Ecological safety of the Russian Federation. Ecological situation in Russia


Federal State Educational Institution

higher professional education


in Murmansk

Specialty: "State and municipal management"


by subject

"Constitutional law"

On the topic "Ecological safety of modern Russia
and the global community"


Sinelnikov G.A.

Group P-12


Dyakonov A.G.




Man by nature strives for a state of security and wants to make his existence as comfortable as possible. On the other hand, we are constantly in a world of risks. The threat comes from both criminogenic elements and a “beloved” government capable of pursuing an unpredictable policy, there is a risk of contracting an infectious disease, the risk of a military conflict, the risk of an accident. Today, all this is perceived naturally and does not seem like something far-fetched, because all these events that threaten our security are quite probable and, moreover, have already happened in our memory. Therefore, preventive measures are being taken to reduce these risks, and everyone is able to name them.

Recently, the threat to the safety and comfortable existence of a person begins to come from the unfavorable state of the environment. First of all, it is a health risk. Now there is no doubt that environmental pollution can cause a number of environmentally related diseases and, in general, leads to a reduction in the average life expectancy of people exposed to environmentally unfavorable factors. It is the expected average life expectancy of people that is the main criterion for environmental safety.

The concept of "environmental safety" is applicable to many realities. For example, the environmental safety of the population of a city or even an entire state, there is an environmental safety of technologies and industries.

Environmental safety concerns industry, agriculture and communal services, the service sector, and the field of international relations. In other words, environmental safety is firmly embedded in our lives, and its importance and relevance is increasing year by year.

The purpose of the work is to show the role and place of environmental safety in the development of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the purpose, the paper considers the basic concepts and categories of environmental safety, characterizes the ecological situation in the country, the directions of development of environmental safety and the ways of development of environmental safety.


In the last three decades, the problems of environmental security have sharply escalated both at the global (global) and regional levels. It is impossible to name a single country in the world that has not experienced certain environmental shocks. It should be noted that the consequences of environmental disasters, upheavals, crises for humanity are becoming more and more burdensome and tangible.

Environmental safety (safety in the environmental sphere) is a state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and the state from potential or real threats created by the consequences of anthropogenic impact on the environment, as well as from natural disasters and catastrophes.

Another definition is given in the literature: environmental safety is such a qualitative characteristic of socio-eco-development, which involves the formation of a new type of technological processes, social organization and management, etc., capable of rationally solving environmental problems and protecting society and the individual from any environmental hazards (emissions harmful substances, lack of resources, natural disasters, accidents, catastrophes, etc.) 1 .

The concept of "security" does not exist without the antonym "danger". Danger is the starting point when considering the problem of security. According to the nature of the direction and the role of the subjective factor in the occurrence of adverse conditions, the following are distinguished:

- a challenge, as a set of circumstances, not necessarily of a specifically threatening nature, but, of course, requiring a response to them;

- risk, as the possibility of adverse and undesirable consequences of the activity of the object itself;

- danger, as a real, but not fatal, probability of harming someone with something, determined by the presence of objective and subjective factors that have damaging properties;

- a threat as the most concrete and immediate form of danger created by the purposeful activity of openly hostile forces.

According to the scale of possible negative consequences, dangers are distinguished: global, regional, national, local, private.

They are classified according to spheres of public life and types of human activity. The space where a person originated and exists is inherently dangerous, and, consequently, a person exists in conditions of constant danger and complete security is almost never ensured 2 .

Hazardous natural processes can be defined as follows: “Hazardous natural processes are non-linear, and sometimes extreme phenomena of the interaction of natural systems or processes with social and ecological systems, as a result of which damaging factors arise that cause damage and losses to society and nature. The range of hazardous natural processes is very wide, which predetermines the diversity of genesis; development mechanisms; scales, speeds and energies of manifestations; the duration of exposure and the difference in damaging factors” 3 .

The fundamental concept of "security" can be adequately formulated and interpreted only in a systemic unity with the corresponding conceptual apparatus serving this category 4 .

The concept of "danger" is taken as the primary, initial premise. Danger is the possibility of the onset of negative or catastrophic events, that is, phenomena or processes that can affect people, cause material damage, and have a destructive effect on the human environment. A catastrophe is considered to be abrupt structural and functional changes in the system, leading to a significant disruption of its functioning, or to the destruction of the system. Environmental hazard factors are anthropogenic, technogenic and natural impacts (disturbances) that can produce negative changes in the environment and in the state of public health.

Environmental security is the degree of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society, state, world community, acceptable at this stage of socio-economic development, from the consequences and threats that are caused by negative changes (degradation) of the environment resulting from anthropogenic and natural impact on it.

Objects of environmental safety - socio-ecosystem "society-environment" of various levels: global, national, regional, local, industrial level of an economic entity.

Sources of environmental hazard - subjects of economic, domestic, military and other activities, the functioning of which contains significant environmental risk factors.

Environmental threats are predicted consequences or potential scenarios for the development of events of a catastrophic nature, which are caused by changes in the state of the environment and are capable of harming the vital interests of an individual, society, state, and the world community. There are external and internal threats in relation to this socio-ecosystem.

Environmental consequences - the results of past events, due to the current change in the state (degradation) of the environment.

Ensuring environmental safety is a systemic control impact on the socio-ecosystem, aimed at preventing environmental threats and protecting against environmental consequences up to the achievement of an acceptable level of security (safety).


The most concise and accurate current environmental situation in Russia is presented in the "Scientific Basis for the Sustainable Development Strategy of the Russian Federation" 5 . The authors of this scientific work rightly emphasize that according to the degree of the natural environment, expressed by the combination and spatial correlation of the ecological situation of varying degrees of severity, seven stages (ranks) of environmental tension are distinguished - from very low to very high. In districts of the first, second, and third ranks, areas dominate where environmental problems in the traditional sense do not occur.

In districts of the fourth and fifth ranks, areas with moderately acute ecological situations predominate, although for districts of the fifth rank the share of territories with acute ecological situations is already significantly increasing. Areas belonging to the sixth rank are characterized by an almost equal ratio of territories with acute and moderately acute environmental situations. In districts of the seventh rank, areas with acute and very acute situations predominate.

Taking into account the indicated ranking, 56 regions are distinguished on the territory of Russia, characterized by different levels of environmental tension.

Areas with very low ecological intensity (1st rank): Leno-Oleneksky, Yano-Indigirsky, Khatango-Anabarsky, Gorno-Altaisky, Gorno-Sayansky, North Taimyrsky, Dzhungarsky, Nizhne-Kolymsky, Koryaksko-Omolonsky.

Areas with low environmental tension (2nd rank): Novozemelsky, East-Kola, Central Siberian, Vitimsky, Upper Kolyma, Okhotsky, Kuril-Kamchatsky.

Regions with relatively low environmental tension (3rd rank): Polar Ural, Pinezhsky, North Ural, Yamalo-Tazovsky, Olekminsky, Sikhote-Alinsky, Chukotsky.

Areas with medium environmental stress (4th rank): Onego-Kubensky, Mezensko-Pechora, Unzhensky, Tuvinsky, North Baikal, South Yakutsky, Amursky, Sakhalin.

Areas with relatively high ecological tension (5th rank): Karelian, Severo-Dvinsky, Vychegodsky, Vyatsky, Irtyshsky, Central Altai, Middle Ob, Middle Angarsky, Central Yakutsky, Zabaikalsky, Kaliningradsky.

Areas with high ecological tension (6th rank): West-Kola, Ladoga, North Caucasus, Caspian, Baikal, Khabarovsk-Komsomolsky.

Areas with very high environmental tension (7th rank): Central Russian, Volga, Nizhne-Donskoy, West Ural, Middle Ural, South Ural, Pre-Sayan, Norilsk.

In regions with very high ecological tension, the possible limits of the economic capacity of ecosystems have already been exceeded in a significant part of their territories, and in regions with high ecological tension, these limits have only been exhausted so far. A further increase in production here with the existing levels of technology and the structure of the economy will lead to the final degradation of natural complexes, the complete depletion of the resource base, and the formation of persistent foci of diseases in the population.

In regions with relatively high environmental stress, the economic capacity of ecosystems has largely been exhausted. Here it is necessary to partially change the structure of the economy, taking into account the introduction of new technologies, the construction of treatment facilities, the restoration and reclamation of landscapes.

In regions with an average degree of ecological tension, the economic capacity of ecosystems is relatively preserved. Here it is possible to preserve the existing structure of the economy with the introduction of new technologies and the creation of treatment facilities.

In regions with a relatively low degree of environmental stress, a further increase in production, partial economic development of new territories outside the system of specially protected natural areas is possible.

In regions with a low or very low degree of environmental stress, the economic capacity of ecosystems is practically completely preserved and, according to the Concept of the Russian Federation's transition to sustainable development, the economic development of new territories is not advisable here, since the ecological resources preserved on them represent an invaluable reserve for restoring the biosphere.

The situation in the ecological sphere is extraordinary. Distress parameters are well known. Figures and facts about the widespread disgusting quality of water, poisoned air, soil contaminated with chemicals are replicated in the media ... In a word, they are known and it is unlikely that we should repeat them.

The data of state reports on the state and protection of the environment of the Russian Federation over the past 10 years indicate that the problems associated with the formation, disposal and processing of household and industrial waste are relevant for almost all subjects of the Russian Federation.

The problem of the generation and disposal of household waste in the Russian Federation continues to worsen. In the first half of 2010, a number of television channels aired programs that provided information about serious environmental problems in the north of the country.


Very timely is the task of “general cleaning of the country”, which was set by the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev at a meeting of the Presidium of the State Council in the spring of 2010 6 .

The President of Russia put forward the idea of ​​reforming the public administration system in the field of environmental protection, clearly set the accents, making it clear that environmental problems are among the highest state priorities, and a unified state policy is needed to solve them, where there is no place for disparate actions and non-systemic decisions. It is this inefficient approach that characterizes the current state of affairs in the environmental sphere. Environmental relations as a whole are regulated by a number of unrelated, often conflicting laws and regulations. The country has not yet created a comprehensive system of state environmental monitoring, and in many regions it simply does not exist. Hence the first tasks to be solved. “It is necessary,” D.A. Medvedev, to complete the codification of environmental legislation and, at least in legal terms, put an end to ecological nihilism.” In addition, the President of Russia believes, “we need both a plan of specific actions and a package regime for the preparation of relevant regulations. Finally, we need special registries and methods that establish procedures and regulations that provide effective solutions to various problems.”

The President of Russia considers it necessary to improve the system of regulation of the negative impact on the environment, to switch to the so-called principles of the best existing technologies. “It is necessary to interest the business in this work as much as possible,” he said, “enterprises should see the benefit from the transition to modern technologies, the transition to production modernization programs, and the introduction of modern treatment systems.”

It is necessary to think about strengthening responsibility for environmental offenses, but reasonable responsibility. Develop more realistic mechanisms for redressing environmental damage. To oblige violators to quickly eliminate pollution, including the most complex, even such large-scale ones as in the Gulf of Mexico. Taking into account Russia's plans to build several main pipelines at once, work on the Arctic shelf, in the Caspian and Okhotsk seas, this topic acquires a special meaning.

Problems of environmental safety have been discussed since 2003 at the level of the Presidium of the State Council. The decisions made at that time were practically not implemented. Instructions were given in 2005 and 2008. and a decision was made at a meeting of the Security Council of Russia, decrees of the President were issued, instructions of the Government were adopted - but all this, if any, was only partially implemented.

Environmental security is an important component of national security, which is a state of protection of the individual, society and the state from internal and external threats, allowing to ensure constitutional rights, freedoms, decent quality and standard of living of citizens, sovereignty, territorial integrity and sustainable development of the Russian Federation, defense and security states 7 .

The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 (Strategy-2020), approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2009 No. 537, contains a special subsection 8 "Ecology of living systems and rational nature management" in Section IV "Ensuring National Security".

The Strategy-2020 emphasizes that the state of national security in the environmental sphere is negatively affected by the depletion of world reserves of mineral, raw materials, water and biological resources, as well as the presence of environmentally unfavorable regions in Russia; the state of national security in the field of ecology is aggravated by the preservation of a significant number of hazardous industries, whose activities lead to a violation of the ecological balance, including violation of sanitary-epidemiological and (or) sanitary-hygienic standards of drinking water consumed by the population of the country, radioactive waste of non-nuclear fuel cycle; the strategic risk of depletion of the country's most important mineral resources is growing, and the extraction of many strategically important minerals is falling.

The Strategy-2020 defines the following strategic goals for ensuring environmental safety and rational use of natural resources:

– preservation of the natural environment and ensuring its protection;

– elimination of environmental consequences of economic activity in the context of growing economic activity and global climate change.

To counter threats in the field of environmental safety and rational use of natural resources, the Strategy-2020 emphasizes, the national security forces, in cooperation with civil society institutions, create conditions for the introduction of environmentally friendly industries, the search for promising energy sources, the formation and implementation of a state program to create strategic reserves of mineral resources sufficient to meet the mobilization needs of the Russian Federation and guaranteed satisfaction of the needs of the population and the economy in water and biological resources.

We see a somewhat different approach compared to the Strategy-2020 in relation to environmental problems in the Concept of the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2008 No. 1662-r.

The Concept notes that, in general, the level of environmental burden on the Russian economy is still significantly lower than in developed countries. Russia has colossal expanses of virgin territories, reserves of fresh water resources and forests. At the same time, for many decades, poles of ecological trouble have been forming in Russia (and not only in the European part), which negatively affects the quality of life of people, their health and life expectancy.

The dynamics of the main environmental indicators of Russia's development shows an increase in the negative impact on the environment (total emissions into the atmosphere from stationary and mobile sources, volumes of waste generation against the background of a decrease in the level of their processing). The decline in the discharge of polluted wastewater is accompanied by an increase in the concentration of a number of hazardous substances, including metals and organics.

According to environmental indicators, about 15% of the territory of Russia is in a critical or near-critical state. There are trends in the reduction of species biological diversity and changes in the state of the environment against the backdrop of climate warming. 56% of the urban population lives in cities with high and very high levels of air pollution. The situation with the quality of drinking water continues to be extremely unfavorable, primarily due to the discharge of wastewater into surface water bodies (more than 40% of the country's population faces the problem of water quality). An economic upsurge while maintaining the current level of negative impact and failure to take measures to reduce the accumulated environmental damage may lead to further aggravation of environmental problems.

The forecast of the main hazards and threats of a natural, man-made and social nature shows that a high degree of risk of large-scale emergency situations of various nature will remain in Russia.

The institutional basis of the new environmental policy should be an updated system of environmental regulation, consistent with the priorities of the country's development until 2020 and the new - post-industrial level of development of Russian society.

The goal of environmental policy is a significant improvement in the quality of the natural environment and environmental conditions of human life, the formation of a balanced environmentally oriented model for the development of the economy and environmentally competitive industries. Russia's successful implementation of the environmental development program is Russia's most important contribution to the preservation of the global biosphere potential and the maintenance of the global ecological balance.

The following main directions of ensuring the environmental safety of economic development and improving the ecological environment of human life are distinguished.

The first direction is the ecology of production - a gradual reduction in the levels of environmental impact of all anthropogenic sources.

The main elements of this direction should be a new system of regulation of permissible environmental impact, providing for the rejection of the establishment of individual permits for each enterprise and the establishment of standards and plans for the gradual reduction of pollution to levels corresponding to the best environmentally friendly world technologies, the creation of a developed industry of waste disposal, the expansion of the use of renewable energy sources.

The processes of modernization of production, focused on reducing energy and material consumption, as well as reducing and reusing waste, developing and implementing new efficient technologies for the production of electrical and thermal energy, associated with environmentally safe disposal of waste from these industries, will be actively stimulated.

The introduction of new technologies should be promoted, among other things, by tax policy measures, according to which, when introducing and using environmentally friendly and (or) energy-saving technologies, appropriate benefits will be provided for corporate income tax, land tax, property tax, as well as various personal income tax deductions. Thus, economic incentives will be created for the modernization of production and the use of appropriate technologies by citizens.

The target is to reduce the specific levels of environmental impact by 3–7 times, depending on the industry.

The second direction is human ecology - the creation of an environmentally safe and comfortable environment in the places of residence of the population, its work and leisure.

