What is the color of the eyes. How to determine the influence of eye color on a person's character? Blue-gray eye color and character are distinguishing features

Eye color is a characteristic determined by the pigmentation of the iris. The iris consists of an anterior mesodermal layer and a posterior ectodermal layer. The anterior layer consists of the outer border section and the stroma.

In physiognomy, there is an unwritten rule, to begin the study of a person with the eyes, or rather with their color. The color of a person's eyes can tell a lot.

It is believed that the eyes are the most informative source of information about any person. Eye color can tell a lot about your character.

Eye(lat. oculus) - sensory organ (organ visual system) of humans and animals, with the ability to perceive electromagnetic radiation in the light wavelength range and providing the function of vision.

The part of the eye that judges eye color is called the iris. The color of the eye depends on the amount of melanin pigment in the posterior layers of the iris. The iris controls the entry of light rays into the eye. various conditions illumination, like the aperture in a camera. The round hole in the center of the iris is called the pupil. The structure of the iris includes microscopic muscles that constrict and expand the pupil. Iris and defines human eye color.

What determines the color of a person's eyes

The iris is practically impervious to light. Depending on the content of melanin pigment in the cells of the iris and the nature of its distribution, the iris may have different colour, from very light blue to almost black. Very rarely, iris cells do not contain pigment (this occurs when congenital pathology- albinism), due to the blood translucent in the vessels, the eyes in this case have a red color. Albinos are photophobic because their iris does not protect their eyes from excessive light. In light-eyed people, the content of melanin pigment in the cells of the iris of the eyes is small, in dark-eyed people, on the contrary, there is a lot of this pigment. The overall pattern and shade of the iris is very individual, however human eye color determined by heredity.

The color of the iris is determined by the number of melanocytes in the stroma and is an inherited trait. Brown iris is dominantly inherited, and blue is recessive.

All vessels of the iris have a connective tissue cover. The raised details of the lacy pattern of the iris are called trabeculae, and the depressions between them are called lacunae (or crypts). The color of the iris is individual: from blue, gray, yellowish green in blondes to dark brown and almost black in brunettes.

Differences in eye color are explained by the different number of multi-branch melanoblast pigment cells in the stroma of the iris. In dark-skinned people, the number of these cells is so large that the surface of the iris does not look like lace, but like a densely woven carpet. Such an iris is characteristic of the inhabitants of the southern and extreme northern latitudes as a factor of protection from blinding light flux.

Most newborn babies have a light blue iris due to poor pigmentation. By 3-6 months, the number of melanocytes increases and the iris darkens. Albinos have an iris pink color because it lacks melanosomes. Sometimes the irises of both eyes differ in color, which is called heterochromia. Melanocytes of the iris can cause the development of melanomas.

In peoples living in the northern regions, more common light color eye, in middle lane gray-green and light brown eye shades predominate, and the inhabitants of the south are usually dark-eyed. However, this is not always the case: the indigenous inhabitants of the far north (Eskimos, Chukchi, Nenets) have dark eyes, as well as hair, and their skin has a swarthy tint. Due to these features, they are more adapted to life in conditions of extremely high illumination and excessive reflection of light from the shiny surface of ice and snow.

Eye color and its meaning

In the people, the eyes of a person are called the mirror of the soul. Despite the existence of many legends and beliefs regarding the characteristics of people with different eye colors, in practice these patterns are often not confirmed. For example, characteristics such as visual acuity or intellectual ability nothing to do with eye color.

Aristotle believed that people with brown and dark green eyes will be choleric dark gray eyes- melancholic, and with blue - phlegmatic. It is now believed that people with dark eyes have a stronger immune system, are distinguished by perseverance and endurance, however, they are often overly irritable and have a rather “explosive” temperament. People with gray eyes are determined and persistent in achieving goals; blue-eyed people endure adversity; brown-eyed - are distinguished by isolation, and people with green eyes are characterized by constancy, concentration and determination.

