Why is memory lost at a young age. Bad memory what to do - how to improve brain function and increase attention

Memory deterioration threatens not only the elderly: now this problem is closely familiar to people of the most able-bodied age, and students, and even schoolchildren.

Of course, working people’s memory deteriorates much more often: in the modern frantic pace of life, they need to “keep in their heads” so much that even diaries and calendars help, unfortunately, not always - you can also forget to fix the necessary information on time. Why is memory deteriorating, and how to deal with this problem? It is this issue that we will touch on with you today, we will tell the main causes of this problem and what needs to be done if memory deteriorates.

There are different types of memory, but we are talking about neurological or nervous memory: thanks to it, we remember current events and other information. The central nervous system stores not only information that can be expressed in words, but also our emotions and impressions. However, we are usually worried that we cannot always remember phone numbers and dates, names and surnames, and it also happens that we forget to do what is necessary: ​​if memory deteriorates all the time, you can even forget about a business meeting or something else. something very important in life.


First, you should find out why memory is deteriorating, what are the main causes of this disease. Memory impairment can be caused by any factors, including serious diseases. In these cases, the treatment methods are determined by a neurologist, psychiatrist or other specialist. If we are not talking about serious failures or amnesia, full or partial, but about an incomprehensible deterioration of memory that has not failed before, then it is quite possible to cope with this on our own.

For most people, memory deteriorates for the same reasons.

First of all, these are psycho-emotional disorders: stress, anxiety, and then depression - a person is almost always in a state of chronic fatigue, and cannot get out of it. After the age of 40, this is especially dangerous: the memory weakens quickly, it causes anxiety, and everything gets worse.

What to do?

Even if you can’t remember something, it’s better to stay calm: proper rest and positive emotions will help improve the situation. While relaxing, you can solve logic problems and puzzles, read interesting books, but watching endless TV shows and talk shows is unlikely to help get rid of psycho-emotional stress.

Constant haste and the habit of doing everything in a hurry lead to the fact that absent-mindedness and forgetfulness become the norm. When a person is in a hurry, he does not notice what exactly he is doing, and this again becomes a cause for stress: everyone knows the feverish state of “did I turn off the stove”, or “did I close the garage”, because most of the daily activities are performed by us “on automatic." This "machine" must be turned off: learn to do everything consciously, and do not divide things into small and important ones - watch yourself, your every action, and gradually your memory will begin to improve.

An active and healthy lifestyle is an excellent way to restore and preserve memory. Not everyone has time to do fitness or just go to the gym, but everyone can remember the daily routine or walks in the fresh air. Try to walk whenever possible, and forget about alcohol and cigarettes: they impair the ability to absorb information, remember words and images.

Healthy food only

Many experts talk about metabolic disorders, lack of nicotine and folic acid, as well as other B vitamins. This cause of memory impairment is the most common, and it is associated with nutrition. Most working people eat “as they should” - not according to the principle of usefulness, but according to a different principle - so that it is fast, satisfying and tasty.

We will not describe the harm from fast food now - a lot has been said about this, but we will remind you which foods should be present in the diet all the time. Fortunately, there are many such products, and it is possible to ensure normal functioning of brain cells without problems - of course, many bad habits will have to be abandoned. But health is more important, right?

For example, ordinary apples, if eaten regularly, will help get rid of iron deficiency and protect brain cells from free radical attacks: the substances contained in apples help the body produce more neurotransmitters needed to restore memory, and also prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood. It is known that it is with an excess of cholesterol that deposits and plaques form in the vessels - the blood supply to the brain worsens, and memory weakens.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are something without which the normal activity of brain cells is simply impossible. They are in fatty sea fish, and you don’t need to buy expensive fish - ordinary herring will do; in vegetable oils of the first extraction, fresh nuts and seeds, leafy vegetables, germinated wheat. Among leafy vegetables, spinach stands out for its usefulness - it is a pity that this plant is not very popular with us. Eating spinach improves brain function and increases the resistance of its vessels to damage.

Carbohydrates are also needed - not simple, which are rich in white bread and sweets, but complex, from which the brain will receive nutrients - these are cereals, legumes and grains, vegetables and unsweetened fruits, durum wheat pasta and baked potatoes.