It is necessary to establish standards for the quality of air, water, soil and other important environmental characteristics, corresponding at least to a safe level of impact of these environments on human health. At the same time, for these territories it is necessary to establish standards for the permissible anthropogenic load, the implementation of which ensures that the standards for the quality of the natural environment are not exceeded. Thus, quantitative and qualitative guidelines will be established for the development of local environmental programs and the gradual reduction of the negative impact of economic entities. One of the goals of introducing environmental quality regulation should be to identify territories where the concentration of pollution is classified as dangerous, which poses a threat to the health and life of the population living there.

This direction includes the elimination of accumulated pollution, the restoration of eroded, littered territories, the provision of effective sanitation, the management of household waste, and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to develop special environmental biomedical standards for the safety and comfort of the human living environment, and to carry out specialized monitoring.

The target indicators for the implementation of this direction by 2020 are:

− reducing the number of cities with high and very high levels of pollution by at least 5 times;

− reduction in the number of residents living in unfavorable environmental conditions by at least 4 times.

By 2020, it is necessary to completely solve the problem of restoring a safe environment in the regions of the ecological crisis, where about 1 million people live in the country.

The third direction is the environmental business - the creation of an effective environmental sector of the economy. This sector may include a competitive business in the field of general and specialized engineering, environmental consulting. The role of the state is to form the rules for the implementation of environmental audits, requirements for the development of technologies, create conditions for the widespread introduction of environmental management, increase the information transparency of industrial enterprises in terms of their impact on the environment and measures taken to reduce the negative impact, organize monitoring of the dynamics of environmental indicators of the economy.

The fourth direction is the ecology of the natural environment - the preservation and protection of the natural environment.

The basis of actions in this direction will be new methods of territorial planning, land use and development, taking into account environmental restrictions. It is necessary to create such a system of specially protected natural areas that would ensure the preservation of natural ecosystems in all natural and climatic regions of the country, making them centers for the conservation of the genetic fund, incubators for the restoration of the original biodiversity.

The target indicators of progress in this direction should be the reduction of regional differences in the network of specially protected natural areas, the increase in the bioproductivity of natural systems to safe levels, and the restoration of species diversity.

Ensuring the environmental efficiency of the economy is not only a special area of ​​business activity and economic policy, but also a general characteristic of the innovative development of the economy, closely related to increasing the efficiency of resource consumption. As a result of increasing the technological and environmental efficiency of the economy, by 2020 it is expected to reduce the level of environmental impact by 2–2.5 times, which will allow reaching modern indicators of nature conservation in developed European countries.

At the same time, the level of environmental costs (costs for reducing harmful emissions, waste disposal and restoration of the natural environment) may increase to 1–1.5% of gross domestic product in 2020. For Russia, the task of capitalizing its environmental benefits is urgent, which should be expressed in the development ecological tourism, selling clean water, etc. 8 .

And although the Strategy-2020 and the Concept consider environmental problems from different perspectives, they do not exclude each other, but complement each other. Even though the former is based on sustainable development, the latter is more characterized by the use of the ideas of instability.


Ensuring environmental safety largely depends on the choice of the path: measures will be taken within the framework of the old tradition (unsustainable development) or the concept and strategy of sustainable development will be chosen for this. The most progressive is the position of those who believe that it is necessary to ensure environmental safety through sustainable development.

Sustainable development (eng. Sustainabl development, a more accurate translation - continuously supported development) is a term proposed by the International Commission on Environment and Development (Brundtland Commission) in the report "Our Common Future" (1987; Russian translation 1989) to refer to social development, that does not undermine the natural conditions for the existence of the human race. Sustainable development, as defined by the Brundtland Commission, “is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” 9 .

The principle of sustainable development was supported by the UN. The Second United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (COSR-2, Rio de Janeiro, 1992), which was attended by representatives of 179 countries, translated the idea of ​​sustainable development into concrete international commitments and plans.

The President of the Russian Federation, by Decree No. 440 of April 1, 1996, approved the Concept for the Transition of the Russian Federation to Sustainable Development.

The Concept notes that, following the recommendations and principles set forth in the documents of the UN Conference on Environment and Development (Rio de Janeiro, 1992), guided by them, it seems necessary and possible to implement in the Russian Federation a consistent transition to sustainable development, ensuring a balanced solving socio-economic problems and problems of preserving a favorable environment and natural resource potential in order to meet the needs of present and future generations of people. The concept was adopted on the recommendation of UNCED, in the documents of which it was proposed to the government of each country to approve its national strategy for sustainable development. In the Russian Federation, a sustainable development strategy has not yet been adopted, but work is underway on it. I would especially like to note the role of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly. The State Duma Commission on Sustainable Development prepared and published the Scientific Basis for the Sustainable Development Strategy of the Russian Federation.

Initially, sustainable development was considered in the context of finding an answer to the environmental challenge, but such an answer involves a systematic solution to many economic, social, demographic, scientific, technical and other problems of modern civilization.

The following main principles of sustainable development have been identified in the scientific literature 10:

− every person has the right to a healthy and fruitful life in harmony with nature, to life in a favorable environment;

- socio-economic development should be aimed at improving the quality of life of people within the acceptable limits of the economic capacity of ecosystems;

- development should be carried out not to the detriment of the natural environment and ensure the ability to meet the basic vital needs of both current and future generations of people;

- preservation of the natural environment should be an integral part of the sustainable development process, economic development, social justice and environmental security should be combined into one whole, which together determine the main criteria for development;

− the survival of mankind and stable socio-economic development should be based on the laws of biotic regulation while maintaining biodiversity in the biosphere;

− rational nature management should be based on the inexhaustible use of renewable and economical use of non-renewable resources, recycling and safe disposal of waste;

- environmentally safe management should be based on strengthening the relationship between the economy and ecology, the formation of a single (conjugated) eco-friendly economic development system;

− the implementation of an appropriate demographic policy should be aimed at stabilizing the population and optimizing the scale of its activities in accordance with the fundamental laws of nature;

- it is necessary to widely use the principle of anticipation, anticipatory adoption of effective measures to prevent the deterioration of the state of the natural environment, the prevention of environmental and man-made disasters;

- an important condition for the transition of society to sustainable development is the eradication of poverty and the prevention of large differences in the standard of living of people;

- the use of a variety of forms of ownership and the mechanism of market relations should be focused on the harmonization of social relations while ensuring public safety;

- in the future, as the ideas of sustainable development are implemented, the importance of issues of rationalizing the scale and structure of personal consumption of the population should increase;

− Preservation of small peoples and ethnic groups, their cultures, traditions, habitat should be one of the priorities of state policy at all stages of the transition to sustainable development;

− the development of international cooperation and global partnership in order to preserve, protect and restore the integral ecosystem of the Earth should be supported by the adoption by the states of relevant international agreements and other legal acts;

- there is a need for free access to environmental information, the creation of an appropriate database using global and national communications and other informatics tools for this purpose;

− in the course of developing the legislative framework, one should take into account the environmental consequences of the proposed actions, proceed from the need to increase liability for environmental offenses, provide compensation to persons affected by environmental pollution;

− ecologization of human consciousness and worldview, reorientation of the system of upbringing and education on the principle of sustainable development should contribute to the promotion of intellectual and spiritual values ​​to a priority place in relation to material and material ones;

− the sovereign rights of each state to develop its own natural resources must be exercised without damage to ecosystems beyond state borders; in international law, it is important to recognize the principle of differentiated responsibility of the state for the violation of global ecosystems;

− economic activities should be carried out with the rejection of projects that can cause irreparable damage to the environment or whose environmental consequences are not well understood.

Undoubtedly, the understanding and implementation of these principles of sustainable development will require serious worldview transformations. The survival and continuity of the development of society on a global scale must be achieved without the quantitative growth of many traditional parameters and, above all, the extensive growth of production.

The colossal changes that have taken place in the world have required the search for new forms of life, the organization of a new world order. As a result of this search, mankind has come to the idea of ​​sustainable development. The concept and strategy of sustainable development is the understanding that meeting the needs of the present generation should not jeopardize the ability of future generations to meet the needs.

The modern world is experiencing threats to environmental security from an acute environmental situation. It is difficult to imagine that in the coming years we will witness a significant reduction in environmental threats, risks, and dangers. Undoubtedly, this practically cannot happen within the framework of the old traditions of instability. A serious improvement in the state of environmental safety in the short term is possible only on the path of sustainable development.


The state of environmental security in the current conditions of Russia is the result of the impact of a combination of factors - anthropogenic, technogenic, political, economic, social, moral, psychological, legal, insufficient readiness of the authorities to pursue an environmentally oriented economic and social policy, low efficiency of environmental protection activities of law enforcement agencies, impact a number of external environmental threats, hazards and risks.

In the Russian Federation, a mechanism for ensuring national security and environmental security as its component has been basically formed and is functioning. It is based on legislative, executive and judicial authorities, state, public and other organizations and associations, citizens, as well as legislation regulating relations in the field of ensuring environmental safety.

At the same time, the analysis of the state of environmental safety in relation to the conditions of the Russian Federation indicates that the created mechanism for ensuring environmental safety is not effective enough, gives serious failures and does not guarantee reliable and effective protection of the environment and environmental rights of citizens. The urgency and acuteness of the problem of environmental safety urgently require from all institutions of the state and society constant attention to it, a deep analysis of its state in order to eliminate dangerous environmental threats in a timely manner. At present, the Russian state makes little use of its real opportunities to reduce undesirable pressures on nature, prevent environmental damage and protect its own environmental interests. The activities of state and civil society institutions in the field of environmental safety require further improvement and optimization.

In modern conditions, the following areas of optimization of the activities of the Russian state in the field of environmental safety are the most important: development of an environmental safety strategy that is mandatory for all state structures; improvement of the management system of the national system of environmental safety at all levels; timely identification of internal and external environmental threats and taking measures to block and neutralize them; activation and improvement of the efficiency of the activities of state structures and public organizations to combat environmental terrorism; strengthening the environmental activities of law enforcement agencies; development of a public system for the protection of the natural environment, based on the activity of citizens, environmental organizations and movements; improvement of the mechanism of legal protection of environmental rights of citizens; raising the level of environmental culture and environmental education of citizens.

Environmental security is part of the national security system. Without ensuring the proper conservation of natural resources, the natural environment surrounding us, it is impossible to achieve sustainable preservation of national security. Preservation and preservation of national natural resources is most directly related to caring for the health and life of the current and future generations of Russian citizens and the Russian state as a whole.


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2 Danilov-Danilyan, V.I. Environmental Safety. General principles and the Russian aspect / V.I. Danilov-Danilyan, M.Ch. Zalikhanov, K.S. Losev. - M .: Publishing house of the International. independent ecolog.-politol. un-ta, 2001 - p. 16, 17, 19

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5 Scientific basis of the sustainable development strategy of the Russian Federation / Ed. ed. M.Ch. Zalikhanov, V.M. Matrosova, A.M. Shelekhov. - M .: Ed. State. Dumas, 2002

6 Gosteva S.R. Ecological safety of Russia and sustainable development. Bulletin of TSTU. Volume 16. No. 3. - 2010

7 National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020. Approved Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2009 No. 537

8 The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, Approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2008 No. 1662-r

2. Ecological policy contemporary Russia For ... etc.), including security ecological security, improvement and... world experience ecological legislation. 2) prompt acceptance environmental ... communities perform important environmental ...

  • Role and place Russia V global economic community

    Abstract >> Economic theory

    ... Russia V world trade. Modern structure of foreign trade Russia... economic security Russia, home... development « ecological" rural ... V.I. Place Russia V global community. - M.: UNITI, 2006 Utkin A.I. Russia V global community. – M.: ...

  • Youth in contemporary Russia

    Monograph >> Sociology

    ... Russia V global community in the 21st century. IN contemporary around the world, public attention has been drawn to the problem of ensuring sustainable, without environmental... social guarantees; - loss of sense of self security; - declining living standards; - ...

  • Environmental Problems modernity (4)

    Abstract >> Ecology

    Research world economic trends ... complication of the structure contemporary ecological knowledge and generates ... ecology communities. Subdivision environmental research... and birds. Russia having in the area... construction safe atomic...

  • The environmental situation in Russia can be characterized as complex, with a tendency to further escalate in a number of regions, including the Voronezh region.

    In the Russian Federation, natural ecosystems have been destroyed on 35% of the territory, 75% of water resources are of little use for drinking, and a high degree of atmospheric pollution is observed in 13 regions. About 56% of agricultural land is subject to soil degradation. In a number of large cities of the Russian Federation (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg, Ufa, etc.), the share of vehicle emissions is practically commensurate with the waste from large industrial enterprises. For most regions of Russia, one of the main sources of water pollution is housing and communal services: in Moscow - 96%, St. Petersburg and Omsk - up to 90%, Saratov - more than 50%, Chelyabinsk - about 30%.

    In Voronezh, tap water is of such poor quality that it causes a massive occurrence of kidney diseases. Moreover, a paradoxical situation is emerging: in Voronezh, despite interruptions in water supply, the daily rate of water consumption per person is 511 liters, which exceeds the consumption level for residents of Moscow by almost 2 times.

    Residents of the capital of the Chernozem region are especially concerned about the situation with garbage in their hometown. All 10 operating solid waste landfills and 535 temporary waste storage sites do not meet the required environmental standards and regulations. There is a direct threat of contamination of underground drinking water. According to the latest surveys, more than half of Voronezh residents (56%) believe that the environmental situation in their hometown is terrible. Only 2% of city residents are satisfied with the environment.

    A difficult ecological situation has developed in many cities and industrial centers. For example, pollution of the Volga basin, where in the period from 1995-2005. the number of fish decreased 15 times, and the amount of heavy metals in the Volga water increased 10 times. According to experts, the pressure on the water resources of the Volga is eight times higher than the pressure on water resources on average in Russia. In the river basin, cases of oil spills have been repeatedly noted. According to the Volga Interregional Environmental Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, in 2008 the environmental damage to the Volga exceeded 600 million rubles.

    The largest source of environmental pollution in industry is the fuel and energy complex, which accounts for 48% of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, 27% of wastewater discharges and up to 70% of the total greenhouse gases.

    In terms of emissions, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises, such as OJSC Norilsk Mining Company, OJSC Severstal, OJSC Magnitagorsk Iron and Steel Works, are leading (3). Analysis of snow from Moscow streets, made in January 2009, showed an excess of the MPC of oil products by 440 times, thallium (a highly toxic metal that is deadly to humans) by 40 times.

    The environmental situation in the Russian Federation is also deteriorating due to the predatory consumption of resources, since the business sector seeks to obtain the maximum amount of profit, with a minimum of costs, resulting in aggressive consumption of resources and destruction of the ecological environment. In Russia, the abuse of deforestation, especially of expensive tree species, has become the norm. According to Rosleskhoz, in 2000 the total damage from illegal logging amounted to about 300 million rubles.

    Environmental degradation in our country poses a significant threat to the population. The list of diseases directly related to the environment is growing, including congenital deformities in infants. In terms of the number of such cases, the Russian Federation has come close to the threatening 5% line, beyond which socio-biological degradation is possible on a national scale. In 2007, every hundredth person in Russia had cancer. The annual increase in the number of oncological diseases is more than 10% (in 2006, 14.7%).

    The social environment is integrated with the human environment and all the factors of each of them are closely interconnected, and experience the objective and subjective aspects of the "quality of life of the environment". In this regard, environmental pollution, together with unfavorable socio-economic factors, creates conditions for the formation of negative trends of a genetic, carcinogenic, immunopathological nature. This is especially noticeable in the regions where large enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy are located (Ural, West Siberian, East Siberian regions, etc.). Taking into account the complexity of the demographic situation in Russia, these trends pose a direct danger to the population. According to the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences A. Yablokov, more than 350 thousand people a year die in our country due to poor environmental conditions.

    Such a crisis situation in the environmental sphere becomes a barrier to the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, leads to restrictions on the location of production facilities, a decrease in the competitiveness of the Russian economy, a deterioration in health status and a decrease in life expectancy of the population.