A widely known historical fact is the assertion that Blue eyes- a distinctive feature of the representatives of the true Nordic race (Aryans). WITH light hand reactionary German theorist G. Müller, the expression “healthy German with brown eyes unthinkable, and Germans with brown and black eyes are either hopelessly ill or not Germans at all.” In the middle lane evil eye"It is considered dark brown or black, while in the East everything is exactly the opposite: it is believed that only light-eyed people are able to" jinx it.

Eyes of different colors

In very rare cases The color of the eyes of one person can be different, this condition is called heterochromia. The right and left eyes may differ in color completely - this is the so-called complete heterochromia, but if part of the iris of one eye has a different color - sectoral heterochromia occurs. Heterochromia of the iris can be congenital or acquired. This phenomenon is repeatedly mentioned in the literature, and one of the most famous characters from multicolored eyes- Bulgakov's Woland, whose "right eye was black and dead, and the left green and crazy."

As a result of joint marriages between people with gray and brown eyes people appeared whose eyes were of other shades: green, gray-brown, gray-green, green-brown and even gray-green-brown ... Gradually, people forgot about ice age- humanity has adapted to the new conditions of existence. But, nevertheless, if you look closely at the modern owners of both gray and brown eyes, you can easily notice the difference in the behavior of these two types of people: the first seek to act, the second - to receive. there are the former who strive to free themselves from excess energy, the latter, on the contrary, strive to repay their own lack at the expense of the forces of other people. The first we will call "potential donors", the second - "potential vampires". People with eyes of a mixed type (green, gray-brown, etc.) have a complex energy orientation: they cannot be attributed to either donors or vampires. They show the qualities of either one or the other, depending on whether “ what foot will they get up from?

How to determine the character human By bloomeye?

It turns out that just by looking a person in the eye, you can learn a lot about him.

There are many beliefs that eye color has a direct impact on a person's fate. By carefully looking into the eyes of the interlocutor, you can understand a lot about him, determine his character and essence, as well as the attitude towards him and other people. Also, the color of the eyes will help you understand yourself and understand why at some point in your life you make this or that decision.

Eye color: blue, gray-blue, blue, gray.

People with cold shades of eyes are self-confident, which will not allow them to doubt their words and the actions of others. They rarely unquestioningly listen to the advice of strangers and people who are not particularly close to them, they fulfill their dreams the way they want, and not as advised by others. Fate often throws up trials in which it is not easy for the owners of this eye color, and they need to earn every gift of fate.

But on the love front, they have no equal, they can, without thinking, choose this or that person, turning off their heads and being guided only by their desires. However, having decided to bind yourself with sacred bonds, you need to be 100% sure that you will love this person all your life, otherwise your union will fall apart in the early stages without love. The only thing that can repel these people is their excessive activity. And if at the first meetings she lights up, then in the future she can develop into constant fatigue from communication.

Having chosen people with cold shades of eyes as companions, you should not try to remake and calm them, it will be much easier to captivate them with something new and interesting.

Eye color: gray-brown-green.

The owners of this range of shades in the eyes are called Central Russian. Such an unusual combination pushes their carriers to rash and inconsistent actions in certain situations. The nature of these people is very unpredictable, they can be both soft and gentle, and hard and sharp. That is why others are wary of them, because they do not know what reaction to expect. However, despite this, they are very attentive to the people around them and are always ready to help.

In love, people with such an unusual combination of shades are impregnable. You will have to prove to them a sincere attitude and love more than once, but if they want to conquer you, it will not be easy for you to resist the onslaught and hard pressure.

Eye color: dark blue

Such eyes, in the coloring of which the energy of Venus and the Moon participated, belong to people who are persistent, but sentimental. Their mood is unpredictably changeable due to the ability to easily succumb to their whims. Man with dark blue eyes remembers personal grievances for a long time, even if the offender has long been forgiven in his soul.

Eye color: emerald.

People with this shade of eyes must always compromise with themselves, they just need harmony. Very cheerful, unshakable in their decisions taken. If people with emerald eyes are completely confident in the correctness of their choice, they are happy and not afraid to show it to others.

