Psychology of a Sagittarius man in a relationship with a woman. Compatibility with the Sagittarius Man will be good if

Vika Dee

Like all people of this sign, the Sagittarius man is always extremely honest and frank with others. Lies are unthinkable and unacceptable for him.. He can be overly trusting, having a habit of somewhat idealizing everything. In his view, everyone around is as honest and open as he is. It can be difficult to convince a Sagittarius of this. Psychology is clearly not his forte.

Such a bright and energetic man always surrounded by women, he is a favorite and minion of fate, he is always incredibly lucky, and he is extremely lucky in any business. The Sagittarius boss is an incredibly active person and all the time tends to disappear on business trips and work trips, returning with a pile of ideas and concepts.

Sagittarius man is easy start short romances and also easily finishes them, looking for a new hobby. He is windy, but it is impossible to hold a grudge against him for a long time: Sagittarius is a simple and kind-hearted person.

With a man of this sign never get bored: His energy and fantasy infect everyone around.

Character traits of a Sagittarius man: the main thing about him

The Sagittarius man is always very straightforward and says whatever he thinks without reserve. This characteristic feature of him often quarrels him with people, but there is no malicious intent in his truth: Sagittarius really believes that if everyone tells each other the truth and only the truth, then the world will become much better.

A man of this sign may have strange ideas of justice, too strict by the standards of the majority, he is an idealist in everything and is ready to give his life for his beliefs.

seething energy this person is combined with impatience and a thirst for movement - Sagittarius will be ready to give himself to any occupation only for the time being, until he gets bored with it or until it becomes clear that it takes too much time and effort.

Sagittarius is very value their own freedom and runs from any responsibility like fire. Any debt is perceived by this person as an unbearable burden. The same is true in love: he enjoys the romance as long as he is not framed and limited, but as soon as this happens, the man disappears, carried away by a new passion.

Sagittarius man in a relationship - polygamous

Such as he is definitely not threatened by loneliness - Sagittarius is always surrounded by people and loves to be in society. If the interlocutor has the tact to endure critical truthful feedback from Sagittarius and keep up the conversation without evasions, then he will gain the location of this person and earn his respect.

The character flaws of the Sagittarius man are expressed in his absolutism and iron principles, for the sake of which he will not sacrifice anything, even his loved ones. Jealousy is not very characteristic of such a person.

The description of the striking features of this man would be incomplete without mentioning that he is almost impossible to unravel. He perceives any hardships and blows of fate with his inherent optimism and sees in this only one more sign that he needs to move forward.

What kind of women do the Sagittarius guy like: a portrait of the perfect girl

In relationships with women, Sagittarius is not very picky: he can easily get carried away by a girl, falling in love with her idealized image rather than herself. He never suffers from love and having received a refusal, does not worry about it, switching his attention to others. Sagittarius can have many connections on his account, but the possible notoriety of a womanizer and a frivolous person does not frighten him, if only because he knows his own worth and is ready to confirm his honest name to anyone.

In love, Sagittarius is very open and gentle, he always talks about his feelings as they are, hiding nothing.

The feeling can swallow him whole, and the Sagittarius man is happy to dissolve in love for his partner.

Care and attention are the main theses of Sagittarius in a relationship. The beginning of a relationship with a Sagittarius guy will be like a fairy tale.

Marriage seems unthinkable to him, and it is very, very difficult to lure him into a cage of family relationships. Family life is seen by him as a living nightmare, the collapse of any plans and hopes. Sagittarius needs a woman who could convince him otherwise.

An ideal girl for such a man will fully share his interests and support any of his even the most extravagant ideas with unconditional approval, have remarkable patience and loyalty, while not being jealous of him and will be ready to let him go free, referring to his adventures on the side with humility, at the same time, he will have a personality and his own opinion, will be absolutely honest with him. If Sagittarius is lucky to meet such a woman, then marriage with her is possible, although it will be a test for the future wife. Married Sagittarius will always give his wife a reason for jealousy but she shouldn't pretend to be offended by it. If he is jealous, which also happens, he will not forgive his beloved betrayal, even if he himself is unfaithful.

Who suits Sagittarius for a serious relationship?

Good compatibility with this sign with women of other fire signs- Lions and Aries. In a Leo woman, Sagittarius is attracted by self-confidence and energy, and Aries can conquer a man with her patience.

