How to improve blood circulation in the genitals. How to strengthen male function: normalization of blood circulation

Men prefer not to talk about such a problem as a decrease in erectile function. Its signs are not difficult to recognize - a weak or completely absent erection. The reason most often lies in the insufficient amount of blood flowing to the penis. But, unfortunately, not always and not all of the men want to go to an appointment with a specialist who is able to choose the right treatment aimed at combating the disease. Most of them believe that it is better to improve blood circulation on their own, without consulting a doctor.

In the article we will tell:

Methods for increasing blood flow to the penis

Poor blood circulation does not appear without a reason. Therefore, it is very important to determine the factor that caused the occurrence of such a condition. Most often this is due to:

  • spinal injuries;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • penile defects.

The deterioration of blood flow also occurs with age. It is important to pay attention to this in time and take the necessary measures. There are a number of ways that help increase blood circulation in the groin area:

  • medication - the use of special medications that allows you to restore erectile functions;
  • sports training and exercise that you can do regularly at home. Such classes are recommended for men leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • non-traditional methods of treatment, including the use of tinctures and decoctions from medicinal plants in combination with physical activity;
  • surgery - performed in case of serious problems.

Important! It is possible to restore blood flow to the penis on your own at home. The main thing in this case is the choice of a method that will not harm the male body. Doctors advise starting therapy with physical exercises, the use of herbal medicine using infusions prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs.

Workouts to improve blood flow to the penis

Performing physical exercises in 80% of cases has a positive effect if the development of dysfunction occurred due to stagnation due to a sedentary lifestyle. Every man needs to perform exercises when he notices a deterioration in erection.

A few exercises that help increase blood circulation in the genitals:

  • Walking in place - the exercise is more convenient to perform to the music. The back should be straight. In turn, raise your legs to your stomach, bending at the knees. You need to actively walk for 5 minutes.
  • Circular rotations of the pelvis - put your hands behind your head and perform 40-50 rotations in each direction.
  • Running in place is a rather difficult exercise that not everyone can do correctly the first time. For the starting position, it is necessary to slightly bend the legs at the knees and start imitation of running, but the toes cannot be torn off the floor. The exercise must be performed within 3 minutes, but you need to start from 30 seconds, each time, slightly increasing the time.
  • Lifting the pelvis - you need to lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, place your arms along the body, rest your feet on the floor. You need to try to raise the pelvis as high as possible, lingering for 8-15 seconds in this position. It is necessary to perform 10 times in 3-5 sets.
  • Kegel exercise is a complex that allows you to restore the functions of intimate muscles in both sexes. Regular performance helps prevent blood stasis in the groin and urinary incontinence. You can perform the exercise in any comfortable position. First you need to learn how to strain the right muscles. To understand which muscles need training, you need to go to the toilet and interrupt the process when urinating. At this moment, exactly the muscle that needs training is felt. To perform the exercise, you can take any position. It is required to strain and relax the muscle located between the anus and the scrotum.

It will be possible to improve blood circulation to noticeable results only after a couple of weeks of daily training.

Folk methods to help

We offer some of the most useful traditional medicine recipes that can be used in combination with training:

  • walnuts - grind 30 grams of walnut kernels with a meat grinder or blender and mix with 100 grams of May honey. The mixture should be taken one tablespoon after meals, and the composition can be stored in the refrigerator;
  • decoction of ginseng root - for cooking you will need 50 grams of ginseng root. It must be crushed and placed in a container, then pour two glasses of boiling water. Bring to a boil in a water bath. Leave the broth for two days, adding a little cinnamon and a spoonful of honey. daily you need to drink a glass of this remedy;
  • tincture of St. John's wort - two tablespoons of dry grass are poured with a glass of boiling water. It is better to cook it in the morning and drink it three times a day.

Important! Do not forget about the possible manifestations of allergies to the components that make up the medicines.

Medications to increase blood flow in the groin area

Pharmaceutical companies offer a fairly wide range of drugs that increase blood circulation in the pelvic organs. The effect of drugs is quite effective, but the result is temporary. This is the main disadvantage.

Do not use stimulants without a doctor's prescription. Only a specialist can give a recommendation about the use of a particular remedy. Very often, the presence of chronic pathologies is often a contraindication to the use of such drugs.