One of positive qualities of these people is that they do not demand more from others than they can offer themselves. For beloved and dear people, they will gnaw the earth, but will not let them need something. In a relationship, they give without a trace and at the same time they never complain about it, but if you don’t fit or just don’t like this person, you better get around him.

Eye color: brown.

People with brown eyes tend to win over an opponent from the first meeting. It often helps them in finding a job or at school. Falling under the spell of brown-eyed people, you run the risk of quarreling with others for the whim of this person. The only disadvantage of these eyes is that you cannot go out into the world dressed or unkempt, you always need to emphasize the activity of your eyes.

People with brown eyes demand from loved ones heightened attention and activity, constant gifts and proofs of love. But at the same time, brown-eyed people may refuse to receive expensive gifts, so that they simply do not need them.

Eye color: Light brown

Dreamy, shy, solitude-loving people were awarded with such eyes. Someone considers them pragmatic, but this makes them very diligent and hardworking. They will never let you down.

Man with light brown eyes an individualist, he always strives to do everything himself, therefore he achieves great success in life. He does not tolerate pressure on himself. In astrology, this eye color is considered to be caused by a mixture of the energies of the planets Venus and the Sun, which makes its owner an impressionable person who deeply experiences personal grievances.

Eye Color: Gray

Smart and determined people have such eyes, who do not hide their heads in the sand when they encounter problems, but solve them as quickly as possible. However, quite often they pass in situations that the mind cannot solve. Gray-eyed people are sensitive and inquisitive, they are interested in everything. The owners of gray eyes are lucky in any field - both in love and in their careers.

Eye color: yellow (amber)

Such a tiger color is quite rare for people, so its owners are endowed with special talents. They can even read other people's minds. The owners of the yellow amber eyes artistic nature. Such people always think creatively, and communication with them brings a lot of pleasure. Of course, if you don't have anything bad in mind...

Eye Color: Black

Such eyes belong to people with strong energy, great initiative, high vitality and restless disposition. Passion and love is inherent in a person with black eyes. He will stop at nothing, wanting to achieve the object of adoration. Often in life, this character trait not only helps to win, but also upsets the consequences of haste in decisions.

Eye color is inherited by one human gene, and from the moment of conception it is predetermined to have a certain shade. Scientists have calculated that there are 8 eye colors. And these are just the most common ones. But there are people on the planet who have the most rare color eye.

For example, Hollywood actress Kate Bosworth has different colored eyes. The dark gray iris of her right eye contains age spot brown shade.

How many people, so many pairs of eyes in the world. No two personalities are the same, and no two pairs of eyes are the same. What is the magic of the look? Maybe it's the color of the eyes?

From black to sky blue

Human eyes come in just eight shades. Some shades are more common, others are very rare. The content of the melanin pigment in the iris determines what we call color. Once upon a time, about 10 thousand years ago, most people on Earth were brown-eyed. Geneticists say that a mutation happened, and people with a lack of pigment appeared. They had blue-eyed, green-eyed children.

Such shades are known: black, brown, amber, olive, green, blue, gray, blue. Sometimes the eyes change color, more often this happens in babies. Meet unique people with indefinite color. Aishwarya Rai, a movie star from India, is known not so much for her stunning figure and smile, but for the mystery of her eyes, which, in different moods, are green, blue, gray or brown and are recognized as the most beautiful eyes in the world.

What eyes are the most in the world?

Most often, brown-eyed children are born on the planet. This color prevails in all parts of the world. It is believed that there is a lot of melanin in their iris. It protects the eyes from the blinding rays of the sun. Astrologers associate brown-eyed people with Venus and the Sun. Venus endowed these people with her tenderness, and the Sun with ardor and passion.

According to sociological data, the owners of such eyes inspire special confidence in themselves. It is generally accepted that brown-eyed women are sexy and passionate. Whether this is so is not known, but the fact is that the owner of dark brown eyes, Jennifer Lopez, is a symbol of precisely these qualities. The second most common color is blue. People originally from Northern Europe have such eyes. According to statistics, 99% of Estonians and 75% of Germans are blue-eyed. Many babies are born with blue eyes. Within a few months, the color changes to gray or blue. Adult blue-eyed people are rare. There is a blue tint of eyes both in Asia and among Ashkenazi Jews.