Nuts and dried fruits are very useful for brain nutrition.

I would like to note such a product as Jerusalem artichoke - it is rich in antioxidants, carbohydrates and B vitamins. If you grow and cook it correctly, dishes from it will taste very good.

Hemp products are also interesting - for example, oil and hemp porridge. Now the value of this plant, which has undeservedly become a "talk of the town", is gradually being remembered: doctors of the past treated many diseases with cannabis, including epilepsy, migraines, multiple sclerosis, depression and sleep disorders. You can buy hemp oil at a pharmacy or health food store and add it to your meals just like any other oil.

Of the spices, if memory is deteriorating, rosemary and sage should be chosen: the first reduces brain fatigue and improves the ability to memorize, and the second restores the balance of the necessary chemicals in the brain. Aroma oils obtained from these plants will also help.

Of the drinks, the easiest choice to improve memory will be natural green and black tea in reasonable quantities, and ordinary non-carbonated water - mineral, spring, artesian - in general, clean.

Indeed, in the tissues of the brain about 80% of water, and its dehydration leads to an inability to store and reproduce information.

Memory training

Experts noted that people who complain of poor memory almost always have impaired concentration. Any information or event is perceived as if in passing, and it is not easy to change this perception.

So what can be done if memory deteriorates? This is where constant training of memory and attention helps. For example, in the books of the American neuroscientist L. Katz, unusual methods are given that activate these processes: they “force” different parts of the brain to act and create new neural connections.

The simplest exercises: learn to walk around the apartment with your eyes closed, comb your hair and brush your teeth with your left hand (for left-handers - with your right hand), master the Braille reading system, start learning a new language, etc. In general, try to do the most ordinary tasks in unusual ways. This will turn on other segments of the brain, which will lead to a noticeable improvement in memory.

And know the main thing that from any problems and troubles in any situation, we are best protected by a healthy lifestyle and positive thinking. And this, of course, is always worth remembering!


I am 30 years old. At the moment, I think that I have memory problems: I forget words, phrases, events, assignments, faces, etc. I forget what I thought about 5 minutes ago, with difficulty I restore the events of yesterday. There is a slight fog in my head, a feeling of lack of sleep, although I sleep for 7-8 hours, I spend a lot of time outside the city, I eat normally, I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, I don’t take medicine. Please tell me. what examinations can and should be done in my case, what tests to pass, which doctor (specialization?) should I contact? What courses of procedures do? What could possibly be the reason? I don't want to just take medicine, I want to find the cause. Thank you.

Hello! There can be several reasons for memory loss. Firstly, these are brain injuries, both direct bruises and hemorrhages, which inevitably lead to memory problems. A long-term depression can also be the cause, especially if it is accompanied by sleep disturbance. One of the reasons that is especially relevant in our modern world is the passion for diets that lead to an imbalance in income. useful substances into the body and, first of all, carbohydrates, the lack of which leads to a deterioration in memory processes. And if this is the reason, then it is enough to normalize the diet, exercise and rest. The reasons for memory impairment can also be purely psychological. Perhaps your thoughts are constantly thinking about some very important issues, and it becomes very difficult to concentrate on something else, which leads to absent-mindedness. To determine the presence of cognitive dysfunction, the initial level is taken into account. Both the patient and relatives are interviewed. Cases of dementia in the family, alcohol use, episodes of depression, and medications are important. A neurologist during examination can detect the underlying disease with corresponding neurological symptoms. An analysis of the mental state is carried out according to various tests approximately and in depth by a psychiatrist. Mindfulness, reproduction, memory, mood, execution of instructions, imagery of thinking, writing, counting, reading are studied. For a patient with an acquired cognitive deficit, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory examination: blood test, lipidogram, determination of thyroid-stimulating hormone, B 12, blood electrolytes, liver tests, creatinine, nitrogen, urea, blood sugar. For neuroimaging of brain lesions, computed and magnetic resonance imaging, dopplerography of the main vessels, and electroencephalography are used.