Most men choose to use ointments, the effect of which is almost instantaneous, but the result is temporary.

  • Himkolin is an Indian-made ointment made from plant extracts. When used, it may cause an allergy, expressed in itching. In this case, the use of the drug must be urgently stopped.
  • Titan Gel is a popular remedy for improving erection and penis enlargement. The effect of the drug occurs almost instantly. Beware of fakes. Website of the official online store.

There are also pills to improve blood flow in the penis. Most often, experts recommend using:

  • Viagra - gives an almost instantaneous effect, but it is temporary. The drug is used to prevent pathology.
  • Venza - helps strengthen blood vessels, increase blood flow.
  • Askorutin is a complex of vitamins that has a general strengthening effect.

Operations to improve blood circulation in the groin area in men

Surgery is a cardinal measure. There are several ways to carry out the operation:

  • spongolysis - during the operation, the intersection or ligation of the veins is performed, which ensures blood retention;
  • ligation - ligation of the legs of the penis with latex rings;
  • embolization - artificial blockage of the veins.

These methods are used in cases where the use of medicines is not effective, and the patient's age is less than seventy-five years. After the operation, the patient stays in the hospital for 5-7 days, then recovers at home for 30-40 days.

Violation of normal blood circulation in the pelvic organs can be caused by various reasons:

  • sedentary work;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol;
  • hypodynamia;
  • obesity;
  • tight underwear, etc.

Insufficient blood flow can lead to pathological conditions.

  • Urethritis, prostatitis. These inflammatory diseases can be activated during blood stasis, since the lack of nutrients in the blood weakens the cells themselves. A kind of cleaning from harmful substances and maintaining immunity at the cellular level become insufficient. All this provokes the reproduction and growth of pathogens that pollute the environment with waste products. Such a pathological process often goes unnoticed by a man. This makes it difficult to identify the disease, its diagnosis and timely treatment.
  • Erectile dysfunction. Circulatory failure leads to incomplete filling of the penis with blood. In severe cases, this condition leads to a complete inability to have sexual intercourse.
  • Decreased testicular function. Stagnation of blood in the body provokes a decrease in its functions. An exception is not the testicles, which are responsible for the production of sex hormones and spermatozoa (see).
  • Violation of the general condition of a man. This is due to insufficient production of testosterone, which controls the work of almost all organs and systems in the male body. Separately, it is worth noting the energy function of testosterone. Therefore, its decrease inevitably leads to a decrease in vital energy (see more details).

Such conditions require treatment and reduce the normal quality of life of a man.

Exercises to improve blood circulation in the pelvis

The most accessible, natural and safe way to "disperse" the blood in the pelvis is exercise. Controlled and orderly performance of such physical activities will help prevent the above conditions, improve potency.

Exercises for the pubococcygeus muscle

Exercises for the external muscles of the pelvis

It is also good to perform general exercises on the external muscles of the pelvis:

  • circular movements of the pelvis;
  • imaginary writing out infinity with the pelvis;
  • exercise "bicycle";
  • exercise "scissors";
  • march in place.

Rice. 2 - Exercise "bicycle" - one of the most effective exercises for stagnation of blood in the pelvic area + training the PC muscle.

Medical improvement of pelvic circulation

Here, drugs that improve the rheological properties of blood are of interest: they increase fluidity, reduce density, and normalize clotting parameters. These drugs prevent thrombosis, relieve inflammation of the walls of blood vessels and strengthen the endothelium, making it less permeable.

These medications are Venza, Askorutin, Aescusan. A direct indication for use is vascular fragility and venous insufficiency. But they do an excellent job with circulatory disorders.

The use of medications, unlike exercise, requires the advice of a doctor. Self-treatment is not recommended!

Products that improve blood circulation

In this case, certain foods will not help thin the blood or improve circulation. But they will get rid of some of the causes of stagnation - reduced intestinal tone, obesity, and will prevent thrombosis. Good bowel activity (frequent emptying) improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, since they are in close proximity.

  • We include in the diet more fruits, vegetables, seafood, foods rich in fiber;
  • Replace light carbohydrates found in sweets with complex ones (cereals). These products contain enough fiber, which contributes to the regulation of the stool;
  • Exclude fast food, fatty, fried foods;
  • Spicy foods will help expand blood vessels and increase blood flow: garlic, pepper, spicy seasonings.