American researchers say that most talented people with high IQs have blue eyes. blue eyed people they are often strong, powerful personalities; when communicating, trust in them arises intuitively. The light blue look of Cameron Diaz, giving warmth and positive, made her a Hollywood star. At the right moment, it becomes hard and cold, and then again kind and warm.

The rarest eye colors

Very rare black-eyed people. From Hollywood stars only Audrey Hepburn had that color. She once said that the eyes are the gateway to the heart where love lives. Her eyes always shone with kindness and love.

The rarest color was that of Elizabeth Taylor. When she was born, the frightened parents took the girl to the doctor, who said that the child had a unique mutation. The future Cleopatra was born with a double row of eyelashes, and at six months the baby's eyes acquired a purple hue. Elizabeth drove men crazy with her eyes all her life, having been married 8 times.

The rarest color of the iris

The witch's eyes should be green. Only 2% of the world's population is green-eyed. Moreover, most of them are female. There is no rational explanation for this phenomenon. Historians believe that human prejudice is to blame. Everyone has European nations, including the Slavs, Saxons, Germans, Franks, it was believed that green-eyed women had supernatural powers.

In the Middle Ages, the Inquisition was rampant in Europe. A denunciation was enough for a person to be sent to the stake. Most of the victims were women who were declared witches for the most insignificant reason. Is it worth saying that the green-eyed ones were burned first? Thus, the population of people with the most beautiful color eye.

Today, 80% of green-eyed people live in Holland and Iceland. Astrologers believe that green-eyed women are the most gentle creatures, kind and devoted, but when it comes to protecting a family or a loved one, they are merciless and cruel. Bioenergetics, dividing people into energy "vampires" and "donors", claim that green-eyed people do not belong to either one or the other, their energy is stable and neutral. Perhaps that is why they value stability and loyalty in relationships so much, and do not forgive betrayal.

The most famous green-eyed beauty is Angelina Jolie. Her "cat look" broke a lot of hearts until it got to

At the first meeting and when meeting, it is often difficult to find mutual language. After all, we do not know how to behave properly and what is expected of us. Facial expressions, gestures, clothes, gait, hairstyle tell a lot about a person. Physiological data will also help predict the reaction. Sometimes we don’t even think about how much the shape of the nose, forehead, wrinkles can tell about a person. Exists whole science, which explains how to recognize the character of the interlocutor by the most informative source - eye color. Let's try to figure out how physical data actually affects the temperament and disposition of a person.

There are four primary eye colors. Also known mixed types. The iris is as individual as a fingerprint. Physiognomy (a way of determining the nature of a person by external facial features), in addition to shade, takes into account saturation, intensity. IN artificial technology face reading describes the relationship between the concentration of hue and the makings of a person. For example, the higher the brightness of the iris, the more people corresponds to the characteristics of its type. Restrained notes minimize negative inclinations.

Dark brown eyes

The owners of the darkest eyes are distinguished by leadership qualities and a strong energy field. They are always optimistic, very passionate, loving and determined. Scientists classify this type of people as "fiery".

Cope well with own business through entrepreneurial spirit. Able to achieve any goal. Never go with the flow. For them, the most difficult thing is the lack of development.

Black-eyed people with hot temperament and high level adrenaline is easily amenable to gambling hobbies. Due to their strong magnetism, they often find themselves in the spotlight. But there is also extreme degree personality type. Decisiveness and pressure can be transformed into obsession. Such an obsession is fraught with negative consequences.

Brown-eyed - common signs

People with brown eyes have sensuality, a pronounced temperament. At the same time, their wit can cause an acute temper. They are characterized by fast turnaround. Able to easily forget grievances.

Representatives of this type quickly fall in love. For them, the most important First stage relations. But very soon they will get bored with the monotony. Especially if there is no response and constant encouragement. They give their warmth only with reciprocal gratitude.

Most weakness- capriciousness. But this shortcoming is offset. After all, brown-eyed people perfectly find a common language with people and achieve what they want.

