Folic acid to get pregnant. folic acid for conception

When planning a pregnancy, folic acid (follacin) is very important. It contributes to the conception and bearing of a full-fledged baby without diseases and abnormalities. If during the conception of a baby, the future father and mother in the body will have an insufficient amount of this important vitamin, then this can lead to serious problems. Therefore, taking folic acid during pregnancy and in the early stages is a kind of foundation for the health of the child. If you have any questions, it is better to contact the experts.

How to take folic acid when planning a pregnancy

This vitamin helps prepare the body for pregnancy and conception. It is recommended not only for women to take it. What does folic acid do?

  • Normalizes hematopoiesis;
  • Activates the absorption of protein;
  • Improves appetite;
  • Plays an important role in the formation of RNA and DNA, directly involved in the transmission of heredity;
  • Helps the absorption of amino acids;
  • Improves immunity;
  • Does not allow atherosclerosis to develop;
  • Improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Gives protection from poisoning;
  • Promotes the absorption of other minerals and vitamins necessary for the onset of pregnancy and its bearing.

Taking folic acid before conception is very important for women, because when there is no “reserve” of this element in the body, difficulties can arise during pregnancy:

  • Placental abruption (absolute or partial);
  • Miscarriage;
  • Fading pregnancy;
  • Birth of a child with defects;
  • Decreased appetite in a pregnant mother, and this leads to the fact that the child will experience a lack of nutrients;
  • The occurrence of anemia;
  • Increased fatigue, and for a child in the womb, this is detrimental.

Folic acid intake is also important for men, because folic acid promotes conception, and if it is scarce, it may not take place. So, the effect of acid on the male body:

  • Improves sperm motility;
  • Increases the likelihood of conceiving a full-fledged child;
  • Reduces the number of spermatozoa with abnormalities in the chromosomal set (further this may result in developmental abnormalities in the fetus).

Some couples cannot conceive a baby for years, and then, turning to specialists and passing tests, they find out that one of the partners in the body, and sometimes both, does not have enough folic acid to become pregnant. This cause causes up to 80% of developmental abnormalities in newborns.

To protect yourself and your unborn child from serious troubles, you need to start taking follacin in advance, before pregnancy. This should be done not only with the help of drugs, but also with the help of products containing vitamin B9.

If future parents eat right, take care of their health and do not have chronic diseases, they may not be prescribed this element in the composition of medicines, but it is necessary to consume foods high in follacin.

Foods rich in folic acid:

  • Chicken eggs;
  • Potato;
  • Greens: parsley, lettuce, dill;
  • Watermelons;
  • Rice groats;
  • Kefir, cream, cottage cheese;
  • Beet;
  • Carrot;
  • Powdered milk;
  • Horse mackerel;
  • Cream;
  • Beef liver and cod liver;
  • Spinach;
  • Rye flour;
  • Meat;
  • Walnuts and almonds.

Folic acid can lose its beneficial properties during processing at high temperatures, and in order to preserve them, foods are best steamed or eaten fresh.

Preparationswith vitamins B9

The absence of deficiency in future parents of folic acid is a fundamental factor in the health of the baby. That is why partners are often prescribed drugs containing it:

  • Folic acid tablets for conception. How to use? Experts recommend taking one tablet per day. In addition to the fact that this drug is convenient to take, it is also inexpensive;
  • Tablets "Apo-folic", "Folacin". These preparations also contain *folic acid. When planning pregnancy, the dosage for a woman will be 800 mcg. These drugs are not preventive, but therapeutic, so it is still not recommended to use them arbitrarily, it is better to consult;
  • Tablets "Folio" - a drug that has earned confidence due to its quality. Women need to take 2 tablets a day, men - 1. In addition, this remedy contains iodine, which is so necessary for the health of the child;
  • Multivitamin complexes. As a rule, they also contain folic acid, which is necessary during pregnancy. Instructions for use for them are different, so it is impossible to say exactly how many tablets you need to take per day. The dose for prevention is 400-1000mcg.
    A lot of drugs can just make you dizzy. You should not make a choice on your own, consult with specialists, the attending physician knows exactly which drug to prescribe in a particular case.

If future parents have questions about taking the drug, this instruction will help to resolve them and avoid mistakes.

