  • Take the drug on an empty stomach to accelerate the action of Sildenafil;
  • Do not combine taking Viagra with a large amount of alcohol.

But a glass of wine or champagne will help to relax, to achieve maximum pleasure from sexual intercourse. Doctors advise taking Viagra for the first time at a dose of 50 mg (half a tablet). If the erection will reach 3 or 4 degrees, this dose is quite enough. If the commission of a full-fledged sexual intercourse is impossible, the second half is also used.

Do not increase the dosage on your own, especially if there is no reason for it. An excessive amount of Sildenafil will not speed up the process of erection in any way, but will only reverse effect. If a man has serious pathologies cardiovascular system, taking any selective inhibitors is agreed with the doctor.

Action time of analogs

To date, there are a large number of drugs that have an effect similar to Viagra. All of them have their own individual, characteristic principles of action. Also, the time of the onset of the effect and the period of its preservation are also different. Therefore, choose the most best option not so difficult.

The most popular analogues of this selective inhibitor are the following:

  • Boss Royal Viagra. The advantage of this tool is its natural composition. So, this drug is made on the basis of exclusively plant extracts and natural aphrodisiacs. The pill is taken just 15 minutes before the intended sex. On average, the remedy is valid for 1 week. During this period of time, a man can make attempts intimacy and they will be successful.
  • Soft Viagra. The drug has a high speed. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the tablet is not washed down with water, but is absorbed under the tongue. So, the effect of the drug begins within 10 minutes after consumption. The duration of the effect is 4 hours.
  • Gel Viagra. The drug is dosed in sachets. So, it is enough to drink just one sachet of gel to get a positive result. Erection occurs within 15 minutes after application, and lasts for 2 hours.

There are a lot of myths around Viagra. So, some young people believe that prolonged erection after taking the pill is painful. This is absolutely not true. Sexual arousal occurs systematically, gradually. In the first half hour, the vessels expand, and the cavernous bodies of the penis are filled with blood.

Only after this comes a full erection. Yes, it is long lasting and durable. But, there is no pain during sex. Also, men believe that any selective inhibitor provokes prolonged arousal - an erection does not go away even after ejaculation. In fact, arousal subsides after ejaculation, and for repeated intimacy, some time must pass.

Viagra is a potency-improving drug with sildenafil, which is especially popular among men. The reason for the high demand for pills are the properties of the drug to quickly strengthen the erection and keep it on. long time. However, in order to make your intimate life complete and get the most out of sex, it is important to know how long Viagra works and how quickly the desired state will come. This will allow you to properly plan a romantic evening and calculate the time of foreplay until the member is on alert.

Predetermine exact time the onset of an erection after taking the pills is not easy. It depends on the quantity active substance and features male body. The higher the dosage of Viagra, the faster the expected result.

Most often, the pharmacy sells tablets with 50 and 100 mg. active component. When taking the average therapeutic dose (0.5 g), most men notice the onset of an erection after 20-50 minutes. If before intimacy a person experiences a strong sexual arousal, the tablet begins to act after 15 minutes.

Do not try to speed up the action of the drug by exceeding normal dose. It is fraught with development serious violations from the side of the heart and blood vessels. Besides, overuse sildenafil has the opposite effect.

You can check how long Viagra works and when the expected effect appears, by taking minimal amount medicines. Doctors recommend starting with a dose of 50 mg. If a persistent erection occurs as a result, it is better to limit yourself to this. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe a higher or lower dosage.

How long does the drug work

Most men prefer potency-enhancing drugs that work for a long time. Taking these drugs can improve the quality intimate life, increase self-confidence and prolong the pleasure for both partners. This is exactly what Viagra has.

The duration of the drug depends on the individual characteristics of the male body:

  • age;
  • body weight;

According to most reviews, average duration action of Viagra is from 4 to 6 hours. The highest concentration of sildenafil in the blood and tissues is observed 1.5 hours after the tablet has been drunk. After 2 hours, some patients note a slight decrease in the activity of the remedy, but this does not greatly affect the ability to bring the penis into an erect state.

However, some men note a lasting effect from the use of the drug throughout the night. During this time, a person is able to perform several sexual acts. After the onset of ejaculation, the erection disappears for a while, but may reappear if sexual arousal is present.

Factors affecting the duration of the work of sildenafil

The time of onset of the effect and the duration of the action of Viagra on the body decreases or increases under the influence various factors. The rate at which the drug is absorbed and excreted from the blood can be significantly reduced if a man suffers from the following diseases:

  • cirrhosis of the liver with signs of functional insufficiency;
  • chronic renal pathology;
  • diseases digestive tract with reduced secretion.