    The political leadership is aware of the importance of solving environmental problems, which is reflected in the Environmental Doctrine of the Russian Federation of August 31, 2002, which states: “The current environmental crisis threatens the sustainable development of human civilization. Further degradation of natural systems leads to the destabilization of the biosphere, the loss of its integrity and the ability to maintain the quality of the environment necessary for life. Overcoming the crisis is possible only on the basis of the formation of a new type of relationship between man and nature, excluding the possibility of destruction and degradation of the natural environment.

    The sustainable development of the Russian Federation, the high quality of life and health of its population, as well as national security can only be ensured if natural systems are preserved and the appropriate quality of the environment is maintained.”

    The foregoing defines environmental security as one of the key subsystems of national security at all levels. Hushing up and ignoring such problems can lead to serious consequences, in the form of natural disasters, cataclysms, the cost of eliminating the consequences of which, as world experience shows, will be very high: the damage from natural disasters in 2005 alone amounted to 225 billion dollars. Elimination of the consequences of global warming will require the countries of the European Economic Community to annually spend about 5.5 trillion euros, only Germany will have to spend 800 billion euros for these purposes until 2050.

    Understanding environmental problems is one of the key points for their solution, and a necessary condition for overcoming the environmental crisis of the world community in general and Russia in particular.

    To do this, our country needs a large-scale nationwide strategic program to fundamentally improve the environmental and demographic situation in the country, based on a modern market economy, safe technologies, and the most advanced methods for solving the most complex environmental problems.

    Public monitoring of environmental problems should be introduced, allowing for broad public participation in the struggle to improve the quality of water and air in cities. It is necessary to build a system of environmental education, especially for young people, as well as move to an environmentally oriented policy. Otherwise, N. Bora's prediction that "humanity will not die in an atomic nightmare, but will suffocate in its own waste" may come true.

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    federal state budgetary educational institution

    higher professional education

    Belgorod State

    Technological University. V.G. Shukhov"


    Department of Theory and Methodology of Science


    in the discipline "Macroeconomics"

    on the topic “Environmental Security of Russia”


    1st year student

    Bukovtsova Anna Ivanovna



    Kharchenko Vladimir Efimovich

    Belgorod 2013

    environmental safety problem provision


    Chapter 1. Environmental security as an integral part of economic security

    1.1 Environmental safety. Its essence, indicators

    1.2 Problems of environmental safety in Russia

    Chapter 2. Environmental safety of the Belgorod region

    2.1 Ecological and economic situation on the territory of the Belgorod region

    2.2 Natural capital and modernization in the agro-industrial complex of the Belgorod region


    List of used literature


    In modern conditions, environmental problems have become global. Russia belongs to the countries with the worst environmental situation. Growing human intervention in the environment is bringing changes that can lead to irreversible consequences in the ecological and biological sense. Man, being a part of nature, exerts a powerful and growing influence on the entire world around him, resulting in an ecological crisis. Preservation of a healthy environment is an absolute vital necessity not only for a person, but also for the state. It is the state that carries out legal regulation in the sphere of interaction between society and nature. Therefore, the most urgent and extremely important task should be recognized as ensuring the environmental safety of society, where the leading role belongs to the Russian state. Of decisive importance is the development of a system of measures for environmental protection: legal, organizational, environmental, economic, technical, educational and others.

    The implementation of the right to a favorable environment requires not only the functioning of all law enforcement and state systems provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection”, but also the high activity of the citizens themselves and their associations. Currently, in the Russian Federation, in accordance with international human rights standards, there is an extensive system of legislation aimed at regulating and protecting the right to a favorable environment. But due to the extremely unfavorable environmental situation, the problem of realizing and guaranteeing this right is becoming increasingly relevant for society as a whole and for the individual citizen. Humanity is approaching the edge beyond which the violation of the ecological balance may be irreversible. This imposes a huge responsibility on those who make economic and political decisions that affect the state of the environment and the nature of the use of natural resources.

    The environmental problem is one of the main ones in Russia, so I consider the topic of my course work relevant. The goal before me is to show the role and place of environmental safety in the development of the Russian Federation and to identify environmental problems at the federal and regional levels of the country.

    I have done work in which the situation of environmental security in the country was investigated. At the same time, I used legislative materials (Constitution of the Russian Federation), magazine (newspaper) articles (Society and Economics; ECO; Environmental Economics; Economic Development of Russia; Ecology and Life), literary resources on the environmental safety of the Russian Federation, as well as electronic sources.

    IN? The chapter of this work deals with the issues of environmental security as an integral part of economic security, as well as the nature and problems of environmental security in Russia.

    In?? The chapter deals with the issues of environmental safety on the territory of the Belgorod region. The policy pursued to protect the environment by enterprises in the region, as well as the protection and use of natural capital in the country.

    Chapter 1. Environmental security as an integral part of economic security

    1.1 Environmental safety. Its essence, indicators

    Security - the state of protection of individuals, society and the natural environment from excessive danger. Security is the most important human need along with its physiological, social and spiritual needs. The main criterion for safety is a sense of danger or the ability to identify social and natural phenomena that can cause damage in the present and future.

    Consider the definitions and content of some components of environmental safety. Ecological safety is the state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society, nature and the state from real and potential threats created by anthropogenic or natural impact on the environment.

    Environmental safety system - a set of legislative, technical, medical and biological measures aimed at maintaining a balance between the biosphere and anthropogenic, as well as natural external pressures. Zakharov, V. "Green" economy and modernization. Ecological - economic foundations of sustainable development / S. Bobylev //. On the way to sustainable development of Russia. - 2012. - No. 60. - S. 7 - 15.

    Subjects of ecological safety - personality, society, state, biosphere. Objects of environmental security - the vital interests of security subjects: rights, material and spiritual needs of the individual, natural resources and the natural environment as the material basis of state and social development.

    Indicators characterizing human health and the state of the environment are proposed to be used as safety measurement units. The main indicator of health in the first place is the average life expectancy. For a Caucasian person, this standard is 89 ± 5 years. Life expectancy in different countries depends not only on the level of development of medicine, but also on the level of socio-economic development of society and the state of the natural environment.

    Since the goal of safety is not only to protect the health of the population, but also to protect the environment, it is necessary to determine indicators that quantify its condition and quality. These indicators include the degree of proximity of the state of the ecosystem to the boundary of its sustainability.

    In the very recent past, there was no concept of environmental security in our country at all (this is evidenced by the planned environmental disasters such as the turning of the Siberian and northern rivers and the destruction of the Aral Sea, as well as the creation and accumulation of nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapons).

    The situation with the development of the concept of environmental security began to change only from the end of 1991, with the nomination by the State Council of Russia of its foundations and with the development of the program "Environmental Security of Russia" by the Ministry of Natural Resources.

    With the development of social production, there is an ever more intensive involvement of natural resources in the economic activity of people. At the same time, the negative anthropogenic impacts of modern production on the environment are becoming more and more noticeable.

    Under these conditions, an important task of economic science, economics and nature management as its direction is to ensure a harmonious combination of economic development, maintaining sustainable growth rates with the achievement of a dynamic balance in the environment. This issue is closely related to the development of a mechanism for the transition to new environmental and social standards of life for the population, with the implementation of an effective demographic policy.

    The average life expectancy for men in Russia is 58 years, and for women 72 years. Among the factors that worsen the demographic situation in the country, the most common are: the use of alcohol, drugs, smoking. Non-observance of a healthy lifestyle and the absence of a sports regimen have sufficient strength. However, not only these factors have a negative impact on the state of demography in Russia. According to the Government of the Russian Federation, unfavorable ecology affects the life expectancy of the population. The share of its influence is only 17% of the total, but every year this figure is growing. The ecological situation in Russia is deteriorating, which leads to various diseases of the population and a decrease in the demographic level. Vishnevsky, A. Life expectancy in Russia / M. Ivanova //. Demoscope Weekly. - 2007. - No. 287-288. - S. 56-59.

    A polluted environment, in our opinion, is essentially a kind of negative product economic activity that causes losses, harm to national welfare. Under the influence of man on the natural environment is understood the process of qualitative changes in the environment (positive or negative), due to the production and non-production activities of man. Moreover, certain types of such activities affect the environment not in isolation, but in a complex way, in the interconnections and dialectical unity of their positive and negative influence. Karakchieva, I. V. Theoretical approaches to assessing the ambivalent consequences of human impact on the environment: an ecological - economic approach / E. A. Motosova, A. Yu. Vega //. Environmental economics. - 2012. - No. 4. - S. 3-4.

    The core of the concept of environmental safety in the world is the theory of environmental risk and its applied part - determining the level of acceptable risk.

    The concept of sustainable development implies a system of measures to ensure environmental safety. Environmental security, as mentioned above, is the state of protection of the biosphere and human society, and at the state level - the state from threats arising from anthropogenic and natural impacts on the environment. The concept of environmental safety includes a system of regulation and management that makes it possible to predict, prevent, and, in case of occurrence, eliminate the development of emergency situations.

    Environmental security is implemented at the global, regional and local levels.

    The global level of environmental safety management involves forecasting and tracking processes in the state of the biosphere as a whole and its constituent areas. In the second half of the 20th century, these processes are expressed in global climate change, the occurrence of the "greenhouse effect", the destruction of the ozone screen, the desertification of the planet and the pollution of the oceans.

    Management of global environmental security is the prerogative of interstate relations at the level of the UN, UNESCO, UNEP and other international organizations. Management methods at this level include the adoption of international acts on the protection of the environment on a biosphere scale, the implementation of interstate environmental programs, the creation of intergovernmental forces to eliminate environmental disasters of a natural or anthropogenic nature. Zakharov, V. The problem of forming a "green" economy in Russia / S. Bobylev //. On the way to sustainable development of Russia. - 2012. - No. 60. - S. 20 - 29

    At the global level, a number of environmental problems of an international scale have been solved. The regional level includes large geographical or economic zones, and sometimes the territories of several states. Control and management are carried out at the level of the government of the state. Control and management are carried out at the level of the government of the state and at the level of interstate relations (united Europe, the CIS, the union of African states, etc.).

    The local level includes cities, districts, enterprises of metallurgy, chemical, oil refining, mining and defense industries, as well as control of emissions, effluents, etc. Environmental safety is managed at the level of the administration of individual cities, districts, enterprises with the involvement of the relevant services responsible for sanitary status and conservation activities.

    The solution of specific local problems determines the possibility of achieving the goal of managing environmental safety at the regional and global levels. The goal of management is achieved while observing the principle of transferring information about the state of the environment from the local to the regional and global levels.

    Regardless of the level of environmental safety management, the objects of management are necessarily the natural environment, i.e. a complex of natural ecosystems, and socio-natural ecosystems. That is why an analysis of the economy, finances, resources, legal issues, administrative measures, education and culture is necessarily present in the environmental safety management scheme at any level.

    Hazardous natural processes can be defined as follows: “Hazardous natural processes are non-linear, and sometimes extreme phenomena of the interaction of natural systems or processes with social and ecological systems, as a result of which damaging factors arise that cause damage and losses to society and nature. The range of hazardous natural processes is very wide, which predetermines the diversity of genesis; development mechanisms; scales, speeds and energies of manifestations, the duration of exposure and the difference in damaging factors. Mazur, I.I. Dangerous natural processes. Introductory course. / I.I. Mazur, O.P. Ivanov. - M.: Economics. - 2004. - 7 p. The fundamental concept of "security" can be adequately formulated and interpreted only in systemic unity with the corresponding conceptual apparatus that serves this category. Muravykh, A.I. Strategic management of environmental safety / A.I. Muravykh // Security of Eurasia. - 2001. - No. 1 - 608-610 p.

    Environmental hazards - due to natural causes (unfavorable for human life, plants and animals climatic conditions, physical and chemical characteristics of water, atmosphere, soil, natural disasters and catastrophes).

    Socio-economic hazards - due to reasons of a social, economic and psychological nature (insufficient nutrition, health care, education, provision of material benefits, disturbed social relations, underdeveloped social structures).

    Technogenic hazards - due to the economic activities of people (excessive emissions and discharges into the environment of waste from economic activities, unjustified alienation of territories for economic activities, excessive involvement of natural resources in the economic circulation, etc.)

    Military hazards - due to the work of the military industry (transportation of military materials and equipment, testing and destruction of weapons).

    When studying the problem of human security and the natural environment, all these factors must be considered in combination, taking into account their mutual influence and relationships.

    1.2 Problems of environmental safety in Russia

    The process of degradation of the natural environment, the ever-deepening ecological crisis has become irreversible in the world. In Russia, it manifests itself more painfully - an increase in the incidence, a reduction in life expectancy, and a decrease in the population due to the environmental factor.

    Environmental problems in terms of the depth of the negative impact on humanity and catastrophic consequences for all living things are incomparable with any other problems. The causes of this crisis are the anthropogenic nature and its socio-political roots, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the environmental nihilism of decision makers and the environmental ignorance of a significant part of the population.

    Everyone knows that the degradation of the planet's biosphere is growing menacingly - according to the Club of Rome, 2/3 of forests have already been destroyed, 2/3 of agricultural soils have been lost; the bioresources of the world's oceans, seas and rivers, and the biodiversity of the planet are extremely depleted. Global environmental pollution has led to climate warming on the planet over 100 years not by 0.5 °C, but by 2 °C (up to 6 °C is expected in the next 50 years), to a decrease in immunity and deterioration in human health. There is a general degradation and degeneration of the population in industrialized countries.

    Assessing the trends in the degradation of the biosphere, both in the past and in the future, we can say that a “gloomy” future awaits us. According to Academician N.N. Moiseev, "a new global crisis is inevitable." Moiseev N.N. "Law and Security" / For legal support of domestic producers [electronic resource] / N.N. Moiseev. - He believed that the crisis could be mitigated if humanity was able to overcome the blind elements of development, would be able to organize certain purposeful collective actions on a planetary scale. According to the UN, all countries have developed and adopted the concepts of transition to sustainable development. For the consistent transition of the Russian Federation to sustainable development, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 01.04.96 No. 440 approved the "Concept of the transition of the Russian Federation to sustainable development."

    Russia ranks 3rd in the world in terms of harmful emissions (after the US and China) and 74th among countries in the world in terms of environmental cleanliness. When compiling the rating of countries in terms of ecology, scientists from Yale and Columbia universities assessed the state of the environment, the degree of exposure of the country's inhabitants to environmental threats, the ability of the country's government to withstand environmental disasters, etc. Finland ranks first, followed by Norway, Sweden, Canada, Switzerland, and Uruguay.

    The reasons for such a low level of ecology in Russia:

    · 40% of the territory of Russia (the center, the south of the European part, the Middle and Southern Urals, Western Siberia, the Volga region), where more than 60% of the country's population lives, a third is a picture of an ecological disaster;

    · more than 100 million Russians live in ecologically unfavorable conditions;

    · Only 15% of urban residents of Russia live in areas where the level of air pollution meets the standards;

    · 40% of urban residents live in conditions of periodic excess of the maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the atmosphere by 5-10 times;

    · 2/3 of Russia's water sources are undrinkable, many rivers have been turned into sewers;

    · the share of pollution from vehicles is 46% of the total emissions of harmful substances and reaches 70-80% in such large cities as Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as in the Krasnoyarsk and Primorsky territories, Belgorod, Penza, Sverdlovsk, Murmansk and Chelyabinsk regions;

    · Each inhabitant accounts for up to 400 kg of industrial emissions from enterprises into the air. Zakharov, V. Crisis: economics and ecology / S. Bobylev //. On the way to sustainable development. - 2009. - No. 49. - S. 8.

    Table 1.1

    Regions, districts, basins with the most acute environmental situation

    Environmental problems caused by anthropogenic impact

    Oil and gas producing regions of Western Siberia

    Disturbance of land by the development of oil and gas fields, soil pollution, degradation of reindeer pastures, depletion of fish resources and commercial fauna, violation of the regime of specially protected areas

    Moscow region

    Atmospheric pollution, land water depletion and pollution, loss of productive land, soil pollution, forest degradation

    Kuznetsk basin

    Kuznetsk basin

    The regions of the lake Baikal

    Pollution of water and atmosphere, depletion of fish resources, degradation of forests, ravine formation, violation of the permafrost regime of soils, violation of the regime of specially protected natural areas

    Zone of influence of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

    Radiation damage to territories, air pollution, depletion and pollution of land waters, soil pollution

    Recreational zones of the coast of the Black and Azov seas

    Depletion and pollution of land waters, pollution of the seas and atmosphere, reduction and loss of natural and recreational qualities of the landscape.

