Who smokes from Hollywood stars. Famous smokers: from Vincent van Gogh to Barack Obama (photo shoot)

Stars are people too, stars also smoke. In droves, by the way. AT different time probably all celebrities smoked, quit, started again and quit again - life is nervous, a cigarette saves. Filming, again, constant flights and paparazzi - in general, from such a pace you will not only smoke.

Well, the fact that young talents smoke does not bother anyone.

Miley Cyrus not only smokes everything that can burn, but also does a lot of other things, diligently monitoring the reaction of the public. The Olsen twins smoke in order not to eat, Hayden Panettiere, although she became a mother not so long ago, does not deny herself either tobacco or nightclubs, Keira Knightley considers smoking sexy, Jennifer Lawrence doesn’t give a damn what they think of her, and Kirsten Dunst smokes... well, he just smokes because he can. And, by the way, what Jennifer Lawrence smokes is another question.

Lindsay Lohan, Pink, Mila Kunis - who is surprised by these ladies with a cigarette in their mouths?

By the way, young, old, why such prejudices?

Melanie Griffith, for example, smokes like a steam locomotive. And she is almost sixty! It would seem that it is time to think about health. Katherine Heigl, Kristen Stewart, Billie Piper, Kate Winslet - there are smokers in everyone age groups, there is no doubt. Yes, did you know that the sexy Jessica Alba is a smoker with 20 years of experience? And that the gentle and lovely Nina Dobrev, a former athlete, in real life does not release a cigarette from a mouth?

Yes, we smoke with the whole family!

In the former happy family of Depp-Paradis, everyone smokes: dad, aka Johnny, and mom Vanessa, and the young daughter Lily-Rose, and the newly acquired stepmother Amber Heard.

For example, do models smoke? And how!

Indiscriminately, despite statements about a "healthy" body, sports, proper nutrition and so on. From Kate Moss, in whom the cigarette has almost grown into, to one-day models: everyone smokes on the catwalk, both boys and girls, both famous and unknown, both young and “veterans”.

Mothers of families are no good either.

Jennifer Lopez doesn't just smoke on set. Katie Holmes - what an example for Suri, huh? Mila Jovovich, Kate Hudson, Charlize Theron, Uma Thurman, Sarah Jessica Parker - all the same. And then the children are somehow not like that, they would look at themselves.

It's clear with mothers. What example do fathers set for their children?

Brad Pitt was never able to get rid of addiction (Angelina, they say, quit forever), Paul Bettany and Ben Affleck, according to rumors, did not even try to quit, and Jude Law, the father of many children, considers smoking part of his image.

Sean Penn, Keanu Reeves, Michael Fassbender, Chris Payne, Elijah Wood, Colin Farrell are people who are not burdened by family and backbiters, but they started smoking ahead of time. Prepare for hardships and hardships.

By the way, Benedict Cumberbatch smokes.

Recognized young macho men, also do not mind a little smoke.

And not just after sex. After a meal, in breaks from the labors of the righteous, on a walk, in the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon ...

Style icon, mind you.

Ears are swollen. I beg of you. Image is nothing, thirst is everything. Kate Bosworth, Alexa Chung, Sienna Miller, Emma Roberts. They smoke. A lot of.

Yes, I sing. And my cigarette, but how.

They say singers need to protect their voices. That is why Adele does not part with a cigarette, Lana del Rey makes courageous but unsuccessful attempts to quit, and Rihanna, when she gets drunk ... Katy Perry also smokes, but somehow tries to fight the habit.

The struggle of the prima donna with nicotine with varying success lasts more than 52 years. She even coded against smoking, but after she began to gain weight rapidly, she started smoking again. Pugcheva even wrote the song "Throw a cigarette." Not so long ago, she announced that she was done with smoking, because her small children are growing up. However, the paparazzi again noticed the singer with a cigarette in her hand. Perhaps it was just stress.

Mikhail Boyarsky is a heavy smoker

The musketeer of all times and peoples has repeatedly stated that he smoked, smokes and will always smoke. The artist is also co-chairman of the All-Russian Movement "For the Rights of Smokers". Boyarsky's total smoking experience is at least 50 years. “Talking about quitting just fuels my desire!” he says.