Consultation of a neurologist on the topic "Problems with memory" is given for reference purposes only. Based on the results of the consultation, please consult a doctor, including to identify possible contraindications.

About consultant


Neurologist, candidate of medical sciences, medical experience: more than 17 years.
Author of more than 50 publications and scientific papers, an active participant in conferences, seminars and congresses of Russian neurologists.

Area of ​​professional interests:
-diagnosis, treatment and prevention of neurological diseases (vegetative-vascular dystonia, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, consequences of strokes, arterial and venous disorders, memory and attention disorders, neurotic disorders and asthenic conditions, panic attacks, osteochondrosis, vertebrogenic radiculopathy, chronic pain syndrome).
- Patients with complaints of migraine, headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, numbness and weakness of the limbs, disorders of the autonomic nervous system, depression and anxiety, panic attacks, acute and chronic back pain and herniated discs.
- Functional diagnostics of the nervous system: electroencephalogram (EEG), ultrasound dopplerography of the carotid and vertebral arteries (USDG), transcranial dopplerography (TCD), rheoencephalography (REG), echo-encephalography (ECHO-EG).
- Anti-stress back mesotherapy.
- Shock wave therapy.
- Hirudotherapy.
- Mistletoetherapy.

Memory impairment: what are the causes and symptoms? What does it mean to have memory problems? Each of us forgets something from time to time: we often get nervous if we can’t remember where we left the keys, when we forget to wish a friend a happy birthday, when we absent-mindedly confuse the time and miss the train, or forget which day we agreed to meet with a friend. What happens in our brain when we forget something? What are the causes of memory problems? Why is memory declining?

Do you find it difficult to remember things often? When do memory problems become serious, and is it worth worrying about this reason? In this article, you will learn all about memory problems.

Do you think you might have memory problems? We invite you to take a short test to find out. You will have to choose a "Yes" or "No" answer to each of 14 simple questions about symptoms associated with memory problems.

1. Do you feel that your memory has deteriorated?

2. Do you have to reread the text several times to understand it?

3. Do you often lose personal items such as keys, money, glasses, etc.?

4. Do you find it difficult to find the right words during a conversation?

5. Do you often forget everyday things, like what did you eat for lunch yesterday?

6. Your work has not changed, but you notice that in Lately facing more difficulties?

7. Do you forget about your plans in the short term? For example, you know that you had an appointment with a doctor, but you don't remember the exact date?

8. Did you find it difficult to use an object or device that didn't cause you any problems before?

9. Have you noticed difficulties while performing tasks that require concentration and attention?

10. Have your loved ones noticed that your memory has deteriorated lately?

11. Do you feel more disoriented than usual, even in places where you often go?

12. Doubt whether or not you have done a certain action?

13. Do you feel like you're confusing words, and it's getting harder for you to remember movie titles, famous people, etc.?

14. Do you have difficulty remembering all the people in your immediate environment?

If you answered all questions and your answer was yes to 7 or more of them, then you may have memory problems. However, under no circumstances should the results of this test be interpreted as a diagnosis.

Test your brain's core abilities with the innovative CogniFit

What does it mean to have memory problems?

Memory can be defined as the ability to store and, if necessary, access a store of information. Our memory is a collection of systems that allow us to acquire, store and access information. Memory problems are the first thing that people with cognitive impairment or acquired brain damage complain about, as well as the main cause for concern on the part of their loved ones.

Memory problems are one of the most common reasons for neuropsychological consultations. This is not only about the elderly, as memory failures can occur at any age.

However, from time to time we all have trouble remembering a particular name or word, lose keys or forget about important meetings.

On a daily basis, many of us exhibit forgetfulness and absent-mindedness. But not all memory failures are symptoms. cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's disease or other type of dementia. These pathologies usually manifest as progressive memory problems that are of high frequency and severity. If memory loss is discovered by relatives or friends and begins to negatively affect a person's daily activities (work, social relationships, etc.), he is advised to perform professional neuropsychological testing and seek advice from a qualified specialist in the treatment of dementia and memory problems.

Memory problems affect people of all ages, not just those over 50. According to neuropsychologist Álvaro Bilbao, memory problems are increasingly observed in young people and even children, which, in turn, can cause them problems with concentration and maintaining attention. However, memory problems are one of the most common complaints among older people.