    Table 1.1. areas with the worst ecological climate are presented. Densely populated areas of the country, coastal zones, as well as mining sites provide a particular danger.

    The greatest pollution of the atmosphere (in terms of emissions) occurs as a result of the activities of energy enterprises. About 27% of total emissions come from Russian industry, non-ferrous - about 20-22% and ferrous metallurgy - about 15-18%. The first place in terms of discharges of polluted wastewater is occupied by the woodworking industry - about 20-21% of the total discharges in the country, the chemical industry - about 17%, and the electric power industry - about 12-13%. Samsonov, A. L. Planet of forests and steppes / A. Smirnov //. Ecology and life. - 2008. - No. 9. - S. 27.

    The cities of Asbest, Angarsk, Novocherkassk, Troitsk, Ryazan, and others are under environmental pressure from power plants. At enterprises, pollution of air, water basins, soils ranges from 5 to 50 and above MAC, MAC.

    Of particular concern is environmental pollution by enterprises:

    · for oil production - "Lukoil", "Surgutneftegaz", "Tatneft";

    · in the oil refining industry - "Angarsknefteorgsintez";

    · for gas production - enterprises located in the Astrakhan region;

    · for coal mining - Kuznetsk, Kansk - Achinsk, Moscow region, South Yakutsk coal basins;

    · in the chemical and petrochemical industry - enterprises located in Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Omsk, Yaroslavl, Perm, Kemerovo, Samara and Irkutsk regions;

    · in the woodworking and pulp and paper industry - Kotlas Pulp and Paper Mill, Bratsk LPK, Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill.

    Many enterprises, companies (RAO UES, Lukoil, Komineft,

    Yukos, Severstal, Sibur, OJSC Uralmash, Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Plant) only declare their desire to invest money in environmental protection. But in fact, they go to the modernization and expansion of production, which leads to even greater environmental pollution.

    It would seem that the crisis state of the natural environment on the territory of Russia, especially its most populated part, should alarm the public, environmental authorities, and power structures. Underestimating the importance of environmental problems can turn into their insurmountability. The risk to human life, health and life expectancy is increasing.

    An analysis of the state of the environment, reflected in numerous publications in recent years, shows that, despite environmental destabilization, it is possible to stop its growth by solving the most pressing problems related to the preservation of the environment and a more rational use of resources.

    Chapter 2. Environmental safety of the Belgorod region

    2.1 Ecological and economic situation on the territory of the Belgorod region

    Recently, the Green Capital project has been launched on the territory of the Belgorod Region, within the framework of which the landscape arrangement of the Belgorod urban agglomeration is taking place, which includes the construction of sidewalks and lawns, planting trees and shrubs, lighting systems and small architectural forms. Another direction of the "Green Capital" is the reclamation of land after a technogenic impact. Currently, this project concerns the activities of enterprises of federal and local importance, as well as unauthorized quarries and their use by the population of the region. The third, no less important direction of the Green Capital project is the afforestation of chalk slopes and erosion-prone areas, as well as the coordination of the production of planting and sowing material for trees, shrubs and perennial grasses.

    Belgorod is an industrial, administrative-territorial and cultural city of the Central Economic Region of the Russian Federation, a junction of highway and railway lines. There are 2913 stationary emission sources in the city, of which 1700 (58.36%) are organized.

    Atmospheric pollution control is carried out at four stationary posts by the state service for monitoring the state of the environment (GOS). The GOS network operates in accordance with the requirements of RD 52.04.186-89. Posts are divided into "industrial" near enterprises, "urban" in residential areas and "auto" - near the highway. Observations are carried out on eleven ingredients: suspended solids (dust), sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and nitrogen oxide. As well as phenol, ammonia, formaldehyde, hydrogen chloride, benzapyrene and sulfuric acid.

    The concentrations of substances such as sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid are characterized by a steady downward trend. At the same time, facts of increased pollution have also been established. So, to the level of 2010, ground concentrations of nitrogen dioxide increased by 33.3%, values ​​for formaldehyde increased by 70%. Basically, all these facts are associated with an increase in the number of vehicles in operation. The level of atmospheric pollution is elevated and is determined by the concentration of benzapyrene, formaldehyde and nitrogen dioxide.

    Air pollution in Belgorod is of a local nature. Areas near highways are the most polluted.

    Gas and dust collecting equipment at the main enterprises of the regional center works with high efficiency. The established MPE and MPC standards are observed. In the reporting year, there were no cases of accidental and salvo emissions of pollutants.

    At the enterprise CJSC "Belgorodsky Cement" EVS for inorganic dust were installed.

    The contribution of vehicles to total emissions was 83. Compared to the previous year, emissions from vehicles increased by 0.9 thousand tons due to an increase in the number of vehicles. Emissions from stationary sources increased by 0.3 thousand tons - from 8.8 thousand tons to 9.1 thousand tons. In general, emissions in the city increased by 1.2 thousand tons.

    Over the past five years, emissions of pollutants from stationary sources have decreased by 2.6 thousand tons (23.6%).

    In Gubkin, total emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from stationary sources in 2010 amounted to 23.126 thousand tons - by 12%. The maximum allowable emissions standards for all enterprises of Gubkin are observed, their actual values ​​are 0.54 MPE and have a steady downward trend.

    Average annual surface concentrations for 2010 for all main ingredients do not exceed the established standards. Assessing the state of the atmospheric air in the city of Gubkin, it should be noted that due to constant monitoring and timely implementation of a whole range of environmental measures, the level of atmospheric air pollution here over the past 5 years in terms of carbon monoxide and dust has not increased, and even decreased in terms of nitrogen dioxide.

    The relatively unfavorable state of atmospheric air in Gubkin is due to emissions of nitrogen dioxide. This is mainly due to increased control over the operation of road transport. In 2009, the level of air pollution in the city was assessed as low. The Atmospheric Pollution Index (API) was 1.97.

    During 2010 the Stary Oskol Environmental Monitoring Laboratory of the Belgorod Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring carried out regular monitoring of the atmospheric air in Stary Oskol.

    The total emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from stationary sources in 2010 amounted to 70.899 thousand tons - by 20%. Standards for maximum allowable emissions at Stary Oskol enterprises are observed; their actual values ​​are equal to 0.61 MPE.

    Atmospheric air pollution monitoring in the Belgorod Region is carried out by the Department for Environmental Protection - the State Environmental Inspectorate of the Belgorod Region, the Stary Oskol Laboratory for Monitoring Environmental Pollution, the Belgorod branch of the Federal State Institution "Specialized Inspectorate for Analytical Control in the Central Region", the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Belgorod Region (Belgorodstat), departmental laboratories of enterprises and organizations of the region. The main contribution to air pollution due to emissions from stationary sources is made by enterprises of the mining and metallurgical industries and the production of building materials. At the same time, the dynamics of emissions is still mainly due to changes in production volumes. Thus, in 2010, compared to 2009, the volume of gross emissions increased by 2.2 thousand tons at OAO Oskol Electrometallurgical Plant (OJSC OEMK) and at OAO Stoilensky Mining and Processing Plant (OAO SGOK) 1.28 times. The decrease in total air emissions from the industrial enterprise OAO Lebedinsky Mining and Processing Plant (OAO LGOK) by 3.5 thousand tons was due to a decrease in production volumes in 2009. JSC Belgorodsky Cement reconstructed the electrostatic precipitator of rotary kiln No. 7 in the clinker roasting shop, installed bag filters on cement silos 1-4 in the cement grinding shop, which made it possible to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere by almost 916.5 tons.

    Vehicles still make the main contribution to air pollution. At the same time, with an increase in the number of vehicles, emissions from mobile sources increase markedly. In order to minimize the negative impact on the environment of vehicle emissions, motor transport enterprises carry out repairs, adjustments, maintenance of systems and units that affect the emission of harmful substances, control over the content of pollutants in exhaust gases is organized. Unleaded gasoline is used to refuel cars in the region. In addition, planning activities are being carried out to optimize traffic, reduce traffic flows in the residential area. In particular, in 2008 Belgorod developed a concept for the development of urban transport. A bypass road is under construction.

    2.2 Natural capital and modernization in the agro-industrial complex of the Belgorod region

    More than 20 years have passed since the UN Conference in Rio de Janeiro adopted the Declaration on Environmental Problems, which proclaimed the sustainable development of human society based on the biospheric paradigm of nature management. The achievements noted during this period in the field of greening agricultural activities are different in different countries and regions and depend on the level of their socio-economic and cultural development.

    In Russia, a unique region in which economic, social and environmental transformations have been consistently carried out over these years is the Belgorod Region. The output of the agro-industrial complex increased by 1.6 times compared to 1990, while the national average barely reached 90% of the previous level. Poultry meat production in 2010 exceeded the level of 1990 by 15 times, pork (in live weight) - by 3.2 times, labor productivity in the agro-industrial complex as a whole increased four times. Here, the circulation of land is regulated in the most rational way. The decisive role in the creation of a new socio-economic regional system belongs to the governor of the region E.S. Savchenko, who built a political and economic system of compromise interaction between power and capital, organized a massive transfer of the latest technologies and achieved an improvement in the quality of life of the population.

    100-150 years ago, when the soil was fertile, it contained up to 15% of the main indicator of fertility - humus, today its content is in exceptional cases 5% and no more. Soil fertility is gradually deteriorating due to the washout of chernozem as a result of precipitation, soil erosion, the use of intensive cultivation technologies, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides. In addition, as the Governor noted, today we take an average of 6-7 tons of dry matter from the soil per year in the form of crops or crop residues, and leave a maximum of 3 tons in the form of root residues, as well as manure. In addition, cases of burning crop residues are not uncommon - all this also leads to a decrease in soil fertility. To restore it, more dry matter should be left in the soil than taken - about 8-10 tons. To this end, perennial grasses, green manure crops are introduced into crop rotation annually on 1 hectare of land, after harvesting all plant residues are left in the fields and organic fertilizers are competently applied.

    It should be noted that the program of biologization of agriculture is gradually growing and improving the quality of the economy. At the same time, there is a transition from traditional farming methods to zero tillage technology, the role of grass and green manure in the biologization of agriculture and biologization in landscape farming systems. Kiryushin, V. I. About the Belgorod model of modernization of agriculture and biologization of agriculture / A. L. Ivanova //. Agriculture. - 2013. - No. 1. - S. 3-6.

    For Russia, the very concept of "green economy" is new, and it is not actually used in official documents. Nevertheless, the goals set by the country for the next 10-20 years largely correspond to the goals of the transition to a green economy. This is reflected in the general policy for the use of resources and environmental protection in the future, the existing legal and economic instruments.

    Probably the main task of the Russian economy at the present stage, reflected in the main documents of the country's development in the medium and long term, the speeches of the President of the Russian Federation and the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, is to move away from the raw material model of the economy. These tasks are also central to the concept of a green economy. Most of its goals are included in the main conceptual documents: the Concept for the long-term development of the country (2008), the draft Strategy for the long-term development of the country (“Strategy 2020”) (2012), the Fundamentals of the State Policy in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, approved President of the Russian Federation (2012) and others. The most important goal of the green economy - increasing energy efficiency - is also a priority for Russia.

    Recently, the world has become increasingly aware of the limitations of interpreting natural capital only as natural resources (in the narrow sense, as resources that are already included in market relations and have a price). Successful economic growth also requires consideration of other environmental functions.

    In the most general form, four types of functions of natural capital can be distinguished:

    resource - providing natural resources for the production of goods and services;

    · ecological (ecosystem) services - provision by nature of various kinds of regulatory functions: assimilation of pollution and waste, regulation of climate and water regime, ozone layer, etc.;

    services of nature associated with aesthetic, ethical, moral, cultural, historical aspects - this is a kind of "spiritual" environmental services;

    Ensuring human health and the environment.

    The proposed fourth function is still new to economics. To a certain extent, it is a derivative of the first three functions of natural capital, however, it can also be singled out separately due to the priority of ensuring human health and nature for the sustainable development process. Natural capital, as the basis of sustainable development, plays a significant role in the economy of all countries. In Russia, nature is the most important part of wealth. According to World Bank estimates, the share of natural capital in the structure of Russia's national wealth is about 70%, while human capital accounts for 20% and physical (produced, artificially created) - 10% of wealth. Kryukov, V. A. Environmental policy on the way to sustainable development / T. O. Tagaeva, G. M. Mkrtchyan //. ECO. - 2012. - No. 7. - S. 20-21.


    The state of environmental security in the current conditions of Russia is the result of the impact of a combination of factors - anthropogenic, technogenic, political, economic, social, moral, psychological, legal, insufficient readiness of the authorities to pursue an environmentally oriented economic and social policy, low efficiency of environmental protection activities of law enforcement agencies, exposure to a number of external environmental threats, hazards and risks.

    In the Russian Federation, a mechanism for ensuring national security and environmental security as its component has been basically formed and is functioning. It is based on legislative, executive and judicial authorities, state, public and other organizations and associations, citizens, as well as legislation regulating relations in the field of ensuring environmental safety.

    At the same time, the analysis of the state of environmental safety in relation to the conditions of the Russian Federation indicates that the created mechanism for ensuring environmental safety is not effective enough, gives serious failures and does not guarantee reliable and effective protection of the environment and environmental rights of citizens. The urgency and acuteness of the problem of environmental safety urgently require from all institutions of the state and society constant attention to it, a deep analysis of its state in order to eliminate dangerous environmental threats in a timely manner. At present, the Russian state makes little use of its real opportunities to reduce undesirable pressures on nature, prevent environmental damage and protect its own environmental interests. The activities of state and civil society institutions in the field of environmental safety require further improvement and optimization.

    As a result of the study, I analyzed a number of problems related to environmental safety in the country and on the territory of the Belgorod region, in the light of which further plans of the Government to ensure environmental safety in the territory of the Russian Federation were identified. In this regard, the Government is pursuing a policy to ensure environmental safety: the development of an environmental safety strategy that is mandatory for all state structures; improvement of the management system of the national system of environmental safety at all levels; timely identification of internal and external environmental threats and taking measures to block and neutralize them; activation and improvement of the efficiency of the activities of state structures and public organizations to combat environmental terrorism; strengthening the environmental activities of law enforcement agencies; development of a public system for the protection of the natural environment, based on the activity of citizens, environmental organizations and movements; improvement of the mechanism of legal protection of environmental rights of citizens; raising the level of environmental culture and environmental education of citizens.

    Environmental security is part of the national security system. Without ensuring the proper conservation of natural resources, the natural environment surrounding us, it is impossible to achieve sustainable preservation of national security. Preservation and preservation of national natural resources is most directly related to caring for the health and life of the current and future generations of Russian citizens and the Russian state as a whole.

    List of used literature

    1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation: official. text. - M.: Marketing, 1993. - 43 p.

    2. Akimova T.S. Ecology: textbook / T. S. Akimova. V.V. Haskin. - Moscow, 1999. - 315s.

    3. Bobylev S. N. Zakharov V. M. Ecological policy on the way to sustainable development / V. M. Zakharov // ECO. - 2012. - No. 7.- P. 29

    4. Vishnevsky, A. Life expectancy in Russia / M. Ivanova //. Demoscope Weekly. - 2007. - No. 287-288. - pp. 56-59

    5. Gosteva S.R. Ecological safety of Russia and sustainable development / S. R. Gosteva // Bulletin. Volume 16. - 2010.- No. 3. - P.34

    6. Grishin A.S. Environmental safety: textbook / A. S. Grishin. V.N. Novikov. - Moscow, 2000. - 250 p.

    7. Legislative acts of the Russian Federation: natural resources and the environment. - M., 2001. - 56 p.

    8. Zakharov, V. "Green" economy and modernization. Ecological - economic foundations of sustainable development / S. Bobylev //. On the way to sustainable development of Russia. - 2012. - No. 60. - S. 7 - 15

    9. Zakharov, V. The problem of the formation of a "green" economy in Russia / S. Bobylev //. On the way to sustainable development of Russia. - 2012. - No. 60. - S. 20 - 29

    10. Zakharov, V. Crisis: economics and ecology / S. Bobylev //. On the way to sustainable development. - 2009. - No. 49. - P. 8

    11. Karakchieva, I. V. Theoretical approaches to assessing the ambivalent consequences of human impact on the environment: ecological - economic approach / E. A. Motosova, A. Yu. Vega //. Environmental economics. - 2012. - No. 4. - S. 3-4

    12. Kiryushin, V. I. About the Belgorod model of modernization of agriculture and biologization of agriculture / A. L. Ivanova //. Agriculture. - 2013. - No. 1. - S. 3-6

    13. Klochkova E.F. Kipen S. N. Review of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air in the territory of the Belgorod region. - Belgorod, 2010.