Rice. 3 - Foods rich in fiber.

It is always better to prevent a disease than to treat it. Therefore, it is better to comply with the following instructions:

  • active lifestyle;
  • exclusion of alcohol, smoking;
  • drinking at least 2 liters of liquid;
  • alternating sitting position and physical activity;
  • proper nutrition (see above);
  • performing exercises on the PC muscle;
  • having regular sexual activity.

Following simple rules will help not only increase blood flow, but also improve the quality of life and emotional lability.

Watch a video about exercises to improve blood circulation in the pelvis

An active sex life of a man determines not only his health, but also his inner state, self-esteem, relationships with the opposite sex, self-confidence, success in his own eyes and in the eyes of others. However, due to certain physiological characteristics, some men face problems expressed in the weakening of male power, namely, difficulties in the development of potency. This is expressed in a weak erectile ability, which may either not occur at all, or disappear during intercourse. This can be caused by several reasons, but most of them come down to one thing: insufficient blood flow to the penis. You can correct the situation at home using simple means, less often it happens in a hospital in case of surgery.

Reasons for not getting enough blood to the penis

Insufficient amount of blood entering the penis can be due to several reasons:

Each of the reasons, in one way or another, inhibiting the flow of blood into the penis of a man, makes it difficult to fill it with blood in full to perform its sexual function, that is, it provokes potency. For doctors in this situation, it is very important to determine the cause of poor blood circulation in the penis: arterial dysfunction or venous. In other words, to determine: whether the blood enters the penis poorly, or quickly flows out.

Arterial dysfunction is subject to absolute cure. Venous dysfunction, with untimely or improper treatment, can lead to adverse consequences for a man - a complete loss of potency.

There are several ways to increase blood flow to the male penis, and as a result, enhance male function, both at home and in hospitals, each of which is quite effective if the necessary conditions are met. However, it should be noted that the greatest effect can be achieved using several methods to increase blood circulation in combination, that is, using all the means at the same time.

Ways to increase blood flow to the penis

Ways to increase blood flow to the penis:

  • medical approach;
  • physical education and additional physical activity;
  • folk methods;
  • surgical intervention.

The drug method of increasing blood flow to the penis of a man involves the use of drugs such as Viagra, Cialis or Levitra, this is done at home, immediately before sexual intercourse. This group of drugs enhances potency for 3-4 hours, some even up to 7-8 hours. These funds are sold without a prescription in pharmacies. There are other, less well-known drugs, but their effectiveness is somewhat lower. Medicines to increase blood circulation to the penis and increase blood circulation inside it have only a temporary effect, and some drugs are addictive. Before using any of the drugs to increase potency, you should consult with a specialist.

Physical education and additional physical activity will help improve blood circulation in the body at home, as well as accelerate blood flow to the penis of a man, thereby enhancing his sexual function. Physical education to increase blood circulation involves morning exercises, sports warm-ups during the working day (especially if the work consists in being in a sitting position throughout the working day), walking in the fresh air, jogging, visiting the pool.

It should be noted that physical education to increase blood circulation at home affects blood flow to the penis better than other methods, and if you follow a healthy lifestyle with regular physical activity, the problem is solved not for a short period of time, but for a sufficiently long period.

Surgical intervention to increase blood flow to the penis and increase potency is a cardinal measure and is used when it is impossible
improve the situation in other ways. Surgical intervention can be carried out in several ways:

  • spongolysis (ligation or intersection of some of the veins of the penis, through which blood flows out of it);
  • ligation (ligation) of the legs of the penis;
  • ligation of veins;
  • embolization (artificial blockage) of veins.

Any of these surgical operations is carried out in combination with taking medications, that is, in the postoperative period, drugs that enhance blood circulation are taken. Rehabilitation after surgery is carried out in the first 3-5 days in a hospital, in the next about a month at home.

Folk methods to improve blood flow to the male genital organ

Folk remedies to combat the weakening of potency at home,
namely, methods aimed at improving blood circulation in a man's penis should be used only after consultation with a specialist. This is due to the fact that temporarily improving the condition with the help of decoctions, you can not notice the real problem in the body of a man. In fact, folk remedies to increase blood circulation are the so-called natural aphrodisiacs.