"Remembrance is the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled." (J. Paul; Fr. Richter)

Causes of memory loss

What are the causes of deterioration or decline in memory? There are memory problems of various types, whether it be problems that prevent access to memories of the past (“What did I eat yesterday?” – retrograde amnesia), or difficulty remembering new events, such as what we have planned to do next week ( anterograde amnesia). At the same time, memory problems can occur as a result of any acquired brain damage. Regardless of what causes memory problems, or what type of problems they are talking about, a person who suffers from this may experience obvious anxiety, noticing malfunctions in their memory.

Anyway, memory problems are often reversible and treatable. In these cases, memory problems occur for reasons that can be controlled in some way. However, in any case, it is recommended to see a doctor to find the best solution or to avoid future cognitive decline.

Carlos Regazzoni, a neurologist, states that some of the possible causes that can lead to memory problems are due to “high blood pressure, fluctuations in blood sugar levels, and also, in most cases, stress from overwork at work". It is for this reason that every time more and more young people complain of memory problems, and this is not always associated with the terrible diagnosis of dementia. In order to access memories, it is important to keep information in memory, and for this we need to use our attention. Often memory failures are explained by the fact that we do not pay due attention to something, or even by the fact that our brain sometimes distorts reality.

Our memory can show malfunctions for a variety of reasons. Among the main reasons that can provoke memory problems, distinguish the following:

  • stress and fatigue;
  • side effects of any medicines, as well as the effect of therapy in the treatment of certain diseases, for example, in the treatment of oncology;
  • Periods of change in our lives, excessive pressure at work;
  • Smoking, regular alcohol consumption or other drugs that harm the brain and negatively affect the amount and quality of memory. Read more about the effect of alcohol on the brain;
  • Depression or other psychiatric disorders (eg, schizophrenia or bipolar disorder);


  • infections, tumors or brain injuries;
  • Lack of sleep: When we sleep, areas of the brain that are involved in memory processes are activated. Therefore, in case of sleep deficiency, these areas will be weakened. It is recommended to sleep an average of 8 hours a day;
  • (eg, multiple sclerosis, Huntington's chorea, Parkinson's disease, etc.);
  • Moments when we are very tense and nervous or experiencing too strong emotions;
  • Vitamin deficiency and unbalanced diet: vitamin B12 deficiency can cause memory problems. Therefore, experts recommend including foods rich in this vitamin in the diet. And in cases of pregnant women or people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, vitamin supplements should also be taken. Even a high-calorie diet (such as when people constantly eat at restaurants and fast food cafes) can cause memory problems.

Memory is our asset, which we must take care of every minute. We can eliminate from our daily lives all the factors that can harm our health, such as poor diet, smoking, excessive drinking, drugs, sedentary lifestyle or lack of activity and training for the brain.

When should you worry about memory problems?

If you feel that memory problems are constantly making themselves felt, then the best solution is to seek the advice of a specialist. Thus, you can determine whether these symptoms are caused by a temporary factor that can be eliminated, or if they are associated with the normal aging process, or, conversely, due to some type of cognitive impairment or dementia, and appropriate treatment should be initiated.

It is recommended under all circumstances to keep positive attitude and be aware of how important is training for memory. If the main cause of our memory problems is stress at work and the hustle and bustle of everyday life, then you should be less nervous and worried about this, instead try to take the time to train your memory through various strategies. You can perform activities such as reading, studying, solving intelligence problems, etc.

Memory problems: what can I do to improve my memory?

Don't get too hung up on minor memory glitches. Memory has a limited capacity, and in order to continue forming new memories, we must get rid of memories that are no longer valuable. We tend to remember people, events, and places, but we tend to forget details. Thus, we forget things quite often because our brain needs it.

We remember 5% of what we hear, 15% of what we see and 90% of what we do. What does it mean? A good way to remember something is to store information at key points so that it is easier to find it in memory storage. What can we do to improve memory?