    14. Kryukov, V. A. Environmental policy on the way to sustainable development / T. O. Tagaeva, G. M. Mkrtchyan //. ECO. - 2012. - No. 7. - S. 20-21.

    15. Mazur, I.I. Dangerous natural processes. Introductory course. / I.I. Mazur, O.P. Ivanov. - M.: Economics. - 2004. - 7 p.

    16. Moiseev N.N. "Law and Security" / For legal support of domestic producers [electronic resource] / N.N. Moiseev. -

    17. Muravykh, A.I. Strategic management of environmental safety / A.I. Muravykh // Society and Economics - 2001. - No. 1 S. 608-610

    18. Samsonov, A. L. Planet of forests and steppes / A. Smirnov //. Ecology and life. - 2008. - No. 9. - S. 27

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    In modern society, for a number of reasons, the status of security problems is changing, which are caused by the impact of different levels of threats: global, regional and national; natural, man-made and, increasingly, socio-ecological. The specificity of the attitude and resolution of national security problems in modern Russian society is due to the inseparability of the strategy and security policy from the cultural and historical context of the development of society and the state.

    However, in relation to the triad that has developed in research approaches and legal practice: personal - national - global security - it is the environmental problem that becomes integral, inevitably affecting each of its subject levels.

    The relevance of the problem of environmental security of the individual and the state is due to the fact that in modern civilized democratic states, along with progressive shifts in ensuring the security of the individual, the range of dangers associated with the entry of these states into the field of increased technogenic and socio-environmental risk begins to expand. All over the world, including in rich industrialized countries, zones of economic and economic activity are expanding, falling outside the sphere regulated by legal norms and laws. This means an increase in the level of danger, environmental threats on a regional, and then on a global scale, both for the state and for individual citizens. The range of environmental hazards is increasing not only due to man-made, but also due to ongoing social or political changes.

    Major environmental disasters of recent years have influenced public opinion around the world, showing that there is no "alien" environment. Nature is not divided by administrative and state borders, it is one for all, and the focus of the world ecological catastrophe can arise anywhere.

    Realized by millions of people around the world, this real "fragility of being" affects the socio-political attitudes and behavior of large groups of the population.

    Environmental Safety

    The concept, objects, goals and objectives of environmental safety.

    Ecological safety is a set of states, processes and actions that ensures an ecological balance in the environment and does not lead to vital damage (or threats of such damage) to the natural environment and humans (Khoruzhaya, 2002, Kozin, Petrovsky, 2005). It is also the process of ensuring the protection of the vital interests of the individual, society, nature, the state and all mankind from real or potential threats created by anthropogenic or natural impact on the environment.

    The objects of ES are the rights, material and spiritual needs of the individual, natural resources and the natural environment or the material basis of state and social development.

    The concept of environmental safety includes a system of regulation and management that makes it possible to predict, prevent, and, in case of occurrence, eliminate the development of emergency situations.

    The problems of environmental safety and rational nature management are inextricably linked with the socio-economic development of society and are conditioned by it, related to health protection, the creation of favorable conditions for life and natural reproduction of the population in the present and future generations.

    The main sources of environmental hazard are pollution of all media: air, water, soil, food, exposure to electromagnetic radiation and noise.

    The system of environmental safety has a multi-level character from the source of environmental impact to the national one, from the enterprise, municipality, subject of the Federation to the country in the planetary aspect.

    The main goal of environmental safety is to achieve sustainable development with the creation of a favorable living environment and comfortable conditions for the life and reproduction of the population, ensuring the protection of natural resources and biodiversity, and preventing man-made accidents and disasters.

    Achieving this goal involves a comprehensive, systematic and purposeful solution of the following tasks:

    in the field of ensuring environmental safety in the region, in urban areas (Fig. 1):

    improvement of tools for the implementation of environmental policy: legislative, administrative, educational, technical, technological;

    reduction and bringing to safe levels of technogenic load on humans and the environment in areas (zones) with a particularly unfavorable environmental situation;

    creation and effective functioning of the system of management of ecological safety and environmental protection of the city;

    meeting the needs of the population in drinking water, quality food at the expense of local resources. According to the author, environmental security, especially its elements such as water security, food security implies a guarantee of satisfaction of needs, considering this phenomenon in a historical aspect, due to genetic conditions and circumstances. This is considered in more detail in the theoretical section of the work.

    ensuring the maintenance of the quality of recreational facilities, safe collection, transportation, storage, processing and disposal of household and industrial waste;

    creation of a system for warning and protecting the population in emergency and emergency environmental situations (natural, anthropogenic);

    stage-by-stage greening of production, the introduction of environmentally friendly technologies;

    Rice. 1. Schematic diagram of ensuring the environmental safety of the city, urbanized areas of the region

    in the field of environmental protection and restoration of natural complexes:

    Creation of a system for managing the quality of the natural environment, taking into account adjacent territories;

    Creation of a unified system for monitoring the environment and public health in the context of the municipality, taking into account adjacent territories and transboundary pollution transfer;

    Rehabilitation of polluted areas of the city, conservation and restoration of forests, parks, squares and green spaces, their diversity;

    Ensuring the economical use of natural resources, implementing energy and resource saving policies, achieving sustainability of the UT ecosystems;

    in the field of rehabilitation of the health of the population exposed to a polluted environment:

    creation of a system of hygienic diagnostics, population and individual rehabilitation of the health of the population with environmentally caused diseases;

    targeted prevention of environmentally caused diseases and rehabilitation of the population from risk groups living in territories (zones) with the most unfavorable environmental conditions;

    development of the industry of quality food products and nutritional supplements with desired therapeutic and prophylactic properties;

    ecological and sanitary-hygienic education, education and enlightenment of the population.

    The main objects of environmental safety are a person (personality) with his right to a healthy and favorable environment for life; society with its material and spiritual values, depending on the ecological state of the city; a favorable city ecosystem as the basis for sustainable development of society and the well-being of future generations.

    Ecological safety concept

    It is a system of views, goals, principles and priorities, as well as political, economic, legal, administrative, scientific, technical, sanitary-epidemiological and educational actions based on them, aimed at creating safe and favorable living conditions for the current and future generations of the population .

    The development of the ES concept is based on the idea of ​​preventing and compensating for harm caused to the environment, health and property of citizens through pollution, damage, destruction, damage, irrational use of natural resources, destruction of natural ecological systems and other offenses (Mishko, 2003).

    The concept of environmental safety should be short and clear enough. It should ensure the organization of nature management in an amount that does not cause irreparable damage to the environment and does not harm the health of the population. It is necessary to formulate the goals, objectives and principles of the EST concept. As a basis, the principle of rational nature management should be substantiated, according to which the level of anthropogenic impact should correspond to the ability of ecosystems to neutralize its consequences. This principle should be implemented through a system of territorial environmental standards for nature management, calculated on the basis of environmental standards for the impact on the environment, which are established for the main ecosystems of settlements. The current system of environmental standards for maximum allowable emissions and discharges (MAE, MPD) does not correspond to the existing economic and social conditions (Busygin et al., 2004). The assessment of the ecological state must be carried out by comparing the normative and actual levels of environmental impact.

    Consider a picture showing the level of environmental safety depending on the intensity of the impact of one or another environmental factor:

    Let's make a reservation right away that an environmental factor means an element of the environment that can affect humans and living organisms, for example, light, temperature, the content of chemical elements and compounds, the level of acidity, etc.

    Consider the diagram below. Of greatest interest to us here are the so-called. transitional barriers, since they separate the state of environmentally safe development (ecological comfort zone) from the state of environmental risk. These barriers are more complex. On the inside, there is a zone of anxious expectation (when we are still in a state of ecological comfort, but there is already a risk of transition to an unfavorable situation - ecological risk). From the outside, there is a zone of acceptable risk (for the time being, the environmental factor does not have a critical impact on human health / the state of the ecosystem. The limit values ​​​​of the intensity of the environmental factor mean an environmental catastrophe leading to human death / destruction of the ecosystem.

    All the listed zones and boundaries are now clearly defined and have specific numerical values. The outer boundaries of the acceptable risk zone are environmental quality standards - the maximum permissible maximum and minimum concentrations, MPE and MPD, which are determined by our colleagues from the Department of Geoecology. Our legal system is responsible for complying with these requirements. To determine the boundaries of the ecological comfort zone, there are clear sanitary and hygienic requirements (human and environmental hygiene). Compliance with these requirements is monitored by the SES.

    Environmental security is included in the state security system, the priority elements of which are constitutional, defense, economic, political, food, information security, etc.

    Environmental safety classification

    Environmental safety is classified according to the following criteria: sources of danger, territorial principles, the extent of harmful effects, and methods and measures to ensure.

    The territorial principle includes object, local, regional, state and international environmental safety.

    Ways to ensure environmental safety are divided into the following: technogenic-ecological, radio-ecological, social-ecological, natural, economic-environmental safety

    The main sources of environmental hazard are the activities of technical, chemical, biological, nuclear production facilities. Along with these objects, hydraulic structures and vehicles can cause potential harm to the environment.

    The scale of the harmful impact on the environment can be divided into external and internal environmental safety.

    water management ozone intensity identification

    Levels of organization of environmental safety

    Environmental safety is implemented on:



    local levels.

    The global level of environmental safety management involves forecasting and tracking processes in the state of the biosphere as a whole and its constituent areas. In the second half of the XX century. these processes are expressed in global climate change, the occurrence of the "greenhouse effect", the destruction of the ozone screen, the desertification of the planet and the pollution of the oceans. The essence of global control and management is in the preservation and restoration of the natural mechanism of OS reproduction by the biosphere, which is directed by the totality of living organisms that make up the biosphere.

    Management of global environmental security is the prerogative of interstate relations at the level of the UN, UNESCO, UNEP and other international organizations. Management methods at this level include the adoption of international acts on the protection of the environment on a biosphere scale, the implementation of interstate environmental programs, the creation of intergovernmental forces to eliminate environmental disasters of a natural or anthropogenic nature.

    At the global level, a number of environmental problems of an international scale have been solved. A great success of the international community has been the ban on nuclear weapons tests in all environments, except for the time being underground tests. Agreements have been reached on a global ban on whaling and legal interstate regulation of catching fish and other seafood. International Red Data Books have been established to preserve biodiversity. The world community is studying the Arctic and Antarctic as natural biospheric zones not affected by human intervention, for comparison with the development of zones transformed by human activity.

    The international community has adopted a Declaration on the Prohibition of the Production of Freon Refrigerants Contributing to the Destruction of the Ozone Layer (Montreal, 1972).

    The regional level includes large geographical or economic zones, and sometimes the territories of several states. Control and management are carried out at the level of the government of the state and at the level of interstate relations (united Europe, the CIS, the union of African states, etc.).

    At this level, the environmental safety management system includes:

    ecologization of the economy;

    new environmentally friendly technologies;

    maintaining the pace of economic development that does not impede the restoration of the quality of the environment and contribute to the rational use of natural resources.

    The local level includes cities, districts, enterprises of metallurgy, chemical, oil refining, mining and defense industries, as well as control of emissions, effluents, etc. Environmental safety is managed at the level of the administration of individual cities, districts, enterprises with the involvement of the relevant services responsible for sanitary status and conservation activities.

    The solution of specific local problems determines the possibility of achieving the goal of managing environmental safety at the regional and global levels. The goal of management is achieved while observing the principle of transferring information about the state of the OS from the local to the regional and global levels.

    Regardless of the level of environmental safety management, the objects of management are necessarily the natural environment, that is, the complex of natural ecosystems, and socio-natural ecosystems. That is why an analysis of the economy, finances, resources, legal issues, administrative measures, education and culture is necessarily present in the environmental safety management scheme at any level.

    Environmental safety assessment

    The assessment of environmental safety is carried out by types (environments) of impact:

    Air pollution,

    Quality and contamination of tap water and other sources,

    Water supply, the state of nearby water bodies that can affect the ecological state of the assessed object,


    Electromagnetic fields, including the field of gamma radiation, as well as the presence of other types of radioactive contamination, the possibility of accumulation of radon,

    Soils and soils.

    Separately, the sanitary safety of the object under consideration, as well as the intensity of inter-environmental migration of contaminants, is assessed.

    Atmospheric air pollution can be assessed both from field measurements and from calculated data for the most unfavorable and most probable conditions, taking into account the indicators of background atmospheric pollution on modern computer models.

    When assessing environmental safety, the proximity of potentially hazardous industries and facilities is taken into account, taking into account the wind rose, the risk of suffering from disasters (both man-made and natural), local airbrush features and other positive and negative factors in the spread of hazardous impacts, the impact of nearby harmful objects, safety and wear of installed engineering systems.

    In addition to the impact of negative factors, a person needs positive environmental factors and their absence or deficiency (excess) can also be considered a negative environmental factor. These factors include comfortable illumination, electromagnetic fields that are close in their characteristics (strength, dynamics, spatial orientation, etc.) to natural ones, air velocity, relative air humidity, surface temperature, and thermal radiation. Estimation of air velocity is usually solved together with the problem of assessing the provision of ventilation in different rooms of the object being evaluated.

    Criteria for assessing environmental safety

    Criteria for assessing environmental safety are given in widely used regulatory documents, including MPE lists. In addition, among others, the following regulatory documents are used:

    Harmful substances. Classification and general safety requirements. GOST 12.1.007-76.

    Radiation Safety Standards (NRB-99). Sanitary rules. SP

    Order No. 219 of November 23, 1993 On measures to improve the organization of ensuring environmental safety in the implementation of the activities of the troops of the Moscow Military District.

    Order No. 339 dated August 1, 1997 On approval of the “Requirements for environmental safety in the operation, repair and testing of aircraft and aircraft engines at civil aviation enterprises. Atmospheric air and aircraft noise.

    In the work of Davidenko N.M. (1998) proposed the following principles in the approach to assessing the sustainability of the natural environment:

    The prerogative of scientific support for the organization of environmentally balanced nature management;

    Universality of approaches to assessments of technogenic changes in the environment in areas with different natural conditions and industrial specialization;

    Non-mandatory differential analysis of the probable role of known physical, chemical, microbiological geodynamic factors of technogenic impact on the main spheres of the Earth and their main components;

    Possibility of using individually determined MPC values ​​for chemicals without taking into account the likelihood of a sharp increase in their total toxic potential.

    Currently, there are two main concepts for the development of the region from the standpoint of the environmental problems that have arisen:

    technogenic (resource),

    biospheric (Korobkin, Peredelsky, 2003).

    According to the first concept, the solution of environmental problems lies in the assessment of environmental pollution, the development of standardization of permissible pollution of various media, the creation of treatment systems and resource-saving technologies. Within the framework of this concept, a modern direction of specific environmental activities has been formed; as a system of local purification of the environment from pollution and standardization of environmental quality indicators for a narrow (several dozen) set of indicators, as well as the introduction of resource-saving technologies (Lobanova, 1999, Mazur, Moldavanov, 1999).

    The second concept determines the main direction of establishing the area of ​​stability of any ecosystem, which will allow you to find the permissible value of the disturbance - the load on the ecosystem, to determine the thresholds for the stability of specific ecosystems.

    EB analysis should be carried out at the global, regional, local and point levels.

    The local level needs to be investigated in order for its indicators to serve as the initial data for assessing the ES at the regional level. If in some territory people do not live and do not conduct any activity, then it makes no sense to assess the ES for this territory. It is necessary to take into account many different indicators (sanitary-toxicological, environmental, sociological, demographic, medical, etc.) (Kostovskaya et al., 2006, Lebedev N.V., Furman, 1998, Sutokskaya I.V., Fedotova, 1995), to quantify the EB of a territory. To do this, you need to select a controlled region and divide it into many sections. Each area of ​​the territory can be described by a set of input and output parameters. The output parameter of one section is the input parameter of the neighboring one. The development of local level sites follows its own laws, but the complex indicator is the same for everyone. Knowing how one site develops, one can predict a similar development of neighboring sites with similar characteristics. It is possible to predict the development of each site separately, based on data from adjacent areas, as well as the region as a whole.