Features of light brown eyes

Several shades are known - bright hazel, light brown and tea eyes. They differ from representatives with dark pigmentation of the iris. They prefer to be in solitude, dream and build castles in the air.

Have hypersensitivity and vulnerability. They fly in the clouds, so even the smallest offense can cause serious injury. People with a predominant light shade of the iris are more modest, shy and indecisive. Passivity often interferes with their career growth when decisive, active actions are required from them.

From positive aspects reliability, diligence and diligence can be distinguished. They will never let you down in a difficult situation. But light is not as simple as it seems. Softness, suppleness and shyness hide the makings of a stubborn personality. At strong pressure they can do things their way. If they are inspired to believe in themselves, they will achieve a lot.

There are four main types of eye color and several mixed ones. There are also albino people who have congenital absence melanin pigment.

Blue eyes are a sign of emotionality

Owners blue eyes romantic, emotional and sensual. Fall in love quickly. They can plunge into the pool with their heads and completely give themselves to the relationship. But also strongly representatives of the type hate and cold-bloodedly take revenge. You will not envy their enemies.

They give in to their emotions, so they say what they think. Only justice and truth matter to them. Able to protect their interests by all accessible ways. Excessive subjectivity often prevents them from discerning the absolute truth. For this, others perceive the blue-eyed as arrogant and arrogant.

Exposure to emotions makes them fearless and determined. They have leadership skills. But it’s hard enough for them not to be led by their impulsiveness. It takes a lot of effort to learn how to deal with your emotionality.

Romantics and dreamers with blue eyes

This type of people is vulnerable and sensitive. Romantic natures often fantasize about a brighter future. When faced with an imperfect reality, they can become depressed.

Despite an increased tendency to sentimentality, deep feelings are not for them. Likes and affections often change. Pets are treated with all generosity and kindness. To others, they show only cold indulgence, and sometimes even cruelty.

Because of resentment, even the most minor troubles are taken to heart. The mood can change every hour. Blue-eyed people cannot stand monotony. Constantly put forward increased demands not only on others, but also on themselves. Therefore, they often have a blues if expectations are not met.

Eyes of the color of the sky can often be seen in creative individuals. Inexhaustible fantasy and imagination contributes to the development of figurative thinking. Warm shades neutralize cold character traits. Owners of soft notes have a flexible character. They show selflessness and the ability to sincerely love.

A detailed relationship between eye color and temperament type can be found in the video:

Eye color meaning - gray tint

Representatives of this type have a sharp mind, prudence, practicality, realism. Thanks to their patience, friendliness, conscientiousness, peacefulness, they are among the most pleasant interlocutors. Always ready to help and give good advice.

Their inherent independence and self-sufficiency does not allow them to hide their heads in the sand. In any industry where they can apply their skills and knowledge, they rise to the occasion. It is quite difficult for them to tune in to a sensual way on their own. Therefore, gray-eyed people are in dire need of an inspirer or muse.

The dark shade of the iris is inherent in individuals with strong character. They are distinguished by stubbornness and courageous actions. Despite the imperious and strong-willed character, this color indicates devotion and complaisance in relationships.

Blue-gray eye color and character are distinguishing features

People who are dominated by several cold shades at once have a decisive, ambitious and purposeful character. All qualities depend on the intensity of the color and the superiority of one of the shades - blue or gray.

As a rule, all representatives are honest and calm. They are quite difficult to get out of yourself. Thanks to their wit and ingenuity, they can easily apply their excellent imagination and developed intuitive abilities.

Sensitivity and sentimentality are not inherent in them. It is often difficult for close people to communicate with them due to the lack of sensitivity and sincerity. They are especially valued for their loyalty and reliability.

Despite its fairness and independence, such a type is in dire need of approval and all kinds of encouragement. Only then people with gray-blue eyes will not leave in trouble and help with advice.

Character by eye color - gray-green hue

By nature, eyes of this color are endowed with pragmatic and hardworking personalities. They are characterized by justice, constancy and patience. They perfectly restrain their emotions and remain impartial in any situation. Win an argument and difficult situations thanks to a cold mind and balanced decisions.