  • Give yourself instructions aloud: we can significantly reduce memory lapses if we give ourselves instructions aloud. For example: "I have to take my car keys when I leave the house", "I have to send an email to a colleague".
  • Visualize yourself in the future: mentally visualize doing an action so you don't forget your plans, this can help reduce forgetfulness and memory failures.
  • Use CogniFit, the leading assessment and cognitive stimulation program: CogniFit is a non-drug treatment most commonly used to treat memory problems, mild cognitive impairment and early dementia. CogniFit technology (“CogniFit”) is standardized and validated by the scientific community. It is built on the basis of the plasticity of our brain. You only need to register! A series of exercises from CogniFit (“CogniFit”) allows you to assess and accurately measure the strengths and weaknesses of the cognitive sides of any person.
  • Exercise regularly: exercise helps to solve minor memory problems, as it enriches the brain with oxygen and rejuvenates cells. Find out here.
  • Keep track of your nutrition: A diet consisting of fruits, vegetables and grains can help reduce memory problems. The antioxidants these foods are rich in can help protect your neurons. Discover .
  • Rest properly A: Adequate rest is essential for optimal memory performance.
  • Plan your activities and make lists: Some people find that they remember things better when they plan and make lists of all the important things in order to prioritize them.
  • Other recommendations: if you want to learn how to remember better and minimize memory problems, we recommend that you also read this article about.

To strengthen memory you will need patience, motivation, effort and constant exercise. As soon as you notice your first gains and see that your memory problems are gradually disappearing, your mood and general well-being will improve, and, consequently, you will forget much less. "We are what we remember, and we remember what we are."

neuroplasticity and memory problems

If the cause of our memory problems is reversible and specific, there is no cause for concern. However, if an early-stage dementia or cognitive impairment has been identified through evaluation and diagnosis by a trained professional, treatment should be started immediately to slow the effects of the disease and trust that all is not lost. Through neuroscience and neuropsychology, the concept of brain neuroplasticity has been discovered.

In general terms, according to recent research, we can say that neural plasticity (or neuroplasticity) is “the ability of the nervous system to change its structure and functioning throughout its life, responding to the diversity and changes of the environment».

This ability of the brain allows you to slow down the progression of the disease and save for a longer period.

We are used to the fact that memory is a reliable support in our daily life. Memory allows you to sort and store a lot of useful information, without it the learning process would be impossible, it tells us the facts we need in time. Unfortunately, everyone knows that memory deteriorates with age. Therefore, for many it becomes a complete surprise when memory problems arise at a fairly young or mature age, when a person’s social activity is still very high. In most cases, memory impairment is not due to a severe primary brain disease, but is most likely the result of other somatic diseases, work overload, and often repetitive stressful situations. And therefore, if the causes that led to the violation of memory are eliminated in time, it can be completely restored.

What are the causes of memory impairment in young and mature age?


Although it is impossible to avoid stressful situations in everyday life, how a person copes with them, how strong the stress is and how long a person stays in such a situation is extremely important. It is known that prolonged exposure to stress psychologically and physically depletes a person and, accordingly, negatively affects memory. In such a situation, the correct organization of work and rest, good sleep, and in some cases psychological assistance can easily eliminate this problem.

However, such stresses as catatrophs, traumas, can lead to more severe memory disorders, in particular, to its complete loss (various types of amnesia), requiring specialized assistance.

Sleep disorders

It has already been proven that sleep is a necessary part of human life, since it is in sleep that the brain works to sort and memorize the information received during the day. On average, a good rest requires at least 6 hours of sleep daily. Chronic lack of sleep due to the performance of large amounts of work or insomnia leads to increased absent-mindedness, irritability, and, in particular, memory impairment. Normalization of the sleep regime contributes not only to a more complete rest, normalization of memory, but also helps to overcome stressful situations more easily.

Depressive disorders

Sometimes depression, especially after the loss of a loved one, can mimic memory impairment. There is forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, inattention, self-organization worsens. Usually, all these symptoms disappear when depression is eliminated.


Alcohol abuse not only impairs memory, but in some cases contributes to the development of dementia. Initially, memory impairment manifests itself in the form of separate episodes of forgetfulness or inability to remember events that occur during the use of alcoholic beverages. As a result, memory impairment becomes more severe and is accompanied by a decrease in intelligence.