What appearance of a girl does a Sagittarius guy like? It's not that important, although he loves pretty girls, but still he is not chasing appearance.

Sex with a Sagittarius man: incendiary or gentle?

If Sagittarius is not the best acquisition as a husband, then in bed he is a very gentle and sensitive lover.

The Sagittarius man is incredibly sensual and gives his best in bed, he loves not only physical pleasure, but also the opportunity to open up emotionally

Satisfying his passion is not that very difficult, it is important to have the same level of sensuality as he does.

For intimate relationships, Virgo is perfect for him.- these signs have a mutual attraction to each other. This is unlikely to result in a serious romance, but to please with a non-binding short-term relationship is quite.

How to win a Sagittarius man: the secrets of seduction

The Sagittarius man easily enters into a relationship, and in order to please him, you do not need to have any special qualities. Sagittarius doesn't need a reason to fall in love. Main - be honest with him and share his interests, this is enough for a novel.

If in order to fall in love with a Sagittarius guy, no special effort required(most likely he himself will be the first to take a step forward), then attracting for a serious relationship is a difficult task.

A man of this sign is afraid of any serious relationship and at the slightest hint of formalizing a relationship, he can evaporate in an unknown direction without a trace.

You should be careful with Sagittarius, do not impose anything on him, follow his interests and habits, give him complete freedom in relationships, up to letting him go to the side and then listen about how exciting this connection was.

The main rule is no lies and jealousy. Then there may be a chance to catch the elusive Sagittarius in the net, but whether the girl will be happy with such a husband is a good question.

Signs of falling in love with a Sagittarius guy: how to understand that he is still in love?

Such an open and sincere person as Sagittarius never hides his feelings. If the girl is interested in him, then he will try to woo her and immediately confesses her love, but she should not be too impregnable: in this case, he will quickly cool off to the object of his sympathy.

How does a man under the sign of Sagittarius care for a girl he likes? Such a man do not skimp on sincere compliments and loves to sing his love even in poetic form, because he is quick to make up stories and will go to great lengths to impress the woman he loves.

Sagittarius guy shows his love hot and very emotional, although it is not at all prone to love longing. A loving man of this sign is a whirlwind of emotions and love.

Everything, according to Sagittarius, should bring only joy and pleasure, so he tries to avoid any suffering.

If the relationship hurts him, then he will break it off immediately. Behavior of a man in love may be invisible if he considers the relation doomed in advance.

With windiness and a constant search for new sensations, if he still keeps a kind of loyalty to one girl, then there is no doubt that he loves her for real. Although this will be clear, because Sagittarians never say anything under pressure.

How to behave with a Sagittarius man in society

The most important thing in the company of this person is to speak only the truth, without fear that it will offend him and not be offended by his sometimes tactless, but truthful statements. Do not be embarrassed by his too categorical speeches, Sagittarius sincerely says what he thinks. In this endeavor, he is completely unsophisticated.

You can surprise Sagittarius by expressing a critical opinion to him in turn. It is unlikely that this will hurt him, rather he will be amazed at the strength and courage of the interlocutor, because an honest review about himself is important for him.

If Sagittarius is offended, then you can be sure - this is most likely due to a hint of a lie or untruth in the words of the interlocutor, or a hint of a lie from the lips of Sagittarius himself. When he is offended, the offender will find out about it in the shortest possible time directly from the sign itself. Sagittarius man can take revenge on a person who offended him, but is not inclined to remember insults for a long time, trying not to concentrate on negative emotions.

How to return Sagittarius: what to do when parting?

How to return a Sagittarius guy if he disappeared or abandoned?

If the Sagittarius man does not call and ignores the girl, then most likely this means a final break in relations. The reason for this may be talk of a wedding. coming from a girl or banal boredom.

In any case, you should not try to return his location: if you deceived his trust, then, most likely, forever

Sagittarius is not one of those who give people second chances. However, you can try to call him to a frank conversation, which he will go to without much enthusiasm, because o can't bear to sort things out. You can keep Sagittarius in a relationship only by letting him go!

If he wants to, he will return with a confession. Men of this sign, in principle, tend to disappear unexpectedly and also unexpectedly return. If the girl is ready to wait for him, then he can appreciate such a sacrifice, although the sacrifice alone is not enough for him. In a girl, he wants to see a person who is able to understand him in everything and accept anyone.