  • How to use? If a future mother or father is found to have a severe deficiency of follacin, they will be prescribed appropriate drugs. If such problems are not detected, the doctor may simply prescribe general vitamin complexes and good nutrition;
  • Correct dosage. For a woman, the daily intake of folic acid during pregnancy is 800 micrograms, for a man - 400 micrograms. This is due to the fact that a woman gives a lot of this substance to a child to form his nervous system. But these are just approximate numbers. In some cases, with a severe lack of a vitamin, the dose may increase;
  • When to start taking? The subtlety lies in the fact that follacin does not accumulate in the body, its excess, if it appears, is immediately excreted. For successful conception, it is recommended to start taking the drug at least three months before conception;
  • What can affect the body's absorption of folic acid? Often, even when the intake of this vitamin is prescribed on time, its deficiency is still observed. This may be due to the fact that the vitamin enters the body and is immediately excreted from it, i.e. not absorbed. Assimilation is greatly hindered by smoking, drinking alcohol, hormonal drugs, antibiotics, as well as the state of human depression. That is why doctors insist on giving up all kinds of bad habits, at least temporarily.
  • Is there a risk of folic acid overdose? The risk of getting an overdose of follacin tends to zero, because the body actively removes it. But you should not use it in unlimited quantities, it will bring benefits if you use it correctly, according to the instructions.

Now you know why during pregnancy planning, and even after its onset, both men and women need vitamin B9 so much. In addition to the fact that this vitamin helps to get pregnant, it also ensures the health of the unborn baby, protecting it from pathologies and premature birth. That is why you should not neglect the intake of vitamins containing folic acid, especially since it is not at all difficult.

Video. folic acid during pregnancy

  • Unfortunately, many couples are faced with the problem of conceiving a child - it is more difficult for modern women to get pregnant and bear a healthy child due to unfavorable ecology, a sedentary lifestyle and malnutrition. Modern medicine is actively working on this problem, developing new tools and methods to help couples, but there are also time-tested tools. Does folic acid help in conception and how should it be taken? Let's figure it out together.

    The role of acid for conception

    The joint appointment of vitamins B9 and E is aimed at stimulating the production of sperm and increasing its quantity, thereby increasing the likelihood of conception. Almost all vitamin complexes for the treatment and prevention of infertility contain a large amount of vitamin B9.

    According to the instructions, for successful conception during pregnancy planning, you should take about 700-1000 micrograms of vitamin per day. it is not always possible to provide such an amount, so doctors often prescribe folacin tablets.

    Vitamins for women planning pregnancy

    Based on the study of the nature of nutrition and changes in the body of women when taking the vitamin, scientists have found that the onset of ovulation depends on the amount of acid entering the body. At the time of taking multivitamins or B9 alone in women who have problems with ovulation, it occurred more often. In this case, planning treatment can actually help you get pregnant. To increase the likelihood of conception and prevent possible problems with the development of the nervous system of the fetus, women who have problems with the onset of pregnancy are prescribed a drug in tablet form for two months.

    Of great importance is the dosage and duration of administration - only a doctor can correctly set the dose after studying the anamnesis and the nature of the diet of the woman and her partner. Exceeding the recommended dosage when planning pregnancy leads to hypervitaminosis, which entails difficulties with conception.

    Vitamin B9 is able to produce many beneficial effects in the female body. It affects the processes of growth and maturation in adolescence, stimulates ovulation, and prevents possible malformations in the fetus. The ability to stimulate red blood cells allows the use of folacin for the treatment of anemia, which can also prevent pregnancy. Strengthening brain activity, efficiency and general vitality helps women feel more confident and raises the emotional background, which is important with frequent unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child.

    The combination of vitamins

    Together with folic acid for conception, it is recommended to take vitamin E (tocopherol). Studies have confirmed that it is able to regulate the process of sperm production in men, and in women it supports the function of the uterus.

    Toko ferol affects conception due to some of its functions:

    • Participates in the hormonal regulation of the function of the genital organs.
    • Controls the regularity of menstruation.
    • Accelerates the maturation of the egg.
    • Stimulates the blood supply to the female reproductive organs - the uterus and ovaries.

    Only a sufficient amount of tocopherol is able to control the level of hormones that control the maturation and release of eggs. Its deficiency provokes frequent miscarriages and affects the contractility of the uterine muscles. With an insufficient amount of vitamin E taken, the regularity of menstruation suffers, as well as the condition of each egg. In men, tocopherol is responsible for the activity of the spermatogenic epithelium, supports its recovery and the vital activity of spermatozoa.

    Vitamin E and folic acid before conception can indeed improve the chances of pregnancy, but only if the problems are minor and do not lie in more serious reasons, such as genetics. There are a lot of reviews about whether they helped to get pregnant. But it is very difficult to objectively judge the positive effect of these funds. Most women respond well to taking a vitamin preparation, referring to an improvement in well-being, however, folic acid tablets are not a universal cure for infertility, as they do not treat existing chronic diseases. When taking folic acid to get pregnant, you need to understand that it does not significantly increase the chances of conception, but only supports the body.

    Recent studies support the claim that folic acid helps with pregnancy. Women who take daily multivitamins containing this element are more likely to become pregnant.

    Research results of specialists

    Folic acid has long been known for its unique properties. One of them is the prevention of deviations in the development of the fetus. But scientists were also able to establish the fact that taking folic acid when planning a pregnancy contributes to the conception of a child.

    The study, which included more than 18,000 women, found that all multivitamins—and folic acid in particular—clearly improved women's fertility (their fertility). Those girls who took vitamins regularly had a 40% lower risk of encountering the problem of "non-maturing of the egg" - a common cause of female infertility.

    During pregnancy planning, it is necessary to create in advance the most favorable conditions inside the body for the development of the fetus. And folic acid helps a woman in this no less than a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

    Why is this vitamin so important?

    At the beginning of pregnancy, the development of the embryo always begins with one cell, however, gradually this number increases to one hundred billion. And vitamin B9 is very important for the growth and normal development of constantly replacing cells of various tissues and organs in the body.

    The importance of vitamin B9 for hematopoiesis is especially noticeable. Folic acid is also important for the normal functioning of the nervous and immune systems. For example, already at 2-3 weeks the embryo develops a structure - it is on its basis that the CNS of the unborn child will be formed. And for its successful development, you will need the same vitamin B9.

    When should you start taking?

    Since many women do not suspect the onset of pregnancy during the first 2-3 weeks, vitamin B9 intake should be started in advance. That is, it is necessary to take folic acid when planning a pregnancy. In this case, the future fetus will be fully provided with vitamin B9, which is vital for him, from the very first days.

    And it is advisable to start taking this vitamin immediately after the end of the use of oral contraceptives.

    What should be the dosage?

    In accordance with WHO recommendations, the average daily intake of vitamin B9 for adolescents and adults is about 400 micrograms. When a woman plans to become pregnant, the need for this vitamin increases by almost 50% and is about 600 micrograms.

    It is important to remember that folic acid cannot be produced by the body on its own, so it is necessary to systematically replenish its reserves through a varied diet.

    Foods Containing Vitamin B9

    If you want to get pregnant as soon as possible, you should provide yourself with the right diet. And since this requires consuming as much vitamin B9 as possible, pay attention to the following foods:

    • beef liver;
    • green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts;
    • egg yolk;
    • legumes;
    • asparagus;
    • various whole grains.
    • Fruits - especially oranges, mangoes and bananas.

    In the list of even the most common culinary recipes, there are a lot of dishes that contain folic acid.


    When cooking, it should be remembered that vitamin B9 is very sensitive to heat treatment, so it is important to pay attention to certain points:

    1. Prepare dishes exclusively from fresh products, because with long-term storage, the amount of vitamins in them decreases.
    2. Folic acid dissolves quite easily and quickly in water, and is also sensitive to high temperatures. Therefore, do not keep food in water for too long, and do not cook it on high heat.
    3. In order for your body to receive more of the vitamins contained in vegetables, it is best to eat foods without any heat treatment.

    Folic acid is really important for conception. And, in order to get its daily norm, it is also recommended to take it as part of individual vitamin supplements and complexes.

    Many girls during the planning period are advised by doctors to take certain vitamins, especially folic acid. Let's consider whether folic acid helps to get pregnant and reviews of mothers who took it.

    Vitamin B9: features and functions

    To understand whether folic acid helps to get pregnant, it is enough to study its features, effects on the body and the processes taking place in it. It is a B-group vitamin - B9. It is necessary for the development of the circulatory and immune systems. Found mainly in plant leaves, some vegetables, nuts and fruits. The amount of vitamin in them can vary significantly.