Lera Kudryavtseva

Despite the fact that TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva is a supporter of healthy lifestyle life, she never quit smoking. She smoked her first cigarette after a divorce from musician Sergei Linyuk and since then she has not been able to give up her bad habit for 20 years. She thinks that cigarettes make her sexy.

Nikolai Rastorguev

The famous musician Nikolai Rastorguev has always been known for his addiction to alcohol and nicotine. Even serious illness kidney did not make him give up bad habits. Despite warnings from doctors that such behavior could lead to rejection of the transplanted kidney, Rastorguev does not intend to quit smoking. “I am a supporter of living the way I lived, without changing anything. I want to feel normal complete person! Like all people! And do not limit yourself in anything! ”, - says Rastorguev.

Lolita Milyavskaya

Lolita has always admitted that she is not an example for young people - she smokes and strong word can always turn into a conversation. However, another of her funny habits cost her a visit to the doctor. Lolita loves seeds very much and once the insidious nucleolus broke her front tooth.

Dmitry Dibrov

The famous presenter tried to give up a long-term bad habit with the help of electronic cigarette. “But, unfortunately, the cigarette broke before I could figure it out. But while she worked, I did not smoke. A week,” Dibrov told reporters. And went back to regular cigarettes.

Irina Allegrova smokes without hesitation

The singer smokes everywhere and always, even at press conferences, not hiding from journalists, and strong "male" cigarettes. According to her, she tried almost all brands - both cheap and expensive. Not going to quit smoking!

Volochkova smokes like a baba, and Pugacheva - like a temptress

Despite all the calls for a healthy lifestyle, domestic celebrities are in no hurry to part with cigarettes. For some, a bad habit has long become a physical need: the body, exhausted by stress and nocturnal lifestyle, constantly requires its share of nicotine. For others, smoking is more of a social ritual required for communication. You approach a friend, smoke with him, exchange a couple of phrases - and, you see, a joint project has already been drawn. Psychologists say: by the way a person holds a cigarette, smokes, blows smoke and communicates while smoking, you can learn a lot of interesting things about him.

There are plenty of smokers among the stars: film actors and singers smoke (although it would seem they should take care of their voice), and politicians ... Those who smoke constantly and with pleasure are the majority, and the lion's share of star smokers periodically vows to themselves, which is necessary quit. But, as a rule, it does not.
- If I had a chance to start all over again and change something in my life, I would get rid of bad habits, - TV presenter Valdis Pelsh admits, - If I could start all over again, I would never smoke. Even try!

Those who are trying to quit and are moving steadily towards the intended goal are few. Behind the scenes of social events, we come across everything more stars tarring electronic cigarettes, and one of them is Alexey Chumakov. According to the singer, you still want to smoke with these plastic pipes wildly, but he intends to hold out until the end and quit. But Grigory Leps chose a different path. The artist cannot yet completely give up tobacco, but he switched to thin women's cigarettes: it seems to him that they are lighter and less harmful. Although doctors warn that the nicotine content in them is not less, plus manufacturers add food flavorings to the so-called "ladies'" cigarettes. These flavor additives are allowed to be eaten, but this does not mean at all that they can be inhaled. No one has even conducted clinical trials to find out how such substances act on the body when inhaled.
In general, celebrities prefer cigarettes, although some sybarites do not deny themselves the pleasure of smoking a cigar or two. The most passionate star fan of rolled tobacco leaves is Igor Matvienko: at parties, the producer does not part with a cigar. Less aesthetically pleasing celebrities like to indulge in a hookah - among them are Anastasia Volochkova and Vyacheslav Manucharov.

Smoke up - in front of you is the leader

According to psychologists, the first strokes psychological portrait a smoker can be formed already by the way he releases smoke. Let's take, for example, Volochkova with her favorite hookah: Nastya so famously, like a steam locomotive, lets out a jet upwards, which is just a pleasure! A powerful jet of smoke directed upwards with the head thrown back indicates that the smoker is a clear leader, a person who is used to dominating always and everywhere, under any circumstances. This is a person with strong character not accustomed to rejection under any circumstances. Most likely, this is an inveterate egoist, accustomed to perceiving all the events taking place through the prism of his big "I".