Re-educating a Sagittarius guy is completely useless, the novel will rather end in a painful breakup than the girl will achieve at least any result.

What to give a Sagittarius man: choosing the best gift for him

Sagittarius - desperate travelers and lovers of extreme recreation: a ticket to the sea or a parachute jump can be an excellent gift for them.

Also, these very cheerful and cheerful people will appreciate gifts with humor- practical jokes, jokes and the like in their spirit.

For more material gifts, Sagittarius is mostly indifferent, only if it is not a multifunctional gadget or a useful electronic device.

Because they prefer to spend most of their time outside the home, then the gift should be chosen according to this. You should not give Sagittarius beautiful trinkets or money, he will treat the first with indifference and, at best, put it on the shelf to gather dust, the second he will spend immediately and will not remember what he spent on.

Archer's favorite color burgundy and shades of red, so it is quite possible to present him as a gift a thing of this color.

March 6, 2018, 20:46

Almost all men, due to the fact that they are representatives of the stronger sex, do not clearly show love, even if they like the girl very much. You can recognize sympathy only by hidden signs - and they are different for everyone. Today we will try to understand their behavior from the point of view.

In particular, if a handsome Sagittarius man is increasingly coming into your field of vision, how to understand that he is in love, but hides his feelings, and how should you behave in order to push him to decisive action?

Tip: to get a complete description of the subject of your attention, consider not only the sign of the zodiac, but also the date of birth - the habits and character of Sagittarius change depending on the decade of the month in which they are born.

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Character of Sagittarius men

How to understand the Sagittarius man that he is in love, that he wants to meet and is ready for more than friendly relations? To do this, you need to know and understand its character.

Sagittarius (lat. Sagittarius) - the ninth sign of the zodiac

  1. Representatives of the stronger sex, who were born under the sign of Sagittarius, are rather prudent and cold in love relationships.
  2. They love sex, they can violently indulge in passion. But at the same time they never lose their heads and completely control the situation.
  3. Sagittarius will achieve the woman he likes by all means and methods.

But this does not mean that he will run after the object of his sympathy, publicly shower her with compliments and gifts, and in every possible way show his attentive attitude. Vice versa. Its dryness and coldness will be deliberate and even demonstrative. This is his tactic - he does not know how to do it differently, and if he knew how, he would not do it. The complacency of men of this zodiac sign is often simply unbearable, especially regarding their sexual abilities and male virtues. He has no equal - and that says it all.

Good to know: Sagittarius men love sex and cannot imagine a full life without it, they are rarely alone, without a partner, even if it is temporary. But since they also attach great importance to career and money, they most often combine business with pleasure, so as not to be torn between two fires - they start an office romance.

How to understand that a Sagittarius man is in love with you?

Considering the above, we can conclude:

  1. If a Sagittarius man is affable, friendly, shows small signs of attention (for example, he helped to figure out the reinstallation of a new version of Windows, borrowed a stapler, or shared a funny quote of the day, then this just means nothing. He treats you like a friend, nothing from does not expect or want you - and therefore is not afraid to be nice, generous and charming.
  2. If, under no circumstances, they pay attention to you, even sitting opposite in the cafeteria they will not serve a sugar bowl and will not let you into the elevator first - this is where you should think about it. Showy indifference, coldness, sometimes bordering on outright rudeness - this is what Sagittarius, who is actually shy, like a boy, often masks his tender feelings. That's the whole secret of how to understand that a Sagittarius man is in love with you.

Features of behavior with a woman

The behavior of a Sagittarius man in love is not always logical:

That is why women who are often in love with Sagittarius men are often lost and fall into despair - but does he really love or just have sex from time to time out of calculation and physical need?

Astrologer's recommendations: in order to keep Sagittarius, you need to use his own weapon - not to show your deep feelings, to remain cheerful, attractive, sexy and a little inaccessible, secretive and mysterious.

As soon as the Sagittarius man realizes that the girl has fully opened up and given herself to him, he will immediately cool down to her and go on to share his divine knowledge and skills in the field of love.

Perhaps he hides his feelings?