    Ensuring environmental safety

    Methods for ensuring environmental safety.

    In the work of Khoruzhay T.A. (2002) proposed methods for ensuring ES, which are divided into the following groups:

    ). Environmental Quality Control Methods:

    Measurement methods are strictly quantitative, the result of which is expressed by a specific numerical parameter (physical, chemical, optical, and others).

    Biological methods - qualitative (the result is expressed verbally, for example, in terms of "many-little", "often-rarely", etc.) or partially quantitative.

    ). Modeling and forecasting methods, including methods of system analysis, system dynamics, informatics, etc.

    ). Combined methods, for example, ecological and toxicological methods, including various groups of methods (physicochemical, biological, toxicological, etc.).

    ). Environmental quality management methods.

    Mechanism and stages of ensuring environmental safety

    The mechanism for ensuring the environmental safety of the territory (EST) is an ordered sequence of stages of scientific and practical research aimed at determining reliable and reasonable criteria for EST, as well as identifying effective measures to improve the environmental situation in the controlled area (Tikhomirov, Potravny, Tikhomirova, 2000).

    The stages of EST provision (Fig. 2) can be presented in the form of two blocks: assessment (1-5) and management (6-8).

    Fig. 2. Stages of ensuring the ecological safety of the territory

    The first block consists of determining quantitative indicators and criteria for environmental safety, assessing adverse events, determining the structure, system and quantitative assessment of EST. The second block is designed to assess the methods and mechanisms for ensuring EST, the introduction of this system into the practice of managing the environmental situation in a given area and monitoring the result of the implementation of the entire system.

    ) Identification of adverse environmental impacts.

    The main purpose of this stage is to determine the composition (list) of negative and unfavorable events that cause environmental degradation and directly or indirectly cause economic damage to the object in question. An event is considered negative if there is a real possibility of its manifestation and if it can cause real damage to the object. At the same stage, it is possible to justify the conclusion about the possibility or impossibility of causing damage to the object in question, because any event that occurs may not necessarily cause damage.

    ) Assessment of adverse impacts and events.

    At the second stage, various assessments of adverse impacts should be given, which can be classified as risk or crisis during a certain period of time in a given territory. There are the following methods for assessing adverse events:

    Statistical, based on the analysis of accumulated statistical data on similar events that occurred at similar facilities in the territory of the area in the past (depending on the frequency of incidents). This method is used in cases where the origin of the event is not always known. But this event is characterized by a certain recurrence, there is accumulated information by which one can judge the frequency and strength of its occurrence.

    Analytical, based on the study of cause-and-effect relationships in the system, which allows assessing the possibility of an adverse event as a complex phenomenon formed as a result of a chain of local and small-scale adverse events. This method can be used to determine those events for which reliable statistical data have not yet been accumulated, but it is possible to logically foresee the cause-and-effect relationships that determine the pattern of their occurrence.

    Expert, involving the assessment of possible consequences by processing the results of expert surveys. These methods are used in cases where there are no data on the frequency of occurrence of adverse events and the logic of their origin is unclear. Basically, experts study and build various scenarios for the development of an event, based on their experience and qualifications.

    In some cases, these methods are used in combination. Each method complements each other. For example, expert methods are usually used together with analytical ones when forming a scenario for the development of the ecological situation in the region.

    ) Quantification of ESTs.

    The group of EST assessment stages is completed by studies aimed at the formation of quantitative indicators of EB criteria (integrated estimates), which will then be used in the development of management decisions.

    ) Assessment of methods and mechanisms for ensuring EST.

    At this stage, a list of possible methods and mechanisms for ensuring EST is established, which are divided into several groups:

    Methods that allow avoiding adverse anthropogenic impact on the territory of the region involve regulating the behavior of an object by changing the nature of its functioning, avoiding situations in which damage to ecosystems can be caused.

    Methods that reduce the likelihood of an adverse event involve measuring the conditions for the operation of an object without affecting its nature. For example, replacing production technology with a less hazardous or environmentally friendly one.

    Methods that reduce damage from an adverse event involve strengthening the degrees of protection of an object.

    Mechanisms to prevent the spread of adverse impacts to other territorial objects.

    ) Deciding on the implementation of EST management practices. Monitoring the results of the implementation of measures to ensure EST.

    Control over the results of individual stages of the EST assessment is carried out in the course of work related to monitoring the state of the environment, examination of existing facilities, licensing of activities, inspections, etc.

    Ecological situation in Russia

    Russia ranks 3rd in the world in terms of harmful emissions (after the US and China) and 74th among countries in the world in terms of environmental cleanliness. When compiling the rating of countries in terms of ecology, scientists from Yale and Columbia universities assessed the state of the environment, the degree of exposure of the country's inhabitants to environmental threats, the ability of the country's government to withstand environmental disasters, etc. Finland ranks first, followed by Norway, Sweden, Canada, Switzerland, and Uruguay. Belarus ranks 52nd.

    On a national scale, strategic environmental risks are used to assess the quality of the environment. Their values ​​are calculated when predicting the consequences of national emergencies. The latter (according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1094 of 06/13/1996) include situations with the following parameters:

    ) the area of ​​the emergency zone exceeds the size of two constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    ) material damage is more than 5 million minimum wages;

    ) the number of victims exceeds 500 people or the living conditions of more than 1 thousand people are violated.

    The reasons for such a low level of ecology in Russia:

    % of the territory of Russia (the center, the south of the European part, the Middle and Southern Urals, Western Siberia, the Volga region), where more than 60% of the country's population lives, a third is a picture of an environmental disaster;

    more than 100 million Russians live in ecologically unfavorable conditions;

    only 15% of urban residents of Russia live in areas where the level of air pollution meets the standards;

    % of urban residents live in conditions of periodic excess of the maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the atmosphere by 5-10 times;

    / 3 water sources in Russia are undrinkable, many rivers have been turned into sewers;

    the share of pollution from vehicles is 46% of the total emissions of harmful substances and reaches 70-80% in such large cities as Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as in the Krasnoyarsk and Primorsky territories, Belgorod, Penza, Sverdlovsk, Murmansk and Chelyabinsk regions;

    each inhabitant accounts for up to 400 kg of industrial emissions from enterprises into the air.

    All available data indicate that the ecological situation in Russia at the end of the 20th century. - the most unfortunate on the globe. During the Glasnost period, at least 200 cities in Russia were recognized as environmentally hazardous to public health due to air and water pollution. Under the program "dirty cities" about 30 cities were selected for cleaning from polluting industrial waste, but the effect was minimal. Every year in the Norilsk region, where the richest deposits of polymetallic ores are concentrated, 2 million tons of sulfur dioxide, almost 2 million tons of copper oxide, 19 million tons of nitrous oxide, almost 44 thousand tons of lead and a huge number of other dangerous human health substances. Life expectancy in this area is the lowest in Russia. In one of the local hospitals, over a six-year period, 90% of patients suffered from various lung diseases. These diseases are difficult to treat in a weak and outdated health care system.

    The nickel ore processing plant in the city of Nikel on the Kola Peninsula pollutes the environment so badly that neighboring Norway has offered to provide funds to replace outdated equipment. In Soviet times, up to 50 nuclear enterprises were classified, and only in 1994 it turned out that many areas were contaminated with radioactive waste. Explosions of waste from the production of atomic weapons in the Chelyabinsk region (1957) and the nuclear reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant near Kyiv (1986) led to radioactive contamination of vast areas. Cases of accidents on oil and gas pipelines are not uncommon. Water pollution from industrial and agricultural enterprises is widespread. In the 1990s, cholera outbreaks were repeatedly observed in Russia due to poor water treatment.

    An analysis of the environmental situation in Russia shows that the crisis tendencies that have clearly manifested themselves in the previous 15 years have not been overcome, and in some aspects are even deepening, despite the measures taken.

    Russia, where almost 65% of the country's area (11 million km2) is preserved in undisturbed ecosystems, is of key importance for global ecodynamics. Together with some adjacent territories, this massif forms the world's largest Northern Eurasian Center for Environmental Stabilization, the importance of which for the restoration of the Earth's biosphere will increase more and more.

    However, 15% of the territory of Russia (larger in area than Western and Central Europe combined), where the bulk of the population and production is concentrated, is in an unsatisfactory ecological state, environmental safety is not guaranteed here. At the same time, the specific indicators of negative environmental impacts per capita and unit of gross domestic product in Russia are among the highest in the world.

    Russia is one of the most environmentally polluted countries on the planet. The economic situation in the Russian Federation continues to aggravate the environmental situation, and the severity of the existing negative trends is growing. The decline in production was not accompanied by a similar decrease in the volume of harmful emissions into the environment - in crisis conditions, enterprises save on environmental costs. Thus, in 1992, compared with 1991, the volume of industrial production on average in the national economy decreased by 18.8%. including, but such industries as non-ferrous metallurgy - by 26.8%, chemical industry - by 22.2%. However, the volume of emissions of harmful substances into the atmospheric air decreased by only 11%, and the decrease in polluted wastewater discharges was insignificant.

    Regular accounting of harmful emissions into the atmosphere is carried out at 18,000 enterprises. In 1993, they amounted to 24.8 million tons (of which 2% were synthetic highly toxic ingredients), which is 11.7% less than in the previous year. However, in a number of regions, an increase in air emissions is observed; reasons - violation of technological regimes, the use of low-quality and substandard raw materials and fuel.

    Due to the depreciation of fixed assets, salvo and emergency emissions of harmful ingredients have become more frequent. The condition of the air basin of cities and industrial centers is deteriorating. The list of cities with the highest level of pollution (41 cities) includes: Arkhangelsk, Bratsk, Grozny, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, Novosibirsk, etc.

    An increase in the level of atmospheric pollution is noted not only in cities and adjacent territories, but also in background areas, emissions of a large amount of sulfur dioxide (more than 9 million tons per year) cause acidification of atmospheric precipitation. Areas of increased acidity were recorded in the European territory of Russia, as well as in a number of industrial regions with developed non-ferrous metallurgy. The fallout of pollutants on the territory of the Russian Federation is caused not only by emissions from its own sources, but also by transboundary transfer.

    Water resources are one of the most important and at the same time the most vulnerable components of the environment. Their rapid change under the influence of economic activity leads to the aggravation of the following problems.

    Strengthening water management tension.

    Water resources are unevenly distributed across the country: 90% of the total annual runoff falls on the basin of the Arctic and Pacific Oceans, and less than 8% - on the basin of the Caspian and Azov Seas, where over 80% of the population of Russia lives and its main industrial and agricultural potential is concentrated . In general, the total water withdrawal for household needs is relatively small - 3% of the average annual river flow. However, in the Volga basin, it accounts for 33% of the total water withdrawal across the country, and in a number of river basins, the average annual runoff intake exceeds the environmentally permissible withdrawal volumes (Don - 64%, Terek - 68, Kuban - 80%, etc.). In the south of the European territory of Russia, almost all water resources are involved in economic activity. Even in the basins of the Ural, Tobol and Ishim rivers, water management tension has become a factor that hinders the development of the national economy to a certain extent.

    Unacceptably large water losses. They are large not only on the way from the water source to the consumer (for example, in 1991, with a total volume of water intake from natural sources of 117 km3, the losses amounted to 9.1 km3), but they are also very significant in industry - 25% or more (due to leaks in networks, filtration, imperfection of technological processes); in housing and communal services - from 20 to 40% (due to leaks in residential and public buildings, corrosion and deterioration of water supply networks); in agriculture (overwatering in crop production, overestimated water supply rates for animal husbandry).

    Pollution of surface waters.

    The long-term trend of increasing pollution of surface waters continues. The annual volume of discharged effluents has not practically changed over the past 5 years and amounts to 27 km3. A huge amount of pollutants comes with wastewater from industry, agriculture and communal services and water bodies.

    On the territory of the country, almost all water bodies are subject to anthropogenic influence, the water quality of most of them does not meet regulatory requirements. The Volga with its tributaries Kama and Oka will be subjected to the greatest anthropogenic load. The average annual toxic load on the Volga ecosystems is 6 times higher than the load on aquatic ecosystems in other regions of the country. The quality of the waters of the Volga basin does not meet hygienic, fishery and recreational standards.

    Due to the overload and low efficiency of the treatment facilities, the volume of standard-treated wastewater discharged into water bodies is only 8.7% of the total volume of water to be treated. MPCs of harmful ingredients in water exceed tens and sometimes even hundreds of times: the waters of the Ural River near the cities of Orel and Orenburg contain iron, oil products, ammonium and nitrate nitrogen, the average annual concentrations of which range from 5 to 40 MPC; in Primorye, the waters of the Rudnaya River are polluted with boron-containing substances and metal compounds - the concentrations of copper, zinc, boron reach 30, 60 and 800 MPC, respectively, etc.

    The results of checking the quality of water sources showed: only 12% of the surveyed water bodies can be classified as conditionally clean (background); 32% are in a state of anthropogenic environmental stress (moderately polluted); 56% - are polluted suitable objects (or their sections), whose ecosystems are in a state of ecological regression.

    Reducing the water content of large rivers.

    By the beginning of the 80s. the decrease in the annual runoff of large rivers in the south of the European part of the country under the influence of economic activity amounted to; Volga - 5%, Dnieper - 19, Don - 20, Ural - 25%. Due to the high volume of water withdrawal in the basins of the Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers and the reduction in the flow of water into the Aral Sea, its area has decreased by about 23 thousand km2, or 1/3, over 25 years, the level has fallen by more than 12 m.

    Mass destruction of small rivers.

    On the territory of small river basins (up to 100 km long), which make up 1/3 of the total long-term runoff, a significant part of the urban and rural population lives. Over the past 15-20 years, the intensive economic use of wind resources and adjacent lands has led to depletion, shallowing and pollution of rivers. The long-term discharge of sewage in volumes comparable to the annual volume of runoff has brought to naught the ability of many rivers to self-purify, turning them into open sewers. The uncontrolled withdrawal of water, the destruction of water protection belts and the drainage of raised bogs led to the mass death of small rivers. This process is especially vividly observed in the forest-steppe and steppe zones, in the Urals and near the largest industrial centers.

    Depletion of reserves and pollution of groundwater.

    About 1000 groundwater pollution centers have been identified, 75% of which are in the most populated European part of Russia. The deterioration of water quality was noted in 60 cities and towns at 80 drinking water intakes with a capacity of more than 1000 m3 per day. According to expert estimates, the total consumption of polluted water at water intakes is 5-6% of the total amount of groundwater used for domestic and drinking water supply. The degree of pollution reaches 10 MPC for one or another ingredient - nitrates, nitrites, oil products, copper compounds, phenols, etc. Groundwater depletion is also observed, manifested in a decrease in their levels and the formation of extensive depression funnels, up to 50 - 70 m deep, with a diameter of - up to 100 m. In general, the state of the used groundwater is assessed as critical and has a dangerous tendency for further deterioration.

    Deterioration of drinking water quality. The state of water sources (surface and underground) and centralized water supply systems cannot guarantee the required quality of drinking water (191). More than 50% of Russians are forced to use water that does not meet the standards for various indicators. More than 20% of drinking water samples do not meet the current standards for chemical indicators and more than 11% for microbiological, 4.3% of drinking water samples pose a real danger to public health. The main reasons for the deterioration in the quality of drinking water are: non-compliance with the regime of economic activity in the zones of sanitary protection (17% of water sources and 24% of municipal water supply systems from surface sources do not have sanitary protection zones at all); the absence in a number of cases of treatment facilities at public water pipelines (13.1%) and disinfection plants (7.2%), as well as secondary water pollution in distribution networks during accidents, the number of which increases annually.

    The danger of the current situation is also evidenced by the annual increase in the number of epidemic outbreaks of acute intestinal infectious diseases, viral hepatitis, caused by the water factor of infection transmission.

    Sea pollution.