Such people usually have problems with a sense of humor - they simply do not understand it, especially subtle or veiled humor. Although, in relation to Anastasia, this point can be discarded: it is enough just to recall how the ballerina announced a “fotojab” contest for her famous “naked” pictures from the Maldives and even awarded the winner. But the fact that Nastya is used to sweeping away all obstacles in her path and defeating rivals should not be forgotten ...
If the smoke of the smoker goes down, it means that now he is suppressed by something. When such a manner becomes common, this is a signal: most likely, this person belongs to the category of people who are unsociable and indecisive. He feels comfortable only in the company of one person - himself.

"Ivanushka" Grigoriev-Appolonov smokes like a tough man, and Lisovets - like a delicate nature

The farther the lit cigarette is located from the palm of your hand, the more delicate and sensitive the person holding it is, the more all the signs of a creative nature guided by feelings and emotions are inherent in him, than by reason and logic. Such a person perceives everyone around him, rather, externally, focusing on the very first impression. And since the intuition of such people is very well developed, the first impression is rarely deceptive. Look at Vlad Lisovets: a cigarette at the very tips of his fingers, a pensive look - we have a subtle creative personality before us.

Those who hold a cigarette approximately in the middle of their fingers, at the level of the second phalanx, are nature, standing firmly on their feet, adhering to the arguments of reason and able to benefit.
Brutal guys in films often smoke, holding a cigarette between their index and thumbs, as if hiding it in the palm of your hand from the wind. But in life, many have adopted this gesture - this is how they pitch, for example, Valdis Pelsh and "Ivanushka" Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov. According to psychologists, such a smoker knows well what he wants from this life, and knows how to protect his interests. True, this defense is not like the pressure of a leader sweeping away everything in its path, a person who is used to commanding others. It's about, rather, about stubbornness and obstinacy, when a person with enviable perseverance, day by day, in small steps, moves towards his cherished goal.

Man holding a cigarette between middle and index finger and with each puff, bringing the entire palm to the mouth, most likely - an introvert. And not just an introvert, but a person who is afraid of any strong feelings and emotions. He can demonstrate coldness, detachment and even cynicism with all his behavior as much as he likes, but a characteristic gesture when smoking will betray him with his head. Such a person prefers to keep everyone at a distance, not particularly getting close to anyone - not because he is selfish, but because he is simply afraid of getting burned. For some reason, of all the male stars, this manner of smoking is most characteristic of Marat Basharov. What would that mean?

Most of the fair sex, when smoking, hold the cigarette high, pointing it up - like Irina Khakamada, while men prefer to lower their hand below chest level. For ladies, such a gesture is an involuntary manner of demonstrating beautiful hands and head thrown back invitingly.

A woman who slowly shakes off the ashes with her index finger and at the same time looks at her hand is likely to be a real temptress. Well, if a lady, as it were, “wipes” a cigarette on an ashtray, you are faced with a strong personality - beware, she always achieves what she wants! And here are the ladies smoking cigars(for example, TV presenter Yana Churikova never refuses them) - eccentric people who like to try everything new and are not afraid to insist on their own, even if others do not like it.

Smoking is one of the most common and harmful habits that harm the health and well-being of a person. Everyone knows about the dangers of tobacco addiction. Majority modern people they try to part with a deadly addiction, but such a step is not always successful. Smokers are returning to cigarettes.

Among those who are unable to give up smoking, there are celebrities. Many of them are actively involved in promoting a healthy lifestyle, but they themselves do not let go of a cigarette. Moreover, smoking celebrities are not at all shy about their addiction and demonstrate smoking at the sight of the paparazzi.

And among the celebrities there are people suffering from nicotine addiction.

Despite the stormy and active propaganda of the harm of tobacco addiction and the general growing respect for a healthy lifestyle, people smoke great amount people. Many worldwide famous stars Hollywood, participating in numerous promotions, advertising dedicated to the fight against smoking, suffer from their own addiction.