In persons over 65 years of age, the half-life of the drug increases due to age features metabolism, so the duration of action is longer. In this case, doctors recommend reducing the dosage of Viagra to 25 mg.

The speed of action of the tablets can be significantly reduced while taking alcohol. Under the influence of alcohol, the sensitivity of the genital organs is weakened, so the erection disappears early. In addition, this combination can adversely affect the state of the cardiovascular system.

The duration and severity of the effect of Viagra is also affected by simultaneous reception some medicines. The decrease in the rate of excretion of sildenafil from the body occurs under the action of inhibitors of the CYP3A4 enzyme. This group of substances includes:

  • antibacterial drug Erythromycin;

  • antifungal agent Ketoconazole;
  • H2-histamine receptor inhibitor Cimetidine.

If the patient is taking one of these drugs, the physician should be informed. In this case, the dose of Viagra is reduced.

Ways to increase the time of action

The active substance of the drug is quickly absorbed into the blood. However, there are ways to help achieve the onset high concentration sildenafil for short term. This will lead to a quick effect.

Viagra has no direct effect on libido ( sexual attraction). To introduce the penis into an erect state, it is necessary to have the opportunity to become aroused on its own.

In order for an erection to arise as quickly as possible and last as long as possible, you need to take the medicine correctly. Doctors recommend drinking pills as follows:

  • It is best to take the medicine on an empty stomach. If this is done after a meal, especially a heavy and high-calorie meal, the absorption rate of sildenafil in the intestine may increase. In this case, the effect of the drug will come no earlier than after 1-2 hours;
  • The tablet is washed down with a large amount of liquid - at least 200 ml. It is advisable to use clean non-carbonated water for this;
  • The optimal time to take the drug is 45-60 minutes before the intended intimacy;
  • For the first time, it is better to limit yourself to a dose of 50 mg. If the expected effect does not occur within an hour, you can increase the amount to 100 mg;

  • It is very important to mentally tune in to sex before taking the pills.

If necessary, you can take Viagra 3-4 times a week for a month. Maximum daily dose is 100 mg and doctors do not recommend exceeding it.

Terms of activity of analogs

Except original drug, in pharmacy chain analogues of Viagra arrive. They all contain the same active substance, but different additional components. The time of onset of effect and the duration of action can vary significantly for individual funds.

Among the analogues, the most popular are the following:

  • viagra gel. Thanks to its dosage form absorbed into the blood and activated within 15 minutes. Peak pharmacological effect comes after 1.5 hours, and the total duration is up to 6 hours;
  • Viagra Soft- tablets for resorption under the tongue. Most men notice the expected effect within 20 minutes after consumption. Persistent high-quality erection lasts for 4 hours;
  • Royal Viagra- a remedy with herbal aphrodisiacs. You can take it 20 minutes before the upcoming intimacy. One tablet has a stimulating effect for a week, so taking this medicine more often is not recommended.

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Under unfavorable conditions environmental situation, lifestyle, age in men there are various sexual disorders. If the problem is not identified in a timely manner, impotence will begin to develop actively. In this case, a full sexual intercourse without the use of special medicines will be impossible. Viagra is a very popular stimulant. Why do men prefer this drug? How long does Viagra last?

How does Viagra work?

To find out how long the drug works, you need to understand the principle of its work. Viagra comes in the form of blue tablets. The main active ingredient is sildenafil (selective PDE5 inhibitor). It is thanks to this substance that a man experiences a full erection.

It is important to remember what is prohibited. Any medication should be prescribed only by a doctor. The specialist will be able to establish the optimal dosage of sildenafil, which will not harm health, and will show high efficiency. Who is supposed to take this stimulant? A remedy for a man whose erection is not sufficient for sexual intercourse. Also, in some cases, Viagra is prescribed for premature ejaculation.

It is important to remember that the drug only eliminates the symptoms of impotence, but does not cure it.

The principle of action of Viagra is as follows:

  • Sildenafil promotes the release of nitric oxide in the blood;
  • Expands blood vessels;
  • Enhances blood flow to cavernous bodies penis;
  • Relaxes smooth muscle small pelvis.

So, when taking Viagra, 95% of men achieve. It is important to know that an erection stimulator will not be effective without full stimulation of arousal. Therefore, the drug does not affect the male libido, the psyche. Therefore, without the desire for sex, there will be no erection.

How long does Viagra take to work?