    All inland and marginal seas of the Russian Federation experience intense anthropogenic pressure both in the water area itself and as a result of economic activities in the catchment area. The sea coasts are characterized by the development of abrasion processes, more than 60% of the coastline is experiencing destruction, erosion and flooding, which causes significant damage to the national economy and is an additional source of pollution of the marine environment. Of particular danger is the disposal of radioactive waste in the northern seas. In recent years, control over the quality of marine waters has somewhat weakened and is carried out according to a reduced program due to insufficient funding.

    Strengthening the negative impact of anthropogenic activities on the state and conditions of reproduction of fish stocks.

    Hydro construction, the abstraction of a large amount of fresh water for irrigation and other household needs, the operation of water intakes without fish protection devices, water pollution, exceeding the production quota and other factors have sharply worsened the state and conditions for the reproduction of fish stocks: fish catches are declining (a tense situation for fisheries has developed in the basins rivers: Ob, Irtysh, Yenisei, Kuban The volume of catch only in 1993 in the largest freshwater reservoirs of Russia decreased by 22.4%; - less than 1 kg/ha; production in Lake Ilmen has decreased by 40%; the average fish productivity of reservoirs ranges from 0.5 to 40 - 50 kg/ha; fish catches in the seas are also declining, so the fish productivity of the White Sea is about 1 kg/ha , and the stock of capelin in the Barents Sea in 1993 decreased by 6.5 times compared to 1992, while the spawning stock became lower than the optimal emergency stock. foreign trade; there is a disappearance of valuable fish species, oppression and death of many species of ichthyofauna (in the Volga, the natural spawning grounds of white salmon have completely disappeared, only 12% of sturgeon fish have survived; thickets of sea kale (kelp) have disappeared in some areas of Primorye; the incidence of valuable fish species and accumulation in it are increasing harmful pollutants (accumulation of organochlorine pesticides, salts of heavy metals, mercury is noted in the muscle tissues of sturgeon). mg/kg fish weight.

    The causes of the ecological crisis of water bodies are associated with the theoretical groundlessness and practical failure of the concept that has dominated for almost 50 years, based on two false postulates:

    the inevitability of the formation of wastewater containing industrial waste (in Germany, back in the late 60s, 92% of enterprises operated on circulating water supply; at present, the share of circulating water in the total volume of water consumption for industrial purposes in Russia is an average of 74%);

    the permissibility of wastewater discharge into natural water bodies that are actually used for wastewater treatment, i.e. as biological treatment facilities. In this concept, the ability of watercourses and reservoirs to self-cleanse was clearly exaggerated. It is a powerful mechanism for the processing of predominantly allochthonous organic matter of natural origin, which is formed in the reservoir itself and comes from the catchment area. The entry of technogenic substances into natural waters leads to disruption of the functioning of biocenoses and deterioration of water quality.

    Recently there has been a great degradation of land resources<#"justify">oil production - "Lukoil", "Surgutneftegaz", "Tatneft";

    in the oil refining industry - "Angarsknefteorgsintez";

    when extracting gas - enterprises located in the Astrakhan region;

    for the extraction of coal - Kuznetsk, Kansk-Achinsk, Moscow Region, South Yakutsk coal basins;

    in the chemical and petrochemical industry - enterprises located in Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Omsk, Yaroslavl, Perm, Kemerovo, Samara and Irkutsk regions;

    in the woodworking and pulp and paper industries - Kotlas PPM, Bratsk PPM, Arkhangelsk PPM, Ust-Ilimsk PPM and Baikal PPM.

    Many enterprises and companies (RAO UES, Lukoil, Komineft, Yukos, Severstal, Sibur, Uralmash OJSC, Magnitogorsk GMK) only declare their desire to invest money in environmental protection. But in fact, they go to the modernization and expansion of production, which leads to even greater environmental pollution.

    It would seem that the crisis state of the natural environment on the territory of Russia, especially its most populated part, should alarm the public, environmental authorities, and power structures. Underestimating the importance of environmental problems can turn into their insurmountability. The risk to human life, health and life expectancy is increasing.

    An analysis of the state of the environment, reflected in numerous publications in recent years, shows that, despite environmental destabilization, it is possible to stop its growth by solving the most pressing problems related to the preservation of the environment and a more rational use of resources. There are many problems, let's name the most priority ones, which do not require large capital expenditures.

    Causes of growing environmental tension

    Finding out the reasons for the increase in environmental tension is necessary to find a way out of a protracted crisis situation. Among the long-term negative trends that have developed in the past, the following have the most adverse impact on the state of the environment in Russia.

    Anti-environmental policy. Extensive economic development

    The deformed structure of the national economy with the prevalence of nature-exploiting industries that create a constant excessive burden on ecosystems;

    hypertrophied development of resource-intensive, "dirty" industries - energy, metallurgy, mining industry.

    Lack of democratic principles for making environmental decisions

    The monopoly of state ownership of natural resources and means of production deprived users of natural resources of incentives to protect the environment, reduced state control over the environmental situation to formalities.

    The militarization of the economy, i.e., the domination of the military-industrial complex (MIC), "closed" and therefore uncontrolled in relation to the technological processes used, the deployment and expansion of capacities, the consumption of production, including natural resources. The territories occupied by various objects of the military-industrial complex are several times larger than the territories occupied by all the reserves of the country.

    Depreciation of production assets

    Outdated and inefficient environmental protection equipment at the final stages of technological chains.

    Excessive chemicalization of agriculture

    Free natural resources.

    Weak legal and economic protection of nature. Miscalculations in the development and distribution of productive forces. During the war, factories were evacuated to the east; there was no question of any consideration of the natural factor when choosing their location. Later, when placement errors became apparent, attempts were made to “bring nature up” to industrial production, for example, to divert part of the river flow, etc.

    The growth of the urban population, the growth in the supply of goods and services of the public and private sectors of the economy due to the consumption of natural resources.

    The absence in the country of a coherent system of environmental education and upbringing, the formation of an environmental outlook; the predominance of consumer psychology; poor development of ecological culture and ethics.

    Distortion of the system of assessments of environmental benefits and environmental costs, leading to the unprofitability of nature conservation: lack of institutions and own experience in environmental regulation of economic activity.

    The beginning of radical reforms in the country strengthened the permanent factors of destruction of the natural environment, and added new ones, among them:

    The collapse of the USSR worsened the real possibilities for solving environmental problems both at the interstate level and in Russia itself.

    Violation of inter-republican economic relations

    Interethnic conflicts and wars.

    Ecological consequences of demilitarization, deatomization. But demilitarization itself gives rise to new environmental difficulties: the threat of damage to the natural environment due to the disposal of nuclear waste; the problem of the safe destruction of atomic and chemical weapons, the use of test sites in other territories formerly occupied by military facilities.

    The transition to market relations, at the first stage of formation of which environmental problems may worsen due to the following factors:

    the desire of entrepreneurs to maximize one-time profits or reduce the terms of capital turnover and ignore the need to protect the environment,

    lack of incentives for enterprises to use high-quality raw materials, fuel, energy savings in the production of products, destruction of economic ties, violation of design technological regimes, an increase in the accident rate of production,

    reducing budget funds for environmental purposes and reducing the financial capacity of enterprises in the implementation of environmental measures,

    lack of an effective organizational and economic mechanism,

    lack of adequate legal protection of nature.

    The most important role in creating the methodological and technological basis for these transformations will belong to science.

    Environmental legislation

    Environmental legislation is a set of laws that regulate relations that form the subject of environmental law. Based on the criteria of the object of legal regulation, the totality of such laws can be divided into three groups:

    environmental law,

    about natural complexes,

    natural resource legislation.

    The object of environmental relations regulated by the laws of the first group is the environment (nature) as a whole, the second - natural complexes, the third - individual natural objects.

    The system of environmental law in Russia

    In the system of environmental law in Russia, it is customary to distinguish: general, special and special parts. The general part is the provisions serving the institutions of the special part. A special part is institutions that have a special purpose due to the specifics of the object (the subject of use or protection). Special part - ecology and space, international environmental law, comparative environmental law.

    The general part contains, among other things, such institutions as:

    ownership of natural objects;

    the right to use nature;

    state regulation of nature management and environmental protection;

    ecological and legal responsibility.

    The special part includes:

    Ecological and legal regime of natural objects: land use, subsoil use, water use, forest use, wildlife use;

    Environmental and legal protection (protection) of individual components of the natural environment: atmospheric air, protection of natural objects, including protected areas ;

    Ecological and legal regime and protection of natural and anthropogenic systems: ecological and legal regime for the use and protection of agricultural facilities, ecological and legal regime of settlements, recreational and health-improving zones; legal regulation of the treatment of production and consumption waste, etc.

    A special part of environmental law is devoted to the main features of international legal protection of the natural environment, comparative legal analysis of domestic and foreign environmental law.

    Environmental legislation in its proper sense is a new phenomenon for Russia. It began to develop only in the 90s of the last century. Along with the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection", in particular, it includes:

    Federal Law "On Ecological Expertise";

    Federal Law "On Radiation Safety of the Population";

    Federal Law "On Production and Consumption Wastes";

    Federal Law "On Safe Handling of Pesticides and Agrochemicals".

    Legislation on natural complexes, also a new structural part of Russian legislation, includes:

    Federal Law "On Specially Protected Natural Territories";

    Federal Law "On natural healing resources, health-improving areas and resorts";

    Federal Law "On Special Environmental Programs for the Rehabilitation of Radiation Contaminated Sites";

    Federal Law "On the Continental Shelf of the Russian Federation";

    Federal Law "On the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Russian Federation";

    Federal Law "On Inland Sea Waters, the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone";

    Federal Law "On the Protection of Lake Baikal";

    Federal Law "On Territories of Traditional Use of Natural Resources by Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation".

    A significant share in the system of environmental legislation is occupied by natural resource legislation. Unlike environmental legislation in the proper sense, natural resource legislation is more developed, since, as emphasized earlier, environmental legislation in Soviet Russia developed mainly in relation to the use and protection of individual natural resources.

    Natural resource legislation is a set of laws regulating relations for the use and protection of individual natural objects. It includes:

    Land Code of the Russian Federation;

    Federal Law "On the turnover of agricultural land";

    Law of the Russian Federation "On the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to obtain private ownership and to sell land plots for personal subsidiary and dacha farming, gardening and individual housing construction";

    Federal Law "On Land Reclamation";

    Federal Law "On state regulation of ensuring the fertility of agricultural land";

    Federal Law "On Land Management";

    Federal Law "On the State Land Cadastre";

    Water Code of the Russian Federation;

    Federal Law "On payment for the use of water bodies";

    Forest Code of the Russian Federation;

    Federal Law "On Introducing Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Subsoil";

    Federal Law "On subsoil plots, the right to use which may be granted under the terms of production sharing";

    Federal Law "On the Animal World";

    Federal Law "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air".

    Russia's participation in international cooperation

    The Russian Federation is a party, in particular, to the following of the agreements listed in the previous sections:

    Convention for the Protection of the Natural Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area (since 1974);

    Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Principally as Habitat for Waterfowl (Ramsar Convention ) (since 1976);

    Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (since 1976);

    Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (since 1979);

    Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol (since 1986 and 1988, respectively);

    Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea from Pollution (since 1992);

    Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes (since 1994);

    Convention on Biological Diversity (since 1995);

    Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo, since 1997);

    Protocol between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Tiger (Beijing, 1997);

    Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea (since 2003);

    Kyoto Protocol on limiting the greenhouse effect (Japan, Kyoto). Ratified by Russia in 2004. Entered into force on February 16, 2005;

    Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade (since 2011);

    Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (since 2011).

    In addition, the Russian Federation is a party to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78), the ? leading to oil pollution, 1969, the 1990 International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Control and Cooperation, and a number of other maritime conventions.

    The Russian Federation is an observer in:

    ) Convention for the Protection of Wild Fauna and Flora and Natural Habitats in Europe 1979;

    ) Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, 1979.

    International environmental law (international environmental law, international environmental law, interecolaw) is a set of norms and principles governing international relations in the field of environmental protection for the protection and rational use of natural resources .

    International cooperation is carried out in two directions:

    ) creating norms protecting separate natural objects;

    ) exercising state supervision or an international organization ensuring that an activity is carried out with due regard for the consequences of this activity for the environment .

    The objects of international legal protection include: water resources , atmosphere , living resources (flora and fauna ), ecosystems , climate , ozone layer , Antarctica and soil .

    World Wild Fund for Nature: for a living planet!

    An international environmental organization founded in 1961 that funds activities for the protection and study of endangered and rare species of animals, plants and their habitats. Goals: prevention of degradation of the natural environment; assistance in building a future with a harmonious existence of man and nature; attracting financial resources to protect nature and save certain species of animals and plants from extinction. Participants - 5.3 million permanent sponsors and national associations of five continents.

    Greenpeace International

    An international commission established in 1971. Participants are 43 closely related national and regional chapters in 30 countries. Purpose: To ensure the Earth's ability to reproduce life in all its diversity. To do this, campaigns are being carried out to preserve biodiversity, to protect the atmosphere, to non-proliferation and the prohibition of nuclear weapons.

    The headquarters is located in Amsterdam (Netherlands).

    International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA

    The organization, established in 1957, is part of the UN system. It is the world's leading international governmental forum for scientific and technical cooperation in the field of the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes, the protection of humans and the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation, radioactive and non-radioactive decay products of nuclear materials, etc.

    Location - Vienna (Austria).

    International Social and Ecological Union

    The International Socio-Ecological Union is the only international environmental organization born in the USSR. At the moment, MSEU is more than 10 thousand people from 19 countries of Europe, Asia and North America. The main idea behind the creation of MSEU is to gather under one roof people who "care about". It is not all the same what will happen to the Earth, with its nature and culture, with its people.

    United Nations Environment Program or UNEP UNEP, United Nations Environment Program) is a program created within the UN system that promotes the coordination of environmental protection at the system-wide level. The program was established on the basis of the resolution of the UN General Assembly No. 2997 of December 15 1972 (A/RES/2997(XXVII)). The main goal of UNEP is the organization and implementation of measures aimed at protecting and improving the environment for the benefit of present and future generations. The slogan of the Program is "Environment for Development".

    UNEP is headquartered in Nairobi , Kenya . UNEP also has six large regional offices and offices in various countries. UNEP is responsible for resolving all environmental issues at the global and regional level.

    UNEP activities include various projects in the field of the Earth's atmosphere , marine and terrestrial ecosystems . UNEP also plays a significant role in the development of international conventions in the field of ecology and environmental protection . UNEP often collaborates with governments and non-governmental international organizations . Also, UNEP often sponsors and facilitates the implementation of environmental projects.

    UNEP is also involved in the development of recommendations and international instruments on issues such as potentially hazardous chemicals, transboundary air pollution and pollution of international shipping lanes.

    World Meteorological Organization co-founded the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change with UNEP (IPCC) in 1988. UNEP is also one of the co-sponsors of the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

    Under the auspices of UNEP, World Environment Day is celebrated annually .

    UNEP sponsors solar energy development programs by offering significant discounts on the purchase of solar panels, thereby significantly reducing the price for consumers and increasing the number of buyers of these panels.

    The best-known example of such a project is India's Solar Panel Loan Program, which helped 100,000 people. The success of this program has led to similar projects in other developing countries - Tunisia , Morocco , Indonesia and Mexico .

    UNEP also sponsors a project to protect wetlands in the Middle East . In 2001, UNEP campaigned to protect the wetlands, releasing satellite photographs showing that 90 per cent of the wetlands had already been destroyed. The UNEP program "Support for Environmental Management in the Iraqi Wetlands" was launched in 2004 with the goal of environmentally sound management of the marshy area.

    United Nations Billion Tree Campaign

    Planting for the Planet: The Billion Tree Campaign is a worldwide tree planting campaign established under the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). Campaign objective: Plant one billion trees during 2007. In May 2007 the UN announced that funds for planting a billion trees have already been collected, as planned

    Under the slogan "Planting for the Planet: The Billion Tree Campaign", a website created by UNEP called on individuals, associations, corporations and entire countries to take responsibility for planting trees. Offers of help and donations were carefully screened to avoid fraud. This campaign is the brainchild of Professor Wangari Maathai , winner of the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize and founder of the Green Belt movement » in Kenya , which has planted 30,000 trees in twelve African countries since 1977. Professor Maathai stressed the need for the campaign: “Often people talk a lot but do little. We don't talk, we work.