Smoking Hollywood stars

Cigarette addiction is deadly dangerous habit and Hollywood is sharply negative about smoking propaganda. In old, historical films, we can still see actors smoking recklessly, but smokers and smoking processes have practically disappeared from modern cinema.

But, this does not mean that in real life the stars set a healthy example for others and fans. Paparazzi with enviable regularity catch this or that Hollywood star with a smoking cigarette. And it does not depend on age and life experience person. So, who smokes from the stars, get acquainted with the tobacco popularity rating:

Smoking Hollywood Divas

Gwyneth Paltrow. The famous actress of "Iron Man" and "Shakespeare in Love" has a lot of haters. Most negatively-minded people declare the deceit and duplicity of the star. After all, Paltrow actively advertises a healthy and non-smoking lifestyle, but she herself does not let go of cigarettes.

Gwyneth Paltrow

According to Gwyneth herself, she smokes infrequently and calmly admits that she has such a habit. As the star says, she allows herself to relax with a cigarette only on Saturdays.

Kate Winslet. Film star "Titanic" smokes actively and completely openly. Yes, with such enthusiasm that recently Kate was honored to present a prize from the British coalition of fighters for the right to "smoke everywhere and always." But Winslet claims she has dabbled in nothing but a cigarette in her life.

Kate Winslet

Uma Thurman. The smoking beauty posed for a poster for the movie Pulp Fiction. But this advertisement was not a sham at all. Uma actively smokes and, according to her, smoking has become for her big problem in life. A couple of times the actress tried to quit cigarettes, but she failed.

Uma Thurman

Kristin Stewart. The star of the famous "Twilight" does not just indulge in cigarettes, but has a clear dependence on them. Back in 2012, Christine shared in an interview about her unsuccessful attempts to quit smoking. But, alas, all attempts were unsuccessful and now smoking Stuart can often be found in the city of Angels.

Kristin Stewart

Keira Knightley. Even before her acclaimed roles in Pirates of the Caribbean, Knightley entered the Hollywood world as the star of the popular sports film Bend It Like Beckham. But, in real life, Kira is far from being so athletic. She is filmed smoking with enviable regularity. It seems that she never releases a cigarette from her hands.

Keira Knightley

Mila Kunis. Hollywood beauty a couple of years ago loudly announced that she was parting with cigarettes. However, few believed in such a promise, because Mila has been actively smoking for many years. The actress has said that smoking is part of her cunning diet, which she followed while filming Black Swan.

Mila Kunis

But even after the release of the legendary film, Mila did not give up smoking. And after the loud statement about throwing cigarettes, the actress was so often caught smoking that Mila had no choice but to admit to tobacco addiction.

Catherine Zeta-Jones. Being pregnant, just before the birth, Katherine promised her husband and fans that she would give up smoking. Especially such a promise became relevant after her husband (Michael Douglas) was diagnosed with throat cancer due to smoking.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

The Hollywood diva kept her promise, though she simply switched to electronic cigarettes. But the press flashed pictures where Katherine walked through the streets and with regular cigarette in hand.

Milla Jovovich. The beauty and the main character of "Resident Evil" herself admitted in an interview that she does not remember the moments of filming well, as they took place for her in carbon monoxide smoke from cigarettes and weed. Over time, Mila gave up marijuana completely, but cigarettes continue to go hand in hand with the legendary actress and on this moment. According to Mila: “The cigarette is my only sin against healthy life».

Milla Jovovich

Kate Beckinsale. The heroine of the sensational film cycle "Another World" does not deny her tobacco addiction. The actress admitted that she has been smoking since the age of 15 and only once quit smoking, and then for a short period. It was after the birth of their daughter Kate. According to Beckinsale, she is categorically against drinking, but she allows herself to smoke a lot and does not see anything wrong with it.

Kate Beckinsale

Jessica Alba. For a captivating beauty, her appearance has always been hers. calling card. But to maintain her great shape, Jessica chose far from the best and healthy option. The film star is prone to overweight and has been struggling with fullness all her life.