Since Sagittarians value freedom above all else in relationships, it is not surprising that men born under this zodiac sign do not want to show their sympathy until the very last. How to understand that a Sagittarius man is in love, but hides his feelings, an astrologer can tell, the same was mentioned above. But how to understand that a Sagittarius man is in love with you if he is not nearby - for example, do you communicate on social networks?

The rules are the same: the more restrained he is, the fewer likes and emoticons on his part (but at the same time he visits your page regularly), the more serious his feelings are. Just while he looks closely and decides on further actions. And your task now is not to scare him away with demanding, annoying questions, but to interest him with your unusual qualities and abilities.

Remember! In no case should you ask a man of this zodiac sign in the forehead what feelings he has for you. This will scare off Sagittarius and can extinguish even the most passionate love. And he still won't tell the truth.

Useful video

The relationship between a man and a woman is a very mysterious phenomenon. You can understand all the difficulties in mutual understanding and improve relationships from this video.


  1. You can trust the stars, or you can rely only on your own strength, experience and intuition - this is a personal matter for everyone and it is pointless to argue here.
  2. The seemingly careless, easy-to-communicate Sagittarius man is mysterious and sometimes unpredictable - how to understand that he is in love with a woman, even his own mother does not always know.
  3. One thing is certain: if you are interested in the man you like, his character and habits, analyze his actions and behavior, you have every chance to find the right path to the heart of your lover, regardless of the sign of the Zodiac.

A typical Sagittarius man will not hide anything from a woman. If he is married, he will say so. He can directly offer to become his mistress. At the same time, Sagittarius believes that in this way he gave the girl a compliment. After all, in the old days, the beloved women were the mistresses of aristocrats, while they lived with legal wives only out of a sense of duty.

The ward of Jupiter desires mutual sincerity. For him, everything should be clear and precise. If you are with him, then you should not start an affair on the side. He is quite jealous and impulsive. He is easily carried away by the weaker sex, but his passion quickly passes.

The Sagittarius man in a relationship with a woman wants her to respect his independence. From too persistent and demanding girls, he runs away.

Many Sagittarians are afraid to let women close to their hearts. The fiery macho likes stormy novels, but not so much dramas and tragicomedies. In a relationship, a Sagittarius man does not want his partner to limit his freedom. Feeling that the girl is becoming a threat to his freedom, he can break off the relationship. Thus, it is impossible to keep Sagittarius in any way, and even more so to hint that you want to get married. To keep him close, just let go...

Sagittarius likes women who are not afraid to be themselves. They must tell the truth in person, splash out emotions and feelings, but at the same time not encroach on his personal space. Show Sagittarius that you understand and support him in everything, that you are his friend and girlfriend at the same time. He can use stupid glamorous women, but he chooses an outstanding and interesting girl as his wife.

Jupiter's wards love risk, thrills and travel. In this they are very similar to Gemini. True, the latter are simply looking for adventures on their own heads and wasting energy, but Sagittarians are charged with new experiences and become even more energetic. The Sagittarius woman has two options - either keep him company or calmly wait at home, without arguing and interrogating.

It is not easy to drag Sagittarius down the aisle, but if he has already made an offer, then this is serious and conscious. You can be sure he won't change his mind. However, he can change other plans and goals depending on circumstances and mood. He may promise you one thing and do something completely different. But in any case, Sagittarius will be successful and wealthy.

A Sagittarius man can make a comment about your appearance. Do not be offended by him, better listen and visit a beauty salon. He cares about you and wants you to always look good. If he didn't care, he wouldn't deign to criticize you.

In general, Sagittarians are optimistic and good people. If you have such a man, your family will become an object of admiration and envy. But be on the lookout - your Sagittarius is popular and always surrounded by fans.

If you met a benevolent person who very easily wins people over, then you have a Sagittarius in front of you. At any age, he feels young and stands out among others with his emotionality and activity. The representatives of the stronger sex, who were born under this zodiac sign, love independence, so any relationship for them is equated to handcuffs that snap on their wrists. Next to such a man, only a woman like him can get along, who can give him freedom of action.

What makes a relationship with a Sagittarius man stand out?

Such representatives of the stronger sex love sincerity, so if he confessed his own, you can be sure that this is true. For them, the ideal union is rare meetings without special obligations. Sagittarius love bright events, constant change and movement. In principle, it is very easy with him, since he is not jealous, does not demand and does not suspect, which is very important for a relationship.