    Our goal is to let people know how important it is to take to the streets and start planting trees. I have no doubt that we will succeed!”

    Key problems in the field of environmental safety. Ways to solve them

    There are three main security threats:

    military threats such as global nuclear war, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, international arms transfers, major wars and local conflicts;

    economic and social threats - mass poverty causing famine, economic collapses, destabilization of food movement, population overgrowth and urbanization, mass international migration, gene manipulation, pandemics;

    environmental threats - changes in the composition of the atmosphere and consequences; pollution of natural fresh waters, oceans of coastal waters; deforestation and desertification; soil erosion and loss of land fertility; the risk associated with biotechnology; hazardous emissions of pollution; production, transportation and use of toxic chemicals and materials; transfer of hazardous technologies and export of hazardous wastes to developing countries (environmental aggression).

    Most scientists who have studied environmental problems believe that humanity has about 40 more years to return the natural environment to the state of a normally functioning biosphere and resolve issues of its own survival. But this period is extremely short. And does a person have the resources to solve at least the most acute problems?

    To the main achievements of civilization in the XX century. include advances in science and technology. The achievements of science, including the science of environmental law, can also be considered as the main resource in solving environmental problems. The thought of scientists is aimed at overcoming the ecological crisis. Mankind, states should make maximum use of the available scientific achievements for their own salvation.

    The authors of the already mentioned scientific work “Beyond Growth” believe that the choice of mankind is to reduce the burden on nature caused by human activity to a sustainable level through reasonable policy, reasonable technology and reasonable organization, or wait until, as a result of what is happening in nature of the changes will reduce the amount of food, energy, raw materials and there will be a completely uninhabitable environment*.

    Taking into account the shortage of time, humanity must determine what goals it faces, what tasks need to be solved, what should be the results of its efforts. In accordance with certain goals, objectives and expected, planned results, humanity develops the means to achieve them. Given the complexity of environmental problems, these funds have specifics in technical, economic, educational, legal and other areas.

    Consider the question of the main ways of solving environmental problems with the help and within the framework of environmental law.) Formation of a new environmental and legal worldview. To overcome the ecological crisis and consistently solve environmental problems, Russia and humanity need a completely new and valuable legal worldview. Its scientific and philosophical basis can be the doctrine of the noosphere, to the development of which the Russian natural scientist Academician V.I. Vernadsky. It is permeated with the idea of ​​humanism, aimed at transforming relations with the environment in the interests of free-thinking humanity as a whole. Recognizing his life as the highest value, a person must learn to appreciate all life on Earth in order to resolutely rebuild the conditions for the joint existence of mankind and nature.) Development and consistent, most effective implementation of state environmental policy. This task should be solved within the framework of the permanent ecological function of the state. The most important elements of environmental policy are the goals of restoring a favorable state of the environment, the strategy and tactics for achieving them. At the same time, the goals should be realistic, i.e. based on real possibilities.) Formation of modern environmental legislation. Environmental legislation is both a product and the main form of securing state environmental policy. At the present stage, it is important to ensure the targeted formation of environmental legislation, and not its development and improvement, for two reasons. The first and main one is related to the fact that this legislation is being created and will be implemented in political, economic and legal conditions that are fundamentally new for Russia and require new legislation. Practice confirms that, in essence, an active process of its creation is now underway. The second reason is the extremely poorly developed environmental legislation of socialist Russia.

    The main characteristics and criteria of modern environmental legislation include:

    creation of a system of special legislative acts in the field of the environment, acts of natural resource legislation and the greening of other legislation (administrative, civil, business, criminal, etc.). The main requirements are the absence of gaps in the legal regulation of environmental relations, its compliance with public needs;

    formation of mechanisms to ensure the implementation of legal environmental requirements;

    harmonization with the environmental legislation of Europe and the world.) Creation of an optimal system of state management bodies for nature management and environmental protection, taking into account the principles:

    an integrated approach to solving the problems of ensuring rational nature management and environmental protection;

    management organization based not only on the administrative-territorial, but also on the natural-geographical zoning of the country;

    separation of economic and operational and control and supervisory powers of specially authorized bodies.) Ensuring optimal financing of measures to ensure rational nature management and environmental protection and high investment efficiency.) Involving the general population in environmental protection activities. As a political organization of society, the state, within the framework of performing an environmental function, is interested in this in order to achieve the goals of environmental policy. One of the recent trends is related to the democratization of environmental law. This is manifested in the creation of organizational and legal conditions for the participation of interested public formations and citizens in the preparation and adoption of environmentally significant economic, managerial and other decisions.) Environmental education and training of environmental specialists. It is necessary to form ecological consciousness, individual and social, based on the idea of ​​harmonious relationships between man and nature, man's dependence on nature and responsibility for its preservation for future generations. At the same time, the most important prerequisite for solving environmental problems in the country is the targeted training of ecologists - specialists in the field of economics, engineering, technology, law, sociology, biology, hydrology, etc. Without highly qualified specialists with modern knowledge on the entire spectrum of issues of interaction between society and nature, especially in in the process of making environmentally significant economic, managerial and other decisions, the planet Earth may not have a worthy future.

    However, even having organizational, human, material and other resources to address environmental issues, people must acquire the necessary will and wisdom to adequately use these resources.


    The issue of environmental safety is very important for humanity. Since anthropogenic impacts and environmental damage - from local man-made disasters to the global ecological crisis - indicate that the current state of the ecosphere system poses a significant danger to all mankind, the biosphere and the technosphere of the Earth.

    That is why the timely study and prevention of environmental damage is so necessary at the present time.


    1. V. Daniilov - Danilyan: Environmental safety. General principles and the Russian aspect. Tutorial. Ed. 2nd, revised. (2007, co-authored with M. Ch. Zalikhanov and K. S. Losev) ISBN: 5-85496-0132-3

    Yu.L.Khotuntsev: Ecology and environmental safety6 Textbook for universities / - Moscow: Academy, 2002. - 479p. - (Higher education). - Bibliography: pp.472-475

    Shmal, A. G. Methodological foundations for creating a system of ecological safety of the territory. / A. G. Shmal. - Bronnitsy: - MP "IKTs" BNTV, 2000. - 216 p.

    Shmal A.G. Factors of environmental safety - environmental risks. Publisher: Bronnitsy, MP "IKTs BNTV, 2010. - 192

    Khoruzhaya, T. A. Environmental hazard assessment. / T. A. Khoruzhaya - M .: "Book service", 2002. - 208 p.

    Bolsherotov A.L. System for assessing the environmental safety of construction. / A.L. Bolsherotov - M.: Publishing House of the Association of Construction Universities, 2010. - 216 p. ISBN 978-5-93093-757Odum Yu. Ecology: Per. from English. In 2 vol. M.: Mir, 1986.

    Budyko M. I. Global ecology. M.: Thought, 1977.

    Nature Protection / N.A. Gladkov A.V. Mikheev V.M. Golushin / 1999

    Nikitin D.P., Novikov Yu.V. Environment and man. - M.: 1996.

    Radzevich N.N., Pashkang K.V. Protection and transformation of nature. - M.: Enlightenment, 1998.


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    The demographic situation in Russia is close to catastrophic, as evidenced by the following figures. Two out of every three Russian citizens - men die drunk (not from drinking, but in a drunken state). Life expectancy (average) for men is 58.5 years, for women - 71.7 years (in the USA these figures are 72.9 and 79.6). Only 10-15% of children are born healthy. Two thirds of all pregnancies end in abortions, 75% of pregnant women have certain pathologies. Anemia in pregnant women has quadrupled in the last decade. Syphilis among girls aged 10 to 14 has increased 40 times. Among boys aged 15 to 17, only 30% are in good health. Heroin from Afghanistan is sold cheaper than marijuana. The number of AIDS patients has risen to 500,000. Half of Russians live below the subsistence level with incomes that are only 40% of 1991 levels.



    (per 1000 people)

    Table 8Figure 12

    From fig. 12 and tab. Figure 8 clearly shows the “Russian cross” figure, which indicates an unfavorable demographic situation.

    Despite the fact that the world's largest Northern Eurasian Center for Environmental Stabilization is located within Russia, thanks to which natural ecosystems have been preserved on 2/3 of its territory, Russia has been and remains a country with very difficult environmental situation. First of all, this applies to the Main Strip of Settlement. At the beginning of 2002, at the World Economic Forum in New York, the environmental rating of 142 countries of the world was characterized. Russia was in it in 74th place.

    Causes similar ecological situation in Russia, and in other CIS countries, are rooted in the era of the existence of the Soviet Union, so that environmental deformations have been accumulating in them for decades. Among the main reasons for the general ecological trouble, the resource wastefulness of the over-centralized economy is usually cited; hypertrophied development of heavy industries, including a powerful military-industrial complex; excessive concentration of "dirty" industries in certain regions and centers; megalomania, i.e., a passion for the construction of huge industrial complexes - especially large destroyers of natural ecosystems.

    It would seem that in independent Russia, with the transition to a market economy, the environmental situation should have changed for the better. Indeed, according to all data in the 1990s. pollution of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere in the country has noticeably decreased. However, this did not happen as a result of the adoption of necessary and effective environmental measures, but by 4/5 as a result of a drop in production. On the other hand, many of the negative trends characteristic of the past have persisted and even worsened. These include a very large share of resource-intensive sectors of the mining and manufacturing industries of the "lower floors" in the structure of industrial production, an orientation towards the export of natural resources from the country, which N. N. Klyuev figuratively described as increasing the export of domestic landscapes. Moreover, many old ones have been supplemented by new factors complicating the ecological situation. Such, for example, as economic disintegration in the territory of the former USSR, the emergence of hotbeds of political and social tension, even greater depreciation of fixed assets, the lack of necessary funds for environmental protection measures, consumer attitude towards nature on the part of a significant part of the "new Russian" entrepreneurs.

    As a result, in the opinion of the most authoritative domestic ecologists and geographers, Russia has actually already entered the stage of severe environmental crisis. The first truthful data on the actual level of the ecological crisis in the USSR became public in 1989, when the state report of the State Committee on the State of the Environment was published. A truly shocking impression was made by the information that more than 20% of the entire population of the country, i.e. 50-55 million people, including 39% of the city dwellers, live in an unfavorable ecological situation. As it turned out, in 103 cities the level of air pollution was 10 times or more higher than the maximum allowable standards.

    In total, the country turned out to have about 300 areas with a difficult ecological situation, which occupied 4 million km2, or 18% of its total area. And taking into account the degraded tundra, steppe and semi-desert pastures, this figure increased to 20%.

    On the threshold of the XXI century. In Russia, there were 195 cities (with a total population of 65 million people!), In the atmosphere of which the average annual concentrations of one or more pollutants exceeded the MPC.

    G. M. Lappo writes that the list of cities with particularly unfavorable environmental conditions includes all 13 “millionaire” cities, all 22 large cities with a population of 500 thousand to 1 million people, the vast majority of regional, regional and republican centers (63 out of 72), almost 3/4 of large cities with a population of 100 thousand to 500 thousand people (113 out of 165). Among the cities with the highest emissions of various kinds of pollutants into the atmosphere, centers of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical and pulp and paper industries predominate. That is why the top ten most polluted cities in the country are (in descending order): Norilsk, Novokuznetsk, Cherepovets, Lipetsk, Magnitogorsk, Nizhny Tagil, Krasnoyarsk, Angarsk, Novocherkassk, and Moscow closes this list.

    Category areas with a catastrophic ecological situation within the CIS countries, two territories are assigned - the area of ​​influence of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the area of ​​the Aral Sea.

    Based on the root cause of the ecological crisis in these areas and their national economic specialization, it is legitimate to divide them into three groups.

    The first and largest group is formed by industrial-urban areas with a predominance of branches of heavy industry and, in particular, its most "dirty" industries. They are characterized by severe pollution of the atmosphere, water basin, soil cover, withdrawal of productive agricultural land from circulation, loss of soil fertility, degradation of flora and fauna and, as a result, a general severe deterioration of the environmental situation, which is fraught with negative consequences for human health.

    The category of such areas in Russia includes: the Kola Peninsula, the Moscow Capital Region. Middle Volga and Kama regions, Northern Caspian region, industrial zone of the Urals, Norilsk industrial region, Kuzbass, oil and gas region of Western Siberia, Priangarsky and Baikal regions.

    The second group of regions with an ecological crisis in the CIS includes such predominantly agricultural regions as Kalmykia, Moldavia, and Fergana. A particularly threatening situation has arisen in Kalmykia, where intensive grazing pressure, exceeding the normal one by three to four times, has led to a sharp increase in areas completely devoid of vegetation. At present, more than 4/5 of the territory of the republic is covered by desertification processes, and strong and very strong desertification has already been revealed on 1/2 of its area, and more than 500 thousand hectares are occupied by shifting sands. Scientists believe that the first man-made desert in Europe was formed here.

    The third group of regions with an ecological crisis should, apparently, include the natural and recreational zone stretching along the coasts of the Black and Azov Seas in Russia, Ukraine, and Georgia. In this zone, the recreational function has long been in conflict with industrial development, which has led to severe pollution of the marine environment, and even the coast. As a result, the ecological regime was violated and the natural-recreational (and, more broadly, natural-resource) potential was lost in vast areas. At the same time, agricultural pollution was added to the industrial one.

    Novaya Zemlya occupies a somewhat special place in the register of crisis regions in Russia, where the main reason for the sharp deterioration of the ecological situation was nuclear weapons tests, which have been carried out here since 1957. In total, more than 130 explosions were carried out on Novaya Zemlya (until 1963 in the atmosphere, and then underground).

    Recently, in Russian geography, a relatively new concept of ecological-geographical. position Russia. N. N. Klyuev notes that although in general it is characterized by relative natural and geographical isolation, Russia has fairly close ecological ties with many of its neighbors. These links find expression primarily in the transboundary transport of air and water pollution. The balance of such a transfer is unfavorable for Russia as a whole, since the "import" of pollution into the country significantly exceeds their "export". At the same time, the main environmental threat comes from Russia's neighbors in the West: only Ukraine, Belarus and Estonia supply 1/2 of all transboundary substances that pollute the atmosphere, 1.5 times more wastewater flows from Ukraine to Russia than goes in the opposite direction. The ecological and geographical position of Russia is also affected by the centers of transboundary transport that have arisen near its southern borders - in the Chinese Amur region, the Irtysh, Pavlodar-Ekibastuz and Ust-Kamenogorsk regions of Kazakhstan.

    The prospects for the development of the environmental situation in Russia depend primarily on whether the anthropogenic load will or will not weaken in areas with an acute environmental situation, whether or not environmental technologies will be introduced into production.

    According to scientists, the concept of environmental security should be an important part of the broader concept of Russia's national security. It also comes from this Ecological Doctrine of Russia, the development of which was completed in 2000. At the beginning of 2002, the federal law “On Environmental Protection” was adopted.

    On the territory of Russia, which is distinguished by its enormous size and, consequently, by the extraordinary variety of natural conditions, more than 30 types of natural hazards are observed. The main damage is usually brought by floods (about 30%), landslides, landslides and avalanches (21), hurricanes and tornadoes (14), mudflows (3%). Earthquakes that occur from time to time in the Kamchatka-Kuril, Pribaikalsky and North Caucasian regions also pose a great threat. From 350 to 400 such unfavorable and dangerous phenomena occur in the country every year, which often result in truly emergency situations.

    There are even more man-made emergencies associated with railway accidents and catastrophes, accidents at pipelines and mines, plane crashes, fires, etc. At the same time, their number has recently tended to increase (in 1998 compared to 1991 it increased by eight times), which is largely due to the large depreciation of fixed assets. The federal law "On Environmental Protection" contains Chapter VIII, which deals with zones of ecological disaster and zones of emergency situations. In addition, in 1994, a federal law was adopted on the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies.

    The main directions of environmental policy usually include: 1) optimization of the use of natural resources in the process of social production; 2) protection of nature from the negative consequences of human activity; 3) environmental safety of the population. It can be added that the implementation of all these areas largely depends on the general level of development of a particular country, on how it solves the main socio-economic problems.



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