As a rule, a Viagra tablet is available in a dosage of 100 mg. it average dose which is most commonly assigned. But, in pharmacies you can find 25, 50 and 150 mg of sildenafil. Therefore, the time of onset of erection after taking the drug depends on the dosage, the individual characteristics of the male body. There is no exact time period.

If a man takes a 100 mg tablet, a full erection will occur 20-50 minutes after consumption. Some representatives of the stronger sex, with strong arousal, note the onset of an erection after 15 minutes. Sildenafil is quite easily and quickly absorbed into the blood. But, for maximum quick effect We recommend following simple rules:

  1. Take a Viagra tablet on an empty stomach. Instructions for use of the drug indicates that the medicine can be taken regardless of food. But, fatty foods can reduce the absorption of the active substance. Therefore, the effect of the remedy will be weaker. If you do not adhere to this rule, the action may occur after 2 hours.
  2. In order for the action of the pathogen to come very quickly, the tablet is washed down with plenty of water.

It is worth checking the speed of action with the minimum dosage. So, for starters, a man is prescribed 50 mg of sildenafil. You need to drink a pill 40 minutes before the intended sexual intercourse. If the drug acts quickly, and the erection is stable, this dosage is enough. Depending on the age and the presence of chronic diseases, the dose of Viagra will decrease or increase.

Do not recommend combining Viagra with alcohol. Alcoholic beverages can reduce the speed of action of the tablets. Also, a large amount of alcohol reduces the sensitivity of the genitals, and consequently, the erection will be weak. You can use the stimulant 1 time per knock. If you use the medicine more often, sildenafil will have the opposite effect - there will be no erection at all. An increase in the dosage of the drug can provoke the development of priapism.

In order for a man to feel as confident as possible, he must know not only the time of the onset of the action, but also the period of preservation positive effect. Only in this way can he plan his sexual acts, romantic dinners With a woman. As a rule, men prefer those drugs that retain their effect for a long period of time. Viagra belongs to the list of such stimulants.

It is impossible to determine the exact period of action of Viagra. The body of each man is an individual mechanism. Preservation of sildenafil also depends on the characteristics of the man. Much depends on the age, body weight of a young person. Numerous reviews indicate that Viagra retains its maximum action within 4-5 hours. 2 hours after taking the pathogen, the decline in efficiency begins.

Also, there are cases when the action of the pathogen persists all night. During this period, a man can have sexual intercourse. The erection disappears, as always, after the process of ejaculation. But, you can not abuse the drug. It's better to use it in extreme cases. Otherwise, the body will develop addiction, and the effect of the pill will be ineffective.

There are some myths about the action of Viagra that are not supported by medical research:

  • Sildenafil provokes excessive long erection. Taking Viagra very rarely provokes priapism - only if the male body is predisposed to this. After ejaculation, the penis gradually comes to a calm state.
  • The rapid action of Viagra leads to painful sensations during strong erection. The action of the stimulant occurs gradually, during the first half hour after administration. Sharp increase erection does not occur. Therefore, pain in the penis, scrotum should not be.

The duration of action of popular analogues of Viagra

Quite popular are drugs analogues of this pathogen. Fortunately, pharmacology provides wide selection. As a rule, the dosage of the active component of sildenafil remains the same, but the additional components may vary. The principle of operation of analogues is the same as that of the original. But the reception is often different.

The following analogues differ in quality and speed:

  • viagra gel. The drug in its composition, principle of action completely coincides with Viagra tablets. But, due to the form of the gel, it is quickly absorbed and penetrates into the general bloodstream. Therefore, the action comes much faster. The use of one sachet of Viagra gel allows you to have sexual intercourse in 15 minutes.
  • Viagra Soft. This drug is available in the form of tablets. But, the tablet is not washed down with water, but dissolves under the tongue. Therefore, the action of the stimulant also comes faster (20 minutes after ingestion).
  • Royal Viagra. The advantage of this tool is the natural composition. The tablets consist of natural aphrodisiacs and stimulants. The drug should be taken 20 minutes before the intended sexual intercourse, drinking plenty of water.

The period of action of these analogs also differs. Thus, the peak efficiency of sildenafil gel occurs after an hour and a half, and the action itself lasts at least 6 hours. Persistent, full-fledged erection from taking Viagra Soft is observed within 4 hours. The most effective, with a long period of action is Royal Viagra. Thanks to its natural basis, just 1 tablet of the product provides a full erection for 1 week. Therefore, taking this drug is permissible no more than 1 time in 7 days.



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