Unlike other types of physiognomy, despite their practicality, sobriety and realism, they are able to remain soft and delicate. They are able to show empathy, listen and hear the interlocutor, as well as provide the right support. In addition, they got a sharp intuition, flexibility of mind and strong willed qualities.

Green-eyed people are a rare type

IN pure form is extremely rare. Differs in sensuality and tenderness. In a relationship, give yourself completely. It is very difficult to earn their location. Self-critical, while demanding perfection from others. The feeling of being in love is taken seriously. This is why relationships last a long time. Always remain faithful to their soulmate.

From the positive aspects, tenderness, kindness and responsiveness can be distinguished. People around them do not like their integrity and firmness. They have the ability to understand people perfectly. They actively use their "psychic" qualities in their careers and personal lives.

Despite their inaccessibility, pride and independence, it is the green-eyed ones who are preferred as interlocutors. They give tenderness and affection, but to earn their location, you need to make a lot of effort. able to show at any time negative sides character.

Physiognomy, in addition to the shade of the iris, also studies the shape and location eyeball.

yellow eye color

The so-called snake or tiger eyes are endowed with extraordinary personalities. They have artistic talent, charm and charm. They know how to "read" other people's thoughts. They have flexibility, fearlessness, ingenuity and resourcefulness. Despite the cunning nature, the yellow iris indicates generosity, kindness and devotion. With such friends and spouses, you can not worry about anything.

If they meet people with unclean thoughts, they can show hostility and deceit. It is true that they say yellow eyes see through the soul.

The eyes do reflect inner world person. There are unique people who have a different shade of iris (). This feature is caused different concentration melanin. They share complete heterochromia (eyes of different colors) and partial (one eye has several shades of the iris). visual organ also has the ability to change color depending on lighting, makeup, clothing and emotional state. With age, as a rule, the iris brightens and loses its original brightness.

How do children inherit eye color? Is it possible to predict what it will be like in a child? Why are albinos pink? If both parents have brown eyes, can they have a blue-eyed baby? How is the color of the iris formed? These questions are relevant at all times. The answer to them lies in the combination of internal and external signs organisms formed on the basis of the genotype, as well as acquired as a result of individual development. What does this mean and what determines the color of a person's eyes?

This characteristic is determined by the pigmentation of the iris (iris), consisting of the ectodermal (back) and mesodermal (front) layers. That is, the color of a person's eyes depends on the nature of the distribution of fuscin (it promotes the production of visual pigment, absorbs light and prevents it from scattering and reflecting, as a result, the clarity of visual perception of the image improves) in the pigment cells of the posterior layer and melanin (natural dark substance) in pigment-containing and reflective cells. cells (chromatophores) of the anterior layer. The color is also affected by the condition of the vessels and fibers of the iris, the different amount and nature of the pigment, which, in turn, is determined by genetics. Eye color is determined by genes. But not all of them have been studied.

Melanin is a coloring substance that affects not only eye color, but also hair and skin tones. What does eye color depend on? The more melanin is contained in the mesodermal layer, the darker the iris, and the less it is distributed in the pigment cells of the anterior layer of the iris, the lighter it will be. There are brown and black melanin (or eumelanin), as well as yellow (or pheomelanin). For the nature and quantity of this natural substance and its distribution correspond to certain genes. As a result, the color of the iris can be blue, blue, gray, marsh, brown or black. The child will inherit the resemblance to the possessing parent (brown, hazel, and green) and will not inherit the eye color of the parent with recessive traits (blue or grey).

The back layer is dyed Blue colour due to the vessels formed by collagen fibers, the anterior layer is characterized by a minimum content of melanin. Blue differ from blue in a greater density of whitish fibers: the higher their density, the lighter the iris. Grey colour eyes due to even greater density of collagen. In the front layer of greens there is a small amount of melanin, due to the blue color of the back layer, the iris is heterogeneous green and of different shades. What determines the color of the eyes of amber? The pigment lipofuscin ensures their uniform color. With a moderate content of melanin in the outer, they become marsh or nutty. Hazel occurs when the chromatophores contain a lot of melanin. Blacks tend to high content this pigment, which completely absorbs light. In albino, it is absent, and the iris appears pink or red due to color reflection. blood vessels.