Jessica Alba

According to her, cigarettes perfectly suppress appetite and do not allow overeating. Jessica began to smoke a lot in 2011, when, after the birth of her daughter, she gained too much excess weight.

Hollywood men with cigarettes

Johnny Depp. A mystically attractive man with millions of fans admitted that he had been smoking since the age of 12. Johnny had enough difficult childhood, and many habits have firmly entered the everyday life of the actor. He openly admits nicotine addiction, but does nothing to overcome it. On the contrary, his cigarettes have already become a real hallmark of the actor.

Johnny Depp

Robert Pattison. A lot of women dream of a handsome Hollywood heartthrob. But few of them know that Robert has little in common with his characters. The romantic from "Twilight" Pattinson smokes a lot, often drinks, prefers fast foods and does not care about his own appearance at all, preferring to be friends with cigarettes.

Robert Pattison

Macaulay Culkin. In 2013, this once beloved, mischievous boy from Home Alone admitted in an interview that he smoked 50-60 cigarettes a day. After the divorce of his parents, the then young actor fell into depression, which worsened after the tragic death of his sister Dakota.

Macaulay Culkin

According to US Cancer Society spokesman Herman Catlove, McCaulay is at risk of developing cancerous tumor 100 times higher than that of a non-smoker. Yes, and outwardly McCaulay already looks unhealthy and emaciated.

Sean Penn. The star of the film "Gangster Hunters" admitted to having a tobacco addiction and made several attempts to part with cigarettes. But unfortunately, it did not last long, and Seann again and again appears before the fans with a smoking cigarette.

Gerard Butler. The Scottish-born splendid actor and the dream of many women is an avid consumer of cigarette products. According to Gerard, the actor tried to quit smoking about 30 times and was hypnotized 20 times. But the hectic life of Hollywood and fun parties take their toll. Handsome and the hero of "Headhunters", "The Naked Truth" Butler continues to smoke.

Gerard Butler

Brad Pitt. The legendary and famous Hollywood actor has been smoking since childhood. Brad tried to give up smoking at the request of his wife Angelina. He didn't smoke for a while. But against the background of the stress caused by parting with Jolie, the dream of millions of women again grabbed a cigarette, and does not think to part with it, at least in the coming years.

Daniel Radcliffe. A couple of years ago, the paparazzi caught the "little wizard" Harry Potter in his arms with marijuana - the actor was actively smoking weed. Daniel himself denied addiction to drugs. According to him, his only hobby is cigarettes, which he does not intend to part with.

Daniel Radcliffe

Arnold Schwarzenegger. "Iron Arnie" took a cigarette from his father-in-law for the first time. Since that time, the governor of California has become an avid lover of strong cigars. According to him, he makes almost all political decisions in the process of smoking. And at the moment, the cigar has become an integral part of the Terminator and its hallmark.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Which of the Russian stars smokes

Do not lag behind their overseas colleagues and the stars of Russian cinema and pop. Let's find out which celebrities smoke and who should not be imitated in this regard.

Alla Pugacheva. According to the prima donna, she has been fighting tobacco addiction for more than 50 years. The star even went through a powerful smoking coding, but after the procedure, she began to gain weight sharply and started smoking again. Prima pop is actively opposed to smoking and even created the song "Quit a cigarette."

Alla Pugacheva

Mikhail Boyarsky. The famous musketeer and favorite of women, Boyarsky stated that "I smoke, I smoked and I will continue to smoke." The actor is co-chairman of a movement that advocates for the rights of smokers. According to the film actor, his smoking experience is more than high and has about 60 years.

Mikhail Boyarsky

Lera Kudryavtseva. The beauty TV presenter has been an active smoker for many years. The first time Lera picked up a cigarette after breaking up with her first husband. And since then, he has not been able to go towards a healthy life for more than 20 years. According to the TV presenter, cigarettes make her more attractive and sexier.

Lera Kudryavtseva

Nikolai Rastorguev. From cigarettes famous musician and even health problems did not help the singer to refuse. Despite all the strict warnings of doctors, Rastorguev declares that he does not intend to quit smoking and adheres to his own life position, saying that "I will live as I see fit, without changing anything and without limiting myself."