The Sagittarius man most often goes to the registry office not of his own free will, since for him this means the end of a free life. If the ring is still worn on the finger, then he makes efforts to make his wife always look like a needle. In a Sagittarius relationship, men are faithful, so you should not be jealous of him, as this will lead to serious scandals and problems. For a marriage to be happy, a woman must provide Sagittarius with at least a little freedom and time for herself, for example, the opportunity to relax with friends or go to football. In general, Sagittarians make bad husbands, they are better suited for the role of lovers.

In love men Sagittarians are compatible with women who have the patience to forgive him for small sins. If you want to get such a person as a partner, then choose the tactics of waiting. At first, your task is to become his best friend, with whom he will have many points of contact. To create strong and long-lasting, they must develop naturally without any haste. If you give the Sagittarius man the right to rule, then he will do everything for happiness.

In intimate relationships, a man born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius stands out for his impulsiveness and intemperance. He can tell a lot about what's going on in his bedroom. To seduce and excite him, a few hints in a conversation are enough. From time to time, he needs to relax, for example, to receive a massage from a loved one.

Acquaintance with Sagittarius will bring satisfaction to both of you only if you attract his attention with your craving for adventure, your grace and beauty. Sagittarius will never be interested in a woman living in everyday worries. This way of life: work - home, home - work and from time to time visiting the theater and acquaintances - is not for him. He needs shocks, risk, unpredictable situations. If you demonstrate a similar, frankly speaking, specific attitude to life, he will consider you a worthy chosen one. You must let him know that you not only understand his desire to expand the gamut of experiences and sensations, not only do not condemn his originality, but, on the contrary, admire it. And if you strive for this, then he will not be able to make claims against you, because love has nothing to do with the suppression and mutual containment of emotions. Love is an open window to the world, and you need to help your partner enjoy everything that life gives.
Sagittarius man believes in love at first sight. He expects from a partner that she will share his romantic dreams with him and believe in the possibility of their implementation. His soul will be touched by a cheerful, imaginative, temperamental woman living in a world of beauty and adventure, in an atmosphere of universal happiness.
In intimate relationships, a woman who combines two seemingly opposite and mutually exclusive qualities can have the greatest influence on him. Freedom and personal independence - on the one hand, security and constancy - on the other. So, be with him always and never limit him in anything, let him feel free, even when you are together. Become at the same time an ardent lover, and a friend who knows how to stay completely independent, and a friend with whom you can go through fire and water. He will like this most of all, and he will want to show you how great it is to walk with him along the road of life. But you should not allow even the slightest manifestations of aggressiveness, aggressive moods are completely excluded, he should not feel bound: even the very thought of the possibility of dependence or attachment is hateful to him. The Sagittarius man needs a lot of air, a lot of space, a lot of freedom, everything that allows him to maintain independence. Therefore, a woman who constantly asks him questions, asking where he was yesterday or what he is going to do tomorrow, who reads letters addressed to him and eavesdrops on his telephone conversations, will get on his nerves. He wants to leave her
can be further, and without bothering to explain. The same applies to manifestations of jealousy, justified and unjustified. Therefore, you should neither follow him nor try to change his habits. Only you yourself can change, becoming more tolerant and indulgent, naturally within reasonable limits. He will be able to appreciate this and, in turn, on occasion he will limit his independence. So, do not annoy him, otherwise he will decide to leave, and if you want to hurt him, the result will be the same. He does not intend to stay with the one who hurts him. And he suffers first of all when he is deprived of his personal freedom. He is deeply offended by everything that connects the freedom of consciousness with coercion in any of its forms or with obsession. Therefore, you should not give the impression of a despot, otherwise he will think later that he was deceived in you. Trying to tie him to you, you will most likely break the thread of sympathy that stretches between you, as he will instantly understand what you are striving for. He will perceive disrespect for his right to choose as disrespect for himself, and he will never allow this. Remember his enthusiasm and enthusiasm, do not condemn him in a harsh manner, because he feels happy only in this state of constant admiration, excitement and emotional upsurge. Suppressing his joyful optimistic mood and destroying his faith in people, you are more likely to make him want to leave. He needs a close person who lives the same life with him with the same pleasure as he does. A pessimist who sees only worries and disappointments in the future annoys him. As you understand, he will not want to share his time with someone who knowingly or unknowingly hurts and hurts him.



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