Newborns have a blue iris, but it may darken over the next few years. What explains this and what determines the color of the child's eyes? Melanin in the body at the time of birth in the fetus is not produced, since until that time protection from ultraviolet rays, which is performed with a dark pigment. Its main purpose is to prevent radiation damage body tissues. After childbirth, the production of melanin by specialized cells (melanocytes) begins. Therefore, the true color of a child's eyes can be determined not earlier than at the age of three, although changes sometimes occur up to 10-12 years. In adults, the color of the iris may also change under the influence of drugs or due to poor health. For example, a yellowish color appears due to the accumulation of lipofuscin.

Usually brown eyes are considered dominant, and blue eyes are considered recessive. But modern science proved that everything is not so simple. The darker the color, the more dominant it is: brown over blue. But not always the child will be brown-eyed if the iris of mom and dad is brown. It may differ in children. It is usually caused by faulty development of pigment transport, local trauma or in the womb or shortly after birth, and a genetic disorder.

The human eye has the shape of a ball, due to the somewhat convex front. The eyeball is located inside, which is lined with a depreciation fat layer. Anatomically, the eye is an internal gelatinous nucleus surrounded by three membranes. Its outer shell - - is the most dense, the front transparent part of it is called the sclera. The middle (vascular) membrane includes the actual, ciliary body and. The iris looks like a flat ring and delimits the anterior and posterior. There is a hole in its center. It is the iris that determines the color of a person's eyes. The inner shell of the eyeball is called, here are light and color-perceiving elements.

What determines the color of a person's eyes

The iris is a practically impenetrable structure for light. The content of melanin pigment in it, as well as its distribution, determines the color of a person's eyes - it can be from light blue to dark brown and almost black. It is extremely rare for a congenital pathology - albinism - the iris does not have melanin, and due to translucence in its blood vessels, the eye may have a red color. Albinos suffer because the iris does not protect the eyes from excess light rays. People with blue color eyes have little melanin in the iris, with a dark color - on the contrary, a lot. Eye color is determined by heredity, and the overall pattern and shade are individual.

In newborns, the eye color in most cases is light. The final color is formed during the first two years of life. Among the peoples of the northern regions, light eye color is more common, residents of the south are more likely to have dark eyes, light brown prevails in the middle lane, grey-green color. Such features allow a person to better adapt to life in bright light conditions and a large number rays reflected from the surface of snow and ice.

Eye color and its meaning

Despite the many beliefs and legends regarding the characteristics of people with different color eye, in practice, usually such patterns are not confirmed. For example, neither intellectual ability nor visual acuity depend on eye color.

Aristotle believed that a person with dark green or brown eyes had a choleric temperament, those with blue eyes were phlegmatic, and those with dark gray eyes were melancholic. It is believed that people with dark eyes have strong immunity, are distinguished by endurance, perseverance, but can have an explosive temperament and be overly irritable. People with gray eyes have perseverance in achieving their goals, determination, with blue eyes - they endure adversity more easily, brown-eyed people closed, and with green eyes - they are distinguished by concentration, constancy, determination.

Famous historical fact– that blue eyes are hallmark Aryans - representatives of the true Nordic race. The German theorist G. Müller is the author of the well-known expression: “A healthy German with eyes Brown unthinkable, Germans with brown or black eyes are either hopelessly ill, or not Germans at all. In the east, it is believed that only light-eyed people can “jinx”, while in the middle lane they say this about dark brown and black eyes.

Eyes of different colors

Rarely, one person's eye color can be different. This is called heterochromia. The left and right eyes may have a completely different color (complete heterochromia), or the color of only part of the iris may differ (sectoral heterochromia). This state may be acquired or congenital. This phenomenon has many literary references, and perhaps the most famous character in different eye colors is Bulgakov's Woland.



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