Associated somatic diseases

First of all, this concerns thyroid diseases, diabetes mellitus, as well as violations of the functioning of the main organs and systems (renal, liver, respiratory, heart failure). Some infectious diseases (for example, meningitis, encephalitis, etc.) are also manifested by impaired mental functions, including memory loss. In addition, loss or incomplete recovery of memory can be observed not only during the manifestation of the disease, but also during a certain period of "recovery" (for example, after a stroke).

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 is essential for the proper functioning of the brain. Therefore, its long-term deficiency leads to damage to brain cells and, accordingly, their functions.


Taking drugs from the groups of sleeping pills, painkillers, antihistamines (first generations), antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs can have a negative effect on memory. In this case, people with impaired liver or kidney function should be especially careful, since in these cases the excretion of these drugs from the body slows down, and their concentration in the blood and brain tissues increases. Usually, the withdrawal of the drug leads to the normalization of memory.

Treatment of memory disorders
It is possible to protect brain neurons from harmful effects and improve their functioning with the help of a new generation drug - NOOPEPT. Its feature is a unique peptide nature, supplying brain cells with amino acids that play an important role in memory mechanisms. NOOPEPT promotes memory recovery by acting on all phases: the initial processing of information, its generalization and extraction. The drug increases concentration and facilitates learning processes. NOOPEPT also helps to reduce anxiety, irritability and improves sleep.

Something happened to my memory...(c)

In this article, we will consider the most popular causes of memory loss, excluding which you can achieve a noticeable result in its improvement. Read the article about what memory is and what types of human memory are known in psychology.

Of course, many of us look with admiration at people with a phenomenal memory and secretly, or maybe openly, envy them. Most people think that a good memory is a sign of a great mind and intellect. But it is not so. Therefore, I want to encourage those whose memory is not phenomenal and forgetfulness is a habit. Many prominent personalities suffered from absent-mindedness.

Forgetfulness is not always the result bad memory. Often this is a simple inattention or a strong passion for something. So strong that everything else just flies out of my head. In addition, our brain receives great amount information and simply throws out everything unnecessary and unimportant in order to make room for more significant. So, if you forgot to turn off the light in the restroom a couple of times, do not worry and sound the alarm. Most likely at these moments you were just thinking about something else. Another thing is when you notice signs of memory deterioration constantly, and this interferes with a full life. In this case, it is necessary to understand why the memory began to deteriorate, and take the necessary measures.

Causes of memory impairment

Memory problems occur in completely different people. Of course, the main risk group is people over the age of 50, however, according to some reports, memory complaints from young people have begun to appear more and more recently. The reasons may be different. From overwork to serious health problems. Therefore, if you notice persistent memory lapses, you should contact a specialist and identify the causes.

So, some of the most likely causes of memory impairment:

Stress, depression, anxiety. In an overexcited or, on the contrary, too melancholy state, a person cannot focus on anything other than those irritants that drive him into this position. Forgetting something important in this case is easy.

Sleep deprivation, chronic fatigue. Mode, mode and more mode! In I mentioned how important sleep is for remembering information for a long time. Well, chronic fatigue corny reduces concentration and attention.

Bad habits(alcohol abuse, smoking). Everyone knows about it. Tobacco and alcohol reduce the level of attention, perception and memory.

vitamin deficiency. During periods of beriberi, the body is weakened, which can adversely affect memory. Fruits, vegetables or simple ascorbic acid with vitamin C will recharge the body.

Information overload. Today this is a very urgent problem. We are literally "bombed" with information shells. The Internet, TV, radio and other media strive to stuff us with their news and "sensations". Reducing or at least filtering the incoming megabytes to the brain will help reduce the load and your bright head will not be clogged with unnecessary garbage.

Lack of oxygen. Fresh air and walking are generally good for the brain and the body as a whole. If you live in a metropolis, it would be nice to at least occasionally find time to go out into the countryside.

In most cases, in order to improve your memory and restore its former strength, it is enough to simply eliminate the above reasons for its deterioration. However, if you want more, you can use simple memory exercises.

Read about how you can in the next article.



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