The most popular are: honey, nuts, ginseng (root), ginger, nettle, Schisandra chinensis. Ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine, nettle are poured with boiling water to obtain an infusion. Ginger is consumed fresh and can be added to tea or salads. Nuts and honey are also usually used in pairs: they are used to make gruel.

Issues related to erection for a man are extremely exciting. This is not only their self-confidence, but also the satisfaction of their chosen one. The deterioration of the functions of the penis causes anxiety, self-doubt, low self-esteem, and depression in men. The earlier measures are taken to prevent potency, the more chances a man has to remain sexy in the eyes of his second half and self-confident.

Most of us know that the normal circulation of the circulatory system has a beneficial effect on the condition of the male genital organ. That is why insufficient blood flow to the penis leads to such a delicate problem as the weakening or complete absence of an erection. Naturally, this situation involves immediate action, because sexual dissatisfaction provokes a physiological and psychological disorder. To understand what methods help to significantly increase blood flow to the male genital organ, we offer by studying our today's publication.

The first way: medication

Today, the pharmacological industry offers us many drugs that stimulate sexual desire. However, before using stimulants, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since their use is not able to completely solve the problem, but can only temporarily eliminate it. The most famous drugs for increasing blood flow to the genitals are Viagra, Levitra, Cialis.

Second method: folk

Since ancient times, mankind has been using natural aphrodisiacs to increase blood flow to the genitals, thereby helping to strengthen potency. The most popular natural remedies for this purpose are ginseng root, as well as honey, nuts, thyme, nettle, ginger, medicinal verbena, and Chinese lemongrass. We will announce the recipes for the preparation of some herbal preparations right now:

  • Pour 50 g of ginseng root with half a liter of water, boil over low heat, then let the product brew for two days. After that, a little honey and a pinch of cinnamon are added to the infusion and left for another day. Take the remedy daily for 100 ml until the problems are eliminated.
  • Grind a handful of peeled walnuts and pour 100 ml of natural honey. The mixture is kept in the refrigerator and take 1 tbsp. spoon twice a day.
  • Pour dried berries of Chinese magnolia vine (1 tablespoon) with a liter of boiling water, leave for 10 hours, strain and add sugar to taste. Drink 100 ml three times a day.

The third way: sports

Physical exercise is considered one of the most effective methods of keeping the body in good shape and blood flow to the penis. To strengthen an erection, you must regularly perform the following gymnastics:

  1. Stand up straight, put your hands down and start stepping intensively to the music, raising your knees as high as possible. Try to keep your legs close to your stomach as you walk. After 3 minutes, you can finish the exercise and move on to the next one.
  2. Lie on your back, place your feet on the floor, bend your knees and stretch your arms along your body. Now, from this position, begin to slowly lift the pelvis up, fixing it at the highest point for 10 minutes, then lower yourself to the floor. This exercise must be repeated at least 10 times.
  3. Lying on your back, tighten the muscles of the perineum as much as possible, while the buttocks should remain relaxed. Repeat the exercise about 30 times.
  4. Fourth way: surgical

    Surgical treatment can have several options:

  • operation of ligation of the legs of the penis;
  • spongolysis;
  • resection and subsequent ligation of corporal and emissary veins;
  • embolization (endovascular) of the veins of the penis.

Note that venous surgery is almost always carried out in combination with medication. Your doctor will tell you more about the operation.

At the end of our conversation today, I would like to note that in order to prevent the problem under consideration, doctors recommend walking at a fast pace as often as possible. But keep in mind that walks should be long - 2 hours at least. In addition, giving up alcohol and bad habits, walking barefoot in the dew, hardening and morning exercises have a very positive effect on blood flow to the penis. So lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of your "male power"!

People at different ages suffer from the problem of weak erection. And this is the difficulty that men experience with sexual contact. To get erection strength, men try pills for success in bed, but most drugs have side effects, and to get rid of them, they look for simple solutions.

One thing to be aware of is that the blood flow in the cavernous artery determines the strength of an erection, as it is the main artery of the penis. If the blood flow is narrowed in a way, then there is a problem in producing an erection. Therefore, using natural methods to increase blood flow to the penis will help.