    Foods with vitamin content

    For example, 100 g of product contains:

    • Beans: 300 micrograms of acid;
    • Brussels sprouts, walnuts: 130-150 mcg;
    • melon, broccoli, hazelnuts: 100-110 mcg;
    • strawberries: 60 mcg;
    • grapes, oranges: 30-40 mcg.

    • improves the absorption of proteins by the body;
    • promotes the absorption of sugars and amino acids;
    • promotes cell division;
    • ensures normal hematopoiesis (promotes the formation of leukocytes, platelets, erythrocytes);
    • participates in the formation of DNA and RNA, which carry information of a hereditary nature;
    • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
    • improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
    • reduces the possibility of food poisoning, improves appetite.

    Understanding whether it is possible to get pregnant from folic acid, the answer is clear. It has nothing to do with fertility. That is, with problems with conception, she will not be able to help in the problem of infertility or the absence of ovulation. They prescribe it to strengthen the body and prepare it for such a complex process of gestation, when the mother's energy reserves are spent on the development of the baby.

    Can Folic Acid Help You Get Pregnant?

    Some believe that folic acid helps to get pregnant and that is why it is prescribed to almost all girls who want to conceive a baby. But by contacting a doctor with a question, you can get a comprehensive answer.

    The vitamin is prescribed to strengthen the immune system and improve the overall health of the body so that the unborn baby does not get birth defects due to the adverse effects of the environment, the lifestyle of parents and similar problems.

    Folic acid when planning pregnancy

    Vitamin B9 prevents the development of anemia, which was discovered almost a hundred years ago. After some studies, it has been confirmed that the risk of fetal neural tube diseases is reduced by 70% when taking folic acid. And due to the lack of development of certain dangerous diseases that are not compatible with the vital activity of the embryos, the vitamin helped to significantly reduce the number of miscarriages.

    Complications in the absence of folic acid in a pregnant woman

    For the proper course of pregnancy and fetal development, a girl should receive all types of vitamins in normal amounts, incl. and folic acid. Whether it is possible to become pregnant with its deficiency is not a question. Of course, this is a fairly common occurrence. But with a lack of this vitamin, the risk of some dangerous conditions increases significantly:

    • miscarriage at short terms of development;
    • frozen pregnancy;
    • placental abruption;
    • the formation of congenital malformations in the fetus.

    It is the increased risk of defects in the fetus that requires the intake of folic acid in order to become pregnant, endure and give birth to a healthy baby. Some of the most common problems in newborns include:

    • neural tube defect;
    • anencephaly;
    • hypotrophy;
    • developmental delay (mental and physical).

    Of course, it does not mean at all that with a lack and absence of folic acid in the diet, you can get pregnant and get a lot of problems. Everything is very individual. Just with a small amount of vitamin in the body, the risk of these defects increases.

    When considering how to take folic acid to get pregnant, it is worth remembering the individuality of each organism. The level of immunity, the normal development of processes, the production of blood cells, and the characteristics of digestion are very different for each girl. Therefore, the development of the fetus and the possibility of problems are also individual. As far as we remember, even with a lack of vitamin, it is possible to give birth to a completely healthy baby. If there is a desire to minimize the risk of the above defects, then they take acid. Experts have confirmed that when taking pills, there are no developmental problems in the fetus.

    Dosage of vitamin

    It is best to ask your doctor how to take folic acid to get pregnant and have a healthy baby. He will prescribe an individual dose. If the girl decides to take the pills on her own, you should read the instructions and choose the optimal scheme. Usually, the norm is considered to be 0.4 mg per day. Often, a doctor can increase this standard, almost twice, after a successful conception.

    When asked how to drink folic acid to get pregnant, doctors answer that the recommended intake is 0.4 mg tablets per day.

    It is worth remembering that excessive intake does not give a positive result. In particular, taking more than 0.8 mg per day is not recommended. But the assimilation of the vitamin does not occur at 100%, and therefore it will not work too much.

    How much folic acid to drink to get pregnant with a healthy baby depends on the instructions of the doctor. But this vitamin is not accumulated. If you stop taking it, then its content in the body will decrease.

    It is recommended to start drinking it 3 months before the expected time of conception. But couples do not always manage to get pregnant in a short time. In this case, the girls continue to drink pills until conception and after. But if fertilization is delayed, the dose is usually reduced. The main thing is to ensure sufficient vitamin content.

    If there is no desire to drink pills for so long, it is quite possible to do without them. The vitamin can be obtained from foods and vegetables that contain it. The effectiveness of the acid is difficult to confirm, because it is simply impossible to find out if the newborn could have defects if the mother had not received the vitamin. But it is known that folic acid helps to get pregnant (reviews of the girls confirm) and reproduce healthy babies on time.

    Doctors prescribe folic acid to get pregnant with a healthy baby, especially for women, but men are often advised to take it as well. This is explained quite simply. The lack of vitamin in the male body affects the mobility, quality and quantity of spermatozoa. Men are prescribed pills, of course, only when such problems are detected. But if you wish, you can drink pills during the planning period.

    Do not forget about the deterioration of the environment, not always a healthy lifestyle, problems with the stomach or intestines, congenital diseases. All this can lead to problems during conception.

    Every mother wants her baby to grow strong and happy. Therefore, it is better to start laying the foundation for his health in advance. A frequent recommendation of doctors during preparation for pregnancy is to take folic acid. This vitamin prepares the female body for bearing and contributes to the proper formation of the fetus.

    Read in this article

    Why do you need folic acid when planning

    It is believed that you need to start taking vitamin B9 three months before the intended conception. This will allow the body to get enough folic acid. It is important that both parents undergo such training at the same time, since their health is equally important for the proper formation of the fetus. A sufficient amount of folic acid in the body at this stage will provide:

    • proper formation of the egg;
    • high mobility and penetrating ability of spermatozoa;
    • reduction in the number of defective male seminal cells.

    In addition, it should be borne in mind that folic acid is a participant in many processes in the human body. It affects:

    • metabolic exchange;
    • absorption of other vitamins and nutrients;
    • maintaining immunity;
    • improvement of appetite;
    • the work of the digestive system;
    • the formation of red blood cells and affect the level of hemoglobin;
    • elasticity of blood vessels;
    • hormonal background;
    • cell division;
    • synthesis of DNA and RNA;
    • psycho-emotional state;
    • decrease in toxicity.

    All these phenomena are especially important at the stage of pregnancy planning. After all, a small organism will have to develop from the resources that the parent cells had at the time of the fusion of their nuclei. And if some kind of failure occurred during this period, it will certainly affect the health of the future crumbs.

    There are studies that confirm that taking folic acid prophylactically before conception helps reduce the risk of:

    • hypoxia;
    • violations of the formation of the neural tube in the fetus (from which the brain and the entire nervous system are then formed);
    • others.

    Folic acid does not directly affect fertility. Therefore, if a man or woman is diagnosed with infertility, it is unlikely that vitamins alone will be able to eliminate this problem. Folic acid will not act as a "catalyst" of conception. Despite all its usefulness, this substance will not stimulate the meeting of germ cells if this process has some physiological obstacle.

    What is the dosage and regimen

    The validity of the use of folic acid in the form of drugs should be determined by the doctor. Depending on whether the intake of vitamin B9 is prophylactic, or the body is experiencing an acute shortage of it, the dosage will be different. Most often, a lack of folic acid is observed when:

    • alcohol abuse, which increases the consumption of useful substances;
    • problems with the digestive system that prevent the intake of valuable components from;
    • long-term use of oral hormonal contraceptives.

    You can understand that the body is suffering from a lack of vitamin B9 by signs:

    • unreasonable irritability;
    • constant fatigue;
    • digestive disorders;
    • poor appetite;
    • memory impairment;
    • depression.

    With prolonged deficiency, more severe symptoms associated with a violation of the formation of red blood cells, as well as other complications, will appear.

    Traditionally, folic acid should be taken with or immediately after meals, once or twice a day. For a healthy man and woman who lead an active lifestyle and eat right, 1-2 mg of the substance in its pure form is enough. This is 1 - 2 tablets. If there are health problems or pregnancy has already begun, the volume can be increased to 4-8 mg per day.

    An indication for increasing the dosage during the planning of the baby will also be the situation when the parents already have a child who was born with a pathology of the brain or spinal cord. In addition, there are defects in enzyme systems, in which there is a reduced absorption of the vitamin from food. These conditions are determined by the genetic passport of a woman.

    The period of folic acid intake is determined by a specialist at an in-person consultation. Usually, men who do not experience signs of vitamin deficiency can complete the intake immediately, as soon as the wife's pregnancy test shows two strips.

    For women, the situation is different. The fact is that vitamin B9 is very necessary during pregnancy, especially in the first three months for the full formation of the nervous tissue in the baby. Therefore, you should not follow the male example and immediately quit drinking after confirmation of conception. However, the dosage needs to be adjusted. Perhaps, for this purpose, the doctor will advise changing the drug, which includes the vitamin, or its form.

    Watch the video about the importance of folic acid when planning a pregnancy:

    Folic acid preparations for men and women

    Today, vitamin B9 can be bought at the pharmacy without a prescription. It is often included in vitamin complexes, and is also available in its pure form. When planning a baby, the doctor may recommend one of the following medicines:

    In addition, it is most popular for the convenience of calculating the required daily dosage.

    • In addition to vitamin B9, contains iodine. This combination has a beneficial effect on the female body, as it reduces the negative impact of environmental conditions. In fact, it is advisable to take such pills for expectant mothers who live in a metropolis or work full-time in an office at a computer, experiencing a lack of clean air.
    • Apo-Folic and Folacin. They contain the active substance in a very high concentration, therefore, they are prescribed only by a doctor to eliminate an acute shortage of folic acid. For preventive purposes, when planning a baby, it is more advisable to take other drugs.
    • Pregnacare, Pregnavit, Elevit pronatal and similar complexes. Folic acid is often included in vitamins for pregnant women and those who are just planning this important event. As a rule, one tablet contains a preventive daily allowance of the necessary substances. However, it may differ from the recommended one, therefore, at the discretion of the doctor, it can be supplemented with other drugs.

    All groups of drugs can be drunk simultaneously by both a woman and a man. However, the composition of vitamin complexes is more suitable for the beautiful half. Due to differences in physiology, such a concentration of vitamins may not be enough for the stronger sex, an increase in dosage will be required.

    What products contain the substance

    Folic acid is not synthesized in the body on its own. Therefore, nature has provided that it can be obtained with food. During pregnancy and during its planning period, it is useful for expectant parents to include provisions rich in this substance in their diet. Their list is quite diverse:

    • asparagus, spinach and other leafy greens;
    • beef and cod liver;
    • walnut and hazelnut kernels;
    • whole grain cereals;
    • white mushrooms (with caution during gestation);
    • homemade cottage cheese and young cheese;
    • Brussels sprouts and other types of sprouts;
    • sea ​​fish;
    • pumpkin, pepper and eggplant;
    • beans;
    • citrus.

    Like most vitamins, folic acid is destroyed during heat treatment. Therefore, the products in which it is included are best consumed fresh. This applies only to greens, vegetables and fruits. Offal, fish and cereals can be steamed or baked, avoiding long frying or stewing.

    Side effects and contraindications

    As a rule, folic acid is well tolerated and does not accumulate in the body. Therefore, you can eat foods that contain it without fear. However, with a significant excess of vitamin B9 dosages in preparations, side effects may occur. They occur infrequently, but cause a lot of problems.

    The following conditions can talk about an overdose of folic acid, if they appeared on the background of taking medications:

    • digestive disorders;
    • nausea and diarrhea;
    • excessive excitability;
    • sleep disorders;
    • convulsive syndrome.

    In addition, with prolonged use of vitamin B9 in acceptable high doses, the following phenomena can be observed:

    • allergies - urticaria or respiratory disorders (even if the drug was well tolerated at the beginning);
    • vitamin B12 deficiency;
    • kidney problems.

    If these symptoms appear, further use of folic acid should be discussed with a doctor. He will understand the reasons that caused unpleasant conditions, and will make adjustments to the reception scheme. In extreme cases, it is better to cancel the supplement altogether.

    A strict ban on the use of vitamin B9 is considered:

    • individual intolerance;
    • problems with the absorption of cyanocolabomin (vitamin B12);
    • genetic disorders associated with iron metabolism.

    It is also worth avoiding the simultaneous intake of folic acid and drugs of such groups:

    • analgesics;
    • hormones;
    • antibiotics;
    • antitumor;
    • anticonvulsants.

    In other cases, the lack of this substance will bring more harm to the body of the child or their parents.

    The onset of pregnancy while taking folic acid by both parents will prevent some of the potentially dangerous pathologies. A useful vitamin will protect the unborn baby from many problems that are associated with the incorrect formation of its structures. However, this substance should not be treated as a panacea. Its reception will not relieve infertility, as well as other diseases of the reproductive sphere, if future parents do not undergo specific therapy.



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