Nikolai Rastorguev

Dmitry Dibrov. The well-known presenter is a smoker with many years of experience. But give up addiction Dmitry tried, using an electronic cigarette. True, he did not like such a hobby, and the browser returned to the usual cigarettes again.

Dmitry Dibrov

Irina Allegrova. The singer smokes always and everywhere. She actively smokes, not embarrassed by anyone - during interviews, at press conferences. Moreover, a luxurious woman smokes predominantly the strongest, male cigarettes. According to her, she managed to try all the famous brands. tobacco products And she doesn't want to give up her hobby.

Irina Allegrova

Smoking stars that are no longer there

Stars are the same people, with their own problems and shortcomings. And diseases associated with smoking, do not bypass them. Death does not understand who is in front of it. Unfortunately, the list of stars who have died from their addiction is growing. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Ilya Oleinikov. According to doctors, the cause of death of the actor, who died at 64, was active smoking. Tobacco provoked problems with the heart and lungs.
  2. Oleg Yankovsky. The legendary film actor has died at the age of 65. He was heavy smoker preferred pipes and cigars.
  3. Andrey Mironov. He was 48 years old when he had a stroke right during the performance. According to doctors, main reason stroke was smoking, the actor smoked from a young age.
  4. Alexander Abdulov. The legendary actor passed away very early, at the age of 55. The cause of death was lung cancer, provoked by years of smoking experience.
  5. Anna Samokhina. The beauty died at the age of 47. As the doctors established, the cause of death was stomach cancer - the result of the actress's fatal addiction to tobacco. And until now, fans bring cigarettes to her grave - favorite hobby amazing woman.

This sad list is endless. Smoking caused the death of Pavel Luspekaev, Evgeny Evstigneev, Rolan Bykov, Grigory Gorin, Mikael Tariverdiev, Mikhail Kononov, Muslim Magomaev, Oleg Efremov, Nikolai Rybnikov.

So I want to ask, who will be next? The stars that smoke leave the sky too soon. How great roles they could still play and please their admirers. How much was conceived and ruthlessly taken away by cigarettes.

Remember that warnings about the dangers of smoking are not an invention of doctors, but serious threat. Cigarettes bring death to everyone and the only way to avoid fatal diseases, the culprits of which are nicotine - quit smoking forever. Take care of yourself!

Smoking is a very harmful and deadly habit! If you've never smoked, then never start. And if you smoke, then try to find the strength in yourself and quit as soon as possible! Hollywood stars, who are also on the “nicotine needle”, face the same problems. And you thought they were "fluffy"?

Smoking celebrities

Many show business stars also have addiction, or had in the past. Smoking celebrities often caught on cameras by the paparazzi. Most stars try not to advertise their addiction to cigarettes, while others are not at all embarrassed to smoke in public.

Now we will show you Hollywood actors and actresses, singers and singers, even presidents who like to "raise up". It's on TV screens they can tell us about the right way life, while they themselves light another cigarette after the broadcast.

Photo: stars with a cigarette

Ex-president Barack Obama in his youth he liked to smoke, and not only cigarettes ...

Johnny Depp has never been a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, so seeing him with a cigarette and a glass of wine is not uncommon.

queen of pop Madonna very often talks about proper nutrition, regular training, etc. But scandalous photos prove the opposite. More recently, all the media wrote about her drunken antics, but we won’t talk about cigarettes ...

Read also: Rising Stars Miyagi & Endgame. Who are they?

You probably won’t know who it is right away ... Meet the popular singer Katy Perry with "butt".

In principle, there is nothing surprising here. Rihanna a frequent guest of night parties with cheerful guys.

Most Talked About Actress in Hollywood last days, Angelina Jolie also in a normal relationship with nicotine.

This Hollywood vampire does not even hide his attitude to cigarettes. Robert Pattison.

Everything is clear here ... Rapper Snoop Dogg.

The queen of parties and glamour.

This lady can give odds even to Snoop Dogg! In what states was she just not noticed. .

And here is the girlfriend of the main Hollywood vampire. Kristen Stewart with an electronic cigarette.

With a cigarette and a can of good beer.



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