Remember that the heart pumps blood for a long time when the brain sends a signal. If the blood pressure is sufficient, then the blood flows easily into the penis, the sex life improves. However, there are methods to increase blood flow to the penis, and some of them are mentioned in this article, which will help men have a balanced sex life.

Diet and weight loss

If you are overweight, this is a serious problem in your sex life. Obesity reduces interest in sex, as it reduces the strength of erections, and this is observed in guys. Therefore, before thinking about how to enjoy your sex life, think about how to maintain the body. Eat fresh foods to keep your body healthy and treat it with respect.

penis exercises

Such exercises are effective because they strengthen the muscles and cavernous bodies. If they become stronger and larger, then it will be easier to dilate the pudendal arteries and achieve an erection. Some of the penis exercises that include Kegel exercises and stretching have proven effective. But doing this gymnastics without professional guidance is harmful. So it would be better to consult a doctor before doing such actions.

Increase physical activity

Maintaining the body physically does not mean that you have to go to the gym and work hard there, it means keeping the body in perfect shape by following some daily habits such as walking, sit-ups and push-ups. Every day. If you run, bike, jump, then do this exercise for 30 minutes every day, and your body will be fit, at the same time there will be a large blood flow to the penis, hence the problem will disappear.

penis massage

Performing penile massage is helpful in increasing blood flow to the penis. It requires your hand, without any other technique. There are good ways to do this:

Don't be rough with your private parts and be gentle;

Try wrinkling and stretching it;

Use massage oil to prevent any kind of skin irritation;

Try doing this in a warm bath or shower, which will help speed up the circulation.

stress management

Chronic anxiety and stress not only damage the body by causing high blood pressure, but also affect testosterone levels. So it's entirely up to you to manage your stress levels, because it's a key factor on which blood flow to the penis depends. There are some ways to get rid of this level of stress: spending time in the garden, meditating, playing with children, etc. People are so busy at work that they don't get enough rest time, which leads to a lot of stress. This factor is avoided so that when you are in bed and unable to damage your sex life, you can satisfy your partner.

Reducing salt intake

Your body needs 2300 mg of sodium daily in a minimal amount. This helps to maintain the balance of the body. However, this amount is easily achieved with our daily cooked food that we eat. But in fact, the problem arises when you depend on chips, frozen meals, soups, etc. These foods are high in sodium, and when sodium enters the body, the kidneys are at risk. And if this continues, the kidney will become helpless and bear the load, begin to retain fluid in the body.

Avoid alcohol, tobacco and drugs

People know that they should not take alcohol or tobacco, because these things negatively affect the body. Tobacco reduces blood flow by constricting blood vessels. Thus, a person who smokes does not achieve an erection. It is necessary to know that prescribed drugs have a bad effect on health, so taking herbal preparations is useful and will work better. Be sure to consult your doctor before taking medication. By avoiding the use of alcohol and tobacco, increase blood flow to the penis and the sex life will be happy.

Try Herbal Remedies

Increasing blood flow to the penis works when taken with herbal remedies. With Ingredients That May There Are Ingredients for Effective Body Performance.

Some of them include:

L-arginine - strengthens the body, it begins to produce nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels and improves blood flow. This increases low blood pressure and therefore provides a person with an increased amount of sex drive.

Ginseng – This herb is used to treat erectile dysfunction, but it also increases blood flow to the penis and makes a man achieve a full erection and is proven to increase libido.

Ginkgo is an herb that helps increase blood flow to the penis. It increases blood flow in the body, reducing the chance of heart attacks and also helps to achieve long lasting erections.

enjoy the sun

We all have a hormone called melatonin that makes people insensitive. In fact, it also reduces interest in sex, which is why it's important to maintain acceptable melatonin levels. Getting out of the house and sitting in the sun is a way to deal with the problem. By doing this, you will notice that your melatonin levels will decrease and your interest in sex will increase.

Take vitamin supplements

If you feel weak, then this can adversely affect your health. However, taking some supplements like ginseng and vitamin B12 will make you feel better. By taking these supplements, you will make yourself stronger and more confident, your sex life will be better. If these methods don't work, take advantage of some L-arginine based supplements that will naturally fill your sexual desire and help you achieve a decent erection.

Everyone wants to have sufficient blood flow to the penis using the right methods. Natural methods are safe and suitable for both